cosmicseapop · 11 days
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
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cosmicseapop · 11 days
Hero OC question.
For Bonus Points put what they post about in the tags
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
Manifesting it becomes the birthday event
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
The basement is haunted
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
Esther's main character flaw - her desire for knowledge about any and all of magic - was inspired by the Icarus myth. Being gifted with the one thing she wanted the most, indulging too much in it, crashing and burning when she crosses the line, and dealing with the fallout of going to far. Over and over again in one way or the other.
It was innocent at first, her just wanting to find a way to cast magic - to finally join in the practice that her homeland cherished so - until all of a sudden she could. Before, Esther couldn't have lite a single candle with bring harm upon herself, now she was able to call forth infernos with ease. There was a bit of a learning curve since she was putting the same amount of force behind her spells she was before when she couldn't cast magic - leading to several incidents of property damage - but thankfully Warlic was there to teach her the fundamentals.
Then she started tempering with Chaos magic. On the surface, it was to gain a better understand of how to fight it, but deep down it was her curiosity driving her. There was plenty of safer ways to study Chaos corruption - going to the Sisters of the Dishpan or study the numerous monsters she had to fight - but she wanted a first hand experience with it. Not being corrupted per say - not at first - but to test what can be corrupted and what cant, what was the range of variation of mutations, was there a way to harness Chaos magic safely.
The only incident of Esther flying too close to the sun with her fascination with Chaos magic was the time she stole pure Chaos water from the Sisters of the Dishpan. Originally she was going to test it on things or see if she can make something to wield Chaos magic safely, but then got the idea to drink it. The only reason she didn't was because Drakath showed up suddenly and caused her to spill the water after getting jump scared - which she lamented the lose of (going to make a comic of this later).
And when she finally got to cast Chaos magic, it was in the Chaos Finale and it was something she didn't want anymore and fight against - willing to commit suicide before being corrupted to break the prophecy to open the gate. Watching Alteon slowly succumbing to his corruption and dealing with the fallout when he did - mercy kill him, burying a friend, watching the grief that encompassed the city - and the thought of being in the same position and the unthinkable aftermath of being a Chaos Lord terrified her.
This trauma influenced her approach or reluctance towards the EDoT magic following the Chaos Finale. Finding out she had somehow became a god after razing a place she came to call home, she was petrified of what she could do if she lose control. It didn't help that she was still corrupted and that bleed into her other magic and making them react in unpredictable ways most of the time. Esther would have stopped using magic all together if she wasnt trying to stop the QoM (still haven't played most of that bit, idk what happens).
This lead to her immediately jumping at the chance of learning Order magic in hopes to cure her corruption, and probably would have gone to extremes to do so if Mirror!Drakath wasn't the one who attempt it and who came to the conclusion that Order magic wouldn't cure Chaos magic.
Learning the truth about Malgor and how he was born of her despair and her magic didnt help with her lack of desire to weild the EDoT magic. To her, it was the Chaos Finale all over again - just someone else is causing the destruction. Esther was more relieved than anger when OWO opposed a ban on her use of the EDoT magic and access to the Timestream.
Learning Doom magic echoes a lot of what happens when she wanted to learn Chaos magic. Wanting to learn more to better combat it and find a way to heal Gravelyn (her motivation to even touch doom magic), keeping her meeting and lessons with the Mysterious Stranger a secret from those around her despite the dangers, and the possibility of the ruinous fallout if she looses the tiny bit of control over it. She's still scared of going to far again - from her own experience with tempting with forces she shouldn't and using the tale of Sepluchure as a warning call - but she still has the desire to understand Doom magic in it's entirety.
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
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quickly becoming my otp
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
Prologue to 3rd chaos lord : Warrior/no class (had no prior knowledge of how to fight and was handled a sword)
4th Chaos Lord to Chaos finale : Mage (after figuring she can cast magic now)
Chaos finale to Shadow of War I : Chaos slayer mage (due to corruption)
Shadow of War I to Shadow of Chaos : Lord of order (learning a way to balance out her corruption
Shadow of Chaos to SF finale : Chaos Avenger (learning how to actually wield Chaos magic
AoR to current : Archmage (learning how to tap into the ley lines)
If im allowed to add flavor text, then Esther doesn’t have one particular class but has a main weapon (short sword, rapier, polearm) and summons aethereal weapons or casts bursts of elemental magic to launch at the enemy. Like how with chaos avenger and paladin chronomancer, the auto attack has a great sword/hammer appearing out of nowhere to attack. It whatever works best for the moment and isnt consistent
Hero Question!
Who is your Hero's favourite Npc? Romantic Platonic It doesn't matter who are they hanging out with and getting soft tacos with later.
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
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mysterious stranger sketches
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
I found this post on the aqw reddit and it has enamored me. Where are you/esther sitting?
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Oh this is fun
Esther would either be in 9 and talking to Gravelyn, Victoria, Artix, and Brentan or in 7 and taking advantage of the fact Drakath is in a window seat in the back and she gets a captive audience for all her questions about chaos magic.
Personally in 13 talking to Valarian and Darkon while making the entire hell for Drago and Iona. 11 is also fun for bullying Iona
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cosmicseapop · 1 month
I should not be trusted to make smart financial decisions in a place that has art books
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cosmicseapop · 2 months
*puts a rubber duck in esther's mailbox*
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It now receives her mail
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cosmicseapop · 2 months
Flame from the Beyond theory
spoiler for VotS and RoCT
This train of thought is following the pattern that VotS and RoCT have set with the threats having a connect with the Avatars, with VotS being Neso and RoCT being Iona after replacing Haeos. So FftB would have something to do with Fiamme in one way or the other if it follows the same pattern.
I doubt she's going to pull a Neso and try to invade Lore and Galanoth wouldn't even think of trying to usurp her, so how would Fiamme be tied to FftB?
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What if Fiamme wasn't the original Avatar of Fire and is actually a Champion or Envoy that replaced the real one?
I spit balled the idea before of the Avatars being Champions that raised to the position of Avatar by privilege of being the first to pop into existence. Mostly due to the fact that Fiamme had a human/mortal form when Tyndarius and Malgor usurped her and her not showing a bit of surprise about that fact now that I'm going thro cutscenes again.
By now, we've seen 3 people replace an Avatar throu vary means of doing so - Tyndarius usurping Fiamme with Malgor's help, Abel being the highest authority still around with Kyanos dead, and Haeos giving his postion to Iona. It wouldn't be so far fetch for someone has tried or succussed before the events of the game, or even before the Avatars started coming to Lore. We also don't have any info on what the Avatars were doing before coming to Lore in the handful of entries of things in ancient history. That might actually the "from the Beyond" part of the title.
Not all Planes would have had a Champion before coming to Lore - Kyanos being surprised by Glace showing up - but that don't rule out them not showing up before. Just there was no records of them before Lore.
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This is the only thing I got to prove the point that Fiamme was mortal at some point, since the point was made that Champions aren't elemental and Avatars are considered to be, and she has a mortal form. Maybe this will answer the question on if a plane can a multiple Champions at the same time running around.
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This is going to be the thing that proves if she's an Avatar or Champion when it comes down to it, depending on how things play out.
So, Fiamme was either a Champion or Envoy before coming to Lore (not the first one on Lore since i think that one was talked about in Gale's diary in Frostval 2023) and overthrew her Avatar, became the Avatar of Fire then went to Lore to increase the influence of the Plane of Fire. Depending on how her raise to Avatar-ship happened, the original Avatar might be slowly making their way to Lore to take back control of the Plane of Fire.
SO SO SO pair this with the other running themes of the Jus Divinum inciting the threats to happen, elves fallout out of favor with their Avatars, Sparagmos doing something, weird ritual rocks and platforms, and throw in Walic's nightmares about fire as a change up, this is going to be a fucking trip in a year or 2 depends on what story arc is happening next. Also Firestorm Onslaught and Elius could probably come back, since there's definably some unresolved feelings there with Fiamme and Tyndarius's death.
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cosmicseapop · 2 months
drakath need to show up soon or im going to start shipping esther with gravelyn
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cosmicseapop · 2 months
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the one insult thats actually accurate for esther
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cosmicseapop · 2 months
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