Vegan Athlete Ballerina
78 posts
🌱 Vegan for the animals 🌱 Neurodivergent millenial aspiring multi-sport athlete and dancer pursuing ice skating, swimming, stretch, ballet, tap and commercial hip hop / jazz.
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veganathleteballerina · 6 months ago
Today I went to an aerial hoop class, yoga class and a hip hop dance class. I feel amazing. So proud of myself.
Just work tomorrow then on Monday I have ballet and then musical theatre rehearsal. Tuesday I have 2 ballet classes. Wednesday I have tap and jazz, Friday I have drama and Saturday I have ice skating, aerial hoop and hip hop dance again!
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veganathleteballerina · 7 months ago
This week has gone so well.
Monday I had my grade 2 ballet class and I did an 'almost perfect glissade'.
Tuesday I had grade 2 ballet again and I definitely feel I've improved since last week.
Wednesday I had tap followed by jazz / musical theatre dance. So excited about the music choices for the performance in April. I love tap so much.
Thursday and Friday unfortunately I was working in the evenings this week.
Saturday (today) I started a brand new hip hop dance class. I'm so excited about this class because we are learning new choreography every week. This is so refreshing to me. It will also be a challenge as I'm slow at picking up choreography. I am really hoping I will improve at this!
Will taking multiple dance classes help me improve my ability to learn and remember choreography? Will it benefit my dancing in other ways?
Tomorrow I am planning on going to a barre class in the morning and then aerial hoop in the evening.
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veganathleteballerina · 7 months ago
Mon- improver ballet 5-6pm
musical theatre rehearsal 7pm
Tues- grade 2 ballet 6:30-7:30pm
grade 2/3 ballet 7:30-8:30pm
character ballet 8:30-9pm*
pointe prep 9-9:30pm*
Wed- tap dance 7:30-8pm
jazz / hip hop dance 8-9pm
Thurs - full body flex 5:40-6:40pm
hip hop dance 8:15-9pm
Fri - drama 5:30-8pm
Sat- ice skating 10:30am-12pm
commercial hip hop 6:30-7:30pm
Sun- barre yoga 11:30-12:15am
aerial hoop 5-6.10pm
*These classes will start up again soon
I'm not sure if this is a cool schedule or if I am crazy trying to do so many activities but this is what I am aiming for and I will see how it goes. I really want to improve my confidence as well as my fitness and dance abilities. Does anyone else have schedules like this? I think it might be a way of coping with my mental health. I do take rest days when it gets too much.
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veganathleteballerina · 8 months ago
Mon- improver ballet 5-6
Tues- grade 2 ballet 6:30-7:30
grade 2-3 ballet 7:30-8:30*
character ballet 8:30-9:00*
pointe prep 9:00-9:30*
Wed- tap dancilisious 7:30-8
commercial hip hop / jazz 8-9
Thurs - full body flex 5:40-6:40
Fri - drama 5:30-8pm
Sat- ice skating 10:30-12
Sun- barre 11:30am-12:30pm
aerial hoop 5-6.10pm
Dream schedule. Thinking of trying some new things. I think this might be a bit too ambitious?
*These classes are on pause due to instructor being on leave
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veganathleteballerina · 8 months ago
So excited about the new dance term starting up and wearing my new dance merch. Have two dance school hoodies from the school where I do ballet in blue and purple, a t shirt from the studio where I do stretch and a t shirt and hoodie on the way for the other dance company I'm going to for tap.
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veganathleteballerina · 8 months ago
August schedule
Mon - improver ballet 5-6pm
Tues - grade 2 ballet 6:30-7:30pm
grade 2/3 ballet 7:30-8:30pm
character ballet 8:30-9pm
pointe prep 9-9:30pm
Wed - tap 7:30-8pm
hip hop / jazz 8-9pm
Thurs - stretch 5:40-6:40pm
Fri - drama 5:30-8pm
Saturday - ice skating
Sunday - aerial hoop
I am yet to try aerial hoop but plan to try it this month if I can. I keep getting scared. I'm so excited about the new dance term starting up. I'm going to also try to go ice skating at least once a week.
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Tap shoes, jazz shoes, character shoes, canvas ballet shoes and satin ballet shoes.
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veganathleteballerina · 9 months ago
This is the schedule I'm considering. I really want to improve and excel in ballet so that I get a good result in my bbo dance grade 2 exam and my character exam. I am thinking about adding an extra ballet class on Thursday. I am worried about taking on too much. I work 30 hours per week. This seems like an ambitious schedule. Should I just go for it? I also really want to lose weight and get fitter as well.
from September:
Mon- improver ballet 5-6
Tues- grade 2 ballet 6:30-7:30
grade 2-3 ballet 7:30-8:30
character ballet 8:30-9:00
pointe prep 9:00-9:30
Wed- tap 7:30-8
commercial hip hop / jazz 8-9
Thurs- stretch 5:40-6:40
Fri- ice skating
Sun- ice skating lesson
aerial hoop
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veganathleteballerina · 9 months ago
Dance and Fitness Schedule
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From August:
Mon- improver ballet 5-6
Tues- grade 2 ballet 6:30-7:30
Wed- tap 7:30-8
commercial hip hop / jazz 8-9
Thurs- stretch 5:40-6:40
Fri- ice skating
Sun- ice skating lesson
from September:
Mon- improver ballet 5-6
Tues- grade 2 ballet 6:30-7:30
grade 2-3 ballet 7:30-8:30
character ballet 8:30-9:00
pointe prep 9:00-9:30
Wed- tap 7:30-8
commercial hip hop / jazz 8-9
Thurs- stretch 5:40-6:40
Fri- ice skating
Sun- ice skating lesson
(Ice skating at least once a week on any suitable day. Also going to try to add in swimming. Will be doing ballet at my dance school where I've trained for 2 years, tap and hip hop / jazz at a different studio and the stretch classes are actually at a nearby pole and aerial hoop studio. Ballet syllabus is British Ballet Organisation).
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veganathleteballerina · 9 months ago
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Dance shoes
From left to right: 1. tap shoes, 2. commercial street / hip-hop / jazz shoes, 3. character ballet shoes, 4. canvas soft ballet shoes for classical ballet, 5. satin soft ballet shoes for ballet performances and exams
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veganathleteballerina · 10 months ago
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Outfits for work
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veganathleteballerina · 11 months ago
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Arabesque goals
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veganathleteballerina · 1 year ago
I did three hours of ballet this evening. One hour of bbodance grade 2, then grade 2/3 then 30 mins of character then 30 minutes of pointe prep. I'm so tired. If I keep doing this will I improve?
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veganathleteballerina · 1 year ago
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Aesthetic for work
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veganathleteballerina · 1 year ago
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Current goals for summer 2024 !
warmer weather is slowly coming up and these are some goals i wanna do to keep me motivated and prepared!
do pilates ! it’ll help me lose weight and get more in shape !
keep doing yoga and get more flexible
post more on social media specifically tiktok
collab with brand such as gisou , glossier and too faced !
buying feminine clothes for spring n summer like dresses and skirts 🎀
keep spoiling myself with high end makeup products and skincare !
starting a dream journal !
waking up and doing quick stretches
make money !
try new things ! don’t be afraid to try something new
trying out cute new hairstyles !
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veganathleteballerina · 1 year ago
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Clothes for work ♡
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veganathleteballerina · 1 year ago
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Strawberries, blueberries and spinach vanilla soya smoothie. I feel so healthy. ♡
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veganathleteballerina · 1 year ago
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Outfits for work
Day 1 and 2
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