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freedomfighterposts · 7 years ago
Mornings. Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano x Genderless Reader.
Reyna had long ago found that she had a love/hate relationship with mornings. She hated them because it meant that she was forced out of bed to do menial tasks like; allow extra toilet paper for cohort three or break up a fight between a legionnaire and a Huntress of Artemis/Diana. However, Reyna had grown accustomed to forcing herself out of bed for these tasks. She simply loathed this part of the morning, however she hated with a passion the other aspect of the morning. It meant having to leave her precious baby. Yes, the great, unemotional Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano had fallen for someone. At first the Roman Praetor had been worried about falling for the dangerous game of love again. But after eleven months of peace, adoration and a surprising amount of surprise kisses, Reyna decided that she had made the right choice. Reyna’s deep seeded hate for mornings appeared one morning as she woke up. Reyna’s eyes fluttered open slowly, a light yawn escaping her plump lips as he legs stretched down to the foot of the bed. The gilded purple covers of her bed felt soft and warm at Reyna’s touch. In this moment, everything was perfect. Birds chirped outside in the warm summer breeze of July. A cloudless sky gave way for Apollo’s sun chariot to spread its rays to the mortal world below. Reyna’s body was warm and lazy, despite her usually ever-present professional exterior, Reyna was often a big teddy bear behind closed doors. A lazy smile formed on the Praetor’s face as she felt someone shuffling beside her. Yes, it had been the first night where Reyna and (Y/n) had decided to sleep together. But the pair wholeheartedly agreed to not perform any extremely intimate acts. The most the two did was kiss… a lot. Reyna felt as if she was addicted to (Y/n)’s kisses. Their full lips felt naturally soft against Reyna’s. Reyna had once tried to slip her tongue inside (Y/n)’s mouth, however this resulted in the Daughter of Bellona receiving the silent treatment for the rest of the week. Reyna didn’t hold it against the child of Hercules though. (Y/n)’s body curled into a fetal position, trying to stay as warm as possible. (Y/n)’s back was pressed against Reyna’s side in an attempt to draw heat from her. Reyna’s smile turned from lazy, into one of adoration as her eyes lingered on (Y/n)’s form. (Y/n) had worm a pair of pajama bottoms with a theme of Lion King. The pair had gotten quite a laugh out of that. (Y/n) also wore a pajama shirt of just plain silver. Reyna however, was more outgoing and comfortable with their relationship. True she had felt guarded and against it at first, but the child of the God of Strength had worn her down. Due to this, Reyna simply wore her undergarments to bed, much to the embarrassment of (Y/n) who wouldn’t stop blushing. But now, in the morning, Reyna wanted nothing more than to simply lay here with (Y/n). However, there were still things that needed to be done. Especially after Gaea’s attack on the camps. Even several months after the seven Heroes of Olympus had defeated the Earth Mother, things were not back to normal. Jason’s incessant badgering for new temples gave Reyna more migraines than Octavian. Usually, Reyna slept next to the edge of the bed so she could quiet literally, roll out of bed in the morning. But she had wanted to be next to (Y/n), and now she was in the middle of the large, king sized bed. (Y/n) turned around, still sleeping. (Y/n) wrapped their arms around Reyna’s waist, a smile tugging at their lips as (Y/n) laid their head against Reyna’s exposed back. Reyna allowed herself a small smile, she bent down and kissed (Y/n)’s forehead gingerly before flinging the covers off herself and stepping from the bed. What Reyna did not prepare for, was (Y/n) waking up. “Reyna?” (Y/n) mumbled sleepily, rubbing their eyes lazily. (Y/n) had felt the disturbance from Reyna flinging the blankets away. “Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Reyna’s soft, melodic voice made (Y/n) feel warm inside. (Y/n) reached out with a hand and clasped Reyna’s hand. “Don’t leave me” (Y/n) whined dramatically. Reyna bubbled out a laugh but silenced herself quickly. “I can’t stay my Flos Pulcherrimus. I have work” Reyna’s heart shattered into a trillion pieces when she saw the tears forming in (Y/n)’s eyes as a pout wobbled on her face. (Y/n) sniffed, trying to keep the tears in. “Fine” (Y/n) spoke, not daring to say more. (Y/n) rolled over so that Reyna was facing (Y/n)’s back. “Flos Pulcherrimus. Don’t be like that” Reyna spoke softly, worried that if she spoke any louder (Y/n) would disappear before her eyes. “Sadness doesn’t look good on you.” But (Y/n) still refused to meet Reyna’s face. Guilt and sadness hit Reyna like one of Jason’s lightning bolts. The pain of making (Y/n) so sad was worse than anything Reyna had felt before. She would gladly face against Orion again if it meant that (Y/n) would be happy. However, Reyna is a duty first love life second kind of girl, so with a bitter sweet kiss to (Y/n)’s cheek, Reyna left the cabin she and (Y/n) shared while at Camp Half-Blood. The Heracles cabin at Camp Half-Blood wasn’t the most loved cabin nor was it the most looked after. Most if not all Demi-gods detested the God of Strength. Even (Y/n), who was normally the sweetest and nicest person around, didn’t like the immortal son of Zeus. Its foundations had been made haphazardly and it was only at the command of Chiron that the children of Vulcan and Hephaestus began reworking the cabin so that (Y/n) wouldn’t nearly be killed by a falling beam in their sleep. Reyna knew what Heracles had done that really ticked (Y/n) off. Usually, the gods and goddesses claimed their children on their thirteenth birthday with a holographic projection of their symbols above the child’s head. Grover had brought (Y/n) to camp when they were fifteen years old and it took the anger of Perseus Jackson and several other key Demi-Gods to finally find out who (Y/n)’s father was. Unfortunately, no one was exactly happy. Especially after (Y/n) learnt from Percy and Annabeth about what Heracles had done to Zoe Nightshade. The temple of Hercules at New Rome also remained deserted. It reminded Reyna of the Neptune temple before Percy had been made Praetor. Old, moldy fruits and nuts sat at the pedestal, cobwebs covered all the corners and pieces of stone crumbled from the lack of attention. Reyna knew it was a sore subject to talk about Heracles in front of (Y/n) so she stayed far away from the subject. Whenever someone talked about how Hercules did something bad, (Y/n) would do nothing to defend him. What Reyna did not know, was that as she left (Y/n) alone in bed that morning Reyna would be in some deep trouble for a long time. Reyna walked into the mess hall at exactly twelve O’clock. After a morning full of paperwork and boring talks with architects and even a talk with Chiron regarding the Mars/Ares inter cabin competition. So, when it was time for lunch. Reyna was more than happy to eat something with (Y/n). However, when Reyna walked over to (Y/n)’s usual spot she found no child of Heracles in sight. Confusion crossed over Reyna’s face as she sat with her friends, the Heroes of Olympus. “Yo, Reyna what’s cracka lacking?” Leo asked cheerfully, Reyna didn’t acknowledge the son of Hephaestus’ childish remark. “Have any of you seen (Y/n) recently?” Reyna as the plate before her filled with sandwiches. “Not that I can think of” Offered Annabeth from beside Percy and Piper. “Oh, I saw (Y/n) at the archery range this morning” Offered Frank. This made sense to the daughter of Bellona, because (Y/n) hated using the naturally inhuman strength gifted by Hercules. Instead (Y/n) favoured the bow, which Reyna knew she disliked because even Jason Grace had been impressed by the way (Y/n) had used an imperial gold combat axe. “Yeah, although (Y/n) did seem really upset. And that’s putting it mildly.” Piper added “Yeah, they just left me hanging this morning.” Percy mumbled as he ate a double decker blue pizza. “Yeah but we all know how… delicate… (Y/n) can be” Hazel defended and her words got Reyna thinking. “Delicate… Oh, by the gods.” Reyna cursed herself silently as she stood, taking her plate of sandwiches with her. “You’ll have to excuse me. I must fix a mistake” With that, Reyna sped walked out of the Mess hall. The Praetor of the Twelfth Legion briskly walked through the newly formed Greek/Roman camp. She passed hundreds of Demi-Gods as she made her way to the beach. Reyna knew that (Y/n) simply adored the ocean. Apparently, (Y/n)’s mother was an open water swimming coach and so (Y/n) and their mortal family often went swimming in the ocean. Reyna’s eyes scanned the golden beach carefully, waves crashed gently across the shore. A evergreen tree grew at the edge of the beach, where grass turned to sand, its branches stretching over the waves. Hidden below the branches, Reyna saw the hunched over form of (Y/n) (L/n). Reyna felt the sand shift beneath her feet as she discarded her sandals. The soft, foaming waves caressed Reyna’s toes as she sat down next to (Y/n). The pair sat in silence, Reyna simply content with being next to (Y/n). “I thought you had work to do” Reyna heard (Y/n) mumble beside her. In response, Reyna scooted closer to the child of Heracles. “I did, I still do. But, I noticed you weren’t at lunch so I brought you some food” (Y/n) looked down at the plate of sandwiches nestled in the sand at her side. The child of Heracles picked a sandwich filled cheese and ham, with only slight hesitation (Y/n) began nibbling on the food. After a while all the sandwiches had been eaten by the pair. “I’m sorry for this morning (Y/n)” Reyna spoke sincerely, not wanting to hurt (Y/n) any more than she already did. “No. It was my fault. I was being selfish and wanted you to myself. I should have known that I couldn’t have the great Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano to myself. Especially since you’re Praetor.” Reyna scowled at the use of her full name but said nothing. The pair of demigods just stared across the never-ending, never-beginning ocean, peaceful silence enveloping them both. “You know this is usually the part where you say it isn’t my fault then we kiss and make up” (Y/n) said breaking the silence. Reyna had to bite her tongue hard to force her laughter down. Instead she appeared stoic and serious. “But it is your fault.” Reyna said bluntly, causing (Y/n)’s happiness to drop. “I am a Praetor of the twelfth legion. I oversee the daily routines of over hundreds of demigods, even more now thanks to you Greeks.” Reyna’s heart broke a little as (Y/n) curled into a sitting fetal position, Reyna saw tears threatening to spill from (Y/n)’s eyes. And so, she wrapped her significant other in a tight embrace. Resting her chin on the top of (Y/n)’s head. “However, you are still far more precious to me to leave you alone. Flos Pulcherrimus.” Below Reyna, (Y/n) sniffed a little. “What do you mean?” (Y/n) asked. “I mean… That I think Frank can allow me to sleep in a little later, so long as my baby’s happy” Reyna nuzzled (Y/n)’s neck making the younger demigod blush, (Y/n)’s mouth opened to speak but words quickly turned to moans as Reyna nipped her ear lobe. “Let us finish this in your cabin.” Reyna continued huskily. As Reyna thought back to that fateful day, she couldn’t help but smile. The thought of the huge make out session her and (Y/n) had shared that day was enough to make her extremely happy. So yes, Reyna hated mornings. But she loved them because the look in (Y/n)’s eyes when (Y/n) saw that Reyna was still here was greater than any gift the gods could ever give. Speaking of which, Reyna felt the body next to her shift its position. (Y/n) uncurled from a fetal position and laid their head against Reyna’s covered bosom. Reyna wrapped her toned arms possessively around (Y/n)’s shoulders, letting the sheets fall down into their laps. Reyna’s fingers danced through (Y/n)’s bed hair. (Y/n) could feel the softness of Reyna’s fingers causing their eyes to open slowly. “Good morning Flos Pulcherrimus.” Reyna greeted warmly. A smile graced (Y/n)’s lips, their eyes closing once more. “Good morning to you too αστέρι μου” Although Reyna was not fluent in Greek, (Y/n) and Annabeth had taught her more than enough to know the cute pet names (Y/n) called her. “You have your thinking face on… What were you thinking about?” (Y/n) asked rising from their lying position to sit next to Reyna, both their backs being supported by the wall of Cabin 61. Reyna smiled at the person she adored most. “Nothing kind one. Nothing at all.” She replied sweetly.
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tangyyyy · 5 years ago
Oh you lovely @tumblingdownthehills...
Yeah, I hate you and... kinda love you at the same time, It's been a long long time I haden't been tagged, thanks ma chère !!  My url is easier than @juuuunaaaaoooo 's one though... Héhé...
Tic Tic Tac – Carrapicho (Je donne dans la bonne musique ce matin, j'annonce ! En vrai... J'adore cette chanson, elle me donne tellement la pêche... « Donner la pêche »... L’expression de darons...)
Ain't Got No, I Got Life - Nina Simone (I love this song sooo much... Je l'avais depuis un bon moment sortit de ma playlist but thanks to the wonderful @flying-elliska and her géniale fic, depuis cet été, je me la réécoute au moins tous les deux jours, like a good medecine against bad thoughts.)
Normal – Eddy de Pretto (Because a music tag without Eddy de Pretto isn't a real tag...)
Good morning Starshine – Hair (the ost) (Dancing on this song is a great great great way to wake up...)
Ya rayeh - Rachid Taha (Indeed!)
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch) – Bruce Springsteen (Good old rock'n'roll, I love that man...)
Y'a d'la joie – Charles Trenet (Yeah... Fic writing purpose... I'm currently listening a lot of french songs of 30's/40's and honnetly... Charles Trenet is the Boss...)
Youssef – Mon côté Punk (Oh my... So many High School Vibes...)
PS : I tag... Oh my... I don’t know... Oh I know ! I’ll take the 5 worst url of my followers... Mouahah... I’m a b*tch... (No, I won’t tag @children-with-the-cheap-cocaine ‘cause I know she already done it and I admire her for that...)
Sooo... The people I tag : @aleclight-ofmylife-wood (many different letters ! Interesting !), @reynaavilaramirez-arellano (I think we never talked before but I already love your playlist...), @wigglywerewolfdontbeaswearwolf (Oh my...), @wearesomuchmorethanspacedust (YOU choose your url, I didn’t...) & @zahirahlovesjaejoongandsato-blog (Oh yeah...). HAVE FUN GUYS !! (yeah, we don’t know each others but take this as a gift from me to you...)
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ask-realrosetyler · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
@reynaavilaramirez-arellano @ilovebtrand1d @well-itsbeenfun @bonifacechimet @cutecats14 @miniaturegoopsaladdragon @yolololrofllmaolfao @-im-fantastic- @little-bird-of-wisdom-2215 @thepainsofar @hybba @whenyouaretoofangirltofunction @jimbojoe14 @blacklation @dorianqueerofthedamnsass @countrygal17a @zombiewerewolfqueen @createghettoart @kaitiez464-blog @mybloodyrosered @finca-lotr @criyere @19agbrown @mel-ithilethiel @supernaturally-yours97 @aurorandsprite @scarlettdetective221b @andherestomytaylor @watercolor31 @cyrus-ghsnjwjjsj 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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krzdragon · 5 years ago
@lyssaisprobablynotaloser can't believe I'm actually doing this
Nickname: K, KK, Lizzie (Dont Fuxking call me that)
Gender: Female (sometimes wondering if being male would be easier)
Astrology: Cancer (I am cancer....in more ways than one)
Sexuality: bi-romantic asexual (a nice purple dragon...that's me)
Hogwarts House: (don't care much for HP) but I'm a Hufflepuff who's more vindictive then my Slytherin sister
Or because I'm not much a HP fan/Godly Parent & Camp?: Camp Jupiter, legacy of Apollo
Favorite Animal: Dragon duh
Number of blankets:......four, one comforter, one snuggy under the comforter, one throw over the comforter, and one crochet to add weight on top.....I don't like the cold 🥶
Where am I From?: sadly I'm an Okie, I think my dad regrets it sometimes
Dream Trip: lots of places, everywhere, preferably somewhere warm in the spring or summer. I just want to travel
When did I start this account: uh, sometimes in the late summer or early fall of 2016
Not gonna tag all 20 cause I don't want to hunt down the accounts of 20 followers but here's a few @mjrtaurus @mmarmybear @xqueenyleach @sailoreuterpe @nightshojo @elian-the-alien @quiequietspace @reynaavilaramirez-arellano @alice-wieckowska-art @use-to-be-a-dam-tree
20 followers tag
Tagged by @yuiaka !!<3
Rules: Tag 20 followers who you want to know better
Nickname(s): Chi, Jan, uhhhh bun
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Sexuality: I don’t know eee
Hogwart’s House: I ALWAYS either get Gryffindor or Slytherin aaaa um I think last time it was Slytherin though so
Favorite Animal: Otters, foxes, cats, mice <3
Number of Blankets: One, sometimes two. I keep the other one at the end of my bed just in case I’ll ever need it
Where are you from: I live in Finland owo
Dream trip: Mm.. I don’t know. I used to want to go to Korea, California and Japan but I’m not sure anymore
When I started this account: I have no memory um before 2016
Why I started this account: I wanted to fit in with my friends but they never followed me back lmao
I don’t have enough people to tag um also you don’t have to do this if you don’y want to @lemialien @witchcraftandkitties @just-a-zeppelin
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one-shiny-crystal-blog · 8 years ago
 Tagged by  @lemonss of course
Rules: Using songs from one band, answer the following questions and then tag some people!
• Band/Music Artist: Imagine Dragons
• What’s your gender:  Summer
• Describe yourself: Trouble, Bleeding Out, and Fallen
• How do you feel:  Darkness or Leave Me
• If you could go anywhere: Tokyo (yes that is the song name)
• If your life was a TV show: Second Chances
• Relationship status: Lost Cause
• How you wish your life was: Dream or Im On Top Of The World
• Your funeral: Nothing Left To Say                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tagging: @platoneix  @shinsyl  @ask-will-solace @reynaavilaramirez-arellano 
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regularevilmuffin · 7 years ago
Im gonna start a movement about how not all girls in fiction that are strong, independent and doesn’t have a male partner doesn’t have to be lesbians, streight women also can have those characteristics and there’s nothing wrong with it. 
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pandastix123 · 10 years ago
Reyna would be the kind of mom who can leave to pick up the kids, have to fight a monster or two on the way, and still arrive early to the pick-up lane at the school.
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