To Seek Serenity Kinesiology
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My blog full of information on energy medicine, positive affirmations, reflective exercises, and inspirational quotes to help people find the serenity within.
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I’ve been quiet 🤫 ✨ I’m sure many of you have noticed that I haven’t posted on my social media in a while. It’s because my cup ran empty and I had to put in place some self care. Being an energy healer means you really have to keep a close eye on yourself first otherwise you can’t help others. This lesson has taught me so much and I’m super grateful to all those who reached out to check in on me. This is going to help me become a better healer. ✨ #takingabreak #energyhealing #selfcare #comingbacksoon
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Who you are is more than what you own. ✨ Had an incident yesterday that really gave me perspective. My Dad’s house was broken into and they stole all our cash, some jewellery (the most upsetting was my grandmothers wedding band) and alcohol and lighters. Some of the jewellery I actually got from my mission and were special but luckily they took no technology or musical instruments. ✨ The great epiphany was the power we give to our possessions. Sentimental value like my grandmothers ring is priceless as it was a token of her love. But it made me think, are we too attached to possessions? What are your thoughts. ✨ #quotestoliveby #lifelessons #possessions #family #heirlooms #power #perspective
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Mistakes = Growth ✨ It’s so important that we make our own decisions in life. Fear can cause us to hand over the reigns to others we trust in our lives and that diminishes our power. So be brave and take charge of your personal power to choose. You’ll grow so much in the process. ✨ Is there something overwhelming you so that you struggle with decision making? Perhaps anxiety? Have an energy session with Hayley and she’ll get rid of everything in your energy preventing you from owning your power. ✨ #quotestoliveby #personalpower #power #mentalhealth #anxiety #life #fear #energyhealing #energy #energytherapy #therapy #alternativemedicine
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5 Areas We Should Own Our Power ✨ These are only five but I feel they are the most important. No one else should determine who we are and what we do within our lives but ourselves. Of course there are the exception of children to help educate them and prepare them to make big decisions on their own and to prevent childhood mistakes and trauma of all kinds. This post is centred on adults, people who are old enough to make their own choices, mistakes and endure the consequences of them. ✨ These five points might be areas where we give away our power. Certain family members might interfere with our purpose in life or education in light of running the family business. We might grow up believing we can’t attend university because we missed out or our family never go to university because we’re not smart enough. Perhaps people are being forced to stay in relationships that aren’t healthy because they feel unworthy of being loved. There are so many more examples that are holding us back from wellness and true happiness and joy. So where are you giving away your power? ✨ #quotestoliveby #energyhealing #life #lifestyle #wellness #joy #love #relationships #education #family #choice #identity #faith #beliefs #purpose
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Agency ✨ Definitely our greatest source of power. If you feel like you don’t have power or control of your lives, perhaps it’s time to reflect on how you are choosing to use your agency. ✨ #agency #choice #power #personalpower #growth #mentalhealth #wellness #energyhealing #quotestoliveby
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It’s all about confidence honey! ✨ Can I just say I love #queereye because it leaves me feeling really good about myself and have a greater desire to help others love themselves for who they are. ✨ What stops us from loving ourselves is focusing on what others think or believe, but that means we are giving away our power. Fuel your power from within. Realise that by being you, you’ll be happier. ✨ I’m not really feeling and loving myself today so I’m going to take some time to show some love for myself and then catch up with filming the rest of my “Think. Serenity.” Talks that I’ve put up on YouTube and Facebook to help those battling with mental illness. We all deserve some time to build ourselves up, to heal and to just be fabulous! ✨ #fab5 #loveyourself #selflove #mentalhealth #depression #anxiety #selfcare #energyhealing #energytherapy #positivity #fabulousness #confidence #thinkserenity
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Last month was great! ✨ Progression really does come when you focus on what you want to achieve, and I really wanted to go with the flow, allow things to happen and put less pressure on myself. It worked so well for me, so I’m going to continue. ✨ Really looking forward to the changes I’ll make this month. Hope you’ll join me for the ride because it will be epic 😉 ✨ #nopressure #energy #energyhealing #life #quotestoliveby #energytherapy #goals #progression #wellness #mentalhealth
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Are you giving away your power? ✨ There is so much to this topic and I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this. For some it might be people in their life that takes away your power but it also could be certain emotions, addictions, past experiences, places, events...virtually anything that brings you down, makes you less confident, forces you to do things you don’t want or make poor choices. ✨ What do you think? What are the things that take away your power? ✨ #energy #energyhealing #empowerment #power #strength #confidence #mentalhealth #life #trials #people #places #events
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Bring yourself back to joy and love 💖 ✨ To let go of the pressure we have to focus on love and joy. Everything we do should be centered on love and joy. Pressure isn’t love and joy, it is fear, worry, frustration, or stress. So contemplate ways to bring yourself back to joy and love. ✨ #joy #love #dontpressureyourself #stress #wellness #mentalhealth #energyhealing #energytherapy #energy #letgo #health #quotestoliveby
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What is your perspective on how you are doing in life? ✨ #vulnerablepost The main source of my depression was because I was putting too much pressure on myself for not being where I wanted to be in life. My perspective was that I was too late to make changes and do something with my life. That I was being forced into a life I didn’t want. That I was overwhelmed by life’s trials and responsibilities that I felt in over my head. I was trying to control so much that I had lots of mini breakdowns and I couldn’t cope. Then I realised that I had to change my perspective on lots of these false beliefs that were pulling me into a spiral of never ending negative thoughts. ✨ Negative thoughts are like the rocks in a river. You can choose to redirect yourself around the obstacle or be stuck to it. To change your perspective, you need to make a choice to change. The more you practice the easier it will be to find the positive solutions to your problem. Just redirect, go with the flow and life will become easier. And honestly if you struggle with that let me know. Perhaps an energy session is what you need to get unstuck. ✨ #energyhealing #vulnerability #life #negativity #positivity #depression #perspective #thoughts #therapy #falsebeliefs #choices #energy #quotestoliveby #change #solutions
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Good stress vs Bad stress ✨ When I was younger I believed stress in all its forms is bad when in truth it’s the bodies natural motivator that pushes us to do hard things often in a short amount of time. However it’s only meant to be a small amount of stress. If we live in high stress on a day to day it’s actually very toxic to the human mind and body. It puts too much strain and pressure on the nervous system. If when things become stressful and you get physical symptoms of stress like tension headaches, sore necks or shoulders, sore jaw from clenching your teeth...basically anything related to tension then you’ve got a build up of stress energy in your body that needs to be released. If not dealt with your body may give you a greater lot of signs like hair loss, hair turning grey early, digestion issues, migraines even cancer. ✨ So reevaluate your relationship with stress. See what can be changed on your daily to do list or your perspective on your daily tasks. Find ways to relax, have joy, dance, meditate, to yoga, have a bath and unwind. Make time in your day. Don’t put pressure on yourself to get everything done in one day. ✨ #quotestoliveby #energyhealing #energy #stress #emotions #health #wellness #mentalhealth #perspective #joy #love #peace #calm #meditation #yoga #energytherapy #bath #pressure
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Family Expectations Can Push Us Way Too Hard ✨ This isn’t the case for everyone, but a lot of the time when it is the case it’s usually because of a lack of communication. Family are there to push us in the right direction, to guide us to being good citizens. However sometimes what they are saying with good intentions may be too much for someone who is struggling. ✨ Has anyone used these steps before and it’s been helpful. Please share your thoughts, others need your advice, counsel, and validations. ✨ #quotestoliveby #expectations #family #infographic #energyhealing #wellness #mentalhealth #pressure #love #communication #thoughts #feelings
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Age is a number not a limitation! ✨ There are so many age based generalisations that it ingrains pressure within us. You have to figure out what you want to do with your life by 20. You have to be married by 30. You have to have kids before 40. We put so much pressure on ourselves to get things done at a certain age and is it really worth it? My depression was rooted in the idea that at 30 I needed to have my life in order. I put so much pressure on myself that I made myself sick. These societal ideas need to be rewritten. We can do anything at any age! If you want to write a book, be a performer, change careers, start a family, start a relationship, further your education, explore the world...whatever you want, do it because it feels right for you, because it’s something you actually want or need. We don’t need to pressure ourselves or rush into things because it’s what is expected. ✨ #noagerestrictions #goals #life #quotestoliveby #energyhealing #nopressure #family #friends #kids #pushingyourselftoohard #career #education
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Resistance ✨ It’s those thoughts centered on fears, worries, resentment, anger, past hurts, trauma, upbringing and memories that prevent us from acting out of a place of love, kindness, empathy and respect. It is the reason for our lack of motivation, our feelings of depression and anxiety. It is the reason why we don’t deal well with stress and get sick all the time. It all just needs to be released. ✨ Most people can do it on their own with therapy, meditation or journaling. However most avoid it with exercise, gaming, shopping, eating, sex, work etc This is why energy therapy is so important! And I’m not just saying this so you’ll go to my website and book an appointment. I’m saying it because it’s the only solution and you should see any healer you feel most connected to. There is a reason behind why you’re resisting change. Energy work deals with identifying and releasing the source of the problem so that regular therapies can help you use techniques to move forward to avoid the problem in the future. Both are vital and are complimentary. ✨ #energyhealing #energytherapy #healing #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #life #quotestoliveby #mentalhealthadvocate #energy #exercise #sex #gaming #therapy #shopping #trauma #past #pasthurts #memories #release (at To Seek Serenity)
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Is your energy causing resistance in your life? ✨ I am so amazed with how much I’ve learned about energy and how to release it. At the start of the year I began working with clients on a weekly basis focusing in on their bid resistance block. At first I was releasing a lot but certain issues came back easily and I had to refine my technique. With the continued sessions they’ve all seen amazing and miraculous results that have lead to lasting changes in their life. ✨ What I’ve learnt from this is that there are a lot of things from past experiences that cause resistance in our thoughts and energy. Once those issues have been cleared it is so much easier for them to achieve their goals, move into a life of wellness and greater happiness. So I thought to myself what if the reason behind us working so hard and not get the results we want is because of resistance in our energy? I believe and seen from my own personal experience and those of my clients that this is the case. ✨ I just want to give a shout out to all the amazing people that I’ve worked with this year. Im so grateful for your trust in me and my abilities. You all are so amazing and deserve every blessing my energy work has opened you up to 💖 Also the biggest thanks go to God for blessing me with these gifts to heal others and helping me refine them to where they are now. I am truely blessed with the best💖 ✨ #energyhealing #toseekserenity #energytherapy #resistance #love #god #grateful #thanks #life #blocks #wellness #health #mindset #wellbeing
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Synchronicity or Coincidence? ✨ I won a competition for book by @kaleychu called “100 Lunches with Strangers”. For a few months now I’ve also been getting promptings to go to more social activities. Is this coincidental or synchronicity? ✨ What signs or revelation have you received that appears coincidental but may be something more? Did you follow it? What happened if you did or didn’t? I’m insanely curious what you guys think because I’m leaning towards synchronicity. ✨ #synchronicity #signs #revelation #energyhealing #wellness #change #guidance #coincidence
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Work is so much more than money! ✨ I would rather work to make others feel good than do a mediocre job for money. The former you get the reward of happiness with a side bonus of income. The latter you just get the income and get no satisfaction. Do you need help changing your mindset on work? ✨ #work #job #jobsatisfaction #energy #mindset #powerofthought #energyhealing #love #service #helpingothers #joy #intention (at To Seek Serenity)
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