#actually went so much better today but woof....
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citrine-elephant · 1 year ago
ok but i make a whole goofy sketch idea of "mechanical baptism" with a greasy palm bcuz it's fun to make metaphors
but after yesterday and today and how hard my ass has gotten kicked, i think this might be the actual baptism wtf
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shunin-gumis · 1 month ago
(Not) Lonely SANTA's Mission - Track 05
Seasonal Event: Christmas 2024
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Location: HAMA House
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Nagi: I know I said that what I wanted to do wasn’t worth getting help from anyone else, but I went ahead and roped you into it anyways. Sorry about that.

Nagi: But you were the coolest reindeer of them all. The one I drew on the cardboard was no match for you. The kids definitely appreciated it a lot too.
Liguang: I see. I’m glad it worked out, but you better make sure the photos taken back there don’t get spread around.
Nagi: Of course, I’ll get Miss Elisa’s help for that too. I can’t thank you enough for today, truly.
Sonia: I’d like to thank you for your time ash well, Liguang-shan!
Liguang: Consider the favor repaid with this. You got to play Santa as you wished, right? 
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Raito: Nagi, Liguang, you’re here.
Chief: Welcome back! Looks like Sonia’s here too!
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Nagi: We’re back, Chief, Raito-san.
Nagi: Is the stuff you’re carrying for
Chief: The party, yep! We’re already done decorating, actually.
Raito: There’s still time before Christmas, but we’re holding it early since we’ve got people who have plans on the day of.
Chief: We thought we’d just hold a small get-together with whoever’s free, but Kafka was really gung-ho about it, wanting to put together a whole party with everyone at HAMA Tours.
Liguang: Kamina prepared a large quantity of gyoza and turkey in his excitement, considering it’s his last break before his next competition.
Chief: Right, he did! You must’ve seen the whole thing huh, Liguang-san
Chief: (Wait, why is he wearing a reindeer headband
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Liguang: ? What is it?
Chief: Nothing! Just, uh, looking forward to the Christmas party!
Raito: Everyone chipped in to decorate the living room splendidly. Come inside so you can see it yourself. You too, Sonia.
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Sonia: I can’t wait!
Liguang: It’s not like we’re children anymore
 I’ll head in after parking the car.
Nagi: In other words, I’m gonna be buried under a pile of happiness soon
 A danger zone that’ll have my Yajirobe spazz out if I’m not careful
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Chief: I’m fully prepared to accept as many flowers as you wanna give, so don’t worry too much, Nagi-kun!
Location: HAMA House - Living Room
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Renga: Sorry I’m late! The party hasn’t started without me, right!?
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Shuumai: Woof woof!
Sakujiro: Excellent work today. There is still plenty of food and drink to go around.
Yodaka: I’ve put aside some champagne that’s perfect for this holy night. Freshen up so we can all enjoy it together.
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Renga: Really? Okay, I’ll be right back—... 
Liguang: Oi. What’s that slack-jawed face for?
Renga: Wha– Pfft, haha! What’s with that headband you’re wearing!?
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Liguang: !!
Renga: Ahahaha! That’s way too cute! It’s perfect for you! 
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Ten: Right~? Man, no one pointed it out this whole time, so it was hard keeping it in
Ten: There’s always folks who forget to take off their headband after leaving the amusement park. I need to know, just who were you fooling around with~?
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Liguang: Tch!
Chief: (He really just forgot about it
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Kafka: Huh? You didn’t just put it on because you were excited for the party?
Kafka: I mean, it looks so good on you~â™Ș
Raito: Indeed. I was almost jealous of how prepared you were for tonight.
Yachiyo: I’d like to match with the big boss too! Just where did you get your hands on that?
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Shut up.
*door slams shut*
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Nayuki: He left
Daniel: Prolly best to forget about the whole thing, for his sake. 
Chief: (Liguang-san, I’m so sorry I didn’t point it out to you earlier
 It really did look good on you
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Chief. Do you think Santa can make it down the chimney safely?
Chief: Huh?
Chief: (His face is flushed
 Looks like Nagi-kun is in drunk-mode again
Nagi: The chimneys of yore were always packed full of soot, so Santa was probably in danger all the time, huffing up all those ashes and staining his white beard black.
Nagi: But did you know, the chimneys on a ship aren’t called chimneys at all, they’re actually called funnels. I wonder if they could fly in the sky.
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Sonia: N-Nagi-shan is going around and asking everyone what their plans for Chrishtmash Eve are!
Chief: Ahaha
 So that’s it. Thank you for clearing that up, Sonia.
Chief: I’ll be going abroad to meet my family this year. I should be back by the 25th.
Chief: What about you, Nagi-kun?
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Toi: Oh my
Chief: Hm?
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I read this exact same line recently in Prince Chariot’s route from the game “Maiden’s Lariat on this Holy Night”!!
Toi: Maybe, just maybe, this could lead to a date event
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Akuta: A d–d-date
!? You mean like when the rain turns to snow at midnight and the silent holy night is no longer holy!?
Chief: Ahaha, it’s not like that. I’m just curious about what Nagi-kun will be up to since he asked me first.
Chief: You must be busy with work, huh?
Nagi: Of course, I’ll be very busy. Being Santa is serious business.
Nagi: Getting to be Santa sounds like a dream job but in reality it’s not so glamorous and requires a lot of work to pull off. I’ve been meaning to take the qualification exam sometime but did you know that they require you to carry a huge bag filled with presents and run over 50 meters and climb a ladder and slide down the chimney and clean off six cookies and a glass of milk– all under two minutes? If it weren’t for the time limit I would’ve taken the exam already. But the more I wait, the harder it’ll get as I grow older. And, and, there’s even more hurdles. Like swearing an oath only using Ho Ho Ho—  
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Sonia: I-I have to ashk! What about everyone elshe’s plans?
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Toi: After we close our shops, Ani-sama and I will spend time together and exchange presents! Ohh, I can’t wait to see what he got me~â™Ș
Akuta: I’mma enjoy the holidays right here at HAMA house!! The epic Project C is reaching peak SO!! Gotta recharge while I can!!
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Nagi: Hohoho. Hoho. Hoho Hohoho.
Sonia: Nagi-shan, we should go get some fresh air so you can shober up. Now!
Nagi: Hoho
Chief: Hahaha!
Chief: (I’m glad Nagi-kun’s enjoying Christmas in his own way
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akehoshimystar · 5 months ago
A Banquet on the water where Cherry Blossoms are falling
Part 1
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..Now that’s a wonderful budget draft.
It's been just an hour since I visited the Administrative Dept. house. Thanks to Sei-san’s and Tsukimoto-san’s advice, I’ve finally completed the budget proposal for the event that I’ve been struggling with for the past few days.
Ito: Thank you so much. You've really saved me. Sei: I'm glad I was able to help you.
Sei-san smiled gently and reached for the tea. Tsukimoto-san brewed them for us before taking Okoge to his regular checkup with Ichikawa-kun.
Sei: By the way
 I'm sorry for calling you out so suddenly. Ito: Oh, it’s absolutely fine. Sei: I thought at first that talking through Chattas or a call would be enough
 But the lemon pie that Taiga made was such a masterpiece that I thought it would be a shame to eat it all by myself. Ito: I completely understand.
I answered right away, and Sei-san’s smile deepened.
Sei: After all, a relationship where we can share wonderful things is wonderful. Above all, I'm really happy that Yashiro-san placed her trust on me. Ito: (I hesitated a bit because I felt kind of sorry to ask him
.. But I'm glad I took the plunge.) Thank you so much. Thanks to you, I think I can propose this to Kosaka-san with confidence. I feel a whole lot more secure knowing that I have the approval of Sei-san and Tsukimoto-san. It couldn’t get better than this. Sei: Fufu. Splendid.
Sei-san gracefully put the teacup on the saucer. "Now that reminds me." Head continued as if he had remembered something.
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Sei: Did you see any cherry blossoms on your way here, Yashiro-san? Ito: 
Cherry blossoms? Sei: There's one blooming out of season nearby. It's a phenomenon called reblooming or second blooming.
Ito: (I knew the term itself
 But I guess it really exists.) Sei: If you have time, do you want to go and take a look? I'll guide you there if you like. Ito: (Since it was thanks to him and Tsukimoto-san, I finished my work earlier than expected
) May I take you up on your offer? Sei: Of course. Actually, I haven't seen it yet either. I was hoping to see it today. According to our night walker Haruhi, who went for cherry blossom viewing last night, it’s the sight to behold. Ito: (
Not only did I get to eat Tsukimoto-san's lemon pie, but I also have a chance to see such a view. Talk about being called at a right timing.) Sei: I’m looking forward to it.
Part 2
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I was guided by Sei-san to the park in a residential area. There, out-of-season cherry blossom was quietly blooming.
Ito: (Wow, they're really blooming
I stood there in silence, admiring this beautiful and fantastical scene as if time was flowing differently.
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..”Mysterious, lively, and beautiful”.
Sei-san muttered to himself.
Sei: "There is a corpse buried under the cherry blossom tree!" It reminds me of the author who wrote that story. Ito: (That phrase sounds kind of familiar
) Sei: A short story by Kajii Motojiro. Some people consider it to be a prose poem. The sensibility of associating death with the sight of cherry blossoms in full bloom is what you'd expect from a novelist and poet.
As I tried to recall my memories, Sei-san explained to me in an easy-to-understand way.
Sei: The narrator wondered why he felt uneasy in the face of the incredible beauty of the cherry blossoms. Soon, he discovered that a corpse is buried under the tree, and that the cherry blossoms were absorbing nutrients from that body and blooming beautifully. This is also related to the saying "Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” Ito: (So that's what it is about.) Sei: 

.If it were Yashiro-san
A lively bark, "Woof!" echoed through the area, drowning Sei-san's voice. The owner of that voice was dragging its owner while wagging the tail energetically. Before stopping right under the cherry blossom tree.
Ito: (Huh? Is it digging for something
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Sei: Oh. Is it "Hanasaka Jiisan" this time? Ito: (Ah, it's the famous "Dig here, woof woof"
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Woman: Hey! You can't dig here.
The owner was pulling on the leash in panic.
Dog: Woof, woof! Woman: Come on, let's go.
We exchanged a nod with that woman as we passed each other. Right after we saw them off
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Sei: Oh my
 It seems like that dog really did dig something up. Ito: (What could it be?)
At Sei-san’s words, I looked closely at that tree
. And saw something protruding from the shallow pit made by that dog. The flow of the story from earlier made me imagine something ominous.
Sei: Shall we go and check it out?
I followed him a little later, and saw Sei-san look into the base of the tree and chuckle happily.
Sei: Oh dear, what a sight. I wonder if a demon or a snake will appear.
Part 3
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There was a dull, shining silver object over there.
Ito: What is this
? Sei: I think I need to see more details.
As Sei-san brushed away the soil, the item with four corners came into view. It was about A4 size.
Ito: It seems like there's still more buried underneath, maybe it's a box? Sei: Should be. And what are these numbers
His fingertips traced the eight digits. They were scribbled in black marker pen
. A date from last year.
Sei: It's more recent than I thought. Ito: 
Sei-san, do you have any idea what this box is? Sei: Roughly. It's just a guess based on circumstantial evidence, though. This box was buried under a tree near a residential area
. Judging from its size, it's probably a steel container used to pack cookies or rice crackers. The date of last year is also written on the lid. Another interesting point is handwriting, it seems to have been written by a child. Ito: 
Ah. Could it be
I looked around and soon found what I was looking for.
Ito: There it is! The nameplate.
It was hard to read due to the rain and the wind, but I could make out the words "Commemorative" and "Children meet."
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Sei: Good job, Yashiro-san It was probably placed near the box as some sort of mark. Looking at where the name of the park is written, it looks like it was buried with proper approval. Ito: So, this must be
 Sei: Most likely, a time capsule. If we leave it like this, someone might trip over it. Let’s bury it back. Ito: I'll help.
We borrowed a shovel that is used to maintain the garden of the Administrative Dept. house, and buried the time capsule again.
Sei: I didn’t expect our hands to get this dirty. Why don't you stop by the house one more time before you go home? Ito: Sure. I'll take you up on that. Sei: Fufu. You look a bit more refreshing. Ito: Same goes to you, Sei-san. Sei: 
Oh, really? I guess being covered in mud for the sake of keeping someone's memories is a beautiful thing.
Looking up at the falling cherry blossoms, Sei-san whispered. As I gazed at his profile, I asked the question I had forgotten to ask.
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Ito: Now that I think about it, you were about to say something earlier
. "If it were Yashiro-san.” Sei: Ah
 It's nothing serious, actually. I was just wondering if you would bury something under the cherry blossom tree and write something on it. Ito: Let’s see
. I think there is always someone’s memories under cherry blossom tree

. Uh, it’s a bit embarrassing to say since my wording is nowhere near sophisticated. Sei: I find it wonderful, actually.
For example, delicious food, someone's beautiful memories, etc. We shared such wonderful things as the cherry blossom blooming out of season was burned into our eyes.
Translator's note: Hanasaka Jiisan (花ć’Čかçˆșさん) is a Japanese folk tale about an old childless couple who love their dog.
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32flavorsotbbg · 7 months ago
So today he said his truck is a 6 seater so it will “fit everyone” đŸ„Č
And he said I can bring Joel to things anytime I want

. Which is, nice. A little fast but really nice. I like that he’d bring his children around me.
But it’s like

.I’d wanna plan for that. Not just have it be some aimless thing. Like we could get Popeyes and go to the park and feed the geese or throw a ball đŸ„Č or bring a game or something
We could take everyone camping together??
I don’t know if I’d wanna hang with just him and Joel unless we were gonna go eat or something but even then I just don’t know. I think it would be better for all the kids to be around to kind of soften things for Joel. So it’s not so shocking like, who’s this man
I worry somewhere inside me that it stems from wanting them to go back and tell their mother that dad brought them around another girl. Like I wonder how long it will take be before I am actually around them? I would prefer to not all get together until at the very least he has his own spot. He’s gotta get on his dmv shit, I’m gonna ask him about it tomorrow.
Good god. I need to ask him about Friday night as well. Ugh.
I’m going to be moving into faiths apartment in December. I gotta just make my own moves. I gotta get my shit in order here first and then start doing massage quiiiiiick. Ugh. Thank goodness I went to school lol it was a poor choice and a great choice at the same time
I can’t wait to have sleepovers with him there. I can’t wait to see how things get all set up. I kinda wanna put a curtain in front of the bed area to separate it more. Something kinda flirty and sheer. Ugh I can’t wait to have all my stuff back!!
But anyway back to the two of us. Meteor shower is tomorrow night. He was going to go on a fast but then decided “it wouldn’t be fair to me because I probably wanna eat with him” and when I said he didn’t have to consider if it’s fair he said he did and that tomorrow is “important to him” 😳 like what in the romance
like why is he like that??? So sexy ugh it pisses me off dude like he’s so earnest. He says things straight up like that and WOOF it’s a giant turn on. Like just

trying to make me feel important and reciprocating I’m sure the care he feels from me 💔 so sweet. It’s so important. So much has happened since I even first mentioned this plan and now we’re going to do it!
And we’re gonna be like lil boothangs and not just two people acting like friends. UUUGGGGGHHHHHHHH a sweetheart.
Don’t get me wrong, Friday is still on my mind. And we’ll have to talk about it. But I still really like him. Like so so much.
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galunacycheckyourheadtour · 2 years ago
Acting up, feeling down
I’m struggling. There it is - I put my white flag up.
You wouldn’t know it to look at me. I am doing all the right things. Putting the right positive posts up on social media. Going out. Started a job. But every single minute of every single day I am battling with the black dog and his incessant negative woofing inside my head, telling me I cannot do things and that I am useless, lazy
well you get the gist.
I know I have once again, set myself for a fall because I panicked and did what I thought everyone else thought I should do and not what I want. If self sabotaging was a sport, I would be an Olympic athlete. I find it fascinating that I do the same things, time and time again and think I am so self aware but in fact, I am far from it. I know what I am doing is wrong each time, I know my gut instincts are right but part of me goes ‘no this time it will be different.’ But it is not and then I have to try and work my way out of the situation
I’m constantly exhausted, mostly because I am not sleeping, which I know makes things so much worse. I lie in bed and dread everything I need to do and wish that I could disappear, hoping that some exterior force will mean that I can just stop being.
But that is not the answer, I know that is not the answer. Nor is acting and pretending I am ok or coping, when I am definitely not. I keep seeing myself, the smiling fool who says yes to everything and sounds so enthusiastic on zoom calls and the minute I come off, I fall apart. I could get a BAFTA for some of my performances.
I went for a mental health annual review part 1 last week. The minute I walked into the surgery, I felt my eyes watering and I was on the edge. As my name was called, I knew I was crying - so but told the nurse I thought I had allergies - what the actual fuck?!
When I sat down, the nurse asked me how I was and I burst into tears, a howling embarrassing stupid ugly cry and of course, I immediately apologised as I hate crying in front of strangers. She was absolutely amazing, and spent twenty minutes listening and offering support. I don’t think I had realised how low I had got, how lonely I had felt and at that moment, I knew I needed more help. She escalated my part 2 with the doctor for an asap appointment, as felt it was important that I was seen and had a medication review, especially as I am not taking anything at the moment.
Its been years now of this and I am tired of not feeling well, tired of fighting it, tired of going 5 steps forward and ten steps back in a matter of days and I am tired of constantly having to make excuses about it and letting people down. I just want to be normal and do normal things, and not feel like I am acting my way through life.
So for now, I know I need to see the doctors and probably go back on meds, be more honest with my friends and family, ask for help, increase my counselling and try and focus on what is good for me in the short term, and come up with a plan. Rather than obsessing over chucking my phone in the sea, driving to Scotland barefoot whilst eating a Toblerone.
I also reminded myself of the statements I wrote when I was feeling a bit better in
Today I choose to work for myself.
Today I chose to say goodbye to what does not serve me anymore.
Today I chose to stop being a victim of my past.
To stop sabotaging my own progress, falling into negative patters and to step forward into the light
Today I choose me, as me is pretty ok.
**I’m so grateful for the NHS, as it continuously takes a battering from our awful leadership - they helped me so much and I felt lucky I was offered that appointment and was given so much care and kindness.
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roosterscockpit · 2 years ago
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 40
click here for the master list
Hi my loves. I hope you are all doing well. Sorry for the spam that's to come today. I have more to post along with the three parter I did before this one. I hope you are all enjoying the story. I love you all so much. Happy reading and enjoy! ❀
A/n: Your last day in paradise with Bradley. How will you both spend it before you return home? đŸïžâ˜€ïž
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: cursing, but a whole lot of love ❀
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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After two magical days in Hawaii, it was time for you and Bradley to return back home. As much as you wanted to stay longer, you really missed everyone. Especially Leia. You woke up around 7 AM to see that Bradley was gone again. You stretched and got out of bed. You made your way downstairs and he was out on the balcony in his underwear. You watched as he brought a glass to his lips and drank from it. He was looking at the city below him. He was taking in the sounds of the ocean, the view, and the way it all smelt. You walked out quietly to the balcony and wrapped your arms around his waist. You placed a soft kiss on his back and laid on him. 
Bradley looked over his shoulder at you and chuckled. He placed his free hand over your arms and leaned back slightly into you. “Good morning, my beautiful girl.” 
You let go of him slightly and he turned around to you. You kept your hold on him and rested your chin on his chest. You were looking up at him. He fixed your bedhead and placed a kiss on your forehead. You looked over at his glass. There was stuff floating all around his drink. You looked at it weirdly and he took another sip of it.
“Bradley, what are you drinking?” You giggled.
He swallowed his drink and burped. “Sorry, sweetheart. Naturally carbonated.” He blew away his burp and shooed it away from you. “But this is kombucha, babe. So good for your gut.” He took another sip. “You want to try it? You’ll feel so much healthier.” He laughed. He handed you the glass and you examined it.
“Why does it look like that? What is floating in it?” You made weird faces at the glass. 
Bradley laughed, “Those, baby girl, are live probiotics swimming around in there.” He tapped on the glass.
“So you mean to tell me that I’ll be drinking some sea monkey contraption?” You looked at him shocked. 
He laughed loudly, “Sweetheart. NO! Just try it!” He brought the cup to your lips. 
You inhaled and started to cough, “It smells sour! Oh my gosh, Bradley!” You pulled away from it.
“Baby, just a little sip. It tastes a lot different than it smells. I promise.” He smiled at you and brought the cup to your lips again.
You sighed and closed your eyes. You took a sip of it and gave the cup back to Bradley. You looked up at him and smiled, “Okay it wasn’t bad at all. It actually tasted like pineapples.” you burped. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.” 
Bradley woofed your burp to his nose, “Ahhhh. Nothing better to start my morning, sweetheart.” He started to laugh. He placed the drink down on a table. “So I was thinking, we could take another little stroll around before we head back home.” He interlocked his fingers with yours.
You brought his hand up to your lips and kissed it, “I love the sound of that.” 
He smirked at you, “We don’t have a set time to go home, we can do whatever we want. I am the pilot flying us home, you know.” He kissed your lips. “Let’s get ready and head out, baby girl.” 
He brought you back into the hotel room and the both of you got ready together. You sat on the bed in your towel. You looked around and smiled at Bradley, “I don’t have anything to wear today.” 
He laughed and shook his head, “You’re wrong, baby.” He went to the closet and pulled out a white cami jumpsuit. It was covered with red birds of paradise. It was so cute. He held it against him, “This is for me.” He winked at you and laughed. He brought it over to you and handed you the jumpsuit on the hanger. “Put it on!” 
You stood up and removed your towel. You put on a bra and underwear before you slipped into the jumpsuit. It fit you perfectly. It was so soft. You did a little twirl for Bradley. He put his hand over his mouth as he checked you out. His eyes were wide as he looked at you. You laughed and grabbed his hands, “Thank you, Bradley. I love it. I loved all my outfits. You picked right.” 
He kissed you on our cheek, “Wait for it. It gets better.” he ran over to the closet and furrowed his brows, and made an o with his mouth. He pulled out a matching shirt and presented it to you with an angelic hum coming from his mouth. “Matching, again!” 
He put it on and buttoned it up leaving the top two undone. He posed for you, he put his hands on his hips and did a superman pose. You started to laugh because he was just in his boxer briefs and the shirt. “Sooo hot.” You bit your lip and giggled.
He pulled you to him and kissed your cheek, “Okay let's get a move on, sweetheart. We have a whole lot to do with no time!” He started to laugh as he smacked your butt the whole way to the bathroom. 
After you both finished completely getting ready, Bradley brought you down to the beach by your hotel. He brought you over to the shore line and took your sandals off of your feet. He took his sandals off and held both pairs as you two walked along the water. The tide was slightly hitting your feet and the water felt warm. The sand was cold and crunchy under your feet. You and Bradley were hand in hand enjoying the sun. He swung your guys's hand back and forth as you walked. He brought you to a closed loading dock. There were a bunch of people on there jumping off and diving. There were also people there taking pictures. He brought you to the edge of it and you two were alone. It was quiet, all you could here was the waves crashing and breaking in the distance. 
Bradley held you in front of him and wrapped his arms around you. You closed your eyes and leaned into his chest. You took slow breaths feeling more and more relaxed with each release. You melted into Bradley’s arms and hummed. He held you close and brought his head down next to yours. He leaned his cheek into yours and you could feel his mustache tickling you. You turned to look at him. He moved his head and looked you in your eyes. His cheeks were rosy because it was warm out he was smiling with his eyes. He looked so happy. He started to rub your side. 
“It would be a shame you if suddenly fell into the ocean right now, sweetheart.” He jolted forward slightly making you yelp. He kept his embrace tight and pulled you back as you almost fell in. He started to laugh so hard he threw his head back. “I wouldn’t do that to you, baby.” 
You looked at him and shook your head. “You’re going down with me, Mr. Bradshaw. I go, you go. We are a team now.” you giggled and brought you hand to his cheek. 
He brought his cheek to yours again and you pulled him to your lips to kiss his cheek. 
“You are absolutely right, baby. You and me forever.” He pulled away from you and pulled out his phone. “You wanna dance, sweetheart? I think we should get our practice in for our wedding day.” He smiled up at you as he scrolled through songs. 
“I think I am that only one who needs practice. I have two left feet, Bradley. You dance so much, you’re so good at it.” You raised your brow at Bradley and rested your hand on your hip.
He looked up at you and shook his head, “You dance perfect, baby. But, if you would like to get better
 you have a great teacher in front of you.” He chuckled, “Y’know I taught Payback how to for when he got married. THAT was HARD.”
You cocked your head back and looked at him with furrow brows, “You taught, Payback?”
He nodded, “I did. Private lessons, babe. He was embarrassed so after everyone would fall asleep at the barracks or on the ship, wherever we were at the time, he would come over to my room and I would teach him. He was very good at dancing with his pillow. He swept Emily ( @minstens ❀) off of her feet. When we first started he had hands for feet, I swear. But come his wedding night, looked like he had taken lessons all his life.” He chuckled and shook his head. He finally picked a song, You Had Me From Hello by Kenny Chesney.
He put both of your sandals down and placed his phone on top of them. He grabbed your hands and placed them around his neck and pulled you in by your hips. He slowly started to sway to the song, “Just follow my lead, sweetheart. Feel the song.” He kissed your forehead and held you close. “Just the basics. You’ll be a pro in no time.” 
You laid on his chest and laughed. You slapped the back of his neck slightly. You closed your eyes and felt the music. You did what felt natural to you. Bradley rubbed his hands up and down your back slowly as you danced. He laid his head on top of yours. 
And you were in my future as far as I could see and I don’t know how it happened, but it happened still.
“You know baby, I used to listen to this song all the time when I was away and all I could do was think of you. You were always on my mind. You never left it and you never will. I am so in love with you, sweetheart. My heart belongs to you. It always has.” 
You could feel the vibrations in his chest from his voice. His heart beat started to get fast as he spoke, but then it slowed down as he held onto you tighter. You were his home. You made him whole. 
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me. It was over from the start. You completely stole my heart.
He brought his hand up to your cheek and pulled back slightly. You placed one of your hands on his. He looked into your eyes and smiled. He lightly scratched at your cheek and started to sing softly to you, “Something in your voice caused me to turn my head. You had me from ‘Hello’. You had me from ‘Hello’. Girl I’ve loved you from ‘Hello’.” You started to tear up and he kissed you softly. “I’ve loved you since the day we met, y/n. You were made for me.”
He pulled you in and hugged you. Your eyes started to tear up more. You felt a warm tear fall down your cheek onto your chest. You inhaled deeply and took in his scent. He always knew the right things to say and he always knew how to make sure you felt loved. In this moment, you felt so weak in your knees. You were in heaven whenever you were with Bradley. 
He rubbed your back and tickled you slightly, “Hey, sweet girl, no more tears.” He pulled back and squished your cheeks together. He kissed your squished lips over and over again rubbing his mustache against you. You started to giggle. “There is my favorite... most favorite sound in the world.” He kissed the tip of your nose. He picked up yours and his sandals and his phone. He grabbed your hand. “Come on, baby! We have so much to do! I have one more surprise for you, beautiful.” He started to run off the deck. You laughed and trailed close behind you.
“Bradley!” You giggled and wiped your tears. “Wait!” 
He looked back at you and pulled your arm so you were right next to him. He wrapped his arm around your waist, “Keep up, butter cup! We’re gonna be late!” He laughed as his strides started to get bigger. He held you close to him as he ran. You were both laughing as you ran. Everyone was looking at you two like you were crazy, but little did they know. You were just having the time of your life with the man of your dreams. 
You both arrived at another boat dock. There was a big private white boat waiting for you and Bradley. He shook hands with the owner of the boat and they helped you board. The owner held your hand and Bradley picked you up and placed you in the entrance of it. You walked into the boat as Bradley got help from the owner to get up. It was so pretty. You looked down and saw that the floor was purely glass. You could see the ocean beneath you. Your eyes went wide. You could see into the ocean. You could see all the fish swimming beneath you. It was such a cool sight. 
Bradley brought you over to the seats and sat with you. “You are going to love this, baby. Mav and my dad took me on one of these kinds of boat rides when I was little.”
The boat started to drive off into the water. You and Bradley looked down at the glass as the boat went. You could see all the fish in the ocean. It was crystal clear. The driver brought you over various live tropical reefs. They were so beautiful. The colors were so vibrant, it almost seemed like they were fake. You saw so many turtles and you squealed when you saw a starfish chillin on a rock. You even got to go and see a shipwreck. The boat from the shipwreck was huge. you could see that it had been there for a while. The outside of it was covered in debris, seaweed, and a bunch of barnacles. The tour boat went over it slowly so you could see every detail of the boat. you would still see all of its features clearly. There were fish coming in and out of the boat. 
You looked over at Bradley and smiled, “Thank you for taking me here. I am having so much fun.” You put your hand on his cheek and pulled him in for a kiss.
“I am glad you like the boat tour! I’m really happy you’re okay being on a boat. I was afraid you might get sick.”
You laughed, “Oh please, Bradley! Who would I be if I couldn’t be on a boat and I am marrying a man in the Navy.” You raised your brows at him.
He put his hand over his eyes and wiped it down to his mouth. “Sweetheart, you would be dead weight.”
You laughed together, “But I am not just talking about this boat ride, Bradley. I’m thanking you for flying me to Hawaii.” You looked at him with so much love in your eyes.
He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, “I will fly you anywhere you want to go, babe. You deserve this.” He kissed your cheek.
The boat started to make its way back to the dock. Bradley leaned back against railing of the boat and put his arm up. You snuggled into his chest and he put his arm around you. He looked out at the ocean as you made your way back. You looked up and admired him. His curls were blowing around in the wind, his eyes slightly squinted from the sunlight, his mustache getting flattened against his upper lip as the wind hit him, his green eyes were glistening from the reflection off of the ocean, and his nose was slightly flaring every time he would breathe in. You leaned in and kissed his chin. He looked down at you and placed his hand on top of your head. He pushed your head back and kissed your forehead. You both continued to look out at the ocean as you made your way back to the dock. 
After the boat docked, Bradley carried you out of the boat and back to the sand. He peppered your face in kisses as he held you. It was as if you were a weightless feather in his arms. He set you down on the warm sand. The two of you walked over back to the hotel. He bent down and dusted the sand from your feet and placed your sandals back on. You two walked around the hotel for a while. He brought you into a store to get some snacks and a luggage. On the way back to the hotel, you both ate your snacks. 
When you arrived back in the hotel room, Bradley started to pack yours and his belongings into the luggage. After he finished packing he put the bag near the door. He brought you out to the balcony one more time. You stood in front of him and he had his chest firmly against the back of your head. He reached forward and placed his hands on the railing. You were wedged between his body and the rails. 
“One last look until our wedding day, Mrs. y/n Bradshaw.” He tucked your hair behind your ear and kissed your cheek. “Come on, baby. Our little girl is waiting for us at home.” 
You turned to him and he took your hand. He grabbed the luggage and you looked back one more time before the door closed behind you. When you got downstairs the car was waiting for you. Bradley helped you into the car and you both headed back to the airport. Upon arrival, you went through the whole check and made your way to the tarmac. The plane was right where Bradley left it. A worker drove you both over in a taxiing car. There were tarmac attendants working on the plane and doing checks. 
When you got to the plane, one of the workers saluted Bradley and gave him the keys. The worker then opened the door for you and Bradley to enter. You went and sat in the co-pilot seat. You put your headset on and buckled yourself in. Bradley did his outside and inside checks. He came into the cockpit and kissed your cheek. You looked up at him and he gave you a thumbs up. You smiled and gave him one back. He sat in the pilot’s chair and put his headset on. He buckled himself in and started up the plane. He communicated with the grounds crew and the tower. 
“Carole Bradshaw ready for taxi.” The grounds crew closed and locked the entry door.
“C. Bradshaw requesting permission to taxi.”
The tower cleared Bradley to taxi. Bradley threw a thumbs up to the ground crew and saluted them. The crew member threw a thumbs up and signaled Bradley where to taxi. He pulled up to the end of the taxiway and called to the tower again.
“C. Bradshaw requesting permission to enter the runway.” 
Tower had him stand by as one of the commercial airlines was about to take off. He held it at the runway entrance. After the commercial plane took off, they cleared him to enter the runway. He started to flip switches and push some buttons as he made his way to the runway. 
“C. Bradshaw ready at the runway heading northeast.”
They cleared him to take off. He sent a quick text to Mav that you both would be heading back and will be making your way in, in about 4 hours. He turned his phone off and put it away. He reached over and grabbed your hand. You looked over and he squeezed it and brought your knuckles to his lips. He gave your hand a kiss and he winked at you. You smiled and nodded. He punched in the coordinates and readied up the plane. He readied up each engine, you could hear them kicking on and the plane stirred. He flipped a couple of more switches and pushed the thruster levers all the way forward. He kissed his fingers and tapped the airplane's dash. He held firmly onto the yoke and the plane took off. Before you knew it you were back in the air. You looked at the islands as they started to get smaller and smaller. 
Bradley cleared the tower to where he was heading. Once you were at the appropriate altitude, you took your headset off and laid back in your chair. Bradley took his off and flipped on the speaker. He put the plane on autopilot and looked over at you.
“Sweetheart, come here.” He put his hands out to you. “I miss you, come and sit with me.”
You chuckled and took off your seat belt. You made your way over to Bradley and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. “Better, Brad?”
He kissed your arm and nuzzled his face into your size. “So much better.” He muffled into your side. It tickled and you started to laugh. He started to kiss your shoulder as he massaged your thigh. “I don’t know about you, y/n, but I miss our little girl.” 
You looked down at him and he was making some sad puppy dog eyes at you. You mirrored his face and cupped his cheeks in your hands, “I miss her too, Bradley. 4 hours and she will be in our arms.” You smiled at him and peppered kisses on his mustache. He tried pulling back as he laughed but you held his head firmly in place as you continued to kiss him. 
“Baby, don’t do that to me or you’ll be slamming your head onto the autopilot again.” He started to laugh hard. 
You looked at him annoyingly and slapped him in the chest. He started to cough. “That’s not funny, Bradshaw!” You annoyingly laughed, “Ha. Ha. Ha.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Sweetheart, you can make it even by hitting the other side of your forehead.” He started to laugh again.
You squinted your eyes and pursed your lips, “Or I can slam your head onto the autopilot and we can be twins.”
He stopped laughing and his jaw dropped, “That actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” He smiled at you devilishly. 
You got up off of his lap and crossed your arms, “We aren’t having sex in the air again.” You smiled at him mockingly and returned to your seat.
He placed his hand over his heart and clenched it, “That really hurts my heart, baby.” He made a crying face.
You rolled your eyes and laid back in your seat. “I am going to take a nap, Lieutenant.” You exhaled deeply and got comfortable in your seat. You could hear Bradley’s seat unbuckle. You felt his lips and mustache on your forehead. 
“Okay fine. Sweet dreams, baby.” He pushed your hair back and returned back to his seat. 
You dozed off into a deep sleep. You woke up to Bradley putting a blanket on you. You were drooling a bit and you wiped it as you sat up. You inhaled sharply and looked at Bradley. He smiled at you and squatted by your side. He started to pet your hair back away from your face.
He was being so gentle and his voice was hushed, “I am so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to startle you. I just didn’t want you to be cold.” He laid his arm on the armrest and rested his chin on his arm. He looked at you in a daze as he kept petting your hair. “Go back to sleep, my pretty baby. You’ve had an eventful week this week.” He got up and kissed your lips. 
He returned back to his seat and you looked over at him with a weak smile and almost shut your eyes. He pointed at you closed his eyes, laid on his hands, and gave you a thumbs up. You nodded slowly. Your eyes were getting heavier and heavier. He blew you a kiss before your eyes were closed shut.
I just adore how he takes care of us. I want this man so much. This is what I want in life. My standards are way high because of this đŸ„ș I hope you are all enjoying the story. I'll see you in the next part for the reunion with our little girl. đŸ«¶đŸŒ
My lovelies are tagging in the comments 💕
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sukirichi · 4 years ago
total opposites
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You and Toge swap bodies after encountering a fairytale curse, and similar to its origin, it also takes a fairytale method to break it.
REQUEST. body swap au + best friends to lovers
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight crack fic, some cursing, implications of nsfw but nothing explicit, just Toge being a not-so closet pervert, usual best friend bickering, reader is fem bodied, unedited story (I should stop saying this, everyone knows I don’t edit my stuff)
NOTES. I enjoyed writing this, tysm for the request anon, this was really cute! definitely this is shooting up in one of my fav works ever (ïŸ‰â—•ăƒźâ—•)*:✧
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You stretched your arms overhead, feeling great after sleeping in. It wasn’t common of you to sleep this late, but you and Toge had gone stargazing the night before. A smile made its way to your face as you reminisced him reciting rice ball ingredients, signing that he was telling poetry to ‘match the mood’ until you’d both fallen asleep on the soft blanket atop a hill.
You don’t remember how you made it back to your room, but figured that Toge had carried you back home before the sun rose. Making a mental note to thank your best friend later, you yawned as you padded out to your room, hands rubbing in circles at your stomach.
Hopefully breakfast would be amazing today.
The door next to you opened, revealing your younger classmate, and you frowned, because wasn’t Kugisaki your next door neighbour? Well, whatever, he, Yuuji, and Kugisaki might’ve taken advantage of the rare, peaceful weekend that they probably had a movie marathon the night before.
“Morning, Megumi!” you greeted, coughing a bit when you sounded off, throat a little horse and itchy. At the sound of your voice, Megumi stilled in his tracks, eyes wide at you. His comical expression had you barking in laughter, shooting finger guns his way as you wiggled your eyebrows. “Ey, be a good dog and bark for me, will you?”
Semi-visible sonic waves drifted like waves after one another out your mouth. Megumi scowled before he froze the next second, ears perked up and backside wagging in replacement of a tail. “Woof woof!”
“What the hell?” you reeled back in slight disgust, your underclassman’s cheeks burning red. Then, your lips grazed against a soft cloth, making you look down.
You blinked back once. Twice. You were definitely...built different today. Curiously, you tugged at the zipper peaking out from your black collar, the familiar zhoop sound of the zipper burned into your memory after hearing your best friend do it countless times before.
In front of you, Megumi screeched – the most noise he’d made ever since you met him – his jaw dropped open while you – or rather Toge stood at the end of the hallway, his hands squeezing at your breasts that were still under last night’s pyjamas. You blinked back once. Then twice, steam pouring from your nose when Toge, in your body, pointed at his body. 
“Oh, oh!” your scream bounced off the hallways hard enough that Panda slammed his door open, about to tell everyone to shut up when your voice let out a high-pitched scream.
“What are you doing in my body?!”
Looking down at where Toge was pointing, you were greeted by the sight of his dark uniform and sock clad feet, your chest replaced with hard muscles instead of the soft flesh. You turned to Toge with a stupefied look that mirrored his, both of you falling on the ground with fists pounding on the hardwood floor.
“I’m a fucking girl!” he cried out, whether out of happiness or frustration, it was hard to tell.
Meanwhile, you zipped his collar back up, tugging at his off-white hair as you forced yourself to remember his limited vocabulary. “BONITO FLAKES!”
Now you understood Toge’s frustration of being a cursed speech user. 
“Bonito Flakes” definitely did not hold the same fury as “FUCK” did.
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“You and I need to set down some boundaries,” you signed to him, brows pulled together. Toge seemed to be enjoying this sudden body swap a lot more than you did since he hadn’t stopped posing in the mirror the moment you pushed him back to your room, locking it shut to get some privacy. “You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to shower, do you understand?”
Toge scowled at your words, sassy as ever with his hands placed on his hips, buttocks jutted out. You hated, absolutely hated that he used your body this way because this time you couldn’t even laugh – not when seeing your body felt this awkward.
“You would really rather me stink?”
“You can’t undress too! Ever! Or if you will, your eyes better be closed. No peeking too!”
“Y/N, you and I grew up together. I’ve already seen everything,” he rolled his eyes, earning him a hard slap from the arm. Considering he was a lot more muscular than you were, your hit came a lot harder. “Ow!” he protested, rubbing the sore spot that ached, only to laugh at the sounds emitting from his lips. “Wow, I have to admit that this is really fun though. I’m actually talking,” he announced, “Hey, say salmon for me.”
“Bonito flakes!” you shook your head, “The moment Principal Yaga is back, we’re going to talk to him, okay? I don’t want to be stuck in your body any longer!”
“Please, you’re lucky you get to feel me up,” he winked at you, taking your (his) hands to flatten it on his stomach. “Come on, come on, feel my abs!” Whack. “Would you please stop slapping me? Your body is a lot more delicate than mine and my hands are – stop slapping me!”
Feeling bad for your friend and not wanting to abuse your body too much, you raised your hands in surrender with a roll of your eyes. “I can’t take you seriously with that voice. You’re too cute.”
“Complimenting ourselves now, aren’t we?” he scoffed, “Well, whatever, you are cute, especially when you’re angry. Such a shame I can’t see you do that right now because my handsome face is looking back at me.”
“I won’t hesitate to choke you, my friend.”
“You wouldn’t. You adore your body too much,” contrary to his words, Toge pulled a defensive stance. You threw a pillow at him, to which he easily dodged, clutching at the hem of your pyjamas afterwards. “Speaking of bodies, I really need to pee.”
“Hold it!”
“Are you insane? I’m not holding it, you’re going to kill us both!”
“Fine, I’ll take you to the rest room then,” you tugged at the hood of your shirt, pushing him inside the communal female restroom. Toge stood in the middle shock still, evidently flustered at the stalls and lack of urinals. You flicked a finger on his forehead, finger pointed to a stall. “Go pee. That’s my body – I need to make sure you’re not going to do anything weird with it.”
“I thought you trusted me, friend. Why would you think I’d touch you that way?”
You gave him an ‘are you serious?’ look. “You jack off every fucking night, Toge. I can hear you even from the next hallway. Plus, you’re a horny teenage male, who’s to say you wouldn’t be curious and try to see what female masturbation feels like?”
His eyes lit up at the idea, fist coming down to bounce at the palm of his hand as he nodded. “That’s actually a good idea—”
“Don’t you even dare.”
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“What?!” you and Toge both exclaimed. He faced you with utter horror written on his face and you gasped, slapping both palms over your lips.
“It is true,” Principal Yaga affirmed with a grim look on his face. He’d recently got back to fetch your troublesome Gojo-Sensei who’d been caught starting a ruckus in Roponggi while women flocked around him, leading to your principal to haul his ass back to the school grounds. “Some curses are manifested through daily objects, and sometimes even through nature. That shooting star you saw was an example of that.”
“But is kissing really necessary?” Toge queried with a wary gaze sent your way.
“It’s a fairytale curse. It can only be broken through a true love’s kiss.”
“But sir, Toge and I have never dated anyone before. How can we miraculously fall in love with someone to break this curse overnight?”
“It doesn’t have to happen overnight. Sometimes, a simple crush will do,” Principal Yaga sighed, scratching his bald head with his face pulled deep in thought. “Y/N, you have a crush on Gojo-Sensei right? I’m going to kill him if he actually kisses you – and knowing that damn brat he might if you ask him – but I think a kiss on the cheek will suffice. For now, you both just have to...broaden your relationships. Maybe go out on dates.”
“I don’t mind that. In fact, I’m going to have the time of my life,” Toge cheered, his mood dampening once he saw you stiffen. “But my body is...”
Knowing full well that he’d get insecure over his lack of speech again, you glared at him hard enough that your best friend straightened up, lips puckered out in a pout as if you hadn’t just caught him talking badly about himself again when you’ve told him countless times he was perfectly fine the way he was.
It made you sigh, feeling slightly bad that until now he still couldn’t see himself the way you saw him – not that you’d ever vocalize this; Toge would never shut up (in the best way he could) if he had the slightest idea what went inside your head.
“You’re lucky you have a pretty face. Otherwise, it’s going to be impossible for anyone to like you,” you teased instead, somewhat flustered at your indirect compliment.
Toge merely scoffed at you, his gaze burning and hard, contrasting the teasing little shit grin he wore. “Oh, please, if I wasn’t the cursed speech user, I would’ve banged—”
“Kids!” Principal Yaga threw his dolls at you hard, the both of you clutching at your heads in pain. How were those dolls as heavy as rocks? “Take your bickering back to your rooms please. No more of this mess and noise. It’s late.”
You frowned at the old man, face pleading as you signed, “Principal Yaga, can’t we really do anything else? Aren’t there any techniques to undo this?”
You and Toge knew that combination so well – pitch black eyes, jaw clenched, lips pursed and palms interlaced under his chin – one that meant his words were final and irrevocable. None of you could argue or suggest more solutions the moment the words left his lips like an ultimate decree. “The technique is the kiss. Now leave.”
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You and Toge tried, you both really did. 
But following Principal Yaga’s suggestion of dating others had turned out to be a complete fail – even with your normal body and Toge’s physical charisma. 
It simply didn’t work; not when Megumi ran away from you every time you tried to get him to kiss you with your arms wide open, and Toge wasn’t helping either by pushing Gojo-Sensei away from you every time the cheeky eyed teacher announced his willingness to help.
Eventually, you and your best friend had retired in his room, the scent of him coated all over his pillows and his shirt that you wore. That felt comforting, at least, and you buried yourself in the crook of your body’s neck, bodies tangled with one another.
Who knew dating could be so tiring?
A wave of irritation flashed over you from today’s events, knowing full well that this could’ve been avoided long ago. Scowling, you cuddled Toge closer, lightly flicking your fingers on your body’s chest. “This is your damn fault, Toge.”
“You were the one who asked me to stargaze with you.”
“You don’t always have to say no to everything I ask of you, you know.”
“You’re really dumber than I thought if you think I could easily say no to you,” he snorted above you, his chin resting atop your head. “I don’t have a lot of weakness because I’m a strong sorcerer—” another flick, a harsher one this time around. “Okay, okay, I’m just kidding! But I mean it though – you’re my best friend and my weakness. Of course I’d do anything to make you happy, even if it’s something as stupid as stargazing.”
“Hey!” you made a sound of protest in your throat, looking back at him with a frown. “It wasn’t stupid, it was romantic.”
Hell yeah, it was romantic indeed – your heart still skipped a beat every time you remembered Toge’s starry eyes matching the night sky’s beauty, the words salmon and mustard leaf surprisingly sexy every time it came from him. It was stupid – so fucking stupid – that you groaned into his chest to hide your flushed face.
“Yeah, I suppose it was.”
The room fell silent, your syncopated breathing soothing during this stressful times. Taking advantage of your voice, Toge began to hum, singing the songs you both had always listened to in the privacy of your room during lazy days. It brought a smile to your face as you clutched to him tighter, heart pounding in your chest as you gazed up at him, tapping his chin to get his attention. “Toge, can I say something weird?”
“Please, nothing you say surprises me anymore. Shoot.”
Your mouth began to dry as you cleared your throat in an attempt to hide your awkwardness, gaze pointedly averted from his prying ones. “You and I...we’ve known each other for a long time and we love each other. As best friends, of course.”
“Sheesh, friendzone much?”
“Would you please shut up and listen to me seriously for once?” you huffed, making him snicker, but nodded at you anyway to continue. “As I was saying – why don’t we kiss? It could be true love’s kiss.”
Toge didn’t speak for a good minute, the pregnant pause filling in the gap filled with tension. You taped his cheek, waving his hand in front of his eyes when he dazed out. When his gaze focussed back on you, Toge was surprisingly calm – although beneath that composed exterior, his mind had simply short-circuited. “If this is your way to get to make out with me, I’m going to sock you in the face.”
“Toge, I’m serious! Let’s kiss!”
“I don’t want to!” he shook his head indignantly, hiding his face by hugging you close to his chest instead.
“Why not? Don’t you want to swap back to your original body? Both of us haven’t showered in two days and I’m sick of the way you smell. You’re lucky I love you though, otherwise I’m going to cry. Come on, Toge, what’s holding you back?” you tried to fight back from his grip, but he’d surprised you both when he only squeezed you tighter, both your erratic heart rates matching the other.
“I said no.”
“Toge, it’s just a damn kiss, what’re you so afraid of?”
“I’m afraid that if we don’t swap back, then that means you don’t love me the way I love you!” he finally admitted, breathing hard before continuing. “Principal Yaga said it must be a kiss between lovers and not just platonic friends okay?” you attempted to scramble away from his arms again, and this time he let you, though he’d closed his eyes, cheek squished on the pillows as he murmured, “I don’t want you to reject me... even though I messed up already.”
“Wait,” you snapped your fingers to make him open his eyes, hesitant as you signed, “You...you love me that way?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because my face is staring back at me and it’s fucking awkward – I wanted to see your face when I confessed!” he sat up with a frustrated groan, childishly kicking off the sheets of the bed as he clutched his head in his hands. “I had everything planned, okay? Nobara and Yuuji helped me think of everything because Megumi is shit when it comes to love. Listen, I was going to ask you on a candlelit date and then maybe kiss the life out of you – if you feel the same way—”
“Kiss me.” The body he possessed a victim of his own powers, Toge was left with no choice but to grab your face before his mouth pressed against yours, fingers entangled into the other’s hair. You were smiling into the kiss the whole time, barely able to recognize when Toge had shifted your bodies until you were under him, his hands running down your sides lovingly the whole time. 
Pulling away to get some air, you opened your eyes, unsurprised when Toge laid above you, his strong arms planted beside your head.
Both of you were breathing hard from the passionate kiss filled with so much sexual tension and longing, your tongue darting out to swipe at his taste on your lips. The laughter that bubbled out of you was pure, wholesome and swollen like your heart. “I love you too, idiot.”
“Salmon!” Toge peppered your cheeks with kisses, pulling out more gleeful laughter from you, his playful and loving attacks more of a gift than a punishment. Once you’d recovered from your happiness – although really, who could recover after that? – Toge unzipped his collar, his smile nothing but wicked when he commanded, “Kiss me again.”
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myperfectdad · 3 years ago
26. Dads like us
"Hey, man, is anyone sitting here?"
I looked over the rim of my sunglasses and saw a bulge in red trunks. I followed the beefy torso and meaty pecs upward and involuntarily licked my lips when I saw his handsome face and mostly-pepper-with-a-hint-of-salt beard. I was reminded of what my Son always says whenever I enter the room: "Woof, daddy."
He was pointing at the unoccupied chaise longue to my right. "No," I said, being sure to add some extra husky growl to my voice. I uncrossed my ankles and spread my thighs to show I was packing in my black swim trunks. "Be my guest."
He set his pool towel down and got situated. I glanced sideways and watched him, my gaze obscured behind the dark tint of my sunglasses. He pulled out a book and started reading. I tried to keep my eyes on my own book, but it was so damn hard. This guy was so hot, and it would be a crime not to chat him up.
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"You on vacation, man?" I asked. That was a stupid question, but I'm no brainiac at the best of times. My Son has seen to that.
"Yeah," he said. "We just checked in today."
"We? You here with your wife?"
"No," he said with a chuckle.
He looked uncomfortable and he directed all of his attention to his book. "Uh, sort of."
I stared at my book for a minute or two, unable to think about anything but this hot guy just inches away. My Son would be so proud of me for thinking gay thoughts like this, and without his prompting even. The tapes he makes me listen to must be catching on.
I set my book down and tried again. "What'cha reading, man?" I asked.
He did a smile-frown and stammered a bit before answering. "Uh, just a book."
I lowered my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose and leaned over toward him. "Want to hear a secret?" He nodded, and I held up my book. "I'm not actually reading this. I'm just pretending."
He looked at me with surprise, then smiled. "No way? Me too. I've been staring at the same page for the last 10 minutes. Not much of a reader here."
I laughed and clapped a hand on his muscular bare shoulder. "Dude, same! Novels suck."
"Yeah," he said, "a book without pictures is trash."
I dropped my book on the ground and my face went slack. I spoke the next line of the programming in a monotone. "A book with lots of pictures is good."
He finished the line for me. "A magazine is even better."
I don't know how long we sat there in dazed silence, but when I came to, we were both palming our bulges, books having been discarded on the poolside deck and splashed with water. I looked at him and felt both foggy and focused at the same time. I needed to be his friend, to the distraction of anything and everything else going on around Me.
"Dude, this is a weird question," I said, then hesitated. "But by chance, are you here with your Son?"
His face lit up and I knew his answer before he spoke. "Yeah! How'd you know? Wait, are you here with your Son, too?"
I giggled, like I had a secret I couldn't keep, then nodded. We high-fived. "Dude, this is so awesome," I said. "I can't believe I met another dad."
"Me too, man!" he said and shook my hand firmly. "Did your Son make you gay, too?"
"Yeah! Can't you tell?" I said, glancing down at my bulging trunks. "Want to go play frisbee?"
"Sure, man! This is going to be an awesome vacation."
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timelessdp · 2 years ago
Holiday Truce
This year I was @tidehopper gifter
I liked your prompts and I put together the Cujo and the Vlad showed up in dinner. I hope you will like it.
A black and white blurred figure flew in the night sky at Amity Park.
—I can't believe you Cujo! This is a the seventh times in this week to came to the real world, and it's still Tuesday. What could I do with you?-Phantom rolled his eyes.
—Woof Woof! -answered the miniature dog.
—Hey Phantom!- his dad shouted after him. —Can I help you?
—Oh hi Jack! What are you doing outside this time of the day? It is almost midnight.
—You know I always loved the filed trips. And now that we have a truce we can finally work together!
—Sure. But I actually finished for today. Although...
He flew closer to the ground, and stopped in front of the other Hunter.
—I know you don't keep animals. But I think Cujo would be a nice exception. He is a ghost, so he just need some ectoplasm to live peacefully. I would be grateful if I don't need to chase after him every day.
—So do you want me to watch out for your dog?
—Argh... Why do everybody believe that he is my dog?!
—Isn't he yours?
—No, he isn't. So would you like to know him better?
Jack nodded.
Phantom handed Cujo over to his dad.
The ghost licked the man face.
—Be good! -the ghost boy smiled and left alone them.
Danny lied down to his bed as he would be a sack of flour. He immediately felt asleep.
He woke up for somebody licking his face.
—Stooop. I am still not awake -he rubbed his eyes, then he noticed the ghost dog. —I have never thought in my dreams, that you will be the one who wakes me up.
—Woof!- he was wagging his tail.
—Could you go out until I dress up?
—Okay. Okay... At the least stay beside my bed.
Danny finished the morning rutin quickly. Then he went downstairs. Cujo followed him.
—I see you two already like each other -his father said.
—He is very sweet if you know him. I mean Phantom intruduced him to me.
Daniel took his cereal, and started to eat at the kitchen table.
Cujo hopped onto his lap and spilled the milk everywhere.
—Cujo! Bad dog! -Danny put up and put him to the ground. —Stay there- the boy sighed and looked at the clock on the wall. —OMG I will be late- he picked up a toast which had been made by his father. —See ya!
—Bye Danny!
The boy had the luck with the ghost shield on around the Fenton Works.
He had an ordinary school day.
—Danny we should start our History project- Valarie started —Who knows when I will have enough free time again.
—You are right Valarie. Do you want to come over? I think I have never introduced you properly to my parents.
—Maybe because everybody know your parents.
—That is true, but they don't know about you. And I have some books for the project.
—Well I am in.
—Yes! We should order food too. Because I don't want to poison you.
—It takes more than a little ectoplasm. I think most of the population of Amity Park resistant against it.
—Believe me, when I say it isn't a little bit. Last time a ham attacked us.
They reached the Fenton Works very soon. Danny opened the front door just to face with the huge Cujo.
The boy stood as a surprised Pikachu, frozen. Somehow he forgot about him.
Valerei raised her hand with a gun.
—What are this monster doing here?!
—Err... -Danny shook his head. —Phantom left him to us to avoid your kind of problems. It just completely came out of my mind. Cujo be small!
The animal shrinked to a size of a puppy and jumped into Danny's arm.
—He doesn't bite.
—So that means Phantom left his dog to your family.
—He had never been Phantom's dog.
—Woof!-Cujo agreed.
—Do you promise that he won't cause any more difficultness?
—Until the shield is on, Amity is safe from him.
They heard tramples. Cujo jumped down. Danny's mom was that.
—Come inside.
—Alright- the youths agreed.
—Mom I don't know if you have ever met Valerie in the proper way yet.
—You are the Red Huntress. Danny told about you so much. Thank you for your help.
Now it was Valerie, who froze.
—How do you know?
—You have her gun in your hand. And the heigh is the same. Also you just given away yourself.
Danny made a facepalm. As a secret identity would be this easy to tell.
—I should be more careful...
—Do you wanna see our newest arsenal?
—Technically I came to learn with Danny...
—No worries, I will get the books until you get the tour. Be careful.
—It would be fun. Finally somebody who can appreciate our work. My children hate ghost hunting.
Danny just rolled his eyes.
—Ten minute and I will join-he went forwards.
—Can I ask what was the reason to start hunting?
—This little monster -Valarie pointed to Cujo.
—Woof!-the dog stepped onto the girl's leg.
—Leave me alone!-she swung his weapon.
Cujo became a big and growled at her.
—There is no need to attack. Please put your gun down.
She listened to Maddie, and in that moment the dog transformed into a puppy again.
—Long story for short. My dad worked for the axion lab as security. But he wasn't ready for ghost attacks, and this beast ruined his work. We lost everything. I started to work at the Nasty Burger. And one day I got a packet from Vlad Masters and there was a suit. That is how I started hunting. But I don't really care about the engineering.
—But you need to know how to works to use it safely.
—Not really. Since Technus boosted my suit, every piece is like a second skin to me.
—Hmmm... I am curios how high is your ectocontamination. We should check it up in the lab.
— Won't it hurt?
—It isn't dangerous to humans.
—I am not convinced. In regard of everybody in Amity have a higher level, than an average human has.
—That is true.
When they arrived to the lab, Valarie's bracelet started to beeping.
—I gotta go. Tell Danny, I am sorry.
—What is that?-Maddie asked.
—It is a ghost detector.
—Interesting ours haven't shown anything.
—Maybe because it is off? Let me see it. Hi Mr. Fenton!- she greeted the man, who was tinkering something.
—Hi! Maddie give me the torch!
—Right away sugar cube!
The barcalet became quiet.
—It seams like Phantom finished already.
As a soon as she said out loud, the ghost boy showed up.
—Hi Val! What's up Mr. and Mrs. Fenton?
—I am working on the Fenton ghost detector. I don't want to register Cujo as a treat.
—Cool! I caught some ectopus- he stepped beside the portal and flushed the thermos's content. —Have a nice day -Phantom waved then flew up.
—So... Where is the ectocontamination measuring device?
—At the back off the room. Come with me.
The walked beside computers, huge weapons, tubes with colorful substances, weird household utensils.
—There are lots of weird thing.
—It happens when you are an inventor. Oh I found it.
The device looked like a modern thermometer.
Maddie raised up the tool into Valarie's forehead, but before she could start the process Danny appeared and push away her hand.
—Sorry Mom, but you had said if the identity reach rate three in the danger scale the gun part is activating. And It would be a bad idea to use it on Val, before you uninstall that function.
—Ups. You are right. We could check it latter. I am going to repair it. Have fun kids -Maddie left them.
—The last time when she wanted to use it, Jazz was the one who saved me. I shouldn't left you with them.
—I knew the danger of this place...
Danny lowered his voice. He didn't want to his father hear it.
—I ordered Pizza. I know what is your favorite. It is already in the kitchen.
—Then what are we waiting for? I haven't eaten since morning, because of the Lunch Lady.
—Yeah I know.
They went upstairs. Just to find Cujo eating one of the Pizza from the box.
—Bad dog! Why do you want to eat my food? It isn't for you! -He picked up the dog and put down on the floor.
But Cujo didn't listen to him and flew up to the table.
—You don't want the thermos, do you?
Cujo looked at Danny and continued to eat.
—Argh... At the least Val yours is safe- he held out the clear box.
The girl wasn't as soft-hearted as the boy, and she put the dog onto her own thermos.
—You are very thin already. I don't want to you to starve.
—I am not starving. But thanks.
—So where are we should start the project?
—Hmmm... Well we have to stay in the middle ages. And we had got Japan for the project. I don't know. Maybe the Shintoism? I mean our books are highlighting the religions.
—I always loved the Samurais. They are very strong and brave warriors, who are commitment for a case and doesn't stop until they reached it.
—Just like you Red -Danny said moonily.
—It is weird to hear from your mouth. Phantom the only one who call me Red.
—It slipped out my mouth...- he scratched his head.
Valarie leant close to Danny's face.
—You are sus.
—Me why? I didn't do anything!
—And now you are panicking -she rolled her eyes.
—I am not!
Valarie give Danny a peck.
—What a nice couple- Vlad stepped inside the kitchen.
—Vlad what are you doing here?
—This day is the anniversary of the ghost hunting club, and Maddie invited me.
—I didn't know what is missing.
The girl grasped the boy's hand.
—Danny, can we continue this conversation upstairs?
—All right! Vlad I don't want to hear anything about you.
—You won't.
Valarie suddenly opened her thermos.
—Ups my hand is a bit slippy.
Cujo showed up.
—Please pay attention to Vlad- Danny asked from the dog.
—We are playing open cards, Daniel? You are not afraid that our little secret accidentally came into light?
—Vlad Masters. I know your secret. And I think the Fentons would listen to me if I reveal that their "friend" truly a ghost!
—Ghost?! Where?- Jack's voice came from the basement.
—As you have a chance against me, mademoiselle. I know where you live.
—She have my protection. As well Cujo's -Danny showed the scary eyes.—So behave, or leave.
—Hmmm... I see I am not welcomed here. Maybe next time- he disappeared in his pink fog.
—That wasn't a wise move.
—Then it is true - Valerie looked at Danny's eye.
—I didn't want to know this- he looked away. —Plasmius and I have an agreement. Because the knowledge about halfas put in a great risk. The government, the ghost zone. I have too many enemies.
—But you knew my secret all along. It isn't fair.
—My life never was. Sorry to rope into this mess.
—Yowl... Yowl...
—Cujo regrets too.
—Those puppy eyes. I can't believe he is able to do that. We are not friends yet.
—Sign... So I guess the goth girl and the geek guy, know about this.
—Yes, they are. And my sister Jazz.
—You need to tell your parents too.
—I am not ready.
—Have you ever told somebody?
—No. Everybody figured out themselves.
—Then understandable. Maybe some clue would help and your mother will figure out.
—Nope. Their equipment targeting me since I became a ghost. And they couldn't put the pieces together.
—Before we start to studying let's to collate our timetable, which time is available for us patrolling the city.
—You are a genius!- Danny give a pick onto Val's cheek. —This way we both have enough time to sleep.
—That's the plan.
Jack came up.
—As if I heard Vlad in a moment ago.
—Actually he was here. Just got a call for an urgent conference.
—That is sad. We would have celebrating. Anyway, the ghost detector is finished.
—You are great Dad!
—I check on your mother how the ectomeasuring works.
—So the timetable...
—Oh yes... I almost forgot about it...
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forever-rogue · 4 years ago
Idk if you’re still taking Bucky requests, but I came across a quote and I feel in love with it because it just screamed Bucky to me. It read: “there is nothing as beautiful as seeing someone who has been unlucky, finally being loved so effortlessly by the right person” if this sparks anything in you, I would love to read it 💜
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Pairing | Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 1.9k
Warnings | dad!Bucky, slight language, slight suggestive theme
Masterlists | Bucky, Main
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Bucky bit back a yawn as he closed the car door and headed towards the front door. The smell of spring, the freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers overwhelmed his senses along with the warm summer sun hitting his skin. This was nice, he realized, the calculated simplicity and domestic nature of it all. He hiked his bag on his shoulder, the gold in his vibranium arm glinting brilliantly in the slowly dying light of the day. He didn’t bother to hide it anymore, somehow long past that part of his life. At one point he never thought he’d reach that point in his life and now he had the world in front of him. 
Walking up the stairs, he smiled to himself as he could already smell something delicious cooking through the open windows. In a vain attempt to keep the household from falling into complete and utter chaos, he slowly opened the door and tried to tip-toe inside. He managed to get about two feet inside and kick off his work boots before he heard an exciting squeal followed by a few loud woofs. 
The pitter-patter of two small feet and four paws quickly reached him as Falcon, the trusted family dog, and Emily, your oldest daughter, ran down the hall towards him. Any stress he had remaining quickly melted away at the sight of two of his favorite beings as they almost knocked him over in their rush. 
“Daddy!” an excited shout was followed by another bark. He bent down and scooped the small girl in his arms, the weight of the world off his shoulders as she wrapped her little arms around his neck, “hi daddy, you’re home!”
“Of course I am,” he propped her on his hip and studied her sweet little face. She took after him with his dark unruly hair and ocean eyes, but the rest he swore was all you, especially that sweet smile, “I’ll always come home to my sweetest girl. Did you have a good day, baby?”
“Yeah,” she nodded excitedly as he brushed her hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “mama and I painted and then we planted some new flowers. She said she picked them out because they reminded her of you!”
“She did, did she?” he couldn’t stop the grin that spread from ear to ear as his heart fluttered in his chest. Even to this day you still managed to make him weak in the knees and set off butterflies in his belly. He held Emily tightly in his grip as he bent down to give Falcon a few pets, causing the dog to rub against his legs as he wagged his tail, “what would I do without my little hellraisers?”
“Mama says that’s a bad word!” Emily looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled softly before holding a finger to his lips.
“It’s our little secret,” he whispered as she nodded, “do you know why this secret is okay?”
“Because it’s not gonna hurt anyone,” she asked as he nodded. She gave him a wide gap toothed grin as he set her back down, “will you play with me later, daddy? Falcon wants to have a tea party!”
“Of course,” he promised his daughter as she held tightly onto his hand, “now go and get cleaned up for dinner. It smells like it should all be done soon.”
“Okie dokie,” she dropped his hand and motioned for Falcon to follow her instead, practically bouncing up the stairs. 
Bucky sighed in content as he shook his head before slowly making his way into the kitchen where he was sure you were. He found at the island, brows furrowed in concentration as you chopped vegetables for the salad. Your baby boy was slung around your chest, and despite the commotion from Bucky’s entrance, he was fast asleep. A lump welled up in his throat as he watched the sight. It would be nothing special to most people, but to him it was everything.
You looked so beautiful, even in your sweatpants and t-shirt with your hair a chaotic bun as you hummed to the baby under your breath. You looked tired and he felt bad for a moment; leaving you with a toddler and a baby was a ton of work and he would have gladly stayed home with you and helped, but you were insistent that he work if he wanted. You’d never hold it against him, he knew that.
As soon as you sensed you his presence in the kitchen, you turned to him and gave him a soft smile, and his own features softened even more, “hello, my love. I’m so glad you’re so home!”
You set down the knife before slowly making your way over to him, careful not to disturb the baby as he immediately leaned down to kiss you. Your whole body was practically humming from his touch as you stole you a few more kisses, “rough day? You should have called me and I could have come home, honey baby.”
“It wasn’t bad actually,” you promised, watching with nothing but adoration in your eyes as he stroked Stevie’s chubby little cheek, “the chaos duo was on their best behavior today and the little one has been sleeping most of the day. I think he wore himself out from all his fussing last night.”
“Miracles do happen,” he laughed lightly as his hand went to your face and he gently stroked your cheek. You grinned at him, keening into his touch like a cat to the sun, “you are so beautiful.”
“Shut up,” you playfully pushed his chest before hiding your face behind your hands. Funny, how even after all this time he still managed to make you feel nervous and shy, “I’m in my ugliest mom clothes which I’m pretty sure these sweats have permanent puke stains, I haven’t showered today and I look like I haven’t slept in five years. Hardly beautiful.”
“You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on regardless of all of that,” he insisted softly, reaching for your hands and pulling them away from your face. Your whole body flushed with pleasant warmth as you looked into his eyes, “and I love you more than anything in this world.”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause I let you knock me up twice,” you joked as he playfully rolled his eyes, “god, Bucky, how do you still make me feel like this?”
“Like what?” he asked as he slowly moved to undo the sling from your chest and take the baby from you. Stevie made a few small sounds before cuddling up on Bucky’s chest. 
“Like I’m still falling in love with you every day,” you whispered as you leaned in and let him wrap arm around you as well. He kissed the top of your head before sighing in content, “I guess I am. We’re a little different every day - we’re definitely not the same fools from when we first met, huh?”
“I mean, we’re married and have kids, and the whole you know, typical suburban thing going on,” he teased, “so I’d say we’re pretty different. But you’re still my favorite pain in the ass.”
“James!” your eyes widened before the two of you broke into a fit of giggles, “I will get you back for that later!”
“Oh, I definitely count on it,” he promised, “now, go and take a few moments to yourself, shower or whatever, and I’ll finish dinner and get the kiddos and Falcon settled.”
“Whatever would I do without you, my love?”
“I think the better question is what would I do without you, honey baby?”
You blew him a little kiss as you all but ran towards the stairs in order to fit in a quick shower. Sometimes even ten minutes of peace and quiet would suffice. Bucky watched you go with a soft smile on his face, before turning his attention back to his softly cooing son, “your mama’s the best person in this entire world, I hope you always know that.”
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
“What?” you could feel Bucky’s eyes on your back as you brushed your teeth in the bathroom en suite. He was sitting in bed, winding down with some television as he waited for you, “I can feel you checking out the goods, Barnes.”
“That’s because I am,” you could practically hear the cheeky smirk in his voice, “it’s not wrong to admire, is it?”
“You’re too much,” you dried your face off before making your way back over to him. He offered you a lazy smile as he pulled back your side of the blankets and made room for you. You were only wearing his shirt and a pair of old cotton panties but he was watching you like you were the best in this world. Because to him - you were. The end all and be all, “James? What’s wrong, honey?”
“Nothing,” he whispered as he immediately reached for you and gently pulled you into his lap. You made a small sound of surprise but easily gave into his touch, “nothing at all. I’m perfect.”
“Hmm,” you leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his plump lips, gently tugging on his dog tags, “me too. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I kind of like you a lot.”
“Is that why you married me? Had two kids with me? Got the dog?” he raised a brow as you carded a hand through his dark locks, scratching lightly at his scalp, “I bet it was all for the dog.”
“He didn’t hurt,” you joked, gently stroking his cheek, “but you aren’t so bad either. I love you, Bucky. So much. I hope you know. I hope you know you deserve this, everything we have - the whole world.”
” he paused for a moment, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as you showed him so much tenderness and delicate love, “I love you too.”
“Hey,” you put your hand under your chin and turned his face up towards yours, “I mean it James Buchanan Barnes. You have been through so much, so much that other people forced on you, and you deserve happiness. You deserve all the happiness this world has to offer. I know you have some bad days, and I understand that, but I want you to know I will always be here for you and I will always love you. You are my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, you are my everything.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he took your hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“Yes,” you insisted softly, “you do, James.”
“How about for one moment you hush up,” you pushed him back against the headboard and pressed a few gentle, lazy kisses to his lips, “and just listen to me. And let me love you.”
“I love you, honey baby.”
“I love you too, James.”
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)(strike-through means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings)
@qhbr2013  @greeneyedblondie44  @april-showers-and-flowers  @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish  @patzammit  @niki-xie  @xxlovingfandomsxx  @startrekkingaroundasgard  @welcometothepedroverse  @actual-spawn-of-satan  @punkerthanpascal  @lazybeeches @someday-when-you-leave-me @justgivemethekeys @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday  @neptunesglow  @artsymaddie @haildoodles @amneris21 @star017 @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @its–fandom–darling @ayamenimthiriel @alyispunk @djarinbarnes @edencherries @ashamed23 @sunsetskywalkerr  @nikkixostan @spookispunk @cable-kenobi @hrtsgetbrkn @ironicfoxes @iilwjbb @cc13723things @thenormreedus @gooddaykate @natthebattygeologist @sociallyantisocialbutterfly @n3ssm0nique @daughterofthenight117 @riddikulus-obsessions @imaginelover88 @saint-bvcky @banana-cheese-cake @sleep-tight1 @missstef23 @moonlacebeam @asylummara @wakandabiitch2 @hoodedbirdie @mysweetlittledesire @reallyloudstarlight @vintagepigeon @froggyy06 @fleurydelacoury @veil-of-time @queenbeean
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beskarhearts · 4 years ago
Mourn (Din Djarin x reader)
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Connection series Pt. 9
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, mention of family members passing away, drinking, smallest mention of prostitution, death/killing, angst (let me know if I missed any)
Word count: over 12.0K
Summary: Din mourns his newest loss and you learn that you might not be able to run away this time.
Notes: Woof! This was a big one but it’s one of my favorite chapters so far. I have a few more chapters planned before we start getting into the events from season 2! 
Previous Part ____ Next Part
Din sat in the seat of his Crest, his hand tightly clutching onto the necklace in his hand. He couldn’t bear to look at it, just the feeling of the cool metal against his bare skin serving as a reminder of his lost. 
He knew where she would of gone. He had mentioned the bounty had a ship that was not too far from where the Crest had landed, probably only a matter of a few hundred feet away. He had realized relatively quickly what had happened and he could probably get to her before she left, and that was assuming the ship the bounty stole even worked anymore. If she had to fix something really quick, he could definitely get to her. 
Din listened as the kid let out a little mewl, sat in the passenger seat beside him. In the seat she usually sat in. The child looked over at Din with big eyes and he knew the kid understood she had left. Probably had watched her do it.
She left him. Din let in a deep breath, trying his best not to let tears fall. Because even though he would have the helmet on to cover them, he couldn’t allow himself to do it. If he did, he didn’t know how he would stop. 
Din had two options. He could either find her and try to find out what happened or he could turn in his bounty and let her leave. Let her leave him like she wanted to. Like she chose to.
The Mandalorian had always been a loner. He never had anyone beside him. No friends, no family, certainly never a woman he loved. He had been accustomed to that lifestyle for many years.  She had changed that though. She made him feel whole, filling in a hole in his life he hadn’t even truly understood he had. She made him feel worthy of more and made him feel like he mattered to someone. Was more than a piece of metal that took down bounties for men richer than him. She made him realize he didn’t want to be alone anymore and he wanted to spend life with someone who made his days far happier than they ever had before.
And he fell in love with her because of it. He fell in love with her personality, her warmth, and the way she opened his eyes to what life could be like, even for a man like him. She expanded his clan, his family, by one and had made life so much sweeter. 
But now she was gone. Not because she had to leave or he had wanted her to. Out of her own volition. She chose to. And while Din loved her and his heart was aching, he wasn’t going to force himself on her. She didn’t want him. 
Din had lost before. He would just endure another one and move on. Like he always did. 
He took the necklace in his hands and placed it on the dashboard of the Crest. Din would try to ignore the pain, try to move on and find a Jedi for the kid, but he could keep this little token. Just as a small reminder of what maybe could of been. 
Din cleared his throat and punched in his next location, preparing the ship for a jump into hyperspace. “Let’s turn this bounty in, kid.”
The child let out another small noise but Din didn’t bother to look. He’d just see the confusion and pain in his eyes, the same he had in his but were hidden away. He simply shook his head and heard the ship hum as it prepared to leave. Leave the planet where she could still possibly be. 
“She’s gone. We’ve got to move on.”
You felt sick to your stomach. 
The ship was easy to find. Din was right, it had only been a few hundred feet away, easy to run to. It was a small x-wing, probably stolen, but it wasn’t too old or damaged. Certainly in better shape than the Crest had been when you first saw it. You just had to fix the control panel, which you did with hands that shook and your heart slamming in your chest. You had worried Din might of tried to find you, knowing you were going to the bounty’s aircraft, but he must of not realized what was happening because he never came. 
Once the ship was finally in order, you hauled your body into it, placing your bag at your feet, and closing the hatch of it. The x-wing smelled, probably from the Klantooinian who had stolen it. You were surprised he could even fly it and hadn’t crashed into the planet, but was thankful it was there. It was your ticket out.
But once you were in the pilot’s seat, hands ready to punch in your next location into the navigation system, you were suddenly lost. Where would you go? You couldn’t go back to Yungbrii. You had been there for so long and hated it. You couldn’t bring yourself to go back, even though your small mechanic shop may still be there. You also couldn’t risk going back there. If Din did decide to try to find you, that would probably be one of the first places he would think to stop at. 
Where else would you go? You thought of the planet you had stopped at with Din that had the marketplace. There were lots of people there, meaning there would be work. You could blend in, hide away. Probably wouldn’t garner a lot of attention from anybody. But you weren’t even exactly sure where that was and that would hurt. Going to a place you had gone with Din, your family, would be pouring salt into a fresh wound. And you weren’t sure you could go there and relive those memories and not try to find your way back to Din. 
You could technically go anywhere. You could punch in any location and try to start anew. You could hide away everything that had happened, like you always did, and become a new person. 
But instead of just going to a random planet, you went to the one place you had ever find yourself yearning to go to. The one place, besides the Crest with Din, that had been your home. Where you had grown up and loved. It was risky and it might be the worst decision, but you punched in the coordinates.
And then you were off. To Jakku. 
“He’s dead.”
Din stood across from the client who ordered the bounty. The man’s arms were crossed, his face twisted into a firm grimace.  “I did the job.”
The man let out a snarl, his jaw jutting out as he tried to temper the rage consuming him. “I wanted him alive. I wanted him to suffer under my hand, not yours.”
“There were... complications.” Din tried his best to not think of her, of the sobs she had let out with the body laid out on the floor in front of her. He couldn’t let himself crack right now. 
“I thought you were supposed to be best.” 
“It couldn’t be avoided.”
“What? Did he try to kill that pet of yours?” The man snarled as one of his crooked fingers pointed to the carrier on his hip. Din turned to look down at his side. The kid looked right up at him, his face covered by the fabric of the bag but his big eyes and ears popping out. Din couldn’t help but to think of what her reaction would be right now. She’d probably make some sarcastic comment to the client and then given Din a look that said something along the lines of ‘what a joke’. Din shook his head, trying to shake away the thought from his mind.
“I did what I had to do. I did the job.” 
“Well, I’m not paying you the full price. I’ll give you half.”
Din huffed. Half of this bounty was supposed to go to fuel alone. He needed the other half. The whole reason he did this job was because he needed the credits. If he hadn’t, then he wouldn’t have landed on that damn planet and maybe, just maybe, she’d still be around. “That wasn’t the agreement.”
“The agreement was to bring him to me.”
“I did.” Din could probably be described as an abnormally calm man. Part of it was being a Mandalorian. You get used to dealing with shady people. You get used to the looks, to being swindled, to being treated like a droid who was just meant to work away for the rest of his days. Eventually, it just became part of the scenery for Din and he never got bothered by it. But today was a bad day and Din was feeling all the emotions he was bottling up turn into annoyance with this man. 
“I wanted him alive!” The man yelled, his fists clenching tightly. 
Din let out a loud sigh, his hands grazing the blaster on his side which the man took notice of. “Give me my credits.” He said plainly, but he knew there was a danger to his words. He saw the way the mans hand shook slightly and his anger expression dropped for a split second. Din was aware of the effect he could have on people, the fear he could instill in them even when he had no plans of actually doing anything. 
“Fine. But you are never getting hired by me ever again.”
Thank the Maker for that. Din wanted to call him a damn asshole (something she probably would of done with that dangerous mouth of hers) but instead he nodded his head and reached a hand out. The client dropped the credits in his hand with a dramatic huff, turning around without another word and storming off. 
Din turned around, heading back in the direction of his ship. The town he had landed on could best be described as grimy. It was dark and dingy: a stale smell filled the air and every wall was covered in what looked like grease. There were a few buildings, including a hotel and cantina, both of which looked run down and run by folk who probably weren’t the most pleasant. Din continued strolling away until he heard a loud laugh fill the air. It was bubbly and feminine, and Din couldn’t help the pit that filled his stomach at the sound of it. It came from the cantina and it didn’t even sound like her that much but he couldn’t help it. He knew she wasn’t here. She had no reason to stop on a planet this horrid but his feel still turned in the direction of the cantina. He froze before entering. He needed to see if it was her, even though he knew deep down it wasn’t. He let out a huff before he entered the building. His eyes scanned the dimly lit cantina. It wasn’t too busy, just a few people at the bar and a couple in the corner who were practically attached to each other. The smell of liquor was overwhelmingly strong in the room and the air in it was stale. The establishment felt like a bad hangover that left you sick. 
The couple in the corner finally detached themselves from each other and the woman let out another laugh. Din nodded his head. It wasn’t her. Of course not. Din went to turn towards the exit when the bartender spoke, “You want a drink or you just come to stare?”
Din was going to walk off, ignore the man like he did with most people. Din wasn’t a drinker, never really had been. He didn’t like the feeling it gave him. The numbness and the fogginess. But right now, that didn’t sound like the worst feeling. In fact, it sounded like it would be better to forget and drown his sorrows tonight rather than sit in the Crest and wallow in his pain. Din turned his head and walked towards the bar, dropping a couple credits onto the counter. “A bottle of whatever you have.”
The man nodded, his slimy fingers reaching out for the credits as he gave The Mandalorian a crazed look. He grabbed a bottle from behind the counter, one Din wasn’t too familiar with, and placed it down for him to grab. Din reached out for it, ready to leave, when the man spoke again. “You want any company, pal?” 
The man leaned his head to the right and Din looked to find a woman sat at the bar, scantily clad and giving him a sickening smile. Her fingers waved at him slowly. 
“No.” Din turned without another word, storming out of the cantina with the bottle grasped tightly in his hand.
Even though it was nighttime by the time you landed on Jakku, the air was still warm. The sky was dark but filled with what appeared to be a million little stars, a scene that was so juxtaposed to the environment it was in.  You looked up to the sky and felt a peace in your heart, looking at the very stars you had stared into during your childhood here. You recognized certain constellations, ones your mother had taught you. 
You were fatigued but your body was also cramping from being inside such a tiny ship for so long. By now, the x-wing was done for. They were meant for fighting and battle, not traveling through hyperspace for extended amounts of time, and you had sufficiently pushed the ship to its breaking point. You stepped onto the sand, feeling it give under the boots you wore. You looked around, trying to see if there was anyone nearby, but you found it was just you. You had parked not too far from Niima Trading Post, a place where you had worked and knew like the back of your hand. Part of you wanted to venture to it now, maybe find some food and a place to stay. But you had left most of your credits with Din, only a small handful in your pocket. Certainly not enough for a bed for the night. You also weren’t sure what would greet you once you traveled into the post. You had changed plenty since you lived here last and weren’t worried a lot about people recognizing you. Most people on Jakku came and went. There weren’t a lot of people who lived there permanently besides the scavengers and criminals, who didn’t bother to get to know people,  and people who ran the few booths that were there. But you still felt a bit of fear in your heart at the prospect of entering the post and decided it would be better to save that for the morning, when you were more alert.
You were absolutely exhausted. You were still worn out from what had happened the day before and the long day of traveling hadn’t done you any favors. You sat down on the sand, your back leaning against a part of the x-wing. You closed your eyes, bring your hands to rub at your face. Today had been so long and you had spent most of it trying not to think of Din or the child. You couldn’t bear to do so. It would only lead to heartache. But even despite your desperate attempts to keep thoughts of your Mandalorian at bay, your chest still felt heavy and you had felt like you were on the verge of tears all day.
All you wished right now was that Din was with you. That you were in the Crest, laying in bed with him again. You could show him your home, the town where you had grown up. You knew it wasn’t much but you still think Din would of appreciated seeing it. Getting to learn more about your origin, how you had become the person you were now. 
You opened your eyes, shaking your head. You had to stop thinking like that. Din was gone. You had left him and the child behind. You had left that clan. And even though that left a gaping hole in your chest, it was for the right reasons.  You weren’t the type of person who could have a family. It just wasn’t part of you. That was for normal people with normal lives.
You rested your head against the hot metal of the ship and let your eyes slip close.
Din brought the bottle to his lips again. The Crest was back in hyperspace, heading to some planet on the Outer Rim. The child was asleep, in his hammock with the door closed so he couldn’t see Dins face. The ship was completely silent, except for the soft whirl of it traveling. This was normally when Din would sit in the cockpit for a while before going to bed, staring off into the galaxy. That was what he did before she came along and joined him. But now he couldn’t bring himself to sit in that seat, with the passenger one empty and without her sweet voice filling the small confines of the space. Instead he sat on the  cot on the floor, the one she had slept on. His helmet had been taken off and he had rested it on her pillow. His legs were splayed out, reaching past the small cot and laying heavily on the cool floor below him. He was still adorned in all his armor, the only helmet being the only piece of metal he was bare of. 
Din brought the bottle up to his lips, letting the warm liquor run over his tongue and down his throat. It was a large bottle but was now half empty at this point. It tasted like shit, definitely not worth what he paid, but he hadn’t expected much from a place like that. And in the end, it was partially doing its job. Din felt his eyes droop, his senses dull. His body fell limp against the bed that still smelled of her, like honey and fresh laundry. At this point, Din was sufficiently drunk, teetering on the edge of hammered. 
He probably should stop, but he couldn’t refrain from guzzling down the drink. He had hoped it would ease his pain, make the tear in his heart mend a little. He wanted to stop thinking, to let all his emotions slip away. But all it seemed to do was make it even worse. Everything felt rawer and drinking was just pouring salt in the wound. Din’s only hope now was that he could get black out drunk and forget. At least forget tonight and the weakness he felt in this moment. The way his hands shook and his eyes glossed over. Forget the pit in his stomach and the necklace that he had put in his pocket before he left earlier.  
But the problem was that he’d never forget her. Din felt something wet against his cheeks, bringing a hand up to his skin and wiping at it. He looked down at his fingers and saw that he had started crying without even realizing it. The warm tears continued to slip down his cheeks. traveling down to his chin so small drops landed on the metal of his chest plate. 
“Why... why did you leave me?” Din knew she wasn’t there and he was alone, but he still spoke the words that rung through his head over and over. He would of done anything for her. Didn’t she know that? He didn’t care what was wrong or what was happening. Nothing would change the way he cared for her and loved her. 
He couldn’t stop imagining the night before. The way he had held her and how her skin had felt. It had been so soft and sweet. She had filled every single one of his senses. All he could think of was her and how he wanted her, no, needed her. He should of tried to find her. He should of followed her to the ship, begged her not to go. Told her he loved her and she was his anchor.
Din wiped away the tears, putting down the bottle. He needed to sober up.
He needed to find her.
Walking into Niima Trading Post was like walking into the past. Not much had changed. The same booths were there, full of scavengers selling their parts and towns people selling their goods to the people who came and went. It was different faces but the same place and same environment. The sand still covered almost everything, almost like a blanket of snow. The post was relatively quiet this early in the morning, just the usual bustle of scavengers heading out for the day. So far you hadn’t seen anyone who you recognized, which didn’t particularly surprise you.
You continued your stroll through town, not even really considering where you were heading until you were face to face with it. You stopped completely, staring at the small garage-like building in front of you, and felt your chest squeeze. It was what had used to be your father’s mechanic shop and it looked exactly the same as it used to. Run down, but obviously well taken care of. It was pretty empty, only one small carrier in the corner that was being worked on. You stepped closer to it, letting your hand reach out and touch one of the walls. You had spent so much of your life here. This is where your father had taught you to be a mechanic and to work hard. This is the place you spent the most time with your dad.
“Do you need some help, ma’am?” You turned to the right, looking over to see a man ducking out from under the carrier that was being worked on. He was an extremely tall, large man with a long, wispy red beard and no other hair. Several grease stains were on his overalls, which were tied around his waist, a white tank top covering his upper half that was just as dirty. A sheen of sweat covered his skin and he held a tool in his right hand. He wasn’t a particularly attractive man but he had a big smile on his face that was welcoming. 
“Oh... umm... no. I just,” You paused and bit your lip. “I knew the person who used to run this shop.”
The man’s smile dropped slightly and his broad shoulders sagged. “Oh, he... no longer works here. He passed away right before I started working here.”
You gave him a sad smile. “Oh. Do you run this now?”
He let out a small chuckle at your question. “Oh Maker, no. Just a mechanic. The lady runs it here.”
Your eyebrows lift up. “Who is she?”
“She was a friend of the family. Knew them before they were all killed.” He must of noticed the way you winced at the casual mention of your parents murder. “Oh, you must not know. I wasn’t at Jakku yet but I heard the rumors. Horrible, horrible thing. Whole family was killed. The only one who may of  survived was the killer.”
Your eyebrows shot up at his words and you stared at him incredulously. Did the Empire make it look like you had died and left behind a killer to take the blame for the attack? “Who was the killer?”
“Believe it or not, their daughter. Rumor has it she went nuts.” The man gestured to his head, indicating the ‘killer’ had lost their mind. “No one knows for sure but she was the only one who wasn’t found so people just made their assumptions.”
You clenched your fists tightly. The Empire must of covered their tracks and gotten rid of any evidence they had come and slaughtered your family, letting the towns people of Niima gossip about what could of happened. You felt shame and anger pour into you. The very people you had known your whole life had pointed the finger at you. Jakku wasn’t the kindest place but it had been your home and you couldn’t believe that they’d label you as a killer. 
“Zeke, are you bothering a potential customer with useless rumors?” You turn around at the sound of the voice you knew all too well. Your heart stopped at the sight of the woman behind you, who immediately made eye contact with you and froze. 
“Oh, no ma’am. She used to know the family.” He looked back and forth between you and the woman, lowering his voice and whispering to her, “I don’t think she knew what happened.”
“Mai.” You calmly said and the woman gave you a small smile. Mai had been a long-time family friend, extraordinarily close to your grandmother. People had said they were practically sisters and you couldn’t help but to see so many similarities in her. They were both loud-mouthed and bossy, but also exceptionally kind. When your grandmother had first landed on Jakku with a daughter and no father for the child, Mai had been a helping hand, allowing your grandmother to settle down and learning about her past. She had been there at your birth and had watched you grow up. If there was one person at Jakku you ever truly wanted to see again, it would be Mai.
“Zeke, I am going to take my friend over here. You continue working on that carrier.” The man nodded and turned around, getting one last look at you before crawling back under the carrier to resume his work. Mai strode towards you, her arms immediately reaching out and hugging you tightly. “Maker. I thought you were dead.”
You clutched onto Mai and felt a wave of relief wash over you for the first time in days. She let go of you, placing her hands on your shoulders and giving you a good once-over before grabbing an arm and dragging you over to the small office attached to the garage. She pushed you into the room, locking the door behind you before once again looking you up and down like she was surveying you. “You look older.”
You let out a small chuckle. “That’s what happens when six years passes by.”
Mai rolled her eyes playfully and grinned, her arms crossing over her chest as she leaned against the door. “Still a smart ass like your grandmother?”
You nodded. “Yeah. That part didn’t go away.”
She pushed her body off the door, strolling over to the desk in the room and sitting on it, gesturing for you to sit in the chair in front of her. You dropped your bag next to it before plopping down, looking up at her as she continued to study you intently. “As happy as I am to see you, kid, what the kriff are you doing here?”
Your smile dropped and you rested your elbow against the arm of the chair, bringing your hand up to your face. “I... don’t know.”
“You can’t be here. They think-”
“That I am a killer.” You interrupted and Mai gave you a pitiful look.
“You know how people are here. Nothing else to do but scavenge and gossip.”
“So they just label me as a murderer?”
“Nobody knew anything. All they found was your house burnt down and your parents and grandmother laid out on the ground.” Mai paused as she watched your expression shift from anger to sadness. Realization washed over her features. “Fuck. You were there?”
“Of course.”
“I was hoping you had escaped before whatever happened... well happened. I thought that or you had died.” She let out a small sigh, brushing one of her gray hairs behind her ears. “What happened?”
You could sense the sadness in her voice. She had loved your family, pretty much been a member of it. Your family was a tight circle with a lot of secrets and Mai had accepted the responsibility that came with that. She knew everything about your grandmother and mother. The Force and how they had fled where they had lived in order to escape the threat of death. You had often wondered what she was thinking in the days following your family’s death, wishing you could console her and explain everything, but feared returning to Jakku. “The Empire happened.”
Mais face went slack, her dark skin seeming to pale at what you said. “Shit. How did they find out where you were?”
You had often wondered the same thing. How did they know you were Jedis and how the hell did they know where you were? Jakku was low-profile, not the kind of place people worried about. Once people came here, they usually never went back to where they were from. It was just the way it went. So why had the Empire searched Jakku for your family, just to wipe you all out even though you posed no direct threat? You shrugged and let out a sigh. “No clue. But they knew about my grandmother being a Jedi, as well as my mom having a connection with the Force. Didn’t know she wasn’t trained though.” 
“So they just... killed them?”
“Yep. Mom and Dad first. Gram wasn’t there so they... umm... used some tactics to try to get me to talk.” You pulled the jacket you were wearing against your body even more, not wanting her to see what exactly they had done exactly. It would send her into a frenzy, because much like yourself, she was overly protective. 
“Gram showed up and they killed her...” You voice drifts off. You were leaving out some details, things you couldn’t bear to talk about, but Mai nodded understandingly. 
“I’m so sorry, kid.” She leaned over and reached a wrinkled hand out to your knee, patting it. She sat back up and shook her head, allowing herself a minute to process everything. “What did you do?”
“Took one of their ships and got the hell out of dodge.” 
“Where did you go?”
“Yungbrii for a long time. Haven’t been there in months though. I was with-” You almost feel yourself say his name and stop yourself short. You didn’t want to cover that.
“Why did you go to Yungbrii?” Mai’s eyebrows wrinkled together.
“I just landed anywhere small. Lived somewhere that makes Niima look like a bustling city.” Mai frowned at your description. She knew you when you were the type of person who liked to be around others. You used to thrive off human contact. But that had changed very quickly.
“What are you doing now?”
You let out a huff. “I don’t know.”
Mai shook her head and stood from the spot on her desk. “I love you, kid, and you can stay at my place for a few days. But you can’t stay here.”
“People won’t be fond of the murderer hanging around?” You said, feeling your face pinch up into a scowl.
Mai uncomfortably nodded. “You know the people here aren’t the kindest, especially if they sense any potential threat.”
“Great.” You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. You didn’t know where to go next. You had no ship, no family or friends, almost no credits. 
“I have a ship at my house. A complete piece of garbage but if anyone can fix it, it’s you. You can have it and work on it there.”
You give her a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“But you need to find out where to go.”
“Yeah. That’s the problem.”
Mai frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “Where were you after Yungbrii?”
“You said you haven’t been there in months. So where were you?”
Your shoulders sag and you try to not let your emotions overwhelm you. You give yourself a moment, letting out a deep breath. “Doesn’t matter. It’s not an option.”
The woman gave you a knowing look. “What happened?”
You stand from your seat, grabbing your bag. “You know, I am absolutely exhausted and should start working on the ship.” You change the topic to which Mai huffs. “You still live in the same place?”
“Of course.”
“I am going to head over there then. If it’s okay.”
Mai gave you a soft look, understanding there was something more under the surface, something you weren’t telling her. “It’s fine. But we are talking later.”
You give her a quick nod before opening the door to the office. You give her one last smile before you begin to walk towards your next destination.
Din’s head was absolutely pounding. It felt like a drill was slamming through it with every step he took and every movement. The kid had woken up with bustles of energy but every-time he made a noise, Din winced. He swore to himself he would never, ever drink again. 
Luckily the kid seemed to take notice of Din’s change in behavior, calming himself and keeping his attention occupied on the metal sphere in his hand. Normally Din would take it from him, explaining it wasn’t a toy, but he didn’t have the energy to do so today and anything that kept the kid quiet was fine by him. He also had too much to think about already.
Din was sat in the pilots seat with the child buckled in beside him. His hands lightly grasped the navigator but he was frozen. Where would she have gone?
Certainly not Yungbrii. She hated that place with a passion, never haven spoken one good word about the place. Also, if she was trying to make it so Din couldn’t find her, she wouldn’t return. She would know he would think of that. Din considered the planet with the marketplace they had stopped at. It had been busy, somewhere she could blend it. But she usually didn’t run to people - she ran away from them. That would be too much for her and Din wasn’t even sure if she knew the coordinates for it. Din considered the planet they had stayed at with the flowers. But there was absolutely nothing there - no place to get food or anywhere to even live. If she took the x-wing, she probably only had one long-distance trip she could get out of it. She wouldn’t waste it on a place she couldn’t even stay. 
Din felt hopeless. She could of stopped anywhere. Hell, she could of punched in some random coordinates and ran off. But that didn’t seem likely to Din. She wasn’t the type to not think before she acted. She had purpose behind every decision she made. This would certainly be no different. So Din just had to think of one planet, out of the millions out there, that she would of stopped at. 
Nowhere cold. She hated the cold, having told Din once how much she detested the snow. It would be somewhere warm, where she could work in the sun. It would also not be somewhere with a lot of people but enough that she could work. She was an incredibly talented mechanic and Din knew she loved the work. It would have to be a place where maybe a lot of people didn’t live  but stopped by on their way somewhere else. Somewhere where they quickly got their ship freshened up and then were on their way. She would have to find somewhere where she could either get hired or start her own place.  Din then considered how she had left most of her minimal credits behind, meaning she only had a little on her, if any. She wouldn’t go to anywhere too expensive. She didn’t have the money for that. It would have to be somewhere with a mechanic shop already established, so she could get a job and make some money. Maybe somewhere where she could also sell parts from the x-wing, put some credits in her pocket before she was on her way. 
But, Din also thought she would want to go somewhere familiar. She had spent so long on Yungbrii, which was the polar opposite of everything she had once known. And once she was with Din, she had gotten used to the environment. It had become a sort of home where she knew her surroundings. Knew the dynamics of the place she was at. Din imagined she wouldn’t want to throw herself into a place that had no sense of familiarity. 
Then it hit him. She had nothing: no ship, barely any credits, and no family now. She was a lone wolf once again but she no longer enjoyed being on her own. She needed a sense of belonging or home or something of that nature . She also had nothing left to risk. “Dank farrik!”
Din punched in the coordinates and clasped his hands onto the ships steering controls. He had to get out of here and go, now. The kid cooed behind him and Din turned to see him eagerly looking up at him. 
“We need to go get your mom, kid.” Din didn’t even consider how he had referred to her as the kid’s mom, his body and mind too busy in hyperdrive and worrying. She could be in danger.  “We’re going to Jakku.”
“Well, you really went to work.” 
You turned at the sound of Mai’s voice, seeing her walking towards you with two mugs in her hands. You hopped down from your spot on the ship and she handed a cup of caf to you, which you welcomed happily. It was now nearing sunset and you had spent most of the day in the sun, working on the ship. “You weren’t kidding about this being a piece of junk.”
Mai let out a hearty chuckle. “It is in bad shape. One of the worst I’ve seen.”
“Eh, I’ve seen worse.” You smiled slightly at the thought of the Crest and how you constantly teased Din about his shop being a flying death trap. The ship you were working on now was small and not even operable, but at least it wasn’t pre-empire. Just abused and in need of a little love.
“What’s with that smile?”
You dropped the grin from your face and feel your stomach twist. You had to stop thinking about Din or the kid or the Crest. It would only hurt more and more. “Nothing.”
Mai scoffed at that, taking a sip of her caff and then giving you a sly smile. “You are a bad liar.”
“Shut up.”
“Does that smile have anything to do with where you’ve been the past few months?”
You hated how much Mai knew you, how she could piece things together like this. Your grandmother was the same way, always able to know what you were thinking. You were never able to keep a secret from the two of them. “It doesn’t matter.”
Mai rolled her eyes. “I thought you were supposed to leave your angsty, secretive phase in your teens.”
“Guess I am just special.” 
“Or holding too much in. You need to talk to me, kid.”
“I’m fine.” You insisted. 
Mai shook her head. She looked over at your box of tools you had laid out next to your bag. “Still have your dad’s tools?”
“Oh, yeah.”
The woman bent down at the knees, reaching out to touch the box when something caught her eyes. She tugged at the wool pooling out of your bag and pulled out the blanket you had gotten at the marketplace. “This looks just like the blanket your grandmother gave you.”
You smiled as you saw her eyes brighten up. “Yeah. Found it at this booth on some random planet.” She gave you a quizzical look. “I was, umm... traveling for a while.”
“With who?”
Your smile dropped and you put down your cup, grabbing a tool and turning back to the ship. “Like I said: doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have been there.”
“Well, surely that’s not the case.”
Mai was persistent, just like you. Now you were realizing how annoying it was for Din when you wouldn’t stop bothering him. “He... they are better without me.”
You cleared your throat, trying to seem unbothered but the older woman saw right through you. The corner of her lip quirked into a smile and she let out a chuckle. You huffed at her and frowned. “What in the Maker is so funny?”
“I just thought I’d never live to see the day.” she said teasingly.
“This man you traveled with... why did you leave?” 
You shook your head. “Stop.”
“I just never thought I’d see the day you were in love.” 
The tool in your hand dropped, causing you to jump and you looked at her with bewilderment. You had forgotten how she could read you like a book. It was flustering you. You were trying to move away from everything, not talk about it and dwell on it. “I’m not.” you defiantly said, but even you could hear your voice waiver.
“I’ve seen that look before. Your heart is hurting.” Mai’s gaze on you softened and you felt your head drop as you realized you weren’t going to get away with not telling her what had happened. “So tell me what happened with this man you love.”
“I’m just not the kind of person who can be with someone. He deserves better.” You plainly said, even though your heart was pounding and your vision was blurring with the tears that threatened to spill.
“Bullshit.” Mai rolled her eyes and put her cup of caf down on the ground, grabbing both of your shoulders after and looking you dead in the eye. “You are incredible and deserve the best.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled away. “I am a mess. A dangerous mess.”
“What in the kriff are you talking about?”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I can’t control... it anymore.” 
Mia nodded knowingly. She wasn’t a Jedi herself, but she was the only person outside of your family who knew of your family and their secret. Your grandmother had explained the Force to her extensively and she knew how you struggled and trained with her. “What happened?”
“There was a man and he was trying to hurt the kid-”
“The kid?!”
You shook your head, waving away her dramatic response. “Not my kid.” You clarified. “He was a foundling. Anyways, this man attacked me when the kid and I were alone and I... killed him. Without even thinking about it. It’s like my body went into auto-pilot and I couldn’t stop it.”
“So that is why you left.”
“Yes. What if I hurt the kid or-” You found his name almost slip from your lips and you pause.
Mai nodded knowingly. “You stopped using the Force?”
“Yes. After everybody died, I couldn’t anymore. That night they attacked... I used it to kill for the first time and I never, ever wanted to do it again.”
“Can I ask you a question?” You nod slowly and Mai let’s out a long sigh. “To clarify, every time you’ve used the Force in this way, it has been to protect people you care about?”
“Yes. I supposed that is true but-”
“And never have you ever hurt anybody who was innocent or you loved?”
“No. But-”
“And you’ve never wanted to hurt anybody who wasn’t posing a direct threat to you or your family?”
You let out a grunt as she continues interrupting. “Yes. But it doesn’t matter. Gram taught me not to use the Force to harm people. And I have multiple times now.”
Mai paused for a moment before letting out an exasperated, tired laugh. “You are so much like her.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your grandmother. You are just like her. She let unnecessary guilt eat away at her.”
“You know how your grandmother came here, escaping?”
You sighed, feeling annoyance bubble with your chest. You had heard this story so many times and didn’t know why it mattered. “Yes, but-”
“Your grandmother had done everything she could to protect your mother. Including kill a man.”
Your jaw slacked and you raised your eyebrows at her. “No. She said she never used the Force to hurt anyone.”
“That’s true. Except for once.” Mai grabbed her mug and leaned against the ship you had been working on, taking a long sip of caf as you stood there dumbfounded. “Your grandmother was attacked by her husband - your grandfather - before she left. He hadn’t know your grandmother was a Jedi and once he did, and he realized his daughter was probably one as well, he wanted your grandmother to abandon your mother and told her to never use the Force.
She wasn’t willing to do that. But he was a violent man with a bad temper. And he brutally attacked her. She didn’t lift a finger - until he started approaching your mother. Then, she did what any mother in that situation should do: she protected her child, even if it meant killing someone.”
You let out the deep breath you were holding in, bringing your hands up to rub at your temples. Your system felt like it was in overdrive. The last couple days had just been too much and this was so much information. You didn’t know whether you wanted to cry or yell. “Why didn’t she tell me?”
“She was ashamed of it. Let the guilt get to her too much. Never told you or your mother.” Mai shook her head solemnly. “I am not going to say what you did felt great because it didn’t. But what I will say is that what you did was what you had to do.”
“It doesn’t feel like that.”
“That’s okay. But the very fact that you feel guilty shows you are a good person. And you only ever used the Force to protect your family when they were being threatened. There is no reason to assume you are just going to hurt people.” 
You stood in silence, allowing your brain to process everything. You had spent so much time hating yourself and laying yourself in blankets of guilt that you hadn’t even considered anything else. You knew deep down you would never hurt Din or the kid. Never lay a finger on them. And there was no reason to think you would, but the fear had clouded your brain. And even with hearing Mai’s story, learning about the secret your grandmother had kept, a small part of your brain still tugged at you. If you couldn’t even protect your family, what made you think you could do it with your new family? “I’m still afraid.”
“And that is okay. But you can’t just run from it because it scares you.”
“It’s too late though. I left. I have no clue where he is and he probably hates me now.” You couldn’t even begin to imagine how Din was feeling right now. You were sure he hated you now. How could he not after you just left him like that? You had abandoned him and the kid, even though he told you he didn’t want you to leave. Even if you were somehow able to find him, he could probably never trust you again, nonetheless want you to join him and the kid. 
“I’m sure that isn’t true. He is probably confused like you. So is the kid.” That could be true. Din knew something was up yesterday, but you never confided in him what exactly was wrong. You didn’t leave anything behind to indicate what you had left, only the necklace. For all you knew, he could think you left for a myriad reasons. Your heart froze at the thought of him possibly thinking you left because of him. You felt like a damn idiot. “Tell me about them. What’s the kids name?”
You paused and awkwardly chuckled. “The kid doesn’t really have a name...”
“What?” Mai furrowed her eyebrows and stared at you with confusion.
“Well, he isn’t exactly a normal child. He is a creature... I don’t really know how to explain it but we just call him the kid. Or womp rat.”  You laughed as you remembered all the times you jokingly called the kid a womp rat and he would smile up at you, having no clue what you were even calling him but just glad you were around.
“Okay... that makes no sense. What is the mans name?”
“I can’t tell you that either...” You murmured quietly.
Mai tilted her head at you. “Are these two even real?”
“Yes. I just can’t tell you his name. It’s kind of against the rules.”
“The rules?”
“Um, yeah. You see, he is a... well, you know,” You stumbled on your words, worried what her reaction would be if you told her what Din was. She knew of your grandmother’s opinions about Mandalorians and weren’t sure if she shared them.
“Is he a creature too?”
You laughed at the edge in her voice. “No, he is a Mandalorian.” You watched as Mai’s jaw dropped slightly and you nervously rushed to his defense. “But he is a good man and kind and smells nice and-”
“Smells nice?”
“I am going to be completely honest: I have no clue what I am saying.” Mai let out a loud laugh at that and her eyes crinkled from the grin on her face.
“You’ve got it rough.”
You let out your own laugh and shook your head. “Yeah, I do.”
“Your grandmother is probably rolling in her grave somewhere.”
“She would of killed me.” You let out a chuckle at the though. You knew she would be livid if she found out but you also couldn’t help to think she would like Din if she got to meet him and actually get to know him. She would of appreciated his strength and admired his dedication and loyalty. She would of had to look at the man behind all the armor, but once she did, you think they would of gotten along pretty well. 
“You know you have to use this ship to find him now, right?”
You let out a sigh. “He could be anywhere.”
“Can’t you use some Force voo-doo to find him?”
You rolled your eyes at her statement. “The Force isn’t a GPS.”
“If it’s so great, it should be able to do that.” She jokingly teased, throwing a wink your way before walking off to leave you be. 
You sighed and looked at the ship. If you worked all night, you could probably have it fixed and ready by tomorrow afternoon. It wouldn’t be in the greatest shape, but it would be enough to fly it and find Din. You already wasted two days on this and he truly could be anywhere. But you were willing the travel the whole galaxy to find him, so you could at least explain yourself, let him know it wasn’t his fault.
You grabbed one of your tools and walked towards the ship, beginning your work again.
“How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for a woman.”
“No offense, sir, but that is extremely vague.”
The large man looked back at Din, his red beard covered in grease, along with his clothing. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows were furrowed together in confusion, but he still had a small smile on his face. 
Din had landed on Jakku this morning, just a little bit of a way out from the Niima Trading Post. She had mentioned her family had lived close by here, which meant her father would of worked as a mechanic here. As soon as he entered town, he and the child asked the first person they saw where there was a mechanic shop. Din couldn’t imagine it wouldn’t be the first place she would stop at, whether it be to ask for a job or to simply see it.
The shop was small, definitely older and a little run down, but it was taken care of. Din couldn’t help but to imagine her as a child or teenager working here with her dad like she had told Din about. Seeing it gave Din a new perspective on her past. “She would of stopped by in the last day or so. She always wears this brown jacket and-”
“Oh, the family friend.” The man gave him a knowing nod and Din felt relief flood all his senses. He had been so worried he would of come here and she would of been nowhere to be found. That he had been wrong and she could’ve been on any planet, anywhere. But hearing him confirm she had been here made Din’s heart feel lighter than it had in hours and hours now.
“Yes. Where is she?”
“I don’t know. She talked to Mai and then left.” The man paused, his smile dropping slightly. “You’re one of those Mandalorians, right? If she is a bounty of yours, I’m afraid I can’t-”
“She isn’t. She is a...,” Din drifted off. Friend felt like a foolish word. She was so much more than a friend to him but that was still what he settled on. “friend.”
“Oh!” The man smiled once again. The child, who was sat in his carrier on Din’s waist let out a little peep and the man looked over at him. He gave the child a huge grin, waving a couple of his fingers at him. Afterwards, he glanced back over at Din with a shrug. “Like I said, she left and hasn’t come back. But Mai should be in soon and she might know something.”
Din nodded and let the man turn away to resume his work. He hoped desperately she was still here. He didn’t think she would of left, but it was possible she came to the shop to get a new ship and leave - though it didn’t appear any ships were for sale here.
He studied the trading post. It was early morning and was rather quiet, not much excitement happening. A few people were starting to open their booths while some headed out into the sand, presumably scavengers. Most of the people kept to themselves, the kindest individual so far being the man who worked at the shop. Din found it hard to imagine his cyar’ika having lived here. She was so exuberant and full of life. A place like this seemed so dull for her sprawling personality - though he supposed it was exponentially more exciting compared to Yungbrii. 
Din kept a look out all around, hoping he’d see her. Hoping she’d walk by and he could stop her, tell her to come back. Din knew that if he found out she was gone and no longer here, it would crush him completely. He was already low on hope and he needed some. Even if she didn’t want to come back, Din just wanted to know she was safe and happy. That would be enough for him. 
“Oh, Mai, someone is here to see you.” Din turned as he heard the man’s voice bellow out and watched as a woman looked over at him. She was older but still had a youthful aura to her. Her gray hair was pulled into a braid and her hands were wrapped around a mug of what Din assumed to be caf. She gave him a big smile, an action that shocked Din. He wasn’t usually greeted with a smile.
“I’m looking for someone.” Din said as she walked over to him.
She let out a chuckle, shaking her head. “Yeah, yeah. I know you are.” Her gaze drifted over to the bag on his side where the child was held and he watched her eyes widen slightly. “He must be the womp rat?”
Din looked down to the child who looked at the woman with a little frown. He loved when his mother called him a womp rat, but not so much with other people. Din looked back up at the woman who was still smiling, a sly little smirk that reminded him of his sweet one. “Where is she?”
The woman, Mai, looked up at him and nodded her head. “She is still here. Don’t worry. Good thing you came now though. She was planning on leaving this afternoon.”
Din thanked the galaxy she hadn’t left yet and he hadn’t waited to come. “I need to see her.”
“I’ll take you to her. She is at my place.” 
“Thank you.”
She smiled again at him and before she turned to lead him, she quirked her head at him. “I’m glad you came.” Din tilted his helmet at her. “She mentioned you and the kid to me.”
Din wondered what he had said about him, wanting to ask but not wanting to seem invasive or waste time. He just gave Mai a small nod and she turned around, starting to walk, and Din followed her.
“Hey, kid.”
You heard Mai’s voice ring out behind you but you didn’t bother to look away. You were so close to being done on the ship when you found some big issue with the engine. You were now covered in oil, intently working away at it with a tool in each hand. “This ship is a total bitch.”
“I was so close to being done and it just crapped out on me, spitting oil all over.” You huffed as you brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, knowing you got oil on your face but not really caring. “I take back what I said: this is the worst ship I’ve ever seen. I swear it’s doing it on purpose. I ought to-”
You let out a grunt as she yelled out, putting your tools down and turning to see her standing in the doorway of the small garage she had. You jumped down from your spot on the ship and strolled towards her, wiping your hands on the overalls she had let you borrow. “Yes, madam?” you sarcastically responded.
“You have a friend here to see you.” 
You froze and felt your heart start to pound in your chest. It had to be Din. There was no one else it could be. Who else would be here to see you? You brought your shaky hands together and took a deep breath. “Is it...” 
You couldn’t bear to bring yourself to ask the question, afraid your heart would crumble if it wasn’t. “It’s either your Mandalorian or a man with a very odd taste in clothing.”
Your breath hitched in your throat. You wanted to run out, see if it was him, and hold him your arms. But you were so afraid, for reasons unknown to you. Din had come to you. He had found you and that was a good sign, right? He wouldn’t have come all this way if he didn’t want to see you. But you still nervously chewed at your lip. Mai sensed your nerves and gave you a pat on the shoulder. “He is waiting for you outside.”
You nodded your head and slowly walked out of the garage. As soon as you exited, you saw him standing there, with his back to you, and you nearly cried. It was Din, your Din. He stood upright, his arms crossed in front of him, and the child on his side sitting in his carrier. He was the first one to say anything, turning his head and letting out a coo as he saw you. His big ears that hung out of the bag twitched and his eyes brightened. 
You gave him a small smile but felt it drop once Din turned around, being alerted of your presence by the child’s noises. His arms dropped but he didn’t step closer to you, his helmet steadily aimed at you. Part of you felt so incredibly happy seeing him. The sight of him standing in front of you was something you were worried would never happen again. And though it had only been a couple days, it felt like a damn year. Seeing him made you realized just how much you had missed him. You open your mouth, not knowing exactly what to say but wanting to say something, anything, just so you could hear him speak. But he was the first one to.
“You left me.”
You felt your heart instantly shatter at his words. You wanted to crawl into yourself and disappear. It wasn’t that you weren’t aware that your leaving would hurt Din, but you didn’t truly consider how much of an impact it would have on him. Maybe you did so selfishly because you know you’d stay if you did, or maybe you truly didn’t understand just how much the man cared for you until you heard the pain in his voice, the way his breath hitched in the modulator when he saw you. Hearing the inflection of his tone was what sent you over the edge. All the emotions of the last few days washed over you and you felt exhausted. “Mando-”
“Why would you leave me?”
Where did you start? There were so many things you wanted to say, but you didn’t know where to start and the pounding of your heart in your chest distracted you. You were scared. Scared to tell Din what was really going on and to watch him walk away. Or scared to find out he didn’t want you back anyways. “It is hard to explain and understand...”
“So you just leave?”
You feel yourself wince at the harsh words. Isn’t that what you always did though? Run away? You supposed it had become a habit of yours, but that wasn’t fair to yourself. Nonetheless to the man in front of you. “I’m sorry.”
Din finally tore his gaze away from you, placing his hand on his hip that the kid wasn’t at, staring into the sky. “I’m not here to force you back.”
You tried to feverishly blink back the tears threatening to spill. He didn’t want you. You had messed up this time. Din allowed one person into his life finally and then they turn around and leave. Of course he doesn’t want you. “Oh, okay.”
“If you don’t want to be with us, you don’t have to be.” You wanted to scream at yourself, tell him all you want is to be with him and the kid. 
“I know there isn’t something your telling me. And I assume it’s why you left.” Din looked back towards you, the sun reflecting off his helmet and making the beskar even brighter than normal.  “Or maybe it is me-”
“No!” You interrupted, stepping towards him. “It isn’t you. At all.”
“Then what is going on? Because I’m lost.” You bring a hand to rub at your face, no longer caring about the grease and oil on them. You needed to just tell him, because you couldn’t handle the thought of him blaming himself for anything. “I don’t know why you can’t tell me.”
You pause and take a breath in, looking away. “Din.” You whispered.
“Please.” You heard the slight crack in his voice, the way his words wavered, and looked at him to find him stepping closer, his helmet tilted down to look right at you. 
“I lied to you.”
Din tilted his helmet slightly. “What?”
“When you asked about my family. If there were Jedis... I lied.” You froze, looking up to him to try to gage his reaction but he remained frozen, still just looking down at you. You wished desperately he didn’t have the helmet, so you could see his expression and try to know what he was thinking, because right now it was like looking at a blank wall. “You need to say something.”
“I don’t... understand.”
“My grandmother was one. My mother was one. And I’m one, kind of.” You waited for his to step away from you or tell you he couldn’t do this but he stayed in the same position so you continued. “I was always taught not to tell anyone and my grandmother told me Mandalorians hate Jedis. I didn’t want to tell you and have you leave me.”
Din finally turned away from you, looking into the distance, as the child on his hip still looked up at you while cooing softly, one little hand reaching out. “I wouldn’t leave you. I told you that.”
“That was before you knew this.”
“I don’t care.”
“I don’t care.” He repeated softly. You couldn’t see the truth in his face, but you could hear it. But you still felt your mind eating away at you.
“I’m not a good one. I didn’t even really finish training and haven’t used it regularly in years. I can’t train the kid. He will need another Jedi.”
“I don’t care.”
“I killed that man with the Force. I killed a man.”
“I don’t care.”
You let out an exasperated laugh and huffed at him, throwing a hand up. “How do you not care?”
“You do realize what my job is?”
You guess you had never really considered Din’s job. He hadn’t had to do any bounty hunting with you, the first body he had brought in being the bounty you had killed. You knew what he did, knew he had probably killed plenty of people, if not hundreds. But it never really crossed your mind or made you hesitant. He was a good man and he was only doing his job, one he had been saddled with at a young age. “Yes, but that’s different.”
“You’re right. You did it to protect the kid. ”
“But what if I can’t control it? That’s not the first time I’ve killed someone with the Force.”
“Was the last time to protect your family?”
“I mean, I tried to... yes.” 
“Then I don’t care.” 
“I don’t care about you being a Jedi or whatever you are exactly. You’re my cyar’ika, okay? This... magic stuff you have doesn’t change how I think of you.”
You almost chuckled at the way Din spoke about ‘magic stuff’, knowing he was completely clueless, but you settled on a soft smile, still tainted with sadness and regret. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me. Or the kid. You are a good person. The best person I’ve ever met.”
You felt a weight lift off your chest at his words, that little part of your mind that had been gnawing away at you fading away. You suddenly felt stupid for not telling him all this time. How had even the smallest part of you thought he had cared? You always took what you family taught you seriously, but maybe you had taken it too far. Din was different than everyone else and you should of known that he would be okay with it. And maybe you did know. Deep down,  a little part of yourself always knew that in the end, Din wouldn’t care or really understand it. Maybe it was you who couldn’t accept what you were, what you had done. But you had to move on from that.
You looked up at Din and rested a hand on his chest plate, watching how it rose and fell with each breath he took. It was warm on your hand, but a welcome sensation. “I’m sorry.” you whispered out, your voice trembling.
“It’s okay.” He insisted, bringing a hand to rest over the one on his chest. 
“No, it’s not. I left you and the kid.”
“And I found you.” One of his hands reached out to grab onto your wrist, the warm leather of his glove rubbing circles into the skin. “You can’t do that again though. I need you.”
You nodded up at him. “I need you, too.” 
Din let out a sigh of relief and leaned his helmet against your forehead quickly. The metal of his helmet was warm, but it was a welcome feeling against your skin. You felt your heart stop racing, your hand begin to calm and shake less. You hadn’t realized just quite how much you needed Din, but you did. He was your home now. You pulled away and felt a small smile creep on your face. “You’ve got oil on your helmet now.”
You grabbed a rag out of your back pocket, handing it to him so he could wipe it away. Din did so, and handed it back to you. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” You stepped back from him, with a small smile.
“Sweet one?”
You watched as Din froze up, looking down at the ground and back up at you. His fist tightened a little and you swore you saw his hand shake for the first time. “I want you to know that I...” He trailed off and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. Please say it. “I’m glad you are back.”
You felt silly for a second at his response but just nodded in response, giving him a grin. “Me too.”
“You want to clean up and we can go?”
“Can we actually do one thing before we go?”
“Of course.”
Din watched as she stepped forwards, her gaze stuck on the sight before them. The child looked up at Din, seeming to understand the significance of the moment. He had a sad little expression on his face and stayed completely silent, sitting in the carrier solemnly. Din stood back, standing upright as he watched her kneel down on the sand and reach a hand out to graze the three stones in front of her.
It was completely silent. They had traveled a bit outside of town, to a spot where only three gravestones stood and nothing else. No names were marked on them but they stood on their own, nothing around them except for sand. Din assumed a place like Jakku didn’t have a graveyard, making this a rare sight to see.
She took a minute before standing back up and stepping back. She stood next to Din again, her gaze drifting into the distance. “Our house was somewhere right there.”
It was the first thing she had said since she told him what she wanted to do before they left. Din looked over to where she was looking. There was nothing to see, the parts of the house that had remained probably having been taken by scavengers and the rest had been ash. Din looked over at her. She was standing upright, her shoulders stood back, and her stare was intense. She looked strong. Din was shocked to see a small smile on her face. “My father once tried to plant a fruit tree here. Said somebody at the Post had given him seeds to plant. He waited months and months to see if anything would grow and when it didn’t, he dug up the seeds only for my grandmother to tell him they were teeth from some animal.” A laugh escaped her lips and Din found himself smiling. He had grown accustomed to that laugh and it had become one of his favorite sounds. He had missed it desperately.
“My mother couldn’t cook. It was actually rather pathetic how bad she was at it. But one time, for my birthday, she tried to make a cake. She got all the ingredients for it - even though they were almost impossible to find here - and worked on it for hours. And when we cut into it, it was just goo inside. I don’t even know how she did it.” She let out a louder laugh, a bigger grin on her face as she relived the memories. Din was relieved to see her like this. So often when she spoke of her family, her words always held a tint of sadness. Like she was always mourning and couldn’t accept what had been taken from her. This was the first time Din had ever heard her tell stories of her family without that sadness. She wasn’t mourning anymore. She was celebrating their lives.
“Oooh!” He heard her voice rise, clapping her hands together as she excitedly recalled another story.  “One time, my grandmother tried to set me on a blind date which confused me because she always told me relationships were a waste of time. But, I went because she wouldn’t stop nagging me about it and the damn woman had me go on a date with a Crolute! He didn’t wear shoes and had flipper feet. It was awful and she thought it was the funniest prank she had ever pulled.”
Din let out a chuckle at that one, watching as she threw her head back in laughter. Even the child joined in, letting out a small noise that could be discerned as a giggle. She looked over at Din with a bright smile, the sun blazing behind her, and it took his breath away. Without thinking, he reached a hand out and grabs hers.
She looked down at their hands and intertwined her fingers. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“I’m glad you wanted me to come.”
“You can’t meet them but I don’t know.” She shrugged with a sheepish smile. “I think maybe they are somewhere. Seeing this.” Din didn’t say anything but she looked over at him. “They would of liked you.”
Din felt a warmth fill his chest. He imagined he would of liked them as well, especially if they were anything like the woman he loved. “Thank you.”
She smiled at him and leaned closer to him, their shoulders now brushing together. “Din?”
“Let’s go home.”
She began to tug his arm away from the gravestones, her hand still intertwined with him, and started marching towards the Crest that she now called home. Din couldn’t help to think though that his home was being held in his hand in this very moment. 
Tag List: @ilikethoseodds @dindaddy @poguesvixen @starspangledwidow @fangirlalexia @the-scandalorian @ka-x-in @keepcalmandblogstuff @the-lady-of-stars @orneryscandalousevil @spaghetti-666​ @afootnoteinyourhappiness​
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didsomeonesaydaddydraco · 4 years ago
It’s just a bad day... » Tom Felton imagine
Request: yes! @lindsayfosselman93
Word count: 2,037
Pairing: Tom Felton x reader
Note: I just hope you guys will like this. xx
“Hey, Y/N” my coworker called after me, just as I was about to leave my office “A couple of us are heading out to grab a drink or two at Casey’s. Do you want to join us?”
I looked at my phone to check the time. It was a Friday afternoon, and our boss said we could leave an hour earlier than usual, knowing that we had a very though week behind us, and all of us deserved a little rest after all. 
“Yeah, sure” I smiled at her and grabbed my bag from my desk “But I’m driving, so no alcohol for me today”
“Alright” she linked her arm with mine and dragged me with her, talking about how hot her new intern was. I liked Beth. She was my mentor when I first started at the PR agency, and helped me with everything I needed. She was very open minded, and loved to ask me about England, and she really enjoyed listening to me, mostly because of my British accent. She found it fascinating “So, how’s your boo?”
I laughed at her nickname for my fiancĂ©. They had met before, and a love-hate friendship was immediately formed between them. Beth hated that I skipped a lot of end of the week pub hopping with them to go home to Tom, but loved to hear everything about our travelling stories and the romantic things he had done just to make me happy. And Tom hated that Beth would show up at our home unannounced, and babbled about her terrible dating life, and how much she already wanted to be married. These occasions usually turned into a sleepover, because she had too much wine, and wasn’t able to drive back home. But at the same time he loved the idea of me having a good friend at work. And I knew, that deep inside, he would have helped her if she needed it. 
“He’s working on a new movie, so he is quite busy” I smiled at her and opened my car “He was up pretty late last night just to learn his lines” I frowned at the memory. He came to bed almost at the same time I had to wake up to get ready for work. He looked quite annoyed and even sad. I was thinking about him, hoping he was in a better mood and slept enough. I hated how much he pushed himself sometimes. He wanted his act to be perfect, to give his best to the project he was working on and satisfy not just his fans, but himself as well. He tended to be hard on himself. 
The pub was quite crowded when we arrived. We weren’t the only people in Los Angeles, who wanted to kick back a bit at the end of the week. Group of friends were playing billiard or were just chatting over a table with beers and wine glasses in their hands. Here and there were couples, maybe on a date. I smiled at a few familiar faces from either work, or at those who were frequent guests at Casey’s and sometimes joined us for a drinking game or just to chat. 
“So guess who’s being a baby and won’t drink today with us?” I rolled my eyes at Beth’s childish behaviour, but I couldn't hide my smile “Nah, just joking. Y/N’s only being a responsible adult here, and is actually driving”
We sat down to our usual table where some of our coworkers were already seated and were sipping on their first drink. I ordered myself a virgin Cosmopolitan and listened to one of our new intern’s story about how one of his professors was caught with his TA. I was sipping on my drink when my phone lit up in front of me. Because of the bad service in the pub, I didn’t get the notifications right away, so I didn’t see Tom’s messages.
“Baby? What time are you coming home?” 
“Are you alright? I thought you were coming home earlier..”
“Babe, I need you. I’m having a very bad day
I quickly texted him back that I was only out with a couple of friends from work but I was just leaving. I was worried. Tom wasn’t the double texting or multiple texting type of guy. He only acted like this, if it was important or he wasn’t feeling well. 
“Sorry guys, as much as I love to hang out with you, I really need to leave” I stood up and said my final goodbyes to them, not giving them a chance to ask me about my sudden leave-taking. Before I left to go home, I stopped by a grocery store to buy the ingredients for Tom’s favourite comfort food. 
I could see Willow’s cute face at the window when I pulled up to the driveway. She was jumping up and down when she saw me getting out of the car and walking up to the front door. I swear that dog was half a dog, half a kangaroo. 
“Love, I’m home” I called for Tom when I stepped in the hall and kicked off my high heels, which were killing my feet all day. I went to the kitchen and put down the grocery bags, before I kneeled down to pat Willow and give her a few kisses “Where’s Daddy? Can you show me?”
“Woof” she probably had no idea what I was asking her, but the fact that she hardly left Tom’s side came to my benefit, because she ran to Tom’s office. I followed her there, and of course he was there. He was laying on his sofa, the script for his new movie on his chest. The wrinkles of the pages told me he was close to tear the whole thing up and throw it away. He was asleep, but the frown from being frustrated was still on his face. 
“My love” I sat at the very edge of the sofa and pushed his hair out of his face softly “I’m home” I kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek carefully. I didn’t want to scare him.
“Hey” he murmured and pulled me on to his chest. His hands hold me close and Tom buried his face in my neck. I planted plenty of small kisses into his hair and hold him just as tight “I’m having the worst day of my life”
I laughed at him a bit. He could be a little bit overdramatic, when things weren’t going the way he planned. “Mind telling me why it is such a bad day?”
And he did. He told me that because of the lack of sleep he has been having caused him to wake up with a terrible headache this morning, and no matter how much he tried and practised, it seemed like he couldn’t memorise his lines. And when he finally gave up on learning those, he wanted to interact with his fans, but came across with a lot of hate, which led him to ask himself, if he really was good enough of an actor. 
I listened to him. Sinking in every single word that left his mouth, and played with his hair the whole time to keep him calm, and to show him I was now there for him, and was ready to do anything just to make him feel better. He was feeling very down, and it made me sad how his self-esteem shrunk down because of what some mean people and the media was writing about him, without knowing him at all. 
“Darling” I said softly “Did you really have a bad day or did you have 20 minutes where you let your thought run undisciplined which led you to a bad vibe that you let carry you away?”
“What do you mean?” He looked at me confused.
“I let you think about this” I kissed his neck softly, which made him laugh a tiny bit. I knew how ticklish his neck was, and loved and hated it at the same time, when I blow on it or kissed it. It was good to hear his laugh. It was so contagious. So to make him laugh again, I started to kiss it rapidly and blow on it, while I caressed the back of his neck with my fingertips to tickle him even more. 
“Stop, please” he laughed loudly and tried to push me away “C’mon darling, I’m going to pee myself at the age of 33 if you don’t stop” he begged me but never let go of me. I looked at him and kissed his lips with everything I had. I wanted this man to know how much I loved him. I wanted to show him that no matter what those people out there say about him. They didn’t know who Tom Andew Felton really was. They were cowards, using the power of social media. I pity them. How miserable their life must have been that the only thing that made them feel better or happy was hating on someone they didn’t even know personally?
“I’ll let you to think about what I just said” I stood up from him “Meanwhile you do your homework, I’ll make dinner. Come downstair when you are ready. Alright?”
“I love you” his voice was smooth. I adored how he said those words. They were pure, honest and filled with love and lust. I left him alone. I knew he needed it. He had to go through his whole day in a different point of view. He had to think if it was really worth it. Letting hate and a rough day ruin his good mood. Before I started on dinner, I changed into one of his tie dye hoodies and let my hair out of the ponytail. 
Tom came downstair just at the right time. I already sat the table, and was getting the food out of the oven when he came up behind me, and sneaked his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my neck lovingly. 
“You made casseroles” I could tell by his voice that he was smiling “It smells delicious” he sniffed into my hair “You smell delicious too” he playfully bit on my shoulder and squeezed my waist.
“Someone’s in a better mood” I sing sang and put the tray down on the table. 
“Yeah” he nodded and sat down “Thank you. I really need that to see the whole thing in a different view. Sometimes I tend to let my bad mood to take over my mind and I act unrealistically”
I placed my hand on his and gave him a reassuring smile. During dinner, he told me about how his day was, apart from the bad part. Tom told me how happy he was when Oliver Phelps texted him and asked if he wanted to be on their podcast the next week, and how they already made plans about a golf marathon as soon as it was possible for him to take off a few days from shooting. He even mentioned a few days trip to somewhere nice, just him, Willow and I, because we both had been very busy with our own jobs. He felt like we couldn’t spend enough quality time together, and we really needed it. I just looked at him, and adored the man sitting in front of me. At our dinner table, in our home. All these years together, and it still amazed me, that he chose me to be by his side for the rest of his life. He was honestly the most beautiful man I had ever met and I was more than ready to make him the happiest as possible. 
“I really can’t wait for you to put me in my place and treat me just like you did today for the rest of our lives” Tom hugged me from behind when we were getting ready to go to sleep. He played with my ring on my finger and smiled at me throughout the reflection of the mirror on my vanity table “Mrs. Y/N Felton. It still sound perfect to me.”
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jiminrings · 4 years ago
hi hannah! i may have a request đŸ„ș i've been watching too much tiktok and this two made me want some jungkook skater au 😳 like the reader saw him and went like love at first sight so she purposely buys a skate and goes everyday to the skatepark and start learning just to impress that hot tattooed skater that kinda looks like a bad boy but he's actually a softie. ♡
late skate
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 7k
glimpse: jungkook would rather wash down his grip tape than spend another hour seeing you land on yOUR ass, a smitten y/n and love at first sight, and tae almost losing his bearings (in all aspects) <3 // gif is from pinterest :D
note: thank you so much for the request babie!!! also i’m sorry since i’ve done this a month late hee-hee bUT but it’s here now!!! fun fact: i used to skate but one time i fell on my ass so hard doing an ollie that i quit ( ˙-˙ )
there is nothing
there is absolutely nothing you hate more than walking home alone and at-
wait u need to shudder
times like these make you both angry and scared because fIRST of all
you’re angry because if oNLY (you’re still hoping that u win the lottery soon) you were born to wealth and ease (if you see park jimin one more time in a billboard you’re about to lose it), you wouldn’t have to worry!! or even work for that matter!!!!
you could have a car by now!!!
but you don’t have a car and you’re still saving up for that because you have to keep up with your bills and this nice and decent apartment that you’re living in right now
well if you’re being honest, you are splitting it with yoongi and that cuts back your expenses significantly but that’s besides the point
which is why you’re being extra thrifty!! save up all the money that you could so you could by yourself a car amongst other financial decisions and nOT be scared shitless when walking home
you’re working at the animal shelter most of the time and it’s very fulfilling because of cOURSE!! your job is to care for animals and give them a better chance at everything :D
the pay is more than decent but it’s not the highest sO what you do on your spare time is pick up any job you could!!
and the income that you need is more and more than decent because taking care of chimmy is not an easy feat
chimmy, your alaskan malamute!!! he’s the first puppy you’ve properly taken care of in the shelter and you’ve fallen head over heels for him
he kept bumping into the wall when he scrambles after you call for him but eH you love the clumsy giant still!!
so much so that you file your adoption form for him and run over to mr. kim’s office hurriedly :D
your boss seokjin’s pretty sweet after all but at the same time he’s intimidating!! too sweet and intimidating at the same time that when he approves your form without much question, you almost kiss his cheek
.... hehe
jin beat you to it and instead he gave you a side-hug with a very strict warning to take care of chimmy and provide everything that he needs
he eats đ“…đ“‡đ‘’đ“‚đ’Ÿđ“Šđ“‚ dog food and you could only assume the amount that he needs because of how he towers
the treats?? one time yoongi got overly-excited to take a picture of him and accidentally left the bag on the ground, and when he came back?? chimmy’s managed to inhale all of them
thankfully he’s only loyal to one (1) toy and it’s to this brown angry... entity..? with one tooth that yoongi’s made by himself
but he constantly has to replace the stuffing because chimmy nOTICES when it’s flat and unstuffed from his own doings
hehehe the grooming.....
you thank your lucky stars that jin gives you a discount to have chimmy groomed!! 
one time you were about to have a breakdown because a $100 grooming session simply didn’t click well with your ongoing budget and you decided to do it yourself :D
spoiler alert: chimmy kept barking at you when you held up the mirror to his face because wOOF did you just... d-did you give him bangs.... how was that possible....
and then sECOND of all is that well.,.,.,
you’re scared and that’s it
there is every possible reason for you to be scared :D
you get off from work at 5!! but now it’s quarter to 8 and you totally should’ve booked an uber but it completely slipped your mind
normally, you wouldn’t walk home alone though because chimmy comes with you to the shelter, and then he serves as a therapy dog of sorts to help ease and calm down the new rescues!!
he even has his own little ID oh my god :’)
but he doesn’t come in everyday and well you remember,.,.
no actually, yoongi REMINDS you that today is his day-off at work and explictly implied that he’d very much love to cuddle with a giant alaskan malamute as he gets his well-deserved rest
and yoongs has been the reason to why you don’t unravel every single day and you owe him for your life so yea okay you can have chimmy whenever you need this giant pillow of support <3
but no
you don’t have chimmy with you and you don’t have anyone to bark and be willing to growl n intimidate any creepy dudes you could possibly encounter on this twenty-minute walk home
the extra coffee you’ve drank at 6 in lieu of dinner does not help at ALL
what if you just... run
that way you get home faster and you won’t have to be that antsy!!!
ok maybe just a light jog would do
you wanna go home so badly and take a shower and be sandwiched between your warm sheets and sleep all the way
you miss chimmy and yoongi and you just hOPE that he’d already cooked dinner and you won’t have processed food again for the third time in a week
and after dinner maybE you could treat yourself to online shopping because yoongs has also been pestering you to let yourself indulge once in a while
your thoughts are jumbled once panicked and it reminds you that yes you should definitely get a car and you know what??? you probably should-
wait fUCK
hold on a second
did you just manage to narrowly dodge what seems to be a skateboard in mid-air??????
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
said taehyung is jumping down and crouching to pick up the deck at your feet and squeaks an “oop sorry ‘bout that!!” before going back and
mr. “taehyung, you dumbass!!” is who you presume to be the speaker,, because well no one eLSE is in this skatepark at 9 in the evening,,,, is standing RIGHT underneath the light and is right at your line of sight
it’s as if the clouds are opening up and chimmy’s barking could be heard and everything you deem perfect is ringing right in your ears because god.... holy shit.....
he looks and probably feels like a warm-sized bed that smells of baby powder and fresh linen
he has a hoodie on with the sleeves scrunched up and you tHANK yourself that you’ve saved up enough to get lasik eye surgery because those tattoos...,.,. you r positive that they would be your demise
mr. TYD has a loose bucket hat on yet you could still see his features clearly and you aren’t lying when you say he is perhaps the most breathtaking thing you’d ever seen
even more breathtaking than seeing chimmy in the laundry room and having fished for your one good perfect bra in his mouth
you’re pretty sure this is what love at first sight must feel like
suddenly, you aren’t anxious at all and you’re instantly gravitating towards the ramp without much complaint
there’s a bench conveniently placed in which you could see him but he won’t see you
you find yourself sticking around and smiling when you see him goofing around in all good fun
hopefully you don’t look like a cREEP because you swear you aren’t!!!! and hopefully they don’t notice you either and find out then and there that you’re here in a skatepark withOut a skateboard,,, just sitting,,, to see him
this may not be your best idea yet lmao yes you’re gonna admit that
but it’s probably the first and last time that you’re ever gonna see him so might as well watch him for awhile!! that’s all!!!!
ok wait
this is definitely a bad idea because yoongi calls you and you forgOt to put it on silent and it’s his voice that greets you very rudely as soon as you pick up
“y/n where the FUCK are you???”
oh lmao it’s quarter to 10 already
“jeez, i’m coming home!! calm down!!”
“yeah tell that to chimmy who’s been worried sick with me and won’t stop hOWLING!!!”
you’re scrambling to gather your duffel and sneak oNE last look at him and ur practically pouting as you say goodbye to him under your breath 
“... aw, you worry about me?”
you resume back to jogging on your way home and this time for rEAL
you’re gonna miss him
he’s like one of the random dudes you see in the mall that are sO breathtaking and you know you’re never gonna see them again
you didn’t even manage to catch his name :((
but whoever he is, he feels a little more different than a dude in a mall because this time, you feel like you’re gonna cRY at the thought of it
little did you know that jungkook could see you all this time and he’s sad to see you go 
chimmy is the first to leap at you as soon as you come through the door
and if you didn’t anticipate the giant, then you’d probably be toppled over by now
yoongi finds it weird that there’s this lingering gentle smile on your face
well he shouldn’t be so shOcked because he sees you talking to yourself when you’re watching documentaries and cooking
(( he always checks if there’s a camera hidden somewhere in the kitchen and you were vlogging or something but nO!!! ))
it’s like you’re a third-grader again that goes fERAL at just the thought of their crush
you hope mr. tyd has already eaten breakfast and hasn’t had any injuries with his skateboarding
you’re trying to rationalize with yourself that it’s just a stOOpid and pathetic crush to harbor in less than a day and stop thinking about him
the universe must seem to hate aND love you at the same time because well would you look at tHAT
it’s 5 in the afternoon and you have chimmy beside you and you’re walking home
and that’s practically your routine ever since you’ve gotten this job
it would only differ if a situation like last night happens or when you’re too tired to walk home oR when it’s raining
but right now it’s your normal workday, and you’re walking home, and it’s sunny, aND THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU’VE SEEN HIM
this is also the first time that you’ve seen him in such a situation that you didn’t expect :O
the fact that you’ve mayhaps watched kimi no nawa last night with yoongi and perhaps 98 times before that, does not help at all
“you uh, y-you wanna go for a run on the grass, chim??”
there’s this mini field besides the skatepark and chimmy happily jUMPS at the mention of grass :D
aha oh well :D would you look at that :D your dog wants to go run on the grass that’s a couple feet away from the skatepark :D who are you to stop him anyways?? :D
chimmy’s more than happy to comply with your wish and vice versa because he’s having the time of his life clearly
he’s your pawman and the perfect variable so you wouldn’t seem like a third-grader with a helpless crush on anOther third-grader
it seems that hE’S more excited than you though because chimmy runs to the ramp instead of the grass!!!
and in the process he goes UP to greet a guy like he does with you whenever you come home!!! it’s harmless pouncing per se
but it’s not entirely harmless because it feels like chimmy knows EXACTLY what’s in your mind and what he’s doing
...... of course
chimmy has to of cOurse pounce on him
jungkook wasn’t surely expecting a giant and overly-friendly alaskan malamute to pounce on him right when he was about to drop-in
it’s a pleasant surprise either because it’s-
oh my god
is this yOU?????
jungkook was in the skatepark last night with taehyung and they took advantage of it because they were the only ones there!!
tae surely wasn’t kidding when he said that he was a novice because holy sHIT how was it possible that he sent a skateboard flying mid-air after a failed trick??
kook flinches when he follows it in his line of sight and notices that there’s someone down there who might be literally dECKED out of tae’s stupidity
he’s about to yell for this passer-by to dodge and-
time seems to move quicker because you’re already stopping yourself and flinching in place and then looking up
you’re rIGHT underneath this street lamp and jungkook sighs a breath of relief when he realized that you weren’t hit
but at the same time he’s gasping again because wow
t-that’s uhm-
wHEW he has never felt this pressure in his chest ever since he joined a quizbee in 8th grade
would it be-
ok nevermind
you’re really beautiful??? and frankly he has to look away for a second because you’re tOO beautiful that he doesn’t know what to do with himself
that’s it u are under arrest for being too pretty >:(
jungkook’s flustered because there’s just these types of people that put a knot on his chest unknowingly and he doesn’t know how to act normally
you are the equivalent of him not being able to look at the screen because the kdrama was that good and he feels unworthy to even watch it
it’s goosebumps all over his skin and he’d be lying when he says his cheeks are not heating up at aLL
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
his first instinct is to scold taehyung because what iF he ended up hurting you with his skateboard, hmm?? and tHEN what
he expected you to leave after that close-call and if everyone must know, jungkook has an incredible talent at being able to scope out things in his peripheral vision
he could look straight ahead and be able to see what you were also doing at the side
he doesn’t know if that’s a talent or uH everyone has it but whatever he can do that!!!
and you were clearly still there and in fact, even sIT down on the bench
he could see you smiling and giggling and a ginormous part of him assumes that it’s because of him
he prays to god that it’s NOT the guy who almost decked you with a skateboard ://
jungkook was acting weird and he kept smiling and laughing mORE than necessary and taehyung can see right through him
“bro all i did was walk towards you wtf are you laughing,,.,”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHA tae you’re so silly XD”
alrighty then,, maybe jungkook just binge-ate his vitamin gummies which is why he keeps beaming for an unknown reason
koo was so grumpy literally just before he had his skateboard flying and now he’s ???? weird
jungkook was ultimately sad to see you get up and he knows he’s probably never gonna see you again ok alright time to mope
but this
he’s beyond surprised to see that said owner of giant dog happens to be yOU!! of all the people!!!!
it’s you!
“i’m so so sorry about him!! he’s just excited to make friends with everyone and i don’t have the sLIGHTEST clue why he came to you!!”
you pointedly look at chimmy and he has the audacity to howl before looking away
it hasn’t dawned on you that you’re talking and apologizing to him but it certainly did on jungkook which is why he’s charmingly laughing already
“no, no. it’s okay, i don’t mind!! his name’s chimmy, then?”
you’re blinking profusely because yes.. right.. HE is talking to you
“yeah, uh, correct!! his name’s chimmy :)”
“that’s cute. anyways, i’m jungkook :)”
aha :D
koo would like to think that he is smooth
and yes you agree
you immediately shake his hand tOO eagerly with a smile on your face as you’re trying to take this all in
“i’m y/n :)”
jungkook’s hand is bigger than yours and your hand fits sNUGLY right into his hold
he has some tattoos on his hands and there’s some peaking from underneath his hoodie
but even with ur lasik vision you cAN’T focus because omg are you seriously holding jungkook’s hand.,.,
jungkook as in THEE jungkook that you’ve immediately clocked and crushed on last night in an instant
your lil moment of just holding each other’s hands is interrupted when taehyung pops out of nOwhere
(( actually he’s been there for the past two minutes and he kept switching between cooing and laughing ))
“yO i’m taehyung!!! you must be y/n, i didn’t nick you last night, did i?”
he takes it upon himself to hug you right then and there
well he’s warm and he passes the internal vibe check yoongi’s hotwired into your brain so you reciprocate!! you like hugs anyway and taehyung’s just like chimmy but in human form
jungkook practically squawks and stammers in his place because w-why.. w-what...... no
chimmy bARKS at taehyung and koo is tempted to do the same too because no man you simply do nOt hug my crush that you know absolutely nothing about
“he’s asking for you.”
kook points to chimmy who’s obviously pouncing on you to come run with him
you excuse yourself so you could go satisfy the giant and jungkook felt like his heart was gonna fall out of his aSS
tae wiggles his eyebrows and has his lips pursed and it’s the shit-eating grin that he immediately flips off as soon as he sees it
“what was that all about?”
you are convinced
you are 100% convinced
your head is fully-set into the game and in no way are you gonna back out
“min yoongi!!”
ah there it is
yoongi’s having the time of his life playing fetch with chimmy! what could possibly be any more important in this world than that
“what did i do now?”
you only call out his full name when a) you’re agitated and when b) he’s ignoring you and you’ve had enough of it
he really doesn’t recall giving you the cold shoulder recently
and he certainly didn’t agitated you when all he’s done is play with chimmy and sleep!!!
“please click this for me pls. click. please. pls click.”
aH yoongi should’ve brought his glasses instead of leaving them on the couch
you’re holding out your laptop to him with your arms outstretched and he has to come really close to decipher and-
... huh
“a skateboard?”
pardon him but he’s really lost on this one ok
he is as lost as he was when walmart decided to completely rearrange the whole store
“... and what do you need a skateboard for? y/n when i said that you should get yourself a four-wheeler, i didn’t mean a skateboard-”
in what part does a skateboard look like an SUV
whY are you like this
“it’s for uh... it’s for fun purposes!!”
you’re trying not to raise any more questions in yoongi’s mind but his head is miles miles away now lol
???? you hate trying new things though ???
one time you traded in your beef ramen for pork ramen because the first one was out of stock and throughout the whole meal you kept thinking how much you regretted it
and besides, skateboarding would be the last thing you’d get into!!!
yoongi distinctly remembers that you’d rather choke on chewing gum rather than get your knees scraped
why was that?? because when your knees get scraped, walking and doing everything else?? impossible 
nice try sherlock but the moment you do so much as to not stand up straight?? sIT down?? yeah your knees would give out 
what has got to be something so special that you’d wanna get into skateboarding and risk yourself into getting your knees scraped??
omg is that what he thinks it is
“... it’s a crush, isn’t it?”
the way you instantly shut him down and practically have to beg him just to press the check out button.,..
yeah yoongi’s gotten his answer alright :D
whatever this is
or whatever that’s going on
you’re sure that you’ve never felt this content for a long time
you now bring a change of clothes so you wouldn’t go skating in your uniform because that just honestly sucks
you may be too tired to walk to the skatepark which is why sometimes you’d book a ride, but no you’re never tOO tired to skate and see jungkook :D
it’s frustrating enough as it is
yoongi used to skate and that’s the reason why you’ve found this shortcut in the first place because this was where the park was!! you’d always think at the back of your head on wHY was yoongi struggling!!!
smh that’s so easy yoongs </3
joke’s on you now though because trying to balance on the board in the first place scared you shitless because hOW were you supposed to do this??
you can ride a bike and that has tWO wheels and this has fOUR bearings!!! how come you can’t balance yourself??
even managing to stand up on the board without panicking for more than ten seconds AND managing to shift from left to right even if it’s albeit shaky at first, took you a wHOLE evening
but you’re so proud of yourself and so is jungkook :D
jungkook finds it the highlight of his night when you’d hold onto him
yes he knOws you have it under control now and you barely hold onto him for support
“just so you won’t fall, that’s all.”
he always evades your eyes when you go look up at him dreamily like that because how could he not???
you’ve covered the basics of pushing yourself then simultaneously riding the skateboard!!
you do that for one WHOLE week and both jungkook and tae (and yoongi) think it’s time that you do something else besides skate in one straight line and occasionally to a left and a right
ok you’re kind of scared shitless because you already fell a couple of times but y’know what?? it’s time!!
society has progressed past the need of you skating in a straight path
the society NEEDS you to do tricks now
confession time:
dear diary the kickflip is simply not kicking the board in an attempt to flip it by itself. it is not. it is not as easy as it sounds. it is the bane of my existence
it’s evident that you’re stalling out of your way with this one but you just need oNE success and that’s it!!! one win to woo jungkook from his feet and then you’d stop
tae has already shut you up too because you keep talking about how your day went when you already is set four times before that
and it must’ve been a lucky first time because you absolutely nAIL it on the first try!!!
you honestly thought you’d land square on your ass and see bruises on it later in the shower but N-O!! you’ve done it perfectly and-
jungkook’s not looking
he didn’t see your feat!!
or maybe he didn’t see it because he chosE not to!!!
maybe doing a kickflip is nothing impressive and it’s obvious that he’s a pro at this compared to you who’s even more of a novice that makes taehyung look like a god
you can’t have that :((
ok ok hOW can you impress jungkook
there must be something you could do to impress him!!
that’s it
this is practically perfect!!
you’re gonna do your first drop-in at a pipe that is nowhere gOOD for a beginner like you :D
one, two, th-
“easy, doll.”
jungkook materializes out of nowhere and you expected him to be skating at the far end!! not mere inches away from your face holding your hANDS
this is the first time you’ve seen jungkook actually this close and you just have this urge to kiss his cheek
he has you whipped for him and he hasn’t even done anything to you!!!
“not the best idea to go down an eight-foot tall half-pipe for your first time, hm?”
he scrunches his nose at your absurd thoughts because absolutely wHY would you do that??
how could you fall in love with him even mORE
“do the two-feet tall one first. go have taehyung teach you.”
the grin in your face goes as fast as it came
no offense to taehyung but he’s not the one your head-over-heels for :((
practically everyone knows about your crush on jungkook BESIDES jungkook himself
you’re tapping tae on the shoulder to come and teach you while you just watch kook shred it at the other side of the park by himself
it’s okay!! progress is progress and you’re gonna get far with jungkook!!
going to the skatepark right after work is now your new routine
sometimes you even come with yoongi when he’s free and he takes all his time to gloat on how you used to make fun of him when he was skating avidly back then
that gives you a grand total of three (3) people teaching you how to skate and giving you pointers
jungkook also now holds conversation from time to time :D
he’d ask you how your day went and you’d have to pretend that you didn’t wait for him to ask so you’re not spilling detail after detail
he now does this thing of pinching your cHEEK when you get something right 
your heart after doing an ollie goes bEEP when he pinches your cheek and tells you eagerly that you did such a good job
yoongi’s laid off his teasing for you and jungkook but god he can’t deny that he gets these weird vibes from him
eh it’s probably nothing
today you’re especially excited because it was an outfit that you just bought and you feel gREAT in it!!!
tbh your day was the absolute worst but jungkook is always a great pick-me-up to whatever day you could have :)
a tennis skirt with shorts already built underneath is the greatest save of ur life
it’s a little on the more expensive side because it IS a name-brand and those don’t come cheap but it’s ok :D it’s gonna be worth it :D it better be :D
oh uhm
jungkook seems different today.... ?
you were used to him looking intimidating and mad even if he wasn’t, but this time it just felt emphasized even more
taehyung’s here but he’s not the only one!!! there’s two guys with jungkook on the other side of the ramp
“those are his friends, i guess?? i don’t know, he hasn’t introduced them to me.”
so you’re nOT the only one who’s lost
jungkook will probably come around later and you could all hang out again :))
chimmy happily chuffs at your side and that just gives taehyung the most wonderful idea he’s ever had this day
“hEY which one of us do you think could out-skate chimmy???”
jungkook is utterly and without a doubt stressed 
he knew that hoseok and namjoon would come over, but he didn’t expect that they’d visit him while he was in the park!!!!
and he already knows what they’re here for and that just makes him grimace :((
“why don’t you want to go pro?”
koo’s ears feel like bleeding when hobi asks him that for the nth time
god it’s always just the sAME question!! he could practically sniff the air on what they’re gonna say next
“jungkook, i think we all know that you’re more than qualified to be a pro!! look at you!!”
it’s the same conversation over and over again
the next things they’d say are that he’s a natural and he’s wasting all his talent doing this thing cASUALLY
he’s not the next tony hawk or anything like that!!! he’s not gonna book a sponsorship and a collaboration with vans!!! but hobi and joon kEEP insisting that he’s that good
“hyung, i think we’ve already talked about this-...”
“yes and you refusE to listen!! why can’t you just accept the fact that you have a much better future in this??”
jungkook’s currently a freelance graphic designer which means he works from home and he’s in charge of his oWN schedule
but it doesn’t necessarily mean that every single day he gets a new commission or anything grand like that
he’s gonna be honest and say that yES he has thought of being a pro skater!! but he’s trying to be as rational as possible about it
because not every competition would be a win and not competitions don’t happen as frequent as a typical job is!!
and what iF jungkook gets injured?? something of an injury that would lay him off from skating 
and being unable to skate??? = he basically gets nOTHING
he feels pressures because hobi and joon are pro skaters already!! and that gives them all the more reason to make jungkook into one
not to flex but uh they’re both quite already kNOWN
and jungkook hasn’t even started his pro career but he’s already known!!! both by his skills and the fact that he’s friends with these two champions
“i literally do not care if you beat me!! just come take the leap and be a pRO already, jungkook!!! it’s a loss as it is that you still consider yourself an amateur.”
their words, not his 
ok uhm what if
what if jungkook opens a skate clinic?? he can do what he loves and in the same time, earn money!!
... yeah
that could work!! and if he feels extra prepared, then yeah maybe he’d be a pro
or would a skate clinic be useless if he isn’t a pro by then???
oh my god
jungkook’s so frustrated with all this sudden bombarding and it makes him want to tug at his hair
as much as he loves his hyungs, sometimes they just can’t seem to know when to back oFF and realize that their nudging is more like shoving
“do something productive and worth your time, jungkook. stop babysitting.”
namjoon says with an edge and that tames jungkook
what makes it worse was what they were implying in the first place
hoseok doesn’t make it discreet to look at taehyung and you
“tae, tae, look!! i’m doing it, i’m doing it!!”
you’re saying over your shoulder because omg you’re getting the lead and chimmy’s slowed down for some reason
well actually taehyung’s took it upon himself to stop behind you
you get an immediate answer when you feel someone effectively hALT you still and you almost fall on your ass just by the sheer strength of someone holding you up
jungkook’s holding you down and his hands are quite heAVy on your arms
there’s this unexplainable look on his face but you’re positive that it’s not one of happiness
“you should probably stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing.”
to be honest you’re unsure of how to react
but the way that jungkook looks like he’s mad at you and retreats back to those two guys with a scoff in his step -- 
it’s enough
it’s truly enough for you to reevaluate every decision you’ve ever made
maybe it’s simply not just a bad day for you and a case of overthinking thigs,, and it’s perhaps the fact that he want you to stop
stop whatever that is happening
you probably must be frozen in place because chimmy bounds and pounces at you
you probably must’ve looked like an utter fool,, skating in a tennis skirt and trying to outrace a damn dog in a fucking skatepark,, right in front of jungkook and his friends
“y/n, you uh, y’okay?”
tae’s worried because there’s an instant shift to your mood and he could only assume what you were feeling
tears prick at the back of your eyes and that’s the signal for you to gather your things in a flash because the last thing you’d want is to cRY in front of him
“y-yeah! i’m gonna go home, tae. chimmy’s looking for yoongi.”
the dog in question tilts his head because w hat now,,,.,., wha t,.,. he is???
you learned that dogs could smell emotions and that makes you even sadder
chimmy was behaved the whole time; didn’t even try straying you around when he keeps seeing umbrellas on the street even if he loves them
you’re okay
you should be okay
there’s something definitely off
yoongi’s cleaned everything and did his share of chores
the tv is still mounted and the microwave’s clean!!
chimmy didn’t have a toilet accident because if he did, he would’ve already picked it up
there’s definitely something off with yOU
because first of all, why are you here???
“not coming to the park?”
if he can recall correctly, no matter how knackered you were after work, you’d still go to the skatepark!!
... not unless you were injured??
nah because if you were injured then you’d be whining to him now
“nope :)”
you’re lying on the couch where he usually lies nowadays because you weren’t around!!
and you’re drinking from your mug that he’s claimed as his mug
and chimmy’s squished in between the tiny gap of you and the far edge of the couch
“and why?”
he’s always had answers for everything but his mind’s bLANK for this
“wanna spend time with you guys :)”
that’s gotta be the answer, right???
this is definitely weird
for starters, it’s already 11 PM and jungkook’s still in the skatepark and he’s not even skating anymore
he’s just waiting
weird... you aren’t here.......
aH it’s nothing :D you’re probably just tired and didn’t want to go skate
oh and.. you’re not here the next day
or the next
or the nEXT
jungkook spends almost the entirety of his time in the park
he goes there at 3 in the afternoon and comes home at 11 in the evening
no big deal
half of the time is just spent him actually skating and the other is figuring out wHERE you are
uh maybe you’ve started to take ubers now every time you come home??
you’re not walking home anymore and the car would pass by the skatepark and jungkook wouldn’t have a single clue where you are
it’s also this time that it dawns on him that he has no means whatsoever to contact you
he didn’t ask for your number and didn’t exchange socials so he could only gUESS
he can’t come over to your apartment either because he hasn’t walked you home and therefore he wouldn’t know your address
holy shit he’s so dumb and jungkook misses you a lot
like a whole whole lot
he misses you holding onto his shoulders for support and misses your excited grin whenever you nail a trick and had a perfect run
there’s nothing that jungkook could dO besides wait
and miss you so much
and mope
kook doesn’t want to give up and miss a day because what iF you pass by when he’s not there???
he can’t have that and he wON’t have that
he’s just so antsy and he hasn’t had his fix of chimmy bounding towards him and the malamute intentionally pouncing on him whenever he’d drop-in so he could lose his balance
he just needs to see you and your duffel bag and the precious yet beat-up wristwatch you have and-
jungkook’s brought his perfume the past few days because he wouldn’t want to be aND smell sweaty when he sees you again
he’s wearing a shirt this time and nOT a hoodie and it’s actually a nice shirt!! the pale orange makes his tattoos pop
he’s also wearing a watch so he could look business-ish and composed and he kinda hATES watches because uhhhh you ever heard of a phone, buddy??
you’re walking striaght and paying no mind at all and to your surrounding and-
there’s suddenly this cRASH in front of you and it makes you recall in response because that came out of nowhere
... and this feels oddly familiar
only this time though, it’s intentional and it’s jungkook who literally tHREW his skateboard down on the spot in front of you
“y/n? wow, what a coincidence!”
you didn’t expect to see jungkook as soOn as you anticipated that he wouldn’t be here
he laughs nervously and he tries not to overanalyze the fact that your face is blank
“yup. totally.”
you’re avoiding his gaze and meanwhile he’s searching desperately for yours 
what is he feeling and why is it hurt and longing at the same time
“can i walk you home?”
the words tumble out of his mouth before he could even ponder over them longer
“i uh, i rEALLY can’t believe i never asked to walk you home!! or even ask for your number!!! but uHhhh it’s late at night and to be honest i don’t have your number and i just need to know that you’re safe and-”
he stops his rambling right there because he realizes that he’s a stuttering nervous mess
you’re a bit speechless because normally you’re the chatty one but this one.,.,,. this one’s a pleasant surprise
“yeah, yeah. okay :)”
he can’t believe either that you agreed to it but he’s immediately gathering himself and swoops your duffel for him to hold
he’s not gonna entertain a single complaint <3
it’s not exactly the most tensioned silence ever but it’s definitely nOT comfortable
“why didn’t you come to the park?”
okay well sHIT you didn’t expect him to be this straightforward
wait no 
you shouldn’t be surprised!! after all, he probably did mean what he said the last time you’ve seen him
what are u gonna say now
well you coulD say that you’re busy and he’d probably fall for it!!
or reiterate the truth that he’s implied and say it with a straight face
“oh. i started intentionally falling on my ass because i missed you,” jungkook spills out of nowhere while waiting for your answer and he now realizes that might’ve been a little awkward
after all he dID admit that he missed you
“did i uhm... did i say something?”
he rephrases his question and he knows that this was the more appropriate one
your coping mechanism is to kick on the ground as if there were leaves and there are absolutely nO leaves <3
“jungkook, you told me to stop.”
he blinks rapidly at that as he tries to digest your words
he’s trying to backtrack as much as possible and it wasn’t that!!
he simply doesn’t wanna see you hurt
“i can’t explain it but holy shiT i can’t see you hurt!! a-and i know that being hurt in skating is normal but for sOME reason i can’t stand it when i see you in pain o-or-...”
jungkook just can’t explaiN what he feels
“i just -- i just don’t gEt why you’d want to be hurt?? whY are you doing this to yourself??”
you find him ridiculous and this whole situation is just rIDICULOUS
“jesus christ jungkook i did it to try and impress a guy!!”
that earns you a snort and you immediately go defensive
he seems irked and his eyes are just beGGING to be rolled
“who?? taehyung?? the guy who would’ve wiped you out if he did end up hitting you on the head with the deck just a little harder??”
“what? taehyung???” you’re so confused and jungkook hates it even more, “yeah, taehyung!!”
“i like you, jungkook!”
he points to himself to which you eagerly nod your head to
“can you excuse me for one second?”
he barely gives you the time to respond because he’s already walking away and biting his arm
he’s actually sCREAMING
you throw your head back because omg did the two of you just basically admit that you liked each other
jungkook jogs back to where you stand a presses a hefty kISS right on your cheek
he’s on too much of a high that he holds your hand and practically drags you along with him because he’s almost skIPPING from how happy he is
“okay. good. nice. very good!!!” he could now sigh in relief because whEW that robbed him off his breath
“because i fell for you when i first saw you.”
jungkook basically has nO filter now and it’s adorable because god he’s just so soft and you now know what’s going and this wouldn’t be just whatever
“huh. imagine if yOU fell for me too at the same time,,,, that would make me piss my pants.”
he cackles because wow he dO be funny :D
he’s turning to look at you to gauge at your reaction and the waY that you’re holding your eye contact with him is all-telling for your answer
oh my god
jungkook is wrapped around your pinky :’)
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quickspinner · 4 years ago
Puppy Love
I didn’t actually spend much time editing this one because I barely squeezed my sprints in, but I’m pretty happy with it for what it is!  And what it is, is pure domestic fluff, featuring the return of Bach the deaf dog from my very first sprint fic, Puppy Eyes.
Written for the LBSC sprint fic challenge. If you’d like to join in follow @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers for more information!
Challenge rules:
Pick a prompt and write for that prompt in up to three 15 minute sprints. No writing outside the sprints until you have completed all three! After the 3 sprints are complete, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions, etc). After those 24 hours, post what you’ve got! More information on the challenge here!
“Stop being cute, I’m annoyed at you for making me work.”
Marinette glared at the clear blue eyes that blinked innocently at her. “Stop being cute, I’m mad at you for making me work.” 
Bach tilted his head slightly, but made no other reaction. 
“I guess the one nice thing about having a deaf dog,” Marinette sighed, “is that I don’t have to feel guilty for complaining, because you can’t tell.” She tossed another empty bag of stuffing over her little couch to join the rest behind it, where Bach wouldn’t get tangled up in the trash. She’d get Luka to retrieve the empty bags later. Then she looked back to the fleece in her hands, picked up the needle, and began stitching the last opening closed with the same careful stitches she would have used if she were working on a couture dress and not a dog bed. 
She paused, and then sighed, and then reached a hand out to rub between Bach’s ears. His eyes went all squinty and his tongue lolled out as his tail wagged and he did a little full-body wiggle without actually breaking his sit. “Good manners,” Marinette smiled, though she knew Bach couldn’t hear the compliment either. It had been some work, training him not to jump on her while she worked. They’d had one or two close calls with scissors and needles and other sharp things, and he couldn’t hear her shrieking, “No, Bach, sharp! Sharp!” Fortunately, they’d managed to teach him some manners before he got big enough to make injury unavoidable.
Marinette bit down on her smile as Bach shuffled closer, technically not breaking the rules, as his behind never left the floor, but soon his chest was pressed against her legs and his head was resting on her knee. 
“Oh, not the chin,” Marinette whined, carefully placing the last few stitches. “You know I can’t resist the chin.” She tied off her thread, cut it, and carefully set needle and scissors both out of the way. “Okay, okay,” she grumbled, bundling the large, poofy bed off to the side on the couch so she could bend over and press her lips to the top of Bach’s head, ruffling his ears with both hands. Bach began to wiggle all over, tail wagging wildly, and pant, pressing harder into her now that she was giving him attention.
“You’re so spoiled!” Marinette scolded him in a high-pitched voice. “Yes you are! Spoiled spoiled spoiled! I spent all this time making this for you and we both know you’re just going to lay on the floor, aren’t you? You big goof! You’re going to be glad you have this nice comfy bed when it gets cold outside and that floor is freezing!” 
She pulled back as Bach began to get a little overenthusiastic, making his funny little vocalizations and starting to make little hops to lick at her face. “Ew,” Marinette groaned, but she was laughing. Still, she pushed him away, made sure she had his attention, and signed for him to sit. He did, but Marinette could have sworn he was pouting about it. “Good boy,” she said and signed, and then scratched his ears. His eyes followed her as she picked up the bed, fluffed it out, and then laid it on the floor. “All right, let’s give it a try.” Marinette said and signed, “Come,” and Bach nearly lunged to her, dancing all over his new bed until Marinette gave him the sign for “down.” He laid down, looking up at her expectantly, paying no attention to his extremely comfy new bed, color-coordinated to match the studio.
Marinette couldn’t help smiling. “Well, at least you fit in it. For now. You better not get much bigger, furball.” 
“You could have just bought him one, you know.” 
Marinette looked up at the familiar, warm voice, to see Luka leaning on the doorframe and smirking at her. 
“I could not,” she muttered. “And you know it. Besides, I couldn’t have found anything to match the room half as well.” 
Luka chucked, and reached over the flick the lights off and on. Bach looked around, spotted his daddy, and flew from Marinette’s arms with an exuberant, if slightly odd-sounding, woof. He stopped himself just before he jumped up, but sat at Luka’s feet instead as he had at Marinette’s, his whole body once again wiggling. “Good boy,” Luka said and signed, and got down on his knees to take his turn ruffling Bach’s ears as Bach licked his face enthusiastically. “Ew,” Luka grunted, keeping his lips closed as he tried to turn his face away. He’d learned that lesson the hard way. 
“How was work?” Marinette asked, pointlessly smoothing out the newly-finished dog bed.
“Work was work,” Luka sighed, with a little shrug. “It was okay. Nothing monumentally stupid today.” He grinned. “The only diva in the studio was me, for once.” 
“Ooh, that sounds like a story.” Marinette lifted her eyebrows, and Luka winked at her.
Bach, deciding Luka had been sufficiently greeted, bounced between Luka and Marinette. They both laughed at the wiggly white furball, who despite being rather large for the room, managed to avoid knocking over anything important. 
“Well, wife,” Luka began, and Marinette still felt a little frisson of pleasure at the title, “what do you say we take this goober for a walk? Looks like he could stand to burn off the energy, and I could definitely stand to stretch my legs after spending all day in the studio.” 
“Sounds good to me, husband,” Marinette giggled back, feeling a bit of satisfaction at Luka’s grin when she said it. “But go change before you say anything to him about it.” 
“Right,” Luka got up, and wiped a sleeve across his face with a slight grimace. “I’ll change and wash my face and then we can go.” 
Marinette nodded, and tried not to be too put out when Bach pranced out of the room after Luka, shoving his head under Luka’s hand shamelessly and nearly knocking Luka into the hallway wall. 
Half an hour later they were strolling along, Marinette’s arm linked through Luka’s, and Bach’s leash in his other hand, while the big white dog zigzagged down the sidewalk, sniffing everything in reach. 
“I think maybe we better make a stop at the park,” Luka chuckled, watching him. “He’s pretty fired up.”
“I didn’t take him out as much today as I should have,” Marinette admitted. “I had so much to do. I really only took short breaks to work on his bed for a few minutes here and there when I couldn’t take it.”
“He’ll be fine after a few laps around the park,” Luka reassured her, squeezing her arm against his body lightly. “Some days are just like that. We knew it would be a challenge when he got bigger.”
“We did,” Marinette agreed, pressing closer to Luka, so that he slipped his arm free of hers and put it around her waist instead. “But you just couldn’t resist.” 
“Neither could you,” Luka grinned. “It’s not so bad, though? Even if it was kind of...spontaneous.”
“Stupid?” Marinette said wryly. “Impulsive? Completely impractical?”
“Unexpected,” Luka countered. “Even though it wasn’t the plan. It still worked out, didn’t it?” He looked down at her, and Marinette had to take a moment before she could look up and smile at him.
“It really did,” she admitted, her voice thick with emotion. “I should know by now that some plans just aren’t meant to be.” 
Luka leaned down and kissed her—quickly, because Bach hadn’t noticed their stop and jerked them forward again. 
Luka chuckled as they started walking again. “What’s life without an unexpected turn or two?” 
Marinette snorted. “I certainly wouldn’t know, thanks to you.”
“It’s not all my fault,” Luka reminded her, letting go of her long enough to tweak one of her earlobes. “You came with your share of surprises yourself, you know.”
“You love it.” Marinette elbowed him.
“I love you,” he replied easily, settling his arm around her shoulders. “That’s more than enough to make up for the extra helping of chaos.” 
“I thought a streak of chaos was a requirement for becoming a Couffaine.” 
“It kind of is,” Luka laughed, thinking of his unconventional family. “But it didn’t have to be that wide.” He grinned at her. “Overachiever, as always.” 
Marinette sniffed, putting her nose in the air. “I hate to do things halfway.” 
“Oh, I do know that,” Luka drawled, giving her a sidelong wink. “A little bit of planning, a little bit of chaos, and more enthusiasm than this little body ought to be able to hold.” He squeezed her shoulders. “That’s my wife.” 
Marinette tried to hold back the ear-splitting grin that wanted to break out, the one that was too large for her face and showed too many teeth, but she couldn’t do it. She leaned into Luka and pressed her face into his shoulder, trusting his arm to guide her. 
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ificanthaveu · 5 years ago
The 1 || Harry Styles
Description: Based off The 1 by Taylor Swift (read the lyrics to get the gist of what this’ll be about)
A/N: WOOF my first harry fic!! The second I heard this song, I knew I had to make it into a fic. However, it just didn’t feel like it fit Shawn or Calum, and I just knew I had to use Harry for it. I’m in love with how this turned out and I’m so happy I have time to write again. Hope you love this as much as I do.
Word Count: 3k
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Parking your car down the street from the large brick house, you got out and glanced at the homes as you passed them, with doormats with family names and numbers larger than necessary to indicate the address. Every yard was perfectly done with professional landscaping and lawn care, a stark contrast to your apartment upstate where you barely had enough time in the day to place a plant on the balcony.
“I’m telling you, the customer will be fine with it. I promise,” you explained through a sigh as you fiddled with your necklace.
You heard your assistant sigh as well, and you knew he was probably hunched over his desk and tugging at his shirt sleeves.  
“A four box shortage, [Y/N]? This is the second time we’ve done this to them in the past five months,” he said, the exhaustion evident in his voice as he stared at reports.
“And I will send them the backups we have of last year’s version. Everything will be fine,” you said calmly as you paced back and forth in the driveway once you made it to the house, your new heels clicking against the pavement.
“I don’t get how you’re so calm about this all the time,” he mumbled as you heard him typing.
“It comes with practice. Now finish the email and get over here,” you said.
“Whatever you say, boss,” he said through a laugh before hanging up.
You tucked your phone into your clutch and placed it back down by your side. You looked up at the house and took a deep breath before walking to the front door.
You pushed it open and were met with people filling the living room and kitchen, greeting people they didn’t know, and having conversations with people they did.
Your phone buzzed before you could find someone you knew, and you glanced down to see a text from your assistant Trevor.
Trevor: You were right. They took last year’s version no problem. You’re a genius.
You shook your head and laughed to yourself before sending an “I told you so” text and looking at the email you were copied on.
Starting and running your own online clothing store in college was one thing. But that turning into a chain of over 70 stores across the United States and Canada was a whole other thing.
But no matter how many nights you fell asleep at your desk at 2:00 am just to be woken up by Trevor coming in for work at 7:00 and begging you to go home and shower, you loved what you were doing.
You had genuinely never been happier. Even if you never thought you would be.
“What’s your happiest moment?” Harry asked as you sat next to each other, waiting for the Sunday matinee to start at your local theater.
You leaned your head back and look at him from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t know,” you said.
He had a slight smile as he looked back at you.
“That’s not an answer,” he whispered.
You shrugged your shoulders, taking a few pieces of the popcorn from the bucket sitting in his lap.
“I don’t think it’s happened yet,” you said simply.
“Hm,” he said, looking at the screen as the movie started playing.
Once the movie was done, the two of you walked back to his car, his hand lacing in yours naturally after he pulled you up.
“What do you think the best movie ever is?” You asked as he tugged you in the right direction.
“I don’t know,” he said, returning your reply.
“That’s not an answer,” you said as you crossed your arms as he unlocked his car and opened your door.
“I don’t think it’s been made yet,” he said before closing your door.
You sat alone with that thought before he climbed into the driver’s side.
“Why do you think it hasn’t been made yet?” You asked.
“Same reason your happiest moment hasn’t happened yet,” he said, resting his hand on the back of your seat as he backed out of the parking spot, making your heart race.
“We’re young,” he said, his eyes focusing on the road ahead. “I just think I have hundreds of movies that I still have to see. Just like you have millions of moments still to encounter.”
“See I think those are two different things,” you argued. “I still have to get married, have kids, start my dream business. But the classic movies, the ones everyone loves have already been made.”
He nodded his head, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Good point; however, I think the greatest films of all time were never made,” he said.
You stayed quiet, mulling the thought over in your head.
“How is that possible?” You ask, turning in your seat and resting your knee against the center council, fully enveloped in whatever he had to say.
“I just think someone out there has the most amazing idea for a movie anyone could ever think of, but he’s an engineer or a grocery clerk or a stay at home parent so he’ll never make it. We’ll never know.”
“But if it’s really going to be the greatest film, someone will come up with it and go through with it.”
“I don’t think so,” he said simply. “I think some stories are too good to be encapsulated into a film.”
“How so?” You questioned
Harry pulled up in front of your dorm building before turning towards you.
“You and I are the only ones that really know what today is like for us. Today could make the best film ever, and no one would ever know,” he said.
You let your smile tug at the corners of your lips as the concentrated look stayed on his.
“You think today is too good to be a movie?” You said quietly.
A blush crept up on his cheeks before he turned forward and leaned his head on the back of his seat.
He didn’t say anything, instead nodded his head and looked at you again.
The sun was getting dangerously closer to the horizon, reminding you of the homework you hadn’t finished yet.
Before you could second guess it, you leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, not allowing him enough time to even move his hands.
Without another word, you jumped out of the car and ran to the door without looking back to see the blush stay on his cheeks as he watched you.
You shook the reminiscent feeling as you walked forward, glancing at the pictures adorning the walls by the staircase.
Tanya, a friend from college, locked eyes with you from across the room as you quickly waved and made your way to her.
You greeted her with a quick hug as you sat down next to her on the sofa.
“It’s been way too long,” she said as she leaned back and you did the same.
“Tell me about it,” you replied.
“You’re just too damn busy to get ahold of. I’m surprised you even made it today,” she said with a confused look on her face.
“My assistant is going all the dirty work currently,” you said as you made a face.
“On a Saturday?” She questioned.
“Retail never quits.”
“How many stores now? Was it like 60 last time we talked?” She asked, leaning towards you to hear better as the party got louder.
“76 actually,” you said as her eyes nearly bulged out of your head. “77 next week when our newest one in Miami opens, which I’ll actually be headed to tomorrow morning.”
“Ms. CEO is really out here taking over the fashion industry,” she said with the shake of her head.
“That’s the goal,” you said with your customer service smile, a pang hitting you once again.
“Why are we doing this?” You said as Harry dragged you to the middle of the mall where the fountain was.
“You can’t just walk past one of these and not make a wish,” he said as he dug in his pockets.
“So we’re going to waste two cents just to wish for something that isn’t going to happen?” You asked with crossed arms.
“That’s the goal,” he said with a smirk before pressing a penny into your hand. “And you don’t know if it’s actually never going to happen.”
You went to throw it in before Harry’s hand enveloped yours.
“You can’t just throw it in like it’s nothing,” he said with an offended look on his face.
He kept his hands around yours, holding them together as the penny burned against your skin.
“We’re going to close our eyes, think of our wishes, and then count down and throw them in,” he said.
You simply nodded as you smiled at how into this he was.
“And you have to believe every bit of it or it won’t come true,” he said seriously. 
“Ok,” you whispered.
You both closed your eyes, and you rocked back and forth on your heels as Harry’s hands tightened around yours.
You peaked one eye open to see how concentrated he was as you thought of the only wish that made sense. 
I want it to be you.
“Ready?” He whispered.
You hummed in response as you both opened your eyes.
“Three,” he started the countdown.
“Two,” you cut in.
“One,” you both said as you threw your pennies over your backs and into the fountain, hearing them go in with a gentle splash.
Harry’s hand found it’s way back to yours as you tugged him to the candle store you came here for.
“What’d you wish for?” You asked him as his arm wrapped around your shoulder, your hands still laced together.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” he said.
“It was worth a shot.”
“You good?” Tanya asked as you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” you said as you plastered your smile back onto your face.
You turned away from her as someone else she knew came up to greet her. Your eyes scanned the decorations around the room, mostly white, silver, and gold, also looking at the pictures once again.
And then you see him.
He’s laughing at something his friend said, his head thrown back as his curls flopped with it. He was wearing a button-down, like always, with not nearly enough buttons buttoned up. He sipped at a glass of rose as he turned to someone new with a new conversation.
He looked good. Really good.
He looked happy.
You stood up from the couch and made your way to the far wall of the room, pulling your phone out to see the newest message from Trevor telling you he was on his way.
You looked up from your phone and locked eyes with him.
He stopped his conversation as his eyes felt like they bore into your soul.
His hand lifted up to give you a gently wave and a smile as you returned it.
That smile still made you melt.
But it was gone in a moment as that look of hesitation washed across him.
Your final words were hurled at him as you sat down hastily on the couch. Your fingers knitting into your snarled hair as you tried to catch your breath and begged your tears to stop falling.
Harry continued to pace in front of you. The frustration radiating off him.
“I just don’t get it, [Y/N]. I don’t know what else you want me to do,” he yelled as he choked on his own words.
You stayed quiet, having answered this question already.
It wasn’t his fault. But maybe it was, and maybe it was yours or maybe it wasn’t. You couldn’t keep track anymore, and you were sick of the blame game.
You knew you wouldn’t be here if you would’ve brought it up weeks ago, how unloving he’d been lately. How distant he’d felt when his arm was thrown around you. How his answers were the same but somehow different.
You couldn’t pinpoint it anymore.
Everything just felt off.
It felt wrong.
It felt like he didn’t love you anymore. Or at least he wasn’t showing it.
“I don’t know, H,” you said softly, not having it in your heart to yell anymore.
He scoffed as he continued to pace, tugging at the ends of his hair.
“I’m not the only problem,” he said, stopping to look at you as you continued staring at the ground. “If this started months ago, why didn’t you say something then? It would’ve been a hell of a lot easier than this.”
“I don’t know,” you said more sternly this time.
“You never do,” he mumbled.
You didn’t reply to that one as you felt your heart slowly break into two as he sat down next to you. The familiar feeling of his leg pressed against yours was long gone as he sat on the opposite end of the loveseat.
“I deserve better than this,” you paused.
Harry waited for you to finish your thought, his hands balled up in tight fists.
“And so do you.”
You could feel him relax even if he wasn’t touching you, coming to the conclusion neither of you wanted to come to.
That you needed someone who showed every emotion they had face forward in order to understand.
And he just couldn’t give you that.
That he needed someone who spoke up everything they were thinking.
And you couldn’t give him that.
Your heart finally broke in two as you felt Harry’s arm wrap around you and pull you into his side, taking your legs and swinging them over his lap like you always would.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you,” he said softly.
You rested your head against his shoulder as your breathing slowed back to its regular pace.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you either,” you replied.
Once your tears stopped flowing, you removed his arm from across your legs and stood up.
And you left.
You continued to watch him as he grabbed a second glass of rose and made his way across the room, dodging in and out of people trying to talk to him.
He ended up in front of you and handed you a glass as you nodded to him as a thank you.
You didn’t feel the anxiety you thought would creep up into your stomach. You just felt content as he leaned against the wall next to you.
“Congratulations,” you whispered to him.
He nodded his head in thanks as he gave you that same soft smile you fell for.
You both looked across the room to see the Vice President of your company showing the glowing ring to some friends that Harry slipped onto her left ring finger just a few weeks ago.
You knew it would end up here.
Somehow, when Katherine raved to you about the guy she had gone on a few dates with after meeting him on Tinder, you knew this was going to be the guy she’d end up with.
You just didn’t think it would be the same guy you broke up with two years prior to that.
But even after Katherine and you pieced everything together, you insisted she kept seeing him.
She always radiated the type of energy you knew Harry was attracted to.
Her eyes met yours as she saw the two of you from across the room.
She raised her hand up to wave with a sparkling smile on her face.
You both waved back as she held up a hand to let you know she’d be over in a little bit before turning back to her current conversation.
“She always reminded me of you,” you said after a few moments.
Harry didn’t say anything, instead, he turned to look at you with a still face.
“Even before I found out about the two of you, she’d say something in a meeting, and I just couldn’t help but think you’d say the same thing in the same situation,” you explained.
“It just made sense, the two of you,” you said quietly.
Harry nodded again, taking a sip of his drink.
“Thank you,” he finally said after a minute of comfortable silence.
He shrugged, not really knowing why he said that.
“For not freaking out, for being here, for being everything that you are.”
You thought something like that would make your heart shatter, but it didn’t.
“You know I’d do anything for you,” you paused. “For the both of you.”
He nodded again, this time looking a little upset. You could still read him like a book. You knew he was on the verge of saying something he wasn’t sure if he should actually say.
So you took the leap before he could.
“We were something, don’t you think so?” You said softly.
You looked at him as he looked across the room, watching Katherine as she talked to another one of your employees.
If you hadn’t been staring at him as intently as you were, you would’ve missed the slight nod of his head.
“But I’m not the one.”
He turned to look at you after he said that, and you locked eyes.
“I know,” you said as you smiled at him. “But wouldn’t it have been fun?”
Harry’s smile matched yours, adoring the way you just said what you were thinking. Something you had such a hard time with years ago.
He simply nodded his head, his smile not faltering as he held his glass up to yours.
You held yours up as well, hitting it against his with a small clink.
“To the future Mr. and Mrs. Styles,” you said.
He shook his head slightly, a smirk adorning his face.  
“I’ve done enough of those today,” he said.
He pulled back his glass to clink against yours again.
“To us.”
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Not tagging anyone on this bad boy since you signed up for Calum/Shawn, but send me an ASK if you’d like to be added and state FOR WHICH PEOPLE
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years ago
Blanket of Meaning
Note: I was listening to Eternity Blue by Sachi, the song used for the ending of Part 1 of FGO, and ended up coming up with this. And considering how friends have been helping me regain my energy, this is my little ode to one of my newest ones, as an extra honor to this story that went up earlier this month, I feel.
A gift for @partialdignity.
I don’t know when you’ll see this, Carim, but just know I did this because I wanted to and because I appreciate you. Thankie for sticking around these past few months. :)
Vy wasn’t surprised to find Rem fast asleep against Arjuna’s shoulder. The amount of farming the duo did for QP was (for once) a lot more than anyone had expected. It was all the more surprising considering the sudden pile of gold that Rem suddenly brought back to Chaldea once the QP was all collected — was that a part of the bonding process or something? Vy could’ve sworn Arjuna didn’t have any pockets to hold that much gold. So, even with all that in mind, Vy almost expected her fellow Master to fall asleep after a hearty dinner of homemade curry rice courtesy of Tama Cat and Archer EMIYA.
Still, looking at Rem’s sleeping face had Vy pause for a moment. Arjuna’s eyes were equally relaxed and closed as his head lulled against Rem’s, but knowing his status as a Servant, he could wake up at any time if there was even a sign of danger.
Vy considered for a single second.
She took the only hairband she had off her wrist, a dull blue no thanks to the number of missions it had accompanied her on since Fuyuki, reaching back to tie up her long hair into a quick ponytail. Even with a few strands out of place from a messy brushing, Vy didn’t mind. She then ran out of the room as quietly as possible, glancing around the hallways before finding the cupboard she wanted.
1, 2, 3—
Vy did her best to jump up onto the nearest ledge, opening the topmost cupboard to reveal extra blankets hidden inside. Glancing over, she immediately picked the fluffiest-looking one, pulling it into her arms to hold as she slowly climbed back down to floor-level. An equally quick yet quiet dash back was all it took to return to the room Rem was in, and sure enough, Rem was still asleep.
For once in their shared lives together as Chaldean Masters, Rem actually looked relaxed and happy with Arjuna, napping away without a care for anyone else in the world.
Even if we're not that close...
Vy let herself smile just a bit as she chose to tiptoe towards the other Master in the room, carefully unfolding the blanket the entire time. Gently draping both Rem and Arjuna in it was a bit harder than intended no thanks to the small couch they had chosen to sleep on and the length of the blanket intended to be only for a single bed, but Vy settled for having the comforter reach their waists before lurching back to give them space.
I'd like to be there for you too.
“Congrats on a new bond, Chị Rem,” Vy whispered softly. “Be Vy will do her best to take things from here. Get some good rest with Anh Arjuna tonight."
Without waiting for a response, Vy tiptoed backwards to reach the doorway, staring at Rem for a few seconds longer before scurrying out.
“Vy,” Tamamo Cat said in quiet consideration over a pot of tea, “you didn’t have to help us with the dishes tonight, woof. You went farming just as much as Master did today, woof.”
“As much as the cat over there really needs to change her dialogue choices,” Robin Hood sardonically added with a brief glance at Vy over his shoulder drying dishes with a towel, “she has a point, little sparrow. We Servants could’ve cleaned up by ourselves tonight, more so since you helped us cook too.”
Vy rocked her head back and forth for a moment, pretending to think on it before brushing some stray hairs away from her neck and holding the sponge in her right hand a bit tighter. “Nah,” she opted for simply. “Could’ve, but nah.”
“Nah?” Cat echoed with a small bounce in her step, a furry ear flicking in Vy’s direction. “What’s this ‘nah’, Vy? You’re acting suspicious, woof!”
“Just that,” Vy added with a small shrug, giggling. “Nah!”
Tamamo Cat gave her an open mouth of disbelief — one that was enough to show a peek of fang.
On the other side of the kitchen “island,” Robin scoffed under his breath, putting down the newest dry dish in a coffee cup against a counter before strolling over. Vy did her best to stay still once he eventually loomed over her head, and sure enough, calloused hands were tugging at her ponytail. “This coming from the girl who needs a better hairbrush?” he said sarcastically, but the tugging at her hair said otherwise.
Vy waited about a minute or two for Robin to finish cleaning up her hair, and once the hair tie snapped itself into place (was it new? Vy couldn’t tell, but it was definitely tight and snug), she leaned back on the heels of her boots to beam up at the May King.
“Hairbrush or not, what’s wrong with doing something for a friend, Big Robin?” Vy giggled, leaning back a bit more to bump the top of her head against his apron-clad chest. “The least I can do is wash dishes for a friend to rest easier!”
Tamamo Cat took a step back at that, just as Robin blinked down at her before averting his gaze, a hand covering his mouth.

Huh? With a turn of her foot, Vy looked at both Servants with a confused face. “O-Or what, is there something wrong with spontaneous acts of kindness? Rem’s done a lot here too, so I thought the least I could do is wash dishes and help around the kitchen so she could eat and sleep well—”
Tamamo Cat simply raised one paw to purr a happy, “No~!” just as Robin Hood wordlessly reached over to pull Vy into a tight hug, cutting off her ramble session. The entire thing was enough to throw Vy off guard, a high-pitched (and honestly quite clumsy) squeak leaving her lips, but she still returned Robin’s hug via a hesitant pat on his back, blinking up at him from past all the faceful of green apron.
Big Robin?”
Robin stayed quiet, his fingers merely cradling the back of her head as he tightened the hug.
Vy tried one more pat, this time with a bit more strength. “Robin?”
“Silly sparrow,” he said finally. “You silly little sparrow.”
With nothing else in mind, Vy gently bonked her head against his shoulder after a moment, a giggle leaving her lips. “Still yours, right?”
Robin laughed too. “Damn straight.”
“Let’s get back to the dishes?”
Robin pulled back at Vy asking the question, rolling his eyes. “Always work with you.”
“I don’t hear a ‘no’! And besides, we have to finish this before mi amiga wakes up! Tomorrow we’re having pho and we still need to simmer the chicken!”
The entire time, it looked like Tamamo Cat was beaming too. Vy let herself take a little pride in that. Just a little.
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