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sparklyhyperbole · 6 months ago
Fanfic Masterlist
My handle on Ao3 is CrepesnLasagna2
Everything here is SFW.
Applicable content warnings are in the beginning notes of each fic.
Completed Works:
Charmed - BotW AU. Monsterhunter Link, Princess of Fairies Zelda. A gift fic for embyrintalics!
Cherished - Zelinktines 2024, BotW AU. Sequel to Charmed.
Birthday Seal-ebrations - Zelinktines 2024, BotW post-canon oneshot.
House Arrest and Other Subtleties - Zelink week 2024, BotW pre-canon oneshot, inspired by Pottetto's gorgeous art.
The Longest Burning Fire - Zelink Community prompt. Botw mid-canon (canon adjacent) oneshot. Link approaching end game.
Ongoing Works:
Of Trust and Trickery - Zelinktines 2024, BotW AU. Genie Link and Kidnapped Zelda.
Fanart by Pitchblackespresso ♡
Fanart by Runescrepes ♡
Writing tag on tumblr: #Crepewriting
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sparklyhyperbole · 8 months ago
Thanks for the tag! The last line I wrote just today sitting in my car actually:
"When she sits up, the head of Hylia is staring at her, eyes glowing with urgent white light."
From Of Trust and Trickery, chapter 3, which I have rewritten twice now.
&here's a 2 for 1 special, since I also edited my oneshot for Zelink Week today:
"The guards elbow each other and the maids smile and the overturned ants' nest settles."
From House Arrest and Other Subtleties, for Day 7 of Zelink Week.
Ahem. WHO TO TAG?! 😱
@leiladebees, @hurricane105, @abbyzwrites, @flutefemme, @1up-girl, and anyone with a sentence they'd like to post. Because friend, let me tell you, I want to read it. 🙃
Sorry if you've been tagged already.
Uh, last line tag... Thank you @mistresslrigtar!
Maybe he should give her a not so subtle reminder.
From Inspiration, Illusions, and other Inconveniences, coming to you in August!
I tag @louwhose @aegon-targaryen @jdetan @theangelicstoryteller @nocturnalfandomartist @deiliamedlini @kazraza @michpat6 @sparklyhyperbole @linktheacehero !
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sparklyhyperbole · 2 months ago
Me: picking out a sweater and dimming the lights and lighting a candle and selecting which tea pot and tea will be my table top companion so I can sit down facing a blank wall and write fanfiction.
Also me: I REALLY am such a down to earth person haha
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sparklyhyperbole · 1 month ago
WIP Wednesday
Of Trust and Trickery, chapter 5.
Her eyes open at that. She tilts back to look up at him. A swath of hanging fabric catches her eyes instead. Gauzy drapes affixed to a low ceiling swoop suggestively around the dim room. She looks down to discover dark linens, woven in Gerudo patterns.
"Are we in the lamp right now?"
"We are."
"Am I in your bed?"
"You are."
There's a pause in which her face heats distinctly.
"…Is that a problem?" He prompts.
Chapter 5 is ready to go, and will be up Friday morning, as my valentine to you all.
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sparklyhyperbole · 4 months ago
So, I had a flirty bit of fluff for @zelinkcommunity's event This or That, cake or soup week.
It turns out pure fluff does not hold my attention, so this... is not that. 🙈
Enjoy the spooky soup? (Look, there's some smoochy soup here too, okay.)
Thank you, @raurusthirdeye for poking my dead body with a stick while I laid facedown on the ground and contemplated fic writing. THE THING IS POSTED!
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sparklyhyperbole · 8 days ago
It's me!
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Fae & Fortitude by @sparklyhyperbole
Monster Hunter AU | Teen | AO3 | Complete
Synopsis: Link is careful with precious things. He doesn't have very many of them— well, just her actually, and ten years as a monster hunter has taught him that Hylians can be just as monstrous as Hinox.
Content Warnings: Some displays of graphic blood and injury
Fae&Fortitude is a story about monster hunter Link and fae Zelda. Through little glimpses into Link's live as a monster hunter, we learn about the harsh world he's living in and how he met the princess of the faeries. In her tiny faerie form, Zelda accompanies Link everywhere, even into battle, much to Link's sorrow. When he accidentally brings her into a dangerous situation, things go down fast, but thankfully for us readers, their bond is strong enough to overcome the obstacles set up for them. I first discovered this story and sparklyhyperbole's writing through zelinktines and immediately fell in love with the style. Sparklyhyperbole's prose is iridescent like Zelda's wings and I've been a fan ever since, no matter which story I read. - ZeldaElmo
Oh, so, so magical. The way CrepesnLasagna weaves words together to paint a picture is truly beautiful. Lovely and romantic. Zelda and Link’s relationship in this is fascinating. I love her childish, spunkiness and his no-nonsense approach. Such a departure from how they are typically portrayed. They compliment each other perfectly, and the ending... gorgeous story-telling from beginning to end. - Mistress Lrigtar
A charming exploration of a grim Hyrule and two characters falling absolutely in love with each other in a dangerous, rogue land. Absolutely worth falling in love with these two as they travel together to find each other and their space together in their world. - amelias-hart
You can find @sparklyhyperbole at AO3.
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sparklyhyperbole · 2 months ago
*me, pretending it doesn't take one thousand years for me to write like ten words.*
Look at this breezey new chapter?! 🤲
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sparklyhyperbole · 3 months ago
Bear man?! (Bear Hylian? 🤔)
Oh yes. Bear man!
I shall forewarn you that this one is rather angsty (with a comforting ending b/c deep in my heart I am a pudding pop)
TW for contemplated suicide, nonexplicit.
Have you ever heard the stories of the Bear King? They say he rules over the honeyvores of that dark forest beneath the frontier settlement on Angel Peak in Faron. He's said to morph between a blue eyed bear and a shaggy haired man whenever it pleases him. The forest is his home. It's unwise to hunt there without a token of good will to leave on the first stump you find. It's even more ill-advised to fool with one of his honeyvores.
The people of Angel Peak have learned this the hard way.
But they have hard times of their own. Sometimes grief and adversity consume a person; like when Zelda, an intelligent and helpful botanist loses her parents to a difficult winter. Spring arrives, and with it the news that her parents' debtors have come to collect. Presented with vile and unfathomable options, hopelessness drives her to the edge of a cliff on a stormy night.
Conflicted, she falls.
Only to wake to the snuffling nose of a blue eyed bear.
I do intend for this to turn very soft at a certain part of the story. But not before we cry a smidgen.
💜 Thank you muchly for the ask, my friend!!
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sparklyhyperbole · 3 months ago
For WIP ask game!
Every one of those sounds delightful, but cruise ship assassins? I love me a good mystery so fire away
Yes!! This one is relatively new.
@zeldaelmo also asked about it too!
"Cruise Ship Assassins
Do I spot a Spyxfamily reference/crossover here??? 👀"
Yes, absolutely 😂
The inspiration on this one is threefold;
-An Affair to Remember, with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.
-The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie (the criminal syndicate and ocean liner scenes, specifically)
-Spy x Family
Cruise ship assasins is a TP zelink AU. TP Zelda is intelligent and sophisticated in a standoffish way, so I invisioned her in this role.
Zelda is the heiress to her family's jewelers empire. They own diamond mines, cut gems, and sell finished products. She's been summoned home from overseas, so to avoid tabloids and fanfare she independently books a cruise that will dock at her home city's port. She assumes a different name with false papers and all that.
Link, a talented ex spy, now assassin for hire is also on the cruise. More to the point—There's a special gem in her possession which marks her as his target.
She's been instructed to guard it dearly.
He's been tasked to steal it and make her death look accidental.
Except he's not the only one onboard who is dangerous, hired to kill, or not what they seem.
I intend for this to be 2-3 chapters at most.
It's my zelinktines project this year!
Thank you both for the ask!! 💖💖
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sparklyhyperbole · 3 months ago
For the WIP game: of trust and trickery please!
Ohohoho! Thank you for the ask! Here is a snippet for you from the upcoming chapter 4.
(OT&T is a Botw zelink AU in which Zelda has been kidnapped by the Yiga for a failed ransom, but discovers a handsom unhelpful genie in her bid for freedom)
They passed through the crowded areas without incident. Empty scaffolding and piles of rubble characterize the ever darkening halls. It looks a similar project to when the servant's halls were expanded beneath Hyrule's castle. Supportive logs are wedged upright every so often, temporary pillars to maintain structural integrity.
The Yiga are apparently widening their halls in this area.
"Link," she whispers. "Where are we going?"
He shakes his yiga head.
Zelda grits her teeth. This is the third time he's shut her down. The third time she's felt the stirring suspicion that perhaps where they're headed is actually straight to Kohga himself.
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sparklyhyperbole · 7 months ago
WIP Wednesday
From Chpt 3 Of Trust and Trickery (the cursed genie AU)
What she needs to do is press on. Hunger ought to take a back seat to reason and logic. Gurgly protests sound again, her belly grieving its emptiness. It's an unflattering noise for a princess; demanding and needy. Weak, she thinks, frowning. The same weakness that earned her a place in murderous Yiga hands to begin with.
Her head bows over her arms, scrutinizing bare feet. Dirt rims around her toes, filthy from the floor of her cell and every other step she's taken in this goddess forsaken spit hole.
Several wet droplets plunk down atop her feet, catching her by surprise. Then it's her vision that swims with moisture, and with an even greater sense of ineptitude she's crying against her own will.
Which of course is exactly when he manifests back into the room from within a gust of smoke.
😃😄🙃🤔🤨😬😬😱😖❌🤏😧😯😃 <- writing really do be like this but I am almost done with this chapter (again) I swear—
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sparklyhyperbole · 5 months ago
Chapter 3!
We have an update! 🙃
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sparklyhyperbole · 3 months ago
PLEASE tell me about either cruise ship assassins or 1920s exorcists
You got it boss. 😎💖
I have more to say about the 1920s exorcists AU so here we gooooo:
The gist of the main arc is that demons are growing in power and audacity, and hailing the return of their King. New Castle Town and all its steel and glass architecture and motorways was built upon the ruins of Old Castle Town, same as most major cities and villages. However, in the exorcists investigation of this dark phenomenon, the Order discovers waves of power eminating sporatically from the depths of these catacombs.
They are especially strong during the hours of power, which is inconvenient on its own.
But the worst part is that at their strongest, they measure awfully like a heartbeat.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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sparklyhyperbole · 9 months ago
The final chapter of Cherished is here!!! 🥳
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sparklyhyperbole · 8 months ago
WIP ask game for "of trust and trickery" (because of course)
Where did all delectable that tragic backstory/lore for genie Link come from? Somehow I assumed that, just like Disney, we weren't gonna get much of an explanation as to *what* a genie actually is, but this is much more interesting. Will it be brought up within the story as well eventually?
😭 "delectable!!" You flatter me, @pitchblackespresso!! 💖
as for the inspiration, I'm intrigued by the Sheikah Spirit orbs.
Were the ancient monks guarding them for the hero? Were they a form of lifesupport for the monks? And then the orbs were an added benefit to Link? Did Hylia make them? The Sheikah?
What if the monks who turned Yiga took their orbs with them?
And then I flipped through my copy of Arabian Nights before reshelving it and thought about djinn for a while, and here we are!
We begin to unravel Link's backstory in the second half of the 3rd chapter, which is undergoing its fourth (and hopefully final) rewrite currently because THERE IS MORE TO THE BACKSTORY 🥲 and HYLIA LORE and I'm trying to do it justice and also not miss opportunities to show their relationship shifting.
I also keep going 🤔 "I could probably fit this in there," and then deciding no- no- that goes in the chapter 4 bucket. Or even the chapter 5 bucket (which are outlined, praise the lord)
But the bulk of Link's very bad day story will be in chapter 4.
Here's a snippit of Ch 3's beginning;
Cats are excellent listeners. They sit patiently, unthreatened by your honesty, flicking their tails every now and then in agreement. Best of all, they never ask leading questions or poke holes in your arguments.
Honeycomb is no exception. She's listened quietly and blinked calmly and sometimes even offered a comforting "ekk," to show she cares. Quite a long while has passed and the novelty of Zelda's presence and voice has worn off.
Yes, Honey is an excellent listener. Though, perhaps too objective an audience— because while Zelda paces circles fretting and muttering, Honeycomb dozes peacefully on the couch, unconvinced of any looming danger.
In fairness, Zelda's voice is very soothing, even when she's saying "I just think it's too simple," over and over again.
Link isn't there to volley rebuttals back and forth about the escape plan they've invented. She asked him to conduct reconnaissance, and off he whisked with a wink and a smirk.
In actuality, it's much easier to think without him there.
They spent what felt like the length of at least two council meetings in deep negotiation; she speculating and trying to see reason while he argued and attempted to curb his temper.
All those hours, and they only have five steps:
Zelda will wear the lamp and a stolen Yiga outfit and hide.
Link will disguise his appearance to be Zelda to fool the Yiga.
He will lead the Yiga on a wild chuu chase through the hideout.
The real Zelda will actually escape out the front entrance.
Link will return to the lamp around her neck either when he's been cornered, or when he's as far from the lamp as he can go, whichever comes first. 
"It's too simple." She tells Honeycomb again, ignoring the very faint cat snoring.
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sparklyhyperbole · 1 month ago
Of Trust and Trickery Chapter 5 is now up!
Happy Valentines Day!! 😘
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