#//how about When Izumi Met Jin
nijicx · 1 year
Loved spiderverse. When it comes to your characters, is there any alternate universe version of them you think would be interesting to explore or to have the original meet? Like a hero meets a villain version of themselves, etc.
So did I! The passion that has been put into both movies always re-ignites my passion to work on my own heroes~ As for them meeting alternate versions of themselves, I actually made a post a few years back about a little sidestory involving two villains of mine named PinPoint and Wayfarer in which they meet alternate selves. Pinpoints power is finding the exact duplicate of any object, so like, if you've lost a button from the same shirt, she could locate the other button if she was holding one of the remaining ones. Wayfarer on the other hand, can transport himself anywhere he's seen, and when Pinpoint shares a vision of a place that an object is, Wayfarer is able to transport them there instantly. But people don't have exact duplicates, even as twins its rare for someone to have completely identical DNA, so when Pinpoint touches people, she's able to see a version of themselves not of their dimension, and if she shares that vision with Wayfarer, he can take them hopping back and forth through it. The kids get accidentally sucked along with them as Pin and Wayfarer look for versions of themselves where their lives didn't take the route it did, and they end up meeting a few of their counterparts. I think the one I enjoyed daydreaming about is them meeting Jin's twin (who's name I cannot remember because I am a TERRIBLE OC creator! It will hit me 15 minutes from now while i do dishes im sure). Jin's twin didn't get born, his Art cells bonded to Jin's fetus instead allowing him control over his parasitic fetus's power. In that timeline Jin simply goes to culinary school more or less like he wanted, and meeting the brother that never actually existed really freaked everybody out since he isn't a conscious being in their dimension. Shimi's timeline actually doesn't change in the other dimension which also kinda freaks everyone out, even though in the other dimension he's slightly older than he is now. Winston finds out that he doesn't even go the hero route and simply goes to work and basically isn't present for that whole arc. Which allows him some very necessary self insight since he's an idiot and is allergic to any self awareness whatsoever lol Izumi remaining a villain in that timeline and trying to get back into their dimension is very fun to mess around with as well, like Pin and Wayfarer, Alternate Izumi would want to be in the dimension where he is saved by friends he never was allowed to make in this one. One day I'd love to do a little comic about it cause I LOVE alternate timeline shinanigans, but I don't have a single character I don't have fun thinking about if they met their alternate selves how that'd be like~
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theendos · 1 year
Why are all of my fanfic characters a doctor’s worst nightmare
(Warning: There are so many characters that my fingers are blistering writing about them all):
Chainsaw Man:
Zen: Ovaries, spleen, appendix, gallbladder, 1 lung, 1 kidney and 3 ribs all missing from her body. Has a devil contract where the devil is basically a tapeworm.
Miwa: Leg below the knee missing, refuses to wear a normal prosthetic and instead only wears a running blade.
My Hero Academia:
Kosa: Autistic, dissociative identity disorder (I did my research on both), you can see his molars because of his lack of cheek skin (not genetic, that was a fun one to search), gay for the same man his whole life but still has a biological daughter (not m-preg that’s kinda weird).
Fukawa: Unspecified mood regulatory disorder (the doctors know there’s something going on up there, they just don’t know what it specifically is), falls in love at the snap of a finger.
Jin: Has been bitten by snakes so many times that he’s immune to most simple venoms, would give up his hospital bed at the sight of a sick woman.
Goh: Disguises as a woman most of the time - surprisingly convincing -, cataracts, reflexes of a higher power.
Hoshi: Can become allergic to any plant if she grows it with her quirk too often, allergic to peanuts anyway.
Izumi: Gambling addiction - quirk is literally a blood roulette -, drinks her own blood, DNA changes so often it’s nearly impossible to trace her (result of her quirk).
Rei: Raging alcoholic, has so many children he can’t count on one hand - hasn’t met most of them either.
Ino: Is one of the most normal people in a family of heroes and villains.
Mei: Has stretch marks from when she was 2 - result of quirk -, elastic skin - hard to cut, also result of quirk-.
Enki: Has a fire quirk but external sources can set him on fire, SWEATS MAGNESIUM.
Yayoi: Could learn 10 years of training in two minutes - quirk -, doesn’t realise how dangerous things can be.
Fuji: Is the most normal.
Jomei: Produces glue from glands on her body, wears the most unsupportive shoes ever conceived (they’re just the walls of the shoes, there’s no sole).
Kogen: Psychopath, can dislocate his joints at will and keeps total control over them.
And that’s just ONE FAMILY!
Future students:
Obake: So many artificial quirks you could probably supply the whole quirkless population with them, literally immortal, can be shut down by a specific hue of green.
Takara: Stuck in a basement for six years - only ate on wednesdays and sundays - underweight, vitamin D deficiency.
Aruhi: Could carbonate somebody else’s blood.
(Would write them all but I don’t have that level of patience)
Demon Slayer:
Kanpekizu / Mara: “Dead”, would refuse medical treatment if it affected her beauty.
Irinoto: Feeble/sickly, such versatile vocal chords she can imitate most sounds she hears to pin point accuracy, marechi blood.
Mikata: Raised by demons for the first 8 years of her life, is a demon slayer despite being 9 years old, ginger.
Atazuko: Can barely tell the difference between life and dream - uses dream breathing -, can imitate sounds he hears, ginger.
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shinidamachu · 3 years
I haven't watched anything after ATLA, but I was shocked to find out that Zuko and Mai don't work out. What are your thoughts? Do you think the writers could have gone in a different direction or was it for the best?
I gotta be honest, you're not missing out much by not engaging with the extras. I only watched Legend of Korra and I don't really remember Mai even being mentioned on it.
They did give Zuko a daughter, though. Her name is Izumi. And even though they never explicitly revealed the mother to be Mai (or what was made of her), I just assumed she was the mother due to the remarkable resemblance:
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Now, I haven't read the comics (nor will I ever), so if you're actually refering to them, my knowledge is very limited. But it is my understanding, from the metas I've read about them, that Zuko and Mai break up and make up, as it was their modus operandi in ATLA.
Mai not being around in LOK doesn't necessarily mean she's dead or that they broke up for good. The fate of their relationship was purposefully left open and they do end up together at the end of ATLA, so what happens after doesn't really matter since not everybody takes the comics or LOK as canon, anyway.
Now, since you asked for my opinion... I wasn’t shocked to find out about how they were portraying Maiko in the comics at all. First, because Bryke suck at writing romance. Second, because from the interactions in ATLA, this was more or less what I imagined their relationship would play out and that’s why I never shipped them.
The writers should have gone in a different direction, but in the ATLA finale. I love Zuko. And I love Mai. But I don’t like them as a couple because I think they are not fitted for each other. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a Zutara shipper, let’s get this out of the way right here, right now.
I’m saying this because I would rather they had ended up alone than together. Not only them, but Aang and Katara as well. They were all so young I feel like there wouldn’t be any harm for the story if no couples were canonized. 
Especially because, again: Bryke suck at writing love stories (with the notable exceptions being Yukka and Sukka) and romance was actually the less compelling part of ATLA.
More than that, if Zuko and Mai had to end up with a love interest, it shouldn’t have been each other because Maiko is actually a disservice to their characters. In some aspects, it keeps Mai from growing and it regresses Zuko's development.
You see, their relationship always struck me as something they would eventually grow out of. Don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt they really cared about each other. But the narrative went out of its way to show us that the years they spent apart changed their dynamic fundamentally.
Mai and (especially) Zuko aren’t the same people they were when they first met. And when they finally reunited, no real effort was made to learn who was this new person in fron of them. He tried to open up, but she shut him down. 
Instead of reconnecting, of deepening the relationship, they insisted on jumping head first into dating and picked things up where they left off, desperatelly trying to cling to what they knew and forcing two pieces of a different puzzle to click. Of course it wouldn’t work.
The person Zuko became needed someone passionate by his side. Someone he could open up to and confide in. Someone with the same sense of honor, of justice. Someone who understood him and his actions, who got how important it is for him to take the throne and right the wrongs of his country. Someone he could count on to help him get there. I guess we can all agree that this doesn’t sound like Mai.
The person Mai became needed someone who would focus on her and her needs for once. Someone who would have made her a priority. Someone who could actually see past her poker face. Someone who would take her away from the boring royal stuff she hates so much. I guess we can all agree that this doesn’t sound like Zuko, either.
When he took off to join the Gaang, he left the life style he had always known behind because it didn’t fit who he was anymore. He can’t go back from that. And this includes Mai. She is the personification of that life. And as much as they liked each other, being together just doesn’t make sense anymore. Especially because becoming Fire Lady inevitably traps her in the life she was trying to get away from. It’s one of the worst endings they could have given to these characters.
And the way it was executed? Even worse. They reconciled without as much as a conversation about what happened: his “betrayal”, the end of the war, what it means for their relationship, if their feelings were still the same. In fact, apparently Zuko kind of... completely forgot she was in prison and made no move to get her out because he had been too busy fighting Azula and taking lightning to the chest for Katara.
Mai isn’t even a part of the apotheosis of his arc. He got where he needed to be and she wasn’t one of the characters who activelly help him get there. This is very symbolic. And the apotheosis of her arc? Was saving him from Azula, but she didn’t did it because she understood his reasons and wanted to be supportive. She did it because he is the guy she likes. Which is fine, but not enough to “award” her with Zuko. There were feelings there, but they were never on the same page.
“Mai Alone,” is what she deserved. To travel the world on her own. A different place every day. Never the same, always moving. Maybe that way she would have seen the things Zuko did. Maybe this way she would have understood. And after tasting freedom, she would have realized she would have never want to be confined to palace walls ever again. Not for Zuko, not for anybody.
She would have been much happier as the first woman in the White Lotus or as a Bounty Hunter. A spy who, after seeing what the Fire Nation did to the world, finally found her calling by working on the shadows to make sure nothing will break the peace the Avatar and the Fire Lord managed to achieve.
And Zuko deserved the family he always wanted, with a partner who would not only put up with the political duties, but would have been thrilled to do so. Katara seems like the obvious choice here, but even Jin would have been a better fit.
Sometimes things aren’t meant to be and that’s okay. Zuko and Mai work better as friends.
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crashingmeteorz · 4 years
post-war ba sing se bimbo headcanons
so zuko becomes the firelord, and jin and jet think it’s hilarious. he’s so good at it. he’s so charismatic. they’re like “who the hell is this guy? when did he get mature and responsible???” and song’s like “when zuko wasn’t doing stupid shit, he was stopping you two from doing stupid shit, i saw this coming a mile away.”
jin joins the kyoshi warriors, and is overwhelmed by all the pretty girls she’s working with, but for the most part it becomes a sisterhood. she will forever and always have a severe crush on suki, however, and really, can you blame her? so when suki reciprocates, jin writes song a four-page essay about it.
anyway, when zuko asks the warriors to come to the capital, obviously jin’s there, too. jet and song show up almost immediately after jin does.
“what, you two are hanging out without us now?” song asks them accusatorily. “it’s not fair that only you get to see jin, zuko.”
“yeah,” jet says. “and i used to see zuko shirtless a few times a week. and i thought i was lucky! now jin’s a kyoshi warrior and she gets to see it every day?”
“she does not!” says zuko. “yeah,” says jin, while shaking her head the opposite.
attempts on zuko’s life are about as common as rain showers, so song starts testing basically everything he eats with some of her chemicals. every time she finds something insidious, she tracks down every link in the chain that got the food to him, and finds a way to rectify the situation. she doesn’t trouble zuko with this, because he’s got enough going on. also, he probably maybe wouldn’t approve of her methods.
(song is not inherently violent, but when it comes to her family, she’s downright vicious).
jet wants to get in on the action, but between song’s disarming sweetness and the kyoshi warrior’s intimidation, zuko’s basically protected. what he isn’t, is good with people.
zuko can make grand dramatic speeches all day long, but when it comes to the council, or local government officials, or merchants, or literally even jet, he’s the same awkward kid jet met on the boat to ba sing se.
“you are never going to make it as firelord.” jet tells him from the couch he’s lounging on while he watches zuko practice a very basic interaction in the mirror.
“okay, fuck you, too.” zuko says miserably.
“sorry, i wasn’t clear,” jet says, standing beside zuko. “you are never going to make it as firelord without me.”
jet tries in vain to get zuko to lie better, to present himself differently, to deceive just a little bit, but it just isn’t happening. zuko doesn’t even want to lie, he doesn’t want to be like his father and azula, so they take a different approach.
instead, jet teaches him how to spot liars, and how to play the game. it’s basic stuff, like let silence linger because they’ll want to fill it if they’re afraid you don’t believe them. ask them bizarre questions so they overcorrect. if they’re complimenting you too much, they’re trying to deceive you.
to jet, it’s survival. to zuko, it’s like a whole world has opened up he never knew about. he hangs on to jet’s every word, and at the end, he asks that jet join him in council meetings, naming him an ambassador from the earth kingdom.
this is how jet discovers that he’s AMAZING at politics. he can’t believe how easy it is. he considers taking it up as a hobby when he gets back to the earth kingdom.
“you can’t do politics as a hobby,” zuko says.
“why not?” jet says. “it’s just fun. it’s not what i’m meant to be doing forever though.”
“do you have a mysterious job back in the earth kingdom none of us know about?” asks jin.
“yes,” says song, irritable from today’s batch of poison discoveries, “he’s working full-time as a little bitch.”
the more meetings jet attends, the more he wonders if politics really is for what he’s meant. arguing and debating delights him and, unlike the exhausted zuko, he leaves the debates feeling energized. but it just feels so bureaucratic, so useless compared to what he did during the war.
he’s so torn about it that he finally asks song for advice.
“i don’t know anything about politics,” she says tiredly. he’s playing idly with her hair after she’s had a long day of Keeping Zuko Alive. “why are you asking me?”
“because you don’t hold back,” jet tells her. “because you let me know when i’ve gone too far.”
song’s glad it’s dark in the lounge, because she can’t believe she’s blushing.
“well,” she says finally. “what would you be in it for?”
“what do you mean?” he says. “i just like it.”
“do you like the attention?” song asks. “are you just interested in the drama of it all? or do you want to make a difference?”
“i want to make a difference,” he says confidently. “i want to help the earth kingdom.”
“well, then, there’s your answer,” song says.
“yeah,” jet agrees. “no politics for me.”
“wait, what?” song asks him, because how did he reach that conclusion?
“it’s just smooth talking and paperwork. it’s not gonna help the earth kingdom,” jet tells her. “i’m not selling out.”
“is that what you think zuko’s doing?” she asks.
“of course not,” jet says, rolling his eyes. “but he’s also the firelord. that’s different.”
“and he’s your best friend,” she reminds him. “and you also happen to be on good terms with the avatar and the leaders of the southern water tribe, so you know you have influential people who will hear you out. if you want to make a difference, this is probably the best way.”
he’s quiet for a while. he almost looks disappointed.
“not every battle is on the battlefield, jet,” song says gently. “it’s not as glamorous, or as dangerous. it’s tedious and difficult and boring. but it’s what’s left, after the war.”
“i guess that’s the thing,” jet says sadly. “i don’t know who i am without the war.”
“i do,” song says with so much sincerity jet almost blushes. almost. he’s still, like, cool.
if they fall into a routine where song fixes his hair into something presentable for council meetings and jet forces her to take a break and enjoy the sunshine once in a while, zuko and jin don’t feel it’s necessary to comment.
for like three days.
“you stole my boyfriend,” zuko accuses song after catching her and jet kissing. the fact that sokka’s napping with his head in zuko’s lap as he says so doesn’t seem to faze him.
“you stole my ostrich horse,” she says, for the last time ever, “so now we’re even.”
“what’s with you and guys with weird facial hair?” jin asks as she stuffs her face with fire flakes, her new favorite treat. “first haru and now jet?”
“haru?” jet squeaks.
“i liked haru’s moustache,” song says thoughtfully. “i thought it made him look mature.”
“at least if jet grew a moustache i’d understand what everyone sees in him,” sokka says sleepily. “no offense.”
“you’re just mad i kissed zuko first,” huffs jet.
jet stops shaving that week. everyone notices.
when song and jet finally prepare to go back to the earth kingdom, jet privately asks zuko if it’s true that he and aang are considering founding a city that unites the nations. zuko tells him it is.
“well, i want in. whenever that is,” he says, and jet and zuko hug.
song and her mother open up a hospital and sanctuary that specifically caters to displaced families. jet reunites with longshot and smellerbee, and they drift around but tend to come back to the sanctuary. they often go out on missions to try and reunite families. it’s not quite fighting, and it’s not quite peace, so it’s a good transition for jet and his freedom fighters.
eventually, things slow down and so does jet. he starts walking around the village they’re located in without his weapons. a child asks song where she got the scars on her leg, and when she explains it was a firebender, the child says “oh, did he get in trouble?” song laughs and laughs, because for the first time in years, there are children who don’t know war.
jin doesn’t stay as a kyoshi warrior forever, but she does decide to settle down on kyoshi. she never really wanted the dangerous life, she just wanted some adventure and sort of stumbled into the chaos of jet and song and zuko. the quiet island is perfect for her. she still stirs up trouble once in a while though.
“COME GET YOUR IDIOT SHE TRIED TO RIDE THE UNAGI.” suki writes in two identical letters, one to jet and song and one to zuko.
“okay, whatever suki tells you, i want you to know she’s lying. i DID ride the unagi and it was SICK. sokka was here recently and said someone invented an image-capture thing is that true? because if it is i want you to bring one and come here ASAP so i can do it AGAIN.” says the fervent letter from jin that arrived three days after suki’s.
jet and song arrive promptly, song laden with medical supplies and a sternly-worded letter from her mother to jin. jet brings a camera.
zuko shows up a few days later with the latest in camera technology and a photographer, as well as his one-year-old daughter. he goes all-out because this is his and izumi’s first trip together. jet grumbles about being one-upped.
“you’re the firelord, you’re gonna encourage this?” song asks him, eyes furious but voice sweet as she plays with izumi. “excuse me, song, but the war is over, i have no jurisdiction here. if an earth kingdom citizen wants to exercise her right to be a dumbass she’s more than welcome to,” says zuko in his most diplomatic voice.
“and,” he adds more gently, “i missed you guys.” song still thinks he’s being ridiculous, but she gives him a big hug anyway.
zuko has to firebend at the unagi to stop it from eating jin and song is left to mend jin’s broken arm. jet takes pictures throughout the entire thing, from her climbing onto the creature, to getting thrown, to being bandaged up and laughs the whole time. song produces a second letter written by her mother which she was instructed only to give to jin in the event she rode the unagi.
all it says in neat hand-writing is, “i told you so. now come home so i can feed you, you ridiculous child.”
“i’m 24,” pouts jin, but since she’s the youngest, the group agrees heartily with song’s mother.
the five of them go to the sanctuary, where iroh is drinking tea with song’s mother and trading stories about their new respective lives.
zuko has to return to the capital in three days, iroh’s got his tea shop to run, and jin isn’t planning on staying long because her “super hot girlfriend is doing something extremely sexy” and she has to get back soon.
“jin, please, just talk normal for once in your life,” zuko begs her, bouncing izumi on his lap. “fine,” she says, “she’s being voted in as the leader of the island and i want to be there for the ceremony.”
jet realizes it’s not often he’ll have all the people he loves in one place, and quietly asks song something important.
they get married the night before zuko and jin leave, in front of jet’s freedom fighters and song’s mother and iroh. jin and zuko stand as their maid of honor and best man. zuko cries.
for the first time in almost two decades, all of them start to feel at peace.
ty so much for this au @azenkii writing about it is one of the most enjoyable experiences haha. is this update softer than usual? yes, of course, it’s what they deserve.
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izumi-fanclub · 3 years
A3! Event Story Translation “Blessed Memories” [ Chapter 9 ]
We get to see the real story of the couple in the memorial play.
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Next up, we’ll be looking back on the memories of our couple. This is the memorial play segment. Hope you all enjoy it.
     *Audience applauding*
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“This is a story about memories that trace back to two childhood friends......”
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Miki as kid
“Woah, so many soap bubbles! Pretty~”
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Jin as a kid
Miki as a kid
“ ! ”
“Wanna play together?”
Jin as a kid
“Is that okay?”
Miki as a kid
“Yup, it’s okay!”
Jin as a kid
“Wow, thanks!”
Miki as a kid
“One, two...”
Both of them
“Fuuu......!” (Blowing bubbles)
“That’s how the two first met, playing together. Days pass by, and before you know it, they’re already in highschool......”
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Jin as a highschool student
“Miki...... I, I like you, Miki.”
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Miki as a highschool student
“ ! ”
Jin as a highschool student
“Will you go out with me?”
Miki as a highschool student
     *Runs away*
Jin as a highschool student
“! Miki!”
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Miki’s younger brother
“Welcome back—... woah your face is all red! What’s up, sis?”
Miki as a highschool student
Miki’s younger brother
“What happened?”
Miki as a highschool student
“...... Jin he, he confessed his feelings to me.”
Miki’s younger brother
“Seriously!! Way to go, Jin!”
“Well!? You gave him the go, right?”
Miki as a highschool student
“I felt so shocked that my mind went blank, so I ran back home out of embarrassment...”
Miki’s younger brother
“Haa!? You ran away without a word?”
Miki as a highschool student
Miki’s younger brother
“Are you kidding me—! Go answer him right now!”
Jin as a highschool student
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Jin’s older brother
“Jin? What’s wrong?”
Jin as a highschool student
“...... I confessed to Miki.”
Jin’s older brother
Jin as a highschool student
“Then she ran away without giving me a reply......”
Jin’s older brother
Jin as a highschool student
“That was definitely a rejection...... sigh......”
Jin’s older brother
“You don’t know that. If you haven’t heard back from her, go ask her.”
Jin as a highschool student
“My heart’s gonna break even more if she runs away again.”
Jin’s older brother
“You’re gonna be just fine.”
Jin as a highschool student
“This is my problem to worry about......”
“But...... You’re right. Okay, I’m going......!”
Jin’s older brother
“Sure, good luck.”
Jin as a highschool student
“Alright, time to ask for Miki’s reply.”
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Jin as a highschool student
“...w, Woah!? Miki!?”
“Y-You surprised me, why are you in front of our house?”
Miki as a highschool student
“Jin...... about what you said earlier......”
Jin as a highschool student
“Ah...... yeah.”
Miki as a highschool student
“I ran away without thinking when you confessed to me because I felt so shocked and flustered.”
“But...... it made me really happy when you told me you liked me.”
Jin as a highschool student
“ ! ”
Miki as a highschool student
“I like you too, Jin. If it’s fine with you, I’ll be in your care.”
Jin as a highschool student
“Miki......! Hell yeah——!! Thank you!!”
Guest A
The confession went down exactly like this!
Guest B
I love it~! Got me all giddy and everything......!
“Then, even more days pass by......”
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“Hey Miki, why don’t we go out together on my next day off?”
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“I’ve been waiting to go out too!”
Miki & Jin
“And see the lights at the park......”
“ ! ”
“Hahahah! In sync, too.”
“We were thinking the same thing.”
“Miki, you’re the most precious and irreplaceable person in my life.”
“Let’s get married. I want us to stay by each other’s side for all eternity.”
“Yes. If you’re fine with me, please take care of me.”
“Thank you...! Let’s grow happy together.”
    *Audience applauding*
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“Thank you very much!”
Guest A
That was so good! It was so healing, and entertaining!
Guest B
I’m really impressed......!
Miki Everyone... Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart......!
Honestly, it was great!
(I’m glad the memorial play was a success! Miki-san and Jin-san have beaming smiles on their faces.)
(They got into a fight because they had different memories of the confession, but both were right in the end.)
(The place Jin-san confessed was in the classroom, and the place Miki-san confessed was in front of the house.)
(The memories of the two of them is a story in and of itself. We got to be a part of such a wonderful production.)
Previous Chapter [ Ch 8 ]
Next chapter [ Ch 10 ]
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[15 - Ken vs Lupinmon!!]
Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu followed the horde of Bakemons carrying tons of families to Tokyo’s Big Sight as Natsu predicted, or as she could remember of the original story. They couldn’t go inside and take part of the fight, so they watched carefully the revolution led by the adults to break the Bakemon barrages and leave the building. Natsu used a pink bubble shield to hover over the building.
“Hikari’s there!” Natsu pointed at the group of kids in front of Tailmon, who was forced to identify every children in a long queue “Yes, the events of this world are a bit altered. Daisuke’s the eighth child, and Hikari is probably the future Chosen Children from year 2002.”
“We can’t interrupt those events…” Daichi mused, his D-TimeRune on his hand “If we save everyone here, Hikari might not be chosen in the future.”
“Exactly, let’s focus on the other people-- Wait, hold on a second…”
Vamdemon appeared in front of the kids, giving shivers to Natsu. The boy didn’t get it at all, but someday he would. They heard the children’s screams, they were having a hard time to deal with those events. The nightmare Natsu know thanks to how Daisuke reacted to those memories.
“This is the part Vamdemon is noticed about their soldiers had found the eighth kid” she muttered, Daichi looked at her and saw Natsu’s frown and fist clenched “I need this pendant to get full as soon as possible, I don’t want to show you WHAT happened on this day. It’s almost full… Just a few minutes...”
“What happened?” the boy asked “Natsu, you can’t hide important information from us!”
“You see, Daichi kid” Ulforce put a hand on Daichi’s digivice, “This is a thing we shouldn’t show you, or tell you. It’s terrifying, and you father from this world… Well, he will witness it by himself and have something that probably will change him forever.”
“But what is!?”
“Oh, it’s full! Thank goodness, let’s get out of here as soon as possible!!”
“Already!?” Ulforce gasped “Wow, how did you do that!?”
“I don’t know… But let’s open the gate and-- Daichi? Daichi, please we need to get out of here!”
“Why can’t I see what’s going to change my father in this world?”
“... When you get ready for that story, I will tell you. Please let’s go home.”
He pointed the digivice to the pendant, opening a gate in front of them. They left that world so fast that he wasn’t sure what it meant.
Oolong tea on a mug saying ‘the world’s future’ on it. A dark room only illuminated by two screens with a streaming site open and a chat box there. She had been watching carefully the events recorded by Mitsuki, who had now knocking on her room’s door.
“Come in” a girl voice was heard from outside, and Mitsuki opened the door.
“Wow, you’re fired up today Mirai!” he exclaimed, turning the lights on “My dad says it’s not a good idea to use the computer in a dark room.”
“I know,” she didn’t look at him because she was typing furiously on the keyboard “I needed to keep myself focused on the data.”
Izumi Mirai. A girl at the same age as Taisuke. she has reddish short hair with a headband to give her a cute-ish appearance. her bangs covered her forehead and the two sidebangs are a bit longer than the rest. Her eyes are purple-ish, reflecting the monitor screens on them as she works on the PC.
“Ok but why are you doing it?” he sat on her bed, seeing a few printed papers on it  next to him “School’s homework?”
“Oh no, Daichi asked for my assistance” she said, her eyes running through the recording video “I know he got a digimon, he told me first.”
“Aw, and I thought I was his favorite friend…” he added a chuckle at the end.
“And you? You found a digivice today right?” she stopped typing to look at him, “It looked like a phone? An old phone?”
“Yes it does” he then showed her it “Not sure how, but it appeared to me when I met that mysterious Blue Greymon’s warrior today… And when I tried to protect…”
“HA, I’M NOT THAT WEAK!! But really thanks for saving my life!!” a voice came from the digivice, a Yellow D-TimeRune. On screen there was a purple-ish Patamon -- Tsukaimon -- pouting at first, but now he was smiling.
“It’s okay, Pit” the boy responded, “But really, what was happening?”
“Huhu, according to my investigation… This incidents are happening to cause a clash between the worlds!” she took impulse to run the desk chair to the side and let Mitsuki take a look at the screens, “All those attacks are directed to the portal areas, the Digital Gates. But huh, why are those digimon attacking their own species?”
“Because some digimon are refugees of the current enemy, kiddo”
“Oh right right… To add this to another evidence list!”
“Speaking of that… you got a digivice thing too, Mirai?”
“Shh, my dad has a database of Chosen Children around the world and he might not like to know I got one!” she whispered, taking a purple D-TimeRune from her dress overalls’ pocket “And Koh isn’t a very good at fighting emulation…”
“Mi-Mirai I didn’t know you got visitors… Hi, I’m KoKabuterimon. Or Koh, as Mirai calls me by.”
“Oh… A digimon who I never had seen before!”
“Well, he appeared on the internet on the same day Daichi told me about his secret. Since then, I’ve been researching about Koh and the digivice. For short, this digivice gathers data of your dominant trait and transforms it into energy. But! Each digimon has a compatible energy with yours, which we call it ‘rune fragment’ and it is important for evolution...”
  …  which means you have to unlock it to achieve a temporally higher form for battle. Human and Digimon partners have to be connected by a special ‘link’ formed by this digital device. To evolve your partner, you need to perform a few steps.
Step one, scan the back of your hand and activate it by the command…
“Scan DigiRune!”
Step two, point the device at your digimon partner and unlock the power by saying…
“Load Evolution!”
Then it’s done! Evolution is unlocked! But, if your digimon runs out of stamina… The evolution might not hold for much time.
“Ack, be careful at how you evolve me kid!”
BlackAgumon growled, since the kid wasn’t very aware of what to do.
“... No stamina?” the boy looked at the digivice’s screen. It was an orange with white model “Ok, we need to eat now. Also, I need to go home please don’t make a fuss inside the digivice.”
“Of course I ran out of stamina! You can’t force a digimon partner evolve like that!” the digimon complained “How many of those refugee digimon have we helped until now?”
“Hm… 15. I sent them straight to the authorities.”
“Fair…” he then glanced at his tamer, “What’s wrong kid?”
“More children with digivices like this one are appearing. Does it mean… I will have to reveal myself to them? N-No, if I do that… they will tell my parents and I’m not here to be scolded by them!”
“... Take your time kid.”
 “Fascinating huh?” She put the digivice back to her pocket and returned to type on the computer keyboard “Ah, now that you know about this peculiar information maybe you want to talk with Daichi about further details.”
“I see, but what ‘further details’ are you talking about?”
“You will see, now go ahead I have to investigate who is this mysterious kid you found today.”
“Huh, kicking me out?” he smirked “How rude~”
“Oh please, Mitsuki…” she grinned “If you want a literal kick…” and laughed.
“No, I’m not here to test your current invention~ See ya!”
 “You’re late” a girl with brown-ish hair, green eyes spoke once she saw Hoshi approaching. The boy next to her had the same color of Tachikawa Mimi’s hair and eyes, but his haircut seemed similar to Michael’s -- the American Chosen Child.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean it. A digimon attacked and I… I had to take another route! I’m fine though!”
“Your excuse is well elaborated” the boy smugged “We were watching Mitsuki’s stream. You were in battle with a digimon” Hoshi gasped “Don’t worry, we got you covered.”
“But then… wha-what’s the news?” Hoshi babbled “Reika’s message said it was important!”
“During the stream…” a second boy spoke. He resembled Kido Joe, safe for his haircut being different from his father “a light came and we got… These.”
Then, the trio showed her three D-TimeRune digivices: One gray, one burgundy and one green.
“You three!?” her jaw dropped “B-but how!?”
“We don’t know” Reika replied, “Mike and Jin don’t know either. And what do you mean by that reaction? You have one too?”
“Yes, here” Hoshi showed hers “But is a bit different from yours… Yours look like Eiji’s and Kiyoko’s…”
“Them too?” Jin raised an eyebrow “That’s… strange.”
��Why strange? Kiyoko was the first!” after that reveal, she sighed and “Will you tell your parents? Did you get digimon partners already?”
“A digimon?” Mike, the boy next Reika, talked “No, we didn’t get any digimon either.”
“Are we supposed to get digimon with those old phones too?” Jin asked, Reika and Mike looked at him and then the three gave a glance at Hoshi.
“Yeah, you supposed to! I think… We got ours when we were… trying to save our digimon partners…”
“How odd…” Jin fixed his glasses.
“As you can say… We’re late to the party” Mike shrugged.
 The gate opened by Skuld to send the trio home actually…
“Huh, we’re in the Digital World!?”
… sent them to the wrong ‘home’ and they saw Lupinmon dashing thru the forest, lightning sparkles floating in the air. And behind them, Stingmon carrying Ken in his hands. Natsu covered her mouth, and Daichi bit his lip. Ulforce gave a concerned gaze at his friends, knowing that this means Daichi had to prevent officer Ichijouji from beating Lupinmon.
“What should we do!?” the blue digimon babbled.
“Natsu, follow them!” Daichi ordered with a determined glare “Move this forcefield faster as possible to reach Lupinmon. If officer Ichijouji hurt Lupinmon… He will be petrified when he learns that Lupinmon is my father!”
“R-right…! I will… I will try!”
 “You’re slow, human!” Lupinmon laughed, jumping from branch to branch with the speed of the thunder. But Ken wouldn’t give up at all, no matter how long it takes… But suddenly, Lupinmon missed a jump, his speed downgraded drastically “Ugh!”
Stingmon and Ken reached him. When Lupinmon tried to speed up, Ken used the improvised whip made of the vine to tie Lupinmon. They had won the game.
“I guess you are slower then” Ken smirked; Stingmon grabbed the vine.
“You think so?” Lupinmon’s smug hinted something. Soon, the digimon cut the vines and disappeared quickly… “GOT YOU!” … to reappear behind them. An electrical slash made of blue sparkling claws sent Stingmon and Ken to the ground, “Oh wait… I bluffed. You’re not going home, pal.”
… Pal? Ken found that oddly familiar, but ordered Stingmon to attack back. Stingmon nodded, put Ken on the ground carefully and then flew against Lupinmon. the opponent kept smirking, and dodged Stingmon’s Spiking Finish’s stingers. The kicks thrown by the insectoid digimon were dodged as well. HOWEVER, at a very critical part of the dodging…
Lupinmon stopped moving, and his eyes flashed from red to brown. Stingmon took the opportunity and threw a kick at the enemy, sending him against a tree. Lupinmon fell on the floor. But still didn’t try to move. Ken was still watching, yet unable to know what was happening, why was Lupinmon not dodging or blocking Stingmon’s attacks anymore…?
“Stingmon, get him--”
Natsu landed the bubble between Stingmon and Lupinmon. Ken growled.
“Stop, officer Ichijouji!” Daichi spoke, his voice of tone was deadly serious.
“If you didn’t notice we weren’t trying to kill him” Ken replied after regaining composure, yet he was a bit of aggressive with that line. Typical of him.
“You have to believe me!” Daichi continued “Lupinmon is my dad!”
“Wha-- Hm, that makes sense…”
The kid, Natsu and Ulforce looked at Lupinmon. Daichi frowned, “Dad please snap out of it… You can do that! Come back… to us!”
“Ngh… ARGH! YOU AGAIN!!?” Lupinmon’s eyes turned red again “I will… I WILL END YOU FIVE RIGHT NOW!!”
“Stingmon!” Ken shouted, and the insectoid grabbed the three then Ken and flew away from there.
“But… But he stopped, why can’t he return back to his consciousness!?” Daichi desperately tried to find the answer, but Ken put a hand on his shoulder “O-officer Ichijouji?”
“If he can get control over himself for a few minutes… There’s a chance of him coming back.”
“But what should we do?” Ulforce asked, “Lupinmon is the one leading the troops against the human world.”
“The Roar of Freedom are controlling him. I have to tell the others, but I won’t let them take a drastic decision about it. He’s a victim, not the true enemy.”
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kaminotsumahajiki · 7 years
jitsuyosei replied to your post: it’s a realization that i name my starter threads...
lets face it you’re a “When Harry Met Sally” waiting to happen
;DD aggressively wink wonks at chu
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 27 + Akiomi] One too many tears
It’s become routine, an affair and something far more complex than its ever meant to be. It starts with teaching Izumi how to kiss and he means for that to be the final means of affection, means for it to end. He tells himself he’s merely assisting the model for future work and yet events like these keep occurring. 
They meet at his house. One excuse after another. Letters filled with riddles to indicate time and locations and while they play their parts, while they pretend it’s nothing more than a teacher helping a student plan for their success and future it turns into something raw and even intimate the second they’re behind closed doors. 
It’s agony not to hold him close for weeks on end, to spend time with him in the evenings and it wears on more than just him. Izumi grows bolder with time and though they try to cope with a need and starve for affection nothing quite douses the flames to mere embers. A night with him simply in his presence does little to smother the flames. It entices them to grow to the point where kisses hardly keep them from spreading further. To hold him against him for just a few hours creates longing and it’s no surprise they lose control soon after. 
With a kiss breathes life into curiosity, affection and soon it’s more than a raw need to satisfy a loneliness created by those who cannot love either of them. It turns into its own feeling and a simple desire to be in each others company turns into something deeper. He’s certain he’s always had feelings for the other. Infact, he knows why he’s denied it. He’s his teacher and he’s certain to ruin Izumi Sena’s future by giving into such a frivolous thing as love. 
He fights it. Starts to deny the other. Tries to drive him away and even intentionally refuses to wish him well on his birthday. He believes it will serve as the final blow and yet, that night as he sits alone in his own apartment looking over notes of his own he hears an unexpected knock. It’s firm, desperate, and at first he believes it to be Jin stumbling to his doorstep in one of his drunken stupors. 
Instead, opening it yields a sight that hurts as much as it chills him to the core. He’s seen Izumi upset before, but to appear crestfallen in his anger is the last thing he expects. To loath him, to avoid him until he graduates. That was a goal shattered the second he pushes himself inside, anger soon swept away by tears as a single question barely reaches his ears.
                     What did he do wrong?
it’s a slap to the face and he realizes the mistake he’s made the second it registers and processes in his mind. Izumi Sena believes this to be his fault somehow and though he closes and locks the door behind him he finds the actions aren’t nearly long enough for him to form sentences and words before the boy grasps hold of his shirt, pulls himself up enough for their gazes to meet– two kinds of anguish swimming in pools of ice and violet.
 He finds he can’t lie. Not when he looks at him like that and though he tries to put some space between himself and the other it does little good when Izumi makes up his mind. He’s not letting him go and they stumble back until his back meets the far wall. He’s not leaving without an answer.
❝I’m going to be what ruins you if you don’t let go and leave me, Izumi Sena.❞ his tone is terse, strain held in the words that quiver and quake like brittle leaves in a harsh wind. He wants to melt the anguish he’s caused, wants to right every wrong he’s put the boy through for weeks. 
❝You’ve already done that,❞ he spits venom and Akiomi’s eyes narrow. Dangerous and sharp it’s his turn to grasp ahold of the boy who dares to think this is the worst of it. 
Fingers catch fast and press against his face, sweep up into his hair as he holds him in place and for a moment fear yields to any anger he displaces onto Akiomi. His voice is a hiss, pained as he leans in, assertive and unyielding like the boy before him. 
❝You have no idea how fast I will ruin your future if I let this go on. I’m your teacher. You’re my student and if I give in to what I want you won’t last a month in the industry you’ve worked so hard to seal a place in. I love you, you foolish child.❞ His voice cracks and he leans down, his kiss firm, filled with anguish and passion. 
 It’s enough to still the boy, to feel moisture against his fingertips and the shuddering of a body that craves nothing but this. He knows that’s exactly what Izumi wants and it tears at him to be the one to ever hurt him when he wants nothing more than to see him smile. 
❝I love you. Do you understand?❞ his voice tears and cracks as he pulls back, lips so close they brush as he speaks, as he meets his gaze that mirrors the torn soul he holds in his hands. ❝I want nothing more than to guarantee your future. You’ve worked so hard to be something. Let me give that one gift to you.❞
❝I don’t want it,❞ a crass response, ruled by pure and raw emotion. ❝you think I can’t make that choice on my own? You think I’m not willing to try to fight for how I feel while you want to throw it away?❞ it’s a shrill yell, every bit of the banshee they tease Izumi at being. 
He tries to tear away, tries to shove and struggle. Akiomi’s not one to balk or break and it’s no surprise he ends up with his arms around the other’s frame, securing his front to his chest, to let the other struggle until be breaks into nothing but sobs and a shattered heart. 
❝Can you look at me and tell me you love me when I rob you of everything? Can you really blame me from trying to save you from throwing your life away for someone like me?❞ It arrives as a whisper and through anger and accusation it finally seems to sink past a swell of anger. 
❝You think I haven’t thought about that too? Why can’t I have you too? Why does it matter who I’m with?❞
They both know the answer and yet Izumi clearly yearns for a lie, the fairy tale. The happily ever after. 
❝I’ve done all I can to warn you, but your mind is made up, isn’t it?❞ 
Izumi looks up, and Akiomi feels his own resolve crumbling, chipped away by months upon months of falling for the one thing he shouldn’t fall for. 
❝For your birthday, all I wanted to do was to tell you I love you and…❞ he releases him,, catches Izumi’s hand in his own to pull it up towards his chest. ❝I wanted to ask you to risk everything as I want to. My job, my reputation at the academy. You wouldn’t be the only one to lose everything. You know that too, though. You’ve thought about it as I have. If you’re willing to be with someone like me then you need to realize what that means. If you do, then you’re welcome to stay.❞
They stand in silence for what seems to be a long time and with a huff, eyes puffy from crying he jerks his hand back, sticks his nose up high in the air in sheer defiance.
❝You owe me for ruining my birthday.❞ 
Despite knowing it’s true he smiles, hands easily pushing him forward and daring to be met with a look that could kill. 
❝I had every intention of celebrating your birthday with you until I realized it was too late. I’ve already made you a cake and if you’ll stay the night I’ll start making it up to you.❞ They’re some distance apart and yet he still holds his hand out for the other to take. ❝But understand, if you stay you’ve made your choice. It won’t matter if you leave me in the future, your reputation will always be plagued and ruined if you decide to be with me the way I want to be with you. Are you really ready to risk your hard work for that, Sena?❞ 
It’s clear he’s already made his mind up in kind. He’s tried to curb the flame, tried to bury how he feels for Izumi’s own sake. It’s evident he cares little about his career if it means having the chance to dance with the devil, but it seems the boy before him already knows what’s on the line. 
❝I won’t remind you again, push you away or treat you like this again. In turn, I hope you won’t regret this decision. My only regret is that I didn’t tell you sooner. You deserve the best and if you believe this is what the best is then please stay. If you don’t, I understand.❞
There isn’t a flicker of hesitation, not a moment of question as the youth reaches forward and takes his hand. It’s in those moments he realizes, perhaps for the first time, that he’s become more than a mentor to Izumi. He’s become his world. And just as easily, Izumi has become his. 
He thought today was going to be a good day. It was his birthday. The first birthday he’d get to celebrate with someone since he had left the model agency, his relationship with Makoto -and anyone he called a friend- broken into irreparable pieces.
he though he understood the magnitud of what they were doing; the consequence of their actions in the shape of dangers ahead, sacrifices they might have to make. He thought he understood and he thought he had took some distance from him. But he was wrong. he still fell in love, he still craved the contact and wished for the closeness. A plan to meet turning into hours of him waiting, the sweetness of lips a trap he couldn’t escape, the contact of hands a heat he wanted to be burnt by.
He loved him. To a point where he didn’t cared anymore if he had to risk the whole world just to have him. That he wished to be able to wake up in his bed every morning and to be loved thoroughly by him, until there was no part in him that wasn’t already his property.
A spiral of doom they were both caught to, he even forgot to worry, believing his feelings to be the same. How foolish he was -and how easy was that shown to him, the subject of his affections suddenly ignoring all contact and steering away from danger.
The birthday he had hoped to spend together for him turned into a grim reminder of his own loneliness, of how dispensable he was, not even worth the love of one man. As the day went by his own dark feelings taking over, he was desperate the moment he reached his door -unscheduled, unplanned, unwanted. He knew he was going to be kicked out, he knew he’d get nothing from trying but his heart screaming for him to try it.
He slammed the door with his hands until he heard the locks coming undone in the other side and stormed into the room, a rainfall of tears threatening to overcome him, body shaking like a leaf. What had he done wrong? What could he do better? Don’t leave him behind. Don’t abandone him. he can do better... He pulls him close... he interrogates him, spitting his thoughts before he even has time to process them, noticing all the things he has wanted to say but haven’t been able to. And he holds his breath.
He’s told he is loved, and his thoughts go wild. He struggles in the sudden hold of warm arms and whimpers weakly when he realizes he can’t break free -that he doesn’t want to break free. He’s comfortable in his hold -so much he can’t help but want to be there forever, and the tears soon dry out.
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His eyes are red from crying -he can tell from the aching in them- when he finally looks up pleading for an answer. Yet refusing to hear any but the one he wants. He is still a child, believing in fairy tails and happy ever afters, but he is not ignorantly diving into it.
And when he gets the chance for it, he reaches out to that hand without hesitation. he loves him, probably in the same way he is loved, and he can’t agree to the faked justice that insists he shouldn’t be allowed to love him.
“I love you” he whispers, eventually leaving the hand to go for a hug, to plead for a kiss. to cross once more the boundary that has been weak in stopping them, probably from the very start. 
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Inari’s Den
Chapter 5: Arrangements
A gentle breeze on my face woke me from my deep slumber, and the sounds of chirping birds greeted me. The sun was hard on my eyes and I moved to close the curtains, but someone pushed me back against the futon I was laying on. My vision cleared a bit more, and when it finally did, I looked into the familial gaze of my mother. Fresh tears sprang to her eyes as she looked down at me. I blinked up at her in confusion, mostly because I was surprised to see her. Feeling a hand on my forehead, I looked over at my father who smiled down at me, his tears flowing down his cheeks. My heart swelled up as they both leaned down to nuzzle and hug me tight.
“Oh Izumi...my precious daughter...I thanked the gods that we found you when we did.” I wanted to ask a question, but my throat was sore. “Oh...you have been asleep for over a month now. Your voice is going to be a bit coarse, take it slowly.”
“Take some water dear.” My father helped me sit up as my mother helped me drink from the cup. “Try to speak now…”
I cleared my throat a few times, before I slowly spoke out. “W...What...happened? Did...I...s-succeed?” They both shared a look and I did not like it whatsoever. Did he survive the fall? Even with all of those injuries? Then again, I survived our fight too. If I had failed I would do better next time around.
“Izumi...you...you did well my daughter. You bravely fought both of them back in your fight. The results were less than favorable, but you did bring results.”
“So...he is dead then?” My ears perked up happily and my tails whipped through the air happily. 
“No...he is not dead.” I felt as if my heart shattered hearing my mother say those awful words. He wasn’t dead? How? No no no no!
“J-Jin….the eldest...son...surely he perished?”
“No...the eldest son still lives and breathes.” My father answered my question hesitantly and I moved to leave the futon. “Izumi no! You are too weak to stand right now!”
“I...I have to kill him!” I shouldn’t have yelled because it sent me into a coughing fit and I quickly drank the water my mother handed me. “T-This is ridiculous...w-what about our home?”
“Our home is safe, Izumi. We are in the process of rebuilding our mansion and the homes in the village as we speak.”
“They retreated?” I had a feeling that there was something I was not being told, and the looks on their faces told me enough. “What is happening?”
“After we found you...both of you, broken and bloodied on the ground...a decision was made on the spot. The head of the Igarashi clan and your father found you both together, and seeing the state of you both...a ceasefire was declared. The war has been...on hold so to speak. Word has gotten to us that the heir woke from his injuries a week ago, and now that you are awake, we have sent word to them as well.”
“Why would you send out word to each other about anything?” The way they were looking at each other and then at me bothered me greatly. It was not often that I was left in the dark.
I did not like it.
“Mother…father….please tell me what our next plan is?” My father sighed deeply before he stood, his fists balled up tightly. My mother reached for his hand but he moved out of her grasp quickly.
“Just rest Izumi…you will need to be fully rested for tomorrow. I’ll send the doctor in to look over you.”
He slammed the tatami doors shut without another glance back. My heart was thundering in my chest as he stormed away. Looking back at my mother, I was met with a sad expression and suddenly, I was afraid of what I might find out. Anything could happen in a month, but the fact there was a ceasefire…that meant the war had to be back on right? Both of the future leaders of the clan were awake, within a week of each other no less.
The most concerning thing about it all was the fact that it seemed there was steady communication between our clans. I would not like how this ends and as my mother kissed my head and left…I sank under the covers, terrified of what fate had in store for me next.
I stood silently watching birds build a nest outside of my open window. Our home would take some time to be rebuilt, but our location still didn’t make me feel much better. We were on neutral territory right between our two clans. We were meeting with someone today, so my mother brought out my finest furisode. We had to be meeting someone very important if my mother brought it out. My father had been silent since we spoke yesterday, my ears twitched as I heard horses arrive outside. There were quite a few of them too. My mother quietly brushed and styled my hair and she applied make up to my face. She didn’t look at me either or speak, but whatever was happening could not be that bad if she was dressed up as well. 
Once I was ready, my mother and I went down the hall to the meeting area. My mother stopped at the door and let out a shaky breath. She turned to smile at me and she gently caressed my cheek before we stepped into the room. My blood ran cold and icy as I made eye contact with the other occupants.
“You bastard!” Grabbing a nearby vase, I launched myself across the room to attack Takeshi. Takeshi Igarashi was in my home, he was near my family! I ignored the yelling of my parents as I lashed out at him. Several arms grabbed me to stop me, and I struggled against them to get to him.
“IZUMI!” I flinched and stopped as I looked at my father. His angered face made me stop immediately. The members of his task force led me to the other side of the table, and I sat down between my parents. I glared harshly at Takeshi as he sat between his parents, the bastard didn’t even look me in the eye. He looked uncomfortable even being there, and I wanted to put my foot down his throat. His parents didn’t look much more happy about being here, but that was to be expected. 
“I’m glad that...you all made it here safely…” I grit my teeth as my father greeted the Igarashi clan. “We have had many discussions over the last two months...and I know that we have reached an agreement. This is just a quick discussion over terms and informing our heirs about what is coming next.”
My mother gripped my hand under the table as both families stared at each other in a tense silence. The matriarch of the Igarashi spoke up after her husband. “This war has affected both of our families for the last century. Both sides are gaining nothing from all of this. The battle of resources has to end as well as the one for power. We both almost lost our children in the last fight, both sides almost lost everything. As parents, we can’t allow the future of our clans to continue like this.”
“I agree with you, Igarashi-sama. Our children are the future and we must secure that at all cost. That is why Izumi...Takeshi-sama,” my mother held my hand tighter. “The two of you are to be married this coming winter. Arrangements have started already, we were waiting for the two of you to wake up.”
“I refuse!” I snatched my hand away from my mother as I stood up, a fire surrounding me as I narrowed my eyes. “You are a filthy family of murderers! You have done nothing but bring pain and suffering!”
“Izumi! Sit down at once!” My mother fretted and my father forcefully sat me down but I was far from finished.
“After what you did to my family! My clan! I should-”
“Izumi!” My mother grabbed my shoulder and feeling her tremble, I looked at her, and I paused seeing tears form in her eyes. She blinked them away quickly as she and my father bowed at the Igarashi clan. “We apologize for our daughter’s behavior, tensions are high despite us coming to this agreement.”
I growled to myself before I turned and bowed my head as well. “Please….please forgive my rude behavior.”
“All is well...we have prepared the proposal gifts.” I watched with frustrated eyes as they placed a Kinpo-zutsumi on the table. We really didn’t need money, but it was a standard wedding tradition. My parents also produced a gift in the form of dried bonito. I hated that that bastard Takeshi had not spoken a word. He just stared at the gifts with indifference. Against my better judgement, I wanted to know how he felt about this whole thing. “We hope...that the future is joyful and prosperous.”
With a parting bow, everyone stood up and left from the hall. My father finally looked at me but I hurried away. I needed air and time to think. This was all just too much and I couldn’t believe that it was real. Marriage was something that I would have done anyway, but my parents never pressured me to do it. It always seemed that it would be my choice, but now for the future of our clan and people, I had to make the ultimate sacrifice. 
“Why...why is this happening? After everything that has been done...after everything they took from us...was this really the only option?” I turned and looked at my parents as tears fell down my cheeks. “Please….don’t make me do this…”
“Izumi...we don’t want this for you either, but this was the only option that would mean no more bloodshed and loss of life. It is the only way we can move forward.” My father pulled me into his arms and I cried against his robes. My life had taken a turn I could never have anticipated. I had to marry my worst enemy to preserve peace, but the question is...would it actually last?
“I had almost forgotten how much of a spitfire that girl is...that attitude of hers should not have gotten her as far as it did.” I was half listening to my parents' conversation as I stared out of the carriage.  My mind was racing and trying to comprehend what had happened back there. I was so certain that we would just go back to fighting, especially after what happened to Jin and I. Neither one of us should have survived what had happened. Father was usually one to take such an opportunity by the horns, but it seemed my mother and the matriarch of the Yamaguchi clan put a stop to it. I suspect that my father realized the gravity of it all as well. He almost lost both of his sons in a single night. I glanced at him but he just looked out the window of the carriage. He had one ear perked up to listen to my mother, but other than that he didn’t speak. He refused to talk to me and he said nothing when Jin had left in a rage last week.
Jin was against the idea of a union of clans with pure rage flowing from his lips. I don’t think he and my father ever had such a harsh fight. My mother tended not to meddle with our arguments, but she got involved and it somehow got worse. They had knocked her over in their scuffle, and everyone had panicked pretty terribly. Thankfully, my mother was fine, she just needed to keep off her feet. If there was anyone Jin cared about it was our mother, and he spent the last few days he was there, showering her in gifts and affection. He left without a word to my father and I, but he left a note for her.
“Yes mother?”
“You haven’t said a word since we left...I think it would do you some good to talk about it my love.” I honestly didn’t see her point, it was not like I had any say in it. I noticed my father’s ear twitching a bit. I suppose he wanted to hear my opinion as well. 
“It is a wise decision, but it also carries many risks. I will not question the will of you both. I can only hope that the Yamaguchi clan doesn’t go back on their word. It would not benefit them in the long run.”
“Hn.” My father grunted under his breath as he gripped my mothers hand. She sighed and yanked his ear. He turned to glare at her, but her glare was fiercer than his was. He grumbled and she smiled triumphantly. I smiled at their interactions and I frowned knowing that I would not have that. The next few months would be difficult and I only hoped that this would end all the pointless suffering.
“Hmm?” I looked at my mother and her expression made me face her fully and straighten my posture. 
“No matter what...you must never let them think you are weak or let your guard down. Keep your dagger sharp and concealed. The moment they even attempt to harm you...kill them all.” Her eyes slitted angrily and I nodded. She knew that one of my weaknesses was that I had a kind heart. Any attempt at peace I would take it, and it would cost everything if I was not careful. I was eager for peace, but I would not let that eagerness be my downfall.
“Yes mother...I understand completely.” My mother relaxed and let out a breath of relief before she looked at my father with a frown.
“Talk to your son Zeno…”
“I’m sure he knows how I feel Kana. As long as he remains strong...I have nothing to say on the matter.”
“You have a lot to say…” My father sighed deeply as he looked at me finally, his eyes darted all over my body, like he was afraid to lose me. It was not a look I was used to seeing on his usually stern face. 
“I hate that we are being reduced to this….a marriage to stop the war. I would have rather gone down fighting. I would rather have crushed them under my feet. A complete and total victory...this doesn’t hold the same satisfaction.”
“Our sons both survived...that should be more than enough…” My mother looked away sadly and my father, realizing what he said, grew silent. I shook my head and I sat next to my mother and nuzzled her cheek. She pulled me as close to her body as she could and ran her fingers through my hair. I basked in her warmth and love as we silently made our way back home.
My hair was a mess as I spent the last three hours tugging, yanking, and raking my nails through it. My maids kept trying to fix it, but I just kept ruining it. They eventually gave up and left me alone. The reason for the aggressive hair treatment was because of what I was currently staring at on the table. 
Wedding arrangements.
I still woke up each day thinking it was a sick joke, but everyone spoke about it in whispers in the mornings. I hated to hear about it and planning for it was even worse. A full three weeks had passed since our meeting. A gift from that bastard came every other day, but I always threw them out. I suspected he wasn’t sending them anyway, and why would he? I could tell he didn’t like this either, and that would probably be the only thing we agree on. I grit my teeth as I looked over flowers and arrangements. My blood was boiling at this point. I hated this so much. I questioned if I wanted peace this bad, was it really worth it?
That is until I would look at my people. Watching them struggle to get back on their feet, seeing children struggle to help their parents instead of playing. They deserved it, they deserved to be happy, and not just temporarily, for many many generations. It was a repeating cycle for me. I would be angry, but then I would regret it and force myself to diligently go through it. 
My father was very vocal about how much he hated the entire arrangement. My mother wasn’t happy either but she always argued peace was the end goal. Between my father and I, my mother had her work cut out for her. Two stubborn people were not easy to satiate. I needed something else to focus on, maybe then I’d have a much better day. I sighed as I left our temporary home. I walked toward the village with a bitter feeling in my stomach. Word had spread that I was to marry our enemy, and the disgust and genuine worry on my people’s faces did nothing to make me feel better about the arrangement.
I kept my head held high as I walked through the village and I smiled at the people rebuilding their homes and other structures. Construction had been going well, but there were still some things that needed to be done. I wanted to build our defenses up quickly, but we needed food and more supplies. I hated that we were so weak right now, I was certain that damn family would attack us at any moment. I shook them from my thoughts as I went to work moving planks of wood and bringing fresh water into town. It was hard and grueling work, but helping out was keeping me busy. I wiped the sweat from my brow and watched as everyone looked relatively happy, but an uneasy feeling creeped up my spine. My hair stood on end as I felt as if someone was watching me, I left my position in town and made my way toward the forest. Keeping my hand on my concealed dagger, my ears flicked as something above me moved.  I glared angrily and growled as I looked at the person watching me from the trees. If I hadn’t been informed earlier, I would have been stunned beyond belief.
“Jin Igarashi…” I took out my dagger as he chuckled and landed in front of me. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked upon him. His left ear was missing a large chunk from where I had bit it off. My nails seemed to have left quite the impression, because they left large scars across his face. “I must say...the new look suits you.”
“......” His lips curled back in a snarl as he wordlessly looked at me. “You really are the most annoying vixen I have ever met. I can’t believe that you will be in this family. Why couldn’t you just die like a good little bitch?”
“I’ve been told that I’m quite stubborn. What are you doing here? I heard that you had run away like the bitch that you are. Upset that I almost killed you?” I smiled in satisfaction as his body tensed in anger and lightning coursed over his tails. I would make sure to finish him this time, and no one was here to save him. Although…..
“How are you still breathing?” I frowned as he raised a brow at my sudden question, but his smirk made me nervous for some reason. “Those wounds should have killed you…”
“Yes….but perhaps I’m tougher than you think. Maybe I don’t want to give away all of my secrets. I will say though...if my brother doesn’t know how to handle you...I will be glad to take his place.” I felt my skin crawl as he licked his lips at me. “I thought I would check my new sister out and see her finally on her feet.”
“I am not your sister. Do not ever call me that again or I’ll cut your tongue out you filthy bastard.” He chuckled at my anger before he slowly backed away into the forest. “Where are you going?!”
“Fear not little vixen...I will see you again soon….” I stood in disbelief as he disappeared from my sight. I never liked him, but there was something different about him since the war had started. There was a darkness in him that just...it was unnerving and dangerous. He had this bloodthirsty attitude and I knew that we would never see eye to eye, especially if this marriage pulls through. I guess I was glad about that at least, I wouldn’t have to marry him. Putting my dagger away, I sighed as I remembered that I was going to go visit the memorial stone. So many had perished and I wanted to pay my respects. I felt sick as I made my way over to it, because I had not seen my dear friend since I woke up, or even before we were besieged. I had a feeling that maybe she didn’t make it, but I also held out hope. Some people were still not accounted for, but some of the bodies were unrecognizable. All I could hope for was that she would turn up soon. Thinking the worst would not benefit me in the long haul. I wordlessly traveled back into the village to continue helping with the repairs. Now I had to deal with Jin stalking around and I had to just be ok with it.
I really didn’t see how this could get any worse….
I wish that I could keep my mouth shut, because things just didn’t seem to work out for me when I did. A week later, I was glaring at that bastard Takeshi as he stood outside our home with three of his men flanking him. My mother had quickly ushered me out of my bed and I barely managed to get my slippers and robe on as I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes. Needless to say, seeing him was the worst thing to see so early in the morning. I vaguely remember my parents discussing that the two of us should spend time together when we had dinner last night. Hearing his name made my mind go blank and when it was uttered I tended to ignore whoever brought it up.
“Good morning Yamaguchi-sama….” I watched as he bowed his head at me and my mother, and I couldn’t help but scoff at the sight. “I hope that this wasn’t too early.”
“Yeah actually...I was still asleep-” My mother elbowed me hard in my rib and I grumbled as she stepped down from the veranda. I know they wanted me to try but I just couldn’t bring myself to do that. I know my mother was faking as well, but she was an exceptional actress.
“I brought something for the both of you.” I finally took notice of the objects in his hands and I frowned deeper. He handed some flowers to my mother which she graciously accepted, before he turned to look at me. I held the contact, mostly because I didn’t want to back down from him. If I looked away, even in annoyance, he would have that over me and I refused to let that happen. It was the first time since the announcement and our fight that we actually locked eyes. His red eyes held an uncomfortable warmness to them that I did not like at all. “Lady Yamaguchi?”
“W-What?” My mother looked over her shoulder at me with a glare and I stepped down next to her and crossed my arms. “Yes, what is it?”
“I brought you something. An offering of peace and an apology.” My ear twitched in annoyance, but I pressed my lips together tightly as he gestured to his men. My mother and I watched as they produced a long velvet box. “I hope that this is to your liking.”
My mother cleared her throat and I rolled my eyes and took the box from him. I opened it and was surprised to find a katana. It was beautiful and the hilt was encrusted with rubies and a tassel at the end held a beautifully stitched camellia on it. I loved camellia, but surely there was no way that he knew that. “A camellia…”
“I had asked your mother if there was a particular flower that you enjoy...is it...to your liking?” I placed the katana back into the box and my mother gave me an encouraging smile. I sighed as I nodded my head at him.
“Yes...yes it is...thank you...” He smiled a little and I was a bit taken aback by it. There was something genuine about it. Although, I was still sure that he was full of shit. 
“Izumi...why don’t you go get ready for the day, hm? Takeshi-san….why don’t you come inside for tea while you wait.”  
“Ah...thank you Yamaguchi-sama.” Giving me a brief bow of his head, he followed my mother into our home. I growled at his men as they walked past me and I was glad to see them look at me nervously. I walked to my room with a heavy shake of my head, I was incredibly envious of my father right now. I was sure that he was having a great sleep right now. I had to entertain our “guest” and I was less than thrilled about it. Hopefully, my mother was poisoning his tea.
I pulled my nightgown off as my maids went around finding something for me to wear for the day. Wearing another furisode was out of the question, I needed to make sure I had as much mobility as possible. I glanced at my “present” as my maids laid it onto my bed. A peace offering huh…
“Yeah right…” I rolled my eyes as I finished getting ready. I flipped my hair back as I walked down the hall. Hearing my mother, I walked to our backyard and watched as my mother and that bastard drank their tea. If my father saw this, I’m sure that his blood would be boiling. “So...are you ready to do...whatever this is?”
“Yes of course…” He said his goodbyes to my mother and I shared a brief glance with her before I followed him out. Walking through the village was not an option, but a walk through the woods would be better. I was a bit upset that I missed the changing colors of the leaves, but at least it wasn’t winter yet. Just the thought made me nauseous, I would be married in little over two months. 
We walked in silence through the falling maple leaves, the only sound were our footsteps crunching on the leaves. I felt uneasy just walking with him, and I could imagine that he felt the same about me. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and pursed my lips as he looked at the falling leaves. A small smile crossed his face and I rolled my eyes and looked down the path. I could hear our men following us from a good distance away. Close enough to intervene, but far enough away for some level of privacy. This just seemed like a dream and I couldn’t help but wonder if it still was at times.
“What do you want?” I stopped to look at him when he stopped. “Going to give me a short monologue before you try and kill me?”
“No of course not...I just wanted to have a conversation with you.”
“Ha! That is hilarious...a single conversation is not going to magically fix anything between us and I think you know that.”
 “I was hoping that this would be the first of many conversations we’d have together. I only wish to bridge the gap between us.”
“Bridge the gap? You must really think I’m stupid don’t you? I’m not going to listen to anything that you have to say.” I crossed my arms and looked away from him. He sighed deeply before he ran a hand through his hair. “You should just go back home.”
“I’m just trying to be respectful and I want to try to make this better for both of us.”
“There is no way to make this better and you know that! I hate you and you hate me! This is never going to work…our parents are just delaying the inevitable. This will fall apart and we will be back at each other’s throats in no time…just how I like it.” I turned away from him and continued walking down the path. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. If he thinks for even a-
“I don’t hate you.”
His voice carried like a whisper in the sudden breeze and I looked back in surprise. Surely I had heard him incorrectly, because there was no way that he didn’t hate me. If he thought I would fall for-
“I’ve never held any ill will against you, but in war, I have to do what I have to for my family. There was never anything personal with you. I…I have always respected your skills on the battlefield Yamaguchi-sama. I am not pleased with this arrangement either, but we have no real choice in the matter. I would like to make this as painless as possible for us both.”
I looked on as he smiled at me. A gentle smile, a warm and inviting smile. I hated it. I hated him. I hated this entire arrangement! I would not be fooled by him! He had done so much damage to me, and he stole a piece of my heart already. I would make him pay, perhaps not today or tomorrow, but soon I would destroy him.
“Fuck you! I hope that you have a life full of nothing but suffering. We might be getting married soon, but I’ll make sure everyday is hell for you, because you deserve it.” Before he could say anything further, I brushed past him and left for my home. Tears stung my eyes but I wiped them away. 
I had a new war to prepare for, and I would make sure to crush the opposition. 
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/658104641275543552/inaris-den
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/656750900263649280/inaris-den
Thanks for reading!
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nijicx · 5 years
So Are all of your oc’s friends?
GOD NO lol Monomiya and Diss cannot stand to be around one another, they mutually dislike the other, but Monomiya is the type to smile and pretend to be innocent of it rather than wear their hostility on their sleeve like Diss. Winston is constantly competing with Shimi who doesnt, really know how he ended up in the Rival role. Shimi is calm and collected and thinks things through before doing them, and Winston is more of a reactionary “Punch it till it stops moving” type of guy, and he really admires and wants to be like Shimi, but it comes off as um...Well...aggression. He doesn’t know how to communicate things like that bc he feels like its weakness, and instead challenges him to a fight whenever he catches himself thinking that way. He accuses him of being stuck up bc Shimi won’t engage and Shimi often has to call on Monomiya and Arturo to control their dog lol Izumi (Peril) doesn’t hate Diss, but he’s scared of her. Not because she’s loud or mean, but Diss shoots from the hip and is usually really truthfully blunt, and he’s always afraid that if he gets in her way, he’ll have to hear something about himself that he worries he won’t be able to recover from. After everything regarding Peril’s being at U.A. and why comes to light, Diss has a really long period of hating Izumi outright. She trusts people very seldom and when people betray that trust they usually only get one chance. But he ends up proving himself worthy and is one of the only people who’s ever lost her trust and earned it back. Eite....initially thinks they are all the stupidest people he’s ever met...and...still kinda does. Just with like...in a friendlier tone :’) In their own weird ways though they all become friends over a long period of time~ Mostly each just sticks to their group 
Arturo>Winston> Monomiya> (and sometimes Peril)
and Eite peppered in here and there when he has the tolerance for human interaction lol 
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