maxed-out-with-love · 6 months
pull HIM in closer by his waist
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maxed-out-with-love · 9 months
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maxed-out-with-love · 10 months
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Drawing gives me the power of self inserting and I will use it
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maxed-out-with-love · 11 months
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shot with trans beam
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maxed-out-with-love · 11 months
Just something I was curious about based on my observations in the community. Reblogging after voting optional, but recommended to get a broader scope of answers!
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Imagine your F/O watching you as you're about to break down into tears.
They march right on over to you and fling their arms around you, pulling you in for a tight hug.
They're not letting you go. It's okay. You're safe in their arms.
They let you weep into their chest or on their shoulder and they stroke the back of your head tenderly in an attempt to calm you down.
You really just need a good cry about many things and your F/O is there to listen to you and let you cry on them.
They are here to support you in every way and it doesn't matter how small you think your problems are; if you're upset about it, they want to know.
Your F/O holds your face in their hands and wipes away your tears and tells you again how they will do whatever they can to help you.
They are there for you.
Never forget that.
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selfshippers who get migraines, your f/o is now putting you in a nice quiet room with the lights off and a cozy blanket. maybe something cold to put over your eyes, if that helps you. bonus points if (being very self-indulgent here) they have abilities relating to cold/ice and that cold thing over ur eyes is their hands.
i have so Many Thoughts about magical f/os who use their powers to make you comfy tbh
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S/I: I don't need therapy, I have you guys!
F/O(s): We're just as fucked up as you are. It's like the blind leading the blind.
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i must make a self insert persona for every piece of media i enjoy. it is simply the way things have to be. i must barge my way into the narrative and take over the plot by force with my slightly cooler version of my real self (its just normal me but with rabbit ears and fifty wives) (i only have forty-nine wives irl)
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Me when consuming new media:
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imagine laying down in your bed when your f/o comes up and just wraps around you, burying their head in your neck. they're as snug and close as your bodies will allow, breaths deep and slow as they drift off. you just revel in the fact that you get to be that for them. when they are lonely and want affection, they seek it from you. they're head over heels in love with you, said without a word.
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I know we always talk about and reassure each other how our F/Os would listen to/enjoy hearing us infodump about our special interests, hyperfixations, obsessions, and all of our other types of passions. But what about listening to THEM? Hear about their interests and fixations and passions. Find out how deep their knowledge on a certain subject is. Even if you don't understand anything they're talking about. Infodumping is like a love language to me and I love it when my F/Os infodump to me like I do with them.
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Things to think about:
Your F/O(s) saying your name a million different ways
The *first* time Your F/O(s) say your name
A tired and exhausted F/O coming up and leaning on you because they want to be with you
The way your F/O(s) hold your hand! Do they fully grab it, tangle your fingers, or maybe they hook your pinkies??
Them looking at you with so much tenderness in their eyes
“Who hurt you”
Pulling taller F/O(s) down to your level and watching them go red or bringing shorter F/O(s) up and getting to see their reaction
Being curled up and your F/O(s) deciding your lap and torso are free real estate and making themselves comfortable
Going off about anything on your mind for a while only to catch their eye and suddenly realizing they’ve been staring at you with heart eyes the whole time
Deciding you’ve has enough and burying your face in your F/Os chest and refusing to move
Gentle shoulder kisses when they’re next to you
Being absolutely tangled as you cuddle but still do your separate activities (ie on your phone while they’re in their computer or smth
Playfully pulling each other into improv dancing that sometime turns into karaoke too, LOUD Karaoke
Showing an out there interest and your F/O(s) absolutely 1) supporting you 2) wanting to know more
Being close enough to feel eachother’s breath
The first time you feel comfortable enough to make eye contact for the first time
How they react when your joints pop
Saying I love you for the first time
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If you have a stoic or villian f/o, imagine them accidentally showing they care about you. Whether it’s casually reminding you to eat/drink water/take meds ect, or a compliment, or even just a soft smile, they get so flustered when you comment on it and they realised they’ve let it show that they’re falling for you
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Kris has a Ruin update!! I'm so proud of how this turned out!
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Prompt list
Made a prompt list
You gotta
Pick a person/ship
Pick one or multiple prompts
Pick either fluff, angst, or smut
Pick whether it’s a ‘getting together’ story, or if it’s and ‘established relationship’ story, or if it’s a ‘breaking up story’.
And if you have anything else specific you want in it, send that as well
“Yes! I wanna play!”
“You can’t solve your problems by hiding in bed all day.”
“Okay, but first, kiss me.”
“This is going to sound cheesy but… I love when you’re half asleep and talking nonsense.”
“You know who I’m hot for?”
“I know when you’re lying.”  “Yeah, how’s that?”
“I don’t like the dark.”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“Is that my hoodie?”
“I don’t like to be tickled.”
“Bite me.”
“I forgot to mention that I’m… I’m completely in love with you.”
“What are you doing in here?”
“I’m sorry. I can’t help but stare.”
“I can’t sleep when you’re not beside me.”
“You hurt me.”
“Will you make me coffee?”  “What do I get if I do?”
“I can’t do that!”
“Will you stay?”
“Do you love her/him?”  “Yes.”
“Turn the lights out.”
“Just go along with it, please”
“I promise I will never let anything bad happen to you.”
“God, stop doing that.”  “Doing what?”
“I don’t trust myself around you.”
“All I wanted was you.”
“Do you still love me?”    “I don’t know anymore.”
“Please get over me, we can’t get back together.”    “How can I get over you when you’re my entire world?
“I don’t think I can do this anymore, I know I told you it was enough but it isn’t.”
“I don’t know why you get so jealous when I tell you everyday that I love you.”    “I’m just scared that one day you’ll see how much better you are than me and leave me.”
“I’m so goddamn in love with you.”
“Are you leaving me?”    “Do you want me to leave you?”
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“That’s my ex. Makeout with me and make him jealous.”
“It wasn’t supposed to happen this way”
“I don’t think anyone’s ever said that to be me before”
“Spin the bottle is such a cliché. I’m in”
“You’ve never seen Harry Potter”
“Can we just lie here for a moment”
“We have to stop running in to each other like this”
“I know it’s 2am but can we meet up”
“I don’t know how we ended up sleeping together, but I know I’m mad about it”
“Whatever you do, just don’t tell anyone”
“I don’t come here often, it brings back unwanted memories”
“They told me I’d forget about you; that I’d move on but it’s been three years and here I am”
“I’ve waited to so long for this moment, but now it’s here and I don’t know how to feel”
“You can’t just say that and disappear!”
“I don’t want to be your partner either, but we have to get this assignment done.”
“I’ve never hated you, you just make me feel things I don’t understand.”
“It’s your fault and I don’t think this is something you can fix.”
“This isn’t easy for me either”
“I would never do this to you if I didn’t have to. You know that right?”
“Can you at least promise me that” “I don’t think I can, not this time”
“I’m sorry but it’s very hard to focus when you’re dressed like that”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard you want me to hit you”
“I’d be scared if I were you”
“You can’t go in there alone”
“You didn’t go through my photos did you?”
“I really want to kiss you right now. I know I shouldn’t, and somehow that makes me want it more”
“I’ll give you fifty bucks if I can take you to Christmas dinner and tell my family we’re together. They always ask if I’m dating and I can’t have that conversation again”
“Fuck you” “Not with that attitude”
“You know my house has a door?” You don’t always have to use the window”
“The truth is, my friends dared me to ask you out, but I’m really glad they did”
“I didn’t realise it meant so much to you”
“I wish I was sorry, but I don’t regret any of it”
“I could lie here with you forever. I wish I didn’t have to leave”
“Everything’s changing an I hate it” I liked the way things were”
“You look so incredible, if that didn’t look so good on you I’d properly tear it off”
“Do you think they notice we left?”
“The funny thing is, you could have fixed this and you didn’t even try”
“Are you staring at me or are you staring past me”
“If you were a guy/girl would you go out with me?” “I am a guy/girl”
“Can we tell my parents that I’m at your house, just in case they get suspicious”
“It’s just a blind date! What’s the worst that could happen?” “I could literally die”
“I had a really weird sex dream about you and I’m not sure how I feel about it, honestly.”
“All I know is that if you don’t tell me to stop I’m going to kiss you.”
“I’m not sure when it happened, but I fell in love with you, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done”
“We always share blankets on the couch, I’m sure sharing the bed for the night is fine too.”
“Your lips are getting really close to mine.”
“I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.”
“You’ve been pouting ever since I went out on that date, what’s up?”
“You can share my jacket with me, since you’re shivering.”
“Shit, how’d you make me blush like this?”
“Are you trying to turn me on?”
“Let’s hang out, but I’ll pay for everything, and we can go to this fancy restaurant– No, not a date.”
“Okay, I guess this is a date, actually.”
“Stop with the tongue thing, it’s strangely attractive.”
“I keep telling them we’re not dating, but they keep telling me friends don’t normally make out when drunk.”
“When did you get so beautiful?”
“If you’re going to dress like that, I’m not going to let you out of my sight.”
“I accidentally called you my girlfriend/boyfriend today.”
“I had this dream where we were dating.”
“Why do you always call me when I’m on a date?”
“Okay, maybe I am a bit jealous
“It’s weird how we’ve been friends for so long, but never went through that ‘crushing’ phase.”
“I say this a lot, but, look, they’re not good enough for you.”
“You know this voucher only works for couples, right?”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Right… Well… I’m not sure how we ended up kissing like that…”
“We would make a pretty good couple.”
“How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?”
“You can share my jacket with me, since you’re shivering.”
“You’ve been pouting ever since I went out on that date, what’s up?”
“We always share blankets on the couch, I’m sure sharing the bed for the night is fine too.”
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