Clowns with Roses
619 posts
💟 MOVE FROM @circus-and-roses 💟 25 💟 She / Her 💟 This blog is dedicated for Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 💟 Stan F Sangre + M for clear skin 💟
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
clowns-with-roses · 2 years ago
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
The one thing I can appreciate about Tumblr is that I can just be. I don’t have to talk to anyone, I don’t care how many followers I have, I don’t care if anyone likes what I reblog. This entire space is dedicated to what I love; what inspires me; what brings me pleasure. 
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
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Hello and Hi, excuse me while i post questionable things every now and then and leave it at that lmao Very weird things happen in the discord server.
“What if Season 2 Kai was still jacked?”
I’m here to provide. I MIGHT… Have gotten a tad overboard seeing the dude is supposed to be like what, 12-14???? Anyway enjoy xD
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Shoutout to all the fanfic writers who pour their heart and soul into a fic and it doesn’t get enough notes.
Shoutout to all the writers who’ve stopped writing because their work wasn’t appreciated enough.
Shoutout to all the fanfic writers for whom writing is like a coping mechanism.
Shoutout to all the writers who have resorted to writing as a way of expressing themselves.
Shoutout to all the writers who project their trauma into writing.
Shoutout to all fanfic writers.
You are valid. You are important. People like what you do. And no, its neither awkward nor pathetic. Its ok, its wonderful.
And i love you honey, please remember that I’ll always support you .
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Maybe it would be one of Aoki Takao's top secret 😁
Maybe this is too late, but happy birthday to James a.k.a Jim from team Psykick 🎉
He's wearing comfortable hoodie, using his smartphone in the latest of Aoki Takao's art. Feels so relatable to him....
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
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I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Kai is literally the Asexual Flag (with a little Dranzer-red thrown in).
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
I'm checked his biodata in Rising manga, and I found his name is ジム (read as Jimu or Jim).
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Also in Beyblade Wikia :
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Maybe James is read as Jim in Japanese? Or Aoki Takao want to change his name into James? Or his actual name from Aoki Takao is James, not Jim?
Maybe this is too late, but happy birthday to James a.k.a Jim from team Psykick 🎉
He's wearing comfortable hoodie, using his smartphone in the latest of Aoki Takao's art. Feels so relatable to him....
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Checked Weibo for my curiousity on their Beyblade posts. I found a lot of Chinese fans are KaiRei shipper.
Their cosplays are amazing!
And also, they drew Tyson did PSY 'Oppa Gangnam Style' parody to be 'Oppa Beyblade Style' 😂
So happy to see Bakuten Shoot Beyblade still be loved and appreciated around the world.
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Adorable 💞💞💞
And what if Kai end up to have shelter for those stray cats and dogs and Bladebreakers would help him to take care of stray cats and dogs together? Sweet~
Random Kai Hiwatari Headcanon
Kai brings home every stray cat and dog that he finds and he looks so cute holding a kitten or puppy and glaring at everyone that nobody tells him he can't keep it simple because they think it's cute
But don't tell Kai he will deny it -Max
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Maybe this is too late, but happy birthday to James a.k.a Jim from team Psykick 🎉
He's wearing comfortable hoodie, using his smartphone in the latest of Aoki Takao's art. Feels so relatable to him....
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Hiya folks. I hate asking for help but can ya’ll reblog this. My cintiq has dead pixel space after only a year and I need to raise money to repair it. Its not a whole lot but I don’t have an income, and with big art plans for 2022 I need to work on concept art soon and try to do commissions.
I might reserve paid slots if theres interest for that, but Im only good at very feminine like characters. This link takes you to my paypal donation.
You can find me and my art as flamingoopy on DA, Artstation, Instagram and twitter which I use the most
I know money is tight for alot of us but reblogs are just as helpful~!
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Lai stabbed his sleeves with a needle 😂
Not anon, but this ship is growing to me. The writing is super sweet 💞
Hah! Lai and Raul garment making for the intimate prompts!
Thank you for leaving this ask! I love Raul and Lai!!
"Hold still, or I'll stab you!"
Lai did not stop fidgeting. He made a frustrated noise as he let his outstretched arms sink to his sides. He pouted. "But it's boring!"
Raul rolled his eyes. "I didn't know you got easily bored, amor, or I wouldn't have asked you."
"I'm not that easily bored, but I've been standing around looking pretty" - Raul smiled as he repeated the words he had used in the beginning of their fitting session - "for too long now." Lai shrugged - and stabbed himself on one of the needles holding the sleeve in place. He made a face. "Ouch."
"I guess we can take a break," Raul mused, carefully starting to unbotton the shirt Lai was wearing. He casually stroked over the intricate cross-stitched design - it was the leo constellation, light string on deep dark grey fabric. He felt Lai's muscles quiver as his fingers brushed over them, and he met Lai's eyes watching him.
Lai wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he leaned closer. "Like what you see?"
Raul leaned in. "Very much so," he breathed out before closing the last distance between them for a kiss.
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Aoki provided Hitoshi in a suit and my brain did things, so here, have something to read.
It's Hitoshi, Daitenji, Kai, and a bit of Yuriy as an extra treat. About negotiations, ugly ties and deep regrets on Hitoshi's side. I might continue this at some point, as I regularly come back to the crack subgenre that is "businessmen with benefits" lol.
“I hate this,” Hitoshi exclaimed while trying to adjust his tie so it would at least look like he was actually used to wearing it. “Why me? He’s younger than me! This will be embarrassing. I hate to beg.”
Daitenji, being the unconditionally polite and ever-loving second father figure in his life - next to his grandpa Ryu - calmly listened to his rant.
“Age doesn’t matter, you know that. It’s about the funds.”
Hitoshi was thankful for his advice, he wouldn’t have wanted the old man to just disappear into retirement and leave him alone dealing with the new BBA, so actually Hitoshi’s first act of begging had been convincing Daitenji to stay. He had expected to have to deal with some shit after agreeing to a seat on the BBA’s executive board, but never in his life had he imagined ending up in a situation like this.
“Tell me again why we’re doing this,” he demanded, even though he already knew the answer.
“Because the BBA is dangerously underfunded and the PPB didn’t agree to our proposal for a shared programme,” Daitenji answered. “And Hiwatari Enterprises…”
“... has some money to spare for sponsoring. And, as we all know, their CEO is not only the biggest asshole I’ve ever met in my life, but also a former Beyblade world champion.”
“I think you will find that Kai Hiwatari is not a broody teenager anymore,” Daitenji said but couldn’t keep himself from chuckling.
Hitoshi knew what he was thinking. Childish rivalries. His feud with Kai was at least ten years old. Only now he realized he never got over their dispute. He didn’t really know why, only that he could put on his antipathies for Kai like a well-worn glove. His feelings probably were rooted in jealousy, as Kai still was closer to his family - yes, Takao as well as Ryu, and in some sense, even Daichi - than Hitoshi himself.
“Are you sure this is the right tie for a meeting like this?” he mumbled, pointing at the red cloth that was adorned with tiny, abstract Beyblades. They actually looked like shuriken, but the design team swore up and down they were supposed to be spinning tops.
“It’s the BBA’s design!” Daitenji said. “It is cute, isn’t it?”
Cute was definitely not the word Hitoshi wanted to hear. The fabric probably looked cute on Ming Ming, but Ming Ming was the BBA’s mascot (in the best sense of the word) and didn’t have to negotiate funding with Kai fucking Hiwatari in two hours.
He didn’t have the patience for a discussion about a tie, though, and so he found himself standing in front of the Hiwatari Enterprises’ front desk almost two hours later, still wearing the red embarrassment around his neck.
He was led into a meeting room halfway up the building. A huge glass table almost completely filled the room, the panorama windows broke the bright sunlight. It wasn’t even top level, and still the view was breathtaking.
Hitoshi had never felt so alone. Here he was, in the middle of the enemy’s territory, with nothing more than an ugly tie to protect him. He wished he had dropped by a shrine on his way here to pray for luck and maybe get a talisman of some sorts.
The door opened and a small army of people piled into the room. Some sat down, some apparently were only there for service, as he was asked if he wanted a cup of coffee. And then there he was: Kai Hiwatari, in the flesh.
At that moment Hitoshi realized he never had believed the Bladebreakers were now grown-ups. Even his brother was still 15 years old in his head.
In front of him did, indeed, not stand a broody teenager, but a man dressed in an anthracite suit, a light-colored shirt and the most tasteful tie he had ever seen. As dark eyes were sizing him up, Hitoshi noticed he had stopped breathing for a few seconds.
“Kinomiya. They really had the audacity to send you,” Kai said.
“Nice to see you, too, Hiwatari,” Hitoshi countered between gritted teeth.
Only now, as his view cleared and didn’t focus on Kai anymore (and his mind dwelling on the question how on earth Kai had grown into such a gorgeous specimen), he noticed a second familiar face in the room.
Sharp blue eyes looking down on him arrogantly, a broad, thin-lipped mouth hardly concealing a wolfish grin.
Hitoshi suppressed a sigh.
“Ivanov,” he said sarcastically. “How nice. What’s your role in this, are you his,” He pointed at Kai, “assistant?”
Now the grin really unfold, revealing two rows of perfectly straight, white teeth (somebody must’ve found some money for a decent dentist, Hitoshi thought) that looked like they were ready to rip him apart in a second.
“Oh, much worse than that,” Kai said. He walked towards his seat at the head of the table, framed by the city panorama outside the window. “He is my legal consultant.”
For a second, Hitoshi felt his face fall.
What on earth had he got himself into? Daitenji, no, the whole board would pay for this. This was bullshit! His itchy suit, his ugly, branded tie. The fact that he had to ask for anything from Kai Hiwatari. That he had to beg for money. As if that hadn’t been enough already, no ...
Nobody had told him he would have to deal with the Russians.
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
YuKa - Person A and Person B trying on each other’s clothes
I have an inkling who you are, thanks for leaving this ask, I had loads of fun writing my two favorite disasters! <3
"Seriously, how did you ever manage to make these work?" Yuriy held up the deep purple arm-warmers making a face as he tried to slide them up his arms. He eyed Kai. "How did you even get them on?"
Kai made a noncommittal noise. "Slimmer arms," he mused, eyeing the fabric before holding up the orange-and-white romper in front of Yuriy. "What on Earth gave you the idea that orange would look good on you?"
Yuriy raised an eyebrow as he nodded at the blue shirt dotted with tiny red lobsters Kai was wearing along with a pair of black cuffed jeans at the moment. "I think it was the same stylist that told you to paint your cheeks with ... what even were your stripes? Were you secretly trying to be a cat?" He chuckled, standing in front of the mirror to try and paint what used to be Kai's signature war paint.
"Hey," Kai protested, taking the little jar of paint from Yuriy's hands before he could stick his finger into it. "At least use a brush for it!"
Yuriy rolled his eyes. "Of course you have a brush for it," he mumbled, shaking his head.
Kai bore watching the redhead trying to smudge paint on his face for about half a minute before semi-aggressively reaching over to take the brush from Yuriy forcefully. "Here, let me-," he grumbled, applying paint expertly with broad strokes.
"You should've become a body painter instead of a businessman, you know," Yuriy joked as he looked at the 'war paint' on his face smiling. He turned to look at Kai when he snorted.
"Maybe I should do that when we're done cleaning this out," Kai rolled his eyes affectionately.
"Maybe," Yuriy echoed, looking at what they had managed to pack away so far with his hands on his hips. He thought for a moment as his eyes lingered on the jumpsuit Kai still held between his hands. Then, a mischievous grin slowly appeared on his face. "Bet you don't fit into this thing?"
Kai raised an eyebrow, clearly up for the challenge. "You're on, Ivanov"
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
Ray 14 & 15 :)
Ray is the one character I have very little headcanons for, but I'll try my best!
14) Romance headcanons
Rei, to me, takes a long time to realise they are in love or that someone might be interested in a relationship with them. He wants to be wooed a little, get his ego stroked, but in the end I headcanon Rei to be the one who wants to equally do the wooing as well. He'd resort to his wits and street-smarts to think of fun and adventurous (and sometimes a little dangerous) dates to take his love interest to.
15) School headcanons
Rei has not been to school in the classical sense of the word. Yes, he has been brought up with an appropriate education, however I think that the Baihuzu village is described as very remote, so I imagine that after a certain level of school people might probably not have many opportunities to carry on their studies. However, I headcanon that Rei left for Hongkong to live with his uncle and actually be able to go to high school (and then he runs off beyblading, but that's a different story).
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
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Hi, I disappeared for a while. Been busy and I lost interest in Beyblade ):
But I decided to draw Kai in his Rising outfit.
And I still hate drawing his hair… 
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clowns-with-roses · 4 years ago
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doodled a little thing for a little reimax fic i’m writing, mostly just to test how this kind of colouring would turn out but hugs make everything better so i’ll just leave this here
their clothes are from an autumn pic i did last year .. the pic is not good but i like the designs
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