# starvation
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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reachoutusa · 9 years
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Support can make a huge difference when someone is hitting a rough patch. Why wait until then to let your friends know you'll be there? Take a stand for Mental Health Awareness and tag someone you care about to let them know you have their back. ‪
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weirdlookindog · 2 days
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Franz Wolf - “Tell me Mother, are those Daffodils? — ? —”
from 'Die Muskete' Vol.20 #7, April 9, 1925
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odinsblog · 3 months
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The U.N. Human rights Council has found Israel is deliberately responsible for the collective punishment of all Palestinians including noncombatant men, (pregnant) women and children; gender targeted violence; torture; using starvation as a weapon of war; and the intentional extermination of Palestinians living in Gaza.
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thecurrentevents · 7 months
the United States airdropped 38,000 meals into Gaza
some progress, I guess, but it’s not enough.
the airdrop on March 2, 2024, came two days after 100+ Palestinians were killed after Israeli forces opened fire on desperate, starving civilians in what was dubbed the “flour massacre.”
this is part of an US attempt to aid Palestinians as Gaza faces starvation. three US air force cargo planes dropped 38,000 meals — no water or medical supplies — in southwest Gaza. but cargo planes can’t carry as much as aid convoy trucks. and we’ve seen the tragedy that happened.
aid groups have criticized this plan, and they are absolutely right. they’ve said the focus should be forcing Israel to open up more ports and entryways into Gaza instead of airdropping because trucks can carry way more supplies, like I’ve mentioned.
there are also several drawbacks to airdropping supplies: it’s inefficient, expensive, and doesn’t provide enough aid. there are 1.5+ million refugees in Rafah. 38,000 meals can only provide for ~0.253% of the refugees. it’s not even 1%.
but the Gazans need everything they can get right now. airdrops, however inefficient they are, are essential for Gazans to survive.
support a ceasefire now.
sources underneath the cut:
the US has made its first airdrop of aid to Gaza - New York Times article
the US should focus on stopping Israeli obstruction of aid, not on airdrops, aid group says - New York Times article
US airdrops aid into Gaza - CNN article
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Another update on Ahmed Kouta, the Palestinian-Canadian medical worker whose hospital has been shut down. Stranded in the North of Ghazzah by Justin Trudeau and Mélanie Joly's refusal to aid Palestinian-Canadians and their support for the zionist occupation regime. February 27th 2024. Ahmed keeps getting thinner, as no aid is coming through and the occupation has bombed everything that used to produce food, be it agricultural land or water aquifers or reservoirs of food or bakeries, etc... and has continued its siege of the city. I included a photo below next to the transcript for the video, of what he used to look like before this.
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sayruq · 10 months
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tearsofrefugees · 7 days
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whump-galaxy · 4 months
“What if they’re an enemy?!”
“They’re 100 pounds soaking wet and scared of anything that moves. I’ll take my chances.”
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longreads · 5 months
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A Life Without Eating 
“Inflammation from Crohn’s disease had connected the tissues of my small intestine and my bladder together via fistula, and I did not want to pee out a roast chicken.”
Eating is about more than just nutrition. Eating makes us human. Read Andrew Chapman’s powerful new essay on living without food here. 
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whumpster-dumpster · 8 months
Soulmate AU where soulmates share a sense of taste. Character A knowing Character B hasn't been eating because they haven't tasted anything in a while. Their tongue itching when they eat something A is allergic to. Knowing they're overworking when it's cold coffee for hours on end. Knowing they're sick when they taste bitter bile. Knowing they're in trouble when all they can taste is blood.
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kuro-is-doodlin · 5 months
Loop 853
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(A sadness spots you, you feel too weak to move)
(You just woke up, but you feel.. a tug... on your stomach)
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odinsblog · 7 months
Armed IOF forces in tanks were “afraid” of starving, unarmed, noncombatant, Palestinian civilians
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The Israeli army has issued a statement concerning the massacre its forces are accused of commuting in northern Gaza in which at least 77 Palestinians were killed while they were waiting for humanitarian aid.
The Israeli army called starving Palestinians waiting for food aid around humanitarian trucks a “violent gathering” which made its soldiers feel “unsafe,” the Israeli daily Haaretz reported.
Israeli soldiers then proceeded to indiscriminately open fire on hungry Palestinians, killing dozens and wounding hundreds.
Much of Gaza's population is on the brink of famine as a result of the Israeli blockade according to the UN and other humanitarian organisations.
(continue reading)
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by David Isaac
After demanding for months that Jerusalem let more supplies enter the Gaza Strip, with Israel insisting that the bottlenecks are on the Gaza side, the U.S. appeared to come around to Israel’s position on Wednesday.
“Though Kerem Shalom is open and trucks are queued up outside, not a lot of them are getting in, and it’s not because of the Israelis,” White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said at a press briefing.
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Kirby blamed the problem on looting by Gazan “criminal gangs and thugs.” He insisted the criminals were not connected to Hamas, although the U.S. has blamed Hamas in the past for stealing supplies, with the administration notably condemning the terrorist group for hijacking a large aid convoy from Jordan in May.
In pointing to gangs as the culprits, the White House also ignored Israeli reports of widespread theft by Hamas, which it says has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip.
A Channel 12 report in May revealed that Hamas had made at least $500 million in profit off such aid since the start of the war, turning around and selling it to the civilian population.
Admitted Kirby, “I’m not trying to pull—take Hamas off the hook here, because Hamas has, in fact, allowed some of this activity to go on and don’t have the best interests of the people of Gaza forefront in their minds.”
If the administration is no longer holding Israel responsible for the aid jam up, it would represent a shift in thinking. Less than two weeks ago, the State Department sanctioned an Israeli protest group for “harassing and damaging convoys” (something the group denies).
Israel has largely blamed the aid failure on the United Nations. On Wednesday, COGAT, the Israeli body responsible for coordinating aid into Gaza, tweeted a picture of tons of aid waiting for pickup at the U.S.-built JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore) pier.
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jasontoddsthickthigh · 7 months
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