#;;headcanons: important!
wanologic · 14 days
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reminder to take care of your loser human body
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demigods-posts · 2 months
growing up is realizing that rachel was exactly who percy needed in that period of his life. because she knew enough about the demigod world that percy could confide in her about the responsibilities as the prophecy kid. but was also separate enough from the demigod world that she never placed him on a pedestal or pitied him for it. she never looked at him like he was a dead man walking. or expected him to become something more than himself to get the job done. say what you want about their relationship. but no one. not sally. not paul. not poseidon. not chiron. not grover. and definitely not annabeth. could have been for percy what rachel was for him.
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url-is-url · 4 months
So, the headcanon that ghosts fight to socialize, and also to teach baby ghosts how to use their powers, right?
Johnny 13 is in Gotham. No particular reason, he's just hanging out. He manages to goad the day shift bat kid into a motorcycle race! Fuck yeah, what's better than harassing high school aged superheroes?! Anyway, he and this kid are tearing up the streets and the kid whips out some crazy fucking shadow powers. Um? What happened to Batman doesn't like metas??? (Obviously Batman isn't actually prejudiced against metas, he just logically doesn't want to deal with superpowers + fear toxin and shit, but... his PR could use some work on this front...) Well then, Johnny has crazy fucking shadow powers too, so OBVIOUSLY he needs to compare notes with the yellow kid. By escalating.
Duke Thomas is having a No Good Very Bad Week. This crazy blond dude on a bike is TESTING HIS PATIENCE. And is a total bad luck magnet, the ONLY reason nobody's gotten killed by their chases is that Duke can see when something terrible is about to happen just in time to prevent the crazy coincidence of the moment. Also he can drive through walls? Duke learned that he can take his bike through shadows, that's pretty cool, but this whole situation is still very frustrating. HE IS TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A NEMESIS!!! He asks Babs to run some facial recognition magic and the only match is some guy who died in a motorcycle wreck like twenty years ago??? Duke compiles a file to present to the Batfam, fully expecting them to call him crazy when he explains his theory that his nemesis is a ghost.
Batman: That tracks actually. I've dealt with a dead highwayman who calls himself Gentleman Ghost, and there's a ghost on call with the League. Here, have some nth metal gear, it's ghost proof, good investigating :)
Duke: *TheSignal.exe has stopped working*
Duke finally manages to catch his ghost guy! He goes to question him about why he feels a need to be such a nuisance.
Johnny 13, grinning, not answering shit: Hey, you guys are detectives or whatever right? Have you ever tried hiding in the shadows under someone's clothes to stalk them?
Duke: ***TheSignal.exe has stopped working***
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plistommy · 2 months
Steve takes Eddie’s virginity by riding the older boy after a long session of smoking and drinking inside the metalheads cramped van.
He’d praise Eddie on how good he’s making him feel, how big his dick is and how he’s so pretty under him that it makes Eddie moan loudly, strong hands roaming and squeezing the fat of Steve’s ass as he begs to fuck Steve harder.
”I need to fuck you, Steve- please, sweetheart-”
Steve would kiss him, sloppy and wet as he whines into Eddie’s mouth when the dick inside him hits just right.
When he pulls back, breathless, he picks up the pace and finally lets Eddie buck up to meet his thrusts.
Eddie would just look up at Steve, brown eyes wide and realize he’s so in love with the gorgeous boy on top of him and he never wants to let go. Never.
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rayroseu · 3 months
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"Because i want you to live a long and happy life"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Bonus 8: How met your mother (CSSR design by @qourmet!)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#cangse sanren#wei changze#jiang fengmian#It was important to me that WCZ had the hereditary mole. I will die on this hill.#I have been *waiting* for the day to finally arrive when I could finally make this comic. It's been marinating for months.#My mission is to redraw all of qour's character designs one day. They are just *that* good.#CSSR has the vibes of a wandering menace who shows up in towns like a stray cat arriving at a new doorstep for treats. 10/10.#While YZY strongly leads us to believe that JFM was in love with CSSR and that's his whole motivation behind taking wwx in-#-I do think this is (once again) rumour being presented as reality. It's the juicer story to tell after all.#It is still possible that he did love her! But I think that story undercuts the relationship he also had with WCZ.#Yall ever think about how JC and WWX parallel their fathers? How Wei Changze also left the Jiang Leader's side? I do.#Unlike JC though It is far more hilarious and plausible to imagine JFM begging to be CSSR and WCZ's third. You know he would.#My wild headcanon is that JFM and YZY are in a mlm and wlw arranged marriage situation. Deeply unhappy as partners. Better as friends.#they care for each other and I'll admit that there is a beautiful tragedy in them having romantic feelings for each other the whole time.#But I am also here for the gaffs. Let them be unfulfilled homosexuals together.#Meanwhile cssr and wcz are having incredible hetrosexual sex in a bisexual way that WILL leave him pregnant by the end of it.
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turtleblogatlast · 18 days
One of my favorite headcanons is that Leo grew up watching telenovelas with Splinter.
It just works so well - his bits of Spanish that he spouts randomly, his showy way of apologizing, and, of course, his love for dramatic betrayals all point to this being a very real possibility.
Plus, it’s very cute to imagine a tiny Leo at his father’s side as they both gasp in shock when the show’s eighth plot twist in just as many episodes happens.
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monstrousparalysis · 5 months
Hey y'all! Since it's Love Loses Wednesday for all who celebrate and I have plenty of thoughts about it, here's some of those thoughts I've had for my fellow enjoyers of Chip Bastard from the insanely powerful podcast Just Roll With It!
Chip being so focused on family and friends, on finding Arlin and keeping his co-captains and crew safe, while the most he ever shows interest in romance is in brief, jokey flirting that's quickly brushed aside.
Chip buying a love potion, only for it to sit unused in his inventory for literal months until it unceremoniously drops into the mouth of the Electrodon.
Chip being unnerved or even downright scared when somebody shows a sign of being attracted to him (Amanda with the marriage, Jazz and his flirting, the frantic denial to Ollie that Gillion kissing him meant anything (which was then followed by barely any change in their relationship. A typically romantic act, done as an act of love between friends, and yet those friends never did start a romance. Curious))
Speaking of Amanda and the marriage: Chip waking up one day and suddenly being expected, even morally obligated, to be in a romantic relationship with somebody he doesn't even know, for reasons he doesn't even know. And even when he clarifies that he doesn't want this, that he won't give up being a pirate with his friends for it, he still can't leave behind the expectation fully, because Amanda, and thus this expectation, is literally chasing him. Sometimes it even comes from his own friends, because no matter how much he would prefer to just Not Be Married, there's no way for him to get out of it, especially not ones Gillion would likely accept, and therefore the expectation that eventually, he'll be in a romance, is inescapable.
And even more interesting, he's not opposed to the idea of getting married in general. He wasn't wholly against the notion of marrying Igneous just for the AC boost it would give them. Clearly, the problem he had wasn't with the marriage itself, but with the fact that he was expected to form a romantic partnership.
And lastly: Chip having his literal heart ripped out of him, and staying nearly the same. Making jokes about how his heart was stolen in a way that was literal instead of romantic. Writing to his wife that if death do them part, then now it has (and doesn't it even say something that the only way for him to escape the marriage, the expectations, was to die?)
He cares for his friends just the same. He cares for his crew just the same. He wants to find Arlin just as much as ever. And his avoidance of his wife, of the expectation that he perform romance, stays the same. But even if he's the exact same, he has an excuse for this now. Because clearly, somebody with no heart couldn't feel romance, and who cares that he didn't really seem to before he lost his heart either?
Chip being aromantic, on a textual, metaphorical, and thematic level.
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ablogcalledrevenge · 1 year
So I headcanon Eddie as Jewish and I think that once the kids graduate and no more crazy shit happens in Hawkins, Steve follows Robin to whatever college she wants to go to, and Eddie follows Steve. Probably a big city like Chicago or Boston or New York.
Eddie scours the city for Jewish delis, ordering a bagel with lox or pastrami on rye at every one, wanting to find the best. It’s at one of these delis that he meets a bunch of older Jewish women looking for a mahjong player. See Rose just moved to Boca because the winter is bad on her knees so they need a new fifth and Eddie’s a Nice Jewish Boy and he likes games so he offers to join them.
Turns out he’s not that good at it. It doesn’t hold his attention like D&D while also moving too fast for him to follow. He’s too indecisive about hands, trying to switch late in the round.
But Steve… Steve LOVES mahjong. Steve is good at mahjong.
Cut to every Thursday night, Steve going off to Diane or Sylvie’s house to play mahjong with a bunch of old ladies. They adore Steve and how sweet he is, always helping them clean up the tiles and get to their cars.
“And he’s so handsome, isn’t he Ruth? If he weren’t dating Eddie, he’d be perfect for my granddaughter. Such a mensch.”
Because they know about Eddie and Steve. It’s easy to see when you know what to look for and Sarah and Ruth have been roommates since 1967.
So they play and gossip and eat snacks and exchange recipes. Steve asks for creative meals during Passover since he’s got a picky eater. They assume it’s one of the kids he babysits. It’s actually Eddie.
Just give me Steve hanging out with cool old ladies, being a little bitchy, eating rugelach, and taking Eddie out to dinner on his winnings.
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my-smial · 19 days
Hello hello. I have come with random The Sunshine Court language headcanons for Jean Moreau, because I cannot stop thinking about him.
Neil picks up on Jean's discomfort with speaking French at higher than a whisper and eventually decides to use Nicky's desensitization tactics about it. He ropes in Kevin, and the two of them will not stop yelling at him in French until Jean stops flinching whenever he hears it.
Neil lived in Montreal for 8 months; when he wants to get under Jean's skin, he switches to a strong Québécois accent and Jean acts like his ears are getting burned off.
Jeremy and a little Cat and Laila start learning French, mostly "picked up a tourist phrasebook at the library" level. It's 2008, they don't even have Duolingo. It's years and years before Jean deigns to actually speak French to him, but Jeremy eventually figures out that if he pronounces a phrase badly enough, Jean will correct him out of shear pain. Jean probably picks up that Jeremy knows more than he's letting on when he makes a comment in one of Jean and Kevin's conversations.
The most unlikely, but I find it fun: Jean's family is old money enough that they actually still speak the local Provençal language of southeast France. Jean mostly speaks standard French, but his parents ensured that he can carry a conversation in Provençal out of some twisted disdain for Paris as a power center. Evidence: this is also the kind of person who would name their child Jean-Yves, lmao, a name that was most popular in the 1960s.
Matching with 4, growing up speaking French, Provençal, and English in a massive port city means that Jean can get through a few phrases in most western Mediterranean languages. In addition, being raised as the theoretical heir to a smuggling empire meant he had to learn enough languages to "not get ripped off," as his father would say. He says he speaks 3 languages, because he's fluent in 3 (and it's common to consider Provençal just a backwards dialect, not a full language). But he can also understand random bits of Italian, Spanish, and Algerian Arabic. Some he learned formally, some he picked up from other kids while playing little league exy.
When he gets comfortable on the Trojan's court, he starts yelling back sometimes when little multilingual groups form and chatter, and every time he demonstrates a new language the Trojans lose their shit. Jean has his typical disdain for their excitement; his childhood exy court sounded exactly like this and he doesn't get why they're so impressed.
They keep pulling the "sorry, he doesn't speak English" trick to get annoying fans and reporters off their back for a long time after it should have stopped working. He's given full interviews, come on. Use your brain.
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hyakunana · 1 month
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Until the End and Beyond
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dreemurr-skelememer · 1 month
do you think dream never takes off his circlet because he symbolizes it as the weight of his sins
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demigods-posts · 5 months
say what you want but annabeth is 100% the big spoon. and it definitely stems from the fact that everything she loves seems to leave her in some way. at least it feels like that for a long time. but cradling percy reassures her that's he's here and here to stay.
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mysterystarz · 3 months
okay but to all the iwaizumi lovers who don’t hit the gym he’d still love you
i think he’d be the one to get you into small active stuff with him! hiking trails, walks, anything to spend time with you. he cares less about the activity and more about getting to be with you.
if you’re down to start jogging in the morning with him, he’s more than happy to help you start out with a beginners pace. if you need him to spot you at the gym, he’s there.
of course, if neither of those things are your vibe, he’d just ask you to assist him with his push ups so you can lay under him and give him a kiss each time he comes down <3
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chai-berries · 10 months
thinking..thinking about napping with abby..
OOOOOOF one of my favorite topics <333
now i don’t know if abby is a nap girlie but she’s gonna have to learn to be!! whether she’s coming home to you, already asleep, warm and waiting for her to cuddle up against you, under your (very specific) napping blankets. all the tension leaves her shoulders when you unconsciously tuck yourself into her :(
or maybe she’s the one taking a midday nap on the couch. she sleeps like the dead, her arms crossed and tucked into her armpits even in sleep. the hood of her sweatshirt is synched up to block out the light from her eyes. when you get home, the door wakes her up, a sleepy “baby?” calls to you from the hallway. and there she is looking ooey gooey and sooo fucking cute you could EAT! HER! UP! but you would never do that so you just lay on top of her for twenty minutes getting a mini post-work nap in before dinner. don’t forget to kiss her all over her face!!!!
abby’s favorite is when you guys are watching tv or reading in the living room, limbs tossed over each other. you’re both straining against that sleepy phase that hits at 3pm but it’s just soooo cozy!!! you have a good book in your hands, one of abby’s hands is softly massaging your calf muscles. the other hand is holding her book open (which is one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen). and you’re so warm, like you can’t help it!!! you fall asleep. it takes abby two minutes to realize you’re asleep, when your book drops to your chest. she gathers both the books and puts them on the coffee table. rearranging a little to put her feet up and sink into the couch more. she keeps massaging your legs until sleep takes her.
…, sooo idk if you can tell but sleep is my love language. thank you for listening 🫶
more abby napping content below!
sharing a bed
midday nap
morning kisses
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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had a(nother) nightmare
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