#either where they play dnd or they ARE in the dnd universe and i go meta with game mechanics again lmao
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years ago
Hey There Jealousy.
You're part of Hellfire with a big crush on Eddie, he doesn't feel the same and you deal with unrequited feelings until a date with someone else triggers unexpected reactions. ✨
Warnings; Angst, jealousy, fighting, fluffy goodness. Not S4 compliant.
Please like or reblog, etc if you enjoyed this ❤️🌸
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
You had been in Hellfire for the last two years, it was your senior year and things were going pretty great.
When you first joined the group you didn't know what to expect, Gareth was the one who had found out that you were a huge dnd fan and always played with the kids you were babysitting at the time.
One of them happened to be his younger cousin Dave who raved about you to Gareth, it was then decided you would tag along to Hellfire.
None of your friends could understand why you wanted to join but you ignored their doom-filled predictions of it being a cult or whatever bullshit they heard from Jason.
Eddie was hesitant at first until you played your first campaign and knocked everyone's expectations out of the water.
Now you were one of Eddie's valued teammates and the tiny itty bitty crush you had on Eddie when you first met? Now it was full-blown feelings and you were screwed.
Because he didn't think of you like that, he had crushes on Chrissy Cunningham, other cheerleaders, hookups with girls in bands and at The Hideout where he would play with his band Corroded Coffin.
It hurt, seeing him with those girls hurt, it was expected though. You were just his friend, he was older and in a cool band and despite what Jason and his Neanderthal friends thought and called him- "the freak" garnered a lot of intrigue.
He was also gorgeous, with beautiful brown doe eyes, shaggy brown hair, tattoos and dimples. Eddie was fucking hot.
So yeah, you were screwed.
Dustin never thought he would be speaking one and one with Chrissy Cunningham. He knew you were friends with her and Eddie a little bit too but it still felt surreal.
You and Eddie. That was the reason the two of them were conspiring together in the first place.
"Look, I like Eddie, he's a sweet guy but the fact that he doesn't notice how gone my girl is for him is frustrating" Dustin nods.
"What do you want to do about it? If he's not interested then you can't force him to be Chrissy" she nods.
"I know. Eddie Munson despite what yn seems to think isn't the only guy in the whole universe, others have noticed how cute she is"
This intrigues Dustin. Was it Steve? He knew Steve thought you were hot.
"You know Matt? He's on the basketball team? One of Jason's friends. He's one of them" Dustins eyes widen.
"So what do you suggest we do?" Chrissy smiles.
"We don't have to do anything. Matt is going to ask her out. Either Eddie feels something or he doesn't, either way..."
Either way, you would either get your dream guy or a chance to move on for good. Dustin liked you a lot and wanted you to find happiness, whether it was with Eddie, Matt or whoever you wanted to be with.
He was nervous but ready to see what happened.
"Hey" You're shocked into silence as Matt comes over, he's like one of the most popular guys in school besides Jason and yeah you're meant to be tutoring him tonight but you didn't expect him to want to hang out beyond that.
Did he want to hang out with Hellfire? Immediately you notice Eddie tense, defences up and you don't blame him, the basketball team has a few jerks in it.
Besides Lucas of course. You adored Lucas as well as Mike and Dustin.
Matt has never been hostile though so you smile encouragingly while Eddie glares at the newcomer.
"Hey, I know we were meant to be studying tonight but I saw on your bag that you like horror movies, there's a showing of some classic horror movies tonight. You wanna go?"
Okay, this you weren't expecting. He rests his hand on your arm and his thumb strokes over your shoulder, it tingles and you feel flustered and also acutely aware of Eddie's raised eyebrow as he watches you both.
Chrissy is watching too giving you a thumbs-up gesture and you make a decision.
"I'd love to" you find yourself saying and Matt grins.
"Cool, I'll see you after class" You watch him go feeling like you're in some strange dream.
"Did that really just happen?" you ask the others who look between you and then Eddie.
"You've been swayed to the dark side. Yeah, it did" Eddie huffs and you roll your eyes.
"I have not. He is cute though" You sigh dreamily, it's nice having someone notice you.
"He was all over you in Ms O'Donnell's class. Someone's got a crush" Jeff teases and the others join in on the light hearted teasing.
Except for Eddie, who's quiet and munching on a bag of pretzels while he glares in the direction of the Jock table.
"We were just talking, he was asking me for help studying. I help Eddie so why not?" Gareth grins.
"Mmm and now you're off to the movies, a horror movie. That you'll not be watching because of all the... He makes a kissy face and you giggle.
"Dingus" would that happen though? Your belly flutters.
"Shut up! " Eddie snaps and the others quieten and your heart rate spikes because he looks so annoyed and you wonder if it's about you and Matt.
"We were discussing the campaign" he points out and your heart sinks, right Hellfire. It was silly of you to think he might be jealous. Why would he be?
After school, you meet up with Matt to head to the cinema.
Maybe this will be a good thing and you will be able to finally move on from Eddie?
Eddie was invited to tag along with Robin and Steve to see The Blob.
How was he supposed to know that you would be at this movie with Matt? He felt like an idiot for staying and semi-spying on your date.
He tried to leave but the harsh twist of his heart when you laughed at Matt's jokes kept him rooted to the spot as well as Steve and Robin who wanted to see the movie.
Eddie didn't know why the sight of you and Matt together made his stomach bottom out but he was beginning to get a good idea.
He couldn't concentrate on the movie. It felt like that time that you were crushing on Steve for weeks and that kick started Eddie's dislike of the dude.
Until he got to know him and realized he was a pretty cool guy, Dustin's hero-worshipping of Steve too had stuck in his brain.
"Dude you didn't tell me that yn was looking to date someone. Could have asked her myself" Steve nudges him and nods to you and Matt.
Wait so Steve liked you as well? The urge to dislike Steve comes racing back. He kinda wants to hit something.
"You like her?" he asks Steve who shrugs.
"Dude, she's hot. You've never noticed?" he thinks about this and he's always known that you're beautiful, he's never liked anyone noticing you but assumed it was just him being protective.
Eddie doesn't think the pain in his chest could get any worse until Matt kisses you and he finally understands what it feels like to get his heart ripped out.
Stumbling out of the cinema he's joined by Robin and Steve, he feels like he can't breathe and the image of Matt kissing you won't go away.
"What's wrong with him?" Robin panics and Steve pats his back.
"Think he just realised he's in love Robin"
Love? he was in love with you? At first, he's like when the fuck did that happen.
Then be thought about it and maybe it was every time you smiled or you laughed or when you would fall asleep on his bed after helping him study and look so beautiful he was mesmerized.
Maybe it was your kindness, the way you played a kickass game of Hellfire or the way you looked at him on nights when it was just the two of you in his bedroom while he strummed on the guitar and taught you how to play.
Jesus Christ, he was an idiot.
Eddie had been weird for the whole week and that was all you could think about tonight.
Your date with Matt had turned into a second and now this third date.
It was nice you kept telling yourself along with the fact that Matt was a lovely guy.
That's why you were at this party instead of at Hellfire, though you'd rather be with the boys and Erica in the middle of a campaign.
Despite Chrissy being here which made you feel more relaxed you knew this wasn't your thing at all.
It didn't help that after half an hour Matt was already drunk and he kept trying to feel you up even you told him no.
Your good opinion of him was rapidly fading with him acting more and more like a douche bag.
You had said no three times now and you were pissed.
"Come on babe" you shake your head and when he almost knocks you over and you hit your side on the table creating a rip in your dress you decide you've had enough of the party.
And of Matt.
"I said no! God, we are so done" You snap and tug out of his arms, you ignore him and stalk away, you're so upset that you don't realise how far you've walked into the woods until you can't hear anything from the party.
You hadn't shown up for Hellfire and that was Eddie's first distraction of the night, many more were to come but this was the first and all he could think about was you with Matt.
Jealousy coils around his gut and once again he curses his stupidity for not realizing his feelings sooner. It made him pissed off, it was hard to concentrate and he wasn't happy.
Eddie startles out of his DM mode as Lucas comes running into the drama room, he's just about to unload on him for missing half an hour of Hellfire but the look on his face stops him.
"Sinclair what's wrong?'' that's when Lucas tells him you were at a party with Matt, he's drunk and you're missing.
Then Chrissy comes in and rushes over to Dustin, it's like he's in some episode of the Twilight Zone.
"Dustin! Big mistake with Matt, he's an asshole he kept trying to grope yn at the party and she left and I can't find her" Chrissy was panicking and Dustin looks to Eddie freaked out.
Trying to tamper down the thoughts of beating the shit out of Matt he assures Chrissy, Dustin and Lucas that he will find you.
"Jordan said that she ran into the woods, Eddie" Lucas tells him and Eddie high-tails it to his van.
He had to find you. It was starting to rain and you could get sick or anything. What if you got lost? What if you tripped and injured yourself or you... He freezes.
What if the monster that stalked Hawkins Woods got to you? Normally he would have said that it was a load of rumours and shit but everyone knew Hawkins was one strange little town.
All the deaths. He couldn't risk you being hurt and he drove even faster. Desperate to get to you.
You're shivering and chilled to the bone but you manage to find a clearing in the woods that leads back to the party.
It feels like you've been lost for hours but it probably hasn't been that long and you're relieved when you see a bunch of parties goers
That's when you also see Eddie, flashlight in hand and he shouts your name in relief.
He runs to you and you stumble into his arms sobbing in relief. The feeling of familiarity of Eddie's arms around you immediately makes you feel safe.
"It's okay princess. I've got you, you're safe" he checks you over and you assure him you're fine.
"You're soaked and look at all the rips on your clothes," he says worriedly and shrugs off his jacket placing it around you. The rain is fiercer now, a storm is brewing and you look anxiously at him.
He will catch a cold just standing in his Hellfire shirt and jeans, you try to tell him that but he stubbornely refuses to take his jacket back.
"Chrissy and Lucas explained everything. If I see that douchebag Matt he better run the other way" Eddie seethes, you've never seen him this angry before. It's not like him.
Well, that's a lie you tell yourself as you know how protective he is of you. How many scrapes he's gotten himself in for you, even if he had no chance in winning, he would defend you.
Even when he knew you could take care of yourself he still protected you.
At that point, possibly in the worst timing ever Matt stumbles over to you.
Eddie stiffens and Matt glares at you.
"You finally decided to have a go after all huh? Instead of acting like a frigid bit... He didn't get a chance to finish that sentence as Eddie socked him in the mouth.
He wines flexing his hand which is now bruised and sore.
"Fucking worth it" he announces, puts his arm around you and leads you to the van.
You had never been so glad to see Eddie's Uncle Wayne in your life. He takes in the rips on your outfit and the bruise on your arm and scowls.
"What boy is my nephew beating up this time honey?" you would smile if you weren't so cold.
Eddie comes in and you immediately take his hands in yours and inspect his bruised knuckles.
"Are you okay?" you ask him and he nods still looking pissed off. He softens as you clean and bandage up the knuckles.
"Never mind me, sweetheart. Are you okay?" he asks you and you nod still a bit shivery. Uncle Wayne gets you a blanket and you cuddle into it.
"I'm better now. Should have never gone to that party. The whole time I was there I just wanted to be at Hellfire but I thought Matt was a nice guy and wanted to stick around for a bit, then he got drunk and acted like a dick"
Tears fall down your cheeks, frustration and just total exhaustion from the night's events.
Eddie deftly leads you to his room and shuts the door. Once you are inside he holds you close to him.
"I thought I had found a great guy and that he liked me when all he wanted to do was get in my pants. He didn't want to get to know me, not really" Eddie rubs your arm soothingly
"Maybe the next guy will be better huh?" you say hopefully and Eddie goes still which confused you.
"Eddie?" he swallows as he stares at you and you clasp his hand in yours.
"I don't want there to be another guy sweetheart. I want there to be just one guy. I want to be that guy"
What? He continues speaking and you can't believe what's happening.
"I know it took forever for me to realise and I've been so fucking jealous all week of Matt because he doesn't get how special and kind and beautiful you are and how lucky he was to be with you and the dude messed it up? What a douchebag"
"Eddie," you say again and he looks at you with those pretty brown eyes all wide and nervous.
"You don't feel the same right? Shit, forget I said anything and.." you call his name again and this time he quietens.
"Kiss me" He doesn't need to be told twice his lips are on yours and he grins as you kiss him back, he pulls away briefly.
"I'm sorry I didn't realise sooner princess" You rest your head on his chest as he pulls you into a hug, arms wrapped tightly around you as you sit on his knee.
"Hey less apologizing and more kisses" He laughs and kisses you again, his thumb stroking your cheek as he presses tender kisses to your lips.
"I'm an idiot. Should have been kissing you like this for weeks, feels so good sweetheart, it's never felt like this, just so right"
You smile on cloud nine knowing what he means, kissing Matt while nice and all never felt like this. However all thoughts are wiped from your mind when you straddle Eddie and his breathy moans cause the ache in your core to deepen.
"I love you and I'm gonna be kissing you forever sweetheart, hope you know that," he tells you and the thought of forever with the man you love sounds heavenly.
"I love you Eds, and that sounds perfect to me"
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bvtbxtch · 1 year ago
Obsession | Eddie Munson
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Day Eleven of Kinktober
Summary: Eddie's obsession with you has been fun and games - late night drives, hookups and even a couple of dates. He has seemed to cross a line as of late, marking you as his territory.
wc: ~2.5k
Pairings: Ghostface!Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!Reader
Warnings: this has to do with a serial killer and is smutty so an obvious 18+ MDNII!!! Is in order. Murder and serial killers, blood, knife play, mask play, consensual non consent at first, oral (m receiving), anal play, protected p in v sex, established relationships.
in collaboration with the amazing @darknesseddiem! stay tuned for their prompts next week!
a/n: I know I am now technically a day behind but I promise it will pick up. Today is my birthday so I will probably end up posting two stories tomorrow instead of today! I am definitely willing to turn this universe into a series if you're interested! Potential for Ghostface!reader is definitely budding!
Your ponytail flicked as you bounced on the balls of your feet. The gym was full of screaming teens, but he couldn’t be seen from the bleachers. No, you knew he was there but he wouldn’t let you know exactly where. The buzzer on the wall blared signaling a win for the tigers. All of the green and white jerseys flocked to the center of the basketball court to celebrate the win - in what Eddie thought was a barbaric and a little homoerotic show of muscles and lack of cranium. He loathed these games with all of his heart, he loathed Jason Carver - jock and sole reason Eddie’s gaggle of freshman DnD nerds were scared to walk alone down the hallways - the most. Of course his manicured smile sauntered up to you and your horde of preppy ponytails. He hated the toxic positivity second to Jason. But you were different. You and your sunshiny smile encountered Eddie underneath the bleachers, a joint in your hand and flush across your cheeks. Eddie had hid away from PE, and you were hiding from Andy Dwyer and his endless barrage of courting offers. He had laid hands on you before, and each time he would ask you out, he would get more and more aggressive. You told this to Eddie in blind confidence, the attraction and understanding between the two of you magnetic. You and Eddie were fast and strange friends, and either even odder romantically. The line was crossed after you both had snuck to the back woods lining the Harrington house during one of his bi-weekly ragers. He had drunkedly kissed you and when he backed away, you pulled him back in. You had been inseparable ever since - well understandably, save school and other social events. Eddie wasn’t dumb - you had a lot going for you and being seen with him would be social suicide. And that’s why the freckle on your glowing reputation that was Andy Dwyer needed to be wiped away.
Hawkins High was shocked at the passing of one of the basketball meatheads, of course. They found his body strung up in one of the basketball hoops, a neat puddle of blood dripping onto the hardwood below. You came running to Eddie to his picnic table, eyes wide and face pale. 
“Teddy, you’re never going to believe what happened. Oh god I feel like I’m going to throw up.” you panted. Eddie rose, expression stoic as he wrapped himself around you.
“What’s going on sweetheart?” Eddie’s voice laced with fake surprise.
“A-Andy… someone… they killed him. Like murdered him. Apparently the custodians found him flayed and stuffed into the fucking basketball hoop.” You could feel tears of horror threatening to spill through your curled lashes. You looked up at Eddie, who was surprisingly calm. He looked down at you with cold eyes.
“Well, guess he finally got what he deserved.” You pulled at the lapels on Eddie’s vest. 
“Eddie, people are saying this is an attack against the popular people. What if one of the cheerleaders is next? Wh-what if I’m next?” You whimpered. Saying these things out loud made you more scared than you thought you were. Eddie’s hands migrated down your arms to your hips and he lifted you to sit on the edge of the old wooden picnic table. 
“Listen to me. Nothing is going to happen to you. As long as I’m around, you’ll be safe. I’ll always be watching, okay?” Eddie eyed you carefully, wishing he could tell you everything so you really didn’t have to worry but it was still too soon. You would know everything in due time. You nodded your head slowly and Eddie pulled you in to kiss your trembling lip still. You heard the bell ringing in the distance and pulled away from him. 
“Shit, I gotta go to math or else Mr. Finnigan is gonna kill me.” you pouted. Eddie stepped back to let you off the table. You grabbed his cheek and pulled him in for one more kiss. You turned and hastily trudged through the field to the school, looking back at your mop headed boyfriend. His usual dopey smile was replaced with a clenched jaw. You entered the school and tried to push down the sick feeling in your gut that Eddie might know more about Andy than he let on. 
Eddie often climbed through your window late at night. Your parents didn’t approve of you dating, especially a person like Eddie Munson, but he was good to you, better than any of the jocks or preps that would be a parent’s wet dream to be introduced to. You were reminded of that again that night, when Jason Carver got too close and crossed way too many lines when he thought no one was looking. ‘His friend was dead’ he said. ‘He just needed some company,’ he said. Still no excuse to pull you in by your arm and press his lips to yours. When you pushed him off with a disgusted scoff, Jason Carver called you a prude and a tease and that you would be lucky to have him because no other guy is going to want to touch you after the shit he spreads around the school. Little did the both of you know, Jason Carver dug his own grave, not yours. 
You had your PJs on, fresh and clean from showering off the sweaty game. You cheered hard - everyone did, for a desperate distraction from the brutal murder of one of your own. You swear you could still see red blood staining the ropes of the basketball hoop. You grabbed your book, ready to forget about the day, about Jason and about Andy. Sleep was just about to take over when you heard a rapping on the window, the same secret knock you and Eddie had created, but it sounded like something like a twig or a piece of metal tapping against the window. You looked up from your book to be greeted by darkness, the familiar face of that lopsided smile not peering through your window like normal. Your brows furrowed together in confusion as you went to unlock and open your window. You stuck your head out of the window, greeted with even more confusion as you met nothing but the gray shingles on your roof. Suddenly, you felt a gloved hand on your mouth and pressure that pushed you back into your room. You tried to scream, but your breath was pulled from your chest in pure shock. You didn’t realize you had screwed your eyes shut in horrid anticipation. When you stilled against your wall, you opened your eyes to be greeted by two black holes contrasted by a stark white mask, its mouth morphing into an unnatural scream. Your breathing picked up as you realized your worst nightmare was coming true. Andy’s death was a statement and you were next.
Streams of tears fell down your face. You wanted to fight, to plead or to hide to save yourself, but you were hypnotized under the mask’s gaze. You couldn't see who was behind it, but could tell their stare was boring holes into your soul. The figure pulled out a knife from underneath the large coat they wore and you began to cry. The masked figure shushed you and you could tell the familiarity of his voice, even though in your shock, you couldn’t quite place it yet. The form ran the knife down the front of your nightshirt, eliciting goosebumps radiating from your sternum. You jerked against him, hoping to free yourself but he held your shoulder at a bruising strength and pinned you to the wall, the knife now mere inches from your throat. 
“Don’t worry doll, I’m not gonna hurt you if you just hear me out, okay?” You felt your world slow and your knees gave out at the familiarity of the voice. You gently moved your hand towards the mask and pulled it up to reveal the sweaty face you hoped wouldn’t be under the mask. Your breath heavied as you pulled the mask off all the way, revealing splats of blood across the left side of his face and scratch marks on his neck.
“What did you do, Eddie?” your voice shook.
“I was protecting you, doll. He was all over you at the game. No one touches you like that.” You felt the bile rise in your throat at the realization that this was in fact someone else’s blood on him, that the scratches on his neck were probably Carver’s last ditch efforts for his life. “I’s so sick and fucking tired of those meatheads thinking that they can just take what they want and not suffer any consequences. You aren’t just there at their disposal.” Eddie’s voice raised and there was a crazed glint in his eyes. He let go of you hastily and you flinched. Eddie’s eyes softened and his hands went to your hips just like they did the day Andy was found. 
“I meant what I said that I would never hurt you, doll. I meant that. I’m always looking out for you, that’s why I had to knock some sense into fucking Carver.”
You wanted to be scared. You wanted to run and scream but your heart swelled in your chest. The boy who stood before you proved that he would do anything to protect you. Fuck, you could probably tell him someone looked at you funny and he would take care of it. You pulled Eddie into a needy kiss.
“Thank you for telling me, and thank you for trusting me, Eds.” Your hands snaked into his large trench coat and you hooked your fingers into his belt loops. You pulled down on them and Eddie gasped out in excitement. He only hoped that you would understand, but this was above and beyond. You wanted to show him that you would do anything for him as well. You grabbed the mask out of Eddie’s hands and put it back on his face with a mischievous smile. You backed Eddie up to the foot of your bed and sat him down. You lowered yourself between his legs and undid his jeans. You could tell that Eddie was already growing hard and violently turned on. You released his hard cock from his dark denim and the mask tilted upwards in satisfaction. You lowered your mouth onto his member. Eddie’s hand flew to your hair, pulling softly. You let out a moan that vibrated through Eddie’s whole body. You bobbed and gagged until Eddie was a shaking mess underneath you, and drool was pooling at the base of his length and down to his balls. You detached your mouth from him and replaced it with your hand, pumping hard. You could hear the pants your boyfriend was making underneath the mask, they were delicious and you wished you could save his sweet sounds to play back when you were alone. You looked at the empty sockets and you placed your mouth on his heavy balls. You suckled and licked like a woman starved. 
“Fuck, baby, you take me so well.” Eddie cooed. “Do anything for you, keep fucking going” You giggled into him and rubbed your manicured hand over Eddie’s weeping tip. He hissed loudly and with a ‘fuck’, he pulled you off of him. He grabbed you by the shoulders and flipped you face down onto the bed. 
“Now as much as I want to see your face painted with my cum, I wanna make that pussy mine.” You tried to look back at him but you felt the cold point of his knife on the back of your neck. 
“You’re gonna keep your face down and that ass up for me baby. Be a good girl and show me how much you want it.” You moaned lightly at his words, your pussy already impossibly wet. You felt the knife trail down your back overtop of your night shirt. You felt Eddie flip the bottom of your shirt over your ass.
“Now, now, what on earth am I gonna do with these on?” Eddie scolded, peering down at your pink cotton panties. With a small gasp from you and a flick from the man’s wrist, your underwear were now in pieces, granting unlimited access to your sweet cunt. He plunged his middle finger into you with no warning, making you moan into your blankets. He pulled his finger out and put it into his mouth under the mask.
“Delicious baby. I can’t wait to devour you whole.” His voice was dark and muffled. He pulled the mask up so it rested on his curls. “But if I don’t fuck you right now, I am gonna fucking combust.”
“Please, Eddie, please.” 
The man spread your legs and returned the knife to the back of your neck. He pressed slightly, encouraging you to spread yourself out for him and push your head further into your sheets. You heard the crunch of foil opening. 
“You ready for me, doll?” Eddie sneered. “You gonna take me like a good girl?” You shook your head violently. Eddie grabbed his length and hissed as he ran it through your wet folds. You whined at the stretch of his fat dock pressing into you. He stretched you to the point where you had no idea how he was going to move, you were already so full. You felt the knife leave your body again and you heard a slump of Eddie removing his jacket and shirt. You looked behind you to see Eddie slowly pumping in and out of you, his soft abs tensing as he thrust. His pale skin was littered with black tattoos and spatterings of red blood. Eddie felt your tight pussy clench against him and any kind of control he was trying to maintain was gone. His grip migrated to your hips and you were sure he would leave bruises later. He burrowed into you at an unforgiving pace, making you see stars. You cried Eddie’s name out, edging him closer and closer to his release, but he was determined to make you fall apart under him. He moved his hand to rest on your ass, sending a couple of slaps to your round cheeks. 
“Eddie… I’m gonna… I-”
“Let go for me, good girl. Come on.”
Eddie’s thumb moved to tease your puckered hole that was on perfect display for him. He pushed into your tight hole up to his first knuckle and you cried out in ecstasy. Your orgasm waved over you and you shook like a leaf around him. Both of your holes had him in a vice and it sent him over the edge as well. The two of you moaned together as you worked each other through your climaxes. 
You stilled until both of your chests were done heaving. Eddie pulled himself out of you with a grunt and he stood off of your bed. You got up to face him, holding the mask’s cheeks like they were just an extension of your lover. 
“Stay the night?” you asked.
“I would love to, but can I steal a shower? Don’t wanna get your pink sheets all bloody.
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taglist: @sadbitchfangirl@vintagehellfire @catcrown21@brinleighsstuff@dark-angel-is-back@lovemegood@joantje@adrenalineeerevolver@poofyloofy@aol19@anxiousobserver@filth-fiction-archive@emxxblog@eddies-acousticguitar @ali-r3n @mmunson86 @sluggzillaaa @hideoutside @kirstinjayjay @crybabyddl@keikoraven If you would like to be added to my taglist, please fill out this form and follow me!
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buttholesparkles · 5 months ago
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Relationship chart with my yuu (there are 7 blocks and each block is how Maya felt about the boyz™ in each book of the main story) 🫶 (sorry if its cringe but yk)
(Open the imagine for better quality)
Template here <3
Yapping time <3
(Under the cut)
☆ In my yuus world, I like to think there is also the manga yuu (or just an universal yuu), and they are bff bc both came from the same world (different countries, tho), and they were forced to stick together, idk. I think it's cute.
☆Maya is in the Pomefiore dorm and Vil really didn't like her at first (she didn't like him either lamao) bc it seemed like she didn't take good care of herself and she often used to cuss so he always scolded her on those things (spoilers: she started sleeping more and only cussing in Romanian so he doesn't understand her.) but after a while he realized she's not that bad and that they have a lot of things in common.
☆ Maya met Idia and Azul very early in the main story bc she wanted to join a club to get her mind to think about something else except her current situation. She was too scared of Vil at that time so she didn't join the movie appreciation club (even tho she really wanted too), instead she joined the board game club where she met Idia and Azul (She taught some of the members +Idia to play DnD)
☆ Maya is in the same class as Ruggie and they are deskmate. They both come from shitty countries/regions where people are poor (more on Ruggie's part, tbh) and are known as thieves, so they bounded over that quickly (sh!t talking gets you friends frfr). After they got closer, Ruggie started asking Maya for favors (ex: "Can you get this to Leona?"; "Can you go wake up Leona?"; etc.) So let's just say she met a new friend after that (Leona finds her annoying, at least thats what he says.)
☆ Maya started talking to Riddle more after book 1, bc she saw her old self a lot in him.
Sorry for bad grammar and typos 😭🙏
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sizzlingcloudmentality · 2 months ago
✨get to know your moots✨
thank you for tagging me, lovelies: @itwasntimethatdidit40 @ace-turned-confused @thundermartini @toomanystoriessolittletime 💛
what's the origin of your blog title? blog name: the tumblr name generator made the most perfect name shortly after me getting my adhd diagnosis. blog title: a line from love you like a love song by Selina Gomez, catch me changing it again soon-ish when I find another good line
favorite fandoms: fandoms as in 'including most of the body of work by a person': Pedro Pascal for sure, Jake Gyllenhaal, too, especially here on tumblr and fairly new Aidan Gillen; fandom as in 'normal' (lol): lotr
OTP(s) + ship name? I'm really bad with ships 😅 if they give me a ship I like I'll stick with it: Joel+Tess(+reader aka me), Dave+Carol(+reader aka me), Marcus A.+Lucilla(+reader aka me)
favorite color: they are all cool as long as it's not brown, sorry not sorry brown
favorite game: DnD (I'm not a gamer, unfortunately, I'd be hyperfixating and lose touch with reality 😭)
song stuck in your head? Go Girl by Pitbull (don't ask)
weirdest habit/trait? cricket feet before sleeping, wearing sleep socks til I'm sweating my tits off
hobbies: thinking thoughts and thots, listening to music all day every day, writing, worrying
if you work, what's your profession? wife, looking to be hired for real tho
if you could have any job you wish what would it be? rich wife/girlfriend and author
something you're good at: doing the dishes, making chicken noises, bottling up my feelings 💁🏻
something you're bad at: accepting compliments and praise
something you love: compliments and praise
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: i could talk you dizzy with a tailored pep talk until you're either feeling completely pumped and loved by the universe or want to gag me
something you hate: racism, ableism, ignorance, blotches of wet food touching my hands while doing the dishes, yuck
something you collect: grocery lists from strangers (not yet, but I always wanted to. 2025 is my year! 💪🏻), ideas, screenshots
something you forget: names and dates, all of them
what's your love language? parallel play and penguin pebbling, random acts of kindness.
favorite movie/show: dear god... Lotr, prisoner, silence of the lambs, Indiana Jones, Mad Men, SatC, Gilmore Girls and probably a gazillion more
favorite food: legumes in any shape and form. Italian. Indian.
favorite animal: I love them all, I swear. But dogs, mice, birbs and cows especially.
what were you like as a child? Shy, well behaved, awkward. Aka autistic and traumatized ✨
favorite subject at school? German literature, history, Latin
least favorite subject? physics and chemistry
what's your best character trait? I'm really good at putting myself in someone's place and trying to understand where they are coming from
what's your worst character trait? Self isolating to cope with ✨everything✨
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? More chocolate, I would want more chocolate
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? I'd like to meet my granny as a young child and give her a little comfort during the ww2 air raids in Germany.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): i really like Good. Things. Take. Time. by @oonajaeadira (and I have catching up to do with it omg 🙃)
npt: everyone who wants to yap!
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blossoming-mind-palace · 4 months ago
Can I request modern day headcannons for everyone? Including Chung Mei Lee Xue
I already posted something similar, but I decided to repost it, tweak it, and added new characters. Chung Mei and Lee Xue already come from the modern day, so some of these are just facts about them. Besides that, it’s a separate (and happier) universe where the ROTBB characters were born in the same time period.
Btw OC stuff is under the cut for people that aren’t into that kinda stuff.
Chung Myung
Still went straight to the workforce after graduating high school. He had a high GPA, but just didn’t want to pursue any higher education. He’s a security guard at a university thanks to Chung Mun being a professor there.
Like Chung Mun, he thrifts most of his clothes. Rarely splurges on new pieces unless he know’s it’s really high quality and will last a looooong time. Outside of work he likes to wear dark colors, jeans, and leather jackets. Occasionally wears florals and prefers embroidery over prints because they last longer.
I’m gonna place him in his 30s unlike my original post. He still isn’t proficient with technology though.
In a boxing club, and is the best fighter in it. (Obviously)
He’s a really bad driver and has been in multiple accidents. He’s an aggressive driver and has totaled at least two cars. Has a scar from one of those accidents and will show it off when asked.
Can cook, but eats a lot of fast food because it’s cheap and convenient. If he eats a home-cooked meal it’s either because he was in the mood to cook or Chung Mun made dinner.
I feel like he’d listen to older rock.
Chung Mun
Everyone’s favorite professor, but I can’t decide on what he’d teach. Maybe social sciences? Idk.
Succeeds at keeping his student’s attention and is pretty merciful when it comes to deadlines. He knows that shit happens and doesn’t get passive aggressive if you can’t turn in your assignment on time, but knows when to put his foot down if students take advantage of this.
Thrift king. Comfort > style. Wears beige or warm colors, and is a big fan of sweaters.
A better driver than Chung Myung. Has no idea how Chung Myung became such a bad driver because he taught him. Drives a modest used car.
Only listens to older songs/genres. Once thrifted a record player and taught himself how to fix it, and he only buys used vinyls because the newer ones are expensive.
Jo Gul
Around freshmen/sophomore grade. Currently working towards a general education degree, but his dad wants him to major in something business-related. Jo Gul is thinking about changing his major to something fitness-related despite his dad’s wishes.
Likes to wear graphic tees, trendy prints and jeans. I can see him rocking a beanie, too. Idk why.
Met Chung Myung at their boxing club. Got his ass handed to him on the first day, but still attends regularly. (Thanks Chung Myung)
They also frequent the same gym. Lifts a lot and likes to show off his arms.
His guilty pleasure is crappy romance shows/movies. Will go on long-winded rants about them and who should’ve gotten together. Did not shut up about Bridgerton when the new season came out. (Same)
A fan of pop and rock music.
Another thrift king! He doesn’t follow trends and just buys whatever’s comfy and would last long.
He’s a university student, but unlike Jo Gul, he’s there on scholarship and has to work to feed himself. (he’s still an orphan)
During his limited free time, he likes to pirate movies, read in the university’s library, and occasionally plays DnD. He makes a really good dungeon master or team leader.
Fantasy nerd!! Likes to escape to fantasy worlds to distract himself from how stressful his life is.
Doesn’t drive, but rides a bike instead so he won’t have to pay for gas.
Baek Cheon
Two grades ahead of Jo Gul and Yunjong. Couldn’t get into the same school as his brother, so he ended up going to their rival university.
Top of his class and on the dean’s list. Has no idea why the other school wouldn’t accept him.
He’s an excellent tutor and is one of Chung Mun’s favorite students. I still don’t know what he’d major in though. </3
Accidentally walked in on one of Yunjong’s DnD meetings. Initially did not understand the hype, but joined anyway and still attends meetings consistently.
Also uses a bike instead of a car because it’s good exercise.
Used to wear brand-named clothes, but stopped after he moved out of his family’s home. After that, he became an expert at looking expensive while not breaking the bank.
Yu Iseol
Goes to university, but struggles with going to events and doing extra-curricular activities. Also at the top of her class and is Baek Cheon’s academic rival.
Goes to the same gym as Jo Gul and outperforms him like the queen she is. Makes her own workout routines inspired by fictional characters.
Again, she’s a shounen fan. She thinks genres like that are inspiring, and she likes to rewatch her favorite shows a lot.
Accidentally stumbled across the boxing club and almost beat Chung Myung. She doesn’t attend meetings anymore, but the members still respect her because she went toe-to-toe with their best boxer.
Occasionally helps Baek Cheon tutor, and they’ve both tutored Yunjong and Jo Gul before. She’s not very good at explaining things, though.
Wears men’s clothing because women’s clothing is often low-quality and impractical. Her style is plain and baggy, but she somehow makes it look couture. Likes to wear her dad’s hand-me-downs when she misses him.
Tang Soso
Biology major of course! Just a grade under Yu Iseol and Baek Cheon.
Freaks people out with how obsessive she is with science. Has an iron-stomach and isn’t phased by gross lessons or projects. Magically not phased by the smell of formaldehyde, either. That last one REALLY freaks her peers out.
Like Jo Gul, she doesn’t have to work outside of school thanks to her family’s support. Her family has made a lot of donations towards the schools she went to over the years.
LOVES yapping about the sciences and randomly info-dumps about it. Yu Iseol likes to listen to her lecture about her latest scientific obsession. Tang Soso could talk for hours, and Yu Iseol could listen to her for hours.
Keeps up with trends, and has an elegant style. A lot of people wouldn’t guess she’s so weird thanks to how classy/lady-like her fashion sense is.
Yu Iseol’s dorm mate. They met after being randomly chosen for each other.
Tang Soso owns a nice car and takes really good care of it. Is Yu Iseol’s carpool, but she’s trying to teach her how to drive. It’s going well. (Better than the Chung brothers that’s for fucking sure-)
Has a pet snake back at home. Her younger siblings take care of it while she’s gone, but she misses it during the semester.
Tang Bo
Biology professor who likes to annoy the security guard during his breaks.
Tang Soso doesn’t take any of his classes since they’re family, but he does tutor her from time to time.
Her snake was a gift from him and he’s glad that she’s taken such good care of it.
He’s her favorite uncle but shhhh don’t tell the others. Promised her dad he’d keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble while she’s at uni.
Most students either think he’s fun or ruthless. There’s no in between. His classes are not easy, and he isn’t as forgiving as Chung Mun when it comes to deadlines.
Despite nagging other people about drinking too much caffeine, he has a mild caffeine addiction. He’s also not a morning person, so he’d literally be the “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” meme were a person.
Chung Mun is one of the few coworkers he gets along with, and goes out drinking during the weekends with Chung Myung. (Some things never change)
Wears a lot of dark colors and has a polished style until the end of the semester. At that point he gets burnt out and doesn’t care. (Me)
Lee Songbaek
Goes to the rival university, but he’s pleasant to be around so the crew doesn’t hate him.
Majoring in photography and has a part-time job at a small café.
Has a clean style and wears a lot of university hoodies/sweaters. He’s really popular on social media, and he mostly posts his outfits, latte art, and his photography.
Jin Geumryong
Oh I hate writing about this man! I never know what to do with him.
About to graduate, and, like his brother, is at the top of his class. Idk what he’d do afterwards, but he’d definitely become an alumni in the future.
Unlike his brother, he still wears high-end clothes. He doesn’t wear logos because they’re tacky, though. His style is classy with a lot of white, blue, and occasionally black.
I feel like he’s moved out and has a really nice apartment. Has nice furniture and keeps it clean despite his busy academic schedule.
Chung Mei (OC)
Almost graduated with the degree her dad wanted, had an early-mid life crisis, took a few gap years, and went back to get the degree she wanted after talking to her sister about her troubles. Would want to major in something art, writing, or education-related.
Was on the dean’s list until she broke down. Her grades are still pretty good, but she doesn’t stress out over them like she used to.
Like Chung Myung, she’s in her 30s. Still has the same relationship history as the original timeline. (Rip)
A part-time student and spends a lot of her time working. I feel like she’d be the university’s anti-social librarian. She works hard but hates helping people because social anxiety. Really nice when she’s comfy with you, though.
Tutoring is held in the library, and DnD meetings are held in one of the spare meeting rooms. This is how she meets most of the crew.
Befriends Jo Gul because he once saw her reading a romance novel that was the source material for one of his favorite movies. Likes to attend Yunjong’s DnD meetings because she’s also obsessed with fantasy. Overall a really big romance/fantasy fan.
Tang Soso befriended her after complimenting her outfit. She basically adopted a second introvert.
Her favorite music genres are girly hyper pop and metal. Her fashion sense is similar; she can’t choose between pastel girly vibes or going full goth. She ends up mixing the two.
Lee Xue (OC)
If her social battery isn’t low, she’ll go drinking with Tang Bo and Chung Myung. She’d also rather drink at her and Lee Xue’s place instead of drinking in public bc she doesn’t trust strangers.
A cat woman in every universe.
Not connected to the university at all. She dropped out of high school, but ended up becoming a bartender. She makes really good money because of her extroversion, charming personality, and pretty looks. (And her big personalities-)
Flirted with one of the rival university’s students for fun. (Lee Songbaek) She thought his shy personality was cute and didn’t plan on going any further, but ended up in a relationship with him.
Before Chung Mei moved in with her, she didn’t take care of herself. Her diet mostly consisted of fast food or microwave dinners. She knows how to make a good drink, but sucks at cooking.
Now that Chung Mei lives with her, she has a healthier diet with more home-cooked meals. Lee Xue tries to thank her by occasionally making dinner, but her sister never eats her food and she can’t figure out why! :( (her cooking is more deadly than Tang poisons and she is not aware of this)
Never stopped loving y2k fashion. Has always rocked low-rise jeans even when they were out of style, and likes it when they’re ripped.
The reason why Chung Mei is into metal. Was in a band during high school/her early 20s, but they broke up and everyone went their separate ways. Looks back on those days fondly.
Still proficient in most string instruments, but only plays for fun now.
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donaviolet · 1 year ago
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ WELCOME TO MY CHAOTIC SILLY UNIVERSE >:3 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
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Sooo there's a lot of stuff I want to pin but I can only pin one thing at once so I decided to make a masterpost/welcome post!!
first of all here are some cool links :D
Mega Compilation of Cursed Reaction Pics
Site where you can make these heart locker gif thingies
Picrew Database
NASA site with a lot of stuff
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Fonts generator
Some art reference sites
DND Assets
Site where you can download these cursed blue emojis
How to download YT videos without these weird websites
Food Timeline
List of Gemstones
Website for downloading any video
Color Blender
How to find a very specific word you don't know the name of
Video essays about horror
RPG / Videogame-making assets
A LOT OF EXTRA LINKS. A LOT. (They're very cool tho <3)
Super Secret Link Do Not Click
Now abt me!!
✧Feel free to call me Donaviolet, Violet or whatever you want to :>
✧INFP, she/they, bi disaster🩷💜🩵 , brazilian, still a minor 💪✌️👍
✧ I speak portuguese, english and german, and I'm currently also learning french, spanish and russian
✧ I love writing, drawing, listening to music, playing games and being silly in general. I also love space and plan on becoming an astrophysicist!!
✧ AND I have a lot of OCs and I am creating an original story called The Day The World Restarted! I haven't posted about it properly yet but I promise one day I'll introduce the characters and explain the plot 🫶🫶 feel free to ask about it I will gladly answer!! (this was originally meant to be an oc ask blog but yea)
✧ If we become mutuals you will be forever my beloved pookie theres no going back /hj
✧ I often queue my reblogs, so if I like your post and then some months later it randomly appears that I reblogged from you, this is what happened :P
✧Some fandoms I'm into: BG3, Arcane, Danganronpa, Bungou Stray Dogs, Undertale, Deltarune, The Owl House, Omori, Spiderverse, Lord of the Rings, Mob Psycho, FNAF, Goncharov, Studio Ghibli and yes I had a Genshin/Honkai phase lol (there might me some other fandoms too, but I either already left them or forgor)
✧ Other stuff I like: RPGs, space (again) cats, mushrooms, cottagecore stuff, cute stuff (and for some reason creepy stuff too), stories and myths, strawberries, and you! <3
✧ My favorite music bands/musicians: Cavetown, Madilyn Mei, Mitski, Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, Will Wood, Panic! At The Disco, Kikuo, Toby Fox, Arctic Monkeys, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Jack Stauber, Odetari, Gorillaz and I guess I could go on for centuries lol, I love music ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
✧ I lied I don't like cats. I LOVE cats. theyre just perfect lil skrunklies. most adorable thingies in the world. I really hope to have one someday
✧ Part of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang
✧ Please DNI if you're a proshipper, homophobic, transphobic or anything of that kind
thats it for now baiii :3
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year ago
Well! Second DMing session ended with the guy who made me do it, who was going to "help" me, hanging up on me mid-session and texting
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So much for "I don't care if you don't know how to do it, I'll walk you through it," I guess.
I was very clear from the outset that I think most ttrpgs, and ALL DnD rules, are arbitrary math nonsense that you need a college course to understand, specifically created by terrible people to force everyone else to put up with their infantile, unintuitive view of the universe. I told him I hate this crap. He manipulated me into trying it anyway. Guess who hasn't changed his mind, and guess who is now throwing a temper-tantrum about it? I TOLD YOU this was a bad idea.
I read the book. The 8 books. It doesn't matter. They're math textbooks written by bad writers and my eyes kept glazing over. I don't understand why any of these rules exist. I'm just forced to memorize formulas. That I don't respect.
There is no space for reputation, or politics, or combat scenario realities, or random accidents and diseases, or genuine surprises, or living in an apathetic, living, breathing world that doesn't give a fuck about your Chosen One status. It is wizards casting fire balls, because the guy doing that hates his mom, and made up a rule set where he can play his weird stupid power fantasies. His weird, stupid, RACIST power fantasies, if this last group's predilections is any indication.
I don't have patience for this. It's arcane and unrealistic and sucks the joy out of everything and it ISN'T FUN.
If you love it, great. I'll get out of your way. But it runs counter to how my brain works and I fucking hate it. I love the idea of using dice to RP events and see what happens. But at some point of complexity you are just obeying someones precious little rule-book so obnoxious math nerds who memorized it can be smug about exploiting loopholes.
Go play a video game for that. That's not a healthy social interaction. That's yet another version of a group of fucked-up people being whiney and dogmatic about random shit they made up, specifically so they can be cool in a world they specifically designed for that purpose. And what the fuck is that? I hate them, and I hate that.
My old mantra was "nerds with math ruin everything." I was always half-joking, but only half. I have zero respect for everything this is, and what people are apparently looking for from it. It is frustrating and boring and limiting and stupid to me. I don't enjoy it. And I don't even want to ever play it again, because I dread being doomed to waste my brain power sorting out weird meta game math shit that doesn't seem to take into account any defensible simulation of actual reality.
I have spent 120+ hours over the last 5 months trying to get into this. Trying to get a handle on why people like it, to figure out the secret I am missing. I have spent stupid amounts of money on stuff, to that end.
And I either lack the 3000 IQ space brain to get it, or I absolutely get it, and I just absolutely hate it. Either way, I've had enough.
I want to do a D6 system that is just "roll against opponent, bigger number wins, DM RPs what that means." That's loose and interesting and feels like real life. The rest can go jump in the river.
The world is unfair to life. You're not 12 anymore. I don't get anything out of playing around in a baby world made for babies. You're just mad because it isn't going to work in your favor the way I'm proposing it.
It's like Tim Cain said about programming RNG. You give them real RNG, everyone gets mad because "it's not fair." Because RNG isn't fair. They don't want RNG, they want to be autocrats of reality, then soothe themselves that they're not in fact cheating assholes by claiming "the numbers worked out in my favor."
When the reality is that the system was specifically designed over 50+ years to give them an advantage. And that isn't RNG. That isn't playing a role. That isn't being a real hero by self-sacrificing and being randomly lucky and muddling through. It's just egotistical self-delusional nothingness.
Like, maybe these kinds of games are STILL niche things for a reason? Maybe the only really popular and profitable entries are video game and movie versions where you don't see the math, BECAUSE you don't see the math? Like I don't think I'm alone in not giving a shit about this byzantine, nerfed crap.
That doesn't make me better. Do whatever you want. But if THAT'S what you're doing, count me the fuck out.
I did my time, and I'm sick of this shit.
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ghostkingart · 7 months ago
Doodle idea or general ask/prompt! I saw Our Flag Means Death as a fandom you’re into. How do you think Astarion or one of your OCs would look or function in that universe? Would they prefer Black Beard or Stede as a captain? What would their job on a pirate ship be? How would they dress?
What a beautiful prompt! I absolutely adore pirates and, fun fact, I've got an ongoing Black Sails fanfic on my ao3 🤭 kinda on hiatus due to BG3 brainrot but it's out there!
I'm gonna put up a trigger warning here for: discussion of abuse, prostitution and sadomasochism, and I'll put my reply under the cut (it turned out very long yet again).
P.S. OFMD friends I'm sorry this is showing up in your tags. To briefly explain we're talking about a crossover between OFMD and Baldur's Gate 3. Feel free to skip 🫶
I do think Astarion would prefer the old school Blackbeard as his captain, maybe Valeriy would also, but Veles would definitely prefer Stede. However, at the same time, with learning vulnerability being a big theme for all these characters, I think either captain would be fine for all three of them.
Tangent but I think Veles being in Stede's crew would help him so much with his feelings of inadequacy and his desperate need to be useful at any cost. Stede would show him that it's okay to just exist and be yourself.
I imagine Astarion and Valeriy would have followed Blackbeard until he meets Stede (where Veles would be) and then, just like in the show, Stede and Veles's side would teach Blackbeard, Astarion and Valeriy's side to be gentler, kinder and more vulnerable.
I can see Astarion, Valeriy and Veles being in a polycule in this AU but get this: Valeriy and Izzy. I'm obsessed with it now omg.
Fun fact: some of Valeriy's original backstory versions include him being a pirate. This never fit into the overall story/lore however, so I scrapped it.
I'll yap about this more later but let me tell you what I think each of them would do. First things first, I'm honestly not sure what Astarion would do, I don't think he'd be ranked too high, but I also don't think he'd be ranked too low. Somewhere in the middle imo.
Valeriy would be like Izzy's own right hand man and/or ranked just below Izzy. They have a similar ruthlessness to them.
Veles would be a master of navigation on Stede's ship I think.
I think I'll draw them in this AU actually, but I'll come back with that later.
I think Izzy and Valeriy in particular would work so well together because, just like Veles is distinctly a masochist due to his backstory, Valeriy is a sadist, except that Valeriy has a much healthier approach to his sadism than Veles has to his masochism. I've talked about this sm already but Veles's masochism transcends sex and he most certainly sees himself as an object. Valeriy is nothing like that, he's very careful, gentle and communicative if there's any sadomaso play going on, and he keeps it all in the bedroom.
I don't think I need to explain why Valeriy's sadism would work well with Izzy, OFMD fans have talked about it enough for me haha. But I wanna reiterate that I imagine it all being consensual and mindful, honestly very much unlike Astarion and Veles where at times it gets super messy due to them both being messed up in their own right.
How about how I imagine they became pirates? I mean it's a pretty simple answer. Historically it's pretty accurate, to my knowledge, that people on the margins of society escaped to become pirates. It checks out because Astarion, Veles and Valeriy are all a flavor of queer (bi, gay and pan in my hc). But also, all three of them have some type of abusers to run away from as well as an overall bad life situation (think Valeriy who's already escaped his father, but has only landed himself in prostitution instead. he'd like to leave that behind).
Random bit of a headcanon here, I think Veles would be a person of color in a non-magical AU, and I think that because of the racism towards drow analogy in DND. I'd probably completely redesign Veles for a non-magical AU, but all in its time.
I think Veles would be super cool with the rest of Stede's crew. He'd be very shy at first I think, but he'd find acceptance within the ranks.
I'm also thinking about, once the two crews join, Valeriy would really enjoy listening to Stede or Lucius read to him. Another fun fact: Valeriy reaaaally likes books, he simply can't read them on his own. Meanwhile I don't think he'd have many opportunities to be read to in Blackbeard's crew (this isn't an Ed is illiterate thing btw, this is an Ed has a reputation thing).
I think that's all I have for now! If you have any more ideas for this AU pleaseeee send me another ask!! This was so fun :D
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strangeswift · 2 years ago
Mike is Graham.
(for anyone clueless this in in reference to a byler but i'm a cheerleader au)
i Understand why you would think mike is graham. but let me tell you why that is wrong. putting a readmore bc i went off
ok first my arguments for will as graham. first of all you people always wanna make mike the edgy one bc finn is cool and he has long hair but listen up. will byers is the one who is into punk music and while they both hold anticonformist ideals will is the one who puts his money where his mouth is while mike is out here "trying to be as normal as possible" (finn's words) by getting a girlfriend, not wanting to play dnd anymore in s3, etc. meanwhile when he asks will if he thought they were never gonna get girlfriends and just play dnd for the rest of their lives, HE SAID YES. okay that is Bold as Hell and very much a graham move. he is still emotionally vulnerable and he still does art, two things that caused people to see him as gay in the past and yet he continues to do them bc that's Who He Is. graham is more masc presenting which would cause her to be seen as gay and at the beginning she is Unapologetically gay, which is way more will than mike. (i could keep going but i won't)
ok now here is why mike is megan. at the beginning of the movie she doesn't know she's a lesbian, she just surrounds herself with girls, and hangs up posters of girls (hello buff dragon poster + the superman obsession), and has a boyfriend she makes out with but doesn't enjoy it (hello mi1even). in My Opinion will realizes that he's gay before mike does (i know we all have different opinions on When he realized). plus i just strongly prefer mike being the one having a Big Gay Realization in fics. AND megan literally rescues graham HELLO PALADIN CODED MUCH SHE LITERALLY SNEAKS INTO THE GRADUATION AND RESCUES HER HELLOOOOOOOOO JUST LIKE MIKE IS ALWAYS OUT TO RESCUE WILL i am not calling will a damsel in distress by any means bc graham certainly isn't. in different ways they save each other. but the heroics are down to megan. WHICH. IS. MIKE.
now here's how the girls family lives would translate. so megan has parents that are avid church goers and they act as if they care So much for megan, but when push comes to shove they abandon her. that said, they're not as outwardly disgusted by her being gay as graham's parents are. graham's dad uses the f slur and is definitely the most lonnie coded of all the parents. but you might be asking "what about graham's mom. joyce would never go along with that" WELL GUESS WHAT GRAHAM'S MOM ISN'T IN THE MOVIE ONLY HER STEP-MOM. so in this universe something happened idk joyce lost custody or . died or something. (don't get mad at me she can't be megan's parents either they also suck. better to have her out of the picture altogether). ok back to megan's parents. so in the movie her dad cares way more about her than her mom does, her mom is just kinda there. so. switch it flip it and reverse it and that's ted and karen. ted is the disinterested father who only offers occasional unhelpful outbursts (i mean come on sitting there silently during the gay intervention then interrupting the dad's gentle speech by yelling "honey we think you're a lesbian" is so ted coded.) while Karen is more playing the role of megan's dad, who is supportive and doting and very "you can tell us anything" Except again, when it comes down to it, they abandon their child. (personally i don't think canon karen would kick mike out for being gay i do think she would Not be thrilled about it initially, but ofc any au needs allowances to be made)
ok that is all for now.
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illumalux · 3 months ago
Alright. I've got words I need to eject into the universe so here goes. For those few people who've followed me for ever and ever, you may have seen a few infrequent posts about my long-time dnd group and how magical they are, and that is in fact true. But I have absolutely been holding out on y'all with how cool this story is. Yay captive audiences and cool lore!
Because I know I'm going to lose the plot so fast it's not even funny, I'm going to go ahead and tag the tumblrs of everyone on the group so that they can see this, and maybe possibly add on later. please. pretty please.
We have the immeasurable @honorsongs, who keeps the lore straight(ish) and me sane(ish)
The incomparable @onyxmirage who adds glorious chaos to everything without fail
The illustrious @koithemushroomwhale who always has the most out of pocket shit to "yes, and"
and the impeccable Lex (who has not given me her tumblr) who makes the best campaign memes a bitch could ask for
Now, this game has been going steady for a little over two years now, and when you have a bunch of storytelling nerds stuck together for that long, eventually one of you wizens up and remembers that hey, maybe we should start writing this down. (Thanks Honor)
I took a long hard think on what's the best way to introduce the world to this, and while a synopsis of the first story will inevitably come, this is my blog and I'll start wherever I damn well please. And in that case, I think we're going to start at the beginning of this world. And I do mean the very beginning.
In the beginning, there was the Universe.
(There was also Nothing, but we'll get back to that later.)
Where did the Universe come from? All of the children ask, and to that I say, simple. Depending on which makes more sense to you, either the Nothing got very bored of being the only thing (or not) in existence and created the Universe, or perhaps the Universe has always existed alongside Nothing. Remember, Time doesn't exist yet.
Now one day the Universe got very tired of being everywhere, everything, all at once, and decided that the easiest solution to this problem is to simply split itself into pieces. It named these pieces by the jobs they would do in the world, and thus these concepts were born.
First was Creation. That one's self explanatory, yeah? To create anything else, Creation also has to exist. Now Creation, for the purpose of this story, is also Destruction. You cannot have one without the other, and it would be a whole lot of work for the Universe to separate them, Besides, that loses the fancy number the Universe had picked out!
Next came Time, who was really kind of needed at this point. It's very hard to keep track of things when Time isn't here. Time also invented the concept of space, which made things even easier to track. Now creation had a place to put everything it made.
After time came Nature. In the space that Creation filled, things began to bloom. Green things, yes, but also reds and violets and golds, all sorts of lovely useful growy things.
Nature then worked with Life, the fourth sibling to fill the world with things to dance among the nature, to bring Creation's carvings into being. This is where animals stem from, though Life has expanded it's domain a bit in the past few eons.
After Life breathed existence into the world, there came Energy, who suffused the creatures with boundless vigor to chase and to play, who drove the running streams and the whistling wind forward.
Now at this point, things were happening, and they needed a bit of direction in which to happen in. This is where Fate came on the scene with its great plan for the inhabitants of this world.
And in this world, there were a few creatures who became a bit more noticeable than the rest. These creatures were called Humans by Creation, and they needed a hand to guide them. In this, Humanity was born to watch over those that began to rule the newly-created world.
Humans, funny things that they are, took note of all the things happening around them, and took note of their own penchant for losing details as fickle Time moved onwards. So they invented writing, words, stories, and they began to keep note. In this, Knowledge came to be.
With the gift of Knowledge, Humans began making leaps and bounds, becoming ever more complicated. Unsatisfied with simply trusting in Fate, they began to create codes and structures, implementing law and math and structure. For this, Order comes to be.
But Humans, in their ever-growing greed for moremoremore kept pushing, Eventually they ran into others like them, and they disagreed, for their Order and Humanity were not identical. They found sharp sticks and solid rocks, and they attacked each other in pursuit of more. In this came Conflict.
In the early days, it was not uncommon to see these creatures-gods, as the Humans called them-walking freely amongst the world. To follow with the customs of the Humans that welcomed them, the gods took on names that came to the center of what they were created for.
Creation became Ruin, for it felt sorrow in the end of time. Time became Gate, a passage between spaces. Nature became Wild, for that was the word most often used to describe it. Life became Heart, the center of all that moves and breathes. Energy became Vigor, delighted at this new word Humans called it. Fate, steady in its ways became Kismet, only adorning what was already present. Humanity took on the name Message, ferrying peace between different groups as only a messenger could. Knowledge called itself Chronicle, for a human word that meant to collect. Order adopted the name Torus, in adoration of the creation called math. And Conflict, taking inspiration from the things created to further it, took up the alias of Pike. This is how the gods would be known from then on.
But this world was simply a bit too perfect. The gods were not content simply watching it from afar anymore, instead wishing to partake in the magic that was living. So the gods chose to shed their mantles, leaving them behind for a life.
But the Universe could not cease to exist so easily. These mantles, roles, found ten Humans, each who found solace in a god, and offered them a chance to better the world themselves. These Humans took up the mantle, and thus began the cycle of exchange within the gods.
After some time, Humanity was greater, stronger, powerful enough to forge cities. Their largest was called Shirun, and it was the city of the Gods themselves.
But to tell the story of Shirun is a whole nother story in and of itself.
(That's not to say I won't share it. I have to record everything after all.)
Signing off for now,
Genevieve Persephone Trevor, Unpaid Intern, Scribe of the Gods
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rentenesen · 1 year ago
Woven - Chapter 1
Gale x Astarion BG3 fanfiction
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This is one my first times dabbling in fanfiction and my first time posting anything like this. Was inspired by the Profession Dekarios comics posted by @ssalballoon
Summary: Set in alternate universe, modern day, exploring a world where fae exist (non-dnd). Gale, once a very special child with the ability to see fae, is now a regular almost middle aged man, working as a professor. Bored by his life and unable to let go of the life he once had, Gale struggles with the guilt of how he got here. That is until a strange, pale man appears at his doorstep and Gale is once again pulled back into the world of magick, unaware of what dangers lay ahead.
Word Count: 1.7k This chapter is mostly just set up! Astarion does not appear but is mentioned briefly. I welcome any tips on posting/corrections for how I'm formatting things. Hope you enjoy! ______________________________________________________________
Many children dream of being something greater than they are. How could they not, growing up getting lost in movies and books of fantastical worlds; little boys and girls setting off on journeys through otherworldly realms, adventuring towards their calling, towards their destiny, the chosen ones. Gale Dekarios was that child.
Before he even knew what was happening or how to vocalize it Gale knew that magick was real and alive; even in the city where nature was sometimes rare. He remembered being maybe four years old walking down the street holding hands with his mother, the trees bending in their little cages along the sidewalk, facing forming and melting into the bark, whispers layered in the noise and bustle of the afternoon. Looking back he could see how someone not accustomed to such oddities might see it as twisted and nightmarish but children have no context for the world. To Gale this has always been the way of things. The faces in the trees were like little friends popping out to greet him. The people he would see on the street, impossibly tall, green skin, long fingers, eyes alight they were simply, strangers, out and about, going through their own mundane lives.
Sometimes he would point out these strange happenings to his mother with a giggle or or a question, asking her why that man had spikes down his back or laughing at the silly blue hair floating around the woman on the train, like a jelly fish. His mother would smile down at him, eyebrow raised, and tell him what a creative little boy he was; seldom answering his questions. Sometimes though she would and she would huddle close to him and they would talk about all the wonderful things Gale had seen that day. He now knows she was just playing along, encouraging his "stories" blind to the world around them that was so open and inviting to him.
He remembered his father was a bit less indulgent when Gale would speak of such things. Often eyeing him with a soft stoic look and letting out a little sigh in response. Gale wondered if his father thought of his child as simply being a little "out there" for his own tastes or if he was genuinely concerned. Had his parents ever talked about taking Gale to a doctor? Maybe they should have, but he's glad they never followed through if they did. Gale was not sure how we would have navigated trying to prove he wasn't loosing his mind, especially being the only one who could see what he could.. perhaps they would have convinced him it was all in his mind. How different his life might have turned out then. Either way, he quickly caught on as he got older and started going to school that something about him, about the way he saw the world, was not "normal" and he wised up and stopped talking about it.
He would still write about it though, late at night, exploring his theories, pouring over books in the school libraries feverishly, anything he could get his hands on to learn more about this strange world he seemed to be a part of in some way. He soon learned that the creatures he saw were called fae and he fell deeper and deeper into the study of them. And not just that. There was a time where he had been accepted by them. There was a time when he would dance in the middle of the forrest at night, lavish parties, tender friends, secrets of magick revealed, and even gifted. Gale Dekarius was once a very special boy who lived an impossibly exciting and charmed life. And now he stood in front of his bathroom cabinet mirror, groggy with bags accentuating his eyes, even through he had been dead asleep for the past nine hours. He was pushing forty, his messy beard and unkempt hair making him look even older. He was washed up, he was exhausted.
Regardless, he still had responsibilities so Gale splashed some water on his face and got to trimming his facial hair. His life was not horrible by any means. Gale was a home owner, a rarity more and more these days, of a charming two-story house, with a little back garden and a gate that lead out to a walking trail. and he had a very secure job, an esteemed one even. The title of professor did come with some respect and gave him plenty of time to indulge in how own studies. His parent lived close by and he could often stop in for an afternoon lunch or have them over, not that they stayed too long these days. His father's health had been getting worse and it was a bit more comfortable for them in their own home. Still, his mother would try to come visit regularly, even if it was only her, making occasional use of his spare room, which had become a guest room since his roommate had moved out. Gale wondered when she would be back, his best friend, his confidant, she had left almost a year ago now. He had seen her occasionally since then when she popped back into town, but missed her presence and company around the house. It felt a little too quiet these days, and nights he stayed up reading in the library a little too lonely, without her chastising him for not being in bed or forgetting to eat again. Now he had to keep his life together on his own and felt like he was failing miserably. ___
After fixing up his face Gale threw on a button up from his clean laundry pile, noticed it was a little too wrinkled to look professional, and swapped it for a turtle neck. He'd have to throw it back in the dryer for a bit before wearing it. Maybe he'd actually hang it up in time too, instead of leaving it for days to get wrinkled again. He really should invest in more of those wrinkle-proof shirts, he thought, throwing a blazer on over his sweater.
He stumbled downstairs, his briefcase where he had left it the night before, sitting in on the bench of his dining nook. He popped a piece of bread in the toaster, flicked on the kettle and checked the clock. On time, he sighed in relief, looks like today will go smoothly, he thought.
His phone rang, startling him a little bit and he looked at the caller id. His mother, they talked often but it was unusual for her to call him this early on a school day.
"Hey, Mom" he said, only having to fake his cheery demeanour a little. "How are you this morning?"
"Oh, I'm just wonderful, dear, did you sleep alright" Gale held his tongue, he had always been a night owl and even as an adult it seemed he would never live it down.
"Yes, I did, I slept a lot actually, must of needed it. To what do I own the pleasure of your call mom, is everything okay with dad?"
"Ah yes, it is, didn't mean to concern you, we're both just fine, I'm actually calling because I just wanted to let you know, I've been watching the news this morning and it seems there's something going on in your neighbourhood."
"Oh?" Gale replied, only half listening as he tucked his phone against his shoulder so he could get good grip to butter his toast "What's this?"
"Well your neighbour, Mrs. Wilson, mentioned last time I was over, that something had been rummaging around in her yard" His mother, while a lovely woman, could be quiet the talker, just like Gale himself. He moved on to preparing his tea in a to-go cup, eyeing the clock, hoping she would reach the point soon.
"I see"
"Well and now, I'm seeing on the news more people are noticing it seems like an animal has been prowling around. I just thought I should warn you. Have you seen anything like that?"
Gale thought about it for a moment, but he knew he was not always the most perceptive about those things, "I don't think I have Mom, but I will keep an eye out."
"I trust you will, I just worry about you, you know, want to make sure you're keeping safe"
Gale smiled, softly a little sadly "I am Mom, I love you. Wish we could talk longer but I have to get to school"
"Okay, love you too sweetheart, give me a call back this week"
"I will"
Gale grabbed a paper towel to put his toast on, scooped up his tea and his briefcase, then headed out the door to his car. Before he got in, fumbling with his keys he took a quick look around his street. Had he seen anything? Was there anything amiss? He couldn't tell. He had left the garbage bins out too long, he would have to bring them in tonight but they were upright, undisturbed by prying paws. He shrugged and got into his car, heading off for work.
Curious he turned on the radio, seeing if his local channel had anything to say. It took a few minutes but sure enough, they mentioned it. An animal, they presumed, had wandered into town from the woods. They said residents in the area should be alert and keep all pets indoors. Gale wasn't too worried. He was sure he had seen a lot worse in his lifetime after all, and he knew all he had to do to scare away a lost little creature was to make himself look big and shout loudly. They're more scared of you than you are of them, he thought; he wondered what kind of beast they had strolling the streets, looking for a snack.
No one had caught a good sight of it so far, just the messes it had left behind. The only mention someone made of actually seeing something was in the bushes of their back yard. They had heard a noise, noticed a rustling when they went to investigate and quickly, shown a light on it they had seen a quick flash of red, animal eyes staring back at them; most likely a trick of the light. The thing darted off before the neighbour could get better look at it.
Chucking to himself about how worked up everyone was getting about the situation, Gale hoped at least this might be something interesting. Maybe if he was lucky he himself could see the little fox, or whatever it was, running through his own back yard.
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ploompkin · 1 year ago
So I was bored and wrote something kind of based on @ginhaku125 ‘s headcanons… (Colress is a dad, Faba becomes a reluctant step dad who eventually grows to care for the kids) and I got a little too into it and now it’s like, a thousand words lol. I just picked random famous scientist names for the kids. Fic under the cut.
Colress has kids. Faba isn’t exactly sure how that happened, and his partner seems reluctant to talk about it. All he knows is that one moment they were university students playing DnD, and the next… they’re meeting again in what feels almost like another life, unexpected feelings sparking and igniting into a roaring flame. …Shortly there following, Colress’ reveal. Children.
Faba had felt a little sick, at the time. It’s just— it’s something he had never thought of, nor wanted for himself. But Colress had been firm in his position. While not the most conventional parent, he was still attached to his offspring; he wasn’t about to leave them- not for anything. Their relationship had been tense for weeks because of it, Faba preferring to sulk alone, wallowing in self pity and fear. Ultimately, though… Colress won out.
How could he not? Faba’s utterly, completely in love with him. It’s been years since he’s been moved to consider someone else on the same level as himself, let alone place them above him. Colress was safe, open minded, accepting and comforting. He’s— as much as he feels embarrassed to admit it— he’s his everything. If the brats came part and parcel with that, then so be it. He’d find ways to tolerate them.
What he hadn’t been expecting, was for the little ones to take as much interest in him as they had.
He glances up from his Gameboy at the sound of the quiet voice. Colress’ little girl stands in front of where he’s sat on the sofa, her blonde hair in low pigtails, looking at him with big round eyes.
“Rosalind.” He tries to smile, but can tell from her timid expression that it comes out as more of a grimace. “Is there something you needed?”
She twists and turns, her skirts bunches in her fists. “‘M bored.”
Bored. Fantastic. He takes a deep breath through his nose, looking up to the heavens. “Then…” he tries patiently, “why don’t you ask your daddy for something to do?”
“Daddy’s busy.” Rosa explains, and to Faba’s dismay, he sees her younger brother waddling towards them also.
“Edwin’s bored too.”
So much for the few hours he decided to take as a break from his research. What exactly do they even suppose he can do? With a long suffering sigh, Faba saves his game, and lowers his console.
“Have you tried drawing? Playing with your toys?” Their blank expressions infuriate him. “Running around— playing tag??” What else do kids do? “Children are supposed to be imaginative, aren’t they?”
Edwin whimpers, and his stomach plummets. He isn’t going to cry, is he? Yet, even as he hopes otherwise, he sees babyish tears flooding into those large blue eyes. Oh shit, shit, no. Colress can’t see his kids like this…! He’ll know Faba made them cry and—-! He huffs.
“Come here.” He says, before he has time to think himself out of it, and pats the cushion beside him.
The children obediently come to sit beside him, one on either side.
“Have you ever played video games before?” He asks, as patiently as he can.
Rosalind tilts her head, a gesture that strongly resembles her father’s, something that warms him to the core. Ugh. What is he— so sentimental…!
“Well…” he clears his throat, “this is what’s called a game console. You can play different games on it.”
She wriggles closer to inspect it, leaning over his lap, and he’s struck with what he can only admit is a strong rush of protectiveness. She’s so small, small and curious. Edwin nudges into his other arm, also crawling closer, but with less coordination on account of being younger. Faba hates their crowding. He hates their chubby, grabby hands, so eager to take his possessions. He tells himself so, over and over. And yet, his heart grows several sizes as they look upon his hobby with fascinated eyes. Sweet little things. They remind him of his child self. Clumsy, awkward, easily enraptured by things. Faba shakes himself, an uneasy feeling making his skin prickle. He can’t actually be feeling paternally towards them, can he?
“Well, now. This is a classic.” He brings up the oldest game on the console: snake. “Very basic, but one of the only games I had to play when I was your age. Still, there’s something to be said about the traditional games! There’s a reason why they were so successful.”
The kids watch as he plays through the levels, cuddling up to him, warm little presences boxing him in either side. They don’t whine, they don’t cry… they hardly even talk, but to ask questions about video games. Nothing like he had expected.
They just watch, listening to him, watching him, and as more time passes he feels more and more fond of the tiny humans.
“Here,” he eventually dares to say, gently passing the Gameboy into Rosa’s baby hands. “Why don’t you try?”
She makes a surprised noise, looking up at him apprehensively. “What if I mess up?”
Oh. Faba smiles, resting a hand on her shoulders. Before Colress came back into his life, he often used to fret about the same thing. “That’s alright. It’s as your father says. ‘Every failure teaches us something. When you consider that, how can any failiure be truly considered, a failiure?’”
Her bright eyes sparkle. “Okay!”
She’s so— she’s so cute. Faba can’t help but beam at her as she enthusiastically presses the buttons, mimicking his own technique. She’s doing well, in fact. Edwin seems to be excited at her progress, shuffling closer to Faba so he can lean across his lap and watch his sister play. Faba watches them both warmly, pleased the two seem to get along so well.
Maybe… there was something to this.
Hours later, Colress finally realises the time with a jolt of panic. Where were his kids? What were they doing? … Oh Arceus, it was already past five in the evening, he needed to start making their dinner! Where too, is Faba? He feels a stab of guilt; he hadn’t intended to leave him to supervise them. Oh Gods, what if he hadn’t even realised Colress wasn’t watching them and no one had been keeping an eye on them? The doctor strides out of the lab and down the hall urgently, glancing in every room until he reaches the kitchen. And stops.
There’s already a pot out on the hob, two chopping boards to the side of it, one with cuts of chicken on it, the other crowded with diced onions, garlic, and leek. Even uncooked, it makes for a pleasant aroma. That isn’t what catches his attention, though.
“…Now, what do we do after touching raw meat, hm?” Faba’s looking down at Rosalind and Edwin, stern but patient.
Patient. Faba. With children. To say Colress is shocked would be an understatement.
“Wash our hands?”
Faba looks very pleased, and walks them over to the sink, even thinks to pull out their stool for them, so they can reach it. “Very good. Now, one at a time…” He glances round as Rosalind hops up on the stool first, and finally sees his partner. “There you are…”
Colress relaxes, opening up his arms and easily receiving Faba against his chest. They brush their lips together in a light kiss, lingering in an embrace for a moment.
“Honestly, dove. You should have told me before leaving the children under my care.” Faba pulls back and arches as eyebrow.
“I… I know. I apologise, I completely lost track of time.”
“Don’t you always?” But Faba says it in a coo, giving him another kiss- on his cheek. “You’ll be pleased to know your little ones are picking up the basics of cooking very quickly. A small miracle, given that they have half of your DNA.”
“Oh they are, are they?” Colress smiles, first down at his partner, then at his little ones.
“Yes. They were quite apt at video games too. At least, after some coaching.”
The doctor chuckles fondly, brushing his fingers against Faba’s cheek. “Darling… for someone who claims to be unable to stand children, you make quite a good Papa.”
Faba’s ears turn pink. “Humph! It was a necessity! Who else was there to look after them?” He trails off, resting the side of his face against Colress’ chest as the two of them watch Rosalind help Edwin to reach the sink to wash his hands. “…Besides. These two are… an exception.”
Colress hums happily, giving Faba a teasing nibble on his cheek. “Well, isn’t someone getting soft in their middle age…”
“Oh stop it.”
But, as he acknowledges with delight… Faba’s smiling as well.
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cosmicseapop · 1 year ago
Aqw’s Structure of Existence Theory Pt1
This is probably going to be wrong in some way but its an attempt to make sense of the confusing structure of the in-game universe and the current power hierarchy in a way that makes sense at least to me. Plus some theories and personal thoughts thrown in to explain where I’m going with things.
All written on the diagram for dnd planes since i felt it had the same structure of realms at the time of writing
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(this is half way written, so 2 parts now and the others later)
Material Plane 
Since things seems to be centered on just Lore alone and not any other planet (if there is any, idk if thats the thing that carried over from Mechquest and Lore is the only planet with life left — didn’t play Mechquest and probably won’t just for this). Our Lore, Underworld, and Celestial Realm and their Mirror Realm counterparts seem to be two sides of the some coin that are equally affected by the influence of the Elementals Planes in a seesaw manner (this was shown in the Mirror Realm events and Mirror!Drakath’s mission of maintaining the balance of the worlds). 
It hasn’t been shown how the Avatars and Elemental Planes interact with the Mirror Realm yet but it hasn’t been stated yet if Mirror!Gravelyn and Mirror!Artix are Champions, only Mirror!Drakath. Which is very fucking curious, like are they use powerful mages of the opposite element? would they be the one exception to the 'everything is opposite' rule and use the same element? Assuming theres aren’t duplicate Champions in the Mirror Realm to balance out the ones in Lore, then we could assume that the Planes treat it as the same as Lore and there are Champions living in the Mirror Realm (like the missing current Champions/Envoys of Air, Energy, and Earth and other child element Champions/Envoys ((maybe not Energy depending on whats going to happen in RoCT))), which would balance out the number on Lore currently. 
The Celestial Realm and Underworld are included in the Material Planes since they’re technical physical locations on Lore and can be accessible by traveling there, don’t have any strong connection to any Elemental Plane (and that included Darkness with the Underworld since its just the preferred element to cast necromancy with in Greenguard and Dage’s), and also have counterpart locations in the Mirror Realm. 
Basically, it’s a flat Lore theory and the game takes places on a frisbee flying through space /j. 
Lesser gods native to Lore are fun. There’s 3 confirmed ones at the moment with Fimbal, Khoine, and Aletsch, all sharing an affinity with Ice, so there’s no limit on how many gods to just one element. There are others that could be consider native gods, ie Queen of Monsters, Big Daddy and Big Mama, Death and other Grim Reapers, and Anethyx’o. There’s most likely others but I forgot them or they’re being added in. 
This is on the assumption that being created/reborn with divinity and either creating a realm or being tied to one also makes them a native god, or at least a new age god of Lore. It could as be that they were just powerful enough to be seen as a god, like with Fimbal, Khoine, and Aletsch since we got surface level info about them and they could/could not have a personal realm. QoM did get reborn as a god after dying and getting shallowed by the earth, and is more of a God of Monsters rather than Chaos even if she’s credited with creating it. Anethyx’o was formed from the left over bits of power from the Reset Galanoth caused, who went on to form the Celestial Realm. Death and the other Grim Reapers would have a connection to the Underworld due to the whole cycle of souls thing, and the mere killing of Death was enough disrupt that cycle. Big Daddy and Big Mama (and their parents) counted as Gods of Love since they're in charge of love of mortals and gods, and their home is Arcadia. 
Elemental Planes
Literally the most confusing part of this whole thing
Not native to Lore but has a direct connection to the Mana Core. Not on the same plane of existence as Lore and seen as intruders by the native gods, but can affect it if the balance is disrupted. There’s really not a good way of explain what a Plane is at the moment. Maybe they’re just extensions or further away areas of the Mana Core that attuned to different elements. It would explain why it can be accessed via the Planes and how they can influence Lore (like the Mana Affliction but less severe). 
Champions, in my speculation, are a by product of a Plane connecting with a planet, created to be emissary of sorts for the element for that particular world. Not just Lore, but probably every planet that the Planes makes a connect with. Which brings up an interesting concept of the Avatars previously being Champions from other planets that rose to the position. It would explain why Fiamme having a human form, Tyndarius was able to be usurp the position of Avatar but couldn’t keep it since he wasn’t the Champion of Fire, and Galanoth could withstand having the power of an Avatar channeled through him. It also explains why the Avatars face bodily harm from trying to access the Timestream and possibly other realms that belong to actual gods. The one exception to this was Nulgath throwing the Worm that Walks into Adimonde’s realm, but the can be excused with the fact the portal was fueled by the Hero’s EDoT powers. (Basically gods can access other gods’ realm without consequence, but mortals trying the same face the threat of death from exhausting their life force from just opening and maintaining a portal, I think thats how it works). 
All in all, Avatars were probably mortal Champions from other planets at one point — probably the absolute first ones ever — and rose to the position of Avatar by being empowered by the Plane. They probably influence the Planes to some degree due to being connected to them for so long, with the Planes becoming off balance with an Avatar’s death (this hasn’t been shown yet with Kyano and Neso being gone, but I’m sure its going to come up with RoCT). They could also be the Champions of the Planes rather than a planet, and its through that unique position they became Avatars. It doesn’t explain the whole human form of the Avatars (since I feel like they would look more elementally depowered) but would also be could explain the influence they have on the Planes
Which opens that possibility of Champions replacing an Avatar, either through overthrowing them or, in Kyanos and Neso’s case, replacing a dead one with a living one (assuming that Silencing can’t reversed and Kyanos can’t be brought back in some way). A few of the Champions currently have differing goals and morals in some way from their respective Avatars (Gravelyn using Light for Evil when Celestia had it painted as Good, Rhubarb straight up going against Neso, Artix being the definition of pure good despite Darkness being associated with evil, Galanoth stopping the fire dragons in the Fire War). They’re more as a counter balance to the Avatars and their elements have represented so far, but thats more through Lore’s influence on their lives rather than the Plane’s.
Envoys are just below Champions in terms of power and resilient to the effect of the element in my opinion, but just by a bit. They’re more of an Avatar’s Champion rather than a Plane’s Champion and theres nothing stating a Champion and an Envoy can’t exist at the same time for one element (Idk if Elius and Galanoth count for that since Tyndarius was the one to make Elius an Envoy and I don’t think he got to keep that position post Shadows of War Pt2). Of course an Envoy’s power hasn’t been put to the test against a Champion’s — either with the same element or different one. 
Chaos and Order
These two don’t really fit in either but do at the same time. Chaos was created from QoM, who got the label of native god of Lore, but still got classified as an element since Drakath is technically a Champion — even if one that was made by QoM rather than chosen by a Plane. At this point there isn’t a Plane of Chaos or Order, and I wouldn’t call the Plane of Monsters that — mostly due to the fact that the one time it was called the Plane of Chaos was the Chaos War finale and since then it’s been called Plane of Monsters (as of Shadow of Chaos story arc). 
My guess is that since they’re technically new elements, we might see the creation of their Planes and Drakath ascending to an Avatar if he doesn’t get ascended to godhood to add to the Hero’s rouge gallery of gods to counter them. It would be the best way to show what exactly the Planes and Avatars are without exposition from an existing Avatar. 
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swaps55 · 2 years ago
not sure if you play dnd (or if you have the time/energy/interest to look things up), but if so-- what do you think the 'yang gang would be as an adventuring party? either what you think they'd choose to play as if they were playing dnd together or what they'd actually *be* in universe, your choice!
This is a very fun question! I am a terrible role player, especially when I have to do it externally, so I do not play much DnD, but I do love it.
A few of them are no-brainers, others a little trickier. The no-brainers:
Clay Beaudoin: Bard. His words and his charm are the source of his power.
Kara Pendergrass: Artificer, with a specialty in explosions.
Kaidan Alenko: Cleric. Healer who answers to an unshakable moral code.
The trickier ones:
Sam Shepard: I go back and forth between a fighter and a barbarian. He fights like a barbarian, but he isn't driven by rage, and is incredibly strategic and intelligent on the battlefield. He just does everything so BIG and is comfortable with chaos and improvisation. Fighter is still probably the best fit for him.
Muriel Aslany: She's also tough to pin down, because she's got elements of a fighter and a rogue, with a sprinkle of barbarian. She does fight from a place of rage, but she bottles it up until that rage is precise, honed, and hidden in the dark. When she shoots, she does not miss, and you never saw who fired the bullet. She doesn't want to give someone the satisfaction of perceiving her anger. Gun to my head, I'd probably go with rogue.
Now, if they were to PLAY DnD, I imagine Kara would still be an artificer and Clay would still be a bard, insisting on doing a Voice and acting out his performances, though let's be honest - he's the DM.
I can see Aslany choosing a Monk as a player and solving the party's problems by punching. Kaidan would wind up a cleric because last time he tried NOT to be a healer, no one else had any healing and everyone died terribly.
Sam? It depends on whether you get him in a Shepard mood or a Sam mood when they roll characters. If you get Shepard, he probably plays a fighter and gets too into it and takes it too seriously until someone reminds him this is Fun, not Work. If you get Sam, his primary goal is to find a way around Clay's No Krogan in DnD rule, and every game includes that moment where he gets a shit eating grin and does something like cast Wild Shape as a druid at some unexpected moment and becomes a krogan while half the table cackles and the others groan, are you fucking kidding me. He is very creative, can find and exploit every possible loophole, and has succeeded every time.
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forsaire · 3 months ago
ACTUALLY you should tell us about your dnd characters (any of your choice. Or all of them)
Do you only use them in dnd or do you use them as OCs for other things too?
OKAY, if you so want it 😌
They're just dnd characters, never used beyond the campaign. I don't have OC's in the way you might think. I create side/supporting characters for my fics or dnd characters to play but they only exist in that context. I don't create headcanons or art or talk about them beyond that like I "own" them.
I've even drawn some of my dnd characters during sessions for fun as well as everyone else's characters. I have kept all my dnd sheets over the past ten years and its getting a bit thick.
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Let's try going chronologically order (to the best of my memory)
Annabelle Montgomery VII (f)
Race & Class: Dwarf Ranger
Accent: child, higher pitched
Fun fact: 14 children in her family, all of them named either Annabelle or Craig. Liked chasing squirrels into the forest at a whim (to explain why I was gone for long periods of time while I was away at university).
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Rizzo Ravioli (m)
Race & Class: Halfling Fighter
Accent: 1950's Greaser
Fun fact: wore a leather jacket and had slicked back black hair. Just devious. A little nuisance guy. Said something so insulting to one of the other characters that she rolled to slap and got a nat 20. I saw God with that slap.
Olivander Swolkin (m)
Race & Class: Human Bard
Accent: none (it was going to be British then there happened to be a real life breathing British person put in our dnd group. I threw that idea away quick to avoid the embarassment)
Fun fact: a performer who played the saxophone under the stage name Oli Swole. Handsome beyond believe. Was dancing with a girl when she got stolen away by one of the other characters. Absolutely cucked.
Aurora Maravella (f)
Race & Class: Half-elf sorcerer
Accent: none
Fun fact: Of noble background with wild magic. Developed motherly relationship with one of the other player characters. Had a golem she also treated like a child. One of the players made little clay figures for everyone. Aurora is now a permanent fixture shoved in the plastic container of the only set of dice I use.
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Benni Bartok (m)
Race & Class: Halfling Rogue
Accent: the exact voice from the funny little bat in the Anastasia movie
Fun fact: Just a guy. But like, good this time. Only a bit of a criminal due to his background, but just a guy. Absolutely loved doing the accent. Everyone's fun uncle. I want to bring him back again.
Sheriquin Florenzio (f)
Race & Class: Half-orc Barbarian
Accent: judgmental
Fun fact: Only played once actually. But she was like, a pretty orc. Had one funny moment where I was talking to a nerd kid and I poured my ramen into his overfilling it. You had to be there.
Kai Dwyn-Eyre (f)
Race & Class: Triton Warlock
Accent: None
Fun fact: Warlock but Intelligence based. Out there to learn and be a scribe. Got the recipe for goat cheese. Hell yeah. It's possible something happened to her family. Idk
Jackie Justice (f)
Race & Class: Human Fighter
Accent: deeper voice, dude-bro
Fun fact: Drinks her own breast milk. That uhh... that kind of accidentally happened. My friends won't let me live that one down. Talks a lot about the old "college buddies".
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Marigold Abernathy (f)
Race & Class: Human Ranger / Dilettante Harlequin when we switched to Pulp Cthulhu
Accent: Posh British
Fun fact: Part of the 1950's housewives campaign. Had an affair with the hot blacksmith Jack because her husband was awful but it turns out Jack was just being paid off to keep her busy. She killed Jack upon hearing this (girl power). Fell in love at age 15 to a boy her her father would never accept (because racism) and sent to boarding school when she became pregnant. Baby was given up and never seen again. Had to learn to become a mother when her husband (before he died due to zombies, dont worry about it) adopted a random French child that didn't speak any English. But the relationship between Marigold and Geneviève naturally grew and now she loves the child. Always looking for a nice man to actually love her.
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I mostly play dnd just for the improv roleplay and coming up with weird ways to solve a problem, im not super into historical lore or fighting. Worldbuilding is hit or miss but it should be fun and grounded. I care so much more about the quirky person selling me shoes that I can talk to about their wife leaving them and encourage him to yes, finally ask the bar maid out, than I do about patrons or gods or planes of existence or prophecies or things like that.
there they are
i also DM'd a oneshot once and came prepared with maps and puzzles and music and physical notes that people could find and read.
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wilanserulia · 1 year ago
Hi, I'm Wilan! I'm a freelancer artist from Italy, and I work with digital media. I specialize in illustration and character design. I'm also a FFXIV Gpose enthusiast, and I write fanfic for my OCs in my free time.
And well, in this blog you can find stuff I create, which is usually either about my TTRPG OCs or my FFXIV OCs.
• My art: #art • My gpose: #gpose
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I'm mainly active on tumblr, but if you use other socials you can also follow me on: • Instagram (art) • Instagram (gpose) • BlueSky • Twitter (no longer updated) If you just want to check out my art: • ArtStation • Cara • deviantART If you want to read my fanfics: • AO3 For anything else: • Linktree
More info about my OCs under the divider!
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I've been playing FFXIV since its original launch in 2010. I'll happily tell details of the story of the two characters I play to anyone who will listen to me, through gposing, art and writing.
Wilan Serulia
Wilan hails from a small island off the coast of La Noscea. The fisherman's life, however, never appealed to him, his gaze ever pointed beyond the horizon, his traveler's heart aching to explore the world. Fate had other plans for the fledgling adventurer, however. Hydaelyn chose Wilan as her Champion, her Warrior of Light, and he's been slowly buckling under the growing weight of the many responsibilties placed on his shoulders.
Tag: #Wilan #Aldarulia (ship)
Delen Aldanea
Born in a Garlean-occupied Terncliff, Delen grew up under imperial dictatorship until Eorzea's champion killed Gaius van Baelsar in combat, when she managed to escape while the colonies under his command scrambled to re-establish order. After reaching the shores of Eorzea as a refugee, the Werlytian girl was taken in by the very same Warrior of Light who felled the Black Wolf, who gave her a place to stay. Free at last but still stuck in her traumas, in Limsa she would meet a friend who would slowly but surely help her move forward with her life and enjoy what her newfound freedom had to offer.
Tag: #Delen #Aldarulia (ship)
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I've been playing TTRPG for, like, 15 years now. D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, DnD 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Fate RPG, and most recently Fabula Ultima. Over this decade and half I've created plenty of characters and, boy, I can't stop talking about them if you get me going. I have way too many OCs to list on a pinned post. I did however list them here. But I'll introduce a few more recent and prominent ones anyway.
Born from an affair between a desert elf and a human woman, the mixed-race child has been unwanted by her human family ever since she was born, her very presence an uncomfortable reminder of her mother's infidelity. She ran away from home in her teens, around the time she started to develop her magic powers from her elven bloodline, met a similarly outcast half-orc girl and turned to a life of delinquency for a while under the destructive influence of her companion. But in the end she came into her own thanks to her found family, who accepted her for who she was and taught her a better way to be herself, and she blossomed into a bright and cheerful young woman.
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Tag: #Viria
Living a cyberpunk world where lovecraftian mythos were revealed to be real, Hoshiko Yukimura is a brilliant student of the University of Prague, enrolled in the faculty of Arcane Studies. Her natural pre-disposition for controlling magic made her a candidate for an elite corp of soldiers called Vakyries, and under the many pressures of the academy, society and her own family, Hoshiko caved, put aside anything she could consider childish or immature and dedicated herself to the pursuit of her studies. That is, until a botched ritual called an unknown creature into this world. The entity, inhabiting the cat-like construct intended to serve as a familiar, luckily seems to be benovelt toward Hoshiko, grants her a mysterious power, and is bringing chaos into the orderly girl's life, somehow pushing her toward healthier life choises in the process.
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Tag: #Hoshiko Yukimura
A woman from one of the many nomad tribes of Numeria, the robot-infested wasteland of Golarion. Nora's unique appearance, a tiefling resembling a Balor, with goat horns, red skins, and two leathery wings sprouting from her lower back, is the result of having being conceived in the neighbouring land of Sarkoris under the corrupting influence of the Worldwound, the colossal planar rift connecting the material world and the Abyss, plane of the Demons. Nevertheless, being but one freak among many, Nora became a formidable warrior and a capable mercenary. It was during a job for the Crusade where she witnessed (and barely survived) the might of the Storm King Khorramzadeh, lord among balors and master of electricity. The encounter awakened something in Nora, that once channeled manifested a whip of lightning and command over lightning, earning her the title of Daughter of the Storm.
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Tag: #Nora
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