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fryologyy · 2 months ago
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promised myself that for the new year i would start planning ahead and posting like regular again. so behold.... a schedule.... a schedule for streaming, no less
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hyperfixationsstation · 1 month ago
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vivian-devoid · 29 days ago
You know when creators change schedules because they see that people are busy during the time they post
That pisses me off because unless it's a live stream or something that needs active interactions you shouldn't need to work around our schedules. Who gives a fuck if we're a few hours late to post, you shouldn't feel as if you need to change how you post for us
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Totally not making this on a whim bc I don't want @kyri45 changing stuff for us when their posting schedule was probably something that worked best for them
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builder051 · 5 months ago
The tumblr app has been glitchy and basically refused to let me create a post. Hard-reset-app-uninstall-reinstall later, it’s back to the regular expected level of instability.
I’m working through Inktober. Definitely behind, but I’m producing stuff and having fun. Again, if you want to see the pics and commentary, check them out on my Instagram.
Regarding NaNo… I’m not going to be able to write an actual novel (haven’t done that since 2018). I’m not going to be able to write 50k.
I want to approach the challenge like Inktober. I want to make it a goal to put together some quality content every day (or at least most days) and own it and post it and throw it out into the world. I’m always down for some whump, sick, or angst, but themes will probably run the gamut, and a few will absolutely be boring. The one thing I definitely know is that I want to post on this platform.
I always wish I could put out more content, but I just physically can’t do it anymore. It makes me sad that I can’t connect with my readers so much anymore. I really, really don’t want to drift away from this community that’s given me so much support.
So, for NaNo, what content would you be interested in seeing?
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rampantram · 6 months ago
Welcome to the blog~! 🐏✨
Here I post my art, as well as reblog other things I find neat~
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Post Schedule
Art gets posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning
Asks are responded to when I have time (patience is appreciated!) and a drawn response is not guaranteed (it just depends on the ask itself and if it gives me a visual idea for an answer)
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I also stream on Twitch, so here are the times for that:
Stream Schedule
**New Chat Rules have been added to stream that must be agreed to before joining the chat.**
Art Stream ✏️✨ | Every Friday @ 5PM MST
Traditional drawing (pencil and paper)
Includes requests, sketch clean-up, and relaxing Chillhop music
Game Stream 🎮💕 | Every Sunday @ 5PM MST
Farming, crafting, simulation, sandbox, RPG, classic PS2 titles, and many more as games continue to release
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Keep an eye on this post, as it'll get updated with new information!
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doodleglaz · 1 year ago
I find myself getting overwhelmed a lot with work. Dunno if other artists have this problem but I often seem to get fixated on one project to the detriment of others. Like I'm already making such headway on a project that I might as well continue.
So I figured I need some more structure to allow myself to work better, so I’m making a week schedule. In education, your life is the schedule. Specific classes and lectures on these days and at these times. When i was in the industry the schedules were more broader but still kept you organised to get it all done. But when you are self employed, you don't have any of that given to you. You need to create that structure for yourself. So even if its a bit broad reaching and general, its gotta be better than nothing, right?
So even if I only manage to get partway through a project like a commission that day, that has to be better than absolutely nothing because all my energy went into my comic, right?
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nemo-bros · 7 months ago
this is my new visual schedule:
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i have no idea how to image describe pictures with so many things in them, so I'm sorry I have no image description, but I will do my best to explain the purpose of each page (left to right top to bottom)
the cover (keeps pieces from falling off if I put the flipbook in my backpack or something) the cover also has my name on it but I cropped this out
'first next then after' page (the main page I use, has my soonest upcoming tasks- I take pieces from the 'to do' page and put them here)
'to do' (at the morning I fill up this page with my tasks like cleaning, chores, and studying- I do have cards for other fun activities and eating but I only ues them on the first page in between tasks from this page)
'done' (when I finish a task on the 'first next then after' page I move it here- it gives me dopamine to see everything I finished that day and makes me less stressed about the amount of things I need to do)
hygiene page- this page is actually so so good its like a cheat code- If you take nothing else from this post at least take this idea: the top (orange) section is for the morning, the bottom (blue) section is for the evening. in the morning all the cards will be in the morning section, when I finish a task I get to move it to the evening section (repeat this for all 6 tasks). in the evening I do the tasks again but the cards get moved to the morning section this time. (if there's a day where I didn't finish then I just move them anyways the next morning as a "reset") this page is in my book but it's probably more helpful just to leave it in the bathroom on the counter or mirror or something (without systems like this I cannot take care of my basic needs, even with these supports and the additional supports in my home i cannot reliably take care of my basic needs)
images 6-9 show some of the word storage pages, I have a total of 10 of these pages
if you're curious at all how i made it let me know and i will post the steps i did to make it and where I got all the pictures!! (I want everyone to be able to access systems like these if they need them, so I am very open to sharing this)
something i really really like about this flip book is that its very tactile and very visual- it does not require very much brain power to use- I really like to just move around the pieces on the pages with the velcro as a stim
i was promted to do this because recently a teacher told me I just need to manage my schedule better and that I should be trying harder (little does she know I'm trying my hardest already)
ive tried so many types of schedules and routines and I just cant stick to them (this is one reason I suspect adhd in addition to my autism but idrk and it probably doesnt matter), but then after she said that I was like okay I guess this is a good excuse to try a visual schedule so I made one (very time consuming but also fun) and then am still disapproved of for some reason... I think she thinks its "too childish/I'm not disabled enough" which I disagree because if it helps and they need it then they should use it regardless of sterotypes- i think this is true for all adaptive tech and disability aids
my point in showing this is to let other autistc adults know that you can use visual schedules if they help you and to boost someone else's confidence for them to use an aid they are afraid to because its stigmatized (also yes mine looks kind of simple/etc but I chose to do it this way because it works good for my brain like this- not because its how all visual schedules should/need to look)
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swiftiesbuddie · 25 days ago
so apparently grey’s only has 18 episodes this season. it looks like they’re matching schedules with 9-1-1
honestly (i know it’s not happening) i would rather 9-1-1’s schedule get upped to match grey’s and have 20+ episodes a season
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keithkog · 10 months ago
Lance likes schedules, while I like doing things whenever I want. I don’t really understand when he says it motivates him to do things. I’m all for schedules, its easier to not overthink what I have to do for the day, but it’s not easier overall in my opinion.
Its hard for me to adhere or even create a schedule, my life has been spontaneous forever.
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james-preble · 8 months ago
i keep planning to figure out everyone's class schedules as best as i can and then procrastinating lol.
i already have some ideas and notes, but if anyone wants to help me or work together or js give me some info they think isn't super obvious, then js dm me or reply!!!
i think apple's is v much the easiest to figure out though lol
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husbandograveyard · 1 year ago
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽ Character: Hawks (BNHA) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩Requested by: no one, author's pick ✩ [Fluff]✩ Warnings: mentions of blood, biting a small mention of suggestive themes, but nothing explicit ✩
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He would always set the mood. Even after all these times, he made it a point to make you feel special and loved. A date night, ending with some cuddles on the couch, or just a romantic candlelit dinner at home. You’d be at ease, whatever worries may have accumulated during the day now forgotten. 
He’d rub your back, massage your shoulders. Every time Keigo and you went through this ritual, he’d want to be physically close to you. As if he wanted to preemptively apologize for the hurt that was going to come. Even if after all this time it didn’t even hurt as much anymore. You wouldn’t complain though, any extra time you got to spend with him was worth it, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like all his attention before a bite. It always made you feel so special. 
Sure, when you started dating him, you weren’t expecting him to confess to you that he was a vampire. And sure, you didn’t expect him to be so nice about asking you to drink your blood. He had always insisted on consent, and never pushed you. The first couple of times you were so nervous he had refused to bite you. He insisted that the experience had to be nice for the both of you, and thus a little ritual had grown from it. 
Today was no different, although it was kept pretty lowkey. Work had exhausted you quite a lot, and Keigo didn’t want to add any pressure or stress about going out, making reservations, walking around, or anything like that to it. You were relieved, if you were completely honest, to just enjoy his company on the couch with your favorite takeout. 
He was sitting close to you, shoulders touching, as you barely paid attention to the show playing on the tv, and instead focused on talking a little about your day. The conversation was soft and about nothing too important, but it made you feel relaxed and heard regardless, something he always did so effortlessly. You turned a little to kiss his cheek, feeling the way the muscles of his face moved under your lips as he grinned. 
“Eager to start the ritual?” 
You hummed in response.
“Mostly eager to be close to you.” 
You nuzzled his neck a little, knowing fully well that you didn’t need a bite to enjoy closeness with him, it was just an added bonus. But it had been a while since his last proper feed and you knew how much it’d help him feel better. 
He turned your way, tilting your chin up a little to place a chaste kiss on your lips. You leaned forward, already craving more, but he pulled back for now. 
“Let’s get changed, first.” 
You had no choice but to agree, and he was right too. You had changed footwear, but you were still in your work clothes. They were comfortable, but not cozy and definitely not ideal for what was going to happen. You got up and walked to your shared bedroom, opening the closet to skim for clothes that were the perfect mix of comfortable, cozy and practical, eventually settling on a pair of loose shorts and an oversized t-shirt, where the oversized neck opening made for easy access for your boyfriend to have his way. 
You were about to walk back to the living room, when Keigo entered the bedroom instead, walking up to you and taking one of your hands, pulling you closer to him. You smiled, kissing his cheek, and let him wrap his other hand around your waist, fully closing the distance between the two of you. He pressed another soft and quick kiss to your lips before leading you to the bed, sitting down at the edge with you. 
“Are you okay with this tonight? I know you have been quite tired and if you just want to-” “I am fine, Keigo”, you interrupted him with a chuckle. His worries were endearing, but you actually had been looking forward to today, the act of service giving you just as much pleasure as him, albeit in a different way. 
“Okay then. You know I can always stop, and to tell me-” “-To tell you if it hurts, if I get too lightheaded or something else feels wrong.” 
You finished the sentence for him with a smile. Your tone was sure and not teasing, for the final time reassuring him that yes, it was fine. He still held your hand with one of his, and moved the other up your other arm, over your shoulder, caressing your neck with the back of his hand and finally cupping your face gently. The way he did made it easy for him to manipulate the angle with which your face tilted, to give him best possible access, but also made it easy for him to steal a few kisses first, which was how he always started. 
He never let the kisses escalate too far, lest he get distracted and move onto other activities instead, but he enjoyed the foreplay for this event just as much. His kisses went from soft presses of his lips to yours, to some more passionate, open-mouthed kisses, gently sucking on your lower lip, before releasing it and pressing a kiss to the side of your mouth. 
You smiled as he took his time peppering your jawline and right underneath with kisses, chuckling as his stubble tickled the sensitive skin of your neck as he nuzzled and pressed more kisses, some soft, some with a little more intention. You let out some soft whimpers at the sensation, your breath hitching in your throat the moment his lips ghosted over the marks of his previous bite. They were healed up well, as he made sure to properly take care of your wounds every time and the days that followed. But the skin stayed a little more sensitive, especially around him. As if your skin had memories separate from yours, and was remembering, anticipating what was to come. 
You put your hand up to hold onto his arm, finding it soothing to hold him, and in return squeezing him reassuringly. ‘Go on’, but saying it with your body instead of with your words. His fangs grazed your skin ever so lightly and you shivered, the feeling so familiar and tantalizing, leaving you wanting for more. You gave his arm another squeeze and he chuckled against your skin. 
“All right, you ready?”
You nodded, before quickly adding, “yes”, verbal consent still asked for every single time after all this time. You closed your eyes, focusing purely on the sensation as he sank his fangs into your neck. 
The teeth breaking your skin was painful, it always was. You breathed out through your teeth and relaxed your shoulders a little, focusing on what followed. The feeling of blood being sucked from your neck was a unique one, a sensation you could never truly describe nor get used to, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Keigo always made sure to drink slowly, supporting your head, almost cradling you, making sure there was as little discomfort as possible and you leaned into his gentle touches. 
When he was done, he licked your neck clean, the feeling sending shivers down your spine, the pain in your neck nothing but a dull throbbing anymore as you instead focused on the kisses he pressed around the area and the way the hand that was holding yours had let go to rub circles on your thigh instead.
When he leaned back, you looked him in the eyes, their usual golden-brown color now even more vibrant, almost like a yellow gold. He looked at you with such love and admiration, and wiped his mouth before pressing the softest kiss to your lips. “Stay here, I’ll get the first aid kit.” 
You nodded, only slightly, not wanting to agitate your neck any further as you patiently sat waiting at the edge of the bed. Soon he’d return, and he’d take care of your neck, and you’d climb into bed together. He would pepper you in soft kisses, and shower you with praise and hold you in his arms. You would cuddle, kiss, maybe make love, if neither of you were too tired. And you’d feel so loved, cause that’s what the ritual was about most of all. From start to finish, there was love involved, and the bite was just an element in all of that.
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fryologyy · 1 month ago
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late post, but here's my new schedule for the week! this afternoon at 4 PST i'm gonna be trying to pick weedkiller back up and also doing some unrelated thumbnailing and noodling for a new project!!
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thoserandomgalsonstream · 2 months ago
wow that was a nice 2 month coma
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subwaytostardew · 11 months ago
Could we potentially get a small daily schedule for Joltik in the standalone mod? Pretty much all I know is that it can be found sometimes next to the Bus Stop minecarts
Sorry I didn't write it out upon release! I don't have an excuse for that. I just hate formatting schedules into a way someone who hasn't had their brain rewired for stardew coding can read.
The standalone Joltik has different schedule than the expansion Joltik and spawns at Marnie's shop! I imagine Jas is the best about caring for Joltik since she's strongly against squishing bugs. Joltik lives a simple life.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
⚡️Adoptable Joltik Schedule⚡️
Monday -
9:00 AM - Feeding on the ticket machine at the Bus Stop
1:00 PM - Observing/feeding on the minecart at the Bus Stop
5:00 PM - Feeding on the lampost in Town square (above Emily's house)
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Tuesday - 
12:00 PM - Feeding on the electricity from the arcade machines at the Saloon
3:00 PM - Feeding on the electricity from the light near Gus's bedroom at the Saloon
5:00 PM - Feeding on the other lampost in Town square (above Emily's house)
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Wednesday - 
9:00 AM - Observing/feeding on the robot in Maru's room
5:00 PM - Laying in the grass near the fountain in Town. Got a tummyache. Needs to take a stop before going back to Marnie's
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Thursday - 
9:00 AM - Feeding on the lamp in Sam's bedroom
5:00 PM - Feeding on the lampost outside of Sam's house
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Friday - 
9:00 AM - Feeding on the lampost near the bridge to the Beach
5:00 PM - Chittering with the spiders under Elliott's table
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Saturday - 
9:00 AM - Feeding on JojaMart's power box
5:00 PM - Still eating away at JojaMart. Attacking the sliding doors this time
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Sunday -
9:00 AM - Feeding on the Hospital computer
5:00 PM - Got the zoomies. Skittering around near the playground in the grass
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
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snowydoesitall · 5 months ago
so i’ve come to talk about schedules for this account!
for context, i am a 20 year old in my third year of college, i’m balancing that with work, and on top of that im quite involved in my church’s youth ministry
(yes i’m religious no im not going to force my religion onto you guys)
therefore, it has come to my attention that there will be times when i get really busy and can’t post
the solution? schedules!
here’s how it’ll go:
mondays, wednesdays, and fridays: the days i have the most time on my hands, so those days will be dedicated to working on the main chapters for my hidden inventory smau! or one shots with the hidden inventory friend group
tuesdays and thursdays: i’m a bit busier as i have work on those days, so those days will either be for bonus chapters of the hidden inventory smau or for headcanons since they’re easier to write
weekends: vacation days, though if i’m feeling it or i’m not busy i may post something on here, though what it is i do not know
this is my schedule. this can be subject to change.
also, it’s worth noting that i DO have plans to write for non-jjk related media at some point, but currently jjk is my hyperfixation and i have yet to move on
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