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2nd person pronouns:vou/vou/vour/vours/vourself and vourselveszoum/zoum/zoums/zoumself3rd person pronouns:xenopronouns, sonone
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limetarte · 6 months ago
categories and categorization are harmful and oppressive and will never include everything nor every nuance, it’s impossible, they’re essentially simplication into made up groups
and simplification will always be harmful and wrong and ignoring reality
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limetarte · 6 months ago
hate the concept of “owning someone”, people are not your property! (talking mostly about monoamorous relationships/exclusive relationships, but it applies to everything) It’s so toxic!! It’s harmful and oppressive. “Owning” is white supremacy, after that you add the layers of oppression like sexism, ableism, everything else, cause they all apply.
You don’t own the person you’re in a [whatever kind of] relationship with, they’re not yours, you’re not theirs. Again this comes from heavy insecurity and the “cheating” bullshit. Heavy insecurity of not trusting, of someone leaving you, someone replacing you, not being enough, of lack of communication about feelings. The “cheating” bullshit being built on the idea of “owning someone” and heavy insecurity, a lot of it coming from monotheistic religions. It’s oppression. It’s harmful.
That fear of someone leaving is accentuated by the way we approach relationships now…: as temporary, useless or barely important; and beings: reducing them to anything you like or dislike/hate, reducing them to pain or your pain; we’re irreducible, reducing people is white supremacy, it’s restraining the being and pretending they’re only that, or that they’re the systems, what they’ve been taught and are repeating, their actions and inactions, it’s white supremacy, we aren’t that. We aren’t the systems of oppression, we aren’t what we’ve been taught, we aren’t our actions nor inactions. And never giving people the space to learn, even though everyone, everyone, can learn and unlearn. Everyone.
This might raise the question of “what are we?”, with all that we aren’t, what would make us? We are beings, people, nature, magic, whole, worthful, enough, important, valid, okay as we are, were and will be, love, irreducible and equal, we’re everything all at once, we’re more than 6 dimensional beings. (love is not romantic attraction, love is not sexual attraction, love is not sex, romantic attraction is not love, sexual attraction is not love, sex is not love. It has been all reduced. Love is an essence, magic, at the base of every being, it’s what gives us feelings and care, what makes us hate violence, oppression...)
You cannot be replaced, your being is irreplaceable, you are irreplaceable, nobody can replace you. Everyone loves you, everyone longs for you. Every person you had a relationship with longs for you and wishes you were there. Even people whom you never talked to in your life, someone might know you from afar, but they still long for you. Because we love everyone, we want everyone. Even though realistically we can’t have a relationship with everyone, it’s impossible, we can’t handle it, but we still have that connection with every being, we weren’t made to live with thousands of humans, we are hunter gatherers who live in tribes of 100-150 humans, we’re not supposed to know (in practicality, not theory) more than that amount of humans. That’s one of the reasons why the world we live in is so harmful. Nobody can replace you, we’re so different, even though we’re all the same, we’re all also different from each other.
You are enough, you always were, you’ll always be, you have nothing to change about you, you always were whole, we change naturally over time and our experiences, etc, and we’re all enough.
Lack of communication about feelings, that is learned. That shows a lack of trust and fear that someone has all these negative feelings, pain, suppressed and repressed feelings related to you. It’s taught. That’s how most of us grew up, not speaking about our feelings, with emotional neglect and harm surrounding sharing your feelings, it wasn’t safe for us when we grew up to share our feelings or even show them or some of them or them fully. It’s white supremacy; emotional invalidation, emotional neglect, harm, oppression, like childism and ageism. It’s not being given a space for your feelings, you might repeat the way you grew up and not allow a safe space to exist. We need emotional validation, being heard and understood, listened to, we need others to share our feelings, empathy, being related to and relate to, we need compassion and some kind of empathy. We need to be given a space to share our feelings, being able to speak, think, take our time, process and experience.
We all deep down know it, in our beings, it shows in our actions and feelings, some it’s more or less obvious than others, but it all shows, our care and love shows. We know deep down that we’re whole, irreducible, worthful, important, equal and enough, we have to realize it on a more surface level, as a collective and individuals, but it’s really hard, because it got to that harmful point, because of the way we’ve been treated and are still treated to this day, we’re treated as if we’re not all of that, we’re treated as worthless, unimportant, unequal, not enough, not okay, not whole, wrong, but we’re not and it’s not okay how we’ve been and are treated. We need to change the collective view we have of each other.
And you have nothing to prove. You’re not anyone’s property and nobody’s your property. Your feelings are not to be proven, they’re true and real, you don’t have to “prove” them. It’s the same for everyone else. Consider that people can tell the truth, that people aren’t trying to hurt you or mock you or use you, they’re repeating the way they’ve been treated, they don’t know it’s wrong. Consider that people can genuinely have feelings for you (again, “having feelings for” isn’t “feeling romantic attraction for” nor “feeling sexual attraction for” nor “feeling familial attraction for” nor “feeling platonic attraction for”. Feeling romantic attraction for doesn’t mean “having feelings for”, that’s reducing what feelings inherently are, they’re feelings, they’re emotions, thoughts, experiences, not attraction, even though some of these feelings might be/are some kind of attraction (not necessarily romantic, sexual, platonic, familial, whatever)) Consider that people can genuinely feel attraction for you, like how you feel attraction sometimes, it’s genuine, it’s there, well it’s the same for these people, they also feel, it could be attraction. (not trying to push romantic attraction onto y’all, but “attraction” is not romance and it doesn’t equate to romantic/sexual/familial attraction. It has been reduced. It’s not that) We’ve been alienated from each other. We’re so gaslighted, and we know it too, and alienated from each other, that we “don’t” believe others could be saying the truth. We’re scared that they might hurt us, cause we’ve been so hurt, we’re scared to believe, to “be played”. Consider that it’s never the intentions of anyone, nobody wants that deep down, we’re love and magic, we care for each other naturally, we love each other. We’re repeating what we’ve been taught, not that anyone actually means that deep down (your feelings are valid and important)
*sorry about the “agains”, it sounded like unnecessary aggression, it’s my suppressed feelings about the way society forgets that and doesn’t take it into account, nor considers that it might be “all” wrong and harmful (“all” is an exaggeration, don’t know if it’s necessarily “all wrong”, maybe not, most of the time, nothing is “all something”, but it doesn’t always apply, maybe it is, right now I don’t feel like questioning that, I’m hungry and wanna do something else, yeah this was all written in one time) it makes us feel anger and pain, it’s nearly everywhere too, so it’s very frustrating, constantly. Can’t even listen to songs without that, the joy given to by the internet gets put into the recycling bin by the youtube ads and ads in general, the songs, the videos, the comments, it’s SO EXHAUSTING!! 😫😩
It’s like the red heart that never uses, unless make a rainbow of hearts, because red with hearts has been WAY too associated with romance, romantic attraction, and since [..] feel romance repulsed and am aroace, it’s really frustrating and ruins most of it for self 😫😩😤
There’s more to red, to hearts, to red hearts and red with hearts or pink with hearts or even orange or purple with hearts than romance and romantic attraction! There’s more to it than platonic attraction too! and that goes for every color, every hearts, every color with hearts, yellow with hearts, blue with hearts, orange with hearts, green with hearts, everything! ❤️
there’s something else realized forgot to talk about it, and it disgusts self and upsets self so much that people even think that, that gonna mention it quickly, because it needs to be said:
You don’t own someone, you don’t own anyone’s body, you’re not the only one who should have access to anyone’s body nor who gets to, same thing for the other way around, nobody’s the only one who has access to your body. We’re collective beings. Nobody ever feels attraction towards a single person, nobody ever feels any feeling towards a single person. Nobody ever feels comfortable being touched by one person ever, that is taught. It IS taught. It’s taught and am sick of it.
*sorry about the aggression, am tired, wanna post this, wanna stop, am upset and want all the oppression to end
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limetarte · 8 months ago
Why is it so hard to dare not misgender yourself? Specifically when you use really nonconforming pronouns… /ngenq /rh
It feels scary
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limetarte · 8 months ago
The pain of specifically saying your 2nd person pronouns and nobody ever uses them… they misgender you instead… 😢😫😡
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limetarte · 9 months ago
Let’s not refer to skills, feelings and what you like and dislike as good/bad.
Being a beginner is not a bad thing, it’s not bad. Being skilled is not good, it’s not better, yes it might be more practical for survival skills, but it’s still not better. Skills are not a hierarchy.
Feelings are not bad, feelings are not good, there’s no good nor bad feelings/emotions, there’s no better nor worse feeling/emotion, all emotions are a part of us, equal and each just as important and worthful.
What you like is not better, it’s not good, what you dislike is not bad and it’s not worse. Things are not defined by your liking or dislike towards them, they’re not inherently defined by your feelings towards them. Things are not inherently good nor bad, not likeable/dislikable, not inherently fun nor boring, etc.
What you may like, someone else dislikes it, what you may dislike, someone else likes it, what may give you fun, bores someone else, what may bore you, gives fun to someone else. It’s a spectrum, a wide range of diversity. (this is excluding things like oppression and mistreatment)
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limetarte · 10 months ago
Hierarchies are the root cause of every oppression that exists, the second you get rid of them, oppression will cease to exist as well. Why? Because oppression is on the hierarchal idea that one group is below/above the other. If everyone actually realizes that everything is actually equal and there’s nothing inferior to you nor superior to you, oppression will cease to exist automatically, by itself.
If everyone viewed things the way they are, which is everything is inherently equal, then everyone would feel really happy. I don’t know what’s holding back people, probably a lack of self worth and collective worth. Which, by the way, were all created through lies and lack of shown love, care and truth. Which is caused by the systems we live in. It’s all a cycle, the systems create low self and collective worth, which makes people reproduce the systems even more and not allow themselves to believe in the reality that we’re all equals.
Most people are constantly bringing themselves and others down through the repeated violence the systems have taught us, which is so common that most don’t even realize how often they’re bringing anything down.
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limetarte · 10 months ago
Content warning: contains emotionally invalidating words, although followed later by validation
[..] think most people don’t realize how insidious and commonized [emotional] invalidation are. Like when someone says “thank you” and gets responded to with “no problem”, “you don’t have to thank me”, “don’t thank me”, etc. that’s emotional invalidation. Have you considered how the person might wanna thank you sincerely? It’s okay to thank people, if you feel like you wanna thank someone then do thank them (not in the “I’m telling you to do it” way, but in the sense that you are to yourself, if you are). Yes, problem. “No problem” is so invalidating, it’s so commonized that most say it without thinking about it, or without realizing it. Your feelings are valid. You can feel that way. That short phrase is telling people not to feel whatever they’re feeling, which is straight up emotional invalidation. You can feel whatever you’re feeling. There’s also the word “just”, that is sooo invalidating. “Only” and “just” should only be used when meaning “1 thing”, like right now. Not used in relation to anyone’s feelings, never ever. Because it’s never “only” that, it’s never “just” that, people feel the need to use that because they feel the need to suppress their emotions and feelings. Same thing with the “at least”, it’s not as common, fortunately (most likely due to it being more known as invalidation than the others), but it’s still widely used. So, yes, problem. Do thank people. Do feel the need to thank people. A way, personally, really like to cancel invalidation, and replace it with validation is by saying the opposite repeated times, which works. Like right now. So yes problem, do have to thank “you”, do thank “you”, you can feel this way and if you do, you do. You also don’t have to do it (in the sense that am not telling you “feel this way!” “feel like that” “do this, you have to”), it’s okay not to thank people, it’s okay not to express your feelings and emotions. It’s okay not to express your thankfulness. It’s okay and valid to feel thankful. It’s okay and valid to wanna say “thank you”, it’s okay to say “thank you”. It’s okay and valid to not wanna say “thank you” too, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to say it and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to say it either.
The reason some people may say that varies, but it’s usually due to them being scared to feel emotions, feeling not worthy enough to have positive emotions and get thanked. Sadly…. 🙁😢😣 It’s angering. Really hate the world we live in 😫😡😒😠😢
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limetarte · 10 months ago
It’s okay to invent things, to make up words, to create new words and expressions. There’s nothing wrong with making up things, stories, words, expressions, anything
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limetarte · 10 months ago
It’s okay to stutter. There is nothing wrong with stuttering. You can stutter and that’s okay. It’s not wrong, it’s not bad. It’s not unnecessary, it’s a natural part of life, it’s involuntary and that’s okay.
Yes, stutter. Yes, you can stutter. Do stutter. Anything saying otherwise is a lie and wrong. Anything saying or even implying that “stuttering is bad” or that “you’re not allowed to stutter”, is ableist. It’s lies, fake, untrue. It’s ableism. Which is wrong.
You don’t have to conform. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to look like a robot, you don’t have to act like a robot. Even A.I. stutters. It’s natural and there’s nothing wrong nor “undesirable” about it.
Yes, it might be inconvenient, but it’s not bad for that reason. Inconvenience is a part of life. Nothing wrong with inconvenience. Nothing wrong with taking your time [to speak]. Nothing wrong with stuttering.
You can inconvenience people (in the sense, that it’s okay and there’s nothing wrong nor bad about it). Do inconveniences. The reason they’re looked down upon is because they challenge the systems, specifically capitalism, but all the other ones as well too.
You have time. Everyone has the time to listen to you, speak and stutter. You have the time to stutter. And that’s okay.
It’s okay to take up space. It’s okay to take up time. It’s okay to take up noise space. It’s okay to take up noise space, space and time. It’s okay to take up space in other people’s minds, thoughts and feelings. There’s nothing wrong with taking up any kind of space. You are not an inconvenience. You’re not an inconvenience, nobody is, no one is, not you, not user, not us. You are enough as you are. You are whole. You are worthful.
It’s alright and fine to stutter. Your feelings are valid and okay too. I know it’s hard, I know the systems, which are reproduced into society and by people, are insidious and attack everyone saying that “it’s this”, “it’s that”, and blah blah blah. We know they make us feel like and think that it’s bad, like it’s wrong, they make us feel mad, sad and other negative emotions for not conforming, and those emotions and feelings are valid. There’s nothing wrong with them. They’re real and true. 💙💙 So yes, do stutter 💙
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limetarte · 11 months ago
"Like all foreigners, the Jewish settlers sailed first to Alexandria, took a ferry to Jaffa, and were taken ashore by small boats. This mundane arrival at the shore appears in the settlers’ statements as aggressive and alien treatment: ‘Aravim Hetikifu Ottanu’ – ‘the Arabs assaulted us’ – is the phrase used to describe the simple act of Palestinian boys helping settlers to small boats on the way to Jaffa; they shouted because the waves were high and asked for baksheesh [tips] because this was how they managed to live. But in the settlers’ narrative they were assailants. Noise, presumably a normal feature of life in the Jewish townships of Eastern Europe, becomes menacing when produced by Palestinian women wailing in the traditional salute of joy to the sailors returning safely home. For the settlers this was the behaviour of savages, ‘with fiery eyes and a strange garroted language.’ Whether the topic is their language, their dress or their animals, reports back to Europe concerning the Palestinians were all about unpleasantness and weirdness. ... Again and again, Zionist settlers behaved as a people who had been insulted – either objectively in the form of a physical attack, but more often simply by the very presence of Palestinians in Palestine. ... The Zionist settlers instituted retaliation for ‘theft’, which was how they characterised the rural tradition of cultivating state land, a practice that was legal under Ottoman law. Picking fruit from roadside orchards became an act of robbery only after Zionism took over the land. The words shoded (robber) and rozeach (murderer) were flung about with ease when Palestinians involved in such acts were described. After 1948 these terms would be replaced with ‘terrorist’ and ‘saboteur’. ... Cleansing the land of its farmers and tenants was done at first through meeting in the Zionist madafa and then by force of eviction in Mandatory times. The ‘good’ Palestinians were those who came to the madafa and allowed themselves to be evicted. Those who refused were branded robbers and murderers. Even Palestinians with whom the settlers sometimes shared ownership of horses or long hours of guard duty were transformed into villains once they refused eviction. Later on, wherever Israelis would control the lives of Palestinians, such a refusal to collaborate would be the ultimate proof for Palestinian choice of the terrorist option as a way of life. ... Following the 1967 war ... both Israeli academics and Israeli media commonly used the term ‘terrorism’ when referring to any kind of Palestinian political, social and cultural activity. ‘Palestinian terrorism’ was depicted as having been present from the very beginning of the Zionist project in Palestine and still being there when academic research into it began in earnest. This characterisation was so comprehensive and airtight that it assigned almost every chapter in Palestinian history to the domain of ‘terrorism’ and absolved hardly any of the organisations and personalities that made up the Palestinian national movement from the accusation of being terrorists."
Ilan Pappé, The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge (2014)
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limetarte · 1 year ago
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Anyone who can help, it would be really great if you helped out.
The link is on this person’s account, the pinned post!
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limetarte · 1 year ago
Why is ranking friends, relationships even a thing? Why are there literal names that exist due to hierarchies? Why do you have to name and put a specific label on the person you’re the closest to and always prioritize them? Why? /rh You know, you feel it, you know you’re the closest to this person already, so why put that into words and put it into a hierarchy? Your best friend isn’t more important than anyone else. Where is equality in this? /rh Everyone’s worth is equal. /srs Why do you “have” to tell people that you view someone else as more important than them and that you love someone else more? /rh Why? /rh It hurts. Let’s actually stop putting relationships and people into hierarchies. It’s so insidious, commonized and internalized in this society that most people don’t even realize how bad it is.
“you” /nay specifically
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limetarte · 1 year ago
a reminder or an "elucidation", adoption is bad and wrong
the propaganda that adoption is "good", positive or even neutral is all false and wrong
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limetarte · 1 year ago
The phrase "don't forget..." is ableist. It implies that the person can't forget and that it's bad or wrong to forget, which are both untrue. It's okay to forget. There's nothing wrong with forgetting. Also the phrase is also used especially when someone forgets something a lot, and that's ableist. It implies that there's something bad about forgetting it all the time, and that there's something wrong with the person or their memory, which isn't true nor okay. don't know how else to explain it, it's ableist and there's nothing bad about forgetting. You don't need to remember anything. Also, the idea of "good" and "bad" memory is inherently ableist and wrong.
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limetarte · 1 year ago
Your feelings are valid. Your feelings matter. Your feelings are important. Your emotions are valid. Your emotions matter. Your emotions are important. It's okay to feel this way. Your emotions are okay. Your feelings are okay. There's nothing wrong with a single of your feelings. There's nothing wrong with a single of your emotions. Your feelings matter and they're important. Your emotions matter and they're important. There is nothing wrong with feeling. There's nothing wrong with feeling this emotion. Your feelings are real and true. Your feelings are real and true. Your emotions are real and true. You matter. You are important. You are worthful. You are enough. You are whole. You are okay. /li
If you need emotional validation, it's okay to DM me. I 100% believe that your feelings and emotions matter, are okay and valid and there's nothing wrong or bad about them. [..] would love to emotionally validate anyone who asks 🫶 /gen You don't have to, either. /gen
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limetarte · 1 year ago
Let’s not blame feelings for existing. It’s not a bad thing that someone feels disgusted by [insert whatever thing that doesn’t conform], the feelings aren’t bad. Let’s actually think about it, what caused the feeling to begin with? It’s not by invalidating the feelings that they’re gonna disappear or that the cause will disappear, it’s gonna have a reverse effect actually. Feelings will always be neutral, always, literally always neutral. If someone laughs at [whatever they laugh at] and it hurts, it’s easy to blame the feelings and pretend they are wrong, when they aren’t. The truth isn’t their feeling that hurts, it’s what caused them to laugh, the reason you assume or know they laugh, what they might think that causes them to feel this way and laugh, that’s what hurts you, not the feeling actually. The feeling is a consequence, a byproduct of the thought. Like [..] said, feelings will always be neutral, true (but true doesn’t necessarily mean “fact”*). There’s nothing wrong with a single emotion, with a single feeling. None of them are wrong, none of them are bad. Feelings are always a result of something, there’s always a cause for them, the cause may not be always obvious and it might be really hard to identify it, but feelings don’t just exist on their own. They don’t randomly appear.
*but true doesn’t necessarily mean “fact” meaning that feelings are always true, but that doesn’t necessarily make whatever the feelings are about or what caused them inherently that feeling or inherently good/bad/wrong. e.g. a color might make you feel really mad, but it doesn’t make the color bad, yet your feelings are still real, true and they matter. Also this doesn’t always apply, feelings can teach a lot about what is wrong, what is “good”.
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limetarte · 1 year ago
Let’s stop calling socio-political issues, systems, systems of oppression, power and harm, beliefs. They are not beliefs. They do not define anyone and they are not a part of anyone’s identity. We’ve all been brainwashed at the end of the day, and knowing you were, doesn’t make you better, more worthy, truer nor is it a part of who you are nor your identity. It’s false that systems of oppression (white supremacy, racism, ableism, genderism, sexism, classism, sizeism, elitism, ageism, sexualitism, etc.) are beliefs. You are not defined by your knowledge about those things, you are not defined by how much you educate yourself, you are not defined by what you know is wrong nor by those systems. Systems are simply not a part of anyone, they aren’t. You aren’t them, you never were and never will be. Believing a bunch of ableist things and that it’s okay, isn’t “being ableist”, it’s having internalized ableism, a system of oppression linked to every other one, it’s having been brainwashed to the point that you think that, but it still doesn’t define you. Same thing with knowing that ableism is wrong, recognizing ableism, it doesn’t define you, it’s not a part of who you are and it doesn’t make you any better. Let’s stop defining people by those systems, because it’s white supremacy, wrong and simply not okay and false. Nobody is inherently anything, nobody was born to not care, nobody was born believing in those things, they were all taught. People are taught to equate their worth with what they believe in, with the systems of oppression they have internalized and been victims of, people are taught not to care. Everyone can learn, whatever their age, however much of the disgusting systems of oppression they have internalized, everyone can learn and unlearn. Everyone. Even the most right wing folks can. Even the ones who refuse to listen, even the ones who say they don’t care. They were taught to refuse to listen, they were taught not to care. They were taught lies, but that doesn’t make them liars, however much lies they might be saying and spreading. I’m not saying that it’s okay, I’m not defending this, I’m defending the people, not the systems. The systems are still very wrong, oppressive and harmful, but systems and people are not the same thing. Beliefs are personal things, not systems of oppression you have internalized. You are worthy, you are enough, you are worthful. You always were worthy, you always were enough, you always were worthful. You are simply not your actions, you are not your inactions, you are not your mistakes. Your actions and inactions are not you. You are not your knowledge and your worth isn’t defined by your knowledge. 🩵💙
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