@jitsuyosei replied to your post
I actually want to chime in, because Vassalord is one of my favorite series. The main characters are implied to be together, but it's actually a relatively even relationship that defies traditional "yaoi/shonen ai" tropes, and they have a realistic relationship. The story gets a little convoluted at times, but it plays out really well in the end.
Sorry for the late reply - still vacation delaying my reactions! That actually sounds really amazing! Thanks for your comment on the topic!
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satsumas-kunoichi · 7 years
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‘Show him’ how much she missed him? She doesn’t quite understand...
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kaminotsumahajiki · 7 years
jitsuyosei replied to your post: it’s a realization that i name my starter threads...
lets face it you’re a “When Harry Met Sally” waiting to happen
;DD aggressively wink wonks at chu
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heavenlyseraphim · 8 years
jitsuyosei replied to your post:Okay so which boneheaded dumbass @staff member...
I haven’t received that update yet *sweats*
Both myself and hannah have been lumped with it now
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Somebody sneaked in here and committed a neatness!
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“A neatness?” Kousestu glanced over at the male and raised a brow “I don’t know that tidying up is some sort of crime you can commit?” He’s never heard anyone say it like that....He wondered how the other would react if he were the one that committed that neatness...
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satsumas-kunoichi · 7 years
{ So a super happy (and super belated) birthday to @jitsuyosei!! They requested this little prompt from me, and I tried my best, I really did I just don’t know shit about Touken Ranbu but I hope you like it!! }
It had been quite some time since Izumi first met the man who shared a name with her. The constant back-and-forth of “Nagi-sama”, and “Suika-chan”, paired with teasing smiles, coy answers, and averted glances, was always a welcomed luxury. Someone who could understand her, and her quirks, was rare indeed, but someone who loved her despite them—maybe even for them—was rarer yet.
           It was that love that made it so difficult to go without him for so long. Izumi couldn’t help but feel left behind because of his prolonged absences, which gave way to intrusive thoughts of every nature. It wasn’t rare for her to think that he had some other significant other to go home to, or that, perhaps, she was the “other woman”.
           Those thoughts, like poison, placed thorns where roses once were. How long would it be until she saw him again? Two months? Six months? A year? She never knew, and the uncertainty left her feeling hollow. She wanted so badly to remain loyal to him, to never question him, or his fidelity to her, but it became more and more difficult every day.
           She found herself wandering through town much more than she previously did, perhaps in hopes that he would appear once again. After all, they had no form of contact with each other, no letters, no mutual friends, nothing. It was entirely up to chance.
           That day, luck was finally on her side.
           She could always remember that his figure was easy enough to spot, as he was much taller than the average man, and his bizarre sense of style certainly helped him stand out from the crowd. Searching for him every day didn’t hurt any, either, since she kept his image as fresh in her mind as time would allow. However, even her memory grew fuzzy as time crept on.
           Rounding a corner, Izumi figured out a second too late that someone else was there, and, despite trying to stop herself in time, collided with them. It was a solid contact, and she immediately began to spout off apologies, bowing deeply— behavior fit for a noblewoman.
           “Suika-chan?” a voice asked, a smile creeping into the tone. Her eyes grew wide, and, straightening her posture, she looked upon the man’s face. It had been so long since she last saw him, but his eyes burned as clearly as she remembered. His smile erased every intrusive thought she had had in the last several months, replacing all the thorns with roses.
           Her vision blurred momentarily, followed by warm streaks flowing down her cheeks. It had been so long, she didn’t realize she would cry upon seeing him once again. His warm hand cupped her cheek, a calloused thumb wiping away the tears, filling her with absolute joy.
           “Nagi-sama…” she breathed, her voice shaking. Part of her felt like she was dreaming, and she never wanted to wake up to the nightmare that was life without him. “You have returned.” Caressing his cheek, she looked up at him with such genuine affection, relishing every moment she could spend with him.
           Curious eyes landed on the couple, wondering who they could be, what their story was. Both could sense that they were being watched, and without further hesitation, Nagi-sama took her hand, and led her away from the center of town. As soon as they were out of the center of attention, they glanced at each other, and he held his arms open for her. She didn’t hesitate. It was as if it was second nature for Izumi to be in his arms—it was such a simple gesture, yet it made a world of difference.
           Her eyes still threatened to release more tears, but his warmth reminded her that there was no need. However, in that expansive garden of roses he created with his presence, a single thorn, large and undeniable, formed. Leaning back, Izumi looked up into his face, and smiled. Taking that as a hint, he began to lean in, holding the small of her back to bring her closer, but she stopped his lips with her fingers, the smile melting into a look of irritation.
           “Nagi-sama,” she began, glaring at his puzzled expression. “You have been away… for far too long,” she scolded, as best as she could. “Tell me… how long will you… have these absences?” Her patience had thinned in the months he was gone, and it showed on her face.
           His puzzled expression changed into one of sympathy, with—dare she even think it?—a shadow of guilt. Gently taking her hand, he kissed the fingers she had interrupted him with, leading down to her palm, and the back of her hand. Izumi steeled herself—she wouldn’t let him sweet talk himself out of it, she couldn’t! As bratty as she may seem, she would stand her ground until she got a solid answer out of him.
           “Suika-chan,” he cooed, glancing at her as he placed another kiss on her hand. Her face was heating up, but her resolve remained unscathed. Pouting, she averted her gaze from him—he knew he got to her, and he surely loved every second of it. “Do you really think I leave because I want to?”
           He averted the question again. Izumi’s irritation began to overflow; it had been months since she had last seen him, and he couldn’t even give her a straight answer?
           “I simply wish to know… if you actually care about me,” she grumbled, feeling a little pathetic at her own show of insecurity. His eyes bore into her, she could tell, and, unconsciously, she began to withdraw from him. Her hand was still in his, and he gave it a small squeeze, his other hand moving to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.
           “Hey,” he said, suddenly serious. It became even harder to meet his gaze, perhaps because of pride, perhaps because of her fear of what he would say next. “I’m with you, okay? Always.” The look she gave him betrayed her emotions, how hurt she was, despite it all. It wasn’t enough to hear words, she wanted to see action. He was all sweet nothings, and promises he couldn’t keep. It was too much for her to handle anymore.
           “Then… why are you unable to stay?”
           The words caught them both by surprise—she couldn’t believe she actually voiced her thoughts to him, and he couldn’t believe how much he had hurt her. It was all clear, now. The momentum of the confession led her to speak again, for better or for worse.
           “I love you, Nagi-sama… but… I cannot stand this anymore. I—” Her words failed her, as her throat tightened up, and tears left her eyes once again. Opening her mouth, she tried, but it wasn’t enough. Covering her face as best as she could, she turned away from him, mortified. A moment passed before he gently took her into his arms, holding her closely. She clung onto him, almost desperately, hoping that he’d never leave her behind again.
           The silence between them was palpable to say the least. Their heartbeats echoed in synchrony with each other, as if they could communicate through the steady rhythm they produced. He smoothed her hair down, the gentle strokes on her back reminding her that this moment was real.
           “It’s complicated,” he started, his voice quiet, as if not to startle her. Izumi glanced up at him, her eyes pleading with him to tell her the truth; yet, he resisted. She wished to tell him so many things—she’d love him no matter what he said to her, it didn’t matter to her. She only needed to know.
           Delicately raising her hand, she tilted his face down towards hers, searching his features for any hint of deception. Mustering up every ounce of conviction she had, she attempted to push away all bias, so as to see the truth. Yet, she couldn’t find any deception in his eyes, no matter how much she searched.
           Truly, undoubtedly, she trusted him.
           “I want to tell you, Suika-chan, but it would put you in danger.” The words felt like they brought an unbearable weight with them. What was he a part of that would put her in danger? Not that it mattered much to her—she faced danger every day of her life. However, part of her knew that he wouldn’t be willing to tell her, at least, not at this point. “I hope you understand.”
           She could do more than that—she could empathize. After all, if she ever told him the truth about herself, he’d be in an equal amount of danger. That day may come, sooner or later. It was dangerous for them to even be seen together, yet she didn’t care; she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
           “… I understand,” she gave him a small smile.
           He placed a kiss to her forehead, giving her a look of genuine affection. Perhaps they weren’t meant to know that much about each other—after all, they already enjoyed each other’s presences without having to know that much about the other.
           The moment was broken when Nagi-sama got this look on his face. Smirking at her, he played with her hair, pulling her a little closer.
           “Can I have that kiss now?” he asked, his voice low enough for only her to hear it. Her face flared up, but she was never one to back down from a challenge.
Although, she may have been a little too enthusiastic about the challenge, as she barely hesitated to press her lips against his, as if she would never have a chance to kiss him again.
           That possibility was too real, so she was going to make the most of it.
           And judging by how he reciprocated, he was going to do the same.
           Nagi-sama broke the kiss first, combing her hair to the side, planting kisses along her neck, and damn him, she could feel him smirking against her skin—and she didn’t stop him in the slightest.
           “We could go somewhere a little more private, Suika-chan,” he murmured against her neck between kisses. “No one needs to know.” The offer was tempting to say the least, and judging by the heat in her face, she wasn’t about to decline.
           After all, they were already together. Why waste an opportunity?
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wakizashikun · 9 years
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          Being in laundry duty isn’t that bad. Horikawa carries a basket of laundry, fresh from the wash, as he heads straight to where he could hang the wet laundry. It’s almost noon, meaning when he’s done, he’s as free as the wind can be---though truthfully, he’s more likely to spend his free time helping with other duties. Horikawa passes by the stables, deciding to peek in to say hi to the horses, but he blinks. His mouth forms an ‘ o ’ at what he sees, and without any holdbacks, he calls out to Kanesada---
         『 kane-san, the horse behind you is trying to eat your hair! oh, there it goes--- 』
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shinsennotoshi · 9 years
Thoughts on + Izumi no Kami Kanesada
//an anon also sent this, so thank you to them too~
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"Izumi is my greatest partner,” he began, a myriad of emotions fluttering through his mind at once; some good, some not so good. “He was my companion when I left my old life behind, and he still is. He was there from the beginning and will be until the very end. He’s my strength. I don’t think I could trust another sword to such loyalty, especially with the things I’ve done. We bicker over things, and maybe it can’t be helped. But that doesn’t change a damn thing. We started this together, and that’s how we’ll end it.”
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shinsengumimuscle · 9 years
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//You have been missed bby
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xchuugi · 9 years
@seichoden @akumanoshijisha @shinsennotoshi
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    Swift is the movement, yet purpose of such motions was not intent to fight nor kill. Instead to submit and deliver an apology. Lowest and most submissive of gesture; down on both knees, hands pressed down with the deep bow of his head with forehead near to touching the wooden floor. Even towards Itou would Horikawa commit to an act. 
     “Please forgive them both---!” While he too is tensed with a form of anger towards said swords for having lost control, especially towards their very own superiors who are in the position of receiving respect. Therefore, he does not meet the eye of the swords who has caused offense one after the other. “Punishment will be received and I personally will reprimand for my own mistake of not having stopped them sooner.”
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fakeuchi · 9 years
"The tension is obvious and unnecessary. The two of you! Yamatonokami Yasusada! Izuminokami Kanesada! Break it up! If you have a disagreement, settle it in a sparring match and quit acting like children! This isn't even something you both should be so serious about!”
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“If this little argument between you two escalates, it will not go unpunished!“
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nopainnocrane · 9 years
((continued from here, @jitsuyosei))
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My, Tsurumaru was surprised. He was expecting Izumi to snap at him, not just give him a cold glare and walk away... this made the crane curious about the uchi’s current mood, and a little bit concerned as well. “Hey... Izuzu... you’re not concerned about your hair are you...? Let me take that dango back before it turns your hair into candy....”
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akumanoken-archive · 8 years
ღ ;D
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeSexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeAesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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shinsennotoshi · 9 years
@jitsuyosei @satsumas-kunoichi
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“Do you two have something you’d like to explain? Now.”
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