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raiyni-dayz · 6 months ago
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Day Five!!! Now featuring some of the suitcase fam in the wilderness!!
Haven't drawn Click in a while, but I'm glad I can still draw him well!! Marcus lent the scarf to him temporarily cuz he was going to stay in the wilderness almost all day,, cant let him get too cold!! (even if he's a ghost😭)
Sonetto and Vertin encounter a mysterious snowman out in the wilderness, which Vertin gladly adds the finishing touch!! (The suitcase kids made it early in the morning, using some plants provided by miss Druvis :D )
Poor Zima was woken up,, he needs some shut-eye sometimes😞
Thanks to @scrunkly-week for making the prompts and just making an overall enjoyable event!! :D
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deedra-posting · 6 months ago
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Scrunkly Week day 5: praying to a snow angel
@scrunkly-week hey haven't tagged you in a while /j
Would you believe me if I said this is my first time drawing Milo ever? Because. Well. I've got a hard time drawing my most favourite characters (same goes for Jim)
This one's EXTREMELY self indulgent LMAO. That guy on the right's my persona (she/he/they) — they're a Gym Leader from the minor division who specialises in Normal types and, she's, best friends with Milo. I'm mentally ill about him.
Anyway I really like how it turned out :)
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logicaldelta · 6 months ago
Scrunkly Week Day 5 : Winter Snowfall
Prompt: laughter in the cold fog
The weather had taken a drastic turn lately. It hadn't taken long at all for it to shift from the crisp, fresh air of autumn to the bitter chill of winter setting in.
It was a disappointment for most. But not for the League. With most people huddled inside away from the cold, it gave them more privacy to roam outside their hideout.
Most of the older members didn't see the point in running around in the snow. But the younger ones, two in particular, were overjoyed when the first snowflakes fell from the sky.
It hadn't taken long for them to sprint outside, the snow slowly building up on the ground. They played tag, then hide-and-go-seek, and it was when they were trying to build a snowman together that things escalated.
Monoma let out a battle cry as he threw a snowball at Toga, the latter getting hit in the face and shaking it off before throwing a snowball at her brother in return. Before long, they were both covered in shards of ice, snow getting under their jackets and chilling their skin.
They didn't care though, continuing their battle as though their lives depended on it while their laughter echoed through the air.
Magne soon became an unfortunate victim of the no man's zone that had formed in what was technically the front yard of their base. She hadn't noticed what was going on, having just returned from a walk at the same time the kids had chosen to try sneaking up on each other. They hadn't seen her in time when they'd both launched snowballs across the field.
Magne got hit from both sides, her surprise from the impact causing her to stumble and fall backwards into the snow. The kids stopped what they were doing to check on her, Monoma's concerned face popping into her vision first.
"Are you okay??" He asked, at the same time, Toga exclaimed, "we're sorry!"
Magne remained silent for a moment. Just long enough for the kids to worry that they'd done serious damage. Neither of them were expecting her to reach out and knock their feet out from under them, causing them both to land in the snow on either side of her.
The three of them laid in the snow for a while, the younger two winded from the impact while Magne snickered at them. Then, Magne began dragging her arms and legs through the snow, causing a snow angel to form around her. Monoma begins mimicking her when he realises what she's doing, and Toga follows his lead despite not being too sure about what they were doing.
Eventually, the cold seeping through their clothes got too much for them, and they all had to go inside to dry off. Compress raised an eyebrow at them as they approached but chose not to say anything after seeing the big smiles on their faces.
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mintytealeaves · 6 months ago
Since you enjoyed yesterday’s autumn lesbians I decided to bring you winter gays! Just like how I associate Fact with fall, I associate Rouxls with winter! enjoy! This is still really short just saying
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Winter was best in Rouxls’ opinion. It was so cold that he didn’t melt and he thought he matched the winter aesthetic perfectly thank you very much. He was enjoying watching all the little Ruddin’s play in the courtyard, wrapped up in a shawl and leaning on the balcony. He had recently been allowed in Spades room for some odd reason he couldn’t place. Maybe it had something to do with the ring on his finger. He smiled at little Lancer catapulting himself into snow piles and giggling. “Careful, young prince!” He called down, shivering a little. The shawl was starting to slip off. He suddenly felt two warm hands slip push it back up and slip underneath his shirt. “Hey Roux.” Spades mumbled, resting his chin on his head. “Hello’eth Prince Charming.” He grinned and turned around. “Haven’t heard that one in years.” He shuddered. “You’re crazy being out here…” “Thou have’est fur!” “I’m still cold!” “Well I love’eth the cold!” Spades kept his arms wrapped around him as he watched his son making snow angels. “You just like watching the lil womb nugget get all dirty.” “Oh for the love of the angel, dont’st call him that.” “It’s what he is! I would know.” “Oh whatever…” He and Spades watched the snow fall, or at least Rouxls did. Spades was watching him with a sweet smile on his face. “What ist that look for…?” “Hey uh…how would you like me to warm you up, huh?” “Oh? How’eth so?” “Well…I could make you some warm drinks…we could sit by the fire…lock the door…” “Why would we…” a dark blush crept onto Rouxls’ cheeks and he shoved him a little. “Tease.” “That’s not a no.” “Of course tis not, take’est me inside right’eth now—“ He chuckled and picked Rouxls up. “As you wish sweetheart.” He carried him inside and locked the door behind him.
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corals-corner · 6 months ago
Scrunkly Week! Day 5
Winter Snowfall; Laughter in the cold fog
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Diamonds is cold blooded and Spade knows this. He’s a little shit sometimes <3
Drew this just now for yesterday’s prompt since I didn’t have time :,)
2 more :D
@scrunkly-week :DDD
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suna1suna1 · 6 months ago
Scrunkly Week 2024 | Day five
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Winter - Snowfall
I think Amy LOVES Christmas time. She's the kinda gal to go all out with her gifts, and she's always cheerful, so around Christmas time she's extra cheerful lol
It felt a little weird doing holiday art in August but eh, it's oki lol
I'm actually really happy with how this came out
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barbieb0y · 6 months ago
where hope lies in a snowless land.
day 5 wowza!!
for day 5 of scrunkly week, i... actually planned to go with all the prompts except what once was will never be again but... i got carried away and somehow that became the only prompt i wrote about ???????? dude i swear theres just smth that possesses my fingers when im writing
ngl i projected more than usual here somehow but this is like. hurt/comfort. paper cut has a shitty family and joe comforts him basically. their relationship is more ambiguous too. anyway
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“Man, if I wanted to live in a place where there’s no snow during winter, I might as well go back to my hometown.”
Paper Cut quips as he looks up at the sky and reminisces the days he spent at a land oceans away from his current home, one corner of his lips tucked in disappointingly. Unfortunately for the two of them, San Francisco is not known for its snowfall activity. On the contrary, when it does occur, it’s written into the history books.
“Too bad you’re stuck with me, huh?”
Joe’s comment is accompanied by a kick of a rock, then it sinking into the murky city waters, like an extremely discounted version of throwing a coin into a fountain for a wish. Hands in his pockets despite wearing gloves.
“God, Joe, don’t even. I’d choose to be stuck with you over my family any time, any day.”
Paper Cut notices Joe’s very subtle flinching. He must’ve tried to hide it from him. Paper Cut sighs regretfully as he looks at his feet; as he’s sitting on the backrest of the bench, his feet rest on the seat itself.
It’s all he can really say, even though he doesn’t owe it to anyone. And Joe makes this clear in his response.
“It’s okay. Your family members are assholes anyway.”
He’s not factually wrong but it doesn’t make Paper Cut any less guilty. The latter exhales through his nostrils as the former moves to sit on the bench beside Paper Cut.
“Yeah but I’m going against your whole belief, aren’t I?”
Always love your family. That’s number two of Joe’s many street survival rules. Paper Cut admires Joe for his strong beliefs but that rule of his has always made him reluctant to talk about family around him. In a way, Paper Cut considers Joe lucky to even hold that kind of belief, despite everything that happened with him and his sister.
“Maybe less ‘going against�� and more ‘challenging’.”
This comment makes Paper Cut turn towards Joe. Luckily, he doesn’t have to wait long for an explanation.
“Your situation made me think about things.”
Joe simply stares at the water. It is as tainted as any body of water that lies in the middle of an equally tainted city. Yet Paper Cut is not as tainted, despite being part of such a murky family. He dwells on this for a little longer.
“Family… you always have to love your family, yeah. But your family already hates you for something you can’t control. That’s not fair to you.”
Paper Cut struggles to find the words to argue back. Joe leans back in his seat.
“So, uh, it’s understandable if you can’t love them back. If anything, I think it’s good for you that you don’t force yourself to love them.”
Paper Cut appreciates Joe for reconsidering one of his core principles because of him, he truly does, but–
“...That’s the thing, though.”
Paper Cut begins to move and promptly jumps off the bench entirely. He stands still, gaze lost to the cityscape.
“I don’t force myself to love them… because I already do. I still do, kinda. And it hurts to miss the people that can’t even love you back like you do with them.”
Paper Cut is hunched over now with his hands clasped close to his chest, choking on unshed tears. Joe instantly gets up at this display but Paper Cut simply shakes his head to stop him from laying a hand on him.
“I… I can’t erase our history together. It’s not like I was never happy when I was with them… They did make me happy at some point. But then they threw me out like I was garbage.”
Paper Cut finds himself kneeling on the ground. His heart is aching.
“...I just wished they did it sooner.”
He breaks. The pavement beneath him soaks up his tears emphatically, the only solace it can provide him. Joe has his right hand on his back as support.
“I’m an arcanist, they’re not. So why? Why did they keep me around for so long? Because I was useful? Yet they thought I was a disgusting arcanist anyway.”
Joe locks him in a side embrace now. He doesn’t push him away and simply keeps sobbing.
Eventually, they both sit down on the pavement, despite the presence of a bench right behind them. Paper Cut doesn’t have the strength for such a mundane action as sitting on a bench like a normal person. He was never normal anyway.
They stay like that for a few minutes. Paper Cut sniffs as he pulls his knees to his chest, resting his hands and head on them.
“...Sorry again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. We were just talking about the fucking nonexistent snow here, haha.”
Joe shakes his head at the self-deprecating laugh and brings Paper Cut in for a full hug this time. Paper Cut says nothing. He presses himself closer into Joe. He smells like love.
“It’s okay.” And that is all Joe has to say. Yet it is all Paper Cut needed to hear. Because it is okay. He’s here now with Joe, who has more than enough love to offer.
And - he definitely imagined it but - he can feel snow in his hair.
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viewer-of-many · 6 months ago
Scrunkly Week: Day 5
It was later than usual when Cece woke up that day.
"Good morning Spyler! ...Spyler?"
He wasn't at home, but he left a note for her.
Gone rock collecting, be back soon!
Around that time, a thick fog rolled in.
"Oh no! *barks* How's he going to find his way back now?"
Cece ran outside, nearly getting hit by Duck.
🦆"Whoa, easy there!"
"Sorry Duck, it's just, Spyler went out earlier, and now this fog's here, and I need to find him and help him get back home!"
🦆"You need to find him? Then it's time to play...I Spy!"
I Spy, You Spy, Let's all play I Spy!
🦆"I spy a fruit pie, a ringing tone, a blooming rose, and a super smooth stone."
"Wait...how am I supposed to play with this fog? I can barely see!"
🦆"You can use your other senses! Good luck, spy you later!"
"Use my other senses? Well, alright then!" And into the fog she went.
She managed to find her way to town, where the market was giving away pies, complete with samples.
"Ok, I need to find a fruit pie." She got close to them. "Oh, even from here, they all look the same! I'll have to taste them." She tried the first one. "Nope, that's a chicken pie." The second, "Butterscotch." And finally, the third one. "Cherry! I found it!"
And with that, it was time for the classic cheer whenever something is found while playing I Spy: Whoop, I found it! Whoop, I found it! Whoop, I found it! How about you?
But now, there's another issue: How would Cece carry it? She couldn't exactly hold it, being a dog and all. So, she tried something that Spyler normally does: call for Wheeler, their truck friend!
"Wheeler! Hey Wheeler!"
He came as quick as he safely could in the fog.
"Could you carry this back home? It'll make a lovely treat once I find Spyler and bring him back."
Working together, they carefully moved the pie into the back, and off again Wheeler went.
Cece kept on walking, now toward the forest. As it happened, Polka and Dot were there, with bells for some reason.
"Oh, hello there!"
"Hi Polka, hi Dot! What are you doing with those bells?"
"They make it easier for us to find each other in this fog."
"Ohh, cool! Well, I've got to go, I'm looking for a ringing tone."
"You mean..."
"...like this?"
They rang their bells, making a lovely tone.
"Yes, that's it!" *found it cheer* "Do you have an extra bell I can borrow?"
"No, we don't."
"Oh...you don't?"
"We don't have an extra bell you can borrow. We have an extra bell you can have!"
"Really?! Thank you!"
Not only did they give her the bell, they also tied it carefully to her back to make sure she wouldn't drop it. It was also around this time that Duck showed up again.
🦆"Good work so far, Cece! You found the fruit pie and the ringing tone, but you still need a blooming rose and a super smooth stone. Spy you later, good luck!"
"Spy you later Duck! Now, a blooming rose..."
The forest was full of flowers. Luckily, telling them apart is easy for a dog with a super-sniffy nose!
"Daffodils...lilacs...oh, there it is, a rose!" *found it cheer*
There was something else around the rose that she could just make out through the fog- big, round footprints.
*barking sounds* "Spyler's footprints! He must be nearby!"
Cece followed the footprints, which ended in an area full of rocks.
"No wonder he wanted to go here. Now, to find that super smooth stone!"
She carefully felt each stone she came across. "Ow! That was a pointy stone. Heh heh, and this one's a fuzzy stone! And this one's...smooth! Smoother than any I felt before! This must be it!" *found it cheer*
She reached back down to try and pick it up, but... "Huh? It feels different now."
"Uh, Cece? That's my hand."
"Oh, sorry Spyler...Spyler!"
"Cece!" *both laugh* "How'd you find me?"
"I used my senses, every last one!"
"Well, we should try and find our way back now. I know there was a rose on the path I took to get here, can't find it now though."
"I know where it is, follow me! Oh, and here's a bell we can use to find each other in case we get separated!"
Off they went, Cece leading the way, and Spyler with a bell in one hand and the smooth stone(he went all this way to find new rocks for his collection, he wasn't about to leave without one) in the other. Before long, they made it all the way back home, where Duck was waiting for them.
🦆"See, I knew you could do it!"
"I sure did! Now, I can't wait to enjoy that..."
The sound of eating disrupted the conversation. Seems like this time, Spyler was the one that couldn't hold back when food was involved!
*all laugh* "Oh, Spyler..."
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inwhichidoaheckinart · 6 months ago
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Winter Snowfall - Dreams of a Winter Wonder - Pixel (Diadem: Worlds of Magic)
He was starting to realize that a life spent in Virtual Reality left one entirely unprepared for the way that real snow could soak you to your bones. But VR didn't capture the crunch of snow underfoot right, either, it turned out, and he was quite enjoying that part. Besides, a little fire magic was enough to keep him from getting numb. He did need to go inside, soon - fire or no, being soaked through like this out in the cold was dangerous.
He'd come back, though, once he'd dried off and warmed up, and maybe gotten some better clothes.
Oops, looks like I've fallen behind a little! But my pic for tomorrow is already nearly finished - maybe I'll get to play a little catch up tonight/tomorrow! For now, something sketchier, while I play with lighting/fire effects.
Also WOAH something for scrunkly week that isn't of Vy! He'll be back soon enough though. Naturally, I've got to pay tribute to a series - and the characters thereof - that's had me in a chokehold for... I wanna say 13 years now? A damn long time, at least.
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scrunkly-week · 6 months ago
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• Scrunkly Week Day 5 : Winter - Snowfall
The most wonderful time of the year, in reporting! Put your scrunkly in the most comfortable sweater you've ever seen in your life, and get out there to make snowmen. How susceptible is your scrunkly to the cold (or the gift giving nightmare of Christmas)?
Tag your posts with #SWWinterSnowfall to show us your jolly spirit! Maybe we've been good this year. We'd never tell...
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derpoprime · 6 months ago
— Scrunkly Week Day 5
prompt(s): laughter in the cold fog, dream of a winter wonder
absolutely no beta reading for this; if i die, i die. and if i hate this when i wake up in the morning, i'll just have to suck it up. godbless selfshipping, may self pawtrait live on forever. amen.
Hell froze over for another stretch of time. Nothing happened, really, it's just that time of the season for the Devildom again. Strung up lights and rumors of romance danced about the air as human world Christmas drew near. Everyone knew Diavolo would celebrate it. That's why they've all gotten ready beforehand.
Three, in particular, have taken to an adventure this winter. Footprints in sets of three went off into the woods, and only because Bearjollnr swore he'd seen a sort of fantastical animal headed this way.
Three went to two feet crunched in the snow as Asmo picked him up off the ground for easier travel (and because the viking had gotten very tired on running with his tiny legs). By this point they were halfway in the Forbidden Forest. No signs of anything, albeit Nybbas clearly sees something in the way the air shifted. He turned his head about, honed in on auditory cues the other two couldn't hear.
"Maybe... was I mistaken?" Bearjollnr began aloud, to himself.
A few steps ahead of them, Nybbas continued to mutter sentences to the air; whether or not those sentences connected was yet to be seen.
Asmo sighed, the cold painting his breath in wisps of white. He stood there for a while, as he held Bearjollnr in his arms and stared at his Sweet Little Pome and let the world drift off. Nothing in this life could stop that man. Not if the effort pushed him to his limits. Not when he was having such a blast like this.
Oh, but Asmo knew he could stop him. Easily. He could make Nybbas do anything he wanted, in fact, if he whined or said "pretty please" sweet enough. Nybbas worshipped the ground he stood on, and in return Asmo would cradle him gently in his arms, careful not to break that devotion. Careful not to break him.
Of course he couldn't ruin the image of Nybbas scrambling to find some sasquatch in the woods like a wonderstruck child. The whole world could burn before he let that happen.
"Oh, but we're having so much fun," he whispered, watching him. "We can't go back now, can we?"
"... I suppose you're right,"
Bearjollnr didn't really get it, but he knew some form of special bond tied the two together in something. Something he struggled to wrap his mind around as he stroked his luscious beard on instinct, failing to remember he has long since lost that beard. Maybe this creature he saw could bring it back.
Sir Asmodeus hadn't been wrong, either, though. Bearjollnr found midnight trips to be quite the festivity. One of the spices of life, he ventured to say once.
Asmo skipped over to Nybbas, who was nearly about to bolt away somewhere had he not grabbed his arm.
"Heart?" he tilts his head.
"Hello!" Asmo chirped before pecking his cheek. "Did you find something?"
A lock of his hair turned sunset colors.
"I believe... there,"
He pointed towards a shining light some decent few paces away, faded though its glow still made it through the slightest cracks in the trees. Bearjollnr could hardly believe it. What a wonderful sight! They must make their way there immediately.
So he conveyed to the other two, but they seemed a little dazed looking at each other. He had to shake them both to snap them out of it. Once he succeeded, they were off. It took much fewer strides for them than it would've for him, and in what felt like but a few seconds, they came face to face with the source of the glow.
Some sort of an amulet, rested within the ethereal form of a deer. At its forehead, to be specific, cupped in-between constellations that drifted throughout its "skin", stars in its hooves lighting up when it stomped them. It made no noise, yet its presence sung a lullaby. Bearjollnr had never seen anything like this before. It was beautiful.
Asmo broke the silence first. "You're so pretty!"
Then followed Nybbas. "What... what are you?"
The deer spoke in ideas much too grand for demons. Its amulet glides itself to Bearjollnr's palm as its body disintegrated into the night. More and more it told them of concepts they could never understand, up until it couldn't exist anymore. And the next thing they knew, they were alone. The glow turned small and concentrated to just above the face of the amulet, moving in circles of space and time near Bearjollnr's eyes.
He understood the wisdom delivered to his senses. Make a wish.
So he did.
Uproarious commotion would then follow the whole of the Devildom as they three took to bobsledding its grounds. Asmo and Nybbas rained festive decor on the streets. Bearjollnr had the wheel, bobbing back and forth with the rhythm of the uneven road.
As would be beneficial to not only them, but the whole of the realm, Bearjollnr had simply wished for "the winter joy to rage on". This would be Lord Diavolo's wish, he knew. He also wished for his beard back, but that was neither here nor there. Since the demons with him thought his first wish too boring, though, he settled for a... louder way, to welcome the season's greetings.
"Hi–yup!" went another one of Asmo's precise shots, landed to the top of a pine tree.
Seeing as it happened to belong to one of his adorning fans, he also shot them a kiss and a wink, killing them instantly. He turned his body to check on them. They got up again. Thankfully.
Beside him, Nybbas used both hands to chuck to as many victims as he could near the top of their head, yet always missing by an inch or so, hitting their homes instead and donning it with jolly. He cackled through the scares he gave the townsfolk.
Bearjollnr himself heaved laughter from his beard covered chest like he hadn't in a long, long time. This felt so freeing. "This is amazing! You two were right about this!"
"Well, of course," Asmo said, attempting to fix his hair before someone threw something back. "Wh– hey!"
Nybbas tensed as he climbed over their now empty bag of items, searching for whoever that was. "An obituary guaranteed."
Whatever happened with the rest, any other resident of the Devildom could tell you. In great detail, no less. They were all witness to it that night. Whimsy, passion, adrenaline—not one thing absent till the morning break of dawn, when Lucifer had them on their knees to atone for the mess they made as they crashed the sled into the House of Lamentation.
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