The Ketchup War
254 posts
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theketchupwar · 5 years ago
Tuesday Timewasters: 14 BEST Tweets from No Name Brands
No, you read that correctly. No Name Brands. The Brand.
So my obsession with all things Twitter continues with @nonamebrands.
I love them!
For those who don’t know, No Name Brands is a line of generic grocery items owned by the Loblaw Company in Canada. They’re sold in a bunch of stores around the country, the nearest one to me being Real Canadian Superstore.
They have quite…
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theketchupwar · 5 years ago
Loco Moco
Skip the bloggy part and SHOW ME THE RECIPE!
This is a Hawaiian dish The Canadian One fell in love with back in April 2015 when we were off in Oahu getting married (more on that another time). It’s basically white rice nestled under a hamburger and a fried egg and then covered in brown gravy. The versions he tried, and there were multiple over the week we were there including our wedding…
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theketchupwar · 5 years ago
Super Simple Tomato Soup
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This soup was born out of being hungry and finding a can of whole tomatoes in the cupboard. I could make up a better story but that’s really it.
Tomato Soup for 2 (double for more people or if freezing some for later) 
1 can of whole tomatoes (we get the .89 cent Walmart ones)
1 onion, sliced in half
1 tbs of butter (real, fake, vegan, not vegan, cook’s choice)
1 tsp of dried basil or 5 real…
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theketchupwar · 5 years ago
Tuesday Timewasters: 29 Best Tweets from Lawrence PD's Twitter Account
Sometime last year, I became obsessed with the Lawrence PD Twitter account. Someone in my feed reposted something of theirs and in typical fashion on a 1 hour bus ride, I went down a rabbit hole of reading ALL. THEIR. TWEETS.
Things I know about them:
They have two dogs: Cheeseburger….…
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theketchupwar · 6 years ago
BBQ Chicken Drumsticks
BBQ Chicken Drumsticks - Simple, Easy, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free! #bbq #bbqseason #summer #omnomnom
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Friday is Fry-day in our home. I like making fries on a Friday. I have no idea why or even how this happened. It just began as a pattern and stuck. The fries are pretty simple; they are frozen oven fries so I just follow the instructions on the package. 
For the sauce, we use an adapted version of Barbecue Chicken Legs by The Pioneer Woman. 
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theketchupwar · 6 years ago
Would You Walk a Plank 80 Stories Above the Ground for Cake or Kittens?
Would You Walk a Plank 80 Stories Above the Ground for Cake or Kittens? aka Jenny's Adventures in VR
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Last week, I had the opportunity to take part in a trial of some new virtual reality software being created by a company called Hone, here in Calgary.
Hone uses virtual reality and augmented reality to help train people in how to deal with high-risk, high-stress environments. Using a combination of psychology and technology, Hone hopes to have a positive influence on how people approach stress…
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theketchupwar · 6 years ago
IRISH FLAG SHOTS - Perfect for your St. Patrick's Day party!
OK, so first off, I LOVE these shots! They are tasty, have alcohol in them, look super cool and are the PERFECT item to bring to a potluck. Sure, everyone loves a good spinach dip but what they really want is a colourful shot made with Jello and vodka.
In an effort not to mislead anyone, these are not an ‘oh shit I forgot to make something for the potluck tomorrow, lemme whip up a batch…
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theketchupwar · 6 years ago
Irish Soda Bread
Irish Soda Bread - This is, by far, the easiest recipe ever. It’s not fancy. It doesn’t involve a million ingredients. And it’s not at all gluten free, but let’s not hold that against it. #irishsodabread #easybread #stpatricksday
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Skip the bloggy part and SHOW ME THE RECIPE!
OK so this is, by far, the easiest recipe ever. It’s not fancy. It doesn’t involve a million ingredients. And it’s not at all gluten free, but let’s not hold that against it. Just because I can’t eat it anymore, doesn’t mean everyone else can’t eat it anymore. 
I make this yearly around St. Patrick’s Day. Usually several batches at a time. I take it…
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theketchupwar · 6 years ago
Fricot aka Acadian Stew
Fricot aka Acadian Stew - a simple stew for a lazy Sunday. Throw into the pot / slow cooker / Instant Pot and relax. Perfect for a wintery afternoon.
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Skip the bloggy bit and SHOW ME THE RECIPE!
Being from Cape Breton, this is one of The Canadian One’s favourite stews. His grandmother used to make it for him when he was younger and he would always talk about it. One year, he got the recipe from his cousin and we set out to recreate it.
The Canadian One took me to Cape Breton for the first time this past summer. We ventured east with my…
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theketchupwar · 6 years ago
Love Daisy xoxo
Dear Shauna,
I hope you remember me. You were my foster mom a year ago. In November 2017, I, along with 47 of my closest friends, were rescued from up north of Alberta in High Level. I was 5 months old. I was listed as a solo orphan on my intake form. There was a CTV newscast about us. I’m featured at 1:42.
I just want you to know, I’m doing great. You chose me a great family and a year later…
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
Wake Up Smoo-Teas: The Caffeinated Smoothie
Wake Up Smoo-Teas: The Caffeinated Smoothie
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I’ve written about my love of smoothies previously. I have two a day. One at 6:30am before I get on the bus to work and one at 4pm before I get on the bus home. I find they are filling but don’t make me feel stuffed. They’re the perfect light breakfast for me as eating a full breakfast and going on a 1hr bumpy bus ride don’t really mix all that well. The afternoon one keeps me sated enough to…
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
Tuesday Timewasters: Admin Edition
Tuesday Timewasters: Admin Edition
I have been an admin assistant for almost 3 years. 2.5 years with one company and 3 months with this new company. I adoooore my new company and my boss. Also, math is not my strongest asset. Here are some things I happened upon I could not relate to more in my old job…and one I could not relate to more in my new one!  Now you’re wondering when Administrative Professionals’ Day is, aren’t you? …
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
‘I did my homework with a paintbrush.’ – Quote Friday 06/15
‘I did my homework with a paintbrush.’ #quotefriday #funny #kidsquotes #kidssaythefunniestthings #humor #school #teacher #southkorea
Reposted: Originally publication 06/15/2012 (my puppy’s birthday!) Quote Friday: A round-up of the best quotes from my elementary school students in South Korea this week! First up, a non-school quote: Girl at party last weekend: ‘Where are you from?’ Me: ‘Ireland.’ Girl: ‘Oh, Ireland, Texas?’ Me: ‘No, Ireland the country.’ …Pause… Girl: ‘You must think I’m really stupid.’ Me: ‘Actually, I’ve…
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
BBQ Beef Burgers
I originally wrote about making pork burgers waaaay back when I lived in Korea. Ground pork was significantly cheaper than ground beef so we made do with the pork and adapted a lot of recipes to suit. This was also back before I discovered I was gluten and lactose intolerant so I refer to my love of cheese a lot in my original post. I miss you cheese.  But alas, life moves on and now that I’ve…
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
Tuesday Timewasters - 04/17
Tuesday Timewasters – 04/17
We’re back with a weekly roundup of five awesome timewasters for you to avoid doing anything productive today!  Sorry not sorry.  Happy Timewasting!  10 Honey Recipes For Every Occasion – Buzzfeed One can never have too many homey recipes. Although, if anyone has any hints on how to stop my hone hardening, requiring a soak in hot water and then…well, it explodes.  Ugh. Honey on the floor.  Why? …
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
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So how did YOU end up in Korea? *This was written 6 years ago, a year before I left Korea for Canada*  I get asked this question a lot and so is how I ended up in Korea: 
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theketchupwar · 7 years ago
That time I almost had surgery, then didn't....and then did....
That time I almost had surgery, then didn’t….and then did….
So remember a few months back I told you about how I was convinced my foo was trying to kill me and the doctors thought they were wrong but I was going back for a retest anyway…you know, because doctors like to make sure everything is cool? Well.  They weren’t wrong.  Everything is not cool.  F*ck.  So now instead of being the friend who got the dreaded-bad-results-PAP only for it to turn out to…
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