PeacefulLifestyles P.C.S.
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A Conflict Resolution Network
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peace-chats · 6 months ago
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Enjoy the reading!
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
The parents who founded Parents for Peace had no one to turn to for help as they watched their children slip into extremism. Determined to make sure no other family felt alone or powerless to intervene effectively, Parents for Peace created a confidential and free helpline to assist families with deradicalization interventions.
I think this program is amazing. While there are parent groups for almost everything, there should be parents against racism, homophobia, and intolerance. Every group that harms another should have an anti-hate support group. Support all efforts. Peace, always peace!  Natanael 
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Mayors for Peace: International network of mayors advocating for nuclear disarmament.
Sometimes we underestimate the influential political figures who add their names to peacemaking, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping. We need to ensure they are not using police forces to militarize cities and places and call the repression peace! Peace can only be possible through peaceful means, and #criminaleconomies are not peace economies. However, we need to educate citizens to be peace practitioners, and weapons, repression, and other forms of abuse in the name of peace will not happen. A peaceful lifestyle is the best way to live! Let us all help to build peaceful cities, even if we don’t live in them. Natanael 
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Colours of Resistance: Anti-racist, anti-imperialist movement focusing on social justice.
We only hear about the louder resisters but never about the quiet ones. You may be a quiet one. You are a peace worker just as good as the loud ones! You refuse to lend your power to those who do harm. Stay strong, stay peaceful, and resist! 
World peace won't be built on a day’s journey, but being part of it is a great joy to be part of the journey! 
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
"Peace is much more than the absence of conflicts, it is an attitude of the heart." Natanael
Who killed this couple? The one's who pulled the trigger or those who encouraged the killers and raised them as killers? Were those who used religion to spread hatred also the killers?
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
“When you embrace a Peaceful Lifestyle in a world with environmental degradation, destruction, and mass extermination of species… you prioritize sustainable living for a healthier planet, beyond ideology or individual profits.”  (Natanael - PeacefulLifestyles P.C.S.)
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
The Peace People: Founded during the Troubles in Northern Ireland, advocating for nonviolence.
This is an awesome page for peace and conflict awareness since these conflict has gone on for centuries. People have built their lives around perpetual conflict. The region has been militarized and it is one of those lands that are disputed for governance. Read, think, and learn about world peace. Two Nobel Prize winners made the program.  Natanael
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Code Pink: Women-led grassroots organization opposing militarism and war.
This is an amazing program and the campaigns are outstanding. They are a bit too local but new chapters should be created all over the world. Natanael
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Peace Brigades International: Provides protective accompaniment to human rights defenders.
I have always been fascinated with their work: concern with human rights violations in the context of the war in Ukraine and the escalation of the conflict everywhere. This program is incredibly amazing and inspirational. It makes you feel that you could volunteer if you were young again. Natanael 
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
The Elders: Group of global leaders working for peace, justice, and human rights.
I was surprised this peace program actually existed. I find that all societies around the world could learn from this program since the elders are carriers of peace and wisdom like no other generation. Please take a look and let me know. Natanael
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Nonviolent Peaceforce: Deploys unarmed civilian peacekeepers to conflict areas.
This program is truly remarkable. As I read the stories, it becomes evident that peace is an essential requirement for numerous individuals across the globe. Those who venture into conflict zones without arms, actively pursuing peace, demonstrate a profound appreciation for its significance. I'd love to hear your perspective on peace, Natanael.
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
World Beyond War: Advocates for ir the abolition of war and alternatives to violence.
This incredible program makes you think and live beyond you. The best way to live a meaningful life is to adopt a cause and make the world a better place. Sometimes, people get so trapped in their musings that they can never break free to be or be for others. Our planet is lonely, with people around you like zombies or worms wanting a piece of you yet unable to be a neighbor or capable of friendships. Start to live for things greater than yourself; you may like it! Natanael
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Veterans for Peace: U.S. organization of military veterans promoting alternatives to war.
I love this peace organization since all armies and veterans should be peacemakers, peacebuilders, and peacekeepers first and only in extreme circumstances using force to resolve conflicts. A peaceful lifestyle is the best way to live; war and violence are hell on earth. Now, most people in the world are not affected directly by war and violence, they often have range issues, and some are pretty deadly.
How is an approach to cultivating peace in your life? Does it work when you use drugs to bring peace into your life? What do you do to bring peace into your life, except cultivate peace? Drop me a line! Don't settle for anything less than peace! Natanael
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Parents Circle Families Forum: Joint Palestinian-Israeli organization of families who lost loved ones in the conflict.
I just found this fantastic organization about peace and conflict from families in the middle of a conflict, in occupied land, while all their lands are confiscated and reduced to landless people. 
The resistance has been primarily futile because it has been an armed resistance. 
Even though we all have lived in segregated societies at various levels of the spectrum, I feel we have no words or ideas when I read the stories here. 
It makes me think about the Jewish women and children during the holocaust as they were being walked to the place of destruction; some were powerless. Occupation and domination do reduce people to powerlessness and despair. 
While I don’t see the outcome for the Palestinians as a people, unless they have an absolute power that helps them resist, they will be wiped out. This is not the first time it has happened to a human group in history, but this will happen to the Palestinians in our lifetime and while we watch. 
How can we bring peace to these places, and what can we do, when all we can do is watch? Natanael
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Global Zero: Dedicated to eliminating nuclear weapons worldwide.
International Campaign to Ban Landmines: Efforts to eliminate landmines and support 
I love this organization because it gives hope to the hopeless! Nuclear weapons stand like a massive obstacle of unimaginable power, capable of washing out humanity within a few minutes. 
I always ask myself, how an intelligent specie can be so ‘f’up? But that’s humanity for you! 
Peace in this context looks so irrational, irrelevant and meaningless, but again, I don’t have a nuclear weapon in my hands, and I don’t have to make a choice. The choice will be made for all of us. We are like sheep at the gates of the slaughtered house, waiting to be killed! 
Nuclear weapons, more than any other thing, gives this sense of powerlessness. It may seem that because we have large amounts of atomic weapons will be safer, but no one knows when the fall-out will start and how no one is safe. What can we do to make a difference in our world? 
Live and ignore?
Talk about? 
Tell ourselves that we will be Ok?
What do you do when everything you do seems meaningless? 
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Doctors Without Borders (MSF): Provides medical care in conflict zones and areas affected by disasters.
One of the most peaceful organizations, we see in the world is this, since Doctors are really wealthy and their financial demands make them always be working for money. So, it is very rare to see activist doctors. While their work is humanitarian and it is always linked to ‘big pharma’ since they are their foot soldiers, these ones are outstanding. Doctors in general do great work for humanity for pay, these one’s just are very awesome. I watch their documentaries and their missions and I’m very impressed. True peacemakers, peacebuilders, and peacekeepers. Natanael 
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peace-chats · 2 years ago
Peaceful Lifestyles, the Best Way to Live!
Amnesty International: Advocates for human rights and fights against injustice and oppression.
I love this organization despite the bureaucratic structures and its functionality. It is almost like another government organization. But to know that some people advocate for political prisoners is awesome. Today, they are not very visible and it looks like they are mostly napping! Let us hope they wake up and continue to advance peace! Natanael
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