34 posts
You will make...a fantastic feast. [in-sin-ser-i-tee] nounthe quality of being insincere; lack of sincerity; hypocrisy; deceitfulness.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fxustus · 11 years ago
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{ ☸ } —-
"Spiders are arachnids. Not insects. Breath-taking arthropods with a clean and clever manner of hunting. Not only do spiders create wonderful webs, but they assist with ridding the world of pests. On average, one spider eats about 5,475 mosquitoes a year. And the appearance of spiders is much greater than that of those black, flying rats. Felines, eh? I am more partial to a simple canary."
     Why he's telling Sebastian this, he isn't entirely sure.
❝ —Spiders, as most insects, are meant to be crushed. There’s nothing admirable nor elegant such a lowly form. Skittering, always desperately weaving cobwebs in their attempts to dine and survive. The raven is not only highly intelligent, but a special kind of majestic. However if we are to speak honestly of preferred creatures, I must say that I find myself even more partial to felines. ❞ 
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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{{--It's time for me to sleep. I know I wasn't on that much today, but I was preoccupied. I shall be on Claude right after work tomorrow. Everyone stay safe. Night-night.
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fxustus · 11 years ago
Pluto sat outside the Manor, crouched down on his hands and feet like he always was when he wasn't a hound. He kept whining and raking his clothes against the door. It was going to rain soon. He hated being outside when it rained.
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{ ☸ } —-
Claude was making his rounds of the estate before seeing the young master off to bed--for the child always proclaimed for that despite that he was nearing his sixteenth birthday. How troublesome.  But Claude would never let his master know that it was a nuisance to him. It simply worked better for him to have no reactions at all.
And that's when he heard it.
As soon as the pitiful whining met his demon ears, the butler was prepared. He quickly made his way to the door, hoping that it would not be a late guest. But he knew that wouldn't exactly be the case. A thin hand grasped the door handle and turned it, pulling the door open to expose the sorry mess of...whatever...it was--he was too concerned with other duties to really pay attention to what this person/thing was. Like, getting it away.
"Excuse me...whining sir, you are going to irk my master. Please quiet yourself."
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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{ ☸ } —-
"No. Because I despise them. Their wretched wings, those gleaming, hungry eyes and that accursed caw... Now a spider... that is something I can appreciate. Thin, spindly, and elegant legs that spin an intricate maze with their own brand of silk. Truly a gift from the gods."
❝ —Such cruel and unwitting judgement of such a dark and elegant creature. Certainly you mean to refer to another?
One debased to your low standards?  ❞
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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{ ☸ } —-
"I'm not one to complain, but what truly gets my goat are those filthy ravens. Disgusting creatures. Not even worthy of consumption. We should just  eradicate the world of those pests."
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fxustus · 11 years ago
Send me "Ruffle" For my muses reaction to your muse randomly coming up and running their fingers through mines hair.
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fxustus · 11 years ago
They’re gonna clean up your looks With all the lies in the books To make a citizen out of you
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fxustus · 11 years ago
dark starter sentences
some yandere, some angst, some rivalry, but no happy stuff on this list
"You actually thought i cared about you?"
"I wonder how loudly i can make you scream in agony?"
"You're a monster!"
"It would be a shame if i had to damage that pretty face of yours."
"You're all mine now."
"How could you do this to me!?"
"I trusted you!"
"Is that supposed to scare me?"
"Put the knife down."
"You're scaring me..."
"You look so sexy when you're all bloodied and bruised like that~"
"I wonder how many volts it would take to kill you?"
"Why are you pointing that gun at me?"
"Let me go!"
"You're so cute when you struggle like that~"
"Your blood smells wonderful."
"Who did this to you?"
"You're in my way."
"I thought you were dead!"
"Help me!"
"Long live the king."
"What did they do to you?"
"What have you done?"
"Maybe i should carve a pretty picture in your flesh?"
"Don't worry, I won't do anything fatal, I just need some information."
"I don't care what you do to me, I'll never tell you!"
"Stop it, your hurting me!"
"They'll kill you!"
"I hate you."
"The only reason I chained you up is to show you how much I love you!"
"If you keep struggling like that I'll have to punish you~"
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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{ ☸ } —
Claudes' first impression: He's an idiot. Whether  this visitor is an idiot or not isn't something that is very important at this moment. Well...not  entirely. 
                                        "The Suoh residence?                                           Your home must also                                          hold an immense                                           amount of regal quality                                          if you mistook the Trancy                                          estate for your home,                                          sir."
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                                                -[キング]-  ” I apologize, sir. For I have                                  walked into the wrong mansion.                                  You see, I am looking for the Suoh                                  family residence. “
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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"Well, young sir, you happen to be in the foyer of the Trancy abode. But I suppose that does not provide you with any useful information. Unless you have business with the young Earl and you are meant to be here."
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"… The second one. The answer is the second one. I have no idea where I am."
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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{ ☸ } —-
"My Master does not need a new maid. And, truly, it would be safer for you if you simply accepted that."
                                      But, it was rude to turn                                      away visitors. And either                                      Alois would be angry with                                      Claude for letting her in                                      or be angry for letting a                                      new guest go away. It                                      depended on his mood.                                      At least that's what Claude                                      thought. And if she wasn't                                      interesting enough, the young                                      Earl may hurt her. Again,                                      depending on his mood.                                      Claude was not really up                                      for scrubbing blood out of                                      the carpet any time soon.                                      He had more important                                      things to do.
"Would you like to explore the house of this...voodoo man, Miss?"
                                    He's teasing her. But his                                     voice is so unwavering in                                    monotone that no one can                                    really tell. There's a part of                                    him that is serious. A small                                    part. A very, very small part.
"....A deal with the devil , you say? Madame,  what if I were to say  that could easily be  arranged?"
                                   Claude leans a tad closer                                    to the other, eyes gleaming                                   with a sort of mischief that                                   any sane person would not                                   trust if their life depended on it.
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{{❤}} —
           The girl,            softly chuckled.
                         ”I’m probably                                       wasting your time right.                           I should just try to become a public dancer,                                         & hope someone might notice me.”
            A stressful sigh,             escaped from her lips,             as her eyes locked up into the mans.             Such an interesting colour.
                        "I will say something..                                           This place,                         gives me bad vibes.                                              I guess,                             the voodoo man,                            lives around here.”
        She mocked,          as she laughed at her own jokes.
                      “I’m sorry, that was rude.                                      I really am sorry,                            for wasting your time,                                           sometimes…              It’s like I want to make a deal                                        with the devil,             & make all my worries go away.                                                Silly, right!” 
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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fxustus · 11 years ago
"Not particularly, your highness."
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It was amusing to see the other try so hard. But it was also really fucking obnoxious. Claude truly couldn't wait till their contract was fulfilled. Oh, what a hell of a feast that boy was going to make. It was enough to almost have Claude salivating. But, of course, he's stone faced, eyes watching the young earl with unwavering lack of emotion. 
"Why do you wish for me to play along? Are you going to punish me for not playing along, your highness?"
He's almost mocking the other. But it's stated in this calm manner that makes it sound like a simple inquiry. He's just rather curious as to what Alois' reaction is going to be.
"What if I am? Would that really piss you off?"
Another loud laugh escaped the boy, though the gleeful sound died down just as quickly as it first came. Claude wasn’t showing any reaction, as per usual, and it only proved to agitate the younger. Bottom lip jutting out in a pout, Alois crossed his arms and walked over to the composed butler and looked up at him expectantly.
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"You’re never any fun. Why won’t you play along for once?"
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fxustus · 11 years ago
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