in5piringme-blog · 8 years
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once the hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.
James Baldwin (via liquidlightandrunningtrees)
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
Today is your day; live freely. Work hard and take risks. But most importantly, love yourself until no end.
@thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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My Supernatural Wellness Tour will be hitting 11 cities in 2017.
So blessed! So hyped! And so it begins <3
First Stop - Miami on February 11th, 2017
Ticket information: http://bit.ly/supernaturalmiami
Thank you to Raw Apothecary for being our official tour sponsor. Hasnaa, Yeradmi + myself have so much love and amazingness in store this year and can’t wait to share it with you all on the road.
Official tour site listing all of the cities is currently being designed by the awesomeness that is Kriss Did It. And will be launching right before our second tour stop. More info soon!
See you soon, Miami!
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
Lluercon: Estrojan Sharp Waves & Undercuts Fixed
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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😍😍😍 diving into the new issue
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
You are already what you are seeking to become.
Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here (via mandabookcorner)
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
If you want to get your finances in shape in 2017, a money challenge is a good place to start. Not only can tackling one serve the practical purpose of helping you save some cash, it can also teach you a thing or two about your own money habits. The idea of any financial challenge is to motivate you to take action; and once you see the progress of your actions, you’re motivated to keep going.
If you’re looking to kick off a challenge on January 1, try one of these five free ones recommended by personal finance experts.
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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A breathing-based yogic meditation practice may help alleviate severe depression in people who do not fully respond to antidepressant treatments, according to a new study led by an Indian-origin scientist.
Researchers found significant improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety in medicated patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who participated in the breathing technique known as Sudarshan Kriya yoga
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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The stunning 35-year-old songstress made headlines in 2016 for her new fresh-faced look, but her beauty is most certainly more than skin deep. ET has learned that Keys is among a growing list of Hollywood tastemakers, including Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn, who achieve internal and external radiance through the ancient practice of Kundalini Yoga.
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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Rhik Samadder
The words “vegan yoga retreat” terrify me. I’m an internet, pulled-pork and sarcasm kind of guy. However, an increasing number of my friends have started raving about the life-changing effects of yoga, mindfulness and conscious-eating, and what I’m even more scared of is missing out. So, to find out what all the fuss is about, I’ve signed up for a week with Chaya Yoga Retreats to explore all three, figuring that even if it’s a living hell, the beds will hopefully be comfy.
Founded by wellbeing food coach Lucy Hill, Chaya has been running retreats for five years, offering yoga immersions in beautiful locations, from weekends in the UK to longer trips in Bali or India. We’re closer to home – a magnificent, remote château in the Toulouse countryside, with beautiful spacious rooms (mostly twin share, though some sleep four). It sits high above rolling fields, and the views stretch to the snow-capped Pyrenees. At night, the sky is hung with a million jewels, clouded only by the Milky Way. It may be the most peaceful place I’ve ever been.
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
Adversity is the gateway to opportunity
Bishop T.D. Jakes
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
Be The Key
In the New Year, I dare you to unlock the potential in your life simply by believing in your life. Over the weekend, after my attendance to watch night and Sunday morning Service I watched the rebroadcast of T.D. Jakes watch night and New Year day service. Before I go any further, I just want to say WOW! To say the services were inspirational would be an understatement. 
Anyhow, what was most captivating about the two services was the concept of being the “key”. This theory was about accepting the flaws in your life, the hardships you’ve experienced, and the struggles you have had to overcome. In essence, all of the trials and tribulations prepared you to become the person you are today. It equipped you with a particular type of key that will only unlock doors specific to the characteristics you have to offer. 
I have never heard my life and all that I have had to endure put into one sentence, three words, as Bishop T.D. Jakes had done. Ironically, it all makes sense to me now. For years I have been frustrated behind always having to be the one to support my family in the midst of their mistakes. I have resented having to raise my siblings when I wasn’t even old enough to raise myself; I felt robbed of my opportunity to be a child, one I felt was given to everyone. For many years I struggled with my “blackness” feeling divided between two ethnic lines. When I didn’t fit in anywhere I went, I learned to survive in a class all by myself, doing whatever it was I wanted and looking back now, succeeding at it all. If I examine all of that in a spiritual sense, I have been blessed with ability that many do not have; a life that would have broken and killed some, left others addicted to any of the various substances available. Not me. Never had it been perfect. I had plenty of times where I experienced depression, similarly, I had plenty of times where I did everything I could to escape my hardships. If you want to examine all of my hardships in a non-philosophical way, one could say I escaped, that I had great will power and a strong mind despite the adversity. Nevertheless, that is just life no matter which way you choose to look at it.
About a week or so before the New Year I had decided to not plan any resolutions for 2017. Instead I was going to focus simply on one word “create”. The idea was, by focusing on just one word, the one task I wanted to do the most everything else would fall into place. As I sit here now, I desire to change my word from “create” to “spirit”. Right now I still have difficulties in my finances. As a matter of fact, I have even found several articles on money as it pertains to overall health and mental clarity. However, I feel that if I focus on my spirit the troubles with my finances will pass. I believe that if I focus on my spirit, my creativity will flow, my goals will be accomplished. In the end, I will be selfless thinking more of others than I think of myself. Albeit, I must still never forget to implement boundaries and still recognize the times when I must say no.
In the past I have found that I create long lists of tasks to do then become so wrapped up in each box needing to be checked that I become stressed; left feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. This feeling takes over even as each of the set tasks is being accomplished. There is no satisfaction in the end of it all. Is that really how I want to live my life? I don’t believe that is how anyone desires to live their life. By keeping your eye on solely one objective, you never lose sight of the bigger picture; you never become side tracked or deterred, lost. 2017 is the year that all things are possible, all hopes and dreams manifest. The question then becomes whether or not we are willing to put in the work. Are you willing to realize the simplicity of your goals?
What will be your 2017 resolution or word?
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
By: TreeHugger
When I was a teenager, my father told me that shampoo didn’t exist a hundred years ago. His statement made a big impression on me. I pictured people walking around with slick, greasy hair, scratching relentlessly at their scalp. How awful it must have been, I thought, and how liberating the invention of shampoo must have seemed.
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
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Written by Katherine Martinko
Not only do black women buy more personal care products than other ethnic groups, but those products are also more toxic.
Black women buy more cosmetics and personal care products than any other ethnic group in the United States. They are responsible for an estimated 22 percent of the country’s $42-billion-a-year personal care products market, despite being less than 7 percent of the national population. (Total Black American population is around 13.3 percent.)
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in5piringme-blog · 8 years
The No Deodorant Test
Ok, before you go crazy, I am not going to stop using deodorant. However, I am going make the transition from conventional brands to more naturally based deodorant products. Just before Christmas I was listening to a story about the various chemicals that comprise brands such as Secret. The list contained toxins such as aluminum chlorohydrate, parabens, propylene glycol,and triclosan. What does all of this mean? To be honest, I instantly cringed. In that moment, I knew I wold be making the transition, as part of my goal had been to remove unnecessary toxins from my body. The reality is while I may apply the deodorant topically, everything is absorbed into the pores.
So far it has been very interesting. I am fine for the most part. Although, when I get nervous or hot I begin to feel my underarms warm. Then, I get a little paranoid. Every so often, if you are around me, you are very likely to see me casually lift my arms and turn my head to the side. It’s my no attention drawing way of ensuring I do not have a smell. I am not going to turn back now as with everything else of my journey. It is only forward from here, potentially dark armpits and all!
What are your suggestions? Do you have a natural brand you prefer?
There is no way around all toxic chemicals, however, I can make a conscious effort to reduce the consumption of those that are unavoidable.
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