#zodiac head canons
khaotunq · 8 months
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Moonlight Chicken: Chinese Zodiac ↣ People born in the Year of the Rooster have outgoing personalities and are good at making friends. They adjust easily to a new environments. Whenever there is a tricky problem, they do not give up easily and try every means to solve it. They cannot stand lagging behind and are seldom satisfied with the status quo. However, as the name implies, Roosters tend to be cocky. Their craving for attention and lack of patience may make others feel uncomfortable.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
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Okay but since when was Billy’s birthday not November 19th??
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drgstrcowboi · 1 year
after writing that head canon about the guys and their zodiac signs it got me thinking about how much a leo woman would WRECK each of them in the best way(s) possible especially dallas
anyway happy leo ♌️ season to those who celebrate and my condolences to those who’ve dated leos like me
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Get to Know Me!
This is just a fun little thing I’ve been wanting to do since the dawn of time but could never find a post to reblog that satisfied what I wanted. So I made this, feel free to reblog and use it yourself!
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❤️ how tall are you?
🧡 what is your sexuality?
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself?
💚 where are you from?
🩵 do you have any pets?
💙 do you have any siblings?
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
🩷 dream job?
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
🎂 when is your birthday?
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising)
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings
🚗 can you drive?
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled
🎤 have you been to a concert
🎵 favorite artists
🎧 last song you listened too
📺 last show you watched
📝 last thing you wrote
🔐 something no one would guess about you
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you
🔥 craziest thing that’s ever happened to you
🍓 favorite food
🍅 least favorite food
🍊 favorite season?
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
🫐 some place you’d love to visit
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you
🍒 what is your earliest memory
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had
💌 why did you start this blog?
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
📌 what is the fic you’re know for
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most
🖊️ what character do you not enjoy writing for
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from
🌹 favorite kinks to write for
🥀 kinks you would never write for
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged
❄️ full fics, imagines or head canons
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer
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A couple of in depth questions!
🍄 what is something that’s happened in your life that you wish you could go back and change?
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
🪻what is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome?
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you?
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indigosunsetao3 · 4 months
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Submission for @glitterypirateduck‘s ‘#GhostChallenge’
Title: Body Heat
Pairing: Ghost X Female Reader (callsign Cypher)
Warning: Canon typical violence, fluff, smut, 18+
Scenario: The heat goes out and it's freezing & Ghost or Reader wakes up in the other person's house/safehouse/etc. after being rescued
Word Count: 2.8k
Your leg felt like it was on fire but there was no time to worry about that right now. The zodiac that you were currently belly down in on the floor is flying up the river but it is rapidly taking on water. There was no way you were going to outrun the helo tailing you, the boat had taken too much damage.
"Ghost we have to bail," you yell out as the helicopter clears the trees from around the bend. "We're not getting to the evac in this."
"Watcher this is Ghost," you hear him come over the comms, "we're four kilometers out from the evacuation site. Boat is fucked, we need an alternate option."
"No alternate at this time," Laswell came back. "Find a place to lay low and-"
The rest is cut off as the helicopter launches a missile that hits the water a few feet behind the boat. It doesn't matter that it wasn't a direct hit, the effect is the same. The aftershock of the wave sends the boat flying up out of the water and you scramble for purchase to try and ride it out.
"Cypher!" Ghost yells out, though it's barely audible over the rushing wind and the gasp you let out as you hit the frozen water back first.
The water feels like a knife stab right to the gut as you sink below the surface. You can barely think as you kick out before flinching at the pain in your calf at the movement, it hurts even more than the knives of cold all over your skin. You stretch toward the surface, your hand hitting a chunk of ice from the flows that were moving rapidly with the current.
"Ghost!" You yell out as you finally break the surface, though it sounds more like a squeak and a splutter as you spit out water. It's too fucking cold to be in the water, you had minutes to get out before you froze to death.
Kicking your legs again you push toward the shore as the helicopter blows past. You turn your head to see if it's going to continue, satisfied with its destruction but it's circling back. Fuck. You swim faster, though it feels like you're trying to lift an extra hundred pounds of weight with each movement. The water is sweeping you rapidly up river but your feet finally hit bottom and you stumble onto the shore.
"This way," comes Ghost's voice as he stomps through the snow and grabs your arm. He's soaked as well and you can hear the tension in his voice as he drags you toward the trees, practically carrying you with your arm slung over his shoulder. The helicopter is coming back and you hear the staccato of bullets hitting the water.
"We're fucked," you mutter as Ghost clears the tree line. You throw out an arm to catch yourself on a trunk before he yanks you onward. "We have to get out of these clothes," your numb fingers on your left hand fumble for your vest but Ghost stops you.
"We have to get out of range," he orders, his eyes trailing back behind the way you came. The snow has messy trenches in it where you both had pushed through but they are tinged red. Your leg was openly bleeding and you'd be a bit more concerned if you could actually feel it. The numbness that you had been hoping for before finally settles in but now it was making it difficult to walk.
"And go where Ghost? We're in the middle of nowhere," you stumble but his hand digs hard into your side to hold you up. "Fuck it's cold," you mutter as you see your breath puff in front of you with each word. "Didn't ever picture human popsicle was the way I'd go," you say with a false laugh as bullets start to pepper the trees.
Ghost drags you deeper into the woods, trying his comms as you both stumble and slip over snow covered tree roots. His voice sounds like it's coming from far away after a bit and you only know he's there because you can feel him pressed against you. His own body shakes hard from the cold and you can feel each involuntary tremble as he continues to tout you along.
"Little more," he grouses and you blink slowly up at him realizing he's slapping your face to get you to look at him. How long have you been walking? How was he still walking? Maybe just a small break, both of you could use a rest, your knees buckle at the thought.
"Knock that shit off," Ghost snaps as he hauls you back on your feet again. "Cypher," he warns as you buckle again, your grip on his body slackening from lack of energy to hold on anymore. Your knees hit the snow and the last thing you see before toppling down further is Ghost scrambling to catch you.
Cold. That's all you can think as soon as consciousness hits you again. Then the pain follows a few moments later and you groan as you shift trying to figure out where you are. Something is holding you back from being able to move too much and you push against it weakly.
"About fucking time," a voice comes to you and you realize what you are pushing against is soft and while it isn't exactly warm, it's warmer than you are. "Going in my report you're sleeping on the job," Ghost says simply as you tilt your head back to look up. You hiss as your soaking wet hair hits your back before his hand comes up to lift it up and away before fixing the blanket wrapped around you to keep your hair off your skin.
"Where are we?" You ask as your body wracks with shivers again and you curl your arms tighter against your chest to try and hold in some heat. That's when it hits you that your hair has hit your bare skin and your hands are pressed between more of your own bare skin. And Ghost's. Was this one of those mortifying dreams when you realized halfway through you were naked?
"Old hunting cabin," Ghost answers as his arms tighten around you, his hands splaying on your back to rub some warmth back in. "You passed out on me, had to carry you the rest of the way," he explains as he looks down at you. His face is free of his balaclava, the eye black smeared and splotchy down his cheeks. Your eyes trail down to see he's also shirtless as he has you pressed tightly against him. "Been out for a good while now, didn't even flinch when I tied up your leg. Through and through shot," he tacks on in explanation.
You shift a bit on him, as if to lean down and look at the wound, when you realize you aren't only shirtless. The blanket scratches the skin on your hips and you can feel his curls against your own pubic bone. You're completely straddling him and tucked tightly to his body in every sense of the word.
"Body heat," Ghost says simply as if he is not fazed by the fact his sergeant is fully naked pressed against his own naked form.
"I hardly think," you splutter as you move to pull away. Just the few inches you create between your bodies sends a jolt of goosebumps down your body and you see the same reaction over his chest. You may be inside somewhere but it was still cold enough to see your breath. The scant body heat you were sharing was not going to linger if you were apart.
His hands slide down your back and grab your ass to tug you tight against him again. You huff at crass gesture before giving in and pressing tightly against him, your arms moving to wrap around him as well. He shifts so your fingers can fit between his back and the wall and you rub at his back a bit. His skin feels frozen and you can feel the muscle twitching in an attempt to generate some warmth.
"It was this or we both froze to death," he says. "Can't light a fire, the helicopter is still circling," and as if someone turned the volume back on in your ears you hear the whir of the blades overhead. "And while you were resigned to be a popsicle, I refuse to let that be the final entry on my service record."
"How long until extraction?" You ask quietly doing your best to not think about the fact Ghost's hands are still on your backside holding you tight to him. Or that you are nuzzling your face into his chest as your fingers dance over small ridges and valleys of scars on his back.
"Not sure," Ghost answers as he looks down at you. "Johnny is going to have a field day when he finds us," he smirks at the thought which only makes you groan a bit. "I mean you can put on the soaking uniform if you want," he inclines his head at the red tinted snow fatigues.
"No," you answer quickly. Even now, the places where your skin isn't touching Ghost's are frozen, you can only imagine trying to put those back on. You shift a bit on him trying to find more skin, more warmth, to burrow into. He flexes his grip on you for a second before sliding his hands slowly up your back to your shoulder blades. It's a soft gesture and you feel yourself arch to it despite yourself.
"Just for the warmth Sergeant," Ghost says after a second, obviously feeling the subtle shift of your body.
"Right, of course," you answer back. If you could see yourself you knew you'd be bright red. "Sorry, I didn't mean," you continue before Ghost adjusts himself and you realize he wasn't admonishing you. He was saying that however your bodies were acting it wasn't your fault. You were pressed in a compromising position because you needed the body heat and you couldn't help what was happening outside of that.
You swallow as you both sit in the silence, listening to the helicopter circle overhead. How many times have you thought about this? Perhaps not this exact scenario, but getting Ghost alone and his body pressed against yours. It was a thought that kept you company many nights, different situations that always ended up with you panting under him. He barely paid you any mind aside from the job so it was just a fantasy that occupied your lonely mind to pass the time.
Yet, you could feel him pressed up against your center. Feel how his hands shift to rub at your sides and the sweep of his thumbs graze over the sides of your breasts with each pass. You grip his back a bit harder as his hands move down to now run along your thighs, his fingers massaging some heat into them as he works his way from your knees up toward your hips.
"Lieutenant," you barely breathe into his neck and you feel him twitch against you. A shiver that has nothing to do with the cold goes through you and you press your hips against his length and hear the small gasp of air that escapes his lips. His pulse is jumping in his neck and you dare to brush your lips over it and he grabs your hipbones hard in response. "Just body heat right?" You ask softly, your lips still whispering along his skin. "Just us trying to keep warm."
"Right," Ghost nearly growls as he flexes his hips up into you and you sigh against his neck. The blankets shift as he moves to grab your face to make you look at him. You stare at his hazel eyes, watching as he surveys your face as you slide your hands from behind his back to wrap around his neck. You are careful to keep pressed against him in all the movement, not wanting an ounce of heat to escape your small cocoon. "I don't want you to," he starts but cuts off as you grip the back of his head and pull him in for a kiss.
This may not be exactly how you wanted him, but you were going to take what you could get. He doesn't hold back from rolling your hips over him now, his hands helping move you knowing the injury to your calf. You whine into the kiss as he moves your effortlessly over him, the head of cock passing over your clit over and over working you into a frenzy.
Ghost dares to slip a hand between your thighs to your core and you gasp into his mouth. He finds the slickness there that he glides his fingers through as he ever so slowly pushes a finger in. You groan as he curls his finger and slowly pumps into you, letting you rock on him as he feverishly kisses you through the pants.
"Fucking warm down here," he taunts as he slips another finger in. "Are you going to share?" He continues as he lets you rut your hips over him, letting his palm give you that friction you were desperate for. "Or just going to let me freeze out here?" He chuckles as you let out a particularly needy whine as he scissors his fingers.
You push up on your knees, ignoring the burn in your leg as Ghost pulls his fingers away. It's a bit awkward as he lines himself at your center, careful to not let the blankets slip as you grab at his shoulders, but when you feel him notched you lean back. The slide in isn't painful, but it takes a moment for your body to get used to it.
Not that Ghost seems to mind you taking a moment to adjust. He tilts his head back at the sensation of you fully seated on him, his mouth slightly agape. You watch him for a second before grinding down on him, biting the inside of your cheek at the fullness.
"Warm enough?" You ask after a second and he lifts his head up to smirk at you.
"So fucking warm," he answers back.
You start slow as you ride him, wanting to savor how his eyes seem to devour you as you move. Commit to memory how those normally cold and calculating eyes seem at peace watching you. Ghost lets you take control at first as you use him for your pleasure and survival, seemingly enjoying being able to sit back while you put in the work. But as your movements become a little less coordinated and put a strain on your calf he takes over without you having to ask.
Pulling you tight against his chest, Ghost loops his arms around your back to grab at your shoulders as he shifts. You gasp at the first experimental thrust he makes, and he chuckles in response before he beings to fuck you in earnest. He gives you no warning as he thrusts up into you and you cry out loudly against his ear as he hits that spot inside of you over and over.
You can feel the slickness of sweat on your chests as Ghost grunts and groans into your ear. One of his hands slides back down to your ass to help lift you as the other on your shoulder slams you back down on top of him. The rhythm has created an obscene slapping noise but you both drown that out with your moans and gasps.
"Don't fucking stop," you say into his ear as you grab hard at the back of his head, your fingers scratching against the short hair on his scalp. You can feel he's close, feel him twitching inside of you, and how he's moving to pull out to finish. "Fuck, please," you say as you move your hips over him not caring about the strain on your injury.
He doesn't stop. He fills you up with a growl that seems to erupt from his chest and you let out a satisfied sigh as he continues to fuck you through it. The additional slickness, and feel of it between your legs, finally gets you over that edge and you come with him with a loud cry that you stifle by biting down into his shoulder. He moves your body over him until you finally come down, shaking from the high of your orgasm and not the cold.
"I told you body heat was the solution," he teases after a moment as you look at him. Both of your cheeks are flushed and you can almost feel the heat wavering off your bodies from under the blankets. You don't move from your position, keeping him buried inside of you as he holds you close.
Just for the warmth of course.
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
I have notice that you are giving the kwamis different and more uniques personalities. How you imagened their unique emotions and how they react with the holders?
For sure, there are very few instances where the Zodiac Kwami get to show their individualism except for Sass or when they briefly interact with their new holders, so I really grabbed on to any little bit I could see and held tight.
Mullo - In the story of the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat rides the Ox and jumps off at the last minute in order to arrive first, so I thought it'd make sense for Mullo to be mischievous - also because Marinette uses it first for some cheeky misdirection. I got lucky that Mullo turned out to be a bit of a prankster when "Mega Leech" came out.
Stompp - As one of the Leftover 4, Stompp didn't get a lot of expression when they were shown in "PenalTeam", but I kinda ended up working with how calm they were. The way they addressed Chloe not knowing the kwamis names gave her a Disapproving Mother vibe, so I went with them being a nurturer. I picture them wanting to watch over their holder, particularly children ones, and watch them grow into full grown Oxes.
Roarr - So this one was easy cuz they've been very consistent in the show, and since the kwamis default to loud and bratty when they're in Mob Mode (ie, when all the kwamis act in sync instead of in line with their personalities), Roarr was simply a too rambunctious child. An extrovert to the extreme. Their name is very appropriate.
Fluff - This one is pretty established in canon, so I guess I'll just extend my headcanon. Fluff is easily confused and babbles a lot, and I think it's because they're being constantly bombarded with information from so many timelines. Existence is a prison and Fluff just comes across as dumb because all their brain power is overheating from a massive influx of information, so they have nothing else to offer in the Present.
Longg - "Ikari Gozen" makes them out to be a Long Winded Old Man/Woman (depending on the dub lol), but aside from them being pretty polite later, they don't hold on to it. I am. Longg is old as shit and just wants these damn kids to hear out their long ass stories, but they just don't know how to edit because it's been forever since they've been out of the box (a nod to how Dragons are now "mythical"). They don't know how to talk to the youngins anymore.
Sass - Okay, c'mon, we all know Sass. Sass is the only one we know definitively. They're the leader and being level headed and calm is the thing that distinguishes him from the rest. He is mildly cursed like Fluff to recall every remade time line, remembering what happened the other times that needed a second chance, but it's less of a burden than it is for Fluff.
Kaalki - I opted to lean in to her being a Diva, obviously thanks to her attitude in "Startrain". You'd think that'd clash with Max, so the struggle was more about making them work together despite that, so I also gave her a fascination with innovation. She's not very technologically literate, but she's interested in what humans have been able to do, especially when it comes to exploration. But in the end, she's still pretty vain lol.
Ziggy - since they were very upset at how mean Chloe was in "Miracle Queen" as opposed to angry like Stompp and Roarr, I felt Ziggy was probably younger and a bit sensitive. I also leaned into some goat traits, having them eat paper and headbutt Nathaniel.
Xuppu - Xuppu can easily become very annoying, especially in "Destruction" where they're trying to be helpful, but uhhhh...they aren't. So I just stuck with how they were portrayed in their canon debut episode. Like Roarr, Xuppu is very much like A Child, so even in Mob Mode they feel in character - getting into stuff and making a mess.
Orikko - I made them very patient, which you gotta be when your powers are bullshit and you constantly have to give a tutorial on how they work. They could talk all day with their holder trying to find loopholes.
Barkk - So they have two standout moments where they're allowed individuality - in "Furious Fu" and "Risk". In the former, they are stubbornly staying behind to guard the house and the Miracle Box, and in the latter, they're super excited at getting a new holder and getting to "play". So both a guard dog and a puppy. I met in the middle where they DO really want to play, but also want everyone to be as excited as them which takes a little coaxing. Like an Extrovery adopting Introverts.
Daizzi - They're just very sweet. Almost just like Rose but soft spoken. They feel very much but like to focus on the things they like, no matter how simple they are.
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empressofthewind · 4 months
Top 10 Animal Comparisons for Near
inspired by this iconic post by @13eyond13 :-)
10. Gecko
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geckos made it onto the list because of their round black eyes and solitary nature. i also found it interesting that the oldest known gecko lived to 27, which is the same age we see Near in his last canon appearance.
9. Hedgehog
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wary of people and not easily trusting. generally solitary, although capable of forming few attachments, and most content in familiar, comfortable environments. both show tendencies to curl in upon themselves.
8. Squirrel
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curious and intelligent with impressive memories and problem-solving skills. also seen to be quite cunning and have a variety of tricks and schemes to deceive potential predators or food thieves. they would have been higher on the list if not for the fact that they are known to be very active and social.
7. Raccoon
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not as strong a comparison for Near as they are for L, but they are known to be highly intelligent, cheeky and mischievous, much like Near. the comparisons are similar to those of squirrels, but ranked slightly higher due to their more solitary nature.
6. Rabbit
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intelligent and inquisitive but can easily become bored. the appearance is the main feature that made me rank them so high, with reference to the round black eyes, small build and (for some breeds) white aesthetic. they also typically spend their entire lives in the same place and do not move far from their warren, which reflects Near's preference for staying indoors in one place where possible. rabbits probably could not catch a plane by themselves.
5. Seal
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much like the gecko, seals came to mind because of their big black eyes and solitary lifestyles. they move in packs for safety but are not typically close with other individual seals, which mirrors Near's preference for working in a team despite having no close personal relationships outside of that. however, seals are much higher on the list because of their tendency to lounge around on rocks or play alone when they aren't hunting, which reminds me a lot of Near. they are also known to be intelligent and cautious.
4. Arctic Fox
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quite small and unassuming but sneaky, clever and adaptable. arctic foxes are not as strong or aggressive as other breeds but are very cunning, and sometimes follow larger animals like polar bears while hunting for protection and to find prey. in terms of aesthetic, the arctic fox specifically reminds me a lot of A-Kira Near with its white fur/dark eyes combo, long body and graceful aura. foxes are also commonly associated with the zodiac Virgo, which is Near's star sign.
3. Sheep
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a very common comparison for Near based on appearance. both are calm and level-headed with a high level of intelligence, and very strong memory and recognition skills. despite being known for their placid nature, sheep can have a wide range of emotions, much like Near.
2. Cat
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rolls around on the floor, plays with toys and is often destructive while playing. looks innocent but is actually a little bastard. my specific choice for him is a ragdoll cat because of their placid temperament, mostly white colour palette and preference for the indoors (and also because i am a ragdoll owner myself, so i am very biased <3)
1. Frog
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self-explanatory i suspect. he may not share the most personality traits with frogs, but their overall vibe is too similar to rank any lower than first.
bonus comparison, in case you aren't convinced:
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avatarmerida · 8 months
Does anyone remember that panel where someone who worked on the show said Dana said the Isles had a different way of counting the year? Cause people wanted to know the Hexsquad’s zodiac signs and she said the demon realm doesn’t have the same months as the human realm, like they have 13 months with 666 days instead.
So (and I’m really reaching here let me have my moment) assuming they still abide by a seven day week (reaching) the demon realm year is composed of about 94 weeks.
And so the demon realm is obviously aware of the human realm so my stupid little head canon is that saying you’ll see someone in a human year or using human measurements for a year means you’re excited about something or about seeing someone again.
So I really liked this theory until I remembered Hunter referred to a year as 52 weeks but I can chalk it up to either Belos refusing to embrace the demon realm time system and passing that on to him or he was using it as the weird expression I made up to express his excitement.
Mostly because I want this scene
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To be extra flirty. Like she’s very casually, very subtly implying that she’s excited to see him again in more than just her tone.
Like idk I was excited about this idea for a hot sec can you see the vision tho
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Master List
Will be edited as time goes on, currently working on getting the chapters up on tumblr too
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The main group I write for is ☆Seventeen☆
However, I tend to include other groups within in my writing. I am unsure if I'm going to actually write other groups.
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One Soul, One Heart
This series will include 12 part series for the members of Seventeen. Note that there are only 12, VerKwan will be a joint story (To You explains why).
Fallin' Flower
I am the cowriter/editor for this series. It's a Fantasy, Magic AU written by my friend. Seventeen AU.
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List of Members' Soul Bonds
S.Coups/Seungcheol:  All colors in the world got muted and dull Jeonghan:  On the palm of their hand has a counter of how many times they have passed each other. Joshua: Being next to soulmate heals injuries quickly and the injuries that the other gets will leave a scar that appears on the other soulmate’s body Junhui: Both have '5201314' tattooed on them, meaning 'I love you forever' in Chinese text slang Wonwoo: They each have a notebook where they can write back and forth to one another. They can’t give any personal identifiers, but can still communicate things about themselves. Hoshi/Soonyoung: Craves whatever type of food their soulmate is craving (salty food, sweet food, spicy, etc) and a timer Woozi/Jihoon: Countdown timer and the ability to feel soulmate's emotions. DK/Seokmin: Hearing the song the other has stuck in their head. Mingyu: Black and white tattoo that is assumed to bloom with color when he meets his soulmate (Possible change to this) The 8/Minghao: Can hear each other's thoughts in their head/can communicate telepathically. VerKwan: Countdown timers x2 Chan/Dino: Shared Talent and each other's zodiac constellation 'tattooed' on their skin.
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☆Finished Works☆
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To You
Jihoon/Woozi x Reader
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Ao3 Link
Tags: Soulmate AU, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn Fluff
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Fallin' Flower
?? X Reader
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AO3 Link
Tags: Magic AU, Fantasy AU, Trauma, Depression, Manipulation, Angst
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☆Works In Progress☆
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Blood Stained Hands
Jeonghan x Reader x Joshua (Maybe more? hehe)
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Ao3 Link
Tags: Mafia AU, Violence, Non-Major Character Death, Mentions of Drugs
Unnamed Seungcheol Soulmate AU
Tags: Soulmate AU, Teacher, Single Mom
Unnamed Wonwoo Soulmate AU
Tags: Soulmate Au, Streamers/Influencers AU
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☆Upcoming Works☆
Unnamed VerKwan Au
Tags: Idol AU, Soulmate AU
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☆Social Media☆
Twitter: CallistoSVT
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centuryberry · 7 months
Queen of the Mountain AUs
With Act I of "Queen of the Mountain" coming to a close soon, I'd like to share little AUs and ideas I have of this fic that I'm considering writing. The first two are directly connected to Queen of the Mountain while the other two are AUs with more mature themes.
Unforgivable AU: In which, the Hot Springs Incident never happens and Shanzha is sent over to FFM as Wukong's bride like in canon. Despite RinRin and Yue's efforts to escape the clan's clutches and reach FFM, they were unable to save Shanzha, who had haplessly triggered her own route (platonic) and was killed by Macaque. While RinRin was eventually able to bring Shanzha back to life, the act was done and Yue has no desire to form a connection with Macaque - uncle or not. The three leave FFM and live their lives. Centuries later in the LMK era, a grown Yue reunites with Macaque and Wukong. (Angst/Eventual Forgiveness/Modern)
Warlord Shanzha AU: After the end of RinRin's Route, Wukong and RinRin renew their marriage, and Macaque and Shanzha (heartbroken) decide to focus on retrieving Yue from the Zodiac Monkey Clan's clutches. When the dust settles, Shanzha reluctantly becomes Clan Head and Warlord of the Land of Eternal Snow. Macaque becomes her advisor and trophy husband, and the pair end up being a platonic power couple. Wukong and RinRin reunite with them later during the JTTW era and old feelings reemerge. Yue may or may not be working behind the scenes to help set them up since the pining is ridiculous. (Humor/Second Chance/Parent Trap)
Fae AU: Faelord Wukong catches sight of Macaque hiking in his forest with his family (Shanzha and Yue) and falls in love with him at first sight. So he lures Macaque into a fairy ring and whisks him away. Macaque desperately tries to find a way back home while trying to resist Wukong's advances. This is made even more difficult when Wukong's wife and fellow Faelord, RinRin, decides to do the same with Shanzha. Or, as I'd like to think of it, two cringefail supernatural beings try to seduce a hot pair of mortals into staying with them forever while these two desperately try to get back to their daughter. (Mature, Dark Themes, Supernatural, Kidnapping, Eventual Poly)
A/B/O AU: In which, Wukong and RinRin (both Alphas) are longtime rulers of FFM whose lives and perception of themselves are turned on their heads when they offer sanctuary to a pair of traveling mated Omegas (Macaque and Shanzha) who are expecting their child. It's mostly an introspection on the gender norms for both primary and secondary genders, established unconventional pairings and how they make it work, self-repression due to societal pressures, eventual self-acceptance, and how inherently and gloriously queer the poly is no matter how you shake them and look at them. (Mature, Unconventional A/B/O dynamics, Eventual Poly)
I'm open to expanding on any of these AUs! Of course, my main focus is on the main fic, but it's nice to dabble in different ideas!
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cr-ok · 28 days
If The Gravity Falls Zodiac were in a Tarot System
CW: a very long and completely unnecessary post that has nothing to do with canonicity and everything to do with my “x reader” garbage.
⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎
In this hypothetical reality, early colonizer groups brought tarot into Gravity Falls and developed the Gravity Falls Zodiac (GFZ) system. It is suggested a standard GFZ deck is a combination of the colonizers' tarot systems and the cryptic cave messages some tried to make sense of.
In the present day, no one really remembers how the GFZ system came to be, never mind what the symbols represent. Most people use the symbols to decorate their homes because they like the art.
⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Mechanics
The cards are suggested to be based off of systems developed in Europe, such as "Tarot of Marseilles"; however, the cards' meanings do not change with their positioning, such as "upright" or "reversed". When a card is drawn, all possible interpretations are present.
Although the cards' meanings do not change with positioning, their purpose can. To manifest the interpretations of desired cards, people place their cards on axes and position the cards to face northwest. In the early days, it was common for cards to end up in woodpecker nests.
⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Major Arcana
Similar to the old systems, the GFZ's major arcana is intended to tell a story about "the Explorer", or the first card. As a whole, the major arcana is representative of the traits and roles the Explorer will need to take on during their journey.
The Pinetree (The Explorer) The Explorer starts their journey when they reach a point of unending perplexity. The Explorer is full of energy and excitement, ready to uncover the mysteries of their world. They soon learn the world is a cryptic and unforgiving place, making them susceptible to paranoia. The Explorer can find themself paranoid of just about anything and everyone: their friends, themself, and their own home. It is said that those taking on the Explorer's role will only make progress in their journey when they learn to trust their company.
The Ice (The Level-Headed) When accompanying the Explorer, the Level-Headed becomes the voice of reason. The Level-Headed is skilled at keeping composure, even at the most stressful times of their life. Despite appearing so calm, the Level-Headed is often stressed out, and tends to avoid situations that would add to the stress. When traveling with the Explorer, the Level-Headed teaches them that there is no reason to worry, even in moments of uncertainty.
The Question Mark (The Curious) The Curious joins the Explorer, completely indifferent about the destination. The Curious's inquires often focus on the journey's value as opposed to the journey's conclusion. The Curious's spirit of adventure is capable of frustrating others, if not themself, for their short-sightedness. When traveling with the Explorer, the Curious teaches them to appreciate the journey, not just the milestones they reach.
The Shriner (The Fearless) The Fearless may push the Explorer to take control of their journey. The Fearless usually spend years of their life learning how to think fast and continue pushing on. The Fearless tend to get by with cunning tact and sly wit, but are prone to appearing untrustworthy, even in times of sincerity. When traveling with the Fearless, the Explorer learns that their own cowardice and disregard stops them from living life to the fullest.
The Sixer (The Author) The Author guides the Explorer, but only when the Explorer is ready to have a deeper grasp on the world around them, outside of the journey itself. More often than not, the Author is calculated and insightful; their head is filled with years of knowledge and experience. The Author's insight is often esteemed by their community and peers. In an effort to gain more praise, the Author is susceptible to acting without care for themself and those around them. When traveling with the Author, the Explorer learns to keep an eye on their ego, cautious to not lose sight of those they hold close.
The Emo (The Repressed) When crossing paths, the Repressed does not welcome the Explorer with open arms. The Repressed is put off by the Explorer's adventurous spirit. Especially when dealing with younger Explorers, the Repressed tends to take the excitement out of new experiences. The Repressed's tendency to constrain themself usually grants them with a keen sense for weakness, both physical and mental. When traveling with the Repressed, the Explorer learns to embrace themself unconditionally.
The Pentagram (The Communicator) The Communicator attempts to join the Explorer when there is something to gain. The Communicator tends to make powerful alliances with just about everyone they meet; however, without their alliances, the Communicator is rendered completely powerless When traveling with the Communicator, the Explorer learns to trust their intuition, even when everyone is against the Explorer.
The Shooting Star (The Creator) In a way, the Creator acts like a foil to the Explorer when traveling alongside each other. The Creator is deemed to be one of the most powerful major arcana. The Creator tends to stay active at all times, constantly finding new approaches and solutions to the journey. It is suggested the Creator stays active because they lack a sense of self-fulfillment and would rather fill the void through external means than do internal work. When traveling with the creator, the Explorer learns their greatest companion is someone to whom can support the Explorer as much as the Explorer can support them.
The Llama (The Warrior) There is a point in the Warrior's life in which they feel as if they have no other option but to travel with the Explorer. The Warrior swims in power: skill, money, connections, reputation, and just about any other arbitrary measurement of privilege you can think of. Despite their power, the Warrior often renders themself powerless, under the impression that they lack control over their power. When traveling with the Explorer, the Warrior teaches them that their potential goes beyond the privileges bestowed onto them.
The Glasses (The Reader) The Reader crosses paths with the Explorer when the Reader learns everything they could possibly want to know. For years, the Reader's mind has been open to new ideas. With every passing hour, it seemed as if life was testing their ability to take in new information. Despite the Reader's open-mindedness, there is only so much the frontal lobe can stomach. The Reader is prone to letting the world's chaos swallow them whole, losing all sense of reality in the processes. The Explorer may have difficultly traveling with the Reader, learning that both knowledge and ignorance come at a hefty cost.
⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Minor Arcana
The minor arcana consist of four sets of suit cards. Each suit is said to represent the journey's core characteristics.
Each suit contains the numbers one through ten. It is rumored that Christian numerology was used to interpret the meanings of minor arcana. It is also rumored that, in the early days, some decks included negative thirteen, or a "lucky card", in each suit.
[Deer] Teeth - Control Not much is known about deer teeth. Some suggest it's an interpretation of a painting found in a cave. Others speculate early hunters displayed deer teeth in their homes to assert dominance. Regardless of the reason, most modern designs omit the teeth altogether for creative purposes.
[Unicorn] Hair - Protection In the old days, unicorn hair was known to be one of the most powerful materials, often used for protection. Eventually, unicorn hair also became the most difficult material to attain, prompting people to look for alternatives and forgetting about unicorn hair altogether. It is suggested that unicorn hair became a less-commonly used when the unicorns grew tired of granting protection to those whom are unworthy.
Jack-O-Melon - Companionship Gravity Falls is inherently peculiar, even to the untrained eye. Some found the peculiarities charming, and eventually started a tradition known as "Summerween". Eventually, the tradition caught on and became a time to rest with those they care about and embrace abnormality.
Little Bearded Men (Gnomes) - Anti-Sanity People in Gravity Falls, both early and present, are put off by the sight of gnomes. Some are so disturbed by the gnomes, they wish to forget them entirely. All cards with Gnomes use negative numbers.
⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ This is Relevant To
The Tragedy
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emi-writings · 2 months
Just A Few C!Niki Headcanons:
Niki is a fallen angel, but prefers to just pass herself off as an avian hybrid, specifically a jackdaw hybrid, to most people. Only a few people know she’s actually a fallen angel and she prefers to keep it that way. She will playfully bat people over the head with her wings on occasion.
Niki’s eyes actually change colors depending on her mood and mental state.
Niki’s most preferred weapon to use in combat are spears. Spears simple to use and provide excellent reach, which is great for someone who can fly, as well as someone who doesn’t have as much reach as her enemies without it. They also pair nicely with her magical abilities. Also, it’s cool to imagine her with a spear, spears are very fun.
Despite preferring spears, Niki also learned how to use swords in combat thanks to Techno training her a few months before she joined L’manburg.
While she doesn’t have as much magic and abilities as a true angel, as a fallen angel Niki still has some abilities and magic. She has the ability to create and control fire. She also has the ability to dreamwalk – to enter other people’s dreams (this is kinda canon, but not as many people know about it so I’m listing it here as a headcanon).
She will play with lighters and candles when bored, mostly to either practice her fire magic, and sometimes to do some fire scrying. Sometimes, all she does is use her fire magic to light candles repeatedly, or she just flicks her lighter on and off again. She thinks fire is very pretty.
Niki is able to play a few instruments, her favorite and the one she is most skilled at is the lyre, though she can play a few other stringed instruments such as guitars and harps.
The reason why her L’manburg uniform is different is because she was the one who made her own, so she was allowed to pick the colors of her uniform.
While it’s canon that Niki has Wilbur’s coat, I like to think that she patched it up and embroidered. One of the things she used to patch up the coat was the remains of the first L’manburg flag, the one that she made, that got burned. She made a lot of subtle, symbolic choices with what she embroidered on the coat, though she doesn’t explain that to anyone.
Despite being prone to wearing cute and colorful outfits and her décor aesthetic being more cottagecore and fairycore, her favorite color is actually black.
When mentally okay, she is prone to stress baking. This usually results in a variety of things being baked, and she’ll continue to do it until she’s no longer stressed or she’s out of room to make more baked goods. When she’s not mentally healthy, she doesn’t bake at all, and her stress relief is often more destructive.
Niki really likes gardening and nature. This pairs nicely with her baking hobby, as she’ll use edible plants and flowers in her baking.
In terms of zodiac signs: Sun Sign is Sagittarius. Moon Sign is Cancer. Ascendant Sign Cancer. Mercury Sign is Sagittarius. Venus Sign is Virgo. Mars Sign is Gemini. Jupiter Sign is Sagittarius. And that’s as far as I got before I gave up on researching zodiac signs, but I think that’s a fair amount for the sake of fun shenanigans in fics.
Her chat manifests as soulfire that flickers and dances around her sometimes. She tries not to make it obvious she can hear the souls in soulfire, because she doesn’t want to freak anyone out.
Niki is an absolute bisexual disaster, and this is especially obvious when she sees women kicking ass. Something about women being powerful and strong makes her heart speed up.
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allisluv · 6 months
Please give me some Scott McCall headcanons
scott mccall deserves the entire world! head canons under the cut tori <3
• he’s definitely a cuddler and he loves being the big spoon. he can’t sleep without the sound of rain in the background.
• he loves conspiracy theories. his favs are about the illuminati.
• he’s the mom friend. you need something? scotty’s your guy. his bag is constantly stocked up with pads, tampons, tissues, a first aid kit, pencils and pens.
• he’s a huge believer in everything happening for a reason. he’s the type of person to ask google if your zodiac signs are compatible.
• hes a horrible speller and he has to get lydia to read through his work before he submits it.
• he’s a sucker for a rom-com and by the end of the movie, he will be crying.
• i think scott’s a cat person, to be honest. i feel like he’s petrified of big dogs 😭
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ckret2 · 9 months
What would you do if you got the Book of Bill and instead of jossing your bill headcanons it just confirmed them. Like exactly as you have written, suspiciously on point, even the ones you havent yet posted. Like yes it was exactly like this. What would you even do.
DM Alex Hirsch to thank him for being such a big fan and say I'm totally available to hire on as a writer for his next project. Slide over my address while dropping hints about my cut of the royalties check.
Interrogate the people I've been plotting the upcoming chapters with to find out who snitched.
Stop wearing my Bill zodiac necklace where it can see the screen while I'm writing, just in case.
Probably be peeved that The Book of Bill spoiled where his backstory is going, since I'm trying very hard to resist the temptation to drop hints outside of some covert foreshadowing; but I suppose if anything was going to spoil where his backstory is headed, it's least annoying if it's actual canon, like I lose the element of surprise but I gain some MASSIVE street cred.
And then make a big banner to slap on top of every chapter crowing about being the only fic with a BOB-compliant pre-BOB Bill backstory. I would be insufferable.
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moxiepoxart · 1 year
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Nalu Week! Family pt 1 (all head canons below (so you don’t have to read my handwriting))
Usually Cooks
Lucy ties his hair and they sometimes wear matching accessories.
Wears Alvarez-styled clothes nowadays
A bit more relaxed
Took to parenting the the worst (surprisingly) his kids are growing and he struggles with change
Desperately wants a closer relationship with Nashi
Still a natural with kids though
Has several successful book series
Pregnancy was terrible to her health but she endures despite her family and spirits worries.
Can now summon 5+ spirits at once
Does everything to hide her aging and can be insecure about her appearance
Took to parenting like a duck to water despite her anxiety (her spirits are a huge support)
Is currently trying out shorter hairstyles
Lucy won’t let her kids get guild tattoos until they’re 16 and she will die on this hill
Best Uncle
Started going gray and pretends to have ailments he doesn’t have to get sympathy and more fish.
Eats so much fish
Is closest to Eleanor
Nashi (the trial child)
Middle name is Iris
Has Natsu’s hair that won’t obey the hairbrush
Wants long hair but finds it too hard to maintain
Is a 4th gen dragon slayer
Is incredibly anxious about hurting loved ones with her explosive power
Inherited her anxiety from Lucy
Butts heads with Natsu cause he doesn’t understand it
She trains with Erza (Natsu tries to hide his hurt, struggles with his daughter changing)
Adores Erza
Natsu bombarded her with his hobbies at a young age (fishing, brawling and getting dirty)
Is a tomboy but still total mommy’s girl
Oblivious to Griege’s crush
Her jacket is from Alzack and Bisca
Eleanor (the black sheep) (get it? From the Beatles song?)
Middle name is Layla
Takes after her paternal grandmother, but no one knows this and draws on the obvious similarities to Zeref
She is uncomfortable with this comparison (If Natsu overhears any comments it’s on site)
Insists on carrying Happy everywhere (will get into fights with her brother over it)
Sleeps with Happy
Is friends with everyone but doesn’t have many she’s close to
Goes to Lucy with her problems (another mommy’s girl)
Loves the Strauss siblings (especially Mira and Lisanna)
Not sure what magic she wants to learn
Always asks Lucy to summon Aries to go play
Haru (the accident)
Celestial Wizard
Middle name is Igneel
Has Zeref’s cowlick
Is in a cat phase rn (used to be a dragon phase and Natsu is gutted it’s over)
“Loke is the coolest zodiac!”
Sunglasses are a gift from Loke (Natsu hates it)
Wearing cat ears (Happy loves it)
His leopard print shirt is a gift from Laxus (Lucy hates it)
Is a Natsu clone
Endless energy
Loves to read
“Did you know…”
Tries to follow Natsu on missions
Asks Happy to fly him everywhere (gets into fights with his sister about it)
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Thank you for answering my Origins Dragon!Marinette and Turtle!Adrien question! Please don’t worry about disagreeing with the idea; I asked for YOUR opinion and analysis on why it would OR wouldn’t work, and that’s what I got. 😌 It also made me consider meta and in-show stuff that I hadn’t before, which is cool. You mentioned wanting all of the Kwamis to be part of some sort of set of two or more, and I’d love to hear what those sets are in your head going down the full Chinese Miracle Box list and why you’d pair them together with consideration towards both the Kwami themselves and their Powers.
(Post this ask is referring to)
Oh good, I'm glad that you found it useful and not discouraging!
Talking about how to pair the Kwamis is a little tricky because of an issue that I've discussed before. That issue being that the "Chinese" miracle box seems to be about as Chinese as fortune cookies. That makes me uncomfortable because - as far as I'm aware - the Chinese zodiac is a major part of Chinese beliefs and traditions. As such, I personally feel like the box should reflect those beliefs and traditions, but I also don't know those beliefs and traditions, so I can't tell you how I'd effectively group the zodiac Kwamis in order to honor their cultural origins. I can't even be sure if my criticism is valid or just me being overly cautious!
In an ideal world where I had money to invest in this sort of thing, I'd hire a cultural consultant to work with me to design a Chinese miracle box that feels Chinese (or to tell me that I'm overthinking this and to just do whatever I want). Assuming that I'm not overreacting, this would probably mean redesigning a lot of the powers and looks so that they honor Chinese lore and not Western lore.
For example, one thing that I know for sure is that black cats are not unlucky in China. They're actually symbols of good luck (all cats are), so a Chinese box would not have the implied good luck/bad luck thing that we get with Ladybug and Chat Noir. My limited research has also raised some doubts about ladybugs being a go-to symbol of good luck or creation in China, but I'm a lot less confident about that one being a bad choice as the association may exist. I couldn't find anything definitive one way or the other. This leads me to think that, if the association exists, then it's probably a bit obscure, meaning that a Chinese box would probably go with a different animal if we were trying to be culturally accurate to what a Chinese-inspired box would really look like.
I can say with reasonable certainty that Creation is associated with the masculine yang and Destruction is associated with the feminine yin, so Tikki should possibly feel masculine to feminine Plagg. At the very least, their spots in the miracle box should probably be reversed with Plagg in the black and Tikki in the white since yin is black and yang is white?
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[Image Description: center of the original miracle box showing that ladybug earrings are placed in the black part of the yin yang symbol while the black cat ring is in the white]
I also known that white rabbits being associated with time, watches, and umbrellas comes from Alice in Wonderland and not China. Are you starting to see why I'm doubting the cultural accuracy of the miracle box?
The alternate way to approach this is to remove the possible issue of Chinese culture being treated as "mystical" or nothing more than ornamentation by making the Chinese miracle box into the miracle box of no specified culture. Since that's kind of what the box already is in terms of deeper meanings and cultural ties, I think we can go that route for this discussion since we have taken a moment to acknowledge the potential issues with the box's existing design and why that's leading me to take this route as - to me - this seems to be the only way to stick to canon's lore while avoiding potential further insults to Chinese culture.
If we went to my ideal extremes with this approach, we'd actually massively cut down the number of miraculous in the box because I think that there are way too many miraculous! Who needs nineteen "unique" powers to arm and fight one villain? This is extra true since there's no real theme to the miraculous beyond the initial setup of Creation/Destruction + five random powers followed by the addition twelve more random powers with no clear ties to any culture or theme other than the look of the Kwamis that grant the powers.
But that's getting real extreme, so for this ask, we won't go there. Instead, I'll talk about some general ideas for grouping the powers that we already have and some ideas for how you could fix the randomness of our current powers to make them feel like they make sense.
To start, I love the fact that our two main heroes are supposed to be a pair power wise. That's a lovely way to approach your lore and is why I think that they should have grouped the other miraculous, too. Why are Creation and Destruction the only set? Why aren't the others in any sort of group? Why do these miraculous have the powers they do? What ties them to this box and not another box?
There are a few ways to approach pairing the other miraculous. You can come at it from a theme perspective such as the fact that both the snake and the rabbit are all about time. You can also look for opposites such as the turtle being all about defense and the dragon being more about offense. You can even go more broad and say that a given group of miraculous is all aspects of one type of power such as the peacock, the goat, and the ladybug all feeling like aspects of creation. There's really no clear way to go about this because the current powers are so freaking random!
When I approach this stuff, I don't just come up with powers. I come up with the lore and let that help guide the powers or I shape the lore around the powers I want to use until both things make sense. For example, it makes sense that Creation would have some magical being guiding it. It also makes sense that Creation would either create Destruction for balance or that they both popped into existence together so that there was always a balance. Once you have that, you say, "Okay, what other Forces would these two want in order to help guide the universe? What can't they do or what do they do consistently enough that they might want to hand it off?"
Going from there, you start to come up with ideas like maybe they wanted Time to have a physical embodiment so that they could get some guidance on the long term effects of the things that they were making, so that's Fluff coming online. But Time is a lot and they liked their balance, so maybe Sass was brought online too in order to balance Fluff with Fluff being focused on what was and what could be while Sass is focused on what is, thereby giving Fluff someone to ground her. Or maybe you even add in a third Kwami to be some sort of historian who remembers the past while Fluff is the future and Sass is the now.
Another thought path is that most things are not pure Creation or pure Destruction. You must destroy to create. When you make bread, yeast consumes sugar to create air bubbles. Creation and Destruction working together. So maybe Tikki and Plagg wanted to make "children" who could do what they couldn't do solo and that's how we got the peacock?
No matter how you go about this, I really don't think that there's a great way to explain/group all nineteen miraculous, especially if you add in the eagle and Fei's wacky prodigious with it's animal abilities. It's just too random! But I do think that there's a lot of potential in strong subsets of the ones we get in canon, especially if you're allowed to edit the powers or the Forces a bit to make them fit their supposed Force or granted power better. I've talked before about how I'd mess with Lucky Charm to remove the odd Luck association and focus on Creation and that's what I'd do with most of the miraculous because, right now, most of them don't make much sense.
For example, Ziggy - the goat - is supposed to be the Kwami of Passion and that somehow gives the power to create anything you want? I know creatives are passionate, but that still doesn't fit in my mind. It would make more sense for this to be an inspiration power like the pig or for the Force to change to Creation and Ziggy is just a lesser ladybug for some reason? And Stompp - the Ox - is Determination, but I'd actually label his shield power as an aspect of Protection, making him in some sort of pairing with the turtle. Self defense verses defense of others?
In short, the canon lore is a disaster that needs major work to feel solid which leads to lots of paths for fixing the mess. In my opinion, the best way to go about fixing it is to take the element that worked best - the Creation/Destruction pairing - and expand that out to make strong, logical lore for the other Kwamis and their associated powers. Lore that probably won't be rooted in any one culture because no culture seems to be a solid match for the lore that canon is using, which is only concerning because of the current obvious associations with China and that's not even touching on the whole Tibetan monks + Chinese culture issue. Go check out the post I linked at the start for my thoughts on that which basically sum up to, "I am not even remotely qualified to talk about this one, but it seems like a terrible idea."
(Once again, reminder that I'm not Chinese or otherwise deeply informed on Chinese culture. I'm just a person who tries her best to respect other cultures and the miracle box sets off a lot of warning bells for me. Those warning bells could always be a false positive, so you shouldn't take my thoughts as some sort of final say on this topic. Please feel free to look into this on your own and form your own opinions.
If you are Chinese or otherwise educated in these topics, then please feel free to reblog this or send an ask giving me some additional context as I really do love learning about this stuff, but it's near impossible to research! I spent a good hour talking to a local librarian trying to find books or articles in our library that talked about the Chinese zodiac from an academic perspective and we found nothing. I've got a few interlibrary loan requests out to academic libraries in our library network though and I'll follow up on this if those books end up having information that adds to the discussion.)
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