uncl1pped · 3 years
If ideas are light bulbs, then the issue is that we're trying to light up too many at once
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uncl1pped · 3 years
God knew I would be too powerful if I had an attention span
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Sir Isaac Newton approved of the "dummy thicc". Essentially he said "oh yeah. The thicker, the better."
To be fair, his exact wording was "The greater the mass, the greater the force of attraction"
But still!
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Why is it called "attention deficit" when I have a surplus of stupid thoughts all the time
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uncl1pped · 3 years
The problem is that my mind doesn't brain, and my brain doesn't mind
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Go to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go straight to hell
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Rum raisins are just dry grapes in wet grapes
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Wine is just old grape juice, with experience
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uncl1pped · 3 years
The fact that a newborn horse can walk better after a few hours than me my entire life should say something
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uncl1pped · 3 years
My brain is just a big pile of wet spaghetti
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Here, meet my braincell
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Potatoes are just edible rocks
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Remember that thing? I don't. My brain is a sieve with the mesh cut out
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Growing up just means you get to sound like a glowstick when you move
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uncl1pped · 3 years
Some people just drain my braincell.
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