my-souls-rumination · 3 years
There are those that open the bathroom door and then turn the light off as they leave.
There are others that turn off the light, then open the door, out of politeness to those that might be around in A dark space.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
Surrounded by your things I feel alone.
Being where you spent so much time, your fingerprints on everything, your mind on display I feel overwhelmed.
I miss you.
I always will.
I try to take deep breaths, but I can't.
I try to sleep, but my mind won't let me.
No matter how prepared I was, I would never have been ready.
I will always carry you inside me.
Love does not stop, simply because we are in different environments.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
Finding a tape measure when you need one.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
The feeling of the early morning sun against your face, as you begin your day outside with your favorite coffee.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
People bleed... We ache.... We hurt.
Does one have to muddy the waters and seek why?
A soothing word, a kind hand in the moment, can make a difference.
Regardless about how much you know.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
Love those you love.
DO NOT keep those feelings quiet.
Better to say it too much, than too little.
Our pages are finite! You never know when the last chapter will finish.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
I was too numb to feel the moment, when the last of my emotions slipped away into the dark.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
I want to rail you , until I can't even stand.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
I wish you'd come back.......
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
I got lost in you, to avoid having to face myself.
The deeper inside you I go, the less of me I feel.
The moments I look into your eyes, I need to pull away.
It isn't because of you I see, but it's because I know you see me as I am.
Vulnerability floods though my mind.
My heart begins to pound from insecure impulses.
How can someone so amazing, so perfect for me, so beautiful.... Ever feel so much for me?
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
No matter how hard the path,even if you no longer see any light on your way.
Even if you need to suck in that stinging breath and pretend....
Never let someone that loves you see you quit the fight.
Never let them feel anything other than unwavering support.
Never let them feel that they were ever too much, especially as they see their time on earth come to an end.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
Real love will involve hurt.
Real love will have hard moments.
Easy to sometimes forget what real love like, until one day you wake and you ache in the absence of it.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
Few things feel so lonely, when you discover you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
Learning how to breathe calmly,to shed away the onslaught of anxiety attacks.
To be able to slow my minds thoughts, to be able to grow after my trust has been ripped away to the bone.
Even though I still bleed, this is my goal.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
At night I'm at my weakest... No responsibility other than to rest for the next day.
Only, my mind won't stop, can't stop, when it has its been memorable and the results are almost impossible to replicate.
The hope I have at the beginning of the day, wears down with every passing thought.
I stay distracted with work, with others, with things I can't ignore, yet.... At night... When all that is quiet, or gone....that's when I plummet.
My thoughts slice through me, i feel them bruise me, cut me, circle me.
I love and hate the night.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
My pair of Mouring Doves, have come back to chill in my yard next to bath and feeder.
I love the sound they make.
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my-souls-rumination · 3 years
I let too many people go.... All because I struggle to stay in my comfort zone.
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