#<- check that tag for the saga
haaam-guuuurl · 3 months
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hey you know what would be like. the WORST possible thing? if no time had passed for mortals during God Games. if the entire time, Odysseus had just been frozen on that ledge. and at the start of the Vengeance Saga, Ody's still on the ledge. he looks to the skies, to the trees, out over the ocean. he looks for an owl with knowing eyes and strains to hear her voice over the waves, because surely, surely she'd come for him. the haven't spoken in nine years and he ruined whatever relationship they had when he stupidly, foolishly let the cyclops live, but she has to still care, right? she was his mentor. she was his patron. he meant something to her. he's sure of it
but she's not there. he waits, but she's not there. he closes his eyes, sparing himself the view, and steps off the ledge
and is saved by Hermes. and Odysseus briefly thinks that he has died, since Hermes escorts souls to the underworld. but Hermes assures him that, no, he's alive, Athena heard him, she bargained with Zeus, he can go home now. he can finally go home
his friend came through
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randompumpkinkiddo · 10 months
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psst... wake up bae, new viktanya propaganda just dropped
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Hey, completely random, but do you have an AO3 account? I just love your EMTTS, and your latest post had a tag about a UA fanfic (lowkey keen to read it, esp considering how hooked I am to your writing)
I do have an AO3 account. I am here if you’re interested.
Be warned though!
I haven’t really posted on AO3 in a long time and that Umbrella Academy fic I was talking about is unfinished and hasn’t been updated since 2021. It’s not abandoned because I think about it daily. I just have not been in the headspace for writing long form fiction but I’d like to come back to it.
Also, big warning.
I am not nearly as fun on AO3 as I am on Tumblr.
I wrote a lot of angst and I had people leave comments saying that the depiction of depression and anxiety was really realistic so keep that in mind and read the tags especially if you check out any of my Stranger Things works. I wouldn’t want to accidentally trigger somebody.
Also, everything I wrote for Stranger Things takes place between seasons two and three so sadly, no Eddie. A very little Robin too because I stopped writing consistently right after season three aired. Billy is featured quite a bit – not really romantically – but I know a lot of people don’t like him so just a warning. He’s there.
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lightbulb-warning · 1 month
i used to freehand comics all the time as a child and since the part i liked was the drawing part i would just draw panel after panel because i didn't want to stop drawing to think about icky icky words, plus the story TOTALLY still made perfect sense! to me! and noone else, but 'whoooo caaaaares omgggg its not like comics and sequantial art are a communicative meeediummmm lmaoooooo'. i spent my entire childhood telling myself stuff like "oh pfft I know this story by heart- ill SIMPLY remember the dialogue and write it later" ...and. I can't help but admire baby maiora's (call that a minora ba tm tsk) fucking audacity? hubris? confident wrongness? kid couldn't even remember to finish the comics in the first place? INCREDIBLE levels of unearned self assurance, wish that were me, genuinely- what an icon!!! anyway i think i have forever cursed myself
#maiora garrulates#the maiora overthinks the process of writing dialogue saga continues!!!!!!!#im so tired. i have been overthinking this shit in circles i have not been making any progress in any which way lmao!#im bitching and moaning for funsies this is not that serious in the Grand Scheme Of Things i just wanna improve at my fav thing#and ❤️ Unfortunately ❤️ my favorite thing in the world involves learning MY MOST HATED *NEMESIS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! verbal communication. ew#words are fun! i LOVE words! toys!!!!! im using words right now and i didn't combust!!!!! wow look at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!#putting words in SEQUENCE? multiple times?? filtering THOUGHTS into SENTENCES???? sentences that a character would or wouldn't SAY???#AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER CHARACTER SOMETIMES???? AND THAT BITCH ALSO HAS THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS????? AND THEY ALL HAVE PERSONAL IDIOLECTS#AND TONES THAT S U P P O S E D L Y ARE IMPLICATED BY MANNERISMS AND VERBAL HABITS AND CIRCUMSTANCES (AND THERE'S WRONG ANSWERS! ALSO!!)#AND THEY'RE IN A CONTEXT!! AND THEY'RE INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER AND INFLUENCING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#THE CONVERSATION COULD VARY GIVEN ENERGY LEVELS WHETER OR NOT SOMEONE'S FOOT IS FALLING ASLEEP THE F U C K I N G WEATHER#“oh dialogue is easy just say it out loud to yourself until it 'sounds normal' ^^”#screaming crying throwing up NONE OF THIS IS INTUITIVE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!#ok dramatics over its out of my system! for now!!!#this is all easily explained bc i just. draw a lot more than i talk to people. so like. OBVIOUSLY i have more practice drawing#so drawing comes natural! talking does not! subsequently dialogue is Hard! No FUCKING Shit Sherlock!!!!! (affectionate)#so yeah. im using y'all (the tumblr void) as practice! hi!!! words at you!!!!!!!!!!#so yeah thanks for baring with me while passing by my corner of the internet#i do love self indulgence this is fun check out my navel gazing actually no do not look at my belly button#anyway i just think this is mildly interesting. some of my writer buds have the same “not good enough” allergy towards visuals#but they use it to be mean2me >:( same bitch that “omg i cant i suck at drawing i can't do this-” does the “uhm. just write? lol.” 2 meeee#we could have peace and love on planet earth and a common experience and yet you KICK miette for being bad at words!!!1!!! </3 heartbreak!!#what the fuck was i talking about even#oh yeah. perfectionism within creatives i guess. LMAO JK i am talking about NOTHIN!!!!G i am just putting Words Out Here ehehehehehe#its practice >;)c#all this bc ive been doodling comics for myself again and im V!! PROUD OF THE ART!!!! wanna share- but DIALOGUE!*⚡sfx!!*....... so! options#a) leaving it blank. no there are NO microphones in the budget. b) leaving blank *balloons* so that the Rythm is there. implied convo!!!#c) ...doing it badly. (tragic)(heartwrenching)(teeny tiny bruise 2 the ego) *dramatic single tear cleches fists * its the only way.........#...we shall see! literally none of this is all that serious i am procrastinating!! <3 playing with my tuoys!!!!!!!! silly time!!!#/all lh! am reaching 30 tags so that is all for THIS episode of the maiora bitches about dialogue saga thank you for joining me!!okilyBuhBY
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doodlingwren · 2 months
If only the original Saint Seiya anime was a 2014-2018 anime series instead of being aired in the 80s-90s, I can only imagine the sheer amount of animation memes that could have been done. Some of the characters are just so perfect for those, like, if this was a more animation-oriented fandom this would totally be a thing.
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i-dreamed-i-had-a-son · 4 months
Ok y'all it's time to join the party (very late) on my latest deep obsession, which THIS TIME I am going to allow myself to pursue instead of killing the joy (because of how intense it can get) and share with you!!
And that obsession is Epic: The Musical.
Holy smokes man this thing has remolded my brain, it just somehow hits all of those things which I desperately love in media
Firstly. The music is absolutely exquisite. And not even in the ways you'd normally think! Like--there's such wonderfully detailed soundscaping! The musical follows Odysseus on his journey home, and the songs themselves contain beautifully done effects that basically make the listening experience into a movie in your head. Monsters, crashing oceans, the underworld itself--and not only is this included in non-muscial sound design, it's incorporated into the music itself. The realm of the wind gods uses flutes as the main instrument--because it's a WIND instrument I'm losing my mind
PLUS there's the additional elements of musical "Easter eggs," thematic connections, leitmotifs, instrumentation identification, musical callbacks and even foreshadowing like come ONNNNN it's so well done
All of this with the added bonus that the songs, while cohesive, do not all sound the same, and do not feel like normal musical theater songs. They are the perfect mix between modern music, orchestral arrangements, and a musical theater jam, because they are 1. SUPER great to belt along to, 2. Very much linked together (as explained above) and 3. Very unlike the standard, vocal-focused empty pop sound we're used to (theater) while keeping the innovative, ear-wormy, modern (pop) beat that often feels out of place in theater!
And lyrically this musical is super strong. I spent a ton more time on the music (and will likely write more at length later) because that is what got me obsessed with it, but there's also much to praise lyrically! Unlike most modern "non-theater" musicals, while you can tell at places that it has been influenced by (the ever-present) Lin-Manuel Miranda, it feels authentically unique and independent. So many songs have genuinely profound lines (check out Just a Man, the second song in the saga) and the pop elements never lend themselves to empty repetition. Everything sung or said has a purpose, which I am obsessed with. Yes king go off give us everything
Finally (for now) there's just the genuine love that the creator(s) have for this musical. Jay Rivera-Herrans is the brain behind it (he wrote the entire musical over several years) and like...just look at what he shares about it on his Instagram. He gets so EXCITED!! And not like PR excitement, this is like legit "I'm making silly noises because I can't contain myself" excitement!!! He reminds me of me in that sense because he has SO much love and passion for what he does and the nuance in it and the people who enjoy his work, and he shares that in an unfiltered, real, authentic way, and we need to see more of that in the world.
Anyway, if you haven't heard of it and are now interested, it's pretty easy to catch up--there are 5 of the 9 sagas out right now, but only half of the songs, and Spotify has a playlist or two that has them all in order. It's only an hour and eight minutes worth of listening and I have just listened to it through twice in two days; it really does not get old. And then if you go to Jay's Instagram the rabbit hole is deep!! And he explains a lot of the lore and symbolism and intentionality/Easter eggs in the musical!! I went through all of the content he posted, pretty much...
So there's my official hawking of Epic (if only I had gotten in on this earlier!! The "Get in the Water" song that was trending a while ago?? That's from this!!) and you should go listen to it!!!!
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yumedoca · 1 year
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Ok,but Mermaid Saga is absolutely insane..
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twomanyfandomshelp · 6 months
TW: Swearing
Excuse me for a moment
@thekingofworems @nyx-of-darkness-1620 @aaronofithaca05 @jarondont @theghostnamedspecter y’all see this yet?
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coveredinsun · 6 months
i wrote 3 different winnix fics in december & january but i realized i NEVER posted them here. so behold, my series of winnix fics where i get further and further detached from canon, and where i also make lew a girldad for fun
1. darling, it’s grand, they just don’t understand
“Act upon what he finds within himself, and only himself,” said Dick, audibly pensive in a way he hadn’t been. “I quite like that.”
“Well, that’s the gist,” said Lew with a shrug. He wasn’t even in the top half of eloquent men. “Honestly, I really hated reading and analyzing Emerson’s essays. He found a way to talk and talk and talk about nothing at all, when he could’ve kept it perfectly concise.”
Like you, Lew almost said. The bullet got jammed. Still, he had a hunch that Dick could read his mind this one time.
Or: July, 1948. Blanche Nixon invites her brother, and his business partner slash lover, to… a baseball game?
6.5k words, fluffiest of the three; my weird band of brothers/a league of their own (2022) crossover fic??? whatever. blanche invites winnix to a baseball game to see her baseball player girlfriend-ish, all the way mae. stupid emily dickinson references because i’m lame and basic, sue me. gay jazz clubs :)
2. november 27th
“Kathy hates it when I call her Maggie, but I think it’s cute that she’s got a little nickname to grow out of.”
“Or maybe she’ll find someone who calls her Maggie,” replied Dick, totally without thinking. “And he’ll say it’s ‘cause it’s easier, sure. But more than anything he’ll like the way it sounds when he says it.”
When Nix looked at him, then, his eyes glittered. His lips were pursed like he needed to say something or he’d shrivel up and die.
There were many things Dick could conceptualize him saying. Luckily, they fell into two neat categories—the things Dick expected Nix to say, and the things Dick wanted him to.
Or: 1942, 1944, and 1946. A study on Lewis Nixon’s history with love, destructive vices, and fatherhood—as seen from the eyes of a wife and a lover.
8.2k words, perhaps the most densely packed with angst of the three. examines lew and his relationships with love and fatherhood, both alongside kathy and alongside dick. ann winters introduction <3 and classic new jersey angst
3. the likes of me abide
“Well, I feel compelled to be a little more brave now,” replied Dick, holding up his gaze like Atlas held the heavens. “I ought to give you an answer that’s more honest.”
But not fully. It was sort of bitingly ironic, the way Lew always put up Dick as the more honest of them. He didn’t find that to be true. Not when there still existed so many selfish desires in his mind, like the one that practically clawed and scratched like an animal just to fit somewhere into this part of Lew’s life. He might never put that desperation into words.
Or: Summertime, 1951. Lew gets back in touch with Kathy.
10.3k words, angsty but less intensely as last time. i go reallyyyyy ham with kathy’s character in this, so take that as a treat. i also actually make lew and kathy’s daughter into a character <3
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toxifoxx · 7 months
What is happening with the eggs????
well BASICALLY springtrap started laying eggs. got real broody over them. wouldn't let me check if they're fertile until an anon helpfully suggested i lure him away - and they are fertile, by the way! now he's sitting on them and i guess they're gonna hatch at some point. who's the father? uhm. well.
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artsy-1diot · 8 months
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SERIOUSLY THOUGH thank you guys sm!!! I love seeing like everyone in the replogs going like WOOOAH it makes me feel awesome <3333
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marragurl · 6 months
So was no one gonna tell me that THE Mamoru Miyano, VA of all pathetic fruity wet cat anime men, WAS THE VILLAIN OF THE PRECURE/PRETTY CURE 15TH ANNIVERSARY MOVIE?! AND THAT HE SAYS ALL THE GIRLS’ MOST FAMOUS CATCHPHRASES AND ATTACKS?!
I couldn’t take the movie seriously anymore it was GLORIOUS
Mamoru Miyano got beat up by a pack of fruity colorful magical girls and I was CACKLING
I couldn’t stop imagining all his characters (mainly Dazai let’s be real) in his place getting beat up by a bunch of junior high girls with sparkle powers 😂😂😂
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someone-else-entirely · 8 months
Today was an Adventure:
-ordered alcoholic beverage online a couple days ago, culminating in me running out into the wet street without shoes to catch the UPS truck
-impulse bought a heart-shaped mini Bundt cake maker (not just a pan, but a MAKER - you plug it in and pour in the batter and it cooks the cake for you)
-also impulse bought Lindoor truffles whose flavor was listed as "dark strawberry" and I know that that's just dark chocolate with a strawberry filling but "dark strawberry" sounds amazing as a concept
#gonna tell the Ordering Alcohol Online saga in the tags#mostly for my own sake/posterity#so I wanted to buy a bottle of a particular alcoholic beverage as part of a Valentine's day gift#but they don't sell it around here so I had to order it#now of course you have to show an ID and sign for the package when you receive it on account of alcohol#but I live on the third floor of my apartment and the doorbells don't work#so I had a distinct feeling I was going to miss the delivery#and I TOOK EVERY PRECAUTION#before making the order I called the company and asked if they could call or text me upon arrival#and they were like ''well we work with UPS etc. so it's up to them but try sending us an email about it it might work''#so I made the order and sent the email#yesterday I popped down to the business on the first floor and was like ''hey I'm ordering alcohol''#''if they knock on the door would you be able to sign for it?''#the person was like ''well I'm here from 8 to 4 so if it arrives in that time then sure''#today I see an email: order is out for delivery#THE EMAIL IS IN MY PROMOTIONS FOLDER MIND YOU. I WOULDN'T HAVE FOUND IT IF I WASN'T LOOKING CLOSELY#so I'm compulsively checking the tracking page all day#it says it's supposed to arrive at 7 pm#4 pm comes and goes and no dice#I leave a post-it note on the door: ''dear deliveryperson the doorbells don't work please call/text the number on the back of this note''#6 o clock rolls around. I am still compulsively checking#and then in the middle of watching a Brennan Lee Mulligan video with my bf I compulsively check one more time#''delivery was attempted''#so I hightail it downstairs in the hopes I can catch the UPS people#I don't even stop to put on shoes#I open the door; no one's there but I see the UPS truck across the street#I run out onto the Very Wet sidewalk in my socks#wait for a break in the oncoming cars and jaywalk straight to the truck#it's empty#I sit on a nearby low wall and wait until I see a couple guys in UPS uniforms coming around the corner
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Sincere question, not to inspire hate or anything, just general curiosity. I saw you mentioned you didn’t care much for Musa, why? I don’t like her either but just wanted to know cause she’s a popular character but I only think she’s popular because of Rivusa
Sup nonny!
the tl;dr Musa gets praise where others characters get shit, for the exact same actions. Musa gets to be selfish and it's "empowering", while Bloom does the same and is, well, "selfish"; Musa gets to be rude and be called "sassy", where Stella is "a bitch"; Musa gets to be sick and tired of her powers and whine about them, while Terra display one insecurity too many and is called "whiny"; Musa gets to be closed off with her emotions and is given a rich internal monologue, while Aisha is closed off and written off as a robot.
Musa gets away with a lot, both via fandom and via writers. Even when her actions face consequences - the arc with using her powers on Sam - she turns it around on "my magic is bad and I'm evil", which is a clear extrapolation from the natural conclusion of that. Then, since obviously that's an extrapolation, we're supposed to sympathize with her and feel bad when she says it. How could she have arrived at such a conclusion??
Well, maybe if her take away from "I used magic on my boyfriend and friends to not deal with their emotions, because I never assimilated my powers or my grief/emotions" was "I should learn my magic" and then she failed, then I would empathize with her.
What actually happens is "I used magic on my boyfriend and friends to not deal with their emotions, because I never assimilated my powers or my grief/emotions" therefore "my magic is bad and I'm an evil person, I should give it all up."
??? HOW could I empathize with this? What reasons have you given to care about your character? What have you done, since season 1 that somehow justifies me giving a iota of fuck about this?
And what's more important, none of these traits or moments listed would be bad if it wasn't for the insistence of the writers that they're actually praise worthy moments.
Go girlboss Musa who broadcasts Terra's insecurities in a crowded room in s1! Go girlboss Musa who respects no boundaries and promptly reads Riven's mind in s1 and we're somehow supposed to side with her, not with him when he lashes out! Go girlboss Musa who refuses to try using her powers to save her boyfriend and somehow, for SOME REASON, Terra is all "I understand your trauma" while her brother is literally bleeding out! Yay for standing up for yourself! A+++ for refusing to learn a single thing about your magic when Rosalind tries, in a somehow civil manner even, to teach her in s2! Hell yeah Musa, use your magic to avoid dealing with anyone's emotions and then don't even say you're sorry for basically driving Sam into domestic terrorist mindset! Make it about your romantic relationship and your magic, not your insane lack of boundaries, go queen! How dare Terra be pissed at Musa after her brother has to leave school as a direct consequence of all this! Terra why are you soooo overbearing!
All of this, btw, is the show saying. It's not even the fans, that's what the show does.
Then... You add in the fans. Who write a Musa who's gentle, sassy, daring, powerful and a sex goddess.
Well, to quote Mariah Carey:
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(believe it or not, this IS the summarized version)
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brynnmclean · 10 months
y'all, I feel like I've said this a lot, it is truly a joy to be a GM, but I am so fucking ready to get out of the chair and be a player again
#the goalpost keeps moving#i think i have 10 more sessions in me max#those sessions will be PACKED. have to have a mini boss fight. the breaking of a curse. the boss fight. some kind of arc resolution#that will be player driven! whatever they want to do with relations between two groups before they go north!#and THEN the long awaited audience with gil galad to hopefully broker some kind of alliance between them and tar miriel.#winter will arrive and it will see them either at sea or in lindon. hoping for lindon but they could fuck up negotiations for sure.#the problem with my notes tbh is that there is a lot of stuff in my brain but not a lot on paper#anyway. christ. what is it like just showing up to a d&d session with a character sheet and a notebook.#AKB will be 3 years old in january#i think i'm still in the hot seat until april#i love this campaign. i do i really do. but hoooooo boy. i want a real break.#this last hiatus doesn't feel like it counted because it was schedule driven and i still have to keep things spinning in my mental space.#not to mention no one GMed anything in the meantime#there was some poll recently that was about being a player for a long form campaign like what type of characters have you played#and one-shots and campaigns that fizzled out <3 sessions in don't count#i looked at that poll and was like well damn. i haven't been a player in a long form campaign since probably... 2016. GURPs 4e.#wait that's not true-- the 5e/Star Wars Saga ed hybrid campaign that was a mixed bag. scoundrel ship mechanic zabrak life.#ha! checked my notes! that ended in july 2022#i feel like that one barely counts though because my PC was wrangling the group to keep us on task (frustrating. i am a plot hound player)#these tags are out of hand#i'm just tired and struggling with stat blocks nbd#to be deleted i guess#do i need a loremaster tag?
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