ciezi · 20 days
rejection sensitivity dysphoria vs arguing with annoying bigots online
it hurts but I must not back down
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ciezi · 1 month
The only thing I want in life is to be called by my name. To be seen as me and not someone else. To have my own body, my own life, my own dreams, my own goals, my own individuality. To live my life where I can be my own person. Where I can be me.
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ciezi · 2 months
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Alpha kids
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ciezi · 2 months
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To be living
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ciezi · 2 months
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forgot to post this homnom
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ciezi · 2 months
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havent posted in a hot sec. have this
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ciezi · 2 months
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It's me I'm both these people--
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I had added this version in a reblog, but since most people don't look at the reblog list, I added it to the main post ^^"
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ciezi · 2 months
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[Text ID: This system often forgets things due to amnesia, please remind or contact them]
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[Text ID: This system often forgets things due to amnesia, please remind them]
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[Text ID: This system often forgets things due to amnesia, please contact them]
Feel free to use it with or without credit, but reblogs and likes if used are very appreciated!!
[Please read pinned post before interacting]
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ciezi · 2 months
So uh I just got yelled at??
read the trigger warnings in the tags
The bodies mother won’t ever beat the ableist and shitty person allegations after she called my dad with cancer and had to get chemo which fuxked with his brain “good for nothing” and “r*tarded”. Why are you married to a guy you don’t even love and “does nothing for you”??
She also called me a bunch of shit like “entitled” “ungrateful” “you only think about yourself” and other shit all because I wanted pants a size too big for me?? I didn’t even beg for it or yell at her because she said no, I just accepted it and she’s calling me names as if I did?? And then got mad when I said “I don’t know” to going in certain stores and about leaving the mall like?? “Of course you don’t know. You never know anything” “Of course you don’t care. You never care about anything” excuse me?? Why does it matter so much that I don’t know what stores I want to go to??
She also tried bombarding me with shit like “you have no friends. You never try and keep friends. You don’t try and make friends” HUH?? I have fucking friends?? I have people I talk to in real life?? I literally WENT UP to someone to become their friend. She ALWAYS try’s to use this argument against me like what?? She saw me HANGOUT with one of those friends this summer and she has the audacity to tell me “where are they?” “why aren’t you hangout with them then?”
But let’s say I don’t have any friends, why the fuck are you SHAMING me for that?? What is wrong with you.
She also tried shaming me for not wanting to take this medication (like this ones prescribed bya psychiatrist) a long time ago because I didn’t feel comfortable with the psychiatrist nor taking it, for feeling like I was getting worse by going to therapy and didn’t feel like I was being helped at all, and she claimed I went to a psychologist but I don’t remember ever going to one so idk what that’s about??
She drove away in her car after dropping me off and I hope she doesn’t come back. My life would be so much better with these people gone. She’s the reason Im fucked up in the first place. She’s the reason why my brain is disordered in so many ways and how I can no longer live a normal life and need constant ACTUAL help like the correct type of therapy. She has a “r*tarded” son and a “r*tarded” husband that she doesn’t give a shit about. I’m going to unalive myself, I swear I’m going to end it. She wanted to disappear. Let’s she how she feels when someone is actually gone.
“I have it hard!” Ok?? So do i. Just because you have it hard doesn’t invalidate MY experiences and what I go through.
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ciezi · 2 months
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sunshine and the trigger of purposeful suicidality
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ciezi · 2 months
Why do markdown images on simply plural disappear after awhile? :\
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ciezi · 2 months
being a system is great because it's just like
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[image description: cartoon image edited to include Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. She and Spider-Man are both on top of a brick wall or ledge; they peer down at something unseen, looking unimpressed. Text reads: “do you see this shit applejack”. End ID] id by @\lovecore-muppet
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ciezi · 2 months
Nepalterous and uralterous coining post đŸ€Ż
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Nepalterous - experiencing alterous attraction towards women and non-binary folks. Doesn't specify what gender the user is!
Uralterous - experiencing alterous attraction towards men and non-binary folks. Doesn't specify what gender the user is!
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ciezi · 2 months
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This is what I think would happen if Dave raised Dirk
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ciezi · 3 months
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Drew Actor! AU Jiyan for a challenge thing lol. Perhaps it was an excuse to draw him with his hair down, we will never know.
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ciezi · 3 months
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FlutterDash pt.2🌈🩋 - sharpycharot
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ciezi · 3 months
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Unfinished but my head hurts, so. đŸ«¶
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+ Additional sketches from Aggie.io when I drew with my boyfriend—which explains the text.
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