i'm gonna sift through these and pick a few to do
Masterlist Langblr challenges
Following from my previous posts, if you do feel like working on your languages, but don't know where to start; here are some langblr challenge you might like!
Language Blog Challenge: 20 weeks of challenges | by @lily-learns-finnish
Langblr Reactivation challenge | by @prepolyglot
14 Day langblr challenge | by @lass-uns-studieren
Langblr News challenge | by @tealingual
90-day vocab challenge | by @jibunstudies
100 Happy Days Langblr Challenge | by @nordic-language-love
Mini speaking challenge | by @nordic-language-love
16 words challenge | by @neblina-a-blin
30 day langblr challenge | @moltre-s
Brick-by-brick language learning challenge | by @linguistness
Langblr word of the day challenge | by @nordic-language-love
Target Language Reading challenge | by @onigiriforears
P.S. Please let me know if you know some more fun langblr challenges!
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Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books that I try to update regularly
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Langblr Reactivation Challenge | Week 1, Day 1
Day 1: Introduction
Hello! I previously made one of these months ago, but I wiped my Tumblr and I'm starting fresh with some new goals in mind!
You can call me L (not sharing my name. and not the like the death note guy) and I'm currently studying Spanish and German!
I hope to pick up another language, preferably one that uses a different script. My eyes are on:
What I want to gain from this challenge is a more organized language learning process and to inspire myself to actually continue learning and make progress - because it feels like I've been stuck at the same spot for a long time - and probably getting worse in some areas too (particularly speaking and writing - so actually using the languages).
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Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Hello everyone! As you may know I've created this challenge to help revive the langblr community. It's a three week challenge designed to get you back into learning languages and (hopefully) give you ideas on how to study and share your knowledge of them. It is completely optional to do, but try to reblog other people's posts if you aren't participating.
The challenge is designed to be done daily, however if you miss a day, you can go back and do it later or continue from where you left off. I do encourage you to do your best to keep up with the challenge though. Tag your posts with #langblr reactivation challenge so that others can find your posts.
If you have any questions, please send me an ask or a message and I'll do my best to answer it.
I'll put the prompts under a read more so this post isn't ridiculously long. Good luck to everyone participating! Remember the best way to promote the langblr revival is by reblogging other people's work.
Week 1
Day 1: Create an introduction post about yourself. What's your name? What languages are you studying? What languages do you hope to study? What do you hope you'll get out of this challenge? Add whatever else you’d like to your introduction post!
Day 2: Write a list of goals you have for your target languages. Make both long term and short term goals. An overall goal could be to have the ability to talk with native speakers with ease and a smaller goal would be to finally learn that difficult grammar point that's been plaguing you for ages. How will you achieve them?
Day 3: Create a list or a Mindmap of vocabulary topics. Start with a broad topic and narrow down to more specific topics. An example could be bedroom - furniture - closet - clothes or travelling - languages - study words - school supplies. Keep a hold of this because you'll use it later to create vocab to study. Some broad topics to start with: house, school, work, travelling, friends and family, nature, city. Feel free to use these or think of your own. Share your mindmap so others can get some ideas if they need it. Here are some mind map creation tools (x) (x) (x).
Day 4: Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people's lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
Day 5: Find a video in your target language and watch it as many times as you need to in order to understand it. Make a post about the video. What was it about? Did you like the video? Was it difficult to understand? Make sure you link the video. Try to write your answers in your target language, but if you can’t that’s okay!
Day 6: Look up 3 idioms in your target language and explain what they mean and how you use them in a sentence (with an example!).
Day 7: Send asks to other langblrs (bonus points if it's in a shared target language!) asking them about whatever (for example, ask how their day was, ask questions about their target languages, or share some of your thoughts with them). If you receive one, answer it! You can ask more than one person and it can be on or off anon.
Week 2
Day 1: Over the next week, create a playlist/playlists of songs in your target language(s), they can either have a specific mood or genre or they can be a collection of songs you've discovered. When you feel like you're done with your playlist, share it so others can find some new songs. If you already have a playlist, you can add songs to it and update it.
Day 2: Write an explanation on a grammar rule in your target language (such as verb tenses, exceptions, word order, etc). Include sentences to show how and when it is used.
Day 3: Either make a vocab list or find a vocab list you like and make sentences using those words. You can make them as long or as short as you like. This is a good way to contextualise vocab words and learn them in context. Share your sentences and highlight the vocab word.
Day 4: Record yourself reading an article, short story, or passage (basically anything written in your target language). Listen to it and see if you can point out any areas you can improve with your speaking and any areas that you're doing well. You can post your recording if you wish.
Day 5: Post at least 2 songs that you like in your target language. Make sure you add a link to them so people can go listen to them.
Day 6: Share a study tip you have. This can range from how you organize your notes to playlists that help you study to apps you use to review. Just something that you find makes studying easier (and more fun).
Day 7: Share with everyone some langblrs you enjoy seeing on your dash, try to put at least 5 people (and make sure you @ them!).
Week 3
Day 1: Remember that playlist you made/are making? Take a song you really like and make a vocab list of words you don't understand, learned from the song, or recognize but don't quite remember. Post so others can see and link the song. If you have extra time and/or want a bit more of a challenge, translate the song as well, either into English or another language.
Day 2: Write about a festival or holiday that is celebrated in a country that speaks your target language. This can be either something you’ve celebrated yourself, have wanted to participate in, or have never heard of before. You can write this in any language you’d like.
Day 3: Make another vocab list from the list you made at the beginning of the challenge. If you are learning two or more languages, make the vocab list in 3 languages (meaning for example: French, German, and English or Japanese, Arabic, and Ukrainian).
Day 4: Find a recipe written in your target language and translate it into your native language (or another language of your choice) or find a recipe in your native language and translate it into your target language. Bonus points if you actually make it (share pictures if you do)!
Day 5: Create a collection of resources you use to study/learn your target language. Add links to them if possible so others can also use them.
Day 6: Create a post explaining a grammar rule that you had/are having difficulties learning. If you’re currently having difficulties, do your best to explain and ask others to help you understand it better. Include example sentences in your explanation.
Day 7: How do you feel at the end of this challenge? Did you meet any goals while doing this? Do you feel more confident in your language abilities? Where do you think you'll go from here? Answer these questions either in your native language or your target language.
Hopefully you guys enjoy/enjoyed this challenge. After you've completed the challenge, I encourage you to continue your studies in your target languages and support others in theirs.
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How to use Notion for Language Learners - a masterpost
So, I have been learning languages for a while now, and one of the things I have always been struggling with is having a space that could gather all the info I need, the spreads I used to make on my bullet journal, and maybe even something more.
Notion has become my best friend all over the last couple of years, but as I am a pretty sick perfectionist, I am still mastering the art of creating efficient templates, but I am slowly overcoming this problem of mine… In the meantime enjoy my favorite YouTube videos all about Notion x Language Learning:
how to make the best language learning plan | notion templates | AD by Anna Lenks
How to make a language learning plan that WORKS ✨ Notion for language learners by Elysse Speaks
How To Make A Sentence Mining Database in Notion | Language Learning | Tutorial + Free Template by Leafling Learns
How I Created a 30-Day Language Study Plan That Works! by Shea Jordan
Create a language learning schedule that works + Notion Template! by Jusuf
updating my language learning notion 🖊 by Jo Renee Languages
Language Learning: Notion, RemNote And Reverso (French) by Red Gregory
How I plan and organize my life and languages | Notion tour 📝 by Lindie Botes
Hope you enjoyed this post, in the meantime I'll go and create the best language-learning hub you will ever see
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Websites to learn languages by reading
Language Crush
Vocab Tracker
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