#// time to start being active as i'm on my verses now!!
bydestiny · 2 years
byron | headcanon | HIS CREW AND THE BEYOND.
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Few know this, but Byron is spiritually dead and has been since the age of 38. Although his heart is beating, he was truly supposed to die in a mining incident alongside the majority of the crew he worked with. He was revived medically, but his soul passed on… Sort of!
His soul is linked with an Odd Keystone - the same stone that creates a Spiritomb when 108 souls become trapped within it. He cannot “pass on” until the stone gains 108 souls. When that does happen, he’ll end up dropping dead. He doesn’t know this for certain, but speculates this phenomena to occur.
Because of the connection with the Odd Keystone…
Mediums, some ghost types, aura users, & people/beings who are sensitive to spirits can very possibly be overwhelmed around him.
He is a body of one, but carries the presence of over 70 souls around him.
Some might even feel that the room or area around him is “full”. Be it with feeling and/or by seeing the spirits of the deceased around him.
He used to be overwhelmed by this phenomena, but had to grow used to it because of it becoming a part of his everyday life.
He refers to the original spirits whom he is linked to as “Crew”, “my Crew”, or “the Crew” - he is aware of them all being dead, but can’t shake certain thoughts (similar to psychosis) away from his mind.
No one can exactly put a finger on it, but a feeling that might ward one away from him or draw them closer out of curiosity might passively pursay them.
He seems to now be drawn to ghost-type Pokémon now… Even if his specialty is steel-type.
Very few even know about its existence in the first place and even less know why he has it.
People who are empaths, but cannot communicate with the dead might feel something off about/around him.
He can communicate with ghost types & spirits.
He won’t let anyone touch the Odd Keystone that is always on his person.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
hi! i'm new to comics and i got in through reading your fics and wayne family adventures. i've since started reading more of the mainstream verse and i realized that most comic fans consider wfa to be totally fanon. you're one of the few i saw that disagrees. would you mind elaborating a lil on why? i'm too new to really form an opinion either way but i'd like to know your's!
(also yes i really did stalk your blog back years worth of posts i'm sorry! 😭😭)
Aw I love this! Welcome!
So I think it's really important to be clear on definitions here:
Canon means it's part of an official text. It's literally in a comic (or book or movie or other property) published or licensed by DC.
Fanon means it's made up by fans. That doesn't mean bad or good, it just means that it comes from fandom and is not part of the official text.
Wayne Family Adventures is an official licensed comic by DC, so by definition, it cannot be fanon. That doesn't mean everyone has to like it, but it's not a fan comic. It's an official DC product. It's not fanon.
Now, WFA isn't part of the main DCU canon. It takes place in a separate universe. The Jason in Batman #138 and the Jason in WFA are not the same and they are having very different experiences. (And I'm sure the Jason in WFA would be grateful if he knew.)
But that's no different than a comic that takes place in an alternate universe, like Dark Knights of Steel or DCeased, or a movie like Blue Beetle or a show like My Adventures with Superman. They all take place in their own universes, but all of those universes are canon. None of them are fanon.
What I think most people mean when they say WFA is fanon is that WFA draws on tropes and characterizations that are popular in fandom. Which...yes, absolutely. This is on purpose, and honestly, it pisses me off when people complain about it. (Not you, anon! Your question was lovely, you just triggered my unskippable cut scene of dialogue. Sorry lol.)
Wayne Family Adventures is probably the single best idea DC has had in the 20 years I've been reading comics. (The second best was the kids and YA graphic novel lines.)
I just checked, and WFA has 1.3 MILLION subscribers. That's more than every floppy comic starring Batman sells in a month, combined. It's more than literally any superhero comic has sold in decades - in this century! The combined strips have over A HUNDRED MILLION VIEWS. That is bonkerstown. That is a readership like DC hasn't seen since the 1970s. That is unparalleled success, and it's introducing characters like Kate Kane and Duke Thomas to a whole new audience.
Now, WFA was clearly designed to appeal to Batfans who were active on social media and fanfic sites like AO3 and Wattpad, and Webtoon readers. The readership of Webtoon is mostly young and female. Fandom as a whole is mostly female. The writer of WFA is female.
And maybe I'm not being fair here, but when I see people dismiss WFA as "just fanon," I always catch a whiff of "It's not a real Batman comic. It's a girl comic for girls."
I have spent the past 20 years begging DC (and Marvel, DC is not alone in this) to see women as a viable audience - as their largest potential growth audience! I have watched in dumbfounded frustration as they ignored the juggernaut success of Raina Telgemeier and Ngozi Ukazu and Alice Oseman running rings around the NY Times bestseller list and counted a 50k shipment here and there as a resounding triumph. I have literally seen them throw out survey responses from women because "those women had an agenda." (This is a true story. 2011 was rough, y'all.)
And all of a sudden, they gave us a comic actually catering to women and young people and fandom, and they put it on the most popular, current, modern platform for comics availably - and it's brilliant. It's smart and funny and stunningly drawn and every episode makes clever, inventive use of the scrolling format. They FINALLY gave us a girl comic for girls, and it's a masterpiece.
And yes, it riffs on fanon concepts. It also has its roots firmly in mainstream DCU canon. It references deep cuts. CRC Payne and StarBite know their shit. Jason Todd being a bookworm may be a fanon staple, but he does plenty of reading - including Jane Austen - in the 100% canon mainstream DCU comics.
It's not going to be for everything, because nothing is. It's completely fine if you don't like WFA. No one has to read it or enjoy it. If you're into Batman for the darkness and the crime and the ongoing plotlines and the angst, WFA won't be for you, and that's totally fine!
But to finally, finally be valued as a reader by DC, to have them do something smart and innovative and so, so well executed, and have the exact people they made it for dismiss it out of hand because Bruce has a "World's Okayest Dad" mug or whatever? Yeah, that chafes.
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artbyblastweave · 7 months
Hey so, thought exercise, how do you think Taylor would fare if she got dropped into the invincible universe? For the sake of mechanics let's say she literally gets dropped in via doorman portal or something.
So one thing about Invincible is that I think it's setting is protagonist-centric in a way that Worm's isn't. To the extent that Invincible's setting has worldbuilding- worldbuilding that isn't, like, ported in from the books's early association with the confederated Image Comics shared universe- it's worldbuilding that exists to convey the impression of a big-two-flavor universe. Here's our spin on the undersea kingdom, here's the riff on the Martians, here are our riffs on SHIELD, on Gotham, on Themyscira, on 70s blaxploitation-adjacent heroes, and so on. This is the entire ethos underpinning the Guardians of the Globe in particular- piggybacking on pre-existing audience affection for the Justice League to convey that it's a Big Fucking Deal when the guardians get blendered in issue 7.
You have flashbacks demonstrating that there was capital-S Superhero Stuff going on in the seventies and eighties, or as far back as the thirties with Immortal, you create the impression of a status quo, a big pond in which Mark is a little fish. And to Kirkman's credit, some effort clearly went into making sure that the non-Mark capes are sufficiently fleshed out that you can believe that they've got other stuff going on in their lives. But at the end of the day, it's the Invincible universe. You don't see a lot of people talking about the Guarding the Globe spinoff. Many of the most interesting characters- Cecil being a big example here- are interesting because of the ways in which they bounce off Mark specifically, the ways in which he chooses to deal with them. The universe is less of a character in the story the way that Earth Bet is- it's just the place where Mark's story, specifically, is happening. If there's a codified setting bible, I'll eat my hat.
Now of course the world of Worm is, in many ways, equally Taylor-centric, because that's what it means to be the protagonist. But owing in part to the themes of the story, and in part to the sheer number of false-start protagonists Wildbow played around with before settling on Taylor, it's very good at conveying the idea that there are many stories happening in this setting and Taylor's is just the one this particular work happened to focus on. There's an actual point to doing OC worldbuilding for what the superhero scene looks like in Wormverse Denver or Seattle or whatever- whereas you can come up with superhero teams for Invincible-verse Denver, but what actually ties them to that universe? What are you getting out of putting them in Invincible specifically, that you wouldn't get from whipping up a barebones MASKS setting to support your OCs? Anyway. This is a really long way of getting to my real point, which is that I think the question is less "how does Taylor bounce off the Invincible setting" and more "How does Taylor bounce off Invincible the character, around whom the setting orbits even when it pretends not to."
This I'm unsure of, because where do you stick her in his life where you get an interesting dynamic? One thing that's interesting here is that Mark's overall character arc already involves learning a lot of taylorisms- the strategic ruthlessness, the shift from a good-evil dichotomy to a helping-not-helping dichotomy-so what about his arc is going to change if they spend time together? Why would they spend time together? Given the different power levels on display, what would differentiate her, in his experience, from the dozens of filler capes that exist for him at the level of "vague acquaintance?" This is assuming she's active as a cape at all, which she might not be if this is Post-GM. Mutual association through Cecil and the Global Defense Agency might be a hook- maybe they're paying for her new arm or something- but would she latch her cart to Cecil's wagon in the first place, barring some obvious crisis situation? Hard to say. If she's depowered, and present in his life somehow in a civilian context, well, that's a fast-track to not being part of the story anymore either, given how Mark's civilian connections slowly fading away was kind of a quiet plot point.
There's some configuration of these pieces that could be interesting, but I'm not quite sure what they are. Soliciting input here.
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velnna · 6 months
Since you probably use more social media than most people, I was curious on what you think of the ones u use, especially now that blue sky is open to the public
Eh, I'm not super well versed on them these days because I mostly use them to respond to notifications, post and disappear, plus I have notifications filtered everywhere so I don't keep track of engagement. ESPECIALLY with bluesky, I've never even opened the general timeline there 😅
Twitter is still my favourite social media and the one I use more seamlessly. I think I see value in it because it's not primarily meant for visual posts and there's people from a bunch of different fields and industries engaging with whatever all at once, plus the line between commenting on a post and making a post yourself is blurred which gives for some funny interactions. It used to intimidate me but now I'm just chilling.
Bluesky I guess is supposed to be the same thing? But I can't bring myself to engage with it idk. Back when it started I could see that the most active people there were the ones actively hating twitter, while.. doing the exact same things on bluesky they did on twitter 🤷‍♂️ so I think Elon Musk aside it's basically the same thing with less users.
I used to be big on instagram but basically stopped using it when they introduced reels, now I just post and disappear. I hate that they couldn't just leave it simple and uncluttered and the fact that reels became so popular pissed me off lmao.
Tiktok is a tricky one for me because I go "viral" easily there and it's my biggest platform BUT it's very addicting and you sorta have to scroll through the main page to find content to make + a lot of the time you need to make content specifically for it. Which is a time sink for me in a lot of ways :') I tend to open it every other month to maybe post something then ghost again
Tumblr is... fine? Idk tumblr definitely feels like both the most useless and the easiest social media to use. Useless in the sense that I never expect anything that happens on tumblr to materialise into anything outside of it. Easiest in the sense that it's just chill for me to post and engage with what people send me without needing to think about it too hard. Trying to get original content to take off here was in vain but fanart does particularly well as expected.. which means it only started being fun for me when I got into BG3 as I'd never been in a fandom before lmao. I like that, just like twitter, it's not only for visual posts, but get overwhelmed at the idea of blogs and formatting and sorting posts, so I only use it barebones and tend to not engage with the main page/timeline either
Engagement-wise, I honestly couldn't tell ya. I think that comes down to you paying attention to each social media's trends and how people interact with it. Personally I'm (very luckily) at a stage where 99% of the time I don't care about whether a post makes numbers or flops, and my platforms are big enough that if I REALLY needed something to do well I could probably find a way to make it loud enough so yknow
Hope this answers your question :'D
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello miss Mars, can u do this for me
Let's say lesso was turned into idk an animal by one of her students of course she gets turned back to normal but the only thing that didn't change was her strap she has ready for her professor gf reader.
(So do you know when animals F the males D gets swollen and big on the inside right)
First round was smooth(just c@mming), second round reader is riding lesso(by that readers legs are shaking, and a tear, squirting)
Third round it's alot more heated,(doggy style, reader keeps telling lesso faster) because of what happened earlier her strap had gotten swollen and big, stretching the living out of reader(which reader enjoys very much) which causes reader to c@m,squirt alot, and maybe a little pee leaving the sheet just wet. Leaving both reader and lesso breathless, shaking, and unable to speak. Lesso then pull out of her, pulling and stretching reader alittle more.
{Mommy kink and breeding kink}
(You don't have to but can we have alot of dialog, even the moaning and screaming...can this be long too?)
{Please do not rush with the stories or this one please we appreciate your work miss Mars have a nice day/night😊❤️⚘️}
Leo’s omega
*Authors note~ my first ever a/b/o omegaverse fic I'm absolutely in love with these kind of fics*
Trigger warnings~ Alpha Leo Omega r mommy kink breeding kink knot squirting rough sex heat rut praise degrading begging G!P lesso
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
You loved when you got to assist in your girlfriends classses, it was always an experience. Most of the time after the lessons ended you were promptly leant over her desk and railed into a new universe. Only this time things happened more literally than normal.
Lesso had her class practicing curses, and you were intrigued with how well they'd progressed until Hort has a go. He decided to curse Leonora and yourself, so confident with his abilities that he would be able to turn you both back. Lesso threatened him with the doom room should he fail so the pressure was on. He did his curse, you and Leonora being transported into another universe, one where you felt the need to be with Leo, all the time. You noted that Leo seemed to be backing in that universe and extremely protective of you, her stance guarding you from the strangers here. Only then you were ripped back into your normal verse. Nothing went wrong to your knowledge until you felt it. That same need to be near her, and the scent was overwhelming. You felt your thighs drench with slick.
You and lesso were active but you'd never felt this before, you seemed to be triggering Leonora's senses as well, she immediately became territorial of you, the students now shaking with fear at her dominance. Hort admitted to sending you to the OmegaVerse, and before he fled the room he reminded Leonora of one think, you'd never be human again. A hybrid and it was clear to Lesso what stance you both took. The straining member in her pants replacing her strap as you stood an unmated Omega, her Alpha wanting to claim you as hers. No not want, needing to. Your scent sweet, too sweet. She needed you and that took forefront of her mind Hort could be dealt with later.
Both yourself and Leonora made your way to your room, the scent of your own items calming you slightly. But Leonora couldn't say the same, "fuck you're in heat" Leo whined seemingly knowing more about this than you, yet all you acted about was quenching this insatiable need. "Leo I need you so bad it hurts, want you to claim me make me yours need you." 
It was as if those words awoke her most carnal desires, her lips on yours instantly as she tore through your clothing. You weren't much better shredding her clothing in a instant, her scent driving you wild with need. You need her to rail you into next week and something foreign. Your thighs were absolutely covered in slick, "Leo? Why's so much?" You mumbled confused before your eyes found her erect cock and it seemed to be starting to swell at the base. "You're in heat my Omega" she growled which caused something to stir within you. Hers. But when you touched your scent gland there was no mark there. "Show me alpha."
There was no need for any foreplay with how your slick was dripping but lesso still wanted to shower your breasts with attention while she fucked you sense, her pace more brutal and fast than normal. Due to your heat, the scent of an alpha you were cumming within minutes. Once was not going to be enough for either of you. So lesso flipped on her back and guided you to straddle her cock. "Fuck mine, fuck want to breed your cunt and fill it with my pups, you will look so beautiful full of my pups" she growled her fingers gripping your hips hard enough to bruise as you bounced on her cock. Leonora wasn't going to stop until you came all over her while she tried to hold herself off wanting to pleasure you as much as she could before she let you have her knot. You came when she bit into your scent gland squirting all over her stomach, the stretch of her new appendage tearing you ever so slightly not that you cared, the state of euphoria you were in was unlike no other.
You didn't realise you were crying until you felt her tongue licking her mark clean, the little droplets of blood causing her to moan happily before she came to lick your tears. It was animalistic not that you cared, you needed more and you were in a state of being willing to do anything for it. "Leo, need  more, alpha please knot me, make me full of your pups, please alpha I need you" your whispered and whines of need caused Leonora's restraint to snap. You were quickly positioned on your hands and knees as she entered your cunt so easily, her hands massaging the oil gland on the small of your back which has a pleased whimper falling from you. Her pace ruthless as she hammered into you feeling the pressure at the base of her dick become overwhelming. “Faster alpha harder got more please Leo faster please!”
"Oh mommy! Want your knot. Give it to me alpha please make me take it" you all but screamed for her as she bit over her mark she'd previously made causing you to squirt as her knot slipped into you, bonding you both together, her spurts of white hot cum painting the walls of your fluttering cunt white. The knot to ensure some of the cum with catch with your womb and you'd be round and full of her pups. Your stomach had a slightly noticeable bulge as you both howled in delight, your inner desires met. The scent of your alpha easing you down from euphoria.
Only when her knot depleted did she remove her dick from you, your cunt gaping from such a large intrusion and the tear noticeable there, you couldn't help but whimper before burying your nose into her scent glad. The effect she had on you was addictive and all you wanted was for her to hold you surrounded by the softest blankets and pillows, the urge to create a nest for you both slightly overwhelmed you but your exhaustion won out as long as she was with you. You'd create a nest later when your heat died down until then you'd need Leonora, your alpha, to make it all better and fuck you into a euphoric bliss, you quickly realised the uncomfortable body temperature was a sign of heat but knowing she'd claimed you as hers helped. "I love you my Omega." Was the last thing you heard.
Word count~ 1337
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studentofshinto · 4 days
Civic duty and Shinto
OK, so the title might be a bit of a misnomer.
I wanted to do an article which talked about the Japanese sense of civic duty and how it relates to Shinto only to have my search results popping up nothing but articles about State Shinto. Somehow any attempt to connect Shinto with the Japanese sense of civic responsibility is seen as bad from the typical western mindset. Undoubtedly a mindset being pushed by the same sort of people who want to throw out the Constitution's restrictions on Church and State. For the people who are so quick to point out how bad State Shinto was I suggest removing the word "Shinto" and replacing it with "religion". State Shinto sought to present the Emperor, and the Government by extension, as infallible. People who want to push their religion into government are in fact attempting to do the same thing. And it's not about putting Jesus back into schools, it's about power. Just as it was about power when the Japanese government began to create mandates that effected Shinto. When the government is in a position to dictate what people are allowed to believe and how they worship it can never end well. My own brother is so brainwashed that he gets enraged if anyone points out anything that threatens his world view.
At the end of the Pacific War (WW2) Shinto organizations found themselves in the rather awkward position of having to demonstrate that they were not branches of the government and were in fact religious organizations that had been misused by the government. Secular verses non secular. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/26854498?read-now=1&seq=4#page_scan_tab_contents)
At the same time there was a drive to eliminate all forms of religion seen as a cult to the western mindset. With Shinto falling into that awkward middle ground of being both a religion and not a religion at the same time it's a wonder it survived at all.
State religion sets out to create a leader, a king, or a president as infallible. Individuals within a certain party within the US are in fact actively trying to force their religion on everyone. The Supreme Court of the United States has proclaimed that the POTUS can not be prosecuted for official acts. So what is an official act? Well, pretty much any order given under an official capacity. Suddenly what at first seemed cut and dried starts getting kind of murky. Kind of like how it's near impossible to sue the police for violating people's rights. The police can literally rob people under a legal umbrella. It might be drug money/proceeds, guilty until proven innocent. Civil forfeiture.
Yes, this post is political in nature.
I strongly encourage everyone to register to vote, and vote. Not just in the big national elections, but in the little local elections. Japan, who's streets are some of the cleanest in the world and who are looked at for having pride in their civic responsibility, has a dismally low voter turnout. Lower even than the United States, and the US Voter turnout isn't much better. About average on the world stage.
In Shinto we see the world with reverence. Something that both looks after us and in turn must be looked after by us. How then can so many of us sit by and allow those who would throw it all away have their way?
Register to vote. Vote. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. That's up to you. Just vote. Your vote may be far more important than you realize. I watched the Tony Gonzales / Brandon Herrera election in Texas a while back and the split was only 407 votes. The turnout was abysmal. In the upcoming national election the polls are neck and neck. One vote could flip the vote.
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atiny-for-life · 6 days
Xikers Full Storyline Explained - Part 5
위치 (WITCH)
Regarding the title, the Korean means "Location" but sounds like "Witch", making it some clever wordplay they actively utilize throughout the song.
If you played Maze of Choice, the YouTube multiple choice game they released as part of the album promotions (and which I covered here), you will already have an idea of what this MV is about
We open on a ticket booth standing amidst a narrow path colored similarly to the album cover - orange and black
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The sign above the booth asks "WHERE IS YOUR LOCATION?", indicating once you're in, you won't know where to go
Junmin then appears, walking into the empty corridor, only for black smoke-like creatures to rush by and make a desk appear right in front of him (you can hear their screech just before his own voice comes in in the song's opening)
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Going by his behavior, it's clear he has no idea where he is or any recollection of donning the clothes he's now wearing, which means their memories were wiped before they came here, presumably by TRICKY
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With no other option but to play along, Junmin picks up the folded card on the table ahead and finds the words "Do you want to make a bet with me?" in a golden cursive font
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Except, there is no way for him to choose: the moment he finishes reading, he's dragged away by an unseen force
My best guess here is this takes place at the same time as Maze of Choice and is showing us the recruitment process they all went through at the hands of TRICKY before they were given their powers in Rockstar
The lyrics seem to support this by telling us "You're already in TRICKY HOUSE"
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We see them all in their formal uniforms after this, hair either nicely slicked back or free of product, prim and proper students as Namoo (and presumably the government and society) desires in this corporate-run world where fulfilling your predestined role is all you get to have in life
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We next get Yechan's verse where they first use the wordplay of "I know your location (위치) but I'm not a WITCH"
While the others are running through parts of the maze, he's being actively attacked by the black cloud-like creatures who restrain his arms, presumably after he failed to choose the right direction
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At the end of his verse, we get the first sign of TRICKY and the dokkaebi's blue fire as he wears his schoolbag and reaches for a falling sheet of paper which ignites upon his touch, presumably indicating he's picked the right one
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We next see Jinsik and Hyunwoo in an office meeting room in which all the employees wear white masks
Just like in Maze of Choice and the Bittersweet Preview, we see them navigating this world together, which leads me to assume they were the only ones who already knew each other prior to getting chosen by TRICKY
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Going by the lyrics, we can tell they're all going a little bonkers in this maze - constant dead ends, looping back to the start, everyone they come across lies to them, and they keep falling for trick after trick
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Huge shout out to the choreography at this point (BBTrippin never disappoints) - it truly is a theatrical performance visualizing the lyrics and if you haven't watched a full live stage yet, you absolutely should - they're crushing it
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Following Junmin's lines, we move on to Sumin's rap verse during which one of the dokkaebi's blue flames guides him to a locker through which he enters a new section of the maze
Note here how we transition with the blue flame and now see Sumin in red-white-and-black clothing as opposed to his school uniform (we'll come back to that in a second)
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There are more masked workers in this section, all wandering a warehouse full of garment bags filled with clothes kept in shades of red, white, and black
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While he's there, it suddenly gets darker and a spotlight finds him before white crumpled up paper falls from the ceiling which reminds me of the end of Tricky House when all the paper airplanes, dust and ghost-like objects were flying around
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Minjae, already changed out of his uniform as well, is up next and also finds the garment warehouse where he gets surrounded by the masked employees who seem to capture him and throw him to the ground
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Upon hitting the floor, he pounds his fist against it which seems to make the employees disappear, leaving him by himself
And this is when the lyrics first indicate he's actually enjoying this... he thinks it's a beautiful night
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The music video has taken a turn: we've skipped to the present and, as we've seen in We Don't Stop, in the present, Xikers have already gotten used to their powers and befriended TRICKY, willingly choosing to live in its world
And that world includes the maze they started out in so, as they switch from their school uniforms to black-white-and-red attire, we can see them becoming a part of TRICKY's world with all the powers which come with it
After escaping, they learned the maze's layout, they know where to go, where to find everyone, how to trick and mess with them - we're now their victims
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We see Junmin in his new outfit, his fist still on the ground, presumably after also making the masked people disappear, the floor now littered with clothing items in greens and blues
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And we also see Jinsik, sitting in the clouds above the maze (on what we later get to see is a giant pair of scissors with the name 'xikers' engraved on it), free to look down and watch the lost people wander the maze now that he's also all dressed up in TRICKY's colors
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They highlight this contrast between then and now in the next shot as well: we see Yujun wander the hallway full of doors in his uniform before we zoom out to Hyunwoo in the present looking at the maze's model, all cool, calm, and collected
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The way to escape seems to be to not just follow the blue spirit fire, but to actively entrap one of the orbs, which we get to see Minjae do near the end of the video after our rap-trio's shared verse
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One more shoutout the choreography at this point because, after this, they make it seem like Hunter has freakishly long arms through simple visual blocking and strategic arm placement - it's such a neat little trick
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We close out with a group performance to the chant of "We already know your location" contrasting the opening question on the ticket booth and further playing with the song title
The final shot is all nine shushing us, index fingers to their lips, as we see their acquired dokkaebi spirit orbs - 10 in total because Junghoon is here in spirit (and, personally, I believe he may return for Xikers' participation in Road to Kingdom, if rumors are true that they will participate)
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foxglovepng · 5 months
Random Headcannons 1🌼🥀
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Requested: No
CW: Slight mention of drugs & Alcohol in Deuce's, mentions of panic attacks, TW mention of Donut Daddy, Gets a little deep in some of these.
Characters: Heartslabyul
I made some random headcannons to try and get myself back in the writing mood so I hope you like them. If you don't agree that's fine you can scroll and these are just my opinions. <3
I have a fun time writing these and I'm considering posting more headcannons until I finally get the motivation to write more.
Not proofread
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When it comes to Riddle I have a hard time with him because he is one of my least favorite characters, but in a way I feel for him because the way I describe him is Mommy Issues with a side of anger issues. (Also here his dad at?)
Behind Riddle's back everyone shits on his mom and tries to help Riddle with acknowledging his mom is a bad person and tries to help him see that.
When Riddle get's older I can see him being able to stand up to his mom and will slap back at her (Not physically) he also gets therapy to be able to cope with what she put him through.
A bit more positive, but post NRC Riddle gets a hedgehog and names it Rose or Heart.
He has personal deep beef with Donut Daddy on tik tok (Don't look him up PLEASE) he literally is that one Euphoria verse when he sees this man. When he got introduced to this man he was like "What the fuck is he doing to those PASTERIES." and now he holds a deep grudge and actively shits on him.
Weird head cannon but Trey is buff because I said so I MEAN LOOK AT HIM at his family's bakery he must be lifting some really heavy stuff right so he has to be buff in some way or another.
Cater moves around a lot from his father's job and currently resides in the Land of Pyroxene (If I am correct) I feel like it's possible Cater could have met Jack, Vil, and possibly Epel at sometime in his life he either doesn't remember or he does and doesn't mention it.
Cater goes skateboarding and he also knows how to roller skate and has ones with the light up wheels.
He's also very musical and can play the guitar so by this knowledge I am saying he can play Electric, bass, Acoustic, and the ukelele.
"Is that a baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" He sung to Trey (It's cannon because I said so)
In his delinquent stage he definitely dabbled in drugs & alcohol with his gang (Via Cigarettes and weed). He turned down anything that was super hard although he probably got laced sometime and swore off weed but continued Cigarettes.
Whenever he gets urges to smoke he uses a nicotine patch but that's on rare occasions he chose to be an honor student and he gets panic attacks on occasion from his past as he wants to become better for his mom.
Some more positive headcannons him and Ace play video games a lot together and even though he tries to be an honor student he's still a teenage boy who wants to have fun so sometimes these video game sessions can go very late into the night and they fall asleep during class and start beefing on who's fault it was.
According to his Phantom Bride Vignette he loves roller coasters and horror movies meaning he probably loves Junji Ito and I will die on that hill. Another thing I want to add is he loves Jojo and different anime's that have a lot of fighting (Jjk, black clover, soul eater, seven deadly sins, demon slayer, castlevania) although I heavily believe his favorite is Jojo. He's an avid TPN and My hero hater.
Another thing someone on tik tok made casual wear sprites and said Ace was a closeted emo he listens to Pierce the Veil because I said so. I also feel like he occasionally goes skateboarding with Cater just to hang out with him.
(Updated on 5/12/24 to change Banner and title)
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classified-coworker · 22 days
>[You discover a strange device, which is cracked and damaged. It seems to be some sort of audio recorder, though you're not one hundred percent sure what t's function it.]
((tw: graphic descriptions of gore and death, along with delusions))
>[You've managed to get the broken device to function, it's speaker coming to life with a click and soft hissing. It's difficult to hear, but you think there may be the sound of breathing.]
>[Before you can properly question the noise, a voice begins to speak.]
"I don't think I can do this anymore."
>[What? You try to talk back to the man you hear, but quickly realize it's a recording when you're cut off.]
"Today... It was a good day. We made progress. But... at what cost?"
"For- no, 42, has passed. It was a mess. We lose men all the time. It's nothing new, I don't know why I'm so... troubled by this one. Something about it just... haunts me."
>[The man's voice trembles, and his breath grows shaky, riddled with heavy emotion.]
"I should start from the beginning. Me and Ford, we were buddies. In the sense that we made up names for each other and chatted during breaks. Helped one another with work and would hang around in the other's office every now and then. We never went out drinking or anything, he hated alcohol and anything of the like. I don't know how he ever tolerated me."
>[He chuckles a little, followed by a quiet sniffle, which he tries to cover up with a cough, muttering nonsense about being sick.]
"That man was ...miserable. Now that I come to think of it, that may have been my fault... but hey, he seemed to come around. Over time things seemed to change, get better. Maybe he started to actually like me."
"I wonder how much of that was really him..."
>[The man in the recording takes a deep breath.]
"Both of us, being chipped and well-versed in how the systems work, would often be sent to collect samples from The Falsehood. I think they're changing that system now.... It's for the better, I believe."
"Ford was a careful guy. I... don't know how it got to him. But visit after visit, he would get weirder and weirder. These weren't typical symptoms of 'the shift', so nobody batted an eye. Maybe I should've looked further into it, questioned him more."
>[There's a long pause.]
"...Sometimes I hate this fucking place."
>[He mumbles something about cutting that bit out, before speaking in a more informational tone.]
"42's symptoms started small. He grew peppier and more pleasant, seemed to be bursting with energy and productivity. He started to do little things like drink more coffee than usual. He would talk a little different. The most notable change was about two weeks ago. The amount of work he got done took a plummet. I warned him about the boss, but he refused to listen. He began to ramble about this "thing" he was researching. We're not the research team, but he seemed so passionate."
"During last week's excursion in Falsehood, he continuously strayed too far from me, following the "thing", as he claimed."
"After, I'd had to nearly drag him out of there, despite previously having hated being there. His strange activity became extremely apparent to me a few days ago, where his innocent ramblings became these crazed rants about The Falsehood, about "them". I tried to talk to the superiors about him. I don't understand why they didn't see the same issues as me."
"During today's excursion, he was stupid. Reckless. Nothing like the man I knew. He guided me aimlessly down there, until we got separated. He ran off."
>[The man'e voice begins to tremble once again, seemingly choking up]
"By the time I found him, he'd stripped himself of the protective gear. He seemed ecstatic, waving his arms around and calling out into the smog. He was already sustaining damage, his skin was burning and peeling. I... kept my distance. I had to. He was directing attention to himself. He was already on death's doorstep basically begging to die. I- I did the correct thing."
>[He chokes up again, groaning softly at himself, cursing himself for being weak]
"It's better than I'm still alive."
>[The recording seems to end. There's a long break with not a single sound from the device...]
>[But moments after, it fires up with sound, projecting a grainy video onto the wall in front of you, putting on display what appears to be the man's body cam.]
>[Before you is a strange, dark place, pillars of strangely formed bone holding up a ceiling that drips black fluid. There's pixellated fog all around. Another man, who you assume to be 42, stays ahead of your sight, looking around in delight. He appears to be wearing a modified hazmat suit. The man adjusts his camera, gloves revealing he too is protected.]
"I can feel it Stryker! Can't you? This place is telling us something, I'm sure of it!"
"It's telling me to get the fuck out of here."
>[The voice is the same as the one in the previous recording.]
>[Ford turns around. Underneath his mask, you can see his face carries a playful pout. There's heavy eyebags visible, and his pupils appear to be tiny.]
"Oh you're no fun. If you're so adamant about leaving, so be it! I have something important to be here for. Can't you hear it?"
>[Ford turns away from you, starting to walk faster. As the man tries to catch up, Ford starts running.]
>[The man tries to chase after Ford, but he disappears in a mass of fog, the particles causing poor visibility, the footage from the camera getting grainy.]
"Shit- shit!"
>[There's audible worry in the man's voice, and the camera is adjusted.]
>[The man begins running, your vision getting fuzzier the further he goes into the fog, until he passes through it about a minute later. The structures are more plantlike here, and there's visible signs of something having passed through, claw marks and ruts in the ground and bone. Freshest of all however is the bootprints.]
>[You follow the trail, discovering the helmet of Ford's hazmat suit on the ground.]
"No-nono.. shiit.."
>[He starts running faster, following his bootprints, finding more of Ford's suit scattered about. His breath gets shakier and he's left panting, and at some point, he seems to stop, deviating from the trail and hiding.]
>[The camera takes a second to focus, and when it does, you see Ford standing in the middle of a clearing, smog surrounding him, the pixels gathered around his form like flies to a piece of rotting meat. Ford turns to face the camera, shouting and waving his arms]
"Stryker! Come here! Join me!! I found it! We're here!"
>[The man remains silent, just watching, unable to move. Ford continues talking nonetheless, his voice getting raspier, coming out like he'd just been choking.]
"Don't you hear it? They sing to us! The angels see us in this place!! They're coming, they'll free us!! We won't have to suffer anymore, no more pain. I finally see it!!"
"They were all blind- even I was blind- but we're free now!"
>[Ford brings a hand to his face. When he pulls it back, his skin peels off, dripping from his hand like a pulpy goo, his face bleeding in a similar manner. Ford doesn't seem to understand is, starting to laugh madly, shaking heavily.]
>[Anything else Ford says comes out as nonsense, as skin behind to peel off from his arms, and he drops to his knees, his lets unable to support him as his pants grow stained red with his blood. The man with the bodycam starts stepping back a few paces, as the sound of a screeching static begins to come from seemingly every direction.]
>[Ford continues screaming, as the footage becomes riddled with pixels. A massive humanoid creature comes into view, it's limbs long and thin. It hunches over Ford, though he cannot see it, his head bearing oozing sockets where his eyes once were, He cackles with glee as the creature holds him down, his flesh forming a puddle around him.]
>[Ford's voice is cut off as the creature puts a clawed hand over his head, instantly crushing it, with a sickening squishing sound. It opens it's mouth, several tongues slithering out from a slit in it's lower jaw, the ends bearing tiny claws, which pick the gooey flesh from his body. The man stands and stares for a few moments, before starting to run through the fog once again, grabbing a separate device, speaking frantically into it.]
"Man down- I REPEAT, MAN DOWN!! Excursion critical failure- unknown class anomaly within bounds of the elevator, levels of gas are extremely high, SOMEONE GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!"
>[He keeps running, the static overwhelmingly loud. Eventually a small elevator comes into sight, the doors opening as he gets closer, running inside and repeatedly pressing the close doors button. He repeats several things into the device, then grabs the camera with a shaky hand. He chokes out a half-sob, shouting something to himself in an anguished voice and punching the elevator wall, though the audio's too broken to tell what he said.]
>[The footage cuts off there. No more audio comes from the device before you.]
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tulipe-rose · 6 months
Imagine how ironic, if not hilarious, it would be if yet another ginger took his last breathes while laying between Dazai's arms. I take it to be an interesting scenario multiple accounts attempted writing, and succeeding magnificently at that. I really enjoy reading the bitter tragedy interpreted by dozens of unique perspectives, such that I though I might as well add in my own. (Someone else probably thought of this first, so please don't call me a thief. If you do find a similar opinion, I'd appreciate it if you could politely link the post for me to read.)
Chūya Nakahara. Great Port Mafia executive, and wielder of his infamous gravitational ability; one of the most fearsome abilities out there. Enough to spark terror in the hearts of those whom once dared to oppose him, and survived to witness the light of day by some miracle. Said ability however, doesn't stand alone. The demon Arahabaki, a power that bears great weight on the ginger head's shoulders, occupies the young man's body around the clock. When activated, all sense is lost,and blind rage is left to lead.
Such a devastatingly extraordinary sight, quite fit for the demonic entity.
Finding beauty, or positive significance in such a hazardous display was something unique to the demon prodigy alone.
Chūya never truly resorts to using the Arahabaki demon unless backed into a corner, having complete faith in his partner's capability of halting him when the job was taken care of.
This time was supposedly no different. There occurred a fierce battle on a certain tranquil night, one that'd go down in history. There wasn't much of an option, it was a do or die situation, the stakes being the lives of his comrades. Chūya never hesitated when it came to protecting those whom treated him well, and had a significance in his heart. He'd never abandon them, even if they were to throw him under the bus. He was far too loyal.
Anyhow, Chūya slowly starts reciting the verse he seemed all too familiar with, before slowly descending into a feral state. The battle commences, and it's an utter disaster.
The enemy won't budge, and the corrupted Mafioso would be sent into more of an unintelligible state of madness, desiring destruction.
An issue arises, and that would be the absence of a particular lanky-beanpole, waste if bandages. By now, Dazai would be stepping in to break Chūya free of his corrupted chains, yet he's nowhere to be seen. Hell breaks loose, and the Arahabaki demon inflicts it's final blow.
Chūya Nakahara's body would crash to the ground before collapsing. His consciousness returned to him with great strain, and he was aware his last moments were his current. A faint sequence of haggard breathing could be heard. Though not having enough strength to take a glance at them, he knew whom these breathes belonged to. He knew that sound like the back of his hand; they didn't know each other for so long for nothing.
A soft croak escaped his partner, it's goal to grab the bandaged man's attention. The tone of voice was extremely faint and airy, yet Dazai paid undivided attention to every word. "'Agh... Hurts like hell..."
The messy man races over to cradle his partner's body, sensing the consciousness withering away. "Oh Chūya... You..." Dazai repeated to himself more than anything, his face rested into a frown, whispering in a low tone laced with subtle desperation. Regret was evident, and an expression that had been hidden away for far too long adorned his face next; sadness.
Dazai readjusts Chūya's position in his arms, "Now, now, Take it easy." Chūya looks on in mock irritation, before coughing up a handful of blood, causing him to recoil in exhaustion. "Damn it... This is probably it for me... Though I had no idea waking up was an possible... I'm... saying this only once... .. Don't you dare die, you damned Mackerel... That weretiger needs you..." Dazai looked on in muted horror, anxiety, strong denial and sorrow. The moment he never assumd to come, the one that he had happily dreamt of; it's here, and Dazai couldn't help but feel helpless. He held Chūya tighter, never daring to interrupt. "Ane-san..." His speech was sluggish, and his breathing patterns were inconsistent. Most of his words came out incoherent, and much was left unsaid, but Dazai knew what was to be done.
''AUGHHGU..." Pools of blood spewed out, staining his clothes further, his consciousness blacking in and out. "Ugh... I wasn't expecting it to be peaceful anyway... You- know... What to do... So I'll leave it to you..."
Abrupt silence hit, and the ginger's body went limp; embracing a long overdue rest.
The brunette gave his partner a melancholic look, clutching onto the small statured corpse gracefully lumped in his hold.
(I kind of hate how it turned out 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。. Whatever--, moving on with life.
I personally view this as platonic soulmates/Friendship where bonds go deeper than blood/complicated siblings????(Not really), please don't judge me \⁠(゚⁠ー゚⁠\⁠))
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songoftrillium · 8 months
Hey, so I'm reading your Hearthbound Supplement, and I wanted to ask why the Fianna were such unified enemies of theirs. From what I can tell, (this is more something that just bugged me) Fianna are one of the tribes with a stronger, healthier relationship to their Kinfolk (inasmuch as any tribe broadly has a good relationship with their Kinfolk) (though I have been known to miss Implications from time to time). Plus, it seems like the younger Fianna have a much kinder view of the Crinos Born, so I'd think they'd be heavily split along generational lines on whether the Hearthborn are enemies or not
Now, granted, my knowledge of WtA is only deep in certain areas, so this might just be me not having gotten to certain books yet, and the Finna really are Like That.
(Or it could be my draw to the whole keeper of history and knowledge, craftsmen, and tendency to adhere to the "Canon is a box of scraps in a cave and I'm Tony stark baby" approach)
Thank you for reaching out! I'm glad you asked, and I have hoped someone would ask me about this. I'm gonna give a wordy answer that addresses your concern and elucidates how I analyzed all the tribes to draw my conclusions.
I want to preface my answer by voicing my fondness for the tribe. At the top of it all, I completely agree that their biggest strengths are their existence as master artisans and storytellers. These aspects are absolutely worth holding onto and even expanding upon. I also appreciate their Celtic origins, but I wish it encompassed all Celts, not just the Irish. That veers a bit off-topic from your question, though.
My depiction of them as the primary antagonist of the Hearthbound stems from both their treatment of the crinos-born, as well as the objectification of their Kinfolk. In the book I call them crinos-born, but in WtE the writing team and I settled on Warborn as the title of choice, so I'll be using that term from here on out.
Different editions were never meant to supersede each other, but rather, build on one another to depict a continuous meta reflecting the evolution of Garou Society in response to their developing war against the Wyrm. For example, the Storytellers handbooks from 2nd edition, revised, and the companion all offer unique tools with very little overlap.
While more experienced people versed in the literature like you and I can read between the lines and handpick the bits we like most, it ignores that the flaws inherent to the tribes are intentional and meant to be confronted by players at the table. To that end, I conducted my research behind my writing with consideration paid to the narrative voices depicting each book, the Garou within them sharing their subjective knowledge, and use that to coalesce a perspective behind my group. When I started writing Hearthbound, I decided to form my conclusions based on three narrative perspectives:
The way a tribe's leadership wants other tribes to view them, their kinfolk, and their warborn.
The way the kinfolk within that tribe feel like they're being treated.
The way the warborn within that tribe feel like they're being treated.
Hearthbound makes a more naked depiction of these problems specifically to confront them, though I admit I should have taken more of an effort to make it clear that these depictions are reflecting the worst aspects of these tribes, rather than the whole of them. These problems represent the worst outliers from each tribe, and are not meant to entirely replace these tribes. When it comes to systemic oppression, it's not always the laws and customs that cause the problems. Still, there are those who hide behind the veneer of hierarchy to abuse those customs in a way that they seldom face repercussions for it, and the Hearthbound are those repercussions. This is a reflection of other forms of systemic oppression, like laws alleged to be 'tough on crime', which on the surface looks great, but glosses over the way those crimes unfairly target marginalized groups and keep them from rising to prominence.
I draw my conclusions on each of the tribe stances from three sources:
Kinfolk: A Breed Apart offering a depiction of Kinfolk the way the tribes represent them, or rather, the way they want other tribes to see them. It does hold many positive depictions on the relations between Garou and Kinfolk.
Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes, in contrast, represents a perspective from Kinfolk that is a little less flattering and is more closely representing the perspective of the Kinfolk themselves (and is taken as such.)
Guardians of the Caerns has a chapter dedicated entirely to the Warborn, and lends their perspective on what it was like growing up in a Sept of a particular tribe. This represents the sentiment of what it's like being a Warborn from any one tribe, opposed to the way these tribes want to be seen.
To answer your question in short, yes, the worst of the Fianna really are that way. They are more likely to outright kill a Warborn and their parents than to accept them, and those Warborn who do exist within their tribes seldom hold rank, are often hidden from view, and subject to rather terrible abuses by their fellow tribemates.
Contrast that with the blatant and plainworded phrasing in the tribe description of them trending towards violence:
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Combine that with their lackadaisical ways of speaking of their own families in Guardians of the Caerns, pg. 94:
Merryck's comments: It's not without a certain sense of irony that the Fianna, self-avowed masters and mistresses of passion and abandon among the werewolves, despise the [Warborn]. They believe that physical deformity shows a malevolence in the spirit as well. But at the same time, they're really into having wild, raucus parties, orgies if you ask my opinion. The Fianna dismiss any potential risk with this kind of activity their answer to slowing those driving passions is "find a Kinfolk to slake your lust." How practical. Don't kid yourself; there are many [Warborn] running around with red hair and green eyes, both in their tribe and outside it.
When you combine multiple sources and add a human perspective wrt consent, it starts to paint an incredibly unflattering canonical picture of the tribe, and a narratively compelling one, to boot.
For others reading this, below is a link to my supplement in question OP is referencing, if anyone wants to take a look!
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What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @willameena 💖💖💖 thank you!!! i absolutely love talking about books!! pls talk to me about books
1) The Last book I read:
so you don't get lost in the neighborhood by patrick modiano -- this is a book about the failure of memory i think. the narrator is forced to reckon with events from his past that he doesn't really remember? it's not as interesting as it sounds but it was an alright read!
2) A book I recommend:
the stardust thief by chelsea abdullah -- i listened to this audiobook on my way to work and then immediately bought a physical copy because it was so so good! it's a take on the one thousand and one nights and it's absolutely thrilling from start to finish <3
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
clap when you land by elizabeth acevedo -- books in verse aren't normally my thing but elizabeth acevedo is a master of the craft and this story of family is heart wrenching and made me cry
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
we are okay by nina lacour -- this is possibly my favorite book i read it when i need to cry or to feel something. i know that says nothing about the story but it's so good and queer and beautiful i highly recommend
5) A book on my TBR:
the 85 books that are on my bookshelf that i haven't read and my overused library card are taunting me with this question. the one i can see from where i'm sitting on my bed is i'm glad my mom died by jeanette mccurdy but i don't know if that's gonna happen anytime soon. i also really want to get to on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong but i think that's also going to make me cry
6) A book I’ve put down:
i rarely put books down on purpose. often i'll start things and then life will happen and i won't want to start the book from the beginning again so it gets put down. i wish i didn't finish the hobbit because i was in 7th grade and didn't know you could just... not finish something you don't like. three books that i will probably get back to at some point though are: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by gabrielle zevin, the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon and helen of troy by bethany hughes
7) A book on my wish list:
i don't really keep a book wishlist! probably something by emily henry because i've been in a romcom mood lately
8) A favorite book from childhood:
inkheart by cornelia funke -- i think this is the book that made me love reading tbh i identified so strongly with meggie and i loved dustfinger and it just got me i also really loved because of win dixie (and i should reread it, i have a copy sitting in my kitchen right now)
9) A book you would give to a friend:
the long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers -- i lied earlier this might be my favorite book. you want a really good found family? you want a harrowing space adventure? you want to see characters that become more real? this is the book for you. this book is about the heart of a family and the home you make and the decision to keep choosing each other and being there in the good times and bad i don't have enough good things to say about it tbh it's pretty much perfect!! i gifted it to a boy once right before i left england (after he came to see a play with me having absolutely no interest in theatre) and having him read it and enjoy it was a highlight of my trip besides going on that date with him that i didn't realize was a date until i was on a plane over the atlantic.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
crush by richard siken -- i'm gay i am legally obligated to own this book
11) A nonfiction book you own:
most of my nonfiction books are memoirs! but here are my top three that i will get to reading at some point!! 1. helen of troy by bethany hughes 2. poet warrior by joy harjo 3. something about the witch trials that i don't remember the name of right now and can't actively see on my shelf
12) What are you currently reading:
summer sons by lee mandelo -- it's gay there's ghosts and messy boys and grief and i'm a quarter of the way done and already know that i'm going to read it again because it's going to wreck me emotionally
13) What are you planning on reading next?
i think i'm going to finish invisible cities by italo calvino next!!
no pressure to do this!! but tagging: @grapenehifics @ragnarlothcat @kittonafoxgirl @bisexualobiwankenobi @tideswept @palfriendpatine66 @thegingerwrites @renlyslittlerose
i'd love to add more books to my infinite pile of books to read!!!!
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saltynsassy31 · 6 months
Since you’re a Sonamy fan I might as well ask you this.
Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy? What’s your favorite moments between the two?
Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
OH GOODNESS I WAS SUPPOSED TO REPLY SOONER BUT I GOT SO BUSY 😭😭😭 between packing and catching my flight at 4am, it was hectic!
This has been sitting in my drafts for so long man fkskaka I am so sorry 😅
But, oh buddy, i don't....I don't know, or, more accurately, probably don't remember XD
I've shipped them for so long, i can't remember when or why I started doing so. But I do have some guesses. And I think the culprit to my obsession would have to be...Sonic Boom!
Growing up, I didn't have a lot of access to Internet stuff aside from YouTube, in my home, the only channel I knew to have access to was Discovery Kids and Gloob. BUT, my grandma did have access to other channels like Disney XD, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network!
Which is where I discovered Sonic Boom 😌 and I'm pretty sure it was where my love for Sonic began. And because that show hammered in Sonamy so much, I guess I just became inclined to like it? I remember an episode talking about fanfiction and I went to look up what "Sonamy" was and stumbled across an artist (who is still active to this day! To my relief) who did a lot of Sonic Boom sonamy and it just became a comfort ship!
No why do I personally ship them is hard to answer. Probably just for comfort? No, no, I think it goes a little deeper than that. One ship from another franchise that I can compare it too is Zelink! (Zelda x Link).
They are the "practically canon straight ship" and sort of the "obvious" pick, which sorts ends up making them the less popular to the fandom? Lol which is also a shame. But there is so much more to them just being the "practically canon straight couple"! There is obviously a lot of thought put into their dynamic and relationship that reflects in the games and other media.
I tend to look at the smaller details and all the hints the creators drops between them!
Which leads to my favourite sonamy moments, which is when Sonic is the one showing the affection, albeit subtle, towards Amy. I don't have one moment, it's all the times he's like that, but one I can pull up right now and the only one I can remember after only 2 hours of sleep is I Prime, when Sonic is describing his friends and when he reaches Amy he just sighs this love strucken sigh and says "Sweet Amy".
Thay practically sent me rolling!
Another one in Prime is when he is talking to the forest guardian Amy I forgot the name, and she asks about his Amy and he describes her and she says "she sounds pretty cool" or something and, again, with that sigh of admiration says "you are" and--
I could talk about them all day man, I want to, I want to have more people to talk about them. Even if I'm not well versed in the Sonic franchise just yet, I love them so much I wanna just- talk about them!
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prof-ramses · 9 months
Headcanons for Stella's friends because these two deserve some love
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While we all love Stella here, I have to say I'm slightly disappointed that not one person, that I'm aware of, has taken the chance to do something with her friends. Especially when exploring the more tragic parts of her character, as her besties would be an important part of her support network. So I decided to name them and give them some uniqueness. For anyone curios I also plan on using them in my "GoldenGoose-verse".
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Let's start with Camio. Like her real life demonology namesake, she can manipulate fire and increase or diminish the clarity of others' memories. Her duties mostly revolve around the latter ability, often to enable or prevent certain people to take certain actions.
Personality wise, she's quite bubbly and easy-going. Despite this, she's fiercely defensive of those close to her and gets a kick out of pushing people's buttons from time to time.
She actually has a lot of interest in human history and the evolution of their cultures. This is partly because she occasionally shapes human history and partly because she's always had a fascination with relationships, both between individuals and between groups.
Her and Stella have known each other basically their whole lives and can, consequently, get away with a lot more when it comes to messing with each other.
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Now, onto Furfur. She's biologically male and nonbinary, cool with any pronouns but with a preference for female pronouns. Possesses electric powers. He's the most physically powerful of the trio and has several forms, similar to Paimon*. While their primary duty is weather manipulation, they also have the important task of keeping track of angelic activity on Earth.
*To expand on this, I like to think that every goetic demon has several forms, with one as a "base". Paimon's base form is indeed more humanlike that the form we see in The Circus. The reason most of the Ars Goetia are birds in the show is because bird forms are "in" at the time of the series. Furfur's primary form is a fluffy cloud deer
Furfur often comes across as aloof or inconsiderate, but that's mostly because of his belief in pushing her friends to improve themselves, this is frequently compounded by their snarky streak.
Loves playing with their and Stella's hair, they've both tried to convince Camio to grow her out.
She also has a habit of taking Stella and Camio on daytrips to Earth, everything there is her treat, she just loves swindling humans. After Stella and Via, their the most pissed at Stolas for being a sex pest.
I have some more stuff for their overall dynamics and how Mammon gets involved when he and Stella get together, but I feel that should wait for another time.
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hi!!! I recently got into wordgirl in the year of our lord 2023 and I'm glad to find an active wg account pls never stop posting 🙏 anyway, i have a question, are there any good tobecky fics you'd recommend? i've read some already but I'm always open to new suggestions! tobecky is one of my fav ships rn
Hey thanks for the ask! And that's the true spirit of being a Wordgirl fan. Also don't worry on the posting thing, I sometimes take long breaks or forget to actually use Tumblr but I always come back and I'm still somehow fixated on this show lol.
As for Tobecky fic recommendations...ough that's a tough one. I actually started a Google doc guide (like what their called, the author, how to read them, ECT.) about my favorite tobecky fics (giving my personal reviews and overview, no spoilers). But that's unfortunately been put on hold because I got self-conscious about it, and that I can't focus on two projects at the same time (my other one actually being a tobecky fic I'm currently writing, which hasn't been officially published yet, not a self-promote I think). But I do have all the overall names of the fics from the Doc so I'll paste them here, in no particular order.
As of September 2023, Jam's Tobecky fic list recommendations:
- Something Hidden (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (on FF.net)
- The Saving Tobey Series (aka: Saving Tobey, Time to go Home, and 26 letters) (all multi-chapter) (status: Semi-complete) (All On FF.net or AO3)
- Old Wounds Heal (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3 or FF.net)
- The Jealousy verse (series) (aka: Jealousy Jealousy, Who am I?, The scientific method, the sordid confessions of a teenage boy (and other extraterrestrial anomalies) (multi-chapter/one-shots) (status: Semi-complete) (All On AO3)
- Meet me on memory lane (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- A Big mistake (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- (Mamma Mia) Here we go again! (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Honey, Honey how he thrills me (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Slipping through my fingers (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Lay all your love on me (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Turning Saints into the Sea (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- A Mistletoe Prince 2: 2 mistletoe 2 Prince (One shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Space age love song (multi-chapter) (status: ongoing) (On AO3)
- First comes Friendship (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Tiny plastic polygons (multi-chapter) (status: ongoing/unknown) (On AO3)
- [Insert dumb robot pun] maybe It'll lighten the mood (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Intermissions (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- word up, it's wordgirl (and she wouldn't want me using lowercase letters) collection series (one-shots/multi-chapter) (status: Semi-complete) (All on AO3)
- School isn't big enough for two losers to sit alone (multi-chapter) (status: :( Orphaned/abandoned) (On AO3)
- Adventures of Wordwoman Project B (multi-chapter) (status: ongoing) (On AO3 or FF.net)
- Two lovers intertwined (multi-chapter) (status: ongoing) (On AO3)
- She's giving me the evil eye (a poisonous smile) (One-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- El Tango De Becky (the tragedy of tobeybot) (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Sleight of hand (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Tuesdays with Tobey (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Don't cry Snowman, it's Christmas, baby (One-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Just friends (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Spell it out (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- This could be the start of something new (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Dumbfounded (One-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Tobecky Week 2022 (multi-chapter) (status: Complete) (On AO3)
- Robots and knights the kiss scene (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- McCallister cat: Tobey gets a cat (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- I Realize Now (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Falling for you (literally) (One-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- meteor shower, quick take cover (but the hues in our hair compliment one another) (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Love and the perils of outer space - A counterproductive guide (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Dumbfounded (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Two sides of the same heart (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Merry Christmas (unless aliens don’t celebrate, wouldn’t want to be offensive) (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- The Same Sparkling Smile (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- Feverish (one-shot) (status: complete) (On AO3)
- New and Subtle shades (one-shot) (status: complete) (On FF.net)
- Through the eyes of his mother (one-shot) (status: complete) (On Tumblr)
- Tis the season (one-shot) (status: complete) (On FF.net)
- Your name was written in the stars (multi-chapter) (status: complete) (On FF.net)
[Phew that's what I got so far, obviously there's probably some I wanted to add and mind you this isn't best to worst or like some elitists list of the best tobecky fics (I mean the first Saving Tobey fic is on here and have my gripes with it lol/lhj), it's just the ones I've read and remembered. But I do think they're great and wahoo some of my friends wrote these(⁠^⁠^⁠) ]
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ellequarius · 7 months
Hey heyyy!! I have a success storyyyy. So I was the anon that asked you what to do on Feb 4th about my family being separated and I wanna tell you what’s happened over the past few days! Okay so what I did is i created an aff tape w jus two affirmations of me saying “I have my desired home life” and “Everyone is getting along so well” I would listen to it over night (but I didn’t do that often bcs I hate wearing headphones to sleep) I would listen to a sub by Lotusmi and affirm while listening to that as well. And the first day I was really motivated, then as time when on i affirmed less and got unmotivated as I wasn’t seeing movement. I started getting anxious because my mom and her bf were arguing, he would sleep in the living room, and his kids (who weren’t talking to me for a month already) still weren’t talking to me. BUT I persisted! Even when I actively heard them yelling and arguing I would just affirm a few times and then move on. The past few days my mom and her bf have been getting along better than usual. They’ve been sleeping in the same bed and I haven’t really heard any arguing! Anywho fast forward to yesterday. The day started as it usually did w the boys not speaking to me (which rlly took a toll on me btw because they are kinda like my first siblings bcs all my other siblings were older and starting their own families as I was growing up so having them around is fun until they started ignoring me for a month ago bcs I snitched on them bcs they were beating me up baddd, punching me, slapping me, I even had bruises at one point) anywho like I said they weren’t speaking to me but my mom and her bf seemed to be on good terms. So my mom, her bf, and his mom went out to the bf’s show bcs he’s in a band and he had a performance that night. So usually they give us money to order pizza and that’s what the boys did. When the pizza came they didn’t even come up to tell me, the younger of the two texted me on snap, the older one had me blocked on snap and messages💀. Anywho and instead of eating at the table like they were supposed to they just took it to their room and ate it. And after they went up I went down, got my slice, and went in my room to get mine. I was upset about that but I just kept affirming and persisting. Anywho so a couple hrs go by, I go get in the shower, started playing some video games and was just minding my business frl frl. Then the older one of the two messaged me on Xbox out of the blue and said something about a time we versed each other on a video game a couple weeks ago. I started texting back and long story short he was like let’s go again. I was like IGHT BETTTT. Anywho so we versed each other again and the first time we did it he didn’t even speak to me and had his mic muted, but this time he started talking first and then I started talking and we kept playing till it was over. Now I did lose (40 something to 2) but we not finna speak on that bcs I don’t play that game frl frl🙄. Anywho by that time the adults had already came back, so when we finished the 1v1 he went to his dad and started telling him abt it and I went in the room and defended myself and what not and it was like how it was before. Anywho long story short I’m going to continue to listen to the affs and sub for a few more days jus cuz! Thank you for your advice and to anyone else who is manifesting something PERSISTTTTTTTT plssss😫!
(Sorry for this long ass story😭)
this is my first anon success story!!
i'm glad my advice worked for you and I really don't mind the long asks, i actually enjoy reading them!
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