#//yes they realize only one (1) person finds them hot
mejomonster · 1 year
Every time I go on a dating app I feel hopeless -.-
#rant#genuinely frankly i would probably do better at speed dating im person but that doesnt exist here#i go on app. i see poly partnered people looking for another partner. i do not seek to be that#i almost talk myself into just trying to be friends in case They know someone id like before i realize#thats a bit convoluted. i see one person actually just looking for friends like me and feel relief#and maybe i could make a friend but i want love i want romance and is pursuing that instead primarily#exactly why im a great friend whos been single for years? i see several men who absolutely did not read#rhat im fucking nonbinary. i see a person whos single and wants only hookups so my demi ass is out#i see a single person with no fucking hobbies jn common who i dont personally find aesthetically appealing#i see someone hot finally and immediatelt wonder what Red Flag theyre unavailable i must be subconciouslt clocking into#ah. yes. theyre oceans away making our chances of intimate long term commitment slim unless we both are significantly interested#and they give one word answers indicating theg dont want to chat. which us the only way i have to build a connection for now.#and then i wonder if im picky cayse im noticing incompatibikities. or cause no one compatible is around on my app#or is it self sabotage? or would Dating a red flag be sabotage?? or am i too demi to fucking do this i fucking hate this#i dont even know if id like someone in 5 months IF they were compatible and single. and then rhe chances of them liking me thay long?#well lers just say ive not yet had a partner ever say they liked me back. i mean theyve lied for several months. then come clean rhat#they never actually liked me and i was just convienient so :/#i am so tired. i hate dating apps. i could probably self sabotage in 1 minute tho and message a married poly person#who cannot therefore marry me and who i cannot be the primary priority of. then i guess that would be self sabotage#cause id So clearly be letting myself crysh on someone unavailable wooh. -.-#jm so so tired man. i jusr wanna crush kn someone. kiss someone. bang regularly for decades.#oh and id Reallt like to fall in mutual love. the awful state of things? mt parents suggested to me#i get with someone i dont like romanrically and just make myself have a relationship#cause i guess they have no faith in me finding mutual love. which ngl makes me so incredibly sad even rhey dont believe i can
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truly-quirkless · 7 months
"Am I male? Am I female?"
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"It doesn't matter because everyone finds me hot and that makes everyone gay-"
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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Top-Secret Fiction Ch. 1
Date Scored
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: This story is honestly mostly fluff, some crack fic elements lol, lowkey fast pacing but IM IMPATIENT LOL sorry
Word Count: 1.2k
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It was a Tuesday night when you were on your computer, logged into HeroFiction.com and typing away at a new fan fiction you promised your readers.
You had been writing fan fiction as a hobby for about three years now and over time quickly began gaining followers. Now, you had almost four thousand readers that loved your work.
At first you wrote for a variety of heroes, until Dynamight started becoming really popular. You didn't see the hype in the beginning. He was so rude and destructive, why would you write about him?
Your mind didn't change for a while until you saw a video of him getting interviewed after taking down a villain. He was as rude as ever of course, but his face was covered in soot and his hero costume was ripped, showing his chest and arms. Watching that video made you realize how hot he actually was.
That was the moment you decided to start writing for him.
He quickly became a favorite among your readers, so you kept writing for him. It seemed as the more you wrote for him, the more you liked him. He was suddenly your favorite pro hero.
Now, you focused every piece of writing on him. It worked out perfectly for you. You and your readers loved it, it was a win-win.
So now as you were thinking of what to write next, your phone buzzed next to your thigh, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You grabbed your phone and looked at your new notification, seeing it was from the dating app you recently downloaded.
Now curious, you opened up the app to see what the notification was. It appeared to be a message from a recent match.
Hey sexy. Meet up 2night 👀?
Face curling up in disgust, you blocked the person and deleted the message. It seemed as if everyone on that app was just looking for a hookup, and not something long term.
Maybe it was foolish for you to think you'd find something serious on the app, but it didn't hurt to try right?
You closed your laptop, making sure to save your work, and began swiping through profiles on the app.
You continued swiping left for who knows how long, until you came across a profile claiming to be Dynamight.
Sitting up in bed quickly, you looked at the profile closely and read through it.
Katsuki Bakugou, 30
Pro hero. No, I'm not hooking up with you. Yes, I'm fucking real.
It was short and not so sweet, but it didn't seem fake. You swiped through his pictures. The first one was of him and other pro heroes dressed in their hero costumes. The second was a picture of him, flexing in the mirror, and the third was a selfie of him and a german shepherd outside.
Maybe you were being way too optimistic, but you really believed that this could be him. If it was, then you hoped that somehow he'd match with you. If it wasn't real, then it wouldn't be an issue, but you would be disappointed.
Feeling brave, you decided to swipe right.
It's a Match!
You never gasped so loud in your life. If it was already a match, then that meant he had to have swiped right on you before right? You bit your nails as your heart raced in excitement, wondering what you should even say to him now that you were matched.
But what if he wasn't even real? You'd just be embarrassing yourself by believing that Dynamight of all people, would be on a dating app and actually matching with you. This could be some horrible person messing with people, trying to humiliate them.
Now discouraged by your own thoughts, you just shook your head and closed the app.
Katsuki Bakugou: Hey
Your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised so high up they could probably touch your hairline.
"Oh my word!" You cried while gripping your phone. You opened the app once again and tapped on the new message, typing your own.
Me: Hello!
Me: I'm sorry but I just have to ask. Are you actually Dynamight?
You chewed on your fingers nervously as you watched the text bubble pop up, a message eventually following it.
Katsuki Bakugou: Yes I'm real. I can prove it to ya if you need me to. Idk how but I will.
You hummed out loud, thinking of what he could do to prove he's real.
Me: Uhh could you send a pic of yourself with a spoon on your nose?
Katsuki Bakugou: That's what you came up with?
Me: That's the only specific thing I could think of!
Katsuki Bakugou: Yeah yeah
Katsuki Bakugou: [image attachment]
Opening the picture, you saw exactly what you asked for. It was Dynamight with a damn spoon on his nose.
You threw your phone across your bedroom and shoved your face in your pillow, screaming in excitement.
"Holy shit." You said in disbelief, "I'm actually talking to Dynamight."
You got up out of bed and picked your phone up off the floor.
Me: Oh my word you're actually real
Me: Thanks for the pic lol sorry you had to do that
Katsuki Bakugou: It's fine. I get why you'd think otherwise so that's why I agreed to it.
Me: Well thanks again
Me: Anyways, can I ask why you're on here? Most people I've come across so far are only looking for one thing. If that's you then no judgement here.
Katsuki Bakugou: Someone I know recommended it to me. And nah that's not me. Being a pro hero and one night stands do not mix well.
Me: Understandable. I'm no pro hero, but I'm on here for something more serious you know? Even just finding friends would be nice.
You cringed at how pathetic you sounded and sent another text.
Me: Sorry, didn't mean to get sappy there lol.
Katsuki Bakugou: You're good. But I feel the same about wanting something more serious. Sucks that almost everyone on here is just a horny bastard.
Damn, who knew Dynamight was so relatable?
Right when you were typing a new message, another one from Dynamight came in.
Katsuki Bakugou: But anyways, when are you free? I wanna take you out.
Katsuki Bakugou: If you want me to, obviously.
You squealed at the message, kicking your feet in excitement. It was kind of surprising that he asked you out so early, but just from what you know about him and his personality, it wasn't out of character. Fast and straight to the point.
You bit your bottom lip as you typed up your response.
Me: Of course, I'd love to! I'm free this weekend.
Katsuki Bakugou: Alright, I'll pick you up Saturday at 5:30 pm.
Me: What do I wear?? Pls tell me where we're going.
Katsuki Bakugou: Can't. It's a surprise. I'll tell you what to wear the day of.
Me: Okay...
Katsuki Bakugou: Don't back out now.
You grinned and held your phone against your chest. You couldn't believe you scored a date with your favorite hero.
Suddenly, your cat jumped up onto your bed and in your lap. You gasped and picked him up, carrying him in front of your face.
"Hey Cheerios." You cooed, "I'm going on a date with Dynamight!"
next chapter
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authors note
i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Top Secret Fiction lol. this is my first multi-chapter fic so i'm a little nervous, but i think it's okay so far! pls let me know what you think 😊
also, if you noticed that bakugou seems to be a bit more mellow here, its bc he's older in this fic and i just imagine him as being a bit more calm as an adult.
btw sorry if the fast pace isn't something you like. i'm impatient lol
love ya!
taglist: @doumadono @lovra974 @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl
those in pink cannot be tagged for some reason!
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scary-grace · 1 month
blind date (part ii) - shigaraki x reader
After endless failed attempts to help Tomura up his game, his friends have settled on their last resort: A blind date. Even before you show up, it's not going well. No quirks AU, female reader.
Part 1
Part 2
“Yes,” you say. You look sort of embarrassed. “Eight times.”
“No way.” Tomura studies you across the table. His eyes feel blurry with exhaustion and alcohol, but he’d prop his eyelids open with toothpicks before he’d let you think he was falling asleep. “I don’t buy it. Two, maybe. Not eight.”
“Why would I lie about this?” You take a sip of a drink. It might be yours, or it might be Tomura’s. There are so many mostly-empty glasses on the table between the two of you that Tomura’s forgotten which ones he ordered. “If anything, I’d lie the other way. Being stood up for eight first dates isn’t exactly a good sign.”
Tomura finds another drink, finishes it, and gives his verdict. “It’s a sign you met eight stupid guys.”
“I don’t think that’s it,” you say. “If it was one person, or two – but eight? At that point it’s more likely that I’m the problem.”
Tomura doesn’t think so. Tomura’s been talking to you for a while. Probably hours. He lost track of time at some point, probably around when he lost track of which drinks were his and which were yours, and there’s nothing about you that looks like a problem to him. Except the fact that nobody else is dating you, and that looks more like a crazy stroke of luck for Tomura than anything else.
Tomura might not be good at this shit, but he’s not naïve. He keeps checking in with himself, trying to make sure his interest in you isn’t just because you’re a woman who’s talked to him for longer than five minutes without looking at your phone. He hasn’t seen you take your phone out except once, and that was to put it on silent. Which was – hot isn’t right, but Tomura doesn’t really have a better word, except nice, which isn’t right, either. It’s not just because you’re a woman who talked to him or held his hand or ran to meet him even though you were late. He likes a lot of other things about you, too.
He likes that you showed up looking the way you actually look most of the time, instead of dressing up like Magne told you to. He likes that you don’t try to pretend to be something you’re not. When Tomura started talking about video games, you didn’t act like you knew something about them – just like he didn’t pretend he knew something when you started talking about horror movies or novels or manga. You’re funny, but not on purpose. Or at least that’s what Tomura thought, until he glanced at your face after you’d said something that made him laugh and realized that it was what you’d been hoping to do.
“Sorry,” you say, and Tomura snaps out of it. “Talking about past dates on a first date is kind of a red flag, isn’t it?”
“I asked,” Tomura says, wondering if you called this a first date because you’re hoping for a second one. You shrug. “If you’ve met that many shitty guys, how come you agreed to this? What did Magne tell you about me?”
“What did she tell me.” You finish one of the drinks and grimace slightly. “Um, she said you were my age.”
“She said you have a job,” you continue, “and friends.”
“Yeah,” Tomura agrees. “We have an apartment. We were friends before we had the apartment. It’s not just because we have an apartment.”
“Magne said you’ve all known each other forever,” you say. You smile slightly. “It sounds nice.”
It’s a good thing Tomura’s known them forever. He hasn’t had a lot of luck making friends as an adult. The closest he’s come to making a friend as an adult is probably Dabi’s stupid fiancé, and that’s only because he never leaves. Toga keeps saying that she thinks he’ll like her girlfriend, but she also never lets her girlfriend within a kilometer of the apartment. One time Tomura asked her why not and Toga gave him the weirdest look he’s ever seen. “You’re all boys,” she said. “You’re gross.”
Maybe that’s true. Tomura’s never been in a woman’s apartment, so he doesn’t really have a way to confirm. How gross could it be, really? He should probably ask Toga for specifics. “Did Magne say anything else?”
“She said online dating and the apps weren’t really working for you,” you say. “You do better in person. I don’t know what you’re like online, but – I feel like she was probably right.”
Tomura’s face flushes. He finishes another drink to cover it up. “Your turn,” you say. “What did Magne tell you about me?”
“Uh,” Tomura starts. He finds another drink, but can’t quite stomach finishing it just yet. He’s already about to screw this up, and it’s going to be worse if he throws up on you afterwards. “Not much. Just that you were a girl and you were my age and that you agreed to it.”
You laugh at that. “That’s the important stuff,” you say. “She did a good job managing your expectations.”
“No,” Tomura says. You blink. “She should have told me more.”
“She doesn’t really know more,” you say. “I only see her at work. She got my number so I could tell her when I’m on shift and my boss is off.”
“What’s your boss’s deal, anyway?” Tomura asks. “Just an all-purpose asshole, or –”
“He’s not great to us. The employees, I mean.” You don’t like talking about this. Tomura can tell. “But he makes things really hard on customers who have certain prescriptions. HRT and stuff like that. He doesn’t do anything they can report him for, but he makes it so miserable for them that they don’t want to come in to pick their meds up.”
Tomura knows that type. Magne runs into that type a lot. If it happens when all of them are out together, Tomura and the others take care of it, but they can’t be there every second. “A few people have my number,” you continue. “I give them a heads-up when their prescriptions are in and he’s out.”
“Why didn’t she tell me that?”
“She did,” you say. Tomura meant before, and says so. “Maybe she thought you’d think I was too nice.”
Tomura snorts. “That guy who tried to cut us in line didn’t think you were too nice.”
If he’d been by himself, Tomura would have let it slide just because he doesn’t care enough, but you blocked the guy’s way with your arms crossed, and when he told you to move, you stared at him until he backed off. “Okay, so not too nice,” you say. You pick up another glass, see it’s empty, and wince. “But if she’d told you more about me, you’d have found a reason not to show up.”
“If she’d told you more about me, you’d have said no.” Tomura feels pretty confident in that, and more so with however many drinks under his belt. “She told you I was bad at app dating.”
“Lots of people are.”
“So bad at it that I’ve never been on a date.” Tomura feels pretty good about one-upping you right up until he sees your eyes widen, but his mouth is way ahead of his brain. “Beat that.”
It’s quiet for a second. Tomura stares at you, feeling his face heat up with embarrassment, while you peer into glass after glass, trying to find one that hasn’t been emptied yet. “I don’t know,” you say. “I think being stood up eight times is worse.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“My record is terrible,” you say. You find one more glass and drain it. “Your record, on the other hand – you’re one for one. I’d say that’s pretty good.”
“One for one on what?” Tomura asks.
“Dates,” you say. “This one’s going well.”
“Yeah?” Tomura’s mouth goes dry. He looks around for a glass with something in it, so that he’ll be able to speak without swallowing his tongue, but he comes up empty. You slide your water glass across the table to him and Tomura gulps half of it. “You think it’s going well?”
You looked pretty calm until he said that. Tomura sees you getting nervous. He slides the glass of water back across the table to you in case you want to drink it, but you leave it alone. “I mean,” you start, “we met up at five-forty-five, and it’s almost last call. Maybe it’s just me, but I wouldn’t spend eight hours hanging out with somebody if it wasn’t going well.”
“Last call?” Tomura says, like a dumbass, only for the bartender to shout it out to the room at large a few seconds later. “Eight hours? Really?”
You nod. “So either it’s going well,” you say, “or you just didn’t have anything better to do.”
If Tomura doesn’t want to be somewhere, he goes home even if there’s nothing better to do. He’d rather spend hours watching the most boring vintage simulation game streams in history than spend two seconds longer being social than he wants to. Eight hours hanging out with one person is a record, even once Tomura subtracts the bathroom breaks he had to take because he was dumb enough to break the seal four drinks in. Has he ever spent eight hours doing nothing but talking with someone without getting bored? No. Not even close.
“It’s going well,” he says, and you look relieved. Not happy, just relieved. That’s – not good. “They’re kicking us out now.”
“Yeah.” You get to your feet and stagger a little bit. You probably drank at least as much as Tomura did, but you’re shorter than him, and you’re a woman. Are you okay? “I’m going to go pay. We should figure out rides home. The trains don’t run this late.”
Tomura fucked up somehow. He can’t figure out how, but he’s pretty sure he did. But you’re still about to get kicked out, and somebody has to pay the tab – and somebody has to figure out how you two are getting home. He gets to his feet, too. “I’ll get it. It can’t be that much.”
You look back at all the glasses on the table. “I think it’s going to be a lot. We’ll split.”
Even with the split, it’s more than Tomura’s spent on a night out, ever – and the longer he spends upright, the clearer it is that he’s trashed. You’re trashed, too. Maybe less than he is, because you’re still trying to work out how to get home. “It’ll be cheaper if we split a rideshare,” you say, and hold out your phone. “Put in your address.”
Tomura forgets his own address for a second. Then he types it in, and you take your phone back. “Okay. It’ll drop you off first, then me. Let’s go.”
Tomura follows you out, only weaving a little bit, and then the two of you are on the sidewalk again. The air’s still warm and humid, but at least there’s more of a breeze than there was before. You lean against the boardwalk railing and Tomura copies you. He leaves one hand open at his side in case you want to reach for it. You don’t, so Tomura goes for yours instead, and you look up at him. “Tomura?”
“It’s going well,” Tomura says. Your eyes slide away from his, and he asks a question that’s been on his mind since an hour or so in. “Want to do it again?”
“Stay out until two am on a work night and blow five times my hourly rate on drinks?” You shake your head. “Go on another date? Yeah.”
Tomura hears all of that in the right order, except the thing in the middle that he actually asked about. “It’s a work night?”
“For you, too. You said earlier.” Your hand moves in Tomura’s, unfolding your fingers to lace them together with his. “We should have called it quits four hours ago.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to.” Tomura shouldn’t have had this much to drink. He’s saying stuff he probably shouldn’t. Or should he? He doesn’t see the point in lying about shit on a regular basis. Why start now? “I still don’t.”
Next to Tomura, you take a deep breath, then let it go. “Okay. Give me your phone.”
Tomura fishes it out of his pocket with his free hand and passes it to you, then has to take it back to unlock it. He watches as you navigate to his contacts and add yourself to them – your first name, plus the words “blind date”, like Tomura’s going to forget who you are. How many women do you think he has in his phone? You hand it back to him after saving your contact and Tomura waits for you to hand yours over so he can add his number to yours. You don’t. “I need your phone. You need my number.”
“If you text me, then I’ll have it,” you say. “If you don’t, I won’t need it.”
Tomura feels weird about that. “Is this some kind of test?”
“I’ve gotten stood up eight times. I’m done chasing after people who don’t want me.” You loosen your grip on Tomura’s hand, like you’re giving him the chance to let go. “I ran sixteen blocks to meet you. You can send me a text.”
Tomura can see where you’re coming from. Sort of. The rideshare shows up, and the two of you slide into the backseat. Going from standing up to sitting down gives Tomura some kind of drunken headrush, and he slumps sideways against you. “Sorry –”
“It’s fine.” You shift around in your seat until Tomura’s cheek is resting on your shoulder. You’re still holding his hand. “I don’t mind.”
Tomura doesn’t mean to fall asleep, but the next thing he knows, the rideshare’s coming to a stop outside his apartment building and you’re shaking him awake with the hand that was holding his. “We’re here,” you say. “It was nice to meet you, okay? I had a really good night.”
Tomura nods. His mouth tastes like something died in it, and his mind feels foggy, but not so foggy that he can’t figure out how he wants to say goodbye. Maybe you know. “What do we do?”
“How about a hug?”
Sounds good. Tomura’s mouth tastes too bad for kissing, anyway, and his lips are gross enough to make you wish you’d never met him. He reaches out and drags you awkwardly across the backseat and into his arms, and you – fit. Tomura normally hates touching people, and he hates it even more when he’s drunk, but you fit, still and quiet with your head tucked in against his shoulder and your eyelashes brushing the side of his neck when you blink. Tomura could go back to sleep like this, easy. He’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open.
“Hey,” the driver says from the front seat. “Are you staying or going?”
“Are you in a big hurry or something?” Tomura pulls away from you with an effort and gets out of the car. The door shuts behind him, and Tomura turns to say goodbye, but he’s too slow. All he gets is a glimpse of your face through the window as the rideshare drives away.
Tomura should text you right now. The thought occurs to him, but then a mosquito bites him, and he slaps it a second too late. He’ll get inside the stupid building and get to his room, and then he can text you. It’s a good plan. Whether Tomura will remember it by the time he gets to the apartment is an entirely different story.
Tomura and his friends live on the top floor. The entire top floor. It used to be a penthouse, back when both the building and the neighborhood weren’t shit, but now the rent is cheap enough that the seven of them can afford it together. They all get their own rooms, three bathrooms is usually enough for everybody, and usually there’s at least one person who’s willing to cook dinner and let the rest of them mooch. Tomura and his roommates all keep weird hours, but by two-thirty in the morning everybody’s usually in their rooms, even if they’re awake. He’s not going to bother anybody as long as he’s quiet.
Or at least that’s what Tomura thinks. He’s dead wrong, because when the elevator doors open, he finds all the lights on in the living room, and most of the people he lives with sitting in there, wide awake. It looks like they’re waiting for something. It occurs to Tomura with slowly dawning horror that they’re waiting for him.
He makes the first move out of shock more than anything else. “What the fuck?”
“We decided to wait up for you. Since it’s baby’s first date and all,” Dabi says with a smirk. His stupid fiancé is here, too, perched on the arm of the chair Dabi’s in. “So how’d it go?”
Tomura doesn’t want to talk about this when he’s drunk. He wouldn’t want to talk to Dabi about it stone sober. He shakes his head. “Come on,” Twice announces from where he’s sprawled out on the rug next to Toga. “Nobody comes back from a date at three in the morning and gets to shake his head about it. Spill. No, don’t spill! I don’t want any nasty details.”
“I want all the nasty details,” Magne says. “What happened?”
“Perhaps we shouldn’t quiz him,” Sako says from the other chair. “Shigaraki will tell us what he wants to, when he wants to.”
Sako is officially the only person Tomura’s not pissed at right now. “No, he has to tell us now,” Toga says. “We’ve all been working on this for a month. We have to hear how it went!”
“Give us at least a few details,” Dabi’s idiot fiancé says. “We need something to base our wild speculations on.”
“You don’t live here,” Tomura says. Dabi glares at him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Wait, it was bad?” Spinner runs the opposite way with it. “Why didn’t you just come back? Or you could have called us – we’d come drink with you –”
“It wasn’t bad,” Tomura snaps. “I got her number.”
He was hoping that would shut everybody up. Instead they all trade glances. “That’s it?” Dabi asks, incredulous. “You get back an hour after last call and all you got was her number?”
That’s not all Tomura got. “She said we should go out again. And we held hands.”
“Are you thirteen or something? That’s so lame,” Dabi’s idiot fiancé says. “Was she like, not –”
“She’s not that kind of girl,” Magne says. She reaches over from the couch to punch Dabi in the arm, even though it was the goddamn fiancé who said it. “You think I’d set Shigaraki up with that kind of girl?”
“Yeah, because that’s the kind of girl he’ll be dealing with in Vegas. Did you time-warp back to the fifties when I wasn’t looking?” Dabi grimaces. “You’re supposed to be upping your game. This is a setback.”
Tomura finally gets his feet under him. “No, it isn’t,” he says. “I had fun.”
He feels weird saying it, even though it’s true. He had fun walking around with you trying to find a bar you both wouldn’t hate, because both of you hate when things get too loud. He had fun talking about any of the fifty things the two of you talked about over the course of the eight hours you spent together. He liked seeing you square off with the asshole who tried to cut you both in line and he liked seeing you order the weirdest drink on the menu, even though it was disgusting and neither of you could finish it. He liked that he didn’t notice you trying to make him laugh until it already happened. He liked holding your hand.
Tomura had fun on his date, end sentence. “You guys are assholes. I’m going to bed.”
“We’re not assholes! We want to help,” Twice protests. “You don’t need our help! You’re doing fine.”
“Yeah, I’m with Twice,” Spinner says. Twice starts arguing with him, but Spinner ignores it. “It’s a win if you say it’s a win. Hanging out with somebody who’s not us for that long is definitely a win.”
“It’s not a game,” Toga says. She rolls over on her back and stares up at Tomura. “Are you going to text her?”
Right. Tomura was going to do that. He fumbles his phone out of his pocket. “No,” Dabi and his fucking fiancé say at the same time. Dabi keeps talking. “It hasn’t even been an hour. Are you trying to look desperate?”
“I texted Ochako while I was on the train home from our first date,” Toga says. Toga’s the only one other than Dabi who’s in an actual relationship, rather than a bunch of situationships, friends-with-benefits things, and hookups they block the next day. “I wasn’t desperate.”
“You’re the most desperate person I’ve ever met. But you’re a girl, so it’s cute on you,” Magne says. “It’s not cute on guys. It’s weird.”
“I don’t think it is,” Spinner says. Tomura adds Spinner and Toga to the list of people he doesn’t hate right now. “Sending a dick pic or begging for nudes would be desperate. Just saying something is – nice. I’ve never had a date text me the same night before. I wouldn’t mind.”
“In that case, your date would be a girl,” Magne points out. “Cute when girls do it. Weird when guys do. I’d know.”
Tomura lost the plot a few sentences back. “I wasn’t going to send a dick pic. I don’t even have a dick pic.”
Dabi’s fiancé wheezes. “What?”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Toga pops up off the floor. “Tomura-kun has work tomorrow and so do I – and so does Spinner – so we’re all going to go to bed.”
“We are?” Spinner asks, then yelps as Toga yanks him off the couch. “Hey!”
“That’s right,” Toga sings out. She grabs Tomura’s arm, too, and Tomura barely manages to avoid getting yanked off his feet. He stumbles down the hall after her, colliding with Spinner a few times. It’s all he can do to keep ahold of his phone.
Toga’s bedroom, Spinner’s, and Tomura’s are all along the same hallway, sharing the same bathroom. Once they’re in the hallway, Tomura plants his feet. “Why are you kidnapping me?”
“We’re not kidnapping you. Your room is right there.” Toga points, like there was any way Tomura was going to forget. He’s drunk, but not that drunk. “They were being mean. I’m happy for you. So is Spinner. Right, Spinner?”
“Like I said. A win’s a win.”
“It’s not a game.” Toga elbows him. Then she looks at Tomura. “They’re making it sound complicated and it’s not. If you like her, text her. If you don’t, don’t. Easy. Now go to bed.”
It’s not a puzzle game. It’s a yes or no question. Tomura likes that a lot better than whatever the hell the others wanted him to do. Still – “Do I need a dick pic?”
It’s quiet for at least a minute. “You know what,” Spinner says finally, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I’m with Toga. Go to bed before you get yourself in trouble.”
Tomura’s tempted to tell them both that he’s doing it because he wants to, not because they’re telling him to, but then he decides not to waste the air. The sooner he goes to his room, the sooner he can send you a message without everyone bothering him about it. He shuffles back to his room, flops down on the bed – which he didn’t make this morning, because he’s just going to get back in it later – and pulls out his phone. When he taps the contact icon, the first thing he sees is the contact you set for yourself.
Your name (blind date). Tomura opens a message and gets stuck trying to think of what to say. Short is probably better. His mind is off on some weird paths right now, a lot of which have to do with you and his dick and all of which would be a lot more of a problem if he wasn’t still drunk. And none of which you need to know about. You also don’t need to know about the ambush his friends set up for him when he got home. Or the fact that Tomura’s friends only sent him on this date so he could get better at women before the trip to Vegas in two months.
That might have been why Magne set you and Tomura up, but that’s not why Tomura’s texting you. this is tomura. i want a second date. That gets the point across for sure. If you texted Tomura that he’d count it as a win, so he sends it. But Toga said it’s not a game. Spinner said it would be nice to get a text from a date. What would Tomura want you to say, if he got a text from you?
Tomura overthinks it. He overthinks it so hard that he falls asleep, and only wakes up when he drops his phone on his face. You haven’t texted back yet, but it’s only been fifteen minutes since he sent the message, and you’re probably asleep. What kind of text would Tomura want to see from you when he woke up in the morning? That you liked him. That you had fun. Maybe you’d say something funny, too. Tomura doesn’t do funny. He almost falls back asleep again, then hauls himself up to wakefulness hand over hand, sitting up in the bargain. One more message. It should be easy.
sorry I fell asleep on you is what Tomura says. He barely manages to plug in his phone before he falls asleep for good.
He wakes up to his alarm howling, right on schedule. He can hear Spinner’s alarm doing the same thing from across the hall. Tomura’s mouth tastes like he threw up in it in his sleep. He fumbles for his phone to hit snooze on the alarm, but in the split second before he does, he sees a text notification. Everybody he texts has been asleep for the last – Tomura looks at the time and groans – four hours. So who –
Tomura unlocks his phone at warp speed and taps the message icon. He remembers texting you last night, but he didn’t remember how stupid he sounded. Sorry he fell asleep on you? You’re probably texting him to fuck off. Tomura glances down at your message. His head hurts badly enough that he has to read it five or six times to process it all the way.
You gave his first text a thumbs-up, then asked what he wants to do on the second date. But you replied directly to his stupid second message. it’s okay. next time it’s my turn.
Tomura’s lips split as an uncontrollable grin crosses his face. He got four hours of sleep. He’s got a full day of work and a hangover to go with it, and the instant he sets foot in the living room, his friends are going to start up on him about how he’s handling this all wrong. But Tomura must not be handling it all that badly, because he’s got a second date, and for a few seconds, the hangover and work and everything else doesn’t matter at all.
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leah-lover · 3 months
Part 1. Part 2
Leah Williamson x Alessia russo.
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With the season coming to an end the girls needed some rest and most importantly some sun. living in england and playing for the arsenal has its perks but the biggest downfall is the weather. So as soon as the season came to an end leah and alessia rushed to get out of england before the international break. Ibiza was the perfect stay for them. 
Surprisingly, they were the only ones to want to go to Ibiza, contradictory to previous years where a bunch of the girls wanted to go with them. This did not discourage the girls from going as they opted for a quiet relaxing stay with one another. 
They agreed on Alessia booking the hotels and flights and splitting the bill in half. 
The flight to Ibiza was comfortable. They sat in first class and enjoyed themselves on the way to the island. 
Leah enjoyed Alessia's company. She found her sweet, endearing and kind of hot. Alessia on the other hand saw a strong willed leader, a ruthless and protective friend and an attractive person too. They were polar opposite when it came to style with Alessia preferring dresses to Leah's more boyish look. Their personalities were in sink with one another as they both liked more chill relaxed vibes. 
“ The reservation is in the name of Alessia russo.” said Alessia to the receptionist when they arrived at the hotel. 
“ Ah yes, a suit overlooking the pool.  Here are your keys miss russo i hope you enjoy your stay.” responded the receptionist while handing Alessia the keys to her room. Leah wasn't a part of the conversation, preferring to go sit on the couch while Alessia got the keys. 
They were both comfortable in each other's silence so there was no need for small talk while riding the elevator. 
The first mishap of the trip was the state of the room. It was gorgeous and spacious however it lacked the availability of beds with the existence of one king sized bed in the middle of the room. 
“ oh my god less.” said leah with a disappointed tone upon seeing the bed.
“ Holy shit , I think they gave us the wrong room.” panicked Alessia and hurried to the phone in the night stand. 
“ Hello, uhmm, this is Alessia Russo from room 2099, I think you guys gave me the wrong room. You see there is only one bed and we are two people.” 
“ no miss russo the reservation says only one bed in the room you confirmed it.” 
“ shit, well isn't there another room with two.” 
“ No, I am afraid all the rooms are booked out. I am sorry.” 
“ okay.” said Alessia, disappointed. 
“ I am so sorry Leah. I thought I checked the beds but turns out I didn't. Since this is my fault I will be sleeping on the couch so you can enjoy the bed. If you excuse me I will go to the bathroom.``. alessia hurried to the bathroom and locked herself in, cursing at herself for her stupidness. In the meantime Leah was confused about the reaction that Alessia made but she didn't give it much thought.
 Leah didn't know how tired she was because as soon as she put her head on the pillow she was out like a light. She left space for Alessia to crawl in bed after she got out of the bathroom but she didn't stay awake long enough to tell her that she wanted her to share a bed with her. 
When Leah woke up it was about 2 in the morning. It took her a while before she realized that Alessia wasn't in the bed next to her. She first panicked, then got up to look for the blonde girl only to find her curled up in a ball on the couch. The sight brought Leah some sadness but it also brought up a small smile to her face. Seeing Alessia's peaceful sleepy face, her hair down and wet, and her overall position brought some joy to the defender. 
“ Less, less wake up. You can't sleep here“ whispered Leah. Alessia was in deep sleep, she couldn't even hear her. 
Confused about what to do, she mastered all her strength and decided to pick up the sleeping Alessia and put her in bed. She gently picked her up bridal style without waking her up and she walked a few feet to put her in the bed. Alessia was out like a light as Leah had hoped but she got the job done. Alessia didn't wake up but she moved a little to reposition herself comfortably.
Having slept for a few hours, Leah went to take a shower before rejoining the sleeping beauty in bed. 
When Alessia woke up she was confused as to the comfort and space beneath her. When she came to realize she was indeed in bed with Leah her face became red. With her legs intertwined with Leah's she felt an unusual feeling in her stomach. She wondered about how she got there but her thoughts were quickly erased as she looked upon Leah sleeping status. 
“ You are staring you know “ said Leah, her accent on full display. 
“ Oh my god I am so sorry I was just confused about how to get here “ responded an ashamed Alessia. 
“ I picked you up last night from the couch. It didn't seem very comfortable. I hope that was okay “
“ Yeah, thank you.” 
After a moment of silence. Each one moved to her own space, both of them squeezing their legs together. 
“ I think I might skip breakfast and head to the beach,” said Leah. 
“ I think  so too. I am not hungry right now.” Answered less. 
The girls both got up and got ready. Leah was wearing shorts and a shirt while Alessia opted for a blue swimsuit. 
“ You know since you play for Arsenal you are forbidden from wearing blue.” joked Leah when she saw the dashing young woman. 
“ Do you think it looks bad?” 
“ Oh no you look absolutely stunning. I am just worried that the people will see this as an announcement for you signing for the dreadful Chelsea. But it makes your eyes look absolutely stunning.” 
“ You can't stop thinking about football can't you. Besides, if they see me with you in a bikini, I doubt they will talk about football.” 
The girls  then head for the beach. They lounge  in the sun for a bit before Alessia  needed  to get up to reapply her sunscreen. 
“ Let me do it.” demanded Leah. A nervous Alessia agreed to her demand and turned around to give her full view of her back. 
The older blond’s touches could have melted Alessia's skin. She couldn't breath throughout the whole process and once she was done Alessia thanked her and ran quickly to the water in order to calm herself down. 
After a while in the water Leah joined her and they both played around in the water for a bit. Their laughs and small screams were heard a mile away as they spaleshed each other in the water. 
The afternoon found the friends in a restaurant by the pool.
“ Why are you looking at me like that? “ said Alessia.
“ like what?” Paused Leah. “ You just look stunning.” She said. 
“ You have said that word so many times today .” 
“ It is true you do look stunning.” 
Alessia went quiet after that. 
“ What are you thinking about? Is it what I said?.” 
“ I am thinking about going back to the room where I have to share a bed with you again.” 
Leah’s face had a confused look to it.
“ no it's not like that. It's becoming very hard for me to do so.” said Alessia while looking down at her plate. 
“ We are in Ibiza Less. It's far away from England and arsenal. We can do whatever we want.”
“ Leah.” 
“ What isn't that what you have been thinking all day? My breath has been short because of you all I want to do is be close to you so why not do it “ 
Alessia looked at Leah for a few seconds before she launched herself over the table and gave Leah I quick kiss. The kiss eventually turned into a makeout session in the Middle of a restaurant. 
“That felt so good. You feel so good less.” Whispered Leah. “ Let's go back to the room.” 
“ What about the food?” Asked Alessia
“ You are the only thing I want to eat right now.”
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insomniactic-daydream · 2 months
Prove It - Bakugo x Reader
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader (Pt.1)
Summary: Bakugo is a absolute perfectionist so he needs the best support items he can get. It just so happens that one of his bigger opponents in class has a even smarter support course sister
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After Bakugo's failed assignation attempt on Midoriya, Bakugo found himself with now two useless gauntlets. Although the design was almost flawless and the gauntlets did what it intended, Bakugo felt they weren't perfect. So off to the support course he went.
"HAah?! What do you mean a 1st year extra has to do it!? The hell are you here for then!" The blonde yells in aggravation that support gear were not in fact handled by the teacher rather the newbies that need experience.
"I'm paid to teach students. Not to single handedly fix the hero course stuff every time they abuse thier gear", the support course teacher Power Loader says sternly. Bakugo tenses up in anger but remains silent, knowing the teacher wasn't entirely wrong.
"However if you're desperate for some talent I suppose I can point you towards some of my students that show more potential and you won't scare off too easily" the teacher says with a sigh.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?" Bakugo yells but is completely ignored as the teach walks to open the support classroom doors.
"Hastume! Are you-" the teacher unable to finish his sentence as a gear disk comes flying toward the door. Bakugo glares at the teacher and glaringly says no.
A quick "Sorry Sensei !" is heard from what Bakugo can only assume is Hastume as the teacher sighs.
"Seems like Hastume has her hands full how about hmm... Y/n!" The teacher calls out for the girl.
Bakugo scans the room to see any response to who Y/n might be. Instantly his eyes connect with a girl with black hair and piercing blue eyes.
(It'll make sense later trust.)
A soft but dull "Yes, Sensei?" comes out of the support course student's mouth as bakugo wonders why you look familiar.
"Looks like you've got your first customer. I trust you can consult him and give him the support gear he needs. This is you're next week assignment grade, so I trust you take this seriously. However, lunch is about to start, so start packing your things and dicuss it over the lunch period." The teacher says.
Y/n gives a firm nod with no further curiosity or protest. "Yes sir," she says. She then start grabbing her things and so do the rest of the students. Once she grabs her things she's able to look at the tall blonde beside her.
"Hello, I'm Y/n Todoroki, but Y/n is fine." Y/n says with a straight face as she pulls out her hand to shake while realization hits Bakugo but he regains composure.
"Tch, whatever just because you're some child nepo prodigy like you're brother, doesn't mean I'm impressed." He says as he grips his backpack straps avoiding the hand Y/n displayed.
Y/n drops her hand finding a new offense to his comment. "I'm not my brother, and by no means my father. A powerful quirk is one thing but I have been making gadgets since I was 6. Support course student's only have one entrance exam not by recommendation. I got here on my own talent. Not by my name."
"You don't want my help then fine, but you won't find someone to listen to your hot headed remarks and can actually do your support gear justice." Y/n says sternly as she begins walking away from the boy.
The boy grits his teeth before shouting.
"Dammit wait! You're teacher won't fix my shit and I don't know how soon I need my gear. If you're any good I need this done and perfected ASAP. If you're so talented then prove it." He grumbles in defeat but he's desperate to get them fix, having the company UA hire would take too long.
Y/n turns around and smirks at the boy victoriously. A completely one eighty personality comparison to your twin brother.
"Well then is a pleasure starting business with you..?" Y/n says as she sticks out her hand again to test the boy's resilience.
"Katsuki Bakugo. Don't wear it out extra." He says as he reluctantly shakes the girl's hand.
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(Part 2)
First Fic. I've had this idea/story for the longest time. My writings kinda crap to what my brain be thinking tho so sorry bout that 😭.
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bump1nthen1ght · 5 months
Between the Neon (Male!Android x AFAB!Reader)
Pairing: AFAB!Reader x Male!Robot
Genre: Sci-fi, CyberPunk, Prostitute!Reader, Fluffy Smut
Word Count: 1714 words
Warning: Explicit Content Ahead (18+ ONLY)
Summary: After leaving his last appointment completely satisfied, Axel wasted no time in coming back to request more of your services.
Request: Anything with Axel please! (From kinktober)
A/N: Soooo I totally forgot that the original drabble with Axel (Which you can find here) was gender neutral, and didn’t realize until I had fully written out the fic 🤦‍♀️. Soo I decided to write two versions, one with an AFAB!Reader and one with an AMAB!Reader, with the reader still using they/them pronouns. Hope y’all enjoy!
Link to AMAB!Reader is Here!
After many years of working, you’ve grown a good sense for customers; Who will tip well, who’s going to cause problems, and the special few who will become your favorites.
You knew immediately that Axel was going to go in the latter category. But what you hadn’t expected was for him to jump to your #1 patron within a month of your first rendezvous. Man was eager and had some money to spend, that was for sure.
“Hmm, good bot.” Your thumb rubs across his smooth skull-plating, moaning as his synthetic tongue fucks against your g-spot. His vents exhale hot steam, like a heating pad between your legs. He had gotten that body mod after three sessions together, something to prevent him  from overheating amidst the countless orgasms. The nodes of textured tongue send shivers down your spine, making you sink into your plush work bed. “Fuck, your getting good at this, Axel.”
Axel had learned on his second visit that your pussy was his favorite flavor, always begging for a taste at the beginning of every session. He had been slightly clumsy at first, but once he learned your biology, he took it up like a dedicated scholar. You had even caught him looking at extensive diagrams of the human vulva after one session, making notes on what made you specifically shiver and cum.
“I’m close, baby.” Axel moans into your mound, face lit in bright blue blush. Machinery whirrs as your thighs press into the sides of his head, his own personal heaven. Your toes curl behind his neck, orgasm striking quick and hard “Fuck~” You pant, hips jerking and humping into Axel’s jaw, your juices running down his chin. He laps them up like a dog, always desperate for another taste.
You have to pull him away from your cunt, slightly overstimulated and eager for the next part of your session. Axel has a stupid wide grin on his face, his digital pupils turned into glitchy hearts.
What a cutie.
You kiss Axel’s cheek as he crawls up your body, letting him snuggle into your neck and hug you with sticky hands.
“I wanna try something new today.” You whisper in his audial port. Axel whimpers.
“Yes p-please.” He lets you pull away from the embrace, obediently following orders to sit on the edge of the bed. Axel is always quick to try new things, desperately excited to explore your body and all its new sensations.
You remember the first time you rode him, how his glitchy voice echoed across your apartment. 
“O-o-oh stars!”
His hands had struggled choosing between gripping your hips and fondling your tits, watching all of you bounce in his dick. That dilemma was solved when you flipped into reverse cowgirl and he was able to palm your jiggling ass cheeks.
“You’re incredible! Incredible!” He had yelped as he overloaded inside you, licking your thighs clean of cum right after. He then spent the next 20 minutes caressing your butt, watching the way it wiggled with every hip movement.
That's what inspired you tonight.
You flip around to your stomach, holding your weight on your elbows and shimmying your hips. Your fingers come down to your pussy lips and spread them wide open. 
“Come here, baby.”
Axel scrambles up the bed, aching cock in his grip, lemon-lime coolant dripping down the shaft. He’s quick to line up with your hole, but doesn’t sink in just yet. He never does without permission.
Good boy.
“Now put your hands on my hips.” Your voice guides him along, shaky digits glancing across your pelvis. His leaking tip pressed against your entrance, so close to just slipping inside you. Another burst of air comes from his vents.
“Now's the fun part.” Settling into your knees, you throw your ass back onto Axel, cock sliding in like a hot knife through butter. His digits leave indents on your love handles, his voice glitching.
“Fu-uck!” He pants, his eyes going cross from the sudden grip on his dick. Your velvety walls hold him tight, his nodes rubbing as he his hips jump a little. You smirk, swiveling your hips.
“You gotta good grip back there?” Your voice purrs, and you take Axel’s lusty moans as a definite ‘yes’. 
Axel’s voice melts into whines as you slide him out till the tip, only to shriek and glitch when you throw your ass back on to him. You give him little time to recover, using his hands for stability to throw it back and over and over onto his cock. Streams of coolant run down his cock and between your pussy lips, sloshing together with skin and wiring.
“Oh, stars and galaxies~” Axel moans, leaning his torso forward to help his balance. “You feel so go-od.” Axel's tongue lolls out in a pant, more steam pumping from his vents. “That ass.” His voice teeters off, hands wandering down to your jiggling backside.
“You wanna slap it, Axel?” You swivel your hips again, core clenching as you put an extra shimmy in your hips.
“Y-yes. Will that h-hurt you-ungh!” 
Your pussy walls clench onto Axel’s cock, bottom lip bitten between your teeth at the idea.
“No, baby. I want it.”
A mixture between a delighted giggle and a ravenous moan squeal from Axel’s audial ports. One hand moves from your hips to your ass, never leaving the skin. He gives a tentative squeeze, mindful of his robotic strength, before giving you a soft tap. It’s sweet, but you crave more. 
“You can do it harder, Axel. In fact….”
You pause your bouncing, craving to see Axel’s expression. His cheeks grow bright with his coolant, his pupils flickering back and forth between the arch of your back and your face.
“Why’d you stop?”
“Patience, sweet thing.” You grip onto the bedspread below, adjusting your knees upward into proper doggy style. “Here, grab onto my hips again.” Axel follows your instructions dutifully, finding his palace on your pelvis. His plating shudders as you rock forward, pulling his cock out to the tip. Axel rushes to follow, hands still in place, but resists. “Okay, now pull me back. Like I was doing before.”
There’s an audible click as Axel turns his head, slightly confused. But as always he’s an obedient boy, and does as he’s told.
He goes slow, still timid and unsure. But a crackling groan from his chest tells you he’s catching on quickly as pulls you back onto his cock.
“Ok, now pull out a bit.”
Big globs of coolant drop down your pussy and onto Axel’s shaft as he does, another shudder. His digits shale against your skin.
“Now, pull me back and push your hips up.”
Axel increases his pace a bit, impatience finally getting to him, chasing your warmth. A texture head bumps against your g-spot, and you make sure to emphasize your moan.
Axel, ever the fast learner, humps into you again, nodes scraping along your inner walls with a little more force. You bite your lip.
“Again, faster.”
Your right hand spreads forward, knuckles clenching into the fabric. Axel, ever the quick learner, thrusts again with more gusto. Another crackling moan from behind you. He doesn’t wait for your instruction, following the unspoken and humping into you.
“Yes, just like that.”
Axel is quick in finding his rhythm, engines whirring as his hips speed up. Your cheap mattress squeaks, bed frame now hitting the wall as Axel throws his weight into you.
“Oh, yes.” Axel moans, eyes transfixed by you jiggling ass, jiggling because of him.
“Ungh, right there!” Your neck arches backward, mouth open wide with your tongue sticking out. Axel’s head easily find your g-spot with every hit, even as Axel himself grows more frantic. Mechanical parts that you’ve never heard from him before kick into gear, helping him move with more and more force.
“Ooo-oh!” Axel digits grow slick on your sweat, struggling to find a grip. But he doesn’t care, clawing into the fat and chasing the high of your cunt on his cock. Cum and fluids spatter onto your ass cheeks, even reach your lower back as Axel fucks you hard and fast.
“Slap my ass!”
This time the mix of adrenaline and lust are too much, overloading Axel’s more gentler sensibilities, and he gives you a proper spank. The noise echoes across the room.
“Fuck!” Your pussy milks him for all his worth. Axels digits rub across the handprint do doubt on your skin, right before slapping the other side just as hard. “Yes! Yes!”
Your headboard crashes into your wall now, shaking the very foundations of your shitty apartment. The gears in Axel’s legs work overtime, and you're sure the only thing that could stop him now would be his own orgasm, not any kind of exhaustion.
Speaking of which-
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. W-where do you want-”
“Inside, creampie me!”
It’s like a password, sending Axel into a whole new mode of fucking. His cockhead pounds the very end of your pussy, hands knotting into your ass. You feel a buzzing running up your stomach and down your legs. Your skin feels like it's on fire.
“So good, so good, so good.” Axel’s voice babbles, no amount of steam for  his vents preventing the rising heat in his wiring. “Oh, stars”
An explosion of cum bursts in your cunt, filling you up like a sex toy, spurting out of the sides. You reach your high at that moment, toes curling and pussy flexing onto Axel’s cock.
The poor bot nearly collapses after he pulls out, his modesty plate shuddering to close as his temperature warning beep goes off. He falls onto his side, arm thrown over his face. 
It takes you a while to catch your breath, trying to remember the last time a client left you this cock-drunk. Once you do, you sidle up to Axel, enjoying the excess warmth of his body, like a giant heating pad.
“That was….awesome.”
Axel pants, arm slipping under your hips to pull you closer. His system beeps again, no doubt sending him advisories to push your hot, warm-blooded body away. But those are quickly deflected, Axel nuzzling his face into your hair.
Yup, definitely one of your favorites.
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tenchikotheartist · 8 months
Frick it, we ball
KISMET HEADCANNONS for some future fan stuff I wanna make... Goes with this post kinda
Under a cut because it's LONG (the fixation has been REAL)
They band was formed shortly after the events of Trolls 1. It's the only way they make sense in my mind's timeline.
Branch was trying to get more involved with Troll village without relying on Poppy to connect him with people. He formed his own group of friends, and they became Kismet after realizing how much they enjoyed harmonizing/performing together.
These guys give me frat boy energy for some reason. They just collectively become more chaotic when they're around each other. Yes, even Branch. He and Hype play hot potato with the braincell because otherwise, nothing would get done in this group.
As they got to know one another, teasing one another became their primary love language. Lots of jabs and quips will fly among them when they're together, but they each know it's all in good fun.
Branch kept his involvement in the band a secret because, well...y'know. He has complicated history with being in a boyband, so he wanted to explore his feelings about Kismet without being bombarded with input from people outside the group.
He's fond of his friends and genuinely enjoys being a part of the band though! He just wants to be sure he's a part of this boy band because he's happy being with them and not because he's trying to recapture something he'd lost 20 years ago.
At first, the others were (understandably) hurt by Branch's desire to keep his place in the band a secret, but after he explained his reasons, they were willing to support him.
They were absolutely thrilled when he finally becomes open about the band though!
During the secrecy period, when he performs in Pop Village, he hides his identity behind a disguise that somehow works (Branch, every time it works: "wtf????"), and he goes by a stage name.
Officially the group leader, but he's more of a mediator than anything. He relies on the rest of the group to give their input for any big band decisions, but he coordinates band meetings, schedules gigs, and works out compromises if there's any group conflicts.
He and Branch had been childhood friends before The Incident(s) estranged them. Back in the Troll Tree, they'd been neighbors whose parents (Branch's grandma; Hype's mom) set up on frequent playdates, so they'd been really close.
They reconnected after the events of movie 1, Hype introduced Branch to Trickee and later Boom. Trickee brought in Ablaze and the rest was history.
Hype is a social butterly but he's otherwise one of the more calm personalities in the group. He feeds off of other people's energy and is a bit of a people-pleaser. Luckily, he's pretty good at finding the right crowd to run with, otherwise he'd probably land in so much trouble.
Hype's cousin, and a big party person! Before the band took off, he DJ'd at a party venue in Pop Village. That same place was also where Kismet got their first gig!
He loves loud music and flashy parties where he can shine on the dance floor and make memories people he may only know for a night.
Peak ADHD Energy™. He's a chatterbox. He has no volume control. He tunnel visions so hard, he becomes that B99 headphones meme. The man has cool guy syndrome, no doubt about it!
For the creation of the Band earliest albums, Boom took charge as the producer. He loves messing with music, mixing and remixing sounds on his free time and experimenting with the genre.
A thrill-seeking menace to society. He's adventurous and loves taking huge risks for the adrenaline rush. He's the type of guy who would go down a waterfall in a barrel or ski down a dangerous mountain just to see if he survives it.
Everyone in the band is in agreement about protecting Trickee from his own shenanigans. They are 70% of his self-preservation senses.
He also loves a party scene and can often be found with Boom leading the charge towards any good time.
You know that sense of dread before performing in front of a crowd? The way your belly flips and your heart races and you're sure you're shaking hard enough for everyone to see? Trickee lives for that shit when he's in the band. The jitters can get to him, for sure, but afterwards, the man is LIVING from coming out alive on the other side, and he's sharing that thrill with everyone else in the band!
A Rock Troll who has lived among the Pop Trolls since he was a teenager. He stumbled across them while looking for a place to belong, and despite what he was raised to believe about Pop Trolls, he came to love their warmth and friendliness. So he moved in and let everyone assume he was just an odd-looking Pop Troll.
He an Trickee are housemates (podmates?)--not for romantic reasons but because they're longtime friends. When Trickee moved out of his family's home, Ablaze invited him over, and they liked the living arrangement enough to keep it permanent.
At first, Ablaze isn't open about his identity as a Rock Troll, but as he grew closer with the other members of Kismet, he came out to them. By the events of Trolls 2, he's open about being a Rock Troll.
Ablaze's personality sits somewhere in the realm of both chaotic and laid back. On the outside, he's usually pretty chill, but if Boom or Trickee have trouble afoot, Ablaze is usually there egging them on in the background, much to Branch's dismay.
He becomes extremely energetic when he's performing. The more exciting the song, the more vibrant he becomes! The energy is one of the reasons he loves pop music so much, but he can also get hyped from performing rock music. He gets kinda intense though lmao.
The first time the rest of Kismet sees him jamming to rock, they're like "OH. He's definitely a rock troll O_O" They support their rock-n-roll brethren 🤟😔
He has a special interest in fire, particularly fireworks. Back in Pop Village, he even made a business of it, making small rockets, sparklers, and other celebratory items for all your Pop party needs.
Anyway that's all the headcannon stuff I'll share for now. Hope y'all liked reading xD I'm really hoping my attention span will stick around long enough for me to share more in the future, because this fixation has been A Time™/pos
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flavoredfaeman · 2 months
Okay making my own long post so that I can get out all my thoughts clearly
So to start off 1. I think that queer baiting is a completely useless term, in part because all it is used for is arguing whether or not something is queer enough (in part because queerbaiting is an incredibly rare phenomenon in western media), 2. I think that the way male queerness is treated in Deadpool is unfortunate, and 3. Gay people are allowed to find joy in goofy movies and it isn't that serious.
**this is all my opinion, a lot of these topics are up to personal interpretation just like with any other movies or media discussion (I am trying to also cover multiple perspectives here, but I am only one person)
Let's get one thing clear right off the bat, no one who is familiar with marvel and disney actually thought that Deadpool and Wolverine were going to kiss/fuck nasty/become an item. (Those were jokes guys.) Those of us who were hoping for queerness were hoping for some subtext at most or the Deadpool-typical type jokes where he smacks a guy's ass, makes a quippy comment and moves on. And within that context of expectation, we were given way more than we expected.
Now, I will say that it is absolutely sad that we can have these movies with gay jokes, but that actually portraying queer characters seems to be too much for them. As is typical (to my knowledge) of bigger movies, they were allowed to make a side lesbian couple (this is a much larger topic, but for the purposes of this conversation, let me add on: cishet men think lesbians are hot + women are not considered to be able to have "real" relationships without men. So they can get greenlit a bit easier.), but Deadpool is not allowed to have meaningful connections to other men.
Deadpool's jokes about gayness can be interpreted in different ways. To some people, they feel hurtful and deriding. To others, they are the jokes made by a man who is comfortable in his identity, and who makes jokes to take power away from people who may want to use his queerness against him. It's really hard to argue this one way or the other, since Deadpool isn't a real person who we can ask to clarify. As such, how one feels about these jokes usually sits within the context of how they view Deadpool and the movies in general. Personally, I think that these jokes are meant to shock audiences, but I don't think they are actually intended to be hurtful. Especially when the funny part of most of the jokes is when he is making them, not that it's gay. Like, straight or gay, it's funny to talk about sex in a really emotional/tense moment, or in the middle of a fight. Particularly when you see how he treats the other queer people around him, not to mention, you know, the fact that he's canonically pansexual. (Frankly I find it kinda weird to go "aah there's a queer man making jokes about being a queer man!! How terrible!!" but that's my prerogative)
From movie 2 to 3 there does seem to be a change in how queerness is being treated. A positive change, in my opinion. Because Deadpool isn't making all that many jokes in this one, he's got a few for sure (Wolverine has one or two as well!!) but a lot of what he's doing is becoming genuinely close to Wolverine. This shifts the dynamic, now it's not just Deadpool making gay jokes or advances to people who don't really reciprocate (to my memory, though I feel like Colossus may have flirted back at like the end of Deadpool 2?), instead the jokes are being reciprocated/responded to and the characters are being put on even ground. Wolverine is a realized character, just like Deadpool, so they are able to grow closer over the course of the movie, and form an actual connection and bond. (Also a lot of the gay jokes become "wow isn't wolverine so hot?" jokes)
Important to also add that yes, they do start the movie with a very fraught and tense relationship, they are both very violent characters, Wolverine has crazy anger issues, and Deadpool makes everything a joke. All of these things are important to their characters and story! If you took some of those early interactions out of context you could argue that Wolverine isn't reciprocating or something of the like, but that would require ignoring the majority of the film. They are kinda crazy and impervious characters who have opposite personalities in a high stakes setting, of course they are going to fight and try to harm one another.
As much as it's already been talked to death, it is genuinely important to discuss the metaphors in this movie. Because as funny as the Honda jokes are, that scene is heavily implied to be a sex scene. This is the art of film, what you cannot show the viewer, you must convey some other way. The fight happens to You're The One That I Want, they repeatedly stab intimate places (stabbing as metaphor for penetration), the way they position themselves in the car and through themselves at each other, and the camera panning towards the bumper as the car shakes (a classic fade to black sex move). This is all movie language, and it is vital to understanding what a movie is portraying.
The climax is also very important in this regard, because as camp as it is, they were willing to die for each other and in that willingness they were able to save each other. Like A Prayer is playing, they are holding hands, when Wolverine's shirt explodes Deadpool takes a moment to oggle him despite the fact that they're both getting absolutely electrocuted or whatever.
Now, despite all of this absolutely beautiful subtext, Deadpool and Wolverine do not get together. That is absolutely an important part of this conversation, their relationship is ultimately left ambiguous. But a queer man being in a homoerotic ambiguous relationship with another man, does not a queer bait make.
Vanessa is an important part of this discussion of course - though to preface this, I find their relationship really boring so I don't really remember a lot of what happened between them in the first movie. Deadpool is canonically pansexual, so his relationship with any woman does not make him any less queer. Though, it could be argued that she's been kept around as a character to make sure he's always in or longing for a straight relationship.
Some people have been arguing that the movie ends with Deadpool getting back together with her, which blatantly does not happen. They were in a weird stage of exes being friends at the start of the movie, where she was in a new relationship, and he was still pining. All he does at the end of the movie is go over to her to let her know he cares about her, which could be romantic or platonic - but IS NOT them getting together. And again - even if he still is in love with her by the end of the movie, he is still queer.
In addition, I don't think that Deadpool is monogamous. He's constantly flirting and showing interest in many different people. Now I don't remember if he ever has a conversation with Vanessa about monogamy, so I could be missing an important part of their dynamic. But as it stands to my knowledge, Deadpool being in love with Vanessa doesn't mean he's not in love with Wolverine.
Both of these potential relationships end in the air. And of the two (if we assume monogamy is important) Vanessa said she had a boyfriend, and Wolverine just moved into Deadpool's apartment. So Wolverine is in a much better position to end up with Deadpool than Vanessa is.
It's also good to note that everything we got in this movie was fought tooth and nail for by Ryan Reynolds and the movie's team. There is every chance that Deadpool and Wolverine's relationship would not be implied but rather outright in a world where studio opinions don't matter.
Everything that I've just described is not queerbaiting. A movie with queer people in it canonically, is not queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when media sells a character/relationship as queer in order to get an audience and then tells that audience that they are not actually queer (usually done incredibly insultingly, think Sherlock). Marvel and Disney do not need to market towards queer people to get an audience, in fact marketing towards queer people is more likely to lose fans, and gain hate. It's also important to note that the marketing hasn't been marketing these two as queer, they aren't almost kissing in material, the cover is a friendship charm, the most they do is address the fact that Wolverine/Hugh Jackman is hot af. So it literally isn't queerbaiting.
Now, whether or not someone is disappointed in the level of queerness is completely up to the individual! Everyone is welcome to their opinions and feelings about the movie, disappointed or delighted. But a movie is not queerbaiting just because you are disappointed.
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blueweaver1 · 9 months
This is part 2 of my Oathbound AU
Click here for part 1
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I been working on this AU some more, as you can see. Above are the different forms that Impulse and Skizz can shift in-between. I just realized I forgot to add Skizz's scruff, please pretend he has it. Below has more details about forms, the environments they grew up it, and how this AU interacts with the Life Series.
Impulse prefers his human form. He works a lot with redstone and machinery so lots of tight spaces and moving parts. So while having horns and wings is cool those parts are more likely to get stuck or pinched.
Skizz prefers having at least his wings out. However, he doesn't like it when random people clock him as an angel. To remedy this, while he has his wings out he'll store his halo in his inventory. If anyone asks what type of hybrid he is, he'll just saying some type of white hawk. Impulse would say Skizz is a type of pigeon.
So the places that Angels and Demons are form aren't new dimensions, but more like extensions to existing places. The placeholder names are The Upper and The Under. I thought about using the Aether name, but ultimately decided against it.
The Upper is a place far above the sky. Past the limit where fireworks refuse to ignite. Past the limit where elytra start to freeze and shatter. Past the limit where even the sturdiest avians refuse to go. That is where you'll find the angels.
The Upper is a very cold land. Water isn't a thing up there only ice. However, it's no winter wonderland given that it's much too cold to snow. Angels are built for this type of environment, because while they can eat food most of their energy comes from light. Shelter and tools are made from stone and wood-like materials. Although most angels are perfectly fine just finding a nice, flat, floating rock and sleeping on that. The air up there is very still and quiet.
The Under is a place far below the Nether. Beneath the lava lakes of the Nether, in netherrack that is partially baked from the intense heat and weight, you'll find the demons.
The Under is a very hot land. Winding tunnels and caverns that were dug out connecting with chaotically formed ravines all of which is only lit by lava that has snuck through the cracks. Demons are mostly fire proof, because of this they are able to crawl up from the lava lakes are search for food on the Nether floor. There are things they can eat in The Under, but almost all Demons prefer the stuff from the slightly above. The tunnels are often quite noisy.
If it wasn't clear: The Upper is above the overworld, The Under is in below the Nether.
--Who did the Oath first?--
This was answered in the comments of part 1, but I also wanted to put it here.
So if you asked them directly they would probably give you a different answer time. 1: because it's very personal 2: because it's funny. So what actually happened is both Skizz and Impulse thought of the idea independently, but it was Skizz who brought up it up first. However it was Impulse who did the oath first. Of course it took multiple years for him to psyche himself up to do it, not because he didn't trust Skizz, he was just very nervous about it.
Impulse is also just a "tiny" bit competitive and wanted to go against the demon stereotypes. While Skizz would've preferred it to happen sooner and was will to go first, he understood that this was important to impulse. He does have fun needling Impulse that it took him soooooo long, but it's all in good fun
--Life Series--
I personally like seeing that the Life Series started as a fun hardcore series that turned into a death game due to outside forces. Impulse and Skizz (in their human forms) understand that things are going wrong when the second game starts. While everyone's hybrid abilities are being suppressed by the outside force so no one get too much of an advantage. Yes, they could brute force it by going Eclipse mode and getting everyone out they don't know if that would help in the long run. I mean what if it happens again but since they outsiders how of their powers they don't take Impulse and Skizz and the two of them completely lose track of their freinds?
So they settle for trying to pick up clues and win at least one of the games...
.... why are they so bad at this ....
(though it sounds like angst, it's probably going to end up as a comedy if I'm going to be honest...)
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fkinavocado · 11 months
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put a price on emotion
The Honourable Judge Styles has a dark secret. He prides himself on being notorious for his cutthroat sense of justice. But is he really any better than the ones he imprisons? Or is he a victim much like the ones he acquits?
Put a price on emotion - Masterlist, Author’s Notes & Warnings 
Prologue (important part to the story so please make sure you read the prologue first!) / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 1 (word count: 3.5k)
Harry knew this was one of the last cases he’d be presiding in Chicago. He never stayed in one place for more than 2-3 years at a time. Sure the paperwork was gruelling but he preferred it over having to be stuck in the same place for too long. 
He also couldn’t stay, even if he wanted to. It was only that long until people started figuring out that this judge wasn’t exactly… ageing.
So every decade or so, Harry had to not only switch states/ countries (that he did every few years), but take up a whole new identity, from scratch. He’d build a stellar career from scratch. He’d done it, time and again. Luckily, he knew how to work the ropes to make it seamless. But it was tiresome, for sure. He’d always kept his given name, switching up his surname. The bar exam was child’s play at this point.
He wondered how long till he’d grow tired of this, too. Before being a judge, he’d been a crime investigator. That had lasted for well over 50 years. He was getting close to that number again, presiding over cases. 
He didn’t know if he’d pick it up again after Chicago, or if it was time to switch it up again. He’d decided to take a bit of time off to see where “life” took him next.
He mulled over all of this back in his chambers, after he’d removed his cloak and lit up a cigarette. Nasty habit, to be sure, but since he couldn’t exactly develop lung cancer he figured, what’s the harm?
He’d taken a lover once that really didn’t like the smell- but she found it incredibly hot when he smoked, and with her out of the picture there really wasn’t any reason not to indulge from time to time. He of course couldn’t develop an addiction to nicotine, either.
What he did have an addiction for, to his dismay, was blood. He could go for a long time without it nowadays, but still he needed to get his fill soon, he could feel it. 
Usually, if he was really busy, he’d resort to blood bags. Ever the walking cliche, he had a friend working in a hospital that provided him with the necessary amount should he need it. 
But that was a last resort kind of situation. Because as much as Harry disliked most of what being a vampire entailed, he did enjoy the thrill, the chase, the very laborious ritual of preying on his next victim, seducing them and then having them succumb to his charm.
Because, yes, Harry seduced his victims. He didn’t like calling them that, but he supposed it was a morally grey area that he’d needed to make amends with early on in his “existence”. He’d battled with feelings of guilt for the longest time, but he came to realize that the only person he was hurting in doing so was himself.
His victims were never aware of what he was using them for. He’d feed from them without them ever knowing. Sometimes these victims were one night stands, sometimes they were lovers like the woman who lowkey liked his smoking. 
But he never got serious with anyone, for obvious reasons. Just because his heart wasn’t beating anymore didn’t mean he didn’t have one still.
And if he was being honest with himself, nobody really did it for him anymore. He could see things much more clearly as a vampire, could see things for what they were, and most of the time, things just weren’t that great up close as they appeared to be from a distance. He grew tired of his lovers, bored even, and he knew it was unfair to them, but he had so much more life experience, so much more wisdom and emotional maturity that it made it hard finding someone that would intrigue him anymore. How could he ever expect someone with a few decades under their belt to ever match up to his centuries?
Thankfully, that didn’t really get in the way of his sex life. Because that, he could never tire of. Centuries of experience didn’t dampen his libido, if anything, it kept fueling it. 
Harry enjoyed being good at what he did. Be it in the courtroom, or the bedroom. He also enjoyed being in charge. Notice a pattern, there? 
He didn’t feed from all his sexual partners. He always saved it for particularly enticing lovers, nowadays. Because he always drank from them in the throes of climax, after he’d made them come over and over again, he’d finally give in and absolutely loved combining his delayed release with the sweet nectar his partners provided him, particularly after flooding their bloodline with endorphins. It was the biggest high.
He sighed, returning to his notes he’d taken that afternoon, thinking to himself he’d probably have to resort to his friend at the hospital this time around. He just hadn’t found anyone… biteable, as of late. 
He wasn’t the kind of vampire to just feed off of anyone, he wasn’t a brute, after all. He had his standards.
But his ability to stay focused was starting to decline. He knew the telltale signs all too well by now. He needed to feed in order to operate at a functional level, ideally at an efficient level.
The way he had to make a conscious effort to focus on the notes and not let his mind wander off was quite telling. He kept thinking about the young woman, and how he was worried she’d sabotage her own case with her apparent dismissal of her attorney’s advice. 
It was a simple case of self defence. If she played her cards right, she’d make it easy for him to issue the verdict in her favour. 
But why did he have a feeling it wasn’t going to be that easy?
Even if he was planning on going under the radar soon, he still couldn’t issue a verdict that would be, at least apparently, unjust. And if she didn’t heed her attorney’s advice, it just might be the case.
He decided to call it a day and head home. He’d see what he could make of it all after the next hearing, when the young woman would testify and also some eye witnesses would take the stand.
He did stop by a bar he frequented on the way. Just on the off chance someone caught his eye. No luck, though.
He decided to give it a few more days before he called his friend at the hospital. He could muster through, he knew he could.
Or was it that he tricked himself into thinking he could? Was it maybe that he’d had his eye on someone all along, and therefore automatically excluded all the other possibilities? 
And maybe it was deeper than that? Maybe he should’ve paid more heed to what others have always warned him of? Sometimes it wasn’t as simple as it seemed. 
Sometimes bonds were formed. 
“Defense counsel, you may present your case.” 
The young woman’s attorney nodded to the judge. “I call Grace Gwyneth Cohen to the stand.”
Grace walked to the witness stand and the bailiff approached her as she was about to be seated. “Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
“I do.”
“State your name.”
“Grace Gwyneth Cohen.”
“Miss Cohen, let’s go way back,” her lawyer approached the bench and the young woman listened intently. Harry noted she seemed a bit more likely to cooperate with her attorney today, which pleased him. It would make his job infinitely easier. “First, let’s get an idea about why you were at this bar to begin with. A lovely young woman such as yourself, surely you don’t find yourself in such dingy places normally…”
“Objection! Irrelevant.”
Harry raised an eyebrow to the plaintiff. The defence hadn’t even started yet and already this guy was breathing down his neck. “Sustained.”
Grace’s attorney turned his attention back to his client, continuing “And even if you did frequent this sort of establishments, that doesn’t have to mean anything, of course. I’m just saying, it’s not your usual scene, is it?”
“I guess not.”
“You only went that night because you were meeting up with someone you’d met online, is that correct?”
“Yes. A client.”
Harry didn’t miss the attorney’s deadpan. This was surely not the way he had intended it to go. “A client. Let’s go over what you do for a living, then, shall we, Miss Cohen?”
“You’re a sex worker. Is that correct?”
Harry took note of the attorney’s clenched jaw once more. 
“What would you call what you do, then?”
“I’m not really sure, but I’m no prostitute.”
“Sex workers aren’t prostitutes. There’s a wide foray of services that fall under that category but don’t include an actual sexual act. Let’s see if what you do falls under this category. I believe the proper term would be that you’re a “cam girl”, is that correct?”
“Which basically means, you record yourself for a paying audience, correct?”
“Do you undress for your audience?”
“How so?”
“Well if you’re asking if I’m ever in the nude, then the answer is no. I don’t ever take off all my clothes. I tease them a little, but there’s never been any nudity.”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows. How she ever got people to actually watch without her ever fully undressing was intriguing. Not to mention earn a living out of this.
“Do you only get undressed with clients you meet up with?”
“Wasn’t this why you were meeting up with this client at the bar that night?”
“That’s what he thought was going to happen. In reality, I was planning to string him along for a bit, hopefully get him to give me some money in the hopes that I would give him more than he saw of me online.”
“Is this your only source of income?”
“At the moment, yes, because I’m a student. My curriculum doesn’t leave me with enough time even for a part time job with a fixed schedule. So I have to… freelance. I tried a number of remote jobs before I opened my onlyfans. I get to keep my anonymity, I never show my facial characteristics online, I get to make up my own schedule depending on what little free time I have and so I thought… it wouldn’t hurt to at least give it a try. I didn’t expect for anyone to chip in considering I don’t even fully undress, but surprisingly, I do have people stream my live shows. I haven’t really had time this month to stream, because I’ve had exams to study for. So money was tight. This guy was in my inbox begging for me to meet up with him. Again… I had no intention of actually going all the way with him, at most I thought maybe I’d earn a free meal out of it. I didn’t want to offer a private show for him instead either, didn’t want to risk leaving any digital footprints… I deliberately chose that pub, it’s a crowded place on a Saturday night. Figured it would be… safe.”
“But it wasn’t safe, was it, Miss Cohen? Going back to the night in question. You had set up a meeting with one of your online clients. Had any promises been made beforehand as to what would happen during this meeting?”
“I’d vaguely alluded to the possibility of more happening, but no promises had been made, no.”
“Would you mind giving us a rundown of what happened, exactly, at the bar?”
“Of course. I met up with him at the Silver Church, on the evening of the 27th of July, at 8. He said his name was Dave, and that he’d be waiting for me at the bar. When I greeted him, I immediately had an unsettling feeling about him, but I still tried to play the “date” to my advantage somehow and try and see if I could milk some money off of him. I flirted with him but never agreed to go back to his place like he kept insisting. Eventually, I asked him for some money and told him I’d be buying a lingerie set to wear on my next live stream, just for him, and consider going out with him again. He didn’t seem to like that very much, but he did give me the money, eventually. He kept insisting he’d take me back to his place even though I’d made it clear I wouldn’t be doing that, yet. I wasn’t ever planning on going through with it, of course, but I was leading him on. I don’t know if he figured out I was playing him, but he then insisted he’d walk me home. Which of course, was out of the question. I realized he wasn’t going to take no for an answer and I excused myself to use the lady’s room, but in reality, I was looking for a backdoor exit. I figured I’d already gotten my money, and that if I wanted to get rid of him now would be the time to try and make a run for it.
“I made a beeline for an exit I’d spotted at the other side of the bar when I thought he wasn’t looking, and I thought I’d been pretty stealthy and quick, but somehow he caught up to me. Before I knew it, he was right there behind me in that back alley, no one else in sight. I was expecting him to ask where I was going, something of that nature, but instead he outright attacked me!”
“What did you do then?”
“I, well– I don’t remember.”
“Would you say the assault made you lose conscience?”
“Yes, he pounced on me, and bit me –”
“And would you say you hit your head when he jumped you?”
“Yes, but–”
“So you don’t remember defending yourself?”
“Well, no. No, I don’t.”
“That's all. I have no further questions.”
Harry sensed the attorney’s irritation, and how the defendant clearly wanted to say more. He hoped, again, that for her sake she’d not walk right into the trap the plaintiff was no doubt setting up for her. “Plaintiff's counsel, do you have any cross-examination of this witness?”
“Yes, your honour. Miss Cohen, I couldn’t help but notice how you wanted to say something when your attorney so rudely interrupted.”
“Sustained. Your point, plaintiff?”
“Just trying to get the full picture, here, your honour. Going back to the night of the murder, Miss Cohen. You mentioned Mr. Montgomery attacked you. Bit you, I believe is the term you used. Why would a grown man bite you? Wouldn’t there be other alternative ways, more effective ways of stopping you from leaving the club?”
“That’s what I thought as well. I was shocked by his action, I was expecting him to force himself on me but he went straight for my neck and bit… hard.”
“Why do you suppose he’d do such a thing”
Harry sighed, knowing he had no choice but to let her get to her point. He already knew what she was going to say, by the look in her eyes. 
The same terror he’d seen in them that fateful night.
Grace had gone pale, her gaze had zoned out. Eventually she spoke out, her voice shaking, not at all similar to the tone she’d accustomed the court thus far. “It’s because… because he was… a vampire.”
The court gasped in unison in shock, and Harry had to exercise his gavel for the first time that evening. “Order! Order in the court!”
The judge had to insist on reinstating decorum and then the plaintiff resumed. “A… vampire. Just for the record, Miss Cohen. Your statement is that Mr. Montgomery was a vampire?”
She nodded reluctantly. “I know how this sounds. I know! But he didn’t just bite me… no, he… his eyes, his clear blue eyes turned pitch black. In the blink of an eye. When he lunged at me, his fangs were… on full display. It was only a fraction of a second before he lunged at me, but there was no mistaking what I saw. Trust me, his canines were perfectly normal over at the bar. So were his eyes. And the pain… the piercing pain he inflicted when his fangs tore the skin on my neck… I can still feel it sometimes. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
Harry watched as she instinctively brought her nimble fingers to the side of her neck, tracing the skin there. 
The plaintiff cleared his throat, barely masking his amusement. “What happened then, Miss Cohen? Did he drink your blood?”
“Objection! Leading question!”
“I… like I said, I don’t remember. He tackled me to the ground. I must’ve either hurt my head or just passed out from the… assault.”
“So… you don’t remember fighting back.”
“How do you explain the state in which the two of you were found then?”
“I… don’t know…”
“For the record, a member of the club’s staff was taking out the trash in the back alley when he stumbled upon what appeared to be two people lying on the ground. One of them severely injured. And that person wasn’t you. No, Miss Cohen, when the ambulance arrived they performed a thorough physical examination both on site and later at the hospital, and concluded you weren’t injured. In fact they couldn’t find so much as a scar on you.”
The court gasped in unison again and the judge gave them a warning look without having to use the gavel.
“Mr. Montgomery, on the other hand, wasn’t as lucky. He was declared dead, killed by a puncture to his heart inflicted by a switchblade.”
Grace watched as if in slow motion how the people in the court switched from looking at her with curiosity to giving her accusatory glances, and she couldn’t help but let tears well up in her eyes. She faintly heard the judge’s gavel but not even that could steady her beating heart. She had pleaded not guilty at the counsel of her attorney, but the truth was… she didn’t know what the truth was.
She must’ve been in shock, her memory of the incident completely blocked as a defence mechanism or something. The last thing she remembered was hitting the ground, the vampire hovering over her. She definitely did not remember stabbing him, hell, she’d never even seen that switchblade before. She’d have recognized it if it was hers. She did carry a pepper spray but she of course had no chance to retrieve it, the guy had been on her within the blink of an eye, his morphed features shocking her into a frozen stupor. 
Initially she thought she might have done it in self defence, and the shock was just blocking her memory of it. But then the lab concluded that her fingerprints weren’t on the switchblade. In fact, it had been wiped clean. 
She couldn’t fathom ever going through the trouble of doing all that, and not flee the scene of the crime at least if she was trying to conceal her actions.
Nothing added up. The rest of the interrogation was a blur. She was taken back into custody until the next hearing. Back in her cell, but somewhere nicer than where she was headed- she was always reminded by whomever escorted her there.
She was left alone with her thoughts yet again, back to staring at those barren walls and trying to make sense of all that was happening to her, trying to make peace with the fact that this was probably what the rest of her life would be like.
Harry was staring at a much different wall, a wall decorated in all his accolades and honorary achievements back in his chambers. But he had the same thing on his mind.
This was unjust, and the feeling made his skin crawl. He wasn’t used to such a feeling. The only time he’d felt that before was when he’d been robbed of his own life, just like Grace was getting robbed of hers. 
He kicked his feet off his desk and grabbed his briefcase, deciding to head home. His hand hovered over the light switch, pausing before he finally left.
He’d find a way, but it just might be that it would have her live in limbo for the rest of her life, not unlike himself.
A/N: hints and smoke and mirrors, aka a slow burn cuz y'all know me 😅
beta’d by the lovely @adorebeaa ❤️
💕 like & reblog if you’re enjoying this, lovelies, and most importantly, please come share your thoughts on it here 💌
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore. however, we have different type of being hot, it's not all about being sexy or having muscles and abs.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
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for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : all of the pictures are collected and downloaded from twice instagram account, i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owner however edits goes and belong to yours truly. i use the editor tool ibispaint for the header, divider and piles pictures.
color code : #BC728D
sizes : piles pictures 768x768 | dividers 4096x50 | header 4096x550
(?) deck used : the light seer's tarot.
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You felt overburdened and muted from your past and now you are trying and learning to stand and speak up for yourself and for others whom you think reticent to themselves. In your past you are a people pleaser and tend to say 'yes' at everything they wanted you to be, you'd finally realized that we only live once so, you think what you can do and what is good for yourself because you think in this lifetime that the only matters is only you and not how do others perceive you, you are doing this in a healthy and good way. You are seeing the light while you walking through your own path now. The pressure that your past given to you makes you who you are today where people find amazingly about you. With the ace of swords, I think you wanted to widened your throat chakra more, where you will able to communicate and speak well to other people.
You may good at least in choosing right words when communicating to other's and if not, in singing! You are aiming to speak up for yourself and loved ones with the truth and holding it as if it's already possession into your inner voice. I see people find incredibly hot about the most is the quality of you being so intellectual individual, you are this type of person who can truthfully says "don't judge a book by it's cover", you wanted to study, read and get to know more about that specific book before giving and leaving your judgement, i mean sometimes you can kept this principle of yours frequently but you tend to tried your best to atleast have that inside your mind. I also think that there's someone here that always saying to you that you are intellectual but yet you don't even believe to them, you are doubting this capability of yours but you know inside yourself, you can do everything and you know you are creative and talented person.
Somehow, you vision all of this. You already have a clue about this, you are continuously completing your healing and improvement. You are making a progress now, expect a reward coming at your way throughout this journey. Overall, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are intelligent, creative, brave and talented.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
People who chose this pile are jolly where if they'll enter a dark room, you are the light and center of attraction there. You liked to show this traits of yours, where you are very childish and happy to others but somehow they're curious to know you, they found you incredibly mysterious and sometimes may act as a cold person perhaps you have this jolly side that you always show to others. This mysterious side of yours where these people often notice about you is the most attractive part of you. They're curious to know you more and maybe you are very private individual, which makes their curiosity to activate and somehow check and stalk your socials and backgrounds. They wanted to know you more but you tend to cut them off of what they can get know about you.
Well, i can't blame you though, you have a high intuition and tend to know what is their intentions and want to you and maybe you have a psychic abilities. I also see here that you are kind, generous and gentle but somehow you may have or might experiencing sadness. It's also hard for you to trust others, it make a lot of time to trust and rely yourself to others so you tend to always make it alone or all by yourself. I also think that you have a long curly hair regardless in what gender you are.
Furthermore about you is that you are fond and big fan of galaxies, stars, planets, forest and night so it makes also sense that you might be an astrologer. This last part may not resonate with everyone but for some, you might have a new buy crystals or new collection of crystal and decks.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Okay, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are very sexy and attractive. You have a lot of admirers pile three, I also think that you like to wear the color of red and black which makes you stand out with your circle. You are very friendly, you have a big social circle; a social butterfly indeed. I also see here that you've the prettiest smile or eyes. You value your family, you are someone who is a family oriented. If you literally have a current they see you as husband or wife material or if you are single, you consider yourself as husband/wife material.
I also here that you have a problem right now where you wanted to tell and discuss with others but fear and insecurity comes in. I think you are perfectionist individual. Some of this people fantasties you being tied on their bed or you might into BDSM kind of things. Are you good at dancing? Maybe this is one of the reason why people find you attractive. You are very confident about your talent. While, if you love kids like hanging out with them, playing with them. They find this cute and lovely about you.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Imma be boring at first and just ask you the same question back: What are you five favourite things about Colin and Pen’s relationship?
Lol, and yet I don't find this a boring question!! :D
They are friends who became lovers.
Look, I just love and adore this trope. I love that it wasn't a thunderbolt from the sky. I love that it was a bit slow burn and had time to build and grow. I love that there was a connection there long before romance simmered. I love begin their relationship already knowing each other -- and romance is an added element. It's delicious in the most beautiful way.
2. They liked each other before they were cool.
Yes, sure, they both are seriously hot in Season 3. But that element is more for us (and their own confidence) than it is for each other. As I said in an earlier post, Penelope does not give two shits about Colin's new Parisian styles or his new charming demeanor. She fell in love with one incredibly dorky guy and when she looks into his eyes, that weirdo is still there. Likewise, Penelope's glow up doesn't suddenly make Colin's feelings change. It's her confidence and vulnerability and the fact that when he finally kisses her -- all of those feelings he's always had come rushing forward.
3. They're both writers who support each other's dreams.
It's not just that they have similar interests (they do! it's part of the friendship thing), it's that the have a deep confidence in one another. They both very much care for the other one as an individual and (after sorting through the LW mess) are both deeply supportive of what the other one wants and needs. And having the same hobbies (as well as career goals - for lack of a better term) only brings them closer together.
(And let's be real - as a writer myself, I adore stories that feature writers at the center.)
4. They're both fucking old school romantics.
Ngl, this one really does me in. Penelope longs to be swept off her feet. Colin wants to be the dashing hero. For better or worse, they both love love and are happier being allowed to be in love. The fact that even while they were having issues, even when Colin was /angry/ at her -- they still got married. Because at the end of the day, being in love surpasses any other issue. They'll continue to have shit to work through. They'll have hard times and their own issues that will trip them up. But by god, their love is deep and that's exactly how they prefer it.
5. Their conflicts are not a result of miscommunication or repressed angst.
In a world where couples are either shouting at each other due to repression of their feelings or just plain not talking things out, neither Pen or Colin are able to hide their true selves very well, and neither do they want to. Colin might be a little slow to understand his feelings, but once he does, he's a man of action through and through. And even as he sorts out his own issues of LW and pulls away from Pen - she's still well aware of what is going on, and let's him have his space. Meanwhile, Pen's withholding of things (such as her feelings and of LW) come from self preservation, not lack of self realization.
Personally, I just find it refreshing that you have a couple who starts out genuinely caring for each other and sincerely understanding each other's feelings and the conflicts stem more so from external factors rather than issues arising because they are unsure of how they feel about each other.
(This is not shade on the other couples of the show -- this is me acknowledging that I have a personal preference for one type of story over another.)
Bonus 1 - The way they laugh together.
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Whether it being just giggling over an inside joke at a ball or finding the humor in even things like sex, the two of them always find a way to make each other laugh, and it's so sweet and adorable and they both become so alive. They've cultivated their own little world and are amused by it and it just warms my heart every time they laugh with each other.
Bonus 2 - The Carriage Scene
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This. This is a thing that actually happened on my tv screen, and my jaw is still a little on the floor. Because god damn that was hot and I am only human. Ooff.
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jahiera · 1 year
Love your little meta analyses of Astarion and would LOVE to hear your thought on the optional "you don't have to do this just because you feel like you owe me something" line early in Act 1 when he first propositions Tav and his reaction to it?
Okay hi sorry, I lost a bunch of my saves and I thought I'd lost the save for this scene too but turns out NOPE I HAD IT & I'm so glad because I wanted to go back and play the different variations so I could probably scream and... scream I did! And I'm SO compelled by this, so thank you for the ask! & sorry for the late response.
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So you actually only get this version of the conversation if you don't express any sort of confirmation that yeah, you're into him. If you confirm you're into him, or the biting, that'll bypass the ability to say "you don't have to do this," altogether, which makes me want to eat drywall because the whole conversation prior is still fairly shady, but the "reward for your noble sacrifice" only comes through if you don't fully confirm you were into it. which is very interesting because in the other two versions you can still express doubt, but only in the format of the "a less trusting person" line seen above as well.
The first time he propositions you, if you get this branch of dialogue, what I think happens here is Astarion quickly shifts gears. He sees that Tav isn't, at least according to what they say, charmed or aroused by the vampire routine.
One other thing: they helped him because, as a result of giving him blood, he would be able to physically help them more. He would be stronger, a better fighter, and thus useful. (Whatever is intended by each individual tav who takes his line is up to the player, but that's what can most obviously be received by Astarion).
So, he switches up instantaneously to accommodate the motivation that Tav seems to have (through his own eyes). Instead of appealing to Tav's horny brain and physical attraction to him, he's appealing to their "sacrifice." Tit for tat. Pleasure in reward for blood. You aren't lustfully interested in him as is? That's fine. He can switch it up and instead offer sex as repayment for what you've done for him, and for his body as an object that functions better due to the blood you've given him. Either way, the end goal will be the same: sex to secure his position in the group.
At this point in the game, it isn't about Tav, not really, I don't think. You could take any version of this conversation to the conclusion and it would mean the same thing to him. (That is to say: seduction and sex for security, and sleeping with Tav is a quick way to get that.)
So when Tav says, "You shouldn't do this just because you feel like you owe me something," I don't even think it really... registers for him? Because he hasn't even begun to conceive of that possibility. He is fully still in the same mindset he had prior to escaping, and is running through the same patterns of behavior as before.
He brushes off that reassurance immediately, says it's "more of an excuse," than anything, doing the same thing as before. When he gets this reaction from Tav, he switches gears again: oh it's not the only reason I want to have sex with you, I'm mostly interested in you, I promise. He's navigating the very shallow social interaction that this seduction routine entails by adjusting at a moment's notice to the next thing Tav says. If they're interested or flirty back, he'll fully play up the whole thing. If they're reluctant, he offers new reasons for why they should want to sleep with him.
And then if you reject him entirely:
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"Deny your feelings all you like, it doesn't matter to me."
You don't get disapproval for rejecting him, but he still reinforces this idea to Tav that yes, you're interested in me. You just haven't realized it yet. Typically this kind of line in romance would be annoyingly obnoxiously all about "oh you want me you just haven't realized it yet" and the other party is supposed to find this hot, but with the context of the rest of his arc, it's fascinating. Because Astarion only knows how to secure safety and power through seduction and sex. He only knows how to get what he needs through emotional manipulation and cunning--and SHALLOW emotional manipulation at that. He's not playing an intricate game here. His manipulations become prettyyyyy overt by the second time he propositions you:
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Like, it would take some serious emotional blindness to miss the hints he's laying out here. He's delighting in dangling the fact that he's lying and manipulating Tav right out in front of them. Because now he feels more secure in his position in the group. In Tav's attraction to him. Because they've already slept together once, he has less to fear about losing his station of safety via Tav within the group.
So then I thought. Okay what does he say when you reject him in other places where he propositions you. In the actual sex scene itself, he simply says "Why are you here then? I thought we had an understanding? (...)" but if you reject him during the "little treat," scene, he says:
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In both instances, the "you don't have to" and "I don't think I really want this," Astarion gives Tav a glimpse at the, huh, trauma behind the scenes. In this later scene, when you've already slept with him once, he outright admits he's slept with tons of people and doesn't remember most of them, and in a very.... passive, "gotten on my back," phrasing that's so offhanded for all that it implies. Like can we go back. Can we unpack that. And he does not! I don't know what to make of that last line. "You, I'll remember." Maybe he's being saccharine one last time to keep up some manner of security within the group. Maybe he's confusingly genuine, growing to care about Tav in a way he has no idea how to unpack yet, if at all. Probably doesn't even realize it yet, if that's the case.
Either way, he gives you unintentional glimpses behind the scenes to the inner workings of his intentions. The inconsistencies in how he talks to Tav depending on their next reaction. The switching gears quick to accommodate different statements and personalities. The offhanded reveal of his total lack of care or feeling about the "lines" he spews to get people to be interested. IT HITS. It hits badly.
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theotherseapancakes · 5 months
Psssst. You mentioned no one cares about Philemon, but now I'm curious if you have any thoughts about his role in the games after he disappeared. And for sillies sake, does he have anything to do with the Dance games?
I have been waiting my entire life for this. Anon do you realize how verbose I'm going to get. DO YOU REALIZE? I hope you like read mores. Let me preface this with I am aware and have seen some popular theories, so I'm going to sidestep a lot of them and present one I've built since... well, I became a Persona fan as a teenager. MAJOR PERSONA SERIES SPOILERS LIKE THE ENTIRE THING OK? OK. yes even royal.
The P2 PSP additional scenario is so incredibly important and I think everyone missed the point of it. THE PERSONA 2 PSP ADDITIONAL TATSUYA SCENARIO!!!! It's beyond important, because it reveals to us Philemon can have more than one Avatar we know about, just like Nyarly. (Casual reminder he's like half the shopkeeps in P2. Time Count, anyone? Why was the Time Count so hot. Anyway.) Disclaimer: I'm just a casual fan who has played a LOT of Persona and SMT. I haven't gotten around to all of them, but I've played/finished both paths of 1, 2, 3 (and p3p) as well as 4 and 5. Didn't manage to get my hands on Golden but I've seen enough of it. (It's funny you ask about the dance games, they're the only ones I don't have right now! But my roommate does, and will be gone for a few months soon, perhaps I will take the time to start with p4DAN. I'm atrocious at rhythm games though so more than likely I'll find a video. Anyway.) WHAT is Philemon? If we can't define that, we can't talk about The Positivity Guy Ever.
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So let's talk about Phil. He's a fascinating character. His Persona is just a form of Himself, But Cooler. And he seems to HAVE no set shape, not unlike Nyarlathotep. People have various theories about Shadows and their origins etc., but Phil is more like that vote of confidence in people. I think, personally, that after the end of Innocent Sin, Phil's been pretty weak. We see in Eternal Punishment he's fading pretty roughly, and has a hard time talking to the party. Presumably ending Nyarly might to some degree fix things when Deja-vu Boy goes home, but... the problem is, we don't know how fixed they truly ended up being, or the full depth of how much he could/did expend!
In fact, the first time we even see Phil without the dumb mask is when Tatsuya decks him. Pay close attention to that fact. To the mask motifs here. I want you to really soak in Phil's everything. He's a leader. A kind soul. He's the good of people. He wants to believe the best.
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Anyway, most of these things overlook what I find really interesting as we've gotten more games worth of lore: he and Nyarly aren't the only eldritch entities walking around like that. Yes, Nyx is one too. Yes, it's probable she may even be their 'mom'. It's possible they all came from Nyx initially, but it's also possible (and should be considered) they too may have been outsiders at one point. We need to ask ourselves how far the human collective unsconsciousness can go. Is that sea infinite? Could it affect other worlds? Think about Aion in Devil Summoner Soul Hackers 2. Yes, I am asking you to think about Soul Hackers 2. Deal with it, I don't care. They're sister series. They share many things. SO! Did the shape of the human mind change a bunch of eldritch creatures and make them interact with us even more after Nyx smacked the moon a gazillion years ago? Is there multiple worlds? Weird bullshit? Just the two? Hmm. Well... I, personally, think so. I think he was touched by humanity just like Nyarlathotep, but in the other way. The reason I bring this up is two-fold. The first is Nodens. Now, we don't know much about the actual Nodens, unfortunately, just some speculation. Which is a shame. (If anyone has more info I'd love to have it, ngl. As a pagan this shit fascinates me.) But what we do get on him in Lovecraftian lore can provide us some intriguing possibilities about Phil's everything, which the games love to keep really rather vague. (And this is putting aside that his human Persona is based off the obviously bogus Jungian Spirit Guide, but we love an old guy in a mask anyway. He probably felt that was more 'friendly' for humans, hah.) I believe that Nodens, and Phil by extension, are just as responsible for nurturing and keeping the collective unconsciousness alive and positive. We see the butterfly symbol everywhere. We see it with Lavenza, too. "This is truly an unjust game." So was the bet Phil made with Nyarly, a game he rigged. Phil made the mistake of thinking the Crawling Chaos wouldn't cheat, a mistake he is never making again, I assume, if he can help it. Shit, you could view his boss fight in P2EP as him trying to train the EP crew to beat the snot out of Nyarly, even. But off topic. If Nyarly is basically the father of all Shadows, and they and Personas are the same coin, it makes me wonder a lot of things. The two have always been portrayed as simultaneously diametrically opposed, but also not? They have identical halls in P2. They have similar powers and talents... I think after Persona 3, Phil's remnants sank into the Collective Unconsciousness, to attempt to rehabilitate humanity from what it lost, from what he himself lost. I think Igor took over the room, because he took a backseat to recover. It would go a long, long way towards explaining why only SOME characters have the tier of the Wild Card, which is similar to the 'original' Persona power. (Having multiple.) He was took weak to remain in his Spirit Guide (Philemon) form, and had to abandon it to return to the depths as Nodens... So. Let me go back to Nodens and make some notes about design.
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Nodens, as seen here, sort of resembles an iron maiden. It really brings to mind the idea of maybe Tatsuya or someone's humanoid form sleeping within it, doesn't it? Fitting for an aspect of Philemon! ... You probably can see where I'm going with this, but let me pull up some screens to finish the point:
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That's right! It's Azathoth, Baby! I believe that unlike mythology, he's yet another aspect of Philemon. Eldritch positivity, in too much force, could be used for accidental bad, too. (Reasons Maruki is my favorite Law Hero, haha.) Let me explain. I think Philemon always existed in... let's call it parts. Azathoth is said to be a dreaming god in whom's universe we all just happen to be alive inside, right? "Dream of butterfly" (Philemon) "Or is life a dream? Don't wanna wake up. Cuz I'm happy here." That sure is thematic to what Maki goes through in Persona 1, and what Maruki's beloved suffers, isn't it? ISN'T IT. The "true reality" he creates... would help Maruki create in the additional Semester--would be something most humans would never pass the muster to even try to control. But we have seen Phil test a few people and find them worth passing before! However, that seems like ages ago. Why has he been so quiet? I think because he was spending time conserving his energy. He believed in humanity enough to give Makoto a push when it was needed in p3 (or femc, if you play her), but otherwise trusted Igor while he restored what needed it. But in Persona 5 Royal, he hand-picked Maruki, didn't he? At first, when I played Persona 5 Royal, I really thought it was some part of Nyarly, but I no longer believe this to be the case. The coloration and symbolism in the background (the golds, the whole garden of eden themes, the way his Palace was laid out), the whole sea of soul motifs in P3Re later... mmm. I have a lot of thoughts about this, but this post is already way too long for one simple ask. So let's wrap up by going one step further and looking finally at Nodens' dialogue to the party in the Extra Scenario in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP). The following is a transcript, you can find a video here:
Nodens: This is the memory of the lost child whom you all seek. Nodens: Memory occasionally brings about much distress and suffering, but it is absolutely vital to distinguish oneself from others and manufacture one's own psyche. Nodens: Ever since it began, life's memory has accumulated unbroken, passing through individual experiences and spanning several generations. Nodens: And so it has given shape to Kadath and the Collective Unconsciousness, thereby becoming a foundation for the next generation. Nodens: Even if the roots of the world are directed by fear and anxiety, never forget that the true essence of life is brimming with joy. Nodens: You must not stop seeking the answer for why life was born in a cosmos progressing towards absurdity and chaos. Nodens: Life brims with joy, bringing about balance in a universe predestined to heat death, and that allows the world to live a long time.
So to answer your question, I think he's taken a much subtler role. I think he's influencing people by pretending to be a Persona for Maruki, because he believes it will help them grow. I don't think he was intending a forever-control vice grip, but rather to prove a point. No matter what, the primordial chaos of humanity will rise up for chaotic good, lawful good, whatever "good" is needed. Azathoth is... interesting. Adam Kadmon is also interesting. But mostly I HIGHLY suspect we may see him again in Persona 6, or at least I'm hoping so. It's my personal pet theory by then he'll be less faded and come back to us in a new form of some kind. He's never had a set one, after all. Now for funsies about the dancing game, well, he's a positive guy, he wanted to just make sure everyone had their fitness regimen checked off. Obviously. (This is a joke.) Did the devs intend this? I'm honestly not sure? Like there's a lot of nods to older Personas in 5 and now 3RE especially, but it's definitely worth chewing on. I could go on and on about things I think he's connected to, but ultimately they have the final say lol. I'm just a crackpot conspiracy theorist on tumblr who really likes Philemon. He and the Room are my favorites. :) Ask me about attendants for additional dumb, sometime, I guess lol.
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[HC] You And Omega!Kaminari Wanting to Court Alpha!Shinso
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Originally posted: Oct 09, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
you and denki were one of few omega couples at ua
and honestly, it was great
you’d have one nest in your room and one in his
both of them were made by the both of you and the two of you can usually be found in one of your nests
your nests aren’t just for cuddles for he two of you, you do pretty much everything in them: homework, watching tv, playing games, etc.
but you did feel like there was someone missing
both you and denki had more than one marking spot so you knew there was supposed to be another person with you
it wasn’t necessarily that you wanted an alpha with you (although that would make heats easier when you were older) but there were just some things denki was into that he’d like to do with his mate but you weren’t into
and the other way around
of course the two of you usually just agree to whatever it is anyway to make your mate happy but you don’t really enjoy it
enter shinso
now it wasn’t a new thing for you and your mate to lie in your nest and talk about ua students you found attractive
you are surrounded by hot people at ua so you’d often be talking about them together
however with shinso it was different
yes he was insanely attractive and his scent was incredible
but he also shared interests with the two of you
so you start plotting together to get him to join you into your relationship
you’re both too chaotic to just ask him smh
shinso does not take long to realize that there are two omegas following him everywhere also some of his hoodies have gone missing
but he just assumes you guys are watching him because of his quirk 
he knows you are a couple so he can’t come up with any other possible reason why
then one day shino catches denki stealing one of his shirts from his room
turns out pretty much everyone in shino’s class knew of your antics but the stayed silent 1) because they wanted him to find out himself and 2) because it was very entertaining to pretend not to notice two omegas regularly breaking into their dorms
it’s a wonder shinso hadn’t picket up on your scents in his room but then again he does smell you a lot throughout the day bc you keep following him to the point where it seems like he’s just always smelling you
he had always enjoyed your scents though so why would he try and stop you
anyways, as shinso enters his room he sees denki going through his clothes and just freezes in the doorway
denki is so surprised that he chirps and accidentally shocks him
then he runs lmao
you were in your dorm, lying in a blanket burrito on your bed bc you were sick
denki came up with the idea of getting you something with a fresher scent of what you now considered your alpha, to comfort you while you were sick
so you’re very happy to see him when he comes back to your room with a shirt of shino’s
then you start protesting at he lifts you and from the bed and pushes the y/n burrito under the bed where he hides with you
it doesn’t take long for the door to burst open
“hey idiots, there’s an alpha here searching for you” it’s bakugo
he was the only one in your common area and shinso didn’t know where he’d be able to find you so he asked him for help
you pretend you’re not there
bakugo just scoffs and leaves but motions shinso towards the room
as you hear him walk away, you turn to denki and he explains what happened before you suddenly both get yanked out from under your bed
standing above you is shinso, your alpha
he just looks at the two blushing omegas beeath him with a raised eyebrow and denki starts explaining everything to him 
shinso is so fucking confused
why would you want him as your alpha? aren’t you scared he’ll mind control you against your will?
neither of you even thought about the fact that he has the ability to do that bc you’re simps
he’s not opposed to courting you guys though
so your relationship starts with him picking up the y/n burrito and placing it back on the bed
as an omega, you likely have at least one stuffed animal on your bed so you pick it up and ask shinso to scent it for you
he blushes and does so and denki immediatly leaves to bring shino his pikachu stuffie to scent
you then dissolve your burrito and scoot to the side so that shinso can crawl into the middle of your bed
it’s pretty awkward at first and he just kinda lays there with an omega latched to either side of him but he soon relaxes and it’s the first of many night to come in which he actually sleeps well
“Wait is that my shirt?” he asks, looking down at the shirt you’re wearing. It’s a different one from the one that Denki stole earlier but it’s definetly still his.
“No?” your answer sounds more like a question itself.
“Just how many of my clothes did you two steal?”
You share a look with Denki and the other omega smirks, “You’ll see when we show you our nests”
Needles to say that you guys are now the first he asks when he can’t find something of his though he’s come to realize he won’t get it back anyway.
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