Terminus: A Doctor Who Podcast
51 posts
A podcast showcasing a queer woman's perspective on Doctor Who, both the classic and new series, as well as its various spin-offs and ephemera.
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terminusdwpodcast · 4 years ago
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So, I've been working on a series called 'Festive Flashback' for the holidays, where I chat about the Doctor Who holiday episodes from the new series.
So as to not spam with posting each episode as it comes out, I'll try to only post notice for every four episodes instead.
Thanks and enjoy!
Below is the link to a compiled list of episodes as I post them:
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terminusdwpodcast · 5 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Mini Episode 7 – Baby Queers on Gallifrey
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On this episode, after a little unexpected pandemic hiatus, I'm finally back again!
And this time it's with a bonus episode featuring something that's a bit off the beaten path for my usual fare: a personal story-time episode of sorts!
So, please join me as I fully recount the detailed story about how I got into Doctor Who in the first place -- way back in the dark ages of the 80s as a young geeky teenager!
Given that my story has a lot of baby-queer-feels running throughout, I just thought that Pride month would be a great time to finally take the time to get the whole story recorded on my podcast – even though as I'm publishing this, admittedly I'm a few days late after Pride Month ended, all due to some technical issues. Oops! #mercuryretrogradewoes
Anyway, grab some popcorn or other snacks and roll up for a big ol' nostalgia trip!
Oh, and also please be sure to also stick around for the other stuff on the episode too! There's some administrative chat about the State of the Podcast (and your podcaster) at the beginning before the story, as well as some admittedly pretty disappointed feels about Series 12 afterward (which I kept thankfully short – as to not be too much of a squee-killer). There's also even a little un-cut audio squeeful mini-review bonus (that I did for the 'Discussing Who' podcast) for you to enjoy for some further funsies! All leaving a pretty interesting sandwich of content!
And yeah, it's admittedly bit of an emotional roller coaster at times, with the highs of squees and the lows of discontent to navigate, but hopefully you'll all still enjoy it nonetheless!
Strap in, it might be a bumpy ride!
P.S. Also, there's a poll! I love a poll! [https://terminus.libsyn.com/where-should-we-go-from-here-on-terminus]
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terminusdwpodcast · 5 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 35 – Best Enemies: Spyfall
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Every podcast has that one 'Cursed' Episode and this is mine. Whether it was technical issues, Life Issues, or perhaps even a bit of Mercury Retrograde at work, this episode has been a bit of a challenge to get out. Still, despite all the good, bad, and the ugly, I prevailed and my 'Spyfall' review is finally here for you guys!
NOTE: I mention this at the top of the show, but I also wanted to mention here that this episode was actually recorded several weeks ago. So, because of that, some of what I had to say is a bit dated now that we've seen the finale. Still I sincerely hope that you give it a listen anyway, as I talk about MANY OTHER things as well – including my squee over the casting of one of my favorite actors Sacha Dhawan as the newest incarnation of the Master.
So, anyway, yes, please join me as I rather belatedly talk (rather extensively) about my thoughts on 'Spyfall'. Hold on to your hats everyone and enjoy the ride!
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terminusdwpodcast · 5 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 34 – The Spark Joy Series: Worth the Monsters: The Girl in the Fireplace
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So, this admittedly might not be the episode you were expecting from me right now – though I can assure you that me chatting about my 'Spyfall' feels is coming soon! HANG IN THERE!
But no, on this episode, instead I continue on with my journey through my 'Spark Joy' series – perhaps for the last time for quite a while? -- with a story I love muchly: 'The Girl in the Fireplace'!
Inside, you'll hear me going on and on for AGES (LONGEST. EPISODE. EVER?) -- all just full of squee and passion (I JUST LOVE THIS STORY, OK?!), with a side of (bleeped) cussing, some meta thoughts about things like polyamory and the nature of the Doctor/Companion relationship, tons and tons of frothing shippiness, and, admittedly, some not-so-nice feels about Rose Tyler thrown in here and there for good measure (sorry in advance!).
So, anyway, hold onto your hats, everyone, and enjoy the ride! I'm so glad to have you all aboard – yet again! -- on this Love Train! #choochoo
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+ Website: http://terminus.libsyn.com + RSS feed: http://terminus.libsyn.com/rss + Email: [email protected] + Terminus Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terminusdwpodcast/ + Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nicole-mazza/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast?refid=stpr + iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast/id666615900 + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/terminusdwpodcast/ (the social group) or Like Us at: https://www.facebook.com/TerminusDWPodcast + Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerminusCast + Tumblr: http://terminusdwpodcast.tumblr.com/ + Earth Station One Network: http://esonetwork.com
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terminusdwpodcast · 5 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Mini Episode 6 – Not Where I Wanted to Be, But I Can Work with This: S12 Trailer
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On this episode, I take a small unexpected little detour from my recent 'Spark Joy' series to share my reaction to and thinky thoughts about the new trailer for series 12, as well as some squee about the recent 56th Doctor Who Anniversary, and a wee bit of pondering about my tentative 2020 podcast schedule.
It's a bit of an emotional roller coaster, admittedly, but hopefully it's all a good time! So, I hope you guys will all enjoy the ride!
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+ Website: http://terminus.libsyn.com + RSS feed: http://terminus.libsyn.com/rss + Email: [email protected] + Terminus Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terminusdwpodcast/ + Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nicole-mazza/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast?refid=stpr + iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast/id666615900 + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/terminusdwpodcast/ (the social group) or Like Us at: https://www.facebook.com/TerminusDWPodcast + Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerminusCast + Tumblr: http://terminusdwpodcast.tumblr.com/ + Earth Station One Network: http://esonetwork.com
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terminusdwpodcast · 5 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 33 – The Spark Joy Series: Hekate's Familiar: K-9 and Company
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So, on this episode, I continue my journey through my 'Spark Joy' series with a little story that gives me so much happiness: 'K-9 and Company'!
Now this is basically a bit of a Halloween episode (albeit a day-ish late due to some unforeseen technical issues), as well as a bit of an early Christmas episode, so there's all sort of festivities within. Well, if you count me going on quite a bit about the goddess Hekate, witchcraft, retro swingers, my love of a silly robot dog, and squee about past companions returning – then, yes, definitely a big ole party of squeeful geekiness to behold! ('Have you met the French? My god, they know how to party.')
So, put on your party hats, get out your noise-makers, and maybe even don some long black witch-y robes, and enjoy the ride! I'm so glad to have you all aboard again on this Spooky Love Train! #choochoo
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Mini Episode 5 – DragonCon 2019 (+ Bonus Listener Feedback!)
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On this episode, I take a small little detour from my recent 'Spark Joy' series to share all of my squeeful adventures at DragonCon 2019 with you guys, including – spoilers! – meeting David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, and Catherine Tate, as well as several other things that happened at the convention. Heck, I even time-stamped them all for those of you wanting to skip to certain parts, as I can get a bit detailed. And loquacious.  
I also take some time to finish up with answering my recent lengthy feedback from listener Vanessa (that I started on last episode). Now, admittedly I go on a bit of a ramble at times while doing so -- as I often do -- but it was still lots and lots of fun to do and I really hope you guys enjoy it, nonetheless. #chattycathy
So, yes, I hope you guys will all enjoy the ride! There's definitely lots of squee in store for you!
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 31 – The Spark Joy Series: Sleep Is for Tortoises: Amy's Choice [And Wholanta 2019]
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On this episode, I continue my happy foray into my new Falling-in-Love-with-Doctor-Who-Again series  -- again called "Spark Joy," because I'm a dork – with a very squeeful and, honestly, a little bit vulnerable review of my favorite Twelfth Doctor story, "Heaven Sent". And, yes, because of who I am as a person,  I do go on quite a bit about it, so you just might want to get comfortable. Maybe find a really comfy chair and perhaps a nice tasty snack to enjoy while listening. Or perhaps just a long trip in the car will suffice. You do you.
Oh, and, in addition to all of that loquacious squee for "Heaven Sent," there's also even more squee within my Happy Fandom Time segment with mentions of a new podcast guest spot, some new Doctor Who things I've bought recently that I loving, but especially lots of squee, in particular, in the case of some long and juicy listener feedback that I start to tackle (but couldn't finish answering this time round, sadly, because apparently I talk way too much. #homegirlyounevershutup).
So, hold onto your hats, everyone, and enjoy the ride! I'm so glad to have you all aboard again on this Love Train! #choochoo
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+ Website: http://terminus.libsyn.com + RSS feed: http://terminus.libsyn.com/rss + Email: [email protected] + Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nicole-mazza/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast?refid=stpr + iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast/id666615900 + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/terminusdwpodcast/ (the social group) or Like Us at: https://www.facebook.com/TerminusDWPodcast + Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerminusCast + Tumblr: http://terminusdwpodcast.tumblr.com/ + Earth Station One Network: http://esonetwork.com
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Your podcast host totally living her best life. :)
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(x-posted on Instagram)
SO, THIS HAPPENED TODAY! Please excuse my embarrassed face -- due to rushed retake -- and whole I-look-hella-weird-without-glasses look I'm rocking. As I said on Facebook, in the first pic I took with David, I had my glasses on, but the Epic Photos staff found me as I was leaving, said there was a glare on my glasses, so I needed to do a retake. So, I went back through with a dorky 'retake' sign and even awkwardly said to David: 'Glasses glare' and he was like 'Yeah' and smiled. He was super sweet, even though I was a bit embarrassed. (Got to put my arm around him twice, though!)
Oh, and I recorded meeting him later on when I got the autograph and he was super-sweet there too. He seemed happy to sign my 'Blackpool' cover and even answered my question about if he visited the old Doctor Who Exhibition while there (He did). I might put the recording on my podcast, as dorktastic as it was.
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 31 – The Spark Joy Series: Sleep Is for Tortoises: Amy's Choice [And Wholanta 2019]
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On this episode, I start my foray into my new Falling-in-Love-with-Doctor-Who-Again series -- called 'Spark Joy', because I'm a dork – with a squeeful review of my favorite new series story, "Amy's Choice". Now, to be honest, I didn't really have a clue how truly controversial this episode was until I heard the new-ish Verity! Podcast episode chatting about it very recently. And unfortunately, I'd already recorded my own episode at that point when I did hear theirs (I was taking a break from editing it to check it out, in fact), so I couldn't/didn't really talk about or address their particular impressions here in mine – though I did make a comment or two on their blog post for the episode. But anyway, because of that, obviously this episode is just my own personal feelings on the story, untainted by Other Fandom Feels and as different as they apparently might be for other people! And also in the spirit of my joy about the diversity of opinion in our fandom, I'll definitely plonk a link to the Verity! episode below in my show notes, if you're interested in hearing some contrasting opinions on things. #yayfandomdiversity Anyway, aside from my massive squee about 'Amy's Choice', also included in this episode is some squee about conventions (both my recent visit to Wholanta 2019, as well as some exciting guests planned for DragonCon 2019), some squee about other podcasts (as I'm often wont to do), and some squee about listener feedback. And so yeah, this is overall a pretty squeeful episode! So, hold onto your hats, everyone, and enjoy the ride! I'm so glad to have you all aboard this Love Train! #choochoo
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 30 – Don’t Kill the Vibe, Graham: Series 11 Overview
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First off, quick production note: For whatever reason, I kept calling Malorie Blackman “Marjorie Blackman” in my review. And I have no idea why. I might’ve just been nervous from not having recorded in so long. Or I might’ve been struggling with having less notes in front of me than I usually do. I’m not sure. Either way, I deeply apologize for getting her name wrong. How embarrassing!
Anyway, aside from all that, this is honestly a difficult episode for me to publish. As I stated in my ‘State of the Podcast’ blog post, I try my very best to keep things on my show (mostly) positive and try to look for the best in the show. But, at the end of the day, I also have to be honest about my reactions and so, after a lot of soul searching, I made this episode chatting about my feelings in regards to Series 11. And, yes, many of those feelings are negative. So, if that’s something you��re avoiding, being that my intention is to not kill people’s squee, this might possibly be an episode to skip. I do hope you give it a listen, though. I did my best to frame my criticisms as fairly as I could and also tried my best not to devolve into just mindless ranting.
Also, on a positive note, I discuss what is on the horizon for my show, with a series where I’m going to be rejuvenating the podcast by indulging in far more positive chats about my favorite show.
Anyway, again, I hope you will all join me as I talk about through some pretty hard feelings from this past season of Doctor Who -- along with some bonus Happy Fandom Time squee in there, to temper any angst, of course!
Glad to have you all aboard and do enjoy the ride (it’s going to be a bit of a bumpy one)!
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Check out me chatting about the classic story ‘Stones of Blood’, with my  good friends over at the Watchathon of Rassilon podcast!
Episode 100: The Stones of Blood (Rad Frocks Represent)
Joe and Toni are joined by @radiantbaby of @terminusdwpodcast to celebrate the 100th serial of Classic Doctor Who, The Stones of Blood. Paint and feathers get everywhere.
This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, @bisexualbrigadier . If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here.
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
State of the Podcast Update
I posted this on my podcast blog, but wanted to post this here as well, to make it easy to read:
Confession Time: After a lot of introspection, I think I've finally figured out the Big Thing that's been stalling me in regards to my podcast recently. When listeners talk about my show, many times one of the biggest compliments I get is how positive I am about the source material I'm reviewing (often also mentioning a contrast to some other podcasts that 'just complain about the show the whole time'). And I honestly really like that about my show too, because, as it's pretty obvious to many people who know me, I really love Doctor Who and sharing that love with other people is really nice for me.
But therein lies the snag: I really want to continue to stay super-positive on my podcast, but I'm honestly finding it very difficult when I'm not actually feeling that way, you know? I mean, yes, I'm very behind on doing any reviews about S11, but do you know why that is? Because I mostly didn't like it. There I said it. Yes, I can find positive things to say about some bits of it of here and there, but overall it was mostly disappointing. And so in lieu of saying negative things the whole time about it on my show, I guess I just sort of shut down and didn't want to say anything at all.
The thing is with me, I can't be fake, even if I try. And I really don't want to lie about what I felt about the season or, perhaps, just stick with saying 'only positive things'. But I also really don't want to scare people off.  I mean, it's not like it's been easy lately in fandom anyway, as it seems that when you have any issues with the season, a lot of people just immediately write you off as just hating a female Doctor, being misogynist, or racist, or [fill-in-the-blank-ism], and don't even take the time to listen to any valid criticisms you might have. That or they just call you an idiot for not liking it (which I keep hearing a lot, honestly). And that can be very alienating.
Don't get me wrong, I love Jodie Whittaker as an actress on the whole and I really, really looked forward to S11 with her (I even have an episode dedicated to my squee about it from back when she was cast). And I really (mostly) love the rest of the cast as well.  My issues mostly do not lie with them, but instead how those characters were written and, hell, how most of the stories were written.
We have a saying in fandom about how sometimes things are just 'not my Doctor Who'. It doesn't mean that aspect of the show is inherently bad or whatever, just not really what you're personally looking for in the show. And as a very long-time watcher of both the Classic and 'New' series, I can tell you that the show goes in and out of those phases for me several times. And ultimately that's fine with me. Yes, it's sad because I always want to be in love with my show constantly, but I also understand that's just not the nature of the beast that is decades and decades of Doctor Who.
Anyway, all that to say: I think I'm just going to scrap my individual episode reviews of series 11 (even though I have a million notes for each episode!) and just work on some sort of overview episode instead. Admittedly, that's really scary for me and it's probably going to be hard for me to do, as I'm not super-keen on ranting or talking badly about my favorite show. But I also think that I should just bite the bullet and get my thoughts out there anyway, as ultimately that's what my podcast is about (and who knows, maybe there's someone else out there feeling alienated that might relate to what I have to say).
I mean, I don't think I'm going to actually rewatch any of the episodes, at least not any time soon, as honestly I really don't feel inclined to do so at all. And so my overview thoughts might all just be cobbled together from memory and said notes. But I think that's what I need to do for now, so that I can finally try to move forward with my show and get out of this impasse, instead doing reviews on other stories that do make me joyful, and continue to hope that S12 is much, much better for me. I mean, at the end of the day, I really do miss making episodes, and connecting with other fans, and just really just want to get back on track as soon as I can.
Anyway, thanks so much for reading (and listening to my podcast!). It means the world to me.
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
I DID A THING! Check me out chatting about ‘Image of the Fendahl’ with some friends of mine. :)
Joe and Toni are joined by @radiantbaby of @terminusdwpodcast to discuss roller derby, sameface, and the right amount of pasta in the Classic Doctor Who serial Image of the Fendahl.
This episode is brought to you by Friend of Rassilon, Matt Golden. If you’re interested in being a Friend of Rassilon, click here.
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terminusdwpodcast · 6 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 29 – Chumblies Don't Surf: Wholanta 2018
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Yes, this is likely not the podcast episode that you're looking for. Fear not, though, as I do plan to review the episodes of Series 11 with Jodie, it's just that I'd planned to release this right before the new series started airing, but life intervened. Still, despite the awkward timing, I worked hard on it, so I still wanted to go ahead get it out. Now, the subject matter is admittedly a bit dated as the con I'm discussing happened a few months back, but I had hoped to use this as basically a practice episode to get back into the swing of things. So, anyway, I hope you will all join me for some reminiscing about my time at this year's Wholanta convention, as well as some bonus Happy Fandom Time squee and a mini, non-spoiler-y chat about David Tennant's film, 'Bad Samaritan'. Glad to have you all aboard and do enjoy the ride! 
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+ Website: http://terminus.libsyn.com + RSS feed: http://terminus.libsyn.com/rss + Email: [email protected] + Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nicole-mazza/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast?refid=stpr + iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast/id666615900 + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/terminusdwpodcast/ (the social group) or Like Us at: https://www.facebook.com/TerminusDWPodcast + Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerminusCast + Tumblr: http://terminusdwpodcast.tumblr.com/ + Earth Station One Network: http://erthstationone.wordpress.com/
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terminusdwpodcast · 7 years ago
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I did a thing! Come and listen to me as a guest on the podcast @discussingwho chatting about ‘The Girl in the Fireplace’. You can find it here!
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terminusdwpodcast · 7 years ago
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 28 – Be Loud, F*ck Capitalism: Oxygen
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Just a fun little diversion that's full of All Kinds of Happy to do a little work toward combating some of life's Really Hard Stuff these days. Think of it as a Happy Fandom Time...Dilation! #happinesswillprevail
Oh, and there's some bonus Halloween-related Doctor Who recommendations as well!
Enjoy the ride!
Go here for download link and show notes
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+ Website: http://terminus.libsyn.com + RSS feed: http://terminus.libsyn.com/rss + Email: [email protected] + Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nicole-mazza/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast?refid=stpr + iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast/id666615900 + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/terminusdwpodcast/ (the social group) or Like Us at: https://www.facebook.com/TerminusDWPodcast + Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerminusCast + Tumblr: http://terminusdwpodcast.tumblr.com/ + Earth Station One Network: http://erthstationone.wordpress.com/
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