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the ba sing se bimbos (jinjetsongko): in which ba sing se is a city of secrets and jin knows ALL OF THEM
credit for this amazing au goes to @azenkii
jin knows that the avatar is in ba sing se before anyone else. a friend of a friend of a friend mentioned something about it, and she casually asks the others what they know about aang and his friends.
“they’re goofy but pretty badass,” jet says at the same time that zuko says “they’re so ANNOYING,” and everyone goes kinda quiet.
“you’ve met them?” jet asks zuko curiously. “YOUVE met the them?” zuko asks jet, absolutely flabbergasted.
“yeah,” jet says, and then addressing jin and song, “aang - he’s, like, a kid. but also the avatar, so, you know. him and his waterbender friend katara kicked my ass.”
“why’d they kick your ass?” jin asks with a shit-eating grin. song is lowkey freaking out because the avatar and his friends are legendary and everyone’s acting like it’s normal.
“cause i tried to destroy a village,” jet says casually. zuko nods, because yeah, shit happens. jin has long ago decided that thinking too hard about anything any of these people say will cause her to lose her mind so she just rolls her eyes, because, yeah, of course he did.
“you tried to do WHAT?” song whisper-yells, because WHAT THE FUCK, JET
“why don’t you like the avatar?” jin asks zuko, while song and jet argue (“well, technically i did destroy it, but everyone evacuated because of stupid sokka. probably for the best.” “WHY would you DO that? now the avatar probably HATES you!” “people make mistakes, song! do i have to remind you what happened the first night i met you?” “WE SWORE NEVER TO SPEAK OF THAT.”)
zuko, meanwhile, is panicking searching for an answer and finally just blurts out “he sucks on frogs and it’s weird”
“like...for the flavor?” jin asks at the same time that jet says “i thought he was a vegetarian” and song says “oh, did he have mountain fever?”
“i didn’t ask!” zuko says, crossing his arms and pouting. but mountain fever would explain why he visited that herbalist...
“well, you should,” jin says. “and you,” she says, pointing at jet, “can ask for a rematch. the avatar’s in ba sing se.”
“where???” they all ask in unison. song looks giddy, jet looks uncomfortable, and zuko looks downright murderous.
“how am i supposed to know?” jin says innocently, and then grins. “oh, right, i’m a genius. he’s somewhere in the upper ring. he and his friends are looking for the avatar’s bison. big taboo, apparently.”
“i have to go,” zuko says dramatically, and he quickly gets up to leave the tea shop. his friends give him about a three second head start before running after him.
“what’s your deal?” jet asks. “you’re break’s about to end!” song says. “is it because of the frogs?” jin says.
“i can’t explain it, but i need to find the avatar’s bison,” zuko says seriously. “and i need to do it alone.”
“here we go,” jet says. jin puts on a mock-deep voice and says “look at me, i’m lee, i think i’m a cool loner and i have to find a bison for honor or something,”
“i never took you for the kind to steal livestock, lee,” song says icily, and her stare roots him to the spot.
“okay, look, okay, it’s just,” zuko flounders. “i just need the bison, okay?”
“to do what, exactly?” jet asks. “what are you gonna do, chop it up and eat it?” jin asks. song smacks her. “don’t talk about the bison that way!” she says.
“what are you four talking about?” says iroh, interrupting their brewing argument. he looks very serious, which was not something they knew iroh was capable of doing.
“oh, hi mushi!” jin says nervously. “we were just saying - the avatar’s in ba sing se! isn’t that interesting?”
iroh nods. “it is, jin,” he says gently. and then, more seriously. “i hope you don’t mind, but i need to speak with my nephew.”
they do not need to be told twice.
“it’s getting late! mother’s probably worried about us, jin,” song says. “right!” jin says. “we’re supposed to help with dinner!”
“you know what, it’s dark, let me walk you girls home,” says jet, inching away.
zuko is glaring at jet, because if anyone in ba sing se needs protection, it’s definitely not jin and song, but jet just shrugs.
“oh, we’ll be alright,” song says, still mad about the destroying-a-village thing.
“i insist,” jet says through his teeth, and they leave zuko to whatever weird conversation he’s about to have.
when they get back to jin’s and song’s, they sit around wondering what the heck that whole thing was about.
“i bet the dai li have appa,” jet says. “i bet that’s why lee wants him, to free him.”
“maybe he wants to expose the dai li to the avatar?” song says. “so that he knows he can’t trust them.”
they sit there, thinking.
“i bet i could find out where he’s hidden, if he’s in the city,” jin says oh-so-casually.
“if i could get my hands on some of their uniforms, i bet lee and i could sneak into their base of operations,” jet says.
“if i can get close enough, drugging them shouldn’t be a problem. we could question them, and they probably wouldn’t even remember what happened,” song says.
they look at one another and nod in silent agreement.
“lee’s lucky to have us. otherwise, he’d probably do something stupid.” they all think sagely, as they prepare to take on the ba sing se secret police with some crappy weapons and some funky juice, which is definitely not stupid at all.
thank you to everyone who has liked and reblogged these posts. i’m new to contributing to the fandom (unless you include an abandoned self-insert/zuko fanfic from when i was 12 lol), so support from you all mean a lot! also, hello to my new followers and thanks for the follow! i hope you enjoy my stuff/reblogs!
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#jin#jet#song#zuko#jinjetsongko#jetsong#jetko#jinki#zukka#iroh#aang#appa#katara#atla#avatar the last airbender#the ba sing se bimbos#my stuff
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post-war ba sing se bimbo headcanons
so zuko becomes the firelord, and jin and jet think it’s hilarious. he’s so good at it. he’s so charismatic. they’re like “who the hell is this guy? when did he get mature and responsible???” and song’s like “when zuko wasn’t doing stupid shit, he was stopping you two from doing stupid shit, i saw this coming a mile away.”
jin joins the kyoshi warriors, and is overwhelmed by all the pretty girls she’s working with, but for the most part it becomes a sisterhood. she will forever and always have a severe crush on suki, however, and really, can you blame her? so when suki reciprocates, jin writes song a four-page essay about it.
anyway, when zuko asks the warriors to come to the capital, obviously jin’s there, too. jet and song show up almost immediately after jin does.
“what, you two are hanging out without us now?” song asks them accusatorily. “it’s not fair that only you get to see jin, zuko.”
“yeah,” jet says. “and i used to see zuko shirtless a few times a week. and i thought i was lucky! now jin’s a kyoshi warrior and she gets to see it every day?”
“she does not!” says zuko. “yeah,” says jin, while shaking her head the opposite.
attempts on zuko’s life are about as common as rain showers, so song starts testing basically everything he eats with some of her chemicals. every time she finds something insidious, she tracks down every link in the chain that got the food to him, and finds a way to rectify the situation. she doesn’t trouble zuko with this, because he’s got enough going on. also, he probably maybe wouldn’t approve of her methods.
(song is not inherently violent, but when it comes to her family, she’s downright vicious).
jet wants to get in on the action, but between song’s disarming sweetness and the kyoshi warrior’s intimidation, zuko’s basically protected. what he isn’t, is good with people.
zuko can make grand dramatic speeches all day long, but when it comes to the council, or local government officials, or merchants, or literally even jet, he’s the same awkward kid jet met on the boat to ba sing se.
“you are never going to make it as firelord.” jet tells him from the couch he’s lounging on while he watches zuko practice a very basic interaction in the mirror.
“okay, fuck you, too.” zuko says miserably.
“sorry, i wasn’t clear,” jet says, standing beside zuko. “you are never going to make it as firelord without me.”
jet tries in vain to get zuko to lie better, to present himself differently, to deceive just a little bit, but it just isn’t happening. zuko doesn’t even want to lie, he doesn’t want to be like his father and azula, so they take a different approach.
instead, jet teaches him how to spot liars, and how to play the game. it’s basic stuff, like let silence linger because they’ll want to fill it if they’re afraid you don’t believe them. ask them bizarre questions so they overcorrect. if they’re complimenting you too much, they’re trying to deceive you.
to jet, it’s survival. to zuko, it’s like a whole world has opened up he never knew about. he hangs on to jet’s every word, and at the end, he asks that jet join him in council meetings, naming him an ambassador from the earth kingdom.
this is how jet discovers that he’s AMAZING at politics. he can’t believe how easy it is. he considers taking it up as a hobby when he gets back to the earth kingdom.
“you can’t do politics as a hobby,” zuko says.
“why not?” jet says. “it’s just fun. it’s not what i’m meant to be doing forever though.”
“do you have a mysterious job back in the earth kingdom none of us know about?” asks jin.
“yes,” says song, irritable from today’s batch of poison discoveries, “he’s working full-time as a little bitch.”
the more meetings jet attends, the more he wonders if politics really is for what he’s meant. arguing and debating delights him and, unlike the exhausted zuko, he leaves the debates feeling energized. but it just feels so bureaucratic, so useless compared to what he did during the war.
he’s so torn about it that he finally asks song for advice.
“i don’t know anything about politics,” she says tiredly. he’s playing idly with her hair after she’s had a long day of Keeping Zuko Alive. “why are you asking me?”
“because you don’t hold back,” jet tells her. “because you let me know when i’ve gone too far.”
song’s glad it’s dark in the lounge, because she can’t believe she’s blushing.
“well,” she says finally. “what would you be in it for?”
“what do you mean?” he says. “i just like it.”
“do you like the attention?” song asks. “are you just interested in the drama of it all? or do you want to make a difference?”
“i want to make a difference,” he says confidently. “i want to help the earth kingdom.”
“well, then, there’s your answer,” song says.
“yeah,” jet agrees. “no politics for me.”
“wait, what?” song asks him, because how did he reach that conclusion?
“it’s just smooth talking and paperwork. it’s not gonna help the earth kingdom,” jet tells her. “i’m not selling out.”
“is that what you think zuko’s doing?” she asks.
“of course not,” jet says, rolling his eyes. “but he’s also the firelord. that’s different.”
“and he’s your best friend,” she reminds him. “and you also happen to be on good terms with the avatar and the leaders of the southern water tribe, so you know you have influential people who will hear you out. if you want to make a difference, this is probably the best way.”
he’s quiet for a while. he almost looks disappointed.
“not every battle is on the battlefield, jet,” song says gently. “it’s not as glamorous, or as dangerous. it’s tedious and difficult and boring. but it’s what’s left, after the war.”
“i guess that’s the thing,” jet says sadly. “i don’t know who i am without the war.”
“i do,” song says with so much sincerity jet almost blushes. almost. he’s still, like, cool.
if they fall into a routine where song fixes his hair into something presentable for council meetings and jet forces her to take a break and enjoy the sunshine once in a while, zuko and jin don’t feel it’s necessary to comment.
for like three days.
“you stole my boyfriend,” zuko accuses song after catching her and jet kissing. the fact that sokka’s napping with his head in zuko’s lap as he says so doesn’t seem to faze him.
“you stole my ostrich horse,” she says, for the last time ever, “so now we’re even.”
“what’s with you and guys with weird facial hair?” jin asks as she stuffs her face with fire flakes, her new favorite treat. “first haru and now jet?”
“haru?” jet squeaks.
“i liked haru’s moustache,” song says thoughtfully. “i thought it made him look mature.”
“at least if jet grew a moustache i’d understand what everyone sees in him,” sokka says sleepily. “no offense.”
“you’re just mad i kissed zuko first,” huffs jet.
jet stops shaving that week. everyone notices.
when song and jet finally prepare to go back to the earth kingdom, jet privately asks zuko if it’s true that he and aang are considering founding a city that unites the nations. zuko tells him it is.
“well, i want in. whenever that is,” he says, and jet and zuko hug.
song and her mother open up a hospital and sanctuary that specifically caters to displaced families. jet reunites with longshot and smellerbee, and they drift around but tend to come back to the sanctuary. they often go out on missions to try and reunite families. it’s not quite fighting, and it’s not quite peace, so it’s a good transition for jet and his freedom fighters.
eventually, things slow down and so does jet. he starts walking around the village they’re located in without his weapons. a child asks song where she got the scars on her leg, and when she explains it was a firebender, the child says “oh, did he get in trouble?” song laughs and laughs, because for the first time in years, there are children who don’t know war.
jin doesn’t stay as a kyoshi warrior forever, but she does decide to settle down on kyoshi. she never really wanted the dangerous life, she just wanted some adventure and sort of stumbled into the chaos of jet and song and zuko. the quiet island is perfect for her. she still stirs up trouble once in a while though.
“COME GET YOUR IDIOT SHE TRIED TO RIDE THE UNAGI.” suki writes in two identical letters, one to jet and song and one to zuko.
“okay, whatever suki tells you, i want you to know she’s lying. i DID ride the unagi and it was SICK. sokka was here recently and said someone invented an image-capture thing is that true? because if it is i want you to bring one and come here ASAP so i can do it AGAIN.” says the fervent letter from jin that arrived three days after suki’s.
jet and song arrive promptly, song laden with medical supplies and a sternly-worded letter from her mother to jin. jet brings a camera.
zuko shows up a few days later with the latest in camera technology and a photographer, as well as his one-year-old daughter. he goes all-out because this is his and izumi’s first trip together. jet grumbles about being one-upped.
“you’re the firelord, you’re gonna encourage this?” song asks him, eyes furious but voice sweet as she plays with izumi. “excuse me, song, but the war is over, i have no jurisdiction here. if an earth kingdom citizen wants to exercise her right to be a dumbass she’s more than welcome to,” says zuko in his most diplomatic voice.
“and,” he adds more gently, “i missed you guys.” song still thinks he’s being ridiculous, but she gives him a big hug anyway.
zuko has to firebend at the unagi to stop it from eating jin and song is left to mend jin’s broken arm. jet takes pictures throughout the entire thing, from her climbing onto the creature, to getting thrown, to being bandaged up and laughs the whole time. song produces a second letter written by her mother which she was instructed only to give to jin in the event she rode the unagi.
all it says in neat hand-writing is, “i told you so. now come home so i can feed you, you ridiculous child.”
“i’m 24,” pouts jin, but since she’s the youngest, the group agrees heartily with song’s mother.
the five of them go to the sanctuary, where iroh is drinking tea with song’s mother and trading stories about their new respective lives.
zuko has to return to the capital in three days, iroh’s got his tea shop to run, and jin isn’t planning on staying long because her “super hot girlfriend is doing something extremely sexy” and she has to get back soon.
“jin, please, just talk normal for once in your life,” zuko begs her, bouncing izumi on his lap. “fine,” she says, “she’s being voted in as the leader of the island and i want to be there for the ceremony.”
jet realizes it’s not often he’ll have all the people he loves in one place, and quietly asks song something important.
they get married the night before zuko and jin leave, in front of jet’s freedom fighters and song’s mother and iroh. jin and zuko stand as their maid of honor and best man. zuko cries.
for the first time in almost two decades, all of them start to feel at peace.
ty so much for this au @azenkii writing about it is one of the most enjoyable experiences haha. is this update softer than usual? yes, of course, it’s what they deserve.
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#ba sing se bimbos#jin#jet#song#zuko#suki#sokka#izumi#iroh#song’s mother#smellerbee#longshot#song’s ostrich horse#kyoshi warriors#freedom fighters#jinjetsongko#songko#jinki#zukka#atla#avatar the last airbender#my stuff#life happens wherever queue are
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it’s the ba sing se bimbos, back again (jinjetsongko). here’s some stupid stunts these ridiculous kids would pull:
mixing the dangerous herbs and serums song and her mother have. they all get accidentally high one day. fortunately they do it at zuko’s apartment, so when iroh comes home and finds them tripping he just gives them calming tea and amuses himself by asking them philosophical questions.
“what is the meaning of life?” iroh asks them. “fruit pies,” song says very seriously. “FREEDOM!!” jet roars. “being the sexiest person in the room at all times,” jin says. zuko says nothing, because he’s too busy crying and hugging iroh and telling him he loves him.
“what do you think the meaning of life is, mushi?” song asks. “life is what you make of it,” iroh tells them. “personally, i find meaning in doing what i love, and spending time with the people i love. this evening, for example, is very meaningful to me.”
of course, since none of them have fathers, they all join zuko in crying and telling iroh they love him.
at some point, jin adopts a wild injured pygmy puma, who she calls sho, and is furious that he takes an immediate liking to zuko over her.
sho becomes their mascot, and also a fat lazy house cat since they all pamper him endlessly, but one day he goes missing.
they track him down to a butcher shop (similar to the one momo almost got chopped up in), release all the live animals, and somehow manage to set a fire in the process. song and jet assume between the grease and the heat and the commotion, it was bound to happen. but jin caught zuko’s look of rage when he saw sho crying in a cage. she knows who started the fire.
she’s not a snitch, though, and obviously she’s glad to have her pet back, so jin just keeps up the whole grease fire thing. plus, zuko’s such an awkward dweeb that she figures he really needs his some kind of deep dark secret to stay even A Little Bit Cool, so she lets him have it.
they don’t really stir the attention of the dai li since they mostly cause (and sometimes solve) problems in the lower ring, and while zuko and song are happy to fly under the radar, this just infuriates jet and jin. they want attention, damn it!
so they end up planning increasingly ridiculous heists in the upper ring. jewelry store underpaying their laborers? robbed and tagged as a scam. fancy government official is selling secrets to the fire nation? so sad, too bad, the guy goes missing but he leaves a chopped-off finger behind. children are being stolen and sold to wealthy buyers in the upper ring, eager to show off their “rescued” babies? the whole thing is exposed and kids are reunited with their families.
somehow, they still only barely get the dai li’s attention (probably because they’re too busy keeping tabs on the avatar). zuko has a talk with jet about thinking things through. this is the only thing that gets jin and jet to chill out because ZUKO using words like “irrational” and “risky” seriously is the wake-up call of the century.
(at this point, i could see the story going one of two ways: 1. life continues as normal for the friends, and jet learns his lesson, or 2. jin backs off but jet continues to go bigger and more extreme until he gets kidnapped by the dai li. he thinks he has a plan, until he gets brainwashed.)
(song, zuko, and jin notice primarily because he disappears for a bit. this isn’t unheard of, but as the days creep into a week they get worried. when he comes back, he’s just...weird. it’s definitely worth investigating. song and her mother use some herbal medicine to clear jet’s mind, and discover just how sinister the dai li is. obviously, they have to get revenge and figure out what’s going on. maybe they even run across a certain lost bison on their trip to lake laogai.)
other (happier) shenigans include: visiting the zoo and all of them being soft for the animals, accidentally starting a self-defense club for kids in the lower ring, and separately meeting different members of the gaang.
song meets katara while they’re both out at the market, and, in proper teenage girl fashion, they compliment each other’s outfits. they chat by the fruit for a while, song mentions how dealing with teenage boys can be annoying and katara’s just like tell me about it! then katara mentions she’s a healer, and obviously she and song geek out over techniques and medicines they can both use to supplement their efforts in the future. it’s a very wholesome encounter.
jin meets sokka and flirts her butt off. he’s funny and cute and a little awkward, but he tells her he’s got a thing with another girl. jin tells him she’s very lucky, and he says “actually, i’m the lucky one, she’s the leader of the kyoshi warriors!” and jin just flips out. the kyoshi warriors are her heroes. she used to want to run away and join them. holy shit dude DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS??? and sokka’s just like i know! she’s amazing! and they spend half an hour talking about suki.
zuko meets toph, who vaguely recognizes his voice, but never really got an explanation about who he was, and since his uncle’s really cool, she doesn’t really care about the incident in the ghost town. zuko was so distraught over iroh at the time that he had barely even noticed toph (plus, even if she does look kind of familiar, that extremely powerful earthbender couldn’t have been a 12-year-old blind girl, right? right??) she compliment iroh’s tea-making ability, but admits she doesn’t really get the art herself.
“thank you!” zuko says, because someone else gets it - it’s just tea! then he blushes a little at his outburst and gets back to work. she chats with iroh some more before thanking him for the tea and leaving, and zuko lowkey thinks she’s really funny, and as she leaves she says “it was nice to see you again, mushi! well. hear you. i can’t see anything.” and zuko cracks up in spite of himself. (once zuko joins team avatar, their disaster-rich-kid-solidarity comes out in full force).
jet meets aang (again) but it’s via the graffiti he paints on the walls of the upper ring. it says stuff like “division is oppression” and “mr. earth king, tear down this wall!” and aang replies whole-heartedly, with something like “that’s what i’ve been saying! also this place is weird. have you lived here long? i’m aang bumi. i am called bumi. after the famous king. not the earth king. the other one. most importantly, i am not related to the avatar at all.”
i imagine sokka helped him write it, and since we all know they go into Stupid Mode when they’re together there’s a lot of crossed-out lines and rewrites.
jet responds by talking at length about the “resistance”, and aang’s just like “oh cool! power to the people! but also peace and love!” and jet thinks it’s dorky but he also is like “oh my god this kid is so stupid. when i find this idiot child i am going to teach him to about the revolution and then i’m going to protect him with my life.”
i like to think they all join team avatar, eventually, but the first meeting is just:
katara: song! why are you with zuko?
song: zuko? no, this is jet.
sokka: no, that’s jet! THATS zuko! he’s the prince of the fire nation!
jin, knowing full well zuko’s a firebender and suddenly panicking: he’s the what
jet: you think LEE is the prince of the fire nation? he couldn’t even lead this friend group.
toph: are we talking about mushi’s nephew?
aang: who the heck is mushi???
song: excuse me, all due respect, because you’re the avatar and it’s an honor, but please don’t talk about mushi in that tone.
sokka: oh it’s an hONOR IS IT????
zuko: (banging his head against a wall)
credit for this au as always to the awesome @azenkii
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jinjetsongko headcanons
in other words i love the idea of the jinxjetxsongxzuko brotp and want it to be real, desperately (based off of @azenkii’s awesome post)
first and foremost, jet never spots iroh firebending his tea. he simply does not see it. this prevents a whole host of other disasters.
jet visits zuko c o n s t a n t l y. he’s desperately trying to start up a ba sing se chapter of the freedom fighters, which ticks off longshot and smellerbee, who wanted a new life.
jet stays friends with longshot and smellerbee by pretending he’s cool with that, but by night he’s meeting up with zuko, sharing conspiracy theories about the dai li and ideas on how to break into the upper ring undetected. zuko flat-out rejects the ideas at first but he starts itching for something, anything to do, so he goes along with it.
jin thinks they’re both cute but is also pretty sure they’re in love with each other (they’re really not sure, tbh. jet is into zuko but in the way that everyone is - zuko’s hot, guys. zuko’s still figuring out how to be a normal teenager and all this attention is weird. either way, it’s something they need to figure out and jin absolutely does not want to get in the middle of it.)
zuko seems like the more stable one between the two of them, though, so jin asks him out. jet hypes him up the night of, so right before he meets jin zuko’s just bombarded with proverbs from his uncle and a lot of inappropriate advice from jet. the date goes pretty much the same since zuko chooses to ignore both of them.
jet absolutely loses it on zuko when he finds out that he actually managed to kiss the girl and then just ran away. jet believes this reflects poorly on him, and he begs jin to give zuko another chance.
jin can read the room, though, and, frankly, does not care to get in the middle of their homoerotic tension. after all, she’s pretty sure zuko cut the date short because he’s not ready for a relationship, and she’s basically right.
it should also be mentioned that at this point, jin’s figured out zuko’s a fire bender, and she kind of assumes his uncle is, too, and even though she doesn’t give a shit since they’re clearly refugees, she can tell there’s some weird backstory going on there and she is NOT going to be the fix-it girlfriend, no way.
so she tells jet she’ll hang out with them as friends.
“okay,” jet says easily, sliding into the booth across from her. “friend, do you ever want...i don’t know, more than the lower ring can offer?”
from behind the counter, zuko audibly groans because if the failed date wasn’t enough, now jet’s gonna recruit this girl into their stupid gang which zuko didn’t even want to be part of in the first place, JET!
jin doesn’t have any particular skills, but she’s quick on her feet and knows basic hand-to-hand combat. i headcanon she’s grown up in ba sing se, maybe coming to the lower ring as a little girl, and, since it’s not exactly a safe city, most kids either learn how to fend for themselves, or they disappear.
most importantly - she knows the city like the back of her hand, and she knows how to avoid the dai li.
around the same time jet’s cajoling her into joining their “stupid goofy not cool gang” as zuko calls it, even though he’s basically a co-founder, a quiet girl and her mother move into the same tennement building as jin.
i imagine jin lives alone or with distant family, so song and her mother are a welcome pair. song and jin immediately strike up a friendship, with song being impressed by jin’s outgoing nature and worldliness, and jin being endeared to song’s kindness and hopeful attitude, despite the fact that her home was burned down for a second time.
(something about the fire princess herself on the hunt or something, song and her mother didn’t really stick around long enough to find out.)
jin really wants to introduce song to her other friends, but hanging out with zuko and jet is shaping up to be something very dangerous, and sweet song doesn’t strike her as the type to be interested in that kind of thing.
until, one evening, jin is followed home by a strange man. she doesn’t even notice, she’s too busy laughing at some idiotic stunt jet had pulled and thinking maybe his stupid gang would be kind of fun, and she’s about to reach her door when the stranger grabs her.
she screams, but it’s quiet and dark and no one’s around to care. she struggles, bites at him, but he’s stronger and he’s dragging her away. just as she’s certain this is the end, the man collapses behind her and his hold is released.
there stands song, a long, thin needle in her hand, a terrified expression on her pale face. the two girls stare at each other, illuminated by the light of the open door to their building. suddenly a tall shadow pours over them, and song’s mother is there, looking deadly serious. she checks on jin and song, checks the man’s pulse, and then looks between the two girls.
“we’ll need to get rid of the body” song’s mother tells them. “jin, you know this city. where can we dump it?”
jin’s mind is blank for a few seconds, and then all at once is starts working again.
“stay here” she tells song’s mother, as they drag the body inside, for now. “in case we need an alibi, we were with you. i know a place”
the place is the tea shop, where zuko and jet are fortunately still loitering. jin barely explains the situation and the boys are running after her and song. it’s dark, and the situation is urgent so they don’t really take the time to get acquainted with song or bother to look too long at each other.
it’s not until they’ve wrapped the body up that zuko looks at song properly, and song looks at zuko, and they both freeze.
“what’s with you two?” jin asks, desperately trying to act normal and needing her friends to do the same. there’s a beat of silence. and then-
“nothing” they say at the same time, and get back to business.
in the end, the four teens dump the body in the sewers, strip it of any valuables which they toss across the city, and hope the anonymity of the lower ring will keep them safe.
they’re in this thing together, now. jin is in shock that she just covered up a murder, song is grappling with the fact that she just committed a murder, zuko is freaking out that song’s gonna out him as a thief to his new friends (which is a whole other can of worms because he has friends now?), and jet’s just excited that he has a new gang.
they start hanging out regularly, switching between the tea shop and jin’s and song’s building, and one evening zuko finally can’t take the tension anymore and privately asks song and her mother why they haven’t said anything. song and her mother look at each other, and seem to have a mental conversation.
finally song’s mother says “you helped my daughter. your debt is repaid” and she leaves the two of them alone.
“and besides” song tells him, patting his cheek on the unscarred side, “it’s always good to have a deep dark secret to hold over your friends!”
“you have no idea” zuko thinks.
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#long post#let me know if you want to hear more lol#zuko#jet#jin#song#iroh#song’s mother#atla#jinjetsongko#the ba sing se bimbos#my stuff#life happens wherever queue are
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more jinjetsongko headcanons because i’m still quarantining so what the heck else am i gonna do.
shout out to @azenkii for coming up with this and supporting my nonsense. also considering calling them the ba sing se bimbos, please share your thoughts.
so like. it’s pretty clear song can handle herself, and even as they’re getting rid of the body, jet is telling her about their group and what they’re doing. song’s in shock, because murder’s not something she’s ever done (but something her mother has always prepared her to do), and so she just is kinda like “yeah, okay, i’ll join, whatever, but does the smell of death ever leave your nostrils or does it stay there forever?”
“it fades,” he tells her happily, slinging an arm around her shoulders, “but don’t worry - you’ll get used to it.”
zuko wants to punch jet in his stupid handsome face because they can’t have the girl he STOLE FROM in their stupid gang but he can’t TELL ANYONE so he’s just bitter about it until song reassures him that it’s okay, he’s forgiven.
despite her capacity for violence, song does not Vibe With It, so she ends up acting as a lookout most of the time. there are other drugs, ones that just put people to sleep for a while instead of killing them, and she tends to use those on any suspicious parties.
if she’s ever in a serious bind, though, she carries a set of needles hidden up her sleeve. just because she’s the least Down with Murder doesn’t mean she isn’t down with it at all. she’s not a freaking narc.
jin previously was Not Down with Murder but when you hide a dead body you have to very quickly Get Down with Murder or Get Gone, so she gets down with it. everything else about her friends (arsonist, terrorist, deadly apothecary) quickly becomes categorized as extremely normal because otherwise her brain would explode.
best asset is her knowledge of the city, and the fact that she can get information from anyone, anywhere. she’s got more street smarts than any of the “country bumpkins” as she affectionately calls her friends, and she puts this skill to good use.
she wants to be able to fight, too, and since both zuko and jet wield dual weapons, that’s how she learns.
(plus, the idea of all four of them being dual-weapons wielders is cool and fun so i’m running with it)
she steals away into the small trunk of family heirlooms that sits hidden beneath a floorboard in her building, and procures two sickles her father used during his time on the farm. interestingly, theyre about the same size and weight as the kyoshi warriors’ fans. if jin were to ever find herself amongst the kyoshi warriors, she’d probably fit in. just a thought.
jin, like jet, is unrefined and fights dirty, but it works and gets the job done. zuko fights with honor and fury. song is light on her feet, and her goal is mainly to get the fight over with. all in all, they make a good team.
obviously, iroh and song’s mother adopt them all. jin is the natural favorite, being genuinely likable and funny, and also the most normal. iroh is also still hoping she’ll marry zuko one day, and song’s mother basically sees any teen girls she meets as someone to be Cherished and Protected anyway.
jet is definitely the least favorite but is also Begrudgingly Beloved by the adults. both iroh and song’s mother are too smart to fall for his slick words, but they find his efforts to be charming endearing. plus, they both know boy soldiers when they see them, and it’s hard for them not to want to be a parent to a kid who’s been through so much.
song and her mother love teasing zuko and iroh for their past encounter. song’s usually the one teasing iroh, and he takes it in stride, always offering her free tea and treats and dramatically begging her forgiveness in a way that absolutely makes zuko sweat bullets. song’s mother is the one who teases zuko, but he’s so awkward and weird about it she just ends up feeling bad and giving him an extra serving of dinner, which jin and jet loudly protest.
all three teens have a different version of a backstory for zuko and iroh. they’ve all shared their lives with each other, except for zuko, and no matter how much they pester iroh he insists it’s not his story to tell.
jin works the circus angle for a loooong time, knowing full well he was full of shit when he said he was in the circus, but hoping to make zuko perform increasingly ridiculous stunts so as to vindicate himself. he draws the line at the tightrope, and gets weirdly quiet about it, so she drops it.
jet thinks zuko was in the war, which is how he got his scar. he assumes zuko and iroh are so poor because they didn’t get any sort of compensation for their part in defending the earth kingdom, which is just what he would expect from their “government”, or as jet calls it, The Man.
song assumes zuko got his scar the same way she did, when the fire nation invaded his and iroh’s village and probably took his father away, too. she also assumes this is what’s hardened him to the world, and is glad he seems to be loosening up a bit around his friends.
jin is the closest, believing zuko and iroh to be deserters of the fire nation, but she guesses they’re from the colonies. she also definitely thinks iroh’s earth kingdom (you can’t live in ba sing se and love it THAT MUCH without having a little earth kingdom blood in you. no way no how). she assumes that zuko got his scar for his treachery, that he left the fire nation because he believed it was Evil. secretly, she believes he’s incredibly brave.
after the war, zuko casually mentions that he got his scar from his father.
“your what now?” jin asks in disbelief. my father, zuko tells her. he recounts the war meeting, the agni kai, all of it.
“and your father, the ex-firelord, he did this?” song asks, deadly calm, messing with a few vials of something Very Dangerous and Very Painful.
“the ex-firelord as in the ex-firelord locked up in the capital prison, that guy did that to you?” jet asks, just as calm, sharpening his hooks. zuko says yes, not sure why they’re being so weird.
“we’ll be back later,” jin tells him. “we have to go do something totally unrelated.”
it takes zuko way too long for the penny to drop because by the time he catches up to them they’ve knocked out half the prison guards and are screaming about vengeance.
(secretly, he’s touched, but he wishes he’d learned his lesson because he goes through the same thing with sokka and katara about a month later).
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#zuko said i am looking for a family and if i cannot find one i will create one.#what do i even CALL THEM#tentatively#the ba sing se bimbos#jin#jet#song#zuko#jinjetsongko#atla#my stuff
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the tea shop fight probably wouldn’t happen in my ba sing se bimbos au, but IF IT DID:
jet sees mushi heating tea, and goes through an existential crisis. what’s worse is it’s JET’S tea, so he just has to. drink the firebended tea. and try really hard. not to throw up.
on the one hand, lee is one of the best friends he’s ever had and mushi is one of about two adults jet’s ever had any respect for (the second is song’s mother).
on the other, THOSE TWO MEN...ARE FIREBENDERS!!!!!
so as you can imagine, he has something resembling a mental breakdown.
(“are you okay?” song asks him one night when he’s particularly on edge. “you’re all...sweaty.”)
(“probably because it’s extra hot in here,” jet says pointedly, staring right at zuko, who just blushes a little because he, like everyone else, assumes jet’s just flirting with him again.)
(“but we’re outside,” says song, deeply confused.)
jet finally decides he’s just going to come out and tell zuko he knows he’s a firebender, and give him about 30 seconds to explain himself Or Else.
he stalks into the tea shop with extreme purpose, and doesn’t even notice song and jin sitting at one of the tables when he walks right up to zuko and says “we need to talk.”
“unless it’s about the couple by the window and how you’re going to cram this towel down their throats, i’m a little busy,” zuko tells him as he loads up his tray and turns his back. jet leans in hovering just over zuko’s ear, and at first, all zuko can think is i’m not making out with you NOW jet!
and then jet whispers: “i know you’re a firebender,” and zuko freezes. he turns around, hoping jet will have his signature smirk on, but his mouth is a hard thin line and his brows are drawn in a sharp v.
“do you have time to talk now?” jet asks him coldly. zuko narrows his eyes and says “no.”
from their table, jin and song watch on curiously. “why don’t you think jet said hi to us?” jin asks song. “probably saw lee’s ass and didn’t even notice we were here,” answers song. they both laugh - lee doesn’t have an ass.
all of the sudden jet’s yelling and drawing his hooks. “come on!” he shouts, pointing at zuko, “show everyone what you can do!”
“you want a show?” replies zuko, snatching a nearby guard’s swords, “i’ll give you a show.”
“what in the - if they’re not careful they’ll hit mushi!” says a thoroughly pissed song at the same time jin says “song - write this down, we need to get them into Street Rumble XI!”
(street rumble is the street version of earth rumble, and also the avatar alternative to yelling WORLD STAR!)
the fight is pretty evenly matched. in this au there’s more hesitation, but it’s still intense. they knock over tables, shatter dishes, and all-around make a ruckus.
iroh meanwhile, who has come to care for jet, is calling for both of them to calm down. he doesn’t know for sure what the fights about, but he’s got a sinking feeling, based on the fury written all over jet’s face.
the fight goes outside, and obviously song, jin, and iroh follow.
“if you’re in the market for a new relative to mentor, i make a great niece! song, tell mushi what a good roommate i am,” jin says cheerily as zuko and jet almost kill each other. “don’t ask me to lie,” says song.
then the dai li show up.
“oh shit,” says jin. “we’re too poor to pay their bail!” says song.
jet and zuko pause their fight after being told to drop their weapons (they do not drop anything.) jet points at zuko and yells “tell everyone who you are!”
“he’s a young man, just like you,” says iroh. “boys, please, it’s not worth this, let’s all go back inside.”
“i’m not going anywhere with you!” roars jet.
the guards and pao tell the dai li how jet attacked without reason, how the tea boy was just defending himself. the dai li move to take jet away. song panics, and does the only thing that makes sense at the moment.
“no! don’t! it’s my fault!” she cries. she remembers what her mother taught her, about people’s assumptions and using them for survival, and she begins openly sobbing. it’s enough to get the dai li to pause.
“don’t blame yourself,” says iroh quickly, not knowing where song’s going with this but helping anyway by gently patting her shoulder. “it’s hardly your fault.”
“it is!” she cries. “it’s me - they’re fighting over me!”
“song,” jet says irritably, at the same time zuko blushes furiously and says “uhhhhhh.”
“all this...over a girl?” the guards ask. the dai li still are still hovering over jet.
“i know, it’s ridiculous!” iroh agrees. “but you know how young men can be-“
“it IS ridiculous,” jin says dramatically, stepping forward. “because i thought they were fighting over ME!”
“you?” song blubbers, doing her best impression of a person who does not think this entire skit is ridiculous. iroh thinks they’re laying it on a little thick but the crowd seems sufficiently distracted. “but-but lee said he only loved me!”
“is this true?” yells jin, rounding on the boys. jet is, if at all possible, even angrier, while zuko is rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“jin,” jet says. “i am not dealing with this right now-”
“you started this!” cries song hysterically. “making a scene, just because i said i won’t kiss you if you keep eating grass-”
iroh, who has made his way over to the dai li, gestures broadly and says “as you can see, it’s just some teenage drama. please, we can handle this. i’ll make sure the boys clean up their mess.”
the two dai li look at one another, and then nod at iroh. “if we hear of any other disturbances in this area, they’re both getting arrested,” they tell him before departing.
the crowd disperses, not really wanting to deal with song’s crying and jin’s yelling. pao goes back inside griping about closing up early. finally, when it’s just the five of them, song takes her hands away from her face, which is completely dry.
“and, scene,” says jin, bowing. “song, you were brilliant, iroh, my muse, lee and jet - the stunts could use a little work.”
“why did you have to say all that stuff?” zuko mumbles angrily. jet, meanwhile, begins to stomp away.
“because we didn’t want you to idiots to disappear!” yells song. “but i’m already regretting it! and you!” she says, rounding on jet. “you’re not going ANYWHERE until you two clean up this mess!”
“you don’t understand!” says jet. “those two - they’re-”
“why don’t we all clean up together, and then we can discuss this at the apartment?” offers iroh quickly. they may be alone, but they’re still very much in public.
“great idea,” says jin, “i have to finish transcribing the fight anyway.” song takes iroh’s arm and says, “mushi, you’re not allowed to help, you had nothing to do with this.” zuko looks at jet and shrugs, entering the tea shop. jet splutters, making a series of strangled noises, before finally sighing in defeat and following the group inside and begrudgingly cleaning up.
when they get to the apartment, iroh serves the four of them tea. jet refuses.
“i don’t want anything made by a firebender,” he hisses. song freezes. zuko rolls his eyes. iroh looks deeply sad.
“that’s what this is about?” jin says in a bored voice, sipping her tea. “i thought we all knew by now.”
“what?” shout jet, song, and zuko. iroh looks shocked.
“seriously?” asks jin. “lee, the first time we hung out you lit up, like a hundred candles at once. do you think i’m stupid? is that what you think? that i’m stupid?”
“n-no!” zuko stutters. “you knew,” jet growls “and didn’t say anything to us?” song is still fairly pale.
“i thought we all knew!” jin says. “i mean, he screwed up in front of me, like, immediately. i just figured the same had happened with you two.”
“i can’t believe it,” zuko says miserably.
“besides,” jin continues, “what’s the big deal? there’s plenty of war babies in ba sing se. and lee’s our friend. has he ever used firebending to hurt us?”
“that’s true,” song says thoughtfully. “and, that scar clearly didn’t come from a waterbender.” she takes in zuko’s embrassed expression and adds, “no offense, lee.”
“i don’t believe this,” says jet in shock. “how are you all just okay with this?”
“well, what’s he gonna do?” asks jin.
“i - i don’t know!” stutters jet. “he could - he could be spying for the fire nation!” song and jin laugh heartily, and after a minute so does jet.
“okay, okay,” jet concedes, “lee could never make it as a spy. but still-”
(“could too,” grumbles zuko, arms crossed. iroh shoots him a “for once in your life SHUT UP” look.)
“but nothing,” song says, standing up. “jet, i understand. i’ve been hurt by the fire nation, too, remember?” she pulls up her skirt and shows everyone her burned leg. zuko looks away.
“but lee didn’t do this,” song says firmly. “and neither did mushi. and you destroyed a town, so you don’t get to judge them.”
jet’s jaw drops, and then he pouts bitterly. “i never should have told you about that,” he mutters.
“i trust you three will keep our secret, then?” iroh asks at last. song and jin nod. jet looks between them, and then at zuko, who offers him something resembling an apologetic look.
“fine,” says jet. “but if i think for one second that you two are working with the fire nation, i’m not holding back.”
zuko and iroh nod aggressively, both thinking “if we so much breathed in the presence of the fire nation we’d be electrocuted by our insane relatives, but sure jet, we’re totally working with the fire nation.”
i know i said i’d post part 2 of the gaang and ba sing se bimbos meetup, but this was stuck in my head. since it’s an au of an au i’m just going to include it in my new masterpost rather than in any particular order. credit as always to the amazing @azenkii !
#my stuff#jinjetsongko#jetko#the ba sing se bimbos#jin#jet#song#zuko#iroh#atla#avatar the last airbender
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zuko brings a lot to the table when he joins the gaang, especially the return of the ba sing se bimbos (jinjetsongko)
credit as always to @azenkii!
when they all eventually join team avatar, in my mind, it still happens after the Betrayal by zuko. this is obviously very Angsty and Intense, but that’s a post for another day.
song and her mother, through a series of Strange Events, make their way into the fire nation in disguise and end up in a village that the gaang passes through, just before the invasion. she and katara recognize each other, and song asks to go with them to help at the invasion.
at first, song positively Freaks Out at meeting aang and also at the fact that he’s ALIVE. katara eventually calms her down enough to ask, “are you comfortable going to the front lines of the invasion, song? we need healers, but this will get very dangerous.”
“oh, i think i’ll be alright,” song says mischeviously.
jin ends up at the boiling rock for trying (and failing, but not without a good hard fight) to free mushi/iroh. how does she end up in the crystal catacombs? idk yet, but she was there, and boy was she PISSED at lee. azula took her away before zuko had much of a chance to argue - he’s ashamed to say he didn’t try very hard.
of course, she meets suki, and has her own fan girl moment. she also develops a very quick crush. i mean, yeah, she’s the leader of the kyoshi warriors so of course sokka was obsessed but after meeting suki jin’s like how could you NOT fall in love.
jet, who has been brainwashed by the dai li, goes with them to the fire nation. he’s assigned to dangerous reconnaissance missions that azula plans, which she ensures that zuko finds out about, since she’s doing it purely as a way to test his loyalty. it works - because this, along with zuko’s other realizations in book three, is what makes him fully denounce the fire nation. when he leaves to teach aang, he drags jet along with him.
this trip is less than easy, because jet, who is, again, brainwashed, bounces between attempting to murder zuko for his betrayal, and treating zuko as his ward to be protected.
at some point on the trip, after an extreme mood swing, during which they both almost die, they’re breathing heavily on either end of the war balloon, and zuko says “you’re giving me emotional whiplash.”
“OH AM I, LEE?” roars jet, before collapsing with exhaustion. it’s a very song-like comment, and in spite of everything zuko really truly hopes his friends will forgive him one day.
when zuko first shows up to greet the gaang, jet is Not Well, and so zuko leaves him at the campsite. he also knows things between the gaang and jet did not end on good terms, so zuko figures it’s no big loss.
the second time, when zuko attacks combustion man, jet follows him on a Murderous Rampage, until he realizes zuko’s trying to help aang and the others, and then he joins zuko’s side.
“fucking prince, fucking avatar, I WAS A FREEDOM FIGHTER! I DID IMPORTANT THINGS, LIKE TERRORISM! NOW IM GONNA DIE, FOR WHAT? THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED MY GANG’S VIBES AND THIS TWIG-SIZED ROYAL MORON?” jet screams as he uses his hooks to hoist himself and zuko back up the cliff.
(of course, his anger mostly melts away when the others exit the temple after the danger passes, and song is there holding the duke’s hand. it’s the first happy thing that has happened to him in so long.)
song regards zuko/lee as a mixed bag because, you know, the obvious Bad Stuff, but also he saved jet? and he’s training the avatar now?
so she decides on the middle ground - forgiveness, paired with Never Letting Him Live Anything Down.
she hugs him, and tells him she missed him, and he’s so overcome with relief he almost cries, and then she says very loudly for the whole group to hear: “i forgive you, but i expect a herd of ostrich horses after the war.”
“song-“ he says desperately.
“you know. compensation.” she says.
“i only took the one-“
“zuko!” says aang, scandalized at the idea that zuko had personally affronted one his new friends even though it’s the smallest of his crimes.
“was it just one? i must’ve forgotten,” song says sweetly. “sure hope i haven’t been brainwashed. oh! like someone we know-“
“that wasn’t even my fault!” says zuko.
yeah, katara LOVES song.
when sokka and zuko go to the boiling rock, jet tries to go with them because he’s convinced zuko will betray sokka, but he’s still kind of out of it, and they try to convince him to stay back. he gets loud, threatening to tell everyone what they’re up to if he doesn’t get to come along, when a hand holding a rag comes up around his mouth and he passes out.
“it’s my turn to watch him tonight and i’m too tired to reason with him,” says song, dragging jet under his armpits back to the camp. “just go do whatever stupid risky thing you’re going to do.”
“that’s it?” zuko asks curiously. “no speech about how we shouldn’t go?”
“oh, i’m sorry, am i your mother?” song asks innocently. “i personally haven’t seen my mother since before the invasion, you know, the one we had to plan because SOMEONE’S nation waged a war-“
“okay, okay, i get it!” zuko snaps, and they go.
when they return with jin, however, song drops all the sarcasm and jet stops being so hostile. this is partially because they’re so grateful he brought her back, but mostly because jin is definitely the Friendship Glue.
she tells them all about how their daring escape, she mentions that everyone acted according to their sexy selves (hakoda, thankfully, does NOT hear this), but especially zuko.
“honestly,” jin says, “being the one of the first prisoners to escape the boiling rock has got to be the most legendary thing anyone’s ever done. i’m going to go down in history. so many fire nation prisoners are going to be like ‘who’s that pretty girl who escaped on the gondola?’ and they’re either going to be talking about me or suki, and it’s all thanks to zuko.”
yes, they have a ba sing se bimbo reunion hug.
“guys, you will not BELIEVE what i found out at that gross prison.” jin says at the campfire that evening. “the firelord singed his eyebrows off once, and now he has to draw them on every morning. also, he gets these little flames painted on his nails at the palace spa because he thinks it makes his firebending stronger, and, like, yes, guys who paint their nails are hot, but not when they paint them to look like a four-year-old drew them.”
“literally none of that is true,” says zuko, absolutely baffled.
“oh really?” jin says, rounding on him. “because i heard it from min, who heard it from the guard who shaved her head, who heard it from the watchtower guard, who heard it from the WARDEN HIMSELF.
“yeah zuko,” says song, “do you think you know more about the firelord than the WARDEN?”
“no offense, but you’re not exactly the expert on the firelord,” says jet, grinning because He Knows.
zuko says nothing at first. then he sighs, shakes his head, and asks happily, “so, is it all the nails, or just, like, the ringfinger?”
part two of this segment coming soon!
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#jinjetsongko#the ba sing se bimbos#jin#jet#song#zuko#sokka#katara#aang#suki#hakoda#azula#the boiling rock#atla#avatar the last airbender#my stuff#jinki#jetko#jetsong
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ba sing se bimbos masterpost
part 1 - introduction
part 2 - skills and friendship
part 3 - group shenanigans
part 4 - the great bison heist
part 5 - joining the gaang
part 6 - gaang revelations
part 7 - after the war
the fight that never was
bimbos among us
the jinki date
escape from the fire nation
beautiful disaster older siblings
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no one asked, but here’s the ba sing se bimbos playing among us:
the first time they play, jet gets red by accident. he doesn’t really care either way, but zuko asks demands they switch so that zuko can be red. jet finds this hilarious and refuses, citing red as his favorite color.
“that’s not your favorite color!” zuko says furiously. “oh yeah, then what is?” asks jet. “uhhh, green?” zuko says feebly. “wow. you really don’t know me at all. just for that, i’m keeping red.”
green is jet’s favorite color, but that’s not relevant.
zuko relents and goes with dark blue. jin picks lime because she thinks it makes her seem fun and perky. song switches between white and pink, because she can’t decide which makes her seem more trustworthy.
“white,” says jet. “pink,” says jin. “neither,” says zuko, thinking about how those are ty lee’s color choices as well, and how sorely she’s kicked everyone’s asses in this game.
jet thinks he’s smooth as the impostor, subtly throwing people under the bus and Very Obviously Doing Tasks. but he’s incredibly passionate when he’s a crewmate and thinks someone’s an impostor, so it’s a pretty obvious tell when he acts too relaxed. he gets voted out quickly. a lot.
“i’m sneaky! why can’t i win!” he yells. “you’re incompetent is what you are,” says song, “going to electrical for your first kill? that’s so overplayed jet.”
jin employs basically the same tactics, but does not get thrown out nearly as much since she keeps her poker face no matter her role. as a crewmate, she goes about tasks so diligently she often walks right by bodies, which results in her incorrectly getting voted out.
“i was doing the wiring!” she argues. “you stepped over zuko!” song argues back. “so? everyone steps over zuko!” jin snaps.
this is true, because zuko always dies. he’s literally always first to die. song kills him because he never assumes she’s the impostor and sticks by her. jin kills him because she’s figured out his ship route. jet kills him because zuko always accuses jet first, so it’s easier to get him out of the way.
zuko really, really likes being the impostor. he thinks sneaking around is the best part of the game. but for whatever reason, he barely gets impostor. it infuriates him, especially when he’s accused of being the impostor when he’s not.
“it’s definitely zuko,” says song after neatly murdering three people. “I WISH!” he yells, and gets ejected.
when he finally gets impostor after a dozen games in a row of being a quickly-killed crewmate, he’s so excited he screws up and vents right in front of jin. jin feels bad for him though, and lets him kill jet and some randos before suggesting it might be him.
“why didn’t you rat me out?” he asks when she later admits it. “you were so happy you ran around the cafeteria twice. it’d be like kicking a puppy,” she says.
they play with either the gaang, the fire nation gals, the freedom fighters, or randoms.
with the gaang, zuko has to give up dark blue to sokka, much to the bimbos’ delight.
“gee, zuko, why aren’t you giving sokka such a hard time about colors?” jet asks him sweetly. “because sokka isn’t an asshole, that’s why,” says zuko, blushing furiously.
“i’ll take yellow,” zuko says. “oh, okay...” says aang sadly. “FINE! ILL TAKE ORANGE!” zuko says, unable to upset aang without feeling nauseous.
“calm down, zuko,” says song. “it’s just colors.” “can i have white then?” he asks. “over my dead body,” she replies.
the impostor almost always loses with the gaang. they’re all too loyal, sometimes they even just outright admit they’re the impostor so as not to hurt anyone. aang is most guilty of this, making it all the way to the end and then not being able to kill katara when she sees him vent. if it weren’t for his guilt complex, he’d be deadly in this game.
with the fire nations gals, ty lee and song take turns switching colors.
“why can’t we do that?” zuko asks jet. “because i said so!” jet replies, not wanting to admit he’s gotten attached to red now.
the impostor almost always wins with the gals, everyone’s deceptive and clever, and loyalty basically doesn’t exist. once, terrifyingly, song and ty lee were the impostors. they won in three minutes.
with the freedom fighters, it’s just chaos. the duke will call a meeting just to ask if they can get friendlys later. longshot sits at security the entire time. i could write a whole separate post about them. everyone accuses everyone and they’re really, really bad at the game together.
when they play with randoms, somehow, it’s always little kids. the kids flock to jet for the most part. he makes them laugh and they trust him implicitly - they’re the only way he can ever get a good winning streak going.
sometimes song gets two or three little followers who think she’s nice and helpful. if they’re playing with new players, song’s the one who tells everyone how the game works and helps them figure things out.
zuko usually gets flanked by feral children. they absolutely cyber bully him and tell him he smells, but when it comes to the debates, they defend him with their lives. on the rare occasions he’s the impostor, he can’t bring himself to kill the kids and lets himself get caught.
jin mostly sticks to herself, she curses way too much to be responsible talking to children. but once in a while she’ll get a little weirdo who follows her everywhere. they say practically nothing, they do their tasks right alongside her, and when they do talk it’s just “my favorite snak is plain celery.”
“oh my god you’re such a little gremlin i would die for you,” jin says affectionately. “jin you can’t call a kid a gremlin!” says song.
“bark bark,” says the little weirdo, and song internally recants her earlier statement. the kid stays with them for like nine rounds and by the end he’s their son and that’s that.
all the kids ask the bimbos for their snap, and, as cool as these children are, obviously they can’t do that.
“we actually don’t own cell phones,” says song. “they’re illegal where were from,” says jin. “we’re trying to smuggle some into the country, we’ll get back to you when that works out.” says jet.
“where are you from?” the kids ask.
“rhode island,” blurts out zuko.
(yes, obviously, they also give the kids a lesson on not sharing personal info with strangers and boot out any suspicious parties because all four of them would lay down their lives for innocent children and that’s on canon.)
credit for this au of an au to @azenkii as always!
#thinking bout them adopting kids in the original au#jin is required to have a little monster child of course#some insanely powerful earthbender that eats raw meat#that’s my boy she says#jinjetsongko#the ba sing se bimbos#jin#jet#song#zuko#sokka#aang#ty lee#the duke#longshot#atla#avatar the last airbender#among us#my stuff
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I just read all 4 of your bimbos of ba sing so thing with Zuko, Jet, Jin, and Song and I'm dying I would give my life for more nonsense Especially the straight up confusion everyone has at the end of the 3rd one with team avatar
i’m so glad you like it! i mentioned in my most recent post, i’m new to contributing to the fandom but it makes me happy to think there are a handful of other people who love the four of these goofs together. people have written some really nice things about them, and this ask in particular made my night.
i’ve just started a separate fic, so the ba sing se bimbos content might slow down, but the fic i’m working on is a bit darker, so i’ll definitely be posting about my four favorite idiots to take a lighthearted break. in the meantime, however, here are some random things from a segment i’m working on:
“fucking prince, fucking avatar, I WAS A FREEDOM FIGHTER! I DID IMPORTANT THINGS, LIKE TERRORISM! NOW IM GONNA DIE, FOR WHAT? THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED MY GANG’S VIBES AND THIS TWIG-SIZED ROYAL MORON?” jet probably screams as he fights bitterly to somehow save both zuko AND the gaang.
“guys, you will not BELIEVE what i found out ,” jin tells her friends. “apparently, in the fire nation, it’s a well-known fact that the firelord singed his eyebrows off once, and now he has to draw them on every morning. also, he gets these little flames painted on his nails at the palace spa because he thinks it makes his firebending stronger, and, like, yes, guys who paint their nails are hot, but not when they paint them to look like a four-year-old drew them.”
“literally none of that is true,” says zuko in bewilderment.
“no offense, but you’re not exactly the expert on the firelord,” says jet.
zuko says nothing, sighs, and then asks, “so, is it all the nails, or just, like, the ringfinger?”
“i spent my whole life hoping, praying, and begging the spirits that the avatar may return,” song says, eyes shining.
“i- i know,” zuko says nervously.
“and now,” song says, eyes narrowing, voice shaking, “i come to find out-”
“song, let’s talk about this,” zuko pleads.
“the two are not directly linked-” zuko says quickly.
“i didn’t use the ostrich horse to kill him!” zuko says desperately. “i just needed a ride!
#jin#jet#song#zuko#the ba sing se bimbos#jinjetsongko#atla#avatar the last airbender#my stuff#ask me stuff!
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the ba sing se bimbos all become older siblings entirely by accident
remember the child trafficking ring they broke up? well, a lot of the kids scattered. but not all of them. some of them don’t have homes, or don’t know their homes, or are too little to understand what’s going on.
jin, song, and zuko are in varying degrees of distress when they realize they have to care for five young kids, aged 4-9. song is panicking because “we can’t even take care of ourselves, guys!” jin is like “i really don’t want this responsibility but somehow i know we’re going to end up looking after for these little brats”. zuko is like “look kids like me for some reason but i am Not Good At This.”
jet, meanwhile, feels more at home with a bunch of misfit kids than he has in his entire time at ba sing se. he plays games with them and sings to them and calms them down while the other bimbos debate what to do. they watch jet interact with the children from afar and are like wow this is...wholesome? it’s a whole different side of him they never knew existed.
when the kids have all relaxed a little, jet’s just like “so, we’re adopting them, right?” and everyone’s like jet you’re the oldest and you’re not even 17 No We Are Not Adopting Them.
“they’re not pets, jet!” song hisses. “i know that!” jet hisses back. “but someone has to take care of them!”
“let’s just ask mushi and song’s mom,” jin says inching away from a totally silent six-year-old boy who is Staring At Her And Not Blinking. “they’re good with kids, probably.”
everyone agrees this is a good idea and they’re stupid for not immediately doing that, except jet, who still does not understand that children shouldn’t have to parent other children, but hey, he trusts mushi and song’s mom at least.
so they parade the children back to song’s mom’s house, zuko and song holding one each by the hand, and jet holding one on each hand and carrying one on his back. i cannot explain to you how delighted these children and jet are by each other. it’s so cute song and zuko are just like infatuated with jet for a full hour. jin also thinks it’s cute, but in the way that makes her want to throw up, mostly because the six-year-old whose hand he’s holding is Still Staring At Her.
song’s mother opens the apartment door to find more than twice as many children as she had fed that morning, lets out a very long sigh, and then just says “you’re lucky i always make extra food. come in.”
(song has to fight the urge to roll her eyes. caring for children is her mother’s favorite thing in the world.)
they find out that there’s: a giggly four-year-old who calls herself ila. a pair of siblings who’s parents are from the si wong desert tribe, six-year-old sandbender abbas and his nine-year-old non-bender sister faiza. finally there’s shy and sweet seven-year-old ning and her boisterous twin brother rong.
over time, the bimbos work to get the kids back home. it proves tough - ning and rong know that their parents are dead. abbas and faiza have no idea how to get home, or if their parents are alive, and ila doesn’t seem to even know what they’re asking. she claims she never had parents to begin with, but in a confusing four-year-old way.
but they form a plan anyway. they’re going to try and bring abbas and faiza back to the desert tribe, and when ila reveals herself as a waterbender, they at least have a clue of where she might have come from.
while they try and figure all this out, song’s mother takes the twins and ila, while iroh takes the desert kids. the bimbos are around them all the time, obviously, and whether they mean to or not, they all become really close to the kids.
all the kids love jet, but the twins in particular find him to be amazing. he has patience for ning’s mumbling speech, he has the energy for rong’s constant need for attention, he is always willing to play with and listen to them both. they tell him, eventually, about how they lost their parents in a forest fire caused by the fire nation. he holds them and listens and says he went through something similar. that it’s unfair, but that he won’t let anything bad happen to them again. song’s mother and mushi both try to tell him that’s a big promise to make when he’s only a boy himself. he disagrees, of course.
ila is obsessed with song. she thinks song’s silky hair is fun to play with, she thinks song’s warm arms are the perfect place to sleep, and she thinks that song smells sweet and welcoming. song melts over the little girl, often carrying her in her arms or on her shoulders. ila has the sweetest laugh, and song loves tickling her to produce it. song never wanted a sibling before, but these kids are beginning to change her mind. ila ends up being a natural healer, healing her own parchment-cut with ease. delighted, song teaches ila as her mother used to teach her, balancing the little girl on her hip and explaining what each vial and herb means and does.
faiza, brave and protective, gets along really well with zuko. she thinks he’s funny when he doesn’t mean to be, and begs him to teach her how to use duel swords, which, eventually, he does. she’s ashamed of being a non-bender, but zuko assures her it’s really not all it’s cracked up to be. faiza teases zuko right along with the rest of the group, but zuko lets her. she’s just too adorable to get mad at. faiza secretly thinks zuko’s super cool, but she doesn’t tell him that.
the strange and silent six-year-old abbas latches on to jin like glue. you know that scene in the office when angela shows up at dwights side and he’s like “ah fuck!”? that’s jin every time abbas shows up next to her. she could be dangling off a rooftop and then abbas is just staring at her through the nearest window. how did you escape iroh’s apartment? how did you even get in there? do you even blink? eventually, it turns out abbas can talk, he just doesn’t like to do it a lot. everyone adjusts. jin comes to love this kid like a brother. whenever anyone comments on how weird he is she smacks them. it could be an old lady. it could be another kid. she doesn’t discriminate with smacks. the other bimbos often have to stop her from smacking.
the kids find their way home, as they must - first faiza and abbas, after the bimbos take a long journey into the desert to find their home. it turns out their parents have passed away, but their loving aunt and uncle have been worried sick. zuko and jin promise the children they’ll stay in touch. faiza whisper to zuko that she actually thought he was cool the whole time. abbas also whispers in jin’s ear. everyone asks what he said but she’s too busy crying to tell them.
then ila talks about how she and her mother left home because “mommy didn’t like that she couldn’t waterbend”. zuko puts together a few things: there are practically no southern waterbenders, there were only male waterbenders in the north. they figure out where she must be from. they travel around the city, looking for women who may have fled the north pole - and they find her. ila’s mother has been searching for ila right in this same city, and when they reunite it’s beautiful to behold. song gives ila’s mother her address, and they visit from time to time.
in the end, though, rong and ning have nowhere to go. song’s mother, who has come to love them as her own children, takes them in permanently. the bimbos are relieved. saying goodbye to the other kids was almost too difficult. slowly, jet learns how to be less of a dad to the twins and more of an older brother. he finds that it’s not so bad.
actually, it’s kind of nice.
the second ba sing se bimbos post as requested for my 100 Followers Celebration!!! thank you as always to @azenkii for coming up with this amazing idea.
#the ba sing se bimbos#100 follower celebration#jinjetsongko#jin#jet#song#zuko#iroh#song’s mother#ba sing se#atla#avatar the last airbender#my stuff
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Oh my godni just read your new update for the ba sing se bimbos thing and literally every other bullet had me laughing hard enough I had to put my phone down I can't wait for them to realize they befriended Prince Zuko the son who the firelord burned and banished Like of course Zuko knows the firelord doesn't pain his fingernails with flames on them and im surprised none of the Gaang said anything yet
omg i was kind of nervous about this one so this is very validating thank you 😂 and the way i see it, the gaang just hasn’t had a chance to update song, and it hasn’t come up with suki and jin.
jet, meanwhile, has spent plenty of time at the fire nation capital, and knows perfectly well who zuko is and also knows that he has Daddy Issues so he’s mostly just fucking with zuko. in the next update it’ll absolutely come to light. song will be shook, but also not surprised at this point. jin will be like “i made out with a PRINCE????” and jet and song are like “that’s so not the point, jin”
#ask me stuff!#atla#avatar the last airbender#jinjetsongko#the ba sing se bimbos#zuko#song#jet#jin#my stuff
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I just read your "fight that never happened" thing and honestly Jin and Song had me struggling not to burst out laughing but what finally got me was imagining Iroh's SHUT UP face and the "breathed in the presence of the fire nation" and i had to stop wheezing to write this
i’m so glad you liked it! these past few weeks have been rough personally, and so i’ve been less confident in my writing, but i was looking over this old draft and i was like “oh, just post it” so i appreciate you saying this haha. any time someone tells me they’ve laughed at what i’ve written always makes my whole day because that’s like. the highest of compliments, i think. so really, thank you.
song is basically the ben affleck holding a cigarette meme throughout the entire fight except the cigarette is a needle and she’s deciding which boy to sedate. jin is, as mentioned, the teenager at your high school who always got to the fight screaming “WORLD STAR!” ironically at the two idiots fighting but was smart enough to disappear before the teachers showed up. unfortunately in this world the teachers are the dai li and those two idiots are HER idiots so she can’t just clear out.
post-fight, iroh is ALSO the ben affleck holding a cigarette meme, purely because of zuko’s obvious desire to get Punched in the Face by his Friends.
(for reference:)

#ask me stuff!#jin#jet#song#zuko#jinjetsongko#the ba sing se bimbos#iroh#and#ben affleck#apparently#atla#avatar the last airbender
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'let me know if you want to hear more' ma'am i want to hear all of it
jinjetsongko headcanons
in other words i love the idea of the jinxjetxsongxzuko brotp and want it to be real, desperately (based off of @azenkii’s awesome post)
first and foremost, jet never spots iroh firebending his tea. he simply does not see it. this prevents a whole host of other disasters.
jet visits zuko c o n s t a n t l y. he’s desperately trying to start up a ba sing se chapter of the freedom fighters, which ticks off longshot and smellerbee, who wanted a new life.
jet stays friends with longshot and smellerbee by pretending he’s cool with that, but by night he’s meeting up with zuko, sharing conspiracy theories about the dai li and ideas on how to break into the upper ring undetected. zuko flat-out rejects the ideas at first but he starts itching for something, anything to do, so he goes along with it.
jin thinks they’re both cute but is also pretty sure they’re in love with each other (they’re really not sure, tbh. jet is into zuko but in the way that everyone is - zuko’s hot, guys. zuko’s still figuring out how to be a normal teenager and all this attention is weird. either way, it’s something they need to figure out and jin absolutely does not want to get in the middle of it.)
zuko seems like the more stable one between the two of them, though, so jin asks him out. jet hypes him up the night of, so right before he meets jin zuko’s just bombarded with proverbs from his uncle and a lot of inappropriate advice from jet. the date goes pretty much the same since zuko chooses to ignore both of them.
jet absolutely loses it on zuko when he finds out that he actually managed to kiss the girl and then just ran away. jet believes this reflects poorly on him, and he begs jin to give zuko another chance.
jin can read the room, though, and, frankly, does not care to get in the middle of their homoerotic tension. after all, she’s pretty sure zuko cut the date short because he’s not ready for a relationship, and she’s basically right.
it should also be mentioned that at this point, jin’s figured out zuko’s a fire bender, and she kind of assumes his uncle is, too, and even though she doesn’t give a shit since they’re clearly refugees, she can tell there’s some weird backstory going on there and she is NOT going to be the fix-it girlfriend, no way.
so she tells jet she’ll hang out with them as friends.
“okay,” jet says easily, sliding into the booth across from her. “friend, do you ever want...i don’t know, more than the lower ring can offer?”
from behind the counter, zuko audibly groans because if the failed date wasn’t enough, now jet’s gonna recruit this girl into their stupid gang which zuko didn’t even want to be part of in the first place, JET!
jin doesn’t have any particular skills, but she’s quick on her feet and knows basic hand-to-hand combat. i headcanon she’s grown up in ba sing se, maybe coming to the lower ring as a little girl, and, since it’s not exactly a safe city, most kids either learn how to fend for themselves, or they disappear.
most importantly - she knows the city like the back of her hand, and she knows how to avoid the dai li.
around the same time jet’s cajoling her into joining their “stupid goofy not cool gang” as zuko calls it, even though he’s basically a co-founder, a quiet girl and her mother move into the same tennement building as jin.
i imagine jin lives alone or with distant family, so song and her mother are a welcome pair. song and jin immediately strike up a friendship, with song being impressed by jin’s outgoing nature and worldliness, and jin being endeared to song’s kindness and hopeful attitude, despite the fact that her home was burned down for a second time.
(something about the fire princess herself on the hunt or something, song and her mother didn’t really stick around long enough to find out.)
jin really wants to introduce song to her other friends, but hanging out with zuko and jet is shaping up to be something very dangerous, and sweet song doesn’t strike her as the type to be interested in that kind of thing.
until, one evening, jin is followed home by a strange man. she doesn’t even notice, she’s too busy laughing at some idiotic stunt jet had pulled and thinking maybe his stupid gang would be kind of fun, and she’s about to reach her door when the stranger grabs her.
she screams, but it’s quiet and dark and no one’s around to care. she struggles, bites at him, but he’s stronger and he’s dragging her away. just as she’s certain this is the end, the man collapses behind her and his hold is released.
there stands song, a long, thin needle in her hand, a terrified expression on her pale face. the two girls stare at each other, illuminated by the light of the open door to their building. suddenly a tall shadow pours over them, and song’s mother is there, looking deadly serious. she checks on jin and song, checks the man’s pulse, and then looks between the two girls.
“we’ll need to get rid of the body” song’s mother tells them. “jin, you know this city. where can we dump it?”
jin’s mind is blank for a few seconds, and then all at once is starts working again.
“stay here” she tells song’s mother, as they drag the body inside, for now. “in case we need an alibi, we were with you. i know a place”
the place is the tea shop, where zuko and jet are fortunately still loitering. jin barely explains the situation and the boys are running after her and song. it’s dark, and the situation is urgent so they don’t really take the time to get acquainted with song or bother to look too long at each other.
it’s not until they’ve wrapped the body up that zuko looks at song properly, and song looks at zuko, and they both freeze.
“what’s with you two?” jin asks, desperately trying to act normal and needing her friends to do the same. there’s a beat of silence. and then-
“nothing” they say at the same time, and get back to business.
in the end, the four teens dump the body in the sewers, strip it of any valuables which they toss across the city, and hope the anonymity of the lower ring will keep them safe.
they’re in this thing together, now. jin is in shock that she just covered up a murder, song is grappling with the fact that she just committed a murder, zuko is freaking out that song’s gonna out him as a thief to his new friends (which is a whole other can of worms because he has friends now?), and jet’s just excited that he has a new gang.
they start hanging out regularly, switching between the tea shop and jin’s and song’s building, and one evening zuko finally can’t take the tension anymore and privately asks song and her mother why they haven’t said anything. song and her mother look at each other, and seem to have a mental conversation.
finally song’s mother says “you helped my daughter. your debt is repaid” and she leaves the two of them alone.
“and besides” song tells him, patting his cheek on the unscarred side, “it’s always good to have a deep dark secret to hold over your friends!”
“you have no idea” zuko thinks.
#atla#jin#jet#song#zuko#jinjetko#jinjetsongko#why are there so many of them oh no#also! i called you ma'am but change that to sir or neuter if that's what you prefer#and jinjetko has more than one giant post now?? wild
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"I...kind of lost the ostrich horse."
I just read all 4 of your bimbos of ba sing so thing with Zuko, Jet, Jin, and Song and I'm dying I would give my life for more nonsense Especially the straight up confusion everyone has at the end of the 3rd one with team avatar
i’m so glad you like it! i mentioned in my most recent post, i’m new to contributing to the fandom but it makes me happy to think there are a handful of other people who love the four of these goofs together. people have written some really nice things about them, and this ask in particular made my night.
i’ve just started a separate fic, so the ba sing se bimbos content might slow down, but the fic i’m working on is a bit darker, so i’ll definitely be posting about my four favorite idiots to take a lighthearted break. in the meantime, however, here are some random things from a segment i’m working on:
“fucking prince, fucking avatar, I WAS A FREEDOM FIGHTER! I DID IMPORTANT THINGS, LIKE TERRORISM! NOW IM GONNA DIE, FOR WHAT? THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED MY GANG’S VIBES AND THIS TWIG-SIZED ROYAL MORON?” jet probably screams as he fights bitterly to somehow save both zuko AND the gaang.
“guys, you will not BELIEVE what i found out ,” jin tells her friends. “apparently, in the fire nation, it’s a well-known fact that the firelord singed his eyebrows off once, and now he has to draw them on every morning. also, he gets these little flames painted on his nails at the palace spa because he thinks it makes his firebending stronger, and, like, yes, guys who paint their nails are hot, but not when they paint them to look like a four-year-old drew them.”
“literally none of that is true,” says zuko in bewilderment.
“no offense, but you’re not exactly the expert on the firelord,” says jet.
zuko says nothing, sighs, and then asks, “so, is it all the nails, or just, like, the ringfinger?”
“i spent my whole life hoping, praying, and begging the spirits that the avatar may return,” song says, eyes shining.
“i- i know,” zuko says nervously.
“and now,” song says, eyes narrowing, voice shaking, “i come to find out-”
“song, let’s talk about this,” zuko pleads.
“the two are not directly linked-” zuko says quickly.
“i didn’t use the ostrich horse to kill him!” zuko says desperately. “i just needed a ride!
#jet; in the background: how is an ostrich-horse a family heirloom?#jin: hell if i know#jinjetsongko#jinjetko#ba sing se bimbos
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