#/ drugs mention
We all know mercedes doesn't have to slip people weed in the baked goods, the pope is handing it out
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prokopetz · 1 year
I feel like folks who are disappointed that trying to escalate physical confrontations in Disco Elysium often results in Harry getting clowned regardless of how many points you put into physical skills are not fully grasping the "you are a middle-aged alcoholic with a heart condition who is currently experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of every drug" dimension of the game's premise.
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thestuffedalligator · 9 months
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People are talking about what voice Public Domain Mickey should have, and for some reason. My brain keeps going back to Nathan Lane.
Dialogue comes from Lane’s performance in Angels in America II: Perestroika
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charlesoberonn · 5 months
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
Let's Play A Game
I got two catalouges in the mail today: the wares of the Local Weed Store, and The Major Seed Promotional Catalouge, and noticed that two very different plants have interestingly similar breed nomenclature. So let's play:
Here's how it works: Below is a list of marijuana strain and tomato cultivar names. Without looking it up online (or in your own catalouges), can you tell which is which?
Red Velvet
Alien Fingers
Green Doctor
Orange Sherbet
Pink Elephant
Skunk Stripe
Chocolate Sprinkles
Mystery Jazz
Jersey Devil
Big Fat Fanny
Rainbow Grape
Black Russian Cherry Hybrid
Alice's Dream
Golden King
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valtsv · 1 year
those 19th century poets weren't wrong about romanticising risking your life to go for a walk while it's storming outside. i went out to run my errands today in a skirt and long coat without an umbrella and there's something about being soaked to the bone and shaking uncontrollably while weighed down by several tons of fabric clinging to your skin tighter than a lover that makes you feel the kind of alive you normally only get from snorting coke or playing with live electrical wires.
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genderqueerdykes · 6 days
i know this won't be available everywhere, but especially if you live in a larger city where a lot of folks are affected by opioid use/addiction, it's a really good idea to ask local pharmacies, and even food banks if they are giving out free narcan (naloxone). this can also be found at certain behavioral health offices as well, my case manager is able to get them for me for free. narcan is a life saving medication that can temporarily halt an opioid (oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin, fentanyl, codeine, morphine, etc.) overdose while you wait for emergency medical services to arrive.
opioid overdose is distress of the respiratory system, meaning that the person overdosing likely is struggling to, or can't breathe at all. it's very important to watch to see if the person is dealing with labored or shallow breathing.
here the official use guide:
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[Image ID start: Two screenshots from the FDA's Narcan (Naloxone HCl) Quick Start Guide infographic. It reads:
"Narcan (Naloxone HCl) Nasal spray quick start guide. Opioid Overdose Response Instructions.
Use NARCAN Nasal Spray (naloxone hydrochloride) for known or suspected opioid overdose in adults and children.
Important: For use in the nose only.
Do not remove or test the NARCAN Nasal Spray until ready to use.
1.) Identify Opioid Overdose and Check for Response Ask the person if they are okay and shout name.
Shake shoulders firmly and rub the middle of their chest.
Check for signs of Opioid Overdose:
Will not wake up or respond to your voice or touch
Breathing is very slow, irregular, or has stopped
Center part of their eye is very small, sometimes called "pinpoint pupils".
Lay the person on their back to receive a dose of NARCAN nasal spray.
2.) Give NARCAN nasal spray
Remove NARCAN nasal spray from the box. Peel back the tab with the circle to open the NARCAN nasal spray.
Hold the NARCAN nasal spray with your thumb at the bottom of the plunger and your first and middle fingers on either side of the nozzle.
Gently insert the tip of the nozzle into either nostril.
Tilt the person's head back and provide support under the neck with your hand. Gently insert the tip of the nozzel into one nostril, until your fingers on either side of the nozzle are against the bottom of the person's nose.
Press the plunger firmly to give the dose of NARCAN nasal spray.
Remove the NARCAN Nasal Spray from the nostril after giving the dose.
3.) Call for emergency medical help, Evaluate, and Support
Get emergency medical help right away.
Move the person on their side (recovery position) after giving NARCAN Nasal Spray
Watch the person closely.
If the person does not respond by waking up, to voice or touch, or breathing normally another dose may be given. NARCAN Nasal Spray may be dosed every 2 - 3 minutes, if available.
Repeat Step 2 using a new NARCAN Nasal Spray to give another dose in the other nostril. If additional NARCAN Nasal Sprays are available, repeat step 2 every 2 to 3 minutes until he person responds or emergency medical help is received.
For more information about NARCAN Nasal Spray go to www.narcannasalspray.com, or call 1-844-4NARCAN (1-844-462-7226)."
End image ID.]
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outofcontextdiscord · 7 months
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martinsorbit · 5 months
its 4/20 and ive not seen a single DCA blazing it on my dash.... honestly im disappointed/hj
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captainzigo · 5 months
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quick sketch at work based on a suggestion from my friend @thistlehorse :3
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frownyalfred · 1 month
hot take obviously batman does drugs (dresses as a bat, also how else would he stay awake and functional during crises?) but do you think his kids do? fueled in part by my personal hope that Tim keeps a blunt in his utility belt
Are you really an heir/ward of a billionaire playboy if you don’t get caught with coke at least once as a civilian? Anything the kids have can probably just be explained away as building their cover stories.
But in all seriousness, I think Bruce has strict rules for sobriety on patrol and during major cases. And for school/college. What happens outside of those strict bounds is hard for him to completely control.
But god protect the dumbass batkid who shows up for patrol still a little crossfaded from the night before — you will see the Disappointed Bruce, not the angry one everyone thinks he’ll be. And that’s crushing.
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prokopetz · 7 months
"Oh, she looks like a meth head" no she doesn't – she just looks tired. Which you would, too, if you were pulling double shifts because all the other Oompa-Loompas bailed when it became clear what a shitshow the event was and you've spent the last 90 minutes getting hassled by the parents of crying children after the candy table ran out of candy.
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absolutelybatty · 1 month
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sherlockggrian · 1 year
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this looks like scar is a reporter and mumbo is a weird guy at a hippie festival with his dog and the viewer is on shrooms
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kiksniko · 8 months
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xie lian rolls worst joint ever. asked to leave heavenly court
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home-assistant-shapes · 10 months
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mr becker i smoked your stickman in a joint. Because he's really small. And green
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