#izumi bday countdown 2k18
tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 31 + Naru] Loving memories
{I managed to condense it so it wasn’t super longgggg, here you goooo~~}
“I’ll be back in a few days~ Byebyee~~”
It was probably not the best time for Arashi to have suddenly requested a leave. Considering the timing, there was just so much to do - it was the busy season after all! But the blond had been insistent and refused to take no as an answer. He’d work twice as hard, no three times as hard when he returned. It wasn’t like he would be away for too long after all.
Just a few days.
After the last month of purchases, he’d become one little charm shop’s favourite customer. It certainly helped that the family that ran the shop had been very kind and didn’t pry even from day one. Arashi had been free to browse and squeal over the cute charms that filled every corner of the place to his heart’s content.
It was also a testament to their kindness that no one knew how he had stopped by almost every day to pick out specific charms, chattering and reminiscing as he did so.
A camera, a cat, a rose, a knight piece… every charm had been handpicked and carefully packed up to be sent by express mail to one of the dearest people in Arashi’s life. Each charm was accompanied with a handwritten note with either encouragements, memories, or some other sentiment for Izumi.
When he’d come across the selection of different flower charms, made with delicate silverwork and coloured rhinestones - Arashi couldn’t resist sending over a couple of those as well. A daffodil for respect, a yellow camellia for longing, a hydrangea for pride, a poppy for comfort… the list could go on. He’d certainly sprinkled in lots of declarations of love too with those charms - whether or not they had been teasing or true, Arashi hadn’t felt the need to clarify. He’d even endured quite a few teasing comments from the people he worked with everyday when they noticed just how many present boxes he kept wrapping up and sending off.
Those same coworkers now laughing as they waved him off, shooting the model suggestive winks and knowing smiles.
Perhaps Arashi had been a little over the top with his daily gift sending, it had definitely given his coworkers more ideas than he had meant to, but it wasn’t like the blond to regret showing off his affection to Izumi.
It had been something to adjust to when Izumi had graduated and then eventually moved away from home. It was certainly an adjustment not to have any of the third years around anymore when it was Arashi’s own turn to be the third year. And then he’d graduated as well and been swept up into the busy life his career entailed.
And now, tonight, Arashi was almost giddy with excitement. He was catching an overnight train to make sure he’d arrive on time, having dropped off the penultimate charm to be sent that morning. Checking over his ticket, it didn’t take long for Arashi to find his train and from there his seat, settling down with some headphones, hood pulled up and a pair of glasses perched on his nose.
Only after he had settled did Arashi let his mind wander to the charm he’d fussed over quite a bit that morning. He’d wanted it to be the exact shade of his eyes after all. A reminder of himself for the charm bracelet. As a lover of all things cute and pretty, Arashi still would prefer not to look at a precious gem of any particular shade close to his own eyecolour for at least the next month.
As it was late, the other occupants of the train were either dozing off or talking quietly, everyone minding their own business. Arashi let his eyes wander out the window, propping his cheek against his hand. Now that he had the time to just reflect, it had been a long time since the last time either of them had had time to meetup, hadn’t it? He was glad he had been able to take this short trip. It would be nice to surprise Izumi.
Since it had already been quite a long day of practices and interviews with a couple smaller magazines, Arashi was honestly much more tired than he had realized, the blond was content to settle back into his seat and let the familiar sounds of high school years past lull him to sleep.
The first stop on his agenda, when Arashi finally stepped off the train early the next morning, was a flowershop. Hefting his travel bag higher onto his shoulder, Arashi answered a few texts before heading off - snapping a quick selfie with a silly grin before he left the station entirely. Considering the early hour, Arashi was glad to find a place that had just opened. As he wasn’t looking for a bouquet that conveyed any really deep meanings, he asked for a collection of blooms that were in season. As the flowers were chosen and arranged, Arashi’s smile brightened even more. He might have been a bit groggy and definitely still felt like crawling back into bed after that train ride but his excitement was catching up to him once more. With flowers now in hand, Arashi directed his steps towards Izumi’s place, the address clear in his head after having written it over and over again for nearly every day in the last month.
Tucking away his headphones, Arashi giggled softly to himself as he attached the selfie he’d taken earlier to a message before sending it off to Izumi. He then tucked his phone away and took out the last little present box to hold - inside a simple heart-shaped locket with a photo of the two of them at Izumi’s graduation, Arashi clinging to Izumi’s neck with tears staining his cheeks - before knocking on the door.
Now that he was actually here, there was a bit of anxiety in the back of Arashi’s mind. What if Izumi had plans and here he was showing up uninvited? But he was quick to push them aside. There wasn’t anything wrong with wanting to deliver the last gift in person and to wish Izumi a happy birthday after all. If he was indeed busy then Arashi could easily find things to do around the area.
All thoughts were forgotten as the door was opened though and Arashi broke out into the brightest smile yet as soon as he caught sight of Izumi’s face, joy seeming to radiate from the blond at that moment.
“Surprise Izumi-chan~! Happy birthday!”
The flowers and present box were both offered to the elder as Arashi giggled with glee. Ahh, nothing really could beat actually being able to see Izumi in person after all.
Much to his surprise, Arashi had continued to send him present after present through the remaining October. Little adorable charms matched with handwritten letters, each one evoking a piece of a puzzle, bringing back the fluttering heartbeats and cherry blossoms of the time when their lives were strongly tied together.
Luckily for him, the presents arrived to his doorstep rather than his agency, for he wouldn’t be able to explain this constant stream of presents, all wrapped in extremely cutesy paper and with flashy pastel cards. There were so many he had ended up giving up on hanging them on his phone, instead making a little arrangement on a corner of his room to hang them all in the order they had arrived right along pinned two-shots he had, both from work and from personal moments.
It was a bit of an embarrassing little display, showing far too much how attached he was to the past. How hard it was for him to renounce to the bliss of times when they were together. Blue eyes stopping here and there when certain words called to his heart, to the strings of emotion that were left from those times, he second-guessed himself. Was he -once again- seeing mirages in the words of others, reflecting what he felt in them?
His own birthday had arrived without him even realizing the date. A normal morning routine starting as usual, blue eyes flashing over the colorful set of charms and the cheeky smile of an Arashi glued to his side for a couple selfie.
Just as any other day he pinned his hair and did his skin care, did his usual exercises and washed his body. Only realizing the new message when he stepped out of the shower and found the light of his phone on. The picture of a familiar place making his heart jump in his chest, he rushed as much as he could to dress up, picking a random set of clothes from the drawer and half fixing his hair before running to the door, the doorbell winning against his rushing.
Panting heavy he looked through the peeping hole just to confirm what he knew was true... cheeks red -was it the rushing or was it the adorable sight before him, not even he was sure-, he took a couple of deep breathes and fixed his hair just a bit more before flinging the door open.
“Naru-chan... what are you...?” he had just opened his mouth when the gorgeous blond interrupted him with her own words. Bright, bubbly words that matched the incredibly dazzling smile on her lips -it was as if the very sun had descended to grace him with its presence.
Another box and a bouquet of flowers presented forward, he could do nothing but receive them, holding the later against his chest as he maneuvered to open up the box. The beautiful silver charm with the photo of the two so charged of memories he could almost feel the tears prickling on the back of his eyes again -just like on that day.
And just like then, he swallowed it up, instead a warm and loving smile appearing in his face to correspond to Naru’s feelings.
“Thank you... it’s good to see you here” he reached out, holding her slightly cold hand in his own “Want to come in? I was about to make something to eat.” maybe then he could ask for an explanation on all these presents. Was it a whim? Was it nostalgia?
Or maybe...
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tsundere-model · 6 years
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[Day 8 + Kobayashi] A family trip to Disneyland!!
He had never been a fan of amusement parks, but with all of Kobayashi’s family being rather excited about their day out, he didn’t had the heart to say no. They have only been inside for but a moment, and somehow he ended up accepting to wear the typical Mickey Mouse ears as to match Kanna’s Minnie ones.
It’s been a while since he is so happy in a family setting, and he innerly thanks Kobayashi for pushing him to accept in the first place.
@nerdydragonmom invited Izumi to spend the day out with her "family".
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 22 + family] Surprise dinner
@lowbloodpressurelord and their child has made a surprise dinner for Izumi
Ever since Shizuka became part of their life, Izumi’s schedule had her as its center. Already kinda isolated from coworkers and with but a few friends, devoting himself to the life of a housewife might just be the breath of life he had so desperately looked for in the past. And he was as focused in that, he started to miss out on other important things, his personal calendar stocked with dates important to Kyouya and Shizuka to the point his own seemed to have disappeared.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t found anything suspicious in the sudden request from his husband to go buy something to the store -he was going to be in an important meeting until late at night so he couldn’t go himself, was the explanation. Looking at the time he confirmed Shizuka wouldn’t be back from school until later on. He wouldn’t be able to receive her with a warm meal as usual, which grated slightly in his mind, but Kyouya had made things seem too important to be left for later. Pocketing his own phone in case anything happened, he checked his own reflection to brush some of the straight silver hairs back before stepping out of the house, still not completely over the reassurance his own looks gave him.
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He was told to pick up a certain box from the store without opening it, and, while curious, he did as he was asked. Whatever was in it had already been paid so it was just a matter of picking it up and bringing it back, which he was happy to do - it gave him an excuse to walk out and show off a bit, something he hadn’t done as often as he’d like out of late.
His phone ringing he received a small message from Kyouya telling him to go to the hairdresser or spa is he wished, as a small reward for accepting his sudden request. Not that he needed a reward for it, he did felt like enjoying his time out for a bit more. Once he made sure of the time -for he’d hate to make Shizuka come back to an empty house- he called to his favorite beauty salon to get prettied up.
After months of not doing any of these -and years of having quit as a model- it felt quite refreshing to have an expert wash his hair and exfoliate his skin, even to praise him for his beauty. He might not be as absolutely stunning as he was in his younger years, but he hadn’t spared in resources to keep his looks even now.
Quite satisfied by his little outing-and by all the looks he was getting, izumi returned with a spring in his step, unawaringly singing under his breath. Which just stopped when he noticed the first indication that something was going on -the unlocked door. Eyebrows knitting slightly and phone in hand, he pushed open. Both Shizuka’s and Kyouya’s shoes were on the doorway -had they come back and forgotten to send him a message?
He had barely looked at the screen on his phone, closing the door behind him and locking it, when the second one hint came in the shape of the delicious smell of sweetly steamed lamb.
“Dear?” he called out curiously, not expecting by any means to have his husband back home so early nor for him to be doing dinner for him. Wasn’t he going to be in a business meeting? And Shizuka too, wasn’t it too early for her to be back from school?
Poking his head into the kitchen, he found his 12 year old serving the plates, tongue stuck out in a focused expression, while Kyouya finished up something in the oven.
“Ah, Mom!” Shizuka called out the moment she finally looked up just to see him standing in the doorway, looking her full of endearment “Say something if you’re home! Ahh, now we can’t surprise you...”
The little girl pouted and huffed, the long black fringe moving out of the way as he did, showing that little flare of emotion that only ever truly showed up when around people she knew well.
Kyouya also seemed a bit surprised about him arriving too early, which honestly just made him want to say he was the actually surprised one.
“I’m still surprised sweetie~” he replied gently, walking over to give her a welcome home kiss on the forehead before leaning over to see her work. She seemed to tense up right away as if waiting for his verdict “Shizuka-chan has so much sense for this~ It all looks so pretty. Am I gonna have to ask you to serve the meals from now on?”
The tease was answered by the girls small blushy pout and a dragged out “mooooom”, followed by a small smile.
He did insisted in helping serving, but both Shizuka and Kyouya were quite determined to do that themselves, and wishing him a happy birthday. The meal was all his favorite, and he was glad to enjoy it all up, even if it felt just a bit boring not to be allowed to wash the dishes or do anything else.
After that, the oven finally sounded, showing off the special birthday cake they had prepared for him. A fruit tart, unlike the expected birthday cream cake, since he favorited the former with a candle for him to blow.
The second he had done that, Shizuka presented forward a card she had made herself and Kyouya brought over the little box he had brought from the store. Opening it up, it showed a beautiful necklace, extremely delicate and gentle, in golds and silvers with one dark blue gem in the center, surrounded by a silver piece with the date and Izumi’s name.
Kyouya truly always went all out for him, didn’t he?
“Happy birthday!” the unison of Kyouya and Shizuka’s voice making him chuckle, he reached out for each of his brunettes with one hand, holding them close in a hug. He still wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve such happiness, but he wasn’t about to question his blessings.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
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[Day 18 + Ponsol] Cat ears (extra)
Here it is! Izumi wearing Ponsol’s birthday present -and being an embarrassed mess when praised about it.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 16 + Rei] Night drive
@toneofdarkness has suggested a night drive. Also! Take it as an early Birthday present for Rei too!!
Going for a drive was not overly high in Izumi’s ideal date list, if at all.
Riding a motorcycle was for him a synonym of freedom. A moment for himself. To forget about all obligations and worries and just allow himself to enjoy the speed, the wind… the feeling of sprouting wings on your back.
Getting the motorbike was by no means a logical decision. Plenty of better ways of transport out there, from train to bikes… picking a motorbike was a decision that didn’t mesh quite well with his usual logical personality - a quiet cry for help, a hidden wish to be free from the chains on his life.
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That’s why he wasn’t all too excited about the prospect of a ‘date drive’... or however people called that. Even so, Rei’s insistence was off the charts, arguments back and forth on why it would be a good idea.
Fine, he decided.
It was Rei’s birthday as well, and if he was going to enjoy the thrill of a drive in the late afternoon he had no reason to say no.
No one had been on his motorcycle since Anzu and the weight of a man significantly taller than himself was completely different. It was almost embarrassing to have the vampire clinging to his waist too… so he decided to just focus in driving and forget about the strange warmth behind him, the rumble of the motor and the hit of cold wind against his face good at making him forget the details and enjoy the moment.
Driving fast along the shore, the mystic change of colors in the bright sky above and the setting sun, drowning in the ocean far ahead was completely visible. An ethereal drive, a painting come to life.
The light poles at both sides of the road turning on one after the other as the sky became completely black, the bright stars above became hard to spot. The moon still nowhere to be seen.
The wintery stars growing distant above them, the warmth against his back felt more reassuring than troublesome now.
He wasn’t sure how long had it been when he finally felt like pulling over… finding a spot by the side of the road to do so. Getting down from the bike and taking off his helmet, he took a deep breath of the cold wind charged in the scent of the ocean.
And just as he turned around, he was met with a slow kiss. Eyes closing gently and head tilting to the side, he easily accepted the gesture, lips locked in a playful game. Soft, warm… after a few moments that felt a bit too short, Izumi pulled back to take another breath.
“And here I thought you had invited me for an actual picnic date” he teased, the annoyed tone not too sincere. Still, if he had gone through great lengths to make a dinner around tomatoes for the vampire -including fresh tomato juice of course- and even add a small Devil’s Food Cake (the name felt somewhat appropriate for him) he expected Rei to eat it and enjoy it.
Fixing the picnic setting on the side of the road, he offered Rei a seat before presenting the set of food for the day.
It was all specially for him, all containing flavors he would like without putting aside the nutritional value. Of course, Izumi couldn’t actually stomach half of the foods so he wouldn’t be sharing it… “I do not eat heavy meals after 7pm” was his excuse -not completely fake but not sincere either
Maybe Rei would be sneaky enough to convince him to share the tomato juice and the cake though -it was both of their birthdays and it wouldn’t be fair if only one of them got to blow the candles and eat the cake.
Izumi didn’t really card about the wish that came from putting off the candles, though. He had everything he wanted right in front of him.
Maybe if he knew of Rei’s plans -which might include his own motorbike put aside since the time of the war- he would have panicked, looking for an equally special present to give back... but right now, just a shared date like this was enough.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 13 + Kyouya] Romantic dinner
@lowbloodpressurelord has taken Izumi for a date
He still wasn’t used to all this. The fancy car, the fancy dinner, the fancy everything. He kept remaking his outfit time and time again, going through the entirety of his wardrobe at least twice. He wanted to be sure he looked the part - that he was worthy of the kind of dinner he was being invited to. Wouldn’t he end up embarrassing his boyfriend by looking subpar? At the very least he was confident in his looks, so it was only a matter of not looking out of place.
The limo arriving at the front door, he poked his head out of the window and waved for his boyfriend to wait a moment -was this even real? Kyouya looked like a full fledged prince with this set-up. Izumi wasn’t even a girl and he felt like squealing a bit.
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Finally making his decision for a close cut white jacket, Izumi looked at his own reflection for a last time, fixing his fringe a bit and double-checking his make-up before finally stepping out. Handbag in hand, keys safe on his pocket and boots with high-heels he was ready to leave.
Almost too excited he skipped his way down the few flights of stairs - not too fast since he didn’t wanted to end up sweating, just enough to reach down fast- and almost jumped into his lover’s arms. Feeling the corresponding warm squeeze around his body he smiled warmly and stepped on his tiptoes to go for a small greeting kiss.
There was a bouquet of flowers for him, big enough for it to be a bit troubling to hold it, deep red roses that smelled fresh and sweet surrounded by tiny white flowers to decorate. Hopping into the car, and sitting side by side with Kyouya, leaning against him tenderly, he counted the number.
One, two, three, four and more… how was your day? You look beautiful today. Ten, and eleven and twelve. You look way too handsome. We should take a picture together. Twenty-six, twenty-seven. When he finished counting -and recounting because there were just that many and the little conversation he was having made it hard to focus- he realized they were 47.
Kyouya only smiled, prompting him to look for the meaning himself.
Searching for the meaning in his phone, the host’s arm around his shoulders, his heart skipped a beat at the ‘You’re my one and only’ in the screen. A nervous blush, he gently leaned closer to Kyouya, enjoying the warmth from his hold -so different from the cold outside.
When the car finally stopped, he was guided down, the roses left there for him to pick them back when they returned. Hand in hand, feeling almost like a princess guided by a knight -quite the opposite from his usual performance.
He had never come to such a restaurant, and he found himself naturally leaning closer to Kyouya, seeing what he did and attempting to act as if it wasn’t as surprising as it was. Still, it was impossible to avoid the almost childish surprise in his eyes when he looked out the window from the n-floor and into the sight of the whole city. The lights from the buildings like little fireflies over the dark silhouette of the world.
A brindis. A meal selection specially for him, with nothing but delicious and healthy food, finishing off with a dessert of grapes, calorie low cream and chia seeds that felt delightful o his tongue. And on top, the sweetness of a gentle kiss.
It felt almost too good to be true. Like a beautiful dream. To be like this, with the man he loved, eating delicious food, with a beautiful sight. Would he ever be happier than this? Feel more loved than this? He didn’t thought that was possible, but that’s what made this moment so special.
The sound of the ‘Happy Birthday’ never as sweet as today.
And yet it wasn’t even over yet, a small box being offered forward. Inside a silver watch with a light blue face. The design -was it custom designed?- that of a chess piece -a bishop, as a call back to izumi’s position in Knights. A warm smile painting his features he leaned over the table, for a moment not worrying if he was being impulsive or unsightly, just wanting to kiss him at once.
A soft kiss full of gratefulness. For being loved. For being able to love. For being here.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Izumi!
God, it’s so weird to think I’ve been writing this tsundere for 2 years already. But here we are, dying over his ranking card that came at the worst possible timing. I will be around today and tomorrow for birthday stuff in case anyone wants too send anything (since i'm waiting on feedback before continuing with my thesis) and then I’ll return to my hiatus.
Now, Izumi:
I love you, you stupid beautiful man, and i hope you forgive me the two mismatched cakes. It’s been a long month of presents for you, but it was all worth it if I got to make you smile! Last year I wrote a lot of sappy stuff so I won’t be repeating that, just let me say, once more, that Im grateful of all the happiness you’ve brought to my life, and that I wish for you to always be happy.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 21 + Rei] Cute store shopping
@toneofdarkness​ invited Izumi to an overly cute date
Izumi frowned up slightly when he realized the place they had ended up in. Arms crossed over his chest and feet strongly settled on the floor, he refused, for the life of his, to give even one step more.
Hadn’t been enough being forced to come over during that stupid cool and cute shit festival thing? Why did he had to come to this cutesy pink store again, and on his birthday of all days? A cold and dragged out glare directed towards Rei, who had promised a ‘great date’ to celebrate his birthday.
He felt compelled to ask if he was fucking stupid, and he also felt the impering need of calling Ritsu and asking him to come get rid of his brother. Hopefully for good. It was in this times that he truly understood Ritsu’s struggle…
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“No. Way.” he vocalized strongly, making a harsh stop in between both words, but Rei wasn’t giving up on his ‘date idea’. And after all too many cringy pleads that tried to look cute, Izumi was forced to make his way into the overly pink and way too cute store, strolling down the halls plastered with cute stuffed animals.
If it makes him happy, he tried to convince himself, hands on his pockets and frown on his face. It was Rei’s birthday too after all… and though he felt annoyed about being dragged around to a place he didn’t liked, he felt it was just right to join Rei’s plans for the day.
He had walked back and forth a couple of times when his eyes caught up on a little purple plush. Moving up closer he confirmed that it was, in fact, a bat plushie. To be more specific, it was a keyholder with two bats huddled up together, hung upside down, wrapped in their own wings. It felt oddly reminiscent of the Sakuma brothers...
Ritsu would probably find it annoying, but maybe Rei would like it?
Looking to both sides as to make sure he wasn’t gonna get caught by the oddball, Izumi made his way to the counter and bought the little plushie, quickly hiding it away when he saw Rei passing by.
It wasn’t until a while later that the vampire seemed satisfied, finally allowing him to leave the store.
Okay, it was his chance.... If he didn’t handed out the present now he’d feel too embarrassed to give it out later. Taking a deep breath, he presented forward the small plush.
“It kinda made me think of Kuma-kun and you… You don’t have to take it if you don’t want it though”
Much to his surprise, the vampire only reacted with a familiar chuckle-probably full aware of Izumi’s intentions from the very start- before presenting a small present of his own. In this case, a hair pin with a white cat design, under the excuse that it would look cute on him.
Would it though?
Before he could express his displeasure, Rei was already putting it on his hair with one of those cryptic smiles of his, light red tainting his cheeks at the closeness and the gentleness of the touch.
“You look even cuter than I thought you would~”
“Idiot, don’t go around saying stupid things like that” he complained, giving a light smack to Rei’s shoulder. Still, he didn’t took the hairpin off at all.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 15 + Mitsuru] A hundred words of love
@matsurinomuses made a present for Izumi
He had just arrived back at his desk after dinner, and a paper crane was there, placed over a single piece of paper that read ‘For Sena Izumi’. It seemed just a tiny bit wrinkled, one of the wings tilting to the side. As meddlesome as always, he lifted it up and tried to straighten the wing. A small bundle of letter appearing to the sight.
Curious he folded the wing open just a bit more… and just another bit more. And there it was.
“You’re always kind”
What a curious thing for it to be written in a paper crane. A curious look around in search for whoever had made it brought no conclusions but a couple more questions, in the shape of a second crane in another desk and yet another one by the door. Was this supposed to be trail of breadcrumb trail for him to follow?
Though the concept felt a bit high in energy, the curiosity made him accept the game, picking up the second and third crane and gently looking for the messages as he made his way to the hall.
“You care for everyone”
“The cakes you bake are always tasty”
Curiosity picked -was this a joke of some sort?- he continued to follow the trail, gently picking up every single crane and stacking them up in his arms, reading the small messages written in their wings and backs and necks and tails
They were nothing but sweet and encouraging messages.
“Your smile is the pretties”
“I love it when you are happy”
“I like holding your hand”
“You are very warm”
The trail eventually lead to an empty classroom - a whole cascade of different cranes waiting for him right there. A legend of a thousand wishes turned into a thousand love messages. And holding them in his hands was the culprit, the small brown bunny that did nothing but run up and down all day.
The warm and soft bunny that liked to hold his hand and that would often eat lunch together with him. That fast and charming and talented bunny that sometimes seemed too bright for him.
“Happy birthday Izu-chan-senpai! I don’t like to see ya being sad so I wrote down a hundred things that i like about you! Now you have no reason to be sad again! Like ever!”
How could he even come up with a whole hundred was impossible to understand for Izumi -and he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d find some repeated ones. But that didn’t really mattered. Not when there was someone that would go this far for him…
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Mitsuru wasn’t good with detailed work, nor with repetitive tasks. And yet, he had somehow made a whole hundred cranes with messages for him.
Just for him.
How could he not be happy about it? A silly smile all over his face he received the cranes, wanting to hide behind them as much as he wanted to lean forward and give Mitsuru a small kiss.
“Izu-chan-senpai looks so cute when he’s all red like that!”
Damn this boy, did he wanted to murder him with cuteness? Because he was doing a great job if that was his idea. Hiding behind the cranes he didn’t realized the other had walked around him, a warm hold around his waist making him yelp and turn around just to get a kiss square in the lips.
Mitsuru would certainly be the end of him
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 10 + Mika] Blind Date
Setting: Simple college AU. Izumi and Mika have never met before.
No, he wasn’t interested in a blind date. He insisted once and twice and thrice, from several days prior to the date in question and with a whole dissertation on the many reasons why it was destined to fail.
Naru was, however, as stubborn as expected; easily ignore his many complains and laughing off his arguments.
“It’s a good boy Izu-chan, you’re gonna love him. I can guarantee” she would say with that adorable little smile that made it impossible to say no.
Still he tried. He knew he was destined to fail, and that as long as she had decided on it, he would end up in that blind date whether he wanted it or not. But he tried.
He wouldn’t find love in a blind date of all places, he insisted. It would be a big failure, he argued. He didn’t wanted to waste his time like this on his birthday of all days, he protested.
And yet, when the day came, he was right on time to the agreed place, dressed up and with just the slightest bit of makeup -as suggested by beauty guru herself, Arashi Narukami-.
Indeed, while he was certain the date would be a complete miss, he refused to look anything less than perfect for it. Both for his pride and to correspond to Arashi’s kindness - because yes, he was aware her intentions were nothing but good, and she probably truly believed he’d love the guy.
A quiet sigh, he sat down in one of the tables to wait, already counting the lateness as a minus point for the guy.
“Awa! Yer Sena-san, aintcha?” It had been maybe a couple of minutes when he heard the loud voice from over the crowd, addressing him in a strong accent “Did I madya wait too long?”
Looking up from his book, Izumi peered into the stranger he had been set up with, apologetic blue and golden eyes meeting up with him right away.
The guy in question was rather tall, with tousled black hair tied in a small ponytail and clothes that seemed a bit too big for his frame, his turtleneck swallowing all the way to his chin with ease.
Though the fashion sense of the guy made him crook and eyebrow, he had to admit his face was very beautiful even if a bit childish -though it was probably because of his nervous wide eyes and pursed lips-, with those heterochromic completing the painting. If anything, Naru had a good eye for what Izumi considered ‘attractive’.
“Yeah, that’s me. I hope you have a good reason for making me wait” he started, making a small gesture for the other to sit down in front of him.
“Ah… no… it ain’t somethin’ that can justify my gettin’ late…” he looked up expecting for the explanation to follow and the guy perked up slightly, quickly restarting the engine of his words “I ain’t much of a fan of bein’ outside, yanno? Crowds make me feel uneasy… i tried to avoid bein’ stared at and ended up goin’ in the wrong direction… so then i had to run here.”
… for real? For real. He didn’t seemed to be lying -and why would someone lie in such an outrageous way in the first place?
“Hmmn, was it really okay to pick a cafe for this then?” he questioned back, quickly scanning their surroundings. It was one of the currently more popular cafes, with reservations needed one week in advance -which also meant all the tables were occupied.
“It’s fine! Don’t mind me! Naru-chan said ya’d like a fashionable place so I tried to pick one… Is it maybe… not to yer likin’?” the cheery tone from the start seemed to die out into a much lower and shaky tone by the end. What a curious guy.
“So you picked it… I thought it might have been Naru-chan, since she has done nothing but talk about this place for the past month” Izumi finally replied, fingers reaching forward to lift the menu and give it a look “That’s to say I don’t mind it. I was curious about it anyway”
Sneaking a glance from the menu to the guy, he noticed the other’s expression seemed to have returned to normal
“So… I actually don’t know much about you. Except that you are Naru-chan’s friend from college… Mind telling me a bit more about yourself? Maybe starting by your name?” he asked gently, worrying just a bit that this wild-animal would run in fear if he pressed too hard.
“Ah! R-right…My name is Kagehira Mika. I’m a fashion designer…” he explained, still timid and fidgety. Maybe he was feeling intimidated? Or simply didn’t liked Izumi (or the date) all that much? “Naru-chan talks a lot ‘bout ya so it kinda feels like I already know ya... sorry ‘bout that”
“Hmnn” another look down, Izumi finally settled for a seafood salad and a green smoothie, putting a finger on top of the order as if to not forget until the waitress arrived to their table “Fashion designer, you say… What kind of things do you design? LIke… the kind of thing Naru-chan wears?”
The heterochromic eyes that until then had been having a hard time picking where to look at, finally looked directly at him, sparkles appearing right on them. It seemed like asking about his job had been a good choice.
“I… I like frills and lace the most… so I often do lady outfits” he explained, a hand going to the bag on his side, fishing around it for a few moments before pulling out a sketchbook of yellow pages and flipping it a couple of times to show some of the designs.
He felt compelled to tell him to stop, as he wasn’t really asking for a whole explanation, but his words disappeared in his mouth right away.
It was amazing. The lines seemed to have life and the colors made it easy to guess the fabrics that had been planned for it, little cuts of said fabric also taped to the paper along with little comments in black marker.
“I like the blue one” he found himself saying, and the guy grinned from side to side cheerfully.
“That one is my current fave… it’ll be my final project this semester! Ya can see all these layers here?” he pointed with a long and pretty nail “It all has to be cut and sewn in a circular progression and connected to the corset on this side...”
Completely absorbed in his own world, the timid guy continued to talk about all the details in the dress he wanted to made. How he had picked some of the fabric and even dyed part of it himself to get the exact color, and how he had been working in the details first because he lacked a model that could really pull it off.
When the waitress finally arrived, the guy asked for a simple sandwich and a dark coffee with plenty of sugar before continuing his animated talk.
And he hated to admit it. He really did. But it was kind of fun to hear him talk like this. His love for his own work just soaking every word he said, and making it all sound so very interesting.
He only stopped when the food had arrived and suddenly, he realized his date had been in absolute silence for the past many minutes. To which he apologized profusely and sincerely -like everything he did apparently.
“It’s fine. It was surprisingly entertaining to hear you talk” He admitted. Simple and direct, the straw now caught in between his lips as he took a long sip of the smoothie. Tasty. As expected.
On the other side of the table, Mika was now blushing hard, not even daring to reach out to his own coffee or sandwich. Which was amusing in its own right, but almost a bit cruel.
“You want me to talk now so we’re even?” he asked, finding the other’s nervousness was decidedly good at bringing his kind side to the forefront. With a nod from the other, he tried to think of something he could talk about himself.
So he decided to talk about work too. It was most of what he did anyway, so he had plenty to talk about when it came to that. About the latest photoshoots he had, and about how the make-up artist hadn’t arrived on time, and about how he felt limited by the ‘cool and princely’ style when he’d like to try different things.
Much to his surprise, Mika’s expression was the same now as it was when he talked brightly and charmingly about his own projects. As if Izumi’s words were truly the most interesting thing he had ever heard, and he just couldn’t wait to hear more about it.
So he giggled.
The treatment was such a shock -half flattering, half embarrassing- that he didn’t knew what else to do but giggle. Which only worked to make Mika feel confused, not asking why Izumi was laughing then wondering if he was okay when he couldn’t stop. Then just being worried about him.
And what could he do to such earnest yet misdirected worry but to giggle even more -uncontrollably so. So much, in fact, he started to feel hot on the face and unable to breath properly. Something that rarely happened.
It was so silly.
“I’m… fine… you’re just too funny” he finally got calm enough to talk, even if it was in between chuckles and wiping the tears from his eyes -careful not to mess with his own mascara.
“D-did I say somethin’ weird?”
Controlling himself not to start laughing again, Izumi simply nodded twice in a row, lips still marked in a long curved smile. What did this boy said that wasn’t weird?
“... Izumi-san… yer so pretty”
Now he wasn’t laughing anymore, even the smile turned into a flat line. Silence overpowering as the words settled in his head, lips parting softly and then closing up again.
“E-excuse me?”
“I… I’m sorry! Don’t be mad... I just… when ya smile like that, yer like… the prettiest person I’ve ever seen” the boy visibly panicked, hands waving all over the place.
He was being sincere, that much was easy to tell, a light blush showing on his cheeks as he tried to explain himself.
Izumi’s cheeks started to get redder… and redder… and redder… until his whole face, all the way to his ears, was beetle red. Noticing the heat, he rushed to cover his face with both hands, a rushed movement that most certainly didn’t fit the most elegant movements he had done until then… prompting a worried question from Mika’s part.
“N-no… I’m not mad.” he half explained, face still covered with both hands “I’m… not. But you should, think before talking...”
“I’ve been told that plenty” the raven-haired male replied in a tone all too cheerful, an apologetic look in double colored eyes remaining in place “But it’s the truth, so it ain’t nothin’ bad about sayin’ it, right?”
Ah… the earnest tone on the other’s voice was doing everything to make him dizzy and confused. His heart was thumping hard in his chest, and he couldn’t control the blush on his face either.
“Say… ya were talkin’ ‘bout how ya don’t like bein’ confined to just one role, right? That ya wanna try new stuff” Mika continued, as if prompted by Izumi’s blushy awkwardness “W-would ya model for me? I just… when I see ya… I feel like I’ve found myself a muse, yanno?”
He couldn’t even think anymore. He was seriously starting to melt down at the sincere compliments. And just like that he found himself nodding in agreement, just like that accepting to meet again.
God, he could already see Naru’s smug ‘i told you so’ grin.
He guessed having a nice date, and maybe probably a future boyfriend for his birthday wasn’t half-bad.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 9 + Nazuna] Warm bunnies
It had been well over a year now since the previous third year’s graduation, before they knew it all the tiny blooming first years that created the unit with their older brother figure would be graduating. However, the bright red eyed rabbit had still kept in contact with everyone he was close to during his years in the academy. He had been warming up to Itsuki more now, Tomoya took over as the Units leader, and it seemed like Yumenosaki’s hotheaded model had a birthday. This was the perfect chance to surprise him with contact from one of his fellow club members! Unfortunately, getting his contact information without directly asking Izumi would be tough..especially since this was for something he wanted to surprise him with. He had heard however from both Leo and Arashi that he had moved out to the city, most likely for more model work he could only assume. For Nazuna however, he stayed confined where he was after graduating, working part time at a children’s care before he would make any plans of returning as an idol with his younger unit members; after all, his final year in Yumenosaki with them changed him the most. On the second of November would the package be delivered, the inside of the box seeming to be filled to the brim with all sorts of colorful tissue paper. Underneath it all was a scarf - one that seemed to be knit by hand. It was white and blue stripped, much like Knights Unit colours- however on the very end of the scarf it seemed to be accented with a small pink rabbit on the very tail. There was a note attached with the scarf, hand written cutely in what appeared to be pink ink. If the rabbit on the scarf didn’t make it obvious already of who the gift was from, this would be a dead give away. Izumi-Chin !  I bet you wern’t expecting to get a letter from me weren’t you? It’s only my responsibility as everyone’s Niichan to celibate their birthday with them. Though to be honest I would have loved to deliver this to you in person (。´•ㅅ•。) But this is the next best thing - we defiantly have to meet up some time !! I’ll treat ya to somethin special okay?  I’ve been getting more comfortable with Itsuki after graduation, and I had asked him to help me more with sewing. So since you’re always knitting your own scarfs (even if that one was for Mako-Chin) I decided to make you your very own Nazuna Nito brand scarf ! ( ^ ㅅ ^ ) So you better use it when it starts gettin cold ‘kay? I haven’t been doin much since leavin the academy, but I’m sure once my bunnies graduate Ra*bits will be fully back in action!! I left the unit in Tomo-Chin’s hands and from what I heard they’ve been doing so well as a unit since I left. Make sure to get back to me, I’d love to hear what yer up to. Hoppy Birthday, Izumi-Chin !! - Nazunyan 🐰 
It hadn’t been too long since they had graduated, lingering feelings of regret at the expectations he had betrayed still clinging from his back. He loved being an idol, yet he stepped back from it yet again, knowing the team that had welcomed wouldn’t be reunited again. Modeling was a far more individualistic job, and something he knew he could do. So he focused in that, even if his mom wouldn’t let him forget about studying college. He could balance both things. He was good at that. Had done it his whole life.
No longer in school, it was surprisingly easy to lose contact with people, always to busy to try to call or message, always wondering if they would even want a message from him. Only Arashi would have the patience to call him and message him every day despite the distance, and he felt saved by it.
By the time his birthday came around, he was sure he had been forgotten by everyone and he had settled with that reality. It wasn’t until he received the box -slightly suspicious at first- that he realized maybe some people still thought of him. It was curious to open the box, and he would be lying if he said his heart hadn’t fluttered at the sight of the scarf with the pink bunny. There were mild mistakes in the point, but that was made it unique...
Wrapping the scarf around his neck, he sat down by the window to read the letter, warmth reaching him from every single word.
Ah, he had forgotten just how bright and warm Nazuna was. Just how much of a light he could be in his life.
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Picking up his phone he asked Arashi for Nazuna’s number so he could send him a message
“Hi Nazunyan, it’s good to see you’re holding up just fine~ It sounds like you’re rounding up quite a bit huh? Do you still get confused with a girl? Ha, that’s just me being mean I guess. I could update you through a message, but wouldn’t it be better to meet up in person? Let me know if next week you have any free time and let’s go somewhere together”
He wanted to see him. He would go see him. Meet him, take him in a date. Thank him for the present... confirm if the flutters in his chest were just from the surprise or if something else was holding them.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Izuruby + Day 4] Offering of peace?
His producer @huntingroses has gifted him a bento box!
Called to the rooftop for no apparent reason, Izumi had considered ignoring the invitation and continued with his day normally. There had been nothing but tension -and not of the good kind- between him and the producer-wannabe that had attached herself to their unit. So to be called by her gave him a bad feel.
It also seemed like the rest of Knights had been secretly working on something and he honestly wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what that might be.
Still, the little message felt quite sincere -enough to almost sound like a challenge letter more than anything- and he felt compelled to correspond to her seriousness. And so here he was against his better judgement, a bit earlier than it was expected of him, sitting on one of the benches and staring at the blue sky above wondering if he had just been mocked.
Which didn’t seemed to be the case as the girl soon arrive to the rooftop. Her black hair waving in the wind and her silver eyes bright like stars in the middle of the day.
Not wasting much time with formalities, she presented forward a box. A suspicious box that was later revealed to be a lunch box made by her. He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief at the comment -which gained him a smack on the arm by her- and so he reluctantly opened it up.
It didn’t looked half-bad. It didn’t contained anything greasy or too full in carbs, the color organization wasn’t bad and the smell was rather appealing. Of course, the way in which she cut the vegetables was proper of an amateur, but he could forgive that much.
Picking up his chopsticks, he took a bite from the bento.
Just as he had thought. It was pretty good. It was also kind of surprising that it was specially for him and ‘because of his birthday’-
“Hmmn, you aren’t half bad cooking. Guess I can at least approve of this” He mentioned in a slightly arrogant tone, reaching up with one hand before she had the time to smack him again. A half smile he patted her head “Good girl, good girl~ I guess even a tomboy like you can do girly thing sometimes. I appreciate it~”
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He might get smacked anyway because of that...
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Kaoizu+Day 2] - A beach date
      He’s been counting down the days for this and when it arrives he’s already gotten it all set up. It’s one thing to convince Izumi to go out with him, and another to get him to stay with him overnight. He’s suspicious of his aims, clearly, and yet nothing happens beyond what they usually do in private: hold hands, press in close against one another and watch a movie that is no more focused on over the feel of lips easing along his own. 
      They have yet to take it any further, both too stubborn to do things right and both too cautious to take it further than where they are. He still finds more enjoyment being with Izumi like this than he ever has being intimate with women he hardly knows, yet it’s still somehow hard for him to take it further. Izumi is fragile, and that’s one of the reasons he doesn’t mind so long as he’s close to him. 
       ❝Wake up~,❞ he greets his boyfriend with a trail of kisses, having snuck out of bed long before to start his special day off with a surprise of its own. Izumi doesn’t know he can cook, usually believes his sister or maid or some joint along the way to school prepares it for him, yet there is no doubt of what scent lingers around the house as the scents of breakfast waft around the apartment. ❝It’s gonna get cold and I’m not beyond tickling you.❞
      He chuckles when his threat works, and though ice cold eyes are matched the cool color of his eyes all that changes when Izumi stumbles into the kitchen and is met with a breakfast that conforms to his views of health. He insists on starting the day off right, receives a hug from behind and a kiss along his neck before they sit and eat. 
      ❝Hope you’re ready for today. You always told me you wanted to learn how to surf, right? Well, the waves are calmer right now and the beach is right outside, so why don’t we go take a walk and I’ll teach you a few things?❞ his smile is soft, and Izumi may realize for the first time Kaoru is trying to open up more, just as Izumi wishes. ❝I know you can handle it, but you gotta trust me today.❞ 
      It gives them enough time to talk as they eat and even more during their walk on the beach, with boards under their arms. It’s clear neither want the day to end, not as Kaoru carefully instructs on how to use the board and even though Izumi is far from being on his level, playful pushes and a challenging tone keep him from pouting on the shore when he wipes out several times. It’s a tiring experience and yet all he can do is smile throughout it. It’s fun and it’s hardly over. 
      As the sun sets along the ocean front, Kaoru draws Izumi in close, tells him he hopes he’s ready to go wash up and change because there’s more. It’s obvious they’re both tired and yet that all fades away when they get home. As Izumi changes, Kaoru is quick to set a cake on the dining room table and he barley has time to even light them when Izumi comes back out. He’s caught in the act, watched carefully as he finishes lighting the candles along it and when Izumi clears his throat he’s left to chuckle sheepishly at him. 
      ❝Now I thought princes took longer to get ready!❞ he teases, though it’s clear he’s now flustered as he moves to the side and lets Izumi observe his cake. ❝Ya didn’t think I’d forget your birthday right? No one did. They’re gonna be here soon and if you’re up for it there’s a fair along the beach. I thought we could all go there and I could show you what a date’s really like?❞
      After all, he says he’s never had time for it and he wants to make the night special for Izumi. With his friends beside him. ❝We’ll open gifts before we go too–❞ the doorbell rings, interrupts him but he’s not yet done. ❝–just know one thing Izumi Sena. I love you. Happy Birthday.❞ The doorbell rings again and before they can even properly discuss what he means he’s gone to answer the door. 
The calm times he spends with Kaoru are probably his favorite nowadays. They could be doing anything -or nothing at all- and just the sight of Kaoru’s smile directed at him, or the casual touch of their hands would be more than enough to make him smile like a fool in love.
With no experience to boast off, he must admit he’s rather comfortable in the standstill they have reached. He’s now comfortable hugging, holding hands and kissing - all things he felt rather embarrassed about at the start- and it feels like a big jump to go any further. But he does worry sometimes that the playboy -the one that once had plenty to choose from- might grow bored from the lack of progress… Yes, by now he trusts the blond to be serious, and is sure he won’t overstep his boundaries… but he worries those strict lines might be holding him prisoner. And someday he’ll just walk away.
So he accepts staying over with caution, and even prepares -as much as he can in his inexperience- in case Kaoru decides tonight if the night.
Nothing of that sort happens and he isn’t sure if he is glad or disappointed. But still, the morning comes much more promising, dreams pushed awake by wandering kisses that feel all too good on his back. He sighs, almost wanting to turn around and sleep some more, but the threat of tickles easily gets him up. Messy hair and oversized clothes hanging from his slender body, he makes a stop -kind of long- in the bathroom to fix his hair and wash his face. Nothing good would come of Kaoru seeing his sleepy face for any longer than a few minutes, he was convinced.
Looking a bit better he now followed to the kitchen, when a rather pleasant breakfast awaited him. He had nothing to complain. Not about the flavor nor the ingredients nor the calorie count -which made for a relaxing breakfast together.
Biting halfway through a toast, he was met with the proposition of learning how to surf. Something he had been interested in, even if he felt like he’d make a fool out of himself trying. Kaoru’s smile said he didn’t had to worry about that.
The morning started with some complains about the sun and Izumi pouring plenty of sunscreen into his body. ‘What if i get tanned and it affects my work’ he would say, and Kaoru would just smile some more. However, such worries drowned in the waves after two or three times of him falling from the surfboard and having to swim afloat with a bothered face.
By the end of the evening he hadn’t managed to get on one single wave but he was giggling like a fool again, holding to the surfboard to stay afloat as his body was too tired to do it without help, and grasping at Kaoru’s hand all too lovingly.
He knows he’s gonna be sore for the next few days, right now even finding hard to step forward, but apparently there’s more. More?
He borrows Kaoru’s shower -not at all strange nowadays- to wash the salt from his body, taking special care of his hair. He dries it off once he’s out, dressing up in a casual set-up from the clothes he had left at Kaoru’s place -which feels a bit more serious than what their actual relationship is- and putting just the lightest makeup -chapstick and eyeliner a given if he’s going out- before stepping into the living room.
A bit too early it seems, as Kaoru is still half-way through his preparations, a cake in the middle of the table. Birthday? Everyone? Gifts? There’s a lot of things to question and he tilts his head to the side, silver locks falling across his forehead.
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But nothing is quite as surprising as Kaoru’s very last words before he runs to open the door, two rings from the doorbell apparently the limit of what he’ll make others wait.
But not Izumi’s. No. He has something much more important filling his mind right now.
“Wait, Kao-kun-” he finds himself following after the blond, demanding an explanation. Wishing for it to mean what he thinks it means. So he holds Kaoru’s hand before he manages to open the door and pulls from it, forcing him to turn around before pressing forward, easily cornering the taller blond with curious blue eyes “Kao-kun… What… was it? What you just say- Could you… repeat it?”
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tsundere-model · 6 years
Happy Birthday Izumi 2k18!- Ponsol and Jupiter
((This is for the regular AU that we have. I decided to put Jupiter and Ponsol’s together— for reasons fufu. Read on to find out why~))
He’d done something last year, so it didn’t feel right to not do something this year for the model’s birthday. He may run the risk of being called ‘stingy’ or even ‘forgetful’ if he didn’t do anything this year.
Ponsol will have you know that he had an impeccable memory, essentially photographic. He was excellent when it came to remembering names, faces, and places— if it had any relevancy in his mind. If he didn’t think you were worth the brain cells, then he wouldn’t bother trying to remember you (but chances were he’d remember you anyways).
The very last year, he made a kitty plush for the model with a red hood that had a striking resemblance to a certain hood that a certain model wore at a CERTAIN HALLOWEEN PARTY days prior.
Did you truly think that Ponsol would not attempt to make a jab at the model? Of course he would. He had to work hard to finish it in time (even forfeiting some sleep for this project), but he made it. Just barely.
Vaguely he recalled something. There was one time, when he’d answered the door, not expecting to see him, and he was dressed very casually. Perhaps he was busy working when Jupiter had asked to see him and he opened the door thinking he would be face to face with ‘the angel’, but instead he saw a smiling demonic heir instead.
Well, Jupiter was there too, but who wouldn’t lose their focus and only pay attention to Ponsol if he were around? It was only common sense.
Thinking it over, he thought of something he thought would be an interesting sort of gift. Perhaps it would be something that would upset Izumi all the same, on top of it being cute and useful? Even better…
This project shouldn’t be nearly as difficult as last years was going to be, but that wasn’t important. Above all else, he was taking time out of his precious day to make something and that was the biggest point.
It didn’t take long for him to make the gift, but he did take the time to make sure the materials he used were of excellent quality. Nothing he made was allowed to be subpar, that’s for sure. When he’d finished the gift, he had waited until it was the day of Izumi’s birthday to gift it to the model.
Of course, while he’s at it, he had Jupiter tag along this time around. He was curious to see how this would pan out.
He was at the door, and he knocked on it, before he ducked aside. If Izumi looked through the peep hole, he’d only see Jupiter standing there with a bag in her hand.
She was patiently waiting for the model to come out while curiously wondering why it was that Ponsol ducked out of the line of sight.
Sure, he could have tried to give Izumi a heads up of their impeding visit, but he didn’t want to do that. Where’s the fun in that? He would much rather have Izumi scramble to get to the door and then get surprised to see that Ponsol was there as well.
Maybe his hair was full of pins like it was that one time?
Ha, that would be an interesting sight to see, that’s for sure.
The door opened to reveal the model from behind it, looking rather pleased to see Jupiter there, but then he noticed Ponsol who stepped out from the side when the door finally opened.
looking at him rather skeptically, wondering what it was that he was there for. “I figured you wouldn’t be so quick to open the door if you knew I was on the other side.” Cue the casual shrug. Jupiter stared at him with her own skeptical look, wondering if the reason he asked her to come at this time was so that he could tease Izumi.
Don’t you go using her to tease her sensei! She’s going to tell on you, you know?
“Jupiter, you should give your ‘sensei’ your gift first. I’m sure he’d enjoy getting your gift.” Ponsol reminded her and she turned her attention to Izumi instead. That’s right! She had something to give to her sensei! She worked really hard on this, you know? It was hard, but she managed to make it!
It was difficult working around her mother’s schedule, but she had help from her mother to make it! She handed Izumi a bag and started to rapid fire sign some words out. Seeing as Ponsol was going to be there, she could simply have him translate for her rather than having to carefully write everything out.
“She’s saying how she and her mother worked on your birthday gift together. She hopes that you like it, and she hopes that it fits just fine. If not, she can alter it.”
Inside of the bag was… an apron! The color was sky blue with a white lacey frill going along the edge of the apron. In the center was a square pocket witch a cute white cat sewn onto it. It looked as though she cut out the shape of a cat with felt and sewed it onto the pocket sleeve and then drew on the felt with fabric marker to draw the details of the cat onto it.
As Izumi was pulling out the apron out of the bag, Jupiter tugged on Ponsol’s sleeve and signed something to him quickly before she reached into her pocket to pull out her phone, tapping away at it. She was looking for a picture.
“Now isn’t that cute? Show him the picture, Jupiter.” Izumi finished pulling out the apron and he was watching as Jupiter was signing something to Ponsol. Izumi gave Ponsol a curious look, so that meant he was ready to know what was going on.
Jupiter turned her phone so Izumi could look at it so see a picture of the young blonde posing for the camera with her own apron. Hers was pink and had a white bunny on the pocket. “You have matching aprons. So when she comes over for baking lessons, both of you can wear matching aprons instead of her borrowing one of yours.”
Didn’t she do a good job? This wasn’t a project that she asked Ponsol to help with, but she still made something wonderful and he patted the top of her head like Shugarl normally would to show her how he thought she did an excellent job.
“… Ha— … ppy … Bir—day, Sse—sei!!” It was a bit quiet and strained, and she even messed up, but she did her best! She’s been practicing, and she’s slowly getting more comfortable with speaking, one syllable at a time.
“You did well, Jupiter. Good fight.” Ponsol offered her another pat on the head which brought that Angelic smile onto her face.
Now that she had delivered her present, it was Ponsol’s turn.
“It’s your birthday, is it not? The gift is simpler than last years, but I think this one will be far more useful than the kitty plush I made last year.”
Handing Izumi a small box, he waited for the model to open it to see what it was. Jupiter was rather curious as well to know what Ponsol made this year.
Inside of the box looked to be some kind of headband of sorts, but it was scrunched up together like it was some scrunchy. It also had… what looked to be… two triangle shapes on top?
It couldn’t be–?
Oh… but it was! They were cat ears!
“It’s an elastic headband that you can use to pull your bangs back. The elastic will keep it in place, and the material used is very soft fabric, so it shouldn’t leave any markings onto your skin.
The headband was also wide, so it was going to be able to hold back a lot of Izumi’s hair/bangs.
“Instead of using all those pins to hold back your bangs, you can simply use this.” Ponsol explained with a small grin on his face. Surely you know what he’s referencing to? “Happy birthday, Izumi.”
He chose a material that had the color closest to Izumi’s hair color so it would hopefully blend in. Once he put it onto his head to pull back his hair, the cat ears on top would stick out to make it look like he had cat ears on his head. It was cute… and functional.
For good or for bad, Izumi had ended up with a photoshoot even in his birthday. With Arashi around -and for that matter, all the other young and promising models that swarmed the agency- he couldn’t help but worry about his future, taking on every chance he had to proof his worth and skill. Prove that he wasn’t ready to be left behind.
Hair on point and light make-up on, Izumi was in the middle of deciding for a coat and boots when he heard the knock on the door. He felt rather tempted to ignore it and continue with his choice making but something told him he should go right away.
Looking through the peephole, his gesture lightened up at the sight of the angel, quickly opening up to greet her. It was only then that he noticed his neighbor was there as well. Shoulders jerking up, he unconsciously reached up to fix his hair and pressed his shirt with his hands, glad to have been almost ready to go out when he was called to the door instead of half-dressed or something.
“Hah? Stop making it sound as if I purposefully leave you waiting or something” he huffed lightly. If he had to dress up a bit better and make sure 3 times he was presentable before opening the door for Ponsol, that wasn’t his own fault. In fact, Ponsol should appreciate the level of work he put in looking good for him.
… thinking it better, he better not say that last part out loud.
“Gift?” Izumi looked at Ponsol curiously before switching to the little girl. Receiving the bag he stared to the signs perplexed until Ponsol gave the appropriate translation
“You did? Thank you Jupiter-chan~ I’ll open it right away, okay?” he commented in a cheerful tone, unable to wait for later to see what the adorable present might be. It felt soft so maybe something made with fabric or plush? Working gently on the bag so it wouldn’t break, he peaked at the inside, the first thing to come to sight being the felt cat. Cute… just like Jupiter herself.
Pulling it out of the package, he finally realized it was an apron. Maybe a bit too frilly and adorable for him, he thought, as cute didn’t really look good on him, but he wasn’t about to tell that to her. Specially not when he saw the picture of her wearing a matching one in pink, the bunny detail really popping up.
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“That’s so cute Jupiter-chan~ Thank you, I’m very happy we get matching aprons!” he commented sincerely, a warm smile on his lips. Wanting to really drive the point home, he put on the apron over his clothes, ironing it a bit with his hands so it would properly fit his figure before giving a small twirl for her. “Does it look as cute on me as it does on you?” he asked happily -completely forgetting the heir was also there to see him being silly and embarrassing.
His smile just as soft and warm when he heard her voice, he smiled gently and tilted his head ever so slightly to the side “Thank you Jupiter-chan~ Your voice is really cute” And it was then that he remembered Ponsol was also there.
Cheeks a light red and smile turned into a pout as Ponsol presented his own present, he silently accepted it. A moment of hesitation he decided to open it as well. It was harder to tell the shape without taking it out so he did exactly that, fingers soon feeling the soft texture of the fabric.
Oh, he had seen some of these. In fact he was pretty sure Arashi had a pink one… but the fabric and finishing touches seemed different. Clearly hand-made. Another handmade present it seemed -and with an embarrassing touch as well, considering the ears placed on top for no apparent reason besides bothering him.
“Y-you! Forget about that already! How long ago was that?” no need to go out of your way to remind him, he hasn’t forgotten the embarrassment of that occasion.
Still, and even if it was just some form of elaborate teasing, it made him happy to have his birthday celebrated by Ponsol. It really did.
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“T-thank you…” he did the effort to mumble those words before adding in a more cheeky tone “Too bad you won’t ever get to see me wear it, huh?”
Yes, he seems to have forgotten he has the apron on. Quite embarrassing too. May the day come when he doesn’t embarrass himself in front of the heir.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 27 + Akiomi] One too many tears
It’s become routine, an affair and something far more complex than its ever meant to be. It starts with teaching Izumi how to kiss and he means for that to be the final means of affection, means for it to end. He tells himself he’s merely assisting the model for future work and yet events like these keep occurring. 
They meet at his house. One excuse after another. Letters filled with riddles to indicate time and locations and while they play their parts, while they pretend it’s nothing more than a teacher helping a student plan for their success and future it turns into something raw and even intimate the second they’re behind closed doors. 
It’s agony not to hold him close for weeks on end, to spend time with him in the evenings and it wears on more than just him. Izumi grows bolder with time and though they try to cope with a need and starve for affection nothing quite douses the flames to mere embers. A night with him simply in his presence does little to smother the flames. It entices them to grow to the point where kisses hardly keep them from spreading further. To hold him against him for just a few hours creates longing and it’s no surprise they lose control soon after. 
With a kiss breathes life into curiosity, affection and soon it’s more than a raw need to satisfy a loneliness created by those who cannot love either of them. It turns into its own feeling and a simple desire to be in each others company turns into something deeper. He’s certain he’s always had feelings for the other. Infact, he knows why he’s denied it. He’s his teacher and he’s certain to ruin Izumi Sena’s future by giving into such a frivolous thing as love. 
He fights it. Starts to deny the other. Tries to drive him away and even intentionally refuses to wish him well on his birthday. He believes it will serve as the final blow and yet, that night as he sits alone in his own apartment looking over notes of his own he hears an unexpected knock. It’s firm, desperate, and at first he believes it to be Jin stumbling to his doorstep in one of his drunken stupors. 
Instead, opening it yields a sight that hurts as much as it chills him to the core. He’s seen Izumi upset before, but to appear crestfallen in his anger is the last thing he expects. To loath him, to avoid him until he graduates. That was a goal shattered the second he pushes himself inside, anger soon swept away by tears as a single question barely reaches his ears.
                     What did he do wrong?
it’s a slap to the face and he realizes the mistake he’s made the second it registers and processes in his mind. Izumi Sena believes this to be his fault somehow and though he closes and locks the door behind him he finds the actions aren’t nearly long enough for him to form sentences and words before the boy grasps hold of his shirt, pulls himself up enough for their gazes to meet– two kinds of anguish swimming in pools of ice and violet.
 He finds he can’t lie. Not when he looks at him like that and though he tries to put some space between himself and the other it does little good when Izumi makes up his mind. He’s not letting him go and they stumble back until his back meets the far wall. He’s not leaving without an answer.
❝I’m going to be what ruins you if you don’t let go and leave me, Izumi Sena.❞ his tone is terse, strain held in the words that quiver and quake like brittle leaves in a harsh wind. He wants to melt the anguish he’s caused, wants to right every wrong he’s put the boy through for weeks. 
❝You’ve already done that,❞ he spits venom and Akiomi’s eyes narrow. Dangerous and sharp it’s his turn to grasp ahold of the boy who dares to think this is the worst of it. 
Fingers catch fast and press against his face, sweep up into his hair as he holds him in place and for a moment fear yields to any anger he displaces onto Akiomi. His voice is a hiss, pained as he leans in, assertive and unyielding like the boy before him. 
❝You have no idea how fast I will ruin your future if I let this go on. I’m your teacher. You’re my student and if I give in to what I want you won’t last a month in the industry you’ve worked so hard to seal a place in. I love you, you foolish child.❞ His voice cracks and he leans down, his kiss firm, filled with anguish and passion. 
 It’s enough to still the boy, to feel moisture against his fingertips and the shuddering of a body that craves nothing but this. He knows that’s exactly what Izumi wants and it tears at him to be the one to ever hurt him when he wants nothing more than to see him smile. 
❝I love you. Do you understand?❞ his voice tears and cracks as he pulls back, lips so close they brush as he speaks, as he meets his gaze that mirrors the torn soul he holds in his hands. ❝I want nothing more than to guarantee your future. You’ve worked so hard to be something. Let me give that one gift to you.❞
❝I don’t want it,❞ a crass response, ruled by pure and raw emotion. ❝you think I can’t make that choice on my own? You think I’m not willing to try to fight for how I feel while you want to throw it away?❞ it’s a shrill yell, every bit of the banshee they tease Izumi at being. 
He tries to tear away, tries to shove and struggle. Akiomi’s not one to balk or break and it’s no surprise he ends up with his arms around the other’s frame, securing his front to his chest, to let the other struggle until be breaks into nothing but sobs and a shattered heart. 
❝Can you look at me and tell me you love me when I rob you of everything? Can you really blame me from trying to save you from throwing your life away for someone like me?❞ It arrives as a whisper and through anger and accusation it finally seems to sink past a swell of anger. 
❝You think I haven’t thought about that too? Why can’t I have you too? Why does it matter who I’m with?❞
They both know the answer and yet Izumi clearly yearns for a lie, the fairy tale. The happily ever after. 
❝I’ve done all I can to warn you, but your mind is made up, isn’t it?❞ 
Izumi looks up, and Akiomi feels his own resolve crumbling, chipped away by months upon months of falling for the one thing he shouldn’t fall for. 
❝For your birthday, all I wanted to do was to tell you I love you and…❞ he releases him,, catches Izumi’s hand in his own to pull it up towards his chest. ❝I wanted to ask you to risk everything as I want to. My job, my reputation at the academy. You wouldn’t be the only one to lose everything. You know that too, though. You’ve thought about it as I have. If you’re willing to be with someone like me then you need to realize what that means. If you do, then you’re welcome to stay.❞
They stand in silence for what seems to be a long time and with a huff, eyes puffy from crying he jerks his hand back, sticks his nose up high in the air in sheer defiance.
❝You owe me for ruining my birthday.❞ 
Despite knowing it’s true he smiles, hands easily pushing him forward and daring to be met with a look that could kill. 
❝I had every intention of celebrating your birthday with you until I realized it was too late. I’ve already made you a cake and if you’ll stay the night I’ll start making it up to you.❞ They’re some distance apart and yet he still holds his hand out for the other to take. ❝But understand, if you stay you’ve made your choice. It won’t matter if you leave me in the future, your reputation will always be plagued and ruined if you decide to be with me the way I want to be with you. Are you really ready to risk your hard work for that, Sena?❞ 
It’s clear he’s already made his mind up in kind. He’s tried to curb the flame, tried to bury how he feels for Izumi’s own sake. It’s evident he cares little about his career if it means having the chance to dance with the devil, but it seems the boy before him already knows what’s on the line. 
❝I won’t remind you again, push you away or treat you like this again. In turn, I hope you won’t regret this decision. My only regret is that I didn’t tell you sooner. You deserve the best and if you believe this is what the best is then please stay. If you don’t, I understand.❞
There isn’t a flicker of hesitation, not a moment of question as the youth reaches forward and takes his hand. It’s in those moments he realizes, perhaps for the first time, that he’s become more than a mentor to Izumi. He’s become his world. And just as easily, Izumi has become his. 
He thought today was going to be a good day. It was his birthday. The first birthday he’d get to celebrate with someone since he had left the model agency, his relationship with Makoto -and anyone he called a friend- broken into irreparable pieces.
he though he understood the magnitud of what they were doing; the consequence of their actions in the shape of dangers ahead, sacrifices they might have to make. He thought he understood and he thought he had took some distance from him. But he was wrong. he still fell in love, he still craved the contact and wished for the closeness. A plan to meet turning into hours of him waiting, the sweetness of lips a trap he couldn’t escape, the contact of hands a heat he wanted to be burnt by.
He loved him. To a point where he didn’t cared anymore if he had to risk the whole world just to have him. That he wished to be able to wake up in his bed every morning and to be loved thoroughly by him, until there was no part in him that wasn’t already his property.
A spiral of doom they were both caught to, he even forgot to worry, believing his feelings to be the same. How foolish he was -and how easy was that shown to him, the subject of his affections suddenly ignoring all contact and steering away from danger.
The birthday he had hoped to spend together for him turned into a grim reminder of his own loneliness, of how dispensable he was, not even worth the love of one man. As the day went by his own dark feelings taking over, he was desperate the moment he reached his door -unscheduled, unplanned, unwanted. He knew he was going to be kicked out, he knew he’d get nothing from trying but his heart screaming for him to try it.
He slammed the door with his hands until he heard the locks coming undone in the other side and stormed into the room, a rainfall of tears threatening to overcome him, body shaking like a leaf. What had he done wrong? What could he do better? Don’t leave him behind. Don’t abandone him. he can do better... He pulls him close... he interrogates him, spitting his thoughts before he even has time to process them, noticing all the things he has wanted to say but haven’t been able to. And he holds his breath.
He’s told he is loved, and his thoughts go wild. He struggles in the sudden hold of warm arms and whimpers weakly when he realizes he can’t break free -that he doesn’t want to break free. He’s comfortable in his hold -so much he can’t help but want to be there forever, and the tears soon dry out.
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His eyes are red from crying -he can tell from the aching in them- when he finally looks up pleading for an answer. Yet refusing to hear any but the one he wants. He is still a child, believing in fairy tails and happy ever afters, but he is not ignorantly diving into it.
And when he gets the chance for it, he reaches out to that hand without hesitation. he loves him, probably in the same way he is loved, and he can’t agree to the faked justice that insists he shouldn’t be allowed to love him.
“I love you” he whispers, eventually leaving the hand to go for a hug, to plead for a kiss. to cross once more the boundary that has been weak in stopping them, probably from the very start. 
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tsundere-model · 6 years
The 3rd Charm
Excusing himself after the decision to break for lunch was made, Arashi slipped back off to the little area in the prep space where he’d left his bag. He’d agreed to eat with some of the other models and he’d join them in the lunchroom in a little bit, for now he had a present to write a letter for and to send off before he could go eat.
Tucking himself into a chair and clearing a bit of space on the table, Arashi put his pen to paper to write another little note.
‘To Izumi-chan,
Here’s today’s charm~! It’s funny ‘cause I’m on my lunch break right now and it’s an ebi-fry~!
This is a reminder for you Izumi-chan. You work so hard and push yourself a lot to do better, but you have to remember to take breaks and treat yourself sometimes too! Especially since the rest of us aren’t there to make you now.
When things get too much, have something you really like - or call me~ I’ll always answer if it’s Izumi-chan~
Ah well, if I’m not in the middle of work though. I’ll call back ASAP if I am!
I miss you lots~!
Naru <3’
This time the doorbell rang when he was getting ready for some late afternoon stretches, the sporty wear he had on a bit embarrassing to walk out in. Still, he came to the door as he heard it, receiving the package, still plenty surprised. This time he did guessed it to be Naru before opening to find out it was indeed from her.
Slowly he pulled out the little ebi-fry, all colorful and bright. It seems like Naru-kun still remembered his favorite meal... which might not be so difficult considering there was little plates he wouldn’t frown at.
A break huh... he often forgot to take a moment for himself when there wasn’t someone like Naru to nag him about it. In fact, it had been quite a while since he had ate his favorite food...
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maybe he should take Naru’s suggestion and eat it today... with that he decided to go out eating after finishing his daily stretches. 
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