#/ he's trying to cover it up but honestly he is freaking tf out
dynmghts · 8 months
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TRANSMISSION FROM @eraseur : “ i must be hurt pretty bad if you’re being this nice to me. “ TRANSMISSION ENDED / SETTLING DUST , ACCEPTING .
being nice wasn't a part of the equation ; his teacher, his mentor, was hurt. and while katsuki had spent many days gritting his teeth while listening to lesson after lesson from the other, he can't help but remember the broadcast after he was kidnapped / where aizawa was one of the only ones that believed in him.
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even in saying that, though, the young bakugou can't help but glare at his teacher, hands working carefully to try and tend to the wounds. if he does this right, then he'll at least be stable. but first - ❛ sensei, respectfully shut the fuck up. ❜
the wounds were deep and some of them were close to arteries. if katsuki was willing to admit it to himself, aizawa was hurt badly - and he knows that aizawa knows it. but if he had any sort of say in it, hands working to clean the wound and dress it and apply pressure one step after another, it was that he wasn't going to let aizawa bleed out here ... [ not while he has so much more to learn from him. ] ... and die with whatever the hell never left his mind.
the solace in having katsuki deal with this is that he's efficient.
❛ i'll make damn fucking sure you're stable 'til help gets here, so you better not bleed out on me. ❜ the downside ? he isn't very gentle. ❛ got it ? ❜
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 4 months
Can I please request Ben, Puppeteer, Masky, Liu, and Ej with a s/o that has a HUUUGE hello kitty obsession?? Like room is COVERED in hello kitty plushies and all that fun stuff
Summary: Ben, Puppeteer, Masky/Tim, Liu and Eyeless Jack whose s/o is obsessed with Hello Kitty (headcanons)
Genre: Fluff!!
Warnings: None!
Credits: Ben Drowned- Creepypasta, The Puppeteer- Creepypasta, Tim Wright/Masky- Marble Hornets, Homicidal Liu- Creepypasta, Eyeless Jack- Creepypasta, Divider- benkeibear, Pictures- Pinterest
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Ben Drowned
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Honestly he can't say anything because he's obsessed with Hatsune Miku
He claims its Ironic, but it very obviously isn't
But his obsession with Miku (and vocaloid in general), is NOTHING compared to yours
He loves it though, because it gives you a cute dynamic
Every time he sees anything sanrio related, he thinks of you
It doesn't even have to be Hello Kitty specifically, just any sanrio product
And of course, he HAS to get it for you!
You've gotten sodas, plushies, snacks, earbuds, bags, even wipes
Because of Ben, you have almost anything in a Hello Kitty styled packaging
He likes to "trade" obsessions if that makes sense
For example, you wear a vocaloid shirt and he wears a Hello Kitty shirt
Complimenting each other's interests makes him so happy idk
And he DEFINETLY has some form of Hello Kitty merch himself
Whether it be something that you don't like any more, something you just don't have room for, etc, he has SOMETHING
And it makes him so giddy to know that a little bit of you will always be with him no matter what
Jeff makes fun of him for wearing your old Hello Kitty backpack, but he doesn't care because it smells like you, and it carries everything he needs so perfectly <3
He lobes his hello kitty partner
God forbid you break up, because ANYTHING Sanrio related will send him into a meltdown (fucking weirdo)
The Puppeteer
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He's a very obsessive lover, so anything you like, he likes
When he sees your Hello Kitty obsession he immediately begins his research
He will learn all Sanrio characters, all characters closely related Hello Kitty, any lore in the universe, official merch, etc
He will fr pull up dripped tf out in hello kitty merch
The shoes, the pants, the shirt, maybe even a hat
You will giggle and kiss his chin, asking what he's doing
And he will shyly ask if you like it teehee
Your obsession is now OUR obsession
Well, with him it's less obsessed with Hello Kitty itself, more so him obsessed with whatever he thinks will make you like him more
You will literally be cuddling or just hanging out and he'll quote hello kitty to impress you
He's trying his best ok, just kiss him and tell him he's doing good
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Your obsession kind of scares him
Not like, in a "omg this is so unhealthy :(" way, because he literally couldn't care less what you're into
He just gets scared of all the DOLLS
Oh my lord the amount of hello kitty dolls you have freaks him out
It's something about how all of them are the exact same thing, just over and over again
The sheer amount of them combined with the similarities between the dolls just weirds him out and gives him a chill up his spine
Good luck getting him to come into your room
He will refuse to unless you're like, sick or something
Other than that, he will not tolerate it
And this is a brave guy! He doesn't typically get scared of dolls, but idk man hello kitty just ain't it
Despite all this, he still loves getting you gifts with Hello Kitty
He knows how much you like it, and just because it freaks HIM out doesn't mean he's gonna not allow you to enjoy it
He won't actively participate in wearing merch like the other guys
He's definetly more of a "hold your plush bag while you go to the bathroom" type guy
Sorry pookies :(
Homicidal Liu
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He doesn't get quite as into it as other's on this list might
He's more of a "Oh well I'm happy you've found something that makes you happy :)"
If you asked him to do something like match outfits he'd accept though!
He loves getting to do things like that with you, little stuff but it makes you both happy
He gives all your plushies different names and personalities
Maybe if you ask him nice enough he'll knit them little clothes and scarves...
He also loves to use the plushies to get what he wants
For example, if he wants to go out with you and you say something along the lines of "but im so tireeed" he'll grab a Kitty plush and begin "talking" to it
"Do you hear this? They say they're too tired to go get yummy food with me" He'll lift the toy up to his ear, nodding as if it's whispering something to him before going "I know! I was thinking we could go to their favorite restaurant too! Such a shame"
You'll scoff and roll your eyes playfully, while he brings the toy to your face making obnoxious kissing noises as if the toy is kissing you
Once your laughter fit dies down, he'll ask if you really just wanna stay home or go out
He will happily accept whatever response you give
Eyeless Jack
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He is a lot like Liu when it comes to your obsession
More so just a "Oh good for you :)" type guy
He loves to just show up with random things
For example, he will knock on your door before opening it, and silently waving around a little trinket he thought you'd like
He loves seeing your face light up as you rush to come get the gift and kiss him over and over
It makes him feel extra giddy when he "earns" kisses
So expect a lot of gifts
And if you don't give him a kiss one time, he will pout until you do kiss him
grrr give that boy a smooch he loves them
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s2 episode 5 thoughts
boy. where this episode started out and where this episode ended were two VASTLY different spaces. come along while i undergo this journey.
the first thing we see is a dog! a doggy! it's a border collie, and it looks like it could be the same one we see in s1 episode 8- maybe dog actors are in short supply! but border collies are famously very smart and to me the cutest of all dogs, so i was pleased to see a friendly face <3
and then things escalated. aliens arrived to fetch the dog's owner.
thankfully they left the dog alone- perhaps they saw the threatening "ALIENS, STAY AWAY FROM THAT DOG" i had written in my notes- but whatever they are inflicting upon this gentleman seems. unpleasant.
(the aliens are obviously terrifying but they're always shown vaguely wiggling in some cold white light and it does make me laugh. ohhhh here they come. the wigglers)
so in the morning our gentleman- duane- was taken to a correctional facility and he hasn't been taking his meds... and then he hurts his doctor! they always find the kindest looking people to play doctors on this show and then make them suffer
THE NEXT THING WE SEE IS: a pool? the pool scene i wrote about seeing a while ago in my last post! the one where mulder emerges mostly naked from his exercise to face this new guy who looks like he covers his beer stench with a designer cologne!
i rewound to see whose pool it was mulder was swimming in but gained no clues. would be sick if the FBI had an in house pool.
breaking news: this SOAKING WET MAN is called to a HOSTAGE SITUATION!
(i do find it endearing that he swims recreationally <3)
next thing i wrote was "alex is pissing me off" and i don't even remember what he did but i stand by it
so mulder is at the scene, duane has four hostages, and claims to be abducted by aliens. now to mulder it makes perfect sense to ask about his abduction experience, and he's trying to do his homework and follow the rules for hostage negotiation, but duane knows all the tricks because he's former FBI which they DID NOT TELL MULDER!
he walks up to the head of the hostage situation and very angrily asks if she knows about how aliens will take your brains out and fuck with your ovaries and she tries not to laugh at him. mulder tell me what they do to ovaries i'll listen. i'll take notes.
and then alex is trying to be all sickly sweet puppy dog boy and asks if he can do anything to help. so the head of the hostage situation tells him to get her a coffee. HA! POINT AT HIM AND LAUGH.
cutscene to SCULLY CAM!!!! <3 she's gonna sleuth for his medical records
ohhh the power went out and duane started blasting. he shot someone so they're gonna send mulder and another guy in (an excuse for mulder to wear a paramedic uniform.......)
mulder's like nooo i won't tell him i believe in aliens (<- said by a man who is lying)
and off to the races, can you imagine it, he does JUST that, says he believes duane and trades himself for the guy who was shot... he says it happened to his sister OHHHHHHH sister mention
he's got the guy monologuing about his tortures from the aliens and honestly, these aliens are bitches. there is NO reason to do all of this. drilling holes in his teeth??? that's fucked
alex is on the phone with scully who is freaking tf out because duane is lying about who he says he is... when he tells her he traded himself for the injured hostage she says "WHAT!" so loudly and is filled with intense urgency
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! his sister was 8 when they took her
(for some reason i thought she was 10 when it happened, but the larger age gap between them explains a lot in terms of his instinctive level of Protectiveness towards all creatures big and small)
this next part had me GAGGED: SCULLY FLEW IN FROM WASHINGTON!!!! she is AT THE SCENE and she is YELLING at someone who isn't listening to her
alex made a VERY FATAL mistake in telling her to "calm down" while mulder is a HOSTAGE and she RIGHTFULLY told him off (and frankly she could have kept going and i wouldn't have complained) but she's a woman who gets things done so she finds someone who will actually listen to her
she says he has a very unique case of being shot in a specific part of the brain which happened to another guy before and then that guy became a pathological liar so she is basically saying "duane is the nastiest skank bitch i have ever met do NOT trust him"
so back to the scene. duane is saying the government is there while the aliens do all this. which i have no idea how to interpret so i'm just storing it here for later use.
SCULLY CAN HEAR HIM! she's on his secret wire mic and talking to him. duane can hear her a little bit but is going on about "the mountains"... it was at this point, with scully talking in mulder's ear, that everything was so tense i had a brief moment where i remembered that this is actually a tv show i'm watching in my free time and not an actual life or death thing
mulder convinces duane to let the women go and the younger one says she believes him which had to be impactful i'd think
but the snipers are closing in!!! mulder sees the line of fire on him and calls him over to get him out of the way so he won't get shot....
he asks duane if she was lying to distract him and now he's VERY VERY VERY ANGRY and he tries to calm him back down and say hey... you forgot to lock the door.... please go lock the door...
and he goes over to the door and bam. duane's shot.
we see scully and mulder watch as he's loaded into the ambulance and mulder looks deeply conflicted and once again has his sad wet eyes on because he still believes duane was telling the truth. scully tells mulder he did the right thing in getting him to go to the door, because we all know by now that mulder has a complicated set of feelings towards any loss of life.
"whatever you're feeling, you did the right thing" <- augh. scully loves him so much. oh to love anyone how truly and deeply scully loves this man
(shhhh i'm not getting into what kind of love it is. i don't know and whatever your answer for its flavor is, you cannot deny that she loves him. that she tries to find the exact words he wants to hear to soothe that internal Guilt he wears like a heavy jacket.)
later he smiles when the lead hostage negotiator calls him to thank him because he broke all of her rules and thought he was going to get yelled at LMAOOO that lil smile was very sweet
and he goes to see duane but the REAL reason she called him in was to tell him about the metal they extracted from duane's body... the doctors claim that the stuff in his teeth could not have been made from any current technology... alien life confirmed??
((i thought the episode would end here on a little cliffhanger that never gets resolved but boy. i was off))
no, instead of an episode's conclusion, we see mulder bring the metal pieces to scully, who once again has the most beautiful freckles in the world, and she says she'll take it down to be analyzed.
mulder leaves the room without saying a word which i thought to be cold in the moment and now that i'm typing this knowing what happens next i might actually cry.
she goes to the store and she's buying some stuff... we see kodak film in the background... sigh instant cameras i love you and your work... but she buys $11 of groceries and then sneaks the metal chip across the barcode reader and it makes the whole thing break down!!!!
the poor cashier is freaking out because the machine is going wild and she looks at scully like "did you touch it?" and she says no and awkwardly leaves LMAOOOOOOO i was howling because girl idk wtf i would have done in that situtation either
duane wakes up to more aliens and rips all his medical stuff off and runs like he didn't get shot very recently and he's on the prowl for something
scully's back at her place, calling mulder, telling him about how the barcode scanned, and she's really worked up about the whole thing, when she hears a rustle, but it's just a thunderstorm...
but she goes to the window and DUANE IS THERE!!! a look of horror passes over her face, and we hear her through mulder's answering machine, screaming for help while he takes her
(everything happened SO quickly, it transpired in my notes like this: WHAT!!! he's outside her window WHAT THE FUCK TO BE CONTINUED??)
yes. we get a "TO BE CONTINUED" on the outtro scene.
i sat there, baffled for a few moments, trying to process what i just saw.
but then i thought i noticed something else: her place looked different than it did in s1. at least, i thought it did- we didn't see it much, but perhaps she got fed up with folks showing up like eugene tooms did in s1 and bought a nicer space. i thought the old space was cute though, and maybe it really is the same space but from a different angle, but then i thought about how it looked like mulder's space also changed from s1, so maybe they both moved, or maybe i'm just not good at noticing things, but oh yeah, scully's in virigina now since she's at the academy, so she probably DID move, although i thought the drive from DC to virigina was doable, but maybe not?
none of this changes the fact that scully has been TAKEN.
(i won't lie, i knew this was going to happen at some point, because i read the s2 episode descriptions and saw something about her being "returned", which implies being taken in the first place. but still. it was very abrupt. they had thoroughly lulled me into expecting a vague sort of non-answer of an ending and then switched out the formula at just the right time so i never grew suspicious)
to be continued!!! this is soooo evil, especially because i don't have time to watch the next episode tomorrow. so i'm gonna walk around all day tomorrow at important work events thinking about what horrors scully must be enduring and get NO conclusion as to what they might be. duane i have fists and you are not real and i am small but i am unafraid to bludgeon you. stay away from her if you even LOOK at her ohhhh you're gonna learn a lot more than what it feels like when aliens take out ur brain just keep that in mind!
(and man. i'm sitting here typing. thinking about how mulder never said a real goodbye to her the last time they spoke. and i wonder if that's gonna haunt him. and i wonder if when he gets her back, he always always always makes sure to take the time for a goodbye. just on the off chance it might really be the last one. fuck.)
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love-anddeepression · 9 months
i was inspired by @allysunny 's fic where miguel watches snow white and i loved it so much its literally so wholesome. GO READ IT.
and after that i watched a lotr fanart reel with the evenstar theme and i began to wonder how mig would like Lord of the Rings. cuz he has to if the relationship is going to work im sorry-
So here's the product of my labour lmfao im doing the first movie only because this would be way too long if it was all three
MIGUEL WATCHES LOTR(extended edition ofc)
-I feel like he'd come across you either looking at fanart or edits of the characters and be intrigued.
-"what's that, tesoro?" nosy mf he'd smush onto your shoulder from behind, your hair ticking his nose lightly.
"it's lord of the rings, babe. how have you-"
and you realise mans is from 2099 how tf is he going to know what lord of the rings is.
and thats how you end up sitting in front of the tv at 8am in the morning with tea and breakfast and the shire theme playing from the tv.
-"They're dwarves?" Miguel asks when he sees Frodo next to Gandalf
"No, they're Hobbits."
"But Hobbits are basically dwarves?"
"Nope, different race, honey." you kiss his cheek as his eyes squint in confusion.
=Merry and Pip remind him of ahem certain spider people
-He gasps when Bilbo disappears and is like wtf when he sees him reappear and have a meltdown over the ring.
-He gasps AGAIN when you tell him that gandalf actually left frodo in the shire for 17 years and not like a few hours or days
-gets annoyed at merry and pippin AGAIN
-fucking loves samwise but thinks he needs a bit more spine(give him a chance wait till the end of the series)
-he will raise an eyebrow at you trying to stop your squeal when looking at the first glimpse of this strider and his pipe.
-i feel like the nazgul would freak him out(just a little but its the horses)
-THE HORSES i feel like he wont give af honestly about them because he can co exist with widow on the team but since he has the phobia he wouldnt fawn over them(not me pssh i love the pretty horsies)
-absolutely thinks frodo is going to die when hes stabbed by the nazgul
-his eyes widen when arwen our queen rides in and you squeal again
-he admires arwen and her abilities, that scene with the river and the nazgul makes his jawdrop.
-"tesoro i like this movie." "slut" "im YOUR slut" *mwah*
-he loves the rivendell and the set design is honestly breathtaking he gets so into it
-arwen and aragorn are adorable and he holds you tighter when the flashback scene between them is shown
-you clap when you see legolas ride in and he sideeyes you yet AGAIN
-sees the appeal tbh
-he loves that you're so passionate about something and want to share it with him and he sees it as an honour that you're willing to do this, spend an entire day watching a movie series with him its baffling to him
-you on the other hand get worried that he finds it boring but then when he gets into it youre ecstatic that he likes it too and you both can enjoy something thats so close to your heart.
-it can be hard to relate to someone who's so different from you, like mans is spiderman, a geneticist, leads an elite strike dedicated to the multiverse-
-but you both gel in a lot of ways (which is why dude loves you and would die for you and kill for you either way what bliss)despite leading such different lives and now there's one more thing you can bond over and it fills you with happiness and you have to snuggle into him and he holds you tighter in response, smooching the top of your head
-absolutely despises boromir at first(it changes)
-thinks elrond is bossy asf(look whos talking babe)
-he gets worked up when boromir starts coveting the ring and is like he should die
-sniffs when the man actually dies in such a heroic way
-i think he has to cover his mouth when aragorn finds boromir and kisses his forehead because its such an emotional scene and this man has gone through such loss and probably similar things in his own battlefield except he wishes he could have given his teammates better goodbyes.
-when the movie ends yk the way it does he immediately puts on the next one.
-"babe wait i have to pee!" "pee fast then and come back!" *pats your ass as you walk past him and you try to swat him because that doesnt help after holding in your pee for like 3 damn hours
-he really likes it and he loved experiencing it with you, listening to your commentary sometimes, rolling his eyes lovingly when you grin at aragorn or legolas or sam or arwen, but he loved it even more because it was a piece of you that was bared to him and he accepted it and loved it too because it was YOU
-and because its a legendary piece of art.
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goofyahhchicken · 10 months
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Winter King x Present-Time Reader!
(confusing name, ik.)
Reader is from 2020s, pretty much around 2023-2025, lemme know if you want me to continue!
im a new writer so feedback and support is much appreciated-❤️
Warnings: Light swearing, y/n not used, fainting and wounds?
Your POV
You were snowed in your house, looking for a way out to work since your boss is a douche- then after multiple avalanches coming through your windows and doors you decided to just kick the ice out of the way and take the day off.
you slipped
blacked out, last thing you saw was blue sparkles forming around the (now mushy) snow you kicked
Somehow instead of waking up and seeing your sweatpants and band tee whilst blasting music through your bluetooth headphones, you were covered in blankets in all shades of blue and your headphones were nowhere to be seen
A man the same shade of blue as the mattress you were sitting on waltzed into the room
After the blue guy introducing himself and mansplaining how you got there (he doesn’t know either.) your nervous system got the suprise of a floor made of ice!
He ordered his “Ice Scouts” to get you fluffy slippers
much.. better?
Still not level-headed due to the fall, you tried to run and escape this odd little dream
your arm got caught on a little spike of ice
not a dream.
aw shit
The blue guy stopped you and introduced himself as The Winter King, but he said you could just call him winter.
He glided around you, (almost examining your outfit) talking about how excited he was to have a guest after all these years.
Feeling judged, you decided to return the favour and make fun of his outfit with some witty comebacks
He just chuckled-
He started asking where you were from as you were derealising and being the normal human you were you just said your country
His mouth was agape, you started to wonder if this was the past or the future, cus you don’t fw time travel
Neither does he by the look of it.
After a blissful voyage across the snowy mountains he noticed a large blue luminous circle under the abundance of snow.
Could this be a sign of new magic source? he was in need of something to fully demolish the crowns curse (cus bro was sick of Candy Queen.)
He started digging with his bare hands and jumped in nose first like a fennec fox.
He felt something warm, so warm that it feels cold at first.
a hand?
He dragged the human(?) by their collar in fear of melting, honestly he was just too excited to have a tight enough grip and the human rolled all the way down the mountain.
Flopping like a fish
He glissaded down the mountain, trying to keep his composure to not alarm his ice citizens.
Realising he forgot the whereabouts of a human heart, he felt your back and started to freak out.
until you made a faint shiver
He demanded his Ice Scouts to take you to his castle and dry you off.
He merrily sang about having a “new friend” around the streets of his winter wonderland and headed back to the castle.
When you woke up he NEEDED to know where you came from, but not before making a good first impression!!!
He didn’t pay much attention to your outfit as it was overshadowed by the fact you were a human!
He meticulously examined your clothing once you had woken up, he didn’t understand the silly little things you were saying about his outfit, however the insults and slang sounded slightly familiar.
When he found out you were from his time he freaked out, were you a magic holder or was this actual time travel?
He needed to know MORE!
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morimess · 10 months
I just watched The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and I have to rant about it real quick.
Spoilers under the cut for those who want to see it- I HIGHLY recommend the movie btw.
-So, first off THE MUSIC IS SPECTACULAR. The scene where Lucy Gray is covered in the snakes is *chef's kiss*. Apparently for every song, it was a live performance by Rachel Ziegler, and she fucking nailed it.
I've seen a couple people criticize some of the songs as taking melodies from other IRL folk songs- but honestly, I don't see this as a bad thing as a lot of those original songs have probably been forgotten as this is YEARS in the future. Music evolves, and certain chords and beats will stay long after words are forgotten.
-Her dress is gorgeous- all of the costumes are awesome. I think I made one comment on how the school uniform looks a bit weird, but I quickly got over it.
-Flickerman is actually really funny- I thought he would be annoying as a bit character- but he did get a couple laughs out of me. (Which makes me feel bad because people were dying in those scenes, but at the same time- I think that's a commentary for another time.)
-Arachne's death was absolutely deserved.
-Wovey's death was absolutely tragic
-The drones were *menaces* and I LOVED IT- it was so fucking funny to me to see them flying around and nailing people square in the chest- or knocking people tf over.
-I love how Lucy Gray immediately called bull on Snow's "the third person I killed was my old self."
-THE OLD HOB WAS AWESOME!! The mood in the tavern was so cozy and joyful, and it is EXACTLY what I imagined the Hadestown speakeasy looks like when Persephone is singing "Our Lady of the Underground"
-That being said- I wish we got the scene where they burn it down for being the heart of rebellion.
-I didn't like the change they made to Jessup's rabies. He was supposed to get it while at the capital. That bite was supposed to be after their first night in the zoo, where they thought a rat bit him (later speculated to be a raccoon). I don't like how it was changed to a bat bite while on the train.
The whole point of it in the book was supposed to emphasize the propaganda that's even being forced onto capital citizens- not just district citizens- that the capital is utopian.
"There is no rabies in the capital anymore- we got rid of it within *our* borders. It must have come from those *filthy* districts. Look at how it turns him even more *animalistic.*"
But instead, they change the bite to be from a bat while they were on the train. To me, that seems too close to "the rabies came from the districts." (Even if it was a capital train.)
Like, at the start of the movie, we are treated to an absolute rollercoaster as they try to set up everything that was going wrong in the capital during the war in the span of 5 minutes. One of these being a dog who's foaming at the mouth. I entirely expected that bite to happen within the zoo with that kind of set up.
There could have even been really interesting pay-off for it too. Other students seeing the foaming, freaking out, and almost panicking because "rabies is back." (Hell, even have Flickerman seem spooked by it). SELL HOW DANGEROUS THIS DISEASE IS/ SEEMS TO THEM. Because they lived through it. Most people in the capital probably have a horror story involved with a rabies encounter, because of how rampant it apparently was in the capital.
-The same can also be said about Dill- I don't like how blaise they were about her constant cough, and possible tuberculosis. That shit kills- they would not be casual about being near her. (Though the absolutely would make jokes in her expense)
-Reaper could have been more of a dick. In book, he actually says "I'm sorry I'm going to have to kill you all." (In response Jessup spits in his face- which causes Reaper to ALSO contract rabies, but that's neither here nor there). He honestly isn't too threatening other than a quick jump scare when his mentor is first talking to him.
He's honestly more of a gentle giant? In a way? Like, he pairs with Dill and after she dies, collects all the bodies around the arena in a row and covers them. He isn't the same threat that he was in the books.
-I would have preferred if we went in the arena with a count of how many tributes were left. I think 22 were still alive? But it was really hard to keep track. I know in the book between the rough handling, the Arachne incident, and the bombing- both the mentor and tribute pool slimmed significantly before the games even started. But in the movie I think only 2 tributes actually died before the games.
-As far as that rollercoaster at the beginning- it throws a LOT of information at you all at once- and not all of it is mentioned again. Especially not the cannibalism- which I feel could have been changed a bit?
-We didn't get much about Snow's peers, which is a shame since he has SO MUCH that he thinks about each one of them and their backgrounds in the books.
-Clemensia's poisoning should have been more colorful, and could have been WAY more grotesque. I'm talking a rainbow of mottled skin spreading up her arm until her face swells shut. We also should have gotten confirmation on whether or not she died.
It would have been more satisfying if during Snow's hospitalization, he tried to see her, only to find those golden scales covering her body and turning her eyes yellow like in the book.
-I wish Maude Ivory was more of a character- she's one of the main reasons it's theorized The Hanging Tree and other songs by Lucy Gray are remembered.
-In the book, in that last conversation with the doctor, she tells Snow that she will never replay the footage of the 10th games. There's too much rebellion attached to it. I wish that line has been kept- that way his thoughts of "People will forget her" actually have a bit more weight.
-I wish we had seen more of Sejanus' mom- just to see what costumes would have done with her dresses.
-I wish we saw more of Tigris' designs, or heard more of her struggles with her boss- just a mention of what she had to do to keep the House of Snow on top.
I think that's it for now? I just watched it last night, so some things need a bit longer to be thought about, but in general I just want MORE.
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kiwikiswia · 2 months
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hey @9617saphs totally didn't forget about this but, sighs
first of all, *them (blasts you with spelling mistake gif)
second of all, you SHOULD'VE TELL ME THIS IN THE ASKBOX dumba dumma I literally just found this from scrolling the tags of the post (i don't usually check activities <- scared) and found out you rb'ed my post which i'm sorry for noticing it late but then again you should've send this to my ask it's literally an ask game!!!! dum
(/lh /nm at the fullest i hope the way i word it kinda funny/unserious makes me actually sound not mad at all, I just feel like this funny)
anyway back to the answer,
I actually kinda expect someone will ask this 😭but at the same time I have to thought of the answers like "how do I make you know that this character mean so so much to me" since wooooords are hard and idk if anything I say is comprehensible to people but aight I'll try.
ok what was the questions aga- okay.
long post ahead whoops!
1.) How do I feel about this character?
short answer, I have uncountable arts and comics ideas about them what do you think i feel about this character
long answer,
the "they look cool but tf is that goofy ass hair tie brah is that a feather duster 😭" -> "grumpy cold freak /neu" -> "wait actually. I need to learn more about them" (no reason, but full of spite and curiosity) -> "FFUCKCKFUFUXKCUDK WHY ARE YOU SO COMPLICATED" (trying to figure things out) -> "ough this is not normal I'm not normal actually. /pos" -> "self projection beam go" pipeline.
can a character I used to mock on turn into character I've written and theorized on a lot? Into a character I self project onto? apparently engel from the hit game pk2 can do this to me, and as one of the most mysterious character in the game engel gave me so much headache long time ago it's making me insane (still am) but worth it! but I can't escape now! i might be forever staying in this regalle hellhole! wow!
2.) /r pair you like of this character
Need I Say Anything next question
3.) /non r pair you like of this character
the above answer goes too here actually. i've ever mentioned somewhere they're like. a secret fourth thing to me. their love is something incomprehensible to the world it *can't* be classified as merely and only romantic. sure it can be seen as such but I don't rlly want to strict the two's relationship under a status.
but for other answers is of course the other two of the main 4, leif and especially evelynne
don't get me wrong I do am insane more about zefirengel and the writing I have about their dynamic is a lot more (yes i'm biased thanks to the past me and how I want to bring back that old spite. sorz), but
never forget that evelynne is canonically the only person in regalle that engel has positive relationship with. they're friends and lynne mentioned engel helped her since the early days she became a merchant and said multiple times they're nice despite that cold cover of theirs. how'd they get along in the first place? that's the question. there's so SO many things I thought of about their friendship story and her perspective prove a thing that engel isn't always a very quiet cold and meanie person and can be soft and nice if you actually get them right.
(though smth to note I see them as queerplatonic. I think lynne would shriveled up if she found out she's in a romance with someone for a second and. idk they fit better as that honestly I don't think they understand romance or want to aha)
and leif. goodness. if they interact more perhaps prism may fall into apocalypse they're too powerful. they could be a good student-mentor duo. Leif called them "librarian friend" and I believe he would ask for guidance to engel despite already have gwynelle. engel too would admire his bravery and determination to help everyone and just being so friendly with anyone. how's he's just. a contrast with the so-called arrogant and strict aegles. I can list MANY similarities they have esp like. their mindset. actually If i have to list what things are the main 4 share the same it would be uncountable since each second passes I would thought of a thing then another.
OH AND DON'T FORGET GRETTA THEIR SO-CALLED SISTER i can't even say anything here it would be a lot LOT. God what are you two hiding. what are your motives to hide on places? what. what. what. wh
engel why are you such a complicated character (i AM the one making it complicated) (i give too much a fuck)
4.) unpopular opinion of said character
bitches who call them librarian aegle version of peanut pk1 needs to be executed
(this one is [mostly] for me ->) also people mostly thought they're mean and "annoying" or just see them like "ok sure you exist but you're kinda nothing with that grumpy personality", which I get people see it that way esp when you aren't into the game deeply but you've got to know there's more than that about them and once you learned atleast their origins you realized you can make things up, interpret how they are this and that and how they act that and this, it was so much fun to figure out how their actual personality blend with the others. you can actually have so much fun with them considering the many things about them unrevealed. truly the character to self project onto. it's fun.
5.) what you wish happened to this character in canon (?? smth smth around this I forgot)
grabs kurechii devs' shoulders. hey.
I know they really just seem really want to stay distance and unbothered by the people in regalle but. c'mon. can you develop more interactions of the main 4 with each other. I promise I know how to get it right I can help you I can give you ideas. more things about gretta and engel please. where could this engel enthusiast get other sources to learn about them. hey. can you still make them able to befriend others despite have to stayed mysterious. do I have to stay making things up forever like this. hey. hey. are you really gonna make them stay mysterious forever. that would be so bad you know. hey. can zefirengel become the 2nd sapphic rep of this game. why did you make them terrible. can they be more developed actually whether it's onto the healthy yuri or toxic yuri or tension yuri lead but can you not just left them like that. hey. h
ok that's all for now props if you read all that and idk if what I'm explaining is accidentally out of topic or I fully don't answer what the question asked aka I go off with what the question asked or. I actually just yap nonsense or nothing at all but idrc at this point i. certainly talk about things. and. I think my brain's fried from typing all of this. have this little doodle okay bye
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zylian · 1 year
I’m going through clips I have saved so ima talk about em
I was watching a clip I had when poopies the endermite first appeared and everyone was joking about at
Than I hear Planet at some point go “I’m done with this bro, next thing you know a warden comes out of nowhere or something”
He foreshadowed it and then Spoke & Subz started joking about a Warden named peepees and how that would be the end of the server-
It’s kinda crazy how far back this was planned. They covered for each other a lot this season when the exploits slowly got introduced too
Another clip where the VIP that starts with “D” was getting chased and after Leo doesn’t get banned for using crystals, Mapicc angrily joins vc
The entire time Mapicc is blatantly watching Parrots, “D” & Zams stream and I didn’t realize how much Zam & Mapicc bicker
“I’m sorry I hate you-“
“Your sorry you hate me?”
Peak hatred yet they were like this wtf
Makes me want to see Zam, Ashswag & Red team up honestly, they worked well together
Ooo the clip where Zam is trying to figure out what to do about Pangi and Mapicc logs on which he just screams
“Dude that would be a crazy twist, to work with Mapicc to take them down- *laughs* Nah, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, that would be so stupid. I hate them more than I hate Pangi, I hate them more than I hate Pangi”
Crazy how that actually ended up happening
There’s this one clip of Mapicc reinacting him suggesting the Medusa idea and Subz is in vc like “omg” “no way” “ur a genius” but than Subz says a ur mom joke instead of going with the script and Mapicc leaves vc
It was so random and lasted 30 seconds
Oh there’s one of Jaron saying the exploiters have to jump into the void and if it doesn’t happen s5 is just hell and everyone’s starts joking about how they would make s5 hell by screaming anytime anyone would get close
It’s their last option but really funny cause it would be treated like a beach ep
I still want this to happen at some point
There’s one of Spoke screaming “Broke” after Zam kills Planet
I totally forgot Spoke knew about almost all of what was going on there damn
Parrot talking about how he would care for a hamster if he had one while Zam asks if it was a bit.
Parrot than says it’s not a bit and Zam says “just like the fanart one”
I miss the Parrot not liking fanart jokes
There’s one of them decorating the boxing ring and Spoke asks Subz about his base having end rods which Subz says no and Spoke asks why he didn’t use end rods to which Subz says it wasn’t in the colour pallet
Than Spoke brings up station zero and Subz says go back to season two before Walli makes a joke in chat about Terrain dying on terrain (cause he drowned on land)
Than there’s that time Zam got excited remembering he had swift sneak pants in his enderchest after trying to make new gear
The time Speptical asked what flavour Spoke was which got explicit real fast but Speptical kept mishearing and Zam was shocked/laughing at it all
Spoke eventually says he’s chocolate, Speptical is twizzlers and Zam is sour patch kids
One of Subz building the sun temple while being haunted by “ghost” which was Zam
Then there’s one of Mapiccs Christmas special of Subz telling him his family found his channel and Mapicc can’t declare war anymore and decides to start Christmas carolling
Than there’s Spoke lying to Mapicc while he’s on opioids
Than there’s Mapicc getting murdered by Subz after he tries placing more obsidian, than asking for Subz’s base coords to which bacon and Zam start joking about nothing bad happening to Subz’s bases
Than there’s Parrot freaking tf out that 3 ppl are jumping him and Mapicc is not answering his call LMAO
And than Mapicc saying Ro doesn’t use dms and Vitalasy saying he just isn’t special enough to where Mapicc takes offence
Than there’s Mapicc asking Spoke for answers about the warden but than finds out Zam named his sword blood of the fallen and was like hold up
There’s also Mapicc calling Zam out (how he’s a mess) in the branzy craft 4 stream
There’s also Ashswag calling out lurkers in Zams chat by reading every username (I was indeed not paying attention til i heard my user)
There’s more but eh
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zhongster · 2 years
do u have any burping hc for the characters? like larry travis ash todd and neil?
I threw Sal in too just for funsies :)
Also sorry it took me a min to get this ask out haha
(Now that I’ve finished this ask, I totally went overboard on Sal despite the ask not mentioning him at all 😭)
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Sal’s burps are actually kinda disproportionately large
Considering he’s really not a big guy and he’s a pretty quiet person
And he gets suuuuuuper embarrassed when he burps in front of people
Like it took him actual years to be able to burp in front of Larry without freaking tf out every time
They’re super loud, deep, and bassy and pretty long too
The thing about Sal is he’ll hold his burps in for as long as physically possible until he essentially incapacitates himself and the burps FORCE their way out of him
When this happens the burps rock his chest so hard that his knees buckle and he has a hard time staying on his feet
There have been times where he finds himself in one of these burping fits and Larry’ll hook his arm around Sal’s chest to keep him upright and pull his mask off so he doesn’t suffocate himself
Sal will be trying to excuse himself after every single burp too, which doesn’t work because another burp forces its way up as he tries to speak
Larry’s like “dude just excuse yourself when you’re finished 💀”
Sal was absolutely mortified the first time he burped in front of the rest of the group
He stuck his hands up under his mask to cover his mouth and completely froze for a second
Then he went “oh god excuse, I’m so sorry, that was so gross”
The group promptly burst into raucous laughter bc “HOW COULD THAT MASSIVE FUCKING BELCH HAVE COME FROM YOU SAL?!?!?”
Oh that’s another thing
He doesn’t burp, he BELCHES
There’s a difference
Belches are a lot more guttural and animalistic than burps if that makes sense
His chest also really starts to hurt when he has to burp
Which once again ties into his tendency to hold them in
Sometimes he’ll be hanging out with Larry and he’ll all of a sudden grip his chest, give a wince, and then press his fist against his mouth, obviously swallowing air back down
When Larry sees him do that he’ll go “dude just fucking burp?!?!”
He doesn’t get Sal’s embarrassment at all
On occasion he’ll even inconspicuously pat sal on the back for the sole purpose of making him release all the pent up air in his tummy
Which when that happens Sal will be sitting there with a hand clamped over his mouth, flipping Larry off, and letting out really deep half-muffled burps back to back
^^ that one’s a reference to my hc that he can’t do closed mouth burps bc he’s missing part of his jaw
The funny thing is, he’d absolutely never judge his friends for burping but he doesn’t allow himself the same luxury
(Sal just let your fucking burps out challenge)
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Larry burps constantly
Like he’s so gassy for absolutely no reason
He doesn’t get embarrassed by his burps either and rarely excuses himself
The only time he’ll excuse himself is if he interrupts someone’s sentence or if his mom is around
His burps are pretty decent sized too
They’re not the biggest but they’re definitely somewhere in between being huge and average
As I said, he tends to burp more frequently rather than super huge
My friend and I discussed and we think that while Larry burps all the time Sal actually doesn’t burp very often but when he does they absolutely dwarf Larry’s in every way
Larry can absolutely burp on command and finds himself getting into contests with Ash frequently
His burps are pretty long and growly
Beer also makes him super burpy
So if he’s drinking with the group he’ll be pushing out beer belches for a good few hours afterwards
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Hers are pretty big too honestly
I’d say she’s on the same level as Larry
And as I said in Larry’s, the two of them often find themselves in burping contests which means she can also burp on command
I don’t think she gets all that embarrassed by her burps either
If a burp happens to slip out of her she’s slap her chest with her hand and go “ooh, shit”
Which sometimes forces an afterburp out of her
The first time she burped in front of Sal he was shocked
He expected that from Larry but not her
Ofc he didn’t hold it against her though, this IS Sal we’re talking about
She does excuse herself more often than Larry does lol
She also doesn’t burp toooooo frequently
The frequency of her burps is pretty average
I feel like hers are surprisingly deep
They don’t fit her physical appearance at all
As Larry will sometimes put it: “that burp sounded like it came out of a grown man”
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He’s a slightly different case
Since he grew up under his father’s thumb he was very polite and reserved at home and honestly rarely burped at all outside of his own room in the middle of the night
But I also feel like he counteracted his home life by being as rude as possible at school
He’s burp super loudly and obnoxiously during class and would even occasionally burp in people’s faces for the sole purpose of being rude
He was super ashamed of his burps at home but at school he almost took pride in them
This behavior changed, however, as he grew older
He began to defy his father more and more and thus became a lot more polite with his burps
He now excuses himself every time he burps
I don’t think he really gets all that embarrassed unless one slips out of him without his consent
Then he’ll go a little red and cover his mouth before excusing himself
I actually don’t think he can burp on command
As much as he’d burp at school, he actually had to drink something fizzy in order to do so
His burps are pretty big but they’re also really short
And he got really good at stifling them so, for the most part, he just breathes them out his nose as best as he can
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Todd burps pretty frequently
His aren’t as big as Larry’s though
They tend to be smaller and higher pitched
A lot of times he does bother to stifle them at all either
He’ll just open his mouth and let them out and then continue on with whatever he was doing
Sometimes a rly bassy one will come out when he isn’t expecting it and Neil will go “woah babe that was a good one”
He doesn’t really see burps as anything beyond biological function
So if he needs to burp, he’s gonna burp
As such, he can’t burp on command
Not that he would if he could
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His burps are definitely bigger and a lot bassier than Todd’s
Although he doesn’t burp nearly as frequently
Actually, out of everyone in the group, he probably burps the least
Todd’s actually the only one that’s heard him burp
He’s a pretty chill person so I don’t think he’d freak out too much if he did accidentally burp in front of the group
He’d probably just chuckle slightly and go “ooh sorry, s’cuse me”
He’s very polite about it
He even excuses himself in front of just Todd
I do think Neil has a bit of a sensitivity to garlic, which will make him burp a lot more than usual
The only thing he can really do when he eats garlic is to burp it out
Which Todd will usually help him with, whether that’s in the form of tummy rubs or patting his back/chest for him
I think he can burp on command but his on command burps are significantly weaker than his natural ones
And he doesn’t use his ability very often
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unlikely-alliance · 2 years
welp it only took me two months but I finally finished s2 of smallville! it dragged a bit in the middle for me but there were quite a few iconic moments/episodes throughout and it definitely picked up towards the end. again posting my reactions to each episode below the cut, for the laughs
is jonathan kent about to kill a man 😳
leave it to lionel luther to call out lex for wanting to let him die while he’s still in critical condition……. also lex broke my heart a bit in that scene
and leave it to clark to ask lex if there’s anything he can do to help while he’s in the middle of trying to find his own dad 🥺
oh FUCK this reporter
fiancée????? 😧
lex wants clark to be his best man 🥹
oh noooo not lana’s cappuccino machine! way to go clark 🙄
chloe is the first person lana thought of when thinking of a friend 🥹
chloe to lana: are you dating an older man? not this foreshadowing….
this pete/clark drama is good
not lex and lana both trying to escape their houses in the same ep… 👀
this ep is SO fun… red kryptonite clark can stay for a bit I won’t be mad
aaaaaand another freak of the week who’s obsessed with lana who is surprised
martha working for lionel is not something I saw coming at all… how tf is this gonna play out
is that model behavior girl?? omg it is
me every time I see a shot of the kent farmhouse: I want to go to there *___*
the set up for the old chrissy reveal was cool but that elderly face makeup did NOT look good at first asdfhsh
ooooh who is lana’s father gonna be
I know this woman didn’t just say she’s clark’s mother, looking just like martha kent 🤨
CLARK/CHLOE ANGST!!!!!! that fight scene was the single best scene of this season so far they simply bring out the best in each other acting wise when they have scenes together I’m sorry
I love lana/chloe’s friendship this season
meteor shower flashbacks!!!!!! lionel being involved in clark’s adoption!!!!! ooh this ep is good
omg baby lex and clark in the kent’s truck 🥹🥹🥹 CLARK STROKING HIS BALD HEAD ARE WE SERIOUS
the parallel of jonathan telling clark’s wannabe mom not to bother them and lana’s father telling lana not to bother him… inch resting
and not a freak of the week in sight 😌
um… so who tf is lucas luther?????
telekinetic kid in a lab getting a nosebleed… someone go sue the duffer brothers for that one
this freak of the week looks like the dude from heathers oh my GOD IT’S JONATHAN TAYLOR THOMAS????
“mi casa su casserole” oh I love chloe’s dad
this dude cloning himself to spend time with chloe and lana… living clark’s dream for real
chloe to clark: you really can’t imagine someone choosing me over lana can you? OOF
iconic episode I’m serious
not clark immediately getting a new love interest
…get her out of here I’m not interested ashdhdhs
bad mid season finale imo
this wolves attacking lionel scene is scary af though
oh heyyy whitney
tina greer?!!!?!!??! 😧
lex: help me, I don’t wanna become like my father 😭😭😭😭
kristen’s acting in this last scene is so good
lana telling clark he’s the one constant in her life vs s1 clark saying that chloe is the one constant in his life………… hmm
lex standing up to jonathan… honestly we love to see it
a little shared trauma for martha and lionel as a treat
clark at the daily planet !!!!!
why tf does lionel have a file on clark in his vault with a fuck ton of kryptonite and the key to his spaceship 🤨
clark jumping from the daily planet to luther corp was insaneeeeee
so was lionel really just covering for clark in front of lex??? he really knows??????
‘I’m not afraid of tomorrow, I’m only scared of myself’ song with shot of broody lex ooooh that’s good that’s good
pete: I don’t mean to rain on your csi parade ashdhshs thank you pete this is literally an episode of csi
THE COP???????????
ok but… I wanna go to the rave in a cave it looks so fun (minus whatever the fuck just happened to pete uh oh)
clark to pete: I’m here if you want to talk
chloe to lana 3 scenes later: I don’t want to be one of those annoying people who says I’m here if you need to talk— ASFHDHSHFJKSKS
not pete outing clark as an alien omg
pete popping out of the shadow’s in clark’s barn adhdhshs he’s so funny this ep
another date with lana ruined I have to laugh
maybe I should have paid more attention to that midseason finale ep
clark and chloe are making out 🆘🆘🆘
oh damn lex is really suspecting clark now and literally turning up the heat ooooooh
that last clark/lana scene was so sad 😩
hellooooo paul wesley 😏
lex asking to stay with the kents 🥹 but he prob wants to snoop on clark 😩
lionel is faking his blindness??????? wtf
the idea of how differently lex would have turned out if he was raised by the kents then jonathan telling lex he would have made a hell of a farmer… ouch
lionel shooting lucas… he’s so scary
love how we’re at the hospital every 2 episodes
why is clark always snapping / yelling at chloe more than anyone else… I hope they address that
ok chloe’s letter to clark……. iconic slow burn friends to lovers ish!!!! “I’m the girl of your dreams masquerading as your best friend” “there are two types of girls — the girls you grow out of and the girls you into. I hope I’m the latter.” COME ON!!!!!!! 😭😭
chloe telling clark how she feels while he’s sleeping and lana seeing that & telling him how she feels to his face… I hate it here
special guest appearance by christopher reeve??!!!?!?!?!?!?
lex is so worried about clark 🥺
not the scientist by coldplay OH that is such a good music moment— “I was just guessing at numbers and figures” with the shot of clark deciphering the cave symbols and “questions of science and progress do not speak as loud as my heart, tell me you love me” with lex looking at lana
chloe putting lana as her sister on her family tree 😭😭
omg that scene with christopher is so iconic
“this is kal-el from krypton, our last hope” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they called him their infant son so does that mean he was in that ship alone for years before landing on earth???
“you won't find the answers by looking at the stars. it’s a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. you must write your own destiny.” 💯
jonathan: clark kent you are here to be a force for good, not evil clark: how can you be so sure? jonathan: because I am your father, I raised you, and I know you better than anyone. 😭😭😭 GOD THIS EPISODE
they’re def building up to chloe learning clark’s secret
lex to helen: you’ve been exploring 😏 (that was sexy af asdhshjdjk)
props department must have had a fun time on this episode with that giant transmitter tower lmao
the way lana always just materializes whenever clark is brooding in his barn 💀
lana being freaked out about the possibility of knowing an alien versus chloe being excited and understanding about it……… come on 😩
jesus christ those guys trying to assault lana that was scary as fuck
okay psycho ex boyfriend paul faking being attacked by lex 🙄
omg this lex training lana to fight scene… 👀 foreshadowing?
they better not kill helen like this…………..
this episode is like a lifetime thriller
starting this episode right off with a clark/chloe fight and angst…. I hate that I love it 😭😭
is lionel recruiting chloe to expose clark’s secret????? well good for her but this is gonna be interesting to see play out
naw fuck this scary little ghost girl go away
lionel almost choking on lex’s wedding cake funniest thing I’ve ever seen
ok so that other episode was a lifetime thriller and this is a straight up horror movie asdhdhsh this is so scary
I bet michael rosenbaum loved this ep
lana being scared that clark thinks she’s perfect and one day she’ll disappoint him… interesting
not i’m with you by avril lavigne during this scene 😭😭 points to clana for that one
no lionel sipping tea from a little pink mug while being the most diabolical person ever is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
love how the season starting and is ending with a lex wedding
awww clana kiss that was sweet
lex asking martha and jonathan to sit at his family table at the wedding 😭😭😭
chloe not betraying clark wooooooooo go girl
lex stole clark’s blood 😩
the spaceship is talking to clark 🤨
see I would have forgiven lex if he came clean though 🤷‍♀️ no offense to helen but I’m different
take me away by lifehouse during this clana scene 😭😭 clana is sponsored by this band lmao
STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL BY AQUALUNG!!!!!!!! they are bringing the killer soundtrack back this episode
omg the symbol carved on clark’s chest yikes
jesus they were putting martha through it all this season huh
yeahhhhhhh red kryptonite clark 🙌 I love him sm sorry not sorry
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Oooh, Tom x reader request idea
Reader colored her hair or is wearing a wig just for fun and paparazzi pictures are taken from the back when they’re together so it looks like Tom’s cheating on reader and even reader gets freaked out at first but they have a laugh about it in the end
Thank you for the request darling! I’m so sorry it took so long for me to do. While celebrating the holidays then going back to school, I’ve been busy😭 But thank you again, and enjoy!💞
If you’re a redhead I’m sorry😭 I couldn’t think of any other characters and this came to mind.
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The harsh light peaking in from behind the curtains made you groan. You threw the comforter over your head and blocked the sun from your eyes. Tom shifted beside you, tightening his arm around your bare waist and pulling you closer into his chest. He emitted a light “humph” and snuggled into the back of your neck. The slight ache in your head made you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to ease the pain. You kept your eyes closed till the ache subsided, trying to remember a single thing that happened last night.
Honestly, the whole night was a complete blur. All you remembered was that Tom, Harrison, and Harry had persuaded you into joining them at the local pub near your shared place for a quiz night. At first you didn’t want to go; you loved the lads but when it came to a game or something that tested their wits, they were intolerably competitive. Game nights with them usually ended with: Harry crying in frustration, Tom on the verge of committing murder, Harrison turning furiously red in anger, and Tuwaine yelling at someone for screwing up the game. Game nights were just a mess.
You were hoping for a quiet night alone at the house, but no such luck, Tuwaine had plans with his girlfriend. Which meant all three men came to you to fill up his spot.
“Please (y/n), we need four people in our group to go.” Harry begged, resting his head on your shoulder and looking up at you with puppy eyes. Tom stood in front of you, using his body to block the tv, and diverting your attention to him.
“Guys, why can’t it just be the three of you?” You questioned the men surrounding you.
“Because the pub said it has to be in groups of four and we believe you’ll be a perfect addition to our team.” Harrison answered from your left side. A cheeky grin on his face.
Tom could tell by your features that you still weren’t convinced on going. He uncrossed his arms and kneeled in front of you on the couch. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, putting his weight on your lap and placing his chin on your chest.
Looking up at you with his soft brown eyes he said, “Please come with us, I promise it’ll be fun. You won’t regret it, darling.”
Your lips pursed together in thought while your eyes panned between the three of them, “You guys know how you all get during game nights.”
Tom huffed, his breath causing strands of your hair to move from your face.
“I know—we all know. But we promise to be on our best behavior. Plus, we’ll be on the same team, no competition.” Your boyfriend reassured you, his thumbs drawing circles onto your hips.
Harry snorted, “Yeah, besides the other five to seven teams we’re up against.”
“Oh, we’re winning. We got these two on the team.” Harrison bragged motioning to you and Tom.
“I didn’t agree yet.” You objected, holding your finger up.
“Yet.” Tom repeated, emphasizing the word.
Harrison nudged your shoulder, “Come on, (y/n)! We’ll have a great time. We might even win a free happy hour if we win the quiz.”
Harry shimmied beside you, “And what do we say about free drinks in this house?”
You rolled your eyes, defeated, “Never turn down a free drink.” The boys cheered around you, hyping you up.
“Come on, baby.” Tom encouraged you, hopeful eyes remaining on yours. You sigh, throwing your head back against the couch.
“Fine, I’ll go.” A round of cheers filled the room once again. Harrison and Harry squeezed you into a hug, sandwiching you in between them. When they pullled away, Tom gathered you into his arms and lifted you up.
“YES! I LOVE YOU!” He squealed happily, repeating that he loved you and pressing multiple kisses all over your face.
Well you guys must’ve won the pub quiz last night because the last thing you can clearly remember was entering the pub and the first two rounds of the quiz. The topic of last night’s quiz was Harry Potter; both being huge fans of the series, you and Tom completely breezed through the quiz, getting most of the questions (that you can remember) correct.
A buzz came from your phone, followed by another buzz, and another. The sudden movement of your phone made you peak your head from under the covers. Squinting from the light, you blindly reached for your phone and brought it under the comforter with you. When your eyes were fully adjusted to your screen you saw there were two texts from your cousin.
Tf is this?
Sent Photo ⃞
Your brows knitted together at the message. Curiously, you slide on the notification and open iMessages. The picture downloads and you see that it’s Tom, wearing glasses, black pants, and a grey knit sweater. Although on his arm, latched a redhead wearing similar attire as him but with a tight skirt instead of pants. There were a few more pictures attached. Some where Tom wrapped his hand around the mystery person’s waist and another with him kissing her face.
Your heart’s pace quickened as you glanced at the man cuddled beside you. Your eyes shift back to the phone; that definitely wasn’t you. But at the same time, you had no recollection of anything that happened after drinks were handed out. You stared at the pictures again, an expression on your face that resembled something along the lines of a scowl and a look of confusion. You really didn’t know what happened last night. You zoomed into the pictures, trying to get a proper look at the woman’s face, but to no avail, her face was either not in the shot or Tom was in the way.
You force yourself up into a sitting position and harshly smack Tom’s arm. He immediately startles awake; jumping into his senses making the bed shake. His arms tighten around your waist, pulling you closer. He looks around the room for some kind of threat but saw nothing. He did another scan around the room before looking up at you with wide eyes.
“Were you the one who slapped me?” He groggily asked, ducking into your side when the sun’s light connected with his eyes.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe ask that redhead you were hanging out with outside of the pub.” You retorted, still glaring at your phone. The tone of your voice causes Tom to whip his head from your side. A quizzical look is on his face as he thought back to the previous night. Surprisingly, he didn’t get as drunk last night. For once, he was one of the sober ones. You, on the other hand, were another story. Though he didn’t blame you for going on a drinking spree, work had been stressing you out and you barely got any leisure time.
“Huh—baby, what are you on about?” His voice is deep and rough from sleep. Sexy, but right now his voice was the least of your worries.
“What redhead? The only redhead that was there was—“ He couldn’t finish his sentence because you were shoving your phone in his face.
“This one?” Tom whines and leaned his head back to get a better look. When he saw the picture on your phone, his eyes slowly panned to you. Your arms were crossed and a scowl was on your pretty face. You were pretty even when you were angry.
“Did the drinks really fuck you up that much?” He wondered out loud, a hint of amusement in his words. He took your phone and began swiping through the pictures with a grin on his face.
You felt the blood in your body boil while your boyfriend looked through the pictures of that woman with a stupid smile on his face. You snatched the phone from him, “Well maybe, because who the fuck is this chick?”
“Are you jealous?” He teased you, poking your side. You slapped his finger away and glared at him.
“Oh I don’t know, a woman I barely know is hanging on my boyfriend’s arm! I’m not jealous—I’m just—a concerned girlfriend who wants to know what the hell happened last night.” You crossed your arms again, proud of the excuse you made up. Though, you really did want to know what happened last night.
“Darling, that’s literally you.” Tom pointed out, finally bursting out laughing. The scowl was wiped off your face and replaced with a look of confusion. Tom rested his head back on his pillow and watched you look through the pictures again. Your brows were scrunched together and a pout was on your lips, tempting him to press a kiss onto them. His arms slithered around your waist again, pulling you down so you were laying down against him.
“(Y/n), I’m serious that’s you. Do you really not remember?” Tom adjusted himself to place your head on his chest. Your lips were pursed together, eyes still trained on your phone screen.
“But my ass does not look that good from the back.” You muttered, zooming in on said area. Tom snorted and pinched your ass cheek, “You’d be surprised, lovey.”
It was quiet between you two while you continued to study the pictures. Tom said it was you, but it really didn’t look like you from behind.
“Remember it was Harry Potter night? Harry thought it would be a fun idea to dress up as the characters, so we ended up going as Harry and Ginny.” He reminded you, softly brushing tangles out of your hair with his fingers. Your mouth went slack as realization set in.
“Oh my God, yes!” You exclaimed leaning up on your elbows to look up at him. There was a hint of humor in his eyes and a lazy grin was set on his lips.
“How could I forget that I was wearing a wig? Where is that damn thing?” You leaned over Tom’s body and began to look over the bed to get a glimpse of the floor. Tom chuckled motioning to your makeup desk in his room. You find the desk and, lo and behold, was the red almost orange wig in all its glory. You shook your head at yourself and at the slow moment you were going through.
You turn back to Tom, “Honestly, what the fuck?” The two of you bursted out laughing, the sounds of your joy filling the room.
“I feel so stupid.” You groaned, shoving your face into Tom’s chest. He let out a giggle, thinking over what just happened in his head again. His large palm smooths circles onto your back, slowly making you doze off again.
“Don’t be, you were drunk as hell last night. I didn’t expect you to be in the right state of mind so early in the morning.” He reassured you, pressing feather light kisses along your head.
You hummed, getting lazy to respond.
“I’m sorry for getting too drunk.”
Tom shook his head, “No, you deserve to have a few shots and a generous amount of pints. I know work’s been hectic and then we all dragged you out on your free night; it’s the least we can do, seeing as we disturbed your down time.”
You shrugged, “I actually enjoyed going—well from what I can remember. I had a really good time.” You move your head to look at him, “Please tell me I didn’t do anything ridiculous.”
A smile was instantly on Tom’s face, “My favorite was when Harry kept on bringing you drinks and you started to believe that he was a house elf. So you started calling him Dobby.”
“Is that all?” You asked before drifting off to sleep. A faint smile on your lips.
Tom snickered, “You tried to offer him your sock.”
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
heya! how about a scenario where shiggy accidentally hurts the reader with his quirk and like, freak tf out? angsts with lots and lots of fluff, please! ty! ♥︎
Okokok imma do my best for my first angst!! Also I added Dabi because I got a request for him a while back and I’ve wanted to write him for a bit, now <3 hope that’s okay!
I think this was a bit longer for a scenario but... I enjoyed writing it so :>
Warnings: language, mentions of violence(? Eh...)
Tomura/Dabi accidentally hurt reader with their quirks!
It happened accidentally. You knew that. Right? It wasn’t his fault, but his damn quirk’s fault, the one that he never asked for and the one that never allowed anyone to get close. Rather, he never let anyone get close because of it. He’ll admit he was always proud of its destructive capability as a villain, but now that it had hurt you, he wish he’d never boasted to a soul.
Twenty-three times. He had called you twenty-three times. And twenty-three times you didn’t answer. What was he to do, now? There was no stopping the decay borne from his fingertips once it had set in, and considering you wouldn’t answer your phone... it didn’t look good. Kurogiri had whisked you away before Tomura could even utter an apology, which looked to him as though Kurogiri did so in order for him not to witness your death. Kurogiri told him something about a doctor, but Tomura figured him a liar.
He couldn’t breathe. You shouldn’t have been hurt. Literally. Tomura hadn’t so much as touched you with a single finger; if anything, he was trying to protect you from the stranger grabbing you. It happened so fast, all he remembered was his quirk activating and the stranger vanishing before he heard your cry of pain and saw the skin of your arm drying out, much like he had done to that hero at U.S.J. He couldn’t tell, but it somewhat looked as though the decay was limited to just your bicep. That could’ve been hopeful thinking, of course, and he knew it.
So he sat there, all alone and hunched over on the couch in the bar, with misery and dread coursing his veins, accelerating his blood pressure to concerning levels. He had nothing to look at but his shaking palms and red shoes as he tried to even out his breathing - to no avail. Then, he felt the weight of someone sitting next to him, and instantly recognized how far the cushion next to him sunk in. And yet, he couldn’t look at you.
“Thanks for that back there,” you say quietly, afraid to startle him, but you recieve no response. “Y’know, I’m not sure what would’ve happened if my knight in shining armor hadn’t showed up!” You knew he felt guilty. Why wouldn’t he? But he shouldn’t. You wanted to convince him of that.
“Didn’t go far, huh,” you hear him mumble, nodding his head to your bandaged left arm next to him. There was no life to his voice and before you can say anything, he speaks again. “It won’t happen again. You’re not coming around anymore.”
“Hey, wait! That’s not your-“
“I’m the leader, and I say so! You can stay in the League, but you can’t... be close to me. You’ll get hurt.”
You stand up in defiance and put your hands on your hips in defense. “I’m not leaving you! First of all, I can take care of myself. Second, look at the League. We have a bloodthirsty serial killer and a cynical pyromaniac constantly lounging about, and you’re worried about some one-in-a-million freak accident happening again?” Patience was key with Tomura, and you knew that, but he could be stubborn and unreasonable, and when it came to you, stubbornly, unreasonably protective. “Besides, with the world as it is, I could get hurt doing something as mundane as taking out the trash, like I was when I was attacked!”
He finally looked at you, the look of a whipped pup on his face and while you knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, you felt guilty for raising your voice at him. You sigh quietly and sit back down next to him, reaching for his hand and settling for his knee when he yanked it away. You snuck your arm around his shoulders and plopped your cheek on his shoulder, knowing all too well he would welcome it despite his standoffishness - and he did. Tomura didn’t pull away or push you off. But he hid his face. Your fingers on his left shoulder rubbed at it, his clavicle prominent enough you almost cringed at how thin he was. Your other hand on his leg idly toyed with the seam of his jeans, not having anything better to do.
“I’m sorry.” It was unclear as to whether he was apologizing for hurting you, or for demanding you keep your distance from him. Either way, it was undoubtedly genuine and soft.
You sat up straight and hugged your leader and lover from the side, gliding your fingers through his hair as you gently guided it to you. He hesitated slightly before burying his head into your chest and latching onto your ribcage for dear life, muttering the weakest “Don’t go, please,” anyone has ever heard. The desperation and vulnerability in his voice elicited your arms to wrap around him in a tight, warm embrace, your chin digging into his hair when you peck it, again and again and again. You stifled a giggle at how soft and ticklish his hair felt, electing to gently shush him.
“I just told you, didn’t I? I’m not going anywhere, even if you tell me to. I love you, silly.”
Dabi let out every curse known to mankind - and then some - as he rushed over to you, the bastard thugs the two of you had been after now burning alive and falling to the street. He would have sworn on his life you were not within range of his flames, and yet here you were, on the ground clutching your burnt leg and cringing away the searing tears of pain. Maybe you didn’t see him readying the attack and charged in? Maybe one of those thugs diverted his attack? He wasn’t sure.
What little color he had in his face drains completely, and his fingertips are already trembling.
“Dabi, I’m fine,” you tried to assure him. “It’s not that bad! I’ll just need a little first aid.” It hurt like hell, a white-hot, pulsating pain, you couldn’t lie. You just weren’t going to tell him that. It stretched from just below your knee to a hand’s length above your ankle and covered only the side of your leg, thankfully. The affected area was an awfully dark pink and honestly, it was hard to look at.
He practically scoffed at you. “Y/n, you’re fucking burnt. Don’t tell me that shit.” From the look on his face, it seemed bad.
That was the most cross he’d ever been with you, despite his brash and vulgar nature, and you couldn’t help but retreat a little as he knelt down to you and pulled his phone out of his pocket to make a call. “Y/n’s hurt, get us to the bar or something.” He grabbed your leg - surprisingly gently - and seemed to examine it. He paused as if to listen to the other end. “She’s burnt, does it matter? Just get us the hell out of here.” He must’ve called Kurogiri, as the next thing you know there’s a warp tunnel summoned next to you.
You tried standing on your own to leave, but the burn decided it didn’t want you to do so, and so you dropped back to the ground and bit your lip at the shockwaves of pain crawling up your leg. Dabi said nothing and helped you up himself, grabbing your arm and side to help you walk through the warp. Once through, he set you down on the couch, still eerily quiet, and left you there. The pain was so bad at this point, you began to think you’d faint, your head feeling fuzzy as tears run down your cheeks.
The stapeled villain returns with a bucket of ice water, towels, and what looks to be a first aid kit. But he stops for a second when he sees you hunched over with a death grip on your knee and the seat beneath you, and it takes all he has to hold it the fuck together. He’s unreasonably angry, and he’s not sure why. He wants to tell and scream, maybe at you, maybe not, he’s not sure. His quirk’s only quality was destructiveness. It was damaging not only to his enemies but also to his own body - and now, you.
He hurt you. Accident or not, he hurt you. The lump in his throat was suffocating.
Dabi knelt down and soaked a towel in the cold water before wringing it wordlessly, then gently tapping it to your leg and pulling back when you hiss. He seemed to notice it but didn’t outwardly acknowledge it and contintued to use the cold towel on your burn. As more time passed, the more convinced he became that it was a second-degree burn, meaning the second layer of your skin, the dermis, was badly burnt. He had no doubt it would scar, and at the thought the breath was pulled from his lungs. Dabi muttered a curse and suddenly rested his forehead against your knee, his right hand holding the cool towel to your leg.
“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, fuck.” His voice was low, and if you looked hard enough, you could hear that it was forced out through a tense throat. He was nearly in tears, wasn’t he? He wasn’t an overly emotional person by any means, but the fact that his quirk hurt you, with its history, it hurt worse than if you would’ve left him for a hero. He hated himself. His quirk didn’t have a single redeeming quality, and he began to think the same of himself.
“Dabi, don’t, okay? I’ll be fine, really.” You can’t help how weak your voice sounds, being in so much pain, but you nonetheless plant a hand in his hair and rub his scalp.
Dabi lifts his head to look at you, and the look in his eyes isn’t something you’ve seen before. His free hand comes up to rest on your thigh, and you can feel it shaking. “It might scar, y/n. Don’t you get that?”
You huff. “So? If it does, I’d be pretty cool with that, all puns intended,” you try to giggle at your own pun and can practically feel him rolling his eyes, “Besides, I’d kinda match you, wouldn’t I? It’ll be like a couple’s tattoo sort of thing!”
He rests his chin atop your knee and a look that only be described as a pout crosses his features, but he says nothing and you can only smile. Dabi deadpans when you say nothing, forcing yourself to beam at him with bright eyes and a smile. “You’re a weird one, ya know that?” he muttered.
“You’re even weird for falling in love with me,” you teased after he began to work on your leg again.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
The thing about TFA is that I think it’s a pretty good Transformers cartoon, it’s fun and has interesting spins on the usual premises of TF. But I honestly don’t think it’s as deep as a lot of the fandom likes to act as it is.
Like, sure, in the show we have a few glimpses of Cybertron under Autobot rule and get inklings that this isn’t a pure and wholesome society. Except we literally don’t get anything besides that-- glimpses. All of the backstory that actually reveals the ~problematic~ and ~revolutionary~ things of the TFA continuity takes place solely in extra materials. And even if you could convince me that this is a valid way of telling a story (spoilers: NO because I shouldn’t have to buy multiple separate pieces of merchandise, half of which is shown via Word of God/meta texts and not actual story content, to be able to understand a single story), it honestly doesn’t make a difference. None of the extra material that shows the dark/gritty parts of TFA shows up in the cartoon itself.
It doesn’t matter that the flying twins were experimented on while on the verge of death because they sure don’t act like it matters. It doesn’t matter that the Decepticons apparently used to be enslaved as war machines, because the show sure as hell doesn’t give them any deeper characterization than “we’re gonna take over Cybertron because we’re the Decepticons raaaaawwwwrrr!” And it doesn’t even matter that Optimus Prime, one of the main characters of the show, is literally a high-ranking military officer of a regime that brainwashes/experiments on civilians, because as far as the story is concerned his biggest problems are 1. Trying to get his crew to listen to him 2. Fighting Decepticons 3. Putting up with his annoying superiors after he got kicked out of the Elite Guard. (Note that just because he didn’t make it in the Elite Guard doesn’t mean he’s not still important: Prime is one of the highest ranks the military has, and Optimus was given freaking Omega Supreme, a top secret war weapon/artifact, as his ship.)
The story is trying to pose itself as something deeper and more serious, but ultimately fails because those deeper/serious things are barely covered in the show or delegated to side materials.
Am I saying TFA is a terrible show that has no good ideas at all? Am I saying that people who like TFA are dumb and should watch another show? Not at all. I’m just saying that I think the fandom opinions of TFA as a show honestly overhypes it compared to the actual content of the show itself. Forget about the dark and gritty backstory, the vast majority of TFA is spent on human villains and random skirmishes on Earth instead of the actual interesting part, the Autobot/Decepticon war and the state of Cybertron!
If you want a TF continuity that has great lore (and doesn’t require you to watch a cartoon, read a book, find a bunch of old interviews, read a comic, and listen to a script reading at a con), IDW1 and IDW2 are both right there waiting for you. Especially IDW2, which is written as a single continuous story and not as the chaotic decade-and-a-half long mess that is IDW1.
#squiggposting#also another reason i dont really like fanon views of tfa is that like#the content for MOP and especially OP himself is so meh#people seem to think OP is like a crybaby twink who's the victim of constant bullying#and M is the one who swoops in like a romantic novel love interest to save him#in other words not even the content made by people who like the characters/ship#is something i'm interested in at all#nor is it really in character for that matter#it just seems to me like the reason people like TFA is because the material is scattered enough that they can just#cobble together whatever headcanons they want and create the story that they want in their head#and the cartoon itself doesn't contradict them because the cartoon is just a simplistic good guys vs bad guys#with some hints at something deeper that never get explored#i know some people like the 'sandbox of headcanons' or whatever but like#if a piece of media doesn't have substance on its own#and isnt well crafted or coherent on my own#then why would i care about it enough to be interested#the cartoon can't even tell a story standing on its own so why should i have to do all the work of making the story work#there's a difference between leaving things to the imagination vs straight up leaving things out of the story#the difference between making inferences and theories that enrich the already existing story#versus the story itself being fragmented incomplete and tbh a little boring and you having to rewrite it in your mind to make it interesting#anyways that's my spiel for the day
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battery-forgot · 3 years
Now, I come mid-week to give you all of my DSMP/MCYT headcanons because I have many
Don’t mind if these are repeated, misspelt, or has no logic, it is block game things and I am not checking over them-- and some will be organized, and some will be random, some might not have a Enter space because these are all ctrl c + ctrl v’ed from a Discord server I am in :]
Skeppy headcanons: Skeppy is 4 billion years old as scientists have thought that is how long ores and diamonds existed for
Skeppy's species is pretty rare
Every diamond that is broken or damaged causes Skeppy to feel a physical pain in his body
His species has lamp tail as they don't have night vision, some of them also have tiny wings that aren't usable, though they can kinda glide short distances with them
Because of his small height, he has taught himself magic to be able to change size, it can hurt him if he goes taller than 5'3, but he is able to get to Foolish's height if he tried
Sometimes random crystals grow on Skeppy's face, though they look different from normal crystals and can be used for things like explosives, though he doesn't know about it
Techno has seen Kristen but doesn't remember it well, though Kristen gave him his crown as a gift
Techno has a collection of skull masks that he has worn, he wears the skulls because of nostalgia now but he used to wear them because he thought they were cool and made him look threatening
Technoblade, Skeppy, Sam, Ranboo, Michael(the son- not Michaelmcchill), Phil, Bad, and some others really like shiny and golden objects
DreamSMP theme/"timeline" is kind of like a steampunk like thing
Drista is DreamXD's sister and DristaXD is Dream's "sister", though they aren't really siblings as they are robots
Drista and DreamXD are clones of DristaXD and Dream, though they actually look nothing alike
Callahan is a mute mini-god that everyone knows exists but doesn't really understand they are a mini-god. They kind of just chill and do what people ask them to do
Phil: Phil is more into traveling than anything else
Though he doesn't mind being a father figure, he doesn't think he is a good one especially after he killed Wilbur
He is able to turn into the size of a crow, though since his wings are now unusable, he doesn't do it as often as it is basically useless
Phil sometimes takes bird baths, though I guess they are always called that-
He has bird legs/talons,but they aren’t fully noticeable
joke headcanon I thought of is that Phil's handwriting is chicken-scratch because he is half-crow
Phil has really good memory, as a crow would
-DreamXD is actually pretty weak in powers, but he acts like he is the strongest person in the server
-Tommy's eye is just completely gone from when Dream killed him, but he covers it with an eyepatch
-Tubbo talks about things to Ranboo thinking he'll forget them, but some stories Ranboo remembers but doesn't speak about it because he doesn't want to make Tubbo worry too much
-Philza wasn't willing to kill Wilbur so Wilbur forced Phil by grabbing his arm and impaling himself
-Dream and Techno sometimes share stories about having ADHD
-Phil didn't really know about Fundy, he knew he existed but had no idea to how he acted, looked, or his actual name
-Wilbur had a letter written to Fundy about how he was sorry for what he was gonna do during November 16th, but the withers blew it up before Fundy knew about it
-Fundy doesn't let anyone hold his hand because it makes him remember the past where he would hold Wilbur's hand a lot
-Change of headcanons: Schlatt and Puffy are cousins, Tubbo was just a random kid that would follow Schlatt for hours a day, waiting for him to acknowledge him
-Dream jumps into the lava in the prison as it reminds him of Sapnap
-Bad was uncomfortable when Sapnap married Big Q and Karl because he went on a date with Quackity before but he still supported them (Yes I know Big Q basically had a divorce with Sap and Karl--)
-Skeppy knows a lot about other's pasts because of how old he is, even traumatizing facts
-Skeppy has a fear of fire (Pyrophobia) and he is kind of scared of Sapnap
-Dream used the revivebook on the cat Tommy killed, but Sam killed it thinking Dream would use the cat against Sam to escape quicker in the future
-Dream doesn't *fully* know why he is in prison, ever since Tommy and Tubbo killed him, a wire/chip broke in his body which made him forget a lot of things. Dream does get told what he had done a lot, but it makes him almost have a panic attack because he thought he was a pretty good person
-Ghostbur is Callahan, they were commanded by DreamXD to become Ghostbur so that everyone could feel like he was still there (Callahan can change who they are completely, but they don't actually know how they acted when as Ghostbur, though that doesn't mean he didn't know what happened, when Dream killed/revived Ghostbur, Callahan got to see what it felt like to die for the first time)
-Fundy has the habit of picking up things and using them at some sort of fidget (examples: knives, leaves, grass, wood, pencils, berry stems, etc.
-Ranboo will be writing/saying something about someone and use pronouns instead of their name or just with the person's name (example: "Puffy she/her was--" or "he/him writing down things") [Basically canon-]
-Tubbo used to headbutt people but stopped after around 2 years because he kept hurting people
-Phil used to squawk randomly when he was a kid, but he mainly just squawks when hiccuping now
-Even though Bad used to get really nervous picking people up because he was afraid he was gonna drop and kill them, he now just picks up everyone randomly... except Foolish and Ranboo
-Foolish is able to shrink to around 7ft, and unless he is building a big build, he will shrink so he can get around easier
-Because Ranboo is only half enderman, he isn't the full height of an enderman (He is only 8'5)
-If someone asks Charlie about his pronouns, out of confusion, he just responds with "Bones!" which sometimes leads Las Nevadas members (or just anyone really) calling him by He/it/Bones
-When Bad was being controlled by the egg, it made him get even more flashbacks about how his species was supposed to act which would end up with him panicking because that isn't who he wants to be (bonus: The more a member infected by the egg would panic, the more the egg would be able to take over the person because they can't focus)
-Kristin has taught Phil how to do makeup in their free-time of hanging out
-Kristin is insanely tall, if she shrinks then she turns more transparent, so she ends up looking more like a ghost when at average height
-Skeppy can't cry, though he still can feel sad
-Bad and Eret talk to eachother quite a lot
-When Tubbo was around 11-14, he would make redstone contraptions, though he doesn't remember how to make most of them now
Ranboo doesn't like photoshoots because he feels like everyone is staring at him, though this does mean he just doesn't have a passport photo, his alternative was to draw what he looked like on the passport but they didn't allow it, as well as Ranboo doesn't really remember what he looks like anyway because they don't like looking in mirrors--
I think this is half-canon but another headcanon is where every SMP is just an island far away from others. In this case, Hermitcraft, 30 day SMP, and other SMPs are all linked up, as for people who are in multiple SMPs, they travel around by boat for awhile, now, the thing I've just not figured out is how tf their look magically changes-like- outfit is decently obvious-- but do they magically transform like an anime girl? Idk- 
Skeppy's voice randomly glitches out, is there an actual reason for this? No.
Quackity’s outfit is similar to Sub Urban’s (In Freak)
Skeppy acts as if he is royalty, he doesn't act rude or demanding unless joking- but he does act as if he is the superior person-
-Skeppy and Slime are the only "people" that don't have steampunk styled clothing because of how old they are
-Skeppy's hair grows insanely quickly and no one knows why, he honestly hates it
-Most of Skeppy's outfits have been made by Bad or Puffy
-Skeppy knows DreamXD as if he is a brother, but he despises him because of something that has happened around 3,000 years ago
-Skeppy has a lot of different shades in their hair on the "inside"(like- the side where his neck is is what I mean, I don't remember if it has a name or not-)
-Like I've said before, Skeppy's eyes are crystallized, but they are somewhat transparent, not enough to where you'd be able to see the inside of his head, but they are still transparent
-In the past, Skeppy didn't like their name which is why they called himself "Skeppy"
-He has an attachment to caves
-When Skeppy was a kid, they had the dream of him filling cave walls with houses of their own
-Skeppy goes by it/they/he
-Skeppy joke flirts with Bad all the time to confuse everyone, Bad doesn't like it because then everyone thinks they are dating which makes him feel a little uncomfortable
-Out of boredom, in the past, Skeppy would climb on the roofs of caves, hang upside down, and try and sleep like a bat
-They have no blood in his body, it is literally just a diamond covered with a thin layer of skin and hair
-Skeppy gets stressed out easily when it comes to learning because it just reminds him of everything he had to get used to as the billion of years he lived went by
-Skeppy used to not be allowed out into the open world, the first time it experienced going outside was when it was 2 billion years old
-Skeppy has accidentally caught things on fire during the day because of the reflecting of the sun, but even then, they are nocturnal so they don't really have to worry about it
-Wilbur adapted to hanging out with Sally in the water, he has some gills, but he can only breathe underwater for a bit longer with them
-Skeppy always has the equivalent of Diamond (armor) except when he was infected by the egg, he was equivalent to the strength of a Ruby
-Infected Skeppy has a redstone glow when touched, so when hugged(or hive fived- or- yeah you get the point), he would give a subtle glow around him until let go
-The Eggpire still can be controlled, but they are able to control it unless angered/upset
-Skeppy was 6ft when infected, now he is 3′9 un-infected
-At this point, Dream likes the prison because he sometimes feels safe there, like no one can hurt him
-DristaXD is more of a ghost robot than an actual robot
-DristaXD's hobby is murdering people and has basically been in some sort of jail before, she has broken chains around their ankles and hands, it seems to have been made of a really strong material as wel
-Sapnap used to have fire wings, but when he had to get extinguished, they disappeared, they are still there, they just aren't visible until dunked in lava and Sapnap can't use them anymore
-Infected Bad still took care of Sapnap, but Sapnap never cared
-Sapnap takes the name "lava cake" too seriously... though he thinks the literal lava cakes he makes taste good
-Puffy's hair has been dyed blue by Ghostbur before because he wanted people to remember Friend if they ever disappeared
-Going with my Ghostbur as Callahan hc, when Ghostbur was killed, Callahan kind of glitched between realities and so Ghostburs body glitched from Callahan's body and Ghostbur's then just disappeared. Callahan is still alive but they randomly glitch into different realities, he has glitched into places Karl has gone, including The Inbetween.
-When Ghostbur was glitching back into Callahan after killed, it shocked and concerned Dream
There you go :]
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
Ok so I made this silly AU but cringe culture is DEAD and I’m spiteful so:
Monster High x Danganronpa. I’m imagining two scenarios:
Either the group that experimented on Izuru also experimented on the other students (some against their will I presume) in the name of despair,
Or that they were all just born like monsters. I’m preferring the first version though, since it actually adds drama and conflict, though this second idea is also good considering how wildly their backstories could change.
So far all I’ve come up with is that:
Monokuma and the other kubz +monomi/usami became/are human. And still being assholes (with the exception of the latter)
Everyone else is a monster. Whether that’s because they were simply born that way or transformed into monsters by the group stated before (I’ll call them Lovers Of Despair for times sake) is up to the people who wanna divulge into this AU. Speaking of, they also have to hide their monsterous identities from the public, because Jim is afraid of the public response (and apparently rightly so considering that one of the movies involved humans getting freaked TF out and policemen + civilians trying to kill the monsters). Some students disagreed with him, especially Kyoko, but they listened to him anyway because it was the safest option.
Adding onto that— I decided that Makoto is a Frankenstein, Kyoko is a vampire, Byakuya is a werewolf, Toko/Jill are mummies, Aoi is a zombie, and Yasuhiro is a Sea Monster. (For the last two I considered reversing them cause it’d make more sense but I thought it’d be funnier if Yasuhiro got the sea monster attributes and Hina always argues with him about “I SHOULD’VE BEEN THE SEA MONSTER THIS ISNT FAIR” in groaning form of course lol)
I might do sprite edits later actually…
Anyway yea that’s it lol, I did my best
Ohhhh I haven't seen Monster High on forever but I do remember some stuff from it (mostly just the petty school stuff lol). And honestly I could see the students being turned into monsters more by Hope's Peak Academy than by Monokuma... We all know their instance on human experimentation cofcofIzuru.
Mostly I love the idea of werewolf Byakuya, because he's always so uptight and fancy so how would he deal with suddenly being covered by fur and having urges to do wild shit? It would be hilarious. Especially since now he and Kyoko can continue the long standing rivalry between vampires and werewolves. Also I feel really bad for Aoi, being a very active zombie sounds like it would really suck.
Also, you only included the survivors in this AU, but I think this could be expanded to the whole class (maybe as part of the Killing Game? Idk) tho I'd have to think of a lot more monsters for that. My thoughts about that are: Gorgon Celestia- I know she has vampire aesthetic, but she'd look drop dead gorgeous with eastern indigo snakes in her hair <3
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J2′s Virtual Con Panel (March 7th, 2021)
Alright, let’s talk j2! As all of you probably know by now Jared and Jensen had a virtual con panel today (March 7th, 2021); it was the first j2 con panel of the year, and we started on a good note. I will be providing some time stamps, and as always I will be providing a link to the whole panel at the end of this post so y’all can watch it for yourself, I highly recommend doing so, it was a really good panel. 
Okay, let’s jump right into it!
- The panel started late, and the reason I am mentioning that is because I have to comment on how stressful that wait was with the grey screen saying ‘standby!’. I much rather preferred the countdown, it was less stressful 😅 
- Anyways, the panel starts off with some cute banter between the boys, they spend around 6mins just talking to each other, joking about Jensen’s hair, telling stories about each other. Honestly, answering questions was unnecessary because I would have happily seen a full hour of that, of just them talking. 
- Jensen said he missed Jared 🥺
- So...Jared addressed Jensen’s birthday and okay let’s talk about this. After Jensen says he missed Jared and that it’s been so long since they’ve seen each other, Jared fumbles on his way to comment about how he was gonna post for Jensen’s birthday. You can practically see his brain buffer cause I s2g that man was this close to saying he was with Jensen before his brain kicked in, and then he switched lanes to mention taking a trip with G for their anniversary. 
Of course I have an opinion about this, I don’t know if I’ll be able to express it coherently, but I shall try; it is so incredibly convenient he’d mention what has been a big talking point in fandom for the past couple of days. This is such a stupid thing to lie about, and it’s a lie that falls apart in seconds cause if you think about it shit don’t make sense. 
We know that Jared and G were on a trip, but we also know they were in Colorado. Thanks to D’s hairstylist, we know Jensen’s also in Colorado. 
So, I’m expected to believe that these two men who are incredibly close, who in this same panel mention how much they’ve missed each other, that Jared who says he didn’t post on his boy’s birthday (and yes he called Jensen his boy again 🥰) because he got all emotional thinking about how this was gonna be the first birthday in years he wasn’t gonna be by Jensen’s side and be able to give him a hug- I am expected to believe that Jared was in the same state and didn’t even make a pitstop by where Jensen’s at?! That they’d be in the same state and not even meet up?!  Not only that, Jared and G’s anniversary was on the 27th which fell on a Saturday, based on reports we know they took that trip from the 28th to the 1st, if this was an anniversary trip why not make it a weekend thing from Friday to Sunday? Why do it from Sunday to Monday which was a workday? And I’m also expected to believe that they went on an “anniversary trip” and little mrs. social media preferred to post an old ass pic and not post anything at all from said trip, even posting a pic as if she were in Austin on the 1st.  Bitch please, I love you but go to someone else with that tale cause I ain’t buying. 
- Continuing with the panel, the boys start answering questions and I’mma just tell y’all right now a lot of the questions in this panel are kinda shit. This is the first panel of the year, both these men have big projects going on and yet the first question is about parenting. Their answer is pretty much the same thing they always answer, that they can’t do it alone, that most of it is their wives, Jared says he helps with the kids in the morning and then goes to the guest house and leaves Gen to it, if you’ve heard once you’ve heard it a million times. 
- Next question is about dreams, and Jensen makes a joke about mushroom induced dreams that Jared finds so hilarious he has to duck out of frame. I don’t know if y’all have ever seen The Late Show with Stephen Colbert but Stephen’s wife is usually there when he’s filming and that woman laughs at even his stupidest jokes, if you see them interact they are that couple that is so obviously in love years into their marriage, they make each other laugh, and the reason why I am bringing this up in a j2 post is because that is the vibe that moment had! Actually, that’s the vibe a lot of this panel had; that mushroom joke was not that funny yet Jared reacted as if Jensen was the funniest man in the world.  And the j2 doesn’t stop there because when it’s Jared’s time to answer the question the boys say they’re in each other’s dreams. x 
- Jared said he sits in the Impala in his garage 🥺 Jensen said his Impala is safe and covered in a secure location in Austin, which I’m going to interpret as he left it with Jared.
- A fan asked if we would see director!Jensen make an appearance on Walker and Jared revealed he was supposed to! Jensen was slated to direct episode 5 of Walker but due to commitments to The Boys he sadly wasn’t able to but both boys say that it will happen and it’s something they’re looking forward to. So are we boys, so are we ❤
- When talking about how Jensen was supposed to direct episode 5 of Walker, Jensen commented that Jared was looking forward to having someone who knew him so well and could help him creatively on the set. Now, I will for no particular reason remind y’all that G works on the show. 
I love Jensen ☕ 
-  Moving on! Jensen talked about his production company. He said it is currently developing 5 different projects including one that they will be delivering to the network this week and that they have a project he’s excited about with an spn alumn. He said working on these projects and his company is what he’s been spending his time on in Colorado.
- Jensen put on a beanie and y’all are not ready for what happened. Not only did he look cute af, not only did Jared like how Jensen looked and compliment him but he called Jensen babe 😍 Now listen you don’t have to take my word for it, listen to the audio a couple times, form your own opinion about what you hear but I have listened to multiple versions of that clip with headphones multiples times at different volumes...and imo Jared calls Jensen babe, you can try to take that from me over my dead body. x  
- They were talking about a fight outtake they did on the finale in slow motion, and did an example and when I tell y’all those two somehow managed to do an in perfectly in sync slowmo fight virtually! 
- They showed their matching tattoos! 
- Jensen sends Jared shirtless selfies and gives him beard updates. I swear I am not making this up. 
- And in the line of things I swear I am not making up is that Jared grabbed the pic Jensen send him, and edited it to make it seem as if Jensen was singing the clean version of WAP, that is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 😂
- Jensen said him and Jared like to watch the early season gag reels 🤗
- At one point Jensen tried to tell one of Jared’s jokes and not even three words in this man was already in tears laughing so hard, he says it’s something that makes him laugh every time he thinks about it, he could barely get through the joke and to be fair it is hilarious; the joke goes: Did you hear there was an explosion at a cheese factory in France? The brie was everywhere. That cracked me tf up and it left them in tears 😂
- Jensen called Jared a freaking ox 😂
- Jensen says that if the roles were reversed and Sam had died, Dean would have wasted away at the back of a pool hall 😭
- The panel ends with j2 saying I love you to each other 😭❤
It was a really good panel, I had missed these men so so so so much, they have brightened my spirits and I’ve been in a good mood since I watched it, they just make me so happy 🥰. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend doing so, the boys were looking cute, it was funny, they kept making each other laugh and there was even heart eyes! Jared kept getting the cutest little smile when Jensen was speaking, it was adorable! 
J2 Virtual Panel 
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