#:people who annoy people are the luckiest people in the world
izuke-the-zombie · 10 months
This is a little head cannon/What if Macaque had more original powers, a little more Starry Night dreamlike powers leaning into the more nurturing kind, you know, the moon and sun kind of powers? 🌙☀️
Maybe in the past, he was like a therapy friend to Wukong, someone he could really be himself with, vent, and tell his secrets without being judged in the safety of his own dreams. Someone he can truly trust, and that was Macaque.
Skip to Redemption Ark for Mac
Now he's a therapy friend to the whole MK team! (Against his will) They cuddle, pet, and vent to him with their problems. He's like one of Sandy's therapy cats, just bigger and grumpier.😾💕✨ he just has this way with people I guess
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Okay, this is how it starts: Macaque and Wukong's first encounter was in a dream.
Wukong would not shut up about the pretty demon in his crazy dreams, often to his sworn brothers; he talked about all the fun and crazy adventures he'd have, the long meaningful conversations and jokes, and the occasionally moving pictures of otherworldly strong magical humans with sparkly eyes and spiky hair who wield giant weapons that shoots Fire called anime, and that this had been going on for a few months now.
This annoyed and concerned them; they think it's a demon trying to take over the Monkey King's mind or trying to brainwash him somehow, so Azure Lion and the Sworn Brothers all brainstormed together to devise a plan to somehow confront this tricky dream demon. Wukong doesn't want the fun dreams to end or scare off this other celestial monkey, so he decides to talk to his friend in his dreams. Wukong casually brings up the idea that the macaque should visit Flower Fruit and meet his sworn brothers! Macaque of course hesitates, not sure of the idea of traveling to an unknown island and meeting The Monkey King's questionable choice of sworn brothers, but of course, Wukong, sad and a bit offended, but he doesn't give up.
He decides to bring upon the Ultimate Weapon, begging and whining until Macaque crumbles and gives in, which eventually does. Mac reluctantly agrees to travel over to FFM in disguise, just to be safe he tells Wukong he'll be there. Within a month, Wukong couldn't be more excited; he was like a little kid waiting for Christmas day!
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So this is what kinds of powers I think he should have.
😴 the first pic is crossing over to other people's dreams and making their experience life-like he has illusion magic so this makes sense to me. Wukong and macaque would prank the Brotherhood or play tags and hide and seek in their brother's dreams. 🌸The second pic is the soothing ability to calm one's nerves if they pet or cuddle him like a therapy cat,🐈 Wukong would groom him for hours to calm his nerves. now come copes with food🍑🍔🍭
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🌸🎶I saved the best one for last the cute/sad little head Cannon I have
At the end of every dream Mac visits they would end it by dancing to music Mac would bring from the future laughing and stumbling while wukong slowly wakes up, wukong has always gone to bed early But now he goes even earlier to bed. Wukong always thought he was the luckiest monkey in the world he gets to have two Adventure and one of them is with his prettiest best friend Macaque 😚✨the monkey of his dreams.
🌸 Wukong couldn't truly dream of a world without his bestest friend🥰✨
#monkie kid#lego monkie kid#lmk#sun wukong#six eared macaque#doodle#monkey king#macaque#shadowpeach#third idea of power: creating little stars out of his hands that float around like for his shadow play or a night light for the baby monkey#cute right!?#originally I was going to write a short fanfic about Wukong having nightmares and not being able to sleep because of that Mac notices#and decides to visit Wukong in his dreams#Hong Kong wakes up in his dream within a dream to a beautiful breathtaking flower field and seeing the beautiful sky it looks super Galaxy#and Mac just pops up out of nowhere and tries to start up a conversation#at first he's like cocky and stuff and then he gets little awkward#fumbling with his words and he gets a little bit more flustered wukong is like super confused and surprise to see him here#Mac gives up on trying to talk and just attacks wukong after a while we'll come figures out he's just play fighting they pretty much#just play tag and wukong slowly he gets into it but Mac starts cheating a little bit and this Riles up The Monkey King and they're just#having a blast now and at the end of it they start talking eating a few peaches just joking around it's awkward but it's nice wukongs#grooming him and he's just feeling a whole lot better Mac wants to know what's bothering him but he feels like can wait until Monkey King#Monkey King is ready for that macaque gets up extensive hand to Wukong they try to dance#and they're both terribly out of practice they keep going until they're tumbling and laughing and will come slowly gets up#with a smile on the face and super well-rested all thanks to macaque the monkey of his dreams#seriously if anybody wants to make a fanfic about this you have my full permission I don't know I think you guys can do way better than me😫
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The Pumpkin Patch.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here, huns!
authors note - in honour of finally approaching october, enjoy this little mess that my brain magically comes up with when i’m bored…and lhh as a dad because that is simply girl dinner.
word count - 2k
in which, you and harry decide to take your son teddy to the pumpkin patch in honour of it finally hitting october, the three of you decide to make a day of things, and let’s just say the day doesn’t exactly turn out how you all expected it, a series of unfortunate events occur and that all starts out with your fiancé getting annoyed that the sat nav isn’t helping him very much.
trope: fiancé!harry x reader
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October holds a special place in your heart, like no other month ever could. It was the month when you first embarked on a life-changing journey, leaving your homeland to pursue higher education in the United States. It was a time of excitement and trepidation, but little did you know that it would mark the beginning of countless beautiful memories.
During those university years, October became a symbol of friendship and camaraderie. It was when you met your lifelong friends, people who would stand by your side through thick and thin. Together, you navigated the challenges of academia, celebrated achievements, and forged bonds that would last a lifetime.
One particular October stands out vividly in your memory. It was the month of your graduation, a momentous occasion that your family didn't want to miss. They flew out to share in your joy and celebrate your accomplishments. Their presence made the milestone even more meaningful, filling your heart with warmth and love.
But the most extraordinary chapter of your life was written in the pages of an October. It was in Los Angeles, while browsing through a record shop, that you first laid eyes on Harry Styles. The connection was instant, as if fate had brought you together. In the midst of music and conversation, your love story began to unfold.
It was in October when he first whispered those three magical words, "I love you," after a night of watching a scary movie that left you clinging to his chest, finding comfort in his embrace. That moment of vulnerability deepened your bond and solidified your love for each other.
During a serene picnic in the park, surrounded by the beauty of autumn, Harry surprised you with a question that would change your lives forever. He asked you to move in with him, a gesture that symbolized commitment and a future together.
The circle of life continued to expand in October when your son, Theodore, affectionately known as Teddy, was born. The joy of parenthood brought immeasurable happiness and completeness to your lives, and the autumn leaves seemed to dance in celebration.
And then, in an enchanting October evening, Harry knelt down on one knee and proposed to you. Under the starry sky, he presented you with a ring, promising a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventures together. Tears of joy welled up in your eyes as you said yes, feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
October, with its vibrant colors and meaningful milestones, had become more than just a month on the calendar; it was a testament to the beauty of life, love, and the incredible journey you had embarked upon. It was safe to say that October had etched its place as your favorite month, forever holding the key to cherished memories and boundless love.
As you, Harry, and your almost two-year-old son Teddy set out for the pumpkin patch in Harry's sleek black Range Rover, there was an air of excitement in the car. The vibrant colours of autumn and the promise of pumpkin picking had everyone in high spirits. However, it didn't take long for things to take an unexpected turn.
Teddy, safely strapped into his car seat, began to cry, his little arms reaching out for his father. Seeing as Harry had been up all night comforting his baby boy who appeared to be getting his molars growing, he had tried everything, and the only thing that seemed to help the poor boy was to be cuddled up with both parents in their bed, with a teething toy in his grasp.
So, when the two of you woke up this morning, you had decided to take everyone’s tired minds off of things and have a fun little day out, but that didn’t seem to be going the way you had originally planned.
Harry couldn't easily comfort him, as he was engrossed in a battle with the aggravating sat nav system that seemed determined to make the journey anything but smooth.
You turned round in your seat and leaned over to Teddy, offering him a soothing voice, "Hey, ted. Daddy's driving right now, but he'll be with you soon. Look out the window, see the pretty leaves?"
Harry, growing increasingly frustrated, muttered, "S’thing is driving m’nuts. S’like a maze."
Teddy's cries persisted, and you rummaged in the bag for a toy to distract him. "Teddy, how about this colourful toy? Can you play with it?"
Harry let out another exasperated sigh, his eyes fixed on the sat nav screen. "All I want is t’find that pumpkin patch."
The journey went on like that for about another ten minutes before Harry finally got the hang of where the sat nav was trying to take him, and Theodore succumbed to silent sniffles when your fiancé reached his hand back and let his son hold onto his finger like he was a newborn all over again.
Theodore Styles was born just a year into the two of you officially dating, on October 18th, 2013. You and Harry were only nineteen. Although both of you were only young, you both had support from your family and friends and even though Harry’s job was a very demanding one, he always made sure to put the two of you first, so fast forward to October 2016 you were the perfect family unit and you were one step closer to becoming a Styles just like your other two boys.
As you, Harry, and Teddy finally pulled into the sprawling pumpkin patch, a sense of excitement filled the air. The fields were covered in a sea of vibrant orange, and the prospect of a fun-filled day lay ahead.
Driving through the muddy terrain, Teddy was securely strapped into his car seat, but his little face was pressed against the window. His bright eyes were wide with curiosity, and he couldn't contain his delight as he pointed at everything in his limited vocabulary, his baby talk filling the car.
"Look, Teddy," you exclaimed with enthusiasm, "those pumpkins are huge, aren't they?"
Teddy responded with bursts of infectious laughter, his tiny finger continuing to point at the pumpkins, each one seemingly more fascinating than the last. His joy was like a contagious wave that washed over the car.
Harry, his long hair falling in front of his eyes, expertly navigated the muddy path. He drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on your thigh, occasionally glancing at Teddy's adorable antics.
"That's right, Teddy-Bear," Harry chimed in, his voice filled with affection, "those pumpkins are as big as y’are!"
The car rolled on, winding through the pumpkin-filled fields. Teddy's laughter and baby talk were a constant source of amusement, brightening the atmosphere in the car.
You couldn't help but join in the excitement. "Teddy, do you see those scarecrows over there? They're guarding the pumpkins!"
Teddy's laughter escalated as he looked at the scarecrows, his tiny hands reaching out toward them. His innocent joy made the entire journey worthwhile.
Harry put the car into park and turned to you. "Alrigh’ m’love,"
As you worked on getting Teddy out of his car seat, Harry made his way to the trunk. He looked at you, holding the baby bag, and asked, "Do y’think we'll need t’stroller?"
You considered for a moment, remembering that Teddy hadn't slept well during the night. You nodded, knowing that he might get tired later. "Yeah, H, I think it's a good idea. Just in case."
Harry nodded in agreement and began setting up the stroller while you gently unstrapped Teddy from his car seat. He wriggled out of your arms, his little welly boots and beanie adding to his adorable appearance.
With Teddy on the ground, you smiled down at him. "Look at you, ready for some pumpkin picking, little man!"
Harry, now with his hair tied into a man bun to keep it out of his face, locked up the car. He glanced at Teddy and then at you. "Alrigh’, s’make some pumpkin memories."
As the three of you approached the entrance to the patch, The stroller stood empty as Harry navigated it through the muddy pumpkin fields.
Teddy, in his infectious excitement, was far too eager to explore on his own. Instead, you held onto his tiny hands, and he practically pulled you along, his chubby legs wading through the mud, creating tiny boot imprints with each step.
The pumpkin patch sprawled before you, a vast sea of orange and green. Teddy's eyes danced with wonder as he darted from one pumpkin to another, each one seemingly more fascinating than the last. His little voice bubbled with delight, even though his words were a jumble of baby talk and giggles.
Harry manoeuvred the stroller skillfully, occasionally glancing over to check on Teddy's progress. Teddy's tiny boots splashed through puddles, his beanie bobbing atop his head as he explored this pumpkin wonderland.
You marvelled at the sheer joy radiating from your son. Holding his hands, you let him lead the way, following his excited tugs and twirls. The mud-splattered boots and the occasional stumble didn't dampen Teddy's enthusiasm in the slightest.
About fifteen minutes into your visit to the pumpkin patch, you found yourselves standing in front of a scarecrow, admiring its rustic charm. Teddy, so far, had been on a mission to pick up every pumpkin he walked by, not quite grasping the concept of a pumpkin patch and getting upset when you told him that you needed to find the perfect pumpkin before heading home.
As you were enjoying this quaint moment, a friendly woman from another family who was passing by noticed your trio. She offered with a warm smile, "Would you like a photo of the three of you by the scarecrow?"
Harry didn't hesitate for a moment. He beamed and said,
"Yes, please!" as he quickly handed the woman his phone, which was already open on the camera. He gently scooped Teddy into his arms, holding him on his hip, and then wrapped his free arm around your shoulder.
The woman skillfully captured the moment, ensuring you were all framed by the scarecrow and the vibrant pumpkin patch behind you. Teddy, still clutching a small pumpkin in his chubby hand, looked at the camera with curiosity, and his innocent smile added an extra layer of charm to the photo.
After the picture was taken, you thanked the kind stranger, and Harry, still holding Teddy, shared a grateful smile with her.
Ten minutes after Teddy's encounter with the scarecrow, the pumpkin patch adventure continued, with Teddy now running ahead of you and Harry. His tiny legs carried him with an uncontainable exuberance as he darted between pumpkins, each one a new discovery in his eyes.
You pushed the stroller, its wheels rolling through the earthy paths, while Harry walked beside you, holding your hand. Both of you watched Teddy with hearts full of fondness as he explored this autumn wonderland. His laughter was a symphony of joy, filling the air and brightening your day even more.
The pumpkin patch seemed to be Teddy's playground, a place where he could express his boundless curiosity and energy.
About five meters ahead of both you and Harry, Teddy suddenly stopped in his tracks, captivated by a rather large pumpkin. It seemed to be the biggest one he had seen so far, and his little hands eagerly reached out to try and pick it up. However, it was a challenge even for his determined efforts.
Harry and you shared a chuckle at Teddy's determined endeavour. He didn't give up, though, and instead, he called out to Harry in his adorable baby talk, "Dada, hep! Hep, Dada!"
Harry couldn't resist the plea, and with a playful grin, he made his way over to Teddy. Together, father and son wrestled with the pumpkin, their laughter filling the crisp autumn air.
While they worked on the perfect pumpkin, you put the brakes on the stroller and crouched down in front of your little boy. You asked in a sweet baby talk, "Is this the pumpkin you definitely want, Teddy?"
Teddy nodded his head vigorously, a bright smile on his face. He wrapped his little arm around your neck, expressing his delight and contentment with the choice
“S’settled then,” Harry grinned up at you, holding the pumpkin in his tattooed arms. “Fancy grabbing a coffee at the lil’hut before heading off? God knows we need it.”
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
Arcane characters with an S/O who can sing??? 👀
Arcane characters with a S/O who can sing
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VI is so in awe of your impressive talent, she thinks your voice is the most beautiful sound she ever heard. She loves listening to you sing while the two of you are doing household chores and will often join you! She also loves when the two of you are dancing to some instrumental music and you start humming. Brags about your singing abilities to anyone who is willing to listen, she is just so proud of you.
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JINX loves blasting loud music and singing along to the lyrics at the top of her lungs. So when you decide to join her and you sound so damn good while doing it, girlie falls head over heels for you. Fixes an old, beat-up karaoke machine so the two of you can have loads of fun together. When she has an episode, she asks you to sing her a lullaby as it calms down her mind and silences the voices. The soft rumble of your chest, your calming heartbeat and comforting voice are the only sounds she ever needs to hear in order to be happy and content. Genuinely tears up if you ever sing a love song aimed towards her, it makes her feel so loved and appreciated.
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The beauty of your voice was one of the first things CAITLYN noticed when she met you. She had her suspicions of your talent and she finally got her confirmation when she caught you practicing one day in your apartment as you thought she was at work. Little did you know she left early because she wanted to surprise you and spend a nice evening with her love. Caitlyn would quietly lean on the doorframe and wait until you're done, after which she'd start clapping, startling you in the process. After this, she calls you her siren because your silky voice never fails to hypnotize her and make her fall even more in love with you.
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EKKO has a huge soft spot for artistic people who are passionate about their talent. He loves hearing you practice and will encourage you to start performing (if you don't want to, he's cool with that, it just makes him feel more honored because he's the only one who gets to hear an actual angel sing). When he catches you singing a lullaby to a child from the Firelight hideout who had a nightmare, Ekko feels like the luckiest guy in the world to love someone so kind and wonderful. Always compliments your efforts and talent and often takes you out on karaoke dates. It makes him feel so alive to be able to sing along with you that, for a brief moment, he forgets all the burden he carries on his shoulders and actually feels like a carefree boy once again.
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SILCO greatly supports and indulges into this passion of yours. He often asks you to sing to him whenever you're hanging around in his office and he decides to take a break. He is a great lover of good music and having a darling with such an enjoyable talent is incredibly satisfying to him. Your voice brings him more joy than any old record ever could and he is very possessive of it. He makes you promise him that you will not sing to anyone else other than him, as your beauty is only for him to marvel at and praise.
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If you're up for it, VANDER would love to have you perform at the Last Drop. Oh, the way he'd boast to his patrons about how that beauty on the stage is his partner and how lucky he is to have you. You actually turn out to be quite a distraction to his work, as Vander has a hard time keeping his eyes off of you. Always makes sure that your favorite drink is waiting for you after each performance, telling you to drink up and that you've earned it. Knows that you're the one after he catches you singing lullabies to his adopted little rascals. Vander sees you as a literal blessing and a perfect addition to their family.
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Pretends unimpressed at first, as SEVIKA doesn't see singing as something useful for their cause or survival in ruthless Zaun. However, eventually you manage to get under her skin and she finds herself equally annoyed and in love with your humming while you're doing things around your apartment. With time, she starts to seek out your voice and even tries to sneak about in order to listen to your beautiful singing. Once you catch onto her unvoiced pleasure in hearing you, you start singing more clearly and loudly when doing chores and she actually gives you an awkward but heartfelt compliment for your talent. Sevika admits it's not the worst sound to listen to and soon she cannot imagine going about her everyday life without hearing her beloved's tunes.
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VIKTOR is so amazed by your voice and makes sure you are always aware of how fascinating you are to him. Before meeting you, he rarely indulged himself in listening to music but it has become a crucial part of his everyday life ever since he met you. If you ever go through the trouble of learning a song in his native language, Viktor genuinely cries and kisses you silly. How has he gotten so lucky to be blessed with such a divine and gifted partner? Viktor is content with never knowing the answer to that as long as you stay by his side and bless his ears with your brilliant tone which is always heavy with love whenever you speak to him.
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Being so well-versed into the arts, MEL can practically sniff out your singing talent the moment she meets you. She has a good eye for noticing skill and passion, which proves itself correct once again when she hears you sing for the first time. She is immediately enamored with the emotion and effort you put into your singing and patiently waits for your little performance to end before giving you a very impressed applause which is followed by praise as sweet as honey. She is conflicted when it comes to other people, because as much as she likes to praise your gift in front of others, she also wants it to be your little secret. After all, her darling's innermost and deepest traits are only for her to witness and she keeps such things guarded under lock and key. As audacious as Mel is, she is just as equally possessive.
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
May Prompts (25) Intuition
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 25)
Summary: Rosie's protective foursome are visiting her in Paris, Mycroft shows off his poshness, and they all meet Timothy and his parents at a well-chosen location.
Twenty-Five Years Old
The years in Paris went by too fast, and suddenly I had turned twenty-five and was graduating from uni. Sadly, both mine and Timothy’s graduation ceremonies were on the same evening, but we all had plans to meet the next day. I’ll admit that I had mixed emotions about that. My parents and uncles were to meet Timothy and his parents, and I couldn’t help thinking of all the different directions that meeting could go.
“It’ll be fine, love,” Timothy assured me. “Mum and Dad are over the moon to meet your celeb family, and I’m sure The Fab Four will behave for a few hours.”
“Ha! My intuition tells me otherwise. I wouldn’t put it past Papa to give some snarky remarks if he’s annoyed with your mother’s lipstick or your dad’s shoelaces,” I sighed.
“You know John won’t allow that, Ro,” Timothy laughed. “And your uncles are less inclined to cause any damage, I think. Relax.”
I had only met the Browns once before. Marie was a secondary school teacher, loved the royal family passionately, royals in general actually, and she was also a decent tennis player. Daniel was a business solicitor, loved his singing, and was quite a wine connoisseur.
“They’re both perfect conversation partners for Mycroft,” Papa informed me after I’d met them. He can share gossip from the palace with her and show off his wine cellar to Brown senior.”
Dad tried to shush him, but his efforts were nonsensical, and I was inclined to agree. 
Whenever uncle Myc visited Paris, he stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel George V, and for my graduation dinner, we ate at one of the hotel’s restaurants, Le Cinq. His Poshness, as Papa called him, moved through the restaurant after the maître d’ like he owned the place. Uncle’s three-piece suit had never been more appropriate. The rest of us were dressed up as well. Papa even wore a tie, which I hadn’t seen on him since my uncles’ wedding. 
The food was arranged like tiny artworks, and I felt like a vandal ruining them with the cutlery. Once the first bite reached my taste buds however, all regrets were forgotten. Each dish surpassed the other visually, and with different textures and surprising combinations of flavours. Every wine was perfectly matched with the food, and even uncle Greg, who was more of a beer lover, admitted that it was quite good, which earned him an exasperated sigh from his husband.
“How’s the job search going?” Dad asked after the third course was devoured.
“I’m expecting a few answers over the next weeks. Hopefully, something turns up,” I said.
I actually had high hopes, having already been summoned to an interview when I was returning to London the following week. Papa gave me a thoughtful look and shifted his gaze towards his brother who lifted an eyebrow just the tiniest bit, which made me sigh and swallow my remark with some excellent chardonnay.
To Marie’s delight, we were meeting at Versailles the next day. Neither of us wanted to take the guided tour but preferred to walk in the gigantic garden. 
“Much easier to escape if the conversation gets tedious,” Papa teased.
“Brother mine,” uncle Myc warned, more out of habit than an actual rebuke.
We had agreed to meet on the balustrade where it would be easier to spot each other. I could see that Marie was fidgety and excited, while Daniel seemed quite composed.
“Better at hiding it,” Dad remarked, which earned him an incredulous look from me and a fond chuckle from Papa.
“Is this mind reading business contagious?” I sighed and walked towards Timothy and his parents.
“The Fab Four are behaving,” Timothy stated. “A bit disappointing really.”
“Try refreshing,” I retorted dryly.
“Do you think Sherlock would mind if I asked him to deduce some of the people here?” Marie asked in a hushed voice, which Papa had no problem hearing.
“I don’t mind at all, Marie,” Papa interrupted with a bow. “Anyone in particular?”
And with that, Marie and Papa stuck their heads together to conspire. Daniel and Timothy looked amused, while the rest of us rolled our eyes, though I must admit it was the perfect ice breaker, and I was relieved that my intuition about Papa’s behaviour had been wrong.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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b4tasquad · 1 year
AHHH could you write abt meeting sharky’s siblings for the first time???
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Authors note: yet another sharky imagine… and tbh I’m loving to write them. But please send me requests for other beta squad members/ other people (pinned post) and I’ll happily write. Hope you liked this one<3
Warnings: none
“I actually think I’m going to throw up.”
Sat in Sharky’s car, you’re anxiously tapping your foot, a bad habit you’d been doing almost all your life. He had just parked in the driveway of his childhood home, and the nerves you had been feeling for the past few days slowly but surely started to appear again.
When your boyfriend of a couple of months suggested you meet his family, you were thrilled. Every girl loved a boy who took steps and showed initiative for the relationship to grow. Having not been the luckiest with guys earlier, you couldn’t feel better knowing Sharky was as genuine as they came.
Initially, you were supposed to meet the whole family over dinner, but when a family emergency came up you thought it was canceled. It wasn’t until a couple of hours ago, Sharky informed you that his little sister still wanted to meet you and would be able to.
Even if the rest of the family were gone, Sharky’s little sister Shakira was staying at home and insisted you still come over. The thing was that if it had been the original dinner plans, you would feel much more relieved. Not only would there be more people to keep the attention off of you, but you would have time to slowly build up your confidence by introducing yourself to everyone.
Now, with only Shakira there, you feared for the worst. What if she found it awkward? Or if she didn’t like you? Would she even approve?
Knowing how important the validation from his family was for Sharky, you tried your absolute best to look presentable. You were meeting a teenager, but still. They were opinionated, and some of those opinions they weren’t afraid to share.
Sharky laughs at your distressed look. “Babe, what’s the matter?” He asked genuinely, but you could still hear a tinge of humor in his voice. Typical him.
Your elbows are resting on your knees, face in your hands in the most dramatic position ever. How scared you were was starting to get ridiculous. “What if it all goes to shit?”
The YouTuber raises his brows at the mumble of words coming out of your mouth. He can faintly distinguish what you’re saying, but still questions either way. “What do you mean?”
Pulling away from your hands, you sideways glance at him. “What if she doesn’t like me, sharks.”
Usually, he would comment on the nickname you refused to stop calling him, but right now, even he could tell it wasn’t the right moment. He pulls your perfectly cured hair behind your ear, a show of affection as he leaves his hands tangled in your hair while caressing your cheek.
“There’s no reason for her not to like you,” he reassures. You had been sitting in the car for far too long, but Sharky didn’t care. “She knows how much you mean to me, and I’ve told her all about you. She loves you.”
“Swear you’re not just saying it to make me feel better?” You still want to make sure this isn’t some lie to bring a smile to your face.
Sharky quiets down, an awkward look on his face as he doesn’t speak. Reaching over, you hit him across the chest, a look of betrayal on your face.
“I’m joking.” He falls back into his seat in laughter, clutching his stomach like it was the funniest thing in the world. And to him it probably was. Annoying you must’ve been on the top 10 list of his favourite things to do on a daily. “I’m joking, I swear.”
Figuring facing his sister was better than watching him laugh at your misery, you unlock the door and get out. You can hear your boyfriend laugh even louder in the background before you close the door, silencing him for a second.
After the encouragement, you feel a newfound confidence, and even a little excitement to see a new side of Sharky and learn more about him. It wasn’t a secret that you were hopelessly in love with him. You made it clear to everyone with the way you looked at him. To meet his family, even if it was only his sister, meant much more to your than he knew.
Even in your faux annoyed state, you wait for your boyfriend, linking your hands together when he gets to you. With a smile on your face, you walk up to the front door. You’re about to ring the doorbell when Sharky playfully slaps your hand off the button.
“What are you doing?” He speaks, amused. Casually opening the door, he gestures for you to walk in and when you do he closes the door behind him. “Shakira!”
There’s no shame whatsoever present as he basically screams your ear off, calling for his sister. You look at him, casually throwing his shoes off and slap the back of his head. “What’s the matter with you? Why you trynna make me deaf?”
“Did you just hit me?” Sharky almost laughs in disbelief. You only nod.
“So what if I did?” You challenge. Your boyfriend chuckles with a straight face before nodding as if he’s accepting the “challenge” You think you're off the hook until he does something unexpected. Faster than you can even blink, he throws you over his shoulder. “Sharky!”
“It’s simple.” He tells you, holding you tightly, and you can only imagine the grin on his face. “Apologise or I’ll hold you here for the rest of the evening.”
“I’d rather die.”
Someone clearing their throat interrupts you guys, and you’re left to slowly look up as you make eyecontact with Sharky’s younger sister. Between bickering with him, and being thrown over his shoulder you had completely forgotten the fact that you weren’t in the comfort of your home.
You almost yank yourself from his grip, stumbling to stand in embarrassment. Almost sure you had blown it and made a bad first impression you can’t help but feel a little defeated. But still, you put your hand out to greet her, feeling like it was better if you did it rather than your boyfriend.
“I’m Y/n” you introduce, putting on your best smile. The teenager just looks at you weirdly, and now you’re really fucking scared. You’re about to retract your outstretched hand when she gently pushes it away, and instead leaps forward for a hug. You’re quick to hug her back, already feeling comforted by her genuine acts.
“We’re best friends already.” She tells you simply, completely ignoring her brother as she pulls away from you.
“Oh?” You say, a smile on your face. “We are?”
“Sharky’s told me all about you already.” You turn to him, eyebrows raised. And he’s stood there with an “ I know exactly what she’s talking about but I’m gonna act like i have no idea to save myself the embarrassment”
“I wouldn’t say all about you.” He throws his sister a glare.
“You sat me down to tell me about her whole skincare, I think I can confidently say I know a little too much.” The two of you follow Sharky as he tries to walk away from the situation. With a grin on your face, you throw your arm around his middle, stopping him from running away.
“ I thought you said my skin care was too boring.”
“ It is.”
Shakira laughs. “Doesn’t explain why you explained step for step how she did it.”
You laugh alongside her as the two of you watch the boy free himself from your arms and throw his body on the couch. “ I already hate you two together.”
With a confident smile passed between each other you speak for both you and Shakira. “We’ll make a great team.”
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letters-from-dekarios · 3 months
My love,
I miss you terribly and only write to assure myself of your well-being. Baldur´s Gate without you has lost its hold on me. Can´t wait to be back in Waterdeep - only two more nights without you.
I was pondering our first nights as a group at camp and a question arouse. I can hardly believe that I never asked you.
How did you feel when you first realized I had developed feelings for you?
Yours always,
My dearest love,
I miss you dearly. It has been too quiet without you here, by my side. Tara has started nagging me again, it’s getting awfully annoying. Sometimes I curse my young self for conjuring her, she’s like a second mother.
I cannot wait for your return, I have much planned for you when you get back. I won’t speak too much on it, as I’d like you to be surprised when you get here. Just know, even with my magic, it has taken a bit of effort to create it.
Your question is so… difficult to answer. There are many moments I can pinpoint in the grand scheme of things as I realized you loved me, from your interest in my miniature lecture on magic, to giving up magical artifacts at the drop of a hat for me— it was everything you did.
You had such a kind heart, always indulging as I went on long-winded explanations of things I’m almost positive you already knew. You listened to me, which many people rarely do. If one could die at any annoyance someone felt with them, I’d be buried a million times over. But you, oh my darling, you never made me feel that way.
There’s hardly words to describe how I felt, being loved by someone as selfless and adoring as you. It was comforting, having someone at my side, at my stead, who would go to bat for me when things turned south. I could have sacrificed myself a million times over to fix the world, but it would never heal the broken soul I’d have leaving you behind.
I suppose you could say it was exciting. You, and all your adventures, bringing me along with you. It was exciting knowing that I would be a part of that with you. It was also.. terrifying. You know of Mystra, the curse she bestowed upon me, how ready I was to give myself up and beg for her forgiveness. I was terrified of crossing her again, that perhaps she might take my lifeblood, my magic, away. It was like facing your worst fears a million times over, yet being so hopeful that you’d overcome them.
In short, it was exciting and scary at the same time. You could ask how scary it really was in comparison to our tadpole situation- and, truth be told, I was more worried about screwing things up with you than becoming a Mindflayer. How odd is that?
I will love you for a thousand lifetimes, until my last dying breath. With you, I forget myself, my goddess, my origin. I am ever so lucky to have you, to love you, to be loved by you. I write this with the upmost sincerity when I tell you I am truly the luckiest man alive- in all of Faerún.
I cannot wait for you to return, and I hope you share all your stories with me when you get back. Then, I can really show you just how much I’ve missed you in your time away.
Yours always,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
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nycbaby21 · 10 months
Imaginary Girlfriend
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prompt: the guys tease Mason about his girlfriend, that they don't think exists
word count: 2,972
“Okay, that sounds good baby. See you tonight. I love you,” Mason said into the phone before turning off his car and heading into the rink for practice. “Baby and I love you. Don’t tell me you have a little girlfriend, Mase,” Trevor teases him walking beside him. Jamie is slightly behind the two rolling his eyes. “Not that it concerns you in the slightest, yes I have a girlfriend,” Mason said getting ready to hit the ice for practice. 
Mason and I had been dating for a little over eight months now. We met when he walked in and dumped his coffee all over my white shirt. He quickly stripped his sweatshirt and passed it over to me. He was so cute blushing and stumbling over his words, so when I had to leave I gave him my number to return the sweatshirt. After texting for a week trying to figure out a time that worked with both of our schedules, we met and really hit it off. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met.
My last relationship was terrible. He cheated on me for seven of the eight months we were together. To add salt to the wound, the girl he cheated on me with was my best friend and bandmate at the time. Our group went from five to four when everything came out. I never liked the term famous or celebrity because I didn’t feel like that. I just sang with some of my closest friends and people happened to really like us. Due to my past and the fact my last relationship was so public, Mason and I decided to keep it to ourselves for the time being. 
“So who is the lucky girl who stole our boy’s heart,” Trevor continued his teasing. Mason looked over to Jamie for help, but the older Canadian couldn’t help but also be curious about the girl. He rolled his eyes,” we have been together for about four months. She’s beautiful, smart, hilarious, and the kindest person I have ever met.” Mason smiled talking all about our relationship. “Who is,” Troy asked sitting down near the younger guys lacing up his skates. 
“Mase was just telling us about his girlfriend,” Jamie responded before Trevor could tease their friend again. “Girlfriend? If you have a girlfriend why do you still look terrible when you show up for games,” Cam asks elbowing him. “Haha. You guys are hilarious. Seriously why aren’t you comedians,” he mumbles standing up and walking out of the locker room and onto the ice. The whole entire practice the guys chirped the younger center. He was starting to get annoyed.
Mason was never one to brag about anything. Never about his hockey skills, his awards and accomplishments, or who he was dating. He said he was the luckiest guy in the world to even have a chance with me. I argued with him constantly that I was the lucky one. After being treated the way I was, I was sure I would never find someone who only wanted me. But Mason made me feel like the only person in the world.
“So what does this so-called girlfriend of yours look like,” Z asks throwing an arm around his shoulder when they walked out of the Honda Center. He pushed his friend off and shrugged. “She’s really pretty, she has the sweetest smile and the kindest eyes,” he says proudly. “Geez what romcom did you steal that shit from,” Trevor jokes laughter spreading through the parking lot. “Ignore him Mac, we all do. What is her name,” Troy asked trying to find out more because he knew Dani would have so many questions. The Terry family has become very close to the younger player and Dani has tried to set him up a couple times.
“Her name is Y/n,” Mason says throwing his stuff in the trunk trying to get home and shower before I got there. He always tried to have everything done before we hung out so we could spend all the time together. With our busy careers and traveling it was hard to see each other. We had been on more FaceTime dates than real ones. “Does she not have a last name? Is she like Cher or Madonna,” Cam asks leaning against Trevor’s Bronco which was parked next to his car. “Of course she does. Look as much fun as this is playing 150 questions I need to go. I already don’t see her enough as it is and I’m not wasting any more time with you idiots,” he says getting in the car and driving to his place.
After showering and making the living room more comfortable, the doorbell rang. Mason all but ran to the door. He picked me up and spun me around. My laughter filled the hallway and probably annoyed some of the neighbors. “And here I was worried you didn’t miss me,” I joke placing a quick kiss on his lips when he set me back down. I pull back and go to walk into the apartment but he pulls me back in. His hands quickly find their place on my hips while mine go to his neck playing with the tiny curls. His hands wander down closer and closer to my ass and I pull away laughing. “Mase, as much as I would to continue this let’s go inside,” I smile leading the boy in.
After closing the door his lips are back on mine. This kiss was short and sweet. “You done,” I tease rasing an eyebrow. He leans down one more time and then says,” I am now.” We settled on the couch and dug into to the food I brought over. “How was practice today,” I ask nuzzling deeper into his side. “It was good, fine. So tell me all about the tour,” he changed the subject so I knew something was going on. I sat up and turned to face him. “You okay baby,” I look at him waiting for an answer. “Yeah. It's just the guys are giving me shit about you. I didn’t tell them who you were, so they think I made you up. I can’t tell you how many I have a girlfriend she just goes to different schools jokes,” he lets it all out. Something he found himself doing very easily now.
“Oh, Mase. I am so sorry. This is all my fault,” I say putting my hands on his face. “Hey no it’s not baby okay? Trevor and Jamie can’t even get girlfriends. Troy and Cam actually have wives, but they just don’t understand our situation,” he says wiping the tears that fell, no matter how hard I tried to hold them in. “It’s not fair to you,” I whisper crying more and more. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. “Hey Y/n, look at me okay,” he says and I finally look up at him. “There’s my pretty girl,” he smiles,” if it meant I got to love you I would listen to Trevor go on and on for a thousand years no stop. So don’t be sorry about this. I agreed to keep it quiet too,” his words about his teammate made me laugh.
Mason and I fell asleep on the couch that night, all snuggled up to each other. We both woke up with terrible back pain and he had a small creek in his neck. We spent the whole morning glued to each other’s sides. “I should get going,” I sigh leaning my back against his chest while washing the dishes. “No you don’t,” he says into my neck, his facial hair tickling me. “Mase, I know. I wanna stay but I have no clothes to wear,” I say drying the last plate and turning around facing him. “I mean do you really need clothes,” he says and I swat his chest. He laughs and hugs me tighter.
“I haven’t seen Binx in two months. He probably thinks I abandoned him,” I say thinking of the small black cat I had waiting for me at home. My roommate was taking care of him while we were on tour. “Okay I guess I can share you,” he sighs giving me one last kiss and watching me get into my car and drive off. About an hour later he hears a knock on the door. He opens it to find Trevor, Jamie, and Max standing at his front door. He groans and walks back inside, letting the guys come in on their own. “What’s wrong Mase? Did you spend the night with your girlfriend,” Trevor uses air quotes around the last word of his sentence. “Z leave him alone. Mason please for the love of everything just show him a picture of you two.” Jamie says wanting Trevor to shut up.
“I can’t. We don’t really have any pictures together,” Mason says his face flashing red. “Okay c’mon. You expect me not to chirp him now,” Trev says receiving a small smack to the chest from Max. “Mason, you don’t have any pictures with your girlfriend of eight months, you won’t tell us her last name, and gave us actually no physical description of her. You gotta see where Tweedledumb is coming from,” Jamie says. “I don’t owe you guys anything okay? So just drop it or leave,” he finally snaps sick of being the butt of the joke.
The guys shut up and spent the rest of the day playing video games and goofing off. “Oh, Dani asked me to pass on a message. She wanted you to invite Y/n to the team barbeque at their house on Friday,” Jamie says to Mason as the three guys are leaving. Mason rolls his eyes. “I’m not teasing you Mase okay? If you say you have a girlfriend I believe you,” Jamie says giving his shoulder a squeeze as he walks out. The rest of the night Mason thought about how he wished we could go to the party together.
Thursday came faster than he wanted it to. “Okay, so McTavish you are still bringing drinks tomorrow right,” Troy asks trying to help Dani plan the party. “Yep,” the younger boy responds. “You okay dude,” Troy asks sitting down and patting the spot next to him. “It’s just I really wanted Y/n to come tomorrow. I’m so sick of the guys giving me a hard time. But she has some work thing and her boss told her if she didn’t show up she would be fired. And her job is everything to her so obviously she isn’t coming. I may have overreacted and started a fight with her last night,” Mason explained to his older teammate.
“I just don’t see why you can’t show up for an hour. They won’t tell anyone I swear,” Mason says raising his voice slightly due to his frustration. “Mason you know I can’t miss this event. It’s Good Morning America. It’s not like I’m saying no for a nail appointment. It’s my job,” I sigh tired of having to explain myself again. “Are you embarrassed of me,” his voice cracks. I turn and see tears filling up his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about,” I asked walking closer to him trying to grab his hand. He stepped away from me. My heart broke a little when he did this.
“I mean I’m not some hot rich douchebag actor, which means your management doesn’t want you to be seen with me,” his feelings were hurt when I mentioned management advised me to keep my relationship a secret. They wanted to play the heartbroken angsty idea for better sales. “That is not my fault,” I yell back at him hurt that he brought up my ex. “Well if they know best why don’t I just make it easier for you then. If I’m not good enough in their eyes, why would I be in yours? So I’m leaving,” he says turning towards the door. “Mason no wait,” I rush towards him grabbing his arm.
“Let go Y/n,” he grits his teeth at me trying to hold back his anger. “Don’t do this please,” I cry dropping his hand. “I love you, baby. I really do but I can’t keep making myself feel worthless and like shit because they don’t think I’m good for your brand,” he says kissing my head and walking out of my apartment. 
“Wow, that is a lot to take in,” Troy said looking over at him. “Shit sorry. You have real stuff going on, forget I said anything alright,” Mason rushed out throwing stuff into his bag. “Mase no wait I wanna help you. I just don’t know how,” he says trying to stop my boyfriend from leaving. “I’ll be over around five tomorrow,” Mason smiles and heads home. He cries himself to sleep for the second night in a row.
I wasn’t doing much better than Mason, not that I knew how he was doing. He hadn’t spoken to me since he left me crying in my doorway. “If you keep crying this makeup is gonna take longer,” Morgan says passing me a tissue. She was a nice older lady who was always sharing a story with me. “Sorry, I’m making your job harder. Seems like that’s all I’ve been doing recently,” I mumble wiping my eyes. “Well not that you asked me, but I think if you are this tore up about him, he may just be worth it,” she smiles giving my shoulders a squeeze. “He is worth it and some more,” I say looking at her eyes in the mirror.
“So what’s the problem hunny,” her question makes me wonder. “Management said if I missed today I might as well never come back. And we are up for a contract renewal next month so,” I say trailing off. “Well I know I’m just an old makeup artist but I have been around a while. And if I learned anything, it’s that if you listen to other people your whole life you won’t even recognize your own voice So all you have to do is find your voice in all that voice and listen to it sweetheart,” she smiles down at me when my manager walks in rushing me to the sound stage. As I am standing waiting for our cue to start singing, I start thinking about everything.
When I was a little girl I din’t dream of selling out stadiums and having hit songs. I dreamed of having a love as pure as my parents. A love that was between two best friends. A love that was solely theirs. I had that with Mason and I let all the noise around me confuse me. I look over to my left and see my bandmates all smiling over at me. They nod their heads and mouths go. I say thank you and rush out to the street trying to find a cab. I could hear everyone yelling at me to stop but I could only hear my own voice, telling me to go find Mason.
As I waited to get off the plane in California I looked up some Ducks players on Instagram. I finally found Tory Terry and sent him a message explaining everything. I sent some pictures of Mase and I to prove I wasn’t lying. I got a message back quickly from him sending me the address of his house. I knew Mason was going to the party and I just hoped he would be happy to see me. His phone had been off all day so he hadn’t seen the dozens of news reports and articles about how I ran out today.
The party had been going on for about an hour when a couple guys gathered around and started talking. “Oh my god. Did you guys see that Y/n L/n from that really popular band just walked off stage on GMA this morning? Her management says they have no clue where she went or why she left,” Trevor says pulling out his phone showing everyone the article. Mason froze and snatched the phone from him. He quickly read the article and then pulled up another. “Dude what are you doing,” Trevor asks grabbing his phone back. Mason turned around to leave and try and find me when I stepped out of the back door with Troy and his wife Dani. 
We stood there staring at each other scared to make the first move. “Mase, I am so sorry,” I cry out and he rushes forward pulling me into his chest. “Shhh baby I know. It’s not your fault okay? I said some terrible things and hope you can forgive me,” he says into my hair ignoring all the looks from his teammates. I pull back and nod my head. “Of course I forgive you. I love you Mason,” I smile up at him. “Why did you do this? That band is your dream and you threw it away for me,” he asked wiping my tears away. “That was never my dream Mase. It was just a job. A job that was not worth losing you over,” I say grabbing his wrist with my hands. “If you don’t kiss her I will,” I hear some yell behind us. I laugh and pull him down into a kiss.
We pull apart and Mason introduces me to everyone as his girlfriend. "Told you she was real," he teased Trevor who blushed and stuttered. We both had huge smiles on our faces and didn’t leave each other’s sides for the whole party. My phone was constantly going off but I ignored it all. The only thing that mattered right now was beside me and I wasn’t going to let it slip away.  
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canirove · 1 year
Erling Haaland Imagine | one
Author's note: Like happens with my Mbappé imagines, so far I’ve only shared my Haaland ones on Wattpad because that’s where I’ve been getting the requests, but since people are liking them so much, I thought about starting to share them here too 😊 The other day I posted some kind of masterlist with links to Wattpad, so some of you may have already read this, but I wanted to post it here for people who don’t have an account there, don’t want to open it, or just want to have these imagines archived somewhere. Hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜
Little summary: The request for this imagine was for something related to married life or a proposal and with a woman, so it is from a female pov.
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"I am so cold. I swear I can't feel my toes."
"What? It wasn't that cold."
"Maybe not for you because you were running around and come from the North Pole. But I am not used to this, and was sitting on the stands doing nothing."
"You could always sit in the private area with the others."
"That's boring."
"Then don't complain about getting cold" Erling says, sticking out his tongue.
"Meh, meh, meh" I reply, rolling my eyes.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"To put on my pyjamas and the thickest socks I own. Maybe make myself a cup of tea."
"May I make it for you?"
"Aww, that's sweet."
"Anything for you, love" he says with a big smile.
"Feeling better?" Erling asks me when I walk into the living room.
"Almost. Once I've had that cup of tea, I won't be feeling like a Frozen character anymore."
"You are such a drama queen" he laughs. "I still don't know how you survived when I took you home for Christmas."
"I survived because I was an onion."
"Layers, Erling. I was wearing layers of clothing to not freeze to death, and onions have layers."
"Are you quoting Shrek?" he laughs again.
"Yes, I am. Can I go get that cup of tea now?"
"Of course, love" he says, taking a sip of his while trying not to laugh.
"Erling..." I call from the kitchen.
"What is this and where is my tea?"
"This" I say when I walk back into the living room, showing him my mug. "What is this?"
"Your favourite mug. The one I got you on our first date."
"Yes, I know that. But what is this?" I ask again, moving the mug so he can see what is inside it.
"I don't know" he shrugs.
"You don't know?" I ask, arching a brow.
"So whatever this is, it just randomly ended up on my mug, when you said you were going to make us some tea?"
"I guess" he shrugs again.
"Why don't you check what it is?"
"Fine" I say, rolling my eyes and turning around my mug. "What the... Erling?"
"That's my name, yes. You are gonna wear it out if you keep saying it" he chuckles.
"Can you please stop being an annoying little shit and tell me what is this?"
"A box?"
"Yes. A ring box. What does this mean?"
"Please don't say "I don't know". If you do, I swear I will kill you."
"Ok" he laughs. "Why don't you open it and see what is inside?"
"I'm pretty sure I know what is inside."
"Or maybe not. Open it."
"Urgh" I say, doing as he says. Inside the box, instead of finding what I supposed I was going to find, there is a little paper. "What is this?"
"Open it. Maybe it says something interesting."
"Interesting, yeah" I mutter, my hands shaking a bit as I unfold it.
"Can you please read it aloud? I'm a very talented man, but I still can't read minds."
"Ok" I say, taking a deep breath. "To my dearest love. Thank you. Thank you for choosing me to be by your side despite being a little annoying shit like you always say. Thank you for letting me share my life with you. For letting me love you. For loving me. You make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world. Though there is something that would make me even happier. Look down. What?" I say, looking down.
"My love" Erling says. He's kneeling in front of me, a beautiful ring on his hand. How did he manage to get there without me noticing? I call him a little shit, but he is not little. "My love" he repeats. "Would you marry me and make me the happiest man in the whole wide world?"
"Are you being serious?" I chuckle.
"Never been more serious. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Even if I'm constantly complaining about being cold?"
"Even so."
"Ok what?"
"I will marry you, Erling."
"Thank God" he says.
"Thank God?" I laugh. "Thought I would say no?"
"Honestly... There was a part of me that thought you would, yes."
"Well, that part of you was wrong. Because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"May I, then?" he says, finally smiling.
"You may" I reply, offering him my hand.
"Perfect" he says, getting up after putting the ring on my finger. "Do you like it?"
"I love it, it is beautiful. But I can't believe you just asked me to marry you while I'm wearing my pyjamas" I laugh.
"They are my favourite ones."
"Really? They are Disney pyjamas."
"And they also are super soft. I love cuddling with you when you wear them" he says, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him.
"I didn't know that."
"Now you do" he smiles. "And to be honest, it doesn't matter if you are wearing your pyjamas, jeans or a Dior dress. You always look and will look beautiful to me, future Mrs. Haaland."
"Thank you" I giggle. "But wait, what if I don't want to change my last name?"
"Then you don't" he shrugs. "As long as we are together, I don't care about anything else."
"Aww, cute" I say, putting my arms around his neck. "I love you, you little annoying shit"
"I love you too" he says before kissing me.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 1 year
Mina's doll
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hehehe gay girls
Mina x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, strap, oral, cursing
words: 2,000 (about)
summary: Mina doesn't take kindly to other people trying to play with her toys. if you need help she's glad to remind you who you belong too over and over again.
It didn’t usually bother Mina when people hit on her. It was annoying when mend wouldn’t leave her alone but usually, she just had fun getting them to buy her drinks or just enjoying their compliments. It did bother her when people hit on you. Mina knew she had no right to get jealous and possessive over you, but she did anyways. 
The two of you weren’t dating, just a little fun on the side for each other. Most heroes didn’t date, the risk was just too great and there just wasn’t enough time to make a relationship work. But you and Mina were as close to a relationship as people could get without really dating. 
You were gorgeous, Mina knew that, and you were a lot nicer than she was. You wouldn’t turn someone down unkindly or lead them on for your own gain. So generally people felt safe confessing their feelings to you, you always shot them down of course but that didn’t ease Mina’s anxieties. What if someone else did catch your eye? What if you even when home with someone else?  You’d be completely within your right to do so, she’d made it clear that the two of you weren’t anything exclusive. It gnawed at her sometimes.
You were madly in love with Mina Ashido, she made your days better she lightened your burdens. She was funny and kind and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world to be with her, even unofficially. Your relationship was a secret but that didn’t make it any less real in your mind. Still sometimes when people hit on you in front of Mina, you’d entertain their flirtations just to get under her skin. She was just so cute when she was jealous, you couldn’t help yourself. 
You didn’t see Mina as often as you would have liked, but you knew you would be seeing her tonight. There was a large Gala being held for heroes and her name was on the guest list. You and Mina had arrived at the same time, but not together. You could feel her eyes on you, watching you as you moved deeper into the ballroom. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her either. She looked perfect, and you couldn’t help but wonder what she was wearing underneath her sparkly pink dress. 
Mina followed you casually and beamed when you turned and stopped at a seating table so the two of you could talk. 
“Hello Ahsido, it’s good to see you, you look lovely tonight,” you greeted politely, keeping your tone pleasant and nothing more just in case someone else was listening. 
“It’s been a while, too long since the two of us spent time together,” she said, you bit your lip as you caught her meaning. 
“I’ve missed you too,” you whispered, your cheeks growing warm at the admission. 
“Are you doing anything tonight after this? We could go get something to eat,” she offered mischievously. 
“Who’s your friend Ashido?” both of you jumped to see who’d snuck up on you. Red Riot, stood large over Mina’s Shoulder, smiling kindly. 
“Kirishima!” Mina gasped, “I didn’t know you’d be here tonight!” She giggled jumping up into his arms and hugging him furiously. 
“It was a last-minute thing,” Kirishima explained with a shrug. 
“I’m glad to see you,” Mina assured him
“I’m glad to see you too, who’s your friend?” He asked again. Mina’s heart sank suddenly. He was interested in you. Almost bitterly she introduced the two of you. 
“It’s an honor to meet you,” you said gracefully. 
“Likewise, Mina never tells me when she has pretty friends,” he teased. Mina gritted her teeth, she wished you’d just tell him to fuck off already and the two of you could go back to flirting. Instead, you giggled and Let Kirishima flirt with you. If she asked you would have said that you hadn’t realized he was trying to get with you, you thought he was just being nice. But she knew what you were doing. You thought it would be funny to get under her skin. Well, two could play that game. 
“Mina, Mina, Mina,” you pouted.  “Baby, come on don’t tell me you’re mad.” of course Mina was mad, instead of spending a fun night with her girl, she’d spent hours watching Kirishima embarrass himself with the worst pickup lines she’d ever heard before you finally told him you weren’t interested and let Mina take you home. 
“Why would I be mad?” she asked coldly. Mina looped her arms around your waist and pulled you close. Your breath hitched as she cupped your face and kissed you fiercely. It always made your knees weak when she kissed you like that. 
“Ashido,” you moaned, running your hands through her fluffy pink hair. 
“It really has been too long,” she murmured moving her mouth to your neck. The two of you fumbled with your clothes both of you trying to get naked as quickly as possible. 
“Easy baby,” Mina purred then tugged you away to her bedroom. She laid you down on her bed both of you fully naked. 
“You’re so pretty, Honey,” she breathed, kissing down your body. “Pick a number between 5-13 for me.” 
“What?” you asked dazed. Her mouth was distracting, especially when her tongue lashed out to tease one of your nipples. Her saliva made your skin buzz with slight acidity. 
“5-13” she repeated momentarily taking her mouth off of your body. 
“9,” you chose blindly too distracted to piece together what she was asking for, then Mina was kissing your thighs and you didn’t care. 
Mina teased your hip bone with her teeth before dragging her tongue down the apex of your legs in teasing patterns the tip of her tongue touching everywhere but where you wanted her most. 
“Mina please don’t tease,” you gasped. 
“I’m just taking my time with you baby girl, I’ll get you off don’t worry,” she huffed spitting. Mina pulled back and spread your folds looking at your wet cunt. It didn’t matter how many times she fucked you or how many pictures of you naked she had on her phone. Mina was still surprised at how hot you were every time she saw you like this. Mina leaned back down and let herself enjoy your cunt. 
Mina hooked her hands behind your ass and held your crotch flush against her face so there was no space between her mouth and your sex. She loved the way you screamed for her when she wrapped your lips around your clit.
“Does that feel good pretty girl?” she asked. You could only moan in response. Mina smiled to herself and went back to pleasuring you with her mouth. No one could make you feel as good as she could, no one else could make you cum like she could. Why would you even need to go to anyone else when she brought you such pleasure?
“Are you going to cum for me, baby?” Mina asked teasingly. You grabbed her hair and held her against your crotch as you bucked against her mouth. Mina smirked and pulled away completely right before you were able to cum. 
“Ashido!” you yelped looking hurt almost betrayed by your ruined orgasm. 
“Don’t give me that,” she hushed, sliding off the bed and hunched under the bed, pulling out her harness, and started digging through her box of toys until she found a pretty blue nine-inch dildo. She put on her harness and tightened it before sliding the toy into place. 
“You’ve been a brat all night long, you didn't think it wouldn’t be that easy did you?” she asked teasingly. Your mouth fell open as you saw the toy. You were suddenly grateful you hadn’t gone any higher than nine. You were sure she going to try to make you take the whole thing and you weren’t sure that you could fit all that.  
Mina climbed back on the bed and flipped you onto your hands and knees. She pushed your ass up into the air and shoved your head down into the mattress. 
“I’m going to make you scream,” she whispered against your ear teasing your neck with her teeth. 
“Mina,” you whimpered bucking your hips back trying to get her strap. 
“Don’t whine, it’s not even a punishment you’ll like it so much,” she scoffed mina held her strap at the base and swirled the toy against your cunt coating it in your wetness before pushing you slowly, savoring the low moan that erupted from your throat. You bucked your hips back fucking yourself down on her toy. 
“Such a dirty little slut,” Mina spat smacking your ass with her palm as she shoved the toy deep into you.  
“Mina!” you cried out arching your back. She set a brutal pace thrusting into you so hard the bed frame banged violently against the wall. 
“That’s right baby, scream my name, nobody makes you feel as good as I do,” she growled. “Say it. Say no one fucks you like I do,” 
“N-no one fucks me like you do Mina, no one makes me feel this good, please keep fucking me,” you moaned, 
“Are you going to cum for me?” she asked 
“Are you going to let me cum?” you retorted. 
“Not with that attitude,”
“I’m sorry Mina!” you shouted instantly, “please baby I want to cum please please please,” you cried.
“It’s okay pretty girl, cum for me,” she laughed. Mina didn’t let up her brutal thrusts, she knew it was silly to think that she could really feel you grip down on her strap but she could feel your wall contract around her as you came. 
“You always make the prettiest noises when you cum,” Mina praised. She kissed your neck, biting at your skin lightly. There was an unspoken rule between the two of you not to leave marks, but Mina didn’t care. She wanted people to know you were hers. 
“Kiss me,” you whimpered. Mina complied meeting your mouth with hers. 
Mina wound her fingers through your hair and pulled away, pulling the toy out of you as she went. Mina yanked your hair and positioned you on the floor between her legs. You braised your hands on her thighs and looked up at her for her to tell you what to do. 
“Suck my cock,” she ordered. Mina didn’t even have to push your head down on the toy to get you to deep-throat her strap, you were just obediently like that. You licked long stripes up and down the toy cleaning up your own cum, all the while you kept your eyes on Mina. even though she couldn’t really feel what you were doing. Her face contorted with pleasure as if she could. 
Mina ground against the harness which had the added benefit of thrusting the dildo to the back of your throat, you gagged but didn’t try to pull away, you were trying to be good for her. Mina reached down and held your face while she thrust into your mouth grinding her clit against the harness until she came. Mina let you go and you could breathe with no dick in your throat. 
“Were you jealous?” you asked kissing up her thighs, you pulled her harness off her legs. You wanted to see her cum again. 
“You know I was you brat,” she huffed. You hummed as you hooked her thigh over your shoulder. 
“You’re the only one I want, you have nothing to worry about,” you assured her, then dived in. 
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would love to see your own analysis of all the little motifs and details you add to rigor mortis when it’s over :) i can FEEL the love and thought you put into the story but i’d love to see your exact intended thoughts oml your beta readers must be the luckiest people in the world
....I'm literally so glad someone asked cuz I didn't want to be annoying abt it 😭😭
as someone who writes it I always forget ppl may not make the same connections cuz they don't have the context I do, so I def will!! I am an overachiever so there are a lot of references and motifs I have *attempted* to include.
my aim is to give people something dense to sink their teeth into! so u can enjoy it at surface level or if u want to make ur own interpretations that's cool - I just never want to come across as pretentious or preachy cus I am literally just writing fanfic on the internet (not a diss, btw. some of the best stuff I've read has been from fanfic)
I've put a lot and time and effort into planning and writing, so all the love is much appreciated. thank you for the idea, anon!
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tinalbion · 2 years
Hey can I get a Englund character piece (phantom, Freddy, buckman, or whoever you want) comforting their significant other who’s been stressed out at work. This one is from personal experience as I’m a cashier at a grocery store and we’re getting out asses handed to us and people are not nice. Thank you so so much and happy belated birthday.
Aww thank you so much for the belated birthday wishes, hon! I appreciate it very much <3 I'm sorry this took so long to fulfill, but hey, better late than never I hope lol. I decided to add in Inkubus and Warden Kane mostly because those two are also pretty underrated, and the more Englund characters the better!
Hope you enjoy it~
Englund Characters x GN!Reader
Rating: Mature; does have some sexual references but nothing too in depth
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If you want comfort, you may not exactly get it in a typical way with Freddy. He loves to pick on you, and naturally, it's because he cares, so the more he annoys the absolute hell out of you, the more he shows that he cares. 
He's not one to pick up on cues that you're exhausted, you don't want to deal with any more bullshit, especially when you're at home and trying to rest. So you'd have to spell it out for him immediately if you want him to catch the idea. 
"Aww someone is grumpy, aren't they?" He'd tease you relentlessly until you either stopped responding or snapped at him. Freddy wouldn't be offended either way. But if you did just sit there and tell him you couldn't handle him today, he'd cozy up to you but with something in mind.
You knew his tricks and how he thought, well, sometimes you did. But when his glove magically disappeared for a moment and his hands began to deeply tub at your aching muscles, once he got that first official moan of pleasure to tumble from your lips, you knew you were in danger of his charms. It was hard to resist when he would lay it on extra thick. 
"C'mon, you know you wanna, plus I never hear you complainin' when I make you scream." His hands would go lower, and pushing him away was hard when he was making all the right moves with his fingers. 
So Freddy would definitely take care of you and make sure your sleep would be extra worth the annoyance he dished out at you.
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Eric is a tender soul although very tortured as it was, so when you'd come back home feeling extra stressed and drained from today's events, he'd understand immediately. He's one who'd cater to your every whim if it was attainable, and if you asked extra sweetly, he'd make it happen somehow. 
You were his world, so the least he could do for you was to make sure you felt absolutely pampered when you'd be home. He didn't quite understand why you put yourself through that constantly, but to a degree, he knew there weren't many options. 
Eric would even offer to do something for you in return, like writing music and possibly selling it off to people who could appreciate it, but you refused to let him do that for you. It was a sweet gesture though, and you thanked him profusely for it. 
So he did the next best thing: he ran you a relaxing bath with as many candles and flowers as he could manage to set up. There would be no other work for you to do, he would take care of it all, and he'd pop in every so often to make sure you weren't cleaning anything up. 
Afterward, he'd greet you with your robe and wrap it around your frame, peppering your shoulders with kisses and gentle touches. He couldn't help but grab you and hold you, thankful that you'd be with someone like him after all he'd done and been through, but he also thought he was the luckiest guy in the world. 
Eric would be one of the sweeter ones if you were to be in a relationship with him, especially since if he loves someone, he loves them hard and unwavering. A very dedicated man who would happily show you that you should have the world at your feet, even if it's just because of a stressful day.
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Mayor Buckman
Mayor Buckman is no stranger to having rough days, but ever since he'd become mayor, they were more mental exhaustion rather than physical exhaustion. And now that he was a vengeful spirit that didn't need to eat, sleep, or do much of anything other than killing, it was much easier for him to go about his business. 
But upon meeting you, he found out you were a hard worker and did all you could in order to earn that paycheck you needed, and he respected that. So when you'd come back into Pleasant Valley looking like you'd been run ragged, he ordered his boys not to bother you as much and asked Granny Boone to make you your favorite dish for dinner as a surprise. 
When he saw that you went upstairs to relax in your room, he came up to visit a while later and asked if you needed anything, in particular, to help you unwind. You thanked him but just wanted to rest, so he slipped out of the room and allowed you to do whatever you wanted to do in order to unwind. 
A few hours later, Buckman knocked on the door, which jolted you from a nap. "Sorry to interrupt, darlin', we just wanted to let you know dinner is downstairs. We're havin' a nice little outdoor picnic, you rarin' to join?" You thanked him and said to give you ten minutes in order to wake up and change.
When you were greeted at the last step of the staircase, Buckman held out his arm and guided you to the large picnic table they had out where they'd throw their barbecues, and he waited till you were seated before you and him shared in a very delicious meal together. You told him to thank Granny Boone for working so hard. "She's always happy to spoil you," Buckman would say. 
Something simplistic as sharing in your favorite meal after a rough day was one of the best feelings, and you were thankful you got to spend it in peace and in the presence of your favorite person.
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Being around an incubus of all things was draining in itself since he used a lot of serial energy to feed himself, but on days when you were feeling particularly roughed up, he'd back off and wouldn't suggest feeding from your energy, instead, he kept it simple and used good old fashioned romance to make you swoon.
Considering he'd been around humans and dealt with them for millennia, he knew that nothing cheered people up quite like a good old-fashioned shopping trip. Since he was quite well off financially, although he really had no need for such trivial things, it gave him the opportunity to show you in gifts to help cheer you up. 
You looked at a book through the window and stared at it for more than five seconds. It was yours, now. A cute outfit that made you think you'd look like a million bucks? What size did you want, because you were getting it. You scolded him sometimes for his wasteful spending habits, but he waved you off and just laughed. "If spending money on my favorite human and seeing that very cute smile on your face is wasteful, then I guess I'm the worst ever, aren't I?" 
You couldn't help but feel special after he'd tell you that he loved seeing that smile go from innocent and fun to devilish and sexy, especially if you were to wear a new outfit just for him, and he even urged you to pick out whatever skimpy little outfit you wanted to try, because he'd happily buy it for you. 
It was just in his nature, and no matter how much he tried to keep his hands off of you, it proved to be insanely difficult to do so. So when you were both back in the privacy of your place, Inkubus wouldn't be able to stop himself from dropping to his knees and servicing you right there in the kitchen. He tried his best not to wear you out any further, so he figured the best way to do that was make sure you were relaxed while he did most of the work..
Luckily for you, you didn't mind so much if he were to take care of you like this, and you were thankful he didn't push you to do things you didn't want to do, but you found it rather cute how he could barely keep his hands to himself, even if he promised to behave. It's just how it was being bound to an incubus, after all.
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Warden Kane
The Warden knows what it's like to have an awfully stressful day, that's practically an everyday occurrence for him, but that's why he works hard, so you don't have to. When he sees you coming home looking like you hadn't slept in weeks, he almost wanted to call and complain to your job that if they couldn't hire extra help around the place, maybe THEY should step up and do the extra work. He was always aggressive when it came to your job, he knew people were being worn down, he didn't want that for you.
You'd wave him off, telling him that it wasn't that bad and you were just doing the work you were asked to do, but he wasn't having it. An hour or so later, he came back to you with a smug smile on his face and handed you your phone, which you forgot in the kitchen. "What did you do?" You asked suspiciously, to which he only answered with a chuckle.
"I may or may not have landed you a week's paid vacation starting next week", he bragged. You always gave him an exasperated sigh and rolled your eyes, but if anyone could do it, it would be him. So you thanked him and couldn't wait to do absolutely nothing on your newly obtained vacation. He wondered exactly what you'd get up to, and he even went as far as asking if you could both share in at least one of those days. 
"Why don't you take a break, too? You're always working and it's constantly. Take a couple of days with me, please?" You'd bat your eyes and push your lip out into a pout, hoping he'd cave in and take a little break with you. You both worked so hard, you both deserved it. So after some convincing, he finally called into his job and said he'd take several days off, which they didn't have a problem with anyway. 
When the day finally came for you both to have a few days off together, the Warden wasn't exactly good at spoiling anyone, let alone someone he'd been with. Work was always his priority, so when you came into his life, he had to learn by trial and error. So he made sure to tell you he didn't know how to plan anything when it came to having time off, he was only used to a day or so, so you promised you'd help him along the way. 
Dinners, simple movie nights staying inside, and even having fun just taking a drive somewhere to get out of town were what you both partook in. Kane was having the time of his life with you beside him, and he couldn't help but want to plan more vacation times with you. "So uh, would you be mad if I said I could get you a vacation once a month?" He'd ask sweetly. All you could do was laugh. "Don't push your luck TOO far, honey."
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jemimaland · 1 year
journal prompts 💌
recently I have been taking journalling more seriously, but I found it hard to stay consistent at first. I learned that this was because I was trying to just fill my journal consistently with whatever was in my head at the time to get it all out, but this would usually leave me feeling agitated and annoyed because I had just ranted about things that were getting me down. So I learned more about journal prompts, and I found out that the true purpose of a journal is to write about yourself and yourself alone. You aren't supposed to write about other people, it is supposed to be about you and your self-improvement. I also learned that journals are almost like a form of meditation, in which you focus on a different aspect of yourself every time you sit down to write. So I spent some time collating and creating some journal prompts that will help you use your journal as a tool towards self improvement and wellness, that focus on you you you:
What would the luckiest girl in the world act like? Who is she? How does she treat others? 🫧
Write down some affirmations for YOU (what do you need to hear right now, who do you want to be. say it in the present tense eg. I am beautiful, I am intelligent, etc.) ☁️
What are you grateful for? 🍓
What is a wellness/self-improvement thought that has been on your mind lately? 🎀
Do you have anything you want to say to the universe? ✨
What would you tell past/future you if she was struggling? 🧸
What does the dream girl look like to you? What systems can you put in place to become her? 🩰
What does your imaginary happy place look like to you? 👼🏼
What is your free wishlist? What do you want from the universe that won’t cost a penny? 🐰
Write a love letter to yourself 🤎
Things you do that make you feel happier 🤭
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mlm-mod-taka · 7 days
Hii! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy life for our requests! I hope you are well, taking care of yourself mentally, and staying hydrated! :] May I please request Taka with a nb reader s/o who dresses/looks intimidating and is the Ultimate Witch, but is easily super warm and affectionate/motherly?
I love him so much and have seen so little content about my mans! He deserves so much love!! ❤️
-Witch Anon 🔮 :]
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hello, witch anon! i saw your other ask about correcting the "ultimate witch" part of this request, and i thank you for rereading my rules again! don't worry, i was planning to write this regardless, and just make reader a regular witch rather than an ultimate. that's all, i hope you enjoy, and that everyone is having a good day!
tws/cws: people spreading false rumors about you. (but taka takes care of it!)
|| -> mod taka <3
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him, out of everyone in the cast, 100% relates to you the most. people tend to judge a book by its cover, and its always bothered him! he believes that even if a person looked scary, or intimidating, you should get to know them before making any assumptions on their character!
everyone he's met has always assumed he was a lot meaner than he actually is just because of his appearance, when in reality, he always extends a helping hand to people, and wants to be a reliable person to those around him. you both are one in the same, and thats probably why he gravitated towards you in the first place.
wasn't scared of you when you two first met. he never wanted to treat others how he had been treated, and actively ignored what he felt, or heard from others, so he could treat everyone equally, and give everybody a fair shot to introduce themselves how they wish.
always advocates for the others to get to know you first before jumping to any conclusions. if anyone's ever told him they were scared of you, he'd instantly be countering their assumptions, and offering to formally introduce you to them so that they'd be able to see how kind you are with their own eyes.
confronts anyone who talks badly about you or starts spreading rumors just because they think you're hard to approach. its not only immoral, but its also effecting someone he loves, he'll make sure they learn a lesson!
being completely honest, he's not a guy who understands witchcraft and magick, but he respects what you do and acknowledges it takes a lot of effort to do right. isn't one to mock or undermine it, he's just very curious about it.
will ask plenty of questions because he wants to learn more about anything, especially anything involving you. forgive him if some of his questions seem a little insensitive or misinformed, you're his first introduction to this type of thing and he's really trying his best to be educated.
is especially annoyed when others use your beliefs and practices to reinforce their biased views on you, when their views are just based off of appearances. he's your biggest defender, and will debate an entire group of people publicly just to defend your honor.
appreciates the people who are your friends so much. he always tries to leave a good impression on them, and makes sure his gratitude for their actions is known.
a lot of people see you two as the "intimidating but really kind" power couple. you both present yourselves in ways that make others think you're unapproachable, but you two are actually the most warm, helpful people ever.
as a couple, you play really nicely off of each other. with taka's tendency to be very direct, mixed with your want to have the best possible outcome for all parties, misunderstanding very rarely happens, and the communication is very clear.
he admires you so much! even before you got together, he always looked up to you and had so many nice things to say about you. now that you two are together, its increased tenfold. believes he's the luckiest person in the world because he managed to date someone so understanding and affectionate.
speaking of affection, please be easy on him in the beginning of the relationship. he went from barely having others tolerate him to now having an incredible partner that loves him just as much as he does, give him some time to adjust before being too lovey dovey, he'll blush and freeze up if you don't!
mondo and chihiro have had to endure him doting over you everytime they talked to him. they'll jokingly gag and say they don't wanna hear him talk about how much he loves you for the 80th time, but they're just kidding. they love you too, and would also go to great lengths to defend you!
everyone in his class has positive opinions of you, even if they don't show it as much as the others. seeing how you act around him, and how much effort you put into the relationship is bound to rub off on them at some point. you've won all of class 78th over, which is not an easy feat!
all in all, you and taka being a couple is a match made in heaven. you both understand each other so deeply, have great chemistry, and compliment each other so much. everyone's rooting for you two, and it makes both you and him feel so happy.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Habits of the Heart Ch 1
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Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cheating, some anxiety.
“5’s are in, Benson said we’re good ta go.” Sonny spoke, you glanced up at your partner from your desk, “Ya wanna grab a drink?” You gave a weary sigh, pushing back from your desk as you stood,
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” It had been one hell of a long couple of weeks, the case you’d just closed being more than you’d ever wanted to deal with. On top of all of it, your A.D.A. decided that sex crimes wasn’t cutting it and left back to D.C. meaning you’d have to deal with yet another useless lawyer who didn’t know what they had coming for the first few weeks before they finally got it. You’d been with SVU since you’d graduated the academy, partnered briefly with Fin while he showed you the ropes until Olivia had moved you and Carisi together. The two of you worked together seamlessly, from the way you complimented each other when it came to putting clues together to the way you broke a perp in interrogation, you were simply flawless. It helped that you clicked so much personally, often spending evenings after work together, you’d grab drinks, he’d made you dinner a few times, you spent more time with him than anyone else from the squad.
You arrived at your go to spot within a few blocks, it was close to the precinct and about halfway between your apartments. Ordering your usual drinks, you fell into an easy flow of conversation, Sonny told you all about his most recent visit with his adorable niece, mentioning that Bella wanted to see you again soon. You talked about how annoying your baby brother was being, constantly pestering you for ‘cool cop stories’ that he could tell his friends. A few hours passed before you even realized how long you’d been at the bar. When the bartender asked if you needed another round, you checked your phone, realizing how late it was, knowing you should probably get home, it was still a weekday. Carisi was kind enough to pay the tab, walking you out of the pub, 
“I’ll walk ya home Doll.”
“Sonny, you really don’t need to…” You briefly stopped, turning to face him, leaning against the brick wall of the bar, “I live less than five minutes from here.”
“I know…but a lot can happen in a few blocks.” His voice was low, and he was unbearably close to you, you could nearly feel his breath on your face, “Besides…” Before you could even imagine, his lips were against yours, meeting you in a gentle and soft kiss, his hand coming up to stroke your cheek. You nearly sunk into it for a moment before you gently tugged him off of you, 
“Sonny…” His face turned to concern, hands instinctively flying off you.
“Sorry…I just…I thought—”
“No..hey, it’s okay, nothing needs to be weird, I’m just not…into…it…” You could see his face fall, reaching out to stroke his arm you spoke again, “Hey…Dominick you’re absolutely amazing! You’re going to make the luckiest girl in the world incredibly happy one day, there’s no doubt in my brain you’d be the absolute best husband and an even better father…trust me..” He gave you a confused look, 
“You’re just not my type…”
 “What..you prefer jerks like Amaro?” You barked laughed at that, 
“Sonny…I’m gay…” His face scrunched, you’d shared so many personal facts over the last few years, yet you’d never mentioned anything about something like this.
“Oh God! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean ta—“ You cut him off with a hand over his mouth, flashing him a smile.
“It’s fine, most people don’t know anyways.” You linked your arm into his elbow, “You were walking me home right?” You gave him a smirk as the two of you moved through the streets of New York, he spoke after a few blocks.
“So…what is your type?”
“You ever watch Grey’s Anatomy?” He scoffed,
“I have three sisters, of course I’ve seen it.”
“Addison fucking Montgomery,”  You practically groaned, Sonny laughing at your response.
“Tall redheads with sultry voices, I’ll keep that in mind.” You free hand smacked his chest gently as you pulled up to your apartment, a smirk on your lips. 
“Thanks for the walk home.” You pulled him into a hug, willingly accepting the kiss into your hair, “Text me when you get home okay?” He nodded before moving down the street as you made you way into your apartment.
The following week rolled around faster than you wanted it to, you were at your desk attempting to hammer out details on a case when Olivia approached you a pile of files in her hands.
“Can you take these down to the D.A’s office for me?” You glanced up, 
“Yeah, ‘course. You know who I’m looking for?” She sighed heavily, running a hand over her face, 
“No. I guess just go up to the main office where Barba was, they should be there, no one gave me a name. Carisi was in court today, I told him to meet you down there.”
“Okay, thanks Cap.” You quickly grabbed your things together, tossing on your blazer before leaving the precinct. Always glad for the excuse to leave the office as you moved through the streets of Manhattan. Though the break wasn’t long before you were approaching Hogan Place, you found Carisi at the entrance to the building, greeting him as you moved inside to the elevator.
“Y/N, I’ve got a fuckin present for you.”
“Really?” You smirked, “I don’t see a coffee in your hands..” He scoffed at that, 
“I’ll buy ya one on the way out, geeze.” He rolled his eyes as the elevator dinged signalling your floor. “This present’s more of a person than a thing…” He smirked. Rolling your eyes you both moved easily though the hallway, you briefly knocked on the door of the A.D.A’s office, not noticing Sonny’s smirk as you pulled the files out of your bag, your head down.
“Hey, Captain Benson’s asking for search warrants for Hiller’s house, phone and computer, we’ve got the cause here.” It was when your head glanced up to actually see her that your heart practically stopped. You could practically feel Carisi’s grin oozing through the room.
“..Detective Summers….didn’t realize you were working Manhattan…” Casey’s voice was unsure, a hint of hesitancy shaking through it as she moved to take the files from you.
“I..didn’t know you’d taken over for our A.D.A…” Your voice trailed off, Sonny spoke from beside you, noticing that his surprise of Casey to you wasn’t going as planned,
“You two know each other?” You both quickly nodded out a ‘yeah’ barely looking at each other before Casey spoke again, 
“This is good, I’ll have your warrants sent over by the end of the day.” You muttered a thanks before nearly dragging Carisi away from the office and into the elevator, heart thundering in your chest, feelings completely overwhelming you.
“Doll what the hell was that?” He questioned, a hand on your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“That..”You began, attempting to hold all the tears and emotion back. “Was my fucking ex…” You knew that you ran in similar career fields but you didn’t think you’d actually end up working together, last you heard Casey had been working white collar crimes. 
“The one that cheated on you?” Carisi took your distress knowingly, if you were this rattled it clearly wasn’t cause you happily broke up with someone. You nodded your head as he pulled you into his arms, thankful for the empty elevator, “It’s okay Y/N, we don’t need to worry about her.” You pulled away sharply, he was surprised to find there weren’t tears in your eyes, 
“She’s our A.D.A., I think it’s something we have to worry about.” You rolled your eyes, “I can’t fucking believe this…” When the elevator dinged at the main floor Sonny couldn’t stop you, you’d left the files with him as you’d stormed off, wanting to be anywhere but near the DA’s office. 
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meet-at-tycho · 3 months
no i fucking adore them both like WOW.. their laughter, i remember? one time i joined call with them and they were laughing when i joined from a joke and. it was the most beautiful sound in the whole world like i nearly dropped dead on the spot. it feels embarrassing to love them so much? but i do i really do!!!! like SORRY.. i cant help it, ive never been happier alright the least i could do is express it. its.
IT IS EMBARRASSING THOUGH, whenever im lonely i just pretend theyre with me. when im downstairs i talk quietly, to myself but in my head im telling them what im thinking about and my opinion on which fnaf game is truly the best okay like. when i sleep at night i pretend we have a sleep over because i think thats so sweet!!! infected my mind like a fucking PLAGUE actual vermin alright. SICKENING
i KNOW its. i know its weird and probably unsettling honestly but. ITS JUST HOW I COPE OKAY theyre so far away from me, i dont know if ill ever get to see them, yknow? NO NIGHT ON THE TOWN WITH MY BESTIES..... BREAK MY HEART its the worst. this is how i cope with that 😞 IDK like
MAN i could go on and on and ON about it, the way im constantly having fun? and even when nothings happening at all, im just happy to be there. happy to share the silence with them, happy to listen to what they have to say, hear about their days, their feelings ETC like
theyre the kind of people you feel like youve known yr whole life yknow? people who have just cemented themselves in yr life so certainly, people who are imbedded in my soul right. I KNOW IM BEING SAPPY but im allowed okay im SAD.. i see them in all the things i do, i mutter their words to myself, im literally constantly saying i miss them in the middle of conversations with my sibling, they get annoyed BUT I DO...
yknow whats funny? anytime i go downstairs with my other friends on call i completely forget which ITS JUST IN MY NATURE alright once i focus on something else im GONE okay im coming back 45 minutes later one of thems gone the other one is asleep like. OOPS.. i was analyzing fnaf to my sibling thats my bad. but with them? its at the top of my mind. cant stay and talk longer, need to go back upstairs they are waiting for me!!!
i think its cuz.. to me, every single moment is precious. admittedly i am still scared to lose them, its just.. instinct at this point. i want to remember every day i spend with them, every conversation and. GRRRRR. i love them so much 🥳🥳 THEY CALL ME CIRCUMBINARY THE WAY I BE ORBITING TWO PERFECT STARS like wow. OKAY...
arent i the luckiest guy in the world? to have not one, but TWO people who understand me so deeply, who go out of their way to know me, to spend time with me ? it makes me tear up when i think about it IM FUCKEDDD man its so over for me. ive always been an outcast, feel like i never fit anywhere but. i fit HERE, this is where i belong!!! thats how they make me feel every single day :]
knowing them has me seeing sunshine and rainbows for the first time in my entire life like. i worked fucking hard, i got myself out of hell but after that i was alone again... not anymore!!! happy.. im happy. all theyve had to do was be here and im more than content, all they had to do was EXIST!!!
stars align in the weirdest ways, but im glad they did 🥳🥳🥳 peace and love on the planet earf
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honeybcj · 14 days
getting to know you has been one of the best things that has happened to me in a while. you are one of the best people around and i am hopelessly in love with your aura and personality.
talking to you makes my days peaceful and i just want you to thank you for existing, for being an incredible person and an inspiration for so many people.
you are loved and cared about. people who get to know you are the luckiest in this world because you are one of the most kindest souls i have ever met.
i am so glad i got to experience a bit of your love and affection.
i adore you with all my heart, han <3
mila darling <333 my sweetest angel! i am a very sleepy, very sappy mess right now and you’ve got me on the verge of tears. i am genuinely so thankful to have met you. you are precious and kind and so warm and bright. a little star.
i am at a loss for words. i’ll be honest, i’m always the type of person to second guess myself or think i’m being too much or too annoying, but you’ve made me feel like it’s okay to just…be. and exist as i am. and i’m eternally grateful for that.
mila, you keep on shining. you matter. you are valuable, priceless. you brighten my day constantly, and you’re kindness and patience means the world to me. you deserve the world and then some. i’ll bottle up all the stars for you.
i adore you so very much. MWAH <333
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