Wine Journey to & from VA!🍷
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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'Nothing to see here folks ... back away' 😂😂 #mandown #mood #monday #tired #timetowork #letgo #breathe #takeiteasy #geterdone #winehumor #wine #decant #nospill #aerate #winelover #redwine #whitewine #sparklingwine #winewinewine #wineo #winelife #wineonmymind #winefun #comics #art #artwork #repost #instawine #winestagram
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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If you don't know ... now you knoooww! #grayghostvineyards tops the list! #sundayfunday #mothersday #grayghostvineyards #amissville #virginia #livemusic #winewinewine #winelover #wineoclock #aromatic #whitewine #redwine #glassofwine #newrelease #winetime #familytime #vineyard #winery #winetasting #wine #virginiawine #vawine #vawinedown #drinklocal #cheeseandwine #fruit #wineandcheese #cheeseandcrackers #livelovelaugh (at Gray Ghost Vineyards)
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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CLAssic German Riesling (bright, crisp, green apples ...) & Australian Riesling (floral, peachy, citrus ... PizZazZ! The pleasure was all mine! 😍#winetime #winelover #vawinedown #winelife #winetasting #winejourney #wine #whitewine #riesling #mosel #germany #heinzeifel #shine #germanwine #victoria #australia #frisk #pricklyriesling #australianwine #aromatic #stonefruit #tropicalfruit #aromatic #science #art #instawine #winestagram
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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The volunteer asssurrrred us that these bottles contain 100% wine!! 😃 IMpressive #redwine lineup #chroniccellars #pasorobles #festivalfavorite #creative #qualitywine #chronic #winebottles #winelabel #fresh #innovative #nationalharbor #foodandwine #festival #winefestival #fortwashington #maryland #wine #winelover #winetasting #winejourney #drinkwine #drinkgoodwine #nopeidontsmoke #allgood #instaflow #instawine #instagood #livelovelaugh #vawinedown
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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Hmmmm 🎉🎉 BIRTHDAY BUBBLY?!?!! ... likely member of the wine lineup!! 🍷🍷🍷 Helllooooo Rondel's Semi Seco Cava Rose #cavarose #mediumdry #strawberry #raspberry #citrus #crisp #effervescent #glassofdeliciousness #bangforyourbuck #sparklingwine #rose #rosewine #cava #spain #spainwine #winesofspain #wine #winelover #winejourney #winetime #winetasting #winelife #vawinedown #countdown #party #partytime #birthday #celebration #instawine #instaflow
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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A view that can't be bought ... ONLY experienced!! 😍😍😍#visitvirginia #virginiawinecountry #virginia #wine #vawine #vawinedown #bestoftheeastcoast #winelover #redwine #whitewine #winewinewine #winetasting #winery #littlewashingtonwinery #summerready #picturesque #pictureperfect #perfectshot #scene #relax #liveinthemoment #mountains #mountainview #landscape #beautiful #samsunggalaxy #s5 #picoftheday #winetime #winelife
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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Post-doctor visit tip! 😂😂 #doctorvisit #doctor #doctorknowsbest #tips #wine #advice #winehumor #bar #mirror #drinkwine #winewinewine #winelover #winetime #wineo #repost #redwine #whitewine #beer #spirits #cocktails #instaflow #instagood #instawine #wordstoliveby #quote #quoteoftheday #vawinedown
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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Wine Wednesday logic. Because it’s always past noon somewhere.
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
1. Have a “Wine Adventure Budget" The best way to learn nothing about wine is to continue to drink what you already know you like. Yet many people drink the same wines (or the same varietals) over and over again. That’s like eating chicken and carrots every day for years. You can’t learn very much by having such a limited exposure to flavor. There are over 5,000 varieties of grapes in the world—waiting for you to experience the wines made from them. So set aside some of the money you would spend on wine anyway, and each week, drink something that’s entirely new to you.
2. Drink More Than One Wine at a Time
If you were a child trying to understand the color red, but all you ever saw was red alone, it would not be easy. On the other hand, if someone showed you red and blue at the same time, you’d “get" what makes red red. One of the big advantages wine professionals have over consumers is that pros often get to taste and compare several wines at a time. So to learn about wine more quickly, try opening two wines at a time and comparing them. (You can then store them both—even reds—in the fridge so they last you for a few days; just take the red out of the fridge 20 minutes or so before you want to enjoy it again).
3. Don’t Swallow Quickly Kids taking a medicine swallow it quickly so they don’t have to taste it. Indeed, swallowing wine quickly pretty much guarantees you won’t taste it—or understand anything about it. To get the most out of wine, you have to hold it on your palate for three to four seconds so that every taste—sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savory—register.
4. Write Down Your Impressions If you don’t tell yourself something about a wine, you will have no way to remember it. People who don’t say (even to themselves) what the wine tastes like or write down their impressions often go for years tasting wine, but never really understanding anything about it. Don’t worry about what you say. This wine smells like grandma in church is fine. Just articulate something so that you can begin to build a “taste memory.“
5. Taste Wine with Other People You can practice tennis against a backboard, but it’s a lot better to practice by playing with someone else. Tasting wine with others helps improve your tasting skills because someone else will always have an impression or get a flavor that you did not. We all have strengths and weaknesses in wine tasting (which is why most wineries have more than one winemaker), so tasting with others will open your mind to possibilities you could not have experienced on your own. Plus, hey, drinking wine with someone else? That’s not exactly a chore…
Karen MacNeil is the author of The Wine Bible and the editor of the fast weekly chronicle WineSpeed and a contributing editor to Vivino.
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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... to be sailing the seas again ... wine & time! #flashbackfriday #vawinedown #winetime #wineoclock #redwine #whitewine #sparklingwine #winewinewine #vacation #cruise #sailing #ocean #sailingtheseas #lovinglife #livelovelaugh #skyview #beautiful #picturesque #motherearth #picturesque #blessed #liveinthemoment
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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The Cherry Blossom Beer & Wine Festival by Drink the District offered unlimited samples of more than 100 🍺🍺s & 🍷🍷s to try ... a few of many of my favs!! #cherryblossom #cherryblossomfestival #beerandwine #winewinewine #washingtondc #dc #dcevents #drinkthedistrict #drinkwine #redwine #whitewine #winelover #livemusic #livelovelaugh #winetasting #winetime #wine #wineevent #syrah #cabernetsauvignon #tempranillo #chardonnay #pinotnoir #chanti #vawinedown
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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It's that time of year again ~ Washington DC's National Cherry Blossom Festival 🎉🎉 #cherryblossom #cherryblossomfestival #beerandwine #beerandwinefestival #washingtondc #dcevents #drinkthedistrict #drinkwine #drinkbeer #livemusic #foodtruck #lobsterroll #livelovelaugh #bestoftimes #wine #winetime #winetasting #wineevent #winelover
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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Cheers to #thirstythursday done right!!✌️🍷🍷🍷... & so it was written! #vawinedown #winelover #winejourney #wine #winetasting #lush #lushwineevents #wineevent #dc #va #winetime #rose #rosewine #france #spain #oregon #argentina #napavalley #oldworld #newworld #wines #grenache #trepat #pinotnoir #malbec #cabernetsauvignon #drinkwine #drinkrose #roselife (at Hera Hub DC)
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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The A+ Rose Flight!!! If you're in the DMV you must experience a @lushwineevents ... Kim's energy, knowledge, style etc etc is UNdeniable! #vawinedown #winelover #winejourney #wine #winetasting #lush #lushwineevents #wineevent #dc #va #winetime #rose #rosewine #france #spain #oregon #argentina #napavalley #oldworld #newworld #wines #grenache #trepat #pinotnoir #malbec #cabernetsauvignon #drinkwine #drinkrose #roselife (at Hera Hub DC)
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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I don't know about you @h3rshy but half way through @lushwineevents has me rethinking my Fri night Rose & pizza pairing 😄😜🍷... of course amongst 100 other things!! 😃 #vawinedown #winelover #winejourney #wineevent #wineeducation #winetasting #rose #lush #lushwineevents #drinkwine #drinklocal #fromafar #drinkrose #roselife #oldworld #newworld #wines (at Hera Hub DC)
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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Rose Rose Rose!!! Check out this range 👀 Spring Tasting Series - Easter Celebration w/ the AMAZING Somm Kim Dozier @lushwineevents WOOOWWW!! #vawinedown #winelover #winejourney #wine #winetasting #lush #lushwineevents #wineevent #dc #va #winetime #rose #rosewine #france #spain #oregon #argentina #napavalley #oldworld #newworld #wines #grenache #trepat #pinotnoir #malbec #cabernetsauvignon #drinkwine #drinklocal #fromafar #drinkrose #roselife (at Hera Hub DC)
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vawinedown-blog · 9 years ago
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Google hangout with Elizabeth Schneider #winefornormalpeople ... an overview of #winesoffrance ... exceeding expectations!! 👏👏 #vawinedown #winelover #winejourney #travelfrance #france #frenchwine #loire #burgundy #rhone #bordeaux #redwine #whitewine #winewinewine #wineeducation #wine #tryingsomethingnew #muscadet #chablis #cotesdurhone #cotesdebordeaux #virtualtravel #wineoclock #drinkwine #winetime #googlehangout #winetasting #sommelier #wineevent
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