Ghost Girl
38 posts
All are Welcome <3
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 4 months ago
hey, i just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say, I'm really proud of you! I know I don't know you, but as someone who's also recovering from self harm, I know how addictive it can be and how hard it is to quit. And I'm really proud you're trying to take care of yourself. You're gonna be alright. i wish you all the best ✨
Thank you so much <3
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 4 months ago
HI GUYS! I’M BACK!! Two months clean :3!
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
I think one of the kindest things you can do for people with various mental health struggles is just... let people back into your life after they've been absent for a while.
Making friends as an adult is so fucking hard already and isolating yourself from other people is a very common symptom of depression, anxiety, burnout, ocd, trauma, grief, etc. Which means that someone will do the hard work of recovery/healing and resurface back into a world where their previous friends have written them off because they stopped showing up.
So if you know someone where you're like "yeah we could have been better friends but they fell off the map a bit" and that person suddenly reaches out, or starts showing up to events even though you kind of forgot they were still in the group chat... well they may have been Going Through It and you don't actually have to punish them for their absence you can just be glad that they're back.
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
Relapsed yesterday 💔
I’ll try again.
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
Again, don't scroll ‼️
What scares me the most is mentioning my death in a Zionist targeting as a number among the numbers that increase every minute and leaving my daughter behind without a father, mother or support. This idea terrifies me.
I am not a number, 👇🏻I have a daughter a life, goals and ambition 💔😞
Help me with a small donation share it widely
hi tumblr followers. since I have a few viral posts I've been getting a lot of asks with gofundmes. I have no idea how one vets a gofundme but I'd rather share and later delete a post than stay silent. donate or repost or interact however yall can. tysm <33 /cp
original user is @palestinianhadeel
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
I hope you see my words in a good health you and beloved ones .
i am Moataz a nurse from Gaza, married to fedaa a pediatrician and have 3 children. We live under war and destruction. I lost my home and now we live in tents where the situation is very difficult. My children cannot bear the intense heat in addition to the spread of diseases and insects. I want to save the lives of my family and escape death. I hope you will help by donating and sharing my page.
donate and share widely 🆘🆘 1100 SEK = 100 dollars each (55 sek =5$) will make a difference🙏🍉 be the one who saves us
Vetted by 90-ghost
hi tumblr followers. since I have a few viral posts I've been getting a lot of asks with gofundmes. I have no idea how one vets a gofundme but I'd rather share and later delete a post than stay silent. donate or repost or interact however yall can. tysm <33 /cp
original user is @motaaz37
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
As a wise person once said, “my gender is ‘what the actual hell’ in a very posh British accent.”
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
2 months clean !!
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
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Please donate to her and help this poor woman out
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
“instead of giving a man a fish, teach him how to fish”
actually I’d give the man a fish so he doesn’t starve since it’s hard to learn anything on an empty stomach, and THEN teach him how to fish
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
you can be the nicest person in the world, and there will still be people who hate you.
sometimes, it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them.
it's a hard pill to swallow, but it's just the way it is.
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 8 months ago
eddie isn’t ur uwu pookie princess gworl he’s 20 and sells no-no “candy” to minors
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 9 months ago
I'm autistic and I currently feel like shit checklist
Hi there. Are you autistic? Do you currently feel like shit and don't know why? Try this checklist to see if you can Fix The Problem!
When was the last time you used the bathroom? If you answered "I don't know" or "at least 3 hours ago", go now!
Do you need a drink? Go get one if you don't have one in front of you.
When was the last time you ate? If you haven't eaten yet today, consider eating A Meal, or perhaps A Snack. Something is better than nothing, eat whatever you feel able to!
Is there something in your immediate surroundings that is bothering you? If the light is too bright, turn it off. If there is an annoying sound, make the sound stop or reduce your ability to hear it (earplugs, headphones, etc.). If your clothes are bothering you, change them.
Is your space messy? Pick one area of your room and clean it up as best you can. Clean your whole room if you have the energy!
When was the last time you did An Activity? Scrolling on social media doesn't count. Try actively doing something fun! Play a game you like, read a book, make something, or go for a walk.
When was the last time you Spoke to a Person? Consider talking to a person you like if it has been a while.
How long has it been since you did something Special Interest related? Make some time to do that today. Infodump to a friend, have a nice long research session, look at related images or gifs, make art about it, whatever works best for you!
Try stimming actively! Put on some music and dance, spin in circles, go to the park and use the swings!
If you still feel like shit after trying all of these things, you might be tired or sick. Go to bed early and get some rest. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow!
Hope that helps :)
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 9 months ago
Things To Remember ~
~ you are so loved
~ a mistake is just that, it does not define you
~ you are allowed to say no
~ it's okay to ask for help
~ your boundaries are important
~ productivity does not define your worth
~ things will be okay
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 9 months ago
healing must be intentional.
it is a practice you must work at.
nothing will magically improve unless you actively change it.
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 9 months ago
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