wanderings n' ponderings
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Tami, Medical Herbalist.. Gallivanter.. Nerd.
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medical-herbalist · 4 years ago
CURRENCY: Money? sure. An Energy Exchange? DECIDEDLY. Your UNIQUENESS is YOUR Currency!
We learn of our Self through contrast from Others. This is how we learn about the world around us, from babies into childhood...
Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we can get stuck in a circuit of always looking at others and comparing ourselves — we stand as Judge + Jury, often condemning ourselves and our lifestyle as not being good enough.
I see this in my own Life’s Work genre within Health + Wellness for the last 30+ years [yes, that’s right — DECADES of seeing trends come.. go.. and come back around as if it is a new revelation!] — where by people position themselves as experts to declare they are living a “cleaner” or “more pure” lifestyle than you or any other practitioner on the planet — and it puts immense pressure on us to judge ourselves and cultivate guilt that we aren’t “getting it right”...
Trust me — images are compelling.
Whether video or still shots.. Commercials or Infomercials.. Adverts or Social Media accounts..... We. Are. BOMBARDED.
One thing this pandemic and world events have revealed is the power of social media to our views and beliefs.
We were forced to retreat from the noise of everyday living and our established routines (or personal chaos - if you flew by the seat of your pants, most days!) — and faced with turning our gaze inward.
We learned how crucial Self Care is to our overall Well-Being.
Self Care encompasses our Physical Bodies, Minds, Emotions, Physical Possessions, Financial Resources..... EVERYTHING.
Needless to say, anything that wasn’t on solid footing was tossed about like shaking up snowflakes in a snow globe!
There are no hard-fast “tips + tricks” in this post; You’ve likely seen them all, AD NAUSEAM. [Latin, meaning: referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome]
My only point here, is to say that CURRENCY can be the physical money/resources you have — but it can be seen as ENERGY to be EXCHANGED for benefit, sustenance, or to enable change/evolution.
The formulas of living and lifestyle that resonate for you are UNIQUE. We can take what others do and distill from it the bits n’ bobs that suit us — rather than attempt to squeeze ourselves into a tidy category box.
Diets/Nutritional Habits, Formulas, Routines of Physical Movement, Sleep Schedules, Skin Care, Mind-Emotional Processing, Wardrobe Choices, Relating with Others...... THE LOT OF IT...... is all up for Individual Interpretation and Expression.
Go ahead — Be Free to experiment and explore what you consume in Media of all formats — but Your UNIQUENESS is your Personal CURRENCY (Energy to be Exchanged) with the World through your Life Experience.
Aim to see these bits of Media as inspiration for what resonates from what doesn’t. It doesn’t make you “less or more than” other ways of being — but your Uniqueness has the power to lead you to your best possible Life Experience tailored to YOU.
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medical-herbalist · 4 years ago
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FROM WHERE DOES YOUR GARDEN OF HAPPINESS GROW? It may seem cliché, all of the metaphors for growth.. for troubling times.. for challenging situations. We remind ourselves that such concepts were borne from seeds of Truth. Human Experience. If we take pause to reflect upon previous experiences, we know this to Be. Our personal “soil” must be enriched.. watered thoroughly.. and granted time to produce new life. Through this time, life will blossom. Maybe you needed to hear this, at this moment in time. 🙏 Love You. 💖 xxTami
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medical-herbalist · 7 years ago
Stay well, per recommendations by *Yours Truly* 😉
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medical-herbalist · 7 years ago
Gift yourself the time to enjoy the simplest of moments. Live Well, Be Well.. Naturally.
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medical-herbalist · 7 years ago
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Cycles.... One advantage of living long enough, is recognizing cycles. I was listening to a 90s radio station while driving today, and heard the 'angst' and 'rage' that was a common thread of that music and social era. (think: 'Daria' cartoons, "grunge" style of clothing, and the darker sounds of popular music at that time) I reflected upon what our lives were like then -- the social + technological trends, and such -- and it dawned upon me a general similarity to the swell of angst and rage we are sensing in recent times... What might that be, you ask? Around the mid-90s, we were in the very infancy of technology and the internet reaching the masses (yeah, we had personal computers and handheld calendar devices, but they weren't so sophisticated nor as interconnected with our networks around the world in an instant)... Put it to you this way (for perspective): When I graduated from my first round of college at Hofstra University, December 1992, I got lost driving to an onsite job contract (1993), and had to search VERY hard to find a PAY PHONE to call their offices USING A PAPER PHONE BOOK YELLOWPAGES in the booth -- using whatever coin change I could scrounge up!! But, I digress.... Think about that time in the mid-90s and see that it was a 'pre-birth' phase of an entirely new and innovative way our world connected and interacted! So much social angst after the "Big Overspent 80s" reflected in the art, music and style of youth during that decade.. trying to find a way to Be. There was a palpable tension we could not put our finger on, but a weighted shadow of energy seemed to linger. Fast-forward to today: We are more connected than ever, technologically evolving more rapidly than we can manage to master. Yet, so much angst between many still attached to ancient issues of our societal past and a need to allow this New World to fully emerge. We can't see precisely what will unfold -- just as we can't 'meet' the baby or experience the new business/project/art before it is born/created -- but we do see the rising strain at the surface from deep-seated and darkened depths of the Collective Psyche in these wee 'hours' before the dawn. It got me to see that -- similar to the mid-90s -- we are in a time of Rebirth. Like New Mothers (and Fathers), we must release parts of our lives that have existed as long as can be remembered. Seeing it in this way, we must ask ourselves: Has childbirth ever been 'easy'? Has 'giving birth' to a new business, idea, craft or project ever been a smooth and seamless process? These new souls or projects we "give birth" to can alter our lives far beyond what we can possibly imagine, yes? Would the Rebirth of a Global Society and evolution of Collective Consciousness be any less painful, chaotic or life-altering? Chaos outside of ourselves forces us to look deeply within. We must explore the darkest spaces within, and bring light of awareness.. mindfulness.. and the courage to accept what we find residing there. It is said, "It is darkest before the dawn". We can 'rage against' our own internal machine in order to give birth to a new way of Being -- and if you've lived long enough, you can begin to see the cycle re-emerge. Peace and Light be Yours... xxTami photo credit: Pinterest
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medical-herbalist · 7 years ago
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"How did you get into what you do?" Loaded query, often finds me responding like a "deer in the headlights" -- as the time warp flashes before my eyes -- where do I ever begin to explain, without putting someone into an info-overload coma? 😳😉The Year was 1993. Freshly minted Exercise Physiologist + Psychology creds from Hofstra University. While I searched for that "full time gig with benefits" in the Corporate Wellness realm [when the term "Wellness" was largely yet to be understood by mainstream], I found varied Part-Time work as a Wellness Consultant at private health clubs, Corporate Employee onsite Wellness centers, group classes, personal training -- even an Adjunct Faculty assignment at a local Community College. This case has been a reminder of those earliest days -- a gift from Mom n' Dad -- as I ventured into the professional world, a "Sole Proprietor" who was basically pushed into private practice from Day One. Sure, we were required to take Business Management + Marketing 101 -- but that was all "theory" (of the Dark Ages) -- and our focus was Patient/Client-centered (not so much "business"). I leave the business card (( my very first, when they cost a small fortune!! )) inside the case tag as a reminder of those earliest days.. how far we traverse through the years. My work has evolved since those days, but the clinical understandings remain a fiber woven into the tapestry of what I bring to the table for each Patient and their whole-being care. Taking this case out for use is -- in many ways -- symbolic of integrating our past with our present, as we step forward, each of us a unique mosaic of knowledge and energies contributing to the world at-large. We often get so caught up in 'becoming' and looking forward that we forget to pack and carry the best parts of our past. I'm learning some lessons about this, myself, that we may "move on" in some ways, but not all of "what was" needs discarding from view that which we share in this moment. It all holds value, even if vastly different in *how* we contribute to the world, Now. Travel light, but pack and carry the best parts with you...
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medical-herbalist · 7 years ago
...going about her way, as muted pastels blanket a summer's eve at dusk...
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medical-herbalist · 8 years ago
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"I've been Scouted!" -- with Infinite Gratitude... Cheers! @tsgnorthernnewjersey @thescoutguide #healthylifestyle #lifestyle not just a #luxurylifestyle health is #luxury
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medical-herbalist · 8 years ago
Wisdom Du Jour-ist
Saturday Reflection.. My response to a Friend's post seemed worthy to share with Y'All to take into your week's end: "...had to chuckle at your reflections about having everything on-hand when you need/want it... to be proficient with routines and habits... only to find I'm reminding myself: 'Balance' is an elusive concept of perfection -- when it truly means the *ability to adapt and recover from change* 😉🙌 Embrace your ability to flow like the river around its stones! 😄😉😘" ~ Tami-san, Wisdom Du Jour-ist 🤣
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medical-herbalist · 8 years ago
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...wonderland of white, the blanket thickens.. muted sounds into silence...
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medical-herbalist · 8 years ago
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… Autumn’s cool air begins to descend through the trees, hearts warmed by the inner glow of home and hearth…
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medical-herbalist · 9 years ago
...ladies grazing, as Summer's Sun embraces the horizon...
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medical-herbalist · 9 years ago
..embers dance, sending its kisses to a starlit sky.. #family #fest #fire #firepit #freespirit
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medical-herbalist · 9 years ago
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“..Lovely Lady Liberty.. With her book of recipes.. And the finest one she’s got.. Is the great American melting pot. The great American melting pot…” ~ Great American Melting Pot, Schoolhouse Rock
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medical-herbalist · 9 years ago
"Taking it (a situation, a project, a relationship of any flavor) to the next level." What does that mean, exactly?
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medical-herbalist · 9 years ago
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.. Winter bids a quiet farewell-for-now, until we meet again.. as fires of Spring beckon on the horizon...
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medical-herbalist · 9 years ago
Tumblr media a snow-maker moves through, expansive blue sky appears upon the horizon....
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