#zoloft i love you zoloft my best friend zoloft
shuadotcom · 4 months
hiii i’m alive and i’m back (mostly) from my hiatus. writing is still kicking my ass and my brain’s ass and i’m not on my dash as much as i was just yet but i’m around-ish. thanks for sticking around whoever is reading this 🫶🏽
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Under the Stars || One Shot
New account! @ghostbones was banned! Transferring all my work here slowly!
Anon request from my old blog: "can i ask a tinnyyy request like you know s7 e8 daryl runs off from negans with jesus to hilltop later ricks group comes. How about reader and daryl reuniting after them not seeing eachother since negan takes him hostage and like all the time they spent away from each other in pain they try to make up for it"
Summary: Your mental health severely declined when Daryl was taken, but now he's back, and it's time to begin to heal together.
18+ MDNI || WARNINGS: depression, prescription medication, general unhappiness, but a happy ending (oh, and profanity, duh)
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        You had barely taken care of yourself over these last weeks. Minimal food intake, drinking water only when your body painfully begged for hydration, unable to get out of bed to even bathe on most days as the painful sinking in your gut was just too much. You felt dizzy sometimes, either from malnourishment or grief. Two of your friends were murdered in cold blood, horrifically. You still remembered how it felt when Abraham's blood splattered over your face, warm in contrast to the chill of the air around you. You could remember the way your breath made foggy little clouds in the  bright lights, how you felt every ounce of air leave your lungs when Glenn was taken out next. 
        That man -- that monster -- he took more than just your friends. He took your sanity. You didn't sleep because when you closed your eyes it was all you could see. You hummed to yourself for hours because in the silence, you could still hear the whistle of the bat as it was brought down on your family members and the squelching of mangled skulls as he turned them into mere pulp. 
        With all that, the thing that stung even more was the memory of him being dragged away, your best friend, your love. The toughest and strongest man you knew, the one with a dirty abrasive exterior and a sparkling core of gold. They took him away, just like that. You knew he was alive. They brought him once, just to flaunt him in your face and remind you of what they had taken from you. To show you just how miserable they were making him.
        On this day, though, Rick and the others had dragged you out of bed. Michonne sat with you while you showered, and washed your hair for you while you sat curled up under the steamy stream of water. She helped you get dressed, and told you they were taking you with them to Hilltop to see Harlan, their doctor. He would be able to give you a mild antidepressant, and something to help you sleep again. They had other business at the colony, but they decided you'd benefit from tagging along.
        You were reluctant, of course. Why did you deserve peace and rest if nobody you loved could attain the same? But, they insisted, and who were you to  argue when they already had more pressing matters at hand. You all did. 
        "This is setraline, or more commonly known as Zoloft. It can be used for anxiety and depression, and it isn't known to have many side effects. I'm going to give you a 30 day supply. Just take one every morning with breakfast, and it should help you break out of this funk." Harlan explained, handing you a pill bottle. "It wont take away the grief, but it will help balance some of the symptoms of it until you can cope on your own."
        "This one," he continued, handing you a little baggie with ten pills. "Is a basic valium. Take it every night with a snack, you'll get your sleep schedule back on track by the time you run out of them."
        He offered you a thin lipped smile as you stuffed the medications in your bag.
        "Thanks, Doc." You sighed as you stood up. He held the door open and allowed you to exit the medical trailer before himself, shutting the door behind him.
        "Don't thank me just  yet. I want to see you again in 30 days. We can assess how it worked for you and then maybe you can thank me."
        The others were all gathered nearby the gates, talking with Maggie and some others. You made your way over. Michonne smiled kindly as she placed an arm over your shoulders.
        "Was he able to help?" Rick asked. You nodded.
        "We'll see in 30 days." You told them. The conversation resumed where it left off, and you kind of just absentmindedly stood by, allowing little bits of information to register here and there but not enough to follow.
        That was when the gates opened and Jesus walked in, followed by someone you didn't expect in the slightest. Your eyes were dry and wide, throat tight, heart racing out of your chest. Rick was the first to hug him, then Michonne, then Maggie, who he seemed  shocked to see. 
        His eyes landed on you and time stopped. The world simply stopped spinning. He stepped toward you slowly, each crash of his boot into the dirt sounding off like bombs. Tears pooled in your eyes when you could finally reach him hear him, smell him.
        "Daryl." You choked.
        He didn't say a word, but he didn't have to. The way he embraced you and lifted your feet from the ground, squeezing the air out of you was enough. When he set you back down he planted a kiss on your forehead, lingering there as he breathed you in.
        The stars had never looked so bright than they did when you were underneath them with Daryl that night. You stayed at Hilltop with him, and instead of enjoying a bed and warm sheets, you both laid on the ground outside Barrington House, breathing easily for the first time since he had been taken.
        "How'd you get out?" You wondered.
        "Nah. Don't gotta talk 'bout that right now." He said softly, sneaking an arm under you to pull you into him. You rested your head on his chest and he ran his fingers though your hair. 
        "Okay." You whispered. "I missed you."
        "Yeah." He agreed. "Me too. I missed ya."
        "I haven't been able to sleep without you."
        "Mm." He nodded, fingers still twirling in your strands.
        "Can you talk? About anything? I missed your voice."
        "Well," he sucked in a breath, searching for something worth telling you. "Every minute I spent away from you just felt longer and longer, ya know? 'N' now that I got ya back I don't wanna think about none of it. Don't wanna think 'bout the fightin' that's comin'.. Just wanna be here. With you."
        You sniffled and blinked back tears as you nuzzled closer to him, wishing he could just absorb you into his very being so that you'd never be apart.
        You peeked up at him through your eyelashes and he looked down at you, pressing a scratchy kiss on the top of your head.
        "I thought about you every minute of every day." You admitted.
        "I know." He said softly.
        "I just.." You sighed. "I'm just so happy to be here with you. It feels like a dream."
        "It ain't."
        "But it feels like one." You countered. "Just so unreal."
        "It's real." He affirmed.
        "I know." 
        "Do you wanna sleep inside tonight?" You asked.
        "Nah. Too closed up."
        "Okay." You smiled. You snaked an arm over his torso, holding him tightly. He returned the gesture, using dropping his hand from your hair down to your back and pushing you against him. You laid a leg over his.
        "Ya been eatin'?" He asked suddenly, running his fingers over your ribcage.
        "No." You admitted quietly.
        "Gon' eat breakfast tomorrow." He instructed.
        "I have to anyways. Harlan said I have to take my meds with food."
        "Meds? For what?"
        "Depression." You huffed, sitting up and reaching into your bag to show him the pills. "Zoloft and some kind of valium."
        "Pfft." He scoffed, taking the pills from you and setting them on top of his own bag as he pulled you back down. You settled back into your previous position. "Don't need no damn drugs. I'm gon' give these back to him tomorrow."
        "I guess they were just worried about me. I wasn't really that great, you know, with everything..." You trailed off.
        "Okay." He nodded. "I'm here now. Ya don't need 'em."
        "Okay." You said sleepily, eyes feeling heavy in the comfort of his embrace. You really didn't need valium, you just needed him to lay with you. He glanced down at you, feeling a bit of warmth in his chest as your eyes began to flutter.
        "Get some sleep, now." He whispered.
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ofhouseadama · 4 months
I came across your blog through star trek and wanted to say your pinned post is so sweet! You and your wife look so happy! Any updates in the two years since you answered that ask?
We did finally get to have our big white wedding, which was amazing and intimate and lovely and so very much a testimony to us and our friends and family of choice:
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We went to Disney World for our honeymoon:
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A few months after that, we took in a trans teenager from a domestic violence situation who has now been adopted as our son. We didn't go into fostering with the intent to adopt, but when the kid stares you straight in the face and says your his moms now, you kind of just go with it.
2023 was kind of our own annus horribulus, with my wife losing both of her mother's parents and a cousin, and my best friend lost her dad to cancer. We learned a lot about planning a wedding in 48 hours, and then later, a funeral.
We got way too good at funeral programs.
I had my gallbladder removed after multiple emergency room visits, my wife semi-emergently had a hysterectomy, and then later a root canal and jaw surgery to remove bone spurs. Every time we thought things would calm down, something else horrible would happen. (For example, a microburst wrecking our roof and downing a tree on top of said best friend's dead dad's SUV that we bought from her mom, our house, and power lines.)
We've travelled a lot, due to access to $40/night hotel rooms.
We entered our thirties. Got more tattoos. Dyed our hair. Got new piercings. Tried new styles, got more supportive shoes. Went on a lot of dates. Built our village, put down roots. Renovated the kitchen and built bookshelves in the living room. We laughed and we cried and we grieved and felt joy and held each other through it all.
I completed two years of EMDR therapy, went back on Zoloft. I'm finally sleeping through the night for the first time in my life.
We got to take Christmas photos as a family, and go to Disney World for his birthday (thanks Hilton team member discount, lol)
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We adopted two more dogs, Beau and Mabel:
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And three days ago, we got to do something absolutely amazing, that we've dreamed of even before we met--
Try for a baby, with donor sperm. And even if I don't get to have a positive pregnancy test later this month, the hope of trying means a lot to us.
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chestnutninny · 3 months
hello there! i hope your day is going well 🩷 may i request a kim greylek sfw alphabet?
Kim Greylek SFW Alphabet
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Hiii, my day is going amazing, thank you so much for asking. How are you? Of course you can request this, I actually love Kim, however Casey will always be my favourite :))) I'm sorry this has taken so long to happen, however I've had a lot going on recently, so I'm focussing on catching up now, whilst I'm starting to feel better. (@zolofts )
A- Affectionate (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kim is very affectionate with you behind closed doors but not always in front of other people, especially her co-workers. A lot of the time, she shows her affection by buying you gifts or taking you out on spontaneous dates.
B- Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Kim would be the best friend that you could ask for. She would be super supportive of everything that you do and would always make sure to give you her best advice and guidance. She would also stick up for you as that is required in her job, so she naturally does it without even realising. Your friendship would start through a mutual friend that you both had, and would meet at a birthday party of this friend. You would both fall into easy conversation and Kim would ask if you would like to leave the party with her, and allow her to buy you a drink elsewhere.
C- Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kim loves to cuddle, however she must always be the little spoon. She loves how safe and secure she feels wrapped up in your arms and always struggles to leave you in the morning when she’s working early. The majority of the time she wants to cuddle in a spooning position. However, sometimes she is open to lying on your chest, listening to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
D- Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Kim did struggle with the idea of settling down as she wanted to put her career first and foremost, giving it almost all of her attention and time. However, she knew that you were worth settling down and she did cut down on burying herself in extra work and overtime, just to make time for you and to take you on dates throughout the week at any available time she had to spare. You can’t deny the fact that Kim is quite a good cook and she makes you breakfast in bed when she isn’t working on the weekends. However, she isn’t the best at cleaning, always leaving stuff behind in the process.
E- Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
In the past, Kim has been cold to her partners when breaking up with them, as she had lost her feelings a while ago. Therefore, she would either break up with them over message or discuss the topic bluntly over a quick phone call. However, with you all that changed and she couldn’t even think of breaking up with you or how she would do it.
F- Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they do it?)
Kim was initially very scared to commit, however after lots of reassurance from you about how much you cared for her and loved her, she knew that there was nobody else that we would rather be with. She proposed to you well into your 3rd or 4th year together, taking you on a romantic holiday to Italy.
G- Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She is very gentle both physically and emotionally. She’ll look after you as much as she possibly can, wrapping you up in her arms. Emotionally, she is very patient with you, waiting until you are ready to talk about your feelings and open up to her.
H- Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kim absolutely loves hugs, adoring the feeling of you being close together. She loves to hug you at every opportunity she has because it's her preferred way of showing her affection for you. Her hugs are warm and comfortable, and she nuzzles her head into the crook of your neck, breathing in the smell of your perfume. 
I- I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Surprisingly, Kim is very fast at admitting that she loves you, because she is confident in your relationship and knowing what she wants in a partner, which you manage to tick all of the boxes of hers.
J- Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Kim isn’t very jealous as she knows where your priorities lie, and she completely trusts you. However, you can tell that she is slightly bothered when she crawls up the bed, tucking herself underneath your chin, curled up in a ball.
K- Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kim’s kisses are usually very gentle, as if she’s worried of breaking you. Her plump lips brush against your own, encasing them in a pillowy embrace, which never fails to make you blush. However, it’s not completely rare to receive passionate kisses from her, where her tongue battles yours in a fight for dominance.
L- Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kim can be very nervous around kids as she has seen so many of them hurt in her line of work, and she knows that she can seem very harsh and bitchy, which causes her to care a lot about what the kids think of her. 
M- Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Your mornings usually result in you waking up to the scent of fresh coffee surging through the air in the apartment, invading your nostrils, then your beautiful girlfriend walking into the bedroom to greet you with a kiss and a cuddle before she leaves for work, usually at an ungodly hour.
N- Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
A lot of the time, your nights consist of you ordering a take out before Kim arrives home from work, two glasses of her favourite wine sat on the table. After your food, you both enjoy a shower or even sometimes a bath, enjoying the time that you can finally spend together after her stressful days at work. Then, you both get into bed, holding each other whilst Kim plays with your hair as you talk about your days.
O- Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kim is actually very fast at opening up to you, wanting you to know everything about her as soon as possible, which makes her feel safer with you and like she can trust you more if you know a lot about her. She doesn’t tell you everything at once though, she likes to give you a little at a time, therefore she still has a little bit of mystery remaining.
P- Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kim is usually very calm and placid in many situations aside from work sometimes. However, there have been a few times that her anger has gotten the best of her, mostly when creepy dudes at bars have made flirty comments at you, or hateful comments towards your relationship with her.
Q- Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kim is mostly good at remembering little facts about you that you have told her, and makes sure to remember things that you like by writing on sticky notes or creating a note in her phone of all the gift ideas that she has got from the information that you have given you.
R- Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Her favourite moment of your relationship is your third date. You had been seeing each other for 2 months, however her jobs didn’t allow much free time for her to plan dates with her. You went for a meal at a fancy little Italian place not far from her apartment. You had your food and a few glasses of wine each, when she finally offered for you to go home with her. You gratefully accepted her offer, catching a cab back to her apartment, where you made fun of the mess that occupied many areas of her home. She led you to the bedroom, where she showed you how much she liked you for the first time. That night was the time she asked you to be her girlfriend, to which you obviously agreed to. 
S- Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She’s not always the most physically protective, however she is more verbally protective, standing up for you if someone says anything wrong to you. She likes to be physically protected by you however, because she is very capable of holding her own when it comes to verbally defending herself from others. She likes when you wrap your arm around her waist possessively, reminding her that you are there with her and she isn’t alone, as well as when you grab her hands, rubbing your thumb across her knuckles to soothe her.
T- Try (How much effort would they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, and everyday tasks?)
Kim loves to go all out on dates, coming up with creative little date ideas, such as picnics and beach dates. She loves to make sure that you have an amazing time, and do something that is outside of the usual date idea box. She is the best at giving gifts as she listens to all the things you say you would like to get yourself, but never actually get around to doing.
U- Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit of Kim’s is the occasional cigarette that she smokes after a particularly stressful case, which makes her smell of the invasive smoke that lingers within the fibres of her clothing. Despite that, you can’t deny she looks incredibly hot when she smokes one, which annoys you the most.
V- Varsity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kim always makes sure that her appearance is up to par with the reputation she holds, making sure that she looks absolutely flawless in your eyes, which makes her love her feeling of your gaze on her body as she gets dressed, your eyes raking up and down her body, drinking her in.
W- Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Kim would most definitely feel incomplete without you in her life. She loves you so much and couldn’t think of living the rest of her life with anybody other than you.
X- Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
As well as being a good cook, Kim is also a very talented baker and she loves to make her legendary chocolate chip cookies for you when you are ill or run-down.
Y- Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Kim hates liars and cheaters, which is her biggest turn off. She wants a partner that she can believe in and trust with her secrets and her whole life honestly, which is something that she found in you.
Z- Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Kim can never sleep without something covering her up at night, such as the duvet in the winter or a thin blanket in the summer.
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scouting4love · 3 months
Please talk about it so bad this tangent sounds so interesting
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Omg... I will go on my bipolar, brain rot rant for you 🫵
I do think that Roxas & Riku are really good narrative foils for each other, especially at the end of Days, tragically so! I think it's also looked over and brushed off quite a bit, my reason being that, in the game, Roxas and Riku only interact once on a meaningful level and that's the fight at the end.
Days, as a game, is about the emotions that make us human. Throughout the game, Xion and Roxas see things like love (Beast's Castle), friendship (Aladdin), and experience those things along with sorrow, desperation, etc. On the flip side, Riku is "real", he was never split in half. He doesn't have to learn all of those things and he knows what he's feeling; e.g. when Xion tries to cut him deep and asks if Riku hates her and Riku answers with "No, I'm just sad." (He's so fucking emo during this game.)
Riku also has a purpose during this game and that is to wake Sora up. He's working with Naminé and DiZ to do so. Roxas is collecting hearts for "kingdom hearts" so everyone in the organization can be "complete again." Throughout the whole game, we read in his diary, hear him talk to his friends, and hear in his inner thoughts that he doesn't know what the fuck that means. He doesn't know what a heart is, he doesn't know what having a heart means, and he doesn't know why he's doing what he's doing. He just knows he was given an 8-8 blue collared job, a roof over his head, and he's part of a cult now.
Personality wise, during the game, Roxas is very curious and sweet. He wants to know more about having a heart, he's always concerned when his friends are hurt, and he's always trying to cheer them up. His temper does flare (especially concerning Saïx) and he's a shit talker. At the end of the game, he is fucking PISSED, as is his right! One of his friends has been lying through his teeth to him, the other is dead due to work place negligence, no one is telling him the truth, and he wants answers! Riku is in what I like to call his "Zoloft Era" because he needs it. Since he's gotten, basically groomed in the first game, dealt with all the shit in Castle Oblivion during CoM (watching his clone die and killing people), and now he has to put up with DiZ's grown ass throwing a hissy fit, he has mellowed out considerably. He makes level headed decisions, like giving Xion time to decide on what she wants to do and has confidence that she will do what's right and doesn't pressure her. He also doesn't shit talk like he does in the first game, he has learned his lesson.
So, at the end of the game, when it all comes to a head, it does so in the saddest fucking way. Roxas understandably upset because his best friend just fucking died and he's the only one who even remembers her (sound familiar?) is going to destroy "kingdom hearts". If he does that, he's gonna get his ass kicked! He's acting on sheer impulse and anger but can you blame him? He's 15. DiZ tells Riku that the only way to get Sora to wake up is to bring Roxas over so Riku leaves to do that and he stops Roxas before he gets to the castle where they fight. When Riku asks what Roxas is doing and he tells him, Riku can remember Xion but just barely like how he can remember Sora just barely but she's slipping away. Riku understands what Roxas is trying to do but he can't let him go through with it.
The end of the fight is the most important part, in my opinion. Roxas beats Riku's ass twice, breaks his fucking wrist, and is sick of his shit. He also shit talks Riku which Riku does not participate in. Riku knows what he has to do at this point and takes off his blindfold, accepting the darkness in his heart, and taking on the appearance of the man who possessed him in the first game. Doing this, allows Riku to win and they put Roxas in the VR Twilight Town. The whole reason Riku won is from taking off the blindfold, by resigning himself to looking like Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. He is willing to give up his sense of self, his identity, his existence, just to get his best friend to wake up. Roxas isn't willing to, isn't able to do that and that's why he lost.
Roxas' character is about identity, personhood, what makes a person a person. "I feel this, so surely I exist, so surely I am meant to be here." The things he is being told, i.e. you're not supposed to have a heart, you're not supposed to feel, don't line up with what he is experiencing and he has to find out what it means to "be" by himself. That's what being a person is, figuring things out, finding out things for yourself, finding out who you are, what you are supposed to be. It is inherently selfish and there is nothing wrong with that, I think it's good for his character. The problem is that it's a double edge sword, it is his ultimate downfall. "My heart belongs to me."
Riku's character is about sacrifice. We have seen it plenty of times throughout the whole game series. He puts himself in the realm of darkness, he spends a whole year trying to wake Sora up, he becomes Sora's dreameater, he sacrifices himself for Sora in KH3 (gay ass). The point is, he is a protector. He puts himself in harms way without a second thought for the sake of his friends. He doesn't want to look like his fucking groomer from the first game but if it'll help his friend, he's gonna fucking do it! "To protect the things that matter."
I think the line, "Forgive me, Roxas," is probably one of the most heartbreaking in Days and it's so so so so depressing that it's not in the game (it's in the manga). If they had put it in the game it would be more clear that they are narrative foils and give the audience more sympathy to Riku's character. In the end, both of them just want to save their best friends but Riku knows he has to take away what Roxas is fighting for not only himself but for Xion as well. He doesn't want to, he's fucking 16 but in the end, he is willing and able to give up is personhood to save the thing he cares about most. Even though Roxas wants to save Xion, he is unwilling to give up his agency and as an audience, technically as Roxas' friends (cause we have been playing the game and reading his diary, etc.), we understand that he had every reason to fight. We also understand that Sora needs to wake up and we understand why Riku needs to do what he needs to do. It's kind of a lose lose because both of them don't end up on top at the end of the game either. Riku may have won, yet he gave up the thing that Roxas was fighting for, his agency, his personhood, his sense of self and identity but he got his best friend back in the end. Roxas lost and had to go back to Sora but ended up keeping himself separated (as we see in kh2 and DDD) but he lost his best friend in the process. They are really good narrative foils and I don't think it is talked about enough..!!
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madeofcigarettes · 2 months
Hi ed tumblr im back :)
Ive been recovering for abt 6 months now, my lowest weight was 108 and my initial gw was 103 and my cw is now 135. There wasnt a moment i didn’t think abt @na, i missed her a lot weirdly is like having a best friend at all times who’s also your worst enemy and hates you but i love it, i gained a lot of weight because i had extreme hunger and i let it consume me, on top of that i got zoloft prescribed which gives this little chemical to your brain that makes you more hungry, when i got this prescribed i cried to my psychiatrist because i already was hating myself for binging and gaining some weight but the medicine just made it worse, i stopped taking it and my bf broke up with me like 3 days ago because im too emotionally stable and insecure, which is why i decided im going back to my old ways for sure, that way i can stop thinking if all the girls that he sleep before or dated were skinnier or prettier then me because im wanna be the most perfect and im gonna achieve no matter how hard it is.
(please be mean to me or say anything to help me go back i really need it so bad and id appreciate it a lot <3)
I looked almost perfect at my lw :(
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latinapoetbts · 2 months
Nostalgic Love Dairy: First Kiss | KTH & Reader (Latina)
Summary: Sweet First Kiss between two high school students who were best friends. Unrequited love. Note: Written in all in one go, no editing. First Kiss
“What’s on your mind? You see quite today”. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn’t turn to face him. I knew if I did my eyes would confirm my heart's whispers. He had always told me these three truths about me.
One, I was a terrible liar. Little did he know I was a champion at lying to him. I had to hid my true feelings. I was only good at lying about that.
Two, I wore my heart on my sleeves, unless my heart tried to protect me from him. 
Three, he was my favorite person in the entire world. 
My eyes give my “favoritism away.” Thankfully, he’s either dumb, naive or trying to keep my heart from shattering into a thousand pieces by rejecting me. I chose to believe he was naive because he was annoyingly intelligent, and protecting me from rejection was too painful to imagine. Yet deep down, I knew it was likely the real truth. 
“I’m just thinking about next weekend.” After speaking I continued to naw at the around my nails, a nasty habit that was nearly impossible to quit, just like wanting him I suppose. I hear him move as he swats at my hand.
“Y/N, stop that, or you have nothing left but bones on those fingers”. I frown and pout now feeling secure enough to face him just in time to catch a glimpse of his heart-melting, charming face as he burst into laughter. God, I could listen to his laugh all day, the best alternative to Zoloft ever!
“That face right there is so adorable and funny at the same time!”, he struggles to get out his word in a fit of laughter falling back against the grass. 
“Shut the fuck up.” I lay down next to him shielding my eyes from the sun. 
“Ok ok, so tell me what's up.” I let out a sigh quickly rehearsing in my head the story of half-truths I was preparing to tell. 
“Well, this guy who, Kat says likes me invited us to a party he is throwing next weekend. Kat says he will definitely try to kiss me. I’m nervous. Since well–, (sigh) I’ve never kissed anyone before. Ugh, I’m such a loser.” I let my genuine feelings show. Nervousness, despair, and longing.  I feel him moving beside me once again.
“You’re not a loser for not ever kissing anyone.” I imagine he has propped himself up and is facing me, but I'm not ready to look at him. I’m nervous my eyes will show him just how badly I want him to kiss me. I keep my eyes shielded with my hand, using the blazing sun as an excuse to hide my eyes.
“Do you like him?”, I couldn't help but notice the slight change in his tone of voice yet I was uncertain what his voice was saying. I let out another sigh.
“I think he is super hot but he’s not very smart (laughing).” My heartbeat in my chest was defiantly sending a morse code message: No, I don’t like him, because he’s not you. 
“But Tae, I’m about to be 18 and I’ve still never been kissed. I don’t care anymore if my first kiss is meaningful. I just want to experience it all ready.” I close my eyes. I don’t want to see his face at all, I’m too scared. Silence. 
“Y/N. I think it’s sweet you’ve never kissed before because you want it to be meaningful and it’s worth it. You shouldn’t let anyone pressure you otherwise.” Ugh, I hate him for being so perfect and sweet, and how it only makes me want him more. I feel anger surging through my body. I had only said that to him because I’ve been holding out for him to kiss me for the last three years. It’s all I think about. I’m starting to lose my resolve. 
“Oh ya, Tae? Is it worth waiting to kiss the right person? Hmm?” My anger causes me to face him, we are now laying on our sides inches from each other faces.
“Because your make-out conquest list says otherwise.” A smirk formed on his plump pillowy pink lips, if I leaned forward just enough I could taste them. I mentally shake off the thoughts of wanting to taste his lips reminding myself I’m mad and jealous. I picture the times I’ve caught him making out with a few different girls from my school who live in my neighborhood. This is good fuel for the fire of jealousy. 
“Y/N, oh come on, that’s not the same, I don’t even like those girls and trust me. Kissing is not as good if it's not meaningful with the right person. I promise.” There was a soft distance and longing in his voice. Whoever she is, whoever he is thinking of is very lucky, stupid and I hate her. I’m glad he has kept this story to himself. The amazing meaningful kiss. Yes, we are best friends but we both have secrets better left in hiding. 
“Ok well that’s your opinion and I don't have the experience you have had so I want to decide that for myself.” My jealous anger dies down and my nervousness reves up, but nothing to do with him.
“If he tries to kiss me, I'm going to let him but I’m nervous that the kiss will be terrible because of me. Because I don't know what the fuck I’m doing. Then the whole school will know I’m a terrible kisser.” I roll from my side to my back again shutting my eyes. 
“You have any tips lover boy?” I laugh and then blow out my lips leaving them puckered. There is a long silence. I open my eyes to see if he’s still here, surprised to find him staring at my mouth, I nervously lick at them. Is there a weird crust or drool there I began to wonder. His eyes finally meet mine briefly as he rolls to his back no longer looking at me. 
“What? Is there something gross on my mouth? Jerk you can at least tell me” I start to use the back of my hand to rub at my lips. 
“ No. There's nothing wrong with your lips. Sorry, I have no tips for you. And don’t worry it wont be so bad.” He sits up quickly crossing his legs. 
“It’s too fucking hot, lets go get bobba tea.” He says as he gets up reaching his hand down to mine to help me up.
“What?! Tae? Seriously? You're not going to give me even one tip or strategy” I grab ahold of his hand and pull myself up. 
“Your an asshole, friend.” I turn eyeing the bikes we had rode on.
“But I’m your favorite asshole friend. And you can’t get rid of me”, laughter fills the space between the two of us. I hate him and love him all at once. 
Friday - One Day Before the Party
I stare in the full length mirror in my room holding the red tube dress against my body. This out fit was not me. I’m a 3 months away from turning 18 and four months away from graduating high school. I felt more like a young girl then what society deemed me as an adult. It wasn;t my style to wear form fitting close, this was more of Kats style or more so her style after completely her first semester of college. I wasn’t a high school party girl rather I was more a friendly, sporty, girl next door type with a mexican flare. Wearing a tight fitted red tube dress was way out of my comfort zone. I looked at my bed considering the other two outfits. One outfit a red v-cut fitted long sleeve and a pair of jeans that accentuate my thickness. The other outfit was a off the shoulders green dress with legging and cute boots. The other two outfits were not as intimidating for me. I place the red tube dress back on the bed.
“Kat, I just can’t wear that red dress. It’s too much. People will think I’m trying way to hard.” I winced hearing the sigh of frustration out leave her mouth.
“Y/N, your a hot latina! I just don’t get it! You are dressing to impress. Girl! Your going to end up like that never been kissed girl! You can’t keep waiting around for Tae to wake the fuck up and notice you! It’s been almost 9 years and you guys havent kissed! You have to move on!”. I knew she was right but my heart was to fucking loyal and hopeful. 
“Kat, …” I attempt to justify myself. 
“Speak of the devil. Why don’t you ask Tae what outfit you should wear to the party…”. My eyes grow wide in panic as she walks away form the window. I try to quickly put my clothes away.
“Oh no you don’t Y/n.” my heart rate quickens, hearing his foot steps up the stairs.
“Hey, Tae! Your just in time. I was just on the way out but y/n could really use a guys opinion. I’ve helped her all I can on what outfit to wear to the party tomorrow for Chris. Help her out. Bye guys see you tomorrow!” I try to hold back the scowl forming on my face gripping the tube dress in my hands. 
“Hey Tae. They let you off of work early tonight?” I ask walking to my clothes to put away the outfits.
“Wow, you must really like this guy.” He teases me walking towards me grabbing the hanger out of my hands.
“Well, lets see what you got? I’ll give you my honest guy opinion.” I roll my eyes annoyed with his teasing.
“Ok, tell what you think about that dress. What does it say. And I do not really like him, I think he’s really hot. Theres a difference.” I look out the window only to see Kat’s car still parked outside my house. 
“Sure sure. Well…” The door flys open to my room. 
“I knew it. I knew your were going to do this y/n, go in there and put it on with the heels and accessory! He has to actually see you in the outfit to give an honest opinion!” I was seething. There would be pay back for this Kat.
“She does have a point y/n”. I snatched the outfit from Tae’s hand and marched into the bathroom in my room. I get dressed listening to the two of them talk.
“Chris is super hot and he practically eye fucked her all last your but you know how our sweet naive, y/n is, she is oblivious to it all.” 
“I’m all for supporting her looking her best. I just don’t want to push her into anything she does not want to do Kat.” 
“Of course not Tae! But she wants the experience and I fully support her. I really do gotta go! I’m already late for my date with Carlos! So promise me you will have her model the three out fits and give her your best guy perspective of her outfits. I’m counting on you Tae! Also some kissing tips would be great too! Bye!”. I was so annoyed with the two of them trying to dictate what they think I want. And fucking fumming that Kat would bring up giving me kissing tips. It was my anger that helped me out of the bathroom so I could get this over with. I open the door stomping out with pouty lips. This is so ridiculous.
“Here it is Tae, Kat’s outfit she picked for me. I hate it, honestly. It’s too short and to tight. It’s so uncomfortable. I feel like I’m being desprate it in..” I stop rambling pulling my curls into a high ponytail turning towards my full lengthen mirror to check the hair style. I pause looking at the mirror at Tae, because of the deafening silence in the room. He was completely silent.That’s when I catch his eyes in the mirror. His lips slightly parted open his eyes racking slow over every inch of my body. I couldn’t believe the way he was looking at me, my heart was racing and my skin was on fire but I just couldn’t tare my eyes from him. Finally, after a long pause his eyes landed on mine.
“ y/n, sorry, I’m just shocked. It’s so weird to see you in something like this...”, I felt my cheeks go hot and the embarsement in the pit of my stomach start to rise.
“Ya, your right. I look and feel complete stupid in this outfit.” I let my hair fall and get back inside the bathroom as quickly as possible. I fight back the tears in my eyes as I change back into my basketball shorts and my t-shirt. I take my time pretending to use the bathroom and wash my hands when I’d really washing way my tears and flushed cheeks. I wanted to hide the evidence that I had be tearing up. I don’t think Tae finds any part of me attractive and this movement was all the proof I needed. Once I feel like I don’t look like I had been crying I open the door to find Tae still sitting on my bed looking towards me.
“Y/n, I’m sorry for how I reacted you don’t look stupid in the outfit. It’s just, um, it’s not you thats all. You know what I mean? and since you wanted my opinion. I just think you might be sending the wrong message like…um…” I can tell he is struggle to find the right words.
“Like what? What message am I send by wearing this red tube dress?...Tae I swear if you are…suggesting…”. I watch him stand and close the gap between us with purpose, placing his hand on my cheek too tenderly for me to not feel weak in the knees. His eyes lock with mine as he licks his lips.
“I’m no good with words. I’ll show you instead…” his eyes fall to my mouth, tilting his head, his lips feather against mine pausing for the tiniest fraction of a second before pressing full on against mine. My own eyes fall shut in pure bliss. Fucking finally. The longing and now the ache igniting withing me. His lips moved seductivly and tenderly against mine slowly increasing the intensity and plush warm pressure. I was in heaven. His tongue joined in, caressing my lips into opening allowing him entrance and dominance. I merely followed along mirroring his caresses. I was doomed and damned forever more. A moan sliped through my lips my core in between my legs burning like a fiery furnace threatening to burn me alive. 
My moan, seemed like a trigger because his lips began to consume me. Our tongues coliding together, sliding, dueling together. His tongue pausing only to lick and suck at my lips realsing them with a pop each time before diving back into explore my mouths’ every crevice. A buzzing and ringing beginning to interrupt my sweet bliss allowing a moment to gasp for air our lips breaking apart. I did not care about breathing while we kissed. Air was the last thing on my mind. 
“That’s how you do it. That’s how you kiss. You’ll do just fine.…” He speaks out in a whisper barely able to catch his breath. He steps away our eyes locked in silence the loud buzzy and ringing sounding like an alarm. He grabs his phone silencing the phone after seeing who called. There is flash in his eyes of panic or shock. I’m not completely sure but is was a look that said this moment was over. I heard a door outside closing. I knew it was probably my brother coming home from work. 
“y/n, I gotta goI’ll see you tomorrow at the party ok. I hope the lesson helps”. I barely nod my lips still swollen.
“Ya, that’s a good idea, you know how miguel gets with you here….bye…”, I feel dizzy and high at the same time. He turns to leave.
I finally got my first kiss and he was right. It was everything;meaningful, passionate hungry and perfect. I wanted more. 
I smile putting down my diary remembering that kiss like it was yesterday rather than years ago. He never came to that party the next day and kissing Chris was nothing compared to kissing Tae that night in my room. He had ruined kissing for me nearly to this day. 
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ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY | Chapter Twenty-Three
Ell announces her comeback gig, and puts Johnny, Chris and Dimitry through their paces at some rugby training.
Thanks for all your kind feedback on the last chapter! I hope this one is ok, it's taken me a while to get it to a point I've been happy to publish it. Obviously I *had* to include the rugby skit in here while the gang are in London. I've also linked the song included in the chapter below, as always it's a real song but in this AU it's written by Ell; all credit goes to the original writers and I'm not claiming it as my own. I'm really enjoying developing Johnny and Ell as a couple and the next few chapters will see some big events take place for their relationship so stay tuned. Also just a little note - I'm aware that in the actual skit, the rugby team they train with is the London Irish. I prefer rugby league over rugby union so I changed the team for a local rugby league team instead :'D
Content warnings for this chapter: smut (male receiving oral, sex, cum swallowing), alcohol
Taglist: @lizey-thornberry @babybammargera @zolofts (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
‘hey everyone! <3 thnx for all the nice messages about me joining the Jackass cast! u won’t see me on the series that’s on right now but we think s2 will begin airing in feb 2001 so u can see me then! it’s been another fun few weeks shooting stunts and hanging with my fav people. i’m so lucky to have met this gang thanks to my best friend steve-o. if u haven’t seen the show yet i know ur gonna love them all as much as i do! we’re shooting a few bits in london this week. it’s v strange to be back here but part of me has rly missed it. on that note… i’m posting today because i have some more exciting news! since i’m in town all week i decided to play a little one-off gig! it’s at dublin castle in camden THIS FRIDAY NIGHT and the only way u can get tickets is to be there on the night. it’s first come, first served and the capacity is only 200 - it’s a lot smaller than the last venue i played for u all, but i just wanted to do a special intimate show so i can try out my new music. u might love it, u might hate it, i just know i'm so proud of what i've been working on recently so i rly hope u do love it. fingers crossed i will be back to do a bigger show in the near future! doors will open at 7:30 and i will be playing 8:30 - 10pm. i am so excited to play all of my new songs for u and i hope u are going to like them all! see u friday night. i love u all! <3’ Ell could hardly sit still at the group’s dinner the night before after confirming her gig at the Dublin Castle pub in Camden. Luckily, the venue had had a cancellation on the Friday so the landlord Alo was more than happy to give Ell the slot. She’d been so giddy she could barely eat her meal - that was until Steve-O told her to take a breath and eat otherwise he’d eat it for her.
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jen-with-a-pen · 1 year
Hi everyone
I doubt anyone will actually read this, but this is just my little shout into the void in regards to a huge life event :)
I graduated college today.
Okay so I actually graduated in December, but I got to walk with my friends and have my family see me and all that.
I have waited my whole life for this and not many people outside of my partner and best friends know this, but I almost didn't make it.
Last year, and ever since, Ive struggled heavily with suicide and suicidal ideation. I thought I wasn't gonna live to see my 21st birthday, let alone my graduation. On top of being the oldest daughter and first gen kid of my parents, a massive pandemic and isolation, and debilitating mental health (thanks Zoloft fuck you), I'm honestly amazed I made it.
But I made it, though. I made it out alive.
I've been fortunate enough to have been working full-time in my field since January, alongside my partner of 5½ years finally getting to move in with me. I am in no way bragging or turning my nose up at others, but I do want to acknowledge my privilege and place in life right now that puts me ahead of others that I graduated with. I'm extremely fortunate to have even found work, let alone doing what I love and for a good cause.
I'm just proud. Proud of myself. And my body. And my brain. We made it here. I made it here.
This really didn't have an end goal message or anything. I just needed to get it off my chest.
Here's a pic of my kitty cat if you've made it this far. And my university stole. Hopefully I didn't just doxx myself lol
Anyways, thanks for reading. Hopefully I'll be writing more soon. Who knows? Life is fucking weird.
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syrips · 10 months
hey mini reminder that if you dont feel like your medication is working it's okay to keep speaking with professionals and trying different treatments until you find one that 'clicks' with you
i was on prozac for 2-3 months and it was okay but felt like it wasnt really clicking at all for me. so i told my psychiatrist and he was like 'yea so that's kinda weird. let's change your treatment'
then i moved over to zoloft with IOP and oh my GOD i can SLEEP. i can TASTE food. i can FEEL the warmth of the sun on my face. i can SMELL the grass and trees in the air. i can SEE how bright color is. everything is beautiful. i sing and happy stim without me even realizing it sometimes. music is even more beautiful. people are so precious and lovely. and i didnt realize these changes until i looked back. until other friends told me how i seem much more in peace.
yet, my mind kept saying, 'is it even working?' SO. i started (and i recommend) using a google docs/mental health journal (i know, cliche but it helps) to document how you feel and function, at least for 1-4 months when changing/starting treatments, until you can be aware of the changes or growth (or lack of) itself. doesnt have to be expensive, can use notepad or anything. just something to document it.
it makes me sad when i see people posting memes or vents about how their medication isnt working. and like, i know, maybe it isnt doing enough or maybe it's frustrating because you just want to feel in peace. (but on a side note being frustrated is also an emotion that you can/should talk to a professional about) but like, dont give up, keep trying, be vocal about it, keep speaking until a professional listens and helps you in that way that it 'clicks'. it may be medication, treatment, or some combination of stuff. keep trying until you find your golden treatment. treatment isnt always a '100% instant cure', but there should be a moment where you do or notice something and go, 'hey, i did that, so easily??' or 'wow, i would have NEVER done this years/months ago, i finally did the happy thing. for myself.' or 'i like this. i want more.'
either way i wish you all the best, i know its hard and chaotic but once you find it i hope you too will feel the warmth of the sun and the smell of the flowers and just have a moment of 'yes. this is peace.'
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freesia-writes · 1 year
10 and 21 for the soft asks!
Hi lovely!
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
The first thing that popped into my mind was going to heaven, LOL. In the slightly more short-term range… Dang, this was an interesting day to ask this question. My psychiatrist is switching me over from Zoloft to BuSpar, and it has only been three days with the reduced dosage of Zoloft as we phase it out, but I feel like I’m in a completely depressive episode. So the various camping trips and things that we have coming up all just sound like burdens right now! 😬 I share this not to be a killjoy, but to be honest and to encourage others to do the same when they aren’t having the best day or week or month or even your year! *cue Friends theme song*
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
This is such a good question. Hmm. Since I’m workin through this in therapy right now, if I went back to my 7-8year old self, I’d probably tell her that she really is doing the best she can, and she is absolutely enough, worthy, and loved. 🥲
Congrats on getting my most depressing ask yet! 😉 here is a medal! 🏅🤣😘
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kimmysurveyblog · 1 year
Do you have the right time set on your microwave?: I doubt it!
Do you have any old newspaper articles? Why?: Nope.
Do you have a flat screen tv or just a regular box?: Flat.
Do you have a radar detector for your car?: Idk what that means.
Have you ever been arrested? For what?: Nope.
Do you know how to change the oil in your car?: No.
Have you taken your shower yet?: Nope. I shower in the evening after my toddler goes to bed.
Do you like Tootsie Rolls?: Nooo.
Do you have a printer? What kind?: We do have one! We bought it like 2 months ago and haven't set it up yet. No idea what brand.
Are you seeing anybody currently?: My boyfriend! 6 years in 5 days. :)
Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes?: I did in my 20s but I quit 3.5 years ago.
Do you like it when it snows?: I LOVE it when it snows! Almost that time of year!
Are your ears pierced?: Yes.
Where do you do most of your shopping?: I don't have one specific grocery store I go to. We alternate between like 6 of them lol.
Who do you live with?: My boyfriend, our daughter, our dog, 17 fish and 3 aquarium snails. :P
What is your most expensive bill?: Mortgage.
Do you have a big yard?: Not big but I'm grateful we have one!
Do you live in the country or the city?: Small city.
Do you sleep alone or with someone every night?: My boyfriend.
Did you have a treehouse as a child?: Nope.
At what age did you obtain your driver license?: I don't drive.
Do you look in the newspaper for coupons?: No.
Did you get a big tax refund from last year?: Not big.
Do you like Slim Jim’s?: I'm not sure what that is.
Is there someone you would love to punch right now?: My neurologist lol. Stupid asshole. I need to find a new one but the closest is 1.5 hours away and my MIL would have to miss work to either drive me there or babysit my daughter. She's happy to but I'd feel awful so I'm going to put it off for as long as possible.
Did you grow up fast?: Unfortunately.
What are you favorite kind of chips?: Ketchup.
Have you taken any medicine recently? For what?: Zoloft for depression.
What have you eaten today?: Sandwich.
Did you or are you going to wash your hair today?: Nope! I did yesterday.
Does the water in your shower take a long time to get warm?: Yes.
Where did you go today?: To the park.
Are you sleepy right now?: No.
What color is your mousepad?: I don't use one.
Should you be doing something else at the moment?: I have to pee lol.
Do you like your neighbors?: Yes! They're nice and love my daughter.
Do you have bedroom shoes?: No.
Do you get your eyebrows waxed?: No.
Has anyone given you flowers recently?: Yes.
Do you work Monday thru Friday?: I'm a SAHM but if you count that as a job then yes lol. Best job ever, spending time with my girl!
Is there anything you are looking forward to tomorrow?: Nope.
How many miles does your car have on it?: No idea.
Is your alarm clock set to radio or beep?: Music.
Do you like to go fishing?: No.
Has anyone you know been arrested recently?: No.
Do you have more than 1 email address?: Yes.
Do you think you will have the same job 2 years from now?: Yup!
Do you have central heating and air?: Both.
Do you speed while driving?: I don't drive.
Is there someplace you would rather be right now?: No.
Did you build the computer you are using?: No, my friend did.
Do you have good computer speakers?: They're fine.
Are you waiting on anything at the moment?: My daughter to wake up from her nap!
Where is your favorite person?: My partner is working and my daughter is sleeping. They're both my favourite person. :P
Do you keep track of your debit purchases?: No.
Do you ever shop at Harris Teeter? Not sure what that is.
Do you like to burn incense?: Before I had my daughter.
Are there any plants in your house?: Flowers in the kitchen.
How long does it take you to get to work?: I'm a SAHM.
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yurigalactica · 1 year
For the ask game: 15, 20, 31, 63, 70, 88, 99
jinx hi!!! :D
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
honestly, i've never minded either. it always seems like i end up behind the camera though, or the only one of my friends with a camera out. i guess the reason i always have a camera out is because i really want to capture as many of the good memories as i can so i don't forget them. and i know that sometimes it makes me seem weird, but honestly, nothing brings me more joy than watching five-year-old videos of my friends fucking around and laughing in the backseat of our parents' cars. and especially lately it's strange to watch videos of my friends and i back when we were thirteen, since we're all eighteen now and we're so much different than we used to be. it really puts into perspective just how much we've all grown up. on another note, i got a polaroid camera for my 18th birthday about six months ago, and i've been burning so much of my money on film for it (like literally hundreds. film is so fucking expensive it hurts) but honestly i think it's worth it because now i have a massive wall of polaroid photos that are a little bit washed out, a little unfocused, and a short caption and the date written in my own hasty scrawl on the bottom. all of these memories, imperfect as they are, put up in a place where i can see them all the time, really reminds me that i'm not as alone as i think. and i can't wait to take more once i start college.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
my greatest weakness is my crippling anxiety. my greatest strength is my zoloft prescription. Get Owned dopamine imbalance
but in reality, my greatest weakness is definitely my anxiety. it's genuinely fucked me up in more ways than i can count, and looking back now, i'm shocked that i didn't realize that i was a severely anxious kid. my worst fear at age nine was dying slowly and painfully of heart disease, which i was fully convinced was going to happen to me. at age NINE. and i didn't even get officially diagnosed until i was sixteen??? what the fuck?????????? that's not a concern a normal nine year old should be having at all
my greatest strength, though, has gotta be my empathy. my experiences regarding my mental health struggles has been helpful in the sense that i know what it's like to feel really fucking awful. and i know it's something that i wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. so when someone talks to me about feeling like that, i feel like i can relate to them. and thus i feel like i can help them a little better. i'm in no way perfect, but i'm trying my best to be there for my friends when they need it, and that's gotta count for something.
31. Smell the air. What do you smell?
funnily enough i went to smell the air and i smelled smoke so i had to run around my house and apparently my father left the stove on before he left the house and the kitchen was filling with gas. fun times!
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
probably just listening to people talk about what they like. i love it when people listen to me rant on and on and on about stuff i'm passionate about, so i've always assumed it's the same for other people. so far it's worked pretty well.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
not to sound cocky, but absolutely. part of the reason is probably because my love language is physical touch and...none of my irl friends are the same way. i have never platonically cuddled with the homies and that gives me the Big Sad™. i want a platonic bestie who i can cuddle with in bed and discuss my existential fears with. is that too much to ask for
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
a certain floridian politican that i shall not refer to by name. what the fuck did the trans kids do to you to make you hate them so damn much my dude
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
hating people who are different than you is never going to bring you any fulfilment. not everyone is going to adhere to your way of life, and you should stop expecting them to. the world is so much more beautiful with it's diversity, with all its people of different races, genders, sexualities, beliefs, religions, all of it. think of it as a field of wildflowers in a mountain valley. sure, a field of poppies is alright, but it's so much more breathtaking when it's also got cornflowers, asters, daisies, violets, alliums, and yarrows—when there's all different kinds of flowers growing in harmony together. when it's like that, it's got the whole rainbow spectrum. it feels like art. it feels complete. there's no reason to be afraid of people who are different than you, because we're all still people, with dreams and aspirations and hopes and fears and passions. we're all doing our best to be happy. it will never be worth it to try to take that away from someone. go live your life. let them live theirs.
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sorryiapologized · 1 year
"Son, are you a danger to yourself?"
*TW - Suicide.
I used to think adults were crazy, emotional, borderline psychotic for the ways they could destroy themselves for the people they love. Many of my parents own horrible life decisions -- ones that put me and my little sister in danger and through countless years of neglect and abuse -- stemmed from a desire to be loved by someone who couldn't care less.
Now, as an adult, when I hear this song I don't see my father disassociating with alcohol to forget his divorce or my mother ignoring the red flags in her pedophile boyfriends. Instead I see the time love knocked me off my feet and left me chasing after someone so hard I didn't even realize I was running away from myself.
I was 20 and in love with my best friend who at the time I thought was a girl. Everything I had been taught growing up told me this was wrong. I tried to push the feelings down, I tried to forget them. I drowned out the love I felt just as my father had done years before. But I found in the same painful way he did that there isn't enough booze in the world that can make you stop loving someone.
Eventually I gave in to the feelings. Not all the way. Not enough to physically kiss them, but enough to crave their presence, to smile at my phone whenever they remembered to text me. It was a wild rollercoaster of emotion. The high I felt when we would hang out couldn't even compare to the low I'd fall into when they'd start talking to some new guy on tinder.
I couldn't really blame them, though. I didn't come forward and tell them how I felt. Doing so would make it too real. If I confirmed my queerness with words I worried I would never be able to take it back. And if they didn't love me it would be all for nothing.
They started getting more serious with this one guy. Messaging every day. They would giggle at their phone. They thought he was so funny and so hot. They made plans to meet up with him in person. I begged them not to go. I couldn't say why. I made up some dumb reason like how meeting a guy from tinder was unsafe or something.
They left to get coffee and shared their location with me so I'd know they were safe. I watched them arrive at Starbucks, then eventually their location shifted to the guy's house. I knew what was going to happen. I became sick.
My love for them had consumed me to the point where I was very much a danger to myself, and I couldn't so much as even explain why. I hated myself for loving them, but more than that I hated myself for being a coward who couldn't tell them I did.
I drove to my dad's house. He was passed out hungover on the couch from the night before, watching the news coverage of Kobe Bryant's death. I tried to sooth myself with a bath, but ended up only crying naked on the bathroom floor. Every few minutes I would check their location. Still at the guy's house. They stayed there for hours.
It wasn't just the lovesickness that deteriorated my brain. I had been struggling for years with depression and anxiety. I had become an emotional punching bag for my other closest friend at the time. Mostly, though, I had no idea who I was. I worried whoever it was the hid inside of me was someone I never wanted to meet.
I went out to my car and sat with the exhaust running. It could have been minutes or hours. My dad never came out to check on me. I figured it might be kind of nice to die on the same day as Kobe. I took a handful of Zoloft pills and swallowed them. I waited in the car long enough for the pills to enter my system. Long enough that doctors couldn't purge me. I'd been through this before, I knew how to finish the job this time.
I didn't want my dad to find my body in the car so I drove to the hospital, where I could get attached to some good drugs and die in peace. I wasn't totally thinking clearly at the time I got there. They hooked me up to machines and I kept processing how it felt to die. Except I didn't die.
They sent me to a facility. Nobody contacted my family. I was gone for three days. If my friends and roommates noticed my absence they didn't care. Only my little sister started to worry on day three. She figured out where I was and my mom came to spring me out. They took me back to my grandmother's house to watch me and make sure I was no longer a danger to myself. It was a question I heard time and time again. From my mom, from my therapist, my psychiatrist, the police who escorted me to and from the clinic. I would never admit that I was. I think they only asked to legally clear themselves from responsibility when I did ultimately kill myself.
I remained dangerous. My best friend told me about how they hooked up with the guy. We got in a fight about it. I still couldn't admit why it bothered me. Instead I returned to my grandmother's house, waited until midnight, then walked down to the icy river the flowed just beyond her yard. I flung my body off the dock hoping the cold water would submerge and drown me, and wash my remains away from this world. Instead my adrenaline kicked in and I pulled myself out of the chilly water.
I understand, now, how love can make us dangerous. I understand the all consuming nature that comes with infatuation. Everyday I fear heartbreak will come back into my life like a dangerous wave until I no longer know who I am again.
A lot has changed since I tried to drown myself in the river. I found my courage and told my friend how I felt. They learned to love me, too. Maybe if I had grown up in a world where I wasn't led to believe loving someone else would make me a monster I wouldn't have turned into one.
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rachdam · 1 year
Hi, how do you find zoloft? I am really struggling and have been for 2 years now. My brain isn't right. I can't think or feel things anymore, I can't focus or feel love, my head always hurts in the left side. You seem to be doing really well on zoloft. I am given it too but I'm afraid to try it.
Thank you. :)
Hihi!! I'm so sorry for the late response I haven't logged in in a hot minute 😭
Zoloft has been working really well for me!! I had looked it up and was scared given ppl's negative experiences with it, but please don't be too scared to try it!!! What I did when I first took it was I stayed on the phone with a friend. It really calmed me down and he helped talk me through it and assured me I'd be alright (which may sound silly, but having a good support system helps!!!).
Before I was on it, I was in a really weird state of like? Feeling like I wasn't in my own body? If that makes sense. I was so our of touch and I felt like I was simply watching all my actions as opposed to actually doing them. I can also relate to not being able to focus. Once I started zoloft tho, things went back to normal in a few weeks and I've been happier than ever!! I've been on it for a little over a year now at this point and things are still going very well!!
If it's any consolation, I've known ppl who have tried zoloft and it simply didn't work for them, but they didn't suffer horrible side effects. I think the thought of being in more pain or suffering from the more extreme negative side effects can turn a lot of people off. But, sometimes it simply won't work. And that's okay!! Even if zoloft doesn't end up being the right medicine for you, I'm certain that you'll be alright!! 💖💖 Hopefully everything has worked out for you and I wish you the best!!
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dulafer · 2 years
Guys, here’s a ‘new’ one but very similar to my previous stories. I’m running out of inspiration? If you know of any hot suited studs on Instagram or somewhere, let me know. It’s a rough draft, so if you see errors, have questions, let me know - [email protected]
This is about a CEO needing some help from his brother, and his brother helping himself to his brother’s CEO life. 
Here’s the link to the final version:     https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mugjKu33rJUndXGHavghmiL7q83_YaRp/view?usp=sharing
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I was once a rising financial superstar on Wall Street, making people millionaires overnight, loved by all, but that was years ago—I’m all but forgotten. A year before my release from the Brookhaven Prison Camp, I’m lead to a private visitor’s room and shocked to see my brother Parker and another gentleman.
“Well, well, well… Dumb, and you must be Dumber.” I greet them jokingly. The other guy, who looks familiar, jumps up to shake my hand, while Parker actually has a dazed look on his face. 
“Paul, Hi, I’m Shaun Birnley, your brother’s friend and President of Thomas Financial.” Shaun introduces himself then stares at me.
“You’re looking good bro.” Parker pipes up quietly.
“3 Keto meals a day, tennis and some great sex. This is more like a Club Med but without the beaches and alcohol. So what do I owe this visit?” I haven’t had a single visitor in a few years, including from my twin brother. Occasionally I get an email from him but I’ve been forgotten by all my ‘friends’.
Shaun keeps looking back and forth between us. “Shit Parker, this is freaky, he is your twin, no doubt about it. This could actually work.”
“It’s good to finally meet you Shaun, I’ve heard the name but I’ve been here the past 6 years.  What could work? What are you talking about?”
“You’re getting out in a year. We have a proposition for you, a ‘job’ possibly. One that would get you out a lot sooner.” Shaun says. 
“Parker, what the fuck is going on here? I don’t hear from you in years, now you’re both my best friends?  Offering me an early release?” Parker has a blank look on his face. “Parker! Are you high?”
“He’s not feeling well, that’s why we’re here.”
“I have PTSD, just say it Shaun. It’s not a big deal.” Parker explodes.
“Sorry, but you’ve never been in battle, so how in the hell can you have PTSD.”
“A few months ago, your brother was carjacked, robbed at gun point and beat up on the way home from work late one night. Ever since then, he hasn’t been himself.  He’s had a breakdown, is easily confused,  bipolar, panic attacks, sleeping issues, and total lack of focus.” Shaun explains. 
“Did they catch the guy?” I asked.
“No, the police are fucking useless, fucking useless.” Parker snaps awake for a second. 
“I’m so sorry bro. You look good, normal even except for that dazed look.”
“It’s some drugs ‘he’s’ trying but he needs in-person care at a residential treatment center.” Shaun is clearly in charge.
“Zoloft but it puts me in a daze and I can’t sleep at night. I’ve fallen to sleep in the office and almost during the last board meeting.”
“There are quite a few guys here with it, they get drugs and CBT psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral something or other. It seems to help.”
“See Parker, and you’ll be in the best PTSD facility in the world.”
“Yeah, in fucking California. God help me.” 
“It’s called ‘The Refuge’ in Big Sur, California.  Best in the world. It’s very private and confidential.” Shaun explains to me.
“You’ll be fine bro. Couple weeks of treatment and you’ll be back to your old self. Big Sur is stunning—.”
“Could be 30-90 days. That’s where the job offer comes in.” Shaun interrupts. “The CEO of Thomas Financial can’t be MIA. There’s talk of replacing Parker already.”
“Oh for god sake Shaun, spit it out. Paul Thomas is already signed up for the Refuge. We’re swapping places. I can’t have it leaking out that I went to the crazy farm for months.”
“Oh, so you need me, that explains all this. This is great. I’ve been invisible for years and now I’m not. Lose your baby for all I care. Fuck off! Guard!” I’m pissed. 
“We’ll make it worth your while. $5 million and a year of your life back.” Shaun yells out, catching my attention. 
“Now you’re talking.” The guard enters and I shoo him away. “I’m fine Timmy.”
“No one can know about this.” Parker demands.
“My ‘Parker’ is kind of rusty but I can do it. So is your therapist forcing you to go?” I have about $1m squirreled away for when I get out, and this $5 million will help. It won’t be enough but it’s a start.
“Hell no, we’re telling his therapist that we’re getting a second diagnosis and that’s all he’s going to know. A friend at the VA highly recommended this place.” Shaun continues to do most of the talking, which is out of character for Parker. 
“Let me think about this. I can stay here another year or get out, play Parker for a few months and make $5 million? I’m in.” I smile and in the back of my mind, the thought of taking over Parker’s life permanently would be the chance of a lifetime. With nothing better to do in prison, I’ve been following Thomas Financial, his career and social media for years. It’s an impressive accomplishment that I never thought he was capable of. I’ve been jealous of his ‘luck’ but will never admit to it.
“We’ll get you up to speed with every little detail of Parker’s personal life and job. I’ll be by your side the whole time too. Guard!”  Shaun yells and the guard comes back. “Tell the warden we’ve come to an agreement.”
“Lets get out of this place.” Parker orders Shaun. He’s trembling oddly. 
“Get whatever you need from your room. You’re leaving right now.” Shaun orders me. 
Back in my room, I let my cell mate Tommy know I’m being sprung from the ‘estate’ as we call it. 
“You’re joking?” Tommy says in disbelief.
“No, my brother is sick and needs my help.”
“Like a kidney?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Here, take this list.” He hands me a list of names. “These folks specialize in areas that could come in handy. Just tell them you’re a friend of mine and they will help.” 
I pack up just my personal belongings like MacBook and clothes. My life basically fits in my duffle bag. I give Tommy a hug and tell him to look me up when he gets out in a year. 
Shaun tosses my bag into the back of his Escalade and we start heading back to New York. Shaun does most of the talking while Parker is barely awake. According to Shaun, the Zoloft allows him to function most of the day but at night he’s violent and lashes out. He’s popping more and more Zoloft. When he does sleep, after popping Xanax, he’s having nightmares. 
A few hours outside of New York we stop at a Hampton Inn for the night. To keep me invisible, Shaun runs out for dinner leaving Parker to keep an eye on me. Trouble is, Parker looks exhausted and in a daze. If I wanted to leave, he couldn’t stop me. I just don’t have anywhere to go. Parker takes off his suit coat, hangs it on the back of the chair and rolls up his sleeves.
As soon as Shaun leaves, Parker grabs his leather overnight bag, pulls out a toiletry bag and takes out some pill bottles. “I’m not hungry, I’m exhausted, going to bed.”
“What are you taking?”
“Something to help me sleep and help me chill.” He takes pills from the bottles and I offer to put them back. One bottle is Zoloft, another is Xanax and the last is Ambien. I’m not quite sure what all he’s taking or what the effects of mixing them could be. Also in his bag, I notice his razor, toothbrush, cologne, deordorant and ‘Uppercrust Pomade’. 
“Parker is this safe? Mixing these?” 
“Shut up, you’re sounding like Shaun.” He dismisses me, struggling to even speak. 
“Let’s get you to your room.” A devious test comes to mind—fooling Shaun tonight.
I help him across the hall and help him get undressed. This room was suppose to be mine according to Shaun but Parker is so out of it, he doesn’t notice the switch. Parker climbs into bed and passes out in minutes. I quickly strip out of my clothes and start putting on the outfit he was just wearing. I slip on every item, starting with his still warm boxer briefs, socks, then gray dress pants, shirt and tie. Everything is a perfect fit. I lean over his body and remove his Omega watch and class ring to add to my identity. Finally, I step into his shoes and I add his vest, making sure to leave the top button undone. 
“You look great Parker.” I say to myself in the mirror as Parker is snoring away. I haven’t worn anything like this in years but it feels empowering. I check my rolled up shirt sleeves, fix my shirt collar and take in Parker’s identity.
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Back in ‘my’ room, I unroll my sleeves, put his suit coat back on, noticing it’s a perfect fit.  In the suit pockets I feel his wallet and iPhone to go through later. I dig through my brother’s leather bag and find  a change of clothes for tomorrow. I look at my new watch and see it’s been 30 minutes since Shaun left. I spritz on some cologne then work his pomade into my hair, making sure I replicate his distinct part. My hair is a little longer but its not noticeable when I slick it back like he wears it. His razor come in handy to shorten my sideburns a little. I finish my transformation just in time as Shaun knocks at my door.
“Hang on.” I mumble, toning done my energy level to match Parker’s. Shaun comes in carrying bags of BBQ and a six pack of beer. 
He looks around the room. “Where’s the jailbird?”
“He said he wasn’t hungry, was exhausted and went to bed?” 
“Then he can have it for breakfast. I got you the baby backs of course, with baked beans. The place was packed so it must be good.”
“Perfect, I’m starving.”  I dig into bag and help myself to a beer. 
“Beer? With Zoloft?” Shaun questions me.
“Do you have wine?” I quip back knowing Parker rarely drinks beer. “A few sips, some Zoloft and Ambien. I’ll be set for the night.” I grin at him.
“Okay, I’ll be dragging you out of bed in the morning. You don’t think he’d run off on us do you?”
“Nah, he needs the money and where would he go? Plus, his entire life is in that duffel bag.” I point to my bag on the floor. “I also watched  thru the peephole after he went to his room.”
Just then my cell phone rings with the ID showing ‘Taylor’. I answer it without hesitation. “Taylor…. Everything is fine… Uh huh, yeah he’s right here.”  I hold the phone up and Shaun shouts “We’re fine, be back tomorrow. Don’t worry.”
I take back control of the call, talk another minute and hang up. Taylor must be security for me, checking on me. Neither Taylor or Shaun suspect a thing with my performance. I wipe my mouth with a napkin, then open my duffle bag, pull out ‘my’ drugs and pop some pills. They’re tucked under my tongue and I spit them out when Shaun turns his head for a minute. 
“So you think this will work?” Shaun questions.
“It has to or I’m in trouble.” I note, acting as if the drugs are kicking in.
“You’ll definitely be out as CEO, they’d have to keep me for a while.” He laughs nervously. 
I’m not sure of the details but act like I do. “Wouldn’t that be a twist.”
“I’ll trot him out for meetings, luncheons and the next board meeting but you’ll be back before it I’m sure. I’ll keep an eye on him, keep him under control and tell him what to say. I’m worried about something else.”
“What’s that?”
“I was trying to tell you two apart all day and I can’t. The only difference is how you’re dressed and your hair.”
“We’re identical twins. No one ever could, not even our parents.” I explain.
“That’s the problem. How can I tell, just in case he pulls some shit on us?”
“What would he possibly do?” I ask.
“I don’t know, maybe I’ve seen too many Lifetime movies where the evil twin kills the good twin to assume his identity.”
I chuckle. “Well, there’s one difference between us. I do have a small scar on the back of my leg.” I lift up my pant leg and show him my scar. “Got it trying to ride a minibike when I was 13. It’s hardly noticeable but is something.”
“No, something easier and less noticeable than having to see your scar. How about a simple wink if I call you ‘Stefan’?”
I’m curious why he knows Parker's middle name. “We’ll never need it.”
“Just humor me, ‘Stefan’.” He stresses my brother’s middle name as if it’s an order. “If I refer to you as Stefan you respond with some subtle action.”
“Fine, but I’m not winking at you. I’ll do this.” I take my hand and run it through my hair above my ear. I’ve seen Parker do it a few times today, especially when he seems stressed out. 
“Stefan” Shaun calls me and I run my hand through my hair. From now on, in Shaun’s mind, I’ll be Parker with our secret identity test and my scar. 
I yawn, stretch my arms out. “Hey, the sleeping pills are kicking in.”
“Get some sleep buddy.” Shaun gets up, grabs the beer and heads to his room next to mine. “Lets meet for breakfast at 8am.”
Once I’m alone, I start going through my phone, checking text messages and emails. Taylor is his body guard per some emails I find. He was hired a few months ago after the attack. There’s email from doctors at the Refuge about helping ‘Paul Thomas’. His FaceBook and Instagram entertains me for another hour before I pass out at midnight. 
I wasn’t allowed a phone in Prison but I did have computer access. It allowed me to follow Parker and Thomas Financial for years. My plan, once I was out, was to disappear and start a new life. I had no intention of ever talking to Parker again but now that I see how fucked up he is, and how he’s ruining his life, I have a better option. Parker isn’t giving me a job, he’s giving me his life.
I make sure I’m up early before anyone else and take a quick shower. I pack up Parker’s stuff and head across the hall. He’s still sleeping as I strip out of his clothes, return his jewelry and dress as myself. I start waking him, help get him into the shower, then dressed and down to the hotel lobby early for breakfast. With his hair gelled and mine product free, we’ll look totally different to Shaun. Parker doesn’t ‘remember’ the BBQ he had for dinner but says it’s normal for him these days—a side effect of the drugs keeping him calm. I tell him I didn’t eat, that I crashed before everyone. He accepts everything I tell him. 
We’re up early having breakfast, catching up so I start prying into Parker’s and Shaun’s relationship. I knew they were classmates at Penn and Wharton, and Parker hired him when he started Thomas Financial. Parker adds his history with Shaun. Shaun is married to Susan and they have a 5 year old daughter named Hanna. Parker was his best man six years ago. 
He confides their biggest secret to me—how they met and became friends. At their first frat party, Parker hit on Shaun and tried kissing him. He had a crush on Shaun, assumed he was gay or bi, and they both were drunk and high. Shaun thought it was funny, that his girlfriend at the time had put Parker up to it. Shaun has never told Susan because it’s embarrassing for Parker. It hurt when he mentions that Shaun is like a brother to him. I don’t complain and let him go on and on about their relationship.
Shaun shows up late and starts probing me about prison and my education. We eat quickly and fly home. I was worried that my little game last night would be discovered but the entire trip home, nothing came up. Parker even thanked Shaun for the BBQ, even though he had no memory of it. My theory is that Parker said it to appear normal. Shaun drops us off and takes off. Taylor always has weekends off since Parker’s gated community has its own security. From the looks of it, there’s more security here than at the white collar prison I just left.
“Make yourself at home bro. My bedroom is at the top of the stairs to the right, yours is across the hall. Why don’t you take a shower and help yourself to anything in my closet.” Parker offers as we walk into the foyer.  The place is very contemporary as is Parker’s style. It’s been professionally decorated because it’s too detailed. After a quick tour of his home, I take a shower then head to his closet to find something to wear. We may have similar tastes in home furnishings but we dress very differently. I’m more jeans and t-shirts and he’s more preppy. 
I’m overwhelmed when I enter his closet. It’s the size of four prison cells. There’s rows of suits, coats, shirts and wall of ties and shoes. I leaf through his clothes and try on a few sport and suit coats. Everything is a perfect fit. In his bedroom I find socks and underwear in a dresser, and jewelry in a free standing jewelry chest. I slip into tan skinny jeans and knit shirt, similar to what he has on. For shoes I grab a pair tan Chelsea boots.
Downstairs I find Parker stretched out on the sofa watching something on the TV. He seems to be in a daze.
“Ahem… you okay?”
“Oh yeah, just thinking about everything. My life was going perfect. I’m making gobs of money, I started dating this great guy and the business is running itself.”
“Your life looks fine, nothing has changed has it?”
“I’m having nightmares of a gun being shoved in my face, being kicked to the garage floor and laying there for what seemed hours till someone found me. I can barely function at work. If it weren’t for the drugs, I’d be cowering under my desk most of the day.”
“Well, therapy will help, I promise. I’ve seen plenty of guys with it in prison and they are fine now. My biggest concern is not fucking up your life while you’re away.”
“I’ve got two weeks to turn you into me.” He looks at me. “Let’s get haircuts.”
I follow him to the garage and I’m shocked at his automobile collection. There’s an BMW X5, Corvette, BMW 550i and 911 Targa. We jump in the X5 and he drives us further out of the city. He finds a Supercuts that’s busy and while we wait, I start questioning him about his life.
“Shaun will be the only person in on this scheme?” I ask.
“Yeah, he’s the only one. The board is already in revolt over my condition. If they found out I was admitting myself for therapy, I’d be ousted and Shaun would probably be made CEO.”
“How am I going to handle your job?”
“When we get back, I’ll show you everything you’ll need to know. My home office set up is basically a copy of my office. The computers are linked so if I create a file at work, it’s also on my desktop when I get home. Our company dashboard is there too. I’ll need to get you into my office tomorrow while no one is there.”
“What about your boyfriend?”
“That’s easy, he’s in China on assignment and we sort of ended it. His name is David, we met at Ken and John’s wedding months ago. He hasn’t called or emailed in a over a week.”
“Ken, John, Woody and Colin.”
“Who’s your best friend?” I probe.
“Colin, we dated for a year then decided we were better off as friends. He moved to Soho, with his boyfriend, doesn’t visit as much as he use to. You’ll have to attend the opening of ‘Oklahoma’ on Broadway in a few weeks. His boyfriend is one of the producers, got us front row seats.”
“A musical, how gay is that?” I laugh at him. 
“Don’t laugh, its Jeff’s life, Colin’s boyfriend. I don’t like Jeff and Colin knows it, but I told him I’m being supportive.”
“Okay, got it.” I become serious just as our stylist comes and gets us. 
They seat us side by side. They wash my hair, cut it and trim my eyebrows and match him completely. He’s stunned by my transformation. We’re identical down to every details now. On the way home we stop for dinner, then a cheap burner phone for myself. 
Back at home, Parker takes me to his home office and starts teaching me about his work life. He goes through some emails, then the dashboard and finally pics of key people he deals with. He writes down his passwords for all his work and personal websites.
Hours later, Parker takes his medication, rinses it down with some scotch, then heads to bed. He’s in his room when his phone rings. I’m curious as I hear ‘Shaun’ and sneak up to the bedroom door and eavesdrop on them.
“I got him cleaned up today… haircut, eyebrow trim and manicure…he’s perfect… I’ll work with him tomorrow, then send him to the office.” There’s a pause. “Oh that would be better… I’ll let him know. See ya tomorrow.”
I quickly run back to my room and start playing with my new phone. Parker comes in a few minutes later. 
“So here’s the plan for tomorrow. Shaun will pick you up tomorrow morning and take you into the office, show you around and groom you.”
“That makes sense. Who would question the CEO and the President in the office working on some things.”
“Exactly. I was just going to drive you there, draw you a map and let you figure it out.”
I can see the glassiness in his eyes as he’s standing there—the effects of the Zoloft and Scotch. He heads to his bedroom. Thirty minutes later I check on him and he’s snoring like a bear. I take his phone off his nightstand and head down to ‘my’ home office. I spend hours going thru the Thomas Financial system, getting more at ease with it. I take a break and head to the garage to admire my automobile collection. They’re too tempting sitting there, so I run to his bedroom, grab his wallet, leather jacket and take the Corvette out for a spin. At first I drive through the neighborhood, checking out the features. Later I jump on the freeway, getting it up to 80 mph. I play with the voice commands with “Take me to the office.” I’m rerouted to Manhattan and decide to check out my office. It takes me a while to maneuver around the parking garage but I find the Thomas Financial parking area and my own reserved spot. 
I have no clue what I’m doing but as I approach the main lobby, the doors unlock for me and security greets ‘Mr. Thomas’. I smile a hello, and see the elevator off to the right. All I know is that  Thomas Financial’s offices are on the 40th floor and Parker has a corner office.
Like the lobby doors, the elevators open before I even press a button and I’m automatically taken to the 40th floor, to the lobby for Thomas Financial. There must be an RFID chip in my wallet handling my access. Not far from the lobby I spot a large corner office and see ‘Parker Thomas’ stenciled on the door that unlocks as I approach. ‘This is too easy’ I think to myself as I enter and take the helm of Thomas Financial. I’m there for a few hours checking out every nook of the office, including his private bathroom and closet. I log in as he taught me and continue learning the system. Before leaving for the night, I walk around the entire floor, checking out offices of ‘my’ employees.
I’m home before midnight and return everything as it was. First Shaun and now the security people at Thomas Financial have met the new Parker Thomas without knowing. 
The next morning Parker is up before me. I hear him in the living room watching the news so I jump in the shower, then help myself to a casual Sunday outfit for my office visit. It’s  vintage, preppy Parker—wool dress pants, orange cashmere v-neck sweater, white dress shirt and the black Chelsea boots he had on yesterday. I walk down stairs ready for the day, only to find Parker half asleep on the sofa.
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“Bro? Is this appropriate for the office?” I use his typical lingo on him. “You okay?”
He stirs a little, half awake. “Oh sorry, I could use another few hours of sleep today. That Zoloft is wicked shit. You look fine, it’s exactly what I’d wear on a Sunday. I have a gray plaid sport coat that would look great with it.”
“No, it’s the mixing of Zoloft, sleeping pills and scotch that’s wicked Bro.”  I chuckle. “Then go back to bed, I’m the one going into the office today with my president.” 
“Oh shit, yeah have fun with that.” He goes to stand up and wobbles a little.
“You didn’t take anything else did you?” I question him. 
“Just a Xanax to relax me. It helps me sleep.” He answers.
“Bro, I’ll bet you shouldn’t be taking Xanax while still on Zoloft, it’ll kill you.”
“I’m fine, I’ll sleep it off. Wake me up when you get home, we’ll run for lunch.”
“Hey, while I’m thinking of it, give me your class ring and watch, and where’s your wallet?”
“It’s upstairs.” He slips off his ring and watch, and hands them to me.
I follow behind him as he crawls into bed. In his closet I find the sport coat he suggested. I tuck his wallet and iPhone in the breast pockets. His wallet is just where I left it last night when I got home. With my class ring and watch in place, my identity as Parker is perfect. Back downstairs I grab his coffee cup, heat it up, plop myself in front of the TV and continue his morning. I’m the spitting image of Parker.
A few minutes later the door bell rings, it’s got to be Shaun for me. I get up, grab my coffee and greet him at the door. 
“Morning Bro, ready to meet your new CEO?” I greet him using ‘bro’ as Parker had done at breakfast yesterday and take a sip of my coffee. “Want a cup?”
“Ah yeah, I could use some caffeine this morning.” He says frustrated.
“Bad night?”
“Yeah, monsters under Hanna’s bed just as I was going to get ‘some’ action, first time in a month. She ran into the bedroom without warning and jumped in bed, right on top of us. I was the middle of a sandwich, and not a sexy sandwich.”
I just laugh at him as I pop a k-cup into the machine and find a mug. “So you okay doing this today?”
“Sure, why not? It’ll just be Thomas Financial’s CEO and President working together on some things on a Sunday morning. I should take Paul to Ferry Point for 18 holes, where you do most of your work.” He laughs at his joke thinking he’s talking to Parker. 
“If only you were as good.” I reply back.
“Didn’t I beat your ass just a few weeks ago? Can he play golf? Any good?”
“I’m sure he hasn’t played in 6 years but he was a decent golfer before prison.”
“Great, golf will be a great excuse for keeping him away from the office as much as possible. At least for a few weeks before it gets too cold.” 
“So what all are you going to cover with him?”
“Just the basics, like where things are, who’s who and walk him through our system.”
“I drew him a map, was just going to set him free to explore since there shouldn’t be anyone there today but this is better for him.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of Joel’s marketing people in the office.” Shaun looks at his watch. “Speaking of which, where is he?”
“Right in front of you, Bro.” I smile wickedly.
“Well, Fuck me!” I never would have guessed it. “Fuck! Where’s Parker?”
“The dumb shit was drinking Scotch last night before popping his Zoloft and some type of sleeping pills. He got up this morning, took a Xanax which knocked him out again. He just went to bed about 30 minutes ago. His doctor is giving him all those drugs?”
“No, his doctor only prescribed the Zoloft, that rest are from his buddy Greg, who’s a pharmacist. He was just going to let Greg ‘treat him’ after the car jacking, but I realized something else was off and forced him to see Dr. Pomme.”
I shake my head in fake concern. “Well, let’s get to the office. He wants me back by noon to do lunch.”
“How about you follow me, so you learn your way there.  Take his X5, it’s his new toy, and he’s not bored with it yet.”
“Sure, I haven’t driven in years but I’m a decent driver, at least I was, and my license is expired.” Shaun shakes his head in disbelief.
We get to the office and I act as though this is all new to me. He explains the RFID card security and that Parker has one in his wallet. I don’t tell him I have Parker’s wallet and watch him handle everything. We walk in and he walks me around the floor, showing where everything is—conference rooms, break room, accounting, marketing, IT, sales and the executive offices. 
He quickly shows me his office, which is right next to mine that I didn’t notice last night. In my office he has me sign in as Parker and walks me through the system. He shows me a few new tricks then starts reviewing their current business and projects. Between Shaun and Parker, I’m learning quite a lot. When he anxiously checks his watch after a few hours, I suggest we leave, that I have a few weeks to learn everything and he agrees.
We walk out together, get in the cars and pull out of the parking lot. When I lose him in New York traffic, I turn around and head back to the office. I’m really curious about Parker’s life and want to spend as much time as possible learning about it. I noticed Parker’s briefcase behind the driver’s seat and take it in with me. Back in ‘my’ office I study the content of it. There’s more prescription drugs, including more Zoloft and Xanax. There’s an iPad, files and portfolio. I’m there a few more hours, about to leave when Colin calls me.
When he finds out I’m in Manhattan, I’m invited to Darcy’s, a restaurant in SoHo, for lunch with him and Jeff. I accept, jump back in the X5 and head there. I keep it short, claiming a work emergency. I ease into Parker’s personal life effortlessly, playing Parker flawlessly. It’s easy as Jeff talks and talks about opening night, that there’s a cast party after with a ton of celebrities. I really didn’t have to do anything but look the part and laugh at how clueless they both are. I excuse myself, pick up the tab and head home. 
I walk into a quiet house and head upstairs to check on Parker. The shower in running so I return his jewelry and wallet to his dresser.
“Hey Parker, I’m home.” I yell into his bathroom. 
He shuts off the water and steps out. “Great, I’m starving. How was work Parker?”
“Great, Shaun knows his shit, just like you. He skipped out to get home, not worried as we have a few weeks before you leave.”
“Well your timing is perfect, I just got up, feeling great and starving.”
“I’m not hungry, just had lunch with Colin and Jeff at Darcy’s. He called and I couldn’t say no.”
“You had lunch with my best friend?” He’s shocked.
“Well, Parker had lunch with him.”
“They didn’t question anything?”
“Look at me. I was wearing your clothes, had your class ring and watch on and knew about Oklahoma. Jeff sure loves to talk. I didn’t have time to even get one word in. They don’t know about me do they?”
“No, you’ve never come up. I don’t talk about my system hacking, Ponzi scheming, embezzling, convict of a brother.”
“Do they even know you have a brother?” I’m getting a little upset but hide it. 
“No, so I’m not hassled about it.”
“That’s why they didn’t suspect a thing.” This is perfect. Shaun is the only person who knows I exist. No one else will be suspicious of any changes with Parker.
We do lunch and I barely eat. I observe all his mannerisms—how he eats, what he eats and how he treats the staff. He does most of the talking, mostly about himself. I probe about his relationship with Shaun. He fills in more details of their college days—details like hang outs, parties, coming out to him, living together challenges, Shaun’s endless girlfriends and being his best man. I then change the topic to their work relationship and he really unloads. He had to beg Shaun to take the job, early struggles with cash flow and retaining customers. We’re there for hours with him drinking much more than I ever remember. I drive him home, he pops a hand full of pills and I tuck him in bed. 
From my bag, I pull out the list of contacts Tommy provided before leaving Brookhaven. It’s quite a detailed list of names, emails and phone numbers followed by their expertise such as ‘fake docs’, ‘bugs’, ‘laundering’, ‘drugs’, ‘plastic surgeon’ and ‘IT’. When I call them and tell them I’m friends with Tommy, they’re all eager to help. The IT guy emails me a keystroke tracker for unlocking all of Parker’s passwords and websites. The bugs guy recommends bugs and surveillance cameras and where to buy them. I don’t get through to some of them but leave messages.  
On Monday morning I make sure to wake him up for work—not over concern of his drug usage the night before but to observe his morning routine. I help him up, into the shower  and watch everything he does up till walking out the garage door. 
Once he’s gone, I duplicate his routine except for putting on a suit. Instead I try his ‘country club’ look from an Instagram post months ago—jeans, linen sport coat, simple dark blue dress shirt with a heavy on the jewelry. I managed to duplicate the outfit completely, even the Tag watch and bracelets.
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While Parker is at work, I start my ‘Parker Plan’.  The keystroke is easy to download and add to his home computer, then it’ll worm its way into his work system. I borrow his BMW to buy the cameras from a guy in the Bronx. He also clones Parker’s iPhone for a few thousand. One night while Parker is passed out, I head into the office and place cameras and bugs in his office, Shaun’s and the conference rooms.
I pay for everything with a cash advance from my future payment. I told Parker I needed money for starting a new life. He was foolish enough to give me $10,000 out of his home safe while I watched him open it, using his social security number typed in backwards. 
Over the next couple days, I follow him with all my new toys, learning from him and Shaun. The work cameras help a great deal, showing how he works and interacts with everyone. The iPhone clone records all his conversations and texts. It’s an overwhelming amount of information but Parker passes out at 9pm most nights, giving me time to catch up.
He sees his therapist at least twice a week, leaving work using a variety of lame excuses and seeing him over lunch. He’s lying to Shaun, telling him it’s only once a week and that the therapist is really helping. Living with him, it’s obvious it’s not working at all. It’s like he turns on as soon as someone walks in his door or calls. When he’s alone, he zones out or has his head buried in his hands. He’s barely functioning during the day and afraid to go out at night. 
On Friday I watch Parker leave the office for lunch with his friend Colin. On his private calendar, it’s a meeting with his therapist. He warns Jenny that he might be late but he’ll be back in time for Duncan at 3pm. An hour later he shocks me when he comes bursting into the house. He’s pale white, panting and out of breath.
I jump up from the TV. “What happened? You look like you saw a ghost.”
He collapses onto the sofa, barely able to speak. “I unblocked some things I blocked out of my mind. I think they were things I have nightmares about.”
“The clicking of the gun as he almost pulled the trigger. I keep hearing the click—click, click, click. He’s going to shoot me. My last thing I’ll do before he shoots me, is piss my pants.” He grabs my Coke, pulls some pills from his pocket and chugs them down. “I was at my Therapist, everyone at work thinks I’m at lunch with Colin.”
“What are you doing? You took some this morning right? They’re not M&Ms.”
“No, they’re better than M&Ms.” He’s shaking like a leaf.
“You’re going to be a mess in the office.”
“Hope you’re up to speed with Duncan. It’s show time bro. Time for you to earn your keep.”
He looks and sounds pathetic. “Yes, I’ve been following your emails and Shaun will be there to help.”
“No! Shaun can’t know about this.” He rejects strongly.
“Why not? He’s going to know I’m not you.” I warn him.
“Because, he could use my weakness to convince the board to oust me and put him in charge.”
“But Shaun is your friend, I thought?”
“Please, how naive can you be? What brought you down? Who ratted on you? Your partner” He holds his head and shudders. 
“But Todd and I never got along. I should have known better.”
He slowly lifts himself off the sofa and heads up the stairs. “Come on, I’m going to bed, my head is killing me. You’re going back to the office Parker. Taylor is outside waiting.”
“How am I going to fool Shaun?  He knows you better than anyone?” I fake concern but watched their morning unfold. All the personal information is at my fingertips thanks to the cameras. Shaun’s wife is planning a vacation to Hawaii for the summer, Hanna has a new imaginary friend and he wants to golf this weekend. 
“He’s got his own fires to put out with the Prime Medusa account. Just don’t go to happy hour with him, he may discover you’re not me.”
I follow him up the stairs and notice how unsteady he is. He starts stripping out of his outfit, kicking off his shoes, taking off his coat and playing with his pants. I haven’t tied a tie in years, so I walk over to him, lift up his collar and pull his tie over his head so I don’t have to retie it. He’s really doped up as his sits on the edge of the bed. I help him with his pants, socks, and  dress shirt. When I pull off his jewelry, the Rolex on his wrist, catches my eye. I’ve never worn one before but always wanted one. Parker crawls into bed, mumbles something and passes out.
Parker and I haven’t swapped places since college. I went to work for him so he could go to South Beach with some friends. When I saw him at Brookhaven, I thought we still looked alike. When we got the haircuts, it hit me how identical we still are. The fact that Shaun fell for my charade before my transformation reinforced my observation. The only difference I’ve noticed but no one else mentioned are our smiles. His teeth are whiter and I’ll need to fix that at some point. 
In his bathroom I take a fast shower, swipe on his deodorant and spritz on some of his Polo Cologne to take his scent. His pomade gives me his perfectly coiffed hair. I’m not sure all what he took but he’s passed out and snoring when I enter his bedroom. 
Parker’s identity slowly becomes mine as I slip on his damp socks and warm pants. As I pull on his French cuff dress shirt, I’m reminded of Parker’s better fashion sense. I was always more casual while he was ‘Mr. GQ’—into designer custom suits and the latest fashion. The shirt has contrasting white collar/cuffs, splashy cufflinks and the sleeve is monogrammed. When I have it buttoned up, I pop the collar and add ‘my’ tie exactly as he wore it. I go to the mirror, fix my collar and adjust my tie, making sure the dimple is perfect.  
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I step into his warm shoes then walk over to the chair and grab his suit coat. Inside is a ‘Executive Garrison’ label with Parker’s name engraved in gold under it. Like everything else I’ve put on, the fit is perfect, as a custom suit should fit. I confidently pull it on and feel some items in the pockets. In my left pocket is his wallet, and in the right is his iPhone. Without thinking, I pull out the iPhone to make sure I didn’t miss any messages. From the dresser I grab his Rolex and ring, adding the final pieces of his identity.
In the bathroom, I make a final check of my appearance. I’m the spitting image of Parker except for a nick he has from shaving this morning. I take his razor and carefully press it against my neck, giving me a similar cut. A wad of toilet paper stops it in a few minutes. Now I’m perfect. 
I check on Parker one last time then head back to the office to finish his day. I’m more nervous about my overall impersonation of Parker than dealing with Shaun. I’ve been watching Shaun and Parker interact all week, so it’ll be easy to pick up where they left off this morning. The bigger challenge will be adopting Parker’s dopey persona. The only solution I can come up is taking a Zoloft myself. There’s even a few in my pant pockets. 
Taylor drops me off in front of building and I head up to the 40th floor. In the elevator, I stiffen my posture, pull my shoulders back and adopt the Parker Thomas persona. The receptionist greets “Mr. Thomas” as I walk by on the way to my office. As soon as I’m in my office, Jenny comes running in to update me on things I missed. I take off my coat and suit coat as Jenny reminds me of Duncan in an hour. Since I’m Parker Thomas, I adopt his mental illness. I head to my private bathroom and take a Zoloft.
Shaun’s office is empty, not sure where he ran off to, but that’s okay. I’ve heard Shaun and Parker discuss their strategy with Duncan, so I know exactly how to handle the meeting. It’s a simple ‘they accept, we celebrate’ or ‘they counter and we think about it’. Either way is fine by me because this won’t be one of ‘our’ most profitable accounts for a few years. The meeting is an hour away so I review the contract and proposal, then get caught up with my email. The Zoloft hits me in about 30 minutes, giving me a very mellow feeling, like I just smoked a few joints. I check my appearance in the bathroom and I think I even have Parker’s usual glassy eyes. 
With Shaun not back, I greet the Duncan people and escort them to the executive conference room. My sales team joins and takes it from there, making my job easy. I sit there quietly taking notes and agreeing. Lucky for me, I checked out the LinkedIN profiles to put faces to the names. Shaun joins us 15 minutes late, just as they announce their intentions to proceed with Thomas Financial’s proposal. We sign the contract and I easily forge ‘P. Thomas’ with his typical big loop ‘P’. 
Shaun and I walk them out, then he follows me back into my office and shuts the door behind him. He heads over to my hidden bar and helps himself to the Scotch. 
“You want one or are you on the ‘Z’? Your eyes look glassy.”
“Sure, why not. I haven’t taken a pill since this morning.”
He pours me a glass, hands it to me and we clink glasses. I’m so mellow that someone could sneak up behind me, yell in my ear and I wouldn’t jump. The glassy eyes just add to my Parker disguise. I take a seat at my desk and he jumps in a chair.
“So check Sutter later tonight. We should have it deposited after 8pm according to Mike.”
I have no clue what he’s talking about. I heard Parker ask him about the Sutter status this morning, so I play along. “Great, I’ll be sure to check it later.”
“So did Greg fix you up with more shit today.”
“No, I had lunch with Colin.” 
“Really?” He says in a questioning voice. 
“Yes, really. Hopefully the Refuge will help.” I know Shaun doesn’t like Greg, even threatening to report him for providing drugs to Parker.
“The Refuge will work. You still up for golf on Sunday?”
“Sure, I wouldn’t miss it.” I saw it on Parker’s calendar for 8am Sunday.
“How’s your brother coming along? Think he can pull this off? He may have to handle your board meeting depending on when you get back. ”
“With our help, he’ll be fine. He’s been driving me crazy with a million questions.” I take a sip of my drink, lean back in my chair and put my hands behind my head—another Parker mannerism I’ve mastered.
He doesn’t show the slightest concern about who I am. We’re talking shop and personal shit till Gene, our head of sales stops in to invite us to happy hour. Shaun declines due to dinner at his mom’s house. I jump at the chance to hang with my employees. 
I work till 5:30, when Taylor stops by my office. He’s here to take me home but he’s okay with my happy hour plans and agrees to keep an eye on me at the bar. I pull on my suit, check in the image in the mirror, smile and think. ‘I’m Parker Thomas, CEO of Thomas Financial.’ I run my hand through my hair then check my tie. I haven’t been out in public with friends in years. Taylor keeps a low profile but is watching out for me. It’s an amazing feeling being Parker and hanging out with friends. I play ‘Parker’ perfectly with all my employees, learning their names, faces and other personal details. 
I pick up the tab then Taylor takes me home. I check my email and text on the ride. My friend Ken calls to ask how I’m feeling and see if I want to grab dinner with him and John tomorrow. I don’t think twice about making plans with ‘my’ friends. It’s amazing to think I’ve pulled off being Parker three times with Shaun. The guy is clueless I’m not his partner. I get home about 8pm and find Parker on the sofa in front of the TV.
“Hey, how you feeling?”
He turns and looks at me. “Fuck, I bet no one questioned who you are?”
“Nope, I handled the Duncan meeting, they loved the proposal and I signed the contract.  I had drinks with Shaun in my office after then did happy hour with my employees.  It was great experiencing freedom for the first time in 6 years. Oh, Ken and John invited you over for dinner tomorrow night and Shaun reminded me of golf on Sunday.”
“Good job, I knew they’d love it. Sounds like you did great.” He rubs his head as though he has a major headache. “Oh yeah, I did forget about Sunday. It’s with his father and father-in-law at Ferry Point.”
“Bro, if you’re not up for it, let me. I haven’t golfed in years but I bet I’m still just as good as you.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’m probably as good as you were.  I just picked up the latest Calloway clubs, they’re at Ferry Point along with my clothes and other gear.  You’ll have fun, Shaun Sr and Ted are good golfer and ever better drinkers. Ferry Point is an incredible course.”
“What about Ken and John?”
“I’ll handle them. It’ll be good to see them before heading to California. No problems being me?”
“None, people seem to walk on egg shells when you’re around. Jenny is great keeping you on your toes. Shaun is clueless. I didn’t tell you, but Sunday morning when Shaun stopped to pick me up, he thought I was you greeting him at the door. I rolled with it, till he asked where Paul was and I came clean. I thought about running upstairs, changing clothes and seeing if I could get away with it but decided against it.”
“Ha! You should have.”
“How are you feeling?” I probe.
“I slept but didn’t really sleep, tossing and turning. If the Refuge doesn’t work, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m constantly on edge and when I think of the gun cocking, I go into shock. The Zoloft is barely working now.” 
“Oh, Shaun doesn’t like Greg does he?  He made some snide comment about you getting more drugs from him at lunch. I told him no, that I had lunch with Colin.”
“Greg is harmless. He gives me sample packets of drugs, nothing illegal. When he needed muscle relaxer for a bad back, he loved Greg.”
“And what is with Shaun's ‘Stefan’ when I stuck up for Greg?” I need to know the significance of Shaun using his middle name. 
He laughs. “At Penn, he had people thinking it was my name, had everyone calling me it. Now and then he uses my middle name if he’s questioning something, like my judgement or truthfulness.” 
This clears up ‘Stefan’ and gives me some additional personal information. He’s fucked up—his speech is slow and hands are trembling. He orders a pizza from his favorite place, downs a few beers and slices then pops something in his mouth that he took from his pocket. Whatever it was, it calms him down and makes him disoriented. I use it to pump him for more personal information about him and his friends. He’s so fucked up, he talks for hours before passing out and needing my help to get to bed. 
I give him 30 minutes before slipping back into his bedroom and digging through his pants pockets.  There’s a combination of Xanax, Zoloft and other pills I’ve never seen before. I shake him to see if I can wake him but he’s out cold. I’ve always known my brother was pathetic and this past week just reinforces it.  PTSD?  Really? Who the fuck gets PTSD from being carjacked? He got a bruise on his ass from hitting the ground and brand new X5 out of it.
I stay in his suit and identity, knowing I’m a better version of him. The power I have as Parker is intoxicating. I go to his home office and enjoy thinking of myself as him. I’m restless though, it’s only 10pm and I want, no, need to be acknowledged as Parker. I want to soak up his identity for a few more hours.
I’ve learned that Parker doesn’t have much of a gay life. He has a few stuffy pretentious gay friends that take in the culture of New York like operas, galleria openings and plays. He’s never been one to go out dancing all night in a thumping gay club. He’d rather put on a tuxedo and spend the evening drinking wine and commenting on art. I’ve seen many of his Instagram posts at the Kennedy Center or Broadway ‘being seen’. 
After a few minutes of debate, I realize as CEO of Thomas Financial, I can walk into my office anytime I like. Tonight would be the perfect time to check out all of Thomas Financial with no one around to question why I’m so curious. I pull on my suit coat, feeling my iPhone and wallet still in place. I run upstairs and grab my burner phone to reach out to a contact in the privacy of my office. I pull on my top coat, head to the X5 for my briefcase. Instead of driving the X5, I’m taking ‘my’ 911 since I haven’t driven it yet.
I find my way to work without the GPS, pull into my spot and stroll in carrying my briefcase—in full Parker mode. I’m greeted knowingly by security and acknowledge them as though I have a lot on my mind. Every door opens up for Parker Thomas as I approach them. After I hang up my topcoat, I head to my bathroom to inspect myself.
“Parker Thomas, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”  I extend my hand and introduce myself to the mirror.
“Shaun, of course I’m Stefan you idiot.” I run my hand through my hair per our secret identity agreement.
“Jenny, make sure to get Robert Duncan on the Christmas list, and did we file with FFIEC?”
“Ken, I can’t wait to see you and John tomorrow night for dinner. It’s been too long, I may not recognize you guys.” I speak into my sleeping iPhone and grin at my reflection. 
I tuck the iPhone back in my coat and run both hands through my hair. I head back to my office, pour myself a Scotch and take my rightful spot as CEO. From just four days of camera feeds, I pretty much know ‘my’ routine when starting work—log in, check email and respond as needed—return phone calls—review business bookmarks. I do it without having to think about it. 
After I’m caught up, I start my inspection of Thomas Finance. First stop is Shaun’s office where I pick up his personal photographs. His wife Susan is stunning. “You’re more stunning than the day you married Shaun. He certainly married up.” I laugh using Parker’s typical flattery. There’s a pic of me and Shaun golfing with two elderly gents. The one has to be his father because they look like twins, 30 years apart. The other has to be Susan’s dad. Good to know I’ve golfed with them before. I’ll have to study Shaun’s Facebook and Instagram before Sunday. There’s a wall with various business awards and golf trophies, just like mine. He has his own bar, bathroom and closet that are smaller than mine. 
I make my rounds checking out anyone with an actual office. That takes over an hour then I make a cursory round of cubicles. A few hours later and I know instinctively where my key people are located and some personal items about them. Back at my office I check out Jenny’s desk for personal information. My last act of the day is to call a ‘doctor’ highly recommended by Tommy’s list
“Dr. Harris, my name is Paul Thomas, I’m a friend of Tommy Long, I was his cell mate in Brookhaven. He said you might be able to help me.”
“Mr. Thomas, any friend of Tommy’s is a friend of mine. How is he doing?” 
“He’s doing the same, missing tennis, complaining about the food and politics. I’m looking for some help with something Tommy told me.”
“I prefer to meet in person, not discuss personal issues over the phone. Are you near New York?”
“Yes, nearby, I believe you’re in Brooklyn. I could stop by your office any time or I’d buy you lunch.”
“I’d love to do lunch, just had a friend cancel on me tomorrow if you’re available.”
“I’m open, pick a place and I’ll meet you there.”
“I’ll text you the details Paul.”
He kept that short and sweet. I lean back in my chair and tuck my burner phone away. Looking around the office, a sense of awe comes over me. I see ‘my’ Penn and Wharton diplomas on the wall and admire my class ring. A quick glance at my Rolex alerts me that it’s almost 2am—time to get home. 
I wake up late to the smell of bacon waffing up the stairs as I head down the stairs. Parker is cooking up a storm in the kitchen. I’ve never seen him so alert and, dare I say, normal?
“Bro, let me run back upstairs so you can serve me breakfast in bed, and remember, only fresh squeeze OJ.” I order him. 
“Sit your ass down at the counter or you don’t eat.”
He’s running around the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off.
“Are you on something?” I cautiously ask.
“Prescribed Uppers to get me going this morning. I’ve been sleeping too much lately, so it balances me out.”
“Greg or a real doctor?”
“Now you’re starting to sound like Shaun. Greg is a medical professional.” He plops a plate of pancakes and bacon on the counter. “Sorry, no OJ and you need to make your own coffee.
“And what happens later today? I’ll tell you, you crash and burn.” I get up and start making my own coffee. 
“Then I level off, back to normal.”
I laugh out loud. “Have you taken Uppers before? Apparently not.” 
He gets silent, doesn’t answer me then changes the topic. I drop it but know what I’m talking about. “I’m going to check on things in the office this morning, run some errands and pick up some stuff for California.”
“I’ve got to check on some things I have in a safe deposit box at Chase downtown, do a little shopping, maybe pick up some clothes of my own.” I skip the part about seeing Dr. Harris whose specialty is changing a person’s identity. According to Tommy, he has the ability to change someone’s fingerprint. I want to know if I can have Parker’s. 
“Your key is in the top drawer of my office desk. I’ll be gone before Annie get here, she’ll be tied up all afternoon cleaning up and restocking.”
“She’s funny, I like her. She’s concerned because every day this week, you were home sick from work. That’s what I told her.”
“Ha, that’s Annie.  She’s priceless. Shaun’s wife recommended her years ago. She’s worth every penny and does work for them occasionally. I better get out of here before she catches us.”
Parker grabs a plaid sport coat and heads out to the garage.  I follow after him and watch as he takes the Corvette for a change. I can’t in good conscious, leave this mess for Annie. I’m loading the dishwasher as she walks in.
“You cooked?” She laughs.
“Attempted. My cousin, who just left, is probably on his way to McDonald’s for a McMuffin, or the hospital to get his stomach pumped.” 
She shoves me out of the way and takes over. “I’m sure you have more important things to  do.” 
I head up to Parker’s bedroom, jump in the shower, use all his products and reuse his towels. I decide on a dressier outfit for emptying my safe deposit box. I finger through his sport coats and find a gray coat that’ll go great with black dress pants and casual knit sport shirt. There’s already a pocket square in it from the last time he wore it. I tuck my own ID and burner phone into my coat and head down to my office for a backpack to hold my stash. The safe deposit box key is still in the same envelope, tucked in his desk drawer. 
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There’s no problem emptying my box—there’s only a thumb drive and $200,000 in cash. The thumb drive is the key. With its files and links, I now have access to another million in an offshore bank. With that task finished, it’s time to meet Dr. Harris.
He picked a sports bar near his office. I get there early and text him my description. A salt and pepper elderly man arrives minutes later.
“Dr. Harris, it’s a pleasure.”
“Same Paul. How’s my friend Tommy?”
“He’s fine, looking to getting out in a year.”
“He’s one hell of a friend so whatever you need, I’ll help with if I can.”
We order appetizers and beer, then get right to the issue.
“Doc, I want to start my life all over, as someone else.”
“Change of appearance? Plastic surgery, I’m assuming?” Dr. Harris questions.
“Hmm… the appearance I have nailed. It’s the details I need help with. Tommy mentioned some new technology for changing finger prints. That’s what I need.”
“Yeah, I’ve done about a dozen so far. It’s a new 3D printing process. The results are amazing.  We simply remove the epidermis then print on top of is with human skin cells. It’s like skin grafting but much easier.”
“How long does it take?” I’m fascinated by technology.
“The procedure takes about an hour per hand, followed by a week to heal.  The first day or two is painful but once you’re over that, it’s just waiting for the healing cream to work.”
“Healing cream?”
“Another new technology with gene stimulants that heal at the molecular level. Once the fingers are healed, there’s no way to detect they’re printed.”
“Great, can you give me someone else’s fingerprints?”
“I can give you an original design that’s not on any records in the world. Using someone’s else’s could cause problems, plus they’re tricky to obtain.”
“I want my twin’s fingerprints.” I cut to the chase.
“Now that’s a first for me.”
“Can you do it? I plan on taking his—”
He cuts me off. “I don’t need details, all I need is a scan of his hands. That would be the tricky part.”
“That’s the easy part.”
“You’ll have to have him knocked out, and scan them multiple times. I have the equipment at my office. It’s really easy to operate. Let’s go there.”
I follow Dr. Harris back to his unmarked office where he scans my fingers, teaching me how to use it on Parker. The procedure is $100,000  in untraceable crypto. He also will add a pimple  on my cheek to match Parker’s. I get home to an empty house and no Corvette in the garage. I take the scanner and hide it in the garage for use later. 
I’m in my bedroom watching video of Parker in his office earlier today. I study his responses to a few emails, hear him talking to Shaun, and logging into his dashboard, checking stats. He’s there all morning, then stops at Mac’s Hoagies for lunch according to his email receipts. I then track his iPhone and he appears to be heading home. I put my tech away, head downstairs and turn on the TV. Parker arrives 30 minutes later carrying a number of bags.
“Wow, did you buy out the store?”
“Yeah, I was slumming it. Refuge says simple wardrobe, nothing fancy—hoodies, sweats, short, t-shirts and sneakers. I blew about $700 at the Under Armour and Nike stores. God forbid, I almost walked into the GAP!” He laughs.
“You seem good today.  Zoloft?”
“Yeah, got me, but I didn’t take anything else. I’m not going to take a Xanax until I get home from dinner. What are you going to do?”
“Don’t laugh but no plans. I’m going to finish watching Yellowstone that I started at Brookhaven. I found it on your streaming service. Hey what about golf tomorrow? You feel like handling it?”
“Nah, but I called Shaun, asked him to pick ‘me’ up and drive tomorrow. It’ll be good practice being me.”
“Does Shaun know we’re doing this?”
“Fuck no, you’re going to be me, own it.”
“Great, 7am?” I whine.
“That’s why you’re getting your ass up at 6am to play and I’ll be in bed.”
“I’m going to need pointers for tomorrow i.e… who I’m playing with, what to wear, history of previous games.”
“It’s easy. Shaun’s dad is Shaun also, looks like him, avid golfer and lives on Long Island. His father-in-law is Ted, widower a few years ago, had a girlfriend last time we played. Shaun Sr usually wins then we get hammered at the 19th hole. Wear anything in my locker, it’s next door to Shaun’s. Oh, Shaun is about even with me, skill wise. Relax, it’ll be fun.”
He runs upstairs with all his bags while I continue watching TV. I was hoping he’d come back all messed up and allow me to go out with his friends. I’ll just use this time to catch up on my surveillance videos and check out the safe. 
30 minutes later, Parker comes downstairs all dressed up in a sport coat and silk dress shirt. He looks normal, the opposite of yesterday when he had his breakdown. 
“What do you think?” He asks.
“Great outfit. I’ll have to keep that in mind while you’re in California, wearing a hoodie.” I snicker at him. 
“It’s Prada—suit, shirt and shoe. Hmm, socks too.” He checks his Omega watch. “Okay, don’t wait up. You have to be up at 6am.”
“I’m looking forward to playing Ferry Point and being an actual member will be great too. While you’re at Big Sur, you should stop at Pebble Beach and play a round.”
“Been there, done that……a few years ago with Shaun. I nailed it like a pro, Shaun sucked, hitting balls into the Pacific.  We had a blast. Shaun cheated on Susan with another guest a redheaded bimbo.”
“Wow, his wife is stunning.”
“She was pregnant at the time, he was horny, she wasn’t into having sex, so that was his excuse. I was stuck alone most of the weekend, pissed me off.” 
“I get really horny, really easy. I need some so ‘you’ might be on the prowl soon.”
“Oh god, now I’m worried handing my life over to you. Behave, I’m well known in New York, have an image to uphold. Check my Instagram for the bars I like to go to, pick up someone from there. No trips to the Eagle or Manhole. Got it?” Thanks bro for more personal information.  
I am horny. It’s been months for any relief. I open up my clone phone and go through my Instagram. He was at Pronto Video Bar a month ago with Colin. It’s just a few miles away and it seems to be filled with hot guys. I’ll just stop by for dinner and see what happens from  there. 
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What Parker wore earlier today really looked good on him, so it’ll look great on me. I run up to his bedroom and find the outfit on the chair. I strip out of my clothes and pull his underwear out of the hamper and step into them. I do the same for his socks. The pants are tan chinos, his belt is still in place. The shirt is a blue linen Polo brand. I’m learning that Parker’s ‘style’ is sticking with one designer for the entire outfit. I slip one of his Tag watches, add some rings, bracelet then check myself in the mirror. I look just like he did in his office all morning but minus his class ring and favorite Omega watch. 
I grab the same plaid sport coat he wore earlier and head out to the garage. Nice, the Corvette is sitting there for my pleasure. Pronto is a ‘hip’ place based on the cars in the parking lot and how people are dressed. There’s a bar section and restaurant, divided by a bakery in the middle. I head to the bar and grab a seat next to a group of guys. The bartender greets Parker and lays a chocolate martini down for me. While checking out the crowd, a guy catches my attention. He smiles and I hold my drink up to him and he comes over.
“Hi, I’m Chris.” He shakes my hand and gives me a sexy smile. 
“I’m Pau…Parker.” Almost using my real name on him.
“I’ve seen you here before, never had the nerve to say hi.”
“Same, you’ve got a killer smile Chris.” I give him a big smile and place my hand on his thigh. 
He leans in and kisses me deeply. It’s an incredible kiss. “I’m meeting friends here for a drink, then we’re heading to Dueling Pianos. You want to join us?”
“I’d love to but I have other plans I can’t get out of, just stopped for a quick drink.”
“Damn, you’re so sexy Parker.” He grabs the back of my head and pulls me in for another kiss. We start making out right at the bar, losing track of time. All at once there was a ‘Ahem’ to interrupt us. There’s a few guys smiling at us. 
“Chris, sorry to interrupt you. Who’s your friend?” A sexy red head quips.
“Oh guys, hey, this is Parker. He’s an old friend.” He laughs.
“Hey guys.” I give them a small wave.
“We’re late, you coming?” A blonde guy asks.
“Yeah guys, give me one second.” He pulls out his phone and has me enter my phone number. I give him Parker’s number since it’ll be mine starting in a week. 
“Hey, Thanks Chris, you’re an awesome kisser. I’m going to be away on business this week, back Saturday. Call me then.”
“Sure thing.” He takes charge again, grabs my cock and kisses me one last time. 
Chris and his friends take off, leaving me with a memory of a great kiss and throbbing hard on in my pants. I can’t wait to hear from him, impress him with a great dinner then take him home to ‘my’ place to fuck him. This new Parker will enjoy his life more. 
I grab a quick bite then head home. In his office I review my social media, then log into his bank account and stock portfolio. The $5 million he offered to pay me is a drop in the bucket of his net worth. I jump in bed early to be rested for my golf outing tomorrow.
I’m up before 6am and jump in my shower. Since I’ll be changing at Ferry Point, I just put on what I wore last night. In Parker’s bedroom, he’s snoring away as I go over to him and quietly slip his class ring and watch off him. In his sport coat, I find my wallet and iPhone. In his bathroom, I borrow a spritz of his Polo cologne, and add some Pomade to complete the takeover of Parker’s identity for the day. Once again, I’m Parker Thomas for most of the day. 
I ease into my day just like Parker does—a K-cup of Starbucks, a power bar and catching up on my iPhone. Shaun shows up at 7am and rings the door bell. I grab my sport coat and greet him at door.
“Let’s go man.” Shaun greets me. 
Shaun’s best friend jumps into the Escalade and they take off. Like Parker, I make sure to bury my face in my iPhone and act chilled as if I’m on my Zoloft. 
“Another sandwich in bed last night.” Shaun complains, referring to Hanna jumping in bed with them.
I just laugh. “Ha, You’ve got to be horny as hell.”
“I am, I may make Mel the 19th hole if I can ditch my ‘dads’ today.”
“Ha, you are horny.” I don’t know who Mel is but can play along while studying my phone. 
“Looks like Tektonics is a hit, per Joel.” I change the topic to business mentioning an email from my VP of marketing on demographics.
“That’s great, now put the fucking phone down.”  He reaches over to me, plucks the phone from my hand and places it on the center console. “So how’s the jailbird coming along?”
I start off the conversation about myself exactly as Parker would—exasperated. “Paul is Paul. He’s smart, picking up our systems easily. I’ve been testing him about issues and he’s up to speed. When I try to teach him how to act like me, he ignores me, says it’s not important, that he’ll just sit in my office, do fancy lunches or be on the golf course.”
“Sounds like he’s not taking this seriously. Is he behaving himself? He seems like he could be wild to control?” 
“Last night he took off in the Vette without telling me where he was going. His license is expired and he’s driving my baby. He says ‘I’ll just tell them I’m you and forgot my wallet’ Says he doesn’t have time to get to the DMV to get a license.”  Knowing how much Parker loves his automobiles, I use his baby slang exactly as he would. “He’s more horny than you.”
“I doubt it, sounds like he was getting some in prison. I’m not getting any.” Shaun whines.
“I’m afraid this could backfire on me, destroy my reputation. I warned him last night before he took off to behave like me, keep away from the Eagle and Manhole. I got home about midnight, don’t know when he got in.”
“What did you do? And don’t tell me you stayed in and took a Xanax.”
“No, I did dinner with Ken and John at Darcy’s, they played match maker with me and their friend Jason.  I wanted to fuck him but don’t want Paul messing it up while I’m away.”
All the way to Ferry Point, I easily play Parker Thomas discussing work and personal issues with Shaun. As we’re getting close, I pull one of Parker’s headaches, putting my head between my hands. Shaun gets a little concerned but I assure him I’ll be fine. Its little details I want him to pick up on, to confirm my identity. 
Ferry Point impresses me as we pull in to the clubhouse and valet park. There’s an incredible view of New York but Shaun’s Cadillac is barely classy enough to be in the parking lot. The valet and host greet us by name.  I follow Shaun to our lockers and as Parker mentioned, mine is right next to his’. A swipe of my membership card opens it to reveal  everything I need for today. I follow his lead changing into my gear. 
Thanks to instagram and what’s in his locker, I nail his golf image—Nike golf shirt and long skinny pants, Nike golf shoes, matching Nike sweater and cap to keep me warm. I’m not shocked to find an Omega PGA watch in the locker to replace my usual Omega.  As I slip it on, Shaun notices.
“You know, Ted is going to steal that if he sees it. He told his wife he needs one and she told him no.”
“Ha! I’ll keep my sweater shortened so he can admire it more.” 
Shaun’s phone dings with a text message. “Damn, they’re waiting for us. I didn’t think they were here yet.”
I put on my cap, grab my gloves and follow Shaun out to the carts. Ted and Shaun greet us at our golf carts and starting giving us grief for being late. I look around and see my monogrammed golf bag in the back of one of the carts. I walk over and start inspecting my gear, appreciating my brother’s equipment. I start off rusty but quickly regain my skills. They start drinking early but I use ‘medication’ to avoid drinking. Shaun takes notice and slaps me on the shoulder as we’re walking together.  I have the best time playing with Parker’s accepting friends. 
Shaun’s dad finishes with the best score while I come in second after a rough start. Shaun accepts my story that the Zoloft mellows me out, improving my skills. At the 19th hole, I get to meet Melissa, ‘Mel’ who flirts with everyone but especially Shaun. At lunch, Shaun mentions wanting to meet my ‘cousin’ to see how he’s adapting to New York. When I get a minute alone, I call Parker to warn him of Shaun expecting to meet me at home. He sounds coherent when he assures me not to worry. 
Between playing 18 holes and the 19th hole, we get back to my house after 3pm. I’m whipped as we walk in the front door. Parker comes running out of the kitchen where he’s cooking something that smells like chicken. He’s in jeans and a t-shirt, his hair has no product in it and he’s barefoot.
“Hey, hope you’re hungry, I’m making chicken for dinner.” He sees Shaun and acts surprised. “Oh hey Shaun, there’s enough for you too.”
“You didn’t tell me you hired a private chef Parker.” Shaun says to me.
“Reserve your judgement for after you try eating it.” I respond.
“So are you ready for your close up Paul?” Shaun asks referencing Sunset Boulevard. 
“Test me!” He challenges Shaun.
“How many employees do we have?”
“75.” He answers instantly. “Up from 50 just two years ago. Thanks to accounts like Circuit Tech and Prime Medusa, we’ll probably hire 25 more this year. Our marketing department is weak.”
Shaun’s mouth drops open. “Wow, he sounds just like you Parker.”
“I told you there’s nothing to worry about. No one will doubt who he is.”
“I just need to get use to Parker’s stuffy image and that goo he puts in his hair.”
“Hey bro, it’s pomade and if you could look only half this good, you’d be lucky.” I snip back at him. 
“Okay you two, be nice. Paul, all you have to do is look the part, put some ‘goo’ in your hair and I’ll block and tackle.” Shaun checks his watch. “Hey, Susan is expecting me home and I’m late.”
Shaun lets himself out, I just look at Parker and let out a sigh of relief. “Wow bro, you were fantastic. I think you’ve nailed me completely with your answers.” I laugh at the twist.
“Bro, If Shaun doesn’t doubt you’re me, no one else will. I think you’re set. Hell, maybe I could get there early. The Refuge told me I could arrive anytime, so the sooner in, the sooner out.”
“You seem really good today, did you take your meds?” I ask cautiously.
“Hmmm I took something Greg gave me to try. Buspirone for anxiety and Aripiprazole for bipolar disorder, both are very safe.”
“Oh god, I hope I don’t have to deal with Greg, I might hit him. Toss them away and get to California for professional help.”
“Look at me, I haven’t felt this great in months. Greg will probably check in on you. He stopped by for lunch.”
“So you didn’t tell him about the Refuge?” I ask, worried there’ll be another person that knows about me.
“No, he’s a gossip and all of New York already knows about my PTSD or as he believes to be MDD, Major Depressive Disorder. I don’t want anyone but you and Shaun knowing I’m checking myself into mental illness facility.” He starts to get upset.
“Okay, I’ll be nice to him if he calls or stops by.”
Parker didn’t actually make a chicken, he bought a rotisserie chicken and some sides at Whole Foods. We eat dinner and talk a few more hours about work issues and his personal life. He tells me the Refuge doesn’t allow any distractions—no visitors, cell phones or computers. Parker Thomas is listed as his outside point of contact. So as him, I’ll be the only one allowed to call and check in with his doctors. Parker also hired a different, questionable therapist to diagnose ‘Paul’s’ PTSD and to get him admitted.
Before bed, he pops a Xanax to help him sleep. Thirty minutes later and I’m helping him up the stairs and tucking him into bed. It doesn’t take long for him to pass out but to keep him out, I slip a few Ambiens into his mouth. When I’m convinced he’s out cold, I grab Dr. Harris’ scanners from the garage to upload his fingerprints and mouth scans to his account. It only takes 30 minutes to scan both hands and his mouth.
I jump in bed and slowly fall to sleep while reliving my day as Parker. I’m dreaming of being in Thomas Financial’s executive conference room, in a board meeting discussing business condition. At the end, everyone is congratulating me about something. I’m giving my team, also in the room, credit for my success. As I’m leaving the conference room, someone is screaming in my ear calling me Paul. It gets louder and louder until I’m awaken by a hysterical Parker shaking me. 
I jump up in bed, my heart is racing like I’m having a heart attack. “Parker, what the fuck is wrong.”
“I’m having a heart attack.” He’s pale and sweating.
“It’s probably all the pills you’re taking. Did you have a bad dream?”
“I kept hearing a gun being cocked, feeling it against my head and begging him not to shoot.”
“You’re not having a heart attack, does your left arm feel funny?”
“Yeah, it’s numb.”
“No, do you feel a shooting pain up and down it? Numbness is not a heart attack, it’s from sleeping on it and cutting off circulation. Did you take any other drugs?”
He’s trembling, rocking back and forth on the bed. “No just sleeping pills, nothing else.”
“Are you certain?”
“Yes!” He yells at me. “It was like a flashback. It felt so real.”
“You were so good before bed.” He is definitely displaying bipolar symptoms. “Let’s get you back to bed, it was just a bad dream. You’ll be fine.”
I help him back to bed and notice 5:12am on the alarm clock. I wonder if the sleeping pills he took and the Ambien I slipped him, caused this episode. Hours later I get up and check in on him. The shower is running so that’s a good sign.
“Parker, How are you feeling?” He doesn’t respond. “Parker?”
I walk into the bathroom but don’t see him standing behind the frosted glass. “Parker?” I open the shower door to shut off the water and find Parker on the floor, curled up in the corner, not moving.
“Oh my god, Parker” I jump in without turning off the shower and help him up. He’s catatonic, not saying a word. 
“I’mmmm kay.” He finally mumbles.
“No you’re not.” I pull a towel off the rack, wrap it around him and get him to the bed. 
“He came back. He’s pulled the trigger. I can feel it.” He rubs his forehead. 
“It was a dream, that’s all. Let’s get you some coffee, wake you up, you’ll be fine.” He’s rocking and staring out across the bedroom. I try to shake him, snap him out of it. “Come on bro, Taylor will be here to pick you up in an hour.”
“Go in for me. I can’t go in there like this.”
I’m not going to baby him like mom used to. I take the towel away and get him back in bed. In his bathroom I strip out of my wet boxers and jump in the shower. After a week of learning Parker’s identity, working Friday and spending all day yesterday with ‘my’ friends on the golf course, I’m certain I’m ready to takeover his life. 
I towel off and follow his routine using all toothbrush, razor and hygiene products. From his drawers I grab a pair of boxers briefs, put them on and pick out a pair of plain black socks. From his closet, I select a very conservative navy window pane suit by Brioni, a white collar  dress shirt, olive-navy tie and his usual clunky wingtips. I’m still wearing Parker’s class ring and watch from yesterday but will swap out the Omega for a Rolex. I sit on the edge of is bed, glance over my shoulder and see Parker sleeping again. I start the easy transformation into a CEO.
I pull on my socks, pull the pants off the hanger and step into them, then wiggle into the wingtips. I grab the shirt, pull it and select a simple pair of yellow gold cufflinks from ‘my’ jewelry box. In the dresser mirror, I button up the shirt and add cufflinks. I add the tie and use Parker’s typical Italian knot. It takes a few tries but eventually I replicate his typical dimple and the length is perfect. I pull on the jacket and notice there’s a pocket square already in place. I button the upper button, play with the pocket square and check myself out in the mirror. I take off my Omega watch and replace it ‘my’ Rolex. I tuck his wallet and iPhone into my suit pockets. The suit is a perfect fit and shows off my body in all the right places. My hair duplicates Parker’s style with the right amount of his Uppercut pomade. The final step is adding some pills to my pocket and popping a Zoloft to mellow me out. 
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I quietly shut the door and head to my bedroom. I grab my cloned phone and snap a few pics of Parker. It’s crazy how much I look like Parker. A check of my new watch shows I have 20 minutes before Taylor arrives to drive me to work. I run downstairs and make a quick k-cup. I’m running around making sure I have everything I need for work. I grab my briefcase from my home office. From my closet, I find a beautiful, super soft navy top coat. As I’m sipping my coffee awake, I post my pic of my outfit on Instagram with “Ready for the corporate jungle”. Within minutes, my friend Ken responds with “looking good buddy” and others ‘like’ it. 
When I see Taylor pulling up, I pull on my coat, grab my briefcase and run out to his car. I start checking my emails and calendar on the way. Taylor drops me off and I confidently stroll in as Parker does every day, smiling and greeting everyone as my outgoing brother. As I’m hanging up my topcoat and suit coat, I scan my office, noting my diplomas and taking in the view of Manhattan. It’s unreal to sit down at my huge desk, and look at what I’m wearing. I’m now Parker Thomas and no one would doubt that. 
Jenny shows up a few minutes later, pops her head in to greet me and promising coffee in a few minutes. I start in with emails and checking my bookmarks. Jenny comes back with my coffee and her iPad. 
“You’re looking rested Parker. Good weekend?” She places my coffee on my leather coaster and takes a seat to review my schedule for the day as she always does.
“Yeah, great weekend. Dinner with Ken and John Saturday and Ferry Point with Shaun on Sunday. How’s the puppy?” Thank god for the video cameras. This ‘chit chat’ solidifies my identity to her, as it will with everyone else.
She giggles. “Lucy is picking up potty training but she’s chewing like crazy. Jonathan has to have her in his bed every night now. You were right, Pitbulls are excellent dogs for children.”
“Yeah, my first dog was a Pitbull and he was never mean or growled at someone, all he did was lick people to death.” 
I reviewed my day on the ride in but Jenny adds more details to it. It’s the usual start to my day. She leaves and I enjoy my coffee even though it black and I always drink it with cream and sugar. I’ll get used to it.   
I watch Shaun come in, grab his coffee and comes into my office. He shuts the door for privacy as he always does. 
“You know, your golf game may actually be improving.” He jokes with Parker.
“I think you’re right, I may have to start taking Zoloft before every outing. I didn’t feel my usual stress trying to win. I want a rematch with Ted, one of these days I’m going to beat him.”
“That maybe it for the year, they’re calling for snow possibly this weekend.”
“Not in California.” I reply back smartly. 
“Are you sure Paul will be ready? He looked goofy yesterday. Maybe we should postpone your trip a few more weeks. Some days you seem better, back to your own focused self.”
I sit up, take a sip of coffee and turn on the ‘Parker’. “He’ll be fine, he did party hard Saturday night. He went out, hooked up with someone and got drunk. I think he needed it and he swears he’ll be the ‘perfect Parker’.” 
“Okay, I’ve always trusted your judgement, you know that.”
“Relax. He’ll be fine.  He’s a fast learner, and has been studying our dashboard every day, reviewing my emails and asking a ton of questions. I’ve also tested him.”
“You’re right, he did impress me yesterday with his response to my question. But he didn’t look the part.”
“Once I put him in one of my suits and add pomade his hair, he’ll be me for everyone to see. Now get out of here, I have Yvonne to deal with and you have TriTech problems.” 
“Better you than me.” He chuckles about my Yvonne comment that I got from Jenny earlier. He heads back to his office while I admire my perfect Parker appearance in the reflection of my office window.
The morning flies by with meetings and phone calls. It’s surprisingly easy being Parker. I just make decisions based on the history I find or common sense. Before lunch, I shut my door and call my burner phone to check on Parker.
“Bro, you up?” 
He answers sounding barely awake. “Yeah, rough night last night. I don’t know what happened.”
“Greg’s fucking drugs. No more till you get to California and see a real doctor.”
“I’m seeing my therapist today, telling him I’m through and feeling much better.”
“You’re going to ‘see’ him to tell him that? I wouldn’t. Just call him.”
“I have an appointment at 1pm.”
“Oh that’s what Jenny asked about, it’s just marked as personal on your calendar. I told her uncle Jim was in town and you were taking a long lunch.”
“I’m not looking forward to it—“
I interrupt him. “Don’t stress yourself out, I’ll handle him. I’ll tell him I’m seeing another therapist that Greg recommended and thinking of a PTSD treatment center. You don’t owe him anything really.”
“That would be great, it’s Doctor Pomme, he’s in my phone.”
“I’ll keep it short and sweet. What are you doing today then?”
“I think I’ll start packing, hit the gym and get a ticket to fly out to California on Thursday. You okay with that?”
“So let’s not tell Shaun you’re leaving early. I just told him Saturday and he wanted me to postpone it a few weeks to make sure I was ready for the role.”
“That’s fine, I won’t mention a word to him tomorrow or Wednesday. No use in worrying him over last night or he’ll wonder why I’m speeding things up instead of taking a few more weeks.”
“Hey, what do you do for lunch?” I hit him up on basic personal information.
“Oh today with the doctor’s appointment, I’d just grab a sandwich from Mac’s Hoagie shop across the street, bring it back to the office to eat. Other days we’ll pile in someone’s car and go to Beef’s a few blocks away. There’s ‘Robey’s Dinner’ on the second floor, or the food court on the first floor. Robey’s has the best Philly cheese steaks on the planet. Shaun and Joel are always up for lunch since you pay.” He chuckles a little. 
“Now I’m hungry, think I’ll try the Hoagie shop.”
“Thanks a lot for doing this for me.” He hangs up.
“Not a problem. It’s like be kids again, kind of fun.” Plus I’m getting a new life out of this. 
As I was talking to him, I had another thought. Maybe I’ll take Shaun’s advice, hold off a few weeks, continue talking to Dr. Pomme and make a huge recovery. Paul Thomas will be the one in California for weeks, maybe months. It’ll give me time to figure out more of a plan for dealing with him.
Dr. Pomme’s office is just a block away in the Liberty building. I get there a little early and make small talk with Marge, his receptionist.
I’m buzzed into the his office on time and greeted by a tall bearded individual with a bald head. “Parker, how are you today.”
“I’m feeling really good today.”
“Great, you look good, rested. New suit?”
“No, I’ve had this for years, it’s one of my favorites.” I relax into the chair across from him and cross my legs
“I was worried about you this weekend to be honest. I didn’t want you leaving so upset on Friday, not sure if you were having a breakdown or breakthrough.”
“Honestly I didn’t know either. I was scared, I had a flashback and it seemed so real. I was reliving everything.” 
“So what did you do when you left here?”
“I stopped for lunch and even had a beer. In my head I kept telling my ‘you’ll be okay, you’ll be okay.’ I went back to the office and finished my day.”
“That’s excellent, you confronted it head on and powered through your day. And the weekend?”
“Doc, Friday night I chilled at home, ordered a pizza and watched some TV. Saturday I worked out and had dinner with some friends in SoHo. Sunday I golfed at Ferry Point with Shaun and some friends. It was a great weekend all in all.”
“No depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety?”
“No, it’s like I’m a different man but the Zoloft is helping with the highs and lows. Maybe that’s it?”
“You do seem better, more at peace. I think this is a very positive event for you. No panic attacks all weekend? Not even a little?"
"Not one. I'm trying to focus on other things, positive things like friends and family and work. I think one Zoloft in the morning helps me not to overreact to situations. And working out helps me to sleep soundly."
"Excellent, excellent, Friday was what I was hoping for. Keep with the Zoloft for now." He pulls out his prescription pad and scribbles more Zoloft for me. My own bottle like the one Parker keeps near and dear to him, that's part of his identity. "I'll see you Thursday Parker."
I head back to the office with a spring in my step. Lunch is my typical Italian sub I eat while my phone is beeping like mad and my mailbox if filling up. Apparently, Parker must be busy because he hasn't responded to any emails this morning, only the new Parker has.
Shaun drops in with a big grin while I’m reviewing emails. “You’ll never guess who’s paying up and avoiding bankruptcy.”
“Hmmm, wild guess—Aerion?”
“Give the man a stuffed animal. Now you won’t be hounding me and Robert. They got a huge infusion of cash from Airbus.” 
“I’ll keep hounding and believe it when I see a $900,000 deposit in our account.”
“Cashier’s check hand delivered tomorrow morning.”
I turn to my computer and open our Chase account. “Don’t see it yet.” I grin at him like only Parker could.
“Wow, joking like old times. How did things go with Dr. Pomme?”
“Well as he said, I either had a breakdown or breakthrough after our last session.”
“I’d say breakthrough. You’ve never been normal but getting back to your abnormal self would be great.” He smartly mocks me.
“I thought about your comment about waiting till Paul is up to speed. You may have a point. I’ll see how I’m feeling after my session on Thursday.”
“One step at a time. Oh, you up for dinner with Ed Reynolds and his wife on Friday? La Dolce Vita…” He dangles the name like it’ll will entice me. I’ll have to find out what it means to Parker.
“Oh yeah, if I go to California, my flight leaves at noon on Saturday.”
“You need a ride?”
“Nah, thanks but I’ll have Paul take me. He needs practice driving around New York.”
Shaun continues to catch me up on his issues, Jenny keeps me on my toes and the rest of my day flies by. Taylor picks me up and gets me home about 6:30. Parker is watching TV and has a pizza in front of him.
“Bro,  how was work?” He wakes up seeing me.
“No problems whatsoever. Being CEO has its perks.  I ask and my staff provides. Jenny is a godsend.”
“I started going through some of your sent emails and other than you being lenient on Orion Tech’s blatant theft, you did great. I read a few wondering if I sent them myself, then looked at the time stamp and knew I hadn’t.”
“And you were always the softy growing up.”
“Not when it comes to business and Orion Tech is trying to screw us over. I’ll call him personally tomorrow.”
“Good to know. So Dr. Pomme was okay with you getting a 2nd opinion, actually encouraged it and the door is always open. He asked how I was after ‘our’ session on Friday, and I said I was fine.”
“That’s good because he’s Shaun’s father’s best friend and I’m sure I come up in conversations. Maybe I’m paranoid but Dr. Pomme could be used against me in ousting me from Thomas Financial.”
“Wow, small world huh? So you only took the Zoloft today? You sound good. By the way, you’ll be glad to know Aerion is paying up tomorrow, the full amount.”
“Yeah yeah, and I believe in Santa still too.”
“Shaun assured me, they got a huge infusion of cash from Airbus. Here’s something funny, Shaun says you should postpone the Refuge until you’re sure I’m up to speed being you. ‘Just a few more weeks’ he proposed. I told him I’d think about it and decide before Saturday.”
“He is totally clueless. But look at you—in my custom Brioni, hair slicked perfectly, nailing my executive image without my help.”
“Based on your wardrobe, it’s your only image and I can appreciate it. Plus your Instagram helps. You always have a pocket square tucked elegantly in your suit jacket, you always use an Italian knot with a single dimple and your favorite watch is your Omega, sometimes a Rolex like today.” I lift up my sleeve and show him. “You all set for California?”
“Packed and flying out to California on a redeye Wednesday night. Found a quaint Airbnb cabin on the coast in Carmel for a few nights. Sort of a miniature vacation before Refuge. I just need to get through the next few days without any breakdowns in front of anyone.”
“I can give you a ride, still know my way around New York.”
“No, that’s okay, I always use Execucab service. Taylor will bring me home as usual, I’ll change into something comfortable and have them get me to the airport.”
The next few days fly by. I’m at home watching Parker’s days unfold live in front of me. When he thinks no one is paying attention, he grabs his head as if in pain. He doesn’t wait till noon to start on the Scotch either. He’s taking three Zolofts per day—breakfast, lunch and dinner. He got through Tuesday acting and appearing like his normal self. I don’t know what happened Wednesday though, when he lost it with a customer no less. He went from nice charming guy to raving loon in five minutes on the phone with him. I’ll definitely have to apologize and fix it tomorrow.
He tells Jenny he’s got some errands to run and skips out at 3:30pm. An hour later Parker walks through the door looking exhausted and in a rotten mood. He barely says hello and runs up the stairs. I follow him into his bedroom while he starts stripping out of his work clothes, then jumps in the shower.
While he’s showering, I pick up after him, hanging up his suit after emptying his iPhone, wallet, pills and keys out of the pockets. He comes out looking refreshed.
“Wow, I needed that. What a day of meetings, customer complaining about terms he agreed to years ago, and IT wanting money for new equipment. I lost it at one point but luckily Jenny was at lunch and Shaun was meeting with Chase all afternoon.” He starts dressing in jeans, v-neck sweater and pair of his old Nike sneakers.
“That’s good. So I packed your backpack for you… noise cancelling headphones, iPad for entertainment and my wallet, passport and burner phone. My debit card is there and has about $10,000 in the bank, PIN is 0286, my social security number, just in case you need it.”
He digs through the bag, checking everything. He tucks my wallet into his back pocket but leaves everything else in the bag. “That’s great, I totally forgot about that. I plan on sleeping the entire direct trip. Oh, my PIN for everything is the last four of my social security—2308. I don’t know what I have in there but my black Amex is unlimited and if they call to verify a purchase, the PIN is 2308 also.”
“Oh, my class ring and watch Paul.” I remind him and he hands them over without hesitating. It slips easily on my finger with a perfect fit crowning me Parker. The Rolex is my favorite but tomorrow I’ll go back to my usual Omega watch. 
Nice, now I have complete access to his financial life. It was the only piece missing but I would have guessed it correctly. I tuck his wallet, iPhone and keys into my pockets. When he thinks I’m not looking, he sneaks his prescription bottles into the backpack. I help him drag his luggage down the stair just as the Execucab pulls in the driveway. 
Once he’s gone, my mind turns to my new life. Paul is gone, I’m now Parker and feeling great. I run up the stairs and slip on his favorite Omega. It’s 4pm and I can make it back to the office before 5pm. I strip out of my jeans and run to the hamper putting back on his socks and underwear he wore all day long. I jump into his pants, pull on his dress shirt then knot a perfect Italian knotted tie on the first attempt. I pull on the lapel vest, suit coat, tuck everything back in my pockets, including my pills and stare at Parker Thomas in the mirror. My hair needs a little pomade but after that’s worked in, I’m the epitome of Parker. 
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On the living room sofa is ‘my’ briefcase and topcoat I wore earlier. In the garage, I grab the keys for the 911 and head back to work, finishing the day Parker started. People are starting to leave as I walk to my office. Jenny greets me with her usual efficiency.
“Parker, I didn’t think I’d see you back.”
“Oh, just a quick errand to pick up my baby at the Porsche dealer.”
“Well you didn’t miss much. IT put that request on your desk. Stahl called asking what you said to Ben Mosser to piss him off.”
“Have you seen Shaun?”
“I think they went to Beef’s for a quick happy hour, you just missed him.”
She looks at me with that ‘do you need anything else look’. “Well, have a good evening Jenny.” She grabs her coat and leaves. I hang up my coat and suit jacket and jump behind my desk. There’s a half glass of Scotch to finish along with one of the Zolofts in my pocket. 
First thing I do is call Ben Mosser and apologize for my outburst earlier. I blame it on some bad personal news and unfairly took it out on him. I promise to review the numbers again tomorrow and call him back. He accepted my apology, thanked me for the personal touch and was sorry for whatever happened. 
I call Shaun to check in. “Hey bro, Jenny says you were looking for me?”
“Just about joining us at Beef’s, we’ll be here for another hour at least, probably grab dinner upstairs. I have the night off, Susan and Hanna are having a mother/daughter sleepover at her sister’s house.”
“I’ll be right there.” Beef’s is just a few blocks away but I take an Uber for ease.
We’re there for hours talking shit, drinking and eating junk food. Shaun looks at me odd when he sees me drinking a martini. I whisper to him ‘no Zoloft all day’ and he gives me a proud squeeze on my shoulder. We move to the restaurant on the upper level for dinner and we’re there till 9pm. 
Afterwards, I head back to the office to pick up my briefcase and check on emails.  I just spent 4 hours with my best friend and coworkers, playing them perfectly. Here I am, in ‘my’ office wearing a beautiful $8,000 custom Brioni suit, $50,000 Rolex and $400 Brioni tie. I’m Parker Thomas and can now start making changes slowly. First I respond to a few emails. I then call Taylor and cancel his security services, telling him I’m working through my fears and this is a first step. The truth is, I have four gorgeous automobiles in my garage getting dusty. It’s time to get back on the horse is what I’ll tell Dr. Pomme and Shaun tomorrow. 
It’s great not having to worry about Parker as I enter ‘my’ home. I duplicate all his typical actions. I head upstairs, place my briefcase, wallet on the dresser then change into his pajama shorts and t-shirt. Back downstairs go to the front door, grab my mail and start opening it. I’m taking over every aspect of his life. 
My iPhone dings with a text message from a new contact.
Unknown: Hey sexy Parker how are you. It’s Chris from Pronto the other night.
His timing is perfect, but instead of texting him back, I call him immediately. 
“Evening sexy. I’ve been thinking of your kiss since Saturday.” I greet him.
“Same, you turn me on so much with your dimpled smile and sexy scruff. Can’t wait to lick it again.”
“How about I meet you at Pronto tomorrow night? Say 8pm, we’ll go from there. I don’t live far from there.”
“It’s a date Parker. Sleep tight babe.”
I head up to my new bedroom, take off my suit and immediately fall to sleep in the California king bed. His usual alarm wakes me and I continue as Parker. I start to think of ‘my’ image today, how to look like my hot shot CEO brother. Scrolling through my Instagram, there’s a pic of him in a pinstripe double breasted suit from a month ago. He comments how it’s his favorite suit—now it’s mine. 
I actually love my new stylish wardrobe with it’s custom fitted suits, shirts and shoes. I adopt his ‘wall street’ image with the same custom double breasted suit, black pattern tie and pencil stripe shirt. It’s identical to what he wore a few months ago. It’s the perfect suit for my first day as CEO of Thomas Financial. My Omega, as usual, is my watch for today. 
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Since I’m driving myself again, I take my X5 and get into the office early. It’s great being accepted as Parker. I’m in the office going through emails when Shaun stops in my office. He comes over to my side of the desk, sits on the corner and I rotate my chair to face him. 
I look at him odd. “What’s going on?”
“You beat me into the office Stefan?”
“So? I couldn’t sleep, didn’t take any sleeping pills.” I know he’s testing my identity.
“Seriously? You can’t tell I’m your best friend, your only friend?” I run my hair through my hair, per our agreement weeks ago. “You want to see my scar?” Without waiting, I stand up, lift my pant leg and show him my scar.
“Hey, no fair, I have other friends. It’s just that you’re in early, you drove yourself today and don’t look like death warmed over.”
“Do you want to check my fingerprints? How about your antics at Pebble Beach?” Thanks to Parker’s loose lips, I have a ton of personal stories about our relationship.
“Okay, okay, I’m convinced, you’re Parker.”
“I’m feeling really good. I didn’t get anxiety thinking of driving to work. I think the Zoloft was fucking with my brain. I decided to stop cold turkey. Dr. Pomme says to take ‘as needed’ so that’s what I’m doing.” 
“Wow buddy, I’m really happy for you. You seem sharper, I noticed it Sunday when you barely beat me.”
“Barely? I beat you convincingly, and made your dad nervous.” I look at him incredulously.
“Obviously, you’re on other drugs. What are they and share with me.” He laughs. “So are you ready for Cooper Inc today?”
“Yeah, all set for this morning, another reason why I’m in early.” 
“Well, if you need anything, let me know.” He stands up and heads to his office. He’ll never doubt my identity again.  I follow Parker’s routine naturally. Jenny comes in with my coffee and start reviewing my schedule. The Cooper team comes in and we review their request. It’s such a minor request and Cooper himself is a Penn Alumni also, so I sign off on the paperwork.  
At my therapist appointment, I inform Dr. Pomme that I’m back to driving myself and I’m cutting back on Zoloft. He’s delighted with my progress and probes the reason for this new found outlook. I googled PTSD recovery this morning and incorporated some great buzzwords into my explanation. Once he heard what he wanted, he’s thrilled with his success and agrees to see me on an ‘as needed’ basis. 
I stop in Shaun’s office when I get back and shut the door. He looks at me with a puzzled look on his face as I take my seat.
“What’s going on Parker?”
“I’m on an ‘as needed’ basis with Dr. Pomme now.”
“That’s great, what about the Zoloft?”
“I haven’t taken one in a day and a half now and I feel great. I feel so clear headed, the first time in months.”
“So what about the Refuge?”
“Well, you were probably right about Paul not being ready but now I’m feeling like I don’t need the Refuge.”
“Dammit, I’m stuck with you?”
“Ha, you’d be lost without me, and you know it.”
Back in my private bathroom I check myself in the mirror. I identity is flawless. My tie is perfectly knotted, my hair matches Parker’s and I have his cocky, confident demeanor. Slipping into my new life is easy thanks to Parker’s coaching and my own efforts.
The afternoon flies by without any major issues. Shaun lets me know he’s skipping out early to take his wife and in-laws out for dinner. He’s thrilled to hear about my date with a new guy, confessing he never liked 
At home I get ready for my date with Chris. I really like what ‘I’  wore out Saturday night with my friends, so I recycle it completely. It’s all ‘dressy casual’ Prada—light gray suit with long sleeve knit shirt and buckle dress shoes. I accessorize it a few wristbands and a less pretentious watch.
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Chris shows up on time, we have drinks followed by dinner, then I take him home and we fuck most of the night away. Even though he’s a lawyer, he’s really impressed by my home and lifestyle—I was too a few weeks ago. He has to be downtown early so he’s up and out the door by 5:30. We make plans to see each other this weekend as I say goodbye. I jump in bed for another hour, reliving yesterday and last night in my head. 
Day two of being my brother. Having sex half the night and popping a Zoloft will definitely give me Parker’s usual strung out look. To look the part is becoming the easiest part of the day—jumping in the shower and picking an appropriate out. I keep it simple with all Tom Ford Bespoke, white shirt and simple white pocket square. It’s a less flashy look for me but Parker has worn very similar outfits over the past year according to his Instagram.
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I drive my 911 Targa to work and pull into my spot just as Shaun pulls in. I get out, button my suit coat and grab my briefcase.
“Wow, driving the baby?” Shaun comments.
“Sure, no rain or anything today. I just got her back from the dealer and wanted to check her out.”
“Life isn’t fair. You get to drive that and I have an SUV with child seat in mine.”
“You could put a child seat in my back seat, you should buy one.” I joke back. 
“I’ll just borrow your’s then, see if it works for me.” He laughs and I laugh along. “So no problem driving to work? No panic attacks?”
“A little anxiety, I wouldn’t call it panic or fear. I’ve noticed it’s worst at night.” It’s plausible according to my research into PTSD.”
“As long as you’re okay bro.”
We stroll in together, just two executives starting their day. He heads to his office and I head to mine. Jenny greets me with coffee and my schedule when I get situated. She tells me the latest about her puppy and I tell her about my date last night. A few minutes after she leaves, ‘Paul’ calls me from California.  I get up and close my door to take it.
“Hey Paul, good to hear from you. How are things?”
“I lost Thursday.”
“You lost Thursday? What are you talking about? Too much drinking?”
“Well yeah, there was that too but have you ever had mushrooms? They’re amazing.”
“No, they fuck with your mind. You can OD on them too. They can cause hallucinations, and heighten other disorders like anxiety. Where did you get the mushrooms?”
“My buddy Johnny got them for me?”
“Johnny? You’re fucked up.”
“I’m fine, Johnny is my buddy, he’s the manager here.” He talks dopey.
“How far are you from the Refuge?”
“It’s just up the road, about 3 miles from here. I plan on checking in after lunch today.”
“That’s great. So listen to this, Shaun is still clueless about you being gone. He comes in your office, sits a few feet away, talks shop and hasn’t caught on. I told him I’m feeling so good being off the Zoloft that I’m having second thoughts on the Refuge.”
“He was never the sharpest tool in the nerf ball factory.” He laughs. “So just be me till I get back.”
“That’s what I’m thinking, then no one can say you had a breakdown and admitted yourself for treatment.”
“Oh my god! That’s devious but great! I’ll tell people it was all Shaun’s idea but I never followed through with it because I was feeling much better just talking to my therapist.”
“Yeah, as long as I can keep fooling Shaun.  Any pointers, shared secrets only you would know, things you share?” My brother starts spewing off everything they share. There’s so much history that I’ll have to listen to this phone call a few times to drill it into my head. As soon as I hang up with Paul, Joel and Shaun grab me for lunch and we just head downstairs for a quick one. I’m so at ease with Shaun after all I’ve learned. I’m back in Parker’s office when late in the afternoon I get a call from California.
“Parker Thomas.” I answer professionally.
“Mr. Thomas, this is Dr. Anoia from the Refuge. I’m calling to let you know your brother has checked in. We’ll be updating you as often or as little as you want. He does exhibit signs of PTSD but we haven’t done a full examination or test procedure on him.  These are all just initial impressions.  I want you to know, this looks like a case of complex PTSD, aggravated by the use of drugs.  This could take time to sort out but he’s come to the right place.”
“Please notify weekly of his progress or sooner if needed. What kind of time frame?”
“I’d guess two months max. We just need to cleanse him of what he’s taken and daily therapy.”
“Whatever it takes, money is no object doctor.” I play the concerned brother.
“Call anytime and once a week, we’ll email a summary of the entire week.”
“Thank you doctor.” 
Late in the day Shaun stops by, shutting the door. “Hey, so since you’re not going to California, looks like an Indian summer, Golf?”
“Sure, maybe I let you win. Who?”
“Joel and Todd, 9am tee time.”
“Sure I’m in, going to pick me up?”
“Ah, your turn buddy. Did you tell Paul about the Refuge yet?”
“Just that I was feeling better and he noticed it too. I’ll tell him tonight when I see him. I think he was getting worried about pulling the charade off. Between us, he probably could with you keeping an eye on him. Oddly, he doesn’t seem worried about money, just that he had a ‘stash’ in a safe deposit box and needed his key which I had in my safe.”
“Maybe he doesn’t need the $5m?”
I laugh out loud. “You don’t know Paul. He’s the tightest tight wad I know. He’ll expect it even if he only fills in for a day. Forget that he’s out of jail a year early, he’ll want his money.”
“Big plans for the weekend?” I ask like a friend.
“Hanna has a birthday party to go to tomorrow. It starts at noon and goes till about 5.”
“Just don’t tell me you’re dressing up as the clown.”
“Ha ha, not funny. How about I stop over tonight, order up some Pizza and watch the Johnson vs Gonzales match?”
“Sorry bro, I’ve got a date with Chris, a lawyer I met on the scruff app. We’re heading to Montauk, spending the night at his brother’s empty beach house.” I look at my watch. “I’m leaving as soon as you let me.” I fabricate an entire story to spend less time with him—less opportunity to giveaway my identity. After the last few days of being on stage, I just want some ‘Parker’ time at home.
“What about Paul?”
“Hell if I know, just as long as he doesn’t go out as me, wrecks one of my toys and gets me in trouble.”
I’m certain I could call Chris up and he’d come running over to my house but I’m taking it slow and really do want some me time. I leave the office early, get home and change out of my executive disguise. A long hot soak in my master bath helps me to relax. I dry off and change into my very own sweat pants and t-shirt I used to wear all the time. I’m going natural on the hair and skipping any jewelry.  For the first time in weeks, I feel like myself.
Dinner is just a pizza from down the street. When I go to answer the doorbell, I’m shocked to see Shaun greeting me instead of the pizza boy.
“Oh, ah hey there Shaun?” I question him, puzzled why he’s here. “Come on in. Parker isn’t here.”
Just then, the pizza boy comes running up the steps and hands me the pizza. I hand him $30, from my pocket and grab the pizza. “Want some pizza?”
I ordered my favorite—sausage and pepperoni, instead of Parker’s usual meat lovers.
“You’re a free man and this is your Friday night?”
“Well, when most of your friends are in jail or don’t talk to you, this is about it.” I explain the situation. “So Parker took off on some hot date, said not to expect him home tonight. He flew in the door, changed and took off. Mentioned not going to Refuge tomorrow, which makes sense if you’re fucking some stranger all night long.”
Shaun grabs a slice of pizza, takes a bite and tosses it back in the box. “Ewww, you need a night out bro.”
“What is with all the ‘bros’? You’re not frat boys.”
“We were frat boys, you wouldn’t understand. It’s hard to look at you and not see Parker.”
“Ah yeah, that’s normal for identical twins ‘bro’.” I use it back on him.
“Come on, let’s get out of here, get some real food and get wasted.”
“Okay, there’s the Rusty Nail just down the street, seems like a busy place.”
“No, Think big, think Manhattan. We have some of the best bars in the world just 40 minutes away.”
I moan. “Do I need to dress up?”
“Yes, of course, it’s Manhattan. Besides, you have a closet full of tailored suits upstairs at your disposal.”
“What if we run into someone that knows Parker, they’ll think I’m him. He might get pissed.” I pretend to be worried.
“So, you’re with me, and everyone will just think you’re him. Think of it as training.”
“Doesn’t sound like he’ll be needing me at this point. He seems much better.”
“I still think he should, can’t hurt. Run upstairs and change ‘Parker’, don’t want to miss happy hour.”
It’s ironic, my brother’s best friend helping me be his best friend after spending the last few days already as his best friend. “I’ll just wear what he wore today, it should still be on his bed from earlier.”
“That’s fine, and don’t forget the goo in your hair.”
“Great, so I’ll look like a pretentious yuppy banker.”
I run upstairs and start dressing in what I had on all day. I add a different watch and ring, because the real Parker would still be wearing his’. I work some pomade into my hair, part it perfectly and join Shaun in the living room. 
“Bro, you look just like Parker. Wow, if anyone sees us out, they’ll know it’s Shaun and Parker having out after work. He was wearing that same suit.”
“Yeah, it was on his lounge chair in his bedroom. Bro, let’s get out of here. I’m hungry and the pizza is cold.” I say in my best Parker impression. 
We jump into his SUV and he keeps looking over at me. “For the life of me, I cannot get over you two. In college he said he had a brother but nothing about being a twin.”
“Really, well I wanted my own life, so I went to Penn State. He stuck his nose up once he got to Penn—Mr. Ivy League.”
We park at the office, and walk to the Rusty Nail. As we get inside, Shaun looks around and whispers. “You’re Parker, I’m going to call you Parker from now to. Our coworkers, Tom, Joel and Todd are here standing by the bar.  Tom is sales, Joel and Todd are marketing.”
Shaun pulls out his wallet and give his credit card to run a tab. “You can’t be paying with a Paul Thomas credit card. The night’s on me, besides Susan will know I’m behaving myself if I’m with Parker. She really likes you. I’ll make sure to take plenty of pics and post them on IG.”
The only thing new about this happy hour is the bar. It’s my first time here but I’ve been out with these guys on Wednesday night. We’re there for hours eating junk food like wings, then watching the boxing match on TV. He’s coaching me on being Parker constantly, telling me details he knows about him. I got a good buzz on, while Shaun stopped halfway through the night. 
When we get back to the parking garage, he looks at me odd. “Let’s go back to your office.”
I don’t argue. “I don’t have a key.”
“I do.” He grins.
We pass security without questions and get up to my office. He opens my door and orders me to take a seat.
“Bro, you look just like Parker did today, just like him only he wasn’t shit face like you.” He laughs.
“Bro, have a little dignity for the CEO of Thomas Financial, will you?” I laugh too.
“Fuck you are him, that’s for sure.”
He tests me with some really basic questions and I pass with flying colors. I ask some questions back, even though I already knew the answers. We’re not there long, he just wanted to see me as Parker. On the way home I start laying the groundwork for Paul’s departure.
“So, since I’m probably not going to be needed, I may take off to Washington State to start over.”
“Sure, I have an ex that lives there, needs help with his brokerage firm. Not that I really need the job but have always loved Seattle. Between what Parker owes me and some money in a Cayman account, I don’t need to work that hard.”
“But if you’re not needed, you still expect to be paid?”
“Of course I do. He’s the one not holding up his part of the agreement. I’ve been studying for weeks now and from what I’ve seen, $5m is nothing to him. Come on, what’s Thomas Financial worth? His stock?”
“Wow, you may look like him but that’s about it. He did spring you from jail early, spent a half a million just doing that.”
“Yeah and didn’t visit me once in prison.”
It got quiet after that exchange but it’s exactly what I wanted. Once Paul is gone, he won’t doubt my falling-out with him or wonder why he doesn’t hear from Paul. I can’t wait till ‘Parker’ plays golf on Sunday with Shaun. He drops me off with a disgusted ‘Later’ brushoff. I don’t blame him, I don’t like Paul either—I make a much better Parker.
It takes a while to wake up after a night of drinking. It’s 8am—somehow I slept through the alarm and missed my session with my trainer at Lifetime Fitness. I find his workout bag and the trainer squeezes me in late. I’m there till noon working out. On the way home I start thinking about the rest of my weekend. I know I need to stop in the office to catch up on paperwork—approving payrolls, expense accounts and new spending like the IT request. While I’m downtown, I might as well hit up a few of my favorite mens shops. 
I’m Parker Thomas and need to think of myself as the only Parker Thomas and keep up his habits and mannerisms. I get home, take a quick shower and search my closet for a CEO appropriate outfit for a Saturday. I open up my Instagram and start scrolling through it while scanning his closet until something jumps  out at me.
Inspiration strikes when an almost year old post catches my attention—gray plaid sport coat, a black dress shirt and dark gray dress pants. I can’t see the shoes but Parker loves wearing loafers and I spot a light gray pair to go with everything. I dig thought the closet, manage to find the entire outfit, lay everything out on the bed and inspect it. It’s perfect—business casual enough for the office while casual for shopping on a Saturday. 
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Transforming myself in Parker is always arousing—slowly adding each item, building up my image. When I look in the mirror, Parker is staring back from the mirror. I smile, check my hair making sure my part is perfect. I walk into my bedroom, over to my dresser and add my class ring and Omega watch. Once my iPhone and wallet are added, I’m ready for my typical work day.  
My favorite toy is the 911 Targa for sure. I jump in, retract the roof and put on my sunglasses. It’s a little chilly for an early winter day but I don’t care. I’m completely at ease in the office, following everything Parker did the past few weekends. Shaun calls as I’m finishing up. 
“Hey Bro.” I answer my frat brother.
“Can I get the death penalty for killing a group of 5 yr olds?”
I just laugh. “No, you can’t. It’d be justifiable childslaughter. That bad?”
“Yeah. I’m in charge of bouncy house. You in the office?”
“Just finishing up, going to do a little shopping, doing dinner with Ken and John. Is the bouncy house really bouncy?”  I laugh at him.
“Yes, almost broke my neck rescuing lil Alex who got stuck in a corner, believe me, it’s bouncy enough. Hey, don’t forget golf tomorrow. You don’t have to pick me up, I’ll just meet you there. I’ve got a list of errands to run now, like returning party crap for Linda.”
“That’s fine. I’ll see you there.” 
I pack up my office and head out shopping. First stop is ‘Pro Golf’, where I spend quite a bit of money on the latest golf clothes.  Based on the many receipts from my previous spending sprees, I do this every few months. I spending $1000 on new shoes, pants and shirts. I make sure to keep with ‘my’ conservative style. 
The next stop is Garrison Bespoke on 5th Avenue. From what I’ve seen in my closet, a third of my suits are Garrison. There’s a receipt to pick up something a few weeks ago, which Parker hasn’t bother to do. I’m recognized and treated like royalty as I enter the store. I’m taken to a private changing room where I try on my new custom suit. It’s a new navy 3 piece suit with a lapel vest. The fit is as expected—perfect. A team of salesmen help me select a few ties and shirts to match with it. I select a few more items, spending a few thousand on shirts, ties and a leather jacket. 
The X5 is loaded with my purchases and it takes a few trips to unload at home. I help myself to some wine, take a break when my friends Colin and Jeff call to do dinner tonight. I accept and also invite Chris along to start meeting ‘my’ friends. It’s a fun evening with them and probably our last Saturday get-together if Oklahoma is the success Jeff expects it to be. I spend the night at Chris’ downtown but don’t sleep in due to golf with Shaun. 
The next day I get to Ferry Point early to have a relaxing breakfast on the patio but also check out the place. I call Shaun and he agrees to meet me at 8 am. I’ve already changed and having coffee when Shaun shows up with a pat on the shoulder and a big smile for his frat bro. 
“I shouldn’t be playing today, my back is killing me.” He whines.
“Making excuses for losing already?” I counter him.
“It’s true, those 5 year olds worked me over. My back from that damn bouncy house, then hauling Hanna and others on my back killed my knees.”
“Whatever bro, you’re buying drinks at the 19th hole later regardless of your excuses.” I laugh at him.
“So I need to give you a heads up on something that happened.”
“More delays in finance? I’m expecting it.”
“No, it’s about Paul.”
“Paul? What about him?” I look at him puzzled but have been expecting him to bring up Friday.
“Have you spoken to him about maybe not needing his services?” He says discretely. 
“Not really, haven’t seen him since Thursday night. He noticed I was feeling better and told him I was putting off the Refuge for a week or two, to give him time. He seemed happy for me, maybe relieved for himself? Why?”
“I spoke with him and he got bent out of shape when I mentioned it. Said you would still owe him $5m regardless.”
“When did you talk to him?” I question.
“Friday night, I stopped by on my way home to drop off the IRS filings for you. He was there and we started talking. You’re right, he would need more time to be you. I did test him on some things and he was passable as you.”
“He didn’t say a word about it or the filings?” I question him.
“He’s a little rough around the edges but he could do it just based on looks. Get him in one of your suits and no one doubts his identity. I felt bad for him, alone on a Friday night ordering pizza, wearing sweats like housewife, no real friends so I took him out.”
I look at him oddly? “You too him out? Where?”
“Just to the Rusty Nail for happy hour. He had a blast.”
“You had him out in public? Was anyone at the Nail?”
“Tom, Joel and Todd. We did happy hour, then dinner.”
“Jesus Shaun, what were you thinking, introducing him to those guys?”
“Relax, they thought he was you and they didn’t question a thing.”
“How could they not? What, I just went home and changed into jeans while they were working?”
“Well, he borrowed your suit from earlier and they had no clue he wasn’t you. He shot the shit about the Eagles and Flyers—.”
I cut him off. “So you had him impersonate me, wear my favorite suit and then what? What else?”
“Nothing really, I took him home and we started talking about how much better you’re doing,  and that’s when he talked about the money. He talked about some money in the Caymans and moving to Seattle and taking a job with his ex.”
“Yeah, I don’t know how much money he managed to hide but I held a safe deposit key for him and he went there to retrieve some things. He didn’t say what. I hope he does go to live with his ex, I don’t want him living with me. He asked to borrow my Vette to drive out to Portland to visit him. Paul doesn’t have a drivers license, if he got pulled over, he’d try to tell them he’s me and that ‘I’ forgot my wallet. He was pissed I said no but driving across country without a license is insane.”
“He said Seattle, not Portland.” Shaun corrects my fake mistake.
“Whatever, it’s on the other side of the country and that’s fine by me.”
Shaun shakes his head in disbelief. “I told him you paid a lot of money to get him out but he’s pissed you never visited him. Are you going to pay him the $5m?”
“Are you nuts?  He probably has $10m squirreled away in some Cayman account. I did enough for him while he hasn’t done a thing for me.” Actually its more like $5m.
“Just don’t burn bridges, you may need him. Maybe you’ll need a kidney someday.”  
“With the way he drinks, he’ll be needing a liver from me.”
“Yeah, he did knock down a lot of beer Friday, no martinis,”
“So I was drunk in front of everyone. Beer, yeah that’s Paul.”
“Tom was hammered. Joel drove everyone home.”
“Don’t do that again. I sort of hate him being out there as me, and you helped him.”
“Oh come on, He did a decent job as you. Unlike you though, he kept the shop talk to a minimum.”
Todd and Joel shows up at this time. We finish our talk and all head out to our carts. We have a blast and I beat everyone. Joel and Todd are hacks, and I manage to convincingly beat Shaun. At the 19th hole, without Ted and Shaun Sr there, Shaun slips his phone number to Mel and whispers to her. 
I’m excited to be back in the office Monday. I’m impeccably dressed in my new Garrison Bespoke 3 piece suit, custom shirt and ties. I add a pocket square as is ‘my’ style. His style is now mine. Having his wardrobe helps but I also make sure anything I purchase reflects his tastes, not mine.
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My life unfolds easily with no one questioning my actions or identity. When Shaun mentions ‘You’re back to your old self’, I know he won’t be questioning my identity ever again. I’m running a billion dollar company as well or better than Parker. I’m meeting clients, having lunches and happy hours with Shaun and other friends. 
I’m still learning a lot about Parker’s life daily but its subtle learning. I use all of ‘my’ friends and contact to fill in little details. Shaun’s wife ‘reminds’ me of our joint vacations or other special event. Jenny is the office gossip and fills in other events. When Paul returns, I’ll then hit him up on his perspective on them. 
I tell Shaun that Paul is whoring around, finally got his license and busy connecting with old friends. He doesn’t seem too enamored with Paul anymore after our happy hour. He’s not happy that I’m considering paying him the $5 million.
I hear from the Refuge that Paul’s the first week was tough. He tried to smuggle in his meds, stitched into the lining of his luggage. Blood tests revealed them, and a detail search uncovered them. Withdrawal was painful for him, preventing any real therapy. He was demanding to be let out, but I’m the only one who can approve it.
Things are getting serious with Chris. The sex is great, and he’s not clingy. He’s met all my friends, and attended Oklahoma with me, Shaun and Susan. My personal life has never been better. Winter is here finally so no more golf at Ferry Point but planning our annual ski trip to Killington VT. 
Refuge’s doctor reveals that Paul has entered the ‘controlled medication’ phase and his response is very slow. He’s started daily therapy, and will slowly phased into group therapy next week. They estimate at least two more weeks of treatment.
Four weeks as the only Parker and things couldn’t be better. We’ve landed a key new client thanks to my quick thinking on long term financing options. Shaun was thrilled with my outside-the-box thinking. We celebrated with a long happy hour at the Rusty Nail. I’ve replaced Parker completely. I have his work habits as my own. His style and attitude are now mine.
Thomas Financial’s quarterly board meeting is the typical event lead by the CEO. I just studied the recordings of previous meetings and build on top of them. It was stressful leading up to it but once I kick it off, I’m Parker Thomas. I easily handle questions about Thomas Financial, the upcoming dividend and future growth. Afterwards, board members come up to me, congratulating me on ‘my’ handling of the company. No one dare mention my personal health issues but my performance proved that it’s all behind me. 
The latest update from Refuge sounds a very positive.  He’ll be back in a weeks, able to take back his life. I need him in place for a week while I have my fingerprints changed. I’ll use his week to sow doubt of his identity and reinforce to Shaun and others  that I’m Parker.
I start setting the groundwork for his return. I have my teeth whitened so that Shaun will notice ‘Paul’s’ when he’s in my office. I keep my regular haircut appointment with Steve Bonacorsi but have him give me very short sides. When Paul gets back, he won’t be able to go see Steve for a haircut so he’ll end up with a supercut style. When I debrief Parker about the last month, I’ll leave out details like Shaun hooking up with Mel, or some of my business deals. It’ll be little details like these that’ll catch Shaun’s attention and have him questioning who’s who. 
I’m in my office Saturday morning reviewing paperwork when I get a call from my old burner phone. Parker must be a free man and it’s time to put my plan to work.
“Hey bro.” I answer the phone.
“Oh man, it’s good to be out of that place. I’m at O’Hare waiting for my flight, I get into JFK about 3pm, AA flight 273. Can you pick me up?”
“Sure, I’ll see you then.  So was it worth it?” 
“I still have nightmares at night, not every night just once in a while. My anxiety is gone, so yes I know it helped, but will it come back.”
“That’s great, I’ll see you then.”
I take my time finishing up in the office then head directly to JFK. Parker’s plane lands on time and I text him my location at arrival. There’s a tapping on the hatch of the X5. I pop the  opener.
“Hey Parker.” Parker greets me with his name, and jumps in the front seat. He’s in the same clothes he left in but he needs a shave and haircut as I expected. 
“Wow, I guess I look more like you than you do, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think about a haircut till I saw you. How’s my baby?”
“Don’t worry, I only put 10,000 miles on her.” I joke back knowing he’s talking about Thomas Financial.
“No, how’s Thomas Financial?”
“It’s never been in more capable hands. It’s in better shape than when you left it. I had to handle the board meeting but I had previous board meeting videos to study. I purchased a new Garrison suit for it even.”
“So does Shaun know I’ve been gone? Were you discovered?”
“Paul, look at me. He didn’t doubt anything. I told him ‘Paul’ flew to Seattle to visit his ex. That ‘you’ve’ been whoring around, connecting with old friends. I told him I recovered thanks to Dr. Pomme. His only concern was ‘Paul’ wanting his $5 million for doing nothing for me?”
Parker laughs. “Ha, It’d be funny for him to see me like this and I get to play you. Maybe shake you down for $10m in front of him.”
“Hmmm, that would be fun. He was saying he’s alone this weekend. Susan is taking Hanna to see grandma in Philly, so he mentioned about watching the game tonight at his place. I could bring my brother, I’m the only one he invited.” 
“That would be funny but we can never let him know he’s been played for weeks. He’d get pissed.”
I hit the talk button and order Siri. “Call Shaun.”
“Hey Bro.” He greets me, while ‘Paul’ watches. 
“Hey so you still good for game tonight?”
“For sure, pick up some Stromboli will ya?  I have the drinks cover.”
“No problem, I just picked Paul up at JFK, I’ll bring him unless there’s other people coming?”
“No, just us three. I didn’t feel like a major get together. Joel and others are heading to Brewser’s downtown.”
“We’ll see you about 8 then.” I hang up the phone and ‘Paul’ laughs at me. “Shaun is brilliant in the office, but not too bright with people.”
“That’s why I handle the clients and employees, while he handles the finances.”
We get home about 5pm and Paul jumps in his bathtub and soaks. He doesn’t bother to shave his beard and asks for my help in becoming me. I dress him in old Levis, sweater and sneakers. I don’t let him wear any of his dressy coats, instead, forcing him into an old North Face ski jacket and skull cap. Meanwhile I go full Parker staying with my Saturday office outfit—brown plaid  sport coat, tan dress pants and a blue dress shirt.
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‘Paul’ comes down looking nothing like himself. “Paul, you look refreshed after a long day.”
“Look at you, the spitting image of me. I know I’ve worn that outfit before.” He questions.
“Yeah, I found it on your Instagram and duplicated it. So can your respond to ‘Paul’?”
“What do you think I’ve been doing at the Refuge for the last 6 weeks? So yes, I’ll make sure to keep in character too.” He runs his hand through his  product free hair. “I’ve kinda gotten use to not having ‘goo’ in my hair but looks like you’ve adapted.”
I reach over and mess up his hair. “So how was the ex?”
“We fucked like bunnies for weeks. It was awesome. I needed it after prison. I think I’m moving out there with him.” He laughs. “Shaun is squeamish about me talking about gay sex, it’s don’t ask, don’t tell.”
“Wow, you had a great time.”
“Just give me the $5m you owe me and I’m gone. Can I take the X5 to help me move?” He keeps in Paul mode.
“You didn’t do a thing for the $5 million, I spent a couple hundred grand bailing you out. You should be repaying me that. Rent a Uhaul.” I stay as Parker. “Wow, that was me completely. What did you have to do to spring me from jail?”
“Easy, I hired Gavin Fields, the best attorney in all of New York, paid him close to $200,000, and shopped around for a doctor about my mental issue.”  He gives me enough information to search for emails, payments to figure out the details. 
Parker actually sounds normal, no nervousness or drowsiness. I’m watching his impersonation of me and realize I have no desire to be that person again. We talk for an hour, then head to Shaun’s place. I added the address to the GPS earlier but Parker guided me there. I walk in first without knocking and call out ‘Hey Bro!’—as Parker suggested but didn’t need to. Parker is carrying the stromboli and asks where Shaun wants the food. Before we walked in, Parker filled me in on where the kitchen and bathroom are, so I’d know it like he does.
Shaun grabs some plates and starts serving the food. I help myself to the wine he has on the counter, while Parker grabs a beer from the fridge, asking first. We have each other’s identity down pat. We carry everything into the family room, in the back of the house. 
Shaun looks at ‘Paul’ and shakes his head in disbelief. “I definitely can’t mix up you two any more.”
‘Paul’ jumps right in. “When you’re busy fucking raw like bunnies, there’s no time to shave or get a haircut.”
I put my hand on my head and do a shameful nod. Shaun cringes. “Ewww too much information Paul, please, I’m not homophobic but I don’t need to know that.  Just say ‘I had a great time with my friends.’
“Paul, Shaun is kind of a prude. I don’t think he kissed his wife at the wedding.” I jump in and poke fun.
“Ugh, you breeders.” Paul laughs at Shaun.
“Well it sounds like you had a good time. You going to move there or just mooch off your brother?” Shaun bluntly asks.
“Yeah, that’s the plan. Take my $5 million, move out there or Hawaii and party.”
“$5 million for what?” Shaun gets cocky.
“For all my work, only to have it wasted.”
“Well, looking at you now, it doesn’t look like you’ve done much work on it.” Shaun digs deeper.
“I don’t have to prove myself to you. This is between me and Parker.” Now ‘Paul’ is getting pissed by his attitude.
I jump in. “Hey guys, calm down. It’s all good. Look at me, I’m fine!! Thank god for Dr. Pomme and that I didn’t need Paul. I did put him through a lot of shit. Shaun, you don’t know how I grilled Paul while I was strung out on Zoloft.”
“I could have fooled you easily Shaun.” ‘Paul’ gets cocky. 
“I doubt it.” Shaun mumbles. “The game is coming on, grab a drink.”
I grab my wine glass, head back to the kitchen and refill my glass. They’re not paying attention to me, so I head back to where the bathroom should be. I shut the door, relieve myself and relax. That was an intense exchange but Parker really played me perfectly. When I get back to the family room, they’re both intensely watching the game. We’re there for hours having a great time. I can’t believe how tense things are all night long. At the end of the night, Parker keeps up the charade, asking where the bathroom is. 
When he’s gone, Shaun whispers to me. “Bro, your brother is an ass. Don’t tell me you’re actually thinking of paying him a dime.”
“No bro, I’m just humoring him. I’ll get him out of the house.”
“Good, let me know if you need hel—“ Just then ‘Paul’ returns to the kitchen.
We thank Shaun and head home. Once in the car, Parker turns to me. “Wow, he didn’t like me at all Parker.”
I laugh out loud. “No, you were obnoxious and rude to my best friend.”
“It was funny fucking with him and seeing you play me flawlessly.”
“He’s just being protective of me.” I smile at him. “Hey, now that you’re back, I’m going to Detroit for a week. Remember Jim Yates?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“He invited me to visit for a week, hang out. We’re probably going to fuck like bunnies.”
“I’m jealous.”
“Oh my god, I totally forget. You have a boyfriend.”
“He name is Chris Horvath, you’ll love him. I met him at pronto.” I show him pics of him.
“Fuck, he’s hot, thanks Parker. If I get laid that’s worth $5m.” He smiles at me.
“You have dinner with him Tuesday at Darcy’s, then back to his place. He’s a bottom.”
I drive us home and fill him in on his new boyfriend. He’s more interested in Chris than what he missed at work. 
The next morning I have Parker drop me off at JFK to catch my fictional flight to Detroit. Once he’s gone, I catch an Uber to Dr. Harris’ facility. He immediately gets me in for surgery. Parker is planning on getting a haircut, then head into the office. He says he’ll probably call me with a dozen questions. He didn’t think to take pics of my hair. He’ll probably get his regular haircut that Shaun is sure to notice, since he noticed my short sides last week. I may not be readily available to help him with his job questions. 
I’m knocked out and wake up a hours later, groggy with a sore mouth and my hands bandaged like a mummy’s. My hands and mouth are numb. My first worry is how I’m going to use the bathroom. Dr. Harris comes in with a nurse carrying my dinner.
“Paul, it was a very simple and successful procedure. You and your brother have similar fingerprints which made my job a little easier and will help you heal faster. The tooth took a little longer than we thought but you’re good now.”
“That’s great doctor. Thank you.”
“We’ll check back tomorrow morning but for now, eat and get some sleep.”
I’m given some Ambien and pass out for 10 hours. The nurse wakes me up with breakfast and helps me get cleaned up. A few hours later Dr. Harris comes in and unwraps my hand. He’s thrilled with the results and says I can probably go home tomorrow. My fingers are dipped into a flesh color gel then wrapped individually, a little less tightly. Parker calls my burner phone but I let it go to voicemail. I open up my MacBook and start checking my feeds.  
Yesterday’s video show him arriving to his office with a haircut and shave. His hair doesn’t match mine on the sides and Shaun will notice that detail. I switch to the live feed and watch him get into the office. He follows his routine, Jenny brings him coffee but he hardly talks to her. Parker has this intense look on his face as he starts on email.
Shaun walks in a few minutes later, shuts the door and takes his usual chair. “Hey Bro, was I too rough on Paul?”
“Oh no, he’s fine. Hell, he took off to Detroit to visit an old trick. I think we’re better as brothers than roomies. He’s trying to figure out what to do with his life.”
I catch an odd glimpse on Shaun’s face. “Did you get a haircut?”
“Oh no, just styled it differently.” He dismisses the question. 
“Don’t forget we have lunch with Reynolds today at Ghezzi’s.”
“We do?” Parker looks at his watch, which isn’t his usual Omega but a more casual Tag for some unknown reason. “Grab me when you’re ready, you’re driving.”
From my hospital bed I keep an eye on his day, watching his office and following his emails and phone calls. He’s getting up to speed slowly, making mistakes. Where I had weeks to study his work life and was accepted as him, He’s been gone six weeks and didn’t feel the need to be debriefed by me. Parker has always been arrogant like that.
On Tuesday, Dr. Harris comes in and unwraps my hands. There’s pink patches only on the tips. They’re a little sensitive but I don’t have any trouble using them. He puts them on a scanner and they’re a 99.8% match for Parker’s. I’m discharged and check into a hotel not far from Parker’s home. 
I spend another afternoon watching the feeds and keeping up with Parker. The moment I’ve been waiting for happens. Shaun walks into Parker’s office after lunch and shuts the door. He takes a seat and gets a serious look on his face.
“I think I have a small problem ‘Stefan’.” He says, looking at Parker, waiting for a response. 
“What is it Shaun?”
He tries again. “Stefan?”
Parker looks at him oddly. “Spit it out.”
“Ahh never mind, I’ll handle it.” He stands up, shakes his head and leaves. 
I pick up the phone and call Parker to check in.
He greets me oddly. “Hey man, how’s Detroit?”
“Great, I’m having a great time, although Detroit is kinda trashy. How does it feel being back to work?”
“Ah challenging. Step away for a few weeks and there’s a ton of changes. From what I see though, you did a great job covering for me.”
“Ready for Chris tonight?”
“Yeah, we talked last night for an hour. Between your text messages and what you told me, I’m ready for a great night.”
“His penthouse is sweet. Are you going to spend the night? I did, then got into office early and borrowed one of the outfits in your closet.”
“Yeah, I need to spend more time here anyway, so work late, then dinner, then sex.” He’s excited about getting laid for the first time in weeks. I give him details about Chris’ home so he knows the basics.
“Hey, I need to get this call.” I pretend to get another call. 
This will work out great for tonight. I take an Uber to Parker’s place and make myself at home. ‘It’s good to be home.’ I think to myself as I walk in the door. From my burner phone I call Shaun. He answers unsure of who’s calling.
“Bro, how’s your new CEO?”
“Parker?” He questions.
“Surprise!” I laugh. 
“I knew it, your scumbag brother is in your office. I can see him and he’s not on a phone.”
“How is he doing? He called me asking about you calling him Stefan so I assumed the gig was up.”
“Honestly, he seems okay at filling in for you, work wise.”
“Yeah, he’s calling me ever 5 minutes for advice.”
“What’s going on? Why is he in your office and not you?”
“Long story but this started Saturday night. Please don’t tell him you know, let him play me. There’s no major events on my calendar for him to fuck up.”
“Fine, I’ll do that for you but I’d love to rub it in his face that he didn’t get away with it.”
“Calm down, just a harmless prank and I needed some time off for me.”
“You’re home?”
“Yeah, thinking of happy hour though at Brewser’s” 
“Tell you what, I’ll meet you there.” He’s happy to be talking to his best friend. 
I run up to his bedroom and get ready for happy hour. Parker is in my favorite suit, but this Parker will be more casual. In the shower I check out my fingers. They’re still a little tender as I use them to work pomade into my hair but the redness is mostly gone. 
For a dressy casual outfit, I put together an outfit that screams Parker. It’s a gray glen plaid Tom Ford Bespoke that looked good on him in some Instagram posts. I add a vest and pocket square as is ‘my’ style now. On his dresser is his Omega watch he normally wears. From his jewelry chest, I add some wristbands and snag a pair of sunglasses. I stare in the mirror and smile, knowing tonight I’ll confirm my identity to Shaun. 
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I jump in my 911 Targa, get to Brewser’s early and text Shaun that I’m in a corner booth. I’m the epitome of Parker in a stunning outfit, sipping cabernet sauvignon, eating his appetizer and fixated on my phone. He joins me 30 minutes later, plopping his ass across from me. 
“I knew it! I knew right away Monday morning he wasn’t you when I looked at him. His hair was different than your’s. He denied getting a haircut, not knowing you just had a haircut last week. The funny thing was that ‘your’ hair grew back from Saturday, especially on the sides ‘Stefan’.” He stresses the Stefan on purpose.
“Really? You can’t tell the difference? Wasn’t he still in my office when you left?”
“Yes someone was there, and he couldn’t have changed and beat me here but just humor me.”
I brush my hand through my hair. “Got that?”  Then I stand up, pull my pant leg up and twist my leg towards him. “Satisfied?”
“You wouldn’t believe the thoughts I had, wondering if something nefarious happened to you. That you were locked up in a prison like ‘Man in the Iron Mask’.” 
“Oh come on, it was just a little prank.” I laugh, sit back down, fix my cuff and sip my wine. “Ha, After his attitude towards you Saturday, he’s lucky you don’t have him locked up, with my help.”
“I got home Sunday night and he had gotten a cheap hair cut and cleaned himself up. He started in on how he could fool you easily. In leu of the $5m agreement, I made him a $2.5m bet he couldn’t, and was sworn to secrecy. It ends tomorrow. I’m… we’re going to let him win. Got it?”
“Because it saves me $2.5m. He wasn’t happy about me reneging on the $5m and siding with you. I told him I had my doubts he could be me, so to prove you and me wrong, he challenged me.”
“You’re always a pushover. The more time I spent with him, the more I could see the differences.”
“Like what?” I’m curious how he can tell.
“Well, the hair was the first giveaway, the scar but that’s hard to see. Oh your teeth are always whiter. He probably didn’t have good dental care in prison.” He laughs at his put down. “What confirmed it for me was today with ‘Stefan’ and he was clueless, oh and I mentioned about tapping Mel and he gave me another clueless look.”
Internally, I’m laughing at him. “Just put up with him for another day. Pretend he’s me. I might as well be there, since he’s calling me constantly, asking what to do. When he called, asking why you were using my middle name, I figured you caught on to our game. That’s why I called.”
“Yeah, he also didn’t know what you did for Peterson-Engles, which still stuns me with its simplicity. A lot of little things didn’t add up.”
“And you were worried about him trying something.” I laugh. “One, he wouldn’t do it because he’d have to work, put ‘goo’ in his hair and wear a tie. Two, you figured it out in a day. It’s not that easy to take over someone else’s life, I would imagine.”
“And he’s a bit rough around the edges. You like wine, he drinks beer. You carry yourself very professionally, you’re more uptight. I noticed that after you gave up the Zoloft.”
“You think anyone else noticed?”
“I doubt it. I know you better than anyone, plus I knew about Paul.”
“Great, then I’m taking a vacation day tomorrow as planned. Keep an eye on him but please don’t blow his cover, it’s just one more day. I’m fine with paying him. Turns out he only has $1 million stashed from his Ponzi scheme. He actually logged into his Cayman bank account and showed me. He’s converting it to Crypto.”
“So how long is he going to live with you?”
“He’s moving to Seattle on Friday, moving in with his ex, starting over. That’s his plan.”
“Great, New York doesn’t need two of you running around he jokes.”
“Just play along one more day, promise me.”
“Bro, I’ll do it, promise.”
We’re there for over an hour talking, drinking and eating junk food. When Susan calls, he leaves with his tail between his leg. I stay to finish my drink. I’m the personification of Parker Thomas. My best friend has no doubt I’m Parker. A check of my clone iPhone shows my imposter leaving my office at 6, and texting my boyfriend for drinks and dinner at Bailey’s Pub in SoHo. I drive my 911 Targa home to prep for tomorrow.
I’m up early per Parker’s routine, hit up the gym then a coffee shop for breakfast. I head back to Dr. Harris’ office to have my fingerprints checked and make plans for later. He’s thrilled with the results then I ask him for some additional help with drugs to keep someone knocked out. I leave with a few options, my favorite is a liquid GHB to add to his wine. 
Back at my future home, I use the GHB and taint his bottle of wine he’ll finish off later today. He’s a creature of habit and almost every night he walks in the door, grabs his mail to open while having wine. I’m counting on him being exhausted from last night and in need of a drink when he walks in the door. 
I start catching up with his videos. He gets into the office at 7am, hours early. It’s a walk of shame as he enters his closet and changes into a different suit. He left the office for over an hour.  Based on a spending notification on iPhone, he went for breakfast down the street. 
After lunch, Parker calls my burner phone.
“Hey Bro, how is your boyfriend?” I laugh at my joke knowing I’m getting him back in a few hours.
“You can pick them. I may keep him. I’m ready to go to bed right now. I’m exhausted, and barely slept.”
“He’s all your’s.” He won’t touch him again, I’m the Parker who charmed him at Pronto and fucked him first.
“We took turns fucking each other, I fucked him twice and vice versa.” 
“Are you back in the swing of things at work?”
“Not today, after last night, my ass is dragging. Plus, you miss a month of work and it feels more like a year. By next week, I think I’ll be back to normal. I was thinking of something else….” 
“What’s that?”
“Next time I go to take a real vacation, I may use you to cover for me. It would be incredible to take weeks off without falling behind.”
“That could be possible if I’m around at the time.”
“You’re getting back Sunday?”
“I may try for Friday, Detroit is a depressing place.”
“Okay, I see you whenever you get back. I’m taking my boyfriend out for dinner then he wants to go dancing at Backstreet on Saturday.”
“You dancing?” I love the thought of doing that.
“Only because you suggested it to him. Okay gotta get to my staff meeting.”
I’m watching him leave his office and a minute later enter the executive conference room. He’s the last one in but no one complains. He covers the action items from last week while I take note for next week’s. It’s full of reports from different departments. Unlike my staff meeting, Parker defers to Shaun on a lot of the issues. He was too busy talking to me to read through last week’s minutes. This can only  reinforce to Shaun that he’s sitting next to an imposter.
The minute the meeting is over, Parker returns to his office and starts packing to leave. He packs files and his portfolio into his briefcase. He grabs his suit from the closet then head out the door. I see him saying something to Jenny. On the camera in Shaun’s office, I watch him paying attention to the exchange.
It’ll take Parker about an hour to get home. I’ve tainted every open bottle of wine in his cooler. Half a glass of wine should be enough to knock him out. I go upstairs to a spare bedroom, waiting for him to pull in. Right on time, I see him pulling up. The bedroom door is cracked so I can hear him.  The door from the garage opens, there’s footsteps across the marble kitchen floor then steps to front door for the mail. The footsteps come back and I hear the door to the wine cooler open. When I hear a bottle being set on the granite countertop, I know he’ll be taking his nap soon. I hear a few envelopes being ripped open, then silence. 
After waiting 30 minutes, I quietly walk down the stairs and see ‘Paul’ passed out at his kitchen island. I walk up to him, lift up his hand and get no reaction. I lift him off the stool and drag him over to the sofa. After all that, he didn’t wake up or say anything. I take a needle that Dr. Harris provide and inject him with another drug that should keep him out for 24 hours. 
I call Dr. Harris and arrange to have Paul picked up in an hour. It gives me time to strip him, dress him and take over. I strip him, then dress him in sweatpants and a t-shirt. I run upstairs and put on a pair of my ‘dressy’ jeans and casual knit shirt. Back downstairs I remove his class ring and permanently add it to my finger. I take off the Tag watch, wristbands and shove them in my pocket.
I’m now Parker Thomas to the world. I pick up my phone and call my best friend.
He answers bluntly. “Give me good news Stefan.”
I put him on video and run my hand through hair. “Are we done with this? He just left but he seemed upset. Did something happen at work? Did you confront him?”
“No, but he did seem out of it, most of the day and looked like shit.”
“Good, he deserves it. The slut went to the Manhole and probably closed the place. Who know how many guys he gave my phone number to.”
“Just tell me you’ll be you tomorrow.”
“Yes, and you’ll be able to tell, right?”
“I wanna see the scar.”
“Who’s the CEO and who’s the President.” I’ve heard Parker remind Shaun a few times. Now I own it.
A plain white van shows up, two men in emergency medic outfits help him into the van and he’s out of my life. I’m on a high as I watch the van pull out of my driveway then turn around and collapse against the door. I look around ‘my’ house, it’s all mine, I’m Parker Stefan Thomas. This is fucking incredible but I no longer curse like a sailor, I’m now Parker and I rarely curse. I head to the kitchen, empty the open wine bottle down the sink and rinse out the glass with scolding hot water. I grab a new bottle and use the new glass to continue Parker’s evening. I finish going thru my mail but its mostly junk. 
I gather up my suit from today, yesterday’s suit and other clothes from the living room and head upstairs. I toss everything on my bed then head to my spare bedroom for my clone iPhone and burner phone. I remove the SIM cards, crush the burner under my loafer, the iPhone will be a spare.  All I need is my iPhone.
‘My’ ex Colin calls, I think I’m still in love with him, would love to fuck him for old times sake. 
“Hey, Colin.” I greet him.   
“Parker, what you up to?”
“Just home, relaxing with a glass of wine.” The perfect Parker response.
“We’re heading to Pronto for dinner, about 7:30 if you want to join us?” 
“Sure, I haven’t eaten yet. I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
It’s a little after 6pm, giving me an hour to clean up this mess. I toss the suits in the hamper for Annie to take care of, put the shoes and ties back in my closet. From my pockets, I take out the wristbands and watch and return them to my jewelry chest. 
I jump in the shower and use all my standard product to provide my usual scent. I’m standing naked in my closet taking in my wardrobe. Instead of checking my Instagram for what to wear, I’ll select my own. This is my closet, full of my personal style. I grab a pair of my Calvin Klein boxer briefs and slip them on.  I adjust my penis and love knowing I’m not sharing my clothes with anyone ever again. 
I’ve always like black and grays colors because of my jet black hair and darker complexion. My closet reflects this and my love of classic style clothes. My new favorite color is blue with gray a close second. I’m like a kid in a candy store—inspecting my suits, pulling coats off the hanger and trying them on. There’s too many of them to pick from, I love them all. 
I turn to my sport coats and roughly guess I have another 30-40 to pick from. Again, I’m trying on ones the catch my eye then checking myself out in front of the floor to ceiling mirror at the end of the closet. Across from the sport coats are double rows of dress, casual and knit shirts. A few have the sleeves rolled up, letting me know I’ve worn them briefly and hung them up. One catches my eye, a black linen shirt.  I pull it off the hanger, note the Hugo Boss label and pull it on. It’s fitted to hug my body. I button it up and love how it fits and feels. I’ve found ‘the’ shirt for a night out with friends. ‘Now I just need pants and a coat.’ I chuckle to myself. 
Parker, I mean ‘I’m’ not a fan of jeans, sometimes wear them with a sport coat and vest but more often a nice suit with or without a tie. My closet is full of every color and style of suits imaginable, though there is a strong blue and charcoal preference. For a night with friends, a lighter gray suit grabs my attention. I feel the material and check the label—Nice, worsted wool, Tom Ford. I step into the pants noticing that the fit is perfect. I then unroll my sleeves and pull on the suit coat. ‘Yeah, this is perfect for dinner at Pronto. It’s not too showy but very classic.’ I think to myself. For shoes I go with my black suede loafers that I  favor. 
I add my class ring, usual Omega watch and a few wristbands for a casual flair. With my wallet, keys and iPhone tucked in my suit, I head to the mirror and check myself. Parker Thomas is ready for a night out with his friends. I button my suit coat, adjust my sleeves and runs my hand through my hair.  My identity is perfect. 
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“Colin, Jeff, how are you guys?” I smile at my refection, knowing I look and sound just like Parker. I run downstairs, take a sip of my wine, grab a winter coat and jump into my Porsche 911 Targa. I get there late due to too many wardrobe choices. My friends spot me walking in and wave me over. Jeff talks about how well Oklahoma is doing. Colin talks about students and planning a ski trip to Killington for New Years. I fill them in on my boyfriend and how well that’s going. It’s a fun time and need break for me.  We don’t stay long and I’m home by 9:30. The night was a major personal success.  
I wake up early, excited to get to work and take my rightful position as CEO of Thomas Financial. First a hit up the gym and keep my appointment with my trainer. Back home I know exactly what Parker Thomas will be wearing—his favorite three piece Garrison Bespoke  gray suit, white button down shirt and tight pattern navy tie. It’s a great look on me based on some  Instagram post. 
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I beat everyone in, including Jenny. I make my own coffee and greet workers as they come in. I take off my coat and suit coat, and take my throne. Jenny is shocked to see me in so early.
“Parker, you’re in early and look much better than yesterday.”
“Yeah, I just needed a good night’s sleep. I’m feeling great today. How was your evening? Any surprises when you got home from Lucy?” I take the conversation in a personal direction, asking about her puppy. 
“Nope, it’s been a week without any accidents. Crating her seems to be helping.” She looks down at my coffee. “Let me get settled in and I’ll bring your fresh coffee.”
“Take your time, It still hot.”
She leaves and I start catching up on my emails and voice message. I check reports from my staff, then our corporate dashboard. If our projections hold out, it’ll be another record year of bonuses for me. Not that I need it—my house is paid off, just like my toys. My biggest expense is my custom suits and wardrobe. Paying Dr. Harris and others to take care of my loose ends is coming out of my Cayman account, not my new personal net worth.
I didn’t see Shaun arriving at the office and he startles me when he walks in and shuts the door.
“Hey Bro!” He strolls in carrying a cup of coffee and makes himself at home like any other day. “Wow, you look great today, like a totally new man. You even got a haircut, your hair is shorter on the sides than yesterday ‘Stefan’.”
“Please, stop that, I’m not raking my hair any more.” My phone dings with a message from Chris. “Hey, move ahead on the Greenfrog financing.”
“I did that yesterday as soon as you gave me approval Parker.” He smirks at me.
“No, really? ‘I’ did that? Without checking with myself.” I roll my eyes in disbelief. 
“I assumed you did after our drinks the other night.”
“No, I’m scared now—what else did ‘I’ do the last few days?”
“Guess it wasn’t the best idea to prank me.” He snickers.
“Yeah, but he’s leaving today.”
“Thought he was leaving last Friday.”
“No, I changed his plans when he pissed me off. He went to Pronto, made out with some stranger as me and brought the trick home. He thought it was funny. I told him it’d be best if he left today, we exchanged some choice words and he agreed.”
“Did this trick see the both of you?”
“No, Paul woke me up, told me he had company and to wait 30 minutes to leave my bedroom. I heard them talking, heard the trick thanking ‘Parker’ for a great time and to call him. I didn’t even see the guy.”
“So this stranger will be calling?” Shaun sounds worried.
“No, he has Paul’s phone number but he knows where I live. It really pissed me off and why did he use my name?”
“I told you he was trouble, but you didn’t listen. You had to waste your money, bail his sorry ass out and then you didn’t need him.”
“Well, live and learn.” Another Parker adage that now belongs to me. “So we have lunch today with Mosser and company. We’re set with the latest numbers?”
“Yeah, I’ll send them to you in a minute.”
The day flies by without any problems for the new Parker. Just before leaving office, Dr. Harris calls me to let me know everything is taken care of. ‘Paul’ has been moved to a secure location and kept sedated. 
I pass on happy hour with my team, claiming a date with Chris. I get to Dr. Harris’ facility late in the day and sit down with the doctor before seeing ‘Paul’. 
“How is Paul doing Dr. Harris?”
“He’s alert and demanding to know what happened and where he is. His prints are 99% there, we added the filling to his mouth. We haven’t said a word to him at all. It’s driving him mad.”
“Great, I want to talk to him before the next step.”
“Sure, I just checked on him. We have him handcuffed for everyone’s safety.”
I’m lead to a part of the facility where I’ve never been. It’s in the basement and reminds me of Brookhaven with solid steel doors, cameras and bars. I walk in and ‘Paul’ is laying in bed facing away from the door. 
“Ahem, How you doing Paul?”
He flips around instantly. “What the fuck is going on?”
“It should be obvious. I’m now Parker Stefan Thomas, you’re Paul Steven Thomas.” I walk in further and he stares up and down at me. 
“You think you can be me? Step into my life?” He laughs at me.
“I don’t think it Paul, I know it. I knew it the first night out of Brookhaven when I assumed your identity.”
He looks at me confused. “What are you talking about?”
“You took your pathetic drugs and I put you to bed while Shaun was grabbing dinner. I borrowed your identity, clothes, fixed my hair and had dinner with Shaun as you. He was clueless but so useful. He complained that he couldn’t tell us apart so we came up with test that you failed on Tuesday, proving my identity as Parker to him.”
“What do you mean?”
“When you didn’t respond correctly to Shaun’s questioning ‘Stefan’ the other day, you proved your identity as Paul to him. After six weeks as you, I’m totally in place as you. The drugs and PTSD were great cover, then ‘my’ recovery and not needing the Refuge left me step easily into your life. When Shaun said to me ‘You’re back to your old self’, I knew I nailed your pompous, attitude. 
“He’ll figure this out.”
“Bro, are you looking at me?”
“So what, you’re wearing my clothes, that doesn’t make you me.”
“You’re right, it’s just one part—you made me you. Your coaching helped a lot but I also added some cameras to Thomas Financial and cloned your iPhone. When you went to California, using my identity to hide your illness, that prepped me for becoming CEO of Financial.”
“What about all this?” He gestures to the room?
“Oh, needed to change some details.”
“I have your fingerprints, you have mine, along with a fixed cavity. Physically, you’re now me.”
He looks at his fingers. “That’s why they’re tender and red?”
“It’s state of the art technology. Oh, and 3D printing removed my cavity and rebuilt my tooth like new. Technology is amazing.”
“Acting like me will be another story.” He challenges me.
“Give me a break, I’ve known you all your life. I also put cameras in your office, Shaun’s and in the conference rooms. I know how you conduct meetings, your mannerisms, attitudes and all the little personal issues like Jenny’s puppy potty training. I found the videos from the last 12 board meetings. They’re quite fascinating and educational. No one notice their new CEO at the last board meeting.”
“And you think I’m just going to go along with this, let you have my life?”
“Stop that, you’re Paul.” ‘Paul’ yells interrupts me hysterically.
“You’re delusional still. The Refuge didn’t really help, did it? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.  Doctor Gehris has found a facility that’ll take great care of you. They’re not equipped to help you here. Don’t worry about the cost, I’ll pay for everything.”
“Doctor Gehris? Who the fuck is he.
“Oh Paul.” I sadly moan. “He’s your psychologist you’ve been seeing since I got you out of jail. That’s why I spent $225,000 to spring you early. Don’t worry, we have your medical records highlighting your delusion of being me, assuming my trauma of the car jacking. We also have a great drug that’ll help you forget those painful memories and delusions.”
“Paul, you can’t do this. You won’t get away with it.”
“It’s been 6 weeks of being Parker Thomas and no one has picked up on it, not even ‘my’ best friend Shaun. You’re never getting your life back—I’m Parker, you’re Paul. Accept it. Sorry I can’t stay but I’m hungry, going to grab a bite. Not sure when I’ll see you again but have a great life, I’m sure I will.”
Days later, Paul is admitted into a mental facility. A fake Facebook page is set up for him, showing him in Seattle, living his life and happy. I admit to Shaun that I paid him some money to get rid of him, that I won’t be reaching out to him in a while. Shaun warns me he’ll be back for more money eventually. Thomas Financial is thriving under the same management its had for years—Parker Thomas, CEO.
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