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scottishsiren · 2 years ago
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As I am studying for a BSc (Hons) @lincolncollegeuk to train as a clinical herbalist. Getting a chance to wander into @napiers1860 whilst in Edinburgh was an absolute joy.! Great to chat with staff and having fun trying to pronounce all the botanical names for the herbs 🌿 Lovely to be able to get what I needed, though I could have bought half the shop! Adding all these lovely tinctures to my collection of herbs and essential oils. #tinctures #herbalism #studentherbalist #undergrad #herbs #woodbetony #stjohnswort #vervain #cornsilk #ribwortplantain #ladysmantle #limeflowers #yarrow #agrimony #naturalhealth #clinicalherbalistintraining #Edinburgh #hometown (at Napiers Edinburgh)
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scottishsiren · 3 years ago
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Lots of lovely crystals . Using some of them in exercise last night at #reikischoolshare and have them dotted around for my Reiki one class in September. Love teaching reiki 🥰 #Heathcote #crystals #reiki #reikishare #gratitude #reikifirstdegree #reikimaster #reikiteacher #reikionetraining #okuden #amber #rosequartz #quartz #jade #amethyst #citrine #geode #blackobsidian #Vortex #scottishsiren #beautifulcrystals #healing (at Vortex)
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scottishsiren · 3 years ago
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I love plants, especially herbs. As I'm studying clinical herbalism @lincolncollegeuk part time. It really helps to actually see the plants and I love my herb garden at home. So bought some extras herbs today.. It's a bit late in the season for herbs, but I bought some tarragon, Lemon verbena, oregano and lavender. I'll be busy looking all these up and learning their botanical names and medicinal properties. My home and garden will look great and smell good. Looking forward to making tinctures and other using the herbs in a multitude of ways 😍 🌿 #tarragon #lemonverbena #oregano #lavender #herbalmedicine #medicinalherbs #herbs #London #Shoreditch #clinicalherbalism #herbalism #studying #handlers #loupe #herbgarden #flowermarket #sundaymarket #tinctures (at Columbia Road Flower Market)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Having fun in Edinburgh. Been a long time since I've dyed my hair pink. I was about 15. ... Having blonde hair made it so easy and it was time for a little change. Thanks to my lovely sis @laydeestardust1 for adding the colour🥰😘����😍 Astrologically transit of Uranus in my 1st house kicking in... much 🤣🧘‍♀️⭐❤ #Hairstyle #blondehair #pinkhair #pinkhairdontcare #uranusfirsthouse #astrology #pinkdyedhair #craxycolour #babypinkhair #feelinggood #colinton #edinburgh #scotland #fun #summerfun (at Colinton, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Listening to  my new records on @last_fm with @laydeestardust1 Had a wander around Canongate  in Edinburgh  and ended up on Elm Row in the VinylVillians record shop. I already had Raw Power and only last week thought  it a good idea to get the first Stooges album. So when this popped up, couldn't ignore it. @stoogeland The T. Rex ones, I just can't say no to. I have everything  on CD. Just wanted the album, The Slider is excellent  mellow album to listen to. The compilation is early T.Rex, which I love. I love Talking  Heads and this love album is superb. Picking just one album from them wasn't easy. @talkingheadsofficial Which leaves Eden. Most people are familiar  with Everything But The  Girl's  later releases as they were excellent.  This is one of my all time favourite  albums from 1984. Their early stuff is way different  but I love it. So to find this original  on vinyl , that made me very happy.  @traceythorn @benwatt +++ #canongate #elmrow # Edinburgh  #recordshop #vinylvillians #the stooges  #everythingbutthegirl  #trex #marcbolan #talkingheads #tyrannosaurusrex #records #vinyl #secondhandvinyl #ebtg #scotland #colinton (at Colinton, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Beautiful celtic jewellery @celticdesignscotland , I spent quite a long time perusing all the rings, pendants, earrings and brooches. Staff were friendly, so lovely to find a such a gorgeous shop. I bought the moonstone and pinkie ring today. #silverjewellery #celticdesign #jewellery #rings #edinburgh #scotland #summerholiday #jewellerylover #ringsofinstagram (at Celtic Design)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Cycled up a big hill to get the the windmill. Gorgeous views over Warwickshire. Definitely proud of my achievement. Beautifully restored windmill. @marinbikes_uk *** #warwickshire #windmill #chestertonwindmill #chesterton #bikeride #marinpointreyes #hybrid #hybridbike #fitness #bikestagram #cycling #freshair #bankholidayweekend #lastdayofmay #freedom #gettingfit #veganfitness #view #viewoverwarwickshire #restored (at Chesterton Windmill)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Went a bit of hiking/walking in Hartshill Hayes Country Park today the woods, Coventry canal, past where Boudica battled with the Romans in AD 60 and along Watling Street (ancient Roman Road) #hikebritain #walking #freshair #stlawerenceswood #oldbury #warwickshireparks #warwickshire #boudica #romanroad #watlingstreet #mancetter #driving #minicoopers #coventrycanal #romans ,#nuneaton #fitbit #endofspring #monthofmay #beautifulday (at Hartshill Hayes Country Park)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Times does fly. Mother would have been 91 today Passed in 2007. Cherish your family xx +++ +++ #mother #fam #smallkid #cutedog #dog #parent #love #mumsofinstagram #mum #scottish #rip #familyphoto #blackandwhitephotography #bw (at Warwick, Warwickshire)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Amidst all the Christmas food, there one thing I love more which is this #matcha. from @matcha.fuel using @oatly batista milk to make my daily latte. I've been searching for a really great matcha and I've found it.. finally! This stuff, helps keep me, calm and alert, especially after lunch when the food coma kicks in. My complexion is lovely from all the antioxidants and will be making some of their recipes like the matcha lemonade and the gingerbread latte. Its so easy to make: ☆Either half or 1 tsp of @matcha.fuel matcha ☆I small @nutribulletuk cup filled up with @oatly barista oat milk (you can use any plant milk you like) ☆ Warm the milk in a pan, so it's pleasantly hot enough to drink. ☆ Add the matcha and milk back to the nutribullet cup. ☆ Whizz for about 10 to 15 secs, it will be really frothy now, you could also use a milk frother in your big mug. Drink! You could put it in a big mug, like the picture above or just leave it in the nutibullet cup. #matchafuel #matchalover #matchaeveryday #matchalatte #oatmilk #oatlybarista #veganmatchalatte #vegansofig #vegan #nutribullet #antioxidants #healthy #lovelycomplexion #plantmilk #plantbased #vegetarian #latte #healthylatte #organicmatcha
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Went gallivanting in my new mini cooper sport as it's been sat on my driveway and I needed to blow away some cobwebs. Cool iron age double-banked hill fort. Amazing that people lived here around 1000 - 2000 years ago. Watching the eerie mist engulfing the settlement  and surrounding  forest. Great ro get into nature again  and walk amongst the trees and along the wye valley trail *** *** #trees #forest  #forestofdean  #caplercamp #brockhampton  #herefordshire #ironage #ironagehillfort #ancientsite #wyevalley  #wyevalleytrail #wellbeing #freshair #misty  #minicoopers minicoopersf56  #mini  #roadtrip #nature #gallivanting #jaunt #countryside #britishracinggreen #lateautumn (at Capler Camp)
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scottishsiren · 4 years ago
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Had a wonderful time in Edinburgh, spent 5 weeks with my lovely sister and my nieces @laydeestardust1 On my last night had a wonderful dinner & dessert @soralellaedinburgh 🍕 and splendid vegan cocktails 🍸 @pandaandsons The food and cocktails were delicious! + + + #veganfood #veganhotchocolate #glutenfree #vegansofig #vegancocktails #veganpizza #veganedinburgh #scotland #whatveganseat #tasty (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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scottishsiren · 5 years ago
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Delicious dinner to celebrate my sister Gina's #graduation 🎓 and me buying a Mini Cooper S 🚗 @laydeestardust1 #vegan # glutenfree #lemoncheesecake everything was vegan and gluten-free ( except the sponge cake just vegan) me and sis polished the vegan cheesecakes and her kids the sponge cake. Check out the turmeric latte #delicious #veganfood #vegansofig #whatveganseat #minicoopers #mini #almondlatte #tumericlatte (at Holy Cow)
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scottishsiren · 5 years ago
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R.I.P. Walter. I'm in Walter Lure FB group just found out he passed last night. Wonderful guitartist, loved the The Waldos and The Heartbreakers. So glad I got to see the Waldos a few years ago in London. #walterlureandthewaldos #walterlure #theWaldos #theheartbreakers #punk #punklegend (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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scottishsiren · 5 years ago
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Lying under the plane trees drinking ale with Jenny in the churchyard of Shoreditch Church. Ventured out properly for the first in 4 months. + + + #london #hackneyroad #shoreditch # #trees #planetrees #bar #shoreditchchurch #churchyard #friendship #fridaynightgoals (at Mikkeller Bar London)
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scottishsiren · 5 years ago
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Been on my trusty steed 5 mile round trip from Heathcote to Warwick and back. Haven't been out on my bike @marinbikes_uk for months (at Warwick, Warwickshire)
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scottishsiren · 5 years ago
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Finally have the time to finish this wonderful book about Poly Styrene by her daughter Celeste Bell @celestabella and Zoë Howe @zoe2dots_howe Wonderful to learn about Poly Styrene's life. Thank you to my daughter @itscharlottehbs for buying the book for me.(You know me well😘😁) I loved X-Ray Spex and all the women in the music scene back then.Their music helped to form who I am today. I've always listening to music on @last_fm - ladyemero #dayglow #polystyrene #xrayspex #punk #punkwomen #punkmusic #womeninmusic #books #bookstagram #goodreads #loralogic #chrissiehynde #debbieharry #vivalbertine #siouxsiesioux #paulineblack #lastfm #rockbiography (at Heathcote)
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