#:/ i'm gonna get the cherry blossom tree one me thinks
annie♡ i saw your requests are open👀 could you maybe write smth for pookie deidara? anything works really look how cute he is. i literally cannot express how much i love him
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Eeeee, Anne !!! You don't know how excited that made me <3 (I love Deidara and js Naruto in general)
Genre: Fluff, Crack, NSFW at the end.
If you're new in the Akatsuki, he'd be extremely awkward. I think he'd be so bad at introducing himself before he reaches the, "Art is an explosion!!" bit.
If he doesn't scare you off from literally popping an explosive clay bird in your face, he'll immediately get obsessed with you. It's not very often people aren't annoyed by his cute outbursts of energy and just eccentric personality. (He was definitely a theater kid.)
— The second you say anything about his hair, he blushes. Like, hard. Even if it's just a simple "your hair looks nice !" or "can I do/play with your hair?"
He does let you do it without complaint, but he, again, is probably super awkward about it. He doesn't know if it'll be weird if he speaks or if he doesn't, so he immediately feels relief when you start the conversation. (Only to immediately get embarrassed again when you call him a pretty princess.)
— He *will* teach you how to make clay sculptures. That's the only thing he tries to be all demanding about, walks up to you after hyping himself up, walking with confidence, and it all fades when he looks at your eyes. "I– uh... Do you... No! You'll– I'm gonna teach you how to make clay sculptures!"
That and doing his hair are probably the most intimate things you can do. He goes behind you and grabs your hands to help you sculpt it, and oddly enough—he's extremely relaxed, not awkward at all. "Good job... Yeah, push down right there, that's it. It's looking really nice." (It's not dirty I swear.)
— He looks so pretty with his hair down. That's, that's the whole headcanon, sorry.
— When he gets the courage to ask you out, after two years, you've never seen him more out of it. He hadn't slept for two days straight, which, may or may not have helped how he asked?? He wasn't as nervous as he would be if he did sleep. You said yes, and he immediately fell asleep on your shoulder the second you did. (CUTE !!!!!!!!)
— He doesn't let go of you. He has to be holding you, hugging you, has his hand on you, (cough, cough). He just has to be near your presence because he just loves you too much. <3
— He gets SO FUCKING JEALOUS of the other members. He knows some of them are better looking, stronger, etc, and it makes him insecure. He won't admit it, but of course, you can tell. But he notices the way you *obnoxiously* say "BRO !!" and "DUDE !!" to all the other members, as well as keeping a good three feet away from them when you find out. He notices. And he's no longer jealous, and the insecurities were kissed away.
— Speaking of kisses... He wanted your first kiss to be romantic and sweet. (Spoilers, it wasn't.)
He was sitting with you under a cherry blossom tree, looking at the clouds as the stereotypical couple does, when he picked a little flower and put it behind your ear, causing you to look at him. His hand is still by your face when you turn, causing his palm to be on your mouth.
Yeah, you ended up kissing the hand on his mouth instead of the one on his face. (That's a story to tell your kids.)
— I headcanon that the Akatsuki has a whole ass "Paint your nails day !" together and paint each other's nails. But he won't let you do it with them, and you do it in the comfort of his bedroom. He's too possessive to let anybody else touch your pretty hands.
— Okay, random, but you are the couple that checks people out. YKWIM?? Like, a girl/guy will walk by with a nice ass, and you simultaneously turn to look at it. Don't be afraid to admit bitches be attractive sometimes.
— Idk if any of you have seen that thing where there's a door, person A is behind the door with their back against it, the other person B is talking to someone at the door with there hand on person A's mouth, hiding person A from whoever is at the door? Idk it's hard to explain. Ya'll have done that. Anyway.
— Let's talk about nicknames. He's so SAPPY with them. "Sugar," "Love," nah. "My work of art," "My radiant sunshine," "Divine," "My explosion," ("Girly pop"), you get it. (Now if we're talking bedroom names‐)
Short NSFW !! if you're uncomfortable with that, please ignore this part !! ♡ (fem reader)
— You already know. The hands. He's gonna eat you out with them. One hand on your pussy, the other on your nipple, while he kisses you.
— He loves holding your hands above your head with you lying on the bed while he pounds into you. That's not a headcanon he would do that.
— Pull his hair. Pull his fucking hair. Nothing else.
— He gets KINKY as FUCK. Wants you to wear makeup so he can see it all smudged and messed up, will tie you up to the bed, will make you watch as his hand sucks him off and leans down to whimper in your ear, will eat you out under the table with other members watching and ACT LIKE HE'S NOT, he bites and licks you. So much. Maybe a mommy kink if you squint, and loves it when you grind on his thigh.
— Speaking of thigh grinding. (Is this my own biggest kink? Yeah, it is, get over it.) Let's talk about it. He'll grab your hair with one hand and make you look at him while the other is on your hip, helping you grind against him. Dry hump his abs while he sleeps, and see how hard he fucks you when he wakes up. "Couldn't wait till I woke up? Hmm... My pretty little whore..."
— Cum eater. What do you think those mouths are for? Clay? No, eating you and all your liquids.
— Choking kink. I repeat, choking kink. Doesn't matter if you're choking him or vice versa. If he's doing it, hickeys, hickeys, hickeys, hickeys. So many.
ANYWAYYYYYY that's all the headcanons I have for you !!!! Thanks for requesting <3
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deartouya · 2 years
why are lego sets so expensive ??
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betweenlands · 8 months
Impulse thinks he might've started seeing things early this time.
It happens at least once a season at this rate, so it's not really a surprise on that side of things. And it's not as bad as the boogeyman clock-ticking he's heard twice now, so, he'll take it, just... it hasn't even been a full session yet?
He'd like to say it started when he ended up tag-teaming with Gem and Scott, but the truth is, that's not quite it. It started when he got his task and ended up in the cherry grove up there, and that little part of him he knows is basically a ghost detector went this task isn't so bad -- maybe people will actually trust me this time! There's never been a bad guy who built with cherrywood, right?
Really weird thing for a ghost detector sense to say. But then Gem and Scott caught up, and they sort of just fell into a natural alliance, and yeah -- Impulse looks at their location-in-progress and thinks we're gonna be the good guys this season, and for a split second feels this headache.
Then it's gone.
It happens again when Skizz visits, which is probably part of a task, but all Impulse knows is... he walks up to Skizz while he's saying "I've been that guy, that all I do is tell the truth, and I'm a loyal sword -- I think I might be the guy that just wants to lie to everybody and just be a jerk!"
Knee-jerk response: "Nah. Don't love that idea. Hate it."
Internal ghost-detector response: I mean, who says those things are mutually exclusive?
Impulse has to stop himself from whipping around fully at the voice, which sounds almost like Scott, except Scott isn't behind them right now -- just Jimmy, and past that the cherrywood trees. He thinks for a second there might be a flash of red among all those pink blossoms. He shrugs it off as Grian skulking around, even though he knows Grian doesn't have pink hair.
A few minutes later, he knows it definitely wasn't Scott, because the guy shows up to immediately point out a zombie villager appearing on the mountain -- there's a librarian, right there, aggroed more or less directly on him. They scramble to get it in a boat and cover its head. Some part of him suggests they should bury it underground, just in case. They only need one more.
Next sighting is a bit more difficult to ignore, mainly because Impulse knows when he's being made fun of, and when a goat smacks him while he's trying to wrangle it into a boat, he catches sight of someone with long blonde hair cackling like a maniac about it from the other side of the border wall, and before he can do anything more than think huh, how'd False get past the border? they're gone.
False is not in this season. He tries his best to put that behind him and inform his teammates of the real issue, which is:
"YOU SAID THAT GOATS WERE NOT A PROBLEM," Impulse yells, trying to pretend the panic is about the loss of a half heart. "I JUST GOT GOATED." He can see the campfire Gem and Scott set up over their shoulders. Someone wearing red is sitting at one of the seats. Impulse resolutely ignores the fact that he hasn't seen Grian at all so far.
That's it for the ghosts for a while, enough to lull him into a false sense of security. Maybe it is just Grian sneaking around. (Maybe the guy in a red poncho he sees in the distance in the badlands Scar has based just outside of is just Grian reliving his glory days.)
"By the way, this is Traitor Scar's!" Scar says brightly.
You think his partner's Grian again? a voice says wryly. It's not either of their voices. It's not the voice of anyone Impulse even knows, for that matter. It sounds like it came from over by the badlands.
"Trader Scar's," Impulse repeats, realizing he's misheard what Scar actually said.
Eh, the voice says. Like recognizes like.
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sumicchin · 9 days
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert.
Violence is the answer to everything in this world (not really). (3.3k words)
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content warning: female reader, original characters, character background, slight ooc i fear
When I was little, I often found myself looking forward to the sound of the wind chime as it danced with the breeze. It was fairly quiet inside the shrine when it was just Hayami, me, and a man named Sojiro while waiting for the officiants to inhabit the divine structure.
Furin was my only companion—acting as if its bell were telling me stories from the outside world. It's been there ever since I could remember, and no one bothered to place another one.
Just like the wind chime, I was alone.
While the grownups worked, I occupied myself with little tasks that my stubby fingers could manage. Sometimes I took out a book they had in the study and ran to the adults to ask what certain words meant. I became more involved with the shrine as I grew older, not as a Miko, but just as a random helper. 
I was essentially free to do what I wanted. So when I was 10, I expressed my wish to venture out of the shrine.
"Hey, old man," I greeted Sojiro, tending to the flowers near the statues. His head perked up upon hearing my voice and greeted me back. As odd as it sounded, Sojiro wanted me to call him that way despite his youthful appearance.
"Hi there, little miss," Sojiro says as he stands up to face me, "what's today's agenda?"
For as long as I can remember, Hayami and Sojiro have been caring for me since. I haven't really asked about their relationship, or who my parents were since there was no need to do so. I was fine with how things were for the past couple of years, but the books I read and my trips to the market while accompanying Hayami made me yearn for more.
And so I was determined to confront them that day.
I showed him the book I was carrying. Kusamakura by Natsume Soseki.
Not really something a ten-year-old would read, but I had nothing better to do in this shrine.
"Oh, that's one of Hayami's favorite novels," Sojiro says. "An artist sets on a journey in search of beauty and inspiration for life and art. It's a simple read but very worth it to understand what it's like to be an artist." The man beams, totally lost in his thoughts. I let out a sigh, "That's not what I came for, old man."
"Ah, my bad! You know I get too excited about stuff like that." Sojiro laughs and pats my head, "So, let's cut to the chase. You want to go outside, right?" He chuckles as soon as my face contorts to that of a shocked expression. Sojiro is a man full of secrets.
"H-how'd you know?"
He shows me his infamous grin with eyes closed, "It's a secret power of mine!"
He pats my head, ruffling it in the process, "But sorry kiddo, we can't really make that happen." Already rejected before I could speak the speech I prepared. "Hayami will explain to you once you're older, but right now you have to stay here, 'kay? Think of it as a special mission given by the gods!" I was about to sulk and curse whoever made that decision when Sojiro perked up, "But hey that reminds me! The priest decided to assign you as bodyguard for the Mikos." I let out an audible sound of confusion, telling him I barely knew how to throw a punch. The best I could do was to bite someone like a sewer rat.
"That's why I'm gonna train you starting tomorrow!"
By sheer determination and fear of being on the receiving end of Sojiro's sword and fist (both hurt equally), I became a competent bodyguard for the officiants at the age of 14.
"The wind feels very nice, doesn't it (F/n)?" Manami, one of the older Mikos, glances at the fully bloomed cherry blossom trees by the river.
"Yeah, pretty lucky we got to go out today!" I excitedly say. Becoming the bodyguard for the Mikos allowed me to at least go out more often. It was always fun accompanying the women of the shrine outside, teaching me all sorts of stuff that can't be picked up from books.
"The priest doesn't really trust outsiders let alone men to protect the girls, so he's hoping to rely on us, (F/n)." I recalled Sojiro's words on our first day of training. It was a day full of bruises, and many more came after that but the strength I currently possess made it all worth it. I find myself more comfortable fighting with a sword though, and Sojiro encourages me to keep at my training.
I established one rule as a bodyguard.
To never take someone's life.
The two of us continue talking, heading back to the steps leading to the shrine after buying gifts from the market. We were a few blocks away from returning to our refuge, until I felt a tug on my hakama's left sleeve.
"What is it, Manami?"
"Can we maybe, stay outside for a bit longer?" She timidly asks.
"But we promised to only go to the market," I reluctantly answered, but seeing her crestfallen face made me double take. I guess she's just tired of Miko duties...
"It's just for a moment, I promise! There's something I need to see."
She leads me to a shop that sold fireworks and the like.
"I'd like to get one of these for summer!"
I watched as she hurriedly went inside the shop, already browsing the many varieties of explosives. How do we hide the fireworks from Hayami and the priest, I deadpan.
I was too occupied with my thoughts, but I know for one someone in black just went past me. Still bothered by how I'm supposed to hide the fact we went somewhere other than the market, the scream of a woman registered late to me.
I hurriedly ran inside the shop and saw a dark-haired man in a suit dangerously near Manami.
"Let her go!" I yell as I grab the hilt of my sword.
Upon closer inspection, it became clear that the man was actually just a tall teenager from his features. He must be an artistocrat or something.
"Please fight outside my shop!" The shop owner yells to no avail.
"Are you cosplaying a samurai?" The boy hums, letting go of Manami. She stumbles back but was helped by the store owner. "She took the last sparkler I wanted to buy," he says mockingly while approaching me.
"But I've lost interest now." His tone suddenly drops, approaching slowly as he inspects me and my sword—and to say I'm frightened is an understatement. I've fought many men before, but his aura screamed something awfully dangerous.
I knew right then and there I'll die if I try fighting him.
"Is that sword for real? Must be serious business, huh?" he grins as he points at my sword.
I scoffed, "Wanna see for yourself?"
"Fine with me..." He raises his right arm, my grip on my sword's hilt and scabbard tightening, "been wanting to take out someone armed."
He swiftly tried to go for my neck, but I nearly blocked him with my sword, the blunt edge of the blade near my cheek and the sharper side near the man's wrist. "Don't move a muscle, or the blade will cut you."
His lips twitch, but not so much to pass as a grin, "I'll look forward to that."
Even though I tried resisting, his strength overpowered me by the end and I lost control over my blade. I stared helplessly as my sword fell to the ground, waiting for his fist to strike me. It
"You're interesting! Let's meet again when we're a bit older." He pats my shoulder, walking out of the store. "How about when we're both 16, 'kay?"
He walked unscathed out of the store as I scrambled towards Manami who was shaken.
She and I swore to never talk about the incident ever.
It was then that I realized I'm still weak.
Was I even fit to protect others?
Although I never wished to encounter that man again, the world had different plans for me.
Turns out he was just the start of this madness, and there were more to follow.
You watch the boy from across the room as he sleeps peacefully, just like a child after throwing a fit. That night, he established social distancing before heading to bed, saying he didn't want to accidentally do stuff he'd regret in his sleep.
It was painfully obvious that he was nervous the whole night, stiff as a rock and barely breathing. He eventually (and with difficulty) fell asleep though, thankfully. Sakura would probably stay asleep for a couple more hours, so you decided to get a head start and freshen up for the day.
You unfold the piece of clothing that served as a makeshift pillow last night, recognizing that this is what Sojiro called a hoodie. It smelled very minty and upon checking the pockets, you see some suckers with different flavors. These look really good...
This must belong to Sakura, but no harm in trying it out right? The hoodie, that is. You've had enough of stealing's someone's food. The apparel was obviously loose and too big, but it makes one admire the craftsmanship with how warm and comfortable it felt. 
He told you that night that his friends brought in food and clothes, so you excitedly checked the bag. It's filled with clothes that you used to dream of trying out, too tired of the usual hakama back at the shrine. Nothing bad about being traditional, but seeing vibrant colors and patterns other than flowers and birds makes you feel all giddy inside.
One of the shirts had a drawing of a white cat with a red ribbon. This character often appeared in the teen magazines Sojiro brought back from trips. Why he bought them is beyond you (it's so that you can check out what girls your age like, he says).
This is super adorable! You think while holding the shirt.
The bumpkin has now been in contact with Sanrio characters.
Taking out pants that you think fits the shirt with the white cat, you find the bathroom to freshen up and change.
If Hayami saw you right now, she'd probably start calling you out for looking scandalous. A huge part of your legs and thighs were exposed, and the shirt definitely hugged the torso a bit too much to what I'm you're to, but the cute design is too much to pass up on.
Styling your hair in your preferred way to complete the new look, you step out of the bathroom, seemingly trying your best to fit in with the folks of this city (and accordingly to the magazines).
It seems that Sakura is still out cold. Worriedly, you approached his figure hunched in a fetal position to check his temperature. Your face neared his and touched your foreheads together. Upon contact, it didn't seem like he was ill, but after a few seconds he began heating up rapidly.
You were greeted by his heterochromatic eyes, too wide for someone who was just sleeping moments ago. Didn't this happen already?
"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He stammers, backing to a wall behind him.
"Checking your temperature, what else? You were out cold for a while."
He wipes his forehead rapidly like you spread germs on it. Rude.
"Aren't you the sick one here? Stop worrying about me, damn it!"
You unknowingly pout and look at the floor, "I was just worried." Rolling your eyes towards him, he looks away in return.
He clicks his tongue, refusing to look you in the eye. Is he allergic to affection or something?
"So much for a morning call." You stretch, standing up to head out. "I'm feeling all better now, can we go outside?"
"Someone's gonna pay you a visit, so sit your ass down!" He turns on his phone and starts swiping his fingers.
Sent a sticker [good morning!].
Sent a sticker [happy wake up].
Sent a sticker [cat wake up].
Sent a sticker [muscle ohayo!]
Suo and I will be visiting!
Sakura sees the group chat for his class, then checks out the ones his upperclassmen sent.
bring my hoodie to school i cant drop by cuz of errands
Good morning!
I'll be visiting after school with Kanji and the twins~
Kotoha and I will visit soon!
Breakfast is on me!
He sees Bofurin's leader still writing another message and waits for it. When it does get sent, he suddenly gets conscious.
Kotoha hopes you're wearing something other than a shirt and boxers, she says!
Sakura immediately looks at himself and suddenly whips his head towards you.
"How come you didn't tell me I was just wearing boxers in front of 'ya the whole time?!"
You blink repeatedly, "You were bothered by that? If it makes you feel better, I've seen uncles only in their loincloths."
He turns red and immediately scrams to the bathroom to check for his used pants.
"Wow, so this is your school uniform?"
Sakura comes out of the bathroom in his iconic green gakuran and pants, acting smug and proud to be wearing symbolic garments. You clapping and looking with amazement just made his head bigger, saying stuff like "Woah, so trendy!" and "You look like a model!"
A knock on the door interrupted the duo's little fashion show, with Sakura heading towards the door to invite his guests.
He sees Umemiya, Suo, Nirei, and Kotoha all carrying bags.
"Morning, Sakura!" Everyone followed suit with their morning greetings, taking off their shoes as they entered his apartment.
"Oh! Looks like our little ghost has recovered now," Umemiya smiles as he takes a seat in front of you. "I'm Umemiya Hajime, but you can call me big bro if you'd like!" He beams.
He starts rummaging the bag he brought out, "Hope you like soup and omurice!"
Kotoha approaches you and waves hello, to which you bow in reply. She was taken aback, saying there was no need to be formal. "Kotoha is fine! And the clothes look really good on you!" She starts gushing about taking you to the shopping district with someone named Tsubaki, happy to have another female companion.
"We've brought you some snacks, courtesy of the class!" Nirei shows you the contents of the bag filled with unfamiliar bags, "O-oh! I'm Nirei Akihiko by the way. If you need help navigating Makochi, I'm your guy!"
The last of the visitors wore an eye patch and felt immensely mysterious, boasting quite the powerful aura. Thinking about it, three of them held overwhelming auras, Umemiya's in particular was overflowing. You didn't notice that you were staring too hard at the eye-patched boy.
"My name is Leonardo DiCaprio!"
Oh! A foreigner, you beamed.
"Don't fall for that, (F/n)!" Sakura points accusingly at Suo, "That guy's Hayato Suo, make sure you're extra careful around him."
"You wound me, Sakura. I thought we were friends," Suo fakes a sigh. "And you're on a first name basis with her."
Sakura blushes, "That's her first name?!"
Nirei realizes and hides his face using his notebook, feeling giddy to have another female friend on a first name basis, "I-it feels really embarrassing to be on a first name basis already!"
"You already gave her your lap yesterday, a name is nothing at this point," Suo chuckles.
You think for a bit, and it reminds you that everyone back at the shrine never mentioned a family name. Gods, am I adopted? Am I the next Momotaro?
"I don't know my parents, and no one really told me about other stuff about them."
Everyone stops and looks at you with a somber expression.
Umemiya lets out a loud wail, eyes comically tearing as he tries to go in for a hug, "Ume-nii and Kotoha over here will be your family then!!!"
Nirei feels himself tear up as well, unable to imagine living a life without knowing who his parents were. Suo's face remained neutral, mouth forming a line and unable to say something to lift the mood.
Sakura on the other hand just stares at you, eyes soft and looking as if he sees himself in you.
"But don't worry about me! I still grew up with caring adults," your smile falters for a bit, wondering how Hayami and Sojiro were faring after your escape. "Let's all eat! Big day ahead of us."
Kotoha begins handing out soup and takeout omurice, "What happened to you anyways? If you don't mind me asking,"
You choke on a potato, clearing your throat before speaking, "Oh uh...I made an enemy out of an aristocrat, he decided to marry me or else he'll destroy my home, but my caretakers wanted me to run away, and now I am searching for something here in this town. Yes, I think that accounts for everything so far!"
"That's quite the story." She says, not sure if she was concerned or amused.
Suo pieces the situation in his head, "I assume that's why you were in a white kimono." Everyone realizes and looks at him, "Do you think your husband will search for you?"
You correct Suo, saying you're technically not wed yet. He mutters a small apology. "I don't want to get married to a man like him."
They all feel the spite and anger behind your words.
You look sternly at everyone, "It's also why I needed to get away from everyone as soon as possible. I fear I'll get you all caught up in this mess."
Everyone hears a scoff from Sakura who was gulping down food just earlier, now looking at you with a smirk.
"Thanks for telling me bits of your story," he puts down his now finished bowl of soup and omurice.
"We just gotta beat up that guy, right?"
changed the writing style for a bit, hope its okay (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
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medieval-canadian · 2 months
okay well.
last week i submitted the form requesting a leave of absence from the phd program. this week i'm in toronto to invigilate a final exam as one of my last TA tasks for the term. i took the train this morning, returned all the u of t library books i had languishing, and stopped to pick up tickets for the shuttle i need to take bright & early tomorrow morning (exam's from 9h-12h).
i'm a little bit (like 2%) sad, but mostly relieved. i haven't gotten the official okay for the loa yet, but i'm not sure why they would say no. i'm operating on the assumption that it'll be approved and i'll have 12 months to get over the academic hangover i've had for i think that past 4 years. once i have the official answer from sgs i'm going to send an email out to my committee.
this is going to be a time to rest and breathe and not feel guilty about it. this is going to be a time to reconnect with myself and my interests. this is going to be a time to evaluate what i want and how/if i want to move forward.* this is going to be a time to get a 9-5 job with no major intellectual demands. this is going to be a time to improve my financial situation. i don't have a job lined up yet and i'm not entirely sure what it will be, but i can't worry about that until these TA contracts are wrapped up.
now i'm sat in the library building, a couple of blossoming cherry trees visible through the window, with iced coffee and a bunch of snacks i got from pharmaprix--i will never call it by its english name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. i have i think 29 final essays to grade before the exam tomorrow morning, and i need to start strictly timing myself for each one (and quit leaving lengthy and chatty comments) if i want to get a couple hours' sleep tonight. i'm staying with friends who have a condo downtown and i'll be heading in their direction around 8pm, but until then i'm here. i'm not entirely sure how kosher it is for me to be grading student work out in the open where students could technically walk by and see, but this class is technically on a different campus so i'm just gonna do it. wish me luck if you've gotten this far, lmao.
*i genuinely suspect that the answer will be "yes, i want to finish this stupid degree," but i think i need some distance first, in order to get (back) to that place.
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #141
I think today, I might have created one of my best tea concoctions yet!!
Okay, so I started with these ones; I put one bag of each of these into my mug, and brewed it:
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(Yes, once again, I do have weird mismatching socks on. I wonder if your socks are colorful like mine under your boots; maybe you can give it a try and see how it feels!)
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Please say hello to Momma, our resident lady-in-a-tuxedo; she's VERY cute!
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From there, I added sugar instead of honey this time, and a bit of heavy cream. The swirls today were absolutely mesmerizing:
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And, once the swirls were all settled down, the physics involved with density and fluid dynamics caused my tea to settle itself into 5 layers - the undissolved sugar on the bottom, a layer of tea that is very saturated with dissolved sugar, followed by cold layer of tea mixed with cream, a warmer layer of tea mixed with cream, and finally just a thin layer of pure cream:
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Isn't it marvelous!!! And when I mixed it all up, the result tasted EXACTLY like a kind of Girl Scout cookie called Samoas! I know you don't know what those are, because there aren't any Girl Scouts on your planet, but trust me, they're REALLY GOOD, oh my goodness!!
…Samoas were my mother's favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie, last I knew. I wish I could share this tea with her, too.
In any case, I went to physical therapy with M, because afterwards, we had made plans to get lunch! We finally went back to the place with those fried green tomatoes that I didn't take a picture of because I ate them too quickly (sorry about that!). This time, I remembered to take a picture for you BEFORE my appetite got the better of me:
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Today, I got the seafood pasta. I know that you like pasta pescatore, and this isn't exactly the same, but… it's got shrimp and clams and linguine and pesto sauce and parmesan cheese on it, and… I think maybe you would love it, so I took a picture because I can't… I can't share it with you…
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I also got their crème brûlée; their flavor changes every week. Last time, it was berries, remember? Well, this time, it was dark chocolate and coconut - just like my tea this morning!! And this, too, tasted just like a one of those Samoas!! It was SO GOOD!!
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…I wish you were here…
On our way home, I managed to snap some really nice photos of the trees and the sky; I hope you'll like these:
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After we got inside, I went ahead and put the rods in the kites that arrived yesterday. I'm hoping for a windy day tomorrow so I can test them out!! But I'm not going to take pictures of them just yet; like I said, I have PLANS for that eagle kite, and I don't want to show it to you until those plans come to fruition. I know what I have to do, and I found the perfect image for it; it's just a matter of getting it done. I think you're gonna love it when you see it. Or at least, I hope you will…
Today, J and I tried to go to Eggcellent with the lovely leader of the place we like to go to once a week! Unfortunately, Eggcellent was closed due to plumbing issues, I guess. So we went to a different place! And!! Oh!! Sephiroth!!! They had MACARONS!!!
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Look at them all!!! 🤩🤤 But in particular, these three caught my eye:
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...I know you like vanilla and roses, and I thought these might have a similar flavor profile, so I got them!! And I also got a cherry blossom matcha tea! More than anything, I wished I could share these with you, because I think you would have loved them:
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...Alas, this picture is the best I can do.
...Given everything you've gone through, everything you are still going through, and everything that you likely will go through in the future... I'm sorry that this little bit is the best that I can do...
Well anyway, J and the leader from the place and I sat and talked for a couple of hours, and it was wonderful!! The best part was when the leader showed us the beautiful pictures from his sister's recent wedding; she and her friends and her husband looked so vibrant and happy and beautiful!! He's going to go through all of the pictures and select the ones he likes best so he can show them to us later! I can't wait!!
I also snagged some pictures of the evening sky in the outdoor spot where we enjoyed our tea and macarons; maybe you'll like these...
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...I wish that I could give just a little bit of joy to you. I hope that anything I show you and tell you about can give you even a small reason to smile, or cause you to feel just a little warm inside your mind. Not even you, with your incredible power and all the amazing things you've seen up until this point, can imagine what I'd be willing to give if it meant I could have the power to gift these things to you. If I had the chance to trade your life for mine, so that you could be here, enjoying all these things in my place... I'd be happy and proud to take that chance without even a moment's hesitation. Even if I disappeared as a result... I wouldn't mind - not even a little. Not if it meant you could be happy and safe.
...In the meantime, I'll keep writing to you, sharing pictures with you, singing little songs to you, and gently calling out your name until you return to us. I have faith in who you are and in what you can do; I'll be waiting to see you shine in all the ways that only you know how to do.
...I guess that wraps it up for today. Tomorrow, I'll keep trying to capture the prismatic bits of delight that exist within all of the simple things so that I can show them to you and maybe help you to remember what beauty and love are like. I know you're capable of seeing it; I saw who you were before your fall, and I know you can rise up into becoming someone who believes he deserves to retrieve the parts of himself that others tried to steal away. I know you can do it because I am doing it, and I'm not better than you.
I love you. Don't ever think you're alone. I'll write again soon, so please stay safe and treat yourself nice, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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iantimony · 2 months
tue … wednesday,
gif warning on this one!
i was gonna post this last night but apparently i am now the type of person who gets extreme digestive distress from indian food :-( so i was too distracted by my agonies. much better today, and i feel like i had a worse reaction a few weeks ago from indian food, so maybe it's something that will get better with time like everything else ...
listening: so my brother spontaneously bought us tickets to see st vincent in [redacted] while we're on vacation...i haven't listened to her in ages but i was like sure why not...her new album dropped on the 26th and it's SO good. i'm kinda obsessed and very excited to see her live now. it's a good album. listen to it.
listened/watched the wtyp on five over ones, and started the more recent one on the camp fire.
reading: continuing 'how to read poetry like a professor'. yum. poetry.
watching: once again, dunmeshi (my boyf keeps asking "when is best girl showing up" (izutsumi) and i finally was able to be like "i think next episode"), more asobi asobase. insane show. the voice actors are masters of their craft, truly. good lord.
playing: fallow.
making: some stuff came out of the kiln that i actually like! the cave painting mugs!!! i made One fatal error - i put a 'satin' topper over the outside assuming it would be matte. it. kinda isn't? kinda is? made these weird "jizzy" (instructor's words, not mine, lol) streaks. thankfully it isn't too noticeable and they came out really good otherwise. the hardest part has been photographing them, the designs go all the way around and choosing a favorite is so hard...i made a gif to try and capture it all lol, and i really love the little handprints on the handles. these will go in their own post in the next few days so i can tag the inspiring artist :)
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i also threw some new ones to make more! i do think in the future i will be handbuilding them though. i just really don't like throwing red clay for some reason. maybe i just need to practice more i dunno. i've since trimmed and put handles on these but i forgor to take a photo.
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citrus juicer! it works!! it came out a little more Orange than i anticipated, the only downsides are manually scooping out the seeds, and also that it can kinda only handle one fruit at a time, but man, whatever, it's so cute.
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mug/teacup that i tried a new underglaze technique on, where i put the flowers on the greenware and then use liquid latex to cover them to just slather the thing in the bg color: works well, i did this for the mug from last week too! my mistake with this one was putting that same jizzy satin overglaze on the flowers and it made them weird and blurry. it's cute otherwise though.
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some stuff going in the kiln for bisque: fun texture bowl and a little trinket dish that i underglazed some cherry blossom trees on, inspired by something a friend in class did!
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in terms of new things, today is actually the last day of class for me til i get back in july, so i will be trimming a pot and plate that i made last week but will otherwise just work on things i already have! the goal is just to leave things in a place where no extra clay work needs to be done; things can be left as greenware til i get back.
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i also made some little watercolor palettes! for some reason the last one i made i didn't carve out material, i just sort of pressed in, and this made the whole thing a little wonky, so i'm hoping these will lay flat because i carved material out
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eating: nothing of crazy note. made deb smittenkitchen's soy glazed chicken again because it whips ass.
misc: wough...fucked up day......butter chicken for dinner knocked me for a major loop last night and i wasn't able to sleep til like 1:30am from the Agonies, woke up to feed the cats and then went right back to bed...didn't get up til noon...but now i feel loads better so i might try to do some light exercise this afternoon before pottery, otherwise sleeping tonight is gonna be a nightmare lol. the goal for the afternoon is to submit my last thing for classes (takehome exam, it's not bad i just have to finish it up, and then i officially finished my masters degree (!!!)) and then do a little more for my meeting tomorrow morning. this time next week my brother will be here with me, and that following weekend we drive home together, so everything is about to happen very fast! i'm not gonna be home for as long this summer, and won't just be rotting in my room the whole time, so hopefully things will go much more smoothly mental health wise. fingers crossed! things are looking up! :)
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oskea93 · 2 years
I love your writing and see you write for Jamie ! Can I request a Jamie x reader where they give each other small tattoo . Reader is super nervous because it’s her first tattoo so Jamie has to comfort her through it while he gives her the tattoo .
First Tattoo - Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
Warnings: Slight cursing A/N: First request! I hope you like it @dogmom2014
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"I'm gonna pass out."
His smile widened as he continued to set up the equipment. “Darling-“ His voice soft. “You don’t have to do this.”
I watched as he poured the ink into little wells, the tattoo gun sitting on the tray, mocking and terrorizing me. “No, no-“ I paused. “I want too.”
Never in my life would I imagine myself getting a tattoo, especially a tattoo symbolizing my fucking relationship. I’ve read stories, heard people talk about getting their significant other’s name or what-have-you tattooed on their body, only for the relationship to sink faster than the Titanic. It was taboo.
“Okay-“Jamie spoke. “You sure wanna do this?” I searched his blue eyes, nodding my head in assurance. “Once I start, there’s no going back, Y/n.” Was he trying to talk me out of it?
I nodded my head once more, my heart beating out of my chest. “I’m sure.”
The design was a simple one. Three simple letters on the inside of my left wrist, matching the one that he sported on his right wrist. I watched earlier as he sat in the same chair, almost in a sleep-like trance as the artist drilled the ink into his pale skin.
“So-“ He smiled, picking up the tracing. “This first part is probably the easiest.” I watched as he placed the flimsy paper on my wrist, soaking it with a solution, rubbing the initials written on the paper onto my skin. He slowly pulled the paper away, his perfect handwriting stenciled into my skin. “One last time, babe.”
“Just do it.” I breathed out.
The buzzing of the tattoo gun caused my stomach to twist in knots as he slowly approached my arm. Telling me to take another deep breath, the piercing feeling of thousands of needles penetrating my skin sent shock ways throughout my body. I was panicking for a moment, wishing that I never came up with the fucking idea.
“You okay?” His voice sounding concerned. “Need me to stop?”
“Just keep going.” My right-hand gripping onto the seat for dear life.
“You’re doing great, babe.” He reassured me. “Just take deep breaths and try not to think about it.” Easy for him to say.
The feeling started to subside slightly as my body got used to the pain. I was even able to watch him finish the last letter, a smile bright on his face. “All finished.” He wiped away the excess ink and the little bit of blood that arouse. “You survived, sweetheart!” “I’m sorry I was such a wimp.” I spoke as he placed the bandage on.
His blue eyes connecting with mine, “You weren’t a wimp.” His hand caressing my face. “You faced your fucking fear and that’s badass in my opinion. Plus-“He pulled me into his lap. “Since you got that one, how about something bigger?”
My eyes widening at his suggestion, “Are you crazy?”
He shook his head, “I was thinking like a cherry blossom tree, going from here-“His hands trailing from the side of my breast, down to my pelvic bone. “To here.” His lips dangerously close to my ear. “Done by yours truly.”
I turned my head slightly, my lips inches from his. “If you thought that was gonna get you laid, then you’re sadly mistaken, Jamie.” I smiled. “If you gave me a tattoo like that, I’d be laid up in the hospital in a coma because I passed out from the pain.”
“You got through that one.” He smiled, giving my lips a soft kiss.
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idiotwithanipad · 27 days
Happy Death Day (Finale)
How Humphrey asked Alison for a special favour for Amy (My OC)
Again Ft Silver @moonah-rose ‘s OC🥰
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Amy's polytheistic friend had stuck by her side all night, until she'd cried herself to sleep and now rested slumped against the jagged bark of the Cherry Blossom tree. 
Silver's hand still stroked at Amy's shoulder, her chin rested against Amy's hairline. The sky was a vibrant orange, purple clouds floated high above. Dawn. Silver faced the sky and pondered. 
She carefully stood up, being gentle as to not wake up her exhausted friend. Silver brushed herself off and turned, considering returning to her woodland bed and saying prayers to her deities to watch over Humphrey wherever he is. 
But a sharp sound cut her thoughts short like a hot knife through butter. 
Silver paused and looked around, scanning the hedges and trees. 
She swirled around, back towards the house. Robin's upper body and head of crazy hair leaned out from the brick wall of the house. A wide grin of crooked yellow teeth beamed at Silver from their fair distance apart. 
He reached his hand up and beckoned her toward him, excited huffs and chuckles rattled from his jaw. Silver took a glance down at Amy before quietly approaching the caveman who  slunk back through the wall. 
They were alone, the kitchen empty. 
"Thought you be awake, full Moonah tonight!" Robin beamed. Silver smiled slightly, the recollection of their annual nights of fun and praise tickling her brain into forcing a smile from her. But she soon stopped. 
"Yeah, uh, Robin, I can't do it right now. Amy's not in a very good place..." Silver explained. Robin's smirk cracked slightly and he blinked. 
"Under tree? That not-.." He cut himself short, his eyes popping wider and his jaw setting. 
"Oh, yeah, no, that not good place. We should get her out from-"  Robin went to walk through the wall again, but Silver stepped before him and held up her hands. 
"No, I mean... In her head, she's gutted. You know? Humphrey?..." Silver's voice cracked slightly and bowed her head a little. 
Robin paused before... He chuckled? 
"Oh no no, he fine..." 
Silver looked up at him, her brow lowering in confusion. 
"What do you mean 'he's fine'?"
The caveman's face stiffened, his mouth kept smiling but his wide eyes told another story. 
"Ey, it's wasn't me! Alison come up with idea for Stompy's death day today. Head want make Stompy his daughter so we hide him in chimney until party..." Robin smiled, hoping it wouldn't bother Silver too much. 
She stared at him. 
"Amy thinks he's been sucked off. She's been crying all night, Robin, and you didn't tell her? " Her voice rose slightly. All the concerned caveman could do was shrug and stroke at his furs. 
Silver stared at him, her jaw set. 
"I'm trying not to hit you right now... "
Silver rushed upstairs through the halls and got to the Higham Suite, passing through the wall and stopping at Alison's bedside where the greying woman slept. Robin tailing behind her trying to clasp her shoulder to stop her, gritting his teeth for the impending ass kicking Silver could throw. 
Silver stepped around all the other sleeping ghosts strewn about the room as though a stag party had taken place in this one room the night before, careful not to step on any hands or feet. 
"Alison?!" Silver spat, her arms stiffly braced at her sides like a certain friend she missed every day. 
The elderly woman only stirred slightly. 
"Alison, Alison, Alison, Alison, Alison, Aliso-"
"Yes, what?" She finally awoke and sat up with a drawn out groan. 
"Nobody was gonna tell me that it was Amy's death day today, and that she's spent ALL fucking night CRYING because she can't find Humphrey?" Silver exclaimed, pointing over the bed towards the door. 
Alison cleared her eyes and blinked up at Silver. 
"Oh, Silver. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were due to wake up. I would've envited you if I remembered" Alison apologized. 
"You would've envited me? To what, lie to my mate all day long? She's literally worried SICK, Alison... " Silver seemed more disappointed than angry; she thought Alison had better morals than that. 
Alison paused. Silver was right. That IS what they've been doing, at the end of the day. Alison bit the inside of her cheek and peered over at a sleeping Mike. Unfortunately, last night his Tinnitus had been driving him up the wall, so he decided to sleep with earbuds in. Even the loudest scream wouldn't wake him now. This may be a good thing in this situation... 
"Alright... Alright... Silver, I need a favour?" Alison asked, slipping her feet out of the bed and into her slippers. Silver stepped back. 
"A favour? Yeah, like what?" Silver scoffed. 
Alison fought fire with fire. 
"If you go and get Amy in ten minutes, we'll surprise her right now, so she won't have to worry anymore and she can get Humphrey back" Alison spoke, determined. 
Silver rose her eyebrows. 
"What makes you think it's a good enough apology for slagging her off like that?" Silver combatted. 
"If you do it, then I'll get you framed pictures of ALL your gods and put them around your bed..." 
Silver squinted and walked backwards towards the door without taking her eyes off Alison. 
"You're a slippery one, Cooper..." 
Alison sighed with relief and stepped out of bed the second Silver was gone. 
"Robin? Go get Humphrey..." Alison declared, reaching into her bag from yesterdays Tesco trip, and pulled out a balloon packet. She'd have to blow it up fast. She woke up all her dead friends and got ready for an earlier party than they'd originally planned. 
"Head! Head, it's time!" Robin barked as he crouched beneath the chimney flue. He looked up into the dark space and caught a glimpse of Humphrey looking down at him from the priest hole. 
"We doin' it now?" Humphrey asked, sounding almost relieved. Or frightened? 
"Come, step up here!" Robin yapped as he arched his shoulder up higher for Humphrey to use as a step. 
"Alright... Gimme a minute... " Humphrey muttered, gathering his robes and edging his leg down from the crawlspace, being careful not to jolt or slip and either lose his head or crumble Robin to the floor along with him. 
Without a hassle, Humphrey was back on his feet, intact. His eyes squinted as he adjusted himself to the morning sun glowing through the windows. 
"Okay, come! Upstair! Quick! Time for party!" Robin sped off towards the staircase. Humphrey walked along to the stairs, peering through each window he passed, keeping his eyes peeled for her. He'd heard her looking for him all day, she was frantic, frightened and heartbroken. He wanted to move, to shout, to say that he was alright, to tell her that it was going to be okay. He cursed himself for the painful sting in his heart at the sound of her cries. 
"Finally! Humphrey, you ready?" Alison asked, an excited smile on her face. 
Humphrey paused and looked around at everyone, their faces brimming with second hand excitement also. 
"You're doing the right thing, mate" Pat smiled, nodding. 
Humphrey couldn't help but feel like he was doing the exact opposite of the right thing.
"But- I didn't want it to go this far. I didn't want 'er to cry" Humphrey said, shame tugging at his collar. 
"Trust me. She'll enjoy it. You never know you miss something until it's gone" Julian smiled, flourishing his hands towards his uncovered legs.
"Well, yeah, but- she's got a temper on 'er. She might not forgive me for-" Humphrey was cut short by a hand landing on his wrist. Fanny approached, her stiff lip somehow looked softer. 
"She cares a great deal for you, Humphrey. While, yes, she can be an ill tempered, foul mouthed, little Madame at times, all that affection won't just go away overnight" Fanny almost mustered a smile and patted Humphrey's wrist once more before backing away. 
Alison pinned the balloon above the window. A little bad choice of colour; Amy would've preferred blue, but it's all she could find at Tesco. A celebration balloon, glittery and pink with bright, bold letters reading 'congratulations! It's a girl!' on the front. A great source of amazement for Kitty and Robin. 
Downstairs, Silver waited for the clock to reach ten past seven, then she could get Amy. She said a quick blessing to her gods and bit her tongue, asking for them to give her strength. Time couldn't have possibly passed any slower, could it? 
She peeked over at the grandfather clock. It's time. Silver swallowed and headed back out to the gardens. Amy still sat slumped against the tree trunk where Silver had left her, her face looked peaceful, very little evidence that she'd had a mental breakdown the night before. 
Silver crouched down and pressed against Amy's shoulder. 
"Psst, Amy, wake up. Come on, we have to go in" 
"Why?.." Amy's voice mumbled as her head slowly rose and her eyes cracked open. 
"What have they done now? Banned smoking on the grounds? I could really do with one right now..." Amy croaked blankly, rubbing at her eyes. 
Silver blinked and held Amy's arms to hoist her up. 
"No. Just- come on, we need to see Alison" Silver almost begged. Finally, Amy walked along behind her, her platforms suddenly looked like they weighed a tonne on her as she dragged them through the grass. 
They passed through the wall and walked through Reception, Amy's heavy eyes glanced over at the fireplace, she remembered the story of what happened there in 1575.
Silver's pulse fluttered behind her choker as they neared the door to the Higham Suite, she could hear talking from behind the wood and bit her lip. 
Finally, the two girls passed through. 
Amy glanced up from Silver's back and saw red. The red robes. The fur lined red robes and the back of the white collar. 
The conversation had abruptly stopped when they spotted Amy. They could only stare. The robes turned. On top of the robes sat a familiar face. His eyes lit up briefly before deep shame filled them. 
Amy didn't even let him get a word in, she just rushed at him and flung her arms around his middle, squeezing tightly and sobbing. The Tudor reeled back slightly but tightened his arms around the young girl; never once had she hugged him with such ferocity, it surprised him. 
She wept into his middle. 
"You're here? You're really here, for real? You didn't go away?" She was almost incomprehensible, but he could make out every word that she wept. 
"No, I 'aven't gone anywhere, Poppet. I'm still 'ere..." He hushed, stroking the back of her head and clutching her tighter, brushing of the phantom sensation that the others were holding back fits of laughter and mockery. But they weren't, they were staring in melancholic admiration; they knew Humphrey and Amy had a special bond, they just didn't realize it was this deep. 
Amy muttered a few things into him as he turned to look at the others, who quickly straightened and smiled. Kitty dabbed her eyes with her pinkies and Fanny actually managed a genuine smile. 
Alison stepped toward the pair holding a wooden frame. 
"Amy, darling?" 
The girl rose her tear soaked eyes to Alison but didn't unclasp her arms from Humphrey. 
"This is for you. I'm sorry we tricked you. We- I thought it would be a bigger surprise for you, I really didn't mean for it to go this far. I'm sorry" Alison smiled softly, yet full of shame. 
Alison placed the framed adoption certificate down on a table beside them. Quietly, the others stepped closer and smiled. In unison, they spoke. 
"Happy Death Day"
Amy caught her breath and read the certificate, her eyes brimming with more tears. But these weren't tears of agony or shock. They were gleeful. 
"You all knew about this? You knew he was fine?" Amy croaked. 
They bowed their heads slightly and stepped back. 
Amy let out an amused huff and shook her head. 
"Fuck all of you..."
Alison let out a small chuckle, along with the others. 
"You don't mind, do you? This?" Humphrey asked, nodding to the frame. Amy looked at it once more and smiled. 
Humphrey's blood finally settled, and he smiled proudly, releasing her from his grip. 
"Thank you" Humphrey spoke, to the entire room. He turned to Silver who stood by the bed, her hand on her hip with a satisfied grin on her face. 
"And thank you, too. I heard what was happening yesterday, and- I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there for Amy" 
Silver smiled and shook her head. 
"Don't worry. She would've done the same for me. Just don't fucking do this again, yeah?" 
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innitnotfound · 5 months
Tales of vesperia!!!
Sooooooo I got tales (of vesperia) for like 20 dollars at a mall recently and here is my experience!!! Don't expect consistent updates lmao
When the opening cutscene was happening (where Yuri was sitting at the window) and Yuri hadn't talked yet (I had English voice on) I was like "oh she's really pretty,,," and then I heard his voice and i was like "OOP that's a man 😶"
He's still hot tho. Like genuinely. I've never found a guy THIS attractive before. Like I wouldn't want to do anything or get with him or anything like that, but like he's still really pretty. (Probably because I thought he was a girl at first 😶 the pretty boys always get me)
ESPECIALLY in the "reliable senior" outfit as well. On god. I just wish the attachments showed up on costumes so I could put glasses on RS!Yuri and lose my SHIT
Also Rita's outfit is an absolute VIBE, especially the boots, goddamn.
Also I haven't gotten Judith yet, but like... Goddamn 😳😳😳 (hot women have me acting unwise once more)
Also, I'm just saying... Flynn and Yuri? Kinda fruity thing they got going on ("I can't wait to see his face when he sees the revived great halure tree" why? So you can kiss him underneath it? So you can feel his soft lips on yours as cherry blossom petals flutter around you like in a romance novel? Gay ass.)
Edit: uhhhhhhhh this has been rotting in my drafts for god knows how long, at least since last year, but alot of stuff said still holds true.
Yuri is still hot, Judith, who I STILL haven't met, is still hot, Rita's still a vibe, and Flynn + Yuri are still hella gay to me (To the point where I said "*gasp* Toxic Yuri?" in the scene after you two reunite in rainsville USA)
But on new-er news, I just got to the Den of Guilds town and have to go somewhere because spoiler plot shit
I think Estelle has some shit going on with her. Granted i don't think she's evil, but I do think she's hiding things. I know the thing about her bastilla but besides that, nothing.
Also it's really one of two characters at this point, but I think Dragon Guy is either Raven or Judith. We need a way to fast travel *eventually*, unless we're just supposed to walk everywhere, and a dragon rider would be the perfect way to do that
Judith because she strikes me as the "dragon rider" type, and it would be cool as hell if her introduction was this badass dragon rider tbh, and all I'm saying is as far as I remember, I've never seen Raven and Dragon Guy in the same room (along with Raven also strikes me as a dragon rider.)
Leaning a litttttttle more towards Raven at this point, if only for the fact that "Hidden in plain sight" seems more likely than "New character being introduced", buuuuuut also if this whole Dragon Guy sub-plot turns out to be Judith's Introduction, I'm not gonna say I didn't call it
Anyways now I'm just going places I'm *really* probably not supposed to be at this point, and beating up Zincs and Bronzes for items to sell, despite being probably no where near the point plot-wise where I should logically be going in that area yet.
In my defense, if they didn't want me going there, they should have blocked me off from it
aaannnnnnddddddd that's it for now! Can't say expect consistent updates, but there will... Probably be updates
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diagonal-queen · 10 months
hello it is i the question deliverer of ever!!!
here are a bunch of random stupid questions for you to answer. you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to, just the ones you find the silliest 💕💕
these are all just gonna be completely random questions i’m pulling out of my ass expect zero consistency
-what’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read/written?
-are you a spider girlie, a snake girlie, a beetle girlie, or a bee girlie? (this is how i classify people in my head so i have the answer already, but i want to know which one you think you are)
-what quote/lyrics/words from anything ever resonate with you the most?
-opinions on rat kings?
-what’s your favorite kind of leaf (and/or tree)?
-favorite type of cloud?
-who is the silliest person you know?
-what would someone have to offer you to get you to punch atsushi in the face?
-on the contrary, what would someone have to offer you NOT to punch fukuchi in the face?
-what are your most used emojis and why?
-of the authors represented in bsd, which one is your favorite? (keyword authors not characters, it’s very clear who your favorite character is lmao)
-orange juice or apple juice?
-what song is stuck in your head atm, and how much do you actually like it?
-if paint was edible, which color would you eat?
-if you could learn everything about any one thing in the universe instantly, what would you choose?
-what’s your favorite suit in a deck of cards?
-what’s your least favorite thing about your favorite thing?
ok that’s all i can think of rn. expect more later after my beain collects more ideas probably
have a BANGER of a day sir dialicious 💕💕💕
SEWER RATTTTTTTT BRO ALWAYS GOT MY BACK bro is so nice...bro <3 also im sorry for this long post to you and everyone else who sees it i know it's gonna be boring as fuck T-T
What’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read/written?
well i personally suck dick at writing and i haven't read any full fanfictions in ages...i really can't remember but if i find any
Are you a spider girlie, a snake girlie, a beetle girlie, or a bee girlie?
If i had to choose one of these i would say bee girlie because spiders are scary and snakes are scary and beetles aren't my style but bees r so fluffy and like flowers...jus like me... :D
What quote/lyrics/words from anything ever resonate with you the most?
They say the sun don’t shine forever But through any weather we’ll make it As long as we make it together - song lyric
"Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart." - book quote
"The head may err, but never the blood." - book quote (and yes im serious lol)
"It's because of you that I don't even wanna be here anymore. Eventually I'm gonna end up jumping off a cliff because of you." - something i was told by someone
there's gotta be more but i can't remember them at the moment lmaooooo like literally any time someone asks me something i like i suddenly forget every single thing i've ever liked ever
Opinions on rat kings?
what like when rats all get their tails tied up? or just men with rat energy that i stan? well i love that second one but the first one is sad...they're stuck... :(
What’s your favorite kind of leaf (and/or tree)?
my favourite trees are cherry blossoms and jacarandas because they're GORGEOUS (honourable mention to frangipani trees) but when it comes to leaves specifically i don't really have a favourite lol
Favorite type of cloud?
cumulus because they're super cute ^^
Who is the silliest person you know?
hmm...deadass probably you man. you are hella silly and i love it
What would someone have to offer you to get you to punch atsushi in the face?
There is literally nothing you could give me to get me to punch my husband in the face
On the contrary, what would someone have to offer you NOT to punch fukuchi in the face?
the gift of flight and the complete abolition of systemic oppression in modern society
What are your most used emojis and why?
🌸 - looks pretty and i like it and i use it as the same as a happy face 💜 - purple is my colour 💓 - usually when im talking to jaya lol 😭 - when something SUUUUPER funny hehe haha 🔫 - when i threaten people to give me their arts and writings 🤧 - when ppl r nice to me...an i cry...happy.... ✨ - to add some PIZZAZZ ❤️ - i am a loving person i love a lot of ppl a lot 😌 - i use this to pretend im dom-coded
Of the authors represented in bsd, which one is your favorite? (keyword authors not characters, it’s very clear who your favorite character is lmao)
well i'm gonna be real with you, i actually am uncultured and haven't read many of the authors' works. i've read only a few, so i'd have to say of those that i've read, i liked doppo kunikida, mykola hohol and akiko yosano. i've yet to read dazai but i really really want to :(
as for individual works, i've read and enjoyed anne of green gables and the raven. i got through about a third of the great gatsby before abandoning it because i found it boring. i am still reading crime and punishment and i like it a lot.
also you don't know who my favourite character is silly goober because i have TWO in my head rn and you couldn't guess either of them i dare you to try
Orange juice or apple juice?
orange juice 🍊
What song is stuck in your head atm, and how much do you actually like it?
punky funky love by granrodeo. i love this song sm it's so catchy and fun and it just lifts my mood so much. if you asked me to name a bad granrodeo song i would glitch out because there literally isn't one
If paint was edible, which color would you eat?
hmm probably brown because it reminds me of chocolate or beige because it'd be like caramel
funfact; whenever i eat m&ms i have this ritual where i save all the brown ones for the end, i eat all the other ones except for one of each colour, then i eat all those in one go. and then i begin eating the brown ones one at a time until there are nine left (lucky number) and then i eat all those at once. its cus the brown is more chocolatey in my head literally just because it is brown
If you could learn everything about any one thing in the universe instantly, what would you choose?
cmon i cannot possibly decide this. hmm uhh fuck um. i might like to know the entire contents of the library of alexandria, the truth behind every cold case in the history of true crime, my entire family history, the truth behind ghosts and spirits and the paranormal, and those are just some of the things i'd consider.
What’s your favorite suit in a deck of cards?
probably diamonds. i really dont know why but they fuck. i also like spades cus spades look and sound super cool
What’s your least favorite thing about your favorite thing?
i seem to give it to the world a lot more than it gives it to me
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daechwitatamic · 11 months
But Jo in the non-thirst category can we get an honorable mention for Bon Voyage New Zealand Taehyung on his little day of culture with his little cap and green sweater vest. Yes, I'm talking about "mcflurry one please oreo" Taehyung. Because that day and lewk is the most Taehyungie he has ever Taehyungied and it has a special place in my heart.
You know he put together that fit was in intention to execute a THEME. Then he ditches the planned activities because he would prefer to go to an art gallery by himself. And then its full of the tackiest paintings of dogs dressed as humans, but he loves it because someone put their passion and creativity into making something, and he thinks that's beautiful no matter what. Then he goes to McDonalds and gives his Monopoly stickers away to a child. Then he sits under a cherry blossom tree for five seconds to be a cool park guy. Then he buys a giant stuffed jaunty pig. Then he goes home and studies the rules of Uno in secret to get revenge on the other members. Then he unsuccessfully tries to pull a hide and seek prank on them.
I can't! I die just thinking about. This is truly the representation of who Taehyung really is deep down in my heart. Boss level Taetae.
hellooooooooooo palm tree!
listen, i hear what you're saying. that is PEAK taetae. omgomg ESPECIALLY the uno rules saga, that absolutely KILLS me. like this fully grown man was absolutely like "no one's home??? >:) im gonna read the rules book. i'm gonna be the BEST unoer that ever unoed. NO ONE CAN STOP ME >:)"
however! ari's ask was top looks, and UNFORTUNATELY i really hated his ugly green hat apiowfjiqwofhqwiufhquhf hahahahaha i do not like tha tkind of hat on anyone, and apparently he is not immune to this :( sorry taehyungie. i'm sure he liked his lil outfit. but it is just. not for me lololololol
i hope you've having a good summer <3 thanks for coming by to talk to me!!
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girlsgenerati0n · 1 year
hi rin my friend rin i'm not sure if u listen to apink but if so !! what did you think of the new mini? <3~
i'm a very casual listener of apink, i think i just learned all the members last year KAKJEFBJK
but i do like some of their songs, so i'm gonna listen to it rn & give you the "live" reaction LMAO
d n d - this is so cute!! the lyrics are really sweet as well. it's a really nice like spring song, i think i might listen to this regularly!!
withcha - omg this is so catchy, i love it!! i think this is my favorite song off the mini
me, myself & i - this one was really nice!! i couldn't super get into it, maybe i will after another listen or 2, but the vocals were so beautiful 😭
candy - this one is like. pure bubblegum pop, it's so fun!! 💃🏻
i want you to be happy - this one is beautiful, outstanding vocals. it's a ballad so i may not listen to it regularly, but it's still amazing
i couldn't find any lyrics for any of the other songs on the mini minus the title track, but i can kind of tell how they were from the title & vibe of the song LMAO
but overall i think it was a really nice mini!! i think i'll listen to d n d, withcha & candy probably a lot for this spring season. they all remind me of like. songs you would listen to while walking through some cherry blossom trees 🌸💗
thank you for asking kas!! i love you 😋
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explorerspack · 2 years
13, 21, 38, 44, 45, 59, 69 for arcis. 13, 31, 59, 60, 61 for cerise.
hi meg.
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
the whole snow and ice and fur thing was pretty intentional but i have leaned into it more than i necessarily expected to. the precise, complex fractal patterns that you get from snowflakes or ice on windowpanes is what i think of most especially. she's started developing just a little bit of a wolf motif in my head too which i did not expect but do like a lot and should lean into more.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
yeah, she thinks that knight guy who stabbed her when she was in the necklace is going to kill her. classic bit of hubris, she sort of thinks nothing in the dungeon COULD kill her other than the powerful memory/dream knight. i am decently optimistic about her survival, but think that if she is gonna die it'll be because we get surprised or ambushed in a small space. this party is so weak to ambushes and deprived of my ability to get around the corner? yikes. fortunately with arcis i've finally built a character where pretty much any death she can have is poetic and satisfying. any death is dying for her goals!
38. do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
yes. next question.
44. what lies do they tell others?
she really doesn't lie that much! she talks up her/her party's competence and importance a bit, but also she does think quite highly of herself and them. she makes promises that she's not sure she can keep, but then she does TRY to keep them. i think maybe the biggest direct lie so far was how absolutely she intends to fuck over the rat king at the first opportunity. and the whole prospero situation.
45. what lies do they tell themselves?
answered for mer!
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
sob. so much of it. the biggest one i have trouble with is that she's much more callous about human lives than she should be, which occasionally trips me up in roleplay scenes--i have SO much trouble being arcis talking to uoser, and idk what i'm gonna do if she ever has to interact with the master's hands. she's not totally heartless, but she just sort of puts "number of people who might die" as one factor that she weighs along with all the others
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
feels almost too easy but: true name !
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
i feel like “blood” and “bones” can’t count as motifs but those. and then there are the ones that come automatically with being a cherry tree person, leaves and blossoms and cherries and wood and all that. lightning i did on purpose from when i built her spellbook, but i think it only sort-of worked--she should have just been a fire character, but we were already cursed so i was trying to get away from it. in the crop novelization she’ll have fire magic. although really her most aesthetically correct spell was guiding bolt imo--there was something going on with silver light as a motif, which was accidental, just out of a contrast to cami’s gold. but like, moonlight, starlight, etc was definitely SOMETHING. i also associate her a lot with clear water and with rain.
31. do they respond well to praise? how about criticism? 
no to both, honestly. she was very suspicious about praise, either assuming someone wanted something from her or just dismissing it because of her own self-hate. she only liked/accepted it when she could take it as “oh this is something that makes me valuable to others, got it”. and criticism just made her double down alskjdflskjdf she’s too stubborn
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with? 
yikes! she was Not in fact responsible for the safety of every single one of the sorcerers--or like, she was, but she did that to herself, she didn’t have to. she also had this reverse ends justify the means, where if bad things happen because of what you do you were wrong to do what you did, thing going on and i don’t necessarily agree with that either.
60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing? 
a better place! in the middle of everything there was always just that sliver of a chance that she could be free and safe again and she held onto that shred of possibility like a lifeline, with a ferocious and stubborn determination to keep believing it existed. she also really believed in the Arborean people--this is why she trusted Papaye, why she trusted Esme, why she was holding onto hope for the god queen so late in the game, why she could have had SUCH a dynamic with the crimson knight if she knew what went down in uberta. even affected the way she was about the sorcerers--she believed that they wouldn’t betray her or turn on her, she believed that they could survive and heal and adapt and do their part to make what she was doing mean something. her late-campaign arc always would have involved standing on behalf of the Arborean people even as she did everything she could to take Salic down.
61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
that one first roadtrip scene when cami and cerise were trying to figure out what the hell was up with auberon’s antlers! a bit ooc for her but also. it was really funny and makes me smile.
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mianmimi · 2 years
I agree. Everything about Earth 838 could be easily retconned/expanded upon in the future, as I hope they do, because 838 is an interesting earth with lots of potential. I don't think we got the real story about what happened to 838 Stephen. Maybe he never even caused an incursion. Maybe he never even used the Darkhold or at least not to that extent. I hope he's still alive and that he reunites with 838 Mordo. Stephen surprises Mordo by embracing from the back tearfully says "hi" in his ear? :')
Sweet Nonny, as I read your ask I kept thinking....wow...all of these would be a great season of What If. Literally, I could go for an entire season just exploring each possibility behind "maybe."
What if Supreme Strange never caused an incursion? Was there an incursion that even happened at all? But why would they want to get rid of Stephen? Unless they were conspiring something and Stephen disagreed and they just...did away with him. Now THAT's probably the darkest scenario I think. Having the Illumanti be the secret villains and poor Supreme Strange being the one to try and stop them but he either got banished to fucking who knows where or killed.
And now his poor husband is working with them. Is he in the complete dark about how shady they are? Or does he have these suspicions and he decided to work with them to get closer to the truth? Gaining more of their trust and gathering evidence against them? Talk about a cutthroat world!
When we lose someone we love, we either become stronger or weaker. There's no way you're gonna stay the same after such a huge loss. And in Mordo's case, I'd like to think he grew stronger. Like okay, I don't have Stephen here anymore to guide or protect me, but I'm gonna stand on my two feet and trust my gut, and damnit I'm going to survive and make him proud. And...just to leave this on a happy and hopeful note...maybe Supreme Strange is banished far away and making his way back to his love. He's lost everything, literally only having hope that he'll get back home someday. And he too becomes stronger for it. He knew he loved Mordo before, but the whole journey and determination to reach him again makes Stephen realize just how much he truly, deeply loves him.
And maybe one day, when Mordo's deep in thought and meditation he finds himself leaning against one of the cherry blossom trees. Closing his eyes he finally accepts that his Stephen is gone yes, but that doesn't mean he needs to stop loving him. He doesn't have to move on from the life he had with Stephen, because that's the life he has right now. Stephen will never truly be apart from him, even though they're physically not in the same realm. Their home is still his home, and their mission is still his.
And just as he accepts that he'll always love Stephen, through the grief of losing him and the joy of having loved him.... he feels someone embracing him. It's a terribly familiar embrace, the fingers moving in the pattern they always did, and trembling over his. A soft kiss brushes his neck and a tried, tender voice whispers that first word.
And suddenly it feels like a whole new life has begun.
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starsaver94 · 1 month
Hey Star, I kinda wanna get my mind off of stuff, so how about a matchup? Hetalia and Food Wars, maybe :)
I'm 5'7 and have long black hair with a pink-purple ombre (I change it alot, but that's usually my go to hair treatment) and green eyes. I'm from Mizrahi jew origin, and take great pride in my culture
I love fashion and accessorizing, makeup jewelry and shopping, all that kinda stuff. Of course, appearance is just an art I enjoy doing and personality is the biggest part of a person overall to me. I also like anime and video games, any genre (except lots of word text based) games are fine for me! I don't mind some rough-housing or teasing, I could actually instigate it myself only if I feel extremely comfortable with that person (I'm easily flustered too, so if my matchup is a tease....they're gonna have a field day :P). Until I warm up to someone, I'm very socially awkward and shy, but try my best to be polite through and through. I also tend to have a big of a parental side, which can lead to be being pretty nagging and worry a lot, but I still love and want to take care of my loved ones. I feel like it's safe to say I'm the type of person that puts my everything into relationships. I'm a hard worker and try my best to be mature, but also an overthinker
Sure thing, sis! ^_^
For Hetalia: I pair you with...
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If it takes you a while to open up, then this guy has all the patience in the world.
Since they're a part of his culture, Japan loves watching anime with you. He even introduces you to a few obscure titles that he enjoys.
Video games are also a past time for him, though not as much as you might think. He usually would rather watch you play/cheer you on from the sidelines.
He can be a bit shy when it comes to intimacy, but overtime he warms up to the idea of cuddling with you.
Hanami picnics are a must! He loves the way you look underneath the cherry blossom trees and having the pale pink petals float around you.
Speaking of picnics, Japan is an excellent cook! Onigiri, sushi/sashimi, ramen, yakisoba, you name it and he'll make it for you!
For Food Wars: I pair you with...
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Akira Hayama!
Five words: This, man, will, spoil, you.
Whether it's buying things that you may want or using his talent in cooking to fix you an amazing meal, he won't hesitate if you ask.
He'll help you relax if you overwork yourself and/or your feeling stressed out.
He'll make a special curry with both saffron and turmeric for the occasion as well, calling it the "Soul Soothing Curry" (these two spices have been reported to help with depression and anxiety).
He's a romantic as well.
Akira won't hesitate to use his charming looks or flirt with you just to make you blush or get flustered.
Dating him also means that you have to handle a nosey Jun as well.
The Shiomi Seminar professor will bombard you with questions about you and Akira's relationship (much to his embarassment).
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