#zima reverse 1999
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loser-man-central · 1 year ago
It's hard to fall in love with someone that's not a five star+
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He's just a silly poet
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julyforest0o · 1 month ago
just compilation of Reverse:1999 fanarts from last year
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saika077 · 9 months ago
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Fun fact: I made the Leonid & Getian one before reading his personal story so I didn't know how in-character that one is at the time.
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Sharpodonties, Currency Exchange, and How Much Money Vertin Can Actually Make
Honestly looking at some of the richer character's belongings I think about how rich Vertin must be.
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It takes around 180 Clear Drops to have one pull. I heard some players having 100 pulls or the regulars having around 30-40 pulls. This means Vertin at some points can have 6 of Isolde's designer jewels or multiple copies of designer shoes.
The evaluation of their prices are based on Pandora Wilson's biases since Pavia's jewelry has gotten a negative value status (which I find improbable in real life objects).
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The valuation of the objects are a little bit more unreliable because the characteristics of money is that it is:
Uniform (5 pesos is 5 pesos, 1 dollar is 1 dollar regardless of person)
Value (it is seen as a transfer of value) (This replaced barter since barter requires the "coincidence of wants" which means Person A wants what Person B has and vice versa. This doesn't always happen, thus the need of a universal transfer of value: currency)
Portability (can carried around)
Durability (not perishable)
So what currencies do we have in Reverse 1999? Well it seems that we have: Clear Drops and Sharpodonties.
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Dust is not a currency since it is a transfer of energy NOT a transfer of value. So it is more like a power up snack. It seems to be a gatherable resource from arcane energy.
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(Does it have anything to do with Apeiron?)
Anyways, back to the two currencies, it is clear that Clear Drops are considered more valuable than Sharpodonties. It might have something to do with the storm since it's shape seems to be going up. At the same time, it appears to be like crystal...so like gold currency perhaps?
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Sharpodonties, in the other hand, are the more commonly mentioned, used, and exchanged currency.
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It seems to be a universal and exclusive arcanist currency that is used by arcanists around the world.
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For example, Zima (Russian) and Kanjira (Indian) both use Sharpodonties.
It seems like it wasn't always this appearance since Sharpodonties underwent currency evolution like other currencies do. In Melania's event, she was in charge of protecting the Mainedonty.
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The Donty currency family have a collective characteristic to bite and to sense arcane blood. The Sharpodonty then becomes a perfect currency for exclusive use by Arcanists. It is portable, valued, durable, and assumes a uniform form. Surprisingly enough, it is also...edible.
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If we look into some stories, you would see that Sharpodonties are listed amongst ledgers.
In Medpoc's 2nd story, it is basically a ledger of their expenses:
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Pioneer, who is a businessman, also seems to use US Dollars and Sharpodonties at the same time for transactions.
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Now the question is: What is the exchange rate between a US Dollar and a Sharpodonty?
It is not always clear because we have to account for inflation, supply and demand, and other factors. But I have a clue.
Looking back at Medicine Pocket's ledgers, they listed different items that they purchased with Sharpodonties. Let us use DOG TOYS as an example using this example from real life:
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$ 3.30 per 1 teething dog toy (real life)
o 40 per 15 dog toys (Medpoc)
Question: What is the exchange rate between US Dollars and Sharpodonties?
Let's determine the price of the dog toy in the 1990s.
We can reasonably assume that the exchange rate between Arcanist currency and dollars will change depending on the state of US currency. Using equivalent exchange, I determined that the price of a teething dog toy is $1.36 dollars per dog toy in the 1990s.
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2. Find the rate of Sharpodonties per dog toy.
This will help both currencies have a comparable object to compare prices to. Let us summarize Sharpodonties into an abbreviation called ACS (Arcanist Sharpodonty) using the same naming convention used in real life currencies. 1 dog toy is equivalent to 2.67 ACS or 1.36 USD.
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3. Find exchange rate.
Using equivalent exchange again, we can determine that the exhange rate between ACS and USD is:
1 ACS = 0.51 USD in the 1990s(forgive my error, the exchange rate from 1 USD to ACS is 1 USD = 1.96 ACS NOT the other way around)
If we are to consider that Arcanist currency hasn't deflated in value but USD has, then the current exchange rate as of 2024 will be:
1 ACS = 1.23 USD or 1 USD = 0.81 ACS (0.80909091) which means that ACS has become a more valuable currency.
I converted the ACS to other modern day currencies of Russia and Great Britain.
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That means that Zima's quill costs around 758.85 Russian Rubles today and Kanjira's headband costs around 73.17 Indian Rupees.
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Digger's Bubble Glasses will then be around 65.05 British Pounds. Feel free to use this chart for converting the price of items that the characters have.
I didn't account for Clear Drops since 1) it is not an often used currency, 2) I have not seen a general (not handcrafted or unique item) item that I can compare to a real life item.
What does this mean when it comes to Vertin's income? She earns 9000 ACS everytime she goes to Mintage Aesthetics. This means she earns around 11,070 Dollars for each trip. She also has passive income. If she uses all her energy (let's say 7 times a day to account for 190 stamina) each day, she earns around $77,490 each day or around $2,324,700 a month. Of course, we are not accounting the passive income that she can earn from the Wilderness or from rewards or gifts.
In conclusion, Vertin and her gang are easily rolling in dough!
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ywraa · 1 year ago
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finally finish it :3
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bakpidia · 7 months ago
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[Zima x Ge Tian] birbs duo
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nyanimisu · 1 year ago
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Will do another batch of characters soon since my friends gave me a bunch to draw lol
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1emonzaide · 1 year ago
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R1999 devs r criminal for making him a 4 star btw
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raiyni-dayz · 7 months ago
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Day Five!!! Now featuring some of the suitcase fam in the wilderness!!
Haven't drawn Click in a while, but I'm glad I can still draw him well!! Marcus lent the scarf to him temporarily cuz he was going to stay in the wilderness almost all day,, cant let him get too cold!! (even if he's a ghost😭)
Sonetto and Vertin encounter a mysterious snowman out in the wilderness, which Vertin gladly adds the finishing touch!! (The suitcase kids made it early in the morning, using some plants provided by miss Druvis :D )
Poor Zima was woken up,, he needs some shut-eye sometimes😞
Thanks to @scrunkly-week for making the prompts and just making an overall enjoyable event!! :D
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loser-man-central · 1 year ago
My wife has a murderous puppy dog boyfriend
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I apporve of their relationship
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julyforest0o · 1 year ago
oh, those russians...
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saika077 · 11 months ago
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Another one of these ft. Probably the best worst thing I made
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justthinking1 · 10 months ago
The way I love these men- LOOK AT THEM, THEY ARE JUST BABIES
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A birb, a poet, a general and a bear in disguise-
I sometimes question my type but in the end it doesnt even exist-
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clicks-b0mb · 4 months ago
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These are conversations I've had These are screenshots, from my messages
...| ... | Next
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frizii-catt · 1 year ago
It pains me to see people not tap into the genuine connection Pavia and Zima could develop. Once you read their lore, you witness all the commonalities they share.
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Both Zima and Pavia were robbed of human contact by forces beyond their control and thus, began their bond with darkness. Zima roams peacefully in the night, and Pavia has befriended his shadows. In their respective tragedies, they found friendship in animals (or animal-like figures in Pavia’s case.)
I also wonder, with Zima’s ability to talk to animals, would he possibly be able to understand Pavia’s wolves? He would gain such a greater insight into Pavia’s mentality that I don’t think any other character would be able to bridge. To be able to hear the embodiments of Pavia’s yearning for unconditional love.
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juthemagicalclown · 1 year ago
zima : i don't like... talking...
pavia : that's okay i can talk enough for the both of us
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