#:DDD my beloved father
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hakusins · 3 months ago
(vent in the tags) me thinking i've finally escaped financial problems: :DDDDD
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#idk why the image pasted like that but anyways haha im once again in a fucking pit#last month i was able to accumulate enough savings from collectively work and also other stuff#so i have a bit of extra in case of emergencies and additional expenses like taxes and stuff#but then guess who decided to not tell me he can't send me money by the end of the month - the time when i have to pay rent?#:DDD my beloved father#so i end up using the savings to pay for it#and i dont blame him or im not mad at him at all#especially because sending me money is already enough of a privilege that not a lot of people have#but at the very least if you don't think you can send me money can't you just tell me?#that way i can work for it???#because now im literally sitting with no money with food running out quickly in the fridge#i can't pick up a shift because whether its out of town or in my city it doesn't matter#i have no way to transport myself there other than on foot or on my bike#and i cant even cycle there without eating otherwise i'd basically sentence myself to death#so im trying to get by without eating for a couple of days right now but its just#sigh#i keep telling my father that i don't blame him and im not mad at him if he can't send me money when i need him to#but please tell me because i literally cannot take a shift this month because i need to study for the exams#and if i fail these exams i literally have one more chance to do them or else i have to repeat a year#which is going to cost us more in the long run#and just#yeah#maybe the hunger is getting to my head#im not going to open emergency comms this time because technically speaking i do have a job i can do#its just i need to just wait for the money that was supposed to be in my bank account to be sent#so i can eat and also i can have money for transportation#haku vents#venting#yeah no im just not in a good spot right now#apologies to mutuals and friends if i can't be on often
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veinsfullofstars · 9 months ago
for your childhood friends au, do the kids have any favorite foods?
Ooooh, okay okay, so this is something I’ve actually given a fair bit of thought to (maybe too much thought given how long this thing got, haha). I love little details like this in character writing - it makes them feel so much more alive and well-rounded, y'know? The kiddos have preferences as varied as their personalities, and I’m just itching to get into it, so… let’s get into it! (Also, just to be clear, I did pull some of my food headcanons for MK and DDD specifically from source material and the wiki, but most of this kinda just comes right off the dome.)
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When it comes to food, Para Dee is probably the most milquetoast of the bunch (though that’s hardly a bad thing). Neither a voracious eater like Dedede nor an avoidant one like Meta, he enjoys food about as much as the average Waddle Dee, more than fine with his three square meals a day (maybe a snack if he’s good). His tastes primarily lean towards savory or bitter flavors, anything from a warm bowl of stew to a nice crisp salad depending on his mood (meaning that, of the four of them, he’s the most likely to eat his veggies... and enjoy them). He’s not the biggest fan of sweets (probably due to that fact that his father is a baker and routinely saturates their home with the heavy scents of vanilla and mixed fruit), but he does have a soft spot floral teas and hot chocolate, especially during the colder seasons. He doesn’t mind sour flavors in small amounts (meaning if someone gets pickles with their meal, you know they’re going onto Para’s plate), but spicy foods? Forget about it. His poor little stomach has no tolerance for spice, to the point where even a little too much pepper has him breaking out in a sweat (something Bow teases him about mercilessly).
If you asked him what his absolute favorite food is, he’d have a hard time choosing... but he'd probably say his father’s caramelized onion soup, a much-beloved dish at their dinner table and a favorite at every community potluck. It’s never quite the same when Para makes it (many years into the future with a family of his own), but it still sparks warm memories of holidays and togetherness with each cheese-laden spoonful.
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Then, on the opposite side of the spectrum, we have Bow Dee, our tiny terror with a metabolism and appetite to rival those of her bigger buddies. If left alone and unoccupied for too long, she’s been known to sneak into locked pantries or climb high, off-limits shelves looking for any snacks she can get her grubby little mitts on (a habit she probably learned from watching Dedede). That said, she can be rather picky about which foods she’ll scarf down, especially in her youth when she would literally pick through her meals for the bits she liked and ignore the rest (much to her mothers’ chagrin).
If asked about her favorites, she’d say she likes protein-packed foods the most (omelets, jerky, trail mix, whatever will fuel those boundless energy reserves of hers in the saltiest, most flavorful manner possible) but refuses to touch veggies, pickles, and bitter flavors in general (at least in her childhood, growing a little more adventurous about food during their time overstars). She likes sweets as much as the average high-energy kid, partial to citrus fruits and sour candies especially (she likes how it stings a bit when you eat it, almost like it's fighting back). And, beyond all that, Bow loves spicy foods. Full stop. If it ain’t spicy - or spicy enough - she’ll find a way to make it so. Chili flakes, hot sauce, whole peppers, whatever she has on hand - it’s going in there, and Nova help anyone who tries to stop her. A bit ironic given her natural affinity for Water, though maybe that’s what gives her such a high tolerance for capsaicin. Or maybe she’s just that badass (as she likes to brag to her buddies, watching them steam out the ears from a single jalapeño while she’s already chomped down seven). And before you ask, yes, this has landed her in village clinic on more than one occasion. High tolerance or no, she definitely does not have Dedede’s cast-iron stomach… or Meta’s self-restraint. (We don’t talk about the Ghost Pepper Fiasco.)
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Speaking of picky eaters, Meta has a… complicated relationship with food. He’s never had much of an appetite, often going (unsettlingly long) stretches of time without feeling the need to eat, only doing so if someone reminds him to (or if he gets too woozy, whichever comes first). He does need to eat, of course… just not nearly as often as everyone else does, it would seem (a byproduct of his peculiar biology, perhaps?). It’s an excuse he’s used often to get away with skipping meals, sometimes substituting in lighter foods like breakfast bars or Energy Drinks to keep his strength up (though this is hardly a long-term solution). He also finds certain textures and tastes difficult to deal with, even turning down entire meals if just one bite feels off. It makes eating with company - already an awkward experience thanks to his introversion - that much more uncomfortable, sitting there with a full plate while everyone else chews and chatters around him, wishing he could disappear as swiftly as his hunger (a habit that still crops up even in adulthood, though he has learned to push through it for the sake of politeness). Honestly, he could write a whole dissertation on how the act of consumption is a burden upon the living and no one should be subjected to it… and then he remembers chocolate exists and takes it all back for a while.
That’s really the one exception to his food trepidation: sweets. Perhaps it comes from living in Dream Land where sugary foods are so plentiful, the forests rich with apples and berries, the scent of pies and pastries wafting from windowsills, even the lands themselves named after foods of all sorts. Or perhaps it stems from his earliest memories, a helping hand and a bar of something indescribably sweet and rich, the first he’d ever tasted… Whatever the case, it’s stuck with him, a livelong love of sweets and sweet-adjacent foods, one that narrows, refines, and changes over time into preferences for chocolate, coffee, and other foods with light but flavorful consistencies. Not that this stops his friends (and later his crewmates) from hounding him into eating more nutritious meals once in a while, too. It's frustrating, but he knows they mean well, and he gets better about listening to their advice with time.
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And finally, whipping to the other side of the scale once more, it’s Dedede, the penguin equivalent of a vacuum, willing to eat literally anything you put in front of him (including things you probably should not eat). He wouldn’t say he has many strong preferences - all food is good food in his eyes - though he does appreciate a good bone-in steak or similarly hearty dishes like seafood or pasta, and he could never pass up a nice rich dessert (especially cakes).
More than the taste, though, it’s really the act of eating - a pastime even more beloved than sparring or sleeping - that brings Dedede comfort, whether it’s through cozy communal meals with neighbors, the thrill of food-based competitions with friends (ones that will later inspire Dream Land’s famous Gourmet Races), or just to deal with the boredom (and loneliness) when he’s stuck on his own. It’s possible he gets this behavior from his mama, a little on the heavier side herself and known for her own cast-iron constitution back in her wrestling days (not to mention prone to spoiling her “darlin’ baby bird” and his friends with extra treats all the time). Meanwhile, his papa - a stickler for decency and discipline - is constantly reminding his son to slow down during meal times, wondering if he’s even tasting the food he’s shoving down his gullet (a blunt but well-intentioned criticism given the many, many tummy troubles Dedede suffers in his younger days). He never manages to fully tame his massive appetite (certainly not helped by the more decadent lifestyle he later adopts as a king), but he does at least refine it over time, learning from Para of all people about the joys of savoring meals rather than always inhaling them outright.
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Phew, alright, I think that’s about it. Thanks for the question! Hopefully I didn't go too in-depth for such a simple one - I was having fun with it and might've gotten carried away again, haha. Well, at the very least, it'll give you guys some nuggets to chew on in the meantime (pun super not intended).
Sketches started 06/25/24, finished 06/27/24. | Childhood Friends AU Masterpost
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batwritings · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 2 - Collaring
Another different fandom that has caught my attention is Obey Me! What can I say? I'm a monster fucker through and through and have a soft spot for anime men. ^^; Enjoy!~
No matter how many times you were summoned to the Demon Lord’s castle, a wave of nervousness would slither down your spine. Were you in trouble? Or was this simply your beloved demon prince seeking your company once again? Either way, you had no idea what to make of the situation you’d found yourself in now.
Neither Diavolo nor Barbatos had asked any overly strange questions to you that week. Maybe you should’ve seen a red flag when the heir to the Devildom’s throne asked if you knew the circumference of your neck. But the man was full of odd questions about seemingly random topics all the time with you. This wasn’t too far outside the realm of possibility. 
So here you were in the prince’s room, trying your best not to shake like a leaf. “The young master will be in shortly,” Barbatos informs you before quietly shutting the door. You fidget quietly with the little keychain Asmo had gotten you for your DDD. It felt like an eternity, just sitting there waiting in the quiet of your lover’s room.
You jump slightly when the door opens again, regardless of how soft the sound actually was. “Did I startle you?” Diavolo is across the room with a surprised look. It’s true that since you began your residency here, you’d become arguably less startled than you used to be. You’re sure you had the seven brothers you lived with to thank for that amongst other things. “Forgive me, I know this summons was sudden.”
“It’s okay,” you reassure him, despite all evidence to the contrary. Diavolo slips into the room fully, an arm hidden out of your line of sight. You lean a little to try and see, but the prince follows your movements, keeping his surprise hidden. 
“In time dearest, in time,” he assures you. You offer him a small pout that he has come to know as teasing before he comes to rest on his knees before you. A small blush rushes to your cheeks at how intimately close Diavolo is to you. Sure the two of you had been intimate before, but…this felt beyond different. “You have drawn me in further and further with each passing moment. Every instance we share together, I will treasure, even once I take my father’s place.”
You watch with awe as the demon prince produces a box from behind his back. Without even noticing, you noticed his shift to his more demonic appearance. It was one you were far more familiar with these days than his day to day appearance. Velvety wings as dark as the night sky fluttered softly against his darker skin. You could see his amber eyes watching your expression closely from behind cherry red locks.
“But I don’t want the memories to make to stay here, within the confines of your exchange program,” Diavolo continued. Perfectly black painted nails tucked under the lid of the box to open it slowly. Inside, resting against beautiful scarlet velvet was, what you could only describe to be, a collar. An obsidian chain that would rest around your neck and come to sit just between where each of your clavicle. At it’s center point was a lock that would serve to hold the two ends of the chain together.
“I need only know that you feel the same.” The heir’s voice, soft yet somewhat eager pulls you out of your trance. Your eyes meet his; the demon before you is borderline buzzing with anticipation. A sad mixture of hopefulness and fear should you turn his offer down. It’s all so overwhelming, you can’t help but let a few tears streak down your cheeks.
Just as his smile starts to fade, you lunge forward, arms wrapping tightly around Diavolo. Not expecting your affection, he topples backwards, nearly dropping the box in the process. “Oh Dia!” You cry against the crook of his neck and shoulder.
As you pull back, you can’t help but notice the confused look on your prince’s face. You can’t help but chuckle; some things still really were a mystery to him. “Of course I’ll accept,” you tell him, wiping tears from your eyes. “This…this has a whole different meaning to humans. And it’s really sudden, but…I’d be a fool not to.”
That eager puppy-like smile is back in an instant as the demon prince now embraces you oh so tightly. You feel a few pops along your spine and can’t help but laugh. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fine someone as precious to me as you are,” you hear him mumble against your chest. “And to think, you’d feel the same…”
Strong yet careful hands take the chain out of it’s box, fingers tender as if he fears it will simply break under his touch. You try to stop crying as Diavolo unclasps the lock at the front, gently laying the cool metal against your skin before the lock is clicked shut. “I’m having Barbatos find someone who can make me a matching chain so I can keep the key safe with me always,” the demon informs you. “I am yours, as you are mine.”
You take his much larger hand in yours and place it against your cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to his palm. The action always managed to bring a rather noticeable blush to the demon prince’s cheeks. “You know…” you start, briefly considering not telling him this. “In human terms, you basically just proposed to me. You know that, right?” 
Diavolo flashes a cheeky fanged grin, despite the blush remaining. “Well, you did say ‘yes’, didn’t you?” And now it’s your turn to blush, chuckling softly in response.
“Til death do us part.”
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arecaceae175 · 9 months ago
Hi I'm sorry if this is random but do you have any LU Sky headcanons that you like and would like to share? No pressure if you don't want to ! (/genuine)
I have two other asks in my ask box about LU Sky headcanons that I am saving for when I come up with more headcanons (from @taddy-cat and @majorproblems77 hehe).
In no particular order here are some of my favorite Linked Universe Sky headcanons:
He is bisexual and polyamorous and in a relationship with Groose and Zelda!! They're all dating each other. Groose is also bi, demisexual, and poly, and Zelda is onmisexual and poly. I love them your honor. Groozelink my absolute beloved.
When I feel like letting Sky be trans, I enjoy having him be bigender (man and woman) and use he/she pronouns interchangeably.
I like calling his Loftwing Crimson. They're best friends. They like to go exploring together!!!
Sky's mother died when he was too young to remember her. Sky's father was a knight and Sky inherited his love for flight tricks! Before Sky and Crimson were old enough to fly on their own, Sky would ride with his dad and they would do awesome tricks. After Sky's parents died, he was kind of collectively raised by Skyloft, which is why no one is surprised to see him just show up and use their beds in the game. He lived with Zelda's family before he was old enough to live in the Knight Academy, and he also spent a lot of time at Pip's family's house.
I Imagine the Sky islands are much larger and much more expansive than we see in the game. Skyloft is the biggest Island and the capitol, kind of, and there are a lot more islands with people living on them.
Chronic illness Sky my beloved. I enjoy seeing him with any disabilities, but I am partial to POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). It would explain his low stamina and chronic fatigue and sitting to regenerate hearts :). And there's a whole lot of other symptoms involved too. The heartbreaking part about this though is as the condition progresses he would gradually lose the ability to fly with Crimson. The forces and the erratic movement would make him pass out and that is super very dangerous to do on a bird. I'm going to write a fic about this one day
Autism. Yeah. Sky has a Loftwing plush that's his comfort item and he brings it everywhere. He gets VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface because there just so much stuff. The first time he went down to the Surface he pretty much immediately had a meltdown and Fi had to guide him to a safe place for it. When he's either overstimulated or understimulated and needs noise he tugs on his ears. Sometimes he accidentally scratches them and makes them bleed. He's used to the constant noise of wind in the sky, so on the surface when he doesn't have that and hears all the small sounds of nature he gets very stressed and shuts down a lot. His happy stims are flapping his hands or flapping his arms like a Loftwing!
He loves art and crafts!!! Woodcarving is the easiest to do on adventures, but he also likes painting and coloring. If he lived in modern times he would have so many coloring books.
Sky is squeamish :( Sometimes when he got injured during his adventure he would just. Pass out. Or if he stayed awake and had to deal with the injury there was a lot of crying and vomiting involved. Poor guy.
He thinks in statistics now, even after Fi is gone. It's comforting to him. <3 He misses her so much
He's the best swordsman of the chain. Sometimes he goes fucking feral and the rest of them are like o.o and it's awesome. He killed a god, he deserves to go bonkers mode as a treat. But after he does that he WILL need 2-4 business days to recover
HE LIKES BUGS!!! He and Wild and Twilight go and collect bugs together sometimes and its adorable.
Sky is claustrophobic! It causes a lot of problems. I've got a claustraphobia Sky fic rattling around in my brain rn :)
Sky is the heaviest member of the chain. He is not the tallest (Time) or the most muscular (Twilight). He is relatively tall and strong, but he's also fat and I love that for him. Skyloftians naturally have more bodyfat to stay warm, but even by their standards Sky is big. (Fat is not a bad word <3). Draw him fat and I will love you forever <3
Hmmmmmm that's all I can think of right now!!! I have an easier time answering asks about specific questions than I do general ones, so if anyone has any specific headcanon questions I will answer those much more quickly than the abstract ones (which i still love and appreciate) that have been sitting in my ask box for months lol (it's an autism thing).
BUT YEAH I love Sky. Thank you so much for this ask. You caught me in the right mood to ramble about him hehehehe <3. SKY
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collectorcookie · 2 years ago
QUICK what are you current thoughts about Trickstar and their relationship dynamics? :0
ASVDJWKDVSJDHF you cannot ask me something like this and not expect me to write an essay about it. I will go through this one by one. Quite the long post btw.
Subaru and makoto: my silly beloveds <3 the reason i started producing trickstar actually. I saw them making puns with each other and my brain was like "i will sell you my soul". Funny lil comedy duo. Except later i would find out about their pasts and now thinking about how they were funny dudes in high school despite all the tragedies that happened to them makes me wanna cry. Subaru who had no friends due to being isolated because everyone thought his dad was a murderer (not true) and makoto who was always alone because child modelling crushed his sense of self (also potential sexual abuse was hinted at? Thats messed up). And then they find each other and they're friends and they make jokes and for the first time they BELONG SOMEWHERE.
Subaru and mao: very insecure mao who feels like subaru is a genius shining star and that he doesn't deserve to be by his side. Lonely subaru who admires mao for how dependable he is and how everyone relies on him, giving mao the nickname of sari/sally based on a magician (also why maos solo is called magicians trick). The mutual pining. The admiration. Mao's "you outshine me so i don't deserve to be with you" and subaru's "I love you and want you to be here regardless". my heart hurts
Subaru and hokuto: god. They hate each other, they love each other, they fight all the time, they would never try to actually hurt each other on purpose, they are in constant competition against the other, but they also rely on the other all the time. Hokuto being one the first people that actually reached out to subaru, who understood from a very young age from his super idol father seiya how corrupted this industry is, who understood subaru before he ever reached out to him and wanted to fulfill his dreams and for subaru to never be alone again. Subaru who first thought that hokuto was a prince and a figment of his imagination when hokuto reached out to him because of how lonely he was and then just sticking to hokuto like glue after that. Oh my god this ship has literally everything.
Hokuto and mao: the ones with braincells that constantly have to deal with trickstar's bullshit <3 until hokuto gets angry, then mao has the last remaining braincell and has to stop him from murdering someone. Also mao's guilt for being on the student council and hokuto reassuring him that it's fine and then later on hokuto's guilt for almost betraying trickstar during ddd and now mao's the one reassuring him it's fine. Oof.
Mao and makoto: typical insecure nerd x confident jock, except the jock is also insecure. All jokes aside, every now and then i think about their first meeting, and how makoto was a junior in the gaming club and mao was a junior in the student council and they both feel like shit. Makoto's typical "i feel like shit so i will escape into videogames" and mao's "i feel like shit because i'm the student council's errand boy with no importance". But then the game club gets into some trouble and obviously it's mao whose burdened with that so he meets makoto for the first time and...is a huge ass to poor makoto. But then makoto offers to help mao in his errands together (even though he doesn't have to) and then mao apologizes for being an ass. And makoto forgives him. And on their way home they just...feel better together. They still feel like shit but the world is a little bit warmer in each others presence.
Makoto and hokuto: HOW DOES NO ONE SEE HOW CANON THIS IS. Hokuto is so so worried for makoto and just wants to see him doing better and is constantly looking out for him. The starmine quote where hokuto is just "i wanted the world to see your smile as well. That beautiful smile you only ever show us". And then shangri la where hokuto is straight up saying "i love you" to makoto. And 1st ss tour where subaru is like "Hokke! Ukki says he doesn't like you!" And hokuto replies with "is that so? Well, i still love you regardless" LIKE COME ON . I also think it's funny how in !-era makoto is the jokester guy and hokke is the serious one but in !!-era somehow hokke became unintentionally a lot funnier and makoto is like "when did we switch roles"
I will be back for part two because i haven't even began rambling about anzu (trickstar is five!!!) but i have places to be at right now. Until then✨️
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alex-a-fans · 1 year ago
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
AAA THANK YOU @cheriboms AND @bttf-dork FOR TAGGING ME!!
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Too many times to count...
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what!
Yes! BTTF Playmobil advent calendar and an off-brand Funko pop Doc!
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
Pepsi free? None. Normal Pepsi on the other hand.... Over 50 cans for sure.
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
There were so many good ones, but if I had to choose... I choose 3!
Oh, How the World has Changed by @itsthemorph I just love the idea of Clara in 1985, even if it's only one chapter, I am sure the other parts will be great :)
June of Doom: let the Suffering Begin by @unknooooow. Now these ones are dark. They have become my Roman Empire, so I think about it once every few days. But again, I love angst, especially realistic. :)
Double Visions by @daryfromthefuture. While there were many good ones this one stuck out due to it having the talk of Citizen Brown (the not-so-silly doc). And it's also very touching and captures the friendship spirit greatly!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
this one by @future-boi LITTLE MARTY LITTLE MARTY
this one by @maxintime Cause Browns my beloved <3
this one by @bttf-dork (do u have any idea how long it took for me to find it, I thought I imagined it) THE COLORS, THE SHAPES AAA.
This one by @cheriboms The silly, the goofy, the little Baby Emmett (I WILL EAT THE FANART)
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
My time to shine :) /j
I am especially proud of June of Doom chapter 11 (Better known as Doc Has a Stroke literally). It took me two months to write, and it is still the longest one chapter I ever wrote (3k words). Also! I am afraid of hospitals and blood, so I have no idea how I wrote it. Also believe it or not, it was inspired by the animated series...
One more writing project I am proud of is Alteration. It is not because of how much I wrote, but how much I am still planning, and how many Ideas I have for it. I have every single detail planned :)
With art it's a bit more tricky. Since I am not THAT proud of any of them, but BTTF 2 end scene redraw is still one of my favs :)
How many times were you late for school this year?
At least three times, due to reasons outside of my control. But I hate being late.
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
My Favourite Martian (1999) Where Lloyd plays an Alien. I watched it because of my silly alien doc au. And I had an amazing angst idea out of it (I wrote it for June of Doom)
That is about it...
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
In the car. My parents are tired of me ranting about BTTF so Imagine me (not a singer) scream-singing Back In Time. :DDD
How many times did you fall down this year?
Honestly, either I didn't. Or I did too many times to count. Cause I don't remember
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
Not many, maybe once.
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
This one is the toughest.
It will either be "I repeat, Verne, this is a fool's errand." "Does that mean you're coming?" I always tagged along when I knew my friend was making a dumb decision.
Or “Why do we have to cut these things so damn close?”
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
To the dance, I even went as Marty McFly. (Even if it was 80' themed I did not win, they did not get the joke :(
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
More art. Even more angsty fanfiction :)
I am tagging @unknooooow and I believe everyone else has been tagged. Maybe @jayisnotdrawing @bri-to-the-future @brinkle-brackle and @bentothefuturee @pine-killer55
Game by: @mjf-af
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juurensha · 3 years ago
Ship meme: Dabihawks
So on Twitter, I started doing the ship meme, and then abruptly realized that I can’t ramble on and on about said ships on Twitter. So I then decided, why not make random ship posts on tumblr? Idk who is going to enjoy these posts, but I wanted to put some thoughts down regardless.
So to kick things off, we have of course, my #1 ship, the only ship to have made me write 17 fics for them so far: Dabi/Hawks from BNHA! (keep in mind, spoilers abound)
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That panel that launched a thousand fics :DDD
Characters Involved:
Dabi (Todoroki Touya):
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Dabi, presumed deceased son of #2 hero Endeavor turned villain, and hellbent on revenge/recognition of all the wrongs his father has done to their family.
I LOVE characters coming back from presumed/real death for revenge, so as soon as I heard the theory that he could be the dead eldest Todoroki son, I latched on and never let go.
Also, the reveal of Dabi as Todoroki Touya was the one and only time I went on the CTABB voice channel to just SCREAM. I love that chapter so much, and that “THE PAST NEVER FORGETS” line is so raw and I love that specific panel SO MUCH.
Hawks (Takami Keigo):
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Hawks, #2 hero in Japan after All Might used up the last of his powers, and the double agent inside the League of Villains.
Hawks’ character design is very cool, but it’s really all his parallels against Dabi that made me begin to really like him. I also did enjoy with his initial appearance how a lot of the stuff he says doesn’t match at all what he is thinking. He puts on a carefree exterior, but there’s a lot ticking along in his head at all times.
The ship:
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The two of them are foils in so many ways: son of a pro-hero vs. son of a small-time criminal, someone who was intended to become a pro-hero and becoming a villain instead vs. someone who was intended to become a villain and became a top pro-hero instead, despises Endeavor and hates his persistence in never giving up his goal to become #1 hero vs. fanboy of Endeavor who admires him for never giving up on that goal, underworld aesthetic vs. sky/angel aesthetic, black/white vs. gold, etc, etc, etc.
They are both people who have been caged by parental expectations in different ways (Dabi with never being able to live up to Endeavor’s expectations for him, and Hawks first being given away by his parents for not being as useful to them as expected and then being groomed by the Hero Commission to be their puppet), they’ve both got long-running plans going on, and when they interact, there’s always a charged atmosphere.
There is just so much potential to explore here about how the two of them could interact and potentially change each other. (For the better? For the worse? Up to you to decide!)
“But juu, they tried to kill each other!”
Yeah, that’s not going to stop me from shipping a pair, I love foe-yay (as you guys will soon find out from this series).
“But juu, isn’t Hawks’ personality in Hotwings fics mostly fanon?”
Okay, I will admit that may be a fair point. When Hotwings was first blowing up, not that many facts about Hawks in canon were set, so fans kind of did what they wanted to do. (Including me.)
Now I won’t say that Horikoshi went OOC with Hawks since he’s the manga-ka obviously, so it’s canon that Hawks is a good soldier who follows orders all the way through, no matter how distasteful, BUT I will say that I’m disappointed by the lack of exploring all the potential that was there in Hawks’ initial set-up.
He just found out that not only is the pro-hero who he looked up to so much a domestic abuser who basically ruined his family in search of the #1 hero position, but also that this villain who he thought he was tricking is actually said beloved pro-hero’s supposedly deceased son.
I feel like there should be some introspection going on at least here!
But nope, along with just shrugging that Twice had to be killed, Hawks just kind of brushes all that under the rug and works with Endeavor to go kill Shigaraki.
Suffice to say, I haven’t been very happy with the manga in awhile.
But after all, fic is fic, so if us Hotwings writers want to explore how Hawks should could have reacted to the reveal, and how that could have rocked his world view, I think it’s our prerogative to! And it’s what makes for interesting fic in the first place.
“juu, why do you make them use the pet-names ‘hot stuff’ and ‘pretty bird’?”
So “pretty bird” was mostly because when I first started writing Dabihawks, Hawks didn’t have a real name revealed yet, so I used that mainly as a placeholder for where I thought his real first name should be used. Also, I like the nickname ever since I heard it used for Black Canary by Green Arrow, and I thought it fitting!
“Hot stuff” was just to match the teasing tone of “pretty bird” as a good retort. I don’t think I made that up, I’m pretty sure a lot of other fics used it first, and then I ran with that one too. (Thankfully by the time I started writing Dabihawks, Touya’s name had been revealed, or who knows what I would have had to do then).
“juu, why do you write so many AU’s for them?”
Because they are SO GOOD for AU fics, seriously. Also canon is a mess right now, and the only way I’m touching it again is if Hawks dies, and I’ll go in to write a rebirth fic where he wakes up a week before the raid and does EVERYTHING I THINK HE SHOULD HAVE DONE INSTEAD.
So I guess that’s it! If you actually got through all this and enjoyed this word vomit, yay! If you have any questions, drop them in my ask box, and I’ll try to answer them!
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sunnysviolin · 4 years ago
i am looking at mafia au heromari (and to heromari in general) lovingly
ohohoho Mafia AU my beloved :DDD Honestly it's probably one of my favorite AUs that I have. I've been thinking about Hero and Mari's wedding in this AU quite a lot, and I think I'll expand on that if y'all wanna hear some more *eyes emoji* I put it under a read more because it's long. It's so long
Like I said before Hero and Mari get married at 17. It's a beautiful day in late April. Spring has fully come into bloom, and the entire town of Faraway seems to be preparing for the impending wedding. Both Mari and Hero's families are very well known, and the speed at which the wedding was put together has left a lot of heads turned and cautious whispers.
It was more than easy to arrange everything, because no one would dare to say no to participating in a marriage between these two families. Daphne and Bowen are making the cake, the dress will be the top priority of the seamstress, caterers and flowers and all of the other paraphernalia only have to hear the names of the couple, and suddenly anything is possible. Hero's parents arrange most of it, Hero and Mari simply have to say what they want, and they will make it happen. They're having the service in the local church, and then a grand reception in a rather large venue nearby, all ready in a matter of weeks.
Hero and Mari would have preferred a quiet intimate party of just their family at Mari's estate (Just Mari's now. Mari's and Sunny's) but Hero's parents persuaded them to go larger. Not only would it seem rude for the new head of a family to not invite other "colleagues", weddings are also a great chance to make deals. Hero and Mari agree with the promise that they will have a peaceful dinner once the politics are over and done with.
Hero and Mari don't really have a chance to discuss if they feel ready to get married or not. Not only are Hero's parents expecting it, but so are the rest of the higher ups in both of their organizations. It's not just a marriage for love anymore, now it's a marriage of necessity. Not getting married isn't an option unless they want to have a full blown turf war on their hands.
Mari hasn't really felt anything since she killed her father. She feels blank, not empty but grey. Sensations don't feel like they reach her. Hero knows something is wrong with his girl, but with all the preparations he barely has time to think about his own feelings on everything, let alone Mari's.
It's not until she's getting into her dress the morning of their wedding that it all hits Mari. Daphne is slowly doing up every silk button on her back, and Hero's mother is arranging a silver tiara in her hair, which is pulled up into an artful knot. Hero's mother is watching her with misty eyes, and she blames hormones. Sally is sleeping soundly in a wicker bassinet on the floor nearby.
It's Sally that brings Mari back into her body. Sally, and Hero's mother's words. You'll see when you have a baby, I probably cry as much as she does. It's just a joke, something to make Mari smile and laugh politely. Instead it sends a lightning bolt through her body, and she stiffens. Hero's mother doesn't notice. Daphne does.
Daphne makes excuses to get them alone, and she moves so she's in front of Mari. Mari who is in a wedding dress. Mari who is getting married today. She's getting married, and she will be walking down the aisle alone. She killed the person who was supposed to walk her down the aisle. She shot her Dad, and now she's marrying the love of her life. She has to marry him, and they'll have to have children, and those children will have to carry on her family's organization, and...Mari can't breathe.
Daphne leaves and promises to come back quickly with help. She finds her brother with Hero and the boys getting ready. She makes an excuse to get Bowen and Hero out of the room and tells them that something is wrong with Mari. She isn't sure what, but something is definitely wrong. They speedily and stealthily race over to the room Mari had been in, but she's gone.
Bowen and Daphne keep up their calm appearances, but Hero can see the panic in their eyes. There's only a half hour till they have to be at the church. He can feel his own heart starting to beat at a clip, but he takes a steadying breath and focuses. There's only a few places Mari would go. He sends Daphne and Bowen to stay with Kel and Sunny to keep them calm, and tells them to make sure everyone else gets to the church. He'll take care of Mari. He always does.
Hero escapes out the kitchen door of his parent's estate, sliding out the back gate and away from anyone who might ask questions. His destination isn't too far away, and he knows the route there with his eyes closed. As he walks, he thinks.
The door to Mari's house is ajar, and he shuts it behind him when he steps into the foyer. It's a lovely entrance, big and spacious with high ceilings and wide windows. But now the air inside feels stale, reminding him that the house isn't what it used to be. A fine layer of dust sits on everything, and it's cold even in the warm of the day. Mari and Sunny have been staying at his house and doing their business there. No one has come here since the night of Mari's seventeenth birthday. The house is nearly silent, except for the sound Hero had been expecting.
He walks through the hallways, to a room next to a grand staircase. There is no door to this room, so the music that is created within can ring through the whole home. Mari's back is to the doorway, and Hero's thoughts escape him when he sees her. The dress is perfect, her hair is perfect, he's never seen her more beautiful. And Mari is shaking.
He is the only one who gets to see this side of her- the vulnerable sweet girl that still exists underneath the hardened exterior. Even their siblings don't see this, only big sister serenity. Hero is the only one Mari trusts to see her fall apart.
She sits at the piano and her fingers never waver in their tune, but her shoulders are trembling, and her breath hitches. She doesn't try to hide it, she's never hidden anything from him. He sits next to her on the piano bench, slowly lowering himself down so they're side by side. They don't speak at first, not until Mari has calmed and her breath is steady again. She doesn't cry, and he doesn't expect her to. In the anxious silence, Hero finally gathers the courage to ask her the question that's been scaring him since Daphne came rushing into his room.
"Do you even want to get married, Marigold?"
The old nickname gets Mari's shaking starting again and she stops her melody, leaning her head against his shoulder. She doesn't know. Mari loves Hero, she loves him more than she's loved anyone. Even Sunny. Hero is hers, he is her person, and she is his. It just all is happening so fast, and it's for everyone else, not them. She did what she had to, and she doesn't regret it, but she didn't know what would come. She wasn't prepared for all of this.
Hero lets her get it all out, lets her talk and talk. Then when she's finally done, he talks. He agrees it's all fast. He agrees it's for everyone else, but he doesn't see that as a bad thing. It just means that he and Mari have already made their vows. They were made when she saved his family and his life. They were made when his family took her and Sunny in. They were made when they were just little ones sitting at this very piano and talking day after day.
He tells her that he doesn't care if they ever get married. For them, it's just a formality. If she wants to run, he'll run with her. If she wants to stay, he will be by her side. He doesn't need to make a vow of that, she already knows. Mari intertwines their fingers and leaves her head on his shoulder, and they sit together in the quiet. Eventually Mari tears herself away and stands up, holding her hand out to Hero.
They walk out of the house together, and down the sidewalk towards the church. The whole place is packed, and there's a large congregation waiting. Hero and Mari walk down the aisle together, neither alone, not anymore. When the pastor asks her, Mari said I Do without any hesitation.
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actualbird · 3 years ago
Many things confuse me about alcohol and drinking culture but by far the weirdest thing for me is how beer is somehow seen as both tasting like shit and the best choice for your first alcoholic drink. Almost everyone I have ever met will go on and on about how beer tastes horrible and everything else tastes so much better and then go by the way if you wanna try drinking start with beer and I just go hUH??????
I think soju's starting to take over beer as the best choice for a first alcholic drink though which honestly is for the best. I don't hear nearly as many complaints about the taste of soju.
Aaaaa I'm really tempted to watch the cn server cards. I've heard so many good things about them and will gladly watch someone else watch them but for some reason I can't bring myself to just watch them myself. Vyn's dynamic with his dad sounds so interesting though! I'm glad it doesn't seem unsalvageable since from what I know of his backstory it really didn't seem like his father had bad intentions. Maybe I'll watch it if I get Vyn's RRG card...
From the post I read about wine and its scams apparently the label is really easy to fake so all Marius would have to do is successfully fool Vyn into actually believing him. Still easier said than done but I can absolutely see him try.
eyyo, milkyway :DDD
irt beer and soju:
man mannNNN SAME FRIGGING HAT!!! i mean, maybe i see the logic here? first alcoholic drink SHOULD taste like shit, maybe. so that ur expectations r down waaaaay low from the beginning HAHA
SOJUUUUUUUU!!! SOJU MY BELOVED!!!! oh im v glad soju is taking over, i rlly love soju tho it only got popular over here like around 2017 i think. but ever since then, yep! v popular! my fave soju flavor is the peach one but even with the flavors, i cant drink soju On Its Own cuz the alcohol taste is still strong (as it does pack a respectable amount of alcohol content) but it's nowhere near the bad taste of beer. beer tastes bad, soju tastes like clean and crisp <3
a clean crisp taste i compliment by taking soju and mixing it with equal parts sprite and yakult. it may sound odd for some, but trust me. this works. it's AWESOME
irt cn server cards and vyn and his father:
the cards from the cn server are VERY GOOD but i totally understand if u maybe wanna wait until they come out on the global server!!! like, the global server's timeline has already been noted to be uhhhh worryingly sped up (i talked about it in several asks before but i cant find the links huhu) so we supposedly wont have to wait as long for certain events. bbuuut vyn's bday is fixed tho, it's not moving KJBKJS
YEA YEA the vibes i get between vyn and his father r rlly like "mistakes were made, things couldve been better" but not on purpose. which, personally, is a kind of relationship and history that i find very very interesting since like, when relationships go into this gray area between hate and love, it's harder to navigate. but theres also waaaayyy more space for stories to tell.
i REALLY WANT VYN'S RRG CARD!!! or, well, when the JP dub comes out, i'll watch it since my gacha luck is shit. but the vyn rrg card, ive been told, is filled with VYN LORE. so i need to KNOW.
(also i want the vyn rrg card bc of that card's second evolution. i wanna be able to toss probably-drunk!vyn at an opponent in a debate)
and lastly irt marius fuckin with vyn:
Marius, before entering Vyn's office, removes a d20 die from his pocket. On a nearby desk, Marius does a flat roll with the die as he mutters "deception" to himself.
He rolls a Natural 20.
Marius grins, now full of placebo effect confidence, as he pockets the die once more and kicks the door to Vyn's office open. "HEY, DOC, I'VE GOT THIS GREEEEAAAATT GIFT FOR YOUUUUUU!"
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crystalirises · 4 years ago
Everything for Nothing
Hi FwT :)
I missed you :)
But anyway... have this fic... 
Archive link (the fic is also on this post):
TW: Major Character Death
Dream gazed at the ruins of New L’Manburg, water trickling past the rocks and pebbles that decorated the crater of a nation that will never win. He could hear their screams in the distance, the fruitless arguments for a war that’s already won. Dream didn’t understand why they tried so hard to fight for nothing, really. With his mask concealing the smirk on his face, he skipped and danced through the remains, waving to the survivors that glared or screamed at him as if he were a demon borne from The Nether. He relished in that, soon they’d understand why he’d done this. For now, he had to play the role of the tyrannical god, the man who takes and takes until that’s left is the memory of broken dreams and discs. He came to a stop, perching on top of a rock that gave him a clear glimpse of the area. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel some semblance of giddiness, of amusement at the thought of everything they loved… gone. Just. Like. That.
He chuckled beneath his breath, turning to see a familiar yellow sweater amongst the grey and black of the rocks. Ghostbur. The most pitiful of them all, really. To be dead yet remain to suffer.
Dream slid down, pebbles skittering past his feet as he landed a few feet beside the ghost. Perhaps the landscape of destruction would bring the real Wilbur back, not this husk of sorrow.
The ghost flitted about, hand wringing in front of him as a trail of phantom blood poured from the fatal wound in his chest. His eyes were the size of pinpricks, his form flickering in and out of view as though he were returning to the afterlife and merely holding onto the physical realm. Dream watched it all with a morbid curiosity, a faint smile on his face as the ghost finally settled to a jarring stop, peering down at a crater in the ground. Dream glanced at the reddening sky, the sun disappearing in the distance as a hint of night began to take over. There was nothing left here. Not for him, and certainly not for the L’Manburgians. He shook his head, turning to leave.
A bloodcurdling scream tore through the silence, too guttural to be human and too close to be anyone else but一 Dream turned on his heels, coming to a stop beside Ghostbur who had fallen into hysterics. Trails of blue seeped from the ghost’s fingertips, staining the bottom of the crater with their hue as Ghostbur tried to keep his fractured mind together. Dream would have laughed… if he hadn’t noticed the blood - actual blood puddling beneath a familiar body. He felt his heart stutter to a stop, the wind knocked from his lungs as the world turned to static. The shrieking fell away, everything fell away as Dream’s gaze turned to fix itself on dirt-stained ginger hair. His hands began to shake, his own horror rising in his throat as he jumped into the crater, begging the gods that he would be wrong in his assumption. There’s no way… There’s no fucking way. He felt sick, slipping against the freshly stained blood on the ground. Please, no一
Fundy’s skin was cold to the touch, his eyes staring forlornly into the sky… dead to the world. Wounds littered every part of him, one of his legs covered in bruises and disgustingly bent out of shape. His clothes were torn and singed, the hat he used to proudly wear gone as if he had lost it at some point . Dream held onto the fox hybrid’s shoulders, horrified by the soft and contented smile on his beloved’s face. It terrified him more than Fundy’s current state. He died… happy?
“S-star?” He pressed a hand against that too still cheek, spots of dried tears still visible against Fundy’s deadly pale skin. Dream felt a shaky breath escape his throat, a choked sound as he scrambled to tear away his porcelain mask. He could faintly hear the soft crunch of footsteps from above, his cries harmonizing with the ongoing wail of a heartbroken father. “Fundy一 You can’t be… I’M RIGHT HERE! LOOK AT ME! YOU CAN’T DIE LIKE THIS! Fundy… star...”
It wasn’t meant to be like this. Fundy had two lives, where did he一 Dream gripped his husband’s (gods, did he have the right to call him that?) body closer, sobs wracking through him as rage filled his mind. Fundy had two lives. He did, Dream had checked everyday... except for these past few days where he had been occupied in preparing for New L’Manburg’s destruction.
Dream felt the chill of rain against his back, the falling of night basking the land in darkness. He could wait. For now, he grieves. Dream buried his face into Fundy’s chest, the heart he’d once so cared for dearly, silenced. Its melody never to play again. He hated that damned smile on his star’s face, that acceptance of death as if he didn’t care for those he’d leave behind. Dream pressed a kiss against the fox hybrid’s cold lips, what once was sweet now tasted of poison and regret. “Don’t leave me. I never even got to say goodbye. Never told you how much I loved一”
Their marriage had been strained, they both knew that ever since Dream had told the world that he cared for nothing but some child’s discs. Dream pressed a kiss against Fundy’s matted ginger curls, their shine gone as if Death chose to take everything that Dream adored. Their relationship wouldn’t die with Fundy, it died a long time ago when Dream chose power over love.
“I remember our wedding. You looked so lovely that I forgot my own wedding vows.” Dream stared into those dull gold-speckled brown eyes, “You were so nervous, twitchy and scared…”
Fundy had held his breath then when all Dream could muster was a short vow of his love, not knowing that Dream had lost himself in the memories they shared. It hadn’t been fair to cut it short, hadn’t been right to sound so hesitant when Dream had spent the previous night tossing and turning in anticipation of their marriage. “I should have told you how much I loved you.”
Dream wiped away the tears that dripped from his cheeks. What right did he have to mourn a man who’d long since despised him? “I should have loved you more than what I gave you.”
He clasped a hand over Fundy’s, a glimpse of yellow at the edge of his periphery as the wailing sobs of a ghost rang in his ear. “I spent hours on my vows, and I never got to tell them. It seems ironic to say now, but I owe it to you... Fundy, I thought I was incapable of a love so pure. I knew love, but not the one you gave to me oh so freely. You showed a heartless man how to love.”
He could eyes glaring at him from the darkness, their battered and exhausted audience no doubt ready to strike the moment he’d so much as move. Dream won’t let them stop him, it was not his final time to lose yet… not when a life he held dear has been lost. “I tried to dissuade you at the start, to turn you down before you’d realize just how unlovable I really was. You insisted with date after date, refusing to give up even after everything I did. At the previous war, the 16th war, I thought you’d finally leave. But you didn’t. If I were to be real, and I want to be real, I fell for you after the fifth date. No, I loved you before then. It scared me, everyday with you. Some days when we’d fall asleep in each others’ arms, I feared the day, feared you’d leave come morning.”
The sleepless nights where he’d lay awake in fear that Fundy would leave him alone and wanting in the morning… he never did. “You never left… You never would, and I’m sorry I can’t say the same. I worried a lot about you leaving me that I never thought that I’d be the one leaving you.”
Dream took a shaky breath, lifting Fundy’s hand to his lips, the wedding ring shining brightly against Fundy’s cold dead fingers. “For whatever it’s worth… I am honored to have met you. To have been loved by you.”
With his free hand, Dream slowly closed Fundy’s eyes. If he pretended, it almost felt as if Fundy was sleeping. Gods only knew how many hours Dream memorized his beloved’s sleeping face, and he knew it was never this peaceful. For only in death could Fundy ever really feel peace.
“I’m happy to be… to have been your husband, though I was never the greatest. If I could, I would do anything to wake up beside you again… for just one last morning.” He held back a choked sob, letting his tears fall for everyone to see. “I love you. I loved you so… but I guess…”
Dream smiled, broken and lost, “It was never meant to be.”
Fundywastaken continues to break my heart. It is only right that I retaliate. But ye... hope you guys like this and... bye! :DDD
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deliberatelyvague · 5 years ago
You’re Grounded! (obey me x fem!reader)
Started: April 15, 2020 at 7:31pm
Ended: April 15, 2020 at 8:04pm
Word Count: 875
Pairing(s): [platonic! brothers x platonic! reader] [plantonic? diavolo x platonic? reader]
Trigger Warning: none
Author’s Note: another one done! I like how this one turned out, and also, maybe a hint at Diavolo x reader. Really, when he is involved in a story I can’t help it 😔.
Request/Prompt: I swear if I keep on requesting you're gonna block me haha. Okay sO The brothers are fighting, the usual shy + quiet reader(female) snaps and goes into full mom mode. Says they're grounded and stuff. So Mammon says "You can't do that, you're not our mom" And she's like "I am NOW" and Lucifer confused "You still can't do that" So she's like "Alright I'm going to call your dad *calls Diavolo*" And he is like "they play family?? Yes!! I'm dad now :DD yes they're grounded :3 Barbatos look at this!!"
You were sitting in the dining room, since it gave you more space to spread out your schoolwork. You had been assigned to do a presentation on the human world, since you were in fact a human, and it was also a speech grade. So, you went the whole nine miles with notecards, a PowerPoint, and you were even planning on making a food that your family made often.
It had been going well for the first half hour- a few of the brothers joined you including Beel, Belphie, and Satan. Beel was eating, Belphie was sleeping on him and you had asked Satan to join you into order to point you in the right direction of what teachers in the Devildom expected of you.
It was all calm, until Mammon decided to join you. He had come from the direction of the kitchen, scratching his head.
“Have any of you-” he started to say, but then his eyes landed on Beel, who was holding a cup of Hellfire ramen noodles. “Beel, I was saving those for tonight!”
Beel shrugged and continue to eat them, working Mammon up, and Mammon went over to Beel and started saying something, but you had learned quickly enough that you had to just zone Mammon out when he got like that.
“Hey, do any of you- oh! There you are, [Y/N]!” Asmo popped his face in the door, then headed your way. “Oh,” he pouted. “Are you almost done, Doll? I want to take you to my room for something special.” He put his arms around you after turning you toward him.
“Asmo, no I need to get at least half way into this presentation tonight-”
“Hey Asmo, get your hands off of her, she’s mine!” Mammon yelled at Asmo, who pouted more.
“No need to yell, Mammon, let [Y/N] decide for herself whether she likes my touch.”
Lucifer then decided to walk in and you muttered under your breath. You shook out of Asmo’s grip, trying to gather together your school supplies before the situation could get any worse.
“Mammon, why did Lord Diavolo get bills coming from some witches?” Lucifer interrogated.
Mammon went off, running around, with Lucifer saying he wasn’t going to chase him. Belphie was still sleeping somehow and Beel seemed to get a kick out of the argument going on. Satan was helping you get your supplies together. Asmo had popped a seat next to you, feeding into the drama going on between Mammon and Lucifer.
It only kept getting louder, and Lucifer was blocking the only exit out of the room.
“Enough! Stop fighting!” You raise your voice, the loudness cutting through the argument that they were having. You rarely raised your voice, which made even Lucifer turn to look at you.
“Or what?” Mammon questioned, his eyebrow raising.
“I’ll ground you, don’t tempt me.” You turned to Lucifer. “Don’t think that doesn’t go for you either, mister.”
“Excuse me?”
“You can’t do that, you’re not our mother.”
“Well, I am now. You better watch that tone with me, I’ll tie- I’ll make Lucifer tie you to the bed so you can’t sneak out anymore.” You threatened.
“[Y/N], you still can’t do that,” Lucifer told you.
“You want to bet? I’ll call your father,” you say, taking out your DDD, dialing Diavolo’s phone number.
Diavolo was in his chambers, planning out another scheme to make the brother and you take part in when his DDD started to vibrate. He picked it up and saw that it was his beloved exchange student, and answered it.
“Hey, I need you to tell Lucifer and Mammon that they’re grounded.”
“I- what?”
“They aren’t listening to me. I told them they needed to stop fighting or I would ground them. They said I wasn’t their mother, and so I called you, their father.”
“I’m the father?” Diavolo replies, a smile coming to his face.
“Of course? Now, I need you to tell them they’re grounded, please.”
“Of course, wife, you two boys have been bad, and as punishment you’re going to be grounded. Listen to your mother.”
“Thank you, ‘Volo!” You cheered, hanging up after he gave his welcome.
Barbatos then came into Diavolo’s room, setting down a drink and a dessert next to the Lord.
“Barbatos, get this, [Y/N] and the brothers play house! I’m the dad!” Diavolo said happily, taking a sip from his drink.
“Of course, who else, my Lord?” Barbatos answered his, a small smile adorning his face as he left.
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god1ngs · 3 years ago
Mr. Nivison would be my father. But hello Drama, my cosmos.
Also hello Apple, my beloved buttercup.
I guess there’s never a more opportune time for a midnight snack. I’ll indulge that sweet tooth of mine.
-Ted Nivison
yeahhh >:DDD
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leviathanswingman · 5 years ago
killing me softly, chapter 12: actions speak louder than words
Lucifer was sitting in his study, stacks of paperwork on his desk in front of him. He was meticulously working, going through paper after paper. The big celebration was in a day and he still had a lot of catching up to do. After having pulled another all-nighter, he had almost finished all of his tasks. Next to him was a trash bin, filled to the brim with white and blue rose petals, a few single buds mixed in with stems and thorns.
Exhausted, he allowed himself to rest for a moment. In front of of him were a cup of coffee Barbatos had brought over and an untouched slice of apple pie which Beelzebub had unceremoniously dumped in front of him. Lucifer took a big gulp of coffee and leaned back in his chair, letting out a deep sigh. The warm coffee felt like medicine to his sore throat.
As he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath of the rich scent of roasted beans, suddenly, the doors burst open and Asmodeus barged into the room.
Surprised, Lucifer almost threw the cup of coffee over his shoulder. Quickly, he kicked the overflowing trash bin under the desk, almost making it tip over in the process. It swayed dangerously before finally coming to a halt.
„Asmodeus!“ he growled as he got up from his chair. „How many times have I told you to knock? Looking at your behaviour one could assume you'd been raised by apes. I suppose you must have a fairly good reason as to why you have disobeyed my rules once again.“
Asmo smiled at him recklessly. „Oh, I do! I'm on the most important of missions!“ he exclaimed as he crossed the room and walked around the table with a spring in his step. Elegantly, he then sat down on top of Lucifer's mahogany desk, one leg crossed over the other.
„If you don't want me to cancel all of your beauty subscriptions, you better speak up. Now.“
“Oh come one, Lucifer. You wouldn't do that!”
Lucifer held eye contact with his brother as he picked up his DDD and dialled a number. “Good evening, is this-”
“No!” Asmodeus yelled as he grabbed Lucifer's DDD and threw it out the window. From far away they could hear a distant thud, followed by an angry yell. “OW! If I find out who threw that DDD, I swear to fuck-”
“Sorry Satan!!”
Then, there was the sound of a garbage can getting kicked out of its socket and Asmodeus shrugged nonchalantly.
For a moment, Lucifer simply stared at his brother. Normally, now would be the perfect time to punish Asmodeus, make him learn from his mistakes and most of all, make him refrain from overstepping his boundaries ever again. However, Lucifer was extremely tired. The last two days he had worked tirelessly, attempting to make up for the time he had spent in Lord Diavolo's chambers. Adding to the exhaustion that came from his overworked mind, Lucifer was also suffering under the fits of hanahaki that had gotten progressively worse over the last two days. The only blessing that had emerged out of this situation was the fact that his enormous workload was effectively keeping him apart from Diavolo.
With Lucifer holed up in his study and Lord Diavolo busy preparing for his guests, there was no time left to mull over that pesky disease. Everything was working completely in Lucifer's favour.
“Are you trying to sign your death warrant?”
“Not actively, no,” Asmo answered, tilting his head playfully.
“Oh, really? I can make that happen, you are aware of that?” Lucifer threatened half-heartedly. It took much energy being threatening and angry, energy he definitely couldn't spare at the moment. He just had to make it through the celebration, both literally and figuratively.
Lucifer was most aware of the fact that he did not have much time left. Aside from the obvious hanahaki attacks, his breathing had worsened immensely and he had started to get random nose bleeds.
As Yuuta would say, he felt like hell, which was quite ironic, taken his current place of residence. Lucifer had one last task left to fulfil: making it through the celebration without raising any suspicions. If he managed to do that, he could die without regrets; could die with the knowledge that he didn't have to sully Lord Diavolo's name.
After Barbatos had caught him, resting in Diavolo's arms, he had spent evening after evening laying out all of his options and had come to one conclusion. If he were to allow himself to be with Diavolo, if he were to alleviate their relationship to a romantic level, he would sooner or later bring shame to Lord Diavolo. As the current demon prince, a romance with his right hand man would be one of the biggest scandals all around devildom. Although the demon king was not present at the moment, he would certainly not be willing to give his blessing for a union like that.
Lucifer snapped out of it and sighed deeply. In moments like this, he couldn't help but feel a saddening kind of softness. After all, this was one of his last days with his brothers. Almost his entire life he'd portrayed himself as the serious, untouchable older brother. Today, he was allowed to be lenient for once.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to Asmodeus. “Pray tell, what is this mission of yours?”
A quick smile flashed across Asmo's face. “Actually, you are my mission.”
Lucifer raised his eyebrows in a silent question. “I am your mission? In what way is this supposed to make sense?”
His little brother put his hands on Lucifer's shoulders and beamed with excitement. “Well, sorry for saying this, but you look terrible, like absolute garbage.”
“You know you can't hurt my feelings with crude language like that. I'm a busy demon and work always comes first. So what are you trying to accomplish?”
Asmodeus sighed in annoyance. “You don't get what I mean. You probably have to be at Diavolo's side the entire party, right?” he questioned, head cocked to one side.
“It's a celebration, not a party, but yes. It's what's expected from me. Diavolo and I will be responsible for our honoured guests.”
Asmodeus didn't skip a beat. “Looking like that?” he murmured sweetly, yet still loud enough for Lucifer to hear.
Of course, Lucifer had allowed himself to be somewhat kind during his last days, but that didn't mean he'd let his brother bully him without reason. With a strong hand, he whacked Asmodeus in the back of his head.
“Ouch! What was that for?? Lucifer, you're such a meanie! I was just trying to help!” Asmo wailed. “Don't you think you should look perfect for the party? It's no secret that you're blessed with good genes, but right now, you're looking like a zombie!” He rubbed the back of his head as he averted his eyes. “Don't you want to look good for Lord Diavolo?” he added, his expression obviously fake lost in thought.
“What was that last part about?” Lucifer asked coldly, a sickly sweet smile painted on his face as he gripped Asmo's wrist a little bit too tight.
“Oh, did I say that out loud?” came the answer. “Whoopsie.”
“Stop it with your little games, Asmodeus. We both know you have come here with an agenda. Knowing you, there's no way to persuade you to just leave it. So what are you here for?” With a deep sigh, he twirled his hand in a circular motion, signalling his brother to keep talking.
Asmodeus basically lit up. “I'm giving you a makeover!”
Lucifer simply glowered at him. As soon as Asmodeus recognized the look on his brother's face, he corrected himself.
“I'm not saying you need a makeover, after all you are gorgeous Lucifer, I just think you need a bit of last minute skin care to perfect your complexion. Both your exhaustion and hana-”
At the mention of his disease, Lucifer threw Asmodeus a threatening look, making him freeze in place for a second.
“Both your exhaustion and your illness,” he corrected himself, “have taken a toll on you. Wouldn't our beloved guests get worried if they caught you walking around like the living dead?” Asmo concluded.
After a few moments of silence, Lucifer surrendered and sat down on his chair. Deep down he could tell that this wasn't just another one of Asmodeus' shenanigans. There was a bigger picture he wasn't quite aware of.
Still, that didn't erase the fact that his brother had a valid point. If he were to attend the celebration looking gaunt and exhausted, people would eventually end up gossiping. Lord Diavolo already had a hard time proving himself to be as good of a leader as his father had been, rumours about his overworked right hand man were the last thing he needed at the moment.
Lucifer felt a petal working itself up his throat again. He coughed once, trying to alleviate the discomfort, but to no avail. Given the fact that Asmodeus was already in the picture, he felt little shame in pulling the trash bin out from under his desk. Forearms leaning heavily on his thighs, he leaned forward and quickly heaved a load of petals into the already overflowing trash bin. For a few moments he stayed in that position until he could feel his elbows digging into his thighs harshly. Tomorrow, there would probably be bruises there. Lucifer now leaned back, letting the back of his head hit the chair's backrest.
“Do not say anything, I don't need your unnecessary comments,” he said, voice croaky. “Save it.” Suddenly,he felt something trickling down his nose. Blood.
Asmodeus squeaked at the sight of it. “Tip your head back! Tip your head back, oh my god!! Wait, don't tip it back I think you're not supposed to do that! Towel.. towel!” He hurried across the room, scurrying to find anything to stop the bleeding. Eventually, he found one of Lucifer's handkerchiefs and ran back to his side.
“That's not necessary,” Lucifer started as he held the palm of his hand pressed to his nose, blood trickling down to the slightly protruding bone of his wrist.
“Just let me do this!” Asmo exclaimed as he shoved the handkerchief in Lucifer's face. Lucifer let out a few grumbles, but still grabbed the handkerchief and held it to his nose. “So, we were discussing your plan?” he continued their former conversation, acting as if nothing had happened.
Asmodeus looked at him intensely and for a second, a look of suppressed anger cracked through the mask he had carefully crafted. However, it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. After breathing out heavily, he fixed his bangs with steady fingers and put on a smile.
“Of course. So, I've been thinking about what we can do to make you look less like you're about to drop dead and more like you're drop dead gorgeous, right? I still have a few amazing creams and tinctures which can save you from literally anything. We are going to use those on you. With that, problem number one will be solved,” he snapped his finger, “just like that.”
Lucifer folded the bloodied handkerchief in half and pressed it back against his nose. He wasn't the biggest fan of all of Asmo's flowery perfumes and creams; admittedly, the heavy scents gave him migraines, but if it would help him look more presentable for his last duties, he would have to suffer through it. “I understand. What else?”
Asmodeus clapped his hands once. “Problem two is mostly me being nitpicky, but I just know it will make you shine so much more and take everyone's attention off your illness. I'm not trying to be rude here, but you do have a track record of being terrible at hiding,” he motioned towards the full trash bin, “that. You have to show me your outfit and I'll work out how we can perfect it.”
Perfection. Exactly what Lucifer wanted to portray, almost to an obsessive degree. Everything had to be neat and tidy for his final performance.
The bleeding had finally stopped and Lucifer threw the handkerchief into the bin on top of all the sickly smelling petals and buds. “Alright then, follow me to my chambers.”
Asmodeus was standing in the middle of Lucifer's room as he waited for his brother to bring out his fit for tomorrow's party. He knew Lucifer could tell something was up, but seeing as he had only a day left and his pride to maintain, he had budged. Well, he had budged very reluctantly. Taken the fact that they were talking about Lucifer however, it was a wonder he had given in to begin with.
When him, his brothers and Yuuta had formed their plan, Asmodeus had immediately known what exactly he had to say to Lucifer to get him to involuntarily cooperate. Catering to his pride had been their only realistic option and it had worked incredibly well.
We're not gonna let you go, you stubborn brother of ours. We're annoying like that and you are all that we have left, Asmodeus thought to himself for a moment.
He was nervous to a certain degree, but out of all of his brothers and Yuuta, he was the one with the most viable poker-face.
Asmodeus prided himself in being distracting and eye-catching, turning conversations around was his forte. Now he completely had to rely on those skills of his. Everyone was depending on him to make this work somehow. He hid shaking fingers behind his back as Lucifer stepped back into his field of view, holding a pristine black suit. It was neither too plain nor too ornate, perfect in a marriage of respectability and beauty. Thoughtfully, Asmodeus nodded his head as he circled the suit once, looking at every inch of fabric closely.
“We can work with this. Waistcoat and shirt?” he then asked, his pointer ghosting over his lips.
“Red waistcoat, the dress shirt is a regular black one,” Lucifer answered, handing over the suit to his brother. Asmodeus laid it out on the bed, careful not to crease the suit.
“The waistcoat is a good choice, but drop the black dress shirt.”
Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows. “What is wrong with a black dress shirt. It's professional yet elegant.”
“That's exactly the point. This is not a business meeting, this is a party.”
“Celebration,” Lucifer cut in.
“Par-ty,” Asmo insisted. “Lord Diavolo and you are there to entertain and mingle with the guests. Dress like it. Aren't parties there to impress and wow the crowd?” He winked at his brother. “Or do you want me to have all the attention to myself? Oh Lucifer, I didn't know you were this considerate! Anyway, the shirt gets switched out with a black dress shirt made out of lace, no getting out of this one.”
Lucifer glowered at him. It was almost hilariously obvious how badly he wanted this situation to be over. “Are you done?”
“Am I done? I've barely even started! Show me the shoes!”
After crossing the room again, Lucifer brought over a pair of elegant, black dress shoes. Asmodeus stared at them in blank horror. “Ew. Ew ew ew. Nope, we are certainly not doing that!”
With a bit too much force Lucifer sat down on the bed, barely suppressing a deep grumble. “What's the problem now?”
“What's the-? Everything! Lucifer, how did you manage to woo Lord Diavolo with clothes this unadventurous?!”
“I told you before, I do not-” before he could finish his sentence Asmodeus raised one finger and dashed out of the room.
Lucifer sprung up from his bed and quickly grabbed the nearest handkerchief, coughing into it violently. His throat hurt to the point that one, two, three more buds didn't matter all that much anymore. He tasted blood, but kept coughing until what had been clogging up his windpipe dislodged. Two bloodied buds were now lying in the handkerchief between his hands, a blue rose and a white rose.
Images of those mesmerizing eyes, all honey and smoke, flashed through his mind again. Nowadays, the mere mention of Diavolo was enough to send Lucifer into painful fits. Still, he had made his decision and he was going to have to live with it. Or rather, he had to die with it, but that was just semantics right there.
Just as his breathing calmed down again, Asmodeus barged back into the room, holding something in his hands.
In the middle of wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, Lucifer looked back up, realizing what exactly his little brother had brought over so excitedly.
“You cannot be serious about this.”
Asmodeus flashed him one of his signature smiles, a smile few could say no to. Although Lucifer was different from regular demons, even he himself found it difficult to refuse his little brother when he exuded this kind of energy. But Lucifer knew his brothers better than anyone else. Asmodeus' smiles were infused with his powers. Whether he did this on purpose or not was a completely different question though. Awareness generally lowered the impact Asmodeus' powers had on you.
“Yep! I'm completely serious about this. I will come by 2 hours before the party starts so I can do your make-up.”
Without batting an eye Lucifer crossed his arms. He had worn make-up on multiple occasions, a little bit of concealer or foundation here and there to hide his tiredness and exhaustion. Knowing his brother however, this was not going to be where it ended.
Apparently Asmodeus saw the distrusting look on Lucifer's face, since he hurriedly scrolled through his phone, turning it to Lucifer to show him the picture he had just looked up.
“Like that,” he said. “Doesn't that look just darling? We'll use a little bit of red eyeshadow, which will work great with your eyes, then apply a tiny bit of eyeliner and then finish it off with mascara. Subtle yet enticing.” Slowly, he looked up at his brother who seemed to study the photo for a moment.
“Enticing? I would rather say it's quite daring, taken the fact that I am Lord Diavolo's right hand man.”
Asmodeus sighed deeply. “I promise, I'm not trying to make you look like a whore! This is gonna look so sophisticated! You're gonna look hot!”
Finally, Lucifer gave in, not because of his brother's last comment, but because it was his last day with his family. With Lord Diavolo. Going out meekly had never been quite his style.
“For once, I entrust myself to you. Do not disappoint me, Asmodeus,” he threatened, but his brother was barely listening to him as he had already jumped up and hugged Lucifer tightly, nuzzling his chest with his head for a moment. Surprised, Lucifer froze for a moment, but then resorted himself to awkwardly patting Asmo's head. A few moments later, Asmo let go again.
“It's settled then, I'll see you tomorrow!” he beamed before leaving the room with a spring to his step.
Lucifer sighed deeply as he let himself sink back onto his bed. Suddenly, his eyes settled on the clothing item Asmodeus had brought over before. Boots with a heel, approximately four inches in height, which would reach over his knees, hugging the beginning of his thighs in an almost promiscuous promise, made of the richest of leathers. They were beautiful works of craft, there was no denying that.
Lucifer's gut feeling was telling him that tomorrow would be the most interesting of days. No matter how much he would have preferred a calm passing, the fact that his brothers were involved in some way or another told him that chaos would inevitably ensue. After all, it always did.
There was only one certainty about tomorrow's evening in the ballroom: it would undeniably be Lucifer's last day alive.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 13
*nsfw chapter
taglist: @el-does-photography
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lilithsgayadoptednephew · 4 years ago
Holy Hands
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Complete Work
Chapter Index
Chapter 40
The stranger didn't answer, he just kept meandering away. Acacia jogged to keep up.
"MC told me about you, you're a sorcerer right? I thought you–"
"Wait you know MC?" He stopped and addressed her finally. Acacia wasn't surprised, most people didn't give her the time of day unless she brought up her sibling.
"Yeah I'm their sister. We're here with the 7 Avatars to try and get back the Devildom." She explained, Solomon looked thoughtful.
"Simon didn't say anything about the brothers being in this fight, he just said some rogue demons were causing trouble and he could use my help." He said, shaking his head slowly.
"Yeah and–" suddenly her DDD started buzzing. "Hold that thought." She took it out of her pocket, it was Mammon. Upon answering it many voices shouted at once, none of them intelligible.
"Guy guys shut up" Mammon's voice rose above the group call. "I need all hands on deck gah!! get everyone you can find and meet me by the west pillars" there was background noise of shouting and clanking, Mammon sounded like he was struggling.
"What's going on?" She asked frantically, Mammon had to collect himself before he could continue.
"Lucifer didn't defeat Michael. He's still WOAH. I can't talk, just send backup fast." Then the line went dead. Acacia stared at her ddd.
Lucifer didn't defeat Michael? He'd lost? Did that mean he was… no, he couldn't just die.
She looked up and saw Solomon was staring at her, but he was being pressured to leave by someone she hadn't seen approach.
She'd met Simon a few times, but the angel seemed downright panicked as he tried to make Solomon flee. Solomon just continued staring, not really noticing the angel's attempts.
"Lucifer... he's dead?" He said incredulously. It didn't sound right, didn't sound possible.
"We...we don't know that." But her voice held no certainty. She remembered Mammon, the strain in his call for help. Her heartbeat sped up and she started feeling fidgety.
Was Mammon facing that monster alone? If Lucifer couldn't even beat him then Mammon didn't stand a chance. She had to get Abaddon and go help. She turned on her heel before stopping herself. She turned back and addressed the two still present.
"Are you guys going to help?" She asked sharply. Solomon didn't answer but Simon jumped at the question.
"No! I mean I really wish we could but Micheals just...too much. Even with help we don't stand a chance." Solomon nodded in agreement.
"No, none of that," she said, tired of the angels' games. "None of this wishy washy 'oh we're on your side but not really' garbage. Mammon said all hands. Lucifer failed and probably died for this battle." She was growling now. "You gotta shape up or ship out right now." She got in their faces, her short stature and aggressively close stance giving her the appearance of a strike posed cobra.
"This plan is ride or die so you're either helping or you're wasting precious time I could be helping. I want a one word answer, in or out." She finished. The two blinked before sharing a look.
Solomon thought he knew what was going on. He found entertainment in getting information from his pacts and teasing others with that information. But this was a whole war he didn't know about, one his friends were fighting right under his nose. Now they were in danger, Asmo was in danger. With a nod he addressed the aggressive little girl.
Simon looked at Solomon like he was a madman. He probably was, but Simon was a good person. He wanted to keep his friends safe and stop all the bloodshed. There was a point where he had to admit Michael was a lunatic and Simon probably shouldn't be taking orders from him.
"...in" he said hesitantly. Acacia nodded once.
"Then follow me"
0Mammon was in way over his head. Lucifer was scary enough with his composed and precise punishment. But Micheal was just as powerful and infinitely less careful. He swung his sword in wide, unhinged Arch's, his hair fell in his face and his teeth were bared making him look like a feral possum.
Michael had lost them. They were just there within his grasp and Lucifer had swooped in and stolen them again. He was so angry his limbs burned. His jaw clenched and wouldn't unclench. He just wanted to destroy everything he saw, and Lucifer's beloved brother was a perfect place to start. He laughed gleefully as he swung his sword, forcing the demon farther and farther back.
He'd had the greedy bastard against a wall with his sword raised when the cavalry apparently arrived. Mammon visibly sighed in relief as his brothers rushed to his aid. The wrath of the sky and the ground and the tides was wielded by the newly rejuvenated brothers. Michael countered all of it with ease until Diavolo showed up.
The man was angry, he'd lost his kingdom, his best friend, and he was more than ready to take it out on an emotionally unstable seraphim. The shadows themselves seemed to rise up and trip Michael. Gripping at his armor and dragging him back to the Devildom prince.
Mammon took the opportunity to rest for a moment, he hadn't fought Michael alone for long, but he was still more than winded. He sat on the soft ground with his head between his knees trying to regain his strength. He listened to the sounds of the brothers ganging up on Micheal like it was his favorite song. Michael still held the advantage over the brothers and the prince, until some unexpected newcomers crashed.
"Now it's a party!" Asmo cried gleefully as Soloman rushed to his side in the fight. Spells on his tongue and fire in his fingers. Simon seemed hesitant at first but decided his best roll was helping the injured recover. In that sense, he started with Mammon. Healing whatever small injuries he'd sustained and suppressing his fatigue. Mammon was just about ready to jump back in when a hand on his arm stopped him.
"Wha? Ah! Acacia! You shouldn't be this close what's the matter with you?" Acacia just leaned close and kissed him lightly. Not hesitant, just soft. Mammon felt his head get so light he thought he'd float away. When she pulled away there were a few moments where his tongue became an untrained seal and he couldn't express any coherent words. Acacia just ruffled his hair and stepped back.
Mammon suddenly felt as powerful as Lucifer. Whipping around towards the fight he thought, this must be her way of saying 'thanks for not dying'.
He'd spend a million years not dying if it meant he'd get to kiss those lips again.
0They squinted on instinct in the blinding light of the upper Celestial Realm. Seeing where they were going was completely pointless so they just trusted Lucifer to navigate.
MC didn't know what they'd expected. Perhaps some kind of guard or gatekeeper, but the Lord was not hidden. He did not have any preamble or even a throne. He just stood and looked out into the distance. His body turned away from the approaching guests. He was so tall his face was completely out of view. He wasn't large...or small...or anything really, any opinion based on appearance simply did not stick in their head, instead it slipped through like water through their fingers.
Lucifer landed before the man and staggered backwards, as if realizing what exactly he was doing.
How could he bring them here? How could he show his face here? He was disgraced and banished and yet he just flew up here as if it were a normal weekend visit. He'd never really contemplated how easy this would be.
MC didn't know how to feel. They were literally standing looking at their creator. The man responsible for all of the laws of the world. They looked at him and realized...he looked like he was incomplete.
Yes there was definitely something... suspicious about his ambiguous appearance. As if it hasn't been decided yet what he should look like. They kept the thought to themself.
Upon their arrival he simply spoke.
"You've come here for answers."
They couldn't deny it, so they didn't. MC decided silence was the best option for them, instead letting Lucifer speak to the figure he called father.
"Y-yes" he spoke quietly. Never had MC heard Lucifer stutter. The implication sent shivers down their spine.
"I suppose you deserve your answers since you've come so far. Go on then."
"I...we…" Lucifer was actually sweating now, what was he thinking? He had nothing to say, he hadn't thought this through at all! He stared at his shoes like a nervous child giving a presentation. MC decided to try their hand at rescuing him.
"Why did you order Michael to take the Devildom?" A simple enough question.
"So my son's would come home." He said sadly. Lucifer visible cringed.
"Why do you want them home after you banished them?" They pressed. Lucifer was actually starting to panic now. Trembling, he sat on the ground to avoid collapsing. No one commented.
"So they could help me reclaim the earth." Now MC was shaken, that's a foreboding answer.
"What does that mean?" They asked.
"I wish to destroy this and start over." he said.
MCs face went white.
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child-of-hurin · 7 years ago
Do you have any headcanons about the contrast between the first Ruling Queen of Númenor and the last? I for myself associate Ancalimë strongly with Sun whilst Míriel with the Moon.
I agree, I think the comparison with the sun and the moon is VERY fitting! And I think Ancalimë and Míriel are each very emblematic of the time period they belong to within Númenor’s timeline... they sure can IMO fuction as symbolic opposites, too. And I am definitely with you on the associations with the sun for Ancalimë! I mean, I have been on board with that ever since I read [this post] of @anghraine‘s about her son Anárion - whose name means “son of the sun” (
For more comparisons, in my HC Míriel is very close to her father, and not close at all to her mother (whom I haven’t managed to unfridge yet x_x). In my HC, the question of whether Inziladûn died because he choose to die or because he was really too old, and just naturally died, is metatextually ambiguous... but HE frames it as a choice he’s making, to go like the monarchs of old - so there’s an obscure part of Míriel that feels abandoned. In that sense, it’s possible to trace a parallel with Ancalimë, who afaik got along just fine with her dad later on, but who never forgot that time when she, as a child, clung to him but was set down on the floor as he walked out, ‘abandoning’ her and her mother (that’s UT canon)... I think Míriel and Ancalimë are both very lonely people, with abandonment issues and a complicated relationship with isolation. And there’s also the fact that they’re both married against their will. Maybe Míriel contemplates that one day, when thinking about her predecessors ;/ Ancalimë had to marry against her wishes and Vanimeldë’s husband usurped her son after she died. The only female monarch to whom marriage was never a problem was Telperiën, who never married (bless).... by contrast, the only male monarch whose marriage troubles are known to us are Aldarion and Gimilzôr... and of course, Pharazôn. I’m sure Míriel thinks about that a lot....
IDK if this is of interest to you, and if you also HC this, but I imagine Númenorean culture as very interested in revisiting itself and its formative cultural past, and I imagine that’s something that reaches its apex during Vanimeldë’s rule and its les arts florissants, etc. So, for some time, I played with the idea of Ancalimë and Telperiën being associated with sun-and-moon imagery during Vanimeldës time, whereas Vanimeldë herself would be associated with the stars/Varda the beloved, queen of the sky (;DDD). I think Númenorean artists would moreover be working with the name implications - “Ancalimë” meaning “most bright” (the sun) and “Telperiën” meaning “crowned in silver”* (the moon). I can also stretch it a bit and look towards Silmariën, who was born one generation too early to profit from her nephew Aldarion’s law reform, and who’s named for the legendary jewel before it became a star in the sky... and to Míriel “jewel-daughter”, which I can easily interpret as a reference to the brightest star in the sky, who’s also her great-great-etc-etc-grandfather :^) :^( (although ofc there are a lot of male rulers with names also related to stars and shining and brightness ofc, but that’s besides the point). 
Is this more or less what you expected? Do you agree/disagree, have other opinions or takes? Thank you for this question, it was very nice getting it :D
*it’s interesting to notice Telperiën had a younger brother called Isilmo, which translates to something like “man of the moon” 👀 coincidence?? IThink Not
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percy-ils · 3 years ago
I understand hating your own writing I hate my writing too and I have to stop myself from time to time from just erasing a bunch of my stuff because I worked too hard on it but it does embarass me sometimes but for what it's worth I really do love your writing and I know that you will only keep on improving and for me you are one of the best people I have met on this fandom even if I can't make friends very well and I get nervous easily I still feel like I belong a little to the fandom space while talking with you
And oh my God it's been so long since my url was that I barely ever posted anything back then and I think anybody following me was just because of my fics but that's so cool thank you so much I don't think I will ever become one of those big big 1k+ followers blogs but I have definitely gotten way more follows than I ever thought I would and that's so insane here and in ao3 people have been so kind to me even though I feel like I have given no motives to
Back then I always wanted to talk to you but not being able to be on anon like I was on mimi's blog (Thatanonwriter) if you ever spoke with her or Sammy's blog always sending my headcanons and fics on anon because otherwise I felt too exposed and shy but now I feel way more confident
And now I also now the joys of getting asks of any type ever so I assure you nobody hates that I love being able to talk to you for real you are the best love u <3- Beloved
I'm hiding in my hands squealing with happiness oh gods.
Sometimes my own writings can be so cringe and embarrassing I just cringe from time to time when I think about them it hurts. But just. I cant thank you enough for the encouragement and your replies they make me want to cry /pos
Talking with you is just so nice because I love all your ideas and your writing and you're so creative and feel genuine and your thoughts just match mine so well it's unreal! You make the whole fandom experience a lot better for me!!!
I think you deserve all the kindness both on here and on ao3 because you're just so awesome. One of your fics (leaving like a father running like water) is one of my old time favourites but when I was following your blog back then I didnt even know that was you! I just loved your blog (still do :D)
Also, I always read Mimi and Sammy's asks of headcanons and yoo those were you???? I still remember some of them being so cool. - uh, you probably know that mimi left tumblr after July 1st, and I miss her a lot, we used to talk often and I'm still sad about her leaving, while completely respecting it, just wanted to add :( -
I'm so glad you're more confident now, I love all your asks and your replies they make may day usually :DDD
You're the best, and you just make my time better, love you too <3<3
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