#// covid
*Meaning: When did you stop wearing a mask to a majority of your public activities? Wearing a mask when you feel sick or very rarely for specific events/reasons counts as “stopping”
*Edit: This post is about COVID not Autism*
Edit 2: Please vote in updated poll Here with clearer wording, thank you!
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renthony · 2 days
I spend a massive amount of time reading about AIDS, because when you study queer history you're gonna spend a lot of time studying AIDS, and when I spend a lot of time reading about AIDS, it inevitably leads to me getting stuck in a "I am furious at every single person who acts like covid is over, but I'm extra livid with the queer people who don't care anymore" mood.
Mad about government negligence and public apathy, time to post the Larry Kramer Plague Speech again.
And for Mr. Kramer's thoughts on COVID-19, before yet another person crawls into my notes to accuse me of being "insensitive" by comparing AIDS and COVID-19 (as happens every single time I dare to compare them):
"The current plague, he said, calls for its own Larry Kramer to bring the rage — against disease, against governmental failure, against the unfairness of death. It just will not be him. 'I wish I could be,' he said. “I don’t know how. I would like to have a big movement,' he added. 'But I’m not quite sure how to do that.'" - Taken from "Larry Kramer, AIDS Warrior, Takes on Another Plague"
Larry Kramer died in 2020 due to complications from pneumonia. I never want to put specific individual queer people up on pedestals, because everyone has their flaws, but I do still think about Larry Kramer's AIDS activism a lot. Some days it feels like I'm the only one who decided to scoop up his rage and keep it burning. I know I'm not, but fuck, man, "still has to be worried about covid" is a lonely demographic to belong to.
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covidsafecosplay · 3 days
The People’s CDC COVID-19 Weather Report: September 16, 2024
The People's CDC has released another updated report on COVID-19 data and action items for the United States of America.
According to the Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional Trends dashboard, COVID wastewater levels have plateaued, remaining between high and very high in all regions except for the West, which is having a slight increase. The highest levels remain in the West as of 9/7/2024 (data captured on 9/13/2024). 
As of September 10, 2024, COVID levels are “likely growing” in 3 states and territories according to the CDC Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics dashboard. Thirteen states have reached “stable or uncertain” levels, and 31 states are seeing “declining” or “likely declining”, while levels are “not estimated” in 4 states. 
According to the CDC's COVID Data Tracker, there has been an increase to nearly 1,000 deaths and slightly more than 1,000 deaths per week from COVID during the entire month of August 2024. The last time this occurred was during the winter months of 2024. This total count of weekly COVID deaths is likely to be an underestimate due to limited COVID testing and reporting. The loss of these lives could have been prevented if layers of protections were consistently implemented in preventing infections. 
Although the Bridge Access Program, covering the updated vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults, has ended, several states including California’s Bridge Access Program and other departments of health have taken steps to partially address this major gap by either providing funding for no-cost access to COVID vaccines or using budgets to acquire a limited supply for their residents. Ultimately, the federal government must contribute resources to ensure no-cost access for all who are uninsured or underinsured. We continue to demand from the federal government to provide continued funding for the Bridge Access Program as well as the Vaccines for Adults Program. As people access the updated COVID vaccines, it is notable that a longer 1.5 inch needle may be needed for adults with higher body weights, in order to pass through subcutaneous tissue into muscle. Complete guidelines for vaccine administration in consideration of age, weight, and injection site can be found on the CDC's website.
This is a reminder that another batch of no-cost COVID rapid antigen tests can be ordered and sent to your home address at the end of   September 2024. Through the CDC’s Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) program, no-cost access to COVID testing access is limited to those who are uninsured or underinsured at places including CVS, Walgreens, eTrueNorth, and other local sites as well as in New York City, which is supported by the NY Department of Public Health.
Read the rest of the report here:
Please note that the CovidSafeCosplay blog and its admin are unaffiliated with the People's CDC or its management, and are simply sharing the resource.
Via the People's CDC About page:
The People’s CDC is a coalition of public health practitioners, scientists, healthcare workers, educators, advocates and people from all walks of life working to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19.  We provide guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the public on COVID-19, disseminating evidence-based updates that are grounded in equity, public health principles, and the latest scientific literature. Working alongside community organizations, we are building collective power and centering equity as we work together to end the pandemic. The People’s CDC is volunteer-run and independent of partisan political and corporate interests and includes anonymous local health department and other government employees. The People’s CDC is completely volunteer run with infrastructure support being provided by the People’s Science Network
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unveilandresist · 2 days
here to be a buzzkill once again
covid is real and killing people every day
long covid cases are going up like crazy every year
please wear a mask
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I know facing this is scary but wearing an kn95 or even better, an n95 will help protect you. so will air purifiers with hepa filters, and nasal sprays like xlear. get a vaccine if you haven't had one in the past 4 months. mitigations really do reduce your risk. r/masks4all will even help you find the right mask for your face shape!
if you get covid, do whatever you can to rest and not strain yourself for about 6 weeks to reduce risk of long covid.
love you all, wanting us all to be well 💗
- my chronically ill ass who has been sick from postviral illness since 2012
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aropride · 2 days
hi i made a survey on masking (the covid kind) please take it i'm nosy and i love statistics and tumblr polls weren't cutting it anymore
sorry if i missed anything obvious making this it's above my paygrade (my paygrade is $0 i am not getting paid)
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aroace-menace · 1 day
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marxilliousus · 2 days
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gotta say, this xkcd comic hits different when everywhere you go looks like this these days
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littlegreenwyvy · 2 days
You have covid
"I'm sure it's just a flu"
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"I tested negative for covid"
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"It's not so bad cuz hardly anybody dies of covid anymore anyway"
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(Note, this ^ study's scope was for the 'core' of the pandemic (I.e. the first 2-3 years), but still has implications today)
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"I'm young and healthy so I don't have to worry"
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Take covid seriously, or else
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willowreader · 2 days
I have not dined indoors since early 2020. It's not worth getting Covid or the flu when I can just order the food for pick up and eat at home.
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azspot · 19 hours
This minimization keeps the quiet part quiet: that the world is still in a pandemic per the World Health Organization and that more than 73,000 Americans died of COVID in 2023, a higher number than from car accidents or influenza. Among those who have been infected, about 10 percent have long COVID, a serious and often disabling condition with a disease burden comparable to that of cancer or heart disease and an economic cost rivaling that of the Great Recession, for which there are no approved treatments. What’s more, each infection, no matter how mild, is associated with a substantially increased risk of health issues, including cognitive dysfunction, autoimmune disease and cardiovascular problems.
Prepandemic, these statistics would have been eye-popping. Now they constitute “back to normal.” We think we no longer have a problem, when we’ve just changed the standard by which we deem something concerning.
To shore up collective denial, we also rewrite the past. Not only do we repeat that we are better off now, we claim things were never that bad. Contesting the past to remove unwanted memories produces a cultural amnesia about the pandemic. And in burying the past, we sidestep accountability for what went wrong.
Truth tellers are the Achilles heel of collective denial because they call attention to what’s being ignored. Thus, another playbook tactic is to hush them up, often by painting them as subversives or deviants. And so those who wear masks are ridiculed, scientists reporting on COVID risks are cast as fearmongers, and those with long COVID are dismissed as having anxiety disorders.
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*Meaning: When did you stop wearing a mask to a majority of your public activities? Wearing a mask when you feel sick or very rarely for specific events/reasons counts as “stopping”
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renthony · 2 days
I think the day people's lack of covid safety concern broke me irreparably was back in 2021 when someone told me I (a disabled person with an entire household of other disabled people) was being a "privileged ableist" for trying to deny people their right to go to bars for their "mental health." They said that not hanging out with friends was making them suicidal, and going out to bar parties was their only way to cope. Virtual events just "weren't the same" and "only made it worse." They told me that my insistence that it was irresponsible to go out to big events unmasked was "controlling" and "mean."
Three years later and I'm still not over it. An ex-friend really fucking tried to use the excuse that they deserved to go out to bars in the middle of 2021 because they were sad and lonely.
And here in 2024, I'm sad and lonely and really want to go find that ex-friend and slap the shit out of them. I have never gotten over that friendship breakup. It hurt. A lot.
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liminalweirdo · 14 hours
Please consider signing this petition to keep masks in public hospitals.
Disabled and medically vulnerable people deserve the same access to healthcare as everyone else, and we can't get that until we don't have to risk getting sicker every time we need to get treatment. Masks should be a requirement in hospitals anyway, not just for covid.
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longhaulerbear · 1 day
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aropride · 2 days
i read the studies i look at the maps i listen to the coughs and sniffs and crackles in breaths and i know it is still here and i know it is silently killing and disabling us but when i look at the world and nobody is masking and nobody knows anything abt covid or how to protect themselves it’s hard not to feel fucking crazy
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