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freedomfighterposts · 5 years ago
word count: 3.8k
warnings: aged-up, smut, established relationship, oral, strap-on, mention of polyamory, Very Mild dom/sub tones, fluff (there’s always fluff)
pairing: Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader (gender neutral)
author’s note: Momo is darling, but gosh dang. This took me. So long?? Idk why, but it’s done! Rejoice! I am rather happy that this still happens to coincide with my character theme for the month though.
It’s the little things that give Momo’s excitement about something away. The small huff she makes without realizing it, eyes focused on some distant point. The straightening of her shoulders when she’s looking over her calendar and schedules. The way she avoids a subject completely, not wanting to appear overeager. For a hero who specializes in strategy, she is ridiculously transparent when it comes to her home life. Sometimes it’s hard not to tease her about it, to bring things up outright - but on the whole, you’ve found it’s more fun in general if you let Momo share when she’s ready. 
The wait is always worth it, after all, and the pleased blush it brings to her cheeks? Utterly adorable.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
I now ship FL4K and Moze and no one can stop me.
Borderlands 3 - “So Happy Together” Trailer.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
Slytherin Princess. Luna Lovegood x Reader.
Luna Lovegood. Blonde, smart, beautiful and slightly crazy. You loved her. It amazed you that the only other person even remotely interested in her was the Gryffindor, Nevil Longbottom. Luckily for you, Luna likes girls more than boys. Enter (Y/n) Malfoy. Nicknamed, the Slytherin Princess (Y/n) Malfoy got what she wanted. And what she wanted more than anything was Luna Lovegood. (Y/n) was the perfect Slytherin representative; cunning, devious, cut-throat and enticingly beautiful. Four years had passed since Luna’s first year at Hogwarts had started and (Y/n) had secretly confessed her need for the Lovegood girl. Luna, of course, had said yes with a blush on her face and a smile on her lips. Two months later and the pair had shared their first kiss, under the Quidditch stands while Slytherin versed Hufflepuff. Luna had voiced her concern about the secretive relationship the pair had, she did this quite often during the first few months. It was on the fifth month that you broke down. “I CAN’T!” you had shouted in the empty Ravenclaw common room. All the other Ravenclaws had gone to the library to study as O.W.L’s  were starting soon. Luna had practically dragged you into her common room for a much needed make out session when she asked the question again. Your outburst surprised her. “I… I can’t” you mumbled miserably as you fell down on a random couch with a couple pillows, tears leaking from your face. Luna was quite surprised by this sudden display of emotions. Everyone knew you were the most confidant girl at Hogwarts, to see you so… Vulnerable, hurt Luna like a knife to the heart. The blonde-haired girl sat next to her Slytherin lover as she lay crying with her head stuffed in a pillow. “Why not?” Luna asked bluntly. One thing that drew (Y/n) to Luna was her bluntness, (Y/n) had laughed extremely loudly when Luna had denied Nevil the satisfaction of being his girlfriend with ‘No, I don’t like you.’ (Y/n) had found that hilarious. (Y/n) turned her head, tears staining her face. “My stupid father” she mumbled with hatred. Although a loyal part of the Malfoy name, (Y/n) knew that Lucius Malfoy would never agree to his only daughter liking girls and especially liking a Lovegood. “He doesn’t even know I like girls!” (Y/n) felt and sounded miserable, like someone had just told her she had cancer. Luna looked down at (Y/n) and a small smile spread on her lips as she bent down. (Y/n) barely had time to register that Luna was moving when her lips were captured by the soft embrace of Luna’s own lips. (Y/n) melted into the kiss. Her arms flung themselves around Luna’s waist and Luna pulled (Y/n) into her lap where their kiss evolved from being sad and needed to hungry and rough. When the pair had grown comfortable with kissing each other during their third month together (Y/n) was pleasantly surprised to find that Luna was very dominating. As Luna’s tongue explored every corner of (Y/n)’s mouth, (Y/n) felt a sharp slap delivered to her voluptuous bottom. Luna had smacked her and was now groping her bum, feeling the flesh under her hand. (Y/n) moaned with need into the kiss but whimpered with sadness when Luna pulled away. With her signature smile, Luna lowered her mouth to (Y/n)’s collar bone. She latched her lips to the soft, moisturized skin and sucked causing (Y/n) to moan in pleasure at the feeling but give a sharp gasp once the blonde started nibbling the skin. “L-Luna! Stop you’ll leave marks!” (Y/n) begged her girlfriend. But Luna didn’t stop. The begging of her girlfriend only served to spur Luna into a fury of kisses and biting. The younger Ravenclaw didn’t want to stop until it was clear that (Y/n) belonged to her. Luna’s hands roamed over (Y/n)’s body, groping and squeezing, receiving sweet moans from (Y/n). The older Slytherin girl tried to pry her lover from her body but Luna pinned (Y/n)’s arms over her head with surprising strength. “Mmm” Luna moaned as she licked (Y/n)’s lips “What can the big, bad Slytherin Prefect do now?” Luna removed her hands and (Y/n) whimpered at the loss of contact. Luna now stood above (Y/n) with dominance. “Take off your pants.” She said, the airy and somewhat crazy tone she usually had was gone replaced by a husky tone. (Y/n) fumbled with the belt of her jeans. But it was taking too long. Luna grumbled and started undoing (Y/n)’s zipper and buttons. The pants had just come loose when both the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw heard murmuring and footsteps outside the common room door. “Oh Merlin. I can’t be seen here!” (Y/n) panicked as she hurriedly redressed herself and looked out the window, hoping for a quick getaway. “(Y/n). Over here” Luna said, the air of crazy in her voice had returned. (Y/n) spun around and saw Luna standing by the fireplace, she pulled on a loose brick on the side and the whole fireplace shifted to the side revealing a secret passage. “Brilliant. Luna you’re gorgeous!” (Y/n) said as she jumped over the couch she was lying on moments ago and ducked into the passage. Luna pushed the brick back into place and the fireplace started to move back. “You owe me what’s in your pants!” Luna called as (Y/n) ran down the secret passage. The secret passage led (Y/n) into Snape’s potion class. One of the many stone tiles that created the floor moved up and across as (Y/n) climbed out of it. (Y/n) hurriedly replaced the tile and dusted her green robes off. Once her robes were once again immaculate, (Y/n) started to move towards the exit but before she took two steps the door was opened. In came Professor Snape himself, his calculating and cold eyes found (Y/n) and widened slightly in surprise. “Miss Malfoy.” Started Snape “What, may I ask, are you doing in my class room?” If this encounter happened on her first year, (Y/n) would have freaked the magic out of her. Luckily Snape seemed fond of (Y/n) and her brother, especially (Y/n) who had made Prefect. “I was looking for ingredients to brew a Polyjuice potion sir. I was going to use it for a harmless party trick.” (Y/n) smiled at Snape “I was looking for some powdered Bicorn horn” Snape nodded and moved elegantly across the room to his desk where racks of potion ingredients were bottled and organized. Snape plucked one of the many bottles from the rack shelf and presented it to (Y/n). “Thirty-five grams of powdered Bicorn horn. Enough for seven batches of Polyjuice potion. Just promise not to turn into me or any of the other professors for that fact” (Y/n) nodded earnestly at Snape’s instructions and gratefully took the vial. “Thank you, professor. I look forward to seeing you in potions tomorrow!” As (Y/n) moved to leave Snape spoke again, this time sounding more serious. “Another moment please (Y/n)” he said, (Y/n) turned around once again, Snape looked at her curiously. “Have you been fighting?” The question startled (Y/n) so much she almost dropped her powdered Bicorn horn. “No professor!” She answered truthfully “Well, not since year one but that brat Granger had it coming. Oh look at me, I know everything la de da de da” (Y/n) grumbled sarcastically, Snape smiled at the reaction. “Honestly, she is such a bore” “Then, can you tell me why you have bruises on your neck?” (Y/n)’s face contorted into one of disbelief and fear, her hand rushed to her neck in a vain attempt to hide the love bites Luna had marked her with. “Uhh, it was umm…” (Y/n) for once had no easy explanation to her predicament she looked anywhere but Snape’s face, Snape’s smile grew slightly. “Is there someone I should tell Lucius about?” he asked quizzically, (Y/n)’s head snapped back to attention. “NO! Please don’t!” She pleaded, Snape looked taken back at the urgency in (Y/n)’s voice. “Very, well. Good day miss Malfoy” (Y/n) bowed slightly to her professor and rushed away back to the Slytherin common room. As she walked through Hogwarts, the Slytherin Princess gained many looks of both hate and fear. (Y/n) sighed as a group of Hufflepuffs hurriedly moved out of her way and began whispering when they thought she was gone. It wasn’t a long walk from Snape’s class to the Slytherin dorm, so (Y/n) didn’t really meet many people. She walked up to the entrance and uttered the code phrase. “Blood-Born” she said and the dungeon wall shifted down revealing the Slytherin common room. There were a few people working in the few chairs or couches that occupied the floor. A group of First-years were talking in the corner, laughing at their own jokes about Mudbloods and muggle-borns. (Y/n) sighed sadly while making her way to the end of the room, past the fire and up to a blank wall. The left side of the wall was for the Prefect of the house and only (Y/n) could open it this year. The right was for the Head boy or girl if they were in Slytherin. No one had been inside in over two hundred years. (Y/n) swished her hand over the wall and the left part of the wall split apart and opened up into a spacious room. The Prefect bedroom was extremely nice. (Y/n) got a queen sized four poster bed with emerald drapes, a mahogany desk to write her papers and a sizable potions station which Snape had managed to sneak in six year prior. Sitting in his glass cage on (Y/n)’s desk was her pet snake, Balthazar was a baby Black Mamba who was enchanted to never reach bigger than two feet long, currently he was only about a foot but looked smaller because he was coiled up under the heat from the heat lamp (Y/n) had placed above his terrarium. (Y/n) smiled as she walked over to the world’s most dangerous breed of snake and pulled an unconscious mouse from one of the pockets in her robes. (Y/n) dropped the mouse into the terrarium and Balthazar finally decided to wake up. The mouse’s eyes snapped open and it looked around frantically, trying to determine where it was. Unfortunately, the mouse realized where it was indeed, its horrified eyes met the hungry and powerful eyes of Balthazar and the mouse barely had time to squeak before Balthazar swallowed it whole. Balthazar let out a hiss of pleasure as his food began to digest. He felt his owner pet his head with her fingers. “Good boy Balth” cooed (Y/n) before she sat down at her desk and began her homework. It took her a few hours but thankfully she had finally finished Professor Hagrid’s homework, a five-foot explanation on the habitat and nature of a Honey Badger, the only magical creature that Muggles know of without realizing it. (Y/n) looked out the window in her room, out across the black lake where she saw Mermaids and the Giant Squid swimming around peacefully. A knock on the door interrupted (Y/n)’s thoughts. With a swish of her wand the wall split open again and Draco Malfoy stepped in, the wall closing behind him. “Greetings sister dearest!” he said happily, which was often a sign of him doing something bad. “Hello Draco” (Y/n) spun her chair around to face her brother. “What brings you in here?” Draco pouted at her words. “What? Can I not see how my sister plans to become Head Girl?” (Y/n) scoffed loudly. “Draco, we haven’t hung out properly since you were seven. And no, I won’t tell you how I plan on becoming Head Girl because I don’t know myself.” Draco sat down on your bed. “Well…” “Off the bed” Draco stood from the bed “Is something wrong (Y/n)” Draco asked, his voice holding sincerity a rare feat. “There is indeed, Draco.” (Y/n) gestured to the corner of her desk and Draco sat where he was told. “What I am about to tell you, cannot leave this room… Okay?” (Y/n) asked, her voice deadly serious. In response Draco stood again and brought out his wand. “Muffilato” Draco cast the muffling spell on the door so it was impossible for people to hear what was going on inside. Draco returned his attention to his sister. “Draco, I’m not like ordinary girls.” Draco raised an eyebrow at his sister’s words but said nothing “I… I am in love with another girl” (Y/n) spilled her deepest, darkest secret. Draco’s eyes widened exponentially in surprise, he took a step back in shock. If (Y/n) was younger she would have cried, but she was older, mature and confident, she was the Slytherin Princess. She didn’t cry. “You’re, gay?” Draco asked uncertainly, (Y/n) nodded as she stood from her desk and jumped onto her bed. Lying her head on the Pegasus down pillows. “As Gay as gay can be” (Y/n) watched as Draco tried to process this, his face contorting into many emotions. “It’s, it’s not the Granger is it?” Draco sneered “Eww, the Mudblood. Draco come on, you know that’s not me!” (Y/n) said and Draco sighed in relief. “Well that’s good at least. So, who is it?” “It’s Lovegood” At (Y/n)’s confession Draco’s mind exploded. “LOONEY LOVEGOOD!” he shouted in shock and (Y/n) scowled at him. “I’d appreciate if you didn’t belittle my girlfriend and hopefully your future sister-in-law.” Dracon couldn’t close his mouth after the bombshell his sister had dropped. “Wh-What? Seriously?” Draco couldn’t seem to comprehend it. “Seriously” (Y/n) was worried that Draco wouldn’t accept the person she had come to love, which was disheartening but acceptable after all she valued Draco’s opinions but she loved Luna. “Very well… I support you” At Draco’s words (Y/n) smiled and embraced her brother lovingly. “Thanks Draco. You’re the best. Just don’t tell dad” “I promise I won’t.” The next morning when (Y/n) woke up she did her normal routine of brushing her teeth, showering and relieving herself. As (Y/n) spat out her toothpaste she saw that Luna’s love bites were still marking her. A deep blush crossed over (Y/n)’s pale cheeks as she took her emerald and silver coloured scarf from its stand and wrapped it around her neck. After giving another mouse to Balthazar (Y/n) left for breakfast. When (Y/n) entered the Great Hall for breakfast she saw Luna at the end of the Ravenclaw table. A smile tugged at your lips as you sauntered over to the younger Ravenclaw. Draco smiled at you as you walked closer but his smile faltered when you passed him. A look of confusion crossed not only his face but as well as those around him. But when Draco looked ahead of you and saw Luna he smiled and returned to his breakfast. Luna was happily munching on a piece of toast when she saw someone sit down beside her. A smile graced her lips when she saw it was her Slytherin Princess. “Hello (Y/n)” Luna greeted, (Y/n) smiled back fighting the urge to smother the Ravenclaw with kisses. “Good morning miss Lovegood, how are we today?” asked (Y/n). “Well I don’t know about you but, I am doing fine. Although I feel better now that you’re here” (Y/n)’s smile broadened at this, she opened her mouth to say more but was interrupted by an unusually brave sounding voice. “Get away from her, Slytherin!” Growled Nevil Longbottom. (Y/n) looked Nevil dead in his eyes and rose slowly. (Y/n), despite being female, towered over Nevil by a head. The Slytherin Princess scowled at Nevil, the Gryffindor gulped instantly regretting his decision. The Slytherin inside (Y/n) wanted to teach this pompous brat a lesson. A low, dangerous growl rumbled in (Y/n)’s throat and Nevil took a shaky step backwards. The only thought that kept (Y/n) from casting a curse on the interrupting fool was that it would mean she would never be Head Girl. “Fine” growled (Y/n). Nevil looked at her astonished and (Y/n) whipped around, her robes swirling behind her like a sea of emerald green. It was then that (Y/n) realized that the entire Great Hall had gone quiet to watch the exchange between Gryffindor and Slytherin. As (Y/n) walked calmly to her seat beside Draco she heard hurried murmurs break out. No doubt questioning her reputation as a badass. “What was that?” asked Draco in a voice just lower than a yell “You could have mopped the floor with that sniveling coward!” The other nearby Slytherins looked at their prefect, silently asking the same question. “If I even touched that coward then I would have no chance at Head Girl” (Y/n) explained and realization dawned in the Slytherin minds. “Best to stay away from Gryffindor entirely” (Y/n) sulked, Draco looked at his sister with sadness and placed a hand on her shoulder. (Y/n) scowled at nothing as she chomped angrily on her breakfast. The first half of the day was dull and boring. True (Y/n) excelled in all subjects from Muggle Studies and Care for Magical Creatures to Potions and Transfigurations. But it seemed that this particular Friday was meant to be abnormally dull and boring. It wasn’t until potions that something noteworthy happened. (Y/n) was memorizing the chemical composition of a particularly potent and powerful sedative potion when there was a squawk from the window. All the students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin looked up from what they were doing to see what was happening. Snape crossed the room having just told Nevil off for improper use of Lacewing wings and opened the window. In swooped a brilliantly coloured, red and gold Phoenix that (Y/n) had seen once or twice before. It was Fawkes, Dumbledore’s pet. Snape recoiled in shock as did most of the students present. (Y/n) noticed with disgust that the Golden Trio; Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger all sat up and waited expectantly for Fawkes. “Probably to give those snobby brats another award or some Hippogriff crap” (Y/n) grumbled to herself and busied herself with her chemical compositions again. That was, until Fawkes landed on her desk. Looking up (Y/n) saw the Phoenix tilting its head at her, Fawkes held out its leg and (Y/n) untied the note attached to it. As soon as (y/n) held the note in her hands, Fawkes flew away out the window and Snape resumed his lesson. “Dear Lady (Y/n) Malfoy. It has come to my attention that we need to have a chat. Please come and meet me in my office at your earliest convenience. ~Dumbledore. P.S. The password is Lemon Drop.” When (Y/n) was done reading the letter her heart sank with dread. Dumbledore probably wanted to tell (Y/n) that there was no point in her applying for the Head Girl position. Nevertheless (Y/n) raised her hand into the air, painfully aware of the confused yet cocky smirks the Golden Trio were sending her way. “Professor Snape.” (Y/n) called, Snape turned his attention from the Gryffindor Dean Thomas to look at her. “Yes Miss Malfoy?” he asked slowly “May I please be excused for the rest of the lesson?” Snape looked at the note in (Y/n)’s hand. “Have you finished the set task yet?” asked Snape, immediately (Y/n) produced a small vial from her desk, beside her cauldron. “Yes professor. One vial of poison fog” Snape reached out his hand and (Y/n) placed the small glass vial into it. Snape looked at the corked vial curiously, keen eyes searching for any mistake. “Hmm, exemplary work again Miss Malfoy.” He complimented before addressing the rest of the class. “You could all learn from Miss Malfoy, this one vial looks strong enough to kill a Firewyrm” There was clapping from the Slytherin students and grumbling from the Gryffindors. Hermione sneered at (Y/n) coldly, (Y/n) ignored her much to the anger of the Granger child. “Does that mean I can go professor?” asked (Y/n). Instead of a verbal answer, Snape merely waved his hand in a ‘shoo’ gesture. (Y/n) quickly gathered her books and exited the dungeon. (Y/n) watched as the golden statue of the phoenix slowly rose as stairs leading to Dumbledore’s office followed. With a strong grip on her satchel strap (Y/n) ascended the stair case. At the top she saw the hundreds of living portraits of old Headmasters and Headmistresses, most were conversing with each other while some had their eyes closed as they ‘slept.’ Dumbledore sat behind his vast desk, Fawkes was sitting on his perch beside him. “Ah! (Y/n) Malfoy. How wonderful it is to see you. I hope I didn’t disturb your class?” Started Dumbledore as he filed away a roll of parchment. “Not at all Headmaster.” (Y/n) spoke confidently yet a part of her wanted to run and hide, preferably with a certain Ravenclaw. “Very good, very good. In any case I called you here for a very important matter. Please, take a seat” The old wizard gestured to the two seats opposite him on the other side of his desk. (Y/n) sat down. “Is this about my wanting to apply for the Head Girl position?” (Y/n) asked, Dumbledore smiled at the Slytherin. “It is indeed. I must say, over the years of your studies here you have shown qualities that are perfect for the role of a Head Student.” (Y/n)’s eyes lit up for a moment before she spoke. “However?” “However, your actions regarding those not in Slytherin are less than appealing. I saw your application letter and form and addressed the other professors about it. They aggreged you would be an excellent candidate. But only if you treated those in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and yes even Gryffindor with respect and unbiased views” “Yes sir, I will try my best” Dumbledore waved his hand. “You need not try your best. If you simply treat others with even half the respect you treat a certain Ravenclaw with, then you will no doubt get the position” (Y/n) blushed as her eyes widened in shock. “Sir, I have no idea what you are talking about!” (Y/n) spoke urgently and Dumbledore chuckled. “Maybe I am mistaken. Very well, that is all. Have fun Miss Malfoy” (Y/n) nodded and rose from her chair before descending back into the corridors of Hogwarts. It had been a week since Dumbledore had given (Y/n) his advice. And (Y/n) was freaking out. (Y/n) had been doing everything she could think off to comply with Dumbledore’s words. She stopped any fights that broke out and reported fairly and had taken a grand total of twenty-five points from Slytherin because of ‘dishonorable behavior.’ On the Monday when (Y/n) had gotten her mail she noticed that she got one from her father. She skimmed over it and saw that he wasn’t pleased with her taking points away from Slytherin but accepted that it was for her to be Head Girl. Luna and (Y/n) hadn’t told anyone else about their relationship but Luna was worried for (Y/n). If the Slytherin Princess kept up the pace she was now then she wouldn’t be able to focus at all and ruin all her chances of getting Head Girl. So, Luna told (Y/n) to meet her in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. With a quick spell from (Y/n)’s wand, the annoying ghost girl disappeared down a toilet. “So, what did you want to talk about Luna?” (Y/n) asked as she replaced her wand back into the pocket of her robes. “We are going on a date” Luna stated, (Y/n) cocked an eyebrow. “Luna, what about all the fights and stuff, if I don’t stop them…” “Then someone else will of course. So, in one hour meet me in the clocktower courtyard, we’re going to Hogsmeade.” And with the short conversation over, Luna left the Bathroom skipping down the halls her bare feet slapping against the cold stone. Three quarters of an hour later (Y/n) was finally ready for her date with Luna. She had donned some special robes of emerald green and obsidian black. The robes were custom made by one of the Slytherin Princess’s favorite tailors and was nice and form fitting. The cloth and leather hugged (Y/n)’s body tightly showing off all her curves whilst still retaining the look of superiority and command. Next (Y/n) had donned an emerald green and silver cloak. The cloak itself shimmered and sparkled in any light and was made from real emerald dust, it wasn’t long for this reason barely stretching down to her knees, but Luna had said she loved the soft feeling of the fabric. (Y/n) left her room after giving Balthazar an extra-large rat to toy with. After the wall sealed shut behind her, (Y/n) saw that a few Slytherins were working in the common room. Which was odd because Slytherins hardly ever worked, and never the first years. But most of the house was here, writing essays or doing homework. (Y/n) saw Draco lying on a couch, a book of magical creatures in his hands. “What happened? Why’s everyone working?” (Y/n) asked and noted how awful that sounded out loud. Draco noticed this as well. “What’s wrong sister? Do you want us to stop?” he asked innocently causing his sister to glare at him. “No, you know what I mean” “Fine… Everyone wants to make sure you get Head Girl. I mean, Slytherin hasn’t had a Head Student in over what, two-hundred years!” Draco exclaimed “We thought that if the whole of Slytherin worked together to better their grades it might help your chances” The rest of the common room was now looking at (Y/n) to gauge her reaction. (Y/n) looked out across the sea of faces. “Thank you. What you are doing is what we’re are all about. After all, who is cunning enough to be the best?” (Y/n) addressed the crowd “SLYTHERIN!” They replied. “Who deserves it the most?” “SLYTHERIN!” “What’s the best house?” “SLYTHERIN!” with that, the common room erupted into cheers, a new sense of drive spurring them to complete their homework to an even higher standard. (Y/n) returned her attention to her brother. “I have to go, I’m meeting Luna.” (Y/n) said, making sure her cloak was fastened securely to her shoulders. Draco raised an eyebrow and a smirk spread over his face. “Oh? Well home by eight dearest sister. And no snogging!” (Y/n) glared at Draco who chuckled loudly which turned to nervous laughter when (Y/n) reached for her wand. “Okay, okay I’m sorry. Heesh, can’t take a joke?” With that, (Y/n) left the common room, her cloak swishing behind her. Luna and (Y/n) walked out of the Three Broomsticks with full, warm bellies and joyous expressions on their faces. The two young lovers were having the best time they had, had in a long time. They went to Zonko’s joke shop, the Three Broomsticks and the post office to look at all the owls. After their drinks at the Three Broomsticks, Luna had wanted to see the Shrieking Shack. The pair made their way over to the fence that walled off the ‘haunted’ house and watched as the wooden structure seemed to sway in the breeze. (Y/n) saw that Luna was shivering slightly in the brisk wind and wrapped a cloak covered arm around Luna’s waist. Luna smiled fondly and leaned her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. But the peace and serenity was not to last for Luna and (Y/n). “HEY!” Shouted an annoying voice, the couple turned around and saw Nevil standing there with some other Gryffindor who looked like he had a Muggle camera. Nevil charged towards the lesbians with anger in his eyes. But the pair didn’t separate. “I thought I told you to stay away from her Slytherin!” Nevil yelled, pulling out his wand and pointing it at the Slytherin Princess. (Y/n) looked at Nevil curiously. “Stay out of it Longbottom. Before you get yourself hurt” (Y/n) warned, a dangerous glint in your eye. Nevil had the audacity to laugh. “I’m not afraid of you! After all, I made you back down in the Great Hall where I saved my lady love Luna Lovegood!” “You didn’t save me. You actually ruined a nice conversation I was having.” Luna spoke calmly, Nevil looked at Luna flabbergasted. “Alright what have you done to her Slytherin? A mind potion? Or curse?” asked the Gryffindor. “She has done nothing to me. However, I can tell she wants to hurt you.” Luna spoke again. “We’ll see about that. Flippindo!” Nevil tried to cast the knockback jinx but nothing happened, he had pronounced it wrong. Now it was time for (Y/n) to laugh. A cold, terrifying laugh that chilled Nevil’s blood as he shook in fear. “You think you can tell me what to do, ME? The Slytherin Princess, without knowing how to cast the simple knockback jinx?” (Y/n)’s voice was cold and void of any emotion. Nevil trembled in fear. But it wasn’t (Y/n) that took the step forward. Luna stepped forward intent on delivering a sharp attack to the boy’s face. But a hand shot from behind her and grabbed her arm just as her clenched fist was inches from Nevil’s nose. There was a snapping noise and a flash of light as the other Gryffindor’s camera went off. The other three looked at him as he beamed at his camera. “This will be gold for a Hogwarts newsletter” he exclaimed before scurrying off at the sight of (Y/n)’s glare. (Y/n) returned her attention to the cowering Nevil who was now in a fetal position in the snow. “Come on Luna. Let’s get back.” She said, Luna nodded happily and the pair walked away hand in hand back to Hogwarts. (Y/n) was sitting at her Prefect’s table in the library, a caldron bubbling in front of her. Beside the Slytherin Princess was a metal tray of various hair samples and beyond that, a test tube rack holding several empty crystal vials. (Y/n) was finally starting her Polyjuice potion, intent on using it with several other Slytherins for some fun at the end of the year. (Y/n) hummed quietly to herself as other students walked past with their books. (Y/n) paid them no mind as she added the powdered Bicorn horn to her concoction. Then (Y/n) noticed a pair of boots in her peripheral vision before the owner of the boots gave an exaggerated cough. (Y/n) looked up from the bubbling blue surface of her potion and saw her most dreaded nightmare, Hermione Granger. (Y/n) groaned in annoyance. “What do you want, Granger?” (Y/n) asked exasperated. “I just came to tell you that you shouldn’t bother running for Head Girl” Said the annoying Mudblood. (Y/n) looked at the Gryffindor angrily. “And why’s that?” Hermione smiled “Because I’m running. And there’s no way the professors would be stupid enough to choose you over me” At Hermione’s words (Y/n) felt a fire in her stomach, she wanted to utterly destroy this girl. “So really, you should just go back to what you do best. Being an ass like your brother and the rest of Slytherin” A few other people in the library were watching the exchange now with unsure gazes. (Y/n) rose from her seat to her full height, towering over Hermione. “Listen here, Granger. You can insult me all you like, that’s fine. But you insult my brother or my house again and I won’t care if I go to Azkaban for your disappearance.” Her voice a whisper so those in the library other than herself and Hermione wouldn’t hear. “The fact that you would go through all this trouble to tell me to stop, really suggests that you fear me Granger… Now, leave me!” (Y/n) said more loudly to make it seem like that was all she had said after she had stood up. Hermione let out a huff of superiority and turned on her heels and left the library. The end of the school year was edging closer. Most of the Slytherins had gotten their marks back and were ecstatic to know that on a whole, the Slytherin house had the second-best average of test scores overall, next to Ravenclaw. (Y/n) and her Slytherin friends were outside the castle walls next to the Black Lake, as was most of the Hogwarts student body. People were relaxing all around. The Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were feeding the Giant squid. Some Ravenclaws were doing extra-credit work, busy writing their essays in the warm sun. The Slytherins were gathered in a group with their pets all joyously laughing and joking as the older ones showed them some potions and fireworks. Crabbe and Goyle shot a huge firework that exploded brightly in the sky, despite the sun. The firework crackled to life as a giant slithering snake that coiled around before extinguishing itself in the Black Lake, showering Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs with water. “Sorry!” (Y/n) called over before she erupted into a fit of laughter. (Y/n) brought out her Polyjuice potion and placed several vials into the ground. All the Slytherins looked on in wonder at what their Prefect had in store for them. “Ladies and Boys of Slytherin. Today I present to you, a last hurrah before we see if Slytherin will have its first Head Student in over two-hundred years” (Y/n) spoke, there was curious murmurings around from the Slytherins and a few other students from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor looked over to watch. “I give you… Polyjuice Potion!” A gasp of surprise escaped the crowd. “Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy. Come up here and let’s have a game.” The four aforementioned Slytherins stood and grabbed a vial. “Who are we gonna turn into to?” asked Pansy, looking at her vial curiously. (Y/n) smiled at her. “No idea!” That got everyone’s attention “I mixed the vials around so much that I have no idea which is which.” (Y/n) grabbed the remaining vial “Bottoms up!” with a flick of her thumb, (Y/n) uncorked the vial and downed the contents. The effects were immediate. First (Y/n)’s hair changed from straight blonde curtains to curly brown locks. Next her nose grew slightly wider and her eyes changed colour, she grew shorter in size and her bust shrunk a cup size. (Y/n) Malfoy was now Hermione Granger. (Y/n) looked around with a giggle as Crabbe turned into a skinny Hufflepuff boy, Goyle turned into Nevil, Pansy turned into Ron and Draco turned into Ginny Weasley. The Slytherins of all ages burst out in laughter, so did those watching. Draco looked down confused, he grabbed his new breasts and squeezed them. “Huh, weird” he said, those around him laughed, Pansy was mortified. “AHHH! GET HIM OUT OF ME!” she shrieked as she ran through the crowd gaining more bursts of laughter. Crabbe and Goyle poked each other’s faces in confusion. They really were quite dumb because Goyle somehow poked Crabbe in his eye. (Y/n) walked around as Hermione, strutting her stuff. “Oh look at me. I’m Hermione Granger!” (Y/n) spoke with an unnaturally high voice, all people present, Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs included laughed as she frolicked around. “I know everything! And don’t you forget it, or I’ll ramble on for hours and hours explaining why I’m better than you in every way!” This sent everyone overboard. Most people were now rolling over the green grass with laughter. “And yet with all my smarts I’ve fallen for Ron Weasley! I mean you’d think I would have known better but… NOPE!” More laughter before suddenly silence. (Y/n) looked around in confusion, everyone’s faces had gone extremely pale as they looked behind (Y/n). The Slytherin Princess turned around slowly. And was relieved to see Professor Snape standing before her. “And what is the meaning of this. Granger?” He asked coldly. (Y/n) smiled. “Oh Professor Snape, it’s me (Y/n). Remember why I needed that Bicorn horn earlier?” The professor hummed at her words and held out his hand. “The vial, now.” A young Slytherin, probably a second year, ran up and gave Snape the vial (Y/n) had drunk from. Snape held the crystal vial to his noise and sniffed. He nodded satisfied. “Carry on then, Miss Malfoy” he finished as he returned the vial and walked away with hands clasped in front of him, back to the castle. (Y/n) then restarted the fun by slapping Pansy who was looking down her pants at Ron’s junk. After a few minutes of fun, there was a booming trumpet sound from the forest. Everyone’s heads swiveled around and saw the tops of trees moving as they were pushed aside by something big. (Y/n) stopped her frolicking in horror as a group of first year Gryffindors rushed out of the Forbidden Forest in terror. “RUN!” They screamed but it was too late. The tree line burst open as a gigantic mammoth looking beast with black fur and golden tusks turned the trees to splinters with its charge. It blew a battle cry from its trunk before scratching the ground with its feet in preparation for another charge, straight at the castle. Luckily (Y/n) never left her room without her potions belt. (Y/n) started running to the giant, tower sized, mammoth as others ran from it. The Slytherin Princess grabbed and uncorked a yellow coloured vial and drank its contents. With a roar of challenge (Y/n) charged the beast with renewed energy, gained from the hyper strength potion she recently drank. The beast thundered towards the school, (Y/n) pumped her legs hard into the ground and she ran faster, the Slytherin saw that a first year Gryffindor was in the direct path of the Mammoth, frozen in shock. “Shit” muttered (Y/n). With her now extremely powerful legs, (Y/n) jumped through the air, over the heads of retreating students. The mammoth was now only a dozen meters away from the boy. Luckily (Y/n) landed right in between the two and grabbed the pointed tips of the mammoth’s tusks and dg her feet into the ground. The beast’s momentum pushed her back but (Y/n)’s hyper strength was holding, her arms didn’t even falter as the she held the Beast at bay. (Y/n) looked behind her at the stunned Gryffindor who still hadn’t moved. “RUN!” (Y/n) growled in a primal grunt. The Gryffindor scurried away in fear. (Y/n) shifted her gaze back to the mammoth who was also looking at her stunned. It tried to tug its tusks away but (Y/n) held firm. “Not yet big boy” (Y/n) muttered sadistically. (Y/n) yanked on the tusks hard. The points broke off and the mammoth fell to the ground with a thud. (Y/n) threw the two three foot, golden, bone tusks to the ground as the mammoth stood shakily. It blew its trunk in (Y/n)’s face but its trumpet was cut short as (Y/n) gripped the flesh with her hands. The cry died in its throat. (Y/n)’s smile grew as she started spinning. Thanks to the hyper strength potion (Y/n) was able to spin the giant mammoth around like it was a baby. With little effort (Y/n) spun the beast around in a circle a few times before letting go and the wooly beast flew back, far into the Forbidden Forest. (Y/n) dusted her hands and smiled at a job well done. The end of year feast was now in session. (Y/n) sat at her usual spot at the head of the Slytherin table, Draco on her left and Blaise on her right. The Slytherin Princess watched as her house mates ate joyously, but a sense of dread had cemented itself in (Y/n)’s heart. At the end of the feast, Dumbledore would announce the new head students. (Y/n) barely touched her food, instead she looked from the High Table with all the Heads of Houses and the Headmaster to Hermione who was smirking boastfully at her like she had already won. (Y/n)’s eyes fond Luna’s who wasn’t that far from her, Luna shamelessly made two circles with her fingers and mashed them together with a kiss in (Y/n)’s direction. (Y/n) blushed furiously at the gesture, but before she could retort Dumbledore stood from his chair and made his way to the podium to announce the end of year announcements. “Attention please” he asked, the room fell into silence as the powerful wizard addressed the students. “It is that time of year again, where we say goodbye. Goodbye to those who taught us and those who learnt with us. Goodbye to those that will never return here as students. But it is also a time for recognition. Before I announce the House Cup winners, I will announce next year’s Head Boy and Head Girl.” (Y/n) shuffled in her seat. “Before I start I would like to say that it was very hard for me and my fellow professors to decide on only two Head Students. However, only two there can be. First the Head Boy. Congratulations to… Theodore Ghastly, Hufflepuff!” There was a tremendous eruption of cheering from the Hufflepuff table as a boy with short brown hair and round glasses made his way to the front beside Dumbledore where this year’s Head Students were waiting. Theodore took the Head Boy badge from his predecessor and pinned it to his yellow robes. Dumbledore smiled at the boy. “Next the Head Girl. And I must say that all candidates were very worthy of the role. In any case next year’s Head Girl is… Hermione Granger, Gryffindor!” Another bout of tremendous cheering from the Gryffindor table as Hermione made her way to the high table. (Y/n) slumped in her seat with defeat, she banged her head on the table but clapped nonetheless as her rival accepted the award. But Professor McGonigal whispered something urgently in Dumbledore’s ear. “Oh well, in that case.” He mumbled. “Ahem, there seems to have been a mistake. Next year’s Head Girl is… (Y/n) Malfoy of Slytherin!” At this (Y/n)’s head rose abruptly in shock and the Slytherin table went ballistic, as did the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables while only a few Gryffindors clapped, the rest muttering about conspiracies. (Y/n) quickly made her way to the High Table and accepted the Head Girl bade from the old Head Girl, a girl from Ravenclaw, with grace and pinned it to her robes, standing beside Dumbledore. “Congratulations to our new Head Students.” Dumbledore finished. As (Y/n) made her way back to her seat, everyone was confused when she walked past it. Even Dumbledore stopped talking. (Y/n) Malfoy, future Head Girl of Hogwarts walked past the head of Slytherin table over to the Ravenclaw table where a certain blonde was sitting. (Y/n) grasped Luna’s hands and hoisted the girl to her feet, where (Y/n) smashed her lips onto Luna’s who graciously accepted the kiss, flinging her arms around the older girl. The entire Great Hal was in a state of shock. Before Draco Malfoy stood and started clapping and whistling. Blaise and the other Slytherin’s followed his lead and soon the rest of the wizards and witches were cheering for the new couple. (Y/n) couldn’t remember the rest of the feast but later Draco said they won House Cup because of how (Y/n) stopped the mammoth. The Slytherins partied that night like they had never partied before. Another feast had appeared in the common room and banners with the Malfoy crest hung from the dungeon roof. Everyone cheered as (Y/n) entered with Luna. “To the Head Girl!” Draco shouted and there were more cheers, someone handed (y/n) a mug of Butterbeer and she was surprised to see it was Snape. “Professor? I didn’t expect to see you here” (Y/n) exclaimed and Snape chuckled. “I haven’t seen what is in that room ever, no one in over two-hundred years has” he replied pointing at the entrance to the Head Student’s quarters. “I wish to see what is inside” “Well then, let’s open it up!” (Y/n) shouting and was encouraged with more cheers. The new Head Girl of Hogwarts waved her hand over the wall and one by one the bricks folded away as if they were made by paper. The room inside was ginormous. As if it was built for a king. A large, super king-sized four-poster bed was built in the middle of the back wall. A huge chemistry/potions station covered an entire wall. Huge opening windows showed the Black Lake and a section of non-opening windows showed under the water. A large desk the same size of Dumbledore’s was tucked away in the corner and the sides of the entrance that hadn’t folded way were enchanted so that whoever was inside could see into the common room as if nothing was there, but people couldn’t see inside. Emerald hilted swords lined the section of the wall behind the bed. Emerald coloured drapes were tied to the posts of the bed and, like the Prefect room, the cover of the bed was embroidered with the Slytherin Crest. A shield bearing the same crest hung directly above where (Y/n) would lay her head in a mountain of pillows. The Slytherins, Professor Snape and the one Ravenclaw looked around the room in awe. (Y/n) smiled as she dashed forward and jumped onto the bed, sinking into the soft, Griffin down mattress and pillows. It too two hours for Luna and (Y/n) to get people out of (Y/n)’s new room, even with Snape’s help. Now, with the entrance once again closed, Luna and (Y/n) laid together on the bed their arms and legs tangled together. “Luna. I think I love you” (Y/n) said as she ran a manicured hand through Luna’s soft hair. Luna didn’t miss a beat. “I believe I love you too (Y/n).” she said, the pair came together for a tender kiss. Soon however, Luna had to go as she needed to pack her bags for the morning. When she left a note blinked into exitance on (Y/n)’s desk. (Y/n) walked over and read the yellow parchment. “Congratulations Slytherin. I am extremely pleased that you have made Head Girl, (Y/n) Malfoy. You bring vast honor to Slytherin house. ~Salazar Slytherin.” (Y/n) closed the note with a smile. She was about to head back to bed when the corner of her room slid away revealing a passage way. Feeling curious (Y/n) entered the dark corridor and followed it. The corridor must have been enchanted as (Y/n) had barely walked five steps when she was forced to open a hatch which led into a vast bathroom. The bathroom here was like that of the one for the Prefects. With a large pool and fountain dominating the space. Stained glass windows in the depictions of mermaids and snakes moved around lazily. The fountain in the middle of the pool shook as a large Basilisk statue rose into the center. In the four corners of the bubble covered pool were statues of the four house animals. A Snake, from which (Y/n) had entered from under, a Lion, Honey badger and Raven. “The Head Girl’s bathroom” (Y/n) breathed in awe as she looked out across one of the windows near the edge of the pool to see all of Hogwarts grounds spread beneath her. The Slytherin Princess nodded to herself in pleasure. “Luna’s gonna love this” (Y/n) and Luna stepped off the Hogwarts Express and (Y/n) marched the girl over to her parents, Draco trailing behind. “(Y/n)” Lucius greeted coldly “Who is this girl?” “Dad, this is my girlfriend. Luna Lovegood.” (Y/n) stated strongly, not backing down. Lucius looked Luna up and down. “I suppose. What with the way you became Head Girl. That I will allow it.” (Y/n) smiled but Luna frowned. “So if she hadn’t become Head Girl you wouldn’t have allowed us? That doesn’t seem very fatherly to me” Luna spoke, (Y/n) looked at her in fear as her eyes darted between her lover and her father. “Excuse me?” Lucius wasn’t used to those he saw beneath him talking to him. “I said, if she hadn’t become Head Girl you wouldn’t have allowed us? That doesn’t seem very fatherly to me” Lucius growled at Luna. “Listen here girl, I have half a mind to make sure you live on the streets!” Lucius whisper threateningly and this time (Y/n) stepped in. She stepped in between her father and Luna. “I won’t let you do that father. I won’t have you threatening my girlfriend” She said, confidence clear in her voice. Lucius looked at his daughter, his wife and son watching the trio with anxious expressions. “Fine” was all the current head of the Malfoy family said. And with that, the Malfoys and one Lovegood travelled to Malfoy Manor and as the sun set on the horizon, Luna and (Y/n) cuddled together clothes off, making out furiously. After their kissing session Luna smiled at (Y/n). “Looks like the Slytherin Princess has become the Slytherin Queen” she stated. (Y/n) placed a sweet kiss to Luna’s nose tip. “Only if you’ll be my queen”
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
Pidge x Reader. An Interstellar relationship.
Aboard the Galra battle cruiser was a multitude of prisoners. Almost none of them shared the same home worlds. All of them were slaves, gladiators to the Galra empire. They dressed in rags and wallowed in self-pity. Except one. One was too proud to simply submit to the Galra. And after slaughtering three of them in the gladiator’s ring, she was allowed the simple comfort of wearing the clothes she was capture in. Which still was not much. White bands similar to bandages wrapped and bound (Y/n)’s chest loosely so that she could still retain some comfort. A short, sleeveless black vest covered her shoulders and the sides of her bandages but left her sides and stomach exposed. Two gilded, gold leaf cloth rings circulated the end of (Y/n)’s shoulders, giving off a very royal vibe. Her pants were made for fighting, a simple style of lightweight and comfy white pants with a slight bag covered her lower half. Around her waist, a long double ended blue ribbon covered most of her midsection. One thing that made her pants comfortable was the hole in the back that allowed (Y/n) red monkey tail to swish about freely, without restraint. Her hair, although smudged and dirtied, still shone a pale yellow in the dark lights of the Galra ship.
Sitting in silence was boring. (Y/n) didn’t care what the old prisoners thought, silence was boring, boring wasn’t fun… Beating someone to death was fun. (Y/n) allowed herself a small, menacing smile as she thought about the arena. While she was a prisoner, her body was free. Her inherited want for a fight was satiated, so that was good. However, these fights didn’t last long and they were always boring. And if there was one thing (Y/n) hated… it was boredom. That’s why, when the Galra commanding her ship rushed past spurting something about attackers, (Y/n) leapt into action. With ease (Y/n) simply kicked her cage door open, pinning several Galra soldiers to the wall. The remaining Galra looked at (Y/n) and shakily raised their weapons. (Y/n) simply smiled as she stalked towards them, her hands glowing with power. Meanwhile, not too far from the escapee, a duo of heroes raced down the halls of the Galra ship. Their intent was noble and pure, to rescue those wrongly imprisoned by the Galra Empire. These were Paladins of Voltron, the legendary defender. Their minds and bodies radically different, but their hearts the same. Running down the halls, the Green Paladin looked to the leader of Voltron’s Paladins. “Shiro, we have to hurry. Lance and Hunk could be in serious trouble.” The short and lean Paladin was rushing, for these prisoners could also aid in the quest for two very important missing people. Shiro looked down at his friend with confidence. “Don’t worry Pidge, we’re almost there.” Suddenly and rather abruptly, a Galra surveillance drone flew around the corner. Its red lights started to flash in alarm, however, Pidge thought quicker and managed to send a short blast of energy to the drone, knocking it to the ground. “That thing saw us, we should get out of here.” Shiro said, concern hidden in his voice, but Pidge had other ideas. Crossing a few wires Pidge smiled. “Wait, I think this might come in handy.” Suddenly, the lights flashed blue and the drone was now working for Voltron. “Awesome, I’m going to call you rover.” Shiro rushed to the end of the hall where a giant solid metal gate enclosed a few shadows of darkness. Shiro tapped on the door making a loud thudding sound. “Anyone in there? We’re here to help you escape.” He asked, a few murmurs answered back at first but then Shiro saw the shadows form into the bodies of real aliens as they stepped out of the darkness. “Champion. You have come to save us!” One said. All the others were now happily murmuring to themselves. As Shiro conversed with the prisoners and tried to calm them down, Pidge worked on the lock for the door. However, it was proving to be some challenge to the new Paladin. “Argh. This tech in insane. It’s nothing like what Earth has.” Pidge cried in dismay. But suddenly, a new voice cut through the artificial air. “Perhaps I can help?” Shiro and Pidge looked back the way they came to see a woman in her mid-twenties standing behind them. Pidge had to look up at the woman who was easily six feet tall. “Who are you? You don’t look Galra.” Shiro asked in suspicion. The woman smiled, her slightly yellow teeth akin to a shark’s. “Until about twenty ticks ago, I was a prisoner on board this ship. Now, I’m an escapee.” “How?” Pidge asked, also suspicious but enamored by the tall Amazonian woman before her. “I’ll show you.” Walking towards the cage door, the woman simply dug her fingers into the metal as if it were soft butter, and tore the gate from its mechanism. Shiro and Pidge were stunned at the sudden display of power. The prisoners rushed from their cell and the mysterious savior simply dropped the gate back into the cell. As the woman turned back to face the Paladins, Shiro gazed carefully at her. “Who are you?” The woman smirked evilly at the Paladin’s question. “I am (Y/n). Now, I would like to get out of this ship.” Turning to Pidge, Shiro shrugged. One of the prisoners stepped forward. “I must agree with the powerful one. The Galra will be here soon. We must get to the escape pods.” He said, nodding Shiro turned to Pidge. “You and (Y/n) cover the rear. Everyone follow me” Everyone gathered in a group, but it seemed that (Y/n) wasn’t happy with the situation. “Me, in the back like a commoner? I shall not be treated as some low life!” (Y/n) demanded, but Shiro and the other prisoners were already rushing through the halls. (Y/n)’s demands fell on the ears of Pidge who wasn’t pleased by her new company. “You know, you could try to be nice to the people who are rescuing you.” Pidge scoffed as she and (Y/n) chased after Shiro at a jogging pace. Pidge couldn’t quite understand it, but (Y/n) radiated this confidence that was infectious. The green Paladin hadn’t felt this sure and confident in many years. (Y/n) scoffed as her feet slowly lifted off the ground, as if she had deemed the very Galra ship to be unworthy of her touch. “If I could breathe in space I would have escaped many years ago.” As (Y/n) flew ahead, Pidge struggled to keep up. After all, Pidge was more useful at a computer than the training field. However, it was as (Y/n) turned a corner that Pidge finally noticed a striking difference between the woman she was following and herself. A fuzzy, red tail, protruding from the back of (Y/n)’s hips, swished through air. Pidge blinked rapidly for a moment and pondered if asking what race (Y/n) was would be appropriate. However, all thoughts of asking the powerful woman left Pidge when (Y/n) stopped moving. After nearly crashing into her, Pidge stepped to the side to see what was happening. Shiro was battling a few sentry bots as the prisoners cowered in fear in the only escape pod. Pidge noticed as Shiro finished the last of the robotic Galra that his hand was glowing a light purple and made mental note to ask him later. As he cut down the last robot, Shiro dropped to his knees in exhaustion. But more Galra were approaching fast. Pidge activated the green Paladin’s bayard, ready to defend Shiro. But (Y/n) smirked again. Her voice sounding pleased as she spoke and Pidge noticed that the woman’s tail was swaying more rapidly now. “Perfect target practice.” As the sentries closed in on Shiro (Y/n) raised her hand, aiming at the robots and Galra. Pidge was fascinated as an orb of pale green light started to emit and pulse within (Y/n)’s hand. Then, without warning, (Y/n) launched her attack and the orb sped faster than anything Pidge had seen before and the next thing the Paladin knew was that the Galra were lying dead on the ground, the orb had returned to its owner’s hand before promptly vanishing. Sighing with relief, Shiro finally managed to stand. The glow from his hand was slowly fading. Meanwhile the doors to the escape pod were closing as it began its departure. One of the aliens thanked Shiro who tried to ask him a question. Pidge ran to Shiro and eagerly tapped the previously glowing arm. “That was awesome Shiro! Where did you learn to fight like that?” Then the Green Paladin turned to the mysterious (Y/n) who was floating beside them. “And how did you do the thing with that disco ball?” (Y/n) raised an eyebrow in question. “Disco ball?” she questioned. “None of that matters now. We gotta get the Green lion and head back to the castle.” Shiro stated, urgency clear in his voice. The road back to the Green Lion was simple and easy, only one patrol managed to find them and they were quickly dispatched by (Y/n) who conjured another green ball of light. Shiro and (Y/n) quickly followed Pidge onto the Green lion where the Green Paladin quickly detached from the Galra ship and followed the Red, Blue and Yellow lions down to the planet below. Altaia. After a few rushed introductions, and a very hurried ceremony. (Y/n) watched as the gates to the sanctuary of the Black lion slowly shuddered upwards. Shiro, Pidge and the other Paladins gasped in awe as the large mechanical beast roared in approval of its revival. The mechanical leader of Voltron dipped its head to allow Shiro to enter. Suddenly alarms started to blear from all around the castle. (Y/n) and the princess of Altaia, a woman around her own age rushed to the control center of the Castle of Lions. “A Galra ship is entering our atmosphere. We need Voltron now!” Allura demanded. (Y/n) scowled as the ship launched its many fleets of fighters. Allura, the Altaian princess, managed to shield the castle just in time as the fighters started to launch blasts at the dome shield. Coran, Allura’s servant, gasped in relief as the five lions of Voltron landed in front of the castle. The lions burst forth, tearing and blasting the drones that threatened the castle. Meanwhile, (Y/n) watched as the main battle ship started to shine. Looking closely, (Y/n) saw that it was charging its ion cannon. “That doesn’t look nice” (Y/n) mentioned, Allura barely had time to look up before the dangerous ray of concentrated energy, burst from the ship towards the castle. (Y/n) was vaguely aware of the cries of worry from the Paladins as they watched the attack. The attack exploded against the castle’s shield, covering (Y/n)’s view with fire and smoke. Miraculously the shield managed to hold, but it wouldn’t shield them for long. “Hurry Paladins. The castle can’t hold much longer.” Shiro led the charge as he and the other Paladins fought against the Galra. Meanwhile the ship was charging its cannon again. “Come on guys, we have to hurry!” Shiro’s voice was heard on the console in front of (Y/n). The mysterious warrior raised a brow at Shiro’s words, but kept her eyes on the battle of Lions. The Green lion leapt into the air and tore a Galra fighter jet into bits with its powerful jaws. Pidge yelled excitedly from inside the beast before falling back in line with Shiro. Lance had turned his lion around and had begun using the laser on his lion’s tail to precisely explode individual fighters. Shiro, Hunk, Pidge and Keith flew their lions into the air in an attempt to disrupt the Ion cannon firing process. But they were too late. The purple ray of destruction once again sped its way to the castle. This time, its power was too much and the shield barely held off the attack before disengaging itself with the loss of power. “Castle shields are down! Now Paladins form Voltron! You must!” Allura said, worry clear in her voice. “We don’t know how!” Keith reminded them, “We barely got these lions in the first place” “Yeah, no offence princess. But a little tutorial could have gone a long way.” Lance actually agreed with the Red Paladin. “There are too many of them!” Hunk yelled as his Yellow Lion was bombarded with fighters. “It’s been an honour serving with you four.” Shiro said, his voice calm and defeated. “I’m sorry princess. We failed” Shiro’s concerns were well placed, as he and the other Paladins began to float defenselessly towards the Galra, entrapped in their tractor beam. However, the Galra weren’t finished. The ion cannon began its firing sequence once more. Much to the dismay of the Paladins. Coran turned to his princess, defeat and sorrow in his eyes. The princess, now crying was stunned. Hunk was whimpering in his seat, Keith was trying to regain control of his Lion. Pidge and Lance both looked defeatedly at their controls. His mind racing, Shiro grabbed his controls once more. “You better not be giving up” came a new voice to the battle, Allura looked back to see (Y/n) staring up at the lions. “What sort of Paladins give up at the first sign of challenge?” “She’s right.” Shiro said “We can do this. We have to believe in ourselves” The other four Paladins looked to the Black Lion, their hope returning. “We are the universe’s only hope. Everyone is counting on us. We can’t fail. We won’t fail. If we work together we can form Voltron!” Hunk and Lance shouted their agreement. Pidge and Keith smiled at their leader’s face via the onboard screen and together they formed Voltron. But it was too late. By the time Voltron was formed for the first time in 10,000 years the ion canon had already been fired. Coran and Allura watched on in fear as the ray of death descended upon them. Suddenly however, something materialized outside the castle, right in the path of the canon. Allura recognized the waving blue ribbon and red monkey tail. She didn’t know how she had done it, but (Y/n) was now outside the castle, staring down a death ray. “(Y/N) GET OUT OF THERE!” Allura shouted in alarm. The warrior simply smirked once more. “This is just a warm up” (Y/n) said as she held up her well-muscled arm, the ion strike slammed into her hand yet (Y/n) showed no signs of discomfort. Allura watched on in awe as Voltron tore apart the Galra ship and this new comer blocked a full power ion blast from a battle class Galra ship with her mere hand. With a laugh (Y/n) sent the ion energy hurtling back to the Galra ship, finishing the job, Voltron had started. With an explosion that shook the castle, (Y/n) watched as Voltron disassembled into its separate lions. Her hair and tail feeling the warm breeze of the aftermath. Allura and Coran hurriedly rushed to congratulate the Paladins, while (Y/n) leisurely floated down to them. Allura stopped before her Paladins, clasping her hands together in celebration. “Great work Paladins, you’ve done it!” She congratulated, Lance smirked playfully as he tucked his blue stripped helm under his arm. “Thanks pretty lady.” He said. Shiro smiled joyfully at the truth. “We did it! How did we do it?” He asked not really caring, too happy to care. “You got that right” Said Keith. Hunk yanked his helmet from his head with some degree of difficulty. “I was kinda just screaming the whole time. Maybe that’s what did it.” He said. By now, (Y/n) had joined her rescuers, but a smile did not adjourn her face. A shame as Pidge thought the woman looked beautiful with one. Allura noticed the arrival of the woman. “You, you must be a Saiyan! No one else could have stopped a direct ion cannon strike!” The princess said in awe. (Y/n) was indifferent. “Tch, a toddler could have done that.” She said avoiding the gaze of the princess. What was presented to her when (Y/n) moved her gaze was Shiro comforting Pidge. “We’ll find your brother and father Pidge. I swear.” Shiro said, Pidge nodded but didn’t smile. (Y/n) took mental note of this and showed Pidge a rare, non-scary and genuine smile. Although Pidge was almost certain it never existed as it was gone as soon as it appeared. Allura however, started rambling more bad news. “We’ve won the battle, but the war is just beginning” She said, Coran nodded his agreement. “I’ll say. And it’s good you know what you’re all doing, cause you’ll need to form Voltron again and again.” The butler stated. “Say what now?” Hunk muttered in disbelief. “We barely survived forming Voltron this one time!” Lance stated. “Ho, and you only had to verse one ship. Imagine the next time against a whole fleet! It’s not going to be easy being the defenders of the universe.” Coran stroked his mustache in thought. The eyes of all the Paladins widened at the realization of the gravity of their situation. “Defenders of the Universe, huh.” Shiro said, the others looking to him “Has a nice ring to it.”
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
What fandoms do you write for?
Hey, thanks for asking.
I write for many fandoms. Off the top of my head theres; Marvel, DC, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Percy Jackson series, HTTYD and many more!
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
I know I haven’t posted in ages.
But requests are open, luvs.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
im looking for new blogs to follow!!
please rb/like if you post any of the following things so i can check out your blog!!
Supergirl / Supercorp 
Marvel / Avengers - especially if you post thorbruce bc i love them
Lesbian / wlw things
Glee - especially faberry and brittana
Aesthetic stuff - flowers, pretty things, all that 
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
Spider-Gwen x Reader.
Symbiosis refers to two organisms co-existing in perfect harmony. That was the idea behind the so called ‘symbiotes’. However, many times have these symbiotes showed that they cannot live with humans. The symbiotes are an alien race called Klyntar and only express the emotions of its host. When Venom plagued the world, it was because Eddie Brock wanted to kill Spiderman for inadvertently ruining his life. Next, the asexual offspring of Venom the Carnage symbiote bonded with Cletus Kasady a known serial killer and deranged mind. However, these symbiotes can be shown to do good as well. This is the case of Conquest. The silver symbiote had never bonded with a host before and hadn’t been corrupted to neither the side of bad or good. So, when Conquest broke free of containment and bonded with Oscorp scientist (Y/n) Hill the pair didn’t turn out like the others. The first few weeks was full of adjustments and lifestyle changes. Later however, (Y/n) found that his symbiote was aiding him in his botany research. Despite being only eighteen years old, (Y/n) has been crowned the brightest mind of his generation. Discovering groundbreaking research on how to grow plants without oxygen to help colonize space. Then after bonding with Conquest, (Y/n) researched the Klyntar in secret… Sadly before (Y/n) could complete his research one of his colleges, who worked in interdimensional travel accidentally sent (Y/n) to dimension sixty-five. When (Y/n) first arrived, he didn’t know what to do. Luckily, he wasn’t alone. Conquest was literally a helpful voice in his head that pointed him toward meeting his mother. Maria Hill. Thankfully, SHIELD existed in most dimensions and after a few days Maria enrolled (Y/n) in Midtown high school. Where he met Gwen Stacy in his first and last year. But two years have passed since then.
“And because Z equals X to the power of negative three point seventy-six that means Q equals… negative twelve…” (Y/n) looked over the equations scribbled over the whiteboard in front of him. A frown spread over his face while his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “But then that would render the solution non-applicable.” Suddenly (Y/n) felt something slip over his shoulder. Then the liquid like, silver alien head of Conquest leaked out and floated next to (Y/n), connected to his shoulder by tendrils of moving symbiote.
“But gravity cancels out does it not?” came the inquisitive, deep voice of the Klyntar symbiote.
“How does gravity cancel out?” Asked (Y/n) “Gravity affects all things within the atmosphere” There was an amused hum from Conquest.
“Not if you could walk on walls…”
“Like our resident Wall crawler.” (Y/n) smiled to himself. “God, I’m an idiot sometimes. So really Q is 1.3… So, the ratio is 1.3 to 1 to 4.6.”
“Exactly” replied Conquest “I must ask, why are you doing all this? I thought you wanted to grow plants in space.”
“Spider Woman will need as much help as she can get, if she is to go through similar experiences to the Spider Man in our universe.” (Y/n) replied smoothly as he began to write yet another equation on the whiteboard in his lab. Conquest hummed yet again.
“You like her.” The Klyntar accused. (Y/n)’s hand slipped in surprise causing him to draw a line through his equations.
“What? No, I do not!” (Y/n) defended himself, if he had pupils instead of soulless red eyes (Y/n) was sure Conquest would have rolled them.
“What do you humans say? Something about denial being a river somewhere… Hold on, someone’s coming” Suddenly the symbiotic goo that created the liquid like Conquest head seeped back into (Y/n)’s body leaving behind no trace of the symbiote at all.
(Y/n) worked in a S.H.I.E.L.D. sanctioned lab and worked with the semi-secret organization closely as one of the leading scientists regarding the Symbiotes. Thankfully, not one agent not even (Y/n)’s mother from Earth sixty-five figured out that Conquest had bonded with (Y/n). The S.H.I.E.L.D. lab that was designated for (Y/n) resided on the top floor of an illustrious apartment complex that had been completely purchased by S.H.I.E.L.D. for housing agents. Due to (Y/n)’s expertise with the symbiotes he was given the task of helping Spider Woman also known as Gwen Stacy. Suddenly there was a knock on (Y/n)’s door. Leaving his equations and ratios for the moment (Y/n) walked across the room, stepping over empty pizza boxes and almost tripping over a pile of reports just to open the door. On the other side stood a woman with stunningly bright, short blonde hair and bright baby blue eyes. Dressed in blue jeans being held up by a brown belt, a white tank top and a light brown overcoat Gwen Stacy stood with a smile on her face, twirling a drumstick with her fingers.
“Hey (Y/n)” Greeted the wall walker, (Y/n) smiled at the woman before him.
“Hey Gwen, come in.” (Y/n) stepped to the side, allowing Gwen to walk into the apartment turned lab. As (Y/n) closed the door he heard the taunting voice of Conquest in his head.
“If you don’t want to mate with her… Then why are you staring at her lusciously thick rear?” Conquest asked as innocently as his gruff voice would allow. (Y/n) scowled at the wall behind Gwen as he thought back an answer. Because Conquest bonded to (Y/n)’s brain instead of body like Venom, the pair are able to communicate by thoughts.
“Shut up!” Was (Y/n)’s eloquent reply. Gwen looked at (Y/n) with confusion.
“Uh, hey. Why the frowny face?” Desperate to keep his symbiotic friend a secret (Y/n) said the first thing that came to mind.
“Just thinking.” He replied vaguely, Gwen raised an eyebrow.
“Right… Anyway… Me and the Mary Janes are playing a concert this Friday down at central park. And I get to give away a backstage pass… I was wondering if you’d like to go?”
(Y/n) was so stunned by this news that even Conquest was at a loss for words. His facial expression must have been humorous as Gwen started to chuckle.
“Relax dude, I’m not asking you to marry me. Just, be my plus one?” she spoke with confidence but (Y/n) could hear the worry in her words.
“Hurry up and say something!” Yelled Conquest from inside (Y/n)’s thoughts.
“What about Harry?” Asked the botanist. Inside (Y/n)’s mind, Conquest groaned.
“Harry… Osborn?” Asked Gwen
“Yeah, I thought you two were…?” (Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he picked his words carefully
“Going out?” Gwen answered for him.
“Yeah.” At (Y/n)’s weak reply Gwen gave a small laugh.
“We broke up a few weeks ago, and I don’t really feel like inviting my ex so, yeah.” Gwen’s smile never faded giving (Y/n) a small confidence boost.
“In that case sure, I’d be happy to come.” (Y/n) smiled, Gwen sighed with relief.
“That’s awesome. I’ll swing by at seven tomorrow” Gwen sent a flirtatious wink (Y/n)’s way.
“Speaking of swing, follow me.” (Y/n) walked back over to one of the spare bedrooms in the apartment that had been changed into a chemicals lab.
(Y/n) led Gwen over to a titanium plated desk, which was sporting more than a few burn marks. Three vials were held in place with metal claws above the table and each vial was filled with a different coloured substance. (Y/n) placed a beaker on the table and gingerly grasped two of the vials.
“I was doing some calculations and…” (Y/n) started but Gwen’s groan interrupted him.
“(Y/n) I like you, I do. But please, you know science hurts my brain.” She pleaded, (Y/n) grumbled something about science being cool but didn’t argue out loud, too busy trying to drown out Conquest’s constant laughter. Gwen smiled as she stood beside him.
“So, what’s gonna happen?” She asked, pointing to the beaker.
“I thought you didn’t like science” (Y/n) mocked.
“Oh, burn!” Yelled Conquest in (Y/n)’s thoughts. Gwen feigned shock, holding a spread hand to the top of her breasts over her heart.
“I am hurt (Y/n).” But her words had little meaning and her infectious smile betrayed her.
“Right… Anyway, if I’m correct…” (Y/n) started as he began to mix the chemicals
“And you usually are” interrupted Gwen again
“Then this should make…” (Y/n) didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as the chemicals inside the beaker reacted and shot a giant spurt of white goo straight up which stuck to the ceiling. “Stronger web fluid” (Y/n) finished with a sigh. Gwen was so surprised she dropped her drumstick on the ground, the wood clattered on the tiled floor.
“Woah. That’s awesome!” shouted Gwen in awe at the giant pillar of web fluid.
“Yes, anyway. This web fluid should be as strong as titanium while still being able to be easily shot from your slingers” (Y/n) explained as he poked the webs with a pen.
Gwen opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the ringtone of her cell phone. Taking the pink mobile from her jeans pocket, Gwen saw that it was her friend, fellow band member and roommate Betty Brant. Looking back to (Y/n), Gwen pursed her lips as if to say something but (Y/n) bet her to it.
“Take it. I need to finish this anyway. You said it yourself anyway, you’ll pick me up at seven tomorrow.” (Y/n) smiled at the blonde vigilante who muttered a quick ‘thank you’ before running from the apartment, closing the door behind herself as she answered the phone. When the door clicked shut, tendrils of moon like silver spiraled from the back of (Y/n)’s neck before twisting together to reform Conquest’s symbiote head. A ghoulish looking head similar to the other symbiotes with his long red eyes that allowed for a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view, and a mouth that stretched from one side of his face to the other whilst being filled with black, razor sharp teeth.
“What’s wrong?” asked (Y/n), knowing that Conquest wouldn’t have manifested if something wasn’t wrong.
“Gwen smelled different.” Conquest said, his voice raspy, yet clear at the same time.
“And you smell Gwen, often?” asked (Y/n) with a raised brow. Conquest’s demonic eyes swiveled to stare into (Y/n)’s own.
“Do not pretended you have never done the same. You’re like a puppy in need of affection.”
“Okay, that hurt me where I live” (Y/n) said, placing a hand over his heart.
“She reeked of Venom” The words hung in the air, a mixture of a statement and a threat.
“Are you sure? Last time you thought Venom was the old hotdog salesman on the street. Turns out you were just hungry.” (Y/n) asked, hoping that Conquest was wrong and he wouldn’t have to hurt the woman he cared about.
“That was one time!” Conquest argued
“You cost me fifty bucks!” (Y/n) countered.
“No matter, Gwen is a perfect host for Venom. She’s strong, agile and in desperate need to clear her name.” (Y/n) cursed under his breath, Conquest’s reasoning was undoubtedly reasonable. Gwen had been accused of murdering Peter Parker after fighting him when he turned into the Lizard. However, Peter died not because of Gwen but because of his injuries and Gwen had not forgiven herself. Yet every night she strived to do good where she could and thus had gathered quite a formidable size of followers ranging from creepy basement dwellers who made her into hentai comics. All the way to people who cosplay her at Comic-Con.
“I don’t want to hurt her.” (Y/n) said, looking in the fridge for the tater tots “But if I know Venom. It’s not going to leave Gwen willingly”
Friday came sooner than expected. (Y/n) hadn’t seen Gwen since last night. However, she had called and said to wait for her on the roof of his building. (Y/n) had wanted to tell her to use a car but before he got a chance Gwen had ended the call. So, as the sun started to set behind the concrete jungle, (Y/n) locked his apartment laboratory dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. Jingling his keys into his pocket and bringing out his phone, (Y/n) called Gwen.
“Hey Gwen” (Y/n) called when the blonde punk star picked up her phone. By the sounds of things, she was on her way, if the sounds of cars honking and wind whipping past the speakers were anything to go by.
“Hey… (Y/n)” Gwen managed to say between grunts “I’m almost there… Two minutes tops” (Y/n) smiled to himself as he looked towards New York’s busiest area, Times Square, where Spider-Gwen was most likely swinging past.
“Take your time Gwen. There’s no need to rush.” (Y/n) squinted his eyes as he saw something fly past a building.
“Almost there!” Came Gwen’s reply. Suddenly there was a whoosh of air and a flash of pink and white as Spider-Woman flew up (Y/n)’s apartment building and landed on the water tower of the building, legs crouched and a phone to her ear.
“I’m here” She cooed cockily.
(Y/n) ended the phone call, slipped his phone into his pocket and smirked up at Gwen, who was dangling one of her legs off the side of the water tower.
“So, will you be going as Gwen Stacy or Spider Woman?” (Y/N) asked, gesturing to the fact that Gwen was wearing her Lycra, white and pink heroine costume. Although her mask was off revealing her blonde hair and bright baby blue eyes. Looking down at herself Gwen chuckled at her appearance. Brining her feet onto the tower roof, Gwen flipped down beside (Y/n) who then saw the bag on her back.
“That’s what this is for dummy.” Opening her pack, Gwen showed (Y/n) that it was full of normal clothes befitting a punk drummer, including the two mahogany drum sticks (Y/n) had gifted Gwen as a show of thanks for her saving his life after a Green Goblin incident. Zipping up the bag, Gwen smiled at (Y/n) who smiled back. The glow of the New York skyline silhouetted the pair slowly inching closer. The only thing (Y/n) could focus on was Gwen, even the excited roaring of Conquest was ignored as Gwen placed her hands against (Y/n)’s chest and leaned in.
“Gwen” (Y/n) gasped, breathlessly. Gwen moved one of her Lycia covered fingers to (Y/n)’s lips and shushed hum.   
“No more talking” Gwen whispered, sending shivers down (Y/n)’s spine. “Only… action” Gwen moved her body until it was pressed hard against (Y/n)’s own. Gwen’s lips pursed together as (Y/n) and Gwen both closed their eyes and leaned forward.
Until they were interrupted by Gwen’s ringtone. The cherry jingle was Gwen’s newest, most hated thing in existence. She groaned in frustration as her romantic moment ended with the man she had been crushing on, now stepped away from Gwen.
“It’s okay, you take it” Said (Y/n) with a smile, Gwen gave an apologetic one back and glared at her friend and another member of her band Glory Grant’s caller ID.
“Kill her!” Screamed the voice in her head
“But she’s my friend” Countered Gwen softly, so softly that she hoped (Y/n) wouldn’t hear.
“She’s ruining our chances with (Y/n)!” yelled Venom. The symbiote living in Gwen’s body had been very troublesome. Ever since the two bonded, Gwen had been plagued by the endless, unrelenting need to let the symbiote take control. But she knew this would only lead to her killing innocent people. True Venom helped her in her fights, but Gwen wanted it gone… Trouble is, she doesn’t know how. And she doesn’t want to scare (Y/n) away.
Answering Glory’s call, Gwen was bombarded with her friend’s worried and angry voice.
“Where the hell are you!” Yelled Glory, her anger easily recognizable through the phone.
“I’m in the middle of something!” Whisper shouted Gwen with a nervous smile directed at (Y/n).
“Oh, is it (Y/n)… Wait no, I don’t care. Our air headed leader is badgering me and Betty because you’re not here!” Gwen groaned at the news. When they had first formed the Mary Janes, the lead singer Mary Jane was pretty much a normal girl. But over time turned out to be an A-grade bitch. The red head was nosey, commanding and bratty… and those were her best qualities!
“Fine” sighed Gwen “I’ll be there in five”
“Make it four!” said Glory before the call was ended. Gwen huffed angrily as she dropped her phone into her pack, zipping the bag up and slinging it over her shoulders, Gwen turned back to (Y/n).
“I’m… sorry about that.” Gwen said nervously, a light pink blush creeping across her cheeks as Gwen fought against the embarrassment. (Y/n) shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s fine… But it sounds like we should go.” He said. Gwen cursed Glory in her mind.
“Yess” Hissed Venom “Kill Glory! Then Mary Jane! Then (Y/n) will be ours, forever!”
“You’re right” Sighed Gwen
“Wait. I am?” Asked Venom in surprise
“Not you!” Whispered Gwen to herself. Shaking her head and ignoring her symbiote, Gwen held out a hand to (Y/n) who took it. The pair smiled at each other before Gwen used her free hand to zip them across the city to Central Park.
Central Park was about a thirty-minute drive from (Y/n)’s apartment, but by web slinging it was only three. Unfortunately for all parties involved, (Y/n) wasn’t the best with heights. As soon as Gwen held him in her arm and leapt of his apartment, he shut his eyes tightly. He could feel the wind rushing past him, hear the short bursts of gas from Gwen’s web slingers and his stomach churned at the feeling of swinging through the air, knowing that it would be death if he fell or something happened to Gwen.
“Stop being a baby” groaned Conquest as (Y/n) wrapped his hands around Gwen’s waist.
“I’m a scientist, not an adventurer!” Screamed (Y/n) in his mind
“You’re embarrassing us!” Conquest countered
“Shut up!”
When Gwen felt (Y/n) hold onto her waist tighter, she smiled gleefully.
“Maybe I should do this with him more often” She thought to herself, relishing in the close contact with (Y/n) and how tightly he held onto her.
“Look at him” came Venom’s raspy voice “So, vulnerable. We could make him our pet.” Gwen frowned in annoyance, why is it that she could never just be happy for more than two seconds now.
“We are not making him our pet” Whispered Gwen, shooting a web to the corner of the nearest building and pulling. While swinging with one hand wasn’t hard, it wasn’t exactly easy with someone weighing her down.
“Why not? He looks so cute. So… delicious.” The alien yet somehow feminine voice angered Gwen with its words. “First we kill Glory and that bimbo redhead. Then we show (Y/n) who we truly are and he submits to our love!” Gwen frowned but said nothing. She really wanted (Y/n) to love her… But how far was she willing to go to get the love.
The concert in Central Park was being held at a moving sage. People were filling the area in front of the elevated stage dressed in punk clothing. Stands of various foods, drinks and other questionable substances lined the ring before the stage. The backdrop of the stage was a blood red curtain with the words “THE MARY JANES!” printed in the middle in a font that looked like wet paint. On the stage was a set of drums, two mic stands and a keyboard. Gwen, still dressed as Spider Woman, swung down behind the stage and away from prying eyes. (Y/n) was holding onto her tightly as to not fall and breathed a sigh of relief when his feet landed on the ground.
“Oh, it’s not that bad” chastised Gwen as she unzipped her bag. (Y/n)’s stomach was doing flips but even Conquest was not impressed with (Y/n)’s less than graceful display during their transport.
“Oh god. Do not be sick. You’ll ruin our chances!” Conquest commanded.
“Then can you help me so my stomach doesn’t feel like it’s in a tornado?” (Y/n) asked.
“Fine. But you need to start exercising. Brains can’t solve every problem.” Reminded Conquest. Because Conquest had bonded with (Y/n)’s internal organs and blood stream, the symbiote was able to easily repair any damage done to (Y/n)’s body, which included fatigue and nausea.
Meanwhile, Gwen had leapt into the branches of a nearby tree and pulled out her clothes. All she had under her Lycra and Spandex suit was her pink bra and a pair of white boxers because she hated panties. Hidden beneath the foliage of the tree, Gwen unzipped her suit and peeled it off her body as quickly as she could. Which caused her to lose her balance and she almost fell to the ground mostly naked but luckily her feet managed to stick to a tree branch and she was still hidden. Gwen saw (Y/n) leaning against the base of the tree she was in as he sucked in air.
“So cute” Gwen thought as she slinked back up into the tree. Pulling out her red shirt with black, diagonal stripes Gwen pulled the shirt over her body as she shimmed on some black skinny jeans before hurriedly pulling some slip-on shoes on and stuffing her spider woman costume in her bag, followed by her mask of course. Taking the drum sticks (Y/n) had given her, Gwen zipped her bag closed and jumped down to (Y/n) with a smile.
“Let’s go.” Was all she said.
Gwen led (Y/n) backstage where Gwen’s friends Glory and Betty were waiting, as well as Mary Jane the lead singer. The red haired stuck up, snobby, pompous bane of Gwen’s existence had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. Glory and Betty shuffled off to the side as Mary Jane glared harshly at the drummer.
“And where exactly have you been?” She asked acting high and mighty. (Y/n) stood awkwardly behind Gwen who stood in front of him in a protective stance.
“I was out getting my friend. You see, unlike you, he actually wants me to play.” Gwen barked back aggressively. Mary Jane scoffed at the accusation and turned to Glory and Betty for assistance but the two rolled their eyes at the red head and looked away. Growling, Mary Jane threw away the microphone she had been holding, it flew in (Y/n)’s direction and he had to duck to avoid being hit. Gwen growled at Mary Jane for this.
“What the hell, psycho!” Gwen yelled
“You’re the psycho if you think you can do this gig without me. You know what, fuck it, have fun without me losers.” Mary Jane yelled back as she stormed off leaving the three band members and (Y/n) alone.
Out in the front, the audience had begun chanting “M, J. M, J” over and over as time crept forward. Gwen looked to Glory and Betty.
“What do we do know?” asked Gwen in panic, she hadn’t expected Mary Jane to storm off like that.
“Don’t look at us girl. You did the talking” Glory reminded Gwen. Peeking out from behind the curtain, Gwen saw the mass of people waiting and wondering why she and the others weren’t on stage yet.
“We’ll have to cancel” Said Betty when Gwen turned back around.
“No, you don’t” reassured (Y/n), the three band members turned to (Y/n) in confusion.
“What do you mean we don’t? We just lost our lead singer and also the reason we’re called the Mary Janes!” said Glory, (Y/n) stepped forward.
“So? Call yourselves something different.” (Y/n) said turning to Betty. “Gwen always goes on about how good of a singer you are compared to Mary Jane. I bet you’ll do better than she ever could.” Betty blushed at his compliment.
“Why thank you.” She said, (Y/n) nodded and turned to Glory.
“I don’t think you need anyone to tell you how awesome you are Glory, I mean it’s in your name.” He said. Glory beamed at the man.
“Got that right sugah.” She said. And finally (Y/n) turned to Gwen with a soft smile.
“And you Gwen. Well… You’re perfect in my eyes.” At these words, Gwen couldn’t help but blush. Glory and Betty both screeched in happiness as their number one ship just sailed. Even Conquest joined in.
“Aww, that’s nice” he said in (Y/n)’s mind. When Gwen finally got over the shock of (Y/n) basically saying he liked her back she smiled back at (Y/n).
“You know, you still owe me a kiss.” Gwen declared as she linked her hands behind (Y/n)’s neck. The man in her arms smiled and placed a soft kiss to her cheek but nothing more. “What was that?” asked Gwen slightly annoyed “I thought we were having a moment? You missed my mouth.” Glory and Betty laughed in the background.
“We’ll finish our ‘moment’ when you finish this concert.” (Y/n) promised. Gwen pouted but relented as she let go of (Y/n). Turning to her two friends Gwen brought out her drumsticks and twirled them in her hands.
“Right girls… Let’s do this thing.”
(Y/n) watched as Gwen, Glory and Betty all made their way onto the stage. The crowd erupted into applause and cheer as Betty slung her guitar strap over her shoulder, Glory stood next to her keyboard and Gwen sat down at her drum set. Gwen gripped the microphone near her head and spoke clearly into it.
“Alright everyone listen up, my name’s Gwen and we got a killer show tonight!” she yelled, in response hundreds of dedicated fans screamed in appreciation. “Luckily for us, our bitchy lead singer left and so you got yourselves a new band. We are… The SPIDER WOMAN!” (Y/n) and Conquest couldn’t help themselves, they burst into laughter. A few people in the audience mumbled to others in confusion or anger at the name. But the vast majority only screamed louder with applause. Gwen, Glory and Betty all smiled at each other. Gwen twisted her sticks and crashed them together.
“One, two, three, four!” At ‘four’ all three women started expertly playing their instruments in such a way that it was impossible for (Y/n) to not dance to.
(If you guys want… There’s this for reference.
Gwen poured her heart and soul into her song and drums. Playing music had always been a conduit for her, having no one to really console her feelings with, Gwen had often hidden behind the lyrics of songs to express her emotions. Tonight, Gwen and the SPIDER WOMAN played a song that Gwen felt was about her. Every note, lyric, beat and breath were perfect and the crowd’s cheers only grew louder. At one point, Gwen looked to the side to see (Y/n), hidden behind a curtain, smiling away gleefully at her and she couldn’t help but smile back. This only spurred her to play harder, better. Gwen felt as if she was on another level, nothing could go wrong, she was untouchable. This was a feeling Gwen never had when Mary Jane had been with the band. Gwen’s new demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by Glory and Betty. The keyboardist looked to the guitarist with a surprised yet overjoyed look and a smile graced each of their lips as they played.
Hours later and the concert was still going but Gwen and the others needed a break from the constant playing and so let another, lesser known band take the stage as the SPIDER WOMAN walked backstage. As Gwen and the others came into view (Y/n) started clapping and whistling catching the attention of the three girls.
“Now that’s a show to behold.” Exclaimed (Y/n). Gwen, who felt undefeatable, rushed forward and jumped onto (Y/n)’s body, sending the pair crashing into the sofa of which (Y/n) had been sitting in moments ago. Glory and Betty looked at each other.
“Let’s give our girl some privacy” Said Glory with a smile, Betty smiled back and nodded. Together the two left to give Gwen and (Y/n) some much needed alone time. Now laying on top of (Y/n), Gwen felt in control… Just how she liked it. She could tell Venom liked it too as all it was saying was ‘Yes.’ Over and over. Gwen breathed in (Y/n)’s scent deeply, loving the earthy smell he had from working with plants.
“I believe you owe me something” Breathed Gwen, her face inches from (Y/n)’s own. (Y/n) smiled looking up at the beauty on top of him, Gwen’s short blonde hair shimmered in the dim lights of the concert stage even from behind the curtain.
“Of course” (Y/n) closed his eyes and leaned forward with his head, Gwen did the same and tried to silence the giddy feeling within her. And finally, it happened. After close to two years of waiting, yearning Gwen Stacy finally got to kissed (Y/n) Hill. And the best part? He was kissing back.
After thirteen minutes of consecutive ‘marking territory’ as Venom said, Gwen and (Y/n) finally separated. Gwen curled up on (Y/n)’s body like a cat. In (Y/n)’s mind a full blown fiesta was going on between Conquest and (Y/n) as they both celebrated ‘getting the girl.’ Sadly, the good time was not to last as one of the stage hands walked over.
“Miss Stacy. You’re on now.” He said before walking away. Gwen groaned in annoyance as she rolled off (Y/n)’s body and into a standing position.
“And I was just getting comfy too” She moaned. (Y/n) chortled at this remark and stood as well, stretching his arms as he did so.
“Will a kiss be enough?” (Y/n) asked slyly, a coy smile appearing on his lips. Gwen smirked back.
“Hmm, I don’t know. I might need further convincing” Gwen said challengingly
“Nope, deals off then.” (Y/n) said with a confident smirk of his own. Gwen’s smile fell away, replaced instead by a look of shock.
“What? That wasn’t how this was meant to go.” She outraged but (Y/n) kept smiling.
“Then you best finish this concert” Gwen opened her mouth to say something, but the unyielding shouting of the waiting fans stopped her.
“You better not forget” Warned Gwen as she started to walk away.
“I’ll be here when you finish.” (Y/n) said.
Gwen turned around, intent of saying some kind of snarky remark. But what she saw chilled her blood. (Y/n) stood happily, a smile on his face and without a care in the world. Behind him, a man dressed in all black from head to toe, with a small firearm in his hand, the gun barrel was pointed directly at (Y/n)’s head. Time seemed to slow for Gwen, willing Venom to her aid she reached out with an arm molded by the Symbiote as it stretched towards (Y/n), intent of pushing him out of harm’s way. The man fired his gun, a flash of fire erupted from the barrel as the empty shell flew from the gun and the deadly bullet started its journey. (Y/n)’s smile slowly dropped and his eyes widened as he saw Gwen using the Symbiote and Gwen couldn’t help but feel the hurt in her chest at this. But she needed to save (Y/n)… Even if he hated her afterwards. Gwen and Venom yelled with defiance as they surged towards (Y/n)… But the gunman was closer. The bullet entered the back of (Y/n)’s head with an explosion of blood and gore as it travelled through his skull and into his brain. Gwen screamed in sadness and rage as (Y/n) fell lifeless to the dirty floor.
At the sound of the gunshot the crowd outside quieted before most screamed in shock and panic, running for the exits as security guards swarmed the grounds. The mysterious invader fled the scene, knowing his contract was finished. Venom wanted to go after the villain but Gwen was too distraught with sadness and loss to do anything more than rush to (Y/n)’s side. The White Widow looked into (Y/n)’s dead eyes and tears left her own.
“No, no, no.” Gwen muttered, rolling (Y/n) to the side she noticed how irreversible the wound was. (Y/n) was gone, forever. And the was nothing Gwen could do about it.
“Catch him.” Hissed Venom “Kill him, rip him apart! Make him suffer!” And for once, Gwen couldn’t agree more.
Venom overtook Gwen’s body. The symbiote’s black body encased Gwen, turning her into a living weapon. Serrated blade like teeth covered Gwen’s face as they shifted to form a mouth. Two milky white, curved eyes curved around the top of Gwenom’s head as her body grew slightly bigger, leaner and deadlier. Now fully morphed into Gwenom, Gwen relinquished control of her mind. Sadness, guilt and anger coursed through Venom’s mind, making it stronger. Sniffing the air around it, Venom locked on to the scent of the attacker and blocked all other thoughts from its mind.
“I’m going to shred you into an appetizer” It growled, leaping from where it stood, away from the stage.
Meanwhile, as soon as the bullet hit (Y/n), Conquest hadn’t stopped working. Because Conquest had bonded with (Y/n) organs and primarily his brain, Conquest was able to fix most wounds. But a direct headshot from almost point black range was proving to be difficult. The Klyntar worked as fast as it could to repair damage, luckily because Conquest’s home is inside (Y/n)’s brain, the symbiote had taken the piercing and brute force of the bullet, stopping it from actually hitting the brain. But the wound could still prove to be fatal.
“Come on. If you die, I die” Conquest muttered to himself as the wound on (Y/n)’s head slowly but surely stitched itself back together. “Alright, heads working… Thirty seconds until complete body failure… Need to restart heart.” Conquest listed. Tendrils of silver rushed through (Y/n)’s veins, heading for his heart. (Y/n)’s heart had stopped beating, Conquest could feel (Y/n)’s life drift away and doubled his efforts. The tendrils of silver spun around inside (Y/n)’s heart like a typhoon. Slowly, the muscles of (Y/n)’s heart began to expand and contract. Slowly at first as if the muscle was being driven by a cautious snail, then the beats grew faster and faster, suddenly (Y/n)’s heart was racing and Conquest could feel the blood pumping again. And his hard work paid off as (Y/n)’s eyes snapped open.
Venom had only one goal in mind. Slaughter the person responsible for (Y/n)’s death in the most gruesome way possible. Cars and trucks passed underneath Gwenom as they zipped across building tops. The smell of nicotine and gunpowder led Gwenom across the city, for just one man living in New York, he sure knew how to move. But Gwenom didn’t falter, the anger and rage spurred her on like a combustion engine of pure fury. Venom’s symbiotic abilities allowed Gwen to move faster and hit harder. And so, when Gwenom leapt through the air and saw the masked murderer that had killed their (Y/n), they shot their symbiotic limbs around the individual on the streets, trapping them in a jail of inky darkness. The other civilians on the streets screamed in terror as Gwenom pulled herself to the ground, her legs outstretched towards the assailant. Gwenom could feel bones breaking under their feet as their target slammed into the ground. The tendrils of Venom’s flesh snaked their ways back into their host as Gwenom crawled atop the murderer.
“Who. Are. YOU!” Gwenom screeched, ripping off the assaliant’s mask revealed a man with short black hair and terrified black eyes. The man tried to reach for his gun which had skidded across the sidewalk. But Gwenom saw this and, taking the man’s hand in her own clawed one, broke every bone in the man’s hand. The man screamed in agony as Gwenom slowly started to pull his arm out of its socket.
“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!” He shouted, gritting his teeth in pain. The pulling stopped. “I’ll tell you everything… Just please stop” The man pleaded for his life and sanity, but Gwenom wasn’t even half finished with him.
“Too late.” She growled. With inhuman strength, Gwenom leapt into the air pulling the man by his already dislocated and broken hand. With their free hand Gwenom crawled up the side of the nearest building and threw the man onto the roof. He tried desperately to crawl away, even trying to stop the pain by crawling to the ledge… But Gwenom was faster.
Gwenom’s arms bubbled and twisted, changing shape and form until they were no longer hands. But the blades of scythes. The assassin looked on in fear as the vigilante stalked ever closer, weapons set to kill. He closed his eyes and prayed to every religion he could think of for forgiveness as he awaited his death… Which never came. The assassin opened his eyes and saw two swirling points of darkness directly in front of his eyes and the only thing between them and himself, were two tendrils of silver. There was a loud crash as something crawled up the side of the building, following the two silver tendrils. And as it appeared over the ledge, the assassin couldn’t help but faint. Another symbiote. This time its body was a lustrous silver with swirling red eyes of similar shape to that of Gwenom. Rows of black razors filled its mouth and despite having a male appearance was exceptionally lean and built for speed.
“Stop! Now!” Warned the Silver Symbiote, its voice sounding like the other symbiotes, a mix between Klyntar and its host, two voices acting as one. Gwenom took a step back in surprise, its scythe blades crossing over their chest in a defensive stance.
“Who are you?” asked Gwenom, the silver symbiote stepped forward, walking over the unconscious man and stepping closer to Gwenom who growled in warning.
“We, are Conquest.” Conquest explained “And you need to stop Gwen.” Gwenom recoiled in shock.
“How do you know that name?” they asked cautiously.
“Because I know you. Venom is controlling you Gwen. Don’t let it take away what you already have.” Conquest tried to negotiate terms.
“We work together. I don’t control her!” Gwenom said
“Gwen wouldn’t kill for revenge. The Gwen I know would do everything in her power to find another way.” Conquest continued, taking another step forward.
“Then you don’t know me at all!” shouted Gwen, her voice acting on her own and sounding close to tears.
“I know you love music. I know you love your friends… I know you hate pickles with a scary passion. Let me help you Gwen.”
Gwenom screamed in pain, their scythe hands turning back to claws as they gripped their head. Conquest stood nearby, watching the scene unfold before him with a curious gaze. Finally, when Gwenom looked up, Conquest knew it wasn’t going to be fun for the next few minutes. Gwenom launched themselves at Conquest and together the four flew off the side of the building, smashing through the glass of the account’s offices across the street. The two symbiotes rolled through the boring grey cubicles, razing everything in their paths. Papers, files and computers flew and smashed around the offices as black punches were traded with silver kicks. It looked to be a stalemate, neither Gwenom nor Conquest giving in but as Conquest sent a devastating uppercut directly to Venom’s head it seemed Conquest had the upper hand. Until Venom’s arms morphed back into scythes and with one swift motion she cut everything in the room clean in half. Seeing the attack coming, Conquest’s whole body twisted together until it became a swirling mass in the form of a ball. Gwenom’s usually powerful attack, bounced off harmlessly. Venom’s attack triggered the alarms, sirens started blaring and the fire suppression system kicked in, showering the two combatants with water. As Gwenom stumbled back in confusion, Conquest uncurled from its ball and sprung at Venom. The mad Symbiote could do nothing as Conquest pushed it to the ground, straddling its waist and pinning its limbs and any other tendrils it formed to the ground.
Gwenom screeched in disapproval. “Last chance Venom. Leave Gwen.” Commanded the silver symbiote.
“NEVER!” hissed Venom, staring directly into its opponents red eyes. With a growl of defiance, a small tendril of silver, snaked its way from Conquest’s chest. It moved slowly, carefully through the air towards Venom who withered and flailed underneath its captor. Gwenom watched as the small tendril slithered its way around her face before suddenly jabbing into the space between her eyes. From a third perspective it was a sight to behold. As Gwenom screeched and withered in pain, the symbiote was actually being forcefully, removed from Gwen’s body. The black form of the Klyntar swirled around the silver body of Conquest, molding together with the other symbiote forming inky black, constantly moving rows around its body. Eventually, as the last of the Venom symbiote was extracted from Gwen’s body, the drummer laid on the ground her breathing heavy, a look of fear on her face as she backed away from Conquest having no way to defend herself. She didn’t get far, barely three inches before Gwen felt a wall pressed up against her back.
“Who, who are you?” Gwen managed to stammer, despite the majority of her strength being sapped away with the Venom symbiote who now swirled around Conquest’s body like moving armour.
“You need not be afraid Gwen. We wish you no harm.” Conquest proclaimed, kneeling down in front of the drummer. Gwen watched with fear as black tendrils swirled in with silver before Conquest began to shrink in size. If Gwen was scared before, it was nothing compared to now, when she found that not only was he alive, but (Y/n) had a symbiote. His kind, friendly face seemed so alien now. Gwen felt as though he had lied to her since the beginning.
“You’re… alive?” Gwen whispered, not trusting herself to speak any louder.
“I just got you. I’m not losing you.” (Y/n)’s voice was soft, barely above a whisper. It was a miracle that Gwen could hear him over the sounds of the sirens.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Gwen asked, caressing (Y/n)’s face, leaning against the wall with the man she had just recently fought standing over her, protecting her from the downpour from the sprinklers. Even though Gwen’s body was already soaked, from her jeans to her top.
“I could say the same thing” was the answer (Y/n) gave. Gwen trialed a smile and, for her efforts, received one back.
“Touché. Mister Hill.” Gwen spoke.
“Wanna get outta here? I think I can hear police storming the building.” (Y/n) offered Gwen his hand. Blue eyes looked into (Y/n)’s own. And by the time the police kicked the doors down, (Y/n) and Gwen were already long gone.
“SINCE WHEN CAN SYMBIOTES FLY!” Gwen screamed as she clung to Conquest’s back, two insectoid-like wings keeping the pair in the clouds.
“Since they realized that shape-shifting is the coolest power ever.” (Y/n) replied “No more swinging around for this guy” Gwen had to admit she felt a little saddened by this, remembering the time (Y/n) had clung so tightly to her body on the way to the concert. The city of New York seemed akin to a painting, as Gwen and (Y/n) flew over the city. Gwen looked at the swirling black marks on Conquest’s silver body and grimaced.
“Do, do they talk to you?” asked Gwen over the sound of rushing air.
“Conquest keeps Venom in check, most times. I dunno, it’s weird. Never heard of two symbiotes on one body before. Although I must admit I’m flattered that you and Venom had so many plans to get my attention.” Gwen blushed at the last part and slapped the black lines on the body beneath her.
“Bad Venom.” She muttered.
Two months had passed since Gwen and (Y/n) became more than friends. During which they talked about each other, telling each other their secrets. Gwen learned that (Y/n) was from another universe and (Y/n) learned that Gwen wanted to dye her hair pink. Gwen didn’t apparently have many secrets besides being Spider-Woman. Today the pair were taking a day off, that led to them taking the entire week off from work with S.H.I.E.L.D. Gwen had taken (Y/n) for a drive out of the city, to a nearby lake side cabin she used to frequent with her parents. The cabin itself could have down with a makeover but it was the lake that made the two want to stay. With crystal clear, sparkling waters filled with life it was no wonder that most of the day was spent in the water, which was conveniently heated by a series of tiny, underground, harmless lava rivers which made the water a comfy twenty-two degrees Celsius. Gwen had wanted to surprise (Y/n) on the trip and so she brought her special swimming suit. It was fashioned after her spider-woman uniform with a pink inside covered with neon blue ‘webbing’ lining. The outside was often white but the bikini top that was attached to her hood had two black diamonds covering her breasts and her bottoms had a large black patch covering her nether regions while two white straps held the garment securely to Gwen’s body. When (Y/n) had first seen Gwen wearing such astounding clothing he had immediately submerged his lower half in the water. Likewise, Gwen felt aroused often due to (Y/n) physique. While he wasn’t a ripped jock with bulging muscles. (Y/n) still had a somewhat defined stomach with only hits of fat and Gwen smiled to herself thinking he was just more cuddly, despite hosting two of the most dangerous living aliens on the planet inside himself. The two spent their days, having fun in the water and the nights roasting marshmallows over an open fire. After a strenuous make out session which involved Gwen wearing her Spider-Woman outfit, (Y/n) was resting his head atop Gwen’s breasts, her arm wrapped over his waist, pulling him closer.
“That was great” Said Gwen, looking at the webbing hanging from the ceiling. “I always wanted to try that.”
“I think you need to work on your Spiderwoman kiss. Considering that you dropped a few extra inches.” (Y/n) said remembering the first time Gwen had tried to perform her new favorite kiss only to misjudge the distance and shoved her crotch in her boyfriend’s face.
“You liked it” Cooed Gwen. (Y/n) decided not to dignify that with a response. The pair laid there on their bed, content with each other. Neither of them knew that when they would next wake, their lives would never be the same again.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
Diana Prince x Plus Sized Reader..
Gotham at night was a scary yet peaceful scene. The bright, full moon shone brightly down onto the cityscape as bright stars shone through the polluted sky. Sitting at her desk on the top floor of the WayneTech headquarters, (Y/n) Quinzel was finally packing up her gear to leave work. (Y/n)’s hair flowed gently in the soft breeze of the air conditioner, as her face was illuminated by the blue light of her computer screen. (Y/n) worked as the personal assistant and international consultant for the prestigious business that is WayneTech. Despite being an assistant, her boss and CEO Lucius Fox insisted that his best employee be given all the benefits. (Y/n)’s office was the size of an entire apartment. The far wall had been replaced with floor to ceiling windows that looked out into the North Side of Gotham. Bright lights blurred together outside. Along the walls, paintings of Greek art decorated the boring cream walls. (Y/n)’s lifestyle was built around business so not many personal items decorated her office space. There was a shelving unit that (Y/n)’s girlfriend had stocked for her with volumes of ancient Greek tomes. On (Y/n)’s mahogany wood desk sat one photo showing (Y/n) lying next to another woman with raven like hair and deep blue eyes. The two women in the photo were surrounded by the orange leaves of autumn and both females had contagious smiles on their faces. (Y/n) smiled at the photo as she packed away her laptop, ready to go home and into the arms of the woman waiting for her. Walking down the hall from her locked office, (Y/n) called for the elevator and waited a small smile on her face. When the steel doors to the elevator opened (Y/n)’s smile dropped immediately. Standing inside the elevator were two incredibly beautiful women.
One had long, sparkling blonde hair with fair skin, her body type was borderline anorexic and the woman beside her wasn’t much different. Her skin was darker as was her hair but her body was model like, unlike (Y/n). (Y/n) wasn’t exactly skinny, she wasn’t obese either she was somewhere in the middle. (Y/n) said nothing as she walked into the elevator and as the doors closed, the two women behind her engaged in idle chatter. As the levels of WayneTech blinked past, (Y/n)’s anxiety grew as she felt as if the women behind her were judging her. Eventually, the doors opened up into the magnificent lobby floor of WayneTech. Designed by (Y/n) herself, the lobby of WayneTech was nothing short of illustrious. Pearly white, marble floors were the foundation of which black pillars etched with gold leaf linings held up the upper floors. One of the two walls on the way to the elevator was decorated with a huge waterfall that fed into a small river filled with exotic fish that wound around the elevator in a moat. Fresh, restored prehistoric plants were planted around the banks of the small river. A glass bridge connected the elevator to the marble floor over the river. On the opposite wall, a huge holographic projection screen showcasing various WayneTech products took up the whole space. In the middle of the lobby was a circular oak wood receptions desk. Seated at the desk, surrounded by computers and stacks of paper was a middle-aged man with sandy hair and tanned skin, he gave (Y/n) a friendly smile as he listened to someone over the phone. Most likely a Chinese investor.
(Y/n)’s heels clicked against the marble floor as she rushed to the exit, her anxiety growing by the second. She needed to get out of this building, she needed to go home. When she was home (Y/n) didn’t have to worry about anyone judging her. But when (Y/n) reached the pristine glass doors of the building she remembered that there was something else that had to be done first. Stamping her foot on the floor, creating a short clack as her heel slammed on the marble (Y/n) hesitantly slinked back towards the receptionist’s desk, intent on asking him to arrange a meeting. As she got closer, (Y/n) could hear the sounds of the two women she was in the elevator with, laughing along with the receptionist. Shy and afraid (Y/n) slinked behind a column intent on just waiting for their conversation to finish… That was her mistake.
“Oh my gosh, did you see that whale of a woman!” Asked the fair skinned woman from before, her friend laughed brining a perfectly manicured hand to her mouth. “Fatty fool, I thought she was going to break the elevator” the friend replied “I swear I could hear the creaking” The man at reception laughed loudly. “Careful that’s our boss you’re talking about.” He warned in a joking manner. Tears started welling up in (Y/n)’s eyes as an invisible force willed her to listen more. “What’s she gunna do? Sit on me!” At this the trio laughed so loud it echoed off the walls. By now, tears were falling freely from (Y/n)’s eyes as she ran from the room. Not caring if her employees noticed her. Throwing open the doors of the building, (Y/n) ran down the sidewalk and into the car park. With eyes blurry from tears she faintly made out her car, a bright red Mustang. Stumbling her way to the temporary sanctuary, (Y/n) dumped herself and her bag into the car and slammed the door closed behind her. That was when the real waterworks began. Tears fell like waterfalls, splattering the black leather seats of the car as (Y/n) hugged herself, her breathing heavy and hyperventilating. Taking a big gulp of tears, (Y/n) tried to make sense of her surroundings but all she saw was a bleary mess of lights. Frustration and helplessness were not new feelings felt by (Y/n), but they were powerful ones. Suddenly, (Y/n) felt the familiar feeling of her phone vibrating in her jacket pocket. Shaky hands slowly fished the small device out and (Y/n) saw that the caller was none other than her girlfriend of five years, Diana Prince. (Y/n) tried to calm herself, not wanting to worry Diana, her breathing slowed but tears still fell. Finally swiping her finger against the screen, (Y/n) took the call.
Diana Prince had been enjoying a lovely evening stroll through the park near WayneTech. Diana had originally hoped to surprise her girlfriend with a visit but got wrapped up playing a game of frisbee with the local collage students. When they had finally left, Diana had walked into the ice-cream parlor nearby and was about to order two cones when she felt her blood chill. Stepping out of the line of people, Diana’s brows furrowed as an unease fell upon her. Taking out her phone, Diana scrolled through her recent callers until she found the one she was looking for. Clicking the name and bring the phone to her ear, Diana waited for (Y/n) to pick up. As Diana stood waiting, the heavens decided to open and from the clouds came a torrential downpour of grey water. Cursing her luck, Diana hurried under the veranda of the Ice-Cream parlor. Thankfully, Diana’s phone finally connected to (Y/n)’s as Diana heard her voice. But something was off, her voice was shaky and heavy, like she had been crying.
“H-hey Diana.” (Y/n) greeted over the phone. Diana cupped her hand over her other ear to block out the noise from the rain.
“(Y/n), is something wrong? You sound scared, have you been kidnapped?” Diana’s worry grew as new theories came to her mind, each one more drastic and unrealistic than the last. Diana heard (Y/n) sniffle on the other side of the call. “Where are you, are you still at work?” Diana started running before she heard the answer, the rain instantly drenching her body but Diana didn’t care, she couldn’t care. (Y/n) came first, (Y/n) always came first. WayneTech’s illuminating white sign came into view for Diana as she rounded a city block, running so fast that people were jumping out of her way. “I’m almost there my love, hang on” Diana heard a sob coming from (Y/n) and her sadness spurred Diana to move faster. Eventually Diana skidded to a halt when she saw (Y/n)’s red car, a clear marker against the black walls of Gotham’s houses. Closing her phone, Diana quickly opened the car door to see (Y/n) shaking and crying. Immediately, Diana wrapped her strong, comforting arms around (Y/n) and let her cry into her shoulder.
“It’s okay” Diana whispered “I’ve got you now”
Diana had refused to let (Y/n) drive home. Despite having the ability to fly everywhere, Diana had always made sure to keep up to date with all manners of driving, just in case. The ride to (Y/n) and Diana’s shared home was quiet and smooth. Diana’s right hand never leaving (Y/n)’s hand as the other woman looked out the window at the passing buildings, her tears drying up finally. No words were spoken during their trip through the Gotham highway. But as Diana turned off the main street and onto Gotham’s mountain trail, (Y/n) visibly relaxed. Her shoulders sagged and her fists flattened out as she let out a breath of air. (Y/n) and Diana’s home consisted of a beautifully crafted penthouse built into the side of a mountain. Gifted to (Y/n) by none other than Bruce Wayne himself, the home used to be under his ownership until he gifted it to (Y/n) as an anniversary present between Diana and (Y/n). The home was extravagant. White walls in the shape of a sideways ‘L’ blocked all prying eyes and the entrance was built into the side of the mountain itself where a winding gravel driveway snaked into the street. As Diana pulled into the garage, the sliding concrete door slowly closed behind them as the lights turned on. Diana opened her door and quickly crossed around the car to open (Y/n)’s door. Smiling at Diana, (Y/n) was gratefully surprised when Diana pulled (Y/n) into her arms and began carrying her plus sized body into the house, bridal style. Fumbling with her keys, Diana opened the door to their home, their sanctuary.
Clean, polished marble floors of white and grey mixed carefully were the foundations of the home. Because of which, any use of dark colour drew the eye. Case in point, the dark black piano (Y/n) gifted Diana for their fourth anniversary after learning about her love for classical music. Great, floor to ceiling windows gave view to the Atlantic Ocean and the dark almost gothic paintings also stood out along the walls. Due to expert planning, the marble floor’s colour seemed synthetic in how it was arranged. The colour was purely white in the kitchen as was almost everything in that area, but as the floor stretched towards the living room, where marble floor turned to grey carpet, the marble slowly turned grey. The living room was perhaps the most comfortable room of the home, aside from the bedroom. A large, gun metal grey couch in the shape of a ‘U’ dominated the room and it sat in front of the latest, WayneTech, holographic projector capable of rendering images in ultra-resolution. Surround sound speakers were placed in the walls and roof making movie nights, especially thriller Thursdays, extra cuddly. The dining room, simply put, was a clean white table near the kitchen beside the sliding, glass doors that opened to the balcony. Made from oak planks, the balcony looked out from the mountain side and unto the sea. Glass paneling formed a perimeter around not only the balcony, but the outdoor pool as well. Filled with crystal clear waters with a bottom carved from the very mountain the house resided in, the pool always gave a fresh, earth vibe. The multi-coloured lights fixed into the granite cast shadows of love and sometimes heated passion created by the occupants of the majestic home.
As Diana twirled into the house, intent on making (Y/n) feel like the princess Diana knew she was, she headed towards the bedroom. Diana was the one in charge of redecorating the bedroom after Bruce Wayne’s… exuberant uses of the room. Black carpet had been removed in favour of smoky grey and the walls had been repainted in lapis blue. The two walk in wardrobes had been refurbished into one giant wardrobe for both Diana and (Y/n). And hidden behind the mirror at the end of the wardrobe, donned on a faceless mannequin was Diana’s hope delivering, golden, red and blue armour of Wonder Woman. Funnily enough, ever since Diana and (Y/n)’s four-year anniversary the armour had gone through a series of more… pleasurable battles. Connected to the bedroom, via a sliding granite doorway, was an en suite. A tiled area with a large spa bath and a one-person shower big enough for two people had been constructed… per Diana’s request. Hanging on the walls were some paintings (Y/n) had purchased at many of Diana’s fundraisers founded by the Louvre. Sitting on Diana’s nightstand was a personal photograph of the second anniversary of the Justice League. Clark and Arthur stood side-by-side in the middle pulling Barry and Bruce close while beside Bruce, Diana stood with a bashful (Y/n) wrapped in her arms. Victor had taken the photo with his cybernetic body but his detachable head was nestled in (Y/n)’s hands. Everyone in the photo was smiling and (Y/n) was the only one out of costume, and considering (Y/n)’s costume was Barry’s gag gift for when (Y/n) unofficially joined the league and consisted of his messy hand stitched collection of mismatching colours, Diana was glad (Y/n) was wearing normal clothes. The main attraction of the bedroom was indeed the bed. A six poster, double mattress masterpiece with Egyptian silk drapes and satin sheets with swan down covers and pillows. The reasoning behind the two mattresses, was Diana’s growing roughness had already somehow cracked the bedframe.
Laying (Y/n) on the bed, Diana knelt down beside her princess. The princess of Themyscria’s eyes were full of undivided attention and passion. Diana’s smile alone seemed to fill (Y/n) with love and as such, the younger woman smiled back. Inching her hand across (Y/n)’s curvy body, Diana interlocked her fingers with (Y/n)’s. “Is there anything I can get you, my dear.” Diana’s words were soft and caring. (Y/n) smiled tiredly at Diana.
“Comfort food?” (Y/n) asked shyly, smiling brightly Diana patted (Y/n)’s hand as she stood.
“I’ll get something.” Diana wandered into the kitchen, her boots clicking against the marble floor as she opened the many cupboards bolted to the walls. Finding a cup of two-minute noodles, Diana filled the Styrofoam cup with water from the sink and sprinkled the flavoring into the broth before she used her powers from Zeus to zap lightning into the cup until the noodles were steaming. Diana walked back into the bedroom after grabbing a fork and handed (Y/n) the cup of noodles. (Y/n) sat up in bed, her back against the wall, and she took the cup gratefully and began eating. Flipping over (Y/n)’s lap and onto the space beside her, Diana lazily caressed (Y/n)’s thick thighs with her slender fingers.
“You’re so beautiful” Diana whispered. (Y/n) stopped moving a forkful of noodles halfway to her mouth. “It’s true” Continued Diana “Somehow you don’t see it but, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen… And I lived through over two thousand years” Feeling her face erupt into a blush, (Y/n) turned away from Diana, her shy personality overcoming her. Diana’s fingers tangled themselves within the silky locks of (Y/n)’s hair. Subconscious movements slowly braided (Y/n)’s hair as the Diana’s other hand took (Y/n)’s chin with her thumb and forefinger and turned her head to look into her eyes.
“Diana” (Y/n) breathed, her cup of noodles long forgotten on the bedside table. Inching her face closer to (Y/n)’s own, Diana trailed her free hand down her lover’s body.
“Yes, my love?” Diana whispered, inhaling the scent of lavender and strawberries in the rain. Diana’s hand had now pushed (Y/n)’s dress pants down exposing her dark blue under garments which Diana’s hand was caressing as if it had a mind of its own. “Do, you want me to prove my love for you?” Diana’s voice now had an air of lustful superiority that had (Y/n)’s lower lips practically gushing with need. Arching her back, (Y/n) let out a groan as Diana’s slender fingers circled around her sensitive area causing Diana to smirk.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Usually, Diana slept well through the night. Her Amazonian training made sure that all her muscles and bones were well rested for the next day. However, despite peaceful dreams of a warless world, Diana still woke up in the middle of the night. At first, Diana didn’t know what woke her. Her blue eyes scanned the darkness while the rest of her body caught up. And it was only when Diana heard the sound of soft, muffled sobs that she knew what had woken her. Turning in her bed to face her lover, Diana threw her arms around the shaking body in her bed.
“(Y/n), why do you cry?” Diana asked worriedly, fearing she herself had hurt the youngest of the Quinzel family. (Y/n)’s form stopped shaking abruptly but still she refused to look at Diana.
“Why?” Was all the woman could whisper. Confused Diana leaned in closer.
“Why what (Y/n)?” Diana asked. (Y/n) finally turned to face Diana with tears in her eyes and a wobbling lip.
“Why do you love me? How can you? I’m… I’m a mess!” (Y/n)’s eyes leaked like waterfalls as she fell towards Diana, who immediately wrapped her strong arms around her.
“No, you’re not.” Diana tried but (Y/n) wasn’t having it.
“YES! Yes, I am. I’m a fat, lazy, arrogant ball of anxiety. And you? You’re just so… Perfect! Someone like you shouldn’t be cursed to be with someone like me.” Diana simply smiled, swinging her leg over (Y/n)’s lower body, the princess of Themyscira straddled the PA to the CEO of WayneTech.
“You say I am perfect, but I am far from it. And you know what I see when I look at you?” (Y/n) said nothing, but Diana knew she was listening “I see two hands, like mine. Two ears, oh also like mine. Two eyes, hey would you look at that same as me.” A smile appeared on (Y/n)’s lips so Diana kept going. “You say you aren’t beautiful, but if I didn’t know any better, I would say you were descended from Aphrodite herself.” Shaking her head, (Y/n) finally looked into Diana’s eyes. “There’s my beautiful girlfriend” Diana finished as she leaned down and placed a soft kiss to (Y/N)’s lips.
“Did you just quote Tarzan to me?” (Y/n) asked, her lips still so close to Diana’s that the older woman could feel her smile.
“I know it’s your favorite.”
“God, you are perfect.”
As the days passed following (Y/n)’s latest insecurity breakdown, (Y/n) noticed her girlfriend being slightly more distant. Diana would leave early and come home late, not by much maybe only half an hour but Diana was usually known for her punctuality. (Y/n) didn’t mind though. As long as Diana was there when (Y/n) woke up, and there when she went to bed, (Y/n) was content to let Diana do what she wanted. Sunday night was usually date night for the pair residing in Bruce Wayne’s old penthouse in the mountains. And as such, (Y/n) hummed a happy tune as she parked in her garage that night. The light of the full moon had guided her way home. Thankfully, (Y/n) had managed to come home early by a half hour. Diana was probably the most well-organized person (Y/n) had ever seen, so it came as a surprise when she opened the door to see Diana running across the room, makeup in hand with a handsome suit covering her body.
“Oh no, no, no. It has to be perfect, everything has to be perfect… For her.” (Y/n) heard Diana mutter as she rushed into the bathroom. Raising a brow (Y/n) silently took off her shoes and hung up her coat as she followed after Diana. As (Y/n) walked to stand in the doorway to the bathroom, she saw Diana sitting in front of the mirror, applying mascara to her already literal godly features. Having not yet noticed the love of her life standing mere feet away from her, Diana tried to apply her makeup as quickly yet carefully as possible.
“I doubt even makeup can take someone past the point of perfection, Diana.” (Y/n) said startling the daughter of Zeus. With hand over heart, Diana smiled at the woman standing in the doorway.
“Oh, (Y/n). You’re early!” Diana exclaimed happily, before a look of horror crossed over her features. “You’re not supposed to be here yet!” Diana frantically stood and paced around the room. (Y/n) giggled to herself as she watched Diana pace with half her makeup on.
“And why is that?” (Y/n) asked, arms folded together under her breasts. Turning to face (Y/n), Diana shook her head, body deflating as her plan was ruined.
“I… I had a surprise for you.” Diana mumbled sadly, refusing to meet (Y/n)’s eyes accepting the fact that she had let (Y/n) down. But when Diana felt warm fingers on her arms she felt a surge of hope. “Last time I checked, it’s still a surprise to me… Whatever it is.” (Y/n)’s warm smile was all Diana needed to get back into gear.
“Right then, we need to look our best.”
Diana and (Y/n) spent the next half an hour applying makeup to each other and giggling like school girls. As she was doing Diana’s nails, (Y/n) finally got a good look at what Diana was wearing. Diana, known to be the more masculine in their homosexual relationship, had taken to wearing a dark black suit jacket and pants, with a white, collared dress shirt underneath the black suit vest she was wearing. The top three buttons of her shirt were undone giving Diana a sexy yet professional vibe. Of course, Diana had already picked out (Y/n)’s dress, and the woman gasped when she saw it. The dress was beautiful. Its base colour was plain white, but it slowly transitioned to light blue then turquoise green the further the dress went down. It wasn’t backless like most fancy dresses but it did look like a proper dress, with a skirt appearance bottom. (Y/n) had only worn the dress once before, at a WayneTech gala party, how Diana had found it and known that it was her favorite dress was beyond (Y/n). But Diana didn’t stop there.
As (Y/n) was busy admiring herself in the bathroom mirror, Diana crossed gracefully across the bedroom and into the wardrobe. Where upon pressing a hidden button above the doorframe the wardrobe mirror slid away to reveal Diana’s Amazonian armour. It’s bright reds, golds and blues were a symbol of hope across the world. Beside the armour stand rested the Sword of Athena, Lasso of Truth as well as her shield and bracelets of submission. But what Diana was looking for, was her tiara. The golden, three-pointed band was branded with a bright red, six-pointed star. Diana carefully plucked the headpiece from the stand and walked back over to (Y/n) who gasped in awe when Diana offered it to her.
“B-but that’s Wonder Woman’s.” (Y/n) insisted. Diana smiled at the woman before her. Despite Diana’s impressive height, (Y/n) usually had her backing down… but not this time. “This is for a princess.” Diana started “You, are my princess. And my Wonder Woman.” (Y/n) could not move as Diana placed the tiara on her head. The cool metal seemed to fill (Y/n) with strength. (Y/n) didn’t know what to do, so she hugged Diana. As tightly as she could. Smiling, Diana hugged back with equal force, wary of her Amazonian strength, and rested her chin on the top of (Y/n)’s head. The pair stood there, in the middle of their bedroom simply content to be with each other. But Diana had something else planned. Looking at her watch, Diana smiled as she pulled away from (Y/n).
“Come on. It’s time to go.”
Before they had left the home, Diana insisted that (Y/n) wear a blindfold. (Y/n) had briefly protested, but like with her tiara, Diana didn’t back down. And the princess of Themyscira had to admit. (Y/n) Quinzel looked damn fine in a blindfold. Not being able to see, (Y/n) allowed Diana to drive her to the mystery location where Diana opened the door and led (Y/n) up some stairs. When the blindfold was finally removed, (Y/n)’s mouth opened in awe of what she saw. It was a grand ball room, the grand ball room… at Wayne Manor. The dancing floor had been refurbished into a dining place with four white table clothed covered round tables placed symmetrically on the floor. At each table, two chairs were placed underneath and a variety of silverware and a candle opera was placed on top. Sitting at each table was one of the Justice League members, and each one had their own dates. Bruce Wayne, (Y/n)’s boss, sat across from a woman with brown hair and a confident smile she sent towards (Y/n). Bruce in return, raised his glass of white wine towards (Y/n) in a silent cheer. Clark Kent had obviously come with Lois Lane and both were extremely happy to see Diana and (Y/n). Barry Allen had come with someone for once and more surprisingly it was Iris West. The speedster had obviously been nervous as he had gelled down his hair. Arthur Curry had invited Mera to the event and the two were still deep in conversation. There was a fifth table. Set atop the landing of the imperial staircase, this particular table looked fit for the king and queen.
Diana held out her arm for (Y/n), who was still busy trying not to make a fool of herself in front of everyone. “Come my dearest partner in greatness. The night is just beginning.” Linking her arm with Diana’s, (Y/n) allowed the Amazon to lead her through the vast room up the imperial staircase and to their table. Like the gentlewoman she is, Diana pulled (Y/n)’s chair out for her and pushed it back in when needed before seating herself. Diana couldn’t help but get lost in (Y/n)’s eyes. When they had first met all those years ago, her eyes had been filled with suspicion and self-doubt. Now they were overflowing with joy and sparkling with happiness. Reaching across the table, Diana clasped (Y/n)’s hand with her own and traced circles with her thumb.
“Happy sixth anniversary my dearest.” Neither (Y/n) nor Diana could believe that six whole years had passed since Diana literally swept (Y/n) off her feet and asked to court her like some royal knight saving the princess. Before (Y/n) could recuperate the feelings, the doors to the kitchens opened and in swept a brigade of servants, their arms laden with silver domed platters and leading them, was the ever-pristine Alfred Pennyworth. As the servants delivered their dinners to the dates on the lower floor, Alfred climbed the stairs to personally deliver (Y/n) and Diana their meals for the evening.
“Madams.” Alfred bowed, placing a dish in front of each woman. “As you ordered, Lady Prince.” At once, Alfred lifted the silver domes to reveal exquisite looking meals of precise proportions. Diana saw the hunger in (Y/n)’s eyes amusing.
“Let’s eat.” Diana stated.
Throughout the meal, Alfred had come back at regular intervals to silently refill (Y/n) and Diana’s glasses with champagne and take their plates away when they were done. Now, with full bellies Diana and (Y/n) as well as all the others down below talked absent mindedly amongst themselves. Diana watched with a smile as (Y/n) laughed at one of her jokes and decided that now was the best time to play her trump card, despite its risks.
“My love. These past six years have been the best of my life.” Diana started, not wanting to ruin the surprise. “But, I cannot bear to have you as my girlfriend anymore.” (Y/n)’s world had officially collapsed around her, she knew it was true, Diana had never loved her. “I see the way people look at you and I hate it” Diana continued, confusing (Y/n) “You think yourself self-conscious but every time I look at you I think that I am the one who is not worthy of you.” (Y/n) leaned in as tears started to wet Diana’s eyes. “So please” (Y/n) gasped when Diana took her hands, reached into her pocket as she knelt on one knee “Please, just this once, let me be selfish and steal you from the world. Please (Y/n) Quinzel. Be my wife.” Diana brought a black velvet box from her pocket and opened it to reveal an impossibly expensive ring. The platinum band was encrusted with rubies, emeralds and sapphires all arranged in circles like an exploding firework. With tears in her eyes (Y/n) jumped on Diana.
“Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes!” (Y/n) squealed happily as she hugged Diana who laughed out a sob of relief as she slipped the ringer onto (Y/n)’s finger.
“She said yes.” Diana mumbled to herself as she hugged (Y/n) on the floor. Down below, the others had heard the commotion and began applauding the new happy couple. In a surprise twist, Diana lifted (Y/n) up in her arms and displayed her to her audience. “SHE SAID YES!” Diana shouted happily.
A few days had passed since Diana’s proposal, but that wasn’t to say that the excitement had worn off. (Y/n)’s insecurities had diminished greatly and Diana now had the authority to pummel any creeps that wanted a slice of her fiancé. Fiancé, Diana really liked saying that word. Their date nights had changed as well. Usually it was a romantic gesture something like a picnic or fancy dinner, but now (Y/n) was more inclined to help out those less fortunate. Diana took her to orphanages and homeless shelters and the two would spend the entire day just helping others. Other times the pair would stay in at home and lounge around watching a movie. But as Diana settled into the heated waters of her balcony pool and looked over the night time city scape of Gotham City, she was almost perfectly content where she was. Leaning against the edge of the pool, Diana rested her arms along the edge and stretched her legs. A long day of halting crime came with drawbacks. Diana’s sore muscles praised the soaking of warm water and Diana let out a sigh of relief.
“Rough day at the office?” (Y/n)’s sweet voice carried across the wind and entered Diana’s ears. Rolling her head back, Diana saw the upside-down version of (Y/n) standing before her, a cup of strawberry ice-cream in her hand. Taking her boots and stockings off, (Y/n) dipped her legs into the water and kissed Diana’s forehead.
“You have no idea my love” Diana groaned in displeasure, remembering the tiring battles she had been a part of all day. Smiling, (Y/n) pressed a few buttons on the waterproof pad next to her and a holographic screen projecting the news appeared above their heads. The reporter was female and wearing a blue pinstripe suit.
“And in other news, Wonder Woman saved the day, yet again. This time from a rouge alien. With the help of federal agents, Wonder Woman has detained the alien. And this reporter is led to believe if Wonder Woman has taken the mantle of Gotham’s hero from the legendary Batman.” (Y/n) muted her report and smiled at Diana cockily.
“I think I have a pretty accurate idea.” (Y/n) said swishing her legs lazily in the crystal-clear waters. Diana had used the pool’s control pad to turn the green lights in the floor on, giving the pool the look of a forest pond. Diana coughed out a laugh, her lungs still harboring a few traces of smoke and ash from the burning building she had to save a child from. (Y/n) looked at her future wife with concern in her eyes. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Diana smirked at her wife to be, she had just played right into her hands.
“Well, you could get naked and join me.” Diana said mischievously. (Y/n) gaped at Diana, words failing in her mouth. Her aghast look morphed into one of hilarity as she tipped her head back and laughed.
“Are you always this direct Miss Prince, or is it just with me?” (Y/n) asked. Diana smiled as she traced wet lines along the bare skin of (Y/n)’s knees.
“Only with you, my wife to be.” Diana whispered, (Y/n) cocked her head to the side and smiled. “And I meant what I said, I expect you to be naked and in my lap in three minutes or else I’m forcing you to.” (Y/n) laughed as she stood, waving the cup of ice-cream in her hand.
“And here I thought I would be nice and give my hero a cup of ice-cream. But she’s being really mean.” (Y/n) said cockily and smirked when Diana’s face dropped, a pout appearing on her lips.
“Okay, okay. You win. How dare you use hostages.” Diana fake scowled at (Y/n) who laughed as she gave Diana the frozen treat. As Diana spooned frozen heaven into her mouth, (Y/n) went back inside to shed her remaining clothing.
When (Y/n) stepped back out into the balcony, she found the air to be surprisingly warm against her bare skin. Diana had inhaled her treat and watched (Y/n) with hungry eyes as she stepped into the other side of the pool. When only her neck was visible above the water, (Y/n) swam to Diana who took (Y/n) in her arms. Now seated comfortably in Diana’s lap, (Y/n) felt Diana’s strong arms wrap around her as she relaxed into the embrace. Soon, Diana’s soft humming echoed around the two women. A peaceful, wordless lullaby forgotten by time and passed onto each new generation of Amazons. (Y/n) buried her face into the crook of Diana’s neck, feeling Diana’s soft fingers dance in her hair. And as Diana stared into the light of the full moon, she thanked every god she could think of for giving her (Y/n). That’s when she remembered something.
Biting her lip, Diana tried to think of how to best word her question. Nerves began chewing away at her self-confidence as time passed by. (Y/n) shifting in her lap, brought Diana out of her thoughts. (Y/n) had her knees on the underwater bench, either side of Diana’s legs as she stared into her eyes.
“You have your thinking face on.” (Y/n) stated “Whatcha thinking about?” Diana’s eyes widened like a deer in headlights.
“Um, well… I was thinking… Maybe we could… Erm…” Whatever Diana tried didn’t seem to work, the words just would not come out. Cupping her perfectly sculpted face in her hands, (Y/n) smiled at Diana.
“Diana, it’s okay.” (Y/n) insisted, Diana sighed as she looked (Y/n) in the eye.
“I was wondering… If we… If we could get married on Themyscria?” Diana’s words were soft, barely above a whisper. But they meant the world to Diana. Having been away from her home, her family for so many decades had tolled on Diana. (Y/n)’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Themyscira? Where… where you were born?” (Y/n) asked, remembering all of Diana’s stories about the place.
“Correct.” Diana nodded “It is a beautiful island, a place truly fit for our wedding”
“B-but, Diana. I haven’t even gone there before! And… and what about your mum? Isn’t she queen? I haven’t even met her either.” (Y/n) was in hysterics, on one had she would be married to the woman of her dreams in a land of dreams. On the other, she had to endure the most painful part of relationships, meeting the family. Diana however, laughed.
“Mother will love you (Y/n). As will the rest of Themyscira. I promise you.” (Y/n) still looked unsure, so Diana pressed her assault. “Please, please, please!” Diana rushed like a child. Finally (Y/n) relented, amused by her fiancé’s childish antics.
“Fine, we can go” At (Y/n)’s words Diana pumped her fist triumphantly.
“Yes!” She cheered happily.
“But!” (Y/n) interrupted and Diana looked at her curiously.
“But, after we get back. You have to do something for me.” Diana looked at (Y/n) confused.
“Of course. Anything for you, (Y/n).” (Y/n) smiled at Diana’s answer and wrapped her arms around her once more. The moon light seemed brighter as it shined on the two.
The morning after (Y/n) had agreed to travel to Themyscria, she had immediately asked for an audience with Lucius Fox. The head office at WayneTech was surprisingly barren. Like (Y/n)’s own office, it was the size of an apartment, had huge floor to ceiling windows this time overlooking the south side of Gotham. Portraits of previous CEO’s lined the walls and all of this orbited the crescent desk, behind which sat Lucius Fox. (Y/n) had just finished explaining to Lucius on why she needed to take a few days off. And as the ever articulate woman she was, (Y/n) had prepared an expertly detailed essay regarding the subject.
“I must say miss Quinzel, when you said you were prepared to show why you needed and deserved time off, I wasn’t expecting such a performance” admitted Lucius having just listened to (Y/n) speak every word from her essay perfectly from memory. The pages still in Lucius’s grasp.
“It pays to be prepared. And as I stated in paragraph two I-“(Y/n) started to explain again but Lucius held up his hand, silencing her.
“Yes, you already finished a week’s worth of work. I was willing to give you a few days off. Now I see no reason to keep you, especially since you’ve already picked a substitute.” (Y/n) bowed at Lucius slightly.
“Thank you, sir and I am sure that Markus will do my job well until I return.” (Y/n) said, remembering the person she had hired for a week. Lucius leaned forward in his chair.
“There is one thing though.” He said “I am curious as to why you want to go now. I mean, you’ve never taken leave before, not even a sick day.” (Y/n) blushed slightly.
“Well sir, my girlfriend recently proposed. And she wants to visit her home country.” (Y/n) explained nervously and a smile appeared on her boss’s face.
“Well then, congratulations to the pair of you. And I do hope she treats you right. The world would be a much, much better place with more people like you in it.” The two WayneTech workers smiled at each other before (Y/n) walked out of the room, her smile still present.
By the time (Y/n) walked through the door of her home that night, Diana had finished cooking dinner. A lovely venison brisket with seasonal greens on the side. When (Y/n) walked in the door with a cheery ‘hello’, Diana rushed to relieve her of her coat.
“My, my.” (Y/n) tutted “What’s got you all fired up?” Diana pulled a chair out at the table for (Y/n) who gladly sat down in front of her dinner. Smiling Diana sat across from (Y/n), excited for their trip.
“I’m… I’m just so happy that you’re mine.” Diana whispered, afraid that if she spoke louder, she would wake from the perfect dream that had become her reality. While her body was that of the indestructible Wonder Woman, Diana’s emotions were as weak as anyone’s. Diana constantly worried for (Y/n), be it her safety or if someone would steal (Y/n) from her. But now the two would be wed and Diana could put at least half her fears to rest.
“Diana.” (Y/n) tried to speak but Diana shook her head.
“Please, I. I want… need to say this.” Diana pleaded, nodding (Y/n) allowed Diana to talk, giving the immortal daughter of Zeus her full attention. “All my life I wanted two things, to help people and to bring peace.” Diana looked out of the window and to the silver crescent of the moon. “But since I came to Man’s World I wanted something else, something I never thought I needed. I wanted to find love.” Diana looked back at (Y/n), the younger of the two snaked her hand across the table and took Diana’s hand in hers. “You know about Steve. And, I thought he was the one I was looking for. But I believe that the gods willed him to sacrifice himself not only for the good of the world, but so that I would one day find you.” Tears were forming in Diana’s eyes as her emotions ran wild. “And… and I want you to know. You mean, more to me… Than anything in this life. I love you, and I know that sounds cliché. But it is true, I love you (Y/n) Quinzel” By the end of Diana’s speech, both women had tears in their eyes.
“Diana…” (Y/n) breathed out “I… I don’t know what to say. But I know that I love you, Diana Prince. And, and I know that without you my life would be a whole lot darker.”  Diana could no longer hold herself back, she flew over the table and crashed into (Y/n) with a hug pushing the pair to the ground. Pinning (Y/n) underneath her, Diana lowered her face to (Y/n)’s ear.
“And I’m going to show you I mean it” Her hot breath tickled (Y/n)’s ear, but that wasn’t the only thing that made her shiver that night.
As the blearing ringtone of Diana’s alarm beeped to life, its face flashing seven o’clock in bright red L.E.Ds. (Y/n) groaned as she was torn away from the land of dreams, flinging the covers of her bed over her head and slamming her pillow atop her ears to block out the satanic sound. Meanwhile, Diana leapt out of the bed her excitement growing as time passed by. Giggling to herself at her fiancé’s want to sleep, Diana danced into the wardrobe to pick out her clothes for the exciting day. After all, today is the day Diana takes (Y/n) to Themyscira! Humming as she skimmed over her shirts, Diana finally settled on a maroon tank top and brown shorts. Opening the secret room to what Diana called the Wonder Woman chamber, Diana took her sword as well as her lasso and wrapped them both in a piece of cloth to pack later. Skipping into the room, Diana launched herself at the trying to sleep (Y/n) who grunted in annoyance as Diana landed on her.
“Come on honey bunny, today’s the day we go to Themyscira.” Cheered Diana dragging a groaning (Y/n) out of bed by her feet. Flailing her arms wildly in a childish display of argument, (Y/n) tried to hold onto the bed.
“It’s too early!” (Y/n) whined “And I haven’t even memorized my speech yet!” That stopped Diana. The Daughter of Zeus blinked comically at what she just heard, dropping (Y/n)’s feet to the floor Diana crawled over her body and flipped (Y/n) around to face her.
“What speech?” Diana asked incredulously. Nervous under Diana’s playful yet still meaningful glare, (Y/n) tapped her two index fingers together. “The speech to not make a fool of myself in front of you mother and the whole island” Diana smiled at this new information.
“By the gods, you just keep getting cuter.” Diana declared before grabbing (Y/n)’s waist and throwing (Y/n) over her shoulder.
“What, Diana! Put me down!” (Y/n) demanded, but Diana only laughed as she took (Y/n) into the wardrobe.
Sitting (Y/n) on the three-legged stool in the walk-in wardrobe, Diana began picking out clothes for her. The Princess of Themyscira would hold up a shirt to (Y/n), shake her head and replace it with something else. Eventually Diana decided to dress (Y/n) in trekking shorts and a white cotton shirt. Standing back to admire her handiwork, Diana smiled as (Y/n) scowled at her indignantly. Wagging her finger at the super powered being, (Y/n) started her ranting. “Diana Prince!” She scolded “I swear to God if you do that again I’ll… I’ll” (Y/n) trailed off not knowing what to say, Diana figured this and smiled taking a step closer to (Y/n).
“You’ll what my little princess?” Diana smirked at a fuming (Y/n).
“I’ll make you sleep on the couch for a month!” At this Diana gaped in alarm.
“What! You can’t do that? Who gave you rights to do such vile acts?” Diana demanded, now it was (Y/n)’s turn to speak. Holding up her hand to show Diana her ring, (Y/n) flashed her signature smile.
“You did when you decided to marry this walking disaster.” Diana gawked at (Y/n) in a mixture of surprise and admiration. “I proposed to a trickster.” Diana said defeatedly throwing her hands in the air “Fine, you win.” Giggling (Y/n) caressed Diana’s crestfallen face with a confident finger.
“That’s my strong Wonder Woman.” She said as she sauntered out of the bedroom, intent on cooking some food before they left. Diana’s eyes, no matter how pure she was, were glued to (Y/n)’s voluptuous bottom like flies in a trap.
“I hate to see her go” Diana muttered to herself in a trance like tone as (Y/n) walked out of her view “But I love to watch her leave.”
Despite Diana’s less than easy approach to outfitting her, (Y/n) was grateful for the choice of clothing. The harsh sunlight seemed to batter down on the inhabitants of Gotham without remorse. Utilizing her Athena like intelligence, Diana collapsed the roof of her retro looking convertible for the warm yet still cooler than normal breeze as they travelled along the Gotham highway. Music from the radio held Diana and (Y/n)’s spirts high as they sung together like no one was watching. Gotham’s polluted air soon freshened into the salty smell of the sea as Diana turned from the highway and onto the docks. Brutish sailors and their foul-mouthed friends whistled and hollered at (Y/n) and Diana as they drove past. As her shyness grew to new heights, (Y/n) looked to Diana for help. Only to find that Diana was completely ignoring them as she drove. “So what are we doing here anyway?” (Y/n) asked as Diana eventually parked and started putting the roof of the car back on. Diana looked behind her, past the moving parts of the roof of her car to try and find something.
 “Well, usually I would just fly to Themyscria. It’s far faster.” Diana turned back to (Y/n) with a smile, having found what she was looking for. “But I want you to get the full experience the first time.” Opening the door, Diana walked to the boot of the car and retrieved their bags as (Y/n) walked out to meet her. After making sure the car was secured in its parking space beside an old warehouse, Diana and (Y/n) wandered the docks with the princess herself in the lead. The pair of women walked hand in hand past small shops selling ‘fresh’ fish that smelled worse than heated, regurgitated poop. Leading (Y/n) to the end of a dock, Diana greeted a man sleeping on a wooden green bench.
His old, patchy navy-blue jacket covered most of his body but (Y/n) could still make out the almost bleached hair poking through underneath the sea captain hat. Bright yellow overalls covered what the jacket could not and over his feet were a sturdy pair of black rubber boots. “JACK!” Diana shouted, slapping the old sailor on the back. With a shout of alarm Jack spasmed to life, fumbling over himself as he gathered his bearings.
“Hummina? Whatcha? Wheresa?” Jack mumbled angrily as he sat up. His old wrinkled face tanned from endless hours under the sun. When he saw Diana, Jack’s personality completely flipped. A broad, yellow toothed smile greeted Diana and Jack spread his arms wide offering her a hug.
“Diana bloody Prince!” Jack shouted joyously as Diana accepted his embrace. (Y/n) knew that Diana liked to be friends with everyone, she just never imagined Diana would find friends like Jack. Jack and Diana traded heavy slaps to each other’s backs before they separated.
“How have you been Jack? Are the children okay?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but smile at Diana’s need to know if her friends were doing fine. Apparently, Jack felt the same, his smile seemed to get impossibly brighter despite the neglect of oral care.
“I’ve neva bin betta!” Jack pronounced happily, hooking his thumbs under the straps of his rubber overalls. “And ta kids are fine. But ta wee one misses ya, Diana.” Laughing, Diana shook her head.
“Kane, He misses me? Are you sure? Last thing he said to me makes me think otherwise.” Exclaimed Diana. At this Jack too laughed as he draped his jacket over his shoulders.
“Aye, he acts tough. But he’s a big softie at heart. Just like his ma!” Jack’s eyes finally landed on (Y/n) who had been standing off to the side, not interrupting their conversation. “And who is this lovely lass? The future Missus Prince that I’ve heard so many good things about.” (Y/n) couldn’t stop the blush appearing on her cheeks. Diana however, cocked her head to the side as she jostled the two bags around her back.
“Actually, we haven’t talked about last names yet” Diana muttered as if just now realizing the topic. Sensing the oncoming tension, Jack waved his hands to get (Y/n) and Diana’s attention.
“Ah well, I’m Jack, Jack Krane” Jack held out his hand to (Y/n) who shook it politely
“(Y/n) Quinzel. Pleased to meet you.” (Y/n) was a polite persona at heart, which came from a life of being an introvert. Jack’s brows raised in alarm.
“Quinzel? Like pre-Joker era Harley Quinn?” he asked in shock. (Y/n)’s naturally soft features turned into one of stoic hardness.
“Exactly the same.” She challenged, Diana watched from the sidelines, ready to intervene if necessary.
“No matter. I’m guessing today’s ta day then eh?” He announced excitedly, his weathered hands rubbing against each other in anticipation. “Still find it wee bit weird that ye wanted dropped off in ta middle of te ocean” At this (Y/n) raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she saw Diana’s smile.
“A girl must have her secrets as they say.” Diana’s sassy reply sent Jack into another fit of boisterous laughter.
“So, they say indeed. Ah well, ye know me ship. I’ll be there in a sec, gotta say goodbye first.” With that, Jack waddled away down the docks and into one of the many warehouses.
Apparently, captains came in all different shapes and sizes, and did not reflect the ships they sailed at all. Entangling her fingers with (Y/n)’s own, Diana strode confidently through the crowds leading (Y/n) toward a much nicer wharf. Instead of wooden planks and mudded paths, this wharf was paved and sealed with tar. Large cruise liners were moored to the side of the docks and Diana led (Y/n) up the decks of the most luxurious, sleek white cruiser.
“This is Jacks?” Asked (Y/n) in disbelief as Diana opened a set of double doors revealing the main lobby of the ship. Bright lights hanging from trees shone down unto the shops below. The lobby covered dozens of floors of the ship, filled with shops and bakeries. Hundreds if not thousands of people bustled around, buying and eating. There was only one word to describe the ship in its entirety and that was; extravagant. Ships of extravagance weren’t anything new to (Y/n), Lucius had taken her on many business cruises before. Diana seemed really excited however, to reach their room on one of the higher floors. The entrance to their room was sealed with twin wooden doors with golden handles. Pushing open the doors, (Y/n) stared in awe at the Greek styled room. Portraits and sculptures of ancient Greece decorated the room where a huge loveseat dominated the room in front of a plasma screen T.V. The bed was king sized with freshly laid sheets and blankets. The kitchen was also well stocked with fresh food and drinks, even some Milo. Whilst it didn’t have the space of (Y/n)’s home, (Y/n) could understand why Diana wanted to take the ship and not just fly to Themyscria.
Dumping their bags at the foot of the bed, Diana pulled (Y/n) onto the bed. With a shriek of surprise, (Y/n) landed on top of Diana. Normally, (Y/n) would be afraid she had squashed her future wife. But after six years of dating, (Y/n) had found out Diana could take a lot more than (Y/n)’s plus sized body.
“How do you like my home away from home?” Diana asked curiously from underneath (Y/n). Her hands roaming (Y/n)’s body, loving every extra curve and crevice. Not bothering to answer Diana’s question, (Y/n)’s lips dove to capture Diana’s own in a loving embrace of passion.
Sadly, Diana and (Y/n) didn’t get to stay on the cruise for long. Several hours filled with whip cream, licks, and Diana’s fingers passed by before Diana ushered (Y/n) out of the room and onto the back deck, where they met Jack again. This time, Jack was fitted in a clean, white and gold captain’s uniform while all his hair looked clean. As Diana and (y/n) walked up to him, Jack opened his arms wide in greeting.
“Diana, (Y/n) good ta see yas again lassies. Enjoyed the room did ye?” Jack asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Diana suppressed a giggle and (Y/n) looked mortified at the prospect that Jack may have had camera’s in the room.
“Jack, stop trying to scare (Y/n). Is our boat ready?” Diana asked, shouldering hers and (Y/n)’s packs. Turning around, Jack slapped the wheel of a rotating handle connected to a sturdy beam that secured a life raft in place.
“I had this one installed just for ya Diana. Although, I had to take out ta motor fer some er… complicated reasons.” Jack laughed nervously, Diana didn’t seem to mind however as she walked to the other pillar securing the boat and gripped the rotating handle there with both hands.
“It’s fine Jack. (Y/n), get in the boat. I’ll lower it with Jack and meet you down there.” Diana instructed. With a nod, (Y/n) retrieved the bags from Diana and stepped into the life boat. Its steel bottom feeling cool when (Y/n)’s thigh brushed against it. When (Y/n) was sitting on the white plastic bench, Diana and Jack started slowly hoisting (Y/n) down into the water.
Feeling her nerves grow stronger as her boat splashed into the blue, seemingly bottomless waters, (Y/n) gripped her plastic bench as tightly as she could. From her position, the cruise ship seemed impossibly big and she couldn’t even make out Diana or Jack. Fear began to worm its way into (Y/n)’s heart. What of all of this was part of Diana’s plan to dump (Y/n)? Then (Y/n) chastised herself for thinking so poorly of Diana. Hearing a tang of metal hooks releasing their hold on the small craft, (Y/n) jumped in alarm. Looking around frantically, (Y/n)’s eyes scanned for Diana.
“Looking for me, love?” Diana’s calm, lulling voice drew (Y/n)’s attention to the back of the boat where Diana floated just above the water. Smiling, Diana drifted through the air with angelic grace.
“Of course, I’m looking for you” (Y/n) quipped sassily “Girl you know I don’t know how to drive this thing.” With a burst of laughter, Diana buried her face into the hair on (Y/n)’s head, inhaling her scent.
“That is true my dearest.” Picking up the two red plastic oars, Diana started rowing away from the ship and unto the horizon.
“Are we there yet?” (Y/n)’s tired voice broke the silence for the seventeenth time in the last few minutes. (Y/n) laid unmoving along her bench, her arm draped over her eyes to protect herself from the harsh rays of the sun. Diana looked into the sky, a few clouds blotted against the light blue hues of the atmosphere but what really caught her eye, was the slight shimmer as the rays of sun rebounded off something in the distance.
“Almost little one. I cannot wait for you to meet my family!” Diana’s ecstatic words brought a smile to (Y/n)’s lips. Jack’s cruise had long since vanished over the horizon, now (Y/n) and Diana were left alone together with nothing but undrinkable water to keep them company.
“Maybe we should turn back? We seem to be getting nowhere.” (Y/n) said almost fearfully. Diana only smiled.
“That’s just the barrier talking.” She countered.
“So, how come no one can get to Themyscria anyway?” (Y/n) asked, sitting up to face Diana as she rowed the boat. “I mean, we’ve only been out here on our own for maybe an hour.” Grunting, Diana heaved the oars as the pair crossed over a slightly larger wave.
“Well, my father Zeus protected the island with a barrier of will power. Any who come near that do not have permission by myself or my mother will have a… it’s hard to explain… A change of heart I guess. Put simply, if people were to come near Themyscira the barrier makes them want to turn back around.” A look of understanding and amazement crossed over (Y/n)’s features at Diana’s explanation.
“That sounds, incredible.” (Y/n)’s smile broadened.
“If you wanna see incredible little one, turn around.” At Diana’s request, (Y/n) shifted her body and gasped at what she saw.
Five islands, majestically floating above the ocean appeared from nothing. Each island seemed to float at different elevations. The higher (Y/n) looked, the smaller the islands became but none lost their majesty. It seemed each island was connected by a series of waterfalls that flowed from the sky onto the tallest peak atop the highest island. The waterfalls that flowed from the largest island at the bottom crashed into the salty waters of the ocean. (Y/n) could only make out the sharp, jagged rock bottoms of the higher islands but the largest island was easily visible. Lush forests dominated the island, birds of all species flew around merrily as they nested and called to each other. Around the outskirts of the island, strong white walls safeguarded what appeared to be impressive, Greek styled temples and buildings. The water below (Y/n) turned from deep blue to shallow green, looking down (Y/n) could see a pod of dolphins swimming happily beneath her. Few words were able to capture the essence of Themyscria, but magical was probably the most accurate.
“It’s… it’s incredible. How… I don’t… Thank you Diana” (Y/n) turned to face her soul mate with teary eyes. “Thank you for sharing this with me.” Diana returned her smile, cupping (Y/n)’s plump face with her hands.
“I will share my entire life and more with you.” Diana’s hot, whisper tickled (Y/n)’s ear as Diana leant forward and captured her lips in a kiss. As Diana slowly broke the kiss, letting (Y/n) gulp down air, she pointed towards one of the many waterfalls leading to the ocean from the main island. “(Y/n) look! The welcoming party has arrived.” She said. (Y/n) turned around and almost fainted when she saw three powerfully built women riding water horses.
There was no other way to describe them. They were water horses. Their bodies were literally made from water, blues and whites swirled underneath shells of coral. A thin, blue layer coated the water in a protective coating. The Amazons had shaped the coral on the water horse’s backs to function like saddles, and they rode them expertly to the side of the boat. The closest one, a strong and muscle Amazon with fiery red hair and icy blue eyes, stood atop her horse with grace and bowed.
“Hail, Princess Diana. Daughter of Queen Hippolyta.” The Amazon’s voice was commanding and intimidating, but Diana was happily relieved to see that (Y/n) didn’t shy away. Too mystified by the water horses, hippocampi as they were truly called.iJ
“It is good to see you as well Phobie.” Diana warmly greeted her friend with a smile before pulling (Y/n) close to her body. “May I introduce, (Y/n) Quinzel of Man’s world. My betrothed.” A look of shock crossed over the amazons faces, the other two looked at Phobie who adopted a neutral expression.
“Hello, it is very nice to meet you” (Y/n) greeted the Amazons with a smile, Phobie’s friends smiled back but Phobie remained expressionless.
“Princess Diana. Please take Kοράλλι as your mount.” Phobie said, then with the grace of an Olympic gymnast, Phobie flipped through the air. With a perfect form, Phobie touched down on the small life boat, barely making a ripple in the tropical green waters below.
“Thank you Phobie. Perhaps you could take our bags as well. I wish to give (Y/n) the full Themyscria experience as we travel.” Nodding, Phobie went to collect the two bags at the edge of the boat as Diana climbed onto the hippocampi.
“Come (Y/n). Let me take you to Themyscria.” Diana said romantically holding out her hand and (Y/n) smiled as she took Diana’s calloused hand in her own. But, as (Y/n) went to step off the boat it started to shake violently. With a cry of shock (Y/n) started to fall off the boat. Luckily, Diana was there to catch (Y/n) and pull the younger woman into her arms, seating her before her on the hippocampi. Diana looked back to see that Phobie had roughly jumped from the boat to one of the other Amazons who stared wide eyed at Phobie. Neither one uttering a word. “Let us make haste, I am dying to see mother again.” Diana said, a wary eye trailing Phobie as she and the other Amazons took the points in front of Diana, acting as guards ready to announce her presence.
The hippocampi glided through the water like a hawk in the sky. The majestic creatures neared the island and (Y/n) saw no visible way to climb onto the floating island. Instead, the two Amazons ridding their hippocampi, led Diana and (Y/n) closer to one of the cascading waterfalls that crashed into the sea with a thunderous boom. “Erm, Diana?” (Y/n) whispered to the woman currently holding her tight.
“Yes?” Diana’s voice was distant, perhaps because after so long she was finally coming home again.
“How… How are we getting up there?” at this Diana looked down, smiling like a child to the woman that captured her heart.
“My dear, this is Themyscria. Practically everything is magic.” Confused by Diana’s words, (Y/n) turned back around and almost lost it when she saw the three riders in front of her start defying gravity as the Hippocampi started swimming up the waterfall. Seeing (Y/n)’s bewildered expression, Diana patted the neck of the hippocampi she rode and with a burst of speed that threw (Y/n) even further into Diana’s embrace, Diana and (Y/n) were travelling up at ninety degrees.
No longer could (Y/n) contain her excitement. Feeling like a kid in a candy store after being told the entire shop was free, (Y/n) threw her hands in the air and screamed with utter glee at the weightless feeling. Eyes sparkling with nothing but childhood wonder looked out across the upturned ocean. Birds of different species glided around the waterfall and it was then that (Y/n) saw with fascination that fish were swimming along the waterfall current as well. Salmon, kingfish even the odd swordfish darted under the rushing veil of the waterfall, all heading to the island of paradise. Leaning forward, feeling secure with Diana’s arms tight around her waist, (Y/n) dipped her hand in the rushing water and marveled at the somehow warm temperature. Water splashed in (Y/n)’s face and she recoiled in shock. Looking up she saw Phobie looking back with a strange look on her face. That was when (Y/n) noticed her bag was now soaking.
“Apologies Princess Diana.” Phobie called down. “This bag seems to be heavier than yours.” and there it was. It was subtle, but (Y/n) heard it. A fat joke. Always comparing her to Diana. And apparently (Y/n) wasn’t the only one to hear it either. Diana’s growl rumbled dangerously in her throat, a clear sign of warning that Phobie could not hear.
“I’ll teach her not to mess with you.” Diana seethed with anger at her fellow Amazon, how dare she joke about such a sensitive subject. A feeling of happiness descended upon (Y/n) as she watched how possessive and caring Diana could become. Sure, Diana had done similar things, but never to someone like Phobie who had known and quite possibly trained with Diana in her early life.
“It’s okay Diana. Honest.” Placing a hand on Diana’s leg, (Y/n) managed to calm the furious goddess. “Besides, I did pack a few things other than clothes.” (Y/n) continued with a sly wink which had Diana blushing thirty shades of red.
After the literally magical Hippocampi ride, the Amazons and (Y/n) reached the shore where a few Amazons who had heard of Diana’s return were waiting. Every single one of them, like Diana, were over six feet tall and extremely well built. Even the smallest one was a good few inches taller than (Y/n) and the mortal woman knew that any of them could snap her like a twig. All of them were dressed in armour of leather and iron in colours similar to Diana’s Wonder Woman’s outfit. Most of them were armed with sharp weapons, swords or daggers were sheathed at their sides and one even had a bow and quiver of arrows slung over her back. However different they were, be it eyes, hair or colour of skin, their faces were the same. Each had an easily identifiable look of excitement on their face as Diana helped (Y/n) from the back of the Hippocampi and onto shore.
“The princess is back.” They cheered, their cries of happiness echoing across the island “The princess is back.” With a smile on her face and her heart warm with love, Diana wrapped an arm around (Y/n)’s waist and addressed the Amazons before her.
“My sisters it has been too long. But I bring great news from Man’s world!” Her exclamation earned Diana another bout of cheers. Metal clanked against metal as the Amazons crowded around their princess and the human woman. (Y/n) couldn’t see much outside the circle of tall women that had formed a protective ring around her and Diana. But, she did catch glimpses of white, possibly marble, structures. (Y/n) could also hear the faint sound of fierce battles, presumably the Amazons training against one another. But the one building (Y/n) could see clearly, was the palace of Hippolyta herself.
Gargantuan, blood red marble pillars dozens of meters tall erupted from the elevated acropolis of Themyscria to withstand the weight of the marble truss roof. Within the triangle shape at the front of the temple, golden depictions of gods and goddesses stood side by side as a family. Floors of oak wood separated the temple into three areas. Banners of white cloth with gold edges hung from the top balcony with the depiction of a pi symbol of bull horns encircled with an orange ring, the symbol of Hestia the eldest child of Kronos and Rhea. Banisters of crisscrossing warm brown wooden beams lined the edges of each balcony of the temple. At each corner of the balconies sat steel torch braziers that held devilishly dangerous green flames. The entrance had no grand door, in fact the entrance had no door. Instead, a huge space between the two front walls acted as an entrance which was guarded by two colossal statues. On the left, a woman drew her bow at the sun as if to shoot the world into eternal night. The statue’s long hair had been carved into a single braid that wormed its way over her shoulder like a snake. Artists depicted her as a huntress, with clothes of animal hide carved from silver marble, a quiver of arrows hung on her back and a loyal hound stood guard at her heels. The final sign of the statue’s brilliance was the golden circlet resting atop the huntress’s head as if she was a queen. The other statue seemed no less of a warrior, dressed in a battle regalia similar to Diana’s own, this statue also depicted a woman with long hair in a single braid. This time however, instead of a bow the statue held a dangerous hooked spear in one hand and a shield in the other. Similar to her friend this statue was also accompanied by an animal, an owl perched on the statue’s shoulder as a silent guardian. Sitting atop the warrior’s head was a war helmet of gold with a red marble plume.
(Y/n) gaped in wonderment as the Amazons led her inside, an area that did not disappoint. Like the Parthenon, Hippolyta’s temple had a greater length than height. As such, the bottom floor was filled with strong yet beautifully carved columns of polished stone. Each pillar had four torch sconces bolted at its middle, the same bright green fire danced away, lighting the area save for the giant open skylight in the middle of the temple’s roof. Sunlight poured in from the sky like Themyscria’s magical waterfall, basking the centerpiece of the area in a golden glow. The centerpiece was of course the throne and its queen. Built atop a small hill of steps, the throne of Hippolyta queen of the Amazons looked to have been built by Hephaestus himself. Forged from an alloy of gold and platinum, it glowed radiantly in the sunlight. Encrusted with jewels of every colour even the arm rests were fancy as they twirled at its ends like ram horns. The only thing more stunning about the temple than the throne, was the woman sitting atop it. Built like a goddess, Hippolyta probably stood around six and a half feet tall. While she had no bulging mussels, even (Y/n) who was used to Diana’s powerfully built body, could tell that Hippolyta would be a challenge for Superman. Diana had spoken very highly of her mother and talked about her feats numerous times and Hippolyta’s trophies were her clothing. Covering her body was the pelt of the Nemean lion, its winter white fur was as regal and majestic as any kingly robes. Draped over her back was the golden fleece, a symbol from the god Poseidon. Lyacon’s werewolf head guarded Hippolyta’s own with its hide, Lyacon’s dead grey eyes seemed to be ever watchful. A golden circlet encrusted with flawless rubies, stolen from a horde of myrmekes sat atop Hippolyta’s ears under her helm of Lyacon. Finally, boots from the hide of the Erymanthian Boar made sprinting on even the roughest terrain easy for Hippolyta.
As they neared, Hippolyta’s queenly glare fixated on (Y/n) but the woman refused to back down, her spirit encouraged by Diana’s presence. Dragging her intimidating gaze from the mortal that stood before her, the queen of the Amazons smiled at her daughter after so many centuries apart. “Diana, my daughter, you have finally returned” Hippolyta’s voice sent nervous shivers down (Y/n)’s spine and she almost whimpered in fear of the powerful woman that would one day be her mother-in-law.
“Of course, mother and I bring wonderous news from Man’s world!” Diana’s words held excitement but (Y/n) knew this was nowhere near as excited as Diana truly was.
“Very well, daughter.” Hippolyta turned to face the crowd of Amazons who had gathered behind Diana and (Y/n). “Leave us, tend to your duties.” She ordered, and the Amazons simply left without hesitation. Now with the temple only occupying three people, Hippolyta stood from her throne and descended the steps with grace. The queen was taller than even Diana by a few centimeters and (Y/n) watched the two warriors regard each other cautiously. Hippolyta slapped her hands onto Diana’s shoulders, squeezing the muscles underneath with hidden pride.
“I see you haven’t gone soft in the world of man.” Hippolyta noted with a soft smile.
“There are more problems in their world than Ares… I’m happy to see you again mother.” Diana spoke softly, afraid of saying something wrong.
“I missed you as well lamb.” Diana smiled at the old pet name only her mother had called her, the warmth in her heart spreading like a forest fire. Unable to contain her happiness any longer, Diana pulled her mother into a long-awaited bear hug. (Y/n) couldn’t not smile at the scene as Diana lifted her mother in the air, (Y/n) was sure the elder woman would have been crushed if she wasn’t an Amazon.
“Diana, please. You have brought us company.” Hippolyta pleaded with her daughter, Diana scrunched up her eyes and held onto her mother. Finally, with one last squeeze, Diana released her mother and pulled (Y/n) in front of her who squeaked in surprise.
“Mother, I would like to introduce you to (Y/n) Quinzel of Man’s world.” Diana said proudly. (Y/n), not knowing what to do, bowed to Hippolyta as best she could.
“Your highness” (Y/n) sounded extremely nervous, a trait that didn’t go unnoticed by the queen.
“You may rise” Hippolyta said with a bored tone, (Y/n) saw the look in her eyes and knew that Hippolyta was less than impressed with what she saw. Diana however, didn’t see the distasteful exchange.
“This, mother, is the woman I am betrothed to.” That caught Hippolyta’s full attention. Her eyes widened showing her ocean green eyes to hold a confounded look. Glancing (Y/n) up and down once more, Hippolyta turned back to Diana who smiled gleefully at her.
“Daughter, you can not be serious.” Hippolyta’s words seemed to dim Diana’s spirits a bit.
“What? Yes, I am. I have courted (Y/n) for six wonderful years and recently proposed to her. We are betrothed.” Diana said firmly. Hippolyta marched back to her throne, a look of distain on her face.
“Oh, Diana, Diana, Diana.” She muttered tiredly “This shall not happen, I forbid it.” (Y/n) took a step back in not only heartache but fear at the queen’s words. Diana however, was livid. She stormed up to her mother who sat calmly on her throne.
“How dare you! You cannot forbid my marriage!” Diana shouted in outrage, her fists clenched tight in anger as she stared down her mother who looked back at her daughter calmly.
“I can, I will and I have. (Y/n) does not deserve you Diana. Look at her, she is hardly fit to run let alone hold her own in battle.” (Y/n)’s eyes misted over with tears as the hope of being able to form a relationship with Hippolyta evaporated. Diana didn’t need to look back to know that (Y/n) was on the verge of collapse.
“You do not get to talk about her that way!” Diana’s voice boomed across the temple, a few torches blew out due to Diana’s power. “She may not have the body of an Amazon, but to me she is as beautiful as Aphrodite and her heart is purer than gold!” Hippolyta shrugged, tired of the conversation.
“Be that as it may, but I have already given Phobie my blessing to marry you. And I hardly think this mortal will do anything to get my approval.” That was the final straw for Diana.
“You always told me that men are disgusting for giving away their daughters for more power, yet you have done just the same!” Diana growled, clearly disappointed and furious at her mother “And no I won’t stop marrying (Y/n), she is and always will be the love of my life. Not Phobie or any other person you have lined up. I brought my (Y/n) here in the hopes that one day we would be wed here, on my home. But I can see now that this place is no longer my home, not when my mother no longer cares.” Diana left no room for argument, spinning on her heels the daughter of Zeus tore her glare from her mother and stormed down the steps. As she passed (Y/n), Diana picked the younger woman into her arms and Diana carried (Y/n) from her mother, bridal style.
(Y/n) didn’t see where they were going, to focused on Diana’s face as she tried to calm her down. Diana’s footsteps, usually quiet and hunter like, sounded like an elephant’s as she stormed up a flight of stairs. “Diana please, calm down.” (Y/n) tried to soothe the raging goddess.
“How could she say that?” Diana asked, more to herself than (Y/n) “I don’t understand” Her words were filled with sadness. (Y/n) felt her heart break at Diana’s betrayed expression, but before she could say anything Diana kicked open the door to her room. Diana set (Y/n) down on the red silken sheets over her bed, the four posts holding cloth drapes apart with strings. Curious eyes scanned Diana’s childhood room in awe, weapons of imaginable craftmanship decorated oak walls. The larger than king sized bed occupied most of the room, and a single chest sat at the foot of the bed. A doorway opened out to a balcony that looked out to the lush island and the islands above. Sounds of Amazons hard at work echoed across the island. As (Y/n) tried her hardest to take in everything, Diana was still angry at her mother.
“I mean, she’s the one that always tell me to follow what I believe is right!” Zeus’s daughter groaned in displeasure as she flopped onto her bed, (Y/n) felt the shift of weight on the bed and returned her attention to her fiancé.
“Diana, no matter how difficult she’s being Hippolyta is still your mother, maybe… maybe she’s right.” (Y/n) didn’t know why she asked such a fearful question, Diana turned to (Y/n) and smushed (Y/n)’s cheeks with her palms turning (Y/n) into a fish impersonator.
“No, my mother is wrong. I know in my heart that you are my one, true love. Not Phobie, not Steve not anyone aside from (Y/n) Quinzel.” Diana didn’t give time for (Y/n) to argue, the god killer simply kissed her forehead lovingly. “I know I dragged you here, so if you want to leave in the morning, we can.” Diana’s expression showed a mixture sadness and acceptance. But (Y/n) was putting her foot down this time.
“I don’t think so” She challenged surprising Diana “You’ve taken me to Paradise Island and you expect me to leave because of a little dispute with your mother? I don’t think so. No, we are going to have fun on these next few days.” (Y/n)’s glare left no room for argument and Diana saluted happily.
“Yes Ma’am,” Giggles bubbled forth from the pair of women but they stopped abruptly when they heard a knock on the door. Diana glared at the door, suspicious that her mother had formed some plot to separate her from (Y/n). Anticipating the drama about to unfold, (Y/n) silently made her way to the balcony where the scenery of Themyscira captivated her.
Throwing open the door Diana glared at the Amazon standing before her. The woman in question had a very striking appearance. Her silver hair seemed to have been spun from spider silk, and her pale skin a twin colour of the moon. Her eyes however, were a vibrant green with a yellow ring encircling the pupil.
“Hello Aspasia, what do you want?” questioned Diana abrasively, the other Amazon however didn’t shy away from Diana’s cold glare.
“Queen Hippolyta told me, to inform you, that a feast in your honor is being held later tonight, as Apollo’s chariot descends over the horizon.” Aspasia’s warm smile brought back fond memories as a child for Diana, filled with pranks and adventure.
“We shall see, tell mother that she will be lucky if we do not leave before night fall.” Diana’s warning did little to deter the Amazon.
“If I may Diana. Rumor has it that the companion you brought is your future wife. Are they true?” Diana didn’t think twice about her answer.
“Yes, yes she is and I am not letting anyone say otherwise. Not you, nor my mother and certainly not Phobie.” Diana crossed her arms over her chest, her gaze hardening quickly.
“You forget Diana, I used to be like (Y/n) as well. I think it’s wonderful that you two shall be wed. May I see her?” Diana looked cautiously back at (Y/n) who was still busy gawking at the view.
“Very well, just… Pick your words, although she does seem less affected by them of late.” Aspasia smiled as Diana welcomed her into the Princess room in Hippolyta’s temple.
Too busy staring at the glorious temples, arenas and forests, (Y/n) didn’t hear the new arrival until she spoke.
“Lady (Y/n)?” Aspasia’s voice was clear in (Y/n)’s ears, like a ripple across a still pond. Turning to see who had spoken, (Y/n) was met with the fair-haired woman bowing before her.
“Oh my. You… You don’t need to bow for me.” (Y/n) said with modesty. Aspasia rose with a smile.
“It is only natural when meeting the future Princess of Themyscria.” At that (Y/n)’s smile dropped a degree as she thought the woman before her would start to drive a wedge between herself and Diana. “You know, I used to be just like you.” That got (Y/n)’s attention.
“You did?” Aspasia nodded, locking eyes with (Y/n).
“Before I was an Amazon I was a noble woman. And just like you I was cunning, ambitious and yes, a little chubby. In fact, my weight was what drove me to eventually coming to Themyscira.” At this (Y/n) gaped at the woman before her, never before hearing of such a plot.
“And apparently a politician, always make your target smile first.” (Y/n) had been in far too many board rooms filled with swindlers to not miss the tone of a politician. Aspasia smiled at (Y/n) with surprise.
“I don’t know what Hippolyta thinks she sees, but I like you (Y/n). You picked a good one Diana.” It was Diana’s turn to speak up, the goddess swept forward now dressed in a white Greek chiton and secured (Y/n)’s hand in hers.
“I picked the best.” The two lovers smiled at each other as the sun smiled warmly down on the pair.
“You know Diana, Jumpa has been dying to see you again.” Aspasia nudged the idea to Diana who jumped with joy at the prospect of meeting her old friend.
“Oh, that is a grand idea Aspasia, come (Y/n) you’ll simply adore Jumpa.” (Y/n) had no time to debate this as Diana dragged her happily from the room.
The search for Jumpa led by Diana allowed (Y/n) to see more of Themyscira first hand. The cobbled streets felt strangely more even than Gotham’s paved roads and as Diana walked hand-in-hand with (Y/n) both women couldn’t shake the feeling of peace. As they walked, Diana would point out various landmarks along the way. “Over there is the Forge of Hephaestus, where our smiths make the sharpest blades. Oh, and over there is the shrine of Hera, perhaps we should visit that later and ask her to bless our marriage. Down there is the fighting arena where we test each other in small and large-scale battles.” The list went on and on, and this was only the first island. Eventually the pair ended up standing outside a large, double story structure made from wood. The smell of garlic and hay reigned over the vicinity and (Y/n) scrunched her nose in displeasure.
“Why does it smell so bad?” (Y/n) asked curiously. Diana walked up to the sliding door of the building and opened it with ease.
“This is the stables, now come on Jumpa can get impatient” Curious to see what kind of animal Jumpa is, (Y/n) kept a close distance to Diana. Stallions and mares of different builds and colours neighed and brayed as Diana passed.
“They seem happy to see you.” (Y/n) pointed out, Diana laughed. “They just think I have sugar cubes.” Stopping next to one of the stalls, Diana unlatched the rope holding the gate in place and the door burst open in a fury of brown.
Diana tumbled to the ground underneath the furry brown mass which brayed happily for her master. Its long tail wagged happily side to side almost catching (Y/n) until she jumped out the way. “Ah I missed you too Jumpa!” Diana happily scratched and patted the animal with fierce adoration. Taking a step back (Y/n) was surprised to find that Jumpa, as they name implies, was a kangaroo. Jumpa had her front paws planted on Diana’s shoulders, holding the Amazon warrior down as she dragged her slobbery tongue across Diana’s face.
“Eww, Jumpa please. Not in front of the pretty lady.” (Y/n) blushed at Diana’s kind words and it was then that Jumpa finally took notice of (Y/n). The Kangaroo stood defensively in front of Diana, giving (Y/n) a wary look. Diana quickly stood before anything bad could happen. “Jumpa stop, she’s a friend.” Jumpa blinked rapidly as she sniffed (Y/n), her tail started to wag excitedly. Hesitantly, (Y/n) raised her hand and inched forward until she felt warm, rough fur touching her skin. Jumpa warmed up to (Y/n) almost immediately, her big brown eyes searched (Y/n) with curiosity, a similar look (Y/n) saw in Diana as they tried something new.
“She’s beautiful, much like you” (Y/n) flirted, Diana smiled proudly.
“Why thank you fair lady. Would you care for a ride?” At this (Y/n) stepped back. “What? Oh no, no, no. I couldn’t, what if I hurt her. I doubt I’m as easy to carry as you.” (Y/N) rubbed her arm nervously. Without a word from Diana however, Jumpa dashed behind (Y/n) and dover between her legs before springing back up so that (Y/n) was now riding Jumpa. The space kangaroo punched the air triumphantly as (Y/n) gripped her reins tight.
“Look at that, you’re a natural.” Diana smiled evilly as (Y/n) practically shivered with fear. “Diana I swear to god.” (Y/n) tried to sound intimidating but Diana slapped her butt resulting in the younger woman yelping in surprise.
“You are far too cute to be angry my dear” Diana whispered huskily in (Y/n)’s ear “Besides, we both know who’s on top” And with that, Diana led Jumpa out of the stables with a blushing (Y/n) trying to get comfortable with the moving mass beneath her.
With Jumpa easily able to carry (Y/n), Diana was allowed to take (Y/n) up to the higher islands. Jumpa gave (Y/n) quite the fright as she jumped to follow the flying Princess to the other islands. As Jumpa slammed her feet into the ground (Y/n) braced herself for a thundering feeling that never came. Instead, the landing felt smother than most plane rides. Diana smiled at (Y/n)’s awed expression as she took in the island.
“This my love, is Vestal Island. Home to the temple of the Olympian Vestal Virgins.” (Y/n) had remembered more than enough Greek Mythology to know that this island was dedicated to Hestia, Artemis and Athena. It made sense that for an island inhabited by strong virgin females that their second largest island would be dedicated to those they most closely associated with. Diana wanted to show (Y/n) her favorite jumping spot when another Amazon landed before them from the island above.
“Hail, Princess Diana.” She greeted with an arm across her chest. Diana smiled kindly to her friend.
“Nice to see you again, Zoë.” The woman now known as Zoë smiled back.
“And you too lady Diana. Lady (Y/n)” Zoë bowed to the mortal woman who quickly and nervously said that she didn’t have to.
“Really, you are too polite.” Nodding, Zoë turned back to Diana.
“I was sent to find you and tell you both that the feast will be starting in ten minutes. Your mother shan’t be happy if you are late to your own feast… Again.” With that, Zoë ran towards the edge of the island and leapt off, arms spread eagle as she dived through the air like a bullet. Diana turned to squint at the setting sun and sighed, her hopes of showing (Y/n) the whole of Themyscria had not gone to plan. Seeing this, (Y/n) hurried to make Diana feel happy. “Hey, we can see the rest of Themyscria tomorrow” (Y/n) reached out and lightly drew her hand down Diana’s arm in a comforting manner. Smiling, Diana nodded at her fiancé.
“You’re right… So, you ready to meet the whole family?”
Diana’s whole family consisted of hundreds of immortals. Tall, muscular and deadly. Some were born Amazons, others had been gifted immortality and joined the Amazons as they searched for new meaning. The feast was set in the grand hall, an insanely long stone building with blazing torches along the walls, a fire pit the stretched the length of the hall surrounded by tables and a high table where Hippolyta sat surveying her Amazons. Also at the high table sat Diana and (Y/n) who engrossed themselves in pleasant conversation. Gloriously cooked food littered the tables, from whole turkeys that had been slow roasted over fire spits, to bowls of sweet berries freshly plucked. Despite the horde of Amazons, (Y/n) could still make out the few she had seen today, Zoë sat near one of the corners chatting away with an Amazon whose headdress resembled a dinner plate with golden wings. Aspasia sat maybe a dozen Amazons away from (Y/n) munching on a chicken leg with no manners as she listened to some boastful tale from her sister in arms. And Phobie sat practically next to Hippolyta, and she was conversing with the queen herself.
“Phobie, why don’t you come here and sit next to my daughter. I’m sure you two can talk about your adventures.” Hippolyta offered. With a smug smile sent in (Y/n)’s direction, Phobie made her way to the high table. But, before she could even take a seat, Diana stood, dragging (Y/n) to her feet with her.
“Honestly mother” She huffed as she led (Y/n) down the table of Amazons. “Aspasia, make room!” Having heard the decree of her princess, Aspasia shoved her sisters to the sides.
“You heard her girls, move down.” The Amazons shuffled down the ranks allowing for (Y/n) and Diana to sit. The elder of the two lovers made sure that (Y/n) was protectively shielded between herself and Aspasia. From her new position, Diana smirked triumphantly at her mother and Phobie. Her mother looked disappointed and saddened while Phobie, as expected, looked positively livid.
The Amazons for the most part welcomed (Y/n) warmly, there were a few who regarded her as useless. But (Y/n) didn’t care, she was having too much fun enjoying herself in the company of the Amazons. They swapped stories, the Amazons told (Y/n) of their hunts and adventures while (Y/n) and Diana told them of their adventures with the justice league. However, their stories turned more… intimate.
“…And then her nectar exploded on my tongue.” One of the Amazons boasted proudly, the others banged loudly on the table to show their approval. The Amazon who just told her story turned to Diana. “Princess, regale us with stories of your bedroom adventures. I’m sure a daughter of Man’s World would be very different to what is said Cilo’s twelve volumes.” Diana smirked wildly as she slung her muscular arm around (Y/n) and pulled the younger woman closer.
“Let me start off by saying that we may have used my lasso for more than stopping villains” That simple sentence had so many reactions. Hippolyta who had ears of a panther scowled at Diana’s misuse of a powerful gift. The Amazons who had heard burst out into a thundering laugh of applause and (Y/n) was left gawking at Diana in a mixture of embarrassment and anger. But Diana, having heard her sisters laugh so boisterously, ignored the pained expression on (Y/n)’s face. “You should have heard her screams! Like a siren’s cry they were!” Feeling utterly humiliated (Y/n) stood up in a fury.
“I didn’t hear you complaining after I made you finish without even touching you!” She yelled, the Amazons roared with laughter. Some banged their mugs of wine on the table, others slammed their fists onto the hard wood to show their approval.
“Aphrodite’s watching over you Diana, if (Y/n) can make you squirm with nothing but her presence!” One of the Amazons yelled over the general ruckus of the crowd. Aspasia shoved (Y/n) playfully in the side.
“Great story (Y/n)! We’ll be sure to tell it to Diana whenever she revisits.” The Amazon foretold. Feeling proud of herself, (Y/n) sat back down and smirked at the smiling Diana. The Amazon Princess took her index finger and thumb and gently guided (Y/n)’s chin to her own where Diana placed a delicate kiss.
The feast would last well into the night. But Diana being the ever cautious and loving woman she was, guided (Y/n) back to their room when Artemis’ chariot reached its peak. As (Y/n) leaned into Diana’s warm embrace, the elder woman hummed a nostalgic tune as she brushed (Y/n)’s hair. The pair sat on their bed, simply indulging each other with love as they watched the crescent moon sail slowly across the sky. “What was all that talk about our… intimate adventures?” (Y/n) questioned Diana. Chuckling to herself Diana set down the silver comb and leaned backwards until her head hit the pillows. (Y/n) flopped down beside her and clung to Diana’s midsection like a koala.
“The reason for those boasts, was just harmless fun. When I was younger and still lived here, we would make fun of any who were caught rolling in the hay as it were. And then things kind of evolved from there.” Happy with the answer, (Y/n) nestled her head on Diana’s shoulder, loving the feeling of the soft yet somehow still firm pillows. Wishing that they could stay on Themyscira forever, Diana remembered that her mother detested (Y/n). “My dearest, have you enjoyed your time here?” She asked. (Y/n) hummed, pretending to think.
“Of course, I have Diana. This place, its amazing! And, most of the Amazons don’t dislike me so that’s awesome.” Diana smiled at her best friend become lover with contempt.
“So, you wouldn’t say no to staying a few more days?” Diana asked cautiously, not wanting to force (Y/n) or anything.
“Diana, there’s still at least three other islands to explore.” (Y/n) said. “And I demand private tours.” Diana giggled at (Y/n)’s demands.
“Well I suppose if the future princess demands it.” And so, with their hearts full of love and their bellies full of food. Diana and (Y/n) drifted off into slumber, holding tightly to each other in their sleep.
Days and nights filled with adventures passed. Diana’s and (Y/n)’s bond grew impossibly stronger. The second day saw Diana throw (Y/n) off a cliff, lucky for her (Y/n) was awarded biggest splash by the Amazons. The third day saw (Y/n) drifting along the gusts of Zephyr from the highest island back down to Hippolyta’s temple. Indeed, as the days past there seemed to be a never-ending supply of wonderous things to do. However, one night everything changed. Hippolyta had not been able to sleep and so descended to the second floor of her temple as the moonless night descended upon Themyscria. Hippolyta looked at the map of Themyscria curiously that hung on the wall, and pondered. The Amazonian queen still did not approve of her daughter’s relationship, but it was obvious that it would take a little more thank talking to show Diana what was best. Suddenly, before Hippolyta could plot further, hurried footsteps thudded against the stone steps.
“My queen, my queen!” huffed the running Amazon. Hippolyta turned to her sister in arms with worry in her eyes.
“What is it Medea? What is wrong?” Medea huffed, tired from her exhausting run across the island.
“The Labyrinth… It has reopened!” Hippolyta’s usually calm and collected expression transformed into one of fear.
“How do you know? Who is guarding the gates?” Hippolyta demanded, her voice rough and commanding.
“Zoë is leading a group to hold back the monsters while she waits for reinforcements. I was sent here to warn you.” Nodding, Hippolyta turned and started to march towards the armory.
“Light the fires, sound the horns. We must protect this island!”
A thundering boom echoed across the island, one that had not been heard in a millennium. Diana bolted upright in bed as the Horn of Zeus bellowed its earth moving cry. Beside the daughter of Zeus, (Y/n) who has heard the sound, started to stir.
“Mmm, Diana?” She mumbled “What’s going on?” Diana’s eyes held such panic and anger that as (Y/n) looked into them she felt cold.
“Themyscria is under siege.” Diana leapt out of the bed, hurriedly dressing herself in her signature gold, red and blue armour. (Y/n), less gracefully than Diana, pulled on some sweat pants and a loose top to go look outside. From the balcony of her room, (Y/n) could see a large wildfire blazing on the far side of the island. Now fear had cemented itself within the pit of (Y/n)’s stomach. Below her, hundreds of Amazons gathered towards the stables and rode out towards the fire, yelling battle cries of fury as they charged. Two loud bangs on the door jarred (Y/n)’s attention and the woman looked back to see Diana, kitted out in her armour with lasso, sword and shield at the ready. At the door two Amazons also stood dressed for battle. “Princess, the queen has requested you on the front lines. She sent me to safeguard your beloved.” (Y/n) recognized the woman’s voice as Aspasia’s and felt a bit safer. Diana looked back at (Y/n) with worry.
“Diana Prince, this island is far more important than just me. You go there now or I swear to god the wedding is off.” (Y/n) commanded. Diana sighed sadly, with quick strides she closed the gap between her and (Y/n) to seal the woman’s lips in a passionate, devoted kiss.
“I will come back to you, my light.” Diana whispered to (Y/n) after their kiss ended. Nodding, (Y/n) watched as Diana followed the other Amazon out into the night leaving only (Y/n) and Aspasia alone.
What felt like days was actually only hours. Aspasia had taken to barricading the lower levels of the temple, with a simple wave of her hand the two walls of the temple closed together sealing the entrance while outside the statues of Artemis and Athena cracked to life. With living statues now protecting the outside of the temple, Aspasia had commanded that (Y/n) stay in her room with her.
“Do you know what has happened?” (Y/n) asked, her fingers tapping on her bags zip. Aspasia glared out the balcony towards the raging inferno that seemed to be drawing ever closer.
“Monsters, a whole army. They arrived through the Labyrinth and slaughtered many before we even knew what was happening.” (Y/n) could deal with people like the Joker, Lex Luthor and even Sinestro. But she had never before dealt with real, mythological monsters before.
“Monsters, like the minotaur?” (Y/n) asked, afraid of the answer.
“I never understood why people think there was ever only one minotaur. There are many, especially after some reclusive woman found out they made good sons.” (Y/n) gulped nervously, as the shouts and horns of battle drew nearer.
“Do… Do you think Diana and the others will be okay?” Aspasia looked the mortal woman dead in the eye.
“I don’t know.”
An eerie quiet fell across the village of Themyscria. While the battle still raged on in the distance, even (Y/n) could feel that something was about to go wrong. Aspasia was on edge, she clutched her spear tightly and constantly looked out the windows. Then (Y/n) realized what was wrong.
“Aspasia, what happened to the statues?” Ever since Aspasia brought the statues to life, the thudding sound of their steps had been constant. Now however, there was silence. Aspasia listened to the silence and brought (Y/n) closer to her.
“Nothing good.” Aspasia stalked towards the balcony, her steps silent against the floor. As the Amazon crept ever closer she could hear a slight hiss. “GET DOWN!” Aspasia yelled urgently. (Y/n) lunged to the floor as several shadows sprung up to the balcony. (Y/n) peered over the side of the bed to a horrifying sight. From the waist up the monsters appeared to be braless women with green tinted skin, razor sharp nails, solid black eyes and long, toxic yellow hair. From the waist down however, their body turned into a long winding tail of red and green scales. “Dracaenae” growled Aspasia, lowering her spear defensively.
“You, ssshale not ssstop usss Amazonsss.” Hissed one of the snake demons.
“Our victory isss at hand” Another spoke.
Seeing that she was outnumbered, Aspasia slowly started to back away to the door. Out of the corner of her eye, the Amazon saw (Y/n) hiding beside the bed and griped her spear tightly as she faced the monsters in front of her.
“A pity then, that you shall not see that victory.” The former politician charged the monsters fearlessly. Her sudden outburst took the Dracaenae by surprise, Aspasia managed to throw her spear with such force that it entered the first Dracaenae and exited the one behind her. While her enemies were reaching for the swords sheathed at their sides, Aspasia didn’t stop her assault. She threw punches and kicks towards weak spots, dodging and weaving under attacks and even managed to throw one Dracaenae out over the balcony. But sheer numbers outmatched Aspasia’s skill. The Amazon could not block or dodge the numerous strikes fast enough and soon one lucky swing saw a blade pierce Aspasia’s lower back. The Amazon tried to keep fighting, but her wound slowed her down and she was an easier target. But the drive to let (Y/n) survive kept her pushing. But inevitably, Aspasia was forced to her knees, her skin soaked in blood and her breathing ragged. The Dracaenae slithered around their prey as a booming applause sounded from outside, most likely the same monster that destroyed the statue guardians.
“The Amazon isn’t so tough now.” As the Dracaenae readied their final strikes. (Y/n) leapt from her cover.
“WAIT!” she shouted.
Probably wasn’t the best idea, but it was better than watching her friend die then awaiting the same result for herself. The Dracaenae eyed (Y/n) and pointed their swords at the woman, Aspasia sent a silent curse to the gods for (Y/n)’s foolishness.
“Who are you!” one of the Dracaenae questioned authority. “You sssmell not of Amazon flesssh.” (Y/n) took deep breaths in an effort to calm herself.
“My name is (Y/n) Quinzel. I’m from Man’s world” Her words sent a flurry of excitement through the monsters.
“Man’sss world? You brought giftsss to the Amazonsss?” One of the smaller Dracaenae asked, the other Dracaenae all murmured their excitement.
“Erm, yes! Of course!” (Y/n) exclaimed happily, the beginnings of a plan forming in her head. “A secret gift, meant only for the Queen.” That got their interest if the glowing look in their dead eyes was anything to go by. “In exchange for my life, I’ll give it to you.” The Dracaenae murmured amongst themselves, excited at the idea of a gift. Finally, they turned back to her.
“Very well mortal, we accept. Now give it” The monster held out her scaly hand, (Y/n) opened her pack and began rifling through it. Just as impatience was setting into the monsters, (Y/n) pulled her hand back in glee. A small can shaped device of black with a purple top.
“This is… Er… A… Power, amplifier… yeah. It will make you all stronger!” (Y/n) declared, the Dracaenae were so happy they hissed with joy. One snatched the object from (Y/n) and gathered with her sisters.
“How doesss it work, mortal?” they questioned. (Y/n) saw they were still crowded around Aspasia and smiled. “Just step out to where the sky is above head and make sure you’re all bunched up. Then push the purple button on top.” Doing as (Y/n) commanded, the Dracaenae slithered out into the balcony and (Y/n) dragged Aspasia back behind the bed. The Dracaenae gathered around each other with glee, squirming over each other in an attempt to get closer to the strange device. Eventually one pushed the purple button and the device started beeping.
“Isss, it working?” One asked and another nodded, holding her arms out.
“It isss, I can feel it.” That was when the device erupted in a ball of energy with a loud hum, completely decimating the Dracaenae and the balcony on which they stood. Black and green ash fell to the ground.
Aspasia gasped at the loud noise and peaked over to see the Dracaenae defeated. With wide eyes, the Amazon looked back at (Y/n) to see the woman rifling through her bag once again. “What was that?” Aspasia demanded, her voice tired from her wounds that were already healing thanks to the magic of Themyscria.
“Man’s world magic. Now come on, we gotta get out of here.” (Y/n) pulled from her pack a strange object Aspasia had never seen before. At the center of the device was a tube about the same diameter as a bundle of spears except it was pulsing with red energy. Three long prongs enclosed the canister like claws, each one had a strange sphere on the end. Behind the claws was the body of the device, sleek and slim and a handle where a little crescent like object was attached.
“And what in Zeus’s name is that?” Aspasia questioned as she led (Y/n) through the temple and out a side entrance.
“If I explained what it really is we’d be dead before I could finish… Think of it as a magic bow.” (Y/n) explained and that was good enough for the former wife of Pericles.
“We’ll need to get to the others.” (Y/n) said as her and Aspasia ducked into shadows to avoid a herd of centaurs.
“What? Why?” Aspasia questioned as they began moving once more. The pair of women crossed silently over the cobbled streets now littered with monster drool, feces and other undesirable monster things.
“Because, if we stay here we’ll most likely die.” (Y/n) ran next to a sliding door and tried to heave it open, only to find she wasn’t strong enough. Slinging the rifle over her shoulders, (Y/n) begged Aspasia to over to help. Together they opened the door and a few horses burst forth almost trampling them had Aspasia not pushed herself and (Y/n) out of the way.
“Well, there go the horses.” Aspasia grunted as she stood, but soon realized that (Y/n) was smiling.
“Who said anything about a horse?” And there from the shadows emerged the furry, brown space kangaroo.
Diana drove her sword down the throat of one centaur before slashing the head clean off a charging minotaur. With ragged breath, cuts and wounds littering her body, Diana managed to survey her surroundings. Despite the skill and determination of the Amazons, the monsters simply outnumbered them ten to one. The raging infernos of war seemed an endless cycle, monsters poured forth from the gates sealed in the mountain. Amazons tried to fend them off in the plain outside. Chaos erupted in the middle. A rouge Telekhine charged at Diana, his battle axe raised above him in an attempt at intimidation. Diana simply charged back, slid when she got close enough and brought her blade slicing through his mid-section. Behind her, a giant slammed into the ground with a hefty thud and Diana saw her mother standing on the monster’s head with her sword stabbed in its eye.
“There are too many, mother!” Diana yelled, even her god like powers given by Zeus only yielded a temporary advantage. Hippolyta knew it was fruitless to continue, but there was nowhere the Amazons could escape to. Even if they could make it to sea, there was nothing to stop the monsters that dwell in the depths to swallow them whole. Hippolyta saw her sisters and daughters dying around her like hens. An arrow caught one in the chest, another was struck down by a blade. And yet, even more monsters poured through the gates like an endless tidal wave of obliteration and rage.
In all her immortal years of life, Hippolyta had never known such a war. It seemed as if the very gods themselves had forsaken the ones they chose to protect the world. Then, over the shouts, bellows and fires of battle, Hippolyta heard it… A single bird cry. Whipping her head around in disbelief, Hippolyta’s eyes were graced with something only gods should be privy to look upon. The Aetos Dios swept from the clouds, its giant golden wings lifted by the prayers of the world, Zeus’s most sacred beast soared majestically over the battlefield. But it did not do what Hippolyta thought, instead of swooping down to deliver decisive death to the monsters. The Aetos Dios simply circled the battle, like a sign.
“Your father watches over us Diana.” Hippolyta told her daughter “Let us make him proud” The Amazonian queen leapt from the giant and stood beside her daughter as the horde of monsters surged forward. The royal Amazons readied their weapons for a final stand, but as the monsters drew closer, a noise like a thunder clap vibrated the very bones in Hippolyta’s body. Diana and Hippolyta watched in awe as red lightning struck down from the murky grey clouds above and slashed across the monsters. Diana watched in amazement as the lightning spread from monster to monster, Telekhine to Cyclopes until a whole section of the plains was filled with piles of dead monsters. As the Aetos Dios flew away, its rally cry finished, Diana saw something descend from the heavens.
“Jumpa?” She asked herself.
Even carrying two people, Jumpa did not falter or fly slower. And as she descended from the sky, the Kanga saw her loyal friend and swooped down to deliver her riders. Diana’s eyes widened in shock when she saw (Y/n) wielding a badass looking gun like she was trained in the military as a wounded Aspasia hobbled over beside her.
“What in Zeus’s name are you doing here!” Yelled Diana furiously.
“Monsters breached the citadel. And our future princess here took care of an entire nest of Dracaenae with a can!” Aspasia declared. Diana looked at (Y/n) in confusion but the woman shook her head.
“There’ll be time for that later. Right now, we have pests to deal with.” (Y/n) said as she readied her rifle, aimed at the nearest batch of monsters and started running forward. Aspasia hopped from foot to foot next to Diana, tryin to shake her pains away.
“Now that, is a woman.” Aspasia smirked.
“I know” Diana breathed happily “And I am so turned on right now”
The Amazons, with renewed vigor at seeing such mass amounts of monsters dying in seconds, launched a last effort attack. A surge of battle hardened warriors clashed against the endless hordes. And leading the attack, was (Y/n) Bloody Quinzel with Diana and Aspasia at her sides. With but a single pull of the trigger, hundreds of monsters died as the power of Zeus, harnessed by man scorched their bodies to cinders. Jumpa, who hadn’t seen battle in years, was thrilled at the act of kicking monsters in their ugly teeth. Somehow, someway, their final assault was working. The monsters were being pushed back. A crowd of Laestrygonian giants fell victim to (Y/n) and Diana’s lightning when they tried to regroup. Hippolyta stood in bewilderment, in the mere five minutes that (Y/n) had set foot on the battlefield, the entire tide of the war had changed. And as her Amazons stood cheering as Diana slammed the gates of the Labyrinth closed and (Y/n) sealed the gates with her red lightning, Hippolyta admitted to herself that she was wrong.
It took three days and three nights for the Amazons to reclaim the island of Themyscria, vanquishing the last remnants of monsters, tossing their bodies into the ocean. On the last night the Amazons finally honoured their dead. A fire pyre as long as one hundred meters was used to send the Amazon’s souls to Elysium. The buildings, temples and even fields of Themyscria were ruined but Hippolyta knew that the Amazons would pull through. And while Diana was helping to rebuild the temple of Zeus, high on the peak of Themyscria’s highest island, Hippolyta sought out (Y/n) Quinzel. Eventually the Amazon queen found (Y/n) talking to some other Amazons about new designs for Hippolyta’s temple which had been thoroughly destroyed in the monster besiegement.
“(Y/n), I was wondering if you and I might have a short conversation?” Hippolyta, looking as composed as ever turned (Y/n) into a nervous mess.
“Uhh, sure queen Hippolyta.” (Y/n) walked beside Hippolyta and together the pair strolled around.
“I am sure that when we first met, that you notice my… Less than pleased attituded when I found that Diana was courting you.” Hippolyta started, (Y/n) opened her mouth to interject but Hippolyta raised her hand, silencing her. “However, that night at the gates of the Labyrinth. I saw what Diana saw in you all this time. She saw a warrior not of the body and mind, but of heart and soul.” Not knowing how to properly respond, (Y/n) stayed silent. Hippolyta led (Y/n) to a cliff looking out across the sea, still tinted red from monster blood. “She saw in you what I saw in her when she was born. I know it does not make up for what I did, but I give you my blessing to marry my daughter, and here on Themyscria if that is what you wish. I simply hope you can forgive me for trying to drive the pair of you apart.” At this point (Y/n) realized that Hippolyta was bowing slightly to (Y/n), the queen was putting her honour and reputation on the line, just to apologies.
“Hippolyta, you had every right to think the way you did. I am just glad now that you approve of me. Diana will be overjoyed to know we can be wed with her family so close.” Hippolyta rose from her bow, a small yet still present smile, adjoining her face.
“I look forward to it.”
Because communication was hard, and because (Y/n) had to work most days, Diana took the role as chief wedding planner. She had the venue, a lovely spot on Themyscria’s fourth island called Hera’s blessing. A garden full of always blooming cherry trees, white roses and lily flowers where peacocks roamed and bred. Hippolyta had promised Diana that she would handle most things. A band of Amazons would play various classical Greek instruments, Hippolyta had ordered that the biggest feast ever made be ready on their wedding day. Sacred doves of Aphrodite were being brushed and groomed. Almost everything was perfect. Except the guest list. Diana and (Y/n) both agreed, close friends and family. Diana’s best man would be Barry Allen and (Y/n)’s maid of honour was still undecided because of one bit of tricky business. (Y/n) wanted her big sister to be her maid of honour.
“Please, please, please Diana! She’ll be good I swear.” (Y/n) pleaded with her fiancé as they drove home from Barry’s. The silver moon and dazzling stars their only companions on the long, winding road. Diana’s hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, trying to focus on the road was becoming more difficult as (Y/n) tried different ways to persuade Diana, including a lesbian road head session.
“(Y/n) as much as I love you, I can’t on good consciousness allow someone like Harley to simply walk out of Arkham.” Saddened by Diana’s strong resolve, (Y/n) slumped in her seat, her lips curling into a pout as she sulked. Sighing, Diana turned the car off the road and parked. “I have conditions” Diana started, not being able to know that she made (Y/n) sad. (Y/n)’s sulk transformed into a wiggle of excitement.
“YES! Of course!” (Y/n) shouted excitedly. Diana narrowed her eyes and looked (Y/n) dead in the eyes.
“Rule one, someone from the League is always with her.” Diana stated, nodding (Y/n) agreed. “Rule two, there will be a check every hour for hidden weapons on her body.” “Every hour? Diana…” (Y/n) went to argue then thought about her sister’s current state “Actually that’s fair.”
“Final rule, if she in any way ruins our wedding by running, attacking or just crashing it. She swims home and I get to watch her do it.” (Y/n)’s smile burst open as she cried in happiness, hugging Diana tightly across the car.
“Thank you, Diana, you don’t know how much this means to me.” (Y/n)’s words were soft and Diana felt a wave of self-pride flow through her as she hugged back.
Clicking echoed through the halls of Arkham Asylum as Wonder Woman briskly walked down the halls, accompanied by her friend Batman. The prisoners who saw the lovely Amazon whistled and shouted a general clamor to gain her attention, but it was all for naught. Disgusted at the prisoner’s displays, Wonder Woman drew her bear fur cloak around her body tighter and sneered, displeased with where she was.
“This place truly is for the deranged” Wonder Woman whispered to her friend.
“And you plan on taking the most deranged to paradise island.” Was the gruff reply. The Dark Knight led Wonder Woman through the grey walled maze towards a thick steel door, isolated from everyone else. Four guards each armed with military grade automatic weapons designed by L-corp guarded the cell. One of the guards, a man holding a shotgun with a drum magazine halted Wonder Woman and Batman.
“What’s your business here?” He asked them.
“Official League business, the prisoner comes with me.” Wonder Woman demanded, the officer looked the heroine up and down, scrutinizing every detail. “My eyes are up here” Wonder Woman growled, the three guards who had yet to move laughed as the one who had eyed up Wonder Woman slinked back into place.
“Proceed” He muttered, embarrassment causing his face to flush red.
An ominous creaking noise accompanied by the blearing siren of the alarm sounded as Wonder Woman pushed open the thick, metal door. Stepping inside the cell, Wonder Woman was surprised to find Harley simply laying in the middle of the room, chained in a spread-eagle position by eight, heavy titanium links. At the sounds of the door and alarms, Harley Quinn threw her head forward to look at the new arrivals, and smiled at them. It might have been the bright orange jumpsuit, it could have been the smeared lipstick over her face or it could have just been her reputation, but Harley’s smile sent shivers down Diana’s spine.
“Well would ya lookie here.” Harley started, her voice alone could frighten grown men. “Big bad batsy and girl scout are here!” the clinically insane woman laughed at the nicknames, her body convulsing as she tried to escape from her chains.
“Harleen Quinzel.” Wonder Woman started, moving to stand next to Harley’s shaking head so she could look into Harley’s insane eyes.
“That’s me sugah! The one and only!” Wonder Woman crouched as she fished around in her cloak pocket to bring out a photograph she carried everywhere. A woman sat on the sandy beaches of paradise, looking out across the surf, the photographer had captured the woman in a blissful ignorance. Harley’s crazy smile dropped when she saw the woman in the portrait.
“Where did you get that?” Harley sneered, all joking and insanity replaced by cold hearted suspicion “She’s done nothing wrong.” Keeping the photo in Harley’s view, Diana sat down.
“Your sister is fine Harleen.” Wonder Woman confirmed, a look of relief crossed over Harley’s face “In fact, she’s getting married in two months’ time.” Harley looked surprised at this, her eyes widened and her body relaxed.
“She… she is? She never told me she was getting married… I mean I knew she had someone, but…” Diana saw that tears were about to be spilled so she kept going.
“And, on a few conditions, we’ve allowed it that you attend her wedding as maid of honour.” Harley gasped in surprise, this was quiet possibly the best news she had heard in a long, long time.
“She… she does?” Harley was on the verge of crying and choked back a sob when Wonder Woman nodded.
“Yes, she was quiet adamant about it.” Even Diana let out a smile as Harley sobbed in glee.
“Oh, my baby sis… (Y/n)… Thanks, girl scout” Diana got back to her feet, a stern expression on her face.
“However, there are rules.”
“Aww, but rules are no fun” Harley whined, but sulked back at Wonder Woman’s tough glare “I guess they could be.”
“If you attempt to break out until I come to personally collect you, then you won’t attend the wedding. Throughout the day you will always be accompanied by a member of the Justice League. And should you even think about crashing the party, I’ll put you in a place that makes this seem like freedom.” Diana’s harsh warning caused Harley to gulp comically.
“You got it girl scout!” Harley called out as Wonder Woman and the dark knight left her cell “I’ll be a complete angel!”
Meanwhile, (Y/n) was trying out wedding dresses. A friend of the WayneTech employee had pointed (Y/n) in the direction of a place called Wedding Blossoms. And because (Y/n) didn’t trust herself, (Y/n) called in one of her friends Dinah Lance to help her. Despite Dinah’s façade of disliking shopping, she couldn’t say no to the joy filled and passion driven (Y/n) as the woman dragged her into the store. Wedding Blossoms, it was such a tacky name that it made Dinah want to gag. But even the stoic Black Canary had to admit that the dresses on display were nothing short of beautiful. When they entered, the clerk at the desk, a middle aged woman with fading blonde hair and green eyes, greeted them warmly.
“Hello dears, anything I can help you with?” she asked them. Not wanting to drag this out longer than she had to, and knowing that (Y/n) was fairly nervous around new people, Dinah stepped forward.
“Yes, my friend here is a bride to be without a wedding dress… Think you could help?” she asked. The clerk looked taken back by the brash words but kept her smile nonetheless.
“Of course, you’ll have to excuse me but I’m afraid that none of these will… well… fit.” The clerk said nervously. (Y/n) blushed in embarrassment and Dinah felt a surge of protectiveness swell within her.
“Hey, if you’re going to shame my friend we’ll go somewhere else!” Dinah scowled at the woman who shook her head in shame.
“Oh no, no, no. I didn’t mean it like that!” She insisted “I just meant that out larger sizes are in the back. I’ll go bring them out.”
As the woman hurriedly scuttled away through the back door, Dinah flopped down on one of the waiting chairs with a sigh. (Y/n) stood feeling rather awkward as she fiddled with her hands.
“Thanks Dinah, for defending me.” (Y/n) said, the Black Canary opened her eye and smiled at her friend.
“(Y/n) no matter what you think, you’re one of us. And I make sure to defend my nest.” (Y/n) released a sigh of happiness but still felt incredibly nervous.
“What if Diana doesn’t like the dress I choose?” She wondered to herself out loud. At this Dinah sat up abruptly and took (Y/n)’s hands in her own. The blonde heroine stared sternly into (Y/n)’s eyes with intent.
“Don’t you dare think about that. Diana will love the dress you pick because you’ll be in it.” Dinah insisted “And I know for a fact that Diana will love taking it off. I swear the amount of times I’ve had to listen to one of her crazy fantasies…” (Y/n) blushed at Dinah’s words.
“Wait Fantasies?” Before Dinah could reply, the store clerk walked back in.
“Terribly sorry dears but it appears we only have three dresses in stock that are plus sized.” She said cautiously, aware that she could hurt the woman’s feelings.
“Thank you, now you get your butt in these dresses and spin woman” Dinah demanded passing the dresses to (Y/n) and pushing her into the dressing room before closing the drape.
(Y/n) couldn’t push down the feeling of childhood glee as she slipped on her first dress. A white toothed smile spread over (Y/n)’s face as she looked herself in the mirror. Instead of the usual white, this dress was rose red with floral patterns spiraling throughout the full length. The dress, despite (Y/n)’s size, was still a bit too large for (Y/n) but at least it didn’t restrict her movements. Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) slide open the drape and walked out of the dressing room. Dinah hummed in thought as she eyed the dress, (Y/n) felt giddy as she was asked to twirl. The dress flurried like a skirt as (Y/n) turned. But Dinah wasn’t sold on the red floral dress. “It’s a no from me” Dinah said eyeing the dress (Y/n) pouted but went back inside her dressing room to try the second dress on. This time the dress was white but even (Y/n) didn’t like it. It hurt to try on, (Y/n) spent double the time trying to fit into what felt like a deathtrap of a dress and eventually managed to waddle out in the tightfitting dress. Immediately both women said a commanding “No” and (Y/n) waddled back inside.
The third and final dress was by far the most comfortable. Fashioned from what felt like clouds the dress was whiter than pure snow, apart from a belt which had Greek designs sewn in gold leaf the dress had no real patterns. Two over the shoulder clips held the dress in place and the tail of the dress was made to attach to the pair of bracelets that made (Y/n) feel like a goddess. As she stepped out Dinah’s jaw dropped with awe, even someone of (Y/n)’s structure pulled off this wedding dress flawlessly.
“I think, I found the one.” (Y/n) whispered, nodding Dinah quickly called for the clerk who came clicking in with her heels.
“Oh my, you look splendid my dear” The teller said, a warm smile on her face.
“Thank you” (Y/n) handed Dinah her debt card ‘Could you pay while I change back?” Nodding Dinah stood up.
“You got it pretty lady.” As (Y/n) closed the curtain Dinah handed the clerk her own card.
“I’ll pay”
The date for the wedding was the summer solstice. An important time in Greek history and the perfect night for a wedding. Ever since she returned from purchasing her dress, Diana had pestered (Y/n) for a sneak peek. But, every time she asked (Y/n) would always smile and say that she didn’t want to ruin the surprise. As the days were marked off and the solstice drew closer, Diana started to feel a rush of emotions. Per Diana’s planning, an Amazon had come to take (Y/n) to Themyscria a couple of days before hand. Meanwhile Diana was gathering the last of the guests and a banquet of food provided by Alfred Pennyworth himself. Wonder Woman stood with hands on hips as a squadron of security guards all wearing riot gear transported Harley Quinn across the tarmac. Smiling at the super, Harley tried to raise her shackled hands in a wave but she was slammed to the ground by several nervous guards.
“Hey! What’s the big idea! You’ll wrinkle my dress” Harley shouted indignantly. Her ‘dress’ consisted of a child’s arts and crafts project with bits of cloth glued together over Harley’s bright orange jumpsuit. Slowly the guards stood to their feet, still cautious of the woman they held captive. One of the guards came up to Diana, a clipboard and pen in his hand, his rifle holstered on his back.
“Don’t know why you want this one” He said, scratching his forehead with the pen. “She’s more trouble than she’s worth.” Wonder Woman smirked at the man, a knowing smirk.
“I bet she’s been less trouble recently however.” The man nodded his head suspiciously.
“Yeah, she has been… Sign here please.” He handed the heroine the clipboard and pen, looking over the document briefly and scanning for any fine print, Wonder Woman signed the paper on the clipboard and handed the items back to the guard. At his signal, Harley Quinn was brought to Wonder Woman’s side and her shackles removed. Gasping in relief, Harley flipped on the spot and stretched her limbs.
“WHOOOO boy that feels good!” Harley exclaimed happily, shimming on the spot to express her happiness. Smiling Wonder Woman led the psychotic psychiatrist into her invisible jet.
“WOWWEE!” this is amazeballs!” Harley shrieked, running full tilt to the display of flashing buttons but Diana grabbed Harley by her collar.
“Sit down, don’t touch ANYTHING and I might give you the gift that (Y/n) posted for you.” Diana said, with eyes wide in happiness, Harley made a beeline for the nearest seat, crossed her legs and smiled at Wonder Woman.
“Told ya, I’ll be an angel.”
Flying through the air in Wonder Woman’s invisible jet was amazing! Harley watched out the windows as the world passed by under her. Wonder Woman sat in the piolet seat but made sure to look back at her passenger every now and again. Suddenly, one of the lights on Diana’s control panel flashed green. Flicking the switch under the light, a monitor raised itself from Diana’s seat’s arm rest. When it turned on, Diana saw the masked faces of Batman, Nightwing and Flash. “Do you read Wonder Woman?” Batman asked, his voice gruff as gravel. Smiling, Diana nodded.
“Loud and clear Batman, package has been secured with no problem.” Nightwing and Flash smiled at Wonder Woman’s response.
“Awesome, that’s a load off.” Flash stated “So hey I was thinking, I don’t have to give a speech, do I?” At that moment Harley burst into the cockpit.
“I DON’T THINK SO BUSTER!” she shouted, almost causing Wonder Woman to lose control of her jet “This is my sister’s wedding. I’ll be the one giving speeches.” Diana turned and patted Harley’s shoulder.
“Okay Harley, please go sit back down.” Huffing with indignance, Harley obeyed orders and sulked on the seat. Sighing to herself, Diana picked up the brown parcel beside her seat and tossed it to Harley. “For the wedding” She said before returning to talk to her friends.
Giddily tearing apart the paper, Harley gasped at the contents. It was a beautiful ball gown of her signature colours, red and black. Squealing Harley rushed to put in on, happily shredding her jail clothes and looked in the mirror. Thin black lace covered her shoulders, red diamonds had been sewn in to the lace that had been attached to white fabric that bundled at the end of her upper arms, tied into place with black string. A red cord ran along the top hem of the white fabric to keep the dress from falling down her breasts, and in the middle was a black and red, heart shaped bow with a ruby in the center. Harley’s strong abs were covered in a red and black corset, held together with golden strong. A large white bow had been tied at her back and wrapped around from her front. Below the bow, flowing over the back of her legs was a red and black bustle with matching coloured diamonds down the length. Harley’s legs were covered by pantyhose, one leg had a base red colour with black crisscrosses while the other had the opposite. On her feet, Harley wore white, high heeled high tops with black bottoms and laces. And covering her hands were light brown gloves. Harley smiled when she saw that there was a note attached to her present.
“Dearest Sister. I hope this finds you because I wanted to give you something special to wear to my wedding, after all you are the only person I’d want as my maid of honour. I miss you terribly Harles, I can’t wait to see you again. Love your little sister, (Y/n).”
Harley’s eyes misted over with tears, the joy of seeing her baby sister becoming too real, too close. Feeling the need to cry, Harley was about to ask for some tissues when a red light started flashing. At the back of the jet, the door started opening and Harley rushed to grab the nearest seat. From her position, Harley could make out the Batwing flying just below the invisible jet. Harley watched in awe as the cockpit window of the bat themed jet opened and in the blink of an eye, the Flash was standing beside the clinically insane woman who shrieked in alarm. “Give a girl a warning next time” Harley warned Flash who looked very nervous about the situation.
“Harley” The new voice interrupted Harley’s conversation, turning the woman saw Batman and Nightwing standing before her in their costumes.
“Hiya Nightwing.” Harley said with a sultry smile. Flash burst out laughing at Nightwing’s reddening face as Batman made his way to stand behind Diana who was still piloting the jet.
“Thanks for coming Batman” Diana said as the Dark Knight sat in the set beside her.
“I’ve learnt many things over the years” He started “One of them was to not make a woman like (Y/n) cry.” Diana liked that answer and as the Batwing started to bank away back to Gotham, Diana urged her jet to move faster.
Many Amazons were amazed when the invisible jet’s reflector plates turned off and a giant flying tube floated down from the sky. From her position at Hera’s temple, (Y/n) felt her nerves increase as the plane landed. From her side, Aspasia could sense (Y/n)’s worry as she brushed the woman’s hair. Sitting at the foot of Hera’s queenly statue, (Y/n) and Aspasia were dressed for the wedding, (Y/n) in her wedding dress complete with a golden olive wreath and Aspasia in her armour.
“I don’t know why you are so nervous lady (Y/n)” Aspasia said, finishing with (Y/n)’s hair as the moon started to rise. “In but a few hours you shall be married to Diana and consummate your love in Aphrodite’s temple.” Aspasia sighed in a trance “It is an honour few get to relish in.” (Y/n) blushed at her friend’s comment.
“I think I’m more worried about my sister” (Y/n) admitted “She hasn’t been… in the best frame of mind as of late.” Raising and eyebrow Aspasia smiled.
“We all have siblings like that, I’m sure yours will be no different.” Harley chose that moment to arrive.
“HELLLOOOO!” Harley’s stage voice echoed across the temple walls startling (Y/n) and Aspasia. However, when (Y/n) saw her older sister standing at the entrance as she looked at some of the statues, (Y/n) felt her spirits soar.
“Harley!” (Y/n) called out as she stood, her dress flowed behind her as she ran to her sister. Harley squealed in delight as she ran full tilt to (Y/n). And after years of separation, the two Quinzel women final embraced each other as sisters once again.
“Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” screeched Harley, tears welled in the eyes of both sisters after such a long time apart from one another. When they parted from their hug, Harley held (Y/n) at arm length to see (Y/n) in her beautiful dress. “Oh, my gosh you look so beautiful.” (Y/n) sniffled as she smiled.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here.” (Y/n) said, her tears threatening to spill. “I… I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I’d never miss out on my little sis’s wedding!” Harley shouted.
“As much as I do love sibling reunions, we can’t have (Y/n) late for her own wedding.” Aspasia reminded, Apollo’s chariot was almost at its peak.
Breathing in and out in controlled exercises, (Y/n) waited behind two stone gates. The bride, her sister Harleen and Black Canary all waited at the entrance to Hera’s blessing. Dinah leaned on the stone gate lazily but a smile was evident on her face, despite the wicker basket full of rose petals she carried. Harleen stood next to (Y/n) trying to give her sister words of encouragement.
“Big day huh lil sis.” Harley said with a smile as she looked at her sister, all set in her wedding dress. (Y/n) smiled happily at her older sister.
“It seems like a world away that we were just kids, playing in the sand box.” Tears misted Harley’s eyes as fond memories of childhood flooded back to her.
“And now you’re getting married like a princess, to your knight in shining armour” The sisters shared a hug as their emotions got the better of them. But then, they heard their cue. Harmonic sounds of violins, harps and lyres filled the air as a band of Amazons played their sweet music. With a nod to Dinah, (Y/n) watched as the blonde pushed open the heavy stone gates and a scene of serenity met her. Hera’s blessing was a small area fenced by cherry trees that were always in bloom. A white carpet led Dinah, Harleen and (Y/n) past rows of Amazons all dressed in chitons of white and gold. Dinah scattered red rose petals from her basket along the carpet as the trio of women walked towards the alter. At the front of the rows of women, because they were too small to see otherwise, Batman stood with Nightwing and strangely both men were smiling. As (Y/n) neared the front of the carpet, she saw her betrothed for the first time in almost a week. Standing in a dress of royal blue and gold edgings, Diana looked more like a princess than she ever had. Neither woman dared break eye contact from the other as Harleen handed (Y/n) over and Diana firmly took (Y/n)’s hands in her own. Diana’s hair had been braided and pulled back and (Y/n) could clearly see every feature on her future wife’s face. Beside the two women, Hippolyta smiled, dressed in her uniform of green and brown, Hippolyta addressed the crowd.
“Friends, family… We gather in this sacred spot, to bare witness to the greatest union that the gods bestow us.” Hippolyta looked into her daughter’s and soon to be step-daughter’s eyes. “Today, my daughter Diana shall wed (Y/n) Quinzel of Man’s world. Their love has been heated in the fires of battle, cooled in the river of time… And now, their love shall be tested by the gods themselves.” Raising her arms slowly to the sky, Hippolyta beckoned to the immortals. “Oh, loving Hera, goddess of marriage and queen of the gods, I ask you please, to show these women, the blessings of marriage.  Aphrodite, goddess of love. I ask you to guide them, in times when all love seems pointless, to remind them that true love is as immortal as you.” Smiling, Hippolyta turned from the bright sky to readdress the crowd when something, truly magical happened. From the light of the sun, a brilliantly radiant peacock descended and seated itself next to (Y/n). It’s feathers of white and gold seemed to reflect the sun impossibly so. The crowd gasped at the sacred animal of Hera but that was not all, a golden dove fluttered down from the sky and perched itself on Diana’s shoulder. Signs of blessings from the two goddesses. Diana gasped in delight as she saw the peacock ruffle its feathers and showed its divine designs, and (Y/n) couldn’t stop the smile growing on her face as the dove nestled into Diana’s hair.
“The gods have blessed this marriage” Hippolyta announced happily “May the rings be brought forth.” Jumping into action, Barry and Harleen both produced equally as exquisite rings. Diana gingerly took the ring from Barry, a band of the purest silver encrusted with sacred jewels of Artemis a gift from divinity, and waited for her cue.
“Diana, daughter of Zeus, do you under the judgment of the gods, promise to keep, love and cherish (Y/n) Quinzel, forsaking all others from your sacred love and bed. Do you promise to hold her in the bad times, and frolic with her in the good times?” Diana’s gaze didn’t leave (Y/n)’s eyes as she spoke.
“I do, and I vow that while I may not always be there to warm your bed, I shall always protect you from harm. I vow to you that the love I have in my heart for you is pure and unyielding and I vow to you, (Y/n) Quinzel, that if I had to I would go through this journey with you all over again.” As Diana finished, she carefully slid the ring onto (Y/n)’s finger who was close to tears by Diana’s words. Nodding, Hippolyta turned to (Y/n).
“And do you, (Y/n) Quinzel of Man’s world, under the judgment of the gods, promise to keep, love and cherish (Y/n) Quinzel, forsaking all others from your sacred love and bed. Do you promise to hold her in the bad times, and frolic with her in the good times?”
“I do” (Y/n) took the ring from her sister, a stunning band of the purest diamonds engraved with emeralds, a gift from Man’s world. “And I vow to you Diana, that when you come home hurt and injured, I will always be there to heal and love you. I vow that even as time ends, my love for you shall not waver. And I vow… That even though, I will always worry for you. I vow to always be there, not only as a wife, but as a friend.” With that, (Y/n) gingerly slid the ring onto Diana’s finger. The dove and peacock uttered their cries as the two lovers couldn’t contain themselves and kissed each other without prompting. The crowd erupted into applause and even Batman had to turn away so no one would see him wipe away the tears that fell from his eyes.
Feeling the sun’s rays on her body, (Y/n) Prince sighed in pure bliss. Golden sand spread for miles in either direction and in front was the endless tides of the ocean. Smiling from her rounded wicker beach chair, (Y/n) happily sipped from her pina colada as clouds of fluffy white passed over head. The mild heat of the air was not the best, it made (Y/n) sweat a bit, but compared with Gotham’s frigid weather it had been receiving recently, (Y/n) was pretty okay with a little sweat. Crunching sand alerted (Y/n) to her newly-wed wife, Diana. Graceful as any gazelle, Diana easily slipped down onto the lounger beside her wife. A cold glass of aged wine in her hand, a gift from Hippolyta. Only two days had passed since their wedding on Themyscria, but both Diana and (Y/n) were looking forward to their honeymoon on Tahiti. It appeared that Diana had made some serious investments as, when they landed, (Y/n) was ushered into a picturesque villa on that Tahitian coast. Designed with a Greek theme, Diana’s villa consisted of two very well decorated levels. The first floor held a guest bedroom decorated modernly. A magnetized, floating bed dominated the room. In the corner was a teardrop chair hanging from the ceiling and connected to the bedroom. Upstairs, light flooded into the space like a tidal wave. Sun light reflected of the white walls beautifully and the hard wooden birch floorboards seemed to make the room even more angelic. Two kitchen islands dominated the kitchen space of the villa, one was made for the stove and the other was a sink. And entire wall in the kitchen was turned into shelves for pantries, a fridge and a freezer. The living room was very open, as was a normal Greek villa, with a comfy dark grey couch and two brown leather seats used for seats which were placed in view of the plasma screen T.V. Throughout the upper floor, were three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Only one bedroom and bathroom had been used since the house’s creation since only Diana and (Y/n) had entered. The master bedroom was completely different to the one downstairs. With a whole wall replaced with glass, the bedroom was victim to the amazing view of a private stretch of beach. Owned and maintained by Diana since her purchase. A section of the floor had been cut away over which sat Diana’s bed, and in the cubby hole Diana had horded some late-night naughty foods like whip cream or some comfort food like noodles and peaches. The dining area of the house had been placed outside on the patio, with a long glass toped table enclosed in several wicker chairs filled with cushions. Perhaps the most used part of the house was the patio. A long wooden deck that also acted as the roof for the lower floor, the patio was not small. Housing a barbeque, a dining set and a spa bath, Diana had spared to expense when choosing her honeymoon and vacation home.
“How are you enjoying the sun, my wife?” Diana had adopted an adorable tendency to remind (Y/n) that she was her wife. Not that (Y/n) minded in any way, shape or form. Smiling, (Y/n) ghosted her hand across Diana’s strong, chiseled cheekbone. Leaning into her touch, Diana closed her eyes and relished in the contact.
“I think I might tan by the end of this trip, Mrs. Prince.” Diana couldn’t control herself, careful of the drinks, Diana wrapped her arms tightly around her wife and pulled her close. Loving the feeling of her wife’s body on her own. And with no one around for miles, Diana planned on keeping this contact.
“I’m so happy to have you, and know that I am grateful that you chose to take my name… I know it is a big deal in Man’s world.” Laughing slightly, (Y/n) snuggled deeper into Diana’s embrace, smelling Diana’s intoxicating scent like an omega to their alpha.
“Diana, I will give you more than my name if it means keeping you as my wife.” Diana looked appalled at this statement, her mouth gaped open and a general flabbergasted look spread over her features.
“You need not give me anything to keep me as your wife, your love is more than enough” The smile that (Y/n) gave to Diana then and there was one of Diana’s favorite things in the world.
The newly-weds sat together, serenity enclosing them in a personal bubble of peace.
Suddenly, like a lightbulb, Diana’s brain conjured the idea of a lifetime. “I really like babies” She said, (Y/n) raised an eye brow but smiled. “They’re just so cute. And you’re also cute. I wonder what a baby you would look like.” Laughing, (Y/n) placed her drink down on the sand beside her, the hot sand crunching under the glass.
“Unfortunately, my baby photos cease to exist, I made sure of that.” The pair shared a giggle, but Diana wasn’t done, she pressed her advance like a lethal tactician.
“I meant, what would a baby… us… look like?” Diana said, and the gears started turning in (Y/n)’s head.
“Diana, you… want to adopt?” Diana’s eyes widened in surprise.
“What? I mean, while I’m not against adopting… I would like our first child to be… ours.” This earned a laugh from (Y/n).
“Dee, in case you haven’t noticed… We’re both women, something like that is physically impossible.” “Oh, (Y/n). Have you forgotten you married a goddess. My father made sure I would be able to procreate with which ever gender I choose. And I choose you, always.” (Y/n)’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Wait… what?” Standing, Diana took (Y/n)’s hand and pulled her wife to her feet.
“Let me show you, what I mean.” Diana’s whispered huskily in (Y/n)’s ear, making the mortal woman shiver in anticipation.
(Y/n) had often dreamed as a child, of a white knight coming to sweep her off her feet and whisk her away to a land of honey and puppies. She didn’t get her knight. (Y/n) received the greatest gift the world had ever seen. A gift from the gods. Diana had proven several, very distinct times, that (Y/n) wouldn’t need a man to have a baby. It seemed that whenever the couple were in the house, they used most spaces for trying to conceive. Thankfully, (Y/n) was avid cleaner and left the villa spotless when the time to return to Gotham presented itself. The following few weeks had been filled with Diana being very cautious of (Y/n) as she had noticed a distinct increase in the amount of times she had morning sickness and mood swings. But (Y/n) would always say she was fine but Diana was never really convinced. The cheery on the top happened during their Sunday date night. The pair had gone down to an old favorite malt shop where they liked to pretended they were in some weird reincarnation of Scooby-Doo. (Y/n) had ordered a burger and chips as normal, but the weird thing happened when she asked for extra pickles on the burger. As the waitress left, Diana took (Y/n)’s hand in her own, and the WayneTech employee smiled back.
“Are you okay?” Diana asked, (Y/n) frowned not knowing where the comment came from.
“Er, I think so. Why?”
“Because you hate pickles with a passion… and you just ordered extra.” (Y/n)’s eyes widened at the truth.
“I… I don’t know what, came over me… I guess, I’ve just been craving them lately.” At that moment, all the signs aligned for Diana. The morning sickness, the mood swings now cravings.
“My love… You may be pregnant.” Diana whispered happily, her eyes conveying her excitement. (Y/n) however, was less than thrilled. Panic, fear and concern filled the woman’s eyes.
“What!” she whispered back, Diana nodded.
“We should go back to Themyscria so the followers of Artemis can see for sure.” But (Y/n) shook her head thoroughly.
“No, no, no. I’m sorry Diana, but… I don’t want to go around telling people I may be…. pregnant.” (Y/n) uttered the word softly, like it was forbidden. “Can we just, go to a doctor or something… Please?” Diana sighed unhappily, she distrusted doctors greatly.
“Fine, but the doctor must be a female… I don’t want any random know it all arrogant man staring at my wife’s beautiful body.”
Six months after the malt shop escapade, doctor Angelina sighed happily as she applied the cool gel to her patient’s bloated stomach. Beside her, Angelina’s patient smiled at her wife. However, the wife seemed very, very suspicious of Angelina. “What is that? What are you putting on my wife!” She would question. Six months ago, when Diana and (Y/n) Prince had come to Angelina for their first checkup, Diana had scared the doctor tremendously. Diana had constantly grilled the doctor about what she was doing whenever Angelina approached (Y/n). Thankfully, the pregnant woman was always there to reign Diana in when needed. Now, as (Y/n) laid on the clean sheeted bed, in Angelina’s office with her shirt off and her stomach layered in a fine line of gel, Diana was very suspicious. As the Princess of Themyscria sat beside her wife, constantly holding her hand, Diana was reminded of the terrible times of war. The cries of agony from the soldiers who lost limbs and organs fighting for a unneeded war.
“It’s an ultra sound.” Angelina started, but before she could explain further, Diana’s eyes widened in shock.
“WHAT! What do you mean, my baby is ‘ultra’. And what is the sound, is it deaf?” Diana’s obliviousness was very freighting to Angelina but (Y/n) found it very humorous. But Diana was panicking thinking that her child was going to have super powers. Even in a world with the Justice League, Diana didn’t want her child going anywhere near a fight.
“Diana, calm down. She’s showing us what the baby looks like.” Diana looked surprised at her wife’s words and slowly turned her eyes back to the doctor before her.
“You… can do that?” She asked quietly, afraid that if she spoke too loudly she would be disappointed. Thankfully, Angelina nodded happily.
“Oh yes, this probe emits sound on a level we won’t hear. Those sound waves can make a picture of the baby in your wife.” Diana’s eyes widened in happiness, a smile on her lips. “What’s more, from that I’ll be able to see if your baby is healthy, and what gender it is.” A blip on the computer beside (Y/n)’s bed alerted all three of the women. Angelina and (Y/n) smiled at the black and grey screen, (Y/n) even had tears in her eyes. But, Diana stared at it in confusion.
“I… I don’t understand what that is” the goddess finally admitted, (Y/n) took Diana’s hand and placed it on her own rounded belly.
“That right there” (Y/n) pointed to the screen “Is our baby growing in here” (Y/n) pointed back down to her stomach and Diana felt a rush of excitement, pride and happiness flow into her.
“Yes, and I’m quite surprised. Despite your… slightly under optimal health, the baby is doing remarkably well… (Y/n) and Diana, you two will have a healthy baby boy.” Diana couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.
“I’m having a son” She cried “We’re having a son.”
After their hospital visit, Diana payed the receptionist and drove (Y/n) through Gotham towards WayneTech. Amongst the grey and black boring cars of similar styles, Diana’s old and retro convertible of bright baby blue colouring was a diamond in the rough. (Y/n) felt like the princess she technically was when she rode with Diana. Beyoncé bleared from the radio, (Y/n) and Diana sang along whole heartedly, their souls lifted by the news of their soon to be born, baby boy. However, the fun was not to last very long. As Diana pulled up beside WayneTech, Beyoncé’s amazing voice slowly dimmed into silence as (Y/n) opened her door and Diana turned the radio off. “So, I’m thinking Chinese to celebrate?” Diana inquired happily, the thought of her baby boy being a reality making her almost as happy as her wedding day. (Y/n) smiled back at the technical father of her child.
“Sure, I’ll be home around eight… I love you.” (Y/n) said through the window. Diana being Diana, honked her horn and shouted a massive ‘I love you’ back which filled (Y/n) with glee.
The bright hallways, expensive furniture and imposing name that made WayneTech, used to intimidate (Y/n). But, after fighting off a horde of monsters, working at one of the world’s leading brands was considerably less scary. Despite walking being a bit difficult now, with a six month fetus being inside her, (Y/n) still managed to enter her office. Easing herself into the swivel chair, (Y/n) sighed in relief as pressure was taken away from her back and feet. Opening her computer (Y/n) typed in her password and smiled at the background picture. As per request, Dinah had managed to snag a few photos of (Y/n) and Diana’s wedding day, and the most beautiful one was (Y/n)’s screensaver. Dinah had managed to capture the precise moment Diana had swept (Y/n) off her feet and planted a kiss to her lips. The colours of Themyscira along with the sacred birds of Aphrodite and Hera, made the picture all the more magical. Humming to herself, (Y/n) opened up her usual apps and started sifting through messages. That is, until a knock on her door gained her attention. Looking from her bright screen, (Y/n) laced her fingers and adopted a professional stance.
“Come in” She called. Without a sound, the office doors swept open and revealed a very striking woman. Her bright red hair contrasting her icy blue eyes which seemed to stare into (Y/n)’s soul with malice. Immediately, (Y/n) placed her finger on her computer, ready to send Diana an emergency call. Stalking ever closer to (Y/n), the woman before (Y/n) seemed familiar.
“(Y/n) Quinzel, you’ve grown larger since we last met.” (Y/n)’s eyes widened in realization, the woman’s voice finally putting the last piece of her identity in place.
“Phobie” (Y/n) whispered, her finger immediately jamming the distress button. “I’m surprised you left Themyscria.” Phobie glared at the woman she thought had ruined her life.
“You took from me the very thing I wanted. The very thing I deserved and was given.” She growled, slamming her hands on (Y/n)’s desk.
“What are you talking about, I haven’t done anything to you let alone stolen from you” (Y/n) was starting to get frightened, not only for her own health, but that of her unborn child’s as well.
“Stop pretending you don’t know!” Phobie shouted “You stole Diana from me, now you’ll pay. And that bastard child in your whore womb.” With her Amazonia strength, Phobie easily tossed aside (Y/n)’s desk like a rag doll. The wood crashed and splintered against the wall prompting (Y/n) to shriek in surprise. The sound of metal drawing from leather dawned the realization within (Y/n), that if Diana didn’t get here in time, she would die. With sword pointed at her prey, Phobie smirked triumphantly. “I saw through you, even when Hippolyta was blinded by your so called ‘heroism’ I saw just how pathetic you really are. And when Diana see that you die just like the rest of the mortals, she’ll run into my arms.” (Y/n) was vaguely aware of someone screaming in alarm. But, Phobie quickly sheathed her blade, in (Y/n)’s stomach.
Diana was in the middle of traffic when her watch bleared an alarm Diana prayed she’d never have to hear. With a racing heart, Diana could hear the adrenaline coursing through her body. Need to protect her wife surfaced immediately, but the need to protect her secret identity also arose. Cars and trucks blocked all ways to move on the freeway and with no sign of obvious exit, Diana raged in frustration.
“SHIT!” She cursed loudly “Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Diana had never been in such a panic mode, not even when Superman had supposedly died. And the feeling only worsened when Diana realized that her unborn son was also in unknown danger. Just as Diana was prepared to run out into the street and fly away, the traffic in the other lane started to move. Breaking numerous road laws along the way, Diana cut across the highway, angry horns and toots following her, as well as the odd slur of anger. Thankfully, there was a tourist trap mall next to the highway where Diana parked. Racing faster than she had before, Diana quickly donned her Wonder Woman armour, burst out her car when no one was looking and flew into the sky towards WayneTech, where she had left (Y/n). Diana knew WayneTech’s upper building well, the amount of times Diana had surprised (Y/n) with lunch was somewhere in the mid-fifties. So, being on the wrong side of WayneTech didn’t stop her from getting to (Y/n) as quickly as possible. Crashing through the windows of Lucius Fox’s office, Wonder Woman soared through the CEO’s door as the man himself clutched his chest in panic of what had just happened. Diana saw the open door of (Y/n)’s office and kicked it open, and what she saw made her blood run cold.
There, on the floor was (Y/n), cowering in fear as Diana’s childhood friend Phobie sheathed her sword in (Y/n)’s stomach. With a cry of fury that was unrivaled, Diana charged forward even though she knew there was nothing she could do. Phobie looked back in shock to see Diana spear tackling her through the office windows and the pair plummeted towards the streets. With tears swelling in her eyes, rage boiling her blood and the anger to shame Ares, Diana slammed Phobie into the concrete streets. Not caring for any of the passers. “YOU KILLED HER!” Diana shouted in rage, reeling her arm back and delivering a devastating blow to Phobie’s face. The Amazon was sent flying across the street, people screamed and scattered when Phobie crashed into an on coming car. Diana stalked closer, like a demon from hell. All thoughts of honorable combat lost and replaced by the need to slaughter. Phobie crawled from the hood of the car she had crashed into. Her blood pooling at her feet as she tried to stand.
“She… was not worthy!” Phobie spat, her blood staining the ground Diana walked on. “Of your love… She has poisoned you.” With fires burning in her eyes, Diana swiftly kicked Phobie to the ground, her foot stamping on her sister’s neck.
“You, do not. Get to talk ill of her. Monster!” Diana seethed, with a steely gaze still trained on her wife’s attacker, Diana unsheathed her own sword. The blade glowed in the sunlight, and for once, Phobie felt the fear of death. “May Hades place you in the fields of the damned”
Diana plunged her sword down, with murderous intent. Thoughts of vengeance for her wife and son were the only things swirling in Diana’s mind. But, just as the blade was to pierce Phobie’s skull, Diana was stopped. The fury in Wonder Woman’s eyes shifted to that of Superman. The man of steel, held Diana’s hand in an unbreakable grip. “Let go of me at once!” Diana growled “She needs to die for what she has done!” Superman looked sadly at Diana but didn’t let go. Sadness evident in his caring eyes, but his features remained stoic.
“You know that’s not how we do things around here… Besides, she’s been taken to hospital. So far, she’s alive.” Diana’s eyes widened in hope, her world slowly but surely coming together again. “She’s alive… Thank Zeus.” Diana felt like crying with joy, Superman finally let go of Diana’s arm and the sword clattered to the ground. “I… I must go see her.” And like that, Diana was soaring through the air again. Superman sighed as he watched his friend leave, that was, until he felt a dull pain in his knee. Looking down, Superman saw the shocked and fearful expression of Phobie as she held her broken sword in hand. Frowning at the woman, Superman picked the Amazon by her neck along with Diana’s sword, and started to fly towards the cave of solitude.
Soaring through the air and super sonic speeds, Diana raced against the truth of death. Her black hair slashed in the wind like whips, Diana’s eyes squinted in the wind as she headed to Gotham hospital. Cars, buildings and people blurred together under Diana as she cut through the air. Eventually, Diana could see the multi-story building come into view. A huge white cube with rows of glass showing each room. The carpark below almost filled with cars. Noticing the lack of personal on the roof, Diana quickly changed into a regular outfit and burst into the lower floors. Looking around wildly, Diana saw the bright lights of the hospital illuminate old and dying men and women while nurses and doctors stood talking with their lab coats on. Feeling the worry for her wife and child, Diana urgently broke up one of the conversations between a doctor and his nurse. The nurse appeared no older than forty, with blonde hair and a very nice figure, Diana figured that this woman would have been exactly the type of person (Y/n) would have feared Diana leaving her for. However, the doctor was a man pulled straight from the nineteen-hundreds. With a slim build, curly grey mustache and receding hairline, Diana put his age at around sixty.
“Excuse me, my wife. Do you know where she is?” Diana asked, the doctor, looking mortified, snorted disgustingly at Diana. His mustache twitched and ruffled as he opened his mouth, as if a ferret was living on his lip.
“As if I would allow your kind on my floor!” He shouted in frustration saying ‘your’ as if it were the worst thing in the world, and began walking away. Sighing, the nurse turned to Diana, her green eyes holding sympathy and reasoning.
“I’m sorry for Doctor Hawthorne, he’s a bit of a Homophobe… But he does well with brain surgery.” Diana wasn’t worried about the idiot human, she was worried for her wife. Her maternal instincts were taking over. Her wife and child could be dead and she wouldn’t even know. Grabbing the nurse by her shoulders, Diana repeated herself.
“Where is my wife? Where is (Y/n) Prince?” Diana’s tense voice turned the nurse’s legs to jelly but she managed to shakily make her way over to a nearby terminal, jutting out of the wall. Over the years since its establishment, WayneTech had been a fully co-operative funder for Gotham General Hospital. As such, the latest medical equipment was funded for generously. Because of this, Gotham General was able to afford lower hospital fees and new administrative equipment, such as a few terminals on each floor that acted as a receptionist but only those with proper clearance could access the whole terminal such as names and room numbers. When she saw the terminal, Diana was reminded of one of those post-apocalyptic games (Y/n) would always play… something about vaults… Typing in a few commands, the nurse hastily read the green text off the screen.
“R-room two-seven-five… two floors down.” Diana didn’t listen to any more words, with the speed of an Olympian, Diana rushed down the stairs towards her wife’s room.
Bruce Wayne sat outside room two-seven-five of Gotham Hospital, waiting anxiously for any news on his friend, his hands and legs started to shake. The brave Dark Knight dressed in a neatly ironed two piece black suit was shaking with regret. Nerves and guilt had poisoned his mind into believing he was at fault for his friend’s likely death. Trying to calm himself Bruce started to breath deeply. As soon as (Y/n) had pushed Diana’s emergency button, Bruce had also been notified and had arrived shortly after Diana. When he had brought (Y/n) to the hospital, the doctors hurriedly dropped everything and rushed around the pregnant woman, Phobie’s sword still stuck in her stomach. Ever since, Bruce had been waiting outside her room, feeling useless. Sounds of hurried footsteps finally ripped Bruce’s gaze from the black numbers on the door and he saw Diana running towards him, very angrily and upset.
“Where is she! I need to see her!” Diana proclaimed to Bruce. The sole owner of Wayne Manor stood and took Diana’s hands before she could bang on the door to (Y/n)’s room.
“Diana wait!” The daughter of Zeus looked at Bruce with sorrow in her eyes, fearing the worst. “Listen, (Y/n) is in surgery. I don’t know how long it will take” As Bruce spoke, he could see the tears welling in Diana’s eyes. “I got her here as fast as I could. All we can do now is wait.” But Diana shook her head.
“No! I can’t wait. She… She needs me. I must be by her side. I promised I would protect her! Bruce, please!” Diana was obviously distraught, tears were now rolling freely down her face. But Bruce knew that if Diana burst in, she would only make matters worse, so he shook her head. The denial was too much for Diana. The Daughter of Zeus let out a sob of anguish as she slumped in Bruce’s arms, the Dark Knight was forced to slowly ease onto the ground under the weight of the distraught Diana. Bruce could only hold the crying woman who could only sob in need of her wife.
Close to a whole day had passed since (Y/n)’s arrival in the hospital and not much news had been delivered. Doctors and surgeons had been replaced every five hours, and each time Diana would stand straight to attention, with hope in her eyes and a pleading heart. But no news on (Y/n)’s condition ever reached her ears. Bruce and Diana hadn’t left the hospital since they arrived and Clark and Dinah who popped in from time to time could tell the stress, anxiety and worry was getting to them. Dinah, who was currently looking after Bruce and Diana at the hospital, walked around the corner with a bottle in one hand and some cups in the other.
“I thought we might need something stronger than water.” Dinah said, Diana saw the label of Smirnoff and heard Bruce sigh. Bruce knew Dinah was only trying to help the only way she knew how, but Diana didn’t need to get drunk, she needed to be patient.
“Dinah, I don’t think Diana needs vodka right now.” He said, his arms crossed over his chest.
“With all that’s going on… I think it would be the right thing to do.” Dinah countered, pouring a Styrofoam cup with the clear alcohol and holding out for Diana. The daughter of Zeus looked at the cup suspiciously, she had tried alcohol before when she was younger, more foolish, and it had felt good… too good. Diana took the bottle right from Dinah’s hand, brought the bottle to her lips, and relished in the burning feeling as the liquid sloshed down her dry throat. That was her mistake.
Meanwhile, millions of miles away hidden amongst the clouds, two powerful gods of Olympus gathered in urgency. Hidden within the sky haven of Olympus, carved from the same rock the glorious heavenly city was birthed over, a temple stood in isolation. Small as it may appear, there were truly none more sacred and holy. For this, was the temple that represented balance. Where the universe was equal parts good and evil. While the temple looked akin to a cave from the outside, the inside was another reality entirely. Carved from the rock was a dome shaped room with only three thrones, one for each of the three sons of Kronos. Before these stone thrones, each the same in appearance for neutrality, a well was carved. The truly bottomless well held the only light source of the temple, a glowing blue and red sphere the size of a fist. This, was the universal indicator of good and evil. And before it, sat the eldest and youngest sons of Kronos, Hades and Zeus. Despite his kingly right to the throne of Olympus, Zeus had dressed in a simple blue chiton although a small circlet of gold was nestled in his blond hair. But the most noticeable thing about Zeus, wasn’t his golden crown, old karate sensei style hair and beard combo, nor his simple clothes but his skin. Instead of the bronzed tan from Disney, Zeus’s skin depicted the sky itself. And as Artemis rode her chariot across Olympus while her brother slept, Zeus’s skin depicted the starry sky and silver moon as well as the dark blue hues of space. The lord of the Under realm sat with reverence. His skin too, like his brothers, reflected his sphere of reality. Raging yellows and oranges burst together in eruptions of flames against the deathly black background of the Hollows in Hell that appeared on Hades’s skin. Dark full length robes of shadows covered Hades’s body aside from his head, from which sat a crown of onyx and obsidian. But the meeting between perhaps the two most powerful beings on the planet was not a family visit.
“Please brother, (Y/n) was not meant to die. You and I both know it” Zeus started from his throne. The famous master bolt, the weapon used to dethrone Kronos, was leaning against his throne, like a spear. “If it wasn’t for that foolish Amazon, she would have lived peacefully.” Hades hummed in thought, despite the rumors, he did admire his little brother and even more so when he spoke the truth. Being labelled as the Greek equivalent of Lucifer brought many harsh rumors, but Hades as with any big brother, loved his family very much… maybe not as much as Zeus and Hera, but he did love them a lot.
“Be that as it may, I cannot simply keep a mortal from dying. There are rules of the universe that even we must follow.” Hades argued, Zeus grumble resembled the sound of thunder. Darkened eyes stared at hands that felt useless. Zeus’s clenched his hands in desperation.
“Phobie will be dealt with harshly, but please brother. Diana has already experienced too much terror and heartache… She can’t lose (Y/n) as well.” Hades noticed a look in his brother’s eyes that he hadn’t seen before. A pleading, sorrowful look… but what was strangest… was the tears. “I have not been the best father… I doubt I ever will be… I kept Diana on Themyscria to protect her… But now, I cannot protect her from the curse that Aphrodite brings… Please brother… I ask you as a father… Please, help bring this woman back.” Tears of starlight began to drop with silent splashes onto the stone cavern. Hades pondered silently, rolling his red bident in his hands. “I can’t let her be sad… she was already alone for so long.” Sighing at Zeus’s latest words, Hades stood. Still angry with himself, Zeus hadn’t realized his brother’s movement until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, Zeus stared into his brother’s red eyes.
“All things must come with a price brother… And this price shall be heavy.” Hades said, Zeus looked optimistic, like a child on their way to Disneyland. “But it shall be done… If she is of strong enough will… (Y/n) Prince shall live until she was fated to die… Know that you now owe me brother” Zeus could not help himself, he embraced his brother in a godly hug.
“Thank you… I shall not forget this until the day I fade away.”
Back in the mortal realm of Gotham, Dinah and Bruce had finally managed to tear Diana from the hospital, the only bad thing was… Diana wasn’t in the best mental state. Despite her godly heritage, Diana had succumbed to the seductive trances of alcohol. Now ragged and distressed, Diana sat alone in a random sports bar ordering shot after shot of an alcohol she probably didn’t even know. As Diana tipped her head back, downing another shot, the barman stood transfixed as the woman had successfully taken thirty shots without vomiting her meals from the past week. And being the nice gentleman he was, the barman saw all the predatory gazes of the other patrons in the bar and slinked to the woman’s side.
“Is their anyone I can call to fetch you miss? Cause I’m cutting you off.” He asked kindly. Diana’s eyes slowly dragged themselves from the glass in her hand to the barman at her side.
“I’m… Fine.” Diana insisted, a slight slur evident in her voice “Now pour us… another one” Her demand fell on deaf ears as the barman shook his head.
“Im ‘fraid not lady… No more drinks for you” At once, he regretted his words. Diana slowly clawed to her feet and stood well above the barman. Anger and defiance clouded Diana’s eyes as the alcohol in her system worked its curse.
“I could snap you like a twig… Pour, me… a drink.” Diana insisted. With a gulp, the barman almost hurried off to do what he was told… Until the doors burst open and a man in a clean black suit with a pair of spectacles over his eyes walked in. The new arrival walked over to Diana and took her hand in his own.
“Come on Diana… This isn’t helping.” He said, Diana didn’t even try to protest. She followed drunkenly behind the man who led her through the city.
Some-how, some way, Diana found herself crying on her clean bed sheets as Clark Kent stood awkwardly at the bedroom door. Bruce had told Clark where Diana had gotten to after the hospital. And so, the man of steel himself had come to take Wonder Woman home, for her own and everyone else’s safety. When they had eventually gotten home, Diana was already balling her eyes out. Not knowing what to do in such a delicate situation, Clark had laid Diana on her bed. Almost immediately, Diana wrapped her arms and legs around one of the pillows, presumably from (Y/n)’s side and slowly managed to drift off to sleep. Deciding it was best to leave Diana in her clothes, Clark didn’t touch the woman.
Sighing with relief as Diana’s constant cries turned quiet, Clark made his way shakily to the living room. Even Superman had been shaken by the events, (Y/n) and Lois were close friends and so he had come to know the WayneTech employee very well. Not wanting to leave his friend in such a horrible time, Clark bundled some cushions together on the couch and laid down, trying to get the images of (Y/n) dying out of his mind.
But the morning brought worse news. Diana had managed to regain some of her sanity, stabbing headaches will do that even to superheroes. Diana really didn’t want to go to the hospital, not again… not until her wife and son were okay. But then, as Diana laid on her bed, taking in (Y/n)’s scent from her pillows, Diana heard her phone ring. Diana didn’t know how she hadn’t lost the small device, but there it was, ringing from her back pocket. Fishing out the device, Diana answered the call to hear the most horrible news she had ever hear.
“Hello, is this Mrs. Diana Prince?” asked an exhausted, female voice. Sniffling a tear, Diana tried to mask the anguish in her voice.
“Yes, I’m Diana.” The woman on the other end of the call burst out a sob.
“I’m…. So, sorry to tell you this ma’am.” At those words Diana shot up in her bed, tears prickling her eyes. “But… Your… Your son has died.” That broke Diana. All thoughts and emotions drifted away. Sadness replaced by nothingness. Anguish replaced by emptiness. Loneliness consumed her. Her son… Her own son… had died… and it was all her fault. The nurse on the other side tried to help as she continued. “B-but… Your wife… She’s… she’s fighting… There’s still a chance but…” Diana knew it was coming, her wife was strong… but she couldn’t stop death by herself “But the chances are small.” Diana didn’t know what to do. Faintly aware of the beeping from her phone telling her the call had ended, Diana screamed loudly, frustrated with the world, frustrated with the gods, frustrated with her life. She threw her phone across the room and it shattered against the wall. Seconds later Clark rushed into the room, eyes wild and alert.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, Diana glared at him.
“My son… Is dead… Because of me.” Diana whispered to herself, Clark’s eyes widened at the news, he hadn’t heard that (Y/n) was pregnant. He watched helpless as Diana reached under the bed and claimed a strangely shaped bottle. It looked like a fancy perfume container, just larger and with more curves shaped with pink glass. “It was meant for our tenth anniversary… But it looks like I won’t even see her again.” Pulling the crystal decanter’s stopper out and started downing the strong alcohol inside like water. Clark sighed as Diana wiped her lips and let out a sob.
“Diana, they’ll want you there… to name your son… before they bury him.” Diana’s sadness quickly bowed down to her anger as she rushed to pin her friend to the wall.
“You expect me to name my son… After I killed him?” Clark gasped for breath as Diana’s grip tightened around his throat.
“Please… You… Don’t have to go.” Choking back another gulp of despair, Diana relented and let go of Clark.
“Name him… Ajax… Ajax Herodotus Prince.” As Clark gulped down air, Diana stormed across the building, her normally happy and commanding demeanor replaced by dreary sadness.
“Where are you going!?” Shouted Clark after her, without turning Diana replied.
“Out for a drink.”
Clementine’s bar is a place for wayward lost souls, running or hiding from their pasts. A placed deemed perfect for Diana Prince… by herself. Low undertones of a timeless band played in the background as quiet bar goers came and went. Clementine’s wasn’t large, aside from the bar itself there were only five tables made from wood that men and women seated themselves at. Diana sat at the end of the bar, as far away from everyone. Somehow, she had changed from yesterday’s clothes and into jeans and a baggy shirt. Rolling the lone shot glass around the bar top, Diana was tormented by the last few days. Images of (Y/n) dying, Phobie’s sword protruding from her pregnant stomach filled her mind. Guilt poisoning Diana’s mind like scorpions. Like a void, Diana’s mind had sucked away all happy memories and replaced them… with self-hatred. The person that became Wonder Woman constantly cursed herself for not being faster, for wanting to preserve her identity over protecting the woman she loved so dearly. Diana knew it was futile to make up for her mistakes… And in her heart, Diana knew that (Y/n)’s condition would never change. But she had to say goodbye, to the woman who had won her heart. Picking herself up, swaying off her stool, Diana slammed a few bills onto the counter and proceeded out the door. No matter how bright the sun shined that day, Diana thought there hadn’t been a dimmer day. Her son, the child she had wanted more than any glory had been murdered before his own birth. No more would Diana be able to think about taking him fishing down by a lake near a cabin in the woods. No more could Diana bare to think about her little Ajax. And yet, Diana knew she had not even heard the worst news. (Y/n) Prince, the woman Diana had devoted her new life for, the woman who Diana loved above all others, the woman Diana should have protected… was more than likely going to die… because of Diana’s actions. Guilt transformed the way Diana saw the world. As she walked from Clementine’s to the hospital, Diana saw the faces of the people passing her on the street and they all said the same thing. “Murderer!” Diana didn’t even bother excusing herself, deep down she knew it wasn’t real… but she also knew it was true. And as she entered what would be the final place she would see her family, Diana held back her tears. The receptionist didn’t stop Diana as the woman silently made her way towards room two-seven-five… probably for the final time.
Around the corner from (Y/n)’s room, a small waiting area was being occupied by the first members of the Justice League. Bruce Wayne sat in the corner, head in hands. Wayne fame and glory could not replace the heartache that losing such a friend as (Y/n) would bring. Even Kryptonian strength, of body and mind could not console the beacon of hope that was Superman. Even with a robotic body, Victor could still feel the pain and hurt from losing such a dear friend… truly there was no one that could bridge the League together like (Y/n) Prince. Even with the ability to race through the universe, Barry knew that Death was a race he could not win… Despite his efforts. And Arthur knew that even with the seven seas at his command, no shark, whale, krill or mermaid could stop the waterfall of death. As Diana stumbled into the room, Barry stopped his jittery knees to quickly catch Wonder Woman before she fell to the ground.
“Diana!” Barry exclaimed, everyone turned to face Diana, sorrow and pain etched on their faces. Clark came up to Diana and slowly eased the Amazon into a chair. Diana couldn’t look at anyone, her eyes closed and mind befuddled with alcohol.
“My son… Where is Ajax?” Diana asked “I must… apologize… to him.” Barry and Arthur shared a confused look before realization of what Diana’s words meant spread over their faces. Victor slowly sat down as he registered the news. Bruce said nothing, looking around the corner sadly and staring at those hated numbers. Clark took Diana by the hands.
“Are you sure?” He asked sincerely. Finally opening her eyes, Diana’s miserable teary eyes that used to hold so much mirth stared into Clark’s somber eyes.
“Please” Diana said, Clark knew this was something Diana didn’t want to do… But something she needed to do. Flash, Batman, Cyborg and Aquaman all watched with misery as Superman led Wonder Woman down the hall to meet her son.
The room was deserted. Four clean, steel walls a floor and a roof enclosed a steel table as high as Diana’s midsection. Seated atop the table was a small, wooden box as long as Diana’s arm. Diana and Clark stood in the doorway. Neither could bring themselves to move. Everything seemed to slow down to a crawl. Diana knew what was hidden in the box, she knew but she wished she didn’t. With clenched teeth, Diana tentatively took the first step… And then another… and another. Through all of Diana’s trials; Ares, Giganta, even Circe… nothing could come as devastating to Diana’s newest task… Giving a final send off to her son. Peering into the coffin, Diana saw, nestled into a bed of cotton, her son. Barely as long as her forearm, Ajax Herodotus Prince seemed at peace. His eyes were closed as if he were sleeping, arms over his chest and his hands clenched in tiny fists. All of Diana’s bottle up emotions; regret, anger, sadness, despair, hate, frustration, hopelessness, fury and desperation they all over came Diana. “My… Baby boy…” Diana whispered quietly, tears ran down Diana’s features silently. “I am so… So sorry… I have caused you nothing, but death… I am not worthy to be your mother… or marry the woman who would have birthed you.” Noticing her tears splash onto the edges of her son’s coffin, Diana retreated not wishing to soil his last bed. Innocence had been stolen by blind sexual jealousy, and Diana could not retrieve it in time, so it was lost forever. Not trusting herself to be able to look once more at her son, Diana simply stands by the coffin, eyes closed. “Please… forgive me.”
Clark escorted Diana back to their friends. And Diana’s fears and sorrows became more apparent. There, talking to Bruce was a doctor. Clean white doctor’s uniform with blue scrubs underneath, his hair covered by a blue hairnet and his tired brown eyes covered by clear glasses. As Diana approached, she looked at the doctor with the last shred of hope in her soul. “Please doctor… Is my wife…” Diana couldn’t bring herself to utter the last word, instead she chocked back a sob. But the Doctor smiled, a sign that Diana had not seen in what felt like forever.
“Mrs. Prince… We don’t know how she managed to do it… But as the doctors were ready to admit her death… (Y/n) somehow restarted her own heart…” Confused and afraid at the doctor’s mention of the word ‘death’ Diana’s bottom lip began to quiver.
“Wh-what does that mean?” She whimpered, smiling the doctor placed a reassuring hand on Diana’s shoulder.
“(Y/n) Prince is expected to make a full recovery.” His words seemed to unreal to believe, the hope inside Diana screamed and shouted with joy. Behind her, Barry and Arthur breathed sighs of relief and Barry was so happy he tackled Victor in a hug. Bruce and Clark looked tiredly at each other with smiles on their faces, but Diana still wasn’t sure.
“Let me see her.” She demanded, but the doctor shook his head.
“I’m afraid I can’t allow that… While she is in a safe condition, it is a critical procedure being operated… However, you should be able to speak with her tomorrow.” Before Diana could force the doctor into letting her see (Y/n), Bruce stepped up.
“Thank you doctor, give our thanks to the surgeons as well and we’ll stay here for the night.” Nodding the doctor replied.
“Of course, I’ll have a few nurses pop around with spare pillows and blankets.” He turned back to Diana, a small smile on his lips. “Do not worry. Your wife is in the best hands possible.” Calming herself, Diana smiled back at the doctor, the first smile she shared in days.
“Thank you doctor… Thank you.”
Day dawned with sun shining through the windows of Gotham General Hospital. Diana woke to the feeling of someone shaking her shoulders. Diana, along with the rest of the league, had fallen asleep in the waiting chairs near (Y/n)’s room. Barry had fallen asleep cuddled up to Arthur who had, in his sleep, wrapped an arm around the speedster. Bruce slept with his mouth wide open and Victor didn’t sleep at all, so it was a surprise when the cyborg shook Diana awake. Blinking the tears from her tired eyes, Diana looked confused at Viktor’s smile. “What… What’s going on?” Diana asked, Viktor smiled as he pointed down the hall.
“Doctor came by a few moments ago… said that you can go see (Y/n) now while she’s still awake.” In an instant Diana was on her feet, speeding through the corridor the daughter of Zeus almost ran over an elderly man shuffling down the hall. Seeing the numbers two-seven-five Diana stopped abruptly. She raised her hand, poised to knock but stopped suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Viktor asked as he approached her, Diana’s hand started to shake in fear.
“What if… what if she hates me… I killed our son… I put her in this condition.” Diana’s voice was soft, afraid that (Y/n) would hear her. Viktor chuckled at Diana’s worry.
“Last time I checked, (Y/n) married you for a reason. Now get in there” And before Diana could protest, Viktor opened the door and pushed Diana inside.
(Y/n) watched bemused as Diana stumbled into her room. The doctors had to keep (Y/n) on a drip and heart monitor but aside from the occasional bleep, (Y/n) was as comfy as she would have been at home. A nurse had come by earlier to prop (Y/n) up against some comfy pillows, careful not to damage the stitches in her stomach or reopen the wound. (Y/n) watched with a smile as Diana slowly inched towards her. Neither really knowing what to say.
“Diana…” (Y/n) started and Diana gasped in happiness, her eyes misting with tears.
“It is you… You’re alive.” Chuckling a small bit, (Y/n) nodded at Diana’s question, flicking the hair from her eyes. Sliding into the seat beside her bed, Diana hesitantly moved her hands to (Y/n)’s face. Still in awe that she was alive, and awake. (Y/n) relished the in the feeling of her wife’s hands. “I’m… I’m so sorry… I failed you…” (Y/n) raised a brow in confusion.
“I doubt that a lot… I’m alive aren’t I?” (Y/n) asked and it was then that she realized fully where she had been stabbed and that Diana’s tears weren’t of happiness, but of fear and sorrow.
“Our son… Is gone” Diana’s words finally took hold of (Y/n). The younger woman blinked hard, tears forming in her eyes… She looked pleadingly at Diana.
“Hold me” She whimpered with a quivering lip.
Diana was more than willing to comply.
  Two years had passed since Phobie’s attack at WayneTech. And a lot had changed. Lucius had stepped down as CEO of WayneTech several months earlier and (Y/n) was unsurprisingly the person hand-picked by the previous CEO and the head of the Wayne family himself. Diana had found herself working at homeless shelters and orphanages as the need for money grew lesser and lesser. Around the same time as Lucius’s retirement, (Y/n) had asked Diana if she wanted another baby. And after days of management, therapy and many tears Diana had made sure that (Y/n) was well and truly pregnant. A few months later and Angelina confirmed that (Y/n) was pregnant, this time with a healthy baby girl. So that leaves us where we are today, nine months after that exciting night once again at Gotham General Hospital albeit room seven-nine-zero. Diana felt her hand being crushed under (Y/n)’s surprisingly strong grip. Beads of sweat poured down (Y/n)’s head as she screamed in agony. Doctor Angelina knelt between (Y/n)’s thick thighs muttering encouraging words to (Y/n) and instructions to the nurse beside her. Fear and anxiety filled Diana as (Y/n) finally stopped screaming and another voice filled the air. A lower cry but still just as loud as (Y/n) erupted from beneath the towel covering (Y/n)’s legs. Angelina quickly handed her nurse something and she briskly walked through another door in the room which greatly concerned Diana.
“Where is she going! Where is she taking my daughter?” Diana shouted, (Y/n) released her grip on Diana’s hand her strength receding as Diana’s anger grew. Standing, Angelina threw her hands up in a surrender gesture, placing herself between Diana and the door.
“She’s just gone to clean your daughter up and do a quick check up… she’ll be no longer than five minutes.” Angelina insisted, Diana didn’t look convinced if the look in her eyes was anything to go by, so Angelina continued. “Have you decided on a name yet?” Diana looked back to (Y/n), the woman was laying on the bed, trying to regain her breath.
“Kassandra” (Y/n) huffed, her strength returning “Kassandra Harleen Prince” Angelina and Diana smiled at the name. Diana returned to (Y/n)’s side, holding the woman in her arms as Angelina took away the leg holder so (Y/n) could rest. A few moments later, the nurse returned with a bundle of pick cloth. Silently, the nurse handed the bundle to Diana with a smile before leaving. Diana looked down at her child, Kassandra’s eyes were closed and for a second, Diana had horrible flashbacks to Ajax but those thoughts were dashed as Kassandra’s eyes opened slowly to reveal curiosity filled baby blue pools of innocence. With a quivering bottom lip Diana hugged her daughter with as much love as she dared, not wanting to hurt the new born.
“She’s… so precious… so small.” Diana mumbled, her hands secured under Kassandra while her arm supported the head.
“May I see our daughter?” (Y/n) asked, smiling at her wife and newly born daughter. Nodding, Diana sat down in the chair beside (Y/n)’s bed and carefully handed Kassandra over. (Y/n) looked deep into her daughter’s eyes and smiled happily, and her child smiled back. “This is just the beginning isn’t it?” (Y/n) asked, tired eyes still fixated on her daughter. Diana nodded beside her wife.
“But it is our new beginning.”
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
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Instead of studying for finals, I did this because that new Captain Marvel poster is beeeeautiful.
Give this a like on Instagram!
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
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These exchanges between a bigot named Brendan Sullivan, and a heroic troll named Robert Graves, will be the best thing you read all day, I promise.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
I think Tumblr is only deleting blogs that have an affiliation to NSFW content. This is because the amount of NSFW content was too high for it to be allowed on the app store.
You guys!!! I was out for the weekend!! what the hell is going on with Tumblr, somebody pls update me!! Will it finally shut down? are we gonna dissapear?? i just don’t know what’s happening! what’s with the links? are blogs being deleted? Lena precious Luthor  save us!
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
The Male Privilege Myth
-Men pay 97% of alimony
-Men make up 93% of work fatalities
-Men make up 81% of all war deaths
-Men lose custody in 84% of divorce cases
-80% of all suicides are men
-77% of homicide victims are men
-89% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime in their lives.
-Men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women
-Men get 63% longer prison sentences when convicted as compared to women.
-Court bias against men is at least 6 times bigger than racial bias.
-60-80% of all homeless people are men
But please, keep talking about male privilege.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
Getting in a fight with your father {Diana Prince x Reader}
“I will not allow you to change your major from Law to Fine Arts. As long as YOU ARE UNDER MY ROOF, YOU WILL STUDY WHAT I ALLOW YOU TO STUDY AND FINE ARTS IS NOT ONE OF THEM,” Your dad screamed at you.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years ago
Holy cow. This is amazing!
The Hostage Situation
A/N: (Anon request) - Would it be alright to request Rosa Diaz x fem reader, where R seems so innocent and total opposite of Rosa but is actually badass and they’ve been together for years (maybe married) but of course no one knew because its Rosa. Reader who used to be in the military now fbi, finds out Rosa and her friends are stuck in a hostage situation and has to save her. R comes in kicking ass and takingnames, when everyone is fine. Rosas in awe of her and can’t help but kiss her in front of everyone. I hope you like it, anonny!
Rosa Diaz x fem!Reader
Warnings: A little language, the Vulture being an ass, a ‘lil fluff
Words: 4189
*If you want to be added to my tags, just drop me an ask and it shall be done! 
B99 Tags: @kazosa  
Everything Tags: @his-paradox @aquivercactus @sorenmarie87 @lefthologramdeer @rockyhorrorpictureshowstyle @grace-for-sale @redm81
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freedomfighterposts · 7 years ago
Mornings. Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano x Genderless Reader.
Reyna had long ago found that she had a love/hate relationship with mornings. She hated them because it meant that she was forced out of bed to do menial tasks like; allow extra toilet paper for cohort three or break up a fight between a legionnaire and a Huntress of Artemis/Diana. However, Reyna had grown accustomed to forcing herself out of bed for these tasks. She simply loathed this part of the morning, however she hated with a passion the other aspect of the morning. It meant having to leave her precious baby. Yes, the great, unemotional Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano had fallen for someone. At first the Roman Praetor had been worried about falling for the dangerous game of love again. But after eleven months of peace, adoration and a surprising amount of surprise kisses, Reyna decided that she had made the right choice. Reyna’s deep seeded hate for mornings appeared one morning as she woke up. Reyna’s eyes fluttered open slowly, a light yawn escaping her plump lips as he legs stretched down to the foot of the bed. The gilded purple covers of her bed felt soft and warm at Reyna’s touch. In this moment, everything was perfect. Birds chirped outside in the warm summer breeze of July. A cloudless sky gave way for Apollo’s sun chariot to spread its rays to the mortal world below. Reyna’s body was warm and lazy, despite her usually ever-present professional exterior, Reyna was often a big teddy bear behind closed doors. A lazy smile formed on the Praetor’s face as she felt someone shuffling beside her. Yes, it had been the first night where Reyna and (Y/n) had decided to sleep together. But the pair wholeheartedly agreed to not perform any extremely intimate acts. The most the two did was kiss… a lot. Reyna felt as if she was addicted to (Y/n)’s kisses. Their full lips felt naturally soft against Reyna’s. Reyna had once tried to slip her tongue inside (Y/n)’s mouth, however this resulted in the Daughter of Bellona receiving the silent treatment for the rest of the week. Reyna didn’t hold it against the child of Hercules though. (Y/n)’s body curled into a fetal position, trying to stay as warm as possible. (Y/n)’s back was pressed against Reyna’s side in an attempt to draw heat from her. Reyna’s smile turned from lazy, into one of adoration as her eyes lingered on (Y/n)’s form. (Y/n) had worm a pair of pajama bottoms with a theme of Lion King. The pair had gotten quite a laugh out of that. (Y/n) also wore a pajama shirt of just plain silver. Reyna however, was more outgoing and comfortable with their relationship. True she had felt guarded and against it at first, but the child of the God of Strength had worn her down. Due to this, Reyna simply wore her undergarments to bed, much to the embarrassment of (Y/n) who wouldn’t stop blushing. But now, in the morning, Reyna wanted nothing more than to simply lay here with (Y/n). However, there were still things that needed to be done. Especially after Gaea’s attack on the camps. Even several months after the seven Heroes of Olympus had defeated the Earth Mother, things were not back to normal. Jason’s incessant badgering for new temples gave Reyna more migraines than Octavian. Usually, Reyna slept next to the edge of the bed so she could quiet literally, roll out of bed in the morning. But she had wanted to be next to (Y/n), and now she was in the middle of the large, king sized bed. (Y/n) turned around, still sleeping. (Y/n) wrapped their arms around Reyna’s waist, a smile tugging at their lips as (Y/n) laid their head against Reyna’s exposed back. Reyna allowed herself a small smile, she bent down and kissed (Y/n)’s forehead gingerly before flinging the covers off herself and stepping from the bed. What Reyna did not prepare for, was (Y/n) waking up. “Reyna?” (Y/n) mumbled sleepily, rubbing their eyes lazily. (Y/n) had felt the disturbance from Reyna flinging the blankets away. “Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Reyna’s soft, melodic voice made (Y/n) feel warm inside. (Y/n) reached out with a hand and clasped Reyna’s hand. “Don’t leave me” (Y/n) whined dramatically. Reyna bubbled out a laugh but silenced herself quickly. “I can’t stay my Flos Pulcherrimus. I have work” Reyna’s heart shattered into a trillion pieces when she saw the tears forming in (Y/n)’s eyes as a pout wobbled on her face. (Y/n) sniffed, trying to keep the tears in. “Fine” (Y/n) spoke, not daring to say more. (Y/n) rolled over so that Reyna was facing (Y/n)’s back. “Flos Pulcherrimus. Don’t be like that” Reyna spoke softly, worried that if she spoke any louder (Y/n) would disappear before her eyes. “Sadness doesn’t look good on you.” But (Y/n) still refused to meet Reyna’s face. Guilt and sadness hit Reyna like one of Jason’s lightning bolts. The pain of making (Y/n) so sad was worse than anything Reyna had felt before. She would gladly face against Orion again if it meant that (Y/n) would be happy. However, Reyna is a duty first love life second kind of girl, so with a bitter sweet kiss to (Y/n)’s cheek, Reyna left the cabin she and (Y/n) shared while at Camp Half-Blood. The Heracles cabin at Camp Half-Blood wasn’t the most loved cabin nor was it the most looked after. Most if not all Demi-gods detested the God of Strength. Even (Y/n), who was normally the sweetest and nicest person around, didn’t like the immortal son of Zeus. Its foundations had been made haphazardly and it was only at the command of Chiron that the children of Vulcan and Hephaestus began reworking the cabin so that (Y/n) wouldn’t nearly be killed by a falling beam in their sleep. Reyna knew what Heracles had done that really ticked (Y/n) off. Usually, the gods and goddesses claimed their children on their thirteenth birthday with a holographic projection of their symbols above the child’s head. Grover had brought (Y/n) to camp when they were fifteen years old and it took the anger of Perseus Jackson and several other key Demi-Gods to finally find out who (Y/n)’s father was. Unfortunately, no one was exactly happy. Especially after (Y/n) learnt from Percy and Annabeth about what Heracles had done to Zoe Nightshade. The temple of Hercules at New Rome also remained deserted. It reminded Reyna of the Neptune temple before Percy had been made Praetor. Old, moldy fruits and nuts sat at the pedestal, cobwebs covered all the corners and pieces of stone crumbled from the lack of attention. Reyna knew it was a sore subject to talk about Heracles in front of (Y/n) so she stayed far away from the subject. Whenever someone talked about how Hercules did something bad, (Y/n) would do nothing to defend him. What Reyna did not know, was that as she left (Y/n) alone in bed that morning Reyna would be in some deep trouble for a long time. Reyna walked into the mess hall at exactly twelve O’clock. After a morning full of paperwork and boring talks with architects and even a talk with Chiron regarding the Mars/Ares inter cabin competition. So, when it was time for lunch. Reyna was more than happy to eat something with (Y/n). However, when Reyna walked over to (Y/n)’s usual spot she found no child of Heracles in sight. Confusion crossed over Reyna’s face as she sat with her friends, the Heroes of Olympus. “Yo, Reyna what’s cracka lacking?” Leo asked cheerfully, Reyna didn’t acknowledge the son of Hephaestus’ childish remark. “Have any of you seen (Y/n) recently?” Reyna as the plate before her filled with sandwiches. “Not that I can think of” Offered Annabeth from beside Percy and Piper. “Oh, I saw (Y/n) at the archery range this morning” Offered Frank. This made sense to the daughter of Bellona, because (Y/n) hated using the naturally inhuman strength gifted by Hercules. Instead (Y/n) favoured the bow, which Reyna knew she disliked because even Jason Grace had been impressed by the way (Y/n) had used an imperial gold combat axe. “Yeah, although (Y/n) did seem really upset. And that’s putting it mildly.” Piper added “Yeah, they just left me hanging this morning.” Percy mumbled as he ate a double decker blue pizza. “Yeah but we all know how… delicate… (Y/n) can be” Hazel defended and her words got Reyna thinking. “Delicate… Oh, by the gods.” Reyna cursed herself silently as she stood, taking her plate of sandwiches with her. “You’ll have to excuse me. I must fix a mistake” With that, Reyna sped walked out of the Mess hall. The Praetor of the Twelfth Legion briskly walked through the newly formed Greek/Roman camp. She passed hundreds of Demi-Gods as she made her way to the beach. Reyna knew that (Y/n) simply adored the ocean. Apparently, (Y/n)’s mother was an open water swimming coach and so (Y/n) and their mortal family often went swimming in the ocean. Reyna’s eyes scanned the golden beach carefully, waves crashed gently across the shore. A evergreen tree grew at the edge of the beach, where grass turned to sand, its branches stretching over the waves. Hidden below the branches, Reyna saw the hunched over form of (Y/n) (L/n). Reyna felt the sand shift beneath her feet as she discarded her sandals. The soft, foaming waves caressed Reyna’s toes as she sat down next to (Y/n). The pair sat in silence, Reyna simply content with being next to (Y/n). “I thought you had work to do” Reyna heard (Y/n) mumble beside her. In response, Reyna scooted closer to the child of Heracles. “I did, I still do. But, I noticed you weren’t at lunch so I brought you some food” (Y/n) looked down at the plate of sandwiches nestled in the sand at her side. The child of Heracles picked a sandwich filled cheese and ham, with only slight hesitation (Y/n) began nibbling on the food. After a while all the sandwiches had been eaten by the pair. “I’m sorry for this morning (Y/n)” Reyna spoke sincerely, not wanting to hurt (Y/n) any more than she already did. “No. It was my fault. I was being selfish and wanted you to myself. I should have known that I couldn’t have the great Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano to myself. Especially since you’re Praetor.” Reyna scowled at the use of her full name but said nothing. The pair of demigods just stared across the never-ending, never-beginning ocean, peaceful silence enveloping them both. “You know this is usually the part where you say it isn’t my fault then we kiss and make up” (Y/n) said breaking the silence. Reyna had to bite her tongue hard to force her laughter down. Instead she appeared stoic and serious. “But it is your fault.” Reyna said bluntly, causing (Y/n)’s happiness to drop. “I am a Praetor of the twelfth legion. I oversee the daily routines of over hundreds of demigods, even more now thanks to you Greeks.” Reyna’s heart broke a little as (Y/n) curled into a sitting fetal position, Reyna saw tears threatening to spill from (Y/n)’s eyes. And so, she wrapped her significant other in a tight embrace. Resting her chin on the top of (Y/n)’s head. “However, you are still far more precious to me to leave you alone. Flos Pulcherrimus.” Below Reyna, (Y/n) sniffed a little. “What do you mean?” (Y/n) asked. “I mean… That I think Frank can allow me to sleep in a little later, so long as my baby’s happy” Reyna nuzzled (Y/n)’s neck making the younger demigod blush, (Y/n)’s mouth opened to speak but words quickly turned to moans as Reyna nipped her ear lobe. “Let us finish this in your cabin.” Reyna continued huskily. As Reyna thought back to that fateful day, she couldn’t help but smile. The thought of the huge make out session her and (Y/n) had shared that day was enough to make her extremely happy. So yes, Reyna hated mornings. But she loved them because the look in (Y/n)’s eyes when (Y/n) saw that Reyna was still here was greater than any gift the gods could ever give. Speaking of which, Reyna felt the body next to her shift its position. (Y/n) uncurled from a fetal position and laid their head against Reyna’s covered bosom. Reyna wrapped her toned arms possessively around (Y/n)’s shoulders, letting the sheets fall down into their laps. Reyna’s fingers danced through (Y/n)’s bed hair. (Y/n) could feel the softness of Reyna’s fingers causing their eyes to open slowly. “Good morning Flos Pulcherrimus.” Reyna greeted warmly. A smile graced (Y/n)’s lips, their eyes closing once more. “Good morning to you too αστέρι μου” Although Reyna was not fluent in Greek, (Y/n) and Annabeth had taught her more than enough to know the cute pet names (Y/n) called her. “You have your thinking face on… What were you thinking about?” (Y/n) asked rising from their lying position to sit next to Reyna, both their backs being supported by the wall of Cabin 61. Reyna smiled at the person she adored most. “Nothing kind one. Nothing at all.” She replied sweetly.
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freedomfighterposts · 7 years ago
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman X Female Reader.
Diana Prince couldn’t explain what had happened. And as she sat across from her girlfriend in their comfortable Pairs apartment, words seemed to fail her. Diana had come home late, or perhaps it was early, at around 4 O’clock in the morning from fighting crime during the night. (Y/n) (L/n), who looked ready to pass out from sleep deprivation was lying on the couch, an ice-pack to her face as she nursed a black eye. To Diana it seemed that someone had broken in to the apartment and assaulted her precious girl. Diana rushed to (Y/n) and scooped her smaller body in her arms.
“My love, what happened?” Diana asked urgently, (Y/n) offered the dark-haired goddess a tired smile. (Y/n) was now lying in Diana’s protective embrace, her head cushioned against the taller woman’s chest.
“A small scuffle at work my dear, nothing to worry about” Diana knew immediately that the woman in her arms, the one she loved above all others, was lying. Diana’s eyes scrutinized (Y/n). No curve, lump, imperfection or perfection went unnoticed by Diana. While Wonder Woman had thought she would never love another after Steve, Diana had found that her heart belonged to (Y/N). Diana knew she would do anything to keep the woman in her arms safe from any danger. She had repeatedly asked herself if she should reveal her identity as Wonder Woman to (Y/n). Diana didn’t want to have any secrets in their relationship. But Diana knew (Y/n) wasn’t telling the truth.
While it was entirely possible that (Y/n) had received her black eye at work. After all, (Y/n) was a prized drink maker and desirable woman who worked at local bar. A bar that, while having a strict no violence rule, welcomed all types from straight white picket fence Americans to transgender gay exotic clubbers. But Diana knew, she knew that (Y/n) had gotten her injury from somewhere else. Diana brushed the loose strands of hair away from (Y/n)’s face and gently took the ice-pack from her hands revealing the nasty bruise. Angry purple surrounded (Y/n)’s normally beautiful eye like a moat around a castle. A frown crossed over (Y/n)’s mouth as she looked down, avoiding the worried gaze of Diana.
“Please tell the truth little one, you are too precious to me” (Y/n) almost cried at Diana’s words. On the outside (Y/n) had constructed walls. Thick, tall walls that kept anyone from knowing that inside the cold, cocky exterior, there was a shy, innocent girl who wanted nothing but love. And Diana had plenty of love to give. But (Y/n) knew that Diana would hate her if she knew her secret.
“It’s nothing Dee” (Y/n) spoke softly, using pet names. “What happened to you?” Diana was confused at these words, she looked down at herself and realized with a sigh that her arms and shoulders were littered with cuts, some of which were still bleeding. Diana had been too focused on (Y/n) to remember that she had just come back from a fight as Wonder Woman and not treated her wounds.
“A stray cat” Diana winced at her words, even she was appalled at how hard lying to (Y/n) was. Diana expected (Y/n) to yell or shout about how she was sick of being lied to, after all Diana constantly lied to her about her whereabouts during her time as Wonder Woman. What she hadn’t been expecting was (Y/n) to laugh.
Her pleasant giggling stunned Diana. Giggling that soon turned into boisterous laughter that was so contagious that Diana couldn’t not join in. The pair seemed to forget the conversation at hand, simply content with just enjoying each other. When infectious laughter was finally contained, the two women laid on their couch in their shared apartment in silence. Diana twirled strands of (Y/n)’s smooth and soft hair between her finger tips, intoxicated by the strawberry smell. (Y/n) was relaxing at Diana’s touch, as though she was in the embrace of her warm bath. Diana’s free hand was clasped with one of (Y/n)’s her thumb rubbing circles on the back of her calloused hand. Despite working in a bar, where the smell of booze and cigar smoke hung in the air, (Y/n) always managed to smell of strawberries and lavender. Soft humming drifted from (Y/n)’s mouth while Diana’s seemed to slowly shut, fighting the urge to sleep.
“When will we stop lying to each other?” (Y/n)’s words were almost too soft for Diana to hear, but Diana heard her nonetheless.
“What do you mean my love?” Diana’s question was followed by (Y/n) turning in Diana’s embrace so that the women were now face-to-face.
“You have a secret, I have a secret. And we’re lying to each other about them.” (Y/n)’s simple explanation seemed to scare Diana, as if an icy hand had gripped her heart.
“I would love to share all my secrets with you, but I am frightened of what might happen to you if you knew who I really am.” Again, Diana was surprised to see that (Y/n) giggled at her response, her head now nuzzled in the crook of Diana’s neck, leaving pixy kisses, small and sweet.
“I. Could say. The. Same. Thing.” Replied (Y/n) her words interrupted by her kisses. “I was afraid you would hate me” Those words were like a knife to the heart for Diana. To even think that (Y/n) had been worried about Diana hating her, Diana felt useless.
Sitting up Diana cupped (Y/n)’s face with her soft hands. Both women had teary eyes, threatening to spill over and run rampant rivers across their faces. “I could. Never, ever hate you. You mean far too much to me.” Diana’s words were the breaking point for (Y/n). Her arms flailed around Diana’s hips as she sobbed helplessly into Diana’s neck. Diana too was crying now, tears running from her eyes to the top of (Y/n)’s head where Diana rested her chin.
“I don’t deserve you” Diana heard her significant other mumble against her neck. Diana’s arms moved on their own, rubbing comfortably over (Y/n)’s back, holding (Y/n) tightly to Diana’s own body.
“We deserve each other” Diana stated strongly, not taking no for an answer.
Time seemed irrelevant to the pair of females, who were simply content to dry each other’s tears. Soon however, the original point of conversation must be addressed. (Y/n) sat up in Diana’s lap, lips so close together Diana could simply pucker her lips to start a kiss. “I think” started (Y/n), whose lips were now curled into a smile “That you should share your secret first.” Diana looked flabbergasted at the woman in her arms.
“And why is that little one?” was Diana’s response. (Y/n)’s smile grew as she looked at Diana, like a spider watching a fly struggle in its web.
“Because, your lie was obviously the worst” Diana had to admit that (Y/n) had her there and with a blush Diana leant upwards and captured (Y/n)’s lips with her own, relishing in the sweet taste of apricot.
“Very well.” Diana said as she pulled away reluctantly “I… Am Wonder Woman.” (Y/n) looked stunned for a total of seven seconds before she clambered off Diana’s lap. Diana took this to mean that (Y/n) was afraid of her but her mind quickly changed when (Y/n) started laughing.
“N-no way!” She laughed, clutching her sides as she fell onto an empty seat on the couch.
“It’s true my love” replied Diana
“Prove it” Diana took this challenge to heart and stood up. (Y/n) watched as Diana started to slowly turn on the spot before she picked up speed and began twirling so fast that she was a blur. When Diana finally stopped, (Y/n) saw her red, blue and gold costume with a sword and golden lasso at her hips and a shield on her back. Diana posed with her fists on her hips, looking smugly at (Y/n)’s mystified expression.
“Believe me now, sweetheart?” Wonder Woman asked, all (Y/n) could do was nod. Not trusting herself to speak as her eyes trailed the tightly hugged breasts in her girlfriend’s uniform. “As for my injuries” Diana continued “Well, I guess that’s more a story to sit and listen too” Wonder Woman moved back to the couch, her heels clicking against the wooden floor of the apartment as she sat down and rubbed her bare lap for (Y/n) to crawl into to. When (Y/n) had found a comfortable position and had finished gushing over the atheistic of Wonder Woman’s armour Diana started her story.
“It was meant to be a routine mission” Diana started as she leaned behind her and reached for the kitchen table where a wine bottle and two glasses were seated. Diana managed to grab them and poured herself and her lover a glass each, the intoxicating red liquid swirling in its new glass confines. “There was a robbery at Pierre’s Bakery, you know the one next to your favorite Italian place?” Diana stopped to let (Y/n) picture the scene and continued when she nodded. “Apparently Pierre called about two robbers but when I arrived, I found something… Disturbing.”
Wonder Woman flew down from the roof top where she had watched the scene unfold. Two men of slightly above average height were speeding away in a small green Mini-Cooper. The cobbled street beneath her feet felt unfamiliar as Diana started running after the car. But before she the heroine could take more than a few steps something horrible slammed into the car, sending it flying into an alley. Horror struck, Wonder Woman found it impossible to move as what could only be described as hell on earth stalked towards the car.
It looked human, feminine at that! But even at a distance Wonder Woman could tell something was horribly wrong. As Diana approached she could make out what it was. While the figure was definitely humanoid, it seemed almost alien. The figure was at least six feet tall, with hair done in a pony tail, but that was the extent of its normality’s. Its body seemed to be covered in constantly moving strands of red and black, like snakes on steroids. Its eyes seemed to be the only stationary part of the thing’s body. Even the hair it had, despite it being in a pony tail, were constantly moving like each strand was in its own tank of water. Diana watched in strange fascination as the figure leapt across the street and landed on the side of a building, somehow defying gravity. It crawled across the brick structure like a spider, its steps silent. The two robbers came stumbling out of the alley way, both wearing ski masks and one heaving a back pack over his shoulder.
“Qu'est-ce qui vient de se passer?” asked the first one, his French perfectly pronounced. The second, obviously was foreign as he responded in English.
“Dunno” he slurred, “But whatever it was, we need to –.” No one will know what he was going to say, because Diana saw the figure leap from its perch and pounce onto the man, her fingers seemed to elongate into claws. The man screamed in pain as red and black claws pierced his jaw but was soon cut off by a second set of claws slamming into his neck. The man fell lifeless to the cold, cobblestones. The other man yelled in shock as his friend died before him.
“Que diable?” he yelled as he pulled his M1911 from his waistband, with shaky hands he pointed the gun at the figure and Diana saw eight bright flashes as the man shot all the bullets in his gun at the figure. Only to find that the beast seemed to absorb the blasts and the eight bullets fell to the floor. This seemed to amuse the creature as it stepped forward ready to kill once more. But not on Wonder Woman’s watch.
With reflexes as fast as Artemis’ arrow, Wonder Woman flung her golden lasso of Hestia. The thing raised its arm to strike, tendrils of black and red sharpening into spikes. But as the robber fell to the floor cowering in fear against the wall, he never felt the pain come. His eyes opened slowly, not wanting to see the demonic creature that had killed his friend. His prayers were not answered. Two, large, white eyes were staring directly into the robber’s eyes. He yelled out in fear, mumbling in French for the creature to spare him, but again felt no pain. When his eyes opened again he saw Wonder Woman, restraining the thing that was intent on killing him with her lasso around its waist.
“Run, now!” the robber heard Wonder Woman yell. He knew enough English to realize what it meant and began scrambling to his feet and running away, too scared to pick up the bag of cash.
The creature turned its head to look at Wonder Woman and the Justice League member grimaced when the body didn’t follow the head. The creature had swiveled its head one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, acting like an owl.
“I am Wonder Woman, Daughter of Zeus, Princess of Themysci-.“ Wonder Woman didn’t get a chance to finish, the creature leapt into the air in a surprising display of acrobatics. Landing just a few feet from Wonder Woman. Somehow during its ‘flight’ the creature had managed to wiggle out of the Golden Lasso. Now it stood, unhindered in front of Diana. However, neither attacked the other. Instead Diana watched in a mixture of mistrust and confusion as the creature held out its hand, palm down. Diana stretched out her hand to hesitantly shake it only to be thrown back as something shot out of the creature’s hand. When Diana opened her eyes, she saw she was in the middle of a red and black spider’s web that was attached to the sides of the buildings that made the alley way.
Diana flexed her arms, using her godly strength to try and pry herself from the webs. Only to find that she was stuck completely. Diana’s eyes frantically scanned the alley trying to pinpoint where the creature went, but the alley was empty saved for an overturned Mini Cooper and a few trash bins. Suddenly, Diana felt something step onto the web above her, Diana strained her neck to see that the beast was crawling towards her.
“What, what are you!” Diana shouted, for the first time, showing fear for herself. She had expected the creature to speak, what she didn’t expect was how it spoke. The lower half of its face broke apart into tendrils. They split apart to reveal gleaming black teeth as long as a baby’s arm, but then more tendrils split apart to reveal a second jaw filled with even more teeth. Diana watched in horror as twin tongues slipped from each mouth and dragged across Wonder Woman’s face like slugs. When the wet, tendrilled muscles retreated the creature spoke.
“We. Are. Carnage!” its voice sounded definitely feminine, but also like three voices speaking from one, or in this case two, mouths. Diana barely had time to register this before two tendrils wrapped around her wrists and flung her with such force that she broke through a shop’s glass window display, the shards cutting into her skin.
Diana stood groggily. Her knees weak underneath her, but with a shake of her head Diana drew her sword and shield. Diana heard Carnage’s battle cry, a symphony of screams that died down into little clicking noises that put Diana on edge. The Daughter of Zeus stepped out of the shop, her defenses up as Carnage was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it was instinct or years of battles but Diana suddenly rolled to the side and noticed that Carnage had pounced at where she stood only a moment ago. Carnage rolled on the ground before standing on all fours, ready to pounce again. Diana readied her sword, covering the majority of her face behind her shield. The pair stood unmoving, staring down each other in silent challenge. Diana made the first move. With blinding speed that would have made Hermes jealous, Dian leapt towards Cranage, her sword ready to strike. Carnage charged Diana, spikes and tendrils crossing over its body but Diana was an expert fighter. She dodged under the deadly, serrated spikes and blocked the hammer like hand that had almost crushed her head. And to end her advance, Diana threw her shield like a discuss, hitting Carnage in the face, the sound it made echoed across the street and Diana saw Carnage double over in pain. The tendrils over its face seemed to retreat ever so slight across its eyes. Diana seized her chance, she rushed forward once more and delivered a swift yet powerful godly kick to Carnage’s eye sending it flying across the street. When Carnage found the strength to stand, Diana was shocked to see that it looked fine. Its tendrils already repairing themselves. It stood and hissed at Diana, showcasing its slimy tongues once again. Carnage placed its hands to the ground and Diana felt it shift beneath her. Suddenly Diana was flung back as two huge columns of red and black erupted from the ground, overturning the cobbles stones. When Diana recovered, Carnage was nowhere to be seen. She huffed to herself before retrieving her weapons and returning home.
Diana smiled as she finished her story, she had expected (Y/n) to praise her like Clark or Barry would when she told them stories. Instead you seemed shaken, disturbed as if you had seen a ghost.
“My love, did I say something wrong?” she asked (Y/n). The bartender looked into her girlfriend’s eyes and Diana was shocked to see fresh tears in (Y/n)’s eyes.
“I am… Carnage” (Y/n)’s voice was barely above a whisper, but Diana heard it.
“You… You’re Carnage?” Diana’s words were enough to break (Y/n), Diana was too shocked to stop (Y/n) from scrambling out of her lap.
“I’ll. Go pack my things” (Y/n)’s voice was trembling and broken. And Diana remembered why she had fallen in love with her. Hastily, Diana lunged for (Y/n) who was walking towards the bedroom, Diana managed to grab onto (Y/n)’s wrist.
“And why would you do that?” asked Diana
“Because you hate me, now that you know what I… We are” tears now streamed down the Anti-Hero’s face. Diana did the only thing she knew that would make her feel better. She wrapped (Y/n) in a hug.
It was a few hours before (Y/n) cried herself to sleep in Diana’s arms. But Diana had done nothing but whisper sweet nothings into her ear. She had whispered how she still loved her no matter what and that they would talk about the next day. After (Y/n) had fallen asleep, Diana had laid her in their shared bed, bringing the sheets up to (Y/n)’s neck to make sure she was warm. When Diana was sure that her girlfriend was safe and warm, she made two phone calls, one to the Louvre and to the local bar and requested the next two days off from each which were happily given. Setting her phone on the counter, Diana began taking her armour off, noticing with glee that her cuts had clotted and weren’t likely to dampen the bed with blood. After she was left in only her undergarments, Diana crawled under the sheets and laid next to (Y/n). Pulling the other woman next to her own body so that the pair were spooning, Diana smiled as she felt (Y/n)’s breathing even out. Diana’s eyes closed as she drifted into sleep, the first rays of dawn unable to penetrate the black blinds of the bedroom.
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