Astrology for humans; 👽🛸 Astrologist💫Clairvoyant✨Eclectic Witch#astrology #tripleaqua #natalcharts #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #astrologyforhumans
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Sometimes, we get stuck in karmic cycles that need broken. Recognize them and change the outcomes when you start to see patterns! Saturn transits are the biggest key in Astrology to bring on these karmic cycles, since Saturn is the planet of karma. Look to your house that is ruled by Capricorn and what transits are there to get an idea of what kind of karma is being brought out in your life.
#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#saturn#karma#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#saturninaquarius#capricorn#karmiccycles#breakthecycle#messagesfromtheuniverse#10th house#12th house#astrologyforhumans
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Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the heads up during Capricorn retrograde. I thought it was very insightful. I was wondering if you could help me understand my pattern better, as I have Aries Venus Retrograde, with Capricorn In the 11th and 12th house. Would you mind explaining to me with further detail? If not, I’d still would like to Thank you as it helped me learn.
Of course! I run the Aries Venus: The Emotional Sluts of the Zodiac (😂 I know, right?) group on Facebook if you are on that platform. What is your rising sign? I like to use Whole House system so that will help determine which house is ruled by Capricorn for you.
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Upcoming Venus retrograde in Capricorn and how it will affect YOU.
Ok, so Venus retrograde isn’t completely rare but it happens every 18ish months and the main goal is to REVIEW YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. It’s a time for PAUSE, REFLECT, and REVIEW. This retrograde will be in Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. The Planet of restrictions, lessons, and KARMA.
Venus will preshadow starting December 1-18th, 2021, go retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19th, 2021 at 26°- Jan 30th, 2021, and post shadow till March 6th, 2021.
During the retrograde, the biggest aspects Venus will make is (all by a tight less than 3° orb):
-conjunct Capricorn Pluto, Sun, and Moon
-inconjunct Aquarius Jupiter, Sun, and Saturn
-trine Taurus Uranus
-square Aries Chiron
If you have natal placements in any Cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra), OR Aquarius and Taurus at 10°- 29°, you will be most affected by this retrograde. If you have Venus retrograde in your natal chart, it may cause the energy to be lessened because you already embody some of that energy.
So, what’s this mean for you? Well, as a collective there is some things you should avoid during a Venus retrograde to prevent disaster in your life. Does this mean you have to? No. Live your life! However, keep in mind this retrograde is about karmic lessons and if you do decide to still go through with them, you may be repeating karmic cycles that could end up in either disaster or hard lessons that hopefully you learn from.
What should you not do during Venus retrograde:
1. DO NOT BEGIN A NEW RELATIONSHIP. These relationships will be karmic in nature. You won’t realize it at first, but eventually it will show its ugly face. Dating will not work out during this time.
2. DO NOT RECONCILE OLD RELATIONSHIPS. This will repeat old karmic cycles that we all know we need to break and learn from. Just don’t do it! Prepare for exes to start coming back in your life at this time though. No matter how good some of the relationship was, including the sex, don’t do it!
3. DO NOT PLAN ANY WEDDINGS DURING THIS TIME. If you’re scheduled to be married during the dates of this retrograde and full on trust in the universe and it’s energy, reschedule it. If you still want to continue a wedding during this time, be prepared for some disasters. I would fully expect the relationship with your partner to come to light and some situations may make you want to rethink your marriage.
What Venus in Capricorn Retrograde can manifest in relationships:
-If either you or your partner have any skeletons in the closet, it will be revealed during this time. This is where past karma comes in to play. If you haven’t been entirely truthful, hidden things, kept demons inside, have been cheating, light will be shined upon it. Those shocking revelations could put an upheaval on your relationship and cause one another to reconsider.
-Arguments and even breakups. If the Universe knows that your current relationship is not in align with your life plan and destiny, Venus Rx will surely expose that for you. Arising arguments and unsatisfactory situations will occur more frequently. However, for some (depending on what house Venus will be retrograding in and where Taurus Uranus rx is transiting in your chart) there could be arguments and breakups BUT reconciliations could happen also when Cap Venus rx trines with Taurus Uranus. Uranus is the Planet of Chaos and surprising energy. So, don’t be surprised if Uranus aids in reconciliation around the end of Venus retrograde (Jan 30th, 2022).
Capricorn Venus Rx in the houses:
If you have Capricorn 1H (House of Aries/Mars; Ego/Self): When Cap Venus Rx transits 1st house, the energy will be heavy and make you question what you want to be like in a relationship. How do you see yourself? How do you feel about commitment? You may have been a player most of your life and have some realizations that you don’t want to be that way anymore. Realizing it is a waste of time and energy and you may want to change that about yourself.
If you have Capricorn 2H (House of Taurus/Venus; Income/Self Worth): When Cap Venus Rx transits your 2nd house, expect yourself to question your security and stability. Save money during this time and avoid unnecessary purchases. The purchases you make may become regrettable. Don’t fall for any pressure by others to make a purchase either, these will be trying times. You’ll be happy you saved your money and give you a sense of stability that you were looking for.
If you have Capricorn 3H (House of Gemini/Mercury; communication/Thought process): When Cap Venus Rx is transiting through your 3rd house, your mind will be filled with questions about how your communication is in your relationships. If you are playing mind games with anyone, this energy will shut that down and encourage you to see your situation from the other persons perspective. Quite your mind by being more humble and mindful. Sibling relationships may be a focus.
If you have Capricorn 4H (House of Cancer/Moon; family/foundation/home): with Cap Venus Rx transiting the 4th house, your household will be in question. Secrets in the family and in relationships may be revealed. You may question how your house is organized and how you want to do things differently to run the household. This energy may bring out questions about your mother or your ancestral line.
If you have Capricorn 5H (House of Leo/Sun; Creativity/Children/Romance): If you have Cap Venus rx transiting this house, you may have your attention drawn to the priorities of your relationships. If you’re single, don’t date during this time. Take the time to focus on what kind of partner suits you. You may end up changing your mind about a few things you thought you wanted out of a relationship. If you’re a parent, your relationship with your children will be in focus. Building the relationship during this period and getting to know your individual child’s needs will be priority.
If you have Capricorn 6H (House of Virgo/Mercury; routines/health/workplace): If Cap Venus Rx is transiting your 6th house, unsatisfactory attributes to your relationships will be up for question. Start a new exercise routine during this time to help focus on better health. If any love interests peak out during this time in the workplace, AVOID THEM. This is not the time to date, especially coworkers. Focus more on what routine works best for you and how you want to feel in a relationship.
If you have Capricorn 7H (House of Libra/Venus; Relationships/Marriage/Partnerships): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting this house, expect a huge awakening when it comes to relationships. Balance in this area needs restored, so if your relationship isn’t working, it will fail. It’s all for the greater good and for you to be on the right path. This house is hit the hardest by this transit and the truth about your partnerships, relationships, and marriage partner may become visible to you.
If you have Capricorn 8H (House of a Scorpio/Pluto; Intimacy/Transformation/Others Finances/Occult): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting the 8th house, it is possible to have a death concerning someone close to you. This could also be a death/rebirth, not just a physical death. If you owe any debts, they need to be settled during this time. Exes may reach out but just know this is for sex, and to NOT DO IT. You will have the power to say no and mean it.
If you have Capricorn 9H (House of Sagittarius/Jupiter; Higher learning/ travel/ Spirituality): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting the 9th house, questions involving your freedom in relationships will be presented. If you have been having issues with commitment, you may be forced to look at ehy more seriously. Your belief system and philosophies you follow through life may be influenced by others, especially someone you’re in a relationship with. As for travel, don’t plan any big trips during this time.
If you have Capricorn 10H (house of Capricorn/ Saturn; Career/Public Image/Authority Figures): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting through the 10th house, be careful what information you make available to the public as it may affect your public image. If either you or your partner has been cheating, it will come out no matter what house it’s transiting but in the 10th house it may be publicly exposed. Better to expose it yourself in private before this happens.
If you have Capricorn 11H (House of Aquarius/Uranus; Friendships/Groups/hopes for the future): if you have Cap Venus Rx transiting the 11th house, expect the unexpected when it comes to your friendships. Confessions may be made that could end friendships, but remember this is for the best in being in alignment with your path. Whoever doesn’t have your friendship in the best of intentions, you will question their Friendship to you.
If you have Capricorn 12H (a house of Pisces/Neptune; Karma/Unknown/Healing/Subconscious): If you have Cap Venus Rx transiting this house, you won’t see what’s coming from this energy. Anyone that is from your past may surface, don’t Give them attention as they are coming back for karma and could be a hidden enemy. You’re in for a whole new outlook on your life. The subconscious will really soak in this energy and cause epiphanies that will help you make decisions best for your future. Just don’t fall back into a karmic cycle especially with a partner.
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-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrologyforhumans#astrology#venusinretrograde#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#cancer#capricorn#scorpio#venus transit 2021#gemini#libra#pisces#taurus#sagittarius#Aries#virgo#capricorn venus#retrograde#transits#zodiac#planets#what to expect#transitsthroughthehouses
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November 9- 10, 2020
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua 💜💫
Monday, November 9, 2020
Libra Venus 15° opposite Aries Mars 15° rx- 1115 EST
This aspect will most likely only affect Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) in the 15-17 degree range. If you have a personal placement at any of these degrees, watch out for conflict between a masculine and feminine energy, either within yourself or in relationship with others. The imbalance of emotions can cause offense to others and quickly turn a friend into an enemy. Impulsiveness and enthusiasm towards desires are strong, but loses interest quickly.
Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus rx- 2252 EST
There is a harmonious demand for emotional independence and freedom within the family. Feelings of being seperated from society. Mood swings and cloudy emotions can occur during this transit. Unconventional lifestyle habits could form.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Scorpio Sun 18° trine Pisces Neptune 18° rx- 0011 EST
A strong connection to spirit and a powerful, divine inspiration will cause us to recognize ourselves as unity. When we acknowledge this, we will realize that everything that we do to others, we also do to ourselves. This transit can help us to choose and create more wisely. We should feel sentimental, respectful towards others, and feel the need to volunteer or do charity work. Creativity, imagination, spirituality, intuition, and a sense of harmony are increased. However, there is a lack of structure and order with activities during this time.
Virgo Moon opposite Pisces Neptune rx- 1538 EST
Dreamy, passive, and unbalanced energy. Sincerity isn’t of utmost importance. Hypersensitivity, anxiety, tension, and inconsistency are increased.
Mercury Enters Scorpio- 1638 EST
We, as a collective, are ready to discuss the deeper implications of the current changes both in our personal lives and external lives. With Mercury being direct now, things that were previously too painful to discuss can be brought to our our attention now and were forced to deal with it. Acceptance is needed in order to move forward. Our sense of the occult strengthens during this time and secrets can be revealed. Intuition and purposeful thinking are encouraged.
Scorpio Sun sextile Virgo Moon- 1652 EST
Expect fewer inner conflicts and a break from emotional turmoil. There is more balance and happiness. This is a good energy to create a stronger bond with someone you love.  This is because your concious and subconcious are balanced and gives you a laid-back, easy going nature.
Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Jupiter- 2158 EST
A harmonious, easy flow energy that gives you a warm feeling inside and encourages you to share your feelings with others. There is a pleasant attitude and it’s easy to get along with others. Emotional support is easily given and received.
Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto- 2210 EST
At this time, it’s easy to appear emotionally stable on the inside and feel the same on the outside. This aspect can give you the capability to handle very difficult, emotional situations. Libidos are heightened and sexual encounters will experience very deep, emotional bonds.
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
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✨Tuesday, November 3, 2020✨ Go Vote!! ⚖️🇺🇸
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua 💜
Libra Mercury goes Direct- 1244 EST
We made it through Mercury retrograde! Clarity begins as the retrograde energy begins to fade away. We should begin to realize that any mistakes that were made the last few weeks, were just different paths to the same destination. Resolving differences and creating balance in relationships was the main focus of this past Mercury retrograde. Bringing up any past issues that needed to be resolved. Either seeing eye to eye and forming a stronger bond or be driven apart and seperated was the outcome. Now it’s time to focus on the present and future and realize no one’s to blame. Everything that happened was meant to happen.
Gemini Moon sextile Aries Mars rx- 1256 EST
It should be easy to go with the flow today as long as we don’t resist. We should be in tune with our desires and instincts. Expressing our feelings should come easily and honestly, even if it’s brutal.  We should feel more courageous and be able to take the lead. As long as we join in on the flow, our energy should sustain with any situation that occurs today.
Gemini Moon Square Pisces Neptune rx- 1842 EST
There is a sense of uncertainty and confusion which may cause some level of chaos. Avoid money transactions or new business initiatives. At this time, there is difficulty in thinking clearly and feelings of escapism.  Deceptions could occur with others and ourselves.  We may feel out of sorts without knowing why. Focus on spirituality or even relax with some music to help sway this energy. 
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#go vote#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#astrologyforhumans#capricorn#gemini#libra#scorpio#sagittarius#virgo#taurus#mercury retrograde#libra mercury#mercury direct#gemini moon#Aries Mars rx#moon sextile mars#Pisces Neptune rx#moon square neptune#november 2020#transits
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Weekend of October 30- November 1, 2020💫
💥Huge Energy Shift💥
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua💜
💫Friday, October 30, 2020💫
Aries Moon Square Capricorn Pluto 22° (0219 EST) & Capricorn Saturn 26° (0930 EST)
The day begins with anger and frustration with the fiery, impulsive, impatient, and competitive Aries moon squaring with Capricorn Saturn & Pluto. It will be hard not to ignore the desires of wanting to begin a new chapter. Saturn will deliver us with nervous energy, and a constant feeling of being blocked and Pluto will create obstacles to our goals. We become extremely impatient with this energy.
Aries Moon opposite Libra Mercury rx 27°- 1212 EST
This aspect dishes up a double dose of communication issues. We already have Mercury retrograde creating issues in our daily lives. And again, makes us VERY impatient. However, a repeat argument will ignite and will give us a chance to review our communication from back in September when Mercury last was in Libra. Connecting with someone from the past can deliver explosive results!
Moon Enters Taurus- 1719 EST
We become more inclined to slow down and gather ourselves. Embarking on new endeavors. BIG FOCUS: Rest & Relaxation 🛀 Rejuvenation is key for recharging after the active last few days we’ve had of Aries energy. This moons energy holds a unique power to restore hope, happiness, & love! It wants us to find emotional fulfillment through the simple & tangible things in life.
Saturday, October 31, 2020 🎃
Full Blue Moon in Taurus 8°-1049 EST 🌕
The spiritual veil will be it’s thinnest at this time with Samhain falling halfway between the Autumn Equinox & the Winter Solistice. A Full Moon on Halloween hasn’t happened since 1944. Taurus’ energy will make us feel moody, active, and more emotional with a focus on finances and relationships. Our intuition peaks and intuitive downloads can bring us insight. The Full Moon shines light upon something hidden that causes conflict. We are able to see more clearly. This Full Moon will surprise us and bring us sudden events, unexpected news, and life changing opportunities to the collective. Practicing emotional release will help you navigate this energy with ease.
Taurus Full Moon conjunct Taurus Uranus rx (1100 EST)
The Moon becomes full at the exact degree of conjuncting to Uranus rx. The Full Moon energy joining with erratic, suddenly changing Uranus creates a life changing event with a dramatic twist. Expect a huge energy shift. There is a lack of inner balance, strange habits, and unreasonable views. Let go of the need to control your emotions and environment. Avoid reacting with lower vibrations and focus on adapting. A romantic love affair is possible. It’s unknown what to expect and how this energy will manifest. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!
Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Full Moon & Taurus Uranus rx- 1237 EST
Many of us should be feeling a necessity for freedom and radical change during this time. Also, we should feel a stronger feeling of separation from mainstream society & authorities. Whatever happens (because it’s currently unknown with Uranus conjunct) will help us become aware of how we unconsciously try to generate a sense of safety in our lives. For example, through self sabotage patterns, manipulation, or power plays in relationships.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Taurus Moon 18° sextile Pisces Neptune rx- 0529 EST
This aspect gives us an active imagination, puts us in good spirits, and our empathy & sensitivity is more present. Artistic talents emerge & we can understand art on a more challenging level. Who knows where this energy could take us; creative blocks can be removed. Some under-the-radar communication can bring clarity to inner messages. Words being heard today will have more of an emotional meaning. Spiritual needs are done without a second thought and good company is easily kept. 
Taurus Moon 21° trine Capricorn Jupiter- 1115 EST
Material gains and social success is in order. We begin to have positive realizations about the future. Philanthropic activities can be carried out easily. We enjoy sincerity and popularity. We seek out art interests with enthusiasm. Any foundation laid today will be solid, supportive, and will remain improving.  Friendships are easily made, as we will see the good side in everything— just remember there are other sides too.
Libra Mercury rx Square Capricorn Saturn- 1406 EST
Negative thinking can ruin the day if not controlled. When you feel the negativity brewing, be sure to shut it down in it’s tracks. It’s very easy to downward spiral with this aspect, so deal with any negativity promptly and be done with it for good. Don’t criticize today, it will be a waste of time. Feelings of greed, suspicion, pettiness, stubbornness, & arguments are highlighted. In family situations, disputes & separations can occur. Failures & mental-spiritual inhibitors can easily manifest.
Taurus moon 22° trine Capricorn Pluto- 1413 EST
Confidence that everything will be ok, no matter what happens is felt thanks to the faith gained in yourself and others. If you’ve been putting off a task that requires confidence, today is a great day to start that project. Our emotions could be highlighted but also could be one sided. We experience an awakening of feelings. Our desires may lean towards travel, adventures, and discovering new places.
Libra Venus opposite Aries Chiron rx- 1455 EST
Love cannot be forced. Commitments are not established with this transit. We may feel alienated for no reason and our relationships can open an inner wound. A fear of commitment can hinder future endeavors. However, our interactions with others can trigger sensitive subjects and help us understand ourselves and others more deeply.
Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Saturn- 2126 EST
There may be a feeling of safety & stablity to speak your truth as long as you’re not stepping on anyone’s toes. Conserving your emotions may be the best bet. Any projects started today will have a stable outcome, but avoid high expectations. A sense of responsibility may overcome us creating organizational talent. Our goals are approached with care & deliberation. Many of us may acquire a new job or responsibility.
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#capricorn#gemini#libra#cancer#sagittarius#virgo#taurus#scorpio#pisces#astrologyforhumans#transits#october 2020#full blue moon#full moon in taurus#aries moon#moon square pluto#moon square saturn#moon opposite Mercury#libra mercury#mercury retrograde#capricorn pluto#capricorn saturn#moon conjunct uranus#sun opposite Uranus
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Today, October 28, 2020✨
✨Astrology Transits by TripleAqua 💜
Moon enters Aries- 0445 EST
We will find ourselves more in the mood for action, wanting time complete tasks, and even a few arguments. Watch this behavior in order to control tempers and not interact negatively. If you’ve put on any tasks that are important, this moon may bring them back up for you to complete. The closer we come to the full moon on the 31st of October, the stronger the desire and clarity for what it is that is calling for our action, energy, and time will be revealed.
Aries Moon opposite Libra Venus at 0° - 0532 EST
This energy increases feelings of love and romance, Giving an emotional early morning. Many may be asleep when this aspect becomes exact, but it is powerful enough to even affect dreams.  This aspect is so strong it may even linger throughout the day affecting our moods and our energy.  this will encourage us to seek out pleasure and enjoyment.  For some, it may encourage us to express bold statements of love. At the very least, it should add a very enthusiastic vibe to the day!
Aries Moon conjunct Aries Chiron rx- 1634 EST (exact 0° orb)
Once a month, the moon will conjunct Chiron to trigger an opportunity to tune into our deepest wounds with courage and directness. This conjunction brings awareness to healing by creating an emotion response. Watch for triggers during the evening that may subconsciously be telling you what you need to do next on your healing journey.
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-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#astrologyforhumans#capricorn#gemini#libra#cancer#scorpio#pisces#sagittarius#virgo#taurus#aries moon#libra venus#moon conjunct Chiron#Aries Chiron rx#moon opposite Venus#transits#october 2020
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Today, October 27, 2020💫
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua💜
Pisces Moon 20° conjunct Pisces Neptune 18° (2° orb)- 0535 EST
Dreamy, passive, unbalanced. This is the energy that can be felt today. This can make us hypersensitive, which can weaken our nervous system and create unknown or easily influenced anxiety. We may want to be alone with our thoughts early in the morning. Avoiding the truth could be possible as well. Expect to have realistically, vivid dreams with a heightened imagination. Emotions run high, so unexplained crying or overreactions can become present.
Scorpio Mercury rx opposite Taurus Lilith- 0633 EST
Challenging secrets may be revealed. Taurus Lilith encourages us to survive & stand our ground. With this energy, some may have to do whatever is needed to be done to survive, despite external judgement. In turn, this can create a hostile conversation or unpleasant realization. Something that no one wants to acknowledge could find its way to the surface.
Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Jupiter 20° (exact 0° orb)- 0950 EST 
A really positive energy that can bring us social success and material gains today. Can create a positive outlook on life with the feeling of sincerity. Interests may peak in art/crafts. Optimistic & feeling good.
Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Pluto 2 2° (2° orb)- 1353 EST
This energy awakens our sentimental endeavors. We actually will feel enjoyment with action and adventure. There may be a desire to travel or plan a trip. Be sure to double check any reservations or planning with Mercury & Mars still in retrograde!
*The 3 favorable aspects of the Pisces Moon and Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto gives us a powerful opening for spiritual stimulation. Meditation could bring an awakening or epiphany. These aspects also gives us stronger imaginations, gain in sympathy, positive outcomes in legal cases, and intense feelings of love and interests.*
Venus leaves Virgo & enters Libra ♎️- 2133 EST (ends November 21, 2020)
Today is a big Libra energy day! With both Venus & Mercury entering Libra within minutes apart, a break from any negative astrological transits should be in order. Venus enters it’s home sign of Libra bringing friendly, kind, and extremely personable influences. We can find us taking interest in all things beautiful; music, art, fashion, creativity, poetry. Libra Venus can help us remember what we love about the people closest to us & put us in a better mood for compromising.
Mercury rx leaves Scorpio & enters Libra ♎️- 2149 EST (Libra Mercury rx goes direct November 3, 2020 & enters back into Scorpio on November 10, 2020)
With all the Libra energy happening at once, the urge to show off our artistic talents can emerge. The collective should show a higher aesthetic sense and we should all seek harmony & balance more than usual. Mercury rx encourages us to face our shadow, and in Libra, it brings out relationship issues & karma once again to make sure we are working on finding healthier connections & eliminating any extra baggage that is in the way of finding balance. It can bring up issues from September (when Mercury was in Libra then) and invite us to review the lessons we went through before entering intense, deep Scorpio for a second time. Any underlying manipulation or controlling dynamic needs to be uncovered and solved. This means communication with the people we love needs to be open & honest.
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#astrologyforhumans#capricorn#gemini#libra#scorpio#cancer#sagittarius#pisces#virgo#taurus lilith#taurus#scorpio mercury#mercury retrograde#libra mercury#libra venus#october 2020#astrology transits#pisces moon#pisces Neptune#moon conjunct neptune#Mercury opposite Lilith#moon sextile Jupiter#Capricorn Jupiter#moon conjunct pluto
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✨Weekend of October 23-25✨
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua💜
Edit: I apologize I set this post late by accident (Mercury retrograde 🤦🏻♀️)
Friday, October 23, 2020
Moon Enters Aquarius ♒️ (0816 EST)
This is a time to be in your own space. Stabilizing yourself in your own thoughts and mind can bring you a sense of freedom. Observing is in order during this time. You may be attracted to new & unusual subjects. Reactions will come from an intelligent point of view, before action is taken. A focus on goals of the future, planning, brainstorming, and social gatherings may be in order. If you have a schedule for the next two days, you may as well throw it out because personal freedom is going to be at high levels. And since Mercury retrograde is causing delays, inner thinking, & technical difficulties, it’s time to stay home, put on a documentary, and swim in your thoughts.
Scorpio Sun squares Aquarius Moon (0924 EST)
Confidence may retreat in the face of a challenge. This is a time to avoid confrontations but that doesn’t mean pulling out of the situation entirely. Today’s outcome will have uncertainty & shifty grounds. Mild challenges to your emotional security & contentment may be experienced. Inner stress and tension can cause dismay and plans to not go as smoothly as you wanted. This transit doesn’t last long, so breathe and try to stay grounded.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Virgo Venus trine Capricorn Saturn 0° orb
This is an easy flowing energy, and if you are planning on getting married, THIS IS THE BEST ASPECT TO HAVE A VOW OF MARRIAGE!! 💜🤍 It entitles a serious, longieyity of love. However, if there is issues in a relationship, it can assess and reassess how the relationship is working and if any adjustments need made up to and including termination. It’s seeking a stability in love. So, if it’s unstable, it will force to end the relationship. It also brings out the beauty in love. Emotions should be easier to keep in check (especially with the help of the Aquarius moon helping us think more logically with emotions) and could even come off as cold.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Scorpio Sun conjunct Scorpio Mercury rx 2°
Everyone will be feeling eager for connection with this energy! However, with both the Sun & Mercury being in Scorpio, expect there to be deep conversations & investigative work with others. Conversations could reveal the truth or shine light on a subject that needs to be looked into further. This aspect also gives us easier access to our intuition to help us better navigate our lives.
Moon enter Pisces 14:18 EST
This will spike the already high levels of intuition we are able to reach with the Sun conjunct Mercury aspect happening. Emotions are also heightened and the investigative side to us, really starts to use it’s tools to find the truth.
Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Mercury rx
This energy will restore our mental and physical energy. The trine between the Moon & Mercury rx brings harmony to our awareness and communication. The trine between the Moon & Sun creates an energy that emphasizes on our intuition. This Double Water Trine will boost our intuition & bring a focus to our paths until early Wednesday Morning.
#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#astrologyforhumans#capricorn#gemini#libra#cancer#sagittarius#virgo#taurus#pisces#scorpio#scorpio sun
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✨Today, October 22, 2020✨
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua💜
Sun enters Scorpio 19:00 EST (ends November 21, 2020)
Welcome to Scorpio season!! Time for increased intensity & seeking deeper truths. We may feel the need to have more intimate relationships with those in our lives. This Scorpio Season has the potential to be enlightening & all around positive due to the squares to the Capricorn stellium & Opposition to Aries Mars rx ending. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Scorpio still retrograding until October 27th. With two major celestial bodies in the same fixed water sign of Scorpio, this energy can reveal hidden aspects in our personal relationships. (Like, Mercury retrograde already does. So, expect a double dose of uncovered circumstances exposed.) These deep, hidden forces will prepare us to make adjustments and changes in our lives that are needed to evolve personally. Whether that be to let someone or something go in order to move forward or change our perspective on someone or something in order to have a personal transformation. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. So, all that is hidden in the depths of our psyche has a chance to be revealed. However, if the energy is improperly used, it can be manifested into jealousy, manipulation, and vindictive behavior. Use the high Scorpianic vibrations of the Sun’s rays to heal yourself and have a powerful transformation this season!
Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Lilith 23:48 EST
This aspect may cause tension and forceful idealtion of opinions and ideas. There may be someone or something that tries to convince you of choosing their path instead of your own, creating an uncomfortable situation by convincing you to not follow your own influences, but theirs. If you are the one doing the forcing, step back and realize that you are forcing your way of doing things on someone else and this is taking away from their authenticity. Everyone deserves their right to be an individual. This can cause intense negativity but being present in the moment can actually bring an intense triumph in evolvement!
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#astrologyforhumans#capricorn#gemini#libra#scorpio#pisces#taurus#sagittarius#cancer#transits#transformation#scorpio season#Taurus Lilith#scorpio sun#sun opposite Lilith#lilith in taurus#plutonic#intense aspects#dailytransits#letgoofwhatnolongerservesyou#october 2020
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🌟TODAY, October 21, 2020🌟
Astrology Transits by TripleAqua 💜
Lilith enters Taurus ♉️ (ends July 18, 2021)
Black Moon Lilith in Taurus will bring out our earthy qualities. The rebellious will become more grounded. We may show our more sensual side, and even a mythical, earthy part of us can shine through. This is a good time for Earth focused rituals and spells. We may show more concern for our Earth and focus on trying to improve our home. If you have Lilith in Taurus in your natal chart, WELCOME TO YOUR LILITH RETURN!! 💜 you may be more aware of blocks and obstacles around being able to stand up for yourself. You could even be forced to face a situation that requires you to stand your ground and know your worth.  Be sure to embrace your inner Lilith!
Moon Enters Capricorn 02:44 EST
Expect to be more reserved, grounded, and responsible. You may be digging for internal security and creating your own standards. It may seem like you are coming off as cold and at disregard to others’ feelings. When in reality, you are just trying to give yourself validation and recognition that you have been seeking from others.
Virgo Venus trine Capricorn Pluto 1° orb
 This aspect could give you the possibility of a personal transformation!  Your emotional experiences could come from a higher source and can be intense enough to cause realizations, enlightenment, and transformation. This is a collective aspect. All will experience an optimistic look of life and that everything will work out in their favor. This will manifest and create a fundamental faith in life. You may feel the need to share your philosophy of life with others. Your realizations and enlightenments will most likely focus on relationships with others. You could see what the foundation of a relationship needs in order to survive. Honesty, commitment, responsibility to mutual obligations, and mutual love and affection are all topics. There also may be realizations of allowing mutual space to be given to each other in order to express each other’s unique personalities and creative sides. All in all, there will be a feeling of gratitude for all of those you love.
Virgo Venus square Gemini North Node rx
This energy can bring us to a decision that needs to be made in our lives. Whether it’s time to stay or to go. Virgo Venus will make us decide with our hearts while the other transits will make us logically think about our situations. Look to where the desire of perfectionism is holding you back. If you realize that the situation doesn’t have to be perfect,  this energy will give you the chance to evolve!
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#dailytransits#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#astrologyforhumans#capricorn#gemini#libra#virgo#taurus#cancer#sagittarius#scorpio#pisces#Lilith in Taurus#Lilith#capricorn moon#virgo venus#venus trine pluto#Capricorn Pluto#Venus square north node#gemini north node#north node rx#retrograde#mercury retrograde#october 2020#Mercury rx opposite Uranus
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October 19, 2020
Today’s aspects
~Moon Enters Sagittarius 00:43 EST🌗
This energy gives us an optimistic and upbeat approach. We may show interest in socializing, traveling, being more adventurous and involving others.
~ Scorpio mercury RX opposite Taurus Uranus RX 0° orb
This aspect will make today go by very quickly. There may be conflicts in social relationships. Be careful with how you deliver your communication with others. It can be easily confused for having an attitude, especially with miscommunications during Mercury retrograde. There may be difficulty in channeling productive mentality today. Feelings of being scattered and overwhelmed may happen.  you may want to begin new projects and put older projects on hold. A lack of sensitivity may have you coming off as arrogant and can push people away unless you remember to take others feelings into consideration. Inner erratic agitation can cause much anxiety and nervousness today.
~Virgo Venus trine Capricorn Jupiter 0° orb
This is one of the most looked forward to aspects to occur due to the harmony and expansion of love it creates!! It will lessen any hardships and bring love and joy into life. It’s easier to show love and affection during this transit, even to yourself.  It’s a great time for finding love and socializing.  Shopping is favored if finances allow it. So, buy that thing you’ve been wanting but have been putting off buying! Gifts, compliments, and really great offers should be accepted during this time. Don’t let a great opportunity pass by!

~ Aries Mars RX Square Capricorn Jupiter 0° orb
 Immense energy and initiative to get shit done! This aspect gives courage to take on a defensive approach if you are being threatened. Do not attack others during this time, especially without provocation. This can cause accidents and injuries. Choose your battles wisely. This energy will make you feel invincible but be sure to ration it out properly or it will cause emotional and physical exhaustion.
Hope everyone has a great day!

-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#retrograde#capricorn#leo#scorpio#taurus#aquarius#aries#pisces#virgo#libra#sagittarius#cancer#gemini#astrologyforhumans#transits#aries mars#sagittarius moon#scorpio mercury#uranus in taurus#virgo venus#capricorn jupiter#square aspect#trine aspect#opposite aspect#mercury opposite uranus#venus trine jupiter#mars square jupiter
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Which strain is best for which zodiac sign???☀️🔥💨
Here is Earth & Water signs!
Link to Fire & Air:
So, I have been studying astrology for some time now. Longer than I have smoked actually! And have found many things that associate marijuana and astrology together.
Side note: We are way more than our star sign (what the sun was in when we were born) which is what most people tend to know when you ask them what sign they are but did you know that you could be a different sun sign than what you’ve thought??? All signs depend on your time of birth. We have multiple planets in our natal charts and the main ones that most people focus on are our sun, moon, and ascendent (rising) can do your full natal chart at and find out yours!
So, I wanted to list all the zodiacs (with some decorative marijuana art! Feel free to take any of them as I took them from
💫Check your Sun, Moon, & Ascendent (Rising) signs! Also, check your Chart signature (your Ascendent’s ruling planet sign) & Stelliums (3 or more planets in a single sign or house)💫
***Strain information under each picture***

🌹Practical, Loyal, Dependable🌹
Best strain for Taurus Dominants: Orange Haze (sativa dominant hybrid) body buzzing and laughter inducing, resistance is futile, so you’ll enjoy the joy and energy from this citrus strain.

💧Tenacious, Adaptable, Loyal💧
Best strain for Cancer Dominants: Girl Scout Cookies (50/50 Hybrid) this will bring you peace and relaxation, creating happiness and laughter that may be uncontrollable at times!

🍀Analytical, Observant, Loyal🍀
Best strain for Virgo Dominants: Space Queen (Hybrid) this strain will help you break out of your shell and make you feel relaxed and comfortable. This is particularly great for Virgos with social anxiety, due to its highly fun, sociable strain that makes for a great conversation starter.

🌊Passionate, Intense, Observant🌊
Best strain for Scorpio Doninants: Lemon Skunk (Hybrid) this strain has a high euphoria with a side of happiness. It dissipates stress and allows your mind to wander freely. Scorpios can smoke this strain socially or solo, but will give them verbose inspiration either way.

💰Resourceful, Organized, Disciplined💰
Best strain for Capricorn Dominants: Mother’s Help (Hybrid) perfect for your inner coordinator as it induces creativity in your mind. Your organizational urges will be appeased with a Sativa burst of energy, followed by a happy mellow cool-down as you survey your accomplishments with pride.

🐟🐟Compassionate, Imaginative, Escapist🐟🐟
Best strain for Pisces Dominants: Pure Power Plant (Hybrid). This strain is best for bonding with friends! Warm, clear-headed euphoria that’s both uplifting and relaxing. Any leftover stress from your day will dissolve into psychedelic giggles and get you grooving to the music. This strain causes major red eye so, have eye drops handy!
#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#capricorn#scorpio#taurus#virgo#cancer#pisces#weed strains#marijuana#astrologyforhumans
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Which marijuana strain is best for which zodiac sign???☀️🔥💨
Let’s begin with Fire & Air signs!
Link to Earth & Water signs here:
So, I have been studying astrology for some time now. Longer than I have smoked actually! And have found many things that associate marijuana and astrology together.
Side note: We are way more than our star sign (what the sun was in when we were born) which is what most people tend to know when you ask them what sign they are but did you know that you could be a different sun sign than what you’ve thought??? All signs depend on your time of birth. We have multiple planets in our natal charts and the main ones that most people focus on are our sun, moon, and ascendent (rising) can do your full natal chart at and find out yours!
💫Check your Sun, Moon, & Ascendent (Rising) signs! Also, check your Chart signature (your Ascendent’s ruling planet sign) & Stelliums (3 or more planets in a single sign or house)💫
So, I wanted to list all the zodiacs (with some decorative marijuana art! Feel free to take any of them as I took them from
***Strain information under each picture***

🔥Enthusiastic, Energetic, Independent🔥
Strain best for Aries Dominants: Double Dream (Sativa dominant hybrid) relaxation with a creative focus and uplifting haziness to let you concentrate on the task at hand, awash in a warm wave of euphoria.

⚡️Energetic, imaginative, witty⚡️
Best strain for Gemini Dominants: Haze (Sativa Dominant) this will Loft you up with focus and creativity, but will also soothe any restlessness with a happy buzz that will inspire you.

☀️Confident, Dramatic, Enthusiastic☀️
Best Strain for Leo Dominants: Pineapple Express (Hybrid) lessen the drama and up the ante with joy, verbally you will become dormant and give someone else the spotlight for a change. You will find yourself quietly in awe with the beauty of the world instead! Huge boost of euphoria!

💫Peaceful, Kind, Idealistic💫
Best strain for Libra Dominants: Harlequin (Sativa) this strain is high in CBD and allows you to have clear-headed focus that will allow you to get your tasks done with a smile on your face. Great for Libra’s to use during meditation aid, offering relaxation without the sedation.

💥Adventurous, Independent, Conversational💥
Best strain for Sagittarius Dominants: Alien Asshat (Hybrid) a perfect match for an adventurous soul. Super high THC levels to take Sagittarius wherever they want to go!

👽Witty, Clever, Inventive👽
Best strain for Aquarius Dominants: Blue Diamond (Indica) this strain will help Aquarius exercise their funny bone with happy giggles. You’ll be the life of the party while reclined in your favorite chair. You get the best of both worlds while getting a high dose of pain relief.
#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
#astrology#horoscope#tripleaqua#leo#aquarius#aries#libra#gemini#sagittarius#fire signs#air signs#marijuana#weed strains#natal chart#astrologyforhumans#smoke weed#elevate
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Moon in Scorpio 10° is bringing some intensity with strong emotional desires, possibly jealousy, possessiveness, or feelings of revenge emerging. With Mercury and Mars retrograde, it’s bringing those feelings inward. Constructive channeling of this energy helps connecting to yourself more accessible, possessing yourself and staying determined for whatever you desire. Your goal is to get shit done, and if you have to do it alone, you have the willpower to do it.
#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
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Attention Humans 🌑

#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
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Astrology Forecast for you humans out there....

#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets
-TripleAqua 💜🔮
Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎
💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫
Venmo~ TripleAqua
Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
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