#new » save slot
nepthys-merenset · 1 month
idk what this says about me as a person, but i'm pretty sure it's not good
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derpoprime · 1 month
watching south park: the end of obesity today. kyle and cartman are still gay. that's good to know.
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GOOD LUCK, BABE!!!!!!!!!!
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Just a bit about MK's gender swap of Sektor and Cyrax
Unless there is a solid reason behind such a choice, I’m not a big fan of turning established characters into a different gender. Since Cyrax and Sektor’s gender has never played any vital part in their relationship with Bi-Han, Tomas or Kuai Liang, I can accept the gender swap for now, although my final judgment will depend on how those characters will be used in the upcoming expanded story.
That said, I have some legitimate concerns about those changes. For one, if this is NRS’s way to introduce more female fighters, then I’m pretty offended. I’m still awaiting the return of Sonya (one of the original cast!). There is also Sheeva, D’Vorah, Jade, Frost, Skarlet, Khameleon (already mentioned in intro dialogues as Umgadi), Sareena (as actual character not supporting background cameo), Jataaka, Kia. There is Harumi that definitely deserves to be flashed out beyond Scorpion’s fiance/wife, not to mention a chance to introduce us to a totally new female protagonist, like Raiden’s sister. Or NRS could bring comics!Hydro as a woman (or gender-fluid hydromancer. I’m not picky, though I doubt the NRS has any intention to explore gender issues beyond characters being women or men).
And let’s not forget about Cassie Cage & Jacqui Briggs, but those two as New Generation may not fit yet into the story, which is understandable. 
I’m happy to see Sektor and Cyrax back, but there are plenty of female characters that deserve no less to be brought back into lore and I’m afraid that gender swapping Cyrax and Sektor is NRS’s way to kill two birds with one stone. Bi-Han’s supporters are important to expand the Lin Kuei vs Shirai Ryu conflict, but by being now women, their presence on the roster reduces the chance of other female characters.  
The second, more prominent concern I have is the fear that the game will rely on or imply there was romance - still ongoing or in the past - between Bi-Han or Kuai Liang with either Sektor or Cyrax. I said it countless times before that I see Sub-Zero as aromantic & asexual so any romance for him simply doesn’t work for me, but that is actually beside the point.
My point is, if the major addition to the relationship between Lin Kuei characters will be Sektor and/or Cyrax having romantic feelings for any of the brothers and for that addition NRS needed to gender swap them into women I WILL BE FURIOUS. Not for the romance itself, but because Sektor and Cyrax as men could have the same feelings and their gender should not play any role in that. Homosexual and/or bisexual men should be part of MK lore no less than heterosexual characters. And I feel lately that the Mortal Kombat franchise likes to erase a lot of previously established diversity. Homosexual Kung Jin was playable only in MKX (2015) and just referred here or there since then. Previous timelines Mileena showed interest (or sometimes was just sexually creepy?) toward men and women alike, now she is only interested in Tanya. On one hand, cool, an established lesbian woman. On another the bisexual vibe is kicked out of the window - or at least this is my impression. Johnny may be seen as bisexual man, but how intentional that was on the NRS’ part or just came out naturally as there is no female character in the group of Liu Kang’s Earthrealm Champions for him to interact with, I’m not sure. 
My fear is that NRS is just a coward that would rather gender-swap male characters to present them and their relationship as heterosexual than just go with them as they are. MK1 has already the token homosexual pair (Tanya & Mileena) to balance Liu Kang/Kitana,  Sindel/Jerrod and background Johnny’s ex-marriage or Kenshi/Suchin. So if female Cyrax and Sektor’s purpose is to either avoid homosexual implication or to explore the relationship of  Lin Kuei characters through some romantic bullshit, I will be furious. But if studio’s choice to gender swap Sektor and Cyrax will change literally nothing about what we already knew from previous timelines then WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS?
Like I said, my final judgment about NRS’s choice for female Cyrax and Sektor will be based on story mode alone. For now, I’m pretty much indifferent, as their gender has never affected their relationship with Bi-Han before and so far the only complaint I have is, the visually-wise impression that female Cyrax and Sektor seem to look thinner than rest of female characters? But that may be just the armor playing a trick on my eyes.
(I lied. I have a second complaint, their armor should be more bulky, and better covering their body/gender. This seems like a wasted opportunity to have a cool reveal that yes, under the armor there are two kick-ass awesome women).
So, female Cyrax and Sektor for now does not change anything for me, but I do remain suspicious about the reasoning of NRS for gender swap.
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periwinkla · 16 days
Wanna know something funny about the comic? Y'know that image I posted with all the pages together?? That's my canvas. I had all the pages on the same canvas. I thought it would be faster and it would make it look consistent but damn that was a beast of a file and my tablet hated me. Next time I am at least breaking it up into two chunks. The program stuttered so much it basically became a patience game. (btw it's still a terrible idea to have it all in one file or even two - don't follow my ways, I don't make good choices)
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neriyon · 5 months
Okay benchmark test is go, I'm honestly not sure how to feel about this.
Loading up his saved apperance data he isn't that bad. Eyes are kinda funny but he's kinda cute. But after checking the current Hawu'li I uh, do not like the changes anymore.
First (left) is CURRENT Hawu'li, second (right) is BENCHMARK
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My poor child, what did they do to you...... New one looks so tired? Skintone is a bit funny but I'll put that on the current lighting (took the screenshot facing the wrong way oops). But his eyes???? He has the eyeshape that's biggest/most open and he still has that half-lidded sleepy look??? Lips are almost same but lost that signature catboy :3 with the upturned corners, and nose looks (at least from front) a bit more squished. And his little eye shine.... now he looks like a dead fish :c
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lordzuuko · 11 months
Pinocchio doesn't even blink. He's too confident to deal 5k damage in one go AHHAHAHAH XD
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link-lonk · 3 months
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The game might be going down but my list of magical girls is not
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sieglinde-freud · 5 months
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also. best pull of my life. the other orbs are irrelevant but getting the legendary version of the best 3h character AND my last inigo merge in one go? oh my god. whatever god threw me a bone for this one lets make out sloppy style
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derpoprime · 1 month
masterlist of my nightmare blunt rotation of pronouns
because this is queer man euphoria on display and my whimsy never ends. i have had to hand craft some of these myself from the coal mines so they suit my gender needs better.
i may change the rotation around at will later. who knows! my main ones will be bolded.
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as-above-rp · 5 hours
"&" Rachael looking at Riots eye.
Riot was in his own thoughts when he felt a hand touch his face. He blinked back into the present, and looked down at Rachael; she was reaching up to brush his bangs out of his face, uncovering the two long scars and glass eye that lay hidden beneath. There were chunks of scales that had been chipped, and patches of his eyebrow where the hair no longer grew in quite right.
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"Pretty sick lookin', innit?" He half smirked. "I never told ye how I got it, did I? It was back when I was still trainin' under my dad t'be a knight--think I was 14 or so. We were taught how t'deal with attempted kidnappin's an' assassination attempts on the people we were meant to protect--so it came as a real shock when this guy showed up an' comin' at me personally, as a kid no less. My guess is that he was either tryin' t' get rid o' the knights before they could stand in his way, or he was someone workin' for the revolutionaries who wanted to disband the oligarchy. I never found out fer sure.
He came packin' with these guantlet things, with two blades stickin' out over the top of 'is hand. He got me pretty good in the face with 'em, right over my eye. I still managed t'subdue the fucker an' keep myself conscious while half blind an' bleedin' all over the place long enough 'til my dad showed up. There was no way of savin' my eye - it was a big adjustment re-learnin' t' fight with half my vision gone an' my depth perception fucked, but I got the hang of it. Still passed the test on track a lil after my 18th birthday." He flashed a rocker sign with his hand. 🤟
"Normally, I don' like folks touchin' me on that side o' my face. Makes me anxious, not bein' able to see it comin'. But..."
Riot leaned into Rachael's hand. Her skin was always cool in comparison to his. It felt nice--soothing, in a way. His eyes closed a little, and he let out a soft sight through his nose.
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"Fer you, I'll make an exception. Yer allowed."
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get-more-bald · 6 months
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appalachianlich · 10 months
I have nothing to post, so take this tiny crop of a wip save menu
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simarcana · 1 year
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The save has been quiet lately. Aodh and Alika kept practicing magic, the band kept performing and Alika went on two more dates with Noah. The only honorable mention is that I discovered Ebe is getting married and Alika is going to be their sim of honor!
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glassamphibians · 8 months
i need school to start bc ive started playing hades again do you know how dire things have to get for me to start playing hades again
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itspeanutlove · 4 months
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