#venus transit 2021
astrosamara · 5 months
Astrology Observations #1
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🩵Mars in Gemini and Virgo are very quick learners. They're at their best when they keep themselves busy with new and intellectually stimulating hobbies.
🩵Cancer placements in the big 3 have the most comforting and nurturing energy. These people are so easy to be around and it feels so easy to be yourself around them. I feel like people don’t give cancer placements enough credit for how good they are at making people feel loved.
🩵10th house moons are very loved and admired in their careers. I've noticed a lot of celebrities with this placement.
🩵Neptune in the 11th house can really idealize their friendships and groups and can end up being very deceived by them. Their friends can be very phony and not their true friends at all. 
🩵Leo and Libra in the big 3 makes someone a natural in the spotlight. Fame comes easily to them.
🩵Moon in Pisces or 12th house tend to have very strong connections to their dreams. They can even have epiphanies that help guide them in their life.
🩵In solar return charts, I've noticed that when the transit sun conjuncts the solar return chart ruler, a pivotal moment will happen for that year related to what planet it is. For example, my solar return ascendant in 2022 was in Sagittarius and when the sun made a conjunction with my solar return Jupiter, I received my associate's degree. My previous solar return ascendant in 2021 was in Libra, and when the sun made a conjunction with my solar return Venus, I developed a new long-term crush that inspired me to pursue a new passion. It can be fun to make a note of these dates every year to see what comes up.
🩵8th house synastry is no joke. These connections are incredibly intense and very hard to break free from. It can feel almost impossible to forget about this person. Very transformational as well.
🩵Harsh moon aspects are strong indicators of a wounded relationship with the mother. Pluto square the moon in particular is a very challenging placement for this matter. The mother could have instilled deep trauma and fear in you at an early age.
🩵Positive Mars and Venus aspects make someone incredibly charming. They're often easily liked and admired. I've noticed this the most with Mars sextile Venus.
🩵It's so important to pay attention to your moon sign/house/aspects to discover what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled. For example, I'm a Pisces moon and need to be creative and have a healthy amount of alone time daily to feel content.
🩵Personal Aries placements rapidly need new and passionate energy in their lives. It's so hard for them to stay in situations they're bored and uninspired in. Depending on other placements in the chart that can be more grounding, it's very hard for them to remain committed to a situation for a long time if it's not interesting.
🩵Idk if it's just because I have a Scorpio venus and stellium, but I find Scorpio moon and/or mars men to be so sexy.
🩵Pay attention to what themes come up in your life during your north node return, it can reveal a lot about what you're destined to do and what sort of life can be the most fulfilling for you.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
what's a mars return?
did you know that you can check more than just your sun's return? any time a planet transits and becomes exactly conjunct your planet (it is in the exact sign and degree it was when you were born), you undergo a planetary return. mars returns happen roughly every 2 years (unless there is a retrograde too). my mars return is coming up this august and i couldn't be more thrilled to shed the lessons of my 2021 mars return chart and step onto a new battleground.
but what can a mars return chart show you?
what are you passion at / what you desire to do. your confidence and lack thereof. sex. what makes you angry / frustrated / aggressive / competitive. your impulsive behavior. where you are dominant / a leader. the challenge(s) you face.
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ego, leadership, self-confidence, sex life, focus, creative passions, authority, dominance, individuality, leadership development, dignity, awareness of other's intentions, and self-expression desires/passion.
frustration, passion, desire, lust, anger, survival instincts, care for your unit/squad, where you feel most powerful, your blood family, passionate/lustful instincts, fertility, adaptability, relationship with your mother, menstruation, and habits.
communication about what you want, verbal inspiration of others, debates, arguments, how you antagonize others, the determination of your mind, physical health, perception, short trips, ground transportation, diplomatic mannerisms, aggressive mannerisms, and profanity.
who you lust over, who you're attracted to, your reception of others' love, empathy/sympathy for others, pleasure, self-love/pleasure, compromise, values and moral drive, and possessions.
passion, desire, confidence, ambition, lust, sexual desire, anger/combativeness, aggressiveness/competitiveness, athletics, temper, impulse, dominance over other, activity / physical energy, and violence.
luck at pursuing your passions/desires, wins/successes, opportunity to move into leadership roles / win, who is willing to follow you, expansion of you empire, knowledge of the things you desire / are passionate about, wisdom gained from previous experiences, air travel, how you seek justice, exploration of foreign land, and spoils/profit/gains from what you win/achieve.
hard work, challenges/struggles, what the absence of your father/fatherly figure is like (mars has no father - read that myth here), lack of confidence, delays in you passions/desires, physical limitations, physical discipline, responsibility for others, physical effort, self-control, physical stability, endurance, emotional detachment (battle compartmentalization), and grudges.
allis, fluctuation in attitude/confidence, online arguments, physical uniqueness, rebellion, unplanned/sudden occurrences (surprise attacks), independence, freedom from others, p0rn0graphy, shock (usually of the traumatic variety), (battlefield) chaos, disasters scenarios, and fans/followers.
creative plans/strategies, camouflage and how you blend in, over-sensitivity, selflessness/egoism, retreating, intuition, deception/lies/manipulation, passionate inspiration, and fascination.
physical transformation, power, sex, 0rgasms, destruction of others, death, intensity, physical magnetism, physical regeneration, infatuation with other, obsession with others, seduction, manipulation of other, how you plans evolve and change, and the liabilities you remove from your life.
how you approach life, physical body, confidence, the initiative you take, your ambition, your behavior, physical alterations, individuality, and passion.
impulse spending habits, passion projects / side hustles, your work ethic, material possessions (spoils), stability, giving/receiving, and resources.
communication, your strategic mind, your perceptions, interests, ground transportation, social media (the arguments you get in and your followings), and short journeys.
homes/houses (raiding homes that aren't yours or location of your own home), family/family roots, and the foundation of your plans foundations.
children, talent for arguing or your passions, creative plans, risk-taking activities, hookups, pleasures/desires, and strategy games you play
physical health, fitness routine, your duties towards others, your hygiene, and analytics/strategy.
long term relationships, physical attraction towards others, partnerships, allis, known enemies, and negotiations.
major physical transformation, sex, death, changes of heart, your partners resources/assets, seduction, secrets, spiritual transformation, surgery/operations, and trauma (ptsd).
(battle) wisdom, morality/ethics, foreign environments / long journeys, travel, and learning about leadership / your passion.
your legacy, your reputation, long-term goals/plans, mission, responsibilities towards others, authority, expertise, and leadership.
allis, gains, desires, awareness of other's intentions towards you, groups you lead, politics, and interaction with others.
mental healing/health, hidden weaknesses, hidden enemies, k!nks, fears, losses, closure from tense situations, repressed memory, past challenges, and mental restrictions that become physical restrictions.
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
god, i'm just yelling, this is SO QUEER, this fucking story
the way you see dream, imprisoned, reflected in hob's glass in 1989
the METAPHOR of that. hob in '89 pushing the envelope of social perception to talk openly about his relationship with dream to the bartender at this pub??? while dream is imprisoned in a physical prison, and kept imprisoned there by his own pridefulness and inability to ask for support??? fuck
paired with the quote from the comics of dream having revelations about his imprisonment -- "The problem, he realized, was that those who had power enough to help him, he had not furnished with motive. While those who might aid him willingly, he had not provided with means. It came to him that if he had merely trusted more freely, his captivity might have been short indeed. But then... whom to trust?"
something something metaphor for self-isolation and lack of community and internalized homophobia
AND just... the visual transitions in these scenes -
dream's prison taking the shape of hob's glass—this last glass of liquor hob thinks he might get to drink in this memory-steeped space that has been their meeting place for six centuries. this glass of liquor that the bartender offers him as a silent sign of solidarity—the glass, symbolic of freedom and connection, the two things that dream in that precise moment utterly lacks, cut off from the dreaming as he is, but both things he could find in hob when he is ready, because hob is determined to wait for him
the subtext with the bartender—hob in conversation with queer elders, the glen grant, "old enough to be [hob's] father," "i'm older than i look," "in a hundred years"—speaking to longevity, to living beyond adversity, to surviving in the AIDS crisis
the visual transition from dream in his prison to dream's face reflected in the barrier as he stands in front of the barricade and hob's spray painted sign. he's free, he's ready to accept the love hob is offering him. and the momentary heartbreak in his face when he thinks he might be too late, before he sees the spray-painted sign - god, just the absolute revolutionary queer energy and malicious compliance of hob using his queer buying power to secure the new inn and breaking the law by doing graffiti so that dream will find him
the fucking hopeful, heartfelt, tender music that plays as dream follows the sign to the new inn??? the way he walks so slowly, so deliberately as though he's bracing himself for hob not having waited. the way he moves through the grass almost wistfully, like he's walking toward a dream he's had for more than a century. the way he looks around the bar and zeroes in on hob.
history professor hob!!! radical queer elder hob gadling, who looks mid-30s but has seen and felt his community's pain and loss and can bridge the gap between queer past and queer present. hob unlearning his biases and learning and growing to understand and fight against the structural inequalities and systems of oppression he perpetrated in his own past! fostering future generations of loving, caring, compassionate humans. giving people a safe space
the new inn as a Queer Safe Space, the MEANINGFULNESS of that, when queer-specific spaces are dwindling in UK, US, and other worldwide cities—this article from july 2022 states, "Take London, for example. In 2017, a pivotal audit by the Urban Laboratory at University College London revealed that since 2006, the number of venues for LGBTQ Londoners had fallen from 124 to 47, a loss of nearly 60 per cent." as of january 2021, only 15 nightlife spaces for queer/gay women were left in the US and there are literal community projects in place to try to preserve queer safe spaces
the idea of this carving out of space, calling to mind the queer chosen family, the importance of community
the way dream and hob smile at each other at the end. open, so open, so full of genuine warmth. together again and not to be parted. in the place that was meant for them, this place that is a reinvention of an even older place they had made their own - in the new inn that exists simply because of their love for each other
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astroeleanor · 10 months
🎉˚✧ ゚2024 Begins with Mercury RX!˚✧🎉
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2024 begins with Mercury Retrograde! We haven’t had a Retrograde-free New Year’s since 2021. This highlights some setbacks we experienced in terms of achieving our New Year’s resolutions. The most affected signs this year will be Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces.
The beginning of 2022, 2023, and 2024 is characterized by introspection and re-evaluation. Instead of charging headfirst into the New Year, the Retrograde energy has prompted us to take our time and ease into it. On the surface, this may seem to hinder our progress and the usual pace of our intentions for the New Year. In reality, this is an opportunity for contemplation, reassessment, and for redefining our action plan for the year ahead.
2022 started with Venus RX in Capricorn, making relationship (Venus) issues & responsibilities (Capricorn) the main obstacle in achieving our goals. The key takeaway of this transit was to find a harmonious balance between our emotional needs and our professional obligations. The most affected signs were CAPRICORN, Libra, Cancer, and Aries.
2023 started with Mercury RX in Capricorn, highlighting pessimistic (Capricorn) thinking patterns (Mercury) as the main obstacle in manifesting our desires. Mercury RX highlighted how our ideas might have been weighed down by our limiting beliefs, hindering our ability to envision strategies to achieve our goals. The most affected signs were CAPRICORN, Libra, Cancer, and Aries.
2024 starts with Mercury RX in Sagittarius, meaning we will need to readjust our vision (Sagittarius) & make our expectations realistic to achieve our goals. It will be crucial to recalibrate our expectations and avoid biting off more than we can chew. This dynamic will come into play due to the energy of Sagittarius — which is associated with exploration, optimism, and expansive thinking — being channeled through the introspective energy of Mercury Retrograde.
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cognitivejustice · 3 months
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Self-sufficient organic Finnish farm grows its own fuel and a greener future
An award-winning farm has teamed up with Helsinki University to create a symbiotic food production system that is self-sufficient in energy and nutrients. It’s a trailblazer in sustainable agriculture.
Photo above: Farmer Markus Eerola shows visitors the biogas plant that helps make his farm an energy producer rather than an energy consumer.Photo: Wif Stenger
Organic Knehtilä Farm provides its own nutrients and energy, thanks to careful long-term planning and a small onsite biogas plant operated by energy utility Nivos.
The biogas powers his tractor, pickup truck and cars, and is available to others at a commercial filling station on the edge of the farm, although vehicles that can use biogas are still relatively rare. It offers a valuable alternative to meet the growing need for affordable, clean domestic energy.
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Demand for organic food continues to grow. “The price gap between organic and standard production is narrowing, partly because we don’t need fertiliser. Our farm has its own product line of oat and buckwheat products, which are produced here using a proven cultivation method known as agroecological symbiosis, where nutrients and energy are efficiently recycled.”
The sprawling 380-hectare farm’s carefully balanced circular economy has developed over a decade and a half, earning a WWF award in 2015 as a model of nature-friendly agriculture. In 2021, the Finnish Organic Association chose Knehtilä for the honour of Organic Business of the Year.
“Biogas production can convert farms from being energy consumers to energy producers, and play an important role in the transition away from fossil fuels. When it’s done in a smart way, it’s also possible to increase biodiversity in farming systems.”
Knehtilä forms part of the Global Network of Lighthouse Farms, a project led by Wageningen University in the Netherlands, involving commercially viable farms that offer “radical solutions to address sustainability challenges.” International visitors frequently come to Knehtilä to learn about unique system.
The rich, vibrant cycle of life at Knehtilä is visible in not only the lush fields, but also in the insects and frogs that frequent them, and in a few animals such as horses, sheep, goats, chickens and rabbits. The farm is also a lively event venue; a high-ceilinged, 80-year-old barn has been converted to a space for up to 100 people for weddings, theatre performances and concerts.
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growwithmeastrology · 4 months
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Saturday, June 8th 2024
Sun in Gemini ♊️💨 Moon in Cancer ♋️🌊
I hope you’ve enjoyed the nicer energies of the last few days because today, the vibes take a drastic turn. While the moon is in Cancer which is typically a softer energy, it is highly emotional. It is a time for concentrating on home and personal matters.
That energy is reinforced by this aspect. Venus in Gemini is squaring Saturn in Pisces. It is highly recommended that you take a break from your social calendar and assess your friendships and closest relationships at this time. Loyalties may be questioned and love matters feel more stressful. If you can pull off a me day today, I highly recommend it. It is difficult to maintain harmony or avoid drama so try to stay more focused on personal responsibilities.
We also have a shift in energy today as Mars, the planet of aggression sits at the stressful, anoretic or last degree of its home sign of Aries all day and then right around midnight, transitions into Taurus. An example of how aggressive this energy can be is from 2021 where we had a guy wearing bull horns storming the capital of the US causing chaos along with his buddies. Once Mars spends more time in Taurus it calms down but the transition can be quite chaotic.
In short, keep it as chill as you can today. Tend to your own gardens and avoid crowded places as much as you can. Mars in Taurus will eventually bring a more steady and possibly luxurious time where we can plant some seeds and watch them grow.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 6 months
1:30am & thinking about all the bipoc women writers who went out of their way to be so incredibly kind to me while only having met briefly… like the author I met a couple months before moving to school who was so excited & encouraging when I told her I was studying writing… & like the caribbean poet who bonded with me after learning we were both guyanese & who comforted me when I was struggling in first year in a majorly white city & as one of the only bipoc in my department… & to the Black poet who kept in touch with me when I was transitioning to university & who was one of the first ppl to message me when I got off my first flight to a new city… & to the Cree poet whose reading I attended in 2021 who talked to me outside the venue in the cold about indigeneity at a time where I badly wanted to learn more about my ancestors but didn’t know where to start… she has no idea that that one conversation drove me to research (as best I could) my ancestry & in doing so learn more about my family & the language I couldn’t name standing on that corner… literally ily bipoc women !!!!
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kakiastro · 11 months
Lunar Taurus Eclipse
Date : October 28th, 2023
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Hey yall! I decided to start doing important transits announcements. As you know and probably been feeling is the upcoming lunar Eclipse. Now mind we still feeling the effects from the Solar eclipse in Libra
What is in an eclipse?
-It’s when the celestial bodies, the Sun and Moon light is blocked for a short period of time.
How long do they last?
- the actual eclipse don’t last long but the energy of the eclipse last for 6 about months.
What do they mean spiritually and astrologically?
-Many astrologers and spiritualist alike believe eclipse are signatures of life changing events. Whether it’s the ending of a cycle or the beginning of a new one.
This is the last Taurus eclipse cycle that we’ll have for a while. This Taurus eclipse cycle started back November 2021 so check back on the events in your life during that time.
-for me, this is when I started my Tumblr blog, so it’s full circle that I’m making this post lol. Taurus rules my 11h of social media!
-Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac. It rules over our values, self worth, finances, our physical home, our voice.
-Lunar (Moon) is our emotions, mom, immediate family, the karmic cycles in our life. Whenever the moon changes phases so do we!
This eclipse is ruled by Venus which is in its fall of Virgo. Venus isn’t comfortable in Virgo so this transit will be intense
Taurus eclipse is also opposing the Sun, Mercury and Mars which heightens the restless feelings.
So what do you need to do?
Rest, drink lots of water, listen to feel good music. Watch your words and thoughts. Journal or do voice notes if you need to get the words out of your head. Emotions will be strong so try to only watch feel good movies and shows. Release what no longer serve you.
Affirmations I personally use, now you can create your own but for beginners who need an example on where to start.
“if there’s anything or anyone blocking me from reaching my potential, then I release them with love.”
“I’m thankful for all the lessons I’ve learned in this cycle whether it was through people or through my own situations. I’m ready to start this new cycle in my life with an open mind and heart, let my new journey be one filled with love.”
“With this new journey, let it be filled with people who has genuine love, and wants the best for me and I them.”
After saying or writing these, just start living your life normally and let God/Universe/Source, whoever you believe do the rest.
Eclipse energy is tiring plus we’re still feeling the last one. So try to get as much rest as you possibly can.
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cosmicchats · 1 year
July 22nd: Venus Rx in Leo
Posted on 07/11/23 @ 12:
Venus Rx will begin on July 22nd @ 28° (Cancer degree), emphasizing the contemplative period we are beginning. You may feel a little defensive right now, and trying to protect yourself. Do not hide from conflict, face it head on and fight. During this transit it is essential for you to practice discernment between what is happening in the material world and your feelings. Although relationships will change, it’s important to know which ones are worth keeping, and which ones have run their course. What lessons have you learned? Think about who you were and what you were doing during the last Venus Rx in Capricorn during December 19, 2021- January 29, 2022.
If you are a Leo rising, this Venus Rx is happening in your 1H (I am), dealing with your identity, the image you project, and outlook. Is the way you project yourself aligned with your values? You as a person are about to change.
Wherever Leo sits in your chart will be highlighted during this Venus Rx. Look below to see which house Leo sits in your chart based on your rising sign and what themes may come up during this transit.
Leo in your chart
Aries Rising: 5th House; I serve (personal creativity) 
-For Aries rising, I see this Venus Rx shaking up how you express yourself. With Venus being in Leo, I think many of you will be taking the initiatives that put you center stage in your life. This will be a time where you reflect over your values in and how you express yourself. Romance may be in the air for meaning of you as well. Since 5H deals with fertility, children= Leo=vitality, if you do not want to get pregnant make sure you are taking all precautions.
Taurus Rising: 4th House; I nurture
-Changes to your home life are arriving. Home in the literal sense like where you live and also home as in your roots. You maybe moving or re-decorating your home. You may reconnect with family (your foundation), and reflect over how you want to take action in how you nurture yourself specifically.
Gemini Rising: 3rd House; I think
-Your mind and thinking process will be changing during this transit. The Rx will cause you to reflect over how you communicate with others and whether or not you find it useful and productive. Test (conflict) may arise calling on you to address confrontation in your social settings and activities. Remember, you don’t have to engage. If you do engage, think before you speak. Mercury will have entered Leo on July 11th, increasing heated conversations. How can you communicate your values to people? What boundaries will you enforce?
Cancer Rising: 2nd House; I have
-Material possessions (cash/commodities/work) will be a focal for you this transit. Where do your values align and are you living that value? What new steps do you need to make? This is the time to be patient, reflect, and be open to reassessing what you are seeking to have. You may change jobs or have change in your income. Changes to your daily habits are expected to take place as well. Adjustments to your daily habit that center you and your priorities.
Virgo Rising: 12 House; I dream
- Ex’s may appear in your dreams during this transit or be on your mind (subconscious). Do not think that an ex appearing in your dream means you miss them. You may be processing how things ended. They may also be thinking about you. You could be officially ending cycles and relationships. Childhood triggers of not having control may arise. Pay attention to your dreams during this transit because you will learn more about yourself. Write down your dreams to help you look at possible patterns or themes occurring.
Libra Rising: 11th House; I aspire
- Are you starting a new venture? Or trying to stabilize a current project? Who are the people you have in your corner supporting you? Tap in to the people who you trust, and support you during this transit. You may be thinking about the future during this transit. Also pay attention to any possible technology issues that may arise. 
Scorpio Rising: 10th House; I achieve
- You are thinking about your future and legacy you want to have. What steps do you need to take? Thoughts about your reputation are likely to come to the forefront. New career or job offers. If it’s not an immediate, YES, then its a no, and that is okay. 
Sagittarius Rising: 9th House; I explore
-You may be exploring feelings related to your inner child. Many of you may meet a new person while traveling abroad, or in higher education. Pay attention to any flags, now is not the time to ignore them. This Venus Rx will transform your philosophy. Leave you with different values and wisdom. Some of you may be exploring religion or reflecting the way religion has impacted you. 
Capricorn Rising: 8th House; I circulate
-As a Saturn ruled placement, you often face many restrictions. You may feel like you are held to a higher standard than others. During this transits, people who have wronged you may come back. You could inherit energy from other people so make sure you step up your spiritual protection. Debts are being paid.
Aquarius Rising: 7th House; I partner
-Big changes to your relationships. If you are in a relationship, check in with your partner. Are your values aligned? The word relationship is not limited to romantic ones either. How are you caring for yourself during this time. This Venus Rx in Leo wants you to think about how your relationships make you feel and benefit you. Do you feel supported by your partner or other interpersonal relationships. Are your relationships helping you grow as a person? 
Pisces Rising: 6th House; I serve (daily life/others)
-Check in with your health. Your vitality is being highlighted during this transit. What care are you in need of? Changes to appearance based on your overall health could take place. You are more analytical about subjects of the heart, and work ethic (habits). What habits do you need to keep or let go? On the body, Leo represents the heart so make sure you monitor your heart health during this time.  
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libra-stellium · 5 months
Venus Transits I tracked!
Descriptions from Planets in Transit - Robert Hand
Venus opposite Moon (Apr 17 - Apr 21)
Any problems under this transit are likely to come from doing something to excess
Did I drink a whole bottle of wine on 4/20? yes. Was I feeling it the next day? yes lol Do I regret it? nope! I was trying to have a great night in and that's exactly what I had!
This transit arouses your affections and makes you willing to give and receive love, relationships with women are meaningful
I made this really good pasta with mussels and I invite my aunt to have dinner with me which is simple but I don't usually do that lol
The rest of this transit description was talking about problems in romantic relationships but I'm single soooo N/A
Venus opposite Mercury (Apr 18 - Apr 22)
Favorable time for communication about love and relationships
If you watch 911 you know how it's been this month lol but I've been enjoying watching people watch the show for the first time! Idk which day exactly but it had me thinking about how I used to write fics when I was younger and make fan videos of shows lol such a fun time! Then I had a convo with my bestie about her love live bc she's a late bloomer and naturally is scared of everything lmao
The mercurial side of your personality does not take emotional matters seriously
I forgot to pay attention to this lmfao but I know I was a joker this entire time! lmao I tried to cut back but everything was just toooo funny!!
Be careful what you say about friends and loved ones under this transit , someone may take it seriously
I made a separate entry about the last time this transit happened for me in 2021 so this time around I was very intentional to not talk about anybody lmao about to make myself a shirt like "My friends and I survived my Venus Opposite Mercury transit <3"
One of the most unemotional of all Venus transits
I don't know lol is laughter not an emotion? I was intrigued by this when I wrote it but maybe I would have experienced this if I didn't know it was happening? Or maybe it was something small like me laughing during the serious situation in a show bc the drama was just toooo much I had to laugh lmao
Venus trine MC (Apr 18 - Apr 22)
Good time for any kind of creative activity/getting involved in the arts
I randomly started cooking this pasta with mussels and I've never made it before and it came out so good!!
Excellent time to redecorate your home and make your personal surroundings more attractive, you are much more sensitive to the aesthetic nature of your surroundings
I did do my dishes and clean my kitchen!
Time when you feel very affectionate and have a great need to express your affection, you are pleasant to be around, others can sense how you feel about them which makes them feel good
I didn't really feel thisss? I'm usually pleasant to be around anyway lol but I did text a couple more friends during this time and we were laughing a lot
Transit makes you feel peaceful and anxious to avoid conflict
Bro this bc after my job messed up my pay last week they asked me to update my timesheet again and I was on that email and had it fixed in 2 minutes lmao just for my supervisor to be like oh she doesn't see it on her end like girl....i texted her pictures of my screen like it's there! Don't stress me out!
Venus square Neptune (Apr 21 - Apr 25)
Transit stimulates your romantic imagination making you somewhat unrealistic
As a libra with a pisces rising this was just another regular day lmao but I was more in my synchronicity bag because on 4/25 I started reading this book that I stopped reading last year on May 19 bc I left it in my friend's car for months and I was reading something else by the time I got it back buttttt the back of the page I stopped on the main character was talking about how the only place she had visited in Europe was Amsterdam and i was like ohmygod??? What are the odds that i was so close to reading that last year and it's now almost a year later and I travel to Amsterdam ON MAY 19???
Daydreaming and creativity are high
Idk if that counts but I stitched a tiktok on 4/23 and it's still getting engagement and it's at 50k+ views rn on 4/28 and like 7k+ likes lolll
Venus square Uranus (Apr 24 - Apr 28)
You seek excitement and stimulation through love relationships
single as a pringle lol
Tendency to flirt under this influence, don't make anything more out of an encounter than what it really is
I didn't go anywhere bc work had me working for real during this time and now it's the weekend and I have my period but one of my friends posted a story about how her outfit made her look like a teacher and I commented "What's 5x5? Twenty Fine!!" lmfaoo the corniest pick up line and I still think I was so funny for saying that lol
You are likely to be impulsive with money
yeah Sweetgreen has had me in a chokehold ngl lol every year I go through a phase where I get obsessed with a salad from there! $18 is absolutely wild but so so good! Just writing this makes me want to order again omg
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omegaremix · 6 months
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Boy Harsher + Twin Tribes @ Music Hall Of Williamsburg; April 3rd, 2022.
October 2021 would have been one of the busiest months of going to shows ever. The problem was that Ministry postponed their “Industrial” Strength Tour for the third time, and I was too late in getting tickets for Boy Harsher’s Halloween show. It only left me with the Uniform show at Saint Vitus with Body Void and Portrayal Of Guilt on the ticket. It took me six years to cross off seeing Uniform in full off my most-wanted list. Shortly after, Boy Harsher announced new dates to coincide with the release of their new short film The Runner featuring everyone’s favorite Kris Esfandiari (King Woman, Sugar High, NGHTCRWLR, Miserable). Time for redemption.
I snatched up tickets right away and feverishly waited for January 29th. Then a slight hitch in plans: the omicron strain took over and infections went wild once again causing Boy Harsher to move their dates up to April 3rd. That’s too bad. The January date was the sweet spot to have a wintry day out in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the preferred weather to enjoy darkwave and synthwave as it was always intended to be. But I’ll take a postponement over a cancellation any day. It’s better to have an experience than none at all.
I learned that it would be a two-hour train ride home from Penn Station to Deer Park. I wouldn’t have the time as I had work early the next day, so instead, I drove to the Babylon station as the train home would make it’s final stop with no transfer. One hour later of cloudy grayscale skies and nothing-special transit later, I arrive at Penn Station. From there, I took the 1 / 2 / 3 Express and finally transferred to the L line to Wythe Av. and North 7th Street. A few blocks away and here I am at The Music Hall Of Williamsburg, my first-ever visit there.
The venue’s site said “doors open at 7PM” but their app- said “8PM”. Fearing arriving late, I hoped for eight. I did get there at 7:30PM and asked the strongarm at the door checking i.d. when they did open. “Doors opened at 7PM but you came just in time. Just in time” as he said with confidence. Judging by his relaxed demeanor, I took his word for it and he was right. Once I walked in, there were a few spots right at the front rail ready for the taking, and I did. Mid-right in front of the speakers. The night was already off to an adrenaline-pumping start. Who is that?! Andi Harriman was dee-jaying on the wheels of steel spinning all sorts of seriously intense and exhilarent synthwave. I never heard anything like it. She’s reached far for some synthwave sounds I never heard of; further than I’ve reached so far because I’m somewhat freshly new to it. I was hooked on what she played and wanted to find what her setlist was, if any.
Twin Tribes opened up for this short Sunday night roster. Had my original date’s tickets transferred to the Friday show, I would’ve ended up seeing Aurat open instead. How amazing would that have been?! But Twin Tribes was an act I wasn’t familiar with but their sound was. I had some experience listening to goth rock in the vein of Adrenochrome, Otzi, and Kurraka, but the Twin Tribes duo took the route of Eighties goth rock built on melodic guitars, hot synthesizers, frighteningly-good vocals and tense upbeat energy. They were a great compliment on a bill that catered to the all-things-industrial and goth subculture, which to me was the culture in Greenpoint.
After Twin Tribes departed for the night, we were once again treated to Andi Harriman’s so-fucking-good dee-jay set. By then the crowd started to pack in tightly on all sides, the balcony, and in general admission. I was still up front and there wasn’t much open space for me to look around to see who was wearing what. I will say that one of the Music Hall crew sported an Aphex Twin hoodie and another one repped Soundgarden, which were great. I look to my left and someone was proudly wearing his FKA Twigs tee. I came in wearing my Rough Trade NYC shirt with my beige hoodie being it was in the nippy high 40’s. That’s your obligatory Ω+ live-show fashion round-up as always.
Twenty minutes of painful waiting, Augustus Muller finally takes the stage. His other half Jae Matthews joins him and Boy Harsher is all ready to go for their set. The fanfare all around the music hall were loud and going wild. Here’s a synthwave duo that’s been currently heralded as one of the flagship outfits of the genre with almost no detractors to be found. They opened up their set with “The Ride Home” and segued into “Give Me A Reason”, a leading track from their new album and motion picture soundtrack The Runner that’s been heavily exposed. They had plenty of cards up their sleeve and reached back to their Yr Body Is Nothing era with “Morphine”. I was still only mere inches from The Music Hall’s- system so I could hear every note thump, vibration, and punch through the speakers as any synthwave / EBM artist should. Right after they finished their cover of Chris Isaac’s “Wicked Game” did they unleash the highly-exhilarating and manic “Come Closer” and made the audience get into a seriously rabid frenzy.
Muller and Matthews controlled the show when they brought it down to a suspenseful mood with The Runner‘s opening track “Tower” and continued on with more wavy, lucid sounds in “Escape” and “Country Girl”. The duo kept going into their Carefularsenal with “Tears” and “LA”; the former which delivered such elasticity and one of the main reasons why Boy Harsher’s fanfare has always been on fire, as they always found and utilized classic synthpop and synthwave elements to everyone’s liking. All the while Jae Matthews exuded a constant sensuality with not only her on-stage presence but also her sultry vocals that paired with their always-sweltering sounds. Augustus Muller always kept to himself behind the keyboards and hitting the beats new-wave style. Forty-five minutes later, Boy Harsher called it night. Or did they?
The Music Hall didn’t switch on their overheads when they both left the stage. That was an easy tell for at least an encore and they delivered on that. “Autonomy” was the final track from The Runner they played and they brought out guest vocalist Cooper B. Handy for it. It was the first album of theirs to feature guest vocalists entirely other than Jae Matthews (the other “Machina” featured BOAN and Mariana Saldana but they weren’t present). There’s always a sense of love and this cute little admiration of their fellow artists and friends when they feature them on-stage, in their videos, projects, and even on their social media posts, as if they’re the special highlight of the day. After “Autonomy was over, Cooper waves good-bye to the crowd. Boy Harsher retires the night and the show’s over. Or was it?
Boy Harsher walked off and hid backstage like they did before. The overheads once again didn’t turn on. You could hear the audience now begging for that one song. That one song. The one that put the duo on the map and won them their recognition. Five more minutes later, they returned on-stage and gave them what the audience so badly wanted: “Pain”. It was the only way to cap off a three-night stay in The Music Hall- and we wouldn’t have let them leave New York City without playing it. No fucking way.
The overheads finally turned on and we all exited out. I brought a Benjamin with me in the event that Jae and Augustus manned the merch- tables. They didn’t. I took a small glimpse of what tapes and shirts they were selling, but time was tight in catching the train back home. I didn’t want to chance it and let it be, but not before I saw a short, pale, curly-haired dominatrix-type making her way to the bar in leather gloves, boots, fish nets, and a tight shiny PVC unitard that hiked up her ass and disappeared. Comes with the industrial / synthwave territory.
It was an astonishing night and I expected it to turn out that way. Boy Harsher and Twin Tribes put on an amazing show and was worth the wait. I left The Music Hall Of Williamsburg with my quotient up and completed a must-do rite of passage. I scrambled through the quiet well-lit streets long enough to get lost (as expected) and took the L and 1 / 2 / 3 line back to Penn Station where I missed the 12:15AM train by three minutes. The painstaking one-hour wait for the 1:15AM Babylon ride was spent getting a four-dollar Toblerone and dodging the panhandlers who scoped out the slightest eye-contact. I finally hop on heading east, arriving at Jamaica to transfer to the line home on a double-decker car, pondering how I would deal with only six hours of sleep before the next day’s shift at work.
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fixedfour · 4 months
Hi! What transit was it you were talking about? Assuming it’s the day he hurt his wrist? Was the moon in cancer omg
omg yes, November 16, 2023! this was the day I was most anxious for 😭
the moon was in Sagittarius (in Mula), but this day was significant on my radar because Mars JUST entered Scorpio that day as well.
Mars has been a very important planet to watch during football season in regards to injuries, especially when it enters Aries/Scorpio. (Mars actually entered Aries this month, on June 1st! I urge everyone to take a look at their car even if nothing is wrong-- please be mindful of accidents, cuts, burns, etc!)
anyway, any planet entering a water sign affects Joe a bit differently since it’s a trinal aspect, but Mars in Scorpio would be directly affecting his moon + sun
and this transit reminded me a lot of December 5, 2021. that day Mars had also just entered Scorpio (and the moon was also in Mula!) and on this day, he dislocated a finger on his throwing hand. i believe it was his pinky ?
so i was afraid he would get injured during that Mars shift and well...
i know two instances hardly makes a pattern, but Mars takes about a year/year and a half to travel through the entire zodiac. hurting the same hand on the same transit twice is still a great 'coincidence'.
and no one asked for this but
i pulled the chart for his wrist injury on August 14, 2017:
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and it confirms Mars was transiting another water sign, Cancer! but holy shit
joe was actually going through his sade sati during this time???? in fact, it was peaking!? Saturn was transiting Scorpio, so it was moving over his natal sun and moon... holy shit
this totally changes my perspective on his college days. i know he's spoken about his struggles during this time, but everything seems so understated now when i'm finally seeing these circumstances.
achieving a perfect season + national championship by the end of your SADE SATI?? joe burrow is actually the boogeyman. it is actually SO appropriate that he played at Tiger Stadium, aka Death Valley... wow.
this chart is actually so insightful. it really colors that day in August. moon in Bharani. sun was transiting Cancer during this time as well, also in Ashlesha. i have always felt that Cancer was significant in his horoscope, and this is kind of confirming it?
for example, Venus was transiting Cancer/Ashlesha when he signed his contract last year in September as well. Signing a contract of any kind definitely activates your 7H... the math is mathing
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astrolaurical · 2 years
Sooo Namjoon has a hickey in his most recent vlive 👀 anything astrology can tell us about his Valentine’s Day being a success or or other details?
Wait whatttttt??? 👀
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The way i ran to Twitter 🤣 I missed the live so I have no idea what’s going on. I just saw “Namjoon neck” trending and was like HUH. Apparently it’s from CrossFit…
He has no transits rn that show he is in the mood for some loving, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t get some good good. His transits currently as of Feb 16, 2023 are:
Natal moon opp trans mars: short fuse. Smallest things may be setting his temper off
Natal mercury trine trans mars: not beating around the bush. Being a little too direct in his speech
Natal saturn sextile trans moon: emotional stability. People are relying on his leader ways and coming to him for his comforting words
Natal Venus opp trans node: feeling social and wanting to spend time with friends
Natal saturn sextile trans node: good time to fix any issues in personal relationships
Transiting Chiron in 5th house: following his gut instincts
Natal mercury opp trans Jupiter: worked hard to plan for the future but mystical events lately are making him see the bigger picture through a different lens
Transiting vesta in 4th house: can’t spend too much time sitting still or it drains his energy. Has to be out moving and exploring
Natal Uranus sextile trans Venus: yearning for new experiences and adventures. This new adventurous spirit may lead him to finding a new partner
Natal Pluto trine trans Venus: may have held onto something/someone for too long and plutos energy is giving him the strength to let go while venus can show him that something new and beautiful is waiting for him in the future
Natal Pluto square trans Saturn: the building blocks that Namjoon built everything will undergo fundamental rearrangement or change. He will need a lot of self discipline to ride out the changes
Natal Pluto square trans sun: the next year or so is a test of rms character and fortitude. He will re-examining his life, purpose,and the direction he is taking as he finishes out his Saturn return
Natal Venus square trans mercury: social settings are awkward. Namjoon may need to make changes in his professional or personal life.
So honestly, if he is dating around, it doesn’t sound like anything will be long-lasting right now. It sounds like Namjoon is too much in the throes of his Saturn return and questioning everyone and everything around him (that’s what Saturn wants!! Weed out the bad people in his life) to make lasting connections at the moment. So if he did get a hickey, hey let him blow a load for now. Sounds like the poor guy needs a stress reliever with all the havoc saturn is wrecking.
But I do think it’s from CrossFit though. Remember when he was in his 2021(?) Height of the Pandemic/Quarantine/Life Goes On couple ring era? He didn’t have a hickey that entire time. I don’t think he would allow a random one-night stand to give him a hickey.
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houseofbrat · 1 year
You once wrote that Henry Cavill would most likely get married or meet his future wife before he turned 40... He will so very soon (May 5) but until now his is still with NV. Who you don't mean is his future wife.
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Okay...let's break out all the relevant parts.
From October 2021, PART A:
From September 2022, PART B:
PART B includes things I realized in January 2022 after I made the post in PART A.
Regarding PART B, I'd would also point out the time frame of 04 September 2023 to 04 November 2023, which is when Jupiter + Saturn make a point of manifestation in his 7th house. A particularly relevant time frame when you consider that Venus will be going retrograde later this summer. Venus will go retrograde in (sidereal) Leo and transit back into (sidereal) Cancer, which is his 7th house. In fact, when Venus goes stationary direct, it will do so directly opposite his lagna/ascendant degree on 03 September 2023. His lagna is 18:06 Capricorn, and Venus will station at 18:01 Cancer.
Given that he'll have a) a point of manifestation happening plus b) Venus' stationing directly opposite his ascendant, it looks like a pretty good bet that he's going to meet someone within 30 days either before or after 03 September. Also, Venus will have a long transit in his 7th house this fall as it will be there from 07 August to 01 October.
I probably could make a good case for him getting married by the end of the first quarter of 2024, but I am too busy and/or lazy to do that right now. Also, not really motivated to do that.
I should also mention PART C where I mentioned/wrote about her job.
And...I should mention for good measure that when I see the two-letter combo of "NV," I think of Nevada because that's the postal abbreviation.
That's all I got.
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newwayastrology · 9 months
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Any soul that is born and inhabits a body does so to learn lessons. We can see these lessons in a horoscope. Meagan Good is a lovely actress with an impressive resume. However, her relationship life has aways been way less fulfilling than her career.
If Venus has hard aspcts from outer planets, or the ruler of or planet in the 7th has hard aspects from Mars or an outer planet, or if Mars or an outer planet are at one's Sun/Moon midpoint, relationships will be one of the ways that a person learns about themselves. Meagan's 7th House ruler, Neptune, squares Venus. Too much idealism in relationships will cause problems in relationships that teach her lessons she couldn't learn otherwise. Punctuating it mightily is Saturn at her Sun/Moon midpoint!!!!! I should add that even when Sun/Moon is not occupied natally, hard transits and arcs to it are often just like when Venus receives a conjunction, square, or opposition from Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, or Mars.
In 2011, Meagan started dating Devon Franklin. He was a Columbia Pictures Exec and a preacher. You can see in the measurements listing that her 2011 started with both Jupiter and Pluto transiting Sun/Moon. They were joined in 2012 by Uranus and Meagan and Franklin were married in 2012. They divorced in December, 2021.
Meagan's next relationship was with actor, Jonathan Majors in early 2023 with transiting Jupiter at her Sun/Moon. Today, Majors was convicted of assaulting his former girlfriend!!!!!
Ya think she has some lessons to learn about what goes through her head when choosing a partner for a relationship?!
She has Venus in Virgo. Cerebral matters can take things over when it comes to romance and romantic feelings. Understanding emotions often displaces feeling them. Venus here has the ability to express emotion without feeling it. As an actress she can be very good at this.
I hope the lesson has been learned.
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dreamanduality · 2 years
Venus in Exaltation
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Coming up, Venus in Pisces, and I need a break from writing about Saturn...respectfully. This is one of my favorite things about each year! I will be posting the elected chart for this transit on my Patreon, and since I am transitioning to Ko-fi I may post it there as well...I'm not sure yet, but you can dowload full & detailed instruction here. In this post:
Delineation & Personal House Theme
Planetary Magical Instruction
On January 26th until February 20th Venus will be in Dreamy Pisces.
This is a transit we have all been needing and deserve! Especially after the Venus-Pluto conj kicked off the Gregorian year.
As you can guess, I have mixed feelings about the amplified narrative of what it means for a planet to be exalted, particularly in nativity, but it doesn't change the fact this is very auspicious.
You can reflect back on these times in your life to see how the world was happening for you:
Apr 6th 2022
Feb 26th 2021
Jan 14th 2020
and so on...
Venus will be in conj with Saturn as they make their way to and with their separation you will feel a release on the constrictions that have been around desire, finally skirting off before Saturn enters Pisces.
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You see, I can't get away from Daddy Saturn--you should see my chart...
Pisces sees the world as a beautiful array of Technicolor flowing beyond horizons, the lens is different here than the rigidification we have been balancing these last months.
I imagine it to be how we assume Honey Bees see flowers.
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When Venus enters they bring heightened benevolence & forgiveness.
The balance to this is forlorn & insatiable, not being able to sort out what it is your taste buds are craving or sensing; that it is just out of reach in this vast ocean. Remember, I said it can't be all good!
There are no borders or boundaries here, a perplexing Utopia. We want to believe that the world really is this affectionate and magical. Pisces becomes more tricky as we get older, I feel--not mercurially so, but in that this is where Memory & Dream lives.
When Venus is here it can be the feeling of your first love before you knew heartache. OR The sensation of peeling the plastic from new electronics. Venus is excessively devoted and compassionate in Pisces. Giving to the extent of sacrifice. During this time there is a deeper appreciation toward the unusual aspects of the world--for this is the reason disheveled hair can look poetic, or when a near-death occurrence presents itself Venus in Pisces will say, "the sparkle on the river, was so beautiful through"...I might live with a Venus in Pisces, so true story.
quip: The trailer for 1993's, Benny & Joon was playing in theaters during Venus in Pisces...
We want and may feel if lucky enough, the deep-seated consent of unconditional love and desire.
A feeling that can't be explained. You know the one, that if we have had it we'll search the planet to find it again.
Starry eyes
The epitome of Romanticism, pulling you in with the siren's song. I think that the world has felt lost in certain aspects, and just for a time we get to feel & can lean into the pleasure of swimming in warm waters.
Some say idealistic, I beg to differ in the manifestation, but maybe Romantic Idealism. I think of the Sense of Beauty itself and when that emotional individualism is the height of value. Even within this conceptually, idealism is the opposite of materialism, and Venus themself is the aesthetic of material creation. Consider Plato to Kant's dialogue of Beauty.
When thumbing through philosophers, history, and media as I attempt to delineate my thought, on what I mentioned can't be described, so many the examples popping into my head have Venus in Scorpio with Moon in Pisces--I find this very curious, since, you know, beauty is subjective and all. So who makes the list? Jesus, Epstein, and the Queen Mum herself--take that for what you will, I suppose.
No matter
Let yourself fall in love, recapture childhood wonder, remember what compassion can feel like -- remind yourself that divine hope still exists in the world & that it can take shape to fly in artistic resonance.
My advice on the Downside of this Dream--if your desire is to capture the fireflies of the evening star; make sure they're not a moorage before you drink sand. Some things are too good to be true. Enjoy yourself by taking your time in being present, so as not to trip into baptismal fire.
By Rising, Whole Signs
Aries - Basic Needs & Possesions
Taurus - Communication & Social Media, Siblings
Gemini - Home & Family/Ancestors
Cancer - Creativity, Children, Sex & Dating
Leo - Health & Diet, Coworkers
Virgo - Others - Relationships & Partnerships
Libra - Assets of Others (material & energetic), Investments, Deaths
Scorpio - Ethics & Philosophy, Higher Education, Long-distance Travel
Sagittarius - Public Life, Profession/Career & Lifes Work
Capricorn - Social Circles, Community, Audience
Aquarius - Internal thoughts, Isolated spaces
Pisces - Self- Body + Mind, Appearence
If you would like a personalized horoscope, pop over here, I have created a pay-what-you-can option for this service!
Bewitching your world through Venus
If you have worked with Venus, never have, or are a devotee this is the perfect time to amplify and soar. It could be through a dedicated altar to timing your self-care--it is up to you, your comfort level in praxis & construction.
The best times to do certain source work with a planet is when it is in its home sign, so in the case of Venus when dignified or Moon is in the signs of, Taurus & Libra. When a planet is Exalted it is like they are the guest of honor, placed upon a pedestal--so please keep this in mind. There are drastic differences between the magic of source work/creation & ritual. Take the time to learn what house Venus is transiting for you, how this articulates, and if there are planets that live there in your chart that may dampen the vibe. When a planet is in exaltation they do not have its own resources so the tide can turn from a raindrop. This is just my note of caution to move within your skill set. Specific timing with advanced instruction is offered on Patreon.
Venus moves into Pisces Friday, January 26 at 6:32 pm PST, and the first full day just so happens to in great timing for working with this lustrous planet. The days of Friday, and Monday after Sunset, in the hour of Venus.
Altar & Offerings
White or green (traditionally) cloth or paper (with this movement I have found dreamy purples and blues are wonderful, hence the above images)
One or Seven white or green candles (seven is the number of Venus)
Seven pennies and/or something copper
Malachite (also has copper), rose quartz, emeralds, diamonds, green jade
Floral scents: perfume, essences, essential oils, incense
A mirror
A green pen to draw out the below and/or petitions
Offerings of sweet things like honey, macaroons (are a fav of mine), sweet wines, fresh fruit, sugary confections & flowers, I also, always, include fresh water. Offer these based on your means, this isn't meant to break the bank. And when (if you ask) your petition is made offer something in accordence, presenting it next time as fufilling your contract. These things can also be dedicated time--as this is a currency of exchange, a song, a poem, or dance. Anything the Muses oversee, really.
Keep in mind you can use some of these suggestions, or all of them. Sure, there are workings that do require more precise instructions--this is not that.
In all things, it's more about how you show up. Take a cleansing bath or shower and get ready like you're going out to impress. Whatever this looks like for you--embrace your Venus sign, since this is when you will feel the most confident! Pull out all the stops.
Make sure you're watching the clock for Venus hour, you don't want want to be late. If you don't have an Astro app or Hours you can find that here.
Light your candles & incense
Trance on the symbols of Venus or draw them out, envision the Planet and maybe add music if you'd like--consider Handel or Chopin.
I prefer classical music because lyrics can be distracting but there are so many options for your vibe of Piscean song; Erika Badu, The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson, or even Charlotte Church
Once you feel Centered & Energetically Fluid read the Orphic Hymn of Venus
Heav'nly [Ourania], illustrious, laughter-loving queen, sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien; Crafty, from whom necessity [Ananke] first came, producing, nightly, all-connecting dame: 'Tis thine the world with harmony to join, for all things spring from thee, O pow'r divine. The triple Fates [Moirai] are rul'd by thy decree, and all productions yield alike to thee: Whate'er the heav'ns, encircling all contain, earth fruit-producing, and the stormy main,  Thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod, awful attendant of the brumal God [Bakkhos]: Goddess of marriage, charming to the sight, mother of Loves [Eortes], whom banquetings delight; Source of persuasion [Peitho], secret, fav'ring queen, illustrious born, apparent and unseen: Spousal, lupercal, and to men inclin'd, prolific, most-desir'd, life-giving., kind: Great sceptre-bearer of the Gods, 'tis thine, mortals in necessary bands to join;  And ev'ry tribe of savage monsters dire in magic chains to bind, thro' mad desire. Come, Cyprus-born, and to my pray'r incline, whether exalted in the heav'ns you shine, Or pleas'd in Syria's temple to preside, or o'er th' Egyptian plains thy car to guide, Fashion'd of gold; and near its sacred flood, fertile and fam'd to fix thy blest abode; Or if rejoicing in the azure shores, near where the sea with foaming billows roars,  The circling choirs of mortals, thy delight, or beauteous nymphs, with eyes cerulean bright, Pleas'd by the dusty banks renown'd of old, to drive thy rapid, two-yok'd car of gold; Or if in Cyprus with thy mother fair, where married females praise thee ev'ry year, And beauteous virgins in the chorus join, Adonis pure to sing and thee divine; Come, all-attractive to my pray'r inclin'd, for thee, I call, with holy, reverent mind.
Present and pronounce your offerings out loud, what they are & thank their divine presence for what they have bestowed upon you.
If you have a petition now is the time to make your ask & contract--Venus is a transactional force.
Wrap up when you are ready, until next time that is!
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You are more magical than you believe
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