#// I will never stop thinking about this /pos
burst-of-iridescent · 16 hours
Writing a Final Battle: Kung Fu Panda vs ATLA
every day i think about how the po & shen battle at the end of kung fu panda 2 is everything the aang & ozai battle at the end of atla should have been and get frustrated at the wasted potential all over again.
i’ll cut the show some slack in that the personal nature of po & shen’s relationship was never going to be possible in atla given the 100 year time jump, and that ozai himself wasn’t personally responsible for the air nomad genocide, which naturally undercuts their individual connection. but given that the final agni kai fulfilled the character-based conflict of the finale anyway, it fell to the aang-ozai battle to represent the thematic one, and it fell incredibly short where kfp 2 absolutely delivered.
it’s threaded throughout the narrative of the movie that po and shen are two sides of the same coin: black and white, yin and yang, goodness and madness. they both see themselves (po in kfp 2, at least) as orphans, plagued by fears that they were abandoned and unloved. both flee from a past they’re too afraid to face, tormented by wounds they believe won’t heal, shackled to a destiny they refuse to give up. the existence of one threatens the survival of the other; shen is foretold to be defeated by a warrior of black & white, while po cannot be the dragon warrior, the title that gave him a home and identity and belonging, in a world without kung fu — the world that shen is trying to create.
even without po’s personal connection to shen as the one responsible for his mother’s death and the loss of his community, thematically the two mirror each other perfectly. and it is this mirroring that makes the moment of their divergence so impactful and essential to the narrative: that while po stops running from his past, shen is never able to do so. it’s in making the choice to accept what happened to him & find peace in who he is that po triumphs over shen, and so illustrates the themes of the movie perfectly: that your past need not determine your future. that you cannot avoid your destiny, but you can shape the road you take to meet it, and that choice is yours and yours alone.
where po exemplifies the choice for peace, for healing, for acceptance, shen represents the choice to perpetuate violence, pain, self-loathing — and the brutal, inevitable self-destruction waiting at the end of that path. a classic writing technique for a thematic conflict, executed brilliantly: to have the hero and villain rise or fall by the virtues they stand for.
now compare this to aang and ozai.
i’ve talked before about how this battle fails from a character perspective for aang, but it also fails thematically as a result. following the constructed narrative up to the southern raiders, what should have happened in this battle was aang winning because he drew wisdom from different places, using bending techniques and knowledge from all four nations, and ozai losing as a consequence of his own destructive pride and reliance on firebending alone. instead, the unity vs individualism, balance vs domination theme set up from the start with the idea of the avatar falls completely by the wayside as the battle focuses on air nomad pacifism vs fire nation violence instead — an unsubstantiated, last minute ass pull of a conflict chucked in for no good reason.
but fine, we’ll bite. it’s not a bad conflict, in theory, just poorly set up. the execution might still have worked, if not for the fact that a) the means of this pacifism is entirely unearned and b) the choice to save ozai’s life is not about ozai at all, but about aang.
po’s victory feels earned because not only did the movie set the means of this victory up well in advance — introducing the chekhov’s gun of the dew drop and inner peace in the first ten minutes — it also perfectly aligned his external conflict (defeating shen) with his internal conflict (coming to terms with the pain of his past). in other terms, it’s the classic Want vs Need: po’s want (saving kung fu) is only achieved through first meeting his need (accepting who he is and where he came from, in its entirety).
aang, on the other hand, is given the solution to his external conflict through lion turtle ex machina, and Rock of Mega Convenience, neither of which was found as a result of his own choices or autonomy. it’s like if po showed up at the final battle with shen having skipped the entirety of the scene at the soothsayer’s, and yet is able to redirect the metal balls anyway because… well who the fuck knows, just go with it.
and that’s bad enough, except then it’s compounded by the fact that aang gets his Want (maintaining his people’s values & his moral purity) by doing… uh… *checks notes* Fucking Nothing. there is no Want vs Need here at all; aang didn’t have to sacrifice anything, or undergo any internal struggle, to receive the power of energybending. (and no, being “pure of heart” in order to energybend doesn’t count — a potential moral decline or losing air nomad values through assimilation to a changed world was never an arc set up for aang, and so cannot be counted as a feasible Need.)
and as the cherry on top of this clusterfuck of terrible writing comes the moment where aang chooses to spare ozai, a scene intended to convey the triumph of the air nomads’ compassion and pacifism over the fire nation’s brutality, a scene meant to have incredible pathos and meaning… and which accomplishes neither of the above.
po trying to spare shen is genuinely moving because the scene is framed around shen. it’s about the fact that despite every terrible thing shen has done — in that moment po sees in him only someone as lost and confused and pained as he was, someone clinging to a grand destiny to cure, in vain, the wounds of the past. someone po himself might have been in another life, another time. po’s compassion is for shen and shen alone, with no ulterior benefit to himself, and you get the sense that deep down — at least for a moment — shen wants to believe in the kindness and hope po is offering. that’s what makes it genuine and gives the scene such gravitas.
by contrast, the scene between aang and ozai is framed around aang, not ozai. aang is the one who wants to spare ozai. aang is the one who benefits from leaving ozai alive, because he doesn’t need to sacrifice his morals or beliefs. aang is the one getting his wish, not ozai — who would likely choose death over defeat and losing his bending anyway. this isn’t helped by the fact that the fire lord is inherently a far less tragic & compelling figure than shen because a) he exists largely as an antagonistic force than a character in his own right for most of the series, and b) aang and ozai don’t have an existing relationship to add depth to this moment, the way zuko and azula do.
as such, the one-sided nature of the conflict only strengthens the impression that saving ozai’s life is all about what aang wants, not ozai — which makes the message of the scene seem a lot more “if you’re the hero, you’ll get everything you want with absolutely no cost or consequences” and a lot less “compassion always triumphs over cruelty” (which was probably the intention).
ultimately, the po vs shen battle works where aang vs ozai fails because:
1. the themes embodied by the characters manifest beautifully in their individual arcs, and in their eventual victory and defeat, respectively
2. they contrast each other thematically and narratively, and their individual endings are earned through their own agency from start to finish, with their external conflicts being linked to and resolved through their internal character struggles
3. the set up of the conflict is carefully planned and thoughtfully executed, and the payoff follows through perfectly every step of the way
tldr: kung fu panda will always be the superior asian-inspired fantasy about a chosen one confronting his destiny as the saviour of the world & the day we can acknowledge as a society that po’s character arc is a thousand times better and more well-written than aang’s is the day i will finally know peace.
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dianagj-art · 13 hours
I wanna admit of something for a while now and this's a little rant of mine about you and your art in a positive view so if you don't want to read it then by all means ignore it.
Since like - idk - your first comic page of your AU and i felt like 50% hooked on it because one, the art is chef kiss 💋👨‍🍳 and Two, separate AU i have love-hate relationship with and you aren't helping me/jk/pos
But the moment i saw one of your panels have animation in it?! Oh boy i almost lost my mind! Like i never thought this IS possible!! I thought i was hallucinating for a second before i saw the planel moving! That hooked me on the comic 1000% even more.
And an old comic about your teen one and Gem's F!Mikey bonding and talking about draxum gotten me more interest and excited! Like am over here sitting on chair, tapping my feet impatiently thinking "What the heck happened next?! How long will it take for one to join the family in legal way? And how much until draxum apologize to one for what he done?!".
But did things stop here? Oh heck nah!! You gave us onion(?) One' future self and he's MORE open with his family and smile more?!? This's so wholesome in my heart and makes me happy to no end!! Like a character that suffered for years and now is happy is making ME happy!! It makes me wanna know how he's treating his brothers/family now comparing to when he was a teen!!
I guess that is all for now! Have a wonderful, happy day!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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londondungeon2 · 2 days
Im going visceral /pos
What are your thoughts on Floyd? Any kind
But if that's too vague, maybe what kinds of dynamics do you like writing with Floyd? (ex. visceral/toxic yaoi, tall/short, tall/tall, "i can make him worse", "i can fix him", etc)
any kind of thoughts work, tho! ex. I think he'd be killer at jazz (I'm thinking jazz drums, because it's the most "feel" out of all of them, and is the most "rhythm" out of all of them, too)
No need to respond if you don't feel like it, as always!! Have a great day, either way!!!
hi hi icarus!! was so excited to see you in my inbox!! hello!!
any time i want to think floyd thoughts 💭 i just listen to ‘the pillows’; a lot of their songs put me into the headspace i envision when writing floyd!
i’m going to ramble under the cut because i got carried away (it’s even got a table of contents)!!
because of the cake event, i’ve got a couple of requests for floyd … more so than jade which is fine, i’m fine (ʘдʘ╬) …. & i’ve been thinking of a concept of floyd as living armor! i won’t be able to write it because the two medieval AU requests are fluff and the concept is anything but fluffy (well, it is sweet and cute to me but my vision is warped)!
just a preface: whenever i solidify an AU in mind, i always divide into what are both jade and floyd doing. i like narrative foils.
— it’d be fun to get around to what jade is getting up to via mafia AU one day ….
medieval concept:
floyd and jade are both knights in this AU. floyd’s path is actually much sweeter than jade’s, despite how horrific it is.
as young knights, appointed to the front lines, floyd and jade were an invincible force. they slip through the grim reaper’s claws like water, finding themselves persevering no matter what. the grim reaper only catches up to one of them when he stumbles upon a suit of armor left in the ruin of a kingdom they just bested.
floyd is entranced. the material is studier than his own; it is exactly his shape and build; and the visor, shining the brightest silver, is shaped like a set of fangs enclosed. it is the finest piece of blacksmithing and forge work he has ever laid his eyes on — and jade, wiping red rain off his face and content with his kills, does not fight floyd when he declares he will take it for himself.
it is a descent into madness plot.
the more floyd wears the armor, the less he wants to take it off. he is starting to see twisted shadows out the castle’s windows. it only gets to the point of no return when he tries to remove one of the gauntlet and his skin peels off with the removal.
after that, floyd swears to never put it back on, resolute in his decision, as his brother smashes their room apart in a terrible rage over his arranged engagement to the king’s daughter.
however, he does put it back on. it keeps shining in kaleidoscope stars and beckoning him with honeyed whispers.
when he puts back on the helmet, it is last time he sees the sun with his own eyes.
the kingdom goes to ruin. jade has killed the royal family. there is nothing left for floyd, because try as he might, the suit of armor will not come off. he tries to push his own sword through the helmet and shoulder-plate, only to hit his neck and realize it is metal rather than flesh.
floyd rots at the bottom of the castle. alone for a decade. until one day, a scavenger from a neighboring building comes and raids whatever is left from the castle’s innards.
one last time, floyd decides he will serve his dead king one last time and kill this scavenger, hungry and desperate you. it is a wild chase around the hallways, him at 6’2”, face full of carnivore teeth, swinging a claymore that is intent on cutting you clean in half. he has you cowering in a corner, about to add another body to the ghosts that float in his ruined kingdom, his ruined home, only to stop when a loud yip ripples your tattered coat.
you have a puppy. a puppy you were trying to feed with the leftovers.
it is not bigger than a kitten and yet it barks at floyd like it is the size of the bear.
floyd’s sword slowly drops.
it is an unsteady friendship from then on. he still dislikes you roaming around in the castle; you are still afraid of this man in the armor. but, eventually, you do come to a truce.
floyd finds himself becoming more endeared to your company. you bring a light back into the court that has been extinguished by his own brother.
and for the first time in a decade, floyd gets to feel the sun on his armor (his skin will never be the same) as you slowly take his clawed, metal hand and bring him out the catacomb of his home.
“can i finally see your face?” you will ask him one day.
and silent, he will shake his head. no.
that’s okay. the company of each other is enough for the both of you.
tall/tall dynamic:
i really really enjoy the dynamic of tall/tall for floyd!!
like absolutely adore it with my whole heart!!! 🖤they’re slowly morphing into the height and relationship dynamic of okuyusau and josuke for me!!!
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picture for reference, mc and floyd are almost always the same height in my head.
i always have chess piece ocs in mind when writing /readers. its subtle but in narc, mc is the same size for shirts as floyd and is around the same height too. there is no part of standing on their tippy-toes for kisses & the eye contact is on equal footing.
i’m workshopping the scene where mc and azul meet in arnolfini portrait again & have to slap myself on the wrist every time i write ‘you glared down at azul’ or any variation of azul moving his neck to look up at mc.
idkw i feel so strongly about tall/tall dynamic with floyd. but i ADORE floyd with a tall shrimpy!!!
drummer! floyd:
from what i’ve seen from reading canon information on floyd, he did in fact play drums in a jazz band w/ azul and jade during middle school!! which i took to incorporating in ‘got you (where i want you)’ bc it’s largely a oneshot revolving around pop music club:
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i want to explore a bit of the difference between how kalim plays drums and how floyd plays drum in it. it is going to be a big piece, about three chapters!
i only play piano and drums so we’ll see how i can handle talking about guitars (but like every single guy involved in my life plays guitar — brothers, bf, friends, co workers — so i got people to ask about it)
also was going to have floyd keep knives in his drum sticks during narc but scrapped it.
cake event:
the lineup for floyd that will come out nov 5 is:
royalty AU — jester x princess smut
NRC — viscera part 2 smut, 69 position
Arranged Marriage AU — hurt/comfort (FINALLY some angst from my request list б(>ε< )∂!!!)
royalty AU — mutual pining (no plot outlined yet but i’ll figure out a dynamic)
time loop AU — requester was very specific so the outline is already there!
arnolfini portrait:
HERE, is a snippet from that long Floyd work I’m going to release next year, some fluff (i think idk fluff) in a pool of angst;
Jade looks down at the both of you, a moue on his face. “I told you to watch him; not join him.”
Bleary, tear-soaked eyes blink seven times before you finally can fix all the puzzle pieces of Jade’s visage clearly in your vision. Above you, he stands, tutting in disappointment with a single teacup in hand. Steam curls out of the ceramic, reminding you of the absolute flaming heat on your cheeks. In response to his serene anger, you mumble, “Hmmm what?” into the pillowcase.
“Really, what am I going to do with the two of you?” Jade sets the teacup on Floyd’s desk.
“Leave us alone,” Floyd grumbles, nasally and exhausted. He takes to rub his forehead in your neck, impossibly hot as well.
See, Jade told you to watch over his brother for the afternoon. It is the weekend; you had no classes so you sought Floyd’s company. Said company happens to be suffering from a high fever he developed Friday night. Fretful, Jade told you he would return during his break at Mostro Lounge with tea for Floyd. Which must be now; not that you are keeping track of time. With little convincing, you fell in bed with Floyd due to his clogged and snotty siren call, snuggling up into the tempting warmth and accepting his infectious kisses.
Now contaminated, you wake up from your nap to face off the enemy of Jade’s frowning discontentment. Your attack move is to shimmy yourself down until the comforter is up to your chin. Floyd’s arms wrap around you tighter, thinking you are trying to leave. You cast the verbal spell of, “Yeah, what he said.” and close your eyes to get more sleep.
A subtle, amused laugh is Jade’s counterspell. “I hope you two will accept the responsibility of holding each other’s hair back when this virus wants to make its exit.”
Cheek to cheek, Floyd mumbles back, “Of course, I’d do anythin’ for (Name).”
The atmosphere in the room suddenly shifts. The fluidity of your limbs that were melting into the cuddle hardens into stone. Even Jade seems to stand a bit straighter despite his already perfect posture. Slowly, you pull your upper body out of the hug, bleary eyes wide as saucers.
“Did you just –?”
It is hard to tell: is the blush on Floyd’s face from his ridiculously high fever or is it because of his embarrassment? He looks at you like you are the one who has grown two heads. He has no reason to be looking so shocked when you are one who has whiplash!
“I – um –”
“Oh my God, you just did!” The fact of the matter – Floyd using your real name – has put your world on such an axis that you worry Floyd is going to have to hold your hair back like Jade suggested; you are about ready to throw up from nerves. Nerves exit your mouth through laughter instead. “Oh my God! Hahaha! You – hahaha!”
“Shrimpyyy,” Floyd whines before erupting into a coughing fit.
“It’s cute! I promise, it’s super cute! Hahaha!”
Floyd, who hates being called cute, fixes you with a glare that is lackluster due to the sweat glistening on his forehead and the chagrin that has sunburnt itself on his skin. He pulls his hand off your stomach and pinches your nose. You let out a honking laugh that is more geese than human.
anyways,,, always holding floyd like this. i do enjoy his character (but never more than his brother)!!!!
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ibeewashere · 7 months
I genuinely cannot describe how deeply DEVASTATED I am about riz being the only one who can take stress tokens for the others. Yes fig is a protector and will fight endlessly for her friends and I love that about her but there is something about the way riz loves his friends. It’s a more subtle kind of love, but just as relentless and passionate and he will take any burden for the people he cares about and bear the weight of it on his shoulders so they don’t have to deal with it without any hesitation. I am ILL.
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pillsopa · 1 year
stopped in my tracks and almost fell to my knees when i remembered that the Only time the font changed in the entirety of trc was when adam sent blue the flowers with the little note….can’t get up…….
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Boy King Seb :D
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#thank you to Grace for the idea of making his chivarly collar red bull instead <33333#he was gonna have both collars but then making that one made me suffer so no not today#this was a lot of fun but also made me suffer. but i keep looking at it and being like AAAHHHHH BABY!!! BABY BOY!!!!!!!#can you believe i tried to do this in one night? i cant#i stopped and came back to it and was like 'no way you could do this in one sitting at 1 am'#this is kinda the ascended form of that very first sketch i made for this au! concentrated boy king sebby!!!#i say to myself i need to take a break from drawing complicated things but youll prob see a nando version of this in less than a week ;;;#okay about the drawing(i wrote good tags and then tumblr deleted them so these are a bit inferior AGH):#this is typical pouty seb but is also referenced off a specific pic from AD 2009(beloved)#its very important to me how emotionally open Seb is. im not sure the specific context of this. maybe after a triumph?#but instead of being that typical stoic serious detached kind of ruler; i like him being openly emotional(think AD 2010)#its important as well for his dichotomy with nando and how they choose to portray themselves#seb is very assured in himself and his rule vs. nando who is more insecure and bitter about his#so nando takes strides to portray himself in that more stoic calculating way bcs he feels like it helps him legitimize himself better#whereas seb has absolutely no care for outward public image and shows how he feels and is loved for it(nando hates it but loves it)#not that nando cant be fun and whimsical!! but to me he always seems a bit more mysterious; like i can never tell his true thoughts tbh#anyways i feel like ill finish 10 more drawings before i end up posting the lore pt 2 LMAO#its just a lot harder to organize and layout compared to part 1 which was just an explanation#pt2 would be a mix of more world building/characterization/anecdotes ive talked about with mutuals(LOVE YOU GUYS!!!)#i have a *lot* of ideas (gotta whip out my notes app every once in a while to write down stuff abt it) just hard to put into a coherent pos#sebastian vettel#f1#formula 1#f1 art#formula 1 art#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#*ill prob make a process post later if anyone is curious!! its fun to write abt my process and influences and such#boy king au
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 4 months
That was suchhh a good show my god
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boyfridged · 1 year
thinking about steph & jay parallels.
you've heard it all but i'm thinking about robin jay (half) jokingly saying that his calling is to be a medic. i'm thinking about robin steph's righteous anger blended with the need for being seen, about her drive for vengeance.
i'm thinking about steph's "rebirth" as a volunteer in the medical field aiding in humanitarian relief efforts. i'm thinking about post-res jay's international murder spree as an assassin in training, about his righteous anger blended with the need for being seen, about his drive for vengeance.
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1mpulsee · 5 months
"Bartholomew Henry Allen the second. Superhero with increased speed, aka a Speedster metahuman, ability to time travel, and molecular acceleration. Hero Alias: Impulse. He is compulsive, possibly dangerous with his vast knowledge, while also displaying some lack of common interaction due to unstable emotions that are erratic as his movements...
Those are just some stats I wrote about him in a file when we first met. All facts, but an outsider's view of a first impression conducted to keep him in check as a new teammate with a cold outlook. How the years have changed it.
All those stats do not even hint at the depth inside this precious man. His optimism may be fueled by depression, but that is to make sure others don't feel the way he does inside. His energetic and sometimes wholesome personality challenged my outlook, often in situations where I would have allowed more instinct than compassion to rule without him. I always want to protect him despite his abilities overshadowing my own naturally and the man can heal from anything physical before I get a bandaid out. That doesn't stop me from caring or wanting to show it, even if it is unnecessary. I've lived briefly in a world without Bart; it was another shot to the heart that I'd grieve over and over if it became a loop.
The world needs him much as it needs us and we are so damn lucky he traveled back in time to the moment he did. Selfishly, I was glad he stayed, humbled to be his team leader despite the clashes, but I understand him now. He is lovely, internally fragile, while externally a bullet, and often times, needs reminding when that spastic mind turns against him. The man is silly in a sense that can not be explained and has brought so much laughter to the years that seemed bleak. The world is a heavy place, yet somehow, he fights against it repeatedly with the same energetic spirit. I hope one day he sees himself as I do.
Until then, I'll keep reminding him what a fantastic friend and amazing person he is. My teammate. My own personal speedster that no other speedster can compare to. My best friend.
My Bart. "
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as eloquent as his BEST FRIEND’S words are, none come from Bart’s throat . how small anything he could come up with would be in comparison, how he could never express the gratitude and LOVE he had for the other . he only wished that Tim knew that Bart would tear through a billion universes for as long as it took to reach him — that NOTHING would keep them apart if he had any say . that not death nor existence trying to erase their connection could stop their bond .
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maybe if he was more well-spoken, he’d say that in this moment . he’d TOLD his friend similar sentiments many times, but for now, all Bart can do is sniffle — his face had been streaked with happy tears for most of the speech — and step forward to embrace Tim tightly .
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because I don’t know how else to be.”
—Under the Whispering Door, TJ Klune
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
thinking about how this:
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this perspective shot right here 👆 where Kwazii's explaining how his grandfather "Once set out to find [the hidden city], but was never heard from again..."
is most likely a real memory. the last memory Kwazii had of Calico Jack: watching him leave.
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mishtershpock · 5 months
#right so#firstly: oliver stark i love you please never stop#the way he talks about buck is so nice!! not to mention always reiterating that the show was queer before bi buck was confirmed#secondly: oliver stark i love you but please stop!!!#lmao. ben affleck smoking jpeg#i completely understand his reasoning behind what he says about tommy#he can’t confirm or deny anything and changes are he doesn’t even know anything. just like before#when he was waxing poetic about natalia and buck’s future#i just do not like the whole narrative of tommy being a perfect queer elder who can do no wrong and is there to guide buck through this#it’s a disservice to his character. and to buck’s#and to eddie’s if you really wanna go there#tommy is the perfect first boyfriend because he’s got experience. right? that’s what we’re saying?#experience does not equal perfection#and like i said the other day. it suggests eddie is not worthy of being a queer love yet because he has no experience#they hadn’t written the final episodes yet for a reason. they’re posting positive b/t posts on social media for a reason#they’re testing fan reactions to decide what to do with b/t. sorry but i genuinely think that’s the reason#and this characterisation of tommy as perfect and ideal for buck and they’re smitten etc#a second ben affleck smoking jpeg#i have nothing against tommy or b/t together or multi shippers. nothing at all#but i sweaaarrrrrr#if i lose out on the ship who have 6 years friendship and a history of getting through neg and pos experiences together#coparenting and saving each others’ lives. literally and figuratively#being so intrinsically linked to each other#not to mention oliver and ryan’s chemistry#if i lose out on that because people can’t stop screaming about tommy on social media#i will implode and take this place with me#especially because focusing on buck’s lovely new perfect relationship will probably mean that eddie is pushed aside#with a shitty storyline they put no effort into. wait what who said that that’s crazy#i agree that bi buck isn’t about eddie (it’s not about tommy either) and potential queer eddie isn’t about buck#but i’m so done with people saying we can’t hope the two storylines come together in the future. why is it suddenly bad to want buddie
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selfshippinglover · 9 months
fellow rickfuckers, please tell me I'm not the only one that would nut if Rick said good girl cause 😩😩😩😩😩
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ourlordapollo · 5 months
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And if I told you I finally came up with a fucking framing device for my Twinkfred von Karma origin story series thing
#it's really crazy how things can influence you without you ever realizing like. i was really into Kung Fu Panda after it first came out#like REALLY into Kung Fu Panda#2008??? damn i would have been like 11/12#anyway i read this fic called Memoirs of a Master written by someone obviously a lot older and smarter than me and i just loved it#it was about Tigress and Po discovering Shifu's diaries (he was on a trip i think)#and so that was the framing device like it was Tigress and Po kinda guiltily reading this diary and learning about Tai Lung and all that#and i read a LOT of Kung Fu Panda fic so it wasnt like this one was particularly special to me *at the time*#(again i was like 12 i just liked anything that made my brain go brrrr. i read a lot of fic about rhe cast of KFP getting magically#transported into the KFP universe like i wasnt a literature connoisseur by any means)#but over the years i just never stopped thinking about Memoirs of a Master#and this isnt even the same framing device it's just similar but i cant even describe to you how much of this fic simply *is*#Memoirs of a Master#like obviously it's not. you could read that and then read this once i finish and notice maybe loke 3 superficial similarities#but at the same this fic would simply not exist without it#not to quote kamala harris of all people but you really do exist in the context of all that came before you#anyway.#the warped maniacal mind of wizard glick at work#oh yes also idk other ppl's hesdcanons for the other von karma daughter but i went with Verena because#1) i thought it was pretty#2) it means 'truth' or 'verity'#3) it doesnt make sense with the surname— 'truth from karma' is meaningless and i have her as kind of distant from the family#4) it showed up on random list of 'german names that were popular in the 80s' i found. didnt bother to do the math or even pick an age#for her but it really doesnt matter#okay. i think that's all.
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butterfirefly · 6 months
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defrogatory · 6 months
tbh i've been thinking of doing hrt but like my hormones are completely fucked as it is and i live in fucking missouri rn so. cool.
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