#zelink one shot
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dragongirlie56 · 2 months ago
I would love to see a cute age of calamity zelink one-shot! Doesn’t have to be long
06- Guardian Cupid
Cute Age of Calamity zelink oneshot! Requested by: Anon!
Hope you like this!! Sorry it took me so long to get to your request!
Ship: Zelink AoC
Warnings: None!
Link’s blue eyes followed the small white guardian as it trailed Zelda, its claws tapping the dirt path below.
Terrako sure was acting strange lately during their travels. At least, that’s what Link thought.
On multiple instances the robot had caused some sort of disruption between him and Zelda, especially when he walked beside the golden haired princess. Which left the knight in a flustered mess.
It was beginning to be very difficult to maintain his composure.
Scratch that. Exceedingly difficult.
Terrako would find some way to push him and Zelda together. He was beginning to think that the small robot knew of his very minor crush on the princess.
He didn’t realize he was lost in his thoughts until he felt a sharp poke in his calf. He instinctively reached for his sword as he looked down. But it was only Terrako jabbing him in the calf.
Link glanced down with furrowed brows and tilted his head slightly to the side. Terrako’s blue eye was locked onto his face.
“Beep beep beeeeep boo!” He declared. Link could only stare in bewilderment. He’d only been walking for Hylia’s sake! What was there to be mad about?
A strange sense of deja vu overcame the blonde knight. Maybe the guardian was still angry from the Yiga Clan incident… which Link didn’t quite get. The knife would’ve killed him, Link did him a favor by pushing him out of the way.
“Terrako? What’s wrong? Link’s not doing anything.” Zelda’s voice intervened and Link followed the sound. Their eyes met, green and blue, locking onto one another. Link found this seemed to happen more frequently than naught. His breath caught in his throat.
She was a sight to behold, that was for sure. Her long golden hair flowed in the slight breeze and her braided crown sat atop of her head (Which Link helped her braid sometimes after she found out he could do hair). When she smiled he couldn’t help but stare, she looked lovely when she did. Many times he had to force himself to look away when he was almost caught.
Like right now.
He averted his cerulean gaze and scratched the back of his head as heat crept up his neck. He’d just been openly staring at her! Like a lovestruck idiot!
“Are you alright, Link?”
He could only nod in response as his thoughts jumbled into a pile of chuchu jelly. He opted for readjusting his leather brace.
“Well, alright then.”
Stay focused. Stay focused… He repeated over and over in his mind. If something happened to Zelda on his watch he'd never forgive himself.
Their trek to the lab continued with little obstacles or monster encounters. Link was sure they’d get their safe, that was until Terrako started to run around again.
“What’s wrong now?” Zelda watched the guardian as they walked.
Her eyebrows shot up as he zipped in front of her. “Hey!” He did it again. “Terrako! S-stop! What are you- AH!” The white guardian had cut her off, making her trip backwards.
Link’s heart stopped as she fell toward the open air. He lunged for her without a second thought. His hand grasped her wrist and he pulled her into him, the momentum now pushing him backward. Link wrapped his arms around her in a protective embrace as they fell back.
Pain shot up Link’s back as he came in contact with the ground and he let out a harsh grunt.
“S-sorry!” Zelda’s muffled voice reached his buzzing ears.
Link shook his head. He’d take back pain over her falling to her death any day, no questions asked.
“Are you okay?” he huffed out.
“Yes, thanks to you.” Zelda lifted her head from his chest to look him in the eye. Link froze. Some of her hair fell past her shoulders, brushing the grass. “Are you okay?”
He could only nod. His heart beat faster with each passing second they stared at each other. She was laying on top of him.
Holy Hylia she was laying on top of him.
Her eyes widened as she rolled off him. “Oh Hylia! Link! I’m sorry-“
He waved a hand and shook his head as he sat up. “It’s fine. Not your fault,” he forced out, his voice small. He was surprised he even had the ability to talk at all.
The flustered knight jumped at the sound. His eyes flicked to Terrako to find he was spinning in circles with many triumphant sounds coming from him.
He hopped around and nudged Zelda on the side.
Her brows furrowed. “What is going on with you-“
Terrako made an angry noise. If he had the ability to blow steam, Link was sure he would’ve done it at that moment. He bumped her again before running over to Link and doing the same to him.
The blondes glanced from the bold robot and back to each other. A realization washing over them at the same time.
Terrako had wanted Zelda to fall so Link would catch her.
If it was possible, Link would have blushed ten shades darker. At that point he’d surely need to visit the medic.
“What are you guys doing?”
Link’s gaze snapped to the sheikah.
When neither blonde responded Purah placed her hands on her hips.
“Don’t be silly! Get up here you two! We've got work to do!” If Purah had seen anything in the last five minutes she didn’t say it—which Link appreciated. He didn’t know if he could handle her teasing at the moment or ever for that matter.
He glanced over at Zelda. He could tell she had something to say from the way she held her arms behind her back and how her brow was slightly furrowed.
So he waited.
“Can we… talk later?” Zelda glanced at him and his eyes widened slightly.
He gave her a nod, swallowing back the nervousness that climbed its way up his throat.
“Okay.” She tucked her hair behind her pointed ear and gave him a timid smile.
Terrako zipped up the dirt path, only pausing when he reached Purah.
The blonde pair shared a laugh before following the path and meeting the enthusiastic guardian at the lab doors.
Purah snickered as the princess and her knight walked through the door. She pulled up a picture of the two she sneakily took on the sheikah slate.
She was definitely going to find a way to display this at their wedding.
Short and sweet!! 💕💕💕
Eeeeee!!! Thanks for requesting!! :)
Zelink Masterlist
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clowns0up-felix · 8 months ago
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Hyped bf showing worried gf some cool tricks
Also, i watched Deadpool and Wolverine yesterday and didn’t see the long, passionate make out sesh,,, did i miss it?
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mistresslrigtar · 4 months ago
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written for @lualia-moon for Zelink Hype Squad's 2025 Hestu's Gift Exchange
Prompt request: TP Zelink story with the line, "Can I kiss you?"
Happy holidays, Lualia! I hope you like it.
“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”
Zelda lifted her gaze from the pages of her book to meet a pair of piercing blue eyes. They were as blue as the sky on a clear summer’s day, and just as warm and inviting. She almost said the seat was available until she pushed her wire-framed glasses up the bridge of her nose and took in his entire appearance. His rugged features and strong jawline contrasted with those gentle eyes, and her heart skipped a beat or maybe two. But…
She’d come to Telma’s Bar hoping to find a dashing secret agent, a brave soldier in uniform, or a rough around the edges scoundrel. Anything but the country bumpkin standing beside her who looked and—taking a sniff, Zelda scrunched up her nose—smelled like he’d just gotten off a shift at the stables.
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chaosfantasmic · 1 year ago
wild: guys, I’m gay
the chain: but your dating Flora?
Wild: yea?
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abbyz-elda · 2 months ago
Prompt Requests
Hi friends! I’m wanting to do a little palate cleanser for my writing because I’ve been working really hard on longer projects, so I’m going to be taking one shot requests!
I probably won’t get to all of them, but if you have any LoZ one shots you would like me to write, go ahead and throw them in my inbox! I’ll pick a few of my favorites and write them up😊
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zelda-of-hyrule-tloz · 8 months ago
Echoes of Wisdom Headcanon Countdown
༺ Day 53▪︎ 46 Left
This one really leans into headcanon territory (I know that's the point of these, but you get what I mean), but I imagine the times we hear Zelda's voice calling to Link in game stuck with him. Sometimes, he would try to speak to her - to reach out to that distant light and its voice so he could truly remember what she sounded like. She wished more than anything to respond, but it risked the Calamity slipping free.
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sparklyhyperbole · 4 months ago
So, I had a flirty bit of fluff for @zelinkcommunity's event This or That, cake or soup week.
It turns out pure fluff does not hold my attention, so this... is not that. 🙈
Enjoy the spooky soup? (Look, there's some smoochy soup here too, okay.)
Thank you, @raurusthirdeye for poking my dead body with a stick while I laid facedown on the ground and contemplated fic writing. THE THING IS POSTED!
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iti-iskuna · 1 year ago
hey hi hello i won't say this is a return to me writing fic regularly but i spent my entire holiday break playing BOTW and had to write shit about it so please enjoy this little self-indulgent zelink one shot
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marblewrites · 1 month ago
May I Have This Dance?
YOTP25 January Prompt: "May I have this dance?"
Tags: Link/Zelda (BOTW/TOTK), mutual pining, fluff, dancing, non-speaking!Link potentially bad writing (let me know if I missed anything)
Word Count: 990
A/N: I know this is being posted in February, but I finally gained the confidence to post it as my first fic! Constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated.
Ao3 Link
Zelda glanced back at Link as she rode her horse - a nervous habit she had picked up recently – and he was still there, he had that same focused expression as he followed closely behind her. Just before the two arrived at the entrance to Rito Village, the princess began to feel the crisp winds nipping at her skin through layers of clothing. 
Shivering, she tugged the reins in her hands, urging her horse to slow down to walking speed as the path ahead of her narrowed. Moving onto the bridge made Zelda tense up, keeping her eyes forward. She could feel the slight sway of the bridge below her, the way her horse stepped more cautiously. Soon enough, though, it was over.
When she and Link stopped in front of the long stairs up to the village, he helped her climb off of her horse before tying them to posts. Then, Zelda gave him a nod and a small smile before beginning her ascent. The walk was quiet, save for a few soft sounds carried by gusts of wind.
Suddenly, there was a new sound gracing their ears.
“Is that an accordion?” asked the princess, eyebrows furrowing as her step paused, making Link come to a stop behind her.
Link tilted his head and nodded when the princess met his gaze, curiosity etched onto his own face as well. Zelda continued to walk, straining to catch a hint of the song being played.
Finally the two reached a landing with a few Rito inhabiting it. Sure enough, when Link and Zelda turned, there was a large blue Rito, playing an accordion as some of the others watched. There were a few kids excitedly listening while the Rito closed his eyes and swayed to the song.
It was a welcome sight, and an even more welcome sound. Zelda stepped closer, causing Link to do the same, and just listened for a moment. Her eyes closed and she smiled to herself, sighing contently.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked, already awaiting Link’s answer by the time he looked her in the eye again.
He shrugged and nodded, his lips curling up at the edges. Link watched Zelda close her eyes and begin to sway along with the tune, taking in the way her blonde hair followed a few seconds behind the movement, making her look like she existed in slow-motion.
Then, his eyes were widening as Zelda held out her hand to him. “May I have this dance?” she asks playfully, and Link couldn’t help the way his smile grew as he gave her a confused look.
“Come on, we can have fun every once in a while!” she insisted, reaching down to take one of his hands in both of hers. Then, she pulled him just a bit closer to the source of the music.
Link was stunned, a puff of air leaving his mouth. Zelda’s other hand was on his shoulder, making him shake his head before placing his on her waist. Zelda found herself wondering if the knight had ever had the opportunity to dance with someone.
Judging by his panicked look, she could certainly guess. She gave him a reassuring smile and moved a foot, nodding for him to do the same. That’s when his focused look came back, his eyes cast down to follow her steps.
Zelda chuckled and guided him as they swayed slightly to the music. “There, you’re getting it!” she encouraged him, giving his hand and shoulder a small squeeze.
Link looked up at her with a surprised smile, shaking his head and giving her a soft squeeze before pulling his hands away from her for a moment to sign.
“I don’t think I’m very good at this.” he told her with a slightly amused expression.
“Oh, that’s nonsense!” she replied, waving a hand at him. “I think you’re doing fine.”
She offers her hand to him again, and he gives her a playful roll of his eyes before accepting it again. She’s grinning as she continues their little slow dancing session, watching as Link tries to concentrate.
“You’ve got to relax a little bit, Link.” she tells him, tapping her fingers on his shoulders. “You’re all rigid.”
He looks up at her and tilts his head with a quizzical look. “How?” he asks, removing his hand from her waist to sign before returning it to its place.
“Just… loosen up. Focus on me.” she advises with a patient smile.
He nods curtly, trying to concentrate on her face. Almost immediately, he missteps and stumbles slightly before giving her an awkward laugh. The sound makes her beam, and she chuckles.
“There, just like that.” she says with a sure nod of her head. “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.” she adds.
That makes him really laugh, his eyes closing as he nods. When he looks at her again, she’s wearing a fond expression and shifting slightly closer to him. He feels warmer, even in the cold air that breezes through Rito Village.
The two continue to dance for the remainder of the Rito’s song, just enjoying each other’s presence. Link can’t help but notice the small details of Zelda’s face now that he’s so close to her.
She has specks of brown and blue mixed into her green eyes, a few brown strands mixed into her blonde hair, and her cheeks were flushed from the cold air. He can’t help the affectionate look on his face, and when he focuses back in on the full picture of her, he notices that she’s sporting the same expression.
Once the song is done, the two share a lingering gaze before finally pulling away.
“See, that wasn’t so bad was it?” she asks him with a smile.
A smile grows on his face too, and he shakes his head. “Fun.” he signed simply, feeling his heart swell when she laughed.
She looked beautiful right now, he thought.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years ago
Lights burn long
Hey guys! I don’t normally do this but I wrote a little one shot to get me back into writing, and since it’s so short I thought I’d share it ^^. Little domestic hateno fluff piece.
The light of the setting sun often struggled to reach the house across the bridge, tucked at the foot of Heartbreak Pond as it was. Candles were lit a half hour early, an hour in winter. Link liked to find the more expensive scented ones, sold in little shops in the towns across Hyrule. They added a pleasant smell to the twining smoke as it filled the house, casting flickering glows on the clay walls, turning them the colour of the sunset the furniture never saw.
Zelda liked lighting them, a soothing task, and she did them that night as Link gathered the dishes from a late meal, the clink of the cutlery in time with the soft snap whumph of wicks.
He piled them in the sink, jiggling the flame blade they used to heat their water until it glimmered a hot amber. Taking a handful of lye shavings from the pot behind the tub, he sprinkled it evenly into the water and stirred it slowly with a cloth, watching as suds began to trail behind his hand.
The creaking of floorboards took Zelda upstairs, lighting the last two on the desk and at their bedside, to extinguish last as they went to sleep once the moon peaked over the mountains.
As the house filled with light, Link pulled out the first plate, running the cloth over it in slow circles. The hot soapy water warmed his fingers, turning them pink.
Zelda returned, hiding a small yawn in her hand. She leant against Link for a brief moment, her hair swaying into his cheek until she rocked back.
“Sleepy?” he asked, tilting his head to see her squeeze her eyes shut. She hummed, soft and long. “See, that's what happens when you stay up late in your research, you're tired the next day. Get an early night tonight.”
In lieu of a response, she leaned into the counter, swatting at him like a idle cat until he stepped aside, keeping his hands in the sink. Throwing open the cupboard underneath with a creak, she patted around until a towel appeared, white and blue dotted and a present from Paige down at the dye shop as an unexpected house-warming gift.
“Let's get this done first,” she said. “I'd love to get to sleep without having to smell old food.”
“You sleep whether I track bokoblin guts into the house,” Link informed her, and got swatted with the towel for his troubles.
“Unlike a certain someone I could mention, I didn't get enough sleep for a century, so I like it when I get to do it without troubles,” Zelda said primly, taking the spoon he handed her and scrubbing it dry.
“That's not at all what you said last night.” This time, the towel was slightly wet, and left his ear faintly damp.
“Well you should know better than to pry me from my research, Link, really.”
“Mhm,” he agreed without sincerity, swirling his rag in the steaming water to fish out any last cutlery, and realising all the forks had sunk to the bottom. For a long moment, the home was filled with the swish of water and the clink of metal as they cleaned. The sharp smell of the lye stirred about their heads and mixed with the beechwood of the candles as the wax started to melt.
Through the windows, the last rays of sunlight started to fade, smothered by the clouds as temperatures began to drop outside. Inside, the flame blade rippled and sparked in its metal shelf, warming the house from within.
Zelda was yawning hard as she dried the last piece, hard enough that she paused her wiping to screw her face up with the size of it, tears springing to the corners of her eyes. Link took it and the towel from her, stepping into her space to put it on the rack.
“Get to bed,” he chided softly. “You had a long day.”
“Yesterday,” Zelda complained, but conceded, surrendering to his gentle chivvying and heading up the stairs. The top of her blonde head moved around over the railing as he finished the nightly preparations, getting undressed and untying her hair for sleep. He heard the gentle woosh of the candle on the desk being blown out, and then the rustle of her kicking her way under the covers.
He gathered the papers strewn over the table, a couple on the floor, shuffled them into a pile for Zelda to exclaim over his ruining her sorting in the morning, folded the blanket and hung it over the armchair back, kicked the leaves that had wandered in towards the door.
He had a few hours until he was tired, still used to being up all hours of the day and night, and so ran a finger over the well worn shelf in the side table they'd filled with books until he found an omnibus of birds and insects, and settled in the chair as he pleased, kicking both legs over one arm and leaning into the crook of the other.
The candles burned long and sweet, the sky outside fading from purple to a rich blue, and as the moon peeked its round head over the spring of wisdom Link found his head beginning to bob on his neck, the owls on the page beginning to flutter their wings and fly from the paper, singing their distant songs in his listening ears.
He closed the book, leaning over to slide it back on the shelf, and slid to his feet with a delicious, languid stretch. Each candle on his slow circuit of the house blew out one by one, the deadbolt on the door slid into place, the flame blade checked to confirm its dimming to a cool grey. Each step on the stairs felt like hiking a snow covered mountain, and he rested his hand on the railing as he climbed up, hiding his own yawns.
Zelda was already long asleep when he reached her, hair a golden halo in the last glowing candle, face lax in dreams.
Link shucked his clothes one by one, pulling on his worn lobster shirt and a pair of shorts. He sat on the edge of the bed as he undid his hair, running his fingers through until it fell loose again, and tied it back in a simple ponytail to keep it out of their mouths during the night.
He climbed into bed beside her, tugging the duvet free and slipping under. With a silent breath, the last candle cast the house across the bridge into deep darkness, and Link was asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.
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Like Real People Do
(Hylia/Fierce Deity) (SFE)
The inky blue of the evening sky seemed to boast even more brilliant stars than usual across the land of Hylia; the roar of the late summer heat now a faint whimper. On that night, in a village safely tucked behind a dense forest, a small festival took place. The chattering of cicadas echoed throughout as the villagers danced and sang under a string of softly colored lights, hung hours before in anticipation. Several tables boasting a colorful array of roasted pheasant, seasonal vegetables and sweets sat neatly in rows of three. A small statue of the goddess Hylia was nestled in the middle of it all, sporting a crown woven with peonies and marigolds.
Little did they know that goddess was observing their little get-together from afar, alongside her companion.
Perched on a cliff, feet dangling over the edge, the two sat together as they quietly observed the spectacle below. Eventually, Hylia spoke.
"What do you suppose they're talking about?"
The towering figure beside her remained silent for a few moments before he spoke, his profile illuminated by the pale moonlight. "Hopefully they are talking about the coming winter and how to prepare for it. They do not seem ready at all."
Hylia snorted, "I meant the cicadas, Kishin."
Hylia could almost feel his brow furrowing in confusion as she leaned forward, "Well it is their mating season, so-"
Kishin barked out a small laugh, a rare smile cracking through his usually stony features. "That seems like a private matter, and definitely not something I would like to know." He turned to her and smirked "But tell me, what do you think they are saying?"
Hylia tapped her chin in mock thought, "Hmmm.... Maybe something along the lines of "Come to me! Love me! Never leave me!"
As she said it, Hylia raised the pitch of her voice and dramatically gestured with her hands, causing Kishin to burst out laughing.
"Ah of course!" he cackled as Hylia dissolved into a fit of giggles herself.
As the fearsome god of war, Kishin took his duties very seriously; but tonight, his usual silver armor was exchanged for a pale blue tunic. Ever stoic and solemn, it was unlike him to be so relaxed. While Hylia admired his strength and steadfastness, she couldn't help but take joy in seeing her dear friend at ease for once.
Eventually their laughter died down and they resumed their watch of the village festivities. While things were starting to die down, there were still some couples dancing together. They gleefully spun across the small stretch of grass, hands tightly clasped together. Hylia couldn't help but be mesmerized by them, which didn't go unnoticed by Kishin.
As their goddess who swore to protect them at any cost, Hylia held considerable affection for the mortals and their various customs. She guarded them, as well as the land itself, with a ferocity unlike any other. Kishin admired her greatly for her unending devotion and compassion.
Not that he could ever vocalize it.
"How wonderful! We get to see the Lover's Waltz!" Hylia said with a soft, dreamy smile.
"....Lover's Waltz?"
"It's mostly done at celebrations, primarily weddings; in fact, it's often the first dance that a newly married pair does at their reception."
"I see." Kishin said softly. He remained quiet for a moment before he spoke again, "Have you ever...danced like that before with someone?"
Hylia gave a small chuckle at his query. "Ah, unfortunately no. I'm not one for dancing."
"The way you move on the battlefield suggests otherwise."
"Oh that's different and you know it! Hylia dismissively waved her hand, blushing inwardly at his compliment. "As precious as Fi is to me, a sword is hardly a passable dance partner...... How about you?"
"I have not." Kishin stated matter-of-factly.
"....I see."
The two sat in silence, listening to the wind as it effortlessly glided through the trees behind them. Suddenly, Hylia stood up and extended her hand towards her still-seated companion. Curiosity glinted in Kishin's eyes as he looked at her.
"Care to dance?" Hylia said with a smile.
Kishin blinked, "Come again?"
"I think we should try it! Dance with me!"
"Do not be ridiculous. I will probably just trip all over you."
Hylia placed a hand on his shoulder before he could turn away. "You really think I'll fair any better? Who's really being ridiculous here?"
Hylia once again offered her hand to him. With a smile and a shake of the head, Kishin rose to his feet and faced her, "Alright fine, but let us move inward; I would rather we not tumble off this cliff in the process." He reached out and took her hand in his, calluses meeting calluses.
Hand-in-hand, the two made their way to a nearby clearing, where fireflies danced amongst the flora and the moonlight seemed to shine even brighter than before. Once they reached the middle, Hylia began her instruction.
"I'll wrap my hand around yours. Now wrap your other arm around me. A little higher. Good! Now my hand goes on your shoulder...."
"Are you sure this is right?"
"Of course I am!" Hylia's golden eyes met his stark white, causing her to pause and revel in the closeness of their bodies. Fighting against the blessed butterflies that now fluttered relentlessly in her chest, she continued:
"Now you take one step forward and I'll take one back. To the side. Back together. Again! Foward. Side. Together. Once more! Foward. Side. Together. Annnd that's it! Those are the basic steps; we just repeat them."
Kishin let out a breathless laugh as they broke apart, smiling brighter than even the most dazzling of stars, "Hah! That was not to bad!"
Hylia grinned, shooting her own beams of light back at him, "I knew you'd be a fast learner! Well done!"
"Why thank you. I had a good teacher." This time he was the one to extend his hand to her, "Shall we continue?"
"But of course!"
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dragongirlie56 · 3 months ago
I saw that you opened requests and I just HAVE to ask--
Would you write a oneshot about modern Miphvali? 🙏
PS, I still ADORE your writing and keep up the good work!
Ahhh!!! Thank you so much Echo!! I’m so flattered! 😊
Thanks for requesting!! I had so much fun with this one!!!! I was so excited when I saw you requested Modern Miphvali! I definitely want to write more modern oneshots (and regular oneshots) on them in the future! :) This one’s shorter than my other oneshots but I still love it!
Warnings: None! Just some jealousy.
Headcanon: Another reason Revali dislikes Link is because Mipha likes Link
I humanized them in this one (mostly because I wanted to write Mipha with bangs-) i hope that’s okay haha
I hope you like this! :)
01-Jealous Archer (Request)
What does Link have that I don’t?
The question lingered in Revali’s mind as he glared at his cup of coffee with a scrunched nose. The dark haired boy racked his brain for some sort of answer but he came up with nothing. He was captain of the Guardians Archery Team at the University, he was at the top of his class at the pilot academy, and he had various gold medals from archery tournaments. How is it that Link bested him yet again?
The boy barely ever talked anyways so how was Mipha so invested in him?
Revali never cared much for romance, the thought of it just never sparked any interest in him. In high school he was only focused on archery and his pilot classes. And that mindset carried over into his university days. He always thought Mipha was cute, but he never thought anything of it since she adored the blonde boy.
Usually he enjoyed cafe’s and the homely atmosphere they brought with the plants and the coffee bean scent. But today he was with all of his friends. Which meant Mipha was going to be occupied the entire time with the silent blonde.
Revali ran a hand through his dark blue hair, he was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t realize Zelda was in the middle of telling a story.
”….Link ate all of the sandwiches in ten seconds. I was in shock!” Zelda exclaimed with a laugh. Revali blinked, how did they even get to this topic?
A small giggle erupted from Mipha. The sound didn’t make his heart warm like it normally did. No, it made him grit his teeth.
He glanced up from his steamless mug. Mipha’s red hair was pulled back into her classic ponytail, exempt from the side pieces she kept out to frame her face. Her bangs rested just above her golden brown eyes. If he could he would stare into those eyes all day. Not that he’d ever admit that outloud. Like ever.
A sour expression took over his face. Those golden eyes weren’t directed at him. Instead they were locked on Link. To make matters even worse she was smiling at him. With her gentle and sweet smile, Revali’s favorite one of hers.
Why did she have to do that? It made Revali’s stomach swirl with… he didn’t even know how to describe it. He just felt sick… sick and annoyed. Very annoyed. Why couldn’t she look at me like that? What did he do to deserve her smile?
”Link, that's so silly. I can’t believe you did that.” Mipha covered her mouth with a hand as she laughed again.
To Revali’s annoyance, Link gave Mipha a small smile.
”I can, the little guy’s got a stomach.” Daruk scooped up some eggs with his spoon before grasping the ketchup bottle and squirting the red sauce on his spoon. Revali scrunched his nose in distaste.
”True that.” Urbosa held up her mug with a light smirk. “It’s why I make an extra course of food for holiday parties.”
A sheepish smile appeared on Link’s face as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Even that’s not enough sometimes,” Zelda teased, nudging Link in the elbow.
Link let out a small laugh as he shrugged. ”I have an appetite,” he replied quietly.
Mipha perked up. “That reminds me of when we were in our first class at the university…”
Revali wanted to stuff his ears with cotton, that would be the only thing to make this conversation more bearable.
He really didn’t understand how she didn’t see that Link wasn’t interested in her. He and Zelda never stopped stealing glances at one another for Hylia’s sake—it was infuriating to say the least. It was so obvious that both blondes were smitten with each other. Anyone could see it from a mile away. Everyone except for Mipha.
Yet she still liked him.
Revali secretly wished Link and Zelda would get together already so then maybe, just maybe, Mipha would see him right in front of her.
“You’ve barely had any breakfast or your coffee. Are you alright?” Her gentle voice reached his ears and he froze as she placed her hand on his. “You haven’t talked at all.”
”Uh…” Revali’s mind blanked as he stared into her warm eyes. He lost his whole train of thought with just a single touch of her hand. How does she have this power over me?
He let out a cough and pulled his hand away from hers—completely missing her hurt expression. “Yes, yes I’m fine Mipha,” he replied as he sank back into his chair with folded arms. It’s not like I’m fighting for my life over here… why can’t you just see me? Am I not interesting enough? He scolded himself for having such insecure thoughts but he couldn’t help it.
Revali bit his cheek as he stared at the cafe walls. He wondered if maybe he and Mipha weren’t meant to be. I mean they couldn’t be more opposite. He was proud (rightfully so in his opinion) and he made a lot of loud, sarcastic comments. She was kind, humble, and quieter than most.
”Hmmm.” Urbosa smiled at Revali with raised eyebrows.
”What?” He knitted his brow.
“Nothing, it’s just interesting.” The gerudo sipped her coffee.
”What is?” His brow knitted further.
She only smirked.
”What’s going on?” Mipha glanced between him and Urbosa.
”Nothing, I’m heading out.” His chair squeaked against the waxed hardwood flooring as he stood up. “Here’s some rupees for my part of the tip and the check.” He slid a pouch onto the table.
“Oh? Okay. See you later, Revali.” Zelda smiled at him.
“Now?” Mipha asked, turning her full attention toward him.
“I have… things to attend to.” He hated how unsure he sounded.
Mipha squinted her eyes slightly but Revali was quick to turn away and head for the door.
”Rev-“ The door and it’s bell cut off the sound of Mipha’s voice. He winced, feeling bad he didn’t just sit down and talk to her but he really couldn’t do that right now.
There was a light breeze that rustled the trees in the distance. It was only partially cloudy and the sky was a vibrant blue.
Revali sighed and he turned his attention toward his red target as he readied his bow. He pulled the string backwards. He took a deep breath before letting the nock go and the arrow sailed through the air. Even with the small breeze the arrow hit the middle of his target. Like it always did.
Revali liked archery. He was the best at it and he never missed his targets. It was easy. Easy to focus on, easy to understand, and easy to achieve.
It was a lot less difficult than trying to deal with his emotions and feelings.
”I thought you’d be here.”
His eyes flicked toward Mipha and he slowly lowered his bow. He didn’t know if he should feel excited or afraid for her appearance. He definitely felt both.
The breeze brushed her bangs and his face grew warm, he didn’t think anyone else could pull off bangs as well as she did.
She tilted her head with a slight frown, her golden eyes filling with concern. “Revali? What’s wrong?”
He looked off to the side and sighed. Here we go. “Nothing Mipha. I’m fine.”
”Clearly you aren’t.”
“Yes I am.” He adjusted his glove. “I’m fine. Go back and hang out with him- “ He bit his tongue. “-them.”
Her brows furrowed and she stepped forward. ”Him? You said ’him’.”
Great Hylia of course I had to go and slip up.
“I said them.”
“No you didn’t.” She took another step forward. “Are you talking about Link? You’re talking about Link.”
Revali couldn’t stop a light scoff from taking over his features.
”I don’t understand. Why are you talking about Link?”
“Nothing.” He closed his eyes. “Nothing Miph, just drop it.”
“No!” she snapped.
His gaze whipped to hers.
“Sorry.” She winced, folding her arms. “I’m just upset. I hate when you get like this.”
Revali didn’t say anything, instead he walked over to place his bow on his stand.
“I know you aren’t fine. Whatever you’re feeling you can tell me!”
“Not this.” He shook his head. No way in Hyrule. “I’m afraid this is something I need to keep to myself.”
He turned back to look at her and froze. She was so close.
Mipha was staring up at him with her hands on her hips. Her eyes flicked between his own as if searching for something. Searching for an answer he didn’t want to give.
“What?” He replied, almost wincing at how weak his voice sounded.
“Why are you talking about Link? You said ‘go hang out with him‘.”
“I-“ He clamped his mouth shut and turned away from her.
Neither of them spoke for a long time.
”Because. I’m…“ His tongue felt too large for his mouth. “…jealous,” he nearly spat out.
“Yes. Jealous.” His fists tightened at his sides. “I’m jealous of him because you like him.” His nose scrunched at how childish he sounded.
“I do like him.”
He winced, might as well have shot an arrow through his heart; it would've hurt less.
”But not in the way you’re thinking.”
”Wha-“ The words died in his throat as he felt her arms circle around his waist and felt her head rest on his back. He was definitely dreaming. He had to be.
“Vali. Link’s just a good friend who I enjoy hanging out with. Sure I had a crush on him when we were in middle school but I’m over that now. I’m not interested in him.”
”Oh,” was all Revali said.
Another long silence.
“I think my plan worked,” Mipha finally spoke up.
”What plan?”
“It’s silly… but I sort of. Oh, I feel horrible saying this. But I used Link in a way to make you jealous. Well he doesn’t know it but I focused on him so maybe you would have noticed me or gotten jealous. I think it worked a little too well. It’s so silly I know.”
“I can’t not notice you,” Revali whispered.
Revali’s ears burned. “Really. You didn’t need to go through that whole plan. I already liked you.”
“I had no idea.”
“You didn’t?” He thought he was very obvious.
“What? No, Revali, how could I? You always push me away.”
Do I? His brows furrowed.
“Can you look at me please?” To his dismay, Mipha let go of him. But he obliged to her request and turned to face her. “I wish you’d let me in. I never know what you’re thinking.”
Revali sighed softly. “I’m sorry Miph. I’ll try to be more open with you.”
“I don’t want you to be open with me if you don’t want to. I want you to do it on your own accord.”
“I do want to be open with you,” he confirmed.
“Okay.” She offered a small smile to which he returned.
She took a deep breath before speaking. “I really like you, Vali.” Her tilted her head slightly, her long earrings swaying back and forth with the movement. ”More than friends,” she added, holding his hand between her own.
“I really like you too, Miph.” A grin made its way onto his face—he always smiled more with her around. He felt lighter after saying the words, like he was carrying a heavy weight and it was lifted off of his shoulders.
”Good.” She giggled and his chest warmed. “You’re taking me out on a date.”
“Oh am I now?” He raised a brow.
“Of course you are.” Mipha laced her fingers through his.
Revali laughed through his nose. ”Where did this surge of confidence come from?”
Mipha only grinned and began to lead him away from the range.
”Wait- I need to grab my bow and my stuff.”
”Oh! Oh, yes, of course. I’ll help you.”
Revali smiled at her. “Okay, then we can go on that… date.” He scratched his cheek as his face flushed.
”Sounds like a plan to me.” She returned his smile, her own blush dusting her cheeks.
Short and sweet 😉
EEEEE!! I forgot how much I liked Miphvali! I’m so going to write more fics about them! Hehe!
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Maybe I’ll write their date or something 👀
Status on other requests: I’m working on them as we speak!! Hopefully I can get those out in the next couple of days!
Request page here!
Master lists here!
Thanks for reading!!
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justapixelthing · 2 years ago
The Sleepy Scientist
Zelda loves doing science. She would sit in her study for hours on end. Now where she had her private study, she could give Link space to do as he pleases and neither would disturb each other.
But sometimes Zelda didn't know when to stop. After checking the homework of her students, Zelda would go for more. One more experiment. One more page of research. The hours pass by. Even midnight ends up being long ago.
That is when Link comes in. As always, he would notice what is going on because she didn't join him in bed. He would miss her closeness. Her warmth.
Armed with a blanket he first went down to her study where he would make sure she was warm and cozy, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders. Usually Zelda was asleep at her desk by then.
But as months passed by, it happened more often. Link worried about Zelda's health. Sleeping at her desk every few nights couldn't possibly be healthy physically nor mentally.
Soon after Link began changing his plans. When he found her like that, he would put her over his shoulder. It wasn't easy, but somehow Link managed to take her out of the study and bring her back to their house.
The first time it happened, Zelda woke up. Yawning, she said "How did I get here?" but Link would just smile at her. It didn't take long for Zelda to figure it out. "What would I do without you, Link?" she asked before kissing him.
This would happen more and more. Link began to wonder if Zelda did this on purpose. If she did, then he didn't mind. He would do anything for her.
My first one-shot! If you can call it that at this size. Part of me thinks about making this a mini series of "slice of life" one shots of Link and Zelda.
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mistresslrigtar · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
This journey has come to an end and it was so much fun. I want to thank everyone who sent me song prompts! I listened to a couple of genres I wouldn't normally and working on these stories really helped me stretch myself as an author and work on honing some skills.
Below are links to the series and all the stories and the songs that inspired them! Enjoy!
A Musical Journey - writing challenge prompts
Lost Without You inspired by You Don't Know Me by Michael Buble prompt from @abbyz-elda
Remember inspired by When Legends Rise by Godsmack and Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace prompt from @daemosdaen
Bad Poetry and Sappy Love Letters inspired by Bringing Back the Sunshine by Blake Shelton prompt from @cjracingpnf
I'll Hold You Steadfast inspired by Believe by Mumford & Sons prompt from @pelicanpig
Wedding Showers inspired by Thunder by BOYS LIKE GIRLS prompt from @mailrebel
The Bawdy Bard (Pulicose Link of Pronken!) inspired by Perform This Way by Weird Al prompt from @drsteggy
Second Chance inspired by You Only Live Once by The Strokes prompt from @bahbahhh
Message in a Bottle inspired by Fool's Errand by Fleet Foxes prompt from @hyylia
Echoes of Loneliness inspired by Caught Up in You by 38 Special and Love is a Long Road by Tom Petty prompt from @raurusthirdeye
Silent Scream inspired by Master of Puppets by Metallica prompt from @raccoonfiend95
Coming Undone inspired by Crowded Table by The Highwomen prompt from @hurricane105
The Hero and the Priestess inspired by The Mystic's Dream by Loreena McKennitt prompt from angelica_incarnte
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mizanplaz · 1 year ago
I haven't written a fic since 2012-2014, but the other night, i couldn't sleep, so i just wrote a Link/Zelda one shot.
Please check it out and enjoy!
I have a couple of ideas for more fics so Ill post about it when i upload them.
Im very anxious about sharing my writing, but i need to share it to try and let go of that anxiety.
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michpat6 · 1 year ago
to break this fic up into chapters so I can post something on ao3 today or to not break this fic up into chapters
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