#& that’s their choice but it’s sad & im tired
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Nobody is asking Yona to sacrifice herself or stay with the dragons forever. That's not why ppl are upset with her imo. What's disappointing was that when the gods say Kouka would turn into hell, we didn't saw any hesitation in her. She could've argued w them or showed some determination like: "hey, I won't let you play with me or my country no matter how hard you try" something she did while zeno was trying to kill himself. But no she's like oh hell sounds fun as long as I'm with my family. She even hesitated when Hak's life seems at stake. So what does it mean? And there's is a difference between her running away from the gods vs Suwon not depending on the gods. She's ok to enjoy the blessings but when it comes to pay back, she's running away. Yona acted like a selfish brat like she used to be in the castle, which is disappointing if we consider her development in the past
I'm not gonna lie in this case I feel like people are just looking for something to be mad at her. Like, in chapter 257, I was more bothered by Yona not hesitating because the consequences of that decision were 100% assured and known : all the dragons of the past waiting and suffering in vain until the current generation. And the whole time paradox twist was a lot to process and swallow in a few pages, that Yona's reaction felt sudden too. I wanted to see her hesitate then because I was affected as a reader by the twist that it was technically Yona that made the cycle happen? Even if from her POV it was about not erasing the past like damn that's a lot.
But the circumstances are not the same at all here imo. Yona has been in this chalice for like an entire volume. She tried already to negociate with the gods. It didn't work. They went against their words. They hurt the dragons. She tried everything she could here. They're basically bullying her, they keep tormenting her, she's not getting through them at all. Yona is affected and upset when they tell her about the dragons' limbs. She came here to begin with to save them, she made a deal with the gods that made her stuck inside the chalice against her will but supposedly in exchange of the dragons being freed, and now she realizes that even that failed and that they lost body parts. It's devastating. And Yona looks sick of it. From this point, it's clear to me she realized it's useless trying to get anything from them, because she won't. They're only toying with her and her feelings. All she can do is leave with them and defuse. There's NOTHING she can do more from the heavens, she can't ask the gods to save the dragons and even less protect Kouka.
Yona has been having nightmares about natural disasters and wars breaking out since chapter 257, she's already past hesitating about this too. So I don't mind she doesn't hesitate for it here. Yona in chapter 257 was scared of even falling asleep because she was scared of this future where she's all alone and it's hell everywhere. But she can only stop it by facing it and standing against it. It didn't happen yet, she has to keep her eyes open... She already learned this lesson. As we've seen with Yona protecting Hak from Zeno, her nightmares can be prevented, but this won't be if she stays still in heavens. Staying in a peaceful garden and shivering because intervening outside could cause more problems is much more like Yona of the beginning before her development, than Yona leaving to live in Kouka and fight against problems arising there. Yona was told her existence and actions were a pain that could create more problems at different occasions, and her conviction has always been to make her own place in the world anyways. Before she asks for the gods' divine protection, she should face her own fears and try to do something herself...that's how she always worked. She has always refused to rely on the gods alone.
The motif of living outside and in not the most comfortable place but finding purpose in getting through struggles together has been a thing forever that Yona's reaction about life outside being preferable only seems natural to me. I don't know... Her hesitating here would have felt redundant and would have surprised me. Yona has long ago developed the conviction that she finds more purpose in life in the struggles and difficulties because of all the people reaching out their hand to help, than her peaceful and confined, lonely days in the palace. She always found more purpose in helping people on the ground than to take decisions from above. Even in the castle and south kai arcs it was visible how she wanted to go help prisoners herself, and the way she went to rescue Meinyan shows it well too. I don't want her to hesitate for this. She already said she'd rather live in the mud in chapter 263 too. That's the most Yona thing ever imo, it makes me happy personally. It doesn't need to be said she's concerned for others, and she will keep running to their help to do something with her own hands. I don't need her to hesitate because personally I have no conflicted feeling about the situation and I think Yona is 100% right, here. I have no doubt she is intelligent enough at this point to say this too.
You could argue it would have been better if she had a speech like the one she had in chapter 43, and I can't argue about that (it's true it's very good!). I can understand, I just personally don't need it, because the fact chapter 43 exists is enough in itself to me and the present automatically resonates with it and everything before. I can't be mad at Yona not saying word for word "I'm going to save people struggling outside" because I already know that. I personally don't need that reassurance at this point.
The chapter shows her being concerned for Kouka and everyone on Earth when she flies on Ouryuu's back. Yona always planned to return from the chalice for everyone and everything she left behind on Earth. Of course she's concerned. She wants to bring her friends back from the chalice AND help everyone in Kouka. She promised Yun she would come back with everyone, she planned to return to Suwon too and not abandon her duties as Princess. All these things exist inside of her. Anyways, Yona doesn't need to tell the gods to stop toying with her country like she did with Zeno before too, because the ways things are presented, it seems like it's not like the gods cause this on purpose either? It's a consequence of everything going to shit, and it's also Ouryuu who is on her side talking to her before she says she prefers hell than here. So she doesn't reply angrily, she replies with hope. That's why that page is beautiful too, imo. The gods might not see and understand the value in such a world that Hiryuu and Yona are so fond of. But they can't help but love this messy, "hellish" world. Talking angrily to the gods didn't work in ch263/264 either, so I feel like it was also her trying a different approach when she told them she would live in Kouka maybe? Like she doesn't want to let herself be affected and be upset by them and she simply, intransigently voices her intentions to them?
You say you don't want her to sacrifice herself and stay with the gods forever, but also accuse her of "running away" from the gods and call her a selfish brat for her reactions in this chapter, so I really don't understand your point here. How on earth is Yona supposed to not depend on the gods in this situation but by not making a deal with them? Staying in Heavens, contract done to protect Kouka from doom and ending it at that (because she would be stuck there) would be truly the coward move imo. Yeah she's turning back and trying to get out of Heavens but... it's...good to stop moving forward and further if doing so brings you to extreme loneliness and/or death I think...? I think that's the point...Getting desperate, leaving everything behind and sacrificing more and more of your true wants and isolating yourself has been a pattern that never brought anything good to the characters that tried before. She struggles and things didn't happen as expected, many things are still unresolved, but she can only do so much in this situation. She tried. She tried discussing with the gods, asking them to free the dragons, to let her out. It didn't work, it was a blow on her when they forced her under a sea of flowers, when they tried torturing Zeno, and when she learned the dragons got injured. From that, she adapted and tried to leave. That's it.
I think Yona wavering when they threaten to kill Hak and what it means is pretty simple and is no secret. Yona loves and cares about Hak. Hak is someone important, personal and intimate to her, so obviously she's not unaffected. Yona from the very beginning has been trying to get stronger and do all she could to protect Hak again and again. Losing people dear to her is what scares her more than anything, it always has been so, even if it coexists with her caring about the world around her too. And you know, even if Hak is special to her, I honestly think that if the gods had threatened the lives of the dragons and not only their limbs, Yona would have been affected too. She would have also faltered had they threatened the life of people she doesn't know in the same terms. It's just extra cruel to use Hak in particular against her. It shows again the gods atp are only interested in destroying everything that might be connecting Yona to Earth. It's the exact same form of abuse that Chagol used against Meinyan. It's about isolating her. It's also not really the same as claiming people will die without the gods' divine protection that is more like a potential consequence than a term of a contract like it is at the end of the chapter. She can stand against conflicts outside and protect people there, but what can she do against Hak just, being killed by divine intervention if she doesn't return to heavens (supposedly)? They fucking coerce her here. Maybe it's just bluff, and she should not give a fuck about Hak and still leave. After all, what is one person against the world and her freedom! But well, she cares. She never discarded her loved ones and never compromised Hak and her friends' life. She never compromised the life of anyone really (which is different from sparing and refusing to kill anyone). That's who Yona is. Yona doesn't sacrifice and compromise people's lives, That's why she wants to save everyone AND wants to go home. And that's why she's stuck now. Yona wants to live. But she can't sacrifice someone innocent either, especially not someone she loves. It's the perfect dilemma for her. And that she's forced into it is what is heartbreaking. She shouldn't have to choose. That's why she needs help now.
Bringing up payback like this rubs me a bit in the wrong way...This damn idea of paying back is what has been haunting the narrative for so many years i can't conceive repeating it for Yona too. To me it comes from the same mindset that asks for retribution, punishment and karma for every character that upset Yona in some way or should be grateful and kneel to her and Hak that has been so sickening for so long. I don't want anyone to be forced to pay anything back ever. Every character should get all the help and support they need for free at all times imo. I don't think Yona nor the dragons should have to pay such a harsh price either. Because that's what a blessing is. That's what love and kindness are. That's what wishes are. If the gods really cared for Hiryuu, they wouldn't ask her anything in return, they wouldn't torment her, they wouldn't punish the dragons either. It can just...stop. (Because yes this favor shouldn't be at all to begin with) Which is what Yona wants.
Aren't we so tired of all this "contracts" and "punishment" and "paying back" bullshit by now? I so am. It's exactly what has been ruining the lives of the characters forever and now (and my mental health as a reader lol). She's paying back right now by being in this situation already. And that's not a good thing at all. It's very good narratively though because yeah, they want her to pay back! They make this about contract when she was asking a favor! She's paying the price for her decision in ch257, for ever using the dragons, for entering the chalice as Hiryuu's reincarnation...But it's nothing but sad. There doesn't need to be this payback. That's what the story is exploring. Looking for the dragons to survive (whom she never forced, even if yes they were bound by their contract thing) and protect Hak is not a crime, not erasing the past to save her friends isn't so evil that she deserves to sacrifice herself. Making it end is enough. It may be selfish that yeah she enjoyed the good parts of it until it bothered her but honestly I think it's okay lol. As long as it ends. As long as no one has to pay back anything for doing their best to survive and struggling to protect something. Like Meinyan doesn't need to apologize or to pay back anyone for all she did and was done for her, just like Suwon doesn't need to be even and be punished, like Shinah doesn't need to executed for attacking Suwon, like Zeno doesn't need to be punished for betraying Yona and the ddhhb, etc... Because it's better to look at the bigger picture and at people's circumstances you know...That's how I interpret this arc, at least.
Yona doesn't pay back by sacrificing things, she "pays back" by giving back out of gratitude. That's precisely what she does by doing all she can to save the dragons right now. The dragon warriors gave her so much without ever asking anything back, they saved her from danger and they saved her from despair, she's so grateful and loves them so deeply she wants to bring them happiness too. But Yona can't give the Gods what they want without sacrificing important things to her, and not when they're the way they are now. So she can only leave.
Of course Yona/Hiryuu alone getting this treatment from the gods was always unfair and it shouldn't be at all, especially not at the cost of so many dragons suffering for so long. But well, she did. And when learning how this "favor" was hurting the people around her, she was affected, grieved it in ch253/254, and then she opposed it and tried to stop it in the present. (Also she's been concerned by the dragons' use of their powers for a very long time even if she doesn't go deeper) But the gods don't care. You can blame her for not questioning things more before, I'm critical of this too, I still conflicted about chapter 257 as well, plus everything irt the crimson illness etc but like, she says it, she doesn't want their powers if that's the price. She only wants the human them. She doesn't need the dragons' powers and she doesn't need the gods' protection. When she throws away Hiryuu's sword they give her, it's her rejecting that again. She doesn't want that special power and favor, that's not what she's asking. She wants agency and power, but not at the price of the agency and free will of others. She wants everyone to have normal lives where they can decide things for themselves, to live with their whole free will. That's her development in this arc. I like that she finally faces these things.
Maybe it's just a question of preference, and you might be affected by Yona's reactions in a way I can't relate. But personally I like the chapter this way and I like Yona in it. I don't think she's a selfish brat (god. it's...such a thing to call her honestly it irks me sorry, despite all criticisms I have of her character.) I don't think she doesn't care about Kouka and its people at all. Ive seen people say that too but...Even if yes Yona is still a 16 years old girl with struggles and feelings and still some immaturity which is important to take into account, I don't think she's as childish and inconsiderate as people make her either. People often seem to say her reactions and decisions are emotional and with no reason but I think they're emotional AND with reason, at least here. Yona doesn't say this about Kouka struck by disasters being preferable than Heavens from emotions alone (because yes, she just wants to go home and she genuinely loves the people in Kouka), but also from experience and conviction. They don't cancel each other out. It doesn't make her a hypocrite to have personal interests in it too.
#akayona thoughts#any spoilers#yona#yona can care about her friends first my king will take care of the country#cousins of cleaning each other's mess...really i just feel sm peace in my heart when i think of the way they rely on eo and support eo now.#suwon who can also follow his heart more and return to kuuto bc he knows yona will come back oughhh...i care so much...#i have to confess i really see no difference between yona 'running away' from the gods and suwon not depending on them.#like suwon doesnt run away from them bc the gods arent...running after him and don't love him. so his refusal to use their powers is that#but for yona to not depend on them she has no choice but to run away. they keep chasing her now. and pushing her to depend on them#they hate suwon but at least suwon is free on this regard lol. for now at least. mom im scared#and when the narrative pushed and forced the dragons and yona on him he had to accept it too in the end. painfully.#it was part of the process...it's all part of the process....(head in hands)#and even when you had like dragon shinah suwon didnt avoid it and run. was that the good mature thing to do bc it was payback?#if it is i wish he was more of a selfish brat too then! i wish he had ran for it! it's not mature and selfless to me it's just...suicidal.#heartbreaking. painful. sad. tragic. makes me throw up everywhere.#so i'm glad yona is the way she is. one suwon is enough.#and no suwon is not enough at all. save me suwon#im not gonna lie having to like...break down yona's every thought word and action was tiring and not very enjoyable to me here.
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uuhhh in other new that lmk s5 trailer dropped and people are very
for context the new season is being partly animated by wildbrain i think. flying bark is still working on the show but probably due to all the other projects they've been working on like the atla movie the animation is off.
its understandable that people are upset. lmk has some of the most consistently dynamic and lively animation ive ever seen, and going from that to ok animation kinda sucks. as a culmination of a lot of what the series has been building up to people were inevitably going to be disappointed
at the same time people shouldnt harass animators. like ever. no amount of trying to petition or anything will change the s5, people are just trying to do their job and theres no probably no major changing to the finished product by now. and theres still a lot of that lmk charm in there, and we haven't even seen the whole season yet to judge it. flying bark is still working on it, and even if the animation never reaches the peak of the old seasons it still has the same writers so at least the writing has the chance to live up old standards. idk though we'll just have to wait and see
#i do think they could have just delayed it after dealing with other projects but with the anniversary lego might have jsut forced them????#and with how the animation industry is i guess they didnt have a choice#tbh im still really sad about the downgrade but after rewatching the trailer a bit more its not that bad despite the tweening#we've been spoiled with the other seasons but i think people will get used to it at some point. maybe#though i cant forgive some of the new stuff like li jing and that dragon tiger duo they do not fit the artstyle at all#though for li jing i think the problem is mostly proportions and how small his eyes look#but the dragon and tigers snouts just look bad.#ok looking at it again i think it looks weird because theyre dissolving. the design's still off but it wasn't as bad as i first thought.#but the proportions and shapes feels like it just isn't from lmk#idk i could nitpick but negativity is tiring and these guys have big shoes to fill for a show they werent prepared for it was inevitable#for any last takeaways please do not be mean to the animators#also studio changes are normal so its not some horrible injustice or the sign of the end times im more upset lego didn't handle it better#i still hope s5 is good and i want to believe it'll still be satisfying by the end the plot so far sounds pretty interesting#or atleast that the atla movie is good enough to compensate#and if im feeling greedy there will be a 6th season that gets better#and there are still good shots throughout all of this so maybe it'll work out with the season as a whole#with how popular it is in china i dont think its out of the question#idk though a lot of information is still up in the air so i guess we just wait#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#alttalks
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#okay so i work at a summer camp#and i applied to be an area director#i did my interview and everything. and i think i did well#like im really proud of that interview#and i had the same position last year that im applying for this year#today im going to find out if i got that position#today. probably while im at work. im gonna get a call. and ill learn what position i got#this is the first year im actually worried im not gonna get this position#in the past. not to brag. but ive been the obvious/only choice for the job#(the 'only' choice because i was the only one to apply sometimes)#but this year there's solid competition. the other person that applied for this job is so qualified. probs more qualified than me#and would do such a good job. if it were up to me i would hire them instead of me tbh#but its my last year at camp and i really want to finish it out in this position#so im worried. but i wouldnt be sad if the other person got the job. they deserve it#i just want a good job for my last year and i really want this job#but i sincerely have no idea if ill get it which is a weird feeling#i hsve no clue what ill get which is anxiety-inducing#oh and the competition for the job is a close friend of mine. i asked them to let me know when they hear back today about the job#im tired and scared and want to go to bed but instead i have to go to work
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ok but i make a whole goofy sketch idea of "mechanical baptism" with a greasy palm bcuz it's fun to make metaphors
but after yesterday and today and how hard my ass has gotten kicked, i think this might be the actual baptism wtf
#personal#until my body gets used to this i will be shitposting about work#actually went so much better today but woof....#noticing the demographics of folks who fucking hate working there but need the money.... makes me sad :(#also same!#the joys of having no other choice under american capitalism uwu#but also the way my body feels is inspiring a horror idea#the whole 'going through hell to be reborn' cult shit you see in games.. the warped mindset.. ? i guess??#look im still tired but this might make sense eventually#also got gay ideas for chreon but it won't make sense until i get to sketch it....
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us when the emotions are. unstable
#idk why but we feel sad right now#we're tired of moving against the current.#we just kinda feel bad right now. i think its partially me too.#i dont think im a good person to be fronting right now but i dont really have a choice or anything#and charlie n kate helped me last night even though it was really patchy to communicate#joan.txt
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i wish i didnt exist on this planet. i wish i was born into a compassionate world. why the fuck am i stuck here
#im just scared and sad and im tired of being human#im poised to inherit a world founded on everything i oppose and im angry i seem to not have a choice#what the fuck do i do#please help
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man it's bad tonight huh
#vent#nothing like spending weeks wringing out your brain going to classes and building a career portfolio#just to get screamed at by your own father being told 'your existence is a burden to me'#i'm not paraphrasing that is actually word for word what he said lads#i'm just. tired. i'm too tired and numb to be sad. what are feelings going to do to help me at this point#i have nowhere to go but forward but it all feels really pointless rn tbh#even if i get the job this resume is for. i can't handle more than part time right now and i can't move out with that little money#nights like tonight it reallt hits that nobody actually gave a shit about whether i made it through that psych ward stay or not#like. do you know how much therapy and time and hard work it takes to relearn how to be a human being again after losing everything to#autistic burnout and treatment resistant MDD?#and it just gets spit back out in my face every possible opportunity because oh nooo im 23 with no job and still live with my parents#like that's a choice i willingly make and not something i'm trying to amend without winding up back in the psych ward again#i don't even know what to do anymore. i can't do anything faster or more efficiently than i currently am. and clearly that's not enough
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It felt so nice, so freeing, those few seconds where I was dead set on doing it. It was a calmness like no other.
#the sense of finality let me calm down#im tired of life. humans have all these emotions. but im not allowed to feel any of them. good or bad#im seen as unreasonable and childish. lazy and dramatically stressed at the same time#i cant be happy. because my reasons are dumb and not that good#i cant be open about my depression. because i have nothing to be sad about. because its my fault for choosing to be sad#i have to fix everything for others but i whatever i do will be wrong#i forced myself to give it a few more days. but im tired. i dont want to keep going#i want to feel that absolute calmness again. my only and closest choice to happiness#haunted.txt
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#crying in public is a new low even for me#sat is this tucked away corner of a costa trying to compose an email to my uni tutor abt completely withdrawing from the course after a yr#of no academia#and for some reason every song thats played from shuffling my playlist have been incredibly sad#im sick and tired of crying but why is everything so tough 🙃#this is what i need to do tho#trying to complete uni rn when i know id do shit and probably fail anyway bc my head is elsewhere#isnt the right choice#i just need a low stress job that'll pay decent and still give me enough time to spend w my parents bc idk how much longer I'll have with#them which is a horrific thing that no child should have to think when theyre parents are only in thei 50s#but its my reality rn which is what keeps making my eyes prick and sting while im literally surrounded by people#one step at a time#send the email enjoy my little treat go buy the milk get home and cuddle my bunny maybe have another cry cuddle my brother and fuck around#trying to distract myself for the rest of the year 🙏#god willing I'll get through this stronger than ever#wait i meant *rest of the day but rest of the year kinda checks out😭😭
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the thing w my mom is that its not even that she doesnt care its more like she only know how to show she cares in one way and if i respond poorly to it she just gets upset .
#like for example when someone is sad she tries to distract them but for me i need to just be alone#but instead of doing that she just like gets upset that im not responding well to her efforts to help me. lmao#like actively Offended it would be hilarious if it werent so tiring#sorry for being autistic it was a personal choice done to spite you. personally#cottons thoughts
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ok i think i need floor time
#my posts#its. like 9°c or so but i. have a blanket and warm socks#but.. yeah i think i need floor time or something#also im actually tired and it is midnight so the smartest choice would be to just sleep but im. sad lmao#sing to this#it may be colder than that. but blanket is good#and floor time is probably good too
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I am so sad and so tired
#went to an indoor event on Saturday in support of some friends but it really didn’t feel worth the risk in the end#I fully masked but still#it also solidified that my close friends who were still “being Covid safe“#absolutely are not anymore#& that’s their choice but it’s sad & im tired#and if I or my fiancée get sick because I agreed to go to this stupid thing that lasted too long & was only tolerable cause I was drinking#im going to be very very angry#mostly with myself but also with everyone on this whole fucking planet#so many people are dying or becoming permanently disabled by this shit everyday#I want to fucking participate in life but it’s fucking impossible to do safely#I miss my friends I miss not being terrified I miss every semblance of normalcy I no longer have & will likely never have again#I’m so sick of it truly#this was just really the last straw for me seeing people I thought were making safe choices for themselves & others completely or barely#masked in a fucking bar#It’s whatever it’s just that they know where I stand & cant fucking give me a genuine heads up about their fucking actions#I wish we hadn’t gone really#I was too drunk to be upset then but I’m processing now & im just fed up#I have to go to work soon#i slept like shit#cryptid rants
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━━ duty calls.
Created around the same time and having trained with one another, you and Casper have always butted heads. You'd compete over seemingly anything - how many souls one could reap, the days one could go without catching soul sickness, and the list goes on. Casper has always found you to be obnoxious, but when he sees you crying by yourself, he finds himself torn.
grim x gn!reaper!reader
contains: fluff, hurt/comfort, set before the main storyline, reader is NOT the mc, brief mentions of child death, USAGE OF GRIM'S REAL NAME, reader is a little shit
word count: 4.2k
a/n: FORGIVE ME IF THE WORLDBUILDING IS OFF I WAS TRYING MY BEST and ive only done one ending oops (finals hurts okay :((( ) also ... im not sure if reapers names are classified just to mortals and not other reapers but ykw imma take my liberties
"Seriously, do you ever get tired?"
Casper groaned irritatedly, running a hand through his snow-like hair. Blood like rust coated his scythe, spoils from his most recent hunt. The corpse still lay fresh in front of him, but their skin was cold and their eyes dead.
Boisterous laughter erupted above him. Sitting on the balcony of some person’s apartment, you grinned down at him - that infuriating, shit-eating grin that never failed to tick him off.
You kicked your legs childishly as you leaned back over the railing. Nestled against the crook of your arm was a scythe similar to his own, save for the more detailed design and color palette. Unlike him, you would constantly say, you liked to live a little.
Bold words coming from a bringer of death.
“Don’t blame me for you being slow,” you called down to him. Casper rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he glared up at you.
“I am not ‘slow’,” he grumbled. “You’re too eager. And get down from there, you’ll be spotted.”
You tilted your head. “It’s like, 3 A.M. What kind of idiot’s gonna be awake at this hour?”
“You’d be surprised. Humans will do anything but take care of themselves.”
“I guess,” you sighed, jumping down. You twirled your scythe absentmindedly, Casper leaning back to avoid getting hacked to pieces.
“Be careful with that,” he scolded. You, of course, ignored him.
“So are these the last of the guys?” you wondered, kicking at a corpse with your foot.
The alleyway was practically lined with bodies, so many that management had called upon both you and Casper to deal with the remnants of the massacre. Gang fights were a pain to deal with, second only to pandemics and war.
“It would seem so.” Casper gave you a look, to which you responded by sticking out your tongue. You were very mature, after all.
You stretched thankfully, rolling out your shoulder. “Thank God, I was starting to get depressed from all the dead people.”
“If you’re getting depressed from just this, perhaps you should consider a different career choice.”
“Nah.” You smiled. “If I left, who would I bully? You’d get all sad and lonely without me.”
“Hardly,” Casper scoffed. “If anything, I’d be relieved.”
“You wound me.”
“So mean,” you pouted. Casper paid you no attention, as per usual. It didn’t matter, though, since you immediately perked back up. “Hey, boo?”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“I have an idea.” And just like that, your cheshire grin returned. Casper sighed, already beginning to walk off.
“How wonderful,” he said sarcastically. “Share it with someone else.”
“Uh-uh, no.” As quick as a flash, your scythe was out, the blade curving in front of Casper to prevent his escape. “This one’s good, I swear.”
“Your definition of what is and isn’t a good idea needs some desperate fixing.” Still, he made no move to escape, instead turning around to face you.
“Let’s race.”
Casper raised a brow. “Race?”
You nodded eagerly, your eyes shining like jewels. In the darkness of the alleyway, the two of you were illuminated only by the neon blue lights of the city. Yet, as that same blue was captured in your eyes, Casper was reminded of a kaleidoscope, changing and turning in a multitude of different colors.
It was… captivating.
“If I win, you have to buy me a drink.”
Casper snapped out of his daze, a light flush blooming across his fair skin. Thankfully, though, you didn’t seem to notice, too entranced by another one of your ridiculous competitions. Seriously, there had to be a limit to how unprofessional you could be.
“You assume I have the time to buy you one,” he said with faux calmness, grateful for the night’s shadows hiding his complexion. You huffed.
“You could do it while you’re rebalancing yourself,” you said, as though it was obvious. “Besides, it doesn’t have to be anything big, just a coffee or a tea would be nice.”
“Fine, let’s say I stoop down to your level and agree to this… race,” said Casper. “What do I get if I win?”
You shrugged. “Then I'll just buy you a drink.”
Casper shook his head. “I’m not like you. I don’t drink on the job.”
“But you do cuddle an axolotl plushie when you sleep,” you pointed out. Instantly, Casper flushed red.
“Wha- What does that have to do with anything?!” he protested.
"I just thought about it randomly," you shrugged. "But seriously, that thing is huge, where did you get it?"
“Never mind how I got it," Casper crossed his arms and averted his eyes, his bottom lip turning up in a pout. “We’re getting off track.”
“Oh, so now you care about my games,” you teased. “Anyways, on how I’ll reward you…”
You spun your scythe back to your side, tapping its staff against the ground as you thought of a fitting reward.
“Oh! How about this?” You snapped your fingers, a figurative light bulb lighting up next to you. “You get to cash in one favor from me.”
“Any favor?” A smirk creeped onto Casper’s face, his interest finally piqued. “That’s a dangerous game you’re playing, [Name].”
“As long as it’s within reason and isn’t embarrassing,” you snapped, crossing your arms. “If you make me kiss your feet or something like that, I’ll kick your ass.”
“Of course,” Casper chuckled knowingly. “So, where to and when are we racing?”
“Hey, if you weren’t paying attention to the rules, then that's your fault. As for when the race starts, how about… now.”
“Wha- Hey!” Casper barely dodged as you shot past him in a blur of black. Hooking your scythe into the walls, you stuck out your tongue at him as you propelled yourself through the night.
“So long, Casp!”
Casper cursed under his breath. Quickly, he made haste to follow you. He flew through the air like a bird, twisting around light poles, skyscrapers, and billboards alike.
You weren’t as elegant, instead jumping from building to building like a modern superhero. You’d catapult yourself through the sky using your scythe as leverage, your laughter echoing in the slumbering city - free like the wind.
Casper didn’t have to follow you long to know where you were heading towards. Invisible to the mortal eye, yet painfully obvious to the eyes of reapers, was an entrance to the Underworld, a whirlpool of black and red that led straight down to your home.
As you launched yourself into the air once again, Casper came up next to you, his hair billowing in the cold night wind like smoke.
“Nice of you to join me,” you teased, elbowing him in the side. Casper rolled his eyes once again, speeding up. “Hey!”
Smoky tendrils of crimson and ink curled around your figures as the two of you neared the portal. The center of the whirlpool was a void seemingly leading to the abyss itself, but you’ve worked in this job long enough to know just what lay beneath.
True to his character, Casper wasted no time and shot straight into the thick of it. You, on the other hand, were a little more dramatic with your landing.
You spun in a backflip off of the last of the skyscrapers before letting gravity take you for a ride. Wind whistled past your ears as you fell, yet all you could hear was the rapid thump of your own heart. Adrenaline filled your veins. Soon, black and red lined your vision as the Underworld engulfed you.
The second you saw the tips of red-stained towers, you flipped yourself to face the ground. Closer and closer, you could practically taste it. If you delayed any longer, your life as a grim reaper could end prematurely.
Like the eyes of a devil, your pupils glowed in delight, activating your abilities. But rather than slowing your descent, you sped it up, shooting towards the ground like a missile.
Black blobs, the fuzzy images of your coworkers, scrambled to move out of your way. Turning your body, you landed hard on your heels, narrowly missing a fellow reaper.
For a moment, all you could see was dust. Before the clouds could disappear, you shook off the sting in your ankles and stretched.
“Woo!” you cheered, kicking your leg. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
“Quiet down.” Casper grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. “Honestly, is there ever a quiet moment with you?”
You giggled. “Boo, you’ve known me long enough to know the answer to that. Oh, by the way, I’m craving some-”
“Hold it.” Casper bonked your head. “I only agreed to buy you something if you won.”
“Didn’t I?”
“No you didn’t,” Casper retorted. “Anyone with working eyes could see that I reached the ground before you did. Therefore, I won.”
“Uh, no.” You crossed your arms. “Are you gaslighting me? You’re gaslighting me. That's not very nice of you, Casp.”
“I am not gaslighting you.” Your white-haired coworker rolled his eyes. “As grim reapers, we cannot lie. Someone of your caliber should know this.”
You blinked innocently. “Did you just compliment me?”
Casper spluttered. “What in the world made you come to that conclusion?”
Taking a step forward, you leaned towards the reaper, a cheeky smile growing on your face. “You said ‘Someone of your caliber’. That means you think I’m capable.”
“You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to be incompetent after working as a reaper for so long,” Casper crossed his arms, fighting down the blush rising onto his cheeks. You were close, way too close. “Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised, seeing as how that was the only thing you heard from what I said.”
Heaving a sigh, he pushed you away with his finger.
“But don’t distract yourself from the fact that I won the race,” he said, a smug smirk replacing his exasperation.
“I was honestly trying to forget.”
Casper huffed, a pout forming on his lips. But the moment wouldn’t last long, as a ding sounded from both of your phones. When you checked it, you groaned when you saw a notification of unexpected emergency.
“Seriously?” you complained. “Overtime? Did a bunch of reapers die off or something? My soul’s going to get tainted at this rate.”
“Don’t complain.” Casper nudged you, but even you could see the irritation on his face. “It’s our job as reapers to reap souls on time, no matter what.”
“I guess. Still doesn’t make it any less annoying.”
“Agreed.” With a sigh, Casper summoned his scythe. “I must be off, now. See you on the other side, [Name].”
As he made his way back to the opening of the portal, his feet lifting off from the ground, a gloved hand reached out to grasp your chin. Gently, he guided you to look at him as he ascended.
“I look forward to cashing in on that favor.”
For as long as you could remember, things have always been this way.
Your earliest memory was of waking up to the crimson skies of the Underworld. Unaware and unknowing, you allowed yourself to be dragged around by older reapers, their voices blurring together in a droning buzz. Everything had gone by so quickly, and you struggled to keep up with it all.
If you were to say it bluntly, your first day felt like a fever dream.
But amidst the chaos, the tutorials, and the gifting of your first scythe, there was one thing that you remembered clearly.
Your mentor’s lecture halted at your voice, barely audible. They followed your gaze to a white-haired man, looking to be around the same age as you. Like a drowsy child, you lifted your finger and pointed at him, looking back to your mentor.
“He’s like snow.”
Their eyes softened by the tiniest bit, having seemingly realized that you were still disorientated. After all, in a sense, you had just been born.
“I suppose he is.” Putting a hand on your shoulder, they guided you away from the man. “Now, as I was saying…”
Their voice faded away into the background as the white-haired man noticed your gaze. He turned to look at you, his ruby-like eyes like blood speckles against the winter landscape. You stared at each other for only a few seconds before you turned to follow your mentor.
You quickly forgot the pretty stranger, but you would stay in his memories for quite a while before you’d cross paths again. In the darkness of the Underworld, you were like a lantern - radiating warmth and familiarity.
You were beautiful, like a flower in summer. That was, until he met you for the second time.
Swiftly and ruthlessly, holding true to your occupation as a reaper, you cut apart any premonitions he had had about you. When you were put against him to spar by your mentors, the drowsiness had worn off - instead replaced by insufferable audacity.
As your scythes clashed, sparks flying between the two of you and burning him in the process, your mouth just wouldn’t stop moving, stop talking. The innocently sleepy look on your face was replaced with a shit-eating grin as you blocked his attacks, trapping him in a frenzied dance.
“What’s wrong, boo?” you laughed, twirling your scythe to drive him back. “Don’t tell me you’re getting tired already.”
Casper’s eyebrow twitched at the nickname; you wouldn’t stop calling him that ever since you learned his real name. He didn’t understand where it came from, but just the way you said it was enough to annoy him.
“Hardly,” he scoffed, his boots kicking up dust as they skidded against the ground. He was quick to lunge back at you, his movements precise as he swung his blade. “If anything, I’d wager that you’re the one tiring out.”
“Ha!” You ducked under his attack and sprung forward, Casper’s hair tickling at your face as you came nose to nose with him. Startled, Casper had no time to react as you slammed the end of your scythe’s staff into his chest.
Before he knew it, Casper’s back was against the ground, your boot on his chest, and your scythe at his neck.
Your breaths were heavy as you looked down on him, but your eyes glowed with triumphant victory. The fight may have been more exhausting than you’d like to admit, but the view you had was well worth the effort.
Beneath you, Casper struggled to catch his own breath, his chest heaving under the soles of your foot. His white hair splayed around him like a halo, and his face was tickled pink from the fight.
Even in defeat, he was beautiful.
You leaned forward, putting your weight on your knee. Casper grunted as you pressed harder on him. Just for the fun of it, you pressed your scythe’s blade against his chin and guided him to look up at you and your grin.
“I win,” you sang mockingly.
Casper groaned, letting his head fall against the floor. You laughed heartily, stepping off of him and instead extending your hand to him. Without a second thought, Casper took it, allowing you to pull him to his feet and dust him off.
“That’s what, victory number twenty-one?” you asked, stretching. “That means I’m in the lead now, Casp.”
“Whatever,” Casper scoffed, dusting off his chest where your foot had been. “I’m sure the score will even out in no time.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you squinted at him. Casper stuck his tongue out at you.
“I don’t know, what does it mean?”
You hit his chest playfully. Casper grunted, glaring at you from the corner of his eye.
That’s how it had always been, after all. You and Casper would go back and forth in this tantalizing dance, exchanging jabs and jokes at the same time.
To Casper, you were insufferable, but annoyingly capable. To you, Casper was way too serious and stuck up, yet had that charm about him that made you want to tease him at every possible opportunity.
But for many, many years, your relationship never went further than mere friends - if Casper even wanted to call you that.
The day Casper’s view of you changed was like a stormy sky - dark, yet light still managed to peek through.
You’d come back to headquarters with a solemn look upon your face. For someone who had just come back from a mission, you were oddly… clean. There wasn’t a trace of blood on your clothes, yet your eyes were dark, haunted. Even your scythe’s shine seemed dull.
For the reapers, to have someone normally so loud and full of life be reduced to this, was frightening. They’d grown used to your smile, your voice, your light. You parted crowds with your uncharacteristically serious aura; if there was anything a sensible reaper feared, it was the wrath of a joyous soul.
Immediately after turning in your report to headquarters, you disappeared from the public eye.
When Casper first heard the news, he had brushed it off. You were probably just having a bad day, he tried to assure himself. Maybe you’d finally realized the grimness that came with your profession. Maybe the soul you’d reaped was especially troublesome and gave you a run for your money.
Despite his attempts to make up explanations for your behavior, he couldn’t stop the worry from gnawing at his heart. It twisted in his chest like soul sickness, an ailment that he wasn’t used to nor did he understand. It even followed him into his work, plaguing his mind and distracting him as he reaped soul after soul.
He’d made haste to return home, knowing that this illness would only worsen if he stayed out.
The Underworld was always dark, but that day, the sky was pitch black. Eager to return to the comfort of his bed, he quickly made his way to one of the many apartment complexes in which reapers resided.
However, just before he opened the door to his room, his hand stilled at the sound of crying.
Now, sadness wasn’t an uncommon emotion in the Underworld. Ghosts, sinners, and demons alike wailed and screamed their woes into the night. Their cries were as common as the sound of rushing cars in a human city.
But not for reapers, especially in their home. Reapers, at their core, were cold, emotionless, and ruthless - they needed to be, in order to do their jobs properly. A reaper’s tears were rare, almost taboo.
The more Casper listened, he soon recognized a familiar voice among those sniffles: yours.
Could it be? He looked up to the rooftop, his hand wavering. His soul pulsed in his chest, warning him to ignore you and focus on himself. But his heart argued back.
Casper glanced once more at the doorknob to his room. Cursing himself, he heaved a sigh and walked away - moving towards the staircase leading to the rooftop.
As he emerged onto the rooftop, the first thing he noticed was how clear the sky was. Its crimson blanket was more like that of a rose’s rather than bloodstains, and if he squinted, he could perhaps delude himself into seeing a few stars.
Then came you.
Casper’s heart plummeted in his chest when he saw your form curled into itself. You sat at the edge of the rooftop, your knees pulled up to your chest and your face buried in your arms. Your back was to him, but Casper saw the way your shoulders trembled.
He tried to take a step towards you, tried to reach to you with his hand, but hesitated. What would he even say? What could he say? What could he do?
His thoughts halted when you took a deep, shuddered breath, your voice raw from cry.
“What do you want, Casper.”
Casper. Not Casp, not boo, not any of the annoying nicknames that you called him by.
He stepped back, feeling fear for perhaps the first time in his life. For the first time, he was unsure of what to do.
You couldn’t see him, but you heard him walk away and descend the staircase. You laughed hollowly, wiping at your face with your hand.
“What was I even expecting…” you muttered bitterly, gripping at your own arms for support. “Why would he of all people…”
You shut your eyes tighter. Without the company of the sky and the city, you were left alone with your thoughts. Memories of what you had witnessed laughed in your mind, latching onto you like a parasite and refusing to let go.
You were never afraid of blood, nor of death, but today, just the thought of it made you nauseous.
Something soft nudged at your elbow. Blinking your eyes open, you warily looked to your side.
However, instead of seeing a person, you came face to face with a bright pink axolotl plushie.
You and the plushie stared at each other for a good minute, neither of you knowing what to make of the other. It wasn’t until you heard a familiar, exasperated sigh from behind the plushie that you realized what it was.
“Don’t just stare at him,” Casper mumbled, pushing the plushie against you. You blinked owlishly, before hesitantly taking the plushie into your arms.
Hugging it against your chest, you rested your chin on top of its head. The plushie was oddly warm, yet comforting. Casper sat beside you, silent and gazing up towards the sky. For a while, the two of you simply sat in this silence, with the only thing breaking it being your quiet sniffles.
“...She was just a kid,” you finally spoke, catching Casper’s attention and making him look at you. You, however, kept your gaze straight ahead to the city lines, refusing to meet his gaze. “She was just a little girl, and yet they… they…”
You hugged the plushie a little tighter.
“I just can’t understand how humans can be so cruel to each other.”
Casper’s gaze turned downcast. “That’s how they’ve always been. Life is cruel, even to the purest of souls.”
“It’s not fair.”
“Hardly anything is.”
“It shouldn’t have been her. It should’ve been that bastard that murdered her.”
“He’ll get what he deserves. Karma will catch up to him.”
“But what if it doesn’t? What if he gets let off?”
“He won’t.”
Unexpectedly, you let out a snort at Casper’s deadpanned voice - so assured and serious. Casper raised a brow, looking at you inquisitively.
“You know,” you said, raising your head. “You’re somehow really bad and really good at comforting people.”
“What?” Casper wrinkled his nose. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” you said softly. “I didn’t mean it as an insult. Actually, that’s one of the things I like about you.”
“That I’m apparently a bad comforter?”
“No, silly.” You leaned your head on the plushie again, only this time you were looking at your coworker. “Your seriousness. How you’re always so confident in yourself. How even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you still try.”
Red bloomed across Casper’s face like a flowering blossom, reaching from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. He rubbed the back of his neck, averting his gaze.
“It’s not fair when you start saying things like that,” he mumbled. You giggled a little, leaning onto his shoulder with his plushie still in your arms.
“I’m just being honest,” you hummed. “Or maybe I’m coping. I dunno.”
Casper chuckled, but made no move to push you off him. You closed your eyes. The turmoil in your heart was still there, of course, but with Casper against you, it eased up just a little.
“Seriously though, thank you,” you said. “For coming up here for me and, well, everything.”
“It was nothing,” Casper replied. “You were looking pretty pathetic, all depressed and all.”
You huffed. “Just admit you care about me, Casp. Is that so hard?”
Casper grumbled something unintelligible, before lifting his arm. You squeaked as he wrapped it around your shoulders, pulling you closer against him. With your head laid against his collarbone, you could feel every breath he took as well as the rapid beat of his heart.
“[Name],” he said quietly. “Remember the favor you promised me? For winning the race?”
“Mm… yeah. What about it?”
“I’d like to cash it in right now.”
“Oh lord,” you chuckled. “Alright, what do you want?”
“Whatever happens next, don’t tell anyone,” Casper whispered.
Your lips curled into a smile. “You know, Casp, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were about to do something weird.”
You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was rolling his eyes.
“Be quiet for a moment, will you?”
You grinned. “Ah, but that’s two favors, not-”
Casper shut you up with a soft kiss to your head. It was brief, so quick that for a second you almost thought you had dreamed it.
In your stunned silence, Casper spoke again.
“Forgive me if I’m being greedy, but I’ll ask for a third favor,” he said. “No matter what happens, promise me you won’t deal with it by yourself.”
His grip around you tightened.
You nuzzled closer into the crook of his neck.
“...I promise.”
reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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SKZ! FAKE TEXTS: Felix Make Up
Chan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | Seungmin | Jeongin | Part 1
You feel your blood boil as you force the door open, a scowl on your face as you glare at Felix. He stood there tears streaming down his cheeks as his eyes widened in surprise. "Love...." He sighs as he wraps his arms around your waist. His head rests on your shoulder as he inhales your scent. The smell of his best friend, Sooji's perfume still all over him. The entire night was an epic fail.
What was supposed to be a fun night at the fair, became a nightmare. Let alone your boyfriend forgetting the purpose of the date in the first place. You couldn't understand how he could be so amazing but the second Sooji came around, he dropped everything for her. How could you get over this? You felt you could deal with a third wheel on your anniversary date. Felix works a lot he doesn't have much time to hang out with you often let alone his best friend. But you couldn't stand that you became the third wheel for a night you were paying for in the first place. You felt stupid, you paid for her tickets, meals, and prizes. You spoiled your now ex-boyfriend's side chick. Like an idiot. and he had the nerve to show up only minutes after you arrived home? He had the nerve to act like what they did wasn't wrong and touch you?
"Get off of me" You grit as you shove him slightly. You hear Felix whimper as his grip tightens. You can feel his head shake a resounding no. "Now. Lee Yongbok" You growl. Felix begins sobbing harshly into your shoulder. "No! Please! please...I'll do anything! Please don't make me let you go. Please don't make me leave....." He pleads. His body trembles as he continues to sob and beg.
"Do you even know what you did?"
He stares at you dumbfounded. "I-I.....uhm...I-I...." He stammers as he pulls away slightly. You use the opportunity to free yourself from his grasp and close the door behind you. "Felix, you love Sooji. You should be with her...." You state with a sad sigh. He shakes his head in denial "N-No! No that's not true. I'm sorry if I made you believe that but I swear, it's not true. I love you. Y/F/N. That's who I love. that's who I want to be with. I'm so fucking sorry but please...please believe me. i just made a mistake. I should have realized today was important and that she shouldn't have come—You think that's the problem?" You cut him off. "You think I care more that Sooji came and not the fact that you made me bankroll your little date with Sooji on our anniversary? You think her presence was the problem and not the fact that you treat her more like your girlfriend when she's around and if you don't she throws a fucking fit?"
"I-I don't know what to say....I-I didn't realize—of course you didn't. you only care about how Sooji feels. You only care about Sooji" You cut him off again "Please leave. go be with her I'm tired of being your second choice."
"You're not! stop saying that I like Sooji; I don't. I love you, I pity Sooji. Thats all! i don't want to be with her. Im sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have behaved like that with her. I'm sorry I made you misunderstand me but please know that the only person I want to be with is you. I'll do anything to fix this please let me fix this....." He argues, his voice cracking as he finishes his plea. He stares at you with a fear-stricken expression when you don't say anything. His hand holds yours as he sniffles. "It's my fault. I should have been better, you can be mad at me as long as you want. I-if you want to hit me that's okay.....just please, please give me a chance to fix this. I won't talk to her ever again. I won't make you uncomfortable with any more friendships. Please give me a chance...."
"I don't know, Felix....."
"I can make this up to you. you know I can. please just let me come in and we can talk. That's all I want is to talk, please..."
“What do you want me to do, Felix? Pretend I didn’t come out of the bathroom and see you guys all over each other? Pretend you didn’t show more interest in her than me? Pretend that you don't really want to be with me?”
“Stop fucking saying that!” He growls angrily as his palm slams into your door frame forcefully. His face was red as rage boiled over in his stomach "Sooji is someone I fucking pity. I feel bad for her because she was abandoned by her family. I felt like I'd be an asshole if I just ditched her too but I don't feel shit for her. I love you just fucking listen to me for once! Yes, I fucked up. but she doesn't mean what you do. She's not close to your level in my eyes so fucking stop" He growls. You flinch as he raises his voice. For a moment, he was almost unrecognizable. You had heard that he could be temperamental on occasion but you had never witnessed his anger firsthand. You look toward your neighbor's house. His hand caresses your cheek. "Look at me...." He urges, and you shake your head "You really hurt me...."
"I'll spend every day making it up to you."
"I can't trust you..."
"You can....but I-I understand why you feel like you can't. But Y/N please know, I would never do anything like this again. If my friendship with Sooji makes you uncomfortable then I won't be friends with her anymore. I won't talk to her or see her anymore....." He stammers nervously, his voice trembling slightly with fear. "I'm not the type of person to dictate your friendships, Felix. and I don't want to be with someone who doesn't know how to draw a line or notice when someone is being too much. Like if I had a guy friend that treated me the way you treat Sooji. Would that make you feel comfortable? Would you have faith in our relationship after catching me in the situation I caught you in tonight?" You question softly, nervous about his answer. You finally turn to look at him and notice the way his jaw is clenched. His free hand balled into a fist at his side, eyes closed as his anger and jealousy were painted on his expression.
"T-That's different...."
"Why? because its me? " You snide.
"No! Because I didn't even realize how it looked until now. I thought I was just being a supportive friend! I didn't mean for it to look like anything inappropriate was going on. I don't like her like that, I love you. I want to be with you. If you're so sure I don't love you then why am I here?" He argues. He steps closer to you. your chests now pressed together, as he leans in closer his lips brushing over yours. "Why am I here fighting you on this?" He whispers. You stare into his eyes feeling his sincerity. "I-I—Because—" He cut you off with a passionate kiss before you could argue. You stand frozen for a moment before your arms wrap around his neck and your lips move against his. "I love you" he whispers infatuatedly as his lips continue to move against yours. His hands gripping your waist as he pulls you closer to him. Your cheeks are a bright scarlet as he repeats the phrase over and over as he presses your back against your front door. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, My love." He kisses you softly again. "I'll make it up to you I promise. please forgive me?"
You pull away, your breath heavy and your lips swollen. Felix stared at you like a kicked puppy as you made space between you. "I'm not gonna let you off this easy....." you mumble "You better work your ass off to make this up to me..." You cross your arms, and a bright smile forms on Felix's lips as he pulls you into a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you! You won't regret this I swear! I promise you, I'll make this up to you." He smiles as he rests his forehead on yours. "Starting tonight!" He states excitedly as he pulls away slightly, lifts you over his shoulder, and playfully rushes into the house as you laugh at his antics.
Taglist: @lovesunshinefelix @mlrroh @kibs-and-bits @yangbbokari @skzswife @stay-tiny-things @skz-codeeee @mademoisellebruce
#skz angst#stray kids angst#stray kids fluff#stray kids smut#stray kids reactions#stray kids imagines#skz fake texts#skz scenarios#skz imagines#skz felix fake texts#skz felix angst#skz felix fluff#skz felix smut#stray kids fake texts#stray kids felix fluff#stray kids felix angst#stray kids felix smut#stray kids felix fake texts angst#lee felix angst#lee felix fluff#lee felix x reader#lee felix fake texts angst#lee felix fake texts#lee yongbok angst
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Netflix Vikings, random relationship
Ragnar, Bjorn, Floki x g/n reader
Hello! There's not enough fanfiction of the Vikings series so i thought of making these! I hope you like them too! ^^
🪓 He is very protective over you and takes your safety very seriously! You’re important to him and he would gladly take an arrow for you!
🪓 Ragnar is not really the ‘jealous’ type so you can talk and become friends with anyone in Kattegatt. He trusts you, but he is a pretty curious person so he might ask you what you were talking about? He wants to know too! Is it something interesting? :O
🪓 If you are interested and ask him to teach you to defend yourself Ragnar would gladly do it! But of course not without teasing you about it first. Unless you already know how to fight, then you will train with each other to get stronger together.
🪓 His love language would probably be words of affirmation. Ragnar is pretty good with his choice of words and thinking before talking in order to avoid stupid fights. Whenever you do something nice for him, you will know. He’ll tell you how much you mean to him, how glad he is to see you if you two have been a part and how f**king gorgeous you are! 😏
🪓 If you have kids, he will talk about them more than you, praise them more than you and probably love them more than you! 😅 But see it on the bright side! If you're tired he will look after the kids, “No problem love, go and get some rest! I will take care of the kids!”
🐻 Is a touch starved, cuddle bug and loves any kind of physical affection! Bjorn is a big dude and holding you from behind is one of the things he does the most. Warming you up in the cold weather whenever you two stand around and listen to people talking in the crowds, or when you're home and have no work that needs to be done and you two can just lay around and cuddle.
🐻 He also loves to lay his head on your lap and have his hair stroked. It always calms him down from a long day of work. Bjorn also got the best and comfiest bearhugs!
🐻 Bjorn is a worry wart and constantly worries about your safety if you're not together. Sometimes he asks his mother or father (if they are nearby) if you will be alright, just to calm his nerves and mind down when they tell him: “Bjorn they will be fine!”.
🐻 If Bjorn is out in battle he is always thinking about you and that he will survive to see your beautiful face again. If you're in the battlefield with him, holy shit! He knows you're strong of course, but his overthinking ‘what if’ worry will still be there the whole time and he will be keeping an eye on you a little too much, almost putting himself in danger! It wouldn’t surprise me if you saved his ass instead. Probably what many of your fights are going to be about. But he loves you! Can you blame him?
🐻 Totally would give you his food if you're hungry <3 “No I don't mind, your health is important to me! I will manage, please have some!"
🛠️ Will often confuse you because Floki changes his mind easily, he has probably decision anxiety sometimes. He is unpredictable and you will never really know what he is thinking.
🛠️ Gift giving would be Flokis love language. Floki loves to build objects and wood carve details on his hard work afterwards, which will always leave him so proud! So everything he's making for you is made thoughtfully after what he knows that will make you happy and with enough details so that he will catch you staring and touching whatever perfect object ‘he’ made for you! ✨
🛠️ If you are down he will say funny jokes and move around, make weird faces and make himself look silly. If you still aren't laughing then he will tickle you until the room is filled with laughter! “Hihihi Oohoh y/n i sure do love to hear your beautiful voice! Your laughter fills my heart with joy! A song I want to hear for the rest of my life!”
🛠️ Of course if you're very sad Floki will sit down hug you and be sad with you until you're feeling better. Afterward he tells you how important you are to him, if that will make you happy and smile again. Floki isn't a man who will take your love for granted.
🛠️ Floki doesn't understand why you love and want him in the first place, he questions himself quite often, sadly. You have to be stubborn and patient and also tell him how important he is to you as well! But also give him time and space, because that’s what he needs.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are very appreciated <3 Have a good day/night! :3
Post made by: @master-muffinn
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